path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs
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1 files changed, 2424 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs
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index 0000000000..27e73b6330
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+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs
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+ %
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- | Generating derived instance declarations
+-- This module is nominally ``subordinate'' to @GHC.Tc.Deriv@, which is the
+-- ``official'' interface to deriving-related things.
+-- This is where we do all the grimy bindings' generation.
+module GHC.Tc.Deriv.Generate (
+ BagDerivStuff, DerivStuff(..),
+ gen_Eq_binds,
+ gen_Ord_binds,
+ gen_Enum_binds,
+ gen_Bounded_binds,
+ gen_Ix_binds,
+ gen_Show_binds,
+ gen_Read_binds,
+ gen_Data_binds,
+ gen_Lift_binds,
+ gen_Newtype_binds,
+ mkCoerceClassMethEqn,
+ genAuxBinds,
+ ordOpTbl, boxConTbl, litConTbl,
+ mkRdrFunBind, mkRdrFunBindEC, mkRdrFunBindSE, error_Expr
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import Fingerprint
+import Encoding
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import PrelInfo
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+import PrelNames
+import THNames
+import GHC.Types.Id.Make ( coerceId )
+import PrimOp
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import GHC.Tc.Validity ( checkValidCoAxBranch )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom ( coAxiomSingleBranch )
+import TysPrim
+import TysWiredIn
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import Util
+import GHC.Types.Var
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Lexeme
+import FastString
+import Pair
+import Bag
+import Data.List ( find, partition, intersperse )
+type BagDerivStuff = Bag DerivStuff
+data AuxBindSpec
+ = DerivCon2Tag TyCon -- The con2Tag for given TyCon
+ | DerivTag2Con TyCon -- ...ditto tag2Con
+ | DerivMaxTag TyCon -- ...and maxTag
+ deriving( Eq )
+ -- All these generate ZERO-BASED tag operations
+ -- I.e first constructor has tag 0
+data DerivStuff -- Please add this auxiliary stuff
+ = DerivAuxBind AuxBindSpec
+ -- Generics and DeriveAnyClass
+ | DerivFamInst FamInst -- New type family instances
+ -- New top-level auxiliary bindings
+ | DerivHsBind (LHsBind GhcPs, LSig GhcPs) -- Also used for SYB
+* *
+ Eq instances
+* *
+Here are the heuristics for the code we generate for @Eq@. Let's
+assume we have a data type with some (possibly zero) nullary data
+constructors and some ordinary, non-nullary ones (the rest, also
+possibly zero of them). Here's an example, with both \tr{N}ullary and
+\tr{O}rdinary data cons.
+ data Foo ... = N1 | N2 ... | Nn | O1 a b | O2 Int | O3 Double b b | ...
+* For the ordinary constructors (if any), we emit clauses to do The
+ Usual Thing, e.g.,:
+ (==) (O1 a1 b1) (O1 a2 b2) = a1 == a2 && b1 == b2
+ (==) (O2 a1) (O2 a2) = a1 == a2
+ (==) (O3 a1 b1 c1) (O3 a2 b2 c2) = a1 == a2 && b1 == b2 && c1 == c2
+ Note: if we're comparing unlifted things, e.g., if 'a1' and
+ 'a2' are Float#s, then we have to generate
+ case (a1 `eqFloat#` a2) of r -> r
+ for that particular test.
+* If there are a lot of (more than ten) nullary constructors, we emit a
+ catch-all clause of the form:
+ (==) a b = case (con2tag_Foo a) of { a# ->
+ case (con2tag_Foo b) of { b# ->
+ case (a# ==# b#) of {
+ r -> r }}}
+ If con2tag gets inlined this leads to join point stuff, so
+ it's better to use regular pattern matching if there aren't too
+ many nullary constructors. "Ten" is arbitrary, of course
+* If there aren't any nullary constructors, we emit a simpler
+ catch-all:
+ (==) a b = False
+* For the @(/=)@ method, we normally just use the default method.
+ If the type is an enumeration type, we could/may/should? generate
+ special code that calls @con2tag_Foo@, much like for @(==)@ shown
+ above.
+We thought about doing this: If we're also deriving 'Ord' for this
+tycon, we generate:
+ instance ... Eq (Foo ...) where
+ (==) a b = case (compare a b) of { _LT -> False; _EQ -> True ; _GT -> False}
+ (/=) a b = case (compare a b) of { _LT -> True ; _EQ -> False; _GT -> True }
+However, that requires that (Ord <whatever>) was put in the context
+for the instance decl, which it probably wasn't, so the decls
+produced don't get through the typechecker.
+gen_Eq_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+gen_Eq_binds loc tycon = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return (method_binds dflags, aux_binds)
+ where
+ all_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ (nullary_cons, non_nullary_cons) = partition isNullarySrcDataCon all_cons
+ -- If there are ten or more (arbitrary number) nullary constructors,
+ -- use the con2tag stuff. For small types it's better to use
+ -- ordinary pattern matching.
+ (tag_match_cons, pat_match_cons)
+ | nullary_cons `lengthExceeds` 10 = (nullary_cons, non_nullary_cons)
+ | otherwise = ([], all_cons)
+ no_tag_match_cons = null tag_match_cons
+ fall_through_eqn dflags
+ | no_tag_match_cons -- All constructors have arguments
+ = case pat_match_cons of
+ [] -> [] -- No constructors; no fall-though case
+ [_] -> [] -- One constructor; no fall-though case
+ _ -> -- Two or more constructors; add fall-through of
+ -- (==) _ _ = False
+ [([nlWildPat, nlWildPat], false_Expr)]
+ | otherwise -- One or more tag_match cons; add fall-through of
+ -- extract tags compare for equality
+ = [([a_Pat, b_Pat],
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(a_RDR,ah_RDR), (b_RDR,bh_RDR)]
+ (genPrimOpApp (nlHsVar ah_RDR) eqInt_RDR (nlHsVar bh_RDR)))]
+ aux_binds | no_tag_match_cons = emptyBag
+ | otherwise = unitBag $ DerivAuxBind $ DerivCon2Tag tycon
+ method_binds dflags = unitBag (eq_bind dflags)
+ eq_bind dflags = mkFunBindEC 2 loc eq_RDR (const true_Expr)
+ (map pats_etc pat_match_cons
+ ++ fall_through_eqn dflags)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ pats_etc data_con
+ = let
+ con1_pat = nlParPat $ nlConVarPat data_con_RDR as_needed
+ con2_pat = nlParPat $ nlConVarPat data_con_RDR bs_needed
+ data_con_RDR = getRdrName data_con
+ con_arity = length tys_needed
+ as_needed = take con_arity as_RDRs
+ bs_needed = take con_arity bs_RDRs
+ tys_needed = dataConOrigArgTys data_con
+ in
+ ([con1_pat, con2_pat], nested_eq_expr tys_needed as_needed bs_needed)
+ where
+ nested_eq_expr [] [] [] = true_Expr
+ nested_eq_expr tys as bs
+ = foldr1 and_Expr (zipWith3Equal "nested_eq" nested_eq tys as bs)
+ -- Using 'foldr1' here ensures that the derived code is correctly
+ -- associated. See #10859.
