path: root/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CodeGen.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CodeGen.hs')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CodeGen.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7703398aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CodeGen.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+-- | JavaScript code generator
+module GHC.StgToJS.CodeGen
+ ( stgToJS
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Driver.Flags (DumpFlag (Opt_D_dump_js))
+import GHC.JS.Ppr
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import GHC.JS.Make
+import GHC.JS.Transform
+import GHC.StgToJS.Arg
+import GHC.StgToJS.Sinker
+import GHC.StgToJS.Types
+import qualified GHC.StgToJS.Object as Object
+import GHC.StgToJS.StgUtils
+import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
+import GHC.StgToJS.Deps
+import GHC.StgToJS.Expr
+import GHC.StgToJS.ExprCtx
+import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
+import GHC.StgToJS.Profiling
+import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
+import GHC.StgToJS.StaticPtr
+import GHC.StgToJS.Symbols
+import GHC.StgToJS.Stack
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep (scaledThing)
+import GHC.Unit.Module
+import GHC.Linker.Types (SptEntry (..))
+import GHC.Types.CostCentre
+import GHC.Types.ForeignStubs (ForeignStubs (..), getCHeader, getCStub)
+import GHC.Types.RepType
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Utils.Encoding
+import GHC.Utils.Logger
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Binary
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ((<>))
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Monoid
+import Control.Monad
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+-- | Code generator for JavaScript
+ :: Logger
+ -> StgToJSConfig
+ -> [CgStgTopBinding]
+ -> Module
+ -> [SptEntry]
+ -> ForeignStubs
+ -> CollectedCCs
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Output file name
+ -> IO ()
+stgToJS logger config stg_binds0 this_mod spt_entries foreign_stubs cccs output_fn = do
+ let (unfloated_binds, stg_binds) = sinkPgm this_mod stg_binds0
+ -- TODO: avoid top level lifting in core-2-core when the JS backend is
+ -- enabled instead of undoing it here
+ -- TODO: add dump pass for optimized STG ast for JS
+ (deps,lus) <- runG config this_mod unfloated_binds $ do
+ ifProfilingM $ initCostCentres cccs
+ lus <- genUnits this_mod stg_binds spt_entries foreign_stubs
+ deps <- genDependencyData this_mod lus
+ pure (deps,lus)
+ -- Doc to dump when -ddump-js is enabled
+ when (logHasDumpFlag logger Opt_D_dump_js) $ do
+ putDumpFileMaybe logger Opt_D_dump_js "JavaScript code" FormatJS
+ $ vcat (fmap (docToSDoc . jsToDoc . oiStat . luObjUnit) lus)
+ -- Write the object file
+ bh <- openBinMem (4 * 1024 * 1000) -- a bit less than 4kB
+ Object.putObject bh (moduleName this_mod) deps (map luObjUnit lus)
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory output_fn)
+ writeBinMem bh output_fn
+-- | Generate the ingredients for the linkable units for this module
+genUnits :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => Module
+ -> [CgStgTopBinding]
+ -> [SptEntry]
+ -> ForeignStubs
+ -> G [LinkableUnit] -- ^ the linkable units
+genUnits m ss spt_entries foreign_stubs = do
+ gbl <- generateGlobalBlock
+ exports <- generateExportsBlock
+ others <- go 2 ss
+ pure (gbl:exports:others)
+ where
+ go :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => Int -- the block we're generating (block 0 is the global unit for the module)
+ -> [CgStgTopBinding]
+ -> G [LinkableUnit]
+ go !n = \case
+ [] -> pure []
+ (x:xs) -> do
+ mlu <- generateBlock x n
+ lus <- go (n+1) xs
+ return (maybe lus (:lus) mlu)
+ -- Generate the global unit that all other blocks in the module depend on
+ -- used for cost centres and static initializers
+ -- the global unit has no dependencies, exports the moduleGlobalSymbol
+ generateGlobalBlock :: HasDebugCallStack => G LinkableUnit
+ generateGlobalBlock = do
+ glbl <- State.gets gsGlobal
+ staticInit <-
+ initStaticPtrs spt_entries
+ let stat = ( -- O.optimize .
