path: root/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Expr.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Expr.hs')
1 files changed, 1045 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Expr.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Expr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd6d09585f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Expr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : GHC.StgToJS.Expr
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Jeffrey Young <>
+-- Luite Stegeman <>
+-- Sylvain Henry <>
+-- Josh Meredith <>
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Code generation of Expressions
+module GHC.StgToJS.Expr
+ ( genExpr
+ , genEntryType
+ , loadLiveFun
+ , genStaticRefsRhs
+ , genStaticRefs
+ , genBody
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import GHC.JS.Make
+import GHC.StgToJS.Apply
+import GHC.StgToJS.Arg
+import GHC.StgToJS.ExprCtx
+import GHC.StgToJS.FFI
+import GHC.StgToJS.Heap
+import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
+import GHC.StgToJS.DataCon
+import GHC.StgToJS.Types
+import GHC.StgToJS.Literal
+import GHC.StgToJS.Prim
+import GHC.StgToJS.Profiling
+import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
+import GHC.StgToJS.StgUtils
+import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
+import GHC.StgToJS.Utils
+import GHC.StgToJS.Stack
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Types.CostCentre
+import GHC.Types.Tickish
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.RepType
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import GHC.Stg.Utils
+import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.Opt.Arity (isOneShotBndr)
+import GHC.Core.Type hiding (typeSize)
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable (ppr, renderWithContext, defaultSDocContext)
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import qualified GHC.Data.List.SetOps as ListSetOps
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Function
+import Data.Either
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
+-- | Evaluate an expression in the given expression context (continuation)
+genExpr :: HasDebugCallStack => ExprCtx -> CgStgExpr -> G (JStat, ExprResult)
+genExpr ctx stg = case stg of
+ StgApp f args -> genApp ctx f args
+ StgLit l -> do
+ ls <- genLit l
+ let r = assignToExprCtx ctx ls
+ pure (r,ExprInline Nothing)
+ StgConApp con _n args _ -> do
+ as <- concatMapM genArg args
+ c <- genCon ctx con as
+ return (c, ExprInline (Just as))
+ StgOpApp (StgFCallOp f _) args t
+ -> genForeignCall ctx f t (concatMap typex_expr $ ctxTarget ctx) args
+ StgOpApp (StgPrimOp op) args t
+ -> genPrimOp ctx op args t
+ StgOpApp (StgPrimCallOp c) args t
+ -> genPrimCall ctx c args t
+ StgCase e b at alts
+ -> genCase ctx b e at alts (liveVars $ stgExprLive False stg)
+ StgLet _ b e -> do
+ (b',ctx') <- genBind ctx b
+ (s,r) <- genExpr ctx' e
+ return (b' <> s, r)
+ StgLetNoEscape _ b e -> do
+ (b', ctx') <- genBindLne ctx b
+ (s, r) <- genExpr ctx' e
+ return (b' <> s, r)
+ StgTick (ProfNote cc count scope) e -> do
+ setSCCstats <- ifProfilingM $ setCC cc count scope
+ (stats, result) <- genExpr ctx e
+ return (setSCCstats <> stats, result)
+ StgTick (SourceNote span _sname) e
+ -> genExpr (ctxSetSrcSpan span ctx) e
+ StgTick _m e
+ -> genExpr ctx e
+-- | regular let binding: allocate heap object
+genBind :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => ExprCtx
+ -> CgStgBinding
+ -> G (JStat, ExprCtx)
+genBind ctx bndr =
+ case bndr of
+ StgNonRec b r -> do
+ j <- assign b r >>= \case
+ Just ja -> return ja
+ Nothing -> allocCls Nothing [(b,r)]
+ return (j, addEvalRhs ctx [(b,r)])
+ StgRec bs -> do
+ jas <- mapM (uncurry assign) bs -- fixme these might depend on parts initialized by allocCls
+ let m = if null jas then Nothing else Just (mconcat $ catMaybes jas)
+ j <- allocCls m . map snd . filter (isNothing . fst) $ zip jas bs
+ return (j, addEvalRhs ctx bs)
+ where
+ ctx' = ctxClearLneFrame ctx
+ assign :: Id -> CgStgRhs -> G (Maybe JStat)
+ assign b (StgRhsClosure _ _ccs {-[the_fv]-} _upd [] expr)
+ | let strip = snd . stripStgTicksTop (not . tickishIsCode)
+ , StgCase (StgApp scrutinee []) _ (AlgAlt _) [GenStgAlt (DataAlt _) params sel_expr] <- strip expr
+ , StgApp selectee [] <- strip sel_expr
+ , let params_w_offsets = zip params (L.scanl' (+) 1 $ map (typeSize . idType) params)
+ , let total_size = sum (map (typeSize . idType) params)
+ -- , the_fv == scrutinee -- fixme check
+ , Just the_offset <- ListSetOps.assocMaybe params_w_offsets selectee
+ , the_offset <= 16 -- fixme make this some configurable constant
+ = do
+ let the_fv = scrutinee -- error "the_fv" -- fixme
+ let sel_tag | the_offset == 2 = if total_size == 2 then "2a"
+ else "2b"
+ | otherwise = show the_offset
+ tgts <- identsForId b
+ the_fvjs <- varsForId the_fv
+ case (tgts, the_fvjs) of