+ where
+ nested_eq ty a b = nlHsPar (eq_Expr ty (nlHsVar a) (nlHsVar b))
+* *
+ Ord instances
+* *
+Note [Generating Ord instances]
+Suppose constructors are K1..Kn, and some are nullary.
+The general form we generate is:
+* Do case on first argument
+ case a of
+ K1 ... -> rhs_1
+ K2 ... -> rhs_2
+ ...
+ Kn ... -> rhs_n
+ _ -> nullary_rhs
+* To make rhs_i
+ If i = 1, 2, n-1, n, generate a single case.
+ rhs_2 case b of
+ K1 {} -> LT
+ K2 ... -> ...eq_rhs(K2)...
+ _ -> GT
+ Otherwise do a tag compare against the bigger range
+ (because this is the one most likely to succeed)
+ rhs_3 case tag b of tb ->
+ if 3 <# tg then GT
+ else case b of
+ K3 ... -> ...eq_rhs(K3)....
+ _ -> LT
+* To make eq_rhs(K), which knows that
+ a = K a1 .. av
+ b = K b1 .. bv
+ we just want to compare (a1,b1) then (a2,b2) etc.
+ Take care on the last field to tail-call into comparing av,bv
+* To make nullary_rhs generate this
+ case con2tag a of a# ->
+ case con2tag b of ->
+ a# `compare` b#
+Several special cases:
+* Two or fewer nullary constructors: don't generate nullary_rhs
+* Be careful about unlifted comparisons. When comparing unboxed
+ values we can't call the overloaded functions.
+ See function unliftedOrdOp
+Note [Game plan for deriving Ord]
+It's a bad idea to define only 'compare', and build the other binary
+comparisons on top of it; see #2130, #4019. Reason: we don't
+want to laboriously make a three-way comparison, only to extract a
+binary result, something like this:
+ (>) (I# x) (I# y) = case <# x y of
+ True -> False
+ False -> case ==# x y of
+ True -> False
+ False -> True
+This being said, we can get away with generating full code only for
+'compare' and '<' thus saving us generation of other three operators.
+Other operators can be cheaply expressed through '<':
+a <= b = not $ b < a
+a > b = b < a
+a >= b = not $ a < b
+So for sufficiently small types (few constructors, or all nullary)
+we generate all methods; for large ones we just use 'compare'.
+data OrdOp = OrdCompare | OrdLT | OrdLE | OrdGE | OrdGT
+ordMethRdr :: OrdOp -> RdrName
+ordMethRdr op
+ = case op of
+ OrdCompare -> compare_RDR
+ OrdLT -> lt_RDR
+ OrdLE -> le_RDR
+ OrdGE -> ge_RDR
+ OrdGT -> gt_RDR
+ltResult :: OrdOp -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+-- Knowing a<b, what is the result for a `op` b?
+ltResult OrdCompare = ltTag_Expr
+ltResult OrdLT = true_Expr
+ltResult OrdLE = true_Expr
+ltResult OrdGE = false_Expr
+ltResult OrdGT = false_Expr
+eqResult :: OrdOp -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+-- Knowing a=b, what is the result for a `op` b?
+eqResult OrdCompare = eqTag_Expr
+eqResult OrdLT = false_Expr
+eqResult OrdLE = true_Expr
+eqResult OrdGE = true_Expr
+eqResult OrdGT = false_Expr
+gtResult :: OrdOp -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+-- Knowing a>b, what is the result for a `op` b?
+gtResult OrdCompare = gtTag_Expr
+gtResult OrdLT = false_Expr
+gtResult OrdLE = false_Expr
+gtResult OrdGE = true_Expr
+gtResult OrdGT = true_Expr
+gen_Ord_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+gen_Ord_binds loc tycon = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return $ if null tycon_data_cons -- No data-cons => invoke bale-out case
+ then ( unitBag $ mkFunBindEC 2 loc compare_RDR (const eqTag_Expr) []
+ , emptyBag)
+ else ( unitBag (mkOrdOp dflags OrdCompare) `unionBags` other_ops dflags
+ , aux_binds)
+ where
+ aux_binds | single_con_type = emptyBag
+ | otherwise = unitBag $ DerivAuxBind $ DerivCon2Tag tycon
+ -- Note [Game plan for deriving Ord]
+ other_ops dflags
+ | (last_tag - first_tag) <= 2 -- 1-3 constructors
+ || null non_nullary_cons -- Or it's an enumeration
+ = listToBag [mkOrdOp dflags OrdLT, lE, gT, gE]
+ | otherwise
+ = emptyBag
+ negate_expr = nlHsApp (nlHsVar not_RDR)
+ lE = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc le_RDR [a_Pat, b_Pat] $
+ negate_expr (nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsVar lt_RDR) b_Expr) a_Expr)
+ gT = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc gt_RDR [a_Pat, b_Pat] $
+ nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsVar lt_RDR) b_Expr) a_Expr
+ gE = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc ge_RDR [a_Pat, b_Pat] $
+ negate_expr (nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsVar lt_RDR) a_Expr) b_Expr)
+ get_tag con = dataConTag con - fIRST_TAG
+ -- We want *zero-based* tags, because that's what
+ -- con2Tag returns (generated by untag_Expr)!
+ tycon_data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ single_con_type = isSingleton tycon_data_cons
+ (first_con : _) = tycon_data_cons
+ (last_con : _) = reverse tycon_data_cons
+ first_tag = get_tag first_con
+ last_tag = get_tag last_con
+ (nullary_cons, non_nullary_cons) = partition isNullarySrcDataCon tycon_data_cons
+ mkOrdOp :: DynFlags -> OrdOp -> LHsBind GhcPs
+ -- Returns a binding op a b = ... compares a and b according to op ....
+ mkOrdOp dflags op = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc (ordMethRdr op) [a_Pat, b_Pat]
+ (mkOrdOpRhs dflags op)
+ mkOrdOpRhs :: DynFlags -> OrdOp -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ mkOrdOpRhs dflags op -- RHS for comparing 'a' and 'b' according to op
+ | nullary_cons `lengthAtMost` 2 -- Two nullary or fewer, so use cases
+ = nlHsCase (nlHsVar a_RDR) $
+ map (mkOrdOpAlt dflags op) tycon_data_cons
+ -- i.e. case a of { C1 x y -> case b of C1 x y -> x,y...
