path: root/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs')
1 files changed, 622 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f75d27e20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+-- only for DB.Binary instances on Module
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : GHC.StgToJS.Object
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Sylvain Henry <>
+-- Jeffrey Young <>
+-- Luite Stegeman <>
+-- Josh Meredith <>
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Serialization/deserialization of binary .o files for the JavaScript backend
+-- The .o files contain dependency information and generated code.
+-- All strings are mapped to a central string table, which helps reduce
+-- file size and gives us efficient hash consing on read
+-- Binary intermediate JavaScript object files:
+-- serialized [Text] -> ([ClosureInfo], JStat) blocks
+-- file layout:
+-- - magic "GHCJSOBJ"
+-- - compiler version tag
+-- - module name
+-- - offsets of string table
+-- - dependencies
+-- - offset of the index
+-- - unit infos
+-- - index
+-- - string table
+module GHC.StgToJS.Object
+ ( putObject
+ , getObjectHeader
+ , getObjectBody
+ , getObject
+ , readObject
+ , getObjectUnits
+ , readObjectUnits
+ , readObjectDeps
+ , isGlobalUnit
+ , isJsObjectFile
+ , Object(..)
+ , IndexEntry(..)
+ , Deps (..), BlockDeps (..), DepsLocation (..)
+ , ExportedFun (..)
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Array
+import Data.Int
+import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
+import Data.List (sortOn)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Char
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Foreign.Marshal.Array
+import System.IO
+import GHC.Settings.Constants (hiVersion)
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import GHC.StgToJS.Types
+import GHC.Unit.Module
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
+import GHC.Float (castDoubleToWord64, castWord64ToDouble)
+import GHC.Utils.Binary hiding (SymbolTable)
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable (ppr, Outputable, hcat, vcat, text, hsep)
+import GHC.Utils.Monad (mapMaybeM)
+-- | An object file
+data Object = Object
+ { objModuleName :: !ModuleName
+ -- ^ name of the module
+ , objHandle :: !BinHandle
+ -- ^ BinHandle that can be used to read the ObjUnits
+ , objPayloadOffset :: !(Bin ObjUnit)
+ -- ^ Offset of the payload (units)
+ , objDeps :: !Deps
+ -- ^ Dependencies
+ , objIndex :: !Index
+ -- ^ The Index, serialed unit indices and their linkable units
+ }
+type BlockId = Int
+type BlockIds = IntSet
+-- | dependencies for a single module
+data Deps = Deps
+ { depsModule :: !Module
+ -- ^ module
+ , depsRequired :: !BlockIds
+ -- ^ blocks that always need to be linked when this object is loaded (e.g.
+ -- everything that contains initializer code or foreign exports)
+ , depsHaskellExported :: !(Map ExportedFun BlockId)
+ -- ^ exported Haskell functions -> block
+ , depsBlocks :: !(Array BlockId BlockDeps)
+ -- ^ info about each block
+ }
+instance Outputable Deps where
+ ppr d = vcat
+ [ hcat [ text "module: ", pprModule (depsModule d) ]