+ ([tgt], [the_fvj]) -> return $ Just
+ (tgt ||= ApplExpr (var ("h$c_sel_" <> mkFastString sel_tag)) [the_fvj])
+ _ -> panic "genBind.assign: invalid size"
+ assign b (StgRhsClosure _ext _ccs _upd [] expr)
+ | snd (isInlineExpr (ctxEvaluatedIds ctx) expr) = do
+ d <- declVarsForId b
+ tgt <- varsForId b
+ let ctx' = ctx { ctxTarget = assocIdExprs b tgt }
+ (j, _) <- genExpr ctx' expr
+ return (Just (d <> j))
+ assign _b StgRhsCon{} = return Nothing
+ assign b r = genEntry ctx' b r >> return Nothing
+ addEvalRhs c [] = c
+ addEvalRhs c ((b,r):xs)
+ | StgRhsCon{} <- r = addEvalRhs (ctxAssertEvaluated b c) xs
+ | (StgRhsClosure _ _ ReEntrant _ _) <- r = addEvalRhs (ctxAssertEvaluated b c) xs
+ | otherwise = addEvalRhs c xs
+genBindLne :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => ExprCtx
+ -> CgStgBinding
+ -> G (JStat, ExprCtx)
+genBindLne ctx bndr = do
+ -- compute live variables and the offsets where they will be stored in the
+ -- stack
+ vis <- map (\(x,y,_) -> (x,y)) <$>
+ optimizeFree oldFrameSize (newLvs++map fst updBinds)
+ -- initialize updatable bindings to null_
+ declUpds <- mconcat <$> mapM (fmap (||= null_) . identForId . fst) updBinds
+ -- update expression context to include the updated LNE frame
+ let ctx' = ctxUpdateLneFrame vis bound ctx
+ mapM_ (uncurry $ genEntryLne ctx') binds
+ return (declUpds, ctx')
+ where
+ oldFrameSize = ctxLneFrameSize ctx
+ isOldLv i = ctxIsLneBinding ctx i ||
+ ctxIsLneLiveVar ctx i
+ live = liveVars $ mkDVarSet $ stgLneLive' bndr
+ newLvs = filter (not . isOldLv) (dVarSetElems live)
+ binds = case bndr of
+ StgNonRec b e -> [(b,e)]
+ StgRec bs -> bs
+ bound = map fst binds
+ (updBinds, _nonUpdBinds) = L.partition (isUpdatableRhs . snd) binds
+-- | Generate let-no-escape entry
+-- Let-no-escape entries live on the stack. There is no heap object associated with them.
+-- A let-no-escape entry is called like a normal stack frame, although as an optimization,
+-- `Stack`[`Sp`] is not set when making the call. This is done later if the
+-- thread needs to be suspended.
+-- Updatable let-no-escape binders have one 'private' slot in the stack frame. This slot
+-- is initially set to null, changed to h$blackhole when the thunk is being evaluated.
+genEntryLne :: HasDebugCallStack => ExprCtx -> Id -> CgStgRhs -> G ()
+genEntryLne ctx i rhs@(StgRhsClosure _ext _cc update args body) =
+ resetSlots $ do
+ let payloadSize = ctxLneFrameSize ctx
+ vars = ctxLneFrameVars ctx
+ myOffset =
+ maybe (panic "genEntryLne: updatable binder not found in let-no-escape frame")
+ ((payloadSize-) . fst)
+ (L.find ((==i) . fst . snd) (zip [0..] vars))
+ bh | isUpdatable update =
+ jVar (\x -> mconcat
+ [ x |= ApplExpr (var "h$bh_lne") [Sub sp (toJExpr myOffset), toJExpr (payloadSize+1)]
+ , IfStat x (ReturnStat x) mempty
+ ])
+ | otherwise = mempty
+ lvs <- popLneFrame True payloadSize ctx
+ body <- genBody ctx i R1 args body
+ ei@(TxtI eii) <- identForEntryId i
+ sr <- genStaticRefsRhs rhs
+ let f = JFunc [] (bh <> lvs <> body)
+ emitClosureInfo $
+ ClosureInfo ei
+ (CIRegs 0 $ concatMap idVt args)
+ (eii <> ", " <> mkFastString (renderWithContext defaultSDocContext (ppr i)))
+ (fixedLayout . reverse $
+ map (stackSlotType . fst) (ctxLneFrameVars ctx))
+ CIStackFrame
+ sr
+ emitToplevel (ei ||= toJExpr f)
+genEntryLne ctx i (StgRhsCon cc con _mu _ticks args) = resetSlots $ do
+ let payloadSize = ctxLneFrameSize ctx
+ ei@(TxtI _eii) <- identForEntryId i
+ -- di <- varForDataConWorker con
+ ii <- freshIdent
+ p <- popLneFrame True payloadSize ctx
+ args' <- concatMapM genArg args
+ ac <- allocCon ii con cc args'
+ emitToplevel (ei ||= toJExpr (JFunc []
+ (mconcat [decl ii, p, ac, r1 |= toJExpr ii, returnStack])))
+-- | Generate the entry function for a local closure
+genEntry :: HasDebugCallStack => ExprCtx -> Id -> CgStgRhs -> G ()
+genEntry _ _i StgRhsCon {} = return ()
+genEntry ctx i rhs@(StgRhsClosure _ext cc {-_bi live-} upd_flag args body) = resetSlots $ do
+ let live = stgLneLiveExpr rhs -- error "fixme" -- probably find live vars in body
+ ll <- loadLiveFun live
+ llv <- verifyRuntimeReps live
+ upd <- genUpdFrame upd_flag i
+ body <- genBody entryCtx i R2 args body
+ ei@(TxtI eii) <- identForEntryId i
+ et <- genEntryType args
+ setcc <- ifProfiling $
+ if et == CIThunk
+ then enterCostCentreThunk
+ else enterCostCentreFun cc
+ sr <- genStaticRefsRhs rhs
+ emitClosureInfo $ ClosureInfo ei
+ (CIRegs 0 $ PtrV : concatMap idVt args)
+ (eii <> ", " <> mkFastString (renderWithContext defaultSDocContext (ppr i)))
+ (fixedLayout $ map (uTypeVt . idType) live)
+ et
+ sr
+ emitToplevel (ei ||= toJExpr (JFunc [] (mconcat [ll, llv, upd, setcc, body])))
+ where
+ entryCtx = ctxSetTarget [] (ctxClearLneFrame ctx)
+-- | Generate the entry function types for identifiers. Note that this only
+-- returns either 'CIThunk' or 'CIFun'. Everything else (PAP Blackhole etc.) is
+-- filtered as not a RuntimeRepKinded type.
