path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Functor.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Functor.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Functor.hs
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index 0000000000..d727d7bb98
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+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Functor.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2011
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+-- | The deriving code for the Functor, Foldable, and Traversable classes
+module GHC.Tc.Deriv.Functor
+ ( FFoldType(..)
+ , functorLikeTraverse
+ , deepSubtypesContaining
+ , foldDataConArgs
+ , gen_Functor_binds
+ , gen_Foldable_binds
+ , gen_Traversable_binds
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import Bag
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import FastString
+import GHC.Hs
+import Outputable
+import PrelNames
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import State
+import GHC.Tc.Deriv.Generate
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import Util
+import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Types.Id.Make (coerceId)
+import TysWiredIn (true_RDR, false_RDR)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust)
+* *
+ Functor instances
+ see
+* *
+For the data type:
+ data T a = T1 Int a | T2 (T a)
+We generate the instance:
+ instance Functor T where
+ fmap f (T1 b1 a) = T1 b1 (f a)
+ fmap f (T2 ta) = T2 (fmap f ta)
+Notice that we don't simply apply 'fmap' to the constructor arguments.
+ - Do nothing to an argument whose type doesn't mention 'a'
+ - Apply 'f' to an argument of type 'a'
+ - Apply 'fmap f' to other arguments
+That's why we have to recurse deeply into the constructor argument types,
+rather than just one level, as we typically do.
+What about types with more than one type parameter? In general, we only
+derive Functor for the last position:
+ data S a b = S1 [b] | S2 (a, T a b)
+ instance Functor (S a) where
+ fmap f (S1 bs) = S1 (fmap f bs)
+ fmap f (S2 (p,q)) = S2 (a, fmap f q)
+However, we have special cases for
+ - tuples
+ - functions
+More formally, we write the derivation of fmap code over type variable
+'a for type 'b as ($fmap 'a 'b x). In this general notation the derived
+instance for T is:
+ instance Functor T where
+ fmap f (T1 x1 x2) = T1 ($(fmap 'a 'b1) x1) ($(fmap 'a 'a) x2)
+ fmap f (T2 x1) = T2 ($(fmap 'a '(T a)) x1)
+ $(fmap 'a 'b x) = x -- when b does not contain a
+ $(fmap 'a 'a x) = f x
+ $(fmap 'a '(b1,b2) x) = case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(fmap 'a 'b1 x1), $(fmap 'a 'b2 x2))
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 a) x) = fmap f x -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(fmap 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+ $(fmap 'a '(tb -> tc) x) = \(y:tb[b/a]) -> $(fmap 'a' 'tc' (x $(cofmap 'a 'tb y)))
+For functions, the type parameter 'a can occur in a contravariant position,
+which means we need to derive a function like:
+ cofmap :: (a -> b) -> (f b -> f a)
+This is pretty much the same as $fmap, only without the $(cofmap 'a 'a x) and
+$(cofmap 'a '(T b1 a) x) cases:
+ $(cofmap 'a 'b x) = x -- when b does not contain a
+ $(cofmap 'a 'a x) = error "type variable in contravariant position"
+ $(cofmap 'a '(b1,b2) x) = case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(cofmap 'a 'b1) x1, $(cofmap 'a 'b2) x2)
+ $(cofmap 'a '(T b1 a) x) = error "type variable in contravariant position" -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(cofmap 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(cofmap 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+ $(cofmap 'a '(tb -> tc) x) = \(y:tb[b/a]) -> $(cofmap 'a' 'tc' (x $(fmap 'a 'tb y)))
+Note that the code produced by $(fmap _ _ _) is always a higher order function,
+with type `(a -> b) -> (g a -> g b)` for some g.
+Note that there are two distinct cases in $fmap (and $cofmap) that match on an
+application of some type constructor T (where T is not a tuple type
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 a) x) = fmap f x -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(fmap 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+While the latter case technically subsumes the former case, it is important to
+give special treatment to the former case to avoid unnecessary eta expansion.
+See Note [Avoid unnecessary eta expansion in derived fmap implementations].
+We also generate code for (<$) in addition to fmap—see Note [Deriving <$] for
+an explanation of why this is important. Just like $fmap/$cofmap above, there
+is a similar algorithm for generating `p <$ x` (for some constant `p`):
+ $(replace 'a 'b x) = x -- when b does not contain a
+ $(replace 'a 'a x) = p
+ $(replace 'a '(b1,b2) x) = case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(replace 'a 'b1 x1), $(replace 'a 'b2 x2))
+ $(replace 'a '(T b1 a) x) = p <$ x -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(replace 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(replace 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+ $(replace 'a '(tb -> tc) x) = \(y:tb[b/a]) -> $(replace 'a' 'tc' (x $(coreplace 'a 'tb y)))
+ $(coreplace 'a 'b x) = x -- when b does not contain a
+ $(coreplace 'a 'a x) = error "type variable in contravariant position"
+ $(coreplace 'a '(b1,b2) x) = case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(coreplace 'a 'b1 x1), $(coreplace 'a 'b2 x2))
+ $(coreplace 'a '(T b1 a) x) = error "type variable in contravariant position" -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(coreplace 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(coreplace 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+ $(coreplace 'a '(tb -> tc) x) = \(y:tb[b/a]) -> $(coreplace 'a' 'tc' (x $(replace 'a 'tb y)))
+gen_Functor_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+-- When the argument is phantom, we can use fmap _ = coerce
+-- See Note [Phantom types with Functor, Foldable, and Traversable]
+gen_Functor_binds loc tycon
+ | Phantom <- last (tyConRoles tycon)
+ = (unitBag fmap_bind, emptyBag)
+ where
+ fmap_name = L loc fmap_RDR
+ fmap_bind = mkRdrFunBind fmap_name fmap_eqns
+ fmap_eqns = [mkSimpleMatch fmap_match_ctxt
+ [nlWildPat]
+ coerce_Expr]
+ fmap_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs fmap_name
+gen_Functor_binds loc tycon
+ = (listToBag [fmap_bind, replace_bind], emptyBag)
+ where
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ fmap_name = L loc fmap_RDR
+ -- See Note [EmptyDataDecls with Functor, Foldable, and Traversable]
+ fmap_bind = mkRdrFunBindEC 2 id fmap_name fmap_eqns
+ fmap_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs fmap_name
+ fmap_eqn con = flip evalState bs_RDRs $
+ match_for_con fmap_match_ctxt [f_Pat] con parts
+ where
+ parts = foldDataConArgs ft_fmap con
+ fmap_eqns = map fmap_eqn data_cons
+ ft_fmap :: FFoldType (LHsExpr GhcPs -> State [RdrName] (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ ft_fmap = FT { ft_triv = \x -> pure x
+ -- fmap f x = x
+ , ft_var = \x -> pure $ nlHsApp f_Expr x
+ -- fmap f x = f x
+ , ft_fun = \g h x -> mkSimpleLam $ \b -> do
+ gg <- g b
+ h $ nlHsApp x gg
+ -- fmap f x = \b -> h (x (g b))
+ , ft_tup = mkSimpleTupleCase (match_for_con CaseAlt)
+ -- fmap f x = case x of (a1,a2,..) -> (g1 a1,g2 a2,..)