+ , hcat [ text "exports: ", ppr (M.keys (depsHaskellExported d)) ]
+ ]
+-- | Where are the dependencies
+data DepsLocation
+ = ObjectFile FilePath -- ^ In an object file at path
+ | ArchiveFile FilePath -- ^ In a Ar file at path
+ | InMemory String Object -- ^ In memory
+instance Outputable DepsLocation where
+ ppr = \case
+ ObjectFile fp -> hsep [text "ObjectFile", text fp]
+ ArchiveFile fp -> hsep [text "ArchiveFile", text fp]
+ InMemory s o -> hsep [text "InMemory", text s, ppr (objModuleName o)]
+data BlockDeps = BlockDeps
+ { blockBlockDeps :: [Int] -- ^ dependencies on blocks in this object
+ , blockFunDeps :: [ExportedFun] -- ^ dependencies on exported symbols in other objects
+ -- , blockForeignExported :: [ExpFun]
+ -- , blockForeignImported :: [ForeignRef]
+ }
+{- | we use the convention that the first unit (0) is a module-global
+ unit that's always included when something from the module
+ is loaded. everything in a module implicitly depends on the
+ global block. the global unit itself can't have dependencies
+ -}
+isGlobalUnit :: Int -> Bool
+isGlobalUnit n = n == 0
+-- | Exported Functions
+data ExportedFun = ExportedFun
+ { funModule :: !Module -- ^ The module containing the function
+ , funSymbol :: !LexicalFastString -- ^ The function
+ } deriving (Eq, Ord)
+instance Outputable ExportedFun where
+ ppr (ExportedFun m f) = vcat
+ [ hcat [ text "module: ", pprModule m ]
+ , hcat [ text "symbol: ", ppr f ]
+ ]
+-- | Write an ObjUnit, except for the top level symbols which are stored in the
+-- index
+putObjUnit :: BinHandle -> ObjUnit -> IO ()
+putObjUnit bh (ObjUnit _syms b c d e f g) = do
+ put_ bh b
+ put_ bh c
+ lazyPut bh d
+ put_ bh e
+ put_ bh f
+ put_ bh g
+-- | Read an ObjUnit and associate it to the given symbols (that must have been
+-- read from the index)
+getObjUnit :: [FastString] -> BinHandle -> IO ObjUnit
+getObjUnit syms bh = do
+ b <- get bh
+ c <- get bh
+ d <- lazyGet bh
+ e <- get bh
+ f <- get bh
+ g <- get bh
+ pure $ ObjUnit
+ { oiSymbols = syms
+ , oiClInfo = b
+ , oiStatic = c
+ , oiStat = d
+ , oiRaw = e
+ , oiFExports = f
+ , oiFImports = g
+ }
+-- | A tag that determines the kind of payload in the .o file. See
+-- @StgToJS.Linker.Arhive.magic@ for another kind of magic
+magic :: String
+magic = "GHCJSOBJ"
+-- | Serialized unit indexes and their exported symbols
+-- (the first unit is module-global)
+type Index = [IndexEntry]
+data IndexEntry = IndexEntry
+ { idxSymbols :: ![FastString] -- ^ Symbols exported by a unit
+ , idxOffset :: !(Bin ObjUnit) -- ^ Offset of the unit in the object file
+ }
+-- Essential oeprations on Objects
+-- | Given a handle to a Binary payload, add the module, 'mod_name', its
+-- dependencies, 'deps', and its linkable units to the payload.
+ :: BinHandle
+ -> ModuleName -- ^ module
+ -> Deps -- ^ dependencies
+ -> [ObjUnit] -- ^ linkable units and their symbols
+ -> IO ()
+putObject bh mod_name deps os = do
+ forM_ magic (putByte bh . fromIntegral . ord)
+ put_ bh (show hiVersion)
+ -- we store the module name as a String because we don't want to have to
+ -- decode the FastString table just to decode it when we're looking for an
+ -- object in an archive.
