path: root/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/FFI.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/StgToJS/FFI.hs')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/FFI.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/FFI.hs
index 0c1a713f70..effaa1f122 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/FFI.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/FFI.hs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ where
import GHC.Prelude
-import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import GHC.JS.Unsat.Syntax
import GHC.JS.Make
import GHC.JS.Transform
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
import GHC.Types.RepType
import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
-import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
import GHC.Stg.Syntax
@@ -37,17 +36,12 @@ import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
import GHC.Core.Type hiding (typeSize)
import GHC.Utils.Misc
-import GHC.Utils.Panic
-import GHC.Utils.Outputable (renderWithContext, defaultSDocContext, ppr, vcat, text)
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable (renderWithContext, defaultSDocContext, ppr)
import GHC.Data.FastString
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid
-import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.List as L
-import Control.Monad
-import Control.Applicative
-import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as P
genPrimCall :: ExprCtx -> PrimCall -> [StgArg] -> Type -> G (JStat, ExprResult)
genPrimCall ctx (PrimCall lbl _) args t = do
@@ -136,32 +130,8 @@ parseFFIPattern' :: Maybe JExpr -- ^ Nothing for sync, Just callback for async
-> G JStat
parseFFIPattern' callback javascriptCc pat t ret args
| not javascriptCc = mkApply pat
- | otherwise =
- if True
- then mkApply pat
- else do
- u <- freshUnique
- case parseFfiJME pat u of
- Right (ValExpr (JVar (TxtI _ident))) -> mkApply pat
- Right expr | not async && length tgt < 2 -> do
- (statPre, ap) <- argPlaceholders javascriptCc args
- let rp = resultPlaceholders async t ret
- env = addListToUFM emptyUFM (rp ++ ap)
- if length tgt == 1
- then return $ statPre <> (mapStatIdent (replaceIdent env) (var "$r" |= expr))
- else return $ statPre <> (mapStatIdent (replaceIdent env) (toStat expr))
- Right _ -> p $ "invalid expression FFI pattern. Expression FFI patterns can only be used for synchronous FFI " ++
- " imports with result size 0 or 1.\n" ++ pat
- Left _ -> case parseFfiJM pat u of
- Left err -> p (show err)
- Right stat -> do
- let rp = resultPlaceholders async t ret
- let cp = callbackPlaceholders callback
- (statPre, ap) <- argPlaceholders javascriptCc args
- let env = addListToUFM emptyUFM (rp ++ ap ++ cp)
- return $ statPre <> (mapStatIdent (replaceIdent env) stat) -- fixme trace?
+ | otherwise = mkApply pat
- async = isJust callback
tgt = take (typeSize t) ret
-- automatic apply, build call and result copy
mkApply f
@@ -184,33 +154,11 @@ parseFFIPattern' callback javascriptCc pat t ret args
return $ traceCall cs as <> mconcat stats <> ApplStat f' (concat as)
where f' = toJExpr (TxtI $ mkFastString f)
copyResult rs = mconcat $ zipWith (\t r -> toJExpr r |= toJExpr t) (enumFrom Ret1) rs
- p e = error ("Parse error in FFI pattern: " ++ pat ++ "\n" ++ e)