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ arg_ty g x ->
+ -- If the argument type is a bare occurrence of the
+ -- data type's last type variable, then we can generate
+ -- more efficient code.
+ -- See Note [Avoid unnecessary eta expansion in derived fmap implementations]
+ if tcIsTyVarTy arg_ty
+ then pure $ nlHsApps fmap_RDR [f_Expr,x]
+ else do gg <- mkSimpleLam g
+ pure $ nlHsApps fmap_RDR [gg,x]
+ -- fmap f x = fmap g x
+ , ft_forall = \_ g x -> g x
+ , ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_fmap"
+ , ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in ft_fmap" }
+ -- See Note [Deriving <$]
+ replace_name = L loc replace_RDR
+ -- See Note [EmptyDataDecls with Functor, Foldable, and Traversable]
+ replace_bind = mkRdrFunBindEC 2 id replace_name replace_eqns
+ replace_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs replace_name
+ replace_eqn con = flip evalState bs_RDRs $
+ match_for_con replace_match_ctxt [z_Pat] con parts
+ where
+ parts = foldDataConArgs ft_replace con
+ replace_eqns = map replace_eqn data_cons
+ ft_replace :: FFoldType (LHsExpr GhcPs -> State [RdrName] (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ ft_replace = FT { ft_triv = \x -> pure x
+ -- p <$ x = x
+ , ft_var = \_ -> pure z_Expr
+ -- p <$ _ = p
+ , ft_fun = \g h x -> mkSimpleLam $ \b -> do
+ gg <- g b
+ h $ nlHsApp x gg
+ -- p <$ x = \b -> h (x (g b))
+ , ft_tup = mkSimpleTupleCase (match_for_con CaseAlt)
+ -- p <$ x = case x of (a1,a2,..) -> (g1 a1,g2 a2,..)
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ arg_ty g x ->
+ -- If the argument type is a bare occurrence of the
+ -- data type's last type variable, then we can generate
+ -- more efficient code.
+ -- See [Deriving <$]
+ if tcIsTyVarTy arg_ty
+ then pure $ nlHsApps replace_RDR [z_Expr,x]
+ else do gg <- mkSimpleLam g
+ pure $ nlHsApps fmap_RDR [gg,x]
+ -- p <$ x = fmap (p <$) x
+ , ft_forall = \_ g x -> g x
+ , ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_replace"
+ , ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in ft_replace" }
+ -- Con a1 a2 ... -> Con (f1 a1) (f2 a2) ...
+ match_for_con :: Monad m
+ => HsMatchContext GhcPs
+ -> [LPat GhcPs] -> DataCon
+ -> [LHsExpr GhcPs -> m (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ match_for_con ctxt = mkSimpleConMatch ctxt $
+ \con_name xsM -> do xs <- sequence xsM
+ pure $ nlHsApps con_name xs -- Con x1 x2 ..
+Note [Avoid unnecessary eta expansion in derived fmap implementations]
+For the sake of simplicity, the algorithm that derived implementations of
+fmap used to have a single case that dealt with applications of some type
+constructor T (where T is not a tuple type constructor):
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(fmap 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+This generated less than optimal code in certain situations, however. Consider
+this example:
+ data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) deriving Functor
+This would generate the following Functor instance:
+ instance Functor List where
+ fmap f Nil = Nil
+ fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap (\y -> f y) xs)
+The code `fmap (\y -> f y) xs` is peculiar, since it eta expands an application
+of `f`. What's worse, this eta expansion actually degrades performance! To see
+why, we can trace an invocation of fmap on a small List:
+ fmap id $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 Nil
+ Cons (id 0) $ fmap (\y -> id y)
+ $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 Nil
+ Cons (id 0) $ Cons ((\y -> id y) 0)
+ $ fmap (\y' -> (\y -> id y) y')
+ $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 Nil
+ Cons (id 0) $ Cons ((\y -> id y) 0)
+ $ Cons ((\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') 0)
+ $ fmap (\y'' -> (\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') y'')
+ $ Cons 0 Nil
+ Cons (id 0) $ Cons ((\y -> id y) 0)
+ $ Cons ((\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') 0)
+ $ Cons ((\y'' -> (\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') y'') 0)
+ $ fmap (\y''' -> (\y'' -> (\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') y'') y''')
+ $ Nil
+ Cons (id 0) $ Cons ((\y -> id y) 0)
+ $ Cons ((\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') 0)
+ $ Cons ((\y'' -> (\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') y'') 0)
+ $ Nil
+Notice how the number of lambdas—and hence, the number of closures—one
+needs to evaluate grows very quickly. In general, a List with N cons cells will
+require (1 + 2 + ... (N-1)) beta reductions, which takes O(N^2) time! This is
+what caused the performance issues observed in #7436.
+But hold on a second: shouldn't GHC's optimizer be able to eta reduce
+`\y -> f y` to `f` and avoid these beta reductions? Unfortunately, this is not
+the case. In general, eta reduction can change the semantics of a program. For
+instance, (\x -> ⊥) `seq` () converges, but ⊥ `seq` () diverges. It just so
+happens that the fmap implementation above would have the same semantics
+regardless of whether or not `\y -> f y` or `f` is used, but GHC's optimizer is
+not yet smart enough to realize this (see #17881).
+To avoid this quadratic blowup, we add a special case to $fmap that applies
+`fmap f` directly:
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 a) x) = fmap f x -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(fmap 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+With this modified algorithm, the derived Functor List instance becomes:
+ instance Functor List where
+ fmap f Nil = Nil
+ fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap f xs)
+No lambdas in sight, just the way we like it.
+This special case does not prevent all sources quadratic closure buildup,
+however. In this example:
+ data PolyList a = PLNil | PLCons a (PolyList (PolyList a))
+ deriving Functor
+We would derive the following code:
+ instance Functor PolyList where
+ fmap f PLNil = PLNil
+ fmap f (PLCons x xs) = PLCons (f x) (fmap (\y -> fmap f y) xs)
+The use of `fmap (\y -> fmap f y) xs` builds up closures in much the same way
+as `fmap (\y -> f y) xs`. The difference here is that even if we eta reduced
+to `fmap (fmap f) xs`, GHC would /still/ build up a closure, since we are
+recursively invoking fmap with a different argument (fmap f). Since we end up
+paying the price of building a closure either way, we do not extend the special
+case in $fmap any further, since it wouldn't buy us anything.
+The ft_ty_app field of FFoldType distinguishes between these two $fmap cases by
+inspecting the argument type. If the argument type is a bare type variable,
+then we can conclude the type variable /must/ be the same as the data type's
+last type parameter. We know that this must be the case since there is an
+invariant that the argument type in ft_ty_app will always contain the last
+type parameter somewhere (see Note [FFoldType and functorLikeTraverse]), so
+if the argument type is a bare variable, then that must be exactly the last
+type parameter.
+Note that the ft_ty_app case of ft_replace (which derives implementations of
+(<$)) also inspects the argument type to generate more efficient code.
+See Note [Deriving <$].