+genEntryType :: HasDebugCallStack => [Id] -> G CIType
+genEntryType [] = return CIThunk
+genEntryType args0 = do
+ args' <- mapM genIdArg args
+ return $ CIFun (length args) (length $ concat args')
+ where
+ args = filter (not . isRuntimeRepKindedTy . idType) args0
+-- | Generate the body of an object
+genBody :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => ExprCtx
+ -> Id
+ -> StgReg
+ -> [Id]
+ -> CgStgExpr
+ -> G JStat
+genBody ctx i startReg args e = do
+ -- load arguments into local variables
+ la <- do
+ args' <- concatMapM genIdArgI args
+ return (declAssignAll args' (fmap toJExpr [startReg..]))
+ -- assert that arguments have valid runtime reps
+ lav <- verifyRuntimeReps args
+ -- compute PrimReps and their number of slots required to return the result of
+ -- i applied to args.
+ let res_vars = resultSize args i
+ -- compute typed expressions for each slot and assign registers
+ let go_var regs = \case
+ [] -> []
+ ((rep,size):rs) ->
+ let !(regs0,regs1) = splitAt size regs
+ !ts = go_var regs1 rs
+ in TypedExpr rep regs0 : ts
+ let tgt = go_var jsRegsFromR1 res_vars
+ let !ctx' = ctx { ctxTarget = tgt }
+ -- generate code for the expression
+ (e, _r) <- genExpr ctx' e
+ return $ la <> lav <> e <> returnStack
+-- | Find the result type after applying the function to the arguments
+-- It's trickier than it looks because:
+-- 1. we don't have the Arity of the Id. The following functions return
+-- different values in some cases:
+-- - idArity
+-- - typeArity . idType
+-- - idFunRepArity
+-- - typeArity . unwrapType . idType
+-- Moreover the number of args may be different than all of these arities
+-- 2. sometimes the type is Any, perhaps after some unwrapping. For example
+-- HappyAbsSyn is a newtype around HappyAny which is Any or (forall a. a).
+-- Se we're left to use the applied arguments to peel the type (unwrapped) one
+-- arg at a time. But passed args are args after unarisation so we need to
+-- unarise every argument type that we peel (using typePrimRepArgs) to get the
+-- number of passed args consumed by each type arg.
+-- In case of failure to determine the type, we default to LiftedRep as it's
+-- probably what it is.
+resultSize :: HasDebugCallStack => [Id] -> Id -> [(PrimRep, Int)]
+resultSize args i = result
+ where
+ result = result_reps `zip` result_slots
+ result_slots = fmap (slotCount . primRepSize) result_reps
+ result_reps = trim_args (unwrapType (idType i)) (length args)
+ trim_args t 0 = typePrimRep t
+ trim_args t n
+ | Just (_af, _mult, arg, res) <- splitFunTy_maybe t
+ , nargs <- length (typePrimRepArgs arg)
+ , assert (n >= nargs) True
+ = trim_args (unwrapType res) (n - nargs)
+ | otherwise
+ = pprTrace "result_type: not a function type, assume LiftedRep" (ppr t)
+ [LiftedRep]
+-- | Ensure that the set of identifiers has valid 'RuntimeRep's. This function
+-- returns a no-op when 'csRuntimeAssert' in 'StgToJSConfig' is False.
+verifyRuntimeReps :: HasDebugCallStack => [Id] -> G JStat
+verifyRuntimeReps xs = do
+ runtime_assert <- csRuntimeAssert <$> getSettings
+ if not runtime_assert
+ then pure mempty
+ else mconcat <$> mapM verifyRuntimeRep xs
+ where
+ verifyRuntimeRep i = do
+ i' <- varsForId i
+ pure $ go i' (idVt i)
+ go js (VoidV:vs) = go js vs
+ go (j1:j2:js) (LongV:vs) = v "h$verify_rep_long" [j1,j2] <> go js vs
+ go (j1:j2:js) (AddrV:vs) = v "h$verify_rep_addr" [j1,j2] <> go js vs
+ go (j:js) (v:vs) = ver j v <> go js vs
+ go [] [] = mempty
+ go _ _ = pprPanic "verifyRuntimeReps: inconsistent sizes" (ppr xs)
+ ver j PtrV = v "h$verify_rep_heapobj" [j]
+ ver j IntV = v "h$verify_rep_int" [j]
+ ver j RtsObjV = v "h$verify_rep_rtsobj" [j]
+ ver j DoubleV = v "h$verify_rep_double" [j]
+ ver j ArrV = v "h$verify_rep_arr" [j]
+ ver _ _ = mempty
+ v f as = ApplStat (var f) as
+-- | Given a set of 'Id's, bind each 'Id' to the appropriate data fields in N
+-- registers. This assumes these data fields have already been populated in the
+-- registers. For the empty, singleton, and binary case use register 1, for any
+-- more use as many registers as necessary.