+ -- C2 x -> case b of C2 x -> ....comopare x.... }
+ | null non_nullary_cons -- All nullary, so go straight to comparing tags
+ = mkTagCmp dflags op
+ | otherwise -- Mixed nullary and non-nullary
+ = nlHsCase (nlHsVar a_RDR) $
+ (map (mkOrdOpAlt dflags op) non_nullary_cons
+ ++ [mkHsCaseAlt nlWildPat (mkTagCmp dflags op)])
+ mkOrdOpAlt :: DynFlags -> OrdOp -> DataCon
+ -> LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+ -- Make the alternative (Ki a1 a2 .. av ->
+ mkOrdOpAlt dflags op data_con
+ = mkHsCaseAlt (nlConVarPat data_con_RDR as_needed)
+ (mkInnerRhs dflags op data_con)
+ where
+ as_needed = take (dataConSourceArity data_con) as_RDRs
+ data_con_RDR = getRdrName data_con
+ mkInnerRhs dflags op data_con
+ | single_con_type
+ = nlHsCase (nlHsVar b_RDR) [ mkInnerEqAlt op data_con ]
+ | tag == first_tag
+ = nlHsCase (nlHsVar b_RDR) [ mkInnerEqAlt op data_con
+ , mkHsCaseAlt nlWildPat (ltResult op) ]
+ | tag == last_tag
+ = nlHsCase (nlHsVar b_RDR) [ mkInnerEqAlt op data_con
+ , mkHsCaseAlt nlWildPat (gtResult op) ]
+ | tag == first_tag + 1
+ = nlHsCase (nlHsVar b_RDR) [ mkHsCaseAlt (nlConWildPat first_con)
+ (gtResult op)
+ , mkInnerEqAlt op data_con
+ , mkHsCaseAlt nlWildPat (ltResult op) ]
+ | tag == last_tag - 1
+ = nlHsCase (nlHsVar b_RDR) [ mkHsCaseAlt (nlConWildPat last_con)
+ (ltResult op)
+ , mkInnerEqAlt op data_con
+ , mkHsCaseAlt nlWildPat (gtResult op) ]
+ | tag > last_tag `div` 2 -- lower range is larger
+ = untag_Expr dflags tycon [(b_RDR, bh_RDR)] $
+ nlHsIf (genPrimOpApp (nlHsVar bh_RDR) ltInt_RDR tag_lit)
+ (gtResult op) $ -- Definitely GT
+ nlHsCase (nlHsVar b_RDR) [ mkInnerEqAlt op data_con
+ , mkHsCaseAlt nlWildPat (ltResult op) ]
+ | otherwise -- upper range is larger
+ = untag_Expr dflags tycon [(b_RDR, bh_RDR)] $
+ nlHsIf (genPrimOpApp (nlHsVar bh_RDR) gtInt_RDR tag_lit)
+ (ltResult op) $ -- Definitely LT
+ nlHsCase (nlHsVar b_RDR) [ mkInnerEqAlt op data_con
+ , mkHsCaseAlt nlWildPat (gtResult op) ]
+ where
+ tag = get_tag data_con
+ tag_lit = noLoc (HsLit noExtField (HsIntPrim NoSourceText (toInteger tag)))
+ mkInnerEqAlt :: OrdOp -> DataCon -> LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+ -- First argument 'a' known to be built with K
+ -- Returns a case alternative Ki b1 b2 ... bv -> compare (a1,a2,...) with (b1,b2,...)
+ mkInnerEqAlt op data_con
+ = mkHsCaseAlt (nlConVarPat data_con_RDR bs_needed) $
+ mkCompareFields op (dataConOrigArgTys data_con)
+ where
+ data_con_RDR = getRdrName data_con
+ bs_needed = take (dataConSourceArity data_con) bs_RDRs
+ mkTagCmp :: DynFlags -> OrdOp -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -- Both constructors known to be nullary
+ -- generates (case data2Tag a of a# -> case data2Tag b of b# -> a# `op` b#
+ mkTagCmp dflags op =
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon[(a_RDR, ah_RDR),(b_RDR, bh_RDR)] $
+ unliftedOrdOp intPrimTy op ah_RDR bh_RDR
+mkCompareFields :: OrdOp -> [Type] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+-- Generates nested comparisons for (a1,a2...) against (b1,b2,...)
+-- where the ai,bi have the given types
+mkCompareFields op tys
+ = go tys as_RDRs bs_RDRs
+ where
+ go [] _ _ = eqResult op
+ go [ty] (a:_) (b:_)
+ | isUnliftedType ty = unliftedOrdOp ty op a b
+ | otherwise = genOpApp (nlHsVar a) (ordMethRdr op) (nlHsVar b)
+ go (ty:tys) (a:as) (b:bs) = mk_compare ty a b
+ (ltResult op)
+ (go tys as bs)
+ (gtResult op)
+ go _ _ _ = panic "mkCompareFields"
+ -- (mk_compare ty a b) generates
+ -- (case (compare a b) of { LT -> <lt>; EQ -> <eq>; GT -> <bt> })
+ -- but with suitable special cases for
+ mk_compare ty a b lt eq gt
+ | isUnliftedType ty
+ = unliftedCompare lt_op eq_op a_expr b_expr lt eq gt
+ | otherwise
+ = nlHsCase (nlHsPar (nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsVar compare_RDR) a_expr) b_expr))
+ [mkHsCaseAlt (nlNullaryConPat ltTag_RDR) lt,
+ mkHsCaseAlt (nlNullaryConPat eqTag_RDR) eq,
+ mkHsCaseAlt (nlNullaryConPat gtTag_RDR) gt]
+ where
+ a_expr = nlHsVar a
+ b_expr = nlHsVar b
+ (lt_op, _, eq_op, _, _) = primOrdOps "Ord" ty
+unliftedOrdOp :: Type -> OrdOp -> RdrName -> RdrName -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+unliftedOrdOp ty op a b
+ = case op of
+ OrdCompare -> unliftedCompare lt_op eq_op a_expr b_expr
+ ltTag_Expr eqTag_Expr gtTag_Expr
+ OrdLT -> wrap lt_op
+ OrdLE -> wrap le_op
+ OrdGE -> wrap ge_op
+ OrdGT -> wrap gt_op
+ where
+ (lt_op, le_op, eq_op, ge_op, gt_op) = primOrdOps "Ord" ty
+ wrap prim_op = genPrimOpApp a_expr prim_op b_expr
+ a_expr = nlHsVar a
+ b_expr = nlHsVar b
+unliftedCompare :: RdrName -> RdrName
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs -- What to compare
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -- Three results
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+-- Return (if a < b then lt else if a == b then eq else gt)
+unliftedCompare lt_op eq_op a_expr b_expr lt eq gt
+ = nlHsIf (ascribeBool $ genPrimOpApp a_expr lt_op b_expr) lt $
+ -- Test (<) first, not (==), because the latter
+ -- is true less often, so putting it first would
+ -- mean more tests (dynamically)
+ nlHsIf (ascribeBool $ genPrimOpApp a_expr eq_op b_expr) eq gt
+ where
+ ascribeBool e = nlExprWithTySig e boolTy
+nlConWildPat :: DataCon -> LPat GhcPs
+-- The pattern (K {})
+nlConWildPat con = noLoc (ConPatIn (noLoc (getRdrName con))
+ (RecCon (HsRecFields { rec_flds = []
+ , rec_dotdot = Nothing })))
+* *
+ Enum instances
+* *
+@Enum@ can only be derived for enumeration types. For a type
+data Foo ... = N1 | N2 | ... | Nn
+we use both @con2tag_Foo@ and @tag2con_Foo@ functions, as well as a
+@maxtag_Foo@ variable (all generated by @gen_tag_n_con_binds@).