+ jsSaturate (Just $ modulePrefix m 1)
+ $ mconcat (reverse glbl) <> staticInit)
+ let syms = [moduleGlobalSymbol m]
+ let oi = ObjUnit
+ { oiSymbols = syms
+ , oiClInfo = []
+ , oiStatic = []
+ , oiStat = stat
+ , oiRaw = mempty
+ , oiFExports = []
+ , oiFImports = []
+ }
+ let lu = LinkableUnit
+ { luObjUnit = oi
+ , luIdExports = []
+ , luOtherExports = syms
+ , luIdDeps = []
+ , luPseudoIdDeps = []
+ , luOtherDeps = []
+ , luRequired = False
+ , luForeignRefs = []
+ }
+ pure lu
+ generateExportsBlock :: HasDebugCallStack => G LinkableUnit
+ generateExportsBlock = do
+ let (f_hdr, f_c) = case foreign_stubs of
+ NoStubs -> (empty, empty)
+ ForeignStubs hdr c -> (getCHeader hdr, getCStub c)
+ unique_deps = map mkUniqueDep (lines $ renderWithContext defaultSDocContext f_hdr)
+ mkUniqueDep (tag:xs) = mkUnique tag (read xs)
+ mkUniqueDep [] = panic "mkUniqueDep"
+ let syms = [moduleExportsSymbol m]
+ let raw = utf8EncodeByteString $ renderWithContext defaultSDocContext f_c
+ let oi = ObjUnit
+ { oiSymbols = syms
+ , oiClInfo = []
+ , oiStatic = []
+ , oiStat = mempty
+ , oiRaw = raw
+ , oiFExports = []
+ , oiFImports = []
+ }
+ let lu = LinkableUnit
+ { luObjUnit = oi
+ , luIdExports = []
+ , luOtherExports = syms
+ , luIdDeps = []
+ , luPseudoIdDeps = unique_deps
+ , luOtherDeps = []
+ , luRequired = True
+ , luForeignRefs = []
+ }
+ pure lu
+ -- Generate the linkable unit for one binding or group of
+ -- mutually recursive bindings
+ generateBlock :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => CgStgTopBinding
+ -> Int
+ -> G (Maybe LinkableUnit)
+ generateBlock top_bind n = case top_bind of
+ StgTopStringLit bnd str -> do
+ bids <- identsForId bnd
+ case bids of
+ [(TxtI b1t),(TxtI b2t)] -> do
+ -- [e1,e2] <- genLit (MachStr str)
+ emitStatic b1t (StaticUnboxed (StaticUnboxedString str)) Nothing
+ emitStatic b2t (StaticUnboxed (StaticUnboxedStringOffset str)) Nothing
+ _extraTl <- State.gets (ggsToplevelStats . gsGroup)
+ si <- State.gets (ggsStatic . gsGroup)
+ let body = mempty -- mconcat (reverse extraTl) <> b1 ||= e1 <> b2 ||= e2
+ let stat = jsSaturate (Just $ modulePrefix m n) body
+ let ids = [bnd]
+ syms <- (\(TxtI i) -> [i]) <$> identForId bnd
+ let oi = ObjUnit
+ { oiSymbols = syms
+ , oiClInfo = []
+ , oiStatic = si
+ , oiStat = stat
+ , oiRaw = ""
+ , oiFExports = []
+ , oiFImports = []
+ }
+ let lu = LinkableUnit
+ { luObjUnit = oi
+ , luIdExports = ids
+ , luOtherExports = []
+ , luIdDeps = []
+ , luPseudoIdDeps = []
+ , luOtherDeps = []
+ , luRequired = False
+ , luForeignRefs = []
+ }
+ pure (Just lu)
+ _ -> panic "generateBlock: invalid size"
+ StgTopLifted decl -> do
+ tl <- genToplevel decl
+ extraTl <- State.gets (ggsToplevelStats . gsGroup)
+ ci <- State.gets (ggsClosureInfo . gsGroup)
+ si <- State.gets (ggsStatic . gsGroup)
+ unf <- State.gets gsUnfloated
+ extraDeps <- State.gets (ggsExtraDeps . gsGroup)
+ fRefs <- State.gets (ggsForeignRefs . gsGroup)
+ resetGroup
+ let allDeps = collectIds unf decl
+ topDeps = collectTopIds decl
+ required = hasExport decl
+ stat = -- Opt.optimize .
