path: root/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CoreUtils.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CoreUtils.hs')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CoreUtils.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CoreUtils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fdf7a5ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CoreUtils.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- | Core utils
+module GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import GHC.StgToJS.Types
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import GHC.Builtin.Types
+import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Types.RepType
+import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
+-- | can we unbox C x to x, only if x is represented as a Number
+isUnboxableCon :: DataCon -> Bool
+isUnboxableCon dc
+ | [t] <- dataConRepArgTys dc
+ , [t1] <- typeVt (scaledThing t)
+ = isUnboxable t1 &&
+ dataConTag dc == 1 &&
+ length (tyConDataCons $ dataConTyCon dc) == 1
+ | otherwise = False
+-- | one-constructor types with one primitive field represented as a JS Number
+-- can be unboxed
+isUnboxable :: VarType -> Bool
+isUnboxable DoubleV = True
+isUnboxable IntV = True -- includes Char#
+isUnboxable _ = False
+-- | Number of slots occupied by a PrimRep
+data SlotCount
+ = NoSlot
+ | OneSlot
+ | TwoSlots
+ deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
+instance Outputable SlotCount where
+ ppr = text . show
+-- | Return SlotCount as an Int
+slotCount :: SlotCount -> Int
+slotCount = \case
+ NoSlot -> 0
+ OneSlot -> 1
+ TwoSlots -> 2
+-- | Number of slots occupied by a value with the given VarType
+varSize :: VarType -> Int
+varSize = slotCount . varSlotCount
+varSlotCount :: VarType -> SlotCount
+varSlotCount VoidV = NoSlot
+varSlotCount LongV = TwoSlots -- hi, low
+varSlotCount AddrV = TwoSlots -- obj/array, offset
+varSlotCount _ = OneSlot
+typeSize :: Type -> Int
+typeSize t = sum . map varSize . typeVt $ t
+isVoid :: VarType -> Bool
+isVoid VoidV = True
+isVoid _ = False
+isPtr :: VarType -> Bool
+isPtr PtrV = True
+isPtr _ = False
+isSingleVar :: VarType -> Bool
+isSingleVar v = varSlotCount v == OneSlot
+isMultiVar :: VarType -> Bool
+isMultiVar v = case varSlotCount v of
+ NoSlot -> False
+ OneSlot -> False
+ TwoSlots -> True
+-- | can we pattern match on these values in a case?
+isMatchable :: [VarType] -> Bool
+isMatchable [DoubleV] = True
+isMatchable [IntV] = True
+isMatchable _ = False
+tyConVt :: HasDebugCallStack => TyCon -> [VarType]
+tyConVt = typeVt . mkTyConTy
+idVt :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> [VarType]
+idVt = typeVt . idType
+typeVt :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> [VarType]
+typeVt t | isRuntimeRepKindedTy t = []
+typeVt t = map primRepVt (typePrimRep t)-- map uTypeVt (repTypeArgs t)
+-- only use if you know it's not an unboxed tuple
+uTypeVt :: HasDebugCallStack => UnaryType -> VarType
+uTypeVt ut
+ | isRuntimeRepKindedTy ut = VoidV
+-- | isRuntimeRepTy ut = VoidV
+ -- GHC panics on this otherwise
+ | Just (tc, ty_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ut
+ , length ty_args /= tyConArity tc = PtrV
+ | isPrimitiveType ut = (primTypeVt ut)
+ | otherwise =
+ case typePrimRep' ut of
+ [] -> VoidV
+ [pt] -> primRepVt pt
+ _ -> pprPanic "uTypeVt: not unary" (ppr ut)
+primRepVt :: HasDebugCallStack => PrimRep -> VarType
+primRepVt VoidRep = VoidV
+primRepVt LiftedRep = PtrV -- fixme does ByteArray# ever map to this?
+primRepVt UnliftedRep = RtsObjV
+primRepVt IntRep = IntV
+primRepVt Int8Rep = IntV
+primRepVt Int16Rep = IntV
+primRepVt Int32Rep = IntV
+primRepVt WordRep = IntV
+primRepVt Word8Rep = IntV
+primRepVt Word16Rep = IntV
+primRepVt Word32Rep = IntV
+primRepVt Int64Rep = LongV
+primRepVt Word64Rep = LongV
+primRepVt AddrRep = AddrV
+primRepVt FloatRep = DoubleV
+primRepVt DoubleRep = DoubleV
+primRepVt (VecRep{}) = error "uTypeVt: vector types are unsupported"
+typePrimRep' :: HasDebugCallStack => UnaryType -> [PrimRep]
+typePrimRep' ty = kindPrimRep' empty (typeKind ty)
+-- | Find the primitive representation of a 'TyCon'. Defined here to
+-- avoid module loops. Call this only on unlifted tycons.
+tyConPrimRep' :: HasDebugCallStack => TyCon -> [PrimRep]
+tyConPrimRep' tc = kindPrimRep' empty res_kind
+ where
+ res_kind = tyConResKind tc
+-- | Take a kind (of shape @TYPE rr@) and produce the 'PrimRep's
+-- of values of types of this kind.