+ put_ bh (moduleNameString mod_name)
+ (bh_fs, _bin_dict, put_dict) <- initFSTable bh
+ forwardPut_ bh (const put_dict) $ do
+ put_ bh_fs deps
+ -- forward put the index
+ forwardPut_ bh_fs (put_ bh_fs) $ do
+ idx <- forM os $ \o -> do
+ p <- tellBin bh_fs
+ -- write units without their symbols
+ putObjUnit bh_fs o
+ -- return symbols and offset to store in the index
+ pure (oiSymbols o,p)
+ pure idx
+-- | Test if the object file is a JS object
+isJsObjectFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+isJsObjectFile fp = do
+ let !n = length magic
+ withBinaryFile fp ReadMode $ \hdl -> do
+ allocaArray n $ \ptr -> do
+ n' <- hGetBuf hdl ptr n
+ if (n' /= n)
+ then pure False
+ else checkMagic (peekElemOff ptr)
+-- | Check magic
+checkMagic :: (Int -> IO Word8) -> IO Bool
+checkMagic get_byte = do
+ let go_magic !i = \case
+ [] -> pure True
+ (e:es) -> get_byte i >>= \case
+ c | fromIntegral (ord e) == c -> go_magic (i+1) es
+ | otherwise -> pure False
+ go_magic 0 magic
+-- | Parse object magic
+getCheckMagic :: BinHandle -> IO Bool
+getCheckMagic bh = checkMagic (const (getByte bh))
+-- | Parse object header
+getObjectHeader :: BinHandle -> IO (Either String ModuleName)
+getObjectHeader bh = do
+ is_magic <- getCheckMagic bh
+ case is_magic of
+ False -> pure (Left "invalid magic header")
+ True -> do
+ is_correct_version <- ((== hiVersion) . read) <$> get bh
+ case is_correct_version of
+ False -> pure (Left "invalid header version")
+ True -> do
+ mod_name <- get bh
+ pure (Right (mkModuleName (mod_name)))
+-- | Parse object body. Must be called after a sucessful getObjectHeader
+getObjectBody :: BinHandle -> ModuleName -> IO Object
+getObjectBody bh0 mod_name = do
+ -- Read the string table
+ dict <- forwardGet bh0 (getDictionary bh0)
+ let bh = setUserData bh0 $ noUserData { ud_get_fs = getDictFastString dict }
+ deps <- get bh
+ idx <- forwardGet bh (get bh)
+ payload_pos <- tellBin bh
+ pure $ Object
+ { objModuleName = mod_name
+ , objHandle = bh
+ , objPayloadOffset = payload_pos
+ , objDeps = deps
+ , objIndex = idx
+ }
+-- | Parse object
+getObject :: BinHandle -> IO (Maybe Object)
+getObject bh = do
+ getObjectHeader bh >>= \case
+ Left _err -> pure Nothing
+ Right mod_name -> Just <$> getObjectBody bh mod_name
+-- | Read object from file
+-- The object is still in memory after this (see objHandle).
+readObject :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Object)
+readObject file = do
+ bh <- readBinMem file
+ getObject bh
+-- | Reads only the part necessary to get the dependencies
+readObjectDeps :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Deps)
+readObjectDeps file = do
+ bh <- readBinMem file
+ getObject bh >>= \case
+ Just obj -> pure $! Just $! objDeps obj
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing
+-- | Get units in the object file, using the given filtering function
+getObjectUnits :: Object -> (Word -> IndexEntry -> Bool) -> IO [ObjUnit]
+getObjectUnits obj pred = mapMaybeM read_entry (zip (objIndex obj) [0..])
+ where
+ bh = objHandle obj
+ read_entry (e@(IndexEntry syms offset),i)
+ | pred i e = do
+ seekBin bh offset
+ Just <$> getObjUnit syms bh
+ | otherwise = pure Nothing
+-- | Read units in the object file, using the given filtering function
+readObjectUnits :: FilePath -> (Word -> IndexEntry -> Bool) -> IO [ObjUnit]
+readObjectUnits file pred = do
+ readObject file >>= \case
+ Nothing -> pure []
+ Just obj -> getObjectUnits obj pred
+-- Helper functions
+putEnum :: Enum a => BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+putEnum bh x | n > 65535 = error ("putEnum: out of range: " ++ show n)
+ | otherwise = put_ bh n
+ where n = fromIntegral $ fromEnum x :: Word16
+getEnum :: Enum a => BinHandle -> IO a