+loadLiveFun :: [Id] -> G JStat
+loadLiveFun l = do
+ l' <- concat <$> mapM identsForId l
+ case l' of
+ [] -> return mempty
+ -- set the ident to d1 field of register 1
+ [v] -> return (v ||= r1 .^ closureField1_)
+ -- set the idents to d1 and d2 fields of register 1
+ [v1,v2] -> return $ mconcat
+ [ v1 ||= r1 .^ closureField1_
+ , v2 ||= r1 .^ closureField2_
+ ]
+ -- and so on
+ (v:vs) -> do
+ d <- freshIdent
+ let l'' = mconcat . zipWith (loadLiveVar $ toJExpr d) [(1::Int)..] $ vs
+ return $ mconcat
+ [ v ||= r1 .^ closureField1_
+ , d ||= r1 .^ closureField2_
+ , l''
+ ]
+ where
+ loadLiveVar d n v = let ident = TxtI (dataFieldName n)
+ in v ||= SelExpr d ident
+-- | Pop a let-no-escape frame off the stack
+popLneFrame :: Bool -> Int -> ExprCtx -> G JStat
+popLneFrame inEntry size ctx = do
+ -- calculate the new stack size
+ let ctx' = ctxLneShrinkStack ctx size
+ let gen_id_slot (i,n) = do
+ ids <- identsForId i
+ let !id_n = ids !! (n-1)
+ pure (id_n, SlotId i n)
+ is <- mapM gen_id_slot (ctxLneFrameVars ctx')
+ let skip = if inEntry then 1 else 0 -- pop the frame header
+ popSkipI skip is
+-- | Generate an updated given an 'Id'
+genUpdFrame :: UpdateFlag -> Id -> G JStat
+genUpdFrame u i
+ | isReEntrant u = pure mempty
+ | isOneShotBndr i = maybeBh
+ | isUpdatable u = updateThunk
+ | otherwise = maybeBh
+ where
+ isReEntrant ReEntrant = True
+ isReEntrant _ = False
+ maybeBh = do
+ settings <- getSettings
+ assertRtsStat (return $ bhSingleEntry settings)
+-- | Blackhole single entry
+-- Overwrite a single entry object with a special thunk that behaves like a
+-- black hole (throws a JS exception when entered) but pretends to be a thunk.
+-- Useful for making sure that the object is not accidentally entered multiple
+-- times
+bhSingleEntry :: StgToJSConfig -> JStat
+bhSingleEntry _settings = mconcat
+ [ r1 .^ closureEntry_ |= var "h$blackholeTrap"
+ , r1 .^ closureField1_ |= undefined_
+ , r1 .^ closureField2_ |= undefined_
+ ]
+genStaticRefsRhs :: CgStgRhs -> G CIStatic
+genStaticRefsRhs lv = genStaticRefs (stgRhsLive lv)
+-- fixme, update to new way to compute static refs dynamically
+genStaticRefs :: LiveVars -> G CIStatic
+genStaticRefs lv
+ | isEmptyDVarSet sv = return (CIStaticRefs [])
+ | otherwise = do
+ unfloated <- State.gets gsUnfloated
+ let xs = filter (\x -> not (elemUFM x unfloated ||
+ typeLevity_maybe (idType x) == Just Unlifted))
+ (dVarSetElems sv)
+ CIStaticRefs . catMaybes <$> mapM getStaticRef xs
+ where
+ sv = liveStatic lv
+ getStaticRef :: Id -> G (Maybe FastString)
+ getStaticRef = fmap (fmap itxt . listToMaybe) . identsForId
+-- | Reorder the things we need to push to reuse existing stack values as much
+-- as possible True if already on the stack at that location
+ :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => Int
+ -> [Id]
+ -> G [(Id,Int,Bool)] -- ^ A list of stack slots.
+ -- -- Id: stored on the slot
+ -- -- Int: the part of the value that is stored
+ -- -- Bool: True when the slot already contains a value
+optimizeFree offset ids = do
+ -- this line goes wrong vvvvvvv
+ let -- ids' = concat $ map (\i -> map (i,) [1..varSize . uTypeVt . idType $ i]) ids
+ idSize :: Id -> Int
+ idSize i = sum $ map varSize (typeVt . idType $ i)
+ ids' = concatMap (\i -> map (i,) [1..idSize i]) ids
+ -- 1..varSize] . uTypeVt . idType $ i]) (typeVt ids)
+ l = length ids'
+ slots <- drop offset . take l . (++repeat SlotUnknown) <$> getSlots
+ let slm = M.fromList (zip slots [0..])
+ (remaining, fixed) = partitionEithers $
+ map (\inp@(i,n) -> maybe (Left inp) (\j -> Right (i,n,j,True))
+ (M.lookup (SlotId i n) slm)) ids'
+ takenSlots = S.fromList (fmap (\(_,_,x,_) -> x) fixed)
+ freeSlots = filter (`S.notMember` takenSlots) [0..l-1]
+ remaining' = zipWith (\(i,n) j -> (i,n,j,False)) remaining freeSlots
+ allSlots = L.sortBy (compare `on` \(_,_,x,_) -> x) (fixed ++ remaining')
+ return $ map (\(i,n,_,b) -> (i,n,b)) allSlots
+-- | Allocate local closures
+allocCls :: Maybe JStat -> [(Id, CgStgRhs)] -> G JStat
+allocCls dynMiddle xs = do
+ (stat, dyn) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM toCl xs
+ ac <- allocDynAll True dynMiddle dyn
+ pure (mconcat stat <> ac)
+ where
+ -- left = static, right = dynamic
+ toCl :: (Id, CgStgRhs)
+ -> G (Either JStat (Ident,JExpr,[JExpr],CostCentreStack))
+ -- statics
+ {- making zero-arg constructors static is problematic, see #646
+ proper candidates for this optimization should have been floated
+ already
+ toCl (i, StgRhsCon cc con []) = do
+ ii <- identForId i
+ Left <$> (return (decl ii) <> allocCon ii con cc []) -}
+ toCl (i, StgRhsCon cc con _mui _ticjs [a]) | isUnboxableCon con = do
+ ii <- identForId i
+ ac <- allocCon ii con cc =<< genArg a
+ pure (Left (decl ii <> ac))
+ -- dynamics
+ toCl (i, StgRhsCon cc con _mu _ticks ar) =
+ -- fixme do we need to handle unboxed?
