path: root/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Stack.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Stack.hs')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Stack.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Stack.hs
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index 0000000000..0250837f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Stack.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : GHC.JS.Stack
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Jeffrey Young <>
+-- Luite Stegeman <>
+-- Sylvain Henry <>
+-- Josh Meredith <>
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Utilities and wrappers for Stack manipulation in JS Land.
+-- In general, functions suffixed with a tick do the actual work, functions
+-- suffixed with an "I" are identical to the non-I versions but work on 'Ident's
+-- The stack in JS land is held in the special JS array 'h$stack' and the stack
+-- pointer is held in 'h$sp'. The top of the stack thus exists at
+-- 'h$stack[h$sp]'. h$stack[h$sp + i] where i > 0, moves deeper into the stack
+-- into older entries, whereas h$stack[h$sp - i] moves towards the top of the
+-- stack.
+-- The stack layout algorithm is slightly peculiar. It makes an effort to
+-- remember recently popped things so that if these values need to be pushed
+-- then they can be quickly. The implementation for this is storing these values
+-- above the stack pointer, and the pushing will skip slots that we know we will
+-- use and fill in slots marked as unknown. Thus, you may find that our push and
+-- pop functions do some non-traditional stack manipulation such as adding slots
+-- in pop or removing slots in push.
+module GHC.StgToJS.Stack
+ ( resetSlots
+ , isolateSlots
+ , setSlots
+ , getSlots
+ , addSlots
+ , dropSlots
+ , addUnknownSlots
+ , push
+ , push'
+ , adjSpN
+ , adjSpN'
+ , adjSp'
+ , adjSp
+ , pushNN
+ , pushNN'
+ , pushN'
+ , pushN
+ , pushOptimized'
+ , pushOptimized
+ , pushLneFrame
+ , popN
+ , popSkip
+ , popSkipI
+ , loadSkip
+ -- * Thunk update
+ , updateThunk
+ , updateThunk'
+ , bhStats
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import GHC.JS.Make
+import GHC.StgToJS.Types
+import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
+import GHC.StgToJS.ExprCtx
+import GHC.StgToJS.Heap
+import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
+import Data.Array
+import Data.Monoid
+import Control.Monad
+-- | Run the action, 'm', with no stack info
+resetSlots :: G a -> G a
+resetSlots m = do
+ s <- getSlots
+ d <- getStackDepth
+ setSlots []
+ a <- m
+ setSlots s
+ setStackDepth d
+ return a
+-- | run the action, 'm', with current stack info, but don't let modifications
+-- propagate
+isolateSlots :: G a -> G a
+isolateSlots m = do
+ s <- getSlots
+ d <- getStackDepth
+ a <- m
+ setSlots s
+ setStackDepth d
+ pure a
+-- | Set stack depth
+setStackDepth :: Int -> G ()
+setStackDepth d = modifyGroup (\s -> s { ggsStackDepth = d})
+-- | Get stack depth
+getStackDepth :: G Int
+getStackDepth = State.gets (ggsStackDepth . gsGroup)
+-- | Modify stack depth
+modifyStackDepth :: (Int -> Int) -> G ()
+modifyStackDepth f = modifyGroup (\s -> s { ggsStackDepth = f (ggsStackDepth s) })
+-- | overwrite our stack knowledge
+setSlots :: [StackSlot] -> G ()
+setSlots xs = modifyGroup (\g -> g { ggsStack = xs})
+-- | retrieve our current stack knowledge
+getSlots :: G [StackSlot]
+getSlots = State.gets (ggsStack . gsGroup)
+-- | Modify stack slots
+modifySlots :: ([StackSlot] -> [StackSlot]) -> G ()
+modifySlots f = modifyGroup (\g -> g { ggsStack = f (ggsStack g)})
+-- | add `n` unknown slots to our stack knowledge
+addUnknownSlots :: Int -> G ()
+addUnknownSlots n = addSlots (replicate n SlotUnknown)
+-- | add knowledge about the stack slots
+addSlots :: [StackSlot] -> G ()
+addSlots xs = do
+ s <- getSlots
+ setSlots (xs ++ s)
+-- | drop 'n' slots from our stack knowledge
+dropSlots :: Int -> G ()
+dropSlots n = modifySlots (drop n)
+push :: [JExpr] -> G JStat
+push xs = do
+ dropSlots (length xs)
+ modifyStackDepth (+ (length xs))
+ flip push' xs <$> getSettings
+push' :: StgToJSConfig -> [JExpr] -> JStat
+push' _ [] = mempty
+push' cs xs
+ | csInlinePush cs || l > 32 || l < 2 = adjSp' l <> mconcat items
+ | otherwise = ApplStat (toJExpr $ pushN ! l) xs
+ where
+ items = zipWith f [(1::Int)..] xs
+ offset i | i == l = sp
+ | otherwise = InfixExpr SubOp sp (toJExpr (l - i))
+ l = length xs
+ f i e = AssignStat ((IdxExpr stack) (toJExpr (offset i))) (toJExpr e)
+-- | Grow the stack pointer by 'n' without modifying the stack depth. The stack
+-- is just a JS array so we add to grow (instead of the traditional subtract)
+adjSp' :: Int -> JStat
+adjSp' 0 = mempty
+adjSp' n = sp |= InfixExpr AddOp sp (toJExpr n)
+-- | Shrink the stack pointer by 'n'. The stack grows downward so substract
+adjSpN' :: Int -> JStat
+adjSpN' 0 = mempty
+adjSpN' n = sp |= InfixExpr SubOp sp (toJExpr n)
+-- | Wrapper which adjusts the stack pointer /and/ modifies the stack depth
+-- tracked in 'G'. See also 'adjSp'' which actually does the stack pointer
+-- manipulation.