+Note [Deriving <$]
+We derive the definition of <$. Allowing this to take the default definition
+can lead to memory leaks: mapping over a structure with a constant function can
+fill the result structure with trivial thunks that retain the values from the
+original structure. The simplifier seems to handle this all right for simple
+types, but not for recursive ones. Consider
+data Tree a = Bin !(Tree a) a !(Tree a) | Tip deriving Functor
+-- fmap _ Tip = Tip
+-- fmap f (Bin l v r) = Bin (fmap f l) (f v) (fmap f r)
+Using the default definition of <$, we get (<$) x = fmap (\_ -> x) and that
+simplifies no further. Why is that? `fmap` is defined recursively, so GHC
+cannot inline it. The static argument transformation would turn the definition
+into a non-recursive one
+-- fmap f = go where
+-- go Tip = Tip
+-- go (Bin l v r) = Bin (go l) (f v) (go r)
+which GHC could inline, producing an efficient definion of `<$`. But there are
+several problems. First, GHC does not perform the static argument transformation
+by default, even with -O2. Second, even when it does perform the static argument
+transformation, it does so only when there are at least two static arguments,
+which is not the case for fmap. Finally, when the type in question is
+non-regular, such as
+data Nesty a = Z a | S (Nesty a) (Nest (a, a))
+the function argument is no longer (entirely) static, so the static argument
+transformation will do nothing for us.
+Applying the default definition of `<$` will produce a tree full of thunks that
+look like ((\_ -> x) x0), which represents unnecessary thunk allocation and
+also retention of the previous value, potentially leaking memory. Instead, we
+derive <$ separately. Two aspects are different from fmap: the case of the
+sought type variable (ft_var) and the case of a type application (ft_ty_app).
+The interesting one is ft_ty_app. We have to distinguish two cases: the
+"immediate" case where the type argument *is* the sought type variable, and
+the "nested" case where the type argument *contains* the sought type variable.
+The immediate case:
+Suppose we have
+data Imm a = Imm (F ... a)
+Then we want to define
+x <$ Imm q = Imm (x <$ q)
+The nested case:
+Suppose we have
+data Nes a = Nes (F ... (G a))
+Then we want to define
+x <$ Nes q = Nes (fmap (x <$) q)
+We inspect the argument type in ft_ty_app
+(see Note [FFoldType and functorLikeTraverse]) to distinguish between these
+two cases. If the argument type is a bare type variable, then we know that it
+must be the same variable as the data type's last type parameter.
+This is very similar to a trick that derived fmap implementations
+use in their own ft_ty_app case.
+See Note [Avoid unnecessary eta expansion in derived fmap implementations],
+which explains why checking if the argument type is a bare variable is
+the right thing to do.
+We could, but do not, give tuples special treatment to improve efficiency
+in some cases. Suppose we have
+data Nest a = Z a | S (Nest (a,a))
+The optimal definition would be
+x <$ Z _ = Z x
+x <$ S t = S ((x, x) <$ t)
+which produces a result with maximal internal sharing. The reason we do not
+attempt to treat this case specially is that we have no way to give
+user-provided tuple-like types similar treatment. If the user changed the
+definition to
+data Pair a = Pair a a
+data Nest a = Z a | S (Nest (Pair a))
+they would experience a surprising degradation in performance. -}
+Utility functions related to Functor deriving.
+Since several things use the same pattern of traversal, this is abstracted into functorLikeTraverse.
+This function works like a fold: it makes a value of type 'a' in a bottom up way.
+-- Generic traversal for Functor deriving
+-- See Note [FFoldType and functorLikeTraverse]
+data FFoldType a -- Describes how to fold over a Type in a functor like way
+ = FT { ft_triv :: a
+ -- ^ Does not contain variable
+ , ft_var :: a
+ -- ^ The variable itself
+ , ft_co_var :: a
+ -- ^ The variable itself, contravariantly
+ , ft_fun :: a -> a -> a
+ -- ^ Function type
+ , ft_tup :: TyCon -> [a] -> a
+ -- ^ Tuple type. The @[a]@ is the result of folding over the
+ -- arguments of the tuple.
+ , ft_ty_app :: Type -> Type -> a -> a
+ -- ^ Type app, variable only in last argument. The two 'Type's are
+ -- the function and argument parts of @fun_ty arg_ty@,
+ -- respectively.
+ , ft_bad_app :: a
+ -- ^ Type app, variable other than in last argument
+ , ft_forall :: TcTyVar -> a -> a
+ -- ^ Forall type
+ }
+functorLikeTraverse :: forall a.
+ TyVar -- ^ Variable to look for
+ -> FFoldType a -- ^ How to fold
+ -> Type -- ^ Type to process
+ -> a
+functorLikeTraverse var (FT { ft_triv = caseTrivial, ft_var = caseVar
+ , ft_co_var = caseCoVar, ft_fun = caseFun
+ , ft_tup = caseTuple, ft_ty_app = caseTyApp
+ , ft_bad_app = caseWrongArg, ft_forall = caseForAll })
+ ty
+ = fst (go False ty)
+ where
+ go :: Bool -- Covariant or contravariant context
+ -> Type
+ -> (a, Bool) -- (result of type a, does type contain var)
+ go co ty | Just ty' <- tcView ty = go co ty'
+ go co (TyVarTy v) | v == var = (if co then caseCoVar else caseVar,True)
+ go co (FunTy { ft_arg = x, ft_res = y, ft_af = af })
+ | InvisArg <- af = go co y
+ | xc || yc = (caseFun xr yr,True)
+ where (xr,xc) = go (not co) x
+ (yr,yc) = go co y
+ go co (AppTy x y) | xc = (caseWrongArg, True)
+ | yc = (caseTyApp x y yr, True)
+ where (_, xc) = go co x
+ (yr,yc) = go co y
+ go co ty@(TyConApp con args)
+ | not (or xcs) = (caseTrivial, False) -- Variable does not occur
+ -- At this point we know that xrs, xcs is not empty,
+ -- and at least one xr is True
+ | isTupleTyCon con = (caseTuple con xrs, True)
+ | or (init xcs) = (caseWrongArg, True) -- T (..var..) ty
+ | Just (fun_ty, arg_ty) <- splitAppTy_maybe ty -- T ( var..) ty
+ = (caseTyApp fun_ty arg_ty (last xrs), True)
+ | otherwise = (caseWrongArg, True) -- Non-decomposable (eg type function)
+ where
+ -- When folding over an unboxed tuple, we must explicitly drop the
+ -- runtime rep arguments, or else GHC will generate twice as many
+ -- variables in a unboxed tuple pattern match and expression as it
+ -- actually needs. See #12399
+ (xrs,xcs) = unzip (map (go co) (dropRuntimeRepArgs args))
+ go co (ForAllTy (Bndr v vis) x)
+ | isVisibleArgFlag vis = panic "unexpected visible binder"
+ | v /= var && xc = (caseForAll v xr,True)
+ where (xr,xc) = go co x
+ go _ _ = (caseTrivial,False)
+-- Return all syntactic subterms of ty that contain var somewhere
+-- These are the things that should appear in instance constraints
+deepSubtypesContaining :: TyVar -> Type -> [TcType]
+deepSubtypesContaining tv
+ = functorLikeTraverse tv
+ (FT { ft_triv = []
+ , ft_var = []
+ , ft_fun = (++)
+ , ft_tup = \_ xs -> concat xs
+ , ft_ty_app = \t _ ts -> t:ts
+ , ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in deepSubtypesContaining"
+ , ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in deepSubtypesContaining"
+ , ft_forall = \v xs -> filterOut ((v `elemVarSet`) . tyCoVarsOfType) xs })
+foldDataConArgs :: FFoldType a -> DataCon -> [a]
+-- Fold over the arguments of the datacon
+foldDataConArgs ft con
+ = map foldArg (dataConOrigArgTys con)
+ where
+ foldArg
+ = case getTyVar_maybe (last (tyConAppArgs (dataConOrigResTy con))) of
+ Just tv -> functorLikeTraverse tv ft
+ Nothing -> const (ft_triv ft)
+ -- If we are deriving Foldable for a GADT, there is a chance that the last
+ -- type variable in the data type isn't actually a type variable at all.