+kindPrimRep' :: HasDebugCallStack => SDoc -> Kind -> [PrimRep]
+kindPrimRep' doc ki
+ | Just ki' <- coreView ki
+ = kindPrimRep' doc ki'
+kindPrimRep' doc (TyConApp _typ [runtime_rep])
+ = -- ASSERT( typ `hasKey` tYPETyConKey )
+ runtimeRepPrimRep doc runtime_rep
+kindPrimRep' doc ki
+ = pprPanic "kindPrimRep'" (ppr ki $$ doc)
+primTypeVt :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> VarType
+primTypeVt t = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (unwrapType t) of
+ Nothing -> error "primTypeVt: not a TyCon"
+ Just tc
+ | tc == charPrimTyCon -> IntV
+ | tc == intPrimTyCon -> IntV
+ | tc == wordPrimTyCon -> IntV
+ | tc == floatPrimTyCon -> DoubleV
+ | tc == doublePrimTyCon -> DoubleV
+ | tc == int8PrimTyCon -> IntV
+ | tc == word8PrimTyCon -> IntV
+ | tc == int16PrimTyCon -> IntV
+ | tc == word16PrimTyCon -> IntV
+ | tc == int32PrimTyCon -> IntV
+ | tc == word32PrimTyCon -> IntV
+ | tc == int64PrimTyCon -> LongV
+ | tc == word64PrimTyCon -> LongV
+ | tc == addrPrimTyCon -> AddrV
+ | tc == stablePtrPrimTyCon -> AddrV
+ | tc == stableNamePrimTyCon -> RtsObjV
+ | tc == statePrimTyCon -> VoidV
+ | tc == proxyPrimTyCon -> VoidV
+ | tc == realWorldTyCon -> VoidV
+ | tc == threadIdPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV
+ | tc == weakPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV
+ | tc == arrayPrimTyCon -> ArrV
+ | tc == smallArrayPrimTyCon -> ArrV
+ | tc == byteArrayPrimTyCon -> ObjV -- can contain any JS reference, used for JSVal
+ | tc == mutableArrayPrimTyCon -> ArrV
+ | tc == smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon -> ArrV
+ | tc == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon -> ObjV -- can contain any JS reference, used for JSVal
+ | tc == mutVarPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV
+ | tc == mVarPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV
+ | tc == tVarPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV
+ | tc == bcoPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV -- unsupported?
+ | tc == stackSnapshotPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV
+ | tc == ioPortPrimTyCon -> RtsObjV -- unsupported?
+ | tc == anyTyCon -> PtrV
+ | tc == compactPrimTyCon -> ObjV -- unsupported?
+ | tc == eqPrimTyCon -> VoidV -- coercion token?
+ | tc == eqReprPrimTyCon -> VoidV -- role
+ | tc == unboxedUnitTyCon -> VoidV -- Void#
+ | otherwise -> PtrV -- anything else must be some boxed thing
+argVt :: StgArg -> VarType
+argVt a = uTypeVt . stgArgType $ a
+dataConType :: DataCon -> Type
+dataConType dc = idType (dataConWrapId dc)
+isBoolDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
+isBoolDataCon dc = isBoolTy (dataConType dc)
+-- standard fixed layout: payload types
+-- payload starts at .d1 for heap objects, entry closest to Sp for stack frames
+fixedLayout :: [VarType] -> CILayout
+fixedLayout vts = CILayoutFixed (sum (map varSize vts)) vts
+-- 2-var values might have been moved around separately, use DoubleV as substitute
+-- ObjV is 1 var, so this is no problem for implicit metadata
+stackSlotType :: Id -> VarType
+stackSlotType i
+ | OneSlot <- varSlotCount otype = otype
+ | otherwise = DoubleV
+ where otype = uTypeVt (idType i)
+idPrimReps :: Id -> [PrimRep]
+idPrimReps = typePrimReps . idType
+typePrimReps :: Type -> [PrimRep]
+typePrimReps = typePrimRep . unwrapType
+primRepSize :: PrimRep -> SlotCount
+primRepSize p = varSlotCount (primRepVt p)
+-- | Associate the given values to each RrimRep in the given order, taking into
+-- account the number of slots per PrimRep
+assocPrimReps :: Outputable a => [PrimRep] -> [a] -> [(PrimRep, [a])]
+assocPrimReps [] _ = []
+assocPrimReps (r:rs) vs = case (primRepSize r,vs) of
+ (NoSlot, xs) -> (r,[]) : assocPrimReps rs xs
+ (OneSlot, x:xs) -> (r,[x]) : assocPrimReps rs xs
+ (TwoSlots, x:y:xs) -> (r,[x,y]) : assocPrimReps rs xs
+ err -> pprPanic "assocPrimReps" (ppr err)
+-- | Associate the given values to the Id's PrimReps, taking into account the
+-- number of slots per PrimRep
+assocIdPrimReps :: Outputable a => Id -> [a] -> [(PrimRep, [a])]
+assocIdPrimReps i = assocPrimReps (idPrimReps i)
+-- | Associate the given JExpr to the Id's PrimReps, taking into account the
+-- number of slots per PrimRep
+assocIdExprs :: Id -> [JExpr] -> [TypedExpr]
+assocIdExprs i es = fmap (uncurry TypedExpr) (assocIdPrimReps i es)
+-- | Return False only if we are *sure* it's a data type
+-- Look through newtypes etc as much as possible
+might_be_a_function :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Bool
+might_be_a_function ty
+ | [LiftedRep] <- typePrimRep ty
+ , Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe (unwrapType ty)
+ , isDataTyCon tc
+ = False
+ | otherwise
+ = True
+mkArityTag :: Int -> Int -> Int
+mkArityTag arity registers = arity Bits..|. (registers `Bits.shiftL` 8)
+toTypeList :: [VarType] -> [Int]
+toTypeList = concatMap (\x -> replicate (varSize x) (fromEnum x))