+instance ... Enum (Foo ...) where
+ succ x = toEnum (1 + fromEnum x)
+ pred x = toEnum (fromEnum x - 1)
+ toEnum i = tag2con_Foo i
+ enumFrom a = map tag2con_Foo [con2tag_Foo a .. maxtag_Foo]
+ -- or, really...
+ enumFrom a
+ = case con2tag_Foo a of
+ a# -> map tag2con_Foo (enumFromTo (I# a#) maxtag_Foo)
+ enumFromThen a b
+ = map tag2con_Foo [con2tag_Foo a, con2tag_Foo b .. maxtag_Foo]
+ -- or, really...
+ enumFromThen a b
+ = case con2tag_Foo a of { a# ->
+ case con2tag_Foo b of { b# ->
+ map tag2con_Foo (enumFromThenTo (I# a#) (I# b#) maxtag_Foo)
+ }}
+For @enumFromTo@ and @enumFromThenTo@, we use the default methods.
+gen_Enum_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+gen_Enum_binds loc tycon = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return (method_binds dflags, aux_binds)
+ where
+ method_binds dflags = listToBag
+ [ succ_enum dflags
+ , pred_enum dflags
+ , to_enum dflags
+ , enum_from dflags
+ , enum_from_then dflags
+ , from_enum dflags
+ ]
+ aux_binds = listToBag $ map DerivAuxBind
+ [DerivCon2Tag tycon, DerivTag2Con tycon, DerivMaxTag tycon]
+ occ_nm = getOccString tycon
+ succ_enum dflags
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc succ_RDR [a_Pat] $
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] $
+ nlHsIf (nlHsApps eq_RDR [nlHsVar (maxtag_RDR dflags tycon),
+ nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR]])
+ (illegal_Expr "succ" occ_nm "tried to take `succ' of last tag in enumeration")
+ (nlHsApp (nlHsVar (tag2con_RDR dflags tycon))
+ (nlHsApps plus_RDR [nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR],
+ nlHsIntLit 1]))
+ pred_enum dflags
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc pred_RDR [a_Pat] $
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] $
+ nlHsIf (nlHsApps eq_RDR [nlHsIntLit 0,
+ nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR]])
+ (illegal_Expr "pred" occ_nm "tried to take `pred' of first tag in enumeration")
+ (nlHsApp (nlHsVar (tag2con_RDR dflags tycon))
+ (nlHsApps plus_RDR
+ [ nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR]
+ , nlHsLit (HsInt noExtField
+ (mkIntegralLit (-1 :: Int)))]))
+ to_enum dflags
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc toEnum_RDR [a_Pat] $
+ nlHsIf (nlHsApps and_RDR
+ [nlHsApps ge_RDR [nlHsVar a_RDR, nlHsIntLit 0],
+ nlHsApps le_RDR [ nlHsVar a_RDR
+ , nlHsVar (maxtag_RDR dflags tycon)]])
+ (nlHsVarApps (tag2con_RDR dflags tycon) [a_RDR])
+ (illegal_toEnum_tag occ_nm (maxtag_RDR dflags tycon))
+ enum_from dflags
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc enumFrom_RDR [a_Pat] $
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] $
+ nlHsApps map_RDR
+ [nlHsVar (tag2con_RDR dflags tycon),
+ nlHsPar (enum_from_to_Expr
+ (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR])
+ (nlHsVar (maxtag_RDR dflags tycon)))]
+ enum_from_then dflags
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc enumFromThen_RDR [a_Pat, b_Pat] $
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR), (b_RDR, bh_RDR)] $
+ nlHsApp (nlHsVarApps map_RDR [tag2con_RDR dflags tycon]) $
+ nlHsPar (enum_from_then_to_Expr
+ (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR])
+ (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [bh_RDR])
+ (nlHsIf (nlHsApps gt_RDR [nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR],
+ nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [bh_RDR]])
+ (nlHsIntLit 0)
+ (nlHsVar (maxtag_RDR dflags tycon))
+ ))
+ from_enum dflags
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc fromEnum_RDR [a_Pat] $
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] $
+ (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR])
+* *
+ Bounded instances
+* *
+gen_Bounded_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+gen_Bounded_binds loc tycon
+ | isEnumerationTyCon tycon
+ = (listToBag [ min_bound_enum, max_bound_enum ], emptyBag)
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT(isSingleton data_cons)
+ (listToBag [ min_bound_1con, max_bound_1con ], emptyBag)
+ where
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ ----- enum-flavored: ---------------------------
+ min_bound_enum = mkHsVarBind loc minBound_RDR (nlHsVar data_con_1_RDR)
+ max_bound_enum = mkHsVarBind loc maxBound_RDR (nlHsVar data_con_N_RDR)
+ data_con_1 = head data_cons
+ data_con_N = last data_cons
+ data_con_1_RDR = getRdrName data_con_1
+ data_con_N_RDR = getRdrName data_con_N
+ ----- single-constructor-flavored: -------------
+ arity = dataConSourceArity data_con_1
+ min_bound_1con = mkHsVarBind loc minBound_RDR $
+ nlHsVarApps data_con_1_RDR (replicate arity minBound_RDR)
+ max_bound_1con = mkHsVarBind loc maxBound_RDR $
+ nlHsVarApps data_con_1_RDR (replicate arity maxBound_RDR)
+* *
+ Ix instances
+* *
+Deriving @Ix@ is only possible for enumeration types and
+single-constructor types. We deal with them in turn.
+For an enumeration type, e.g.,
+ data Foo ... = N1 | N2 | ... | Nn
+things go not too differently from @Enum@:
+instance ... Ix (Foo ...) where
+ range (a, b)
+ = map tag2con_Foo [con2tag_Foo a .. con2tag_Foo b]
+ -- or, really...
+ range (a, b)
+ = case (con2tag_Foo a) of { a# ->
+ case (con2tag_Foo b) of { b# ->
+ map tag2con_Foo (enumFromTo (I# a#) (I# b#))
+ }}
+ -- Generate code for unsafeIndex, because using index leads
+ -- to lots of redundant range tests
+ unsafeIndex c@(a, b) d
+ = case (con2tag_Foo d -# con2tag_Foo a) of
+ r# -> I# r#
+ inRange (a, b) c
+ = let
+ p_tag = con2tag_Foo c
+ in
+ p_tag >= con2tag_Foo a && p_tag <= con2tag_Foo b
+ -- or, really...