+adjSp :: Int -> G JStat
+adjSp 0 = return mempty
+adjSp n = do
+ -- grow depth by n
+ modifyStackDepth (+n)
+ return (adjSp' n)
+-- | Shrink the stack and stack pointer. NB: This function is unsafe when the
+-- input 'n', is negative. This function wraps around 'adjSpN' which actually
+-- performs the work.
+adjSpN :: Int -> G JStat
+adjSpN 0 = return mempty
+adjSpN n = do
+ modifyStackDepth (\x -> x - n)
+ return (adjSpN' n)
+-- | A constant array that holds global function symbols which do N pushes onto
+-- the stack. For example:
+-- @
+-- function h$p1(x1) {
+-- ++h$sp;
+-- h$stack[(h$sp - 0)] = x1;
+-- };
+-- function h$p2(x1, x2) {
+-- h$sp += 2;
+-- h$stack[(h$sp - 1)] = x1;
+-- h$stack[(h$sp - 0)] = x2;
+-- };
+-- @
+-- and so on up to 32.
+pushN :: Array Int Ident
+pushN = listArray (1,32) $ map (TxtI . mkFastString . ("h$p"++) . show) [(1::Int)..32]
+-- | Convert all function symbols in 'pushN' to global top-level functions. This
+-- is a hack which converts the function symbols to variables. This hack is
+-- caught in 'GHC.StgToJS.Printer.prettyBlock'' to turn these into global
+-- functions.
+pushN' :: Array Int JExpr
+pushN' = fmap (ValExpr . JVar) pushN
+-- | Partial Push functions. Like 'pushN' except these push functions skip
+-- slots. For example,
+-- @
+-- function h$pp33(x1, x2) {
+-- h$sp += 6;
+-- h$stack[(h$sp - 5)] = x1;
+-- h$stack[(h$sp - 0)] = x2;
+-- };
+-- @
+-- The 33rd entry skips slots 1-4 to bind the top of the stack and the 6th
+-- slot. See 'pushOptimized' and 'pushOptimized'' for use cases.
+pushNN :: Array Integer Ident
+pushNN = listArray (1,255) $ map (TxtI . mkFastString . ("h$pp"++) . show) [(1::Int)..255]
+-- | Like 'pushN'' but for the partial push functions
+pushNN' :: Array Integer JExpr
+pushNN' = fmap (ValExpr . JVar) pushNN
+pushOptimized' :: [(Id,Int)] -> G JStat
+pushOptimized' xs = do
+ slots <- getSlots
+ pushOptimized =<< (zipWithM f xs (slots++repeat SlotUnknown))
+ where
+ f (i1,n1) xs2 = do
+ xs <- varsForId i1
+ let !id_n1 = xs !! (n1-1)
+ case xs2 of
+ SlotId i2 n2 -> pure (id_n1,i1==i2&&n1==n2)
+ _ -> pure (id_n1,False)
+-- | optimized push that reuses existing values on stack automatically chooses
+-- an optimized partial push (h$ppN) function when possible.
+pushOptimized :: [(JExpr,Bool)] -- ^ contents of the slots, True if same value is already there
+ -> G JStat
+pushOptimized [] = return mempty
+pushOptimized xs = do
+ dropSlots l
+ modifyStackDepth (+ length xs)
+ go . csInlinePush <$> getSettings
+ where
+ go True = inlinePush
+ go _
+ | all snd xs = adjSp' l
+ | all (not.snd) xs && l <= 32 =
+ ApplStat (pushN' ! l) (map fst xs)
+ | l <= 8 && not (snd $ last xs) =
+ ApplStat (pushNN' ! sig) [ e | (e,False) <- xs ]
+ | otherwise = inlinePush
+ l = length xs
+ sig :: Integer
+ sig = L.foldl1' (Bits..|.) $ zipWith (\(_e,b) i -> if not b then Bits.bit i else 0) xs [0..]