+getEnum bh = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> (get bh :: IO Word16)
+-- | Helper to convert Int to Int32
+toI32 :: Int -> Int32
+toI32 = fromIntegral
+-- | Helper to convert Int32 to Int
+fromI32 :: Int32 -> Int
+fromI32 = fromIntegral
+-- Binary Instances
+instance Binary IndexEntry where
+ put_ bh (IndexEntry a b) = put_ bh a >> put_ bh b
+ get bh = IndexEntry <$> get bh <*> get bh
+instance Binary Deps where
+ put_ bh (Deps m r e b) = do
+ put_ bh m
+ put_ bh (map toI32 $ IS.toList r)
+ put_ bh (map (\(x,y) -> (x, toI32 y)) $ M.toList e)
+ put_ bh (elems b)
+ get bh = Deps <$> get bh
+ <*> (IS.fromList . map fromI32 <$> get bh)
+ <*> (M.fromList . map (\(x,y) -> (x, fromI32 y)) <$> get bh)
+ <*> ((\xs -> listArray (0, length xs - 1) xs) <$> get bh)
+instance Binary BlockDeps where
+ put_ bh (BlockDeps bbd bfd) = put_ bh bbd >> put_ bh bfd
+ get bh = BlockDeps <$> get bh <*> get bh
+instance Binary ForeignJSRef where
+ put_ bh (ForeignJSRef span pat safety cconv arg_tys res_ty) =
+ put_ bh span >> put_ bh pat >> putEnum bh safety >> putEnum bh cconv >> put_ bh arg_tys >> put_ bh res_ty
+ get bh = ForeignJSRef <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> getEnum bh <*> getEnum bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+instance Binary ExpFun where
+ put_ bh (ExpFun isIO args res) = put_ bh isIO >> put_ bh args >> put_ bh res
+ get bh = ExpFun <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+instance Binary JStat where
+ put_ bh (DeclStat i e) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh i >> put_ bh e
+ put_ bh (ReturnStat e) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh e
+ put_ bh (IfStat e s1 s2) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh e >> put_ bh s1 >> put_ bh s2
+ put_ bh (WhileStat b e s) = putByte bh 4 >> put_ bh b >> put_ bh e >> put_ bh s
+ put_ bh (ForInStat b i e s) = putByte bh 5 >> put_ bh b >> put_ bh i >> put_ bh e >> put_ bh s
+ put_ bh (SwitchStat e ss s) = putByte bh 6 >> put_ bh e >> put_ bh ss >> put_ bh s
+ put_ bh (TryStat s1 i s2 s3) = putByte bh 7 >> put_ bh s1 >> put_ bh i >> put_ bh s2 >> put_ bh s3
+ put_ bh (BlockStat xs) = putByte bh 8 >> put_ bh xs
+ put_ bh (ApplStat e es) = putByte bh 9 >> put_ bh e >> put_ bh es
+ put_ bh (UOpStat o e) = putByte bh 10 >> put_ bh o >> put_ bh e
+ put_ bh (AssignStat e1 e2) = putByte bh 11 >> put_ bh e1 >> put_ bh e2
+ put_ _ (UnsatBlock {}) = error "put_ bh JStat: UnsatBlock"
+ put_ bh (LabelStat l s) = putByte bh 12 >> put_ bh l >> put_ bh s
+ put_ bh (BreakStat ml) = putByte bh 13 >> put_ bh ml
+ put_ bh (ContinueStat ml) = putByte bh 14 >> put_ bh ml
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> DeclStat <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 2 -> ReturnStat <$> get bh
+ 3 -> IfStat <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+ 4 -> WhileStat <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+ 5 -> ForInStat <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+ 6 -> SwitchStat <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+ 7 -> TryStat <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+ 8 -> BlockStat <$> get bh
+ 9 -> ApplStat <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 10 -> UOpStat <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 11 -> AssignStat <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 12 -> LabelStat <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 13 -> BreakStat <$> get bh
+ 14 -> ContinueStat <$> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh JStat: invalid tag: " ++ show n)
+instance Binary JExpr where
+ put_ bh (ValExpr v) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh v
+ put_ bh (SelExpr e i) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh e >> put_ bh i