+ inRange (a, b) c
+ = case (con2tag_Foo a) of { a_tag ->
+ case (con2tag_Foo b) of { b_tag ->
+ case (con2tag_Foo c) of { c_tag ->
+ if (c_tag >=# a_tag) then
+ c_tag <=# b_tag
+ else
+ False
+ }}}
+(modulo suitable case-ification to handle the unlifted tags)
+For a single-constructor type (NB: this includes all tuples), e.g.,
+ data Foo ... = MkFoo a b Int Double c c
+we follow the scheme given in Figure~19 of the Haskell~1.2 report
+gen_Ix_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+gen_Ix_binds loc tycon = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return $ if isEnumerationTyCon tycon
+ then (enum_ixes dflags, listToBag $ map DerivAuxBind
+ [DerivCon2Tag tycon, DerivTag2Con tycon, DerivMaxTag tycon])
+ else (single_con_ixes, unitBag (DerivAuxBind (DerivCon2Tag tycon)))
+ where
+ --------------------------------------------------------------
+ enum_ixes dflags = listToBag
+ [ enum_range dflags
+ , enum_index dflags
+ , enum_inRange dflags
+ ]
+ enum_range dflags
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc range_RDR [nlTuplePat [a_Pat, b_Pat] Boxed] $
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] $
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(b_RDR, bh_RDR)] $
+ nlHsApp (nlHsVarApps map_RDR [tag2con_RDR dflags tycon]) $
+ nlHsPar (enum_from_to_Expr
+ (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [ah_RDR])
+ (nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [bh_RDR]))
+ enum_index dflags
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc unsafeIndex_RDR
+ [noLoc (AsPat noExtField (noLoc c_RDR)
+ (nlTuplePat [a_Pat, nlWildPat] Boxed)),
+ d_Pat] (
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] (
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(d_RDR, dh_RDR)] (
+ let
+ rhs = nlHsVarApps intDataCon_RDR [c_RDR]
+ in
+ nlHsCase
+ (genOpApp (nlHsVar dh_RDR) minusInt_RDR (nlHsVar ah_RDR))
+ [mkHsCaseAlt (nlVarPat c_RDR) rhs]
+ ))
+ )
+ -- This produces something like `(ch >= ah) && (ch <= bh)`
+ enum_inRange dflags
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc inRange_RDR [nlTuplePat [a_Pat, b_Pat] Boxed, c_Pat] $
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] (
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(b_RDR, bh_RDR)] (
+ untag_Expr dflags tycon [(c_RDR, ch_RDR)] (
+ -- This used to use `if`, which interacts badly with RebindableSyntax.
+ -- See #11396.
+ nlHsApps and_RDR
+ [ genPrimOpApp (nlHsVar ch_RDR) geInt_RDR (nlHsVar ah_RDR)
+ , genPrimOpApp (nlHsVar ch_RDR) leInt_RDR (nlHsVar bh_RDR)
+ ]
+ )))
+ --------------------------------------------------------------
+ single_con_ixes
+ = listToBag [single_con_range, single_con_index, single_con_inRange]
+ data_con
+ = case tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tycon of -- just checking...
+ Nothing -> panic "get_Ix_binds"
+ Just dc -> dc
+ con_arity = dataConSourceArity data_con
+ data_con_RDR = getRdrName data_con
+ as_needed = take con_arity as_RDRs
+ bs_needed = take con_arity bs_RDRs
+ cs_needed = take con_arity cs_RDRs
+ con_pat xs = nlConVarPat data_con_RDR xs
+ con_expr = nlHsVarApps data_con_RDR cs_needed
+ --------------------------------------------------------------
+ single_con_range
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc range_RDR
+ [nlTuplePat [con_pat as_needed, con_pat bs_needed] Boxed] $
+ noLoc (mkHsComp ListComp stmts con_expr)
+ where
+ stmts = zipWith3Equal "single_con_range" mk_qual as_needed bs_needed cs_needed
+ mk_qual a b c = noLoc $ mkBindStmt (nlVarPat c)
+ (nlHsApp (nlHsVar range_RDR)
+ (mkLHsVarTuple [a,b]))
+ ----------------
+ single_con_index
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc unsafeIndex_RDR
+ [nlTuplePat [con_pat as_needed, con_pat bs_needed] Boxed,
+ con_pat cs_needed]
+ -- We need to reverse the order we consider the components in
+ -- so that
+ -- range (l,u) !! index (l,u) i == i -- when i is in range
+ -- (from holds.
+ (mk_index (reverse $ zip3 as_needed bs_needed cs_needed))
+ where
+ -- index (l1,u1) i1 + rangeSize (l1,u1) * (index (l2,u2) i2 + ...)
+ mk_index [] = nlHsIntLit 0
+ mk_index [(l,u,i)] = mk_one l u i
+ mk_index ((l,u,i) : rest)
+ = genOpApp (
+ mk_one l u i
+ ) plus_RDR (
+ genOpApp (
+ (nlHsApp (nlHsVar unsafeRangeSize_RDR)
+ (mkLHsVarTuple [l,u]))
+ ) times_RDR (mk_index rest)
+ )
+ mk_one l u i
+ = nlHsApps unsafeIndex_RDR [mkLHsVarTuple [l,u], nlHsVar i]
+ ------------------
+ single_con_inRange
+ = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc inRange_RDR
+ [nlTuplePat [con_pat as_needed, con_pat bs_needed] Boxed,
+ con_pat cs_needed] $
+ if con_arity == 0
+ -- If the product type has no fields, inRange is trivially true
+ -- (see #12853).
+ then true_Expr
+ else foldl1 and_Expr (zipWith3Equal "single_con_inRange" in_range
+ as_needed bs_needed cs_needed)
+ where
+ in_range a b c = nlHsApps inRange_RDR [mkLHsVarTuple [a,b], nlHsVar c]
+* *
+ Read instances
+* *
+ infix 4 %%
+ data T = Int %% Int
+ | T1 { f1 :: Int }
+ | T2 T
+instance Read T where
+ readPrec =
+ parens
+ ( prec 4 (
+ do x <- ReadP.step Read.readPrec
+ expectP (Symbol "%%")
+ y <- ReadP.step Read.readPrec
+ return (x %% y))
+ +++
+ prec (appPrec+1) (
+ -- Note the "+1" part; "T2 T1 {f1=3}" should parse ok
+ -- Record construction binds even more tightly than application
+ do expectP (Ident "T1")
+ expectP (Punc '{')
+ x <- Read.readField "f1" (ReadP.reset readPrec)
+ expectP (Punc '}')
+ return (T1 { f1 = x }))
+ +++
+ prec appPrec (
+ do expectP (Ident "T2")
+ x <- ReadP.step Read.readPrec
+ return (T2 x))
+ )
+ readListPrec = readListPrecDefault
+ readList = readListDefault
+Note [Use expectP]
+Note that we use
+ expectP (Ident "T1")
+rather than
+ Ident "T1" <- lexP
+The latter desugares to inline code for matching the Ident and the
+string, and this can be very voluminous. The former is much more
+compact. Cf #7258, although that also concerned non-linearity in
+the occurrence analyser, a separate issue.