+ Right <$> ((,,,) <$> identForId i
+ <*> varForDataConWorker con
+ <*> concatMapM genArg ar
+ <*> pure cc)
+ toCl (i, cl@(StgRhsClosure _ext cc _upd_flag _args _body)) =
+ let live = stgLneLiveExpr cl
+ in Right <$> ((,,,) <$> identForId i
+ <*> varForEntryId i
+ <*> concatMapM varsForId live
+ <*> pure cc)
+-- fixme CgCase has a reps_compatible check here
+-- | Consume Stg case statement and generate a case statement. See also
+-- 'genAlts'
+genCase :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => ExprCtx
+ -> Id
+ -> CgStgExpr
+ -> AltType
+ -> [CgStgAlt]
+ -> LiveVars
+ -> G (JStat, ExprResult)
+genCase ctx bnd e at alts l
+ | snd (isInlineExpr (ctxEvaluatedIds ctx) e) = do
+ bndi <- identsForId bnd
+ let ctx' = ctxSetTop bnd
+ $ ctxSetTarget (assocIdExprs bnd (map toJExpr bndi))
+ $ ctx
+ (ej, r) <- genExpr ctx' e
+ let d = case r of
+ ExprInline d0 -> d0
+ ExprCont -> pprPanic "genCase: expression was not inline"
+ (pprStgExpr panicStgPprOpts e)
+ (aj, ar) <- genAlts (ctxAssertEvaluated bnd ctx) bnd at d alts
+ (saveCCS,restoreCCS) <- ifProfilingM $ do
+ ccsVar <- freshIdent
+ pure ( ccsVar ||= toJExpr jCurrentCCS
+ , toJExpr jCurrentCCS |= toJExpr ccsVar
+ )
+ return ( mconcat
+ [ mconcat (map decl bndi)
+ , saveCCS
+ , ej
+ , restoreCCS
+ , aj
+ ]
+ , ar
+ )
+ | otherwise = do
+ rj <- genRet (ctxAssertEvaluated bnd ctx) bnd at alts l
+ let ctx' = ctxSetTop bnd
+ $ ctxSetTarget (assocIdExprs bnd (map toJExpr [R1 ..]))
+ $ ctx
+ (ej, _r) <- genExpr ctx' e
+ return (rj <> ej, ExprCont)
+genRet :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => ExprCtx
+ -> Id
+ -> AltType
+ -> [CgStgAlt]
+ -> LiveVars
+ -> G JStat
+genRet ctx e at as l = freshIdent >>= f
+ where
+ allRefs :: [Id]
+ allRefs = S.toList . S.unions $ fmap (exprRefs emptyUFM . alt_rhs) as
+ lneLive :: Int
+ lneLive = maximum $ 0 : catMaybes (map (ctxLneBindingStackSize ctx) allRefs)
+ ctx' = ctxLneShrinkStack ctx lneLive
+ lneVars = map fst $ ctxLneFrameVars ctx'
+ isLne i = ctxIsLneBinding ctx i || ctxIsLneLiveVar ctx' i
+ nonLne = filter (not . isLne) (dVarSetElems l)
+ f :: Ident -> G JStat
+ f r@(TxtI ri) = do
+ pushLne <- pushLneFrame lneLive ctx
+ saveCCS <- ifProfilingM $ push [jCurrentCCS]
+ free <- optimizeFree 0 nonLne
+ pushRet <- pushRetArgs free (toJExpr r)
+ fun' <- fun free
+ sr <- genStaticRefs l -- srt
+ prof <- profiling
+ emitClosureInfo $
+ ClosureInfo r
+ (CIRegs 0 altRegs)
+ ri
+ (fixedLayout . reverse $
+ map (stackSlotType . fst3) free
+ ++ if prof then [ObjV] else map stackSlotType lneVars)
+ CIStackFrame
+ sr
+ emitToplevel $ r ||= toJExpr (JFunc [] fun')
+ return (pushLne <> saveCCS <> pushRet)
+ fst3 ~(x,_,_) = x
+ altRegs :: HasDebugCallStack => [VarType]
+ altRegs = case at of
+ PrimAlt ptc -> [primRepVt ptc]
+ MultiValAlt _n -> idVt e
+ _ -> [PtrV]
+ -- special case for popping CCS but preserving stack size
+ pop_handle_CCS :: [(JExpr, StackSlot)] -> G JStat
+ pop_handle_CCS [] = return mempty
+ pop_handle_CCS xs = do
+ -- grab the slots from 'xs' and push
+ addSlots (map snd xs)
+ -- move the stack pointer into the stack by ''length xs + n'
+ a <- adjSpN (length xs)
+ -- now load from the top of the stack
+ return (loadSkip 0 (map fst xs) <> a)
+ fun free = resetSlots $ do
+ decs <- declVarsForId e
+ load <- flip assignAll (map toJExpr [R1 ..]) . map toJExpr <$> identsForId e
+ loadv <- verifyRuntimeReps [e]
+ ras <- loadRetArgs free
+ rasv <- verifyRuntimeReps (map (\(x,_,_)->x) free)
+ restoreCCS <- ifProfilingM . pop_handle_CCS $ pure (jCurrentCCS, SlotUnknown)
+ rlne <- popLneFrame False lneLive ctx'
+ rlnev <- verifyRuntimeReps lneVars
+ (alts, _altr) <- genAlts ctx' e at Nothing as
+ return $ decs <> load <> loadv <> ras <> rasv <> restoreCCS <> rlne <> rlnev <> alts <>
+ returnStack
+-- | Consume an Stg case alternative and generate the corresponding alternative
+-- in JS land. If one alternative is a continuation then we must normalize the
+-- other alternatives. See 'Branch' and 'normalizeBranches'.