+ -- (for example, this can happen if the last type variable is refined to
+ -- be a concrete type such as Int). If the last type variable is refined
+ -- to be a specific type, then getTyVar_maybe will return Nothing.
+ -- See Note [DeriveFoldable with ExistentialQuantification]
+ --
+ -- The kind checks have ensured the last type parameter is of kind *.
+-- Make a HsLam using a fresh variable from a State monad
+mkSimpleLam :: (LHsExpr GhcPs -> State [RdrName] (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ -> State [RdrName] (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+-- (mkSimpleLam fn) returns (\x. fn(x))
+mkSimpleLam lam =
+ get >>= \case
+ n:names -> do
+ put names
+ body <- lam (nlHsVar n)
+ return (mkHsLam [nlVarPat n] body)
+ _ -> panic "mkSimpleLam"
+mkSimpleLam2 :: (LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> State [RdrName] (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ -> State [RdrName] (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+mkSimpleLam2 lam =
+ get >>= \case
+ n1:n2:names -> do
+ put names
+ body <- lam (nlHsVar n1) (nlHsVar n2)
+ return (mkHsLam [nlVarPat n1,nlVarPat n2] body)
+ _ -> panic "mkSimpleLam2"
+-- "Con a1 a2 a3 -> fold [x1 a1, x2 a2, x3 a3]"
+-- @mkSimpleConMatch fold extra_pats con insides@ produces a match clause in
+-- which the LHS pattern-matches on @extra_pats@, followed by a match on the
+-- constructor @con@ and its arguments. The RHS folds (with @fold@) over @con@
+-- and its arguments, applying an expression (from @insides@) to each of the
+-- respective arguments of @con@.
+mkSimpleConMatch :: Monad m => HsMatchContext GhcPs
+ -> (RdrName -> [a] -> m (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ -> [LPat GhcPs]
+ -> DataCon
+ -> [LHsExpr GhcPs -> a]
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+mkSimpleConMatch ctxt fold extra_pats con insides = do
+ let con_name = getRdrName con
+ let vars_needed = takeList insides as_RDRs
+ let bare_pat = nlConVarPat con_name vars_needed
+ let pat = if null vars_needed
+ then bare_pat
+ else nlParPat bare_pat
+ rhs <- fold con_name
+ (zipWith (\i v -> i $ nlHsVar v) insides vars_needed)
+ return $ mkMatch ctxt (extra_pats ++ [pat]) rhs
+ (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
+-- "Con a1 a2 a3 -> fmap (\b2 -> Con a1 b2 a3) (traverse f a2)"
+-- @mkSimpleConMatch2 fold extra_pats con insides@ behaves very similarly to
+-- 'mkSimpleConMatch', with two key differences:
+-- 1. @insides@ is a @[Maybe (LHsExpr RdrName)]@ instead of a
+-- @[LHsExpr RdrName]@. This is because it filters out the expressions
+-- corresponding to arguments whose types do not mention the last type
+-- variable in a derived 'Foldable' or 'Traversable' instance (i.e., the
+-- 'Nothing' elements of @insides@).
+-- 2. @fold@ takes an expression as its first argument instead of a
+-- constructor name. This is because it uses a specialized
+-- constructor function expression that only takes as many parameters as
+-- there are argument types that mention the last type variable.
+-- See Note [Generated code for DeriveFoldable and DeriveTraversable]
+mkSimpleConMatch2 :: Monad m
+ => HsMatchContext GhcPs
+ -> (LHsExpr GhcPs -> [LHsExpr GhcPs]
+ -> m (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ -> [LPat GhcPs]
+ -> DataCon
+ -> [Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+mkSimpleConMatch2 ctxt fold extra_pats con insides = do
+ let con_name = getRdrName con
+ vars_needed = takeList insides as_RDRs
+ pat = nlConVarPat con_name vars_needed
+ -- Make sure to zip BEFORE invoking catMaybes. We want the variable
+ -- indices in each expression to match up with the argument indices
+ -- in con_expr (defined below).
+ exps = catMaybes $ zipWith (\i v -> (`nlHsApp` nlHsVar v) <$> i)
+ insides vars_needed
+ -- An element of argTysTyVarInfo is True if the constructor argument
+ -- with the same index has a type which mentions the last type
+ -- variable.
+ argTysTyVarInfo = map isJust insides
+ (asWithTyVar, asWithoutTyVar) = partitionByList argTysTyVarInfo as_Vars
+ con_expr
+ | null asWithTyVar = nlHsApps con_name asWithoutTyVar
+ | otherwise =
+ let bs = filterByList argTysTyVarInfo bs_RDRs
+ vars = filterByLists argTysTyVarInfo bs_Vars as_Vars
+ in mkHsLam (map nlVarPat bs) (nlHsApps con_name vars)
+ rhs <- fold con_expr exps
+ return $ mkMatch ctxt (extra_pats ++ [pat]) rhs
+ (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
+-- "case x of (a1,a2,a3) -> fold [x1 a1, x2 a2, x3 a3]"
+mkSimpleTupleCase :: Monad m => ([LPat GhcPs] -> DataCon -> [a]
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)))
+ -> TyCon -> [a] -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> m (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+mkSimpleTupleCase match_for_con tc insides x
+ = do { let data_con = tyConSingleDataCon tc
+ ; match <- match_for_con [] data_con insides
+ ; return $ nlHsCase x [match] }
+* *
+ Foldable instances
+ see
+* *
+Deriving Foldable instances works the same way as Functor instances,
+only Foldable instances are not possible for function types at all.
+Given (data T a = T a a (T a) deriving Foldable), we get:
+ instance Foldable T where
+ foldr f z (T x1 x2 x3) =
+ $(foldr 'a 'a) x1 ( $(foldr 'a 'a) x2 ( $(foldr 'a '(T a)) x3 z ) )
+-XDeriveFoldable is different from -XDeriveFunctor in that it filters out
+arguments to the constructor that would produce useless code in a Foldable
+instance. For example, the following datatype:
+ data Foo a = Foo Int a Int deriving Foldable
+would have the following generated Foldable instance:
+ instance Foldable Foo where
+ foldr f z (Foo x1 x2 x3) = $(foldr 'a 'a) x2
+since neither of the two Int arguments are folded over.