+Note [Read for empty data types]
+What should we get for this? (#7931)
+ data Emp deriving( Read ) -- No data constructors
+Here we want
+ read "[]" :: [Emp] to succeed, returning []
+So we do NOT want
+ instance Read Emp where
+ readPrec = error "urk"
+Rather we want
+ instance Read Emp where
+ readPred = pfail -- Same as choose []
+Because 'pfail' allows the parser to backtrack, but 'error' doesn't.
+These instances are also useful for Read (Either Int Emp), where
+we want to be able to parse (Left 3) just fine.
+gen_Read_binds :: (Name -> Fixity) -> SrcSpan -> TyCon
+ -> (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+gen_Read_binds get_fixity loc tycon
+ = (listToBag [read_prec, default_readlist, default_readlistprec], emptyBag)
+ where
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ default_readlist
+ = mkHsVarBind loc readList_RDR (nlHsVar readListDefault_RDR)
+ default_readlistprec
+ = mkHsVarBind loc readListPrec_RDR (nlHsVar readListPrecDefault_RDR)
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ (nullary_cons, non_nullary_cons) = partition isNullarySrcDataCon data_cons
+ read_prec = mkHsVarBind loc readPrec_RDR rhs
+ where
+ rhs | null data_cons -- See Note [Read for empty data types]
+ = nlHsVar pfail_RDR
+ | otherwise
+ = nlHsApp (nlHsVar parens_RDR)
+ (foldr1 mk_alt (read_nullary_cons ++
+ read_non_nullary_cons))
+ read_non_nullary_cons = map read_non_nullary_con non_nullary_cons
+ read_nullary_cons
+ = case nullary_cons of
+ [] -> []
+ [con] -> [nlHsDo DoExpr (match_con con ++ [noLoc $ mkLastStmt (result_expr con [])])]
+ _ -> [nlHsApp (nlHsVar choose_RDR)
+ (nlList (map mk_pair nullary_cons))]
+ -- NB For operators the parens around (:=:) are matched by the
+ -- enclosing "parens" call, so here we must match the naked
+ -- data_con_str con
+ match_con con | isSym con_str = [symbol_pat con_str]
+ | otherwise = ident_h_pat con_str
+ where
+ con_str = data_con_str con
+ -- For nullary constructors we must match Ident s for normal constrs
+ -- and Symbol s for operators
+ mk_pair con = mkLHsTupleExpr [nlHsLit (mkHsString (data_con_str con)),
+ result_expr con []]
+ read_non_nullary_con data_con
+ | is_infix = mk_parser infix_prec infix_stmts body
+ | is_record = mk_parser record_prec record_stmts body
+-- Using these two lines instead allows the derived
+-- read for infix and record bindings to read the prefix form
+-- | is_infix = mk_alt prefix_parser (mk_parser infix_prec infix_stmts body)
+-- | is_record = mk_alt prefix_parser (mk_parser record_prec record_stmts body)
+ | otherwise = prefix_parser
+ where
+ body = result_expr data_con as_needed
+ con_str = data_con_str data_con
+ prefix_parser = mk_parser prefix_prec prefix_stmts body
+ read_prefix_con
+ | isSym con_str = [read_punc "(", symbol_pat con_str, read_punc ")"]
+ | otherwise = ident_h_pat con_str
+ read_infix_con
+ | isSym con_str = [symbol_pat con_str]
+ | otherwise = [read_punc "`"] ++ ident_h_pat con_str ++ [read_punc "`"]
+ prefix_stmts -- T a b c
+ = read_prefix_con ++ read_args
+ infix_stmts -- a %% b, or a `T` b
+ = [read_a1]
+ ++ read_infix_con
+ ++ [read_a2]
+ record_stmts -- T { f1 = a, f2 = b }
+ = read_prefix_con
+ ++ [read_punc "{"]
+ ++ concat (intersperse [read_punc ","] field_stmts)
+ ++ [read_punc "}"]
+ field_stmts = zipWithEqual "lbl_stmts" read_field labels as_needed
+ con_arity = dataConSourceArity data_con
+ labels = map flLabel $ dataConFieldLabels data_con
+ dc_nm = getName data_con
+ is_infix = dataConIsInfix data_con
+ is_record = labels `lengthExceeds` 0
+ as_needed = take con_arity as_RDRs
+ read_args = zipWithEqual "gen_Read_binds" read_arg as_needed (dataConOrigArgTys data_con)
+ (read_a1:read_a2:_) = read_args
+ prefix_prec = appPrecedence
+ infix_prec = getPrecedence get_fixity dc_nm
+ record_prec = appPrecedence + 1 -- Record construction binds even more tightly
+ -- than application; e.g. T2 T1 {x=2} means T2 (T1 {x=2})
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Helpers
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ mk_alt e1 e2 = genOpApp e1 alt_RDR e2 -- e1 +++ e2
+ mk_parser p ss b = nlHsApps prec_RDR [nlHsIntLit p -- prec p (do { ss ; b })
+ , nlHsDo DoExpr (ss ++ [noLoc $ mkLastStmt b])]
+ con_app con as = nlHsVarApps (getRdrName con) as -- con as
+ result_expr con as = nlHsApp (nlHsVar returnM_RDR) (con_app con as) -- return (con as)
+ -- For constructors and field labels ending in '#', we hackily
+ -- let the lexer generate two tokens, and look for both in sequence
+ -- Thus [Ident "I"; Symbol "#"]. See #5041
+ ident_h_pat s | Just (ss, '#') <- snocView s = [ ident_pat ss, symbol_pat "#" ]
+ | otherwise = [ ident_pat s ]
+ bindLex pat = noLoc (mkBodyStmt (nlHsApp (nlHsVar expectP_RDR) pat)) -- expectP p
+ -- See Note [Use expectP]
+ ident_pat s = bindLex $ nlHsApps ident_RDR [nlHsLit (mkHsString s)] -- expectP (Ident "foo")
+ symbol_pat s = bindLex $ nlHsApps symbol_RDR [nlHsLit (mkHsString s)] -- expectP (Symbol ">>")
+ read_punc c = bindLex $ nlHsApps punc_RDR [nlHsLit (mkHsString c)] -- expectP (Punc "<")
+ data_con_str con = occNameString (getOccName con)
+ read_arg a ty = ASSERT( not (isUnliftedType ty) )
+ noLoc (mkBindStmt (nlVarPat a) (nlHsVarApps step_RDR [readPrec_RDR]))
+ -- When reading field labels we might encounter
+ -- a = 3
+ -- _a = 3
+ -- or (#) = 4
+ -- Note the parens!