+ jsSaturate (Just $ modulePrefix m n)
+ $ mconcat (reverse extraTl) <> tl
+ syms <- mapM (fmap (\(TxtI i) -> i) . identForId) topDeps
+ let oi = ObjUnit
+ { oiSymbols = syms
+ , oiClInfo = ci
+ , oiStatic = si
+ , oiStat = stat
+ , oiRaw = ""
+ , oiFExports = []
+ , oiFImports = fRefs
+ }
+ let lu = LinkableUnit
+ { luObjUnit = oi
+ , luIdExports = topDeps
+ , luOtherExports = []
+ , luIdDeps = allDeps
+ , luPseudoIdDeps = []
+ , luOtherDeps = S.toList extraDeps
+ , luRequired = required
+ , luForeignRefs = fRefs
+ }
+ pure $! seqList topDeps `seq` seqList allDeps `seq` Just lu
+-- | variable prefix for the nth block in module
+modulePrefix :: Module -> Int -> FastString
+modulePrefix m n =
+ let encMod = zEncodeString . moduleNameString . moduleName $ m
+ in mkFastString $ "h$" ++ encMod ++ "_id_" ++ show n
+genToplevel :: CgStgBinding -> G JStat
+genToplevel (StgNonRec bndr rhs) = genToplevelDecl bndr rhs
+genToplevel (StgRec bs) =
+ mconcat <$> mapM (\(bndr, rhs) -> genToplevelDecl bndr rhs) bs
+genToplevelDecl :: Id -> CgStgRhs -> G JStat
+genToplevelDecl i rhs = do
+ s1 <- resetSlots (genToplevelConEntry i rhs)
+ s2 <- resetSlots (genToplevelRhs i rhs)
+ return (s1 <> s2)
+genToplevelConEntry :: Id -> CgStgRhs -> G JStat
+genToplevelConEntry i rhs = case rhs of
+ StgRhsCon _cc con _mu _ts _args
+ | isDataConWorkId i
+ -> genSetConInfo i con (stgRhsLive rhs) -- NoSRT
+ StgRhsClosure _ _cc _upd_flag _args _body
+ | Just dc <- isDataConWorkId_maybe i
+ -> genSetConInfo i dc (stgRhsLive rhs) -- srt
+ _ -> pure mempty
+genSetConInfo :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> DataCon -> LiveVars -> G JStat
+genSetConInfo i d l {- srt -} = do
+ ei <- identForDataConEntryId i
+ sr <- genStaticRefs l
+ emitClosureInfo $ ClosureInfo ei
+ (CIRegs 0 [PtrV])
+ (mkFastString $ renderWithContext defaultSDocContext (ppr d))
+ (fixedLayout $ map uTypeVt fields)
+ (CICon $ dataConTag d)
+ sr
+ return (ei ||= mkDataEntry)
+ where
+ -- dataConRepArgTys sometimes returns unboxed tuples. is that a bug?
+ fields = concatMap (map primRepToType . typePrimRep . unwrapType . scaledThing)
+ (dataConRepArgTys d)
+ -- concatMap (map slotTyToType . repTypeSlots . repType) (dataConRepArgTys d)
+mkDataEntry :: JExpr
+mkDataEntry = ValExpr $ JFunc [] returnStack
+genToplevelRhs :: Id -> CgStgRhs -> G JStat
+-- general cases:
+genToplevelRhs i rhs = case rhs of
+ StgRhsCon cc con _mu _tys args -> do
+ ii <- identForId i
+ allocConStatic ii cc con args
+ return mempty
+ StgRhsClosure _ext cc _upd_flag {- srt -} args body -> do
+ {-
+ algorithm:
+ - collect all Id refs that are in the global id cache
+ - count usage in body for each ref
+ - order by increasing use
+ - prepend loading lives var to body: body can stay the same
+ -}
+ eid@(TxtI eidt) <- identForEntryId i
+ (TxtI idt) <- identForId i
+ body <- genBody (initExprCtx i) i R2 args body
+ global_occs <- globalOccs (jsSaturate (Just "ghcjs_tmp_sat_") body)
+ let lidents = map global_ident global_occs
+ let lids = map global_id global_occs
+ let lidents' = map identFS lidents
+ CIStaticRefs sr0 <- genStaticRefsRhs rhs
+ let sri = filter (`notElem` lidents') sr0
+ sr = CIStaticRefs sri
+ et <- genEntryType args
+ ll <- loadLiveFun lids
+ (static, regs, upd) <-
+ if et == CIThunk
+ then do
+ r <- updateThunk
+ pure (StaticThunk (Just (eidt, map StaticObjArg lidents')), CIRegs 0 [PtrV],r)
+ else return (StaticFun eidt (map StaticObjArg lidents'),
+ (if null lidents then CIRegs 1 (concatMap idVt args)
+ else CIRegs 0 (PtrV : concatMap idVt args))
+ , mempty)
+ setcc <- ifProfiling $
+ if et == CIThunk
+ then enterCostCentreThunk
+ else enterCostCentreFun cc
+ emitClosureInfo (ClosureInfo eid
+ regs
+ idt
+ (fixedLayout $ map (uTypeVt . idType) lids)
+ et
+ sr)
+ ccId <- costCentreStackLbl cc
+ emitStatic idt static ccId
+ return $ (eid ||= toJExpr (JFunc [] (ll <> upd <> setcc <> body)))