+ put_ bh (IdxExpr e1 e2) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh e1 >> put_ bh e2
+ put_ bh (InfixExpr o e1 e2) = putByte bh 4 >> put_ bh o >> put_ bh e1 >> put_ bh e2
+ put_ bh (UOpExpr o e) = putByte bh 5 >> put_ bh o >> put_ bh e
+ put_ bh (IfExpr e1 e2 e3) = putByte bh 6 >> put_ bh e1 >> put_ bh e2 >> put_ bh e3
+ put_ bh (ApplExpr e es) = putByte bh 7 >> put_ bh e >> put_ bh es
+ put_ _ (UnsatExpr {}) = error "put_ bh JExpr: UnsatExpr"
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> ValExpr <$> get bh
+ 2 -> SelExpr <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 3 -> IdxExpr <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 4 -> InfixExpr <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+ 5 -> UOpExpr <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 6 -> IfExpr <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+ 7 -> ApplExpr <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh JExpr: invalid tag: " ++ show n)
+instance Binary JVal where
+ put_ bh (JVar i) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh i
+ put_ bh (JList es) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh es
+ put_ bh (JDouble d) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh d
+ put_ bh (JInt i) = putByte bh 4 >> put_ bh i
+ put_ bh (JStr xs) = putByte bh 5 >> put_ bh xs
+ put_ bh (JRegEx xs) = putByte bh 6 >> put_ bh xs
+ put_ bh (JHash m) = putByte bh 7 >> put_ bh (sortOn (LexicalFastString . fst) $ nonDetEltsUniqMap m)
+ put_ bh (JFunc is s) = putByte bh 8 >> put_ bh is >> put_ bh s
+ put_ _ (UnsatVal {}) = error "put_ bh JVal: UnsatVal"
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> JVar <$> get bh
+ 2 -> JList <$> get bh
+ 3 -> JDouble <$> get bh
+ 4 -> JInt <$> get bh
+ 5 -> JStr <$> get bh
+ 6 -> JRegEx <$> get bh
+ 7 -> JHash . listToUniqMap <$> get bh
+ 8 -> JFunc <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh JVal: invalid tag: " ++ show n)
+instance Binary Ident where
+ put_ bh (TxtI xs) = put_ bh xs
+ get bh = TxtI <$> get bh
+-- we need to preserve NaN and infinities, unfortunately the Binary instance for Double does not do this
+instance Binary SaneDouble where
+ put_ bh (SaneDouble d)
+ | isNaN d = putByte bh 1
+ | isInfinite d && d > 0 = putByte bh 2
+ | isInfinite d && d < 0 = putByte bh 3
+ | isNegativeZero d = putByte bh 4
+ | otherwise = putByte bh 5 >> put_ bh (castDoubleToWord64 d)
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> pure $ SaneDouble (0 / 0)
+ 2 -> pure $ SaneDouble (1 / 0)
+ 3 -> pure $ SaneDouble ((-1) / 0)
+ 4 -> pure $ SaneDouble (-0)
+ 5 -> SaneDouble . castWord64ToDouble <$> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh SaneDouble: invalid tag: " ++ show n)
+instance Binary ClosureInfo where
+ put_ bh (ClosureInfo v regs name layo typ static) = do
+ put_ bh v >> put_ bh regs >> put_ bh name >> put_ bh layo >> put_ bh typ >> put_ bh static
+ get bh = ClosureInfo <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+instance Binary JSFFIType where
+ put_ bh = putEnum bh
+ get bh = getEnum bh
+instance Binary VarType where
+ put_ bh = putEnum bh
+ get bh = getEnum bh
+instance Binary CIRegs where
+ put_ bh CIRegsUnknown = putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh (CIRegs skip types) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh skip >> put_ bh types
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> pure CIRegsUnknown
+ 2 -> CIRegs <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh CIRegs: invalid tag: " ++ show n)
+instance Binary JOp where
+ put_ bh = putEnum bh
+ get bh = getEnum bh
+instance Binary JUOp where
+ put_ bh = putEnum bh
+ get bh = getEnum bh
+-- 16 bit sizes should be enough...