+The cases are:
+ $(foldr 'a 'a) = f
+ $(foldr 'a '(b1,b2)) = \x z -> case x of (x1,x2) -> $(foldr 'a 'b1) x1 ( $(foldr 'a 'b2) x2 z )
+ $(foldr 'a '(T b1 b2)) = \x z -> foldr $(foldr 'a 'b2) z x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+Note that the arguments to the real foldr function are the wrong way around,
+since (f :: a -> b -> b), while (foldr f :: b -> t a -> b).
+One can envision a case for types that don't contain the last type variable:
+ $(foldr 'a 'b) = \x z -> z -- when b does not contain a
+But this case will never materialize, since the aforementioned filtering
+removes all such types from consideration.
+See Note [Generated code for DeriveFoldable and DeriveTraversable].
+Foldable instances differ from Functor and Traversable instances in that
+Foldable instances can be derived for data types in which the last type
+variable is existentially quantified. In particular, if the last type variable
+is refined to a more specific type in a GADT:
+ data GADT a where
+ G :: a ~ Int => a -> G Int
+then the deriving machinery does not attempt to check that the type a contains
+Int, since it is not syntactically equal to a type variable. That is, the
+derived Foldable instance for GADT is:
+ instance Foldable GADT where
+ foldr _ z (GADT _) = z
+See Note [DeriveFoldable with ExistentialQuantification].
+Note [Deriving null]
+In some cases, deriving the definition of 'null' can produce much better
+results than the default definition. For example, with
+ data SnocList a = Nil | Snoc (SnocList a) a
+the default definition of 'null' would walk the entire spine of a
+nonempty snoc-list before concluding that it is not null. But looking at
+the Snoc constructor, we can immediately see that it contains an 'a', and
+so 'null' can return False immediately if it matches on Snoc. When we
+derive 'null', we keep track of things that cannot be null. The interesting
+case is type application. Given
+ data Wrap a = Wrap (Foo (Bar a))
+we use
+ null (Wrap fba) = all null fba
+but if we see
+ data Wrap a = Wrap (Foo a)
+we can just use
+ null (Wrap fa) = null fa
+Indeed, we allow this to happen even for tuples:
+ data Wrap a = Wrap (Foo (a, Int))
+ null (Wrap fa) = null fa
+As explained in Note [Deriving <$], giving tuples special performance treatment
+could surprise users if they switch to other types, but Ryan Scott seems to
+think it's okay to do it for now.
+gen_Foldable_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+-- When the parameter is phantom, we can use foldMap _ _ = mempty
+-- See Note [Phantom types with Functor, Foldable, and Traversable]
+gen_Foldable_binds loc tycon
+ | Phantom <- last (tyConRoles tycon)
+ = (unitBag foldMap_bind, emptyBag)
+ where
+ foldMap_name = L loc foldMap_RDR
+ foldMap_bind = mkRdrFunBind foldMap_name foldMap_eqns
+ foldMap_eqns = [mkSimpleMatch foldMap_match_ctxt
+ [nlWildPat, nlWildPat]
+ mempty_Expr]
+ foldMap_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs foldMap_name
+gen_Foldable_binds loc tycon
+ | null data_cons -- There's no real point producing anything but
+ -- foldMap for a type with no constructors.
+ = (unitBag foldMap_bind, emptyBag)
+ | otherwise
+ = (listToBag [foldr_bind, foldMap_bind, null_bind], emptyBag)
+ where
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ foldr_bind = mkRdrFunBind (L loc foldable_foldr_RDR) eqns
+ eqns = map foldr_eqn data_cons
+ foldr_eqn con
+ = evalState (match_foldr z_Expr [f_Pat,z_Pat] con =<< parts) bs_RDRs
+ where
+ parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_foldr con
+ foldMap_name = L loc foldMap_RDR
+ -- See Note [EmptyDataDecls with Functor, Foldable, and Traversable]
+ foldMap_bind = mkRdrFunBindEC 2 (const mempty_Expr)
+ foldMap_name foldMap_eqns
+ foldMap_eqns = map foldMap_eqn data_cons
+ foldMap_eqn con
+ = evalState (match_foldMap [f_Pat] con =<< parts) bs_RDRs
+ where
+ parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_foldMap con
+ -- Given a list of NullM results, produce Nothing if any of
+ -- them is NotNull, and otherwise produce a list of Maybes
+ -- with Justs representing unknowns and Nothings representing
+ -- things that are definitely null.
+ convert :: [NullM a] -> Maybe [Maybe a]
+ convert = traverse go where
+ go IsNull = Just Nothing
+ go NotNull = Nothing
+ go (NullM a) = Just (Just a)
+ null_name = L loc null_RDR
+ null_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs null_name
+ null_bind = mkRdrFunBind null_name null_eqns
+ null_eqns = map null_eqn data_cons
+ null_eqn con
+ = flip evalState bs_RDRs $ do
+ parts <- sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_null con
+ case convert parts of
+ Nothing -> return $
+ mkMatch null_match_ctxt [nlParPat (nlWildConPat con)]
+ false_Expr (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
+ Just cp -> match_null [] con cp
+ -- Yields 'Just' an expression if we're folding over a type that mentions
+ -- the last type parameter of the datatype. Otherwise, yields 'Nothing'.
+ -- See Note [FFoldType and functorLikeTraverse]
+ ft_foldr :: FFoldType (State [RdrName] (Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)))
+ ft_foldr
+ = FT { ft_triv = return Nothing
+ -- foldr f = \x z -> z
+ , ft_var = return $ Just f_Expr
+ -- foldr f = f
+ , ft_tup = \t g -> do
+ gg <- sequence g
+ lam <- mkSimpleLam2 $ \x z ->
+ mkSimpleTupleCase (match_foldr z) t gg x
+ return (Just lam)
+ -- foldr f = (\x z -> case x of ...)
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ g -> do
+ gg <- g
+ mapM (\gg' -> mkSimpleLam2 $ \x z -> return $
+ nlHsApps foldable_foldr_RDR [gg',z,x]) gg
+ -- foldr f = (\x z -> foldr g z x)
+ , ft_forall = \_ g -> g
+ , ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in ft_foldr"
+ , ft_fun = panic "function in ft_foldr"
+ , ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_foldr" }
+ match_foldr :: Monad m
+ => LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> [LPat GhcPs]
+ -> DataCon
+ -> [Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ match_foldr z = mkSimpleConMatch2 LambdaExpr $ \_ xs -> return (mkFoldr xs)
+ where
+ -- g1 v1 (g2 v2 (.. z))
+ mkFoldr :: [LHsExpr GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ mkFoldr = foldr nlHsApp z
+ -- See Note [FFoldType and functorLikeTraverse]
+ ft_foldMap :: FFoldType (State [RdrName] (Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)))
+ ft_foldMap
+ = FT { ft_triv = return Nothing
+ -- foldMap f = \x -> mempty
+ , ft_var = return (Just f_Expr)
+ -- foldMap f = f
+ , ft_tup = \t g -> do
+ gg <- sequence g
+ lam <- mkSimpleLam $ mkSimpleTupleCase match_foldMap t gg
+ return (Just lam)
+ -- foldMap f = \x -> case x of (..,)
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ g -> fmap (nlHsApp foldMap_Expr) <$> g
+ -- foldMap f = foldMap g
+ , ft_forall = \_ g -> g
+ , ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in ft_foldMap"
+ , ft_fun = panic "function in ft_foldMap"
+ , ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_foldMap" }
+ match_foldMap :: Monad m
+ => [LPat GhcPs]
+ -> DataCon
+ -> [Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ match_foldMap = mkSimpleConMatch2 CaseAlt $ \_ xs -> return (mkFoldMap xs)
+ where
+ -- mappend v1 (mappend v2 ..)