+ read_field lbl a =
+ [noLoc
+ (mkBindStmt
+ (nlVarPat a)
+ (nlHsApp
+ read_field
+ (nlHsVarApps reset_RDR [readPrec_RDR])
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ where
+ lbl_str = unpackFS lbl
+ mk_read_field read_field_rdr lbl
+ = nlHsApps read_field_rdr [nlHsLit (mkHsString lbl)]
+ read_field
+ | isSym lbl_str
+ = mk_read_field readSymField_RDR lbl_str
+ | Just (ss, '#') <- snocView lbl_str -- #14918
+ = mk_read_field readFieldHash_RDR ss
+ | otherwise
+ = mk_read_field readField_RDR lbl_str
+* *
+ Show instances
+* *
+ infixr 5 :^:
+ data Tree a = Leaf a | Tree a :^: Tree a
+ instance (Show a) => Show (Tree a) where
+ showsPrec d (Leaf m) = showParen (d > app_prec) showStr
+ where
+ showStr = showString "Leaf " . showsPrec (app_prec+1) m
+ showsPrec d (u :^: v) = showParen (d > up_prec) showStr
+ where
+ showStr = showsPrec (up_prec+1) u .
+ showString " :^: " .
+ showsPrec (up_prec+1) v
+ -- Note: right-associativity of :^: ignored
+ up_prec = 5 -- Precedence of :^:
+ app_prec = 10 -- Application has precedence one more than
+ -- the most tightly-binding operator
+gen_Show_binds :: (Name -> Fixity) -> SrcSpan -> TyCon
+ -> (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+gen_Show_binds get_fixity loc tycon
+ = (unitBag shows_prec, emptyBag)
+ where
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ shows_prec = mkFunBindEC 2 loc showsPrec_RDR id (map pats_etc data_cons)
+ comma_space = nlHsVar showCommaSpace_RDR
+ pats_etc data_con
+ | nullary_con = -- skip the showParen junk...
+ ASSERT(null bs_needed)
+ ([nlWildPat, con_pat], mk_showString_app op_con_str)
+ | otherwise =
+ ([a_Pat, con_pat],
+ showParen_Expr (genOpApp a_Expr ge_RDR (nlHsLit
+ (HsInt noExtField (mkIntegralLit con_prec_plus_one))))
+ (nlHsPar (nested_compose_Expr show_thingies)))
+ where
+ data_con_RDR = getRdrName data_con
+ con_arity = dataConSourceArity data_con
+ bs_needed = take con_arity bs_RDRs
+ arg_tys = dataConOrigArgTys data_con -- Correspond 1-1 with bs_needed
+ con_pat = nlConVarPat data_con_RDR bs_needed
+ nullary_con = con_arity == 0
+ labels = map flLabel $ dataConFieldLabels data_con
+ lab_fields = length labels
+ record_syntax = lab_fields > 0
+ dc_nm = getName data_con
+ dc_occ_nm = getOccName data_con
+ con_str = occNameString dc_occ_nm
+ op_con_str = wrapOpParens con_str
+ backquote_str = wrapOpBackquotes con_str
+ show_thingies
+ | is_infix = [show_arg1, mk_showString_app (" " ++ backquote_str ++ " "), show_arg2]
+ | record_syntax = mk_showString_app (op_con_str ++ " {") :
+ show_record_args ++ [mk_showString_app "}"]
+ | otherwise = mk_showString_app (op_con_str ++ " ") : show_prefix_args
+ show_label l = mk_showString_app (nm ++ " = ")
+ -- Note the spaces around the "=" sign. If we
+ -- don't have them then we get Foo { x=-1 } and
+ -- the "=-" parses as a single lexeme. Only the
+ -- space after the '=' is necessary, but it
+ -- seems tidier to have them both sides.
+ where
+ nm = wrapOpParens (unpackFS l)
+ show_args = zipWith show_arg bs_needed arg_tys
+ (show_arg1:show_arg2:_) = show_args
+ show_prefix_args = intersperse (nlHsVar showSpace_RDR) show_args
+ -- Assumption for record syntax: no of fields == no of
+ -- labelled fields (and in same order)
+ show_record_args = concat $
+ intersperse [comma_space] $
+ [ [show_label lbl, arg]
+ | (lbl,arg) <- zipEqual "gen_Show_binds"
+ labels show_args ]
+ show_arg :: RdrName -> Type -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ show_arg b arg_ty
+ | isUnliftedType arg_ty
+ -- See Note [Deriving and unboxed types] in GHC.Tc.Deriv.Infer
+ = with_conv $
+ nlHsApps compose_RDR
+ [mk_shows_app boxed_arg, mk_showString_app postfixMod]
+ | otherwise
+ = mk_showsPrec_app arg_prec arg
+ where
+ arg = nlHsVar b
+ boxed_arg = box "Show" arg arg_ty
+ postfixMod = assoc_ty_id "Show" postfixModTbl arg_ty
+ with_conv expr
+ | (Just conv) <- assoc_ty_id_maybe primConvTbl arg_ty =
+ nested_compose_Expr
+ [ mk_showString_app ("(" ++ conv ++ " ")
+ , expr
+ , mk_showString_app ")"
+ ]
+ | otherwise = expr
+ -- Fixity stuff
+ is_infix = dataConIsInfix data_con
+ con_prec_plus_one = 1 + getPrec is_infix get_fixity dc_nm
+ arg_prec | record_syntax = 0 -- Record fields don't need parens
+ | otherwise = con_prec_plus_one
+wrapOpParens :: String -> String
+wrapOpParens s | isSym s = '(' : s ++ ")"
+ | otherwise = s
+wrapOpBackquotes :: String -> String
+wrapOpBackquotes s | isSym s = s
+ | otherwise = '`' : s ++ "`"
+isSym :: String -> Bool
+isSym "" = False
+isSym (c : _) = startsVarSym c || startsConSym c
+-- | showString :: String -> ShowS
+mk_showString_app :: String -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+mk_showString_app str = nlHsApp (nlHsVar showString_RDR) (nlHsLit (mkHsString str))
+-- | showsPrec :: Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
+mk_showsPrec_app :: Integer -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+mk_showsPrec_app p x
+ = nlHsApps showsPrec_RDR [nlHsLit (HsInt noExtField (mkIntegralLit p)), x]
+-- | shows :: Show a => a -> ShowS
+mk_shows_app :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+mk_shows_app x = nlHsApp (nlHsVar shows_RDR) x
+getPrec :: Bool -> (Name -> Fixity) -> Name -> Integer
+getPrec is_infix get_fixity nm
+ | not is_infix = appPrecedence
+ | otherwise = getPrecedence get_fixity nm
+appPrecedence :: Integer
+appPrecedence = fromIntegral maxPrecedence + 1
+ -- One more than the precedence of the most
+ -- tightly-binding operator
+getPrecedence :: (Name -> Fixity) -> Name -> Integer
+getPrecedence get_fixity nm
+ = case get_fixity nm of
+ Fixity _ x _assoc -> fromIntegral x
+ -- NB: the Report says that associativity is not taken
+ -- into account for either Read or Show; hence we
+ -- ignore associativity here
+* *
+ Data instances
+* *
+From the data type
+ data T a b = T1 a b | T2
+we generate
+ $cT1 = mkDataCon $dT "T1" Prefix
+ $cT2 = mkDataCon $dT "T2" Prefix
+ $dT = mkDataType "Module.T" [] [$con_T1, $con_T2]
+ -- the [] is for field labels.