- replaceIdent :: UniqFM Ident JExpr -> Ident -> JExpr
- replaceIdent env i
- | isFFIPlaceholder i = fromMaybe err (lookupUFM env i)
- | otherwise = ValExpr (JVar i)
- where
- (TxtI i') = i
- err = pprPanic "parseFFIPattern': invalid placeholder, check function type"
- (vcat [text pat, ppr i', ppr args, ppr t])
traceCall cs as
| csTraceForeign cs = ApplStat (var "h$traceForeign") [toJExpr pat, toJExpr as]
| otherwise = mempty
--- ident is $N, $N_R, $rN, $rN_R or $r or $c
-isFFIPlaceholder :: Ident -> Bool
-isFFIPlaceholder (TxtI x) = not (null (P.readP_to_S parser (unpackFS x)))
- where
- digit = P.satisfy (`elem` ("0123456789" :: String))
- parser = void (P.string "$r" >> P.eof) <|>
- void (P.string "$c" >> P.eof) <|> do
- _ <- P.char '$'
- P.optional (P.char 'r')
- _ <- P.many1 digit
- P.optional (P.char '_' >> P.many1 digit)
- P.eof
-- generate arg to be passed to FFI call, with marshalling JStat to be run
-- before the call
genFFIArg :: Bool -> StgArg -> G (JStat, [JExpr])
@@ -228,57 +176,6 @@ genFFIArg isJavaScriptCc a@(StgVarArg i)
arg_ty = stgArgType a
r = uTypeVt arg_ty
--- $1, $2, $3 for single, $1_1, $1_2 etc for dual
--- void args not counted
-argPlaceholders :: Bool -> [StgArg] -> G (JStat, [(Ident,JExpr)])
-argPlaceholders isJavaScriptCc args = do
- (stats, idents0) <- unzip <$> mapM (genFFIArg isJavaScriptCc) args
- let idents = filter (not . null) idents0
- return $ (mconcat stats, concat
- (zipWith (\is n -> mkPlaceholder True ("$"++show n) is) idents [(1::Int)..]))
-mkPlaceholder :: Bool -> String -> [JExpr] -> [(Ident, JExpr)]
-mkPlaceholder undersc prefix aids =
- case aids of
- [] -> []
- [x] -> [(TxtI . mkFastString $ prefix, x)]
- xs@(x:_) -> (TxtI . mkFastString $ prefix, x) :
- zipWith (\x m -> (TxtI . mkFastString $ prefix ++ u ++ show m,x)) xs [(1::Int)..]
- where u = if undersc then "_" else ""
--- $r for single, $r1,$r2 for dual
--- $r1, $r2, etc for ubx tup, void args not counted
-resultPlaceholders :: Bool -> Type -> [JExpr] -> [(Ident,JExpr)] -- ident, replacement
-resultPlaceholders True _ _ = [] -- async has no direct resuls, use callback
-resultPlaceholders False t rs =
- case typeVt (unwrapType t) of
- [t'] -> mkUnary (varSize t')
- uts ->
- let sizes = filter (>0) (map varSize uts)
- f _ 0 = []
- f n 1 = [["$r" ++ show n]]
- f n k = ["$r" ++ sn, "$r" ++ sn ++ "_1"] : map (\x -> ["$r" ++ sn ++ "_" ++ show x]) [2..k]
- where sn = show n
- phs = zipWith (\size n -> f n size) sizes [(1::Int)..]
- in case sizes of
- [n] -> mkUnary n
- _ -> concat $ zipWith (\phs' r -> map (\i -> (TxtI (mkFastString i), r)) phs') (concat phs) rs
- where
- mkUnary 0 = []
- mkUnary 1 = [(TxtI "$r",head rs)] -- single
- mkUnary n = [(TxtI "$r",head rs),(TxtI "$r1", head rs)] ++
- zipWith (\n r -> (TxtI . mkFastString $ "$r" ++ show n, toJExpr r)) [2..n] (tail rs)
-callbackPlaceholders :: Maybe JExpr -> [(Ident,JExpr)]
-callbackPlaceholders Nothing = []
-callbackPlaceholders (Just e) = [((TxtI "$c"), e)]
-parseFfiJME :: String -> Int -> Either String JExpr
-parseFfiJME _xs _u = Left "parseFfiJME not yet implemented"
-parseFfiJM :: String -> Int -> Either String JStat
-parseFfiJM _xs _u = Left "parseFfiJM not yet implemented"
saturateFFI :: JMacro a => Int -> a -> a
saturateFFI u = jsSaturate (Just . mkFastString $ "ghcjs_ffi_sat_" ++ show u)