+ mkFoldMap :: [LHsExpr GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ mkFoldMap [] = mempty_Expr
+ mkFoldMap xs = foldr1 (\x y -> nlHsApps mappend_RDR [x,y]) xs
+ -- See Note [FFoldType and functorLikeTraverse]
+ -- Yields NullM an expression if we're folding over an expression
+ -- that may or may not be null. Yields IsNull if it's certainly
+ -- null, and yields NotNull if it's certainly not null.
+ -- See Note [Deriving null]
+ ft_null :: FFoldType (State [RdrName] (NullM (LHsExpr GhcPs)))
+ ft_null
+ = FT { ft_triv = return IsNull
+ -- null = \_ -> True
+ , ft_var = return NotNull
+ -- null = \_ -> False
+ , ft_tup = \t g -> do
+ gg <- sequence g
+ case convert gg of
+ Nothing -> pure NotNull
+ Just ggg ->
+ NullM <$> (mkSimpleLam $ mkSimpleTupleCase match_null t ggg)
+ -- null = \x -> case x of (..,)
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ g -> flip fmap g $ \nestedResult ->
+ case nestedResult of
+ -- If e definitely contains the parameter,
+ -- then we can test if (G e) contains it by
+ -- simply checking if (G e) is null
+ NotNull -> NullM null_Expr
+ -- This case is unreachable--it will actually be
+ -- caught by ft_triv
+ IsNull -> IsNull
+ -- The general case uses (all null),
+ -- (all (all null)), etc.
+ NullM nestedTest -> NullM $
+ nlHsApp all_Expr nestedTest
+ -- null fa = null fa, or null fa = all null fa, or null fa = True
+ , ft_forall = \_ g -> g
+ , ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in ft_null"
+ , ft_fun = panic "function in ft_null"
+ , ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_null" }
+ match_null :: Monad m
+ => [LPat GhcPs]
+ -> DataCon
+ -> [Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ match_null = mkSimpleConMatch2 CaseAlt $ \_ xs -> return (mkNull xs)
+ where
+ -- v1 && v2 && ..
+ mkNull :: [LHsExpr GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ mkNull [] = true_Expr
+ mkNull xs = foldr1 (\x y -> nlHsApps and_RDR [x,y]) xs
+data NullM a =
+ IsNull -- Definitely null
+ | NotNull -- Definitely not null
+ | NullM a -- Unknown
+* *
+ Traversable instances
+ see
+* *
+Again, Traversable is much like Functor and Foldable.
+The cases are:
+ $(traverse 'a 'a) = f
+ $(traverse 'a '(b1,b2)) = \x -> case x of (x1,x2) ->
+ liftA2 (,) ($(traverse 'a 'b1) x1) ($(traverse 'a 'b2) x2)
+ $(traverse 'a '(T b1 b2)) = traverse $(traverse 'a 'b2) -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+Like -XDeriveFoldable, -XDeriveTraversable filters out arguments whose types
+do not mention the last type parameter. Therefore, the following datatype:
+ data Foo a = Foo Int a Int
+would have the following derived Traversable instance:
+ instance Traversable Foo where
+ traverse f (Foo x1 x2 x3) =
+ fmap (\b2 -> Foo x1 b2 x3) ( $(traverse 'a 'a) x2 )
+since the two Int arguments do not produce any effects in a traversal.
+One can envision a case for types that do not mention the last type parameter:
+ $(traverse 'a 'b) = pure -- when b does not contain a
+But this case will never materialize, since the aforementioned filtering
+removes all such types from consideration.
+See Note [Generated code for DeriveFoldable and DeriveTraversable].
+gen_Traversable_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+-- When the argument is phantom, we can use traverse = pure . coerce
+-- See Note [Phantom types with Functor, Foldable, and Traversable]
+gen_Traversable_binds loc tycon
+ | Phantom <- last (tyConRoles tycon)
+ = (unitBag traverse_bind, emptyBag)
+ where
+ traverse_name = L loc traverse_RDR
+ traverse_bind = mkRdrFunBind traverse_name traverse_eqns
+ traverse_eqns =
+ [mkSimpleMatch traverse_match_ctxt
+ [nlWildPat, z_Pat]
+ (nlHsApps pure_RDR [nlHsApp coerce_Expr z_Expr])]
+ traverse_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs traverse_name
+gen_Traversable_binds loc tycon
+ = (unitBag traverse_bind, emptyBag)
+ where
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ traverse_name = L loc traverse_RDR
+ -- See Note [EmptyDataDecls with Functor, Foldable, and Traversable]
+ traverse_bind = mkRdrFunBindEC 2 (nlHsApp pure_Expr)
+ traverse_name traverse_eqns
+ traverse_eqns = map traverse_eqn data_cons
+ traverse_eqn con
+ = evalState (match_for_con [f_Pat] con =<< parts) bs_RDRs
+ where
+ parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_trav con
+ -- Yields 'Just' an expression if we're folding over a type that mentions
+ -- the last type parameter of the datatype. Otherwise, yields 'Nothing'.
+ -- See Note [FFoldType and functorLikeTraverse]
+ ft_trav :: FFoldType (State [RdrName] (Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)))
+ ft_trav
+ = FT { ft_triv = return Nothing
+ -- traverse f = pure x
+ , ft_var = return (Just f_Expr)
+ -- traverse f = f x
+ , ft_tup = \t gs -> do
+ gg <- sequence gs
+ lam <- mkSimpleLam $ mkSimpleTupleCase match_for_con t gg
+ return (Just lam)
+ -- traverse f = \x -> case x of (a1,a2,..) ->
+ -- liftA2 (,,) (g1 a1) (g2 a2) <*> ..
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ g -> fmap (nlHsApp traverse_Expr) <$> g
+ -- traverse f = traverse g
+ , ft_forall = \_ g -> g
+ , ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in ft_trav"
+ , ft_fun = panic "function in ft_trav"
+ , ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_trav" }
+ -- Con a1 a2 ... -> liftA2 (\b1 b2 ... -> Con b1 b2 ...) (g1 a1)
+ -- (g2 a2) <*> ...