+ inlinePush = adjSp' l <> mconcat (zipWith pushSlot [1..] xs)
+ pushSlot i (ex, False) = IdxExpr stack (offset i) |= ex
+ pushSlot _ _ = mempty
+ offset i | i == l = sp
+ | otherwise = InfixExpr SubOp sp (toJExpr (l - i))
+-- | push a let-no-escape frame onto the stack
+pushLneFrame :: HasDebugCallStack => Int -> ExprCtx -> G JStat
+pushLneFrame size ctx =
+ let ctx' = ctxLneShrinkStack ctx size
+ in pushOptimized' (ctxLneFrameVars ctx')
+-- | Pop things, don't update the stack knowledge in 'G'
+popSkip :: Int -- ^ number of slots to skip
+ -> [JExpr] -- ^ assign stack slot values to these
+ -> JStat
+popSkip 0 [] = mempty
+popSkip n [] = adjSpN' n
+popSkip n tgt = loadSkip n tgt <> adjSpN' (length tgt + n)
+-- | Load 'length (xs :: [JExpr])' things from the stack at offset 'n :: Int'.
+-- This function does no stack pointer manipulation, it merely indexes into the
+-- stack and loads payloads into 'xs'.
+loadSkip :: Int -> [JExpr] -> JStat
+loadSkip = loadSkipFrom sp
+ where
+ loadSkipFrom :: JExpr -> Int -> [JExpr] -> JStat
+ loadSkipFrom fr n xs = mconcat items
+ where
+ items = reverse $ zipWith f [(0::Int)..] (reverse xs)
+ -- helper to generate sp - n offset to index with
+ offset 0 = fr
+ offset n = InfixExpr SubOp fr (toJExpr n)
+ -- helper to load stack .! i into ex, e.g., ex = stack[i]
+ f i ex = ex |= IdxExpr stack (toJExpr (offset (i+n)))
+-- | Pop but preserve the first N slots
+popSkipI :: Int -> [(Ident,StackSlot)] -> G JStat
+popSkipI 0 [] = pure mempty
+popSkipI n [] = popN n
+popSkipI n xs = do
+ -- add N unknown slots
+ addUnknownSlots n
+ -- now add the slots from xs, after this line the stack should look like
+ -- [xs] ++ [Unknown...] ++ old_stack
+ addSlots (map snd xs)
+ -- move stack pointer into the stack by (length xs + n), basically resetting
+ -- the stack pointer
+ a <- adjSpN (length xs + n)
+ -- now load skipping first N slots
+ return (loadSkipI n (map fst xs) <> a)
+-- | Just like 'loadSkip' but operate on 'Ident's rather than 'JExpr'
+loadSkipI :: Int -> [Ident] -> JStat
+loadSkipI = loadSkipIFrom sp
+ where loadSkipIFrom :: JExpr -> Int -> [Ident] -> JStat
+ loadSkipIFrom fr n xs = mconcat items
+ where
+ items = reverse $ zipWith f [(0::Int)..] (reverse xs)
+ offset 0 = fr
+ offset n = InfixExpr SubOp fr (toJExpr n)
+ f i ex = ex ||= IdxExpr stack (toJExpr (offset (i+n)))
+-- | Blindly pop N slots
+popN :: Int -> G JStat
+popN n = addUnknownSlots n >> adjSpN n
+-- | Generate statements to update the current node with a blackhole
+bhStats :: StgToJSConfig -> Bool -> JStat
+bhStats s pushUpd = mconcat
+ [ if pushUpd then push' s [r1, var "h$upd_frame"] else mempty
+ , toJExpr R1 .^ closureEntry_ |= var "h$blackhole"
+ , toJExpr R1 .^ closureField1_ |= var "h$currentThread"
+ , toJExpr R1 .^ closureField2_ |= null_ -- will be filled with waiters array
+ ]
+-- | Wrapper around 'updateThunk'', performs the stack manipulation before
+-- updating the Thunk.
+updateThunk :: G JStat
+updateThunk = do
+ settings <- getSettings
+ -- update frame size
+ let adjPushStack :: Int -> G ()
+ adjPushStack n = do modifyStackDepth (+n)
+ dropSlots n
+ adjPushStack 2
+ return $ (updateThunk' settings)
+-- | Update a thunk by checking 'StgToJSConfig'. If the config inlines black
+-- holes then update inline, else make an explicit call to the black hole
+-- handler.
+updateThunk' :: StgToJSConfig -> JStat
+updateThunk' settings =
+ if csInlineBlackhole settings
+ then bhStats settings True
+ else ApplStat (var "h$bh") []