path: root/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Profiling.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Profiling.hs')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Profiling.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Profiling.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd27604082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Profiling.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module GHC.StgToJS.Profiling
+ ( initCostCentres
+ , emitCostCentreDecl
+ , emitCostCentreStackDecl
+ , enterCostCentreFun
+ , enterCostCentreThunk
+ , setCC
+ , pushRestoreCCS
+ , jCurrentCCS
+ , jCafCCS
+ , jSystemCCS
+ , costCentreLbl
+ , costCentreStackLbl
+ , singletonCCSLbl
+ , ccsVarJ
+ -- * Predicates
+ , profiling
+ , ifProfiling
+ , ifProfilingM
+ -- * helpers
+ , profStat
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import GHC.JS.Make
+import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
+import GHC.StgToJS.Types
+import GHC.StgToJS.Symbols
+import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
+import GHC.Types.CostCentre
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Unit.Module
+import GHC.Utils.Encoding
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
+-- Initialization
+initCostCentres :: CollectedCCs -> G ()
+initCostCentres (local_CCs, singleton_CCSs) = do
+ mapM_ emitCostCentreDecl local_CCs
+ mapM_ emitCostCentreStackDecl singleton_CCSs
+emitCostCentreDecl :: CostCentre -> G ()
+emitCostCentreDecl cc = do
+ ccsLbl <- costCentreLbl cc
+ let is_caf = isCafCC cc
+ label = costCentreUserName cc
+ modl = moduleNameString $ moduleName $ cc_mod cc
+ loc = renderWithContext defaultSDocContext (ppr (costCentreSrcSpan cc))
+ js = ccsLbl ||= UOpExpr NewOp (ApplExpr (var "h$CC")
+ [ toJExpr label
+ , toJExpr modl
+ , toJExpr loc
+ , toJExpr is_caf
+ ])
+ emitGlobal js
+emitCostCentreStackDecl :: CostCentreStack -> G ()
+emitCostCentreStackDecl ccs =
+ case maybeSingletonCCS ccs of
+ Just cc -> do
+ ccsLbl <- singletonCCSLbl cc
+ ccLbl <- costCentreLbl cc
+ let js = ccsLbl ||= UOpExpr NewOp (ApplExpr (var "h$CCS") [null_, toJExpr ccLbl])
+ emitGlobal js
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "emitCostCentreStackDecl" (ppr ccs)
+-- Entering to cost-centres
+enterCostCentreFun :: CostCentreStack -> JStat
+enterCostCentreFun ccs
+ | isCurrentCCS ccs = ApplStat (var "h$enterFunCCS") [jCurrentCCS, r1 .^ "cc"]
+ | otherwise = mempty -- top-level function, nothing to do
+enterCostCentreThunk :: JStat
+enterCostCentreThunk = ApplStat (var "h$enterThunkCCS") [r1 .^ "cc"]
+setCC :: CostCentre -> Bool -> Bool -> G JStat
+setCC cc _tick True = do
+ ccI@(TxtI _ccLbl) <- costCentreLbl cc
+ addDependency $ OtherSymb (cc_mod cc)
+ (moduleGlobalSymbol $ cc_mod cc)
+ return $ jCurrentCCS |= ApplExpr (var "h$pushCostCentre") [jCurrentCCS, toJExpr ccI]
+setCC _cc _tick _push = return mempty
+pushRestoreCCS :: JStat
+pushRestoreCCS = ApplStat (var "h$pushRestoreCCS") []
+-- Some cost-centre stacks to be used in generator
+jCurrentCCS :: JExpr
+jCurrentCCS = var "h$currentThread" .^ "ccs"
+jCafCCS :: JExpr
+jCafCCS = var "h$CAF"
+jSystemCCS :: JExpr
+jSystemCCS = var "h$CCS_SYSTEM"
+-- Helpers for generating profiling related things
+profiling :: G Bool
+profiling = csProf <$> getSettings
+ifProfiling :: Monoid m => m -> G m
+ifProfiling m = do
+ prof <- profiling
+ return $ if prof then m else mempty
+ifProfilingM :: Monoid m => G m -> G m
+ifProfilingM m = do
+ prof <- profiling
+ if prof then m else return mempty
+-- | If profiling is enabled, then use input JStat, else ignore
+profStat :: StgToJSConfig -> JStat -> JStat
+profStat cfg e = if csProf cfg then e else mempty
+-- Generating cost-centre and cost-centre stack variables
+costCentreLbl' :: CostCentre -> G String
+costCentreLbl' cc = do
+ curModl <- State.gets gsModule
+ let lbl = renderWithContext defaultSDocContext
+ $ withPprStyle PprCode (ppr cc)
+ return . ("h$"++) . zEncodeString $
+ moduleNameColons (moduleName curModl) ++ "_" ++ if isCafCC cc then "CAF_ccs" else lbl
+costCentreLbl :: CostCentre -> G Ident
+costCentreLbl cc = TxtI . mkFastString <$> costCentreLbl' cc
+costCentreStackLbl' :: CostCentreStack -> G (Maybe String)
+costCentreStackLbl' ccs = do
+ ifProfilingM f
+ where
+ f | isCurrentCCS ccs = return $ Just "h$currentThread.ccs"
+ | dontCareCCS == ccs = return $ Just "h$CCS_DONT_CARE"
+ | otherwise =
+ case maybeSingletonCCS ccs of
+ Just cc -> Just <$> singletonCCSLbl' cc
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing
+costCentreStackLbl :: CostCentreStack -> G (Maybe Ident)
+costCentreStackLbl ccs = fmap (TxtI . mkFastString) <$> costCentreStackLbl' ccs
+singletonCCSLbl' :: CostCentre -> G String
+singletonCCSLbl' cc = do
+ curModl <- State.gets gsModule
+ ccLbl <- costCentreLbl' cc
+ let ccsLbl = ccLbl ++ "_ccs"
+ return . zEncodeString $ mconcat
+ [ moduleNameColons (moduleName curModl)
+ , "_"
+ , ccsLbl
+ ]
+singletonCCSLbl :: CostCentre -> G Ident
+singletonCCSLbl cc = TxtI . mkFastString <$> singletonCCSLbl' cc
+ccsVarJ :: CostCentreStack -> G (Maybe JExpr)
+ccsVarJ ccs = do
+ prof <- profiling
+ if prof
+ then fmap (ValExpr . JVar) <$> costCentreStackLbl ccs
+ else pure Nothing