+ match_for_con :: Monad m
+ => [LPat GhcPs]
+ -> DataCon
+ -> [Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ match_for_con = mkSimpleConMatch2 CaseAlt $
+ \con xs -> return (mkApCon con xs)
+ where
+ -- liftA2 (\b1 b2 ... -> Con b1 b2 ...) x1 x2 <*> ..
+ mkApCon :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> [LHsExpr GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ mkApCon con [] = nlHsApps pure_RDR [con]
+ mkApCon con [x] = nlHsApps fmap_RDR [con,x]
+ mkApCon con (x1:x2:xs) =
+ foldl' appAp (nlHsApps liftA2_RDR [con,x1,x2]) xs
+ where appAp x y = nlHsApps ap_RDR [x,y]
+f_Expr, z_Expr, mempty_Expr, foldMap_Expr,
+ traverse_Expr, coerce_Expr, pure_Expr, true_Expr, false_Expr,
+ all_Expr, null_Expr :: LHsExpr GhcPs
+f_Expr = nlHsVar f_RDR
+z_Expr = nlHsVar z_RDR
+mempty_Expr = nlHsVar mempty_RDR
+foldMap_Expr = nlHsVar foldMap_RDR
+traverse_Expr = nlHsVar traverse_RDR
+coerce_Expr = nlHsVar (getRdrName coerceId)
+pure_Expr = nlHsVar pure_RDR
+true_Expr = nlHsVar true_RDR
+false_Expr = nlHsVar false_RDR
+all_Expr = nlHsVar all_RDR
+null_Expr = nlHsVar null_RDR
+f_RDR, z_RDR :: RdrName
+f_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "f")
+z_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "z")
+as_RDRs, bs_RDRs :: [RdrName]
+as_RDRs = [ mkVarUnqual (mkFastString ("a"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
+bs_RDRs = [ mkVarUnqual (mkFastString ("b"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
+as_Vars, bs_Vars :: [LHsExpr GhcPs]
+as_Vars = map nlHsVar as_RDRs
+bs_Vars = map nlHsVar bs_RDRs
+f_Pat, z_Pat :: LPat GhcPs
+f_Pat = nlVarPat f_RDR
+z_Pat = nlVarPat z_RDR
+Note [DeriveFoldable with ExistentialQuantification]
+Functor and Traversable instances can only be derived for data types whose
+last type parameter is truly universally polymorphic. For example:
+ data T a b where
+ T1 :: b -> T a b -- YES, b is unconstrained
+ T2 :: Ord b => b -> T a b -- NO, b is constrained by (Ord b)
+ T3 :: b ~ Int => b -> T a b -- NO, b is constrained by (b ~ Int)
+ T4 :: Int -> T a Int -- NO, this is just like T3
+ T5 :: Ord a => a -> b -> T a b -- YES, b is unconstrained, even
+ -- though a is existential
+ T6 :: Int -> T Int b -- YES, b is unconstrained
+For Foldable instances, however, we can completely lift the constraint that
+the last type parameter be truly universally polymorphic. This means that T
+(as defined above) can have a derived Foldable instance:
+ instance Foldable (T a) where
+ foldr f z (T1 b) = f b z
+ foldr f z (T2 b) = f b z
+ foldr f z (T3 b) = f b z
+ foldr f z (T4 b) = z
+ foldr f z (T5 a b) = f b z
+ foldr f z (T6 a) = z
+ foldMap f (T1 b) = f b
+ foldMap f (T2 b) = f b
+ foldMap f (T3 b) = f b
+ foldMap f (T4 b) = mempty
+ foldMap f (T5 a b) = f b
+ foldMap f (T6 a) = mempty
+In a Foldable instance, it is safe to fold over an occurrence of the last type
+parameter that is not truly universally polymorphic. However, there is a bit
+of subtlety in determining what is actually an occurrence of a type parameter.
+T3 and T4, as defined above, provide one example:
+ data T a b where
+ ...
+ T3 :: b ~ Int => b -> T a b
+ T4 :: Int -> T a Int
+ ...
+ instance Foldable (T a) where
+ ...
+ foldr f z (T3 b) = f b z
+ foldr f z (T4 b) = z
+ ...
+ foldMap f (T3 b) = f b
+ foldMap f (T4 b) = mempty
+ ...
+Notice that the argument of T3 is folded over, whereas the argument of T4 is
+not. This is because we only fold over constructor arguments that
+syntactically mention the universally quantified type parameter of that
+particular data constructor. See foldDataConArgs for how this is implemented.
+As another example, consider the following data type. The argument of each
+constructor has the same type as the last type parameter:
+ data E a where
+ E1 :: (a ~ Int) => a -> E a
+ E2 :: Int -> E Int
+ E3 :: (a ~ Int) => a -> E Int
+ E4 :: (a ~ Int) => Int -> E a
+Only E1's argument is an occurrence of a universally quantified type variable
+that is syntactically equivalent to the last type parameter, so only E1's
+argument will be folded over in a derived Foldable instance.
+See #10447 for the original discussion on this feature. Also see
+for a more in-depth explanation.
+Note [FFoldType and functorLikeTraverse]
+Deriving Functor, Foldable, and Traversable all require generating expressions
+which perform an operation on each argument of a data constructor depending
+on the argument's type. In particular, a generated operation can be different
+depending on whether the type mentions the last type variable of the datatype
+(e.g., if you have data T a = MkT a Int, then a generated foldr expression would
+fold over the first argument of MkT, but not the second).
+This pattern is abstracted with the FFoldType datatype, which provides hooks
+for the user to specify how a constructor argument should be folded when it
+has a type with a particular "shape". The shapes are as follows (assume that
+a is the last type variable in a given datatype):
+* ft_triv: The type does not mention the last type variable at all.
+ Examples: Int, b
+* ft_var: The type is syntactically equal to the last type variable.
+ Moreover, the type appears in a covariant position (see
+ the Deriving Functor instances section of the user's guide
+ for an in-depth explanation of covariance vs. contravariance).
+ Example: a (covariantly)
+* ft_co_var: The type is syntactically equal to the last type variable.
+ Moreover, the type appears in a contravariant position.
+ Example: a (contravariantly)
+* ft_fun: A function type which mentions the last type variable in
+ the argument position, result position or both.
+ Examples: a -> Int, Int -> a, Maybe a -> [a]
+* ft_tup: A tuple type which mentions the last type variable in at least
+ one of its fields. The TyCon argument of ft_tup represents the
+ particular tuple's type constructor.
+ Examples: (a, Int), (Maybe a, [a], Either a Int), (# Int, a #)
+* ft_ty_app: A type is being applied to the last type parameter, where the
+ applied type does not mention the last type parameter (if it
+ did, it would fall under ft_bad_app) and the argument type
+ mentions the last type parameter (if it did not, it would fall
+ under ft_triv). The first two Type arguments to
+ ft_ty_app represent the applied type and argument type,
+ respectively.
+ Currently, only DeriveFunctor makes use of the argument type.
+ It inspects the argument type so that it can generate more
+ efficient implementations of fmap
+ (see Note [Avoid unnecessary eta expansion in derived fmap implementations])
+ and (<$) (see Note [Deriving <$]) in certain cases.