+genAlts :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => ExprCtx -- ^ lhs to assign expression result to
+ -> Id -- ^ id being matched
+ -> AltType -- ^ type
+ -> Maybe [JExpr] -- ^ if known, fields in datacon from earlier expression
+ -> [CgStgAlt] -- ^ the alternatives
+ -> G (JStat, ExprResult)
+genAlts ctx e at me alts = do
+ (st, er) <- case at of
+ PolyAlt -> case alts of
+ [alt] -> (branch_stat &&& branch_result) <$> mkAlgBranch ctx e alt
+ _ -> panic "genAlts: multiple polyalt"
+ PrimAlt _tc
+ | [GenStgAlt _ bs expr] <- alts
+ -> do
+ ie <- varsForId e
+ dids <- mconcat <$> mapM declVarsForId bs
+ bss <- concatMapM varsForId bs
+ (ej, er) <- genExpr ctx expr
+ return (dids <> assignAll bss ie <> ej, er)
+ PrimAlt tc
+ -> do
+ ie <- varsForId e
+ (r, bss) <- normalizeBranches ctx <$>
+ mapM (isolateSlots . mkPrimIfBranch ctx [primRepVt tc]) alts
+ setSlots []
+ return (mkSw ie bss, r)
+ MultiValAlt n
+ | [GenStgAlt _ bs expr] <- alts
+ -> do
+ eids <- varsForId e
+ l <- loadUbxTup eids bs n
+ (ej, er) <- genExpr ctx expr
+ return (l <> ej, er)
+ AlgAlt tc
+ | [_alt] <- alts
+ , isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
+ -> panic "genAlts: unexpected unboxed tuple"
+ AlgAlt _tc
+ | Just es <- me
+ , [GenStgAlt (DataAlt dc) bs expr] <- alts
+ , not (isUnboxableCon dc)
+ -> do
+ bsi <- mapM identsForId bs
+ (ej, er) <- genExpr ctx expr
+ return (declAssignAll (concat bsi) es <> ej, er)
+ AlgAlt _tc
+ | [alt] <- alts
+ -> do
+ Branch _ s r <- mkAlgBranch ctx e alt
+ return (s, r)
+ AlgAlt _tc
+ | [alt,_] <- alts
+ , DataAlt dc <- alt_con alt
+ , isBoolDataCon dc
+ -> do
+ i <- varForId e
+ nbs <- normalizeBranches ctx <$>
+ mapM (isolateSlots . mkAlgBranch ctx e) alts
+ case nbs of
+ (r, [Branch _ s1 _, Branch _ s2 _]) -> do
+ let s = if dataConTag dc == 2
+ then IfStat i s1 s2
+ else IfStat i s2 s1
+ setSlots []
+ return (s, r)
+ _ -> error "genAlts: invalid branches for Bool"
+ AlgAlt _tc -> do
+ ei <- varForId e
+ (r, brs) <- normalizeBranches ctx <$>
+ mapM (isolateSlots . mkAlgBranch ctx e) alts
+ setSlots []
+ return (mkSwitch (ei .^ "f" .^ "a") brs, r)
+ _ -> pprPanic "genAlts: unhandled case variant" (ppr (at, length alts))
+ ver <- verifyMatchRep e at
+ pure (ver <> st, er)
+-- | If 'StgToJSConfig.csRuntimeAssert' is set, then generate an assertion that
+-- asserts the pattern match is valid, e.g., the match is attempted on a
+-- Boolean, a Data Constructor, or some number.
+verifyMatchRep :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> AltType -> G JStat
+verifyMatchRep x alt = do
+ runtime_assert <- csRuntimeAssert <$> getSettings
+ if not runtime_assert
+ then pure mempty
+ else case alt of
+ AlgAlt tc -> do
+ ix <- varsForId x
+ pure $ ApplStat (var "h$verify_match_alg") (ValExpr(JStr(mkFastString (renderWithContext defaultSDocContext (ppr tc)))):ix)
+ _ -> pure mempty
+-- | A 'Branch' represents a possible branching path of an Stg case statement,
+-- i.e., a possible code path from an 'StgAlt'
+data Branch a = Branch
+ { branch_expr :: a
+ , branch_stat :: JStat
+ , branch_result :: ExprResult
+ }
+ deriving (Eq,Functor)
+-- | If one branch ends in a continuation but another is inline, we need to
+-- adjust the inline branch to use the continuation convention
+normalizeBranches :: ExprCtx
+ -> [Branch a]
+ -> (ExprResult, [Branch a])
+normalizeBranches ctx brs
+ | all (==ExprCont) (fmap branch_result brs) =
+ (ExprCont, brs)
+ | branchResult (fmap branch_result brs) == ExprCont =
+ (ExprCont, map mkCont brs)
+ | otherwise =
+ (ExprInline Nothing, brs)
+ where
+ mkCont b = case branch_result b of
+ ExprInline{} -> b { branch_stat = branch_stat b <> assignAll jsRegsFromR1
+ (concatMap typex_expr $ ctxTarget ctx)
+ , branch_result = ExprCont
+ }
+ _ -> b
+-- | Load an unboxed tuple. "Loading" means getting all 'Idents' from the input
+-- ID's, declaring them as variables in JS land and binding them, in order, to
+-- 'es'.