+instance Binary CILayout where
+ put_ bh CILayoutVariable = putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh (CILayoutUnknown size) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh size
+ put_ bh (CILayoutFixed size types) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh size >> put_ bh types
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> pure CILayoutVariable
+ 2 -> CILayoutUnknown <$> get bh
+ 3 -> CILayoutFixed <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh CILayout: invalid tag: " ++ show n)
+instance Binary CIStatic where
+ put_ bh (CIStaticRefs refs) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh refs
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> CIStaticRefs <$> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh CIStatic: invalid tag: " ++ show n)
+instance Binary CIType where
+ put_ bh (CIFun arity regs) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh arity >> put_ bh regs
+ put_ bh CIThunk = putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh (CICon conTag) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh conTag
+ put_ bh CIPap = putByte bh 4
+ put_ bh CIBlackhole = putByte bh 5
+ put_ bh CIStackFrame = putByte bh 6
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> CIFun <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 2 -> pure CIThunk
+ 3 -> CICon <$> get bh
+ 4 -> pure CIPap
+ 5 -> pure CIBlackhole
+ 6 -> pure CIStackFrame
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh CIType: invalid tag: " ++ show n)
+instance Binary ExportedFun where
+ put_ bh (ExportedFun modu symb) = put_ bh modu >> put_ bh symb
+ get bh = ExportedFun <$> get bh <*> get bh
+instance Binary StaticInfo where
+ put_ bh (StaticInfo ident val cc) = put_ bh ident >> put_ bh val >> put_ bh cc
+ get bh = StaticInfo <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+instance Binary StaticVal where
+ put_ bh (StaticFun f args) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh f >> put_ bh args
+ put_ bh (StaticThunk t) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh t
+ put_ bh (StaticUnboxed u) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh u
+ put_ bh (StaticData dc args) = putByte bh 4 >> put_ bh dc >> put_ bh args
+ put_ bh (StaticList xs t) = putByte bh 5 >> put_ bh xs >> put_ bh t
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> StaticFun <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 2 -> StaticThunk <$> get bh
+ 3 -> StaticUnboxed <$> get bh
+ 4 -> StaticData <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 5 -> StaticList <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh StaticVal: invalid tag " ++ show n)
+instance Binary StaticUnboxed where
+ put_ bh (StaticUnboxedBool b) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (StaticUnboxedInt i) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh i
+ put_ bh (StaticUnboxedDouble d) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh d
+ put_ bh (StaticUnboxedString str) = putByte bh 4 >> put_ bh str
+ put_ bh (StaticUnboxedStringOffset str) = putByte bh 5 >> put_ bh str
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> StaticUnboxedBool <$> get bh
+ 2 -> StaticUnboxedInt <$> get bh
+ 3 -> StaticUnboxedDouble <$> get bh
+ 4 -> StaticUnboxedString <$> get bh
+ 5 -> StaticUnboxedStringOffset <$> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh StaticUnboxed: invalid tag " ++ show n)
+instance Binary StaticArg where
+ put_ bh (StaticObjArg i) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh i
+ put_ bh (StaticLitArg p) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh p
+ put_ bh (StaticConArg c args) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh c >> put_ bh args
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> StaticObjArg <$> get bh
+ 2 -> StaticLitArg <$> get bh
+ 3 -> StaticConArg <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh StaticArg: invalid tag " ++ show n)
+instance Binary StaticLit where
+ put_ bh (BoolLit b) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (IntLit i) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh i
+ put_ bh NullLit = putByte bh 3
+ put_ bh (DoubleLit d) = putByte bh 4 >> put_ bh d
+ put_ bh (StringLit t) = putByte bh 5 >> put_ bh t
+ put_ bh (BinLit b) = putByte bh 6 >> put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (LabelLit b t) = putByte bh 7 >> put_ bh b >> put_ bh t
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
+ 1 -> BoolLit <$> get bh
+ 2 -> IntLit <$> get bh
+ 3 -> pure NullLit
+ 4 -> DoubleLit <$> get bh
+ 5 -> StringLit <$> get bh
+ 6 -> BinLit <$> get bh
+ 7 -> LabelLit <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ n -> error ("Binary get bh StaticLit: invalid tag " ++ show n)