+ Note that functions, tuples, and foralls are distinct cases
+ and take precedence over ft_ty_app. (For example, (Int -> a) would
+ fall under (ft_fun Int a), not (ft_ty_app ((->) Int) a).
+ Examples: Maybe a, Either b a
+* ft_bad_app: A type application uses the last type parameter in a position
+ other than the last argument. This case is singled out because
+ Functor, Foldable, and Traversable instances cannot be derived
+ for datatypes containing arguments with such types.
+ Examples: Either a Int, Const a b
+* ft_forall: A forall'd type mentions the last type parameter on its right-
+ hand side (and is not quantified on the left-hand side). This
+ case is present mostly for plumbing purposes.
+ Example: forall b. Either b a
+If FFoldType describes a strategy for folding subcomponents of a Type, then
+functorLikeTraverse is the function that applies that strategy to the entirety
+of a Type, returning the final folded-up result.
+foldDataConArgs applies functorLikeTraverse to every argument type of a
+constructor, returning a list of the fold results. This makes foldDataConArgs
+a natural way to generate the subexpressions in a generated fmap, foldr,
+foldMap, or traverse definition (the subexpressions must then be combined in
+a method-specific fashion to form the final generated expression).
+Deriving Generic1 also does validity checking by looking for the last type
+variable in certain positions of a constructor's argument types, so it also
+uses foldDataConArgs. See Note [degenerate use of FFoldType] in GHC.Tc.Deriv.Generics.
+Note [Generated code for DeriveFoldable and DeriveTraversable]
+We adapt the algorithms for -XDeriveFoldable and -XDeriveTraversable based on
+that of -XDeriveFunctor. However, there an important difference between deriving
+the former two typeclasses and the latter one, which is best illustrated by the
+following scenario:
+ data WithInt a = WithInt a Int# deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+The generated code for the Functor instance is straightforward:
+ instance Functor WithInt where
+ fmap f (WithInt a i) = WithInt (f a) i
+But if we use too similar of a strategy for deriving the Foldable and
+Traversable instances, we end up with this code:
+ instance Foldable WithInt where
+ foldMap f (WithInt a i) = f a <> mempty
+ instance Traversable WithInt where
+ traverse f (WithInt a i) = fmap WithInt (f a) <*> pure i
+This is unsatisfying for two reasons:
+1. The Traversable instance doesn't typecheck! Int# is of kind #, but pure
+ expects an argument whose type is of kind *. This effectively prevents
+ Traversable from being derived for any datatype with an unlifted argument
+ type (#11174).
+2. The generated code contains superfluous expressions. By the Monoid laws,
+ we can reduce (f a <> mempty) to (f a), and by the Applicative laws, we can
+ reduce (fmap WithInt (f a) <*> pure i) to (fmap (\b -> WithInt b i) (f a)).
+We can fix both of these issues by incorporating a slight twist to the usual
+algorithm that we use for -XDeriveFunctor. The differences can be summarized
+as follows:
+1. In the generated expression, we only fold over arguments whose types
+ mention the last type parameter. Any other argument types will simply
+ produce useless 'mempty's or 'pure's, so they can be safely ignored.
+2. In the case of -XDeriveTraversable, instead of applying ConName,
+ we apply (\b_i ... b_k -> ConName a_1 ... a_n), where
+ * ConName has n arguments
+ * {b_i, ..., b_k} is a subset of {a_1, ..., a_n} whose indices correspond
+ to the arguments whose types mention the last type parameter. As a
+ consequence, taking the difference of {a_1, ..., a_n} and
+ {b_i, ..., b_k} yields the all the argument values of ConName whose types
+ do not mention the last type parameter. Note that [i, ..., k] is a
+ strictly increasing—but not necessarily consecutive—integer sequence.
+ For example, the datatype
+ data Foo a = Foo Int a Int a
+ would generate the following Traversable instance:
+ instance Traversable Foo where
+ traverse f (Foo a1 a2 a3 a4) =
+ fmap (\b2 b4 -> Foo a1 b2 a3 b4) (f a2) <*> f a4
+Technically, this approach would also work for -XDeriveFunctor as well, but we
+decide not to do so because:
+1. There's not much benefit to generating, e.g., ((\b -> WithInt b i) (f a))
+ instead of (WithInt (f a) i).
+2. There would be certain datatypes for which the above strategy would
+ generate Functor code that would fail to typecheck. For example:
+ data Bar f a = Bar (forall f. Functor f => f a) deriving Functor
+ With the conventional algorithm, it would generate something like:
+ fmap f (Bar a) = Bar (fmap f a)
+ which typechecks. But with the strategy mentioned above, it would generate:
+ fmap f (Bar a) = (\b -> Bar b) (fmap f a)
+ which does not typecheck, since GHC cannot unify the rank-2 type variables
+ in the types of b and (fmap f a).
+Note [Phantom types with Functor, Foldable, and Traversable]
+Given a type F :: * -> * whose type argument has a phantom role, we can always
+produce lawful Functor and Traversable instances using
+ fmap _ = coerce
+ traverse _ = pure . coerce
+Indeed, these are equivalent to any *strictly lawful* instances one could
+write, except that this definition of 'traverse' may be lazier. That is, if
+instances obey the laws under true equality (rather than up to some equivalence
+relation), then they will be essentially equivalent to these. These definitions
+are incredibly cheap, so we want to use them even if it means ignoring some
+non-strictly-lawful instance in an embedded type.
+Foldable has far fewer laws to work with, which leaves us unwelcome
+freedom in implementing it. At a minimum, we would like to ensure that
+a derived foldMap is always at least as good as foldMapDefault with a
+derived traverse. To accomplish that, we must define
+ foldMap _ _ = mempty
+in these cases.
+This may have different strictness properties from a standard derivation.
+ data NotAList a = Nil | Cons (NotAList a) deriving Foldable
+The usual deriving mechanism would produce
+ foldMap _ Nil = mempty
+ foldMap f (Cons x) = foldMap f x
+which is strict in the entire spine of the NotAList.
+Final point: why do we even care about such types? Users will rarely if ever
+map, fold, or traverse over such things themselves, but other derived
+instances may:
+ data Hasn'tAList a = NotHere a (NotAList a) deriving Foldable
+Note [EmptyDataDecls with Functor, Foldable, and Traversable]
+There are some slightly tricky decisions to make about how to handle
+Functor, Foldable, and Traversable instances for types with no constructors.
+For fmap, the two basic options are
+ fmap _ _ = error "Sorry, no constructors"
+ fmap _ z = case z of
+In most cases, the latter is more helpful: if the thunk passed to fmap
+throws an exception, we're generally going to be much more interested in
+that exception than in the fact that there aren't any constructors.
+In order to match the semantics for phantoms (see note above), we need to
+be a bit careful about 'traverse'. The obvious definition would be
+ traverse _ z = case z of
+but this is stricter than the one for phantoms. We instead use
+ traverse _ z = pure $ case z of
+For foldMap, the obvious choices are
+ foldMap _ _ = mempty
+ foldMap _ z = case z of
+We choose the first one to be consistent with what foldMapDefault does for
+a derived Traversable instance.