+loadUbxTup :: [JExpr] -> [Id] -> Int -> G JStat
+loadUbxTup es bs _n = do
+ bs' <- concatMapM identsForId bs
+ return $ declAssignAll bs' es
+mkSw :: [JExpr] -> [Branch (Maybe [JExpr])] -> JStat
+mkSw [e] cases = mkSwitch e (fmap (fmap (fmap head)) cases)
+mkSw es cases = mkIfElse es cases
+-- | Switch for pattern matching on constructors or prims
+mkSwitch :: JExpr -> [Branch (Maybe JExpr)] -> JStat
+mkSwitch e cases
+ | [Branch (Just c1) s1 _] <- n
+ , [Branch _ s2 _] <- d
+ = IfStat (InfixExpr StrictEqOp e c1) s1 s2
+ | [Branch (Just c1) s1 _, Branch _ s2 _] <- n
+ , null d
+ = IfStat (InfixExpr StrictEqOp e c1) s1 s2
+ | null d
+ = SwitchStat e (map addBreak (init n)) (branch_stat (last n))
+ | [Branch _ d0 _] <- d
+ = SwitchStat e (map addBreak n) d0
+ | otherwise = panic "mkSwitch: multiple default cases"
+ where
+ addBreak (Branch (Just c) s _) = (c, mconcat [s, BreakStat Nothing])
+ addBreak _ = panic "mkSwitch: addBreak"
+ (n,d) = L.partition (isJust . branch_expr) cases
+-- | if/else for pattern matching on things that js cannot switch on
+-- the list of branches is expected to have the default alternative
+-- first, if it exists
+mkIfElse :: [JExpr] -> [Branch (Maybe [JExpr])] -> JStat
+mkIfElse e s = go (L.reverse s)
+ where
+ go = \case
+ [Branch _ s _] -> s -- only one 'nothing' allowed
+ (Branch (Just e0) s _ : xs) -> IfStat (mkEq e e0) s (go xs)
+ [] -> panic "mkIfElse: empty expression list"
+ _ -> panic "mkIfElse: multiple DEFAULT cases"
+-- | Wrapper to contruct sequences of (===), e.g.,
+-- > mkEq [l0,l1,l2] [r0,r1,r2] = (l0 === r0) && (l1 === r1) && (l2 === r2)
+mkEq :: [JExpr] -> [JExpr] -> JExpr
+mkEq es1 es2
+ | length es1 == length es2 = foldl1 (InfixExpr LAndOp) (zipWith (InfixExpr StrictEqOp) es1 es2)
+ | otherwise = panic "mkEq: incompatible expressions"
+mkAlgBranch :: ExprCtx -- ^ toplevel id for the result
+ -> Id -- ^ datacon to match
+ -> CgStgAlt -- ^ match alternative with binders
+ -> G (Branch (Maybe JExpr))
+mkAlgBranch top d alt
+ | DataAlt dc <- alt_con alt
+ , isUnboxableCon dc
+ , [b] <- alt_bndrs alt
+ = do
+ idd <- varForId d
+ fldx <- identsForId b
+ case fldx of
+ [fld] -> do
+ (ej, er) <- genExpr top (alt_rhs alt)
+ return (Branch Nothing (mconcat [fld ||= idd, ej]) er)
+ _ -> panic "mkAlgBranch: invalid size"
+ | otherwise
+ = do
+ cc <- caseCond (alt_con alt)
+ idd <- varForId d
+ b <- loadParams idd (alt_bndrs alt)
+ (ej, er) <- genExpr top (alt_rhs alt)
+ return (Branch cc (b <> ej) er)
+-- | Generate a primitive If-expression
+mkPrimIfBranch :: ExprCtx
+ -> [VarType]
+ -> CgStgAlt
+ -> G (Branch (Maybe [JExpr]))
+mkPrimIfBranch top _vt alt =
+ (\ic (ej,er) -> Branch ic ej er) <$> ifCond (alt_con alt) <*> genExpr top (alt_rhs alt)
+-- fixme are bool things always checked correctly here?
+ifCond :: AltCon -> G (Maybe [JExpr])
+ifCond = \case
+ DataAlt da -> return $ Just [toJExpr (dataConTag da)]
+ LitAlt l -> Just <$> genLit l
+ DEFAULT -> return Nothing
+caseCond :: AltCon -> G (Maybe JExpr)
+caseCond = \case
+ DEFAULT -> return Nothing
+ DataAlt da -> return $ Just (toJExpr $ dataConTag da)
+ LitAlt l -> genLit l >>= \case
+ [e] -> pure (Just e)
+ es -> pprPanic "caseCond: expected single-variable literal" (ppr es)
+-- fixme use single tmp var for all branches
+-- | Load parameters from constructor
+loadParams :: JExpr -> [Id] -> G JStat
+loadParams from args = do
+ as <- concat <$> zipWithM (\a u -> map (,u) <$> identsForId a) args use
+ return $ case as of
+ [] -> mempty
+ [(x,u)] -> loadIfUsed (from .^ closureField1_) x u
+ [(x1,u1),(x2,u2)] -> mconcat
+ [ loadIfUsed (from .^ closureField1_) x1 u1
+ , loadIfUsed (from .^ closureField2_) x2 u2
+ ]
+ ((x,u):xs) -> mconcat
+ [ loadIfUsed (from .^ closureField1_) x u
+ , jVar (\d -> mconcat [ d |= from .^ closureField2_
+ , loadConVarsIfUsed d xs
+ ])
+ ]
+ where
+ use = repeat True -- fixme clean up
+ loadIfUsed fr tgt True = tgt ||= fr
+ loadIfUsed _ _ _ = mempty
+ loadConVarsIfUsed fr cs = mconcat $ zipWith f cs [(1::Int)..]
+ where f (x,u) n = loadIfUsed (SelExpr fr (TxtI (dataFieldName n))) x u
+-- | Determine if a branch will end in a continuation or not. If not the inline
+-- branch must be normalized. See 'normalizeBranches'
+-- NB. not a Monoid
+branchResult :: HasDebugCallStack => [ExprResult] -> ExprResult
+branchResult = \case
+ [] -> panic "branchResult: empty list"
+ [e] -> e
+ (ExprCont:_) -> ExprCont
+ (_:es)
+ | elem ExprCont es -> ExprCont
+ | otherwise -> ExprInline Nothing
+-- | Push return arguments onto the stack. The 'Bool' tracks whether the value
+-- is already on the stack or not, used in 'StgToJS.Stack.pushOptimized'.
+pushRetArgs :: HasDebugCallStack => [(Id,Int,Bool)] -> JExpr -> G JStat
+pushRetArgs free fun = do
+ rs <- mapM (\(i,n,b) -> (\es->(es!!(n-1),b)) <$> genIdArg i) free
+ pushOptimized (rs++[(fun,False)])
+-- | Load the return arguments then pop the stack frame
+loadRetArgs :: HasDebugCallStack => [(Id,Int,Bool)] -> G JStat
+loadRetArgs free = do
+ ids <- mapM (\(i,n,_b) -> (!! (n-1)) <$> genIdStackArgI i) free
+ popSkipI 1 ids
+-- | allocate multiple, possibly mutually recursive, closures
+allocDynAll :: Bool -> Maybe JStat -> [(Ident,JExpr,[JExpr],CostCentreStack)] -> G JStat
+XXX remove use of template and enable in-place init again
+allocDynAll haveDecl middle [(to,entry,free,cc)]
+ | isNothing middle && to `notElem` (free ^.. template) = do
+ ccs <- ccsVarJ cc
+ return $ allocDynamic s haveDecl to entry free ccs -}
+allocDynAll haveDecl middle cls = do
+ settings <- getSettings
+ let
+ middle' = fromMaybe mempty middle
+ decl_maybe i e
+ | haveDecl = toJExpr i |= e
+ | otherwise = i ||= e
+ makeObjs :: G JStat
+ makeObjs =
+ fmap mconcat $ forM cls $ \(i,f,_,cc) -> do
+ ccs <- maybeToList <$> costCentreStackLbl cc
+ pure $ mconcat
+ [ decl_maybe i $ if csInlineAlloc settings
+ then ValExpr (jhFromList $ [ (closureEntry_ , f)
+ , (closureField1_, null_)
+ , (closureField2_, null_)
+ , (closureMeta_ , zero_)
+ ]
+ ++ fmap (\cid -> ("cc", ValExpr (JVar cid))) ccs)
+ else ApplExpr (var "h$c") (f : fmap (ValExpr . JVar) ccs)
+ ]
+ fillObjs = mconcat $ map fillObj cls
+ fillObj (i,_,es,_)
+ | csInlineAlloc settings || length es > 24 =
+ case es of
+ [] -> mempty
+ [ex] -> toJExpr i .^ closureField1_ |= toJExpr ex
+ [e1,e2] -> mconcat
+ [ toJExpr i .^ closureField1_ |= toJExpr e1
+ , toJExpr i .^ closureField2_ |= toJExpr e2
+ ]
+ (ex:es) -> mconcat
+ [ toJExpr i .^ closureField1_ |= toJExpr ex
+ , toJExpr i .^ closureField2_ |= toJExpr (jhFromList (zip dataFieldNames es))
+ ]
+ | otherwise = case es of
+ [] -> mempty
+ [ex] -> toJExpr i .^ closureField1_ |= ex
+ [e1,e2] -> mconcat
+ [ toJExpr i .^ closureField1_ |= e1
+ , toJExpr i .^ closureField2_ |= e2
+ ]
+ (ex:es) -> mconcat
+ [ toJExpr i .^ closureField1_ |= ex
+ , toJExpr i .^ closureField2_ |= fillFun es
+ ]
+ fillFun [] = null_
+ fillFun es = ApplExpr (allocData (length es)) es
+ checkObjs | csAssertRts settings = mconcat $
+ map (\(i,_,_,_) -> ApplStat (ValExpr (JVar (TxtI "h$checkObj"))) [toJExpr i]) cls
+ | otherwise = mempty
+ objs <- makeObjs
+ pure $ mconcat [objs, middle', fillObjs, checkObjs]
+-- | Generate a primop. This function wraps around the real generator
+-- 'GHC.StgToJS.genPrim', handling the 'ExprCtx' and all arguments before
+-- generating the primop.
+genPrimOp :: ExprCtx -> PrimOp -> [StgArg] -> Type -> G (JStat, ExprResult)
+genPrimOp ctx op args t = do
+ as <- concatMapM genArg args
+ prof <- csProf <$> getSettings
+ bound <- csBoundsCheck <$> getSettings
+ -- fixme: should we preserve/check the primreps?
+ return $ case genPrim prof bound t op (concatMap typex_expr $ ctxTarget ctx) as of
+ PrimInline s -> (s, ExprInline Nothing)
+ PRPrimCall s -> (s, ExprCont)