+ instance (Data a, Data b) => Data (T a b) where
+ gfoldl k z (T1 a b) = z T `k` a `k` b
+ gfoldl k z T2 = z T2
+ -- ToDo: add gmapT,Q,M, gfoldr
+ gunfold k z c = case conIndex c of
+ I# 1# -> k (k (z T1))
+ I# 2# -> z T2
+ toConstr (T1 _ _) = $cT1
+ toConstr T2 = $cT2
+ dataTypeOf _ = $dT
+ dataCast1 = gcast1 -- If T :: * -> *
+ dataCast2 = gcast2 -- if T :: * -> * -> *
+gen_Data_binds :: SrcSpan
+ -> TyCon -- For data families, this is the
+ -- *representation* TyCon
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, -- The method bindings
+ BagDerivStuff) -- Auxiliary bindings
+gen_Data_binds loc rep_tc
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- Make unique names for the data type and constructor
+ -- auxiliary bindings. Start with the name of the TyCon/DataCon
+ -- but that might not be unique: see #12245.
+ ; dt_occ <- chooseUniqueOccTc (mkDataTOcc (getOccName rep_tc))
+ ; dc_occs <- mapM (chooseUniqueOccTc . mkDataCOcc . getOccName)
+ (tyConDataCons rep_tc)
+ ; let dt_rdr = mkRdrUnqual dt_occ
+ dc_rdrs = map mkRdrUnqual dc_occs
+ -- OK, now do the work
+ ; return (gen_data dflags dt_rdr dc_rdrs loc rep_tc) }
+gen_data :: DynFlags -> RdrName -> [RdrName]
+ -> SrcSpan -> TyCon
+ -> (LHsBinds GhcPs, -- The method bindings
+ BagDerivStuff) -- Auxiliary bindings
+gen_data dflags data_type_name constr_names loc rep_tc
+ = (listToBag [gfoldl_bind, gunfold_bind, toCon_bind, dataTypeOf_bind]
+ `unionBags` gcast_binds,
+ -- Auxiliary definitions: the data type and constructors
+ listToBag ( genDataTyCon
+ : zipWith genDataDataCon data_cons constr_names ) )
+ where
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons rep_tc
+ n_cons = length data_cons
+ one_constr = n_cons == 1
+ genDataTyCon :: DerivStuff
+ genDataTyCon -- $dT
+ = DerivHsBind (mkHsVarBind loc data_type_name rhs,
+ L loc (TypeSig noExtField [L loc data_type_name] sig_ty))
+ sig_ty = mkLHsSigWcType (nlHsTyVar dataType_RDR)
+ rhs = nlHsVar mkDataType_RDR
+ `nlHsApp` nlHsLit (mkHsString (showSDocOneLine dflags (ppr rep_tc)))
+ `nlHsApp` nlList (map nlHsVar constr_names)
+ genDataDataCon :: DataCon -> RdrName -> DerivStuff
+ genDataDataCon dc constr_name -- $cT1 etc
+ = DerivHsBind (mkHsVarBind loc constr_name rhs,
+ L loc (TypeSig noExtField [L loc constr_name] sig_ty))
+ where
+ sig_ty = mkLHsSigWcType (nlHsTyVar constr_RDR)
+ rhs = nlHsApps mkConstr_RDR constr_args
+ constr_args
+ = [ -- nlHsIntLit (toInteger (dataConTag dc)), -- Tag
+ nlHsVar (data_type_name) -- DataType
+ , nlHsLit (mkHsString (occNameString dc_occ)) -- String name
+ , nlList labels -- Field labels
+ , nlHsVar fixity ] -- Fixity
+ labels = map (nlHsLit . mkHsString . unpackFS . flLabel)
+ (dataConFieldLabels dc)
+ dc_occ = getOccName dc
+ is_infix = isDataSymOcc dc_occ
+ fixity | is_infix = infix_RDR
+ | otherwise = prefix_RDR
+ ------------ gfoldl
+ gfoldl_bind = mkFunBindEC 3 loc gfoldl_RDR id (map gfoldl_eqn data_cons)
+ gfoldl_eqn con
+ = ([nlVarPat k_RDR, z_Pat, nlConVarPat con_name as_needed],
+ foldl' mk_k_app (z_Expr `nlHsApp` nlHsVar con_name) as_needed)
+ where
+ con_name :: RdrName
+ con_name = getRdrName con
+ as_needed = take (dataConSourceArity con) as_RDRs
+ mk_k_app e v = nlHsPar (nlHsOpApp e k_RDR (nlHsVar v))
+ ------------ gunfold
+ gunfold_bind = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc
+ gunfold_RDR
+ [k_Pat, z_Pat, if one_constr then nlWildPat else c_Pat]
+ gunfold_rhs
+ gunfold_rhs
+ | one_constr = mk_unfold_rhs (head data_cons) -- No need for case
+ | otherwise = nlHsCase (nlHsVar conIndex_RDR `nlHsApp` c_Expr)
+ (map gunfold_alt data_cons)
+ gunfold_alt dc = mkHsCaseAlt (mk_unfold_pat dc) (mk_unfold_rhs dc)
+ mk_unfold_rhs dc = foldr nlHsApp
+ (z_Expr `nlHsApp` nlHsVar (getRdrName dc))
+ (replicate (dataConSourceArity dc) (nlHsVar k_RDR))
+ mk_unfold_pat dc -- Last one is a wild-pat, to avoid
+ -- redundant test, and annoying warning
+ | tag-fIRST_TAG == n_cons-1 = nlWildPat -- Last constructor
+ | otherwise = nlConPat intDataCon_RDR
+ [nlLitPat (HsIntPrim NoSourceText (toInteger tag))]
+ where
+ tag = dataConTag dc
+ ------------ toConstr
+ toCon_bind = mkFunBindEC 1 loc toConstr_RDR id
+ (zipWith to_con_eqn data_cons constr_names)
+ to_con_eqn dc con_name = ([nlWildConPat dc], nlHsVar con_name)
+ ------------ dataTypeOf
+ dataTypeOf_bind = mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind
+ loc
+ dataTypeOf_RDR
+ [nlWildPat]
+ (nlHsVar data_type_name)
+ ------------ gcast1/2
+ -- Make the binding dataCast1 x = gcast1 x -- if T :: * -> *
+ -- or dataCast2 x = gcast2 s -- if T :: * -> * -> *
+ -- (or nothing if T has neither of these two types)
+ -- But care is needed for data families:
+ -- If we have data family D a
+ -- data instance D (a,b,c) = A | B deriving( Data )
+ -- and we want instance ... => Data (D [(a,b,c)]) where ...
+ -- then we need dataCast1 x = gcast1 x
+ -- because D :: * -> *
+ -- even though rep_tc has kind * -> * -> * -> *
+ -- Hence looking for the kind of fam_tc not rep_tc
+ -- See #4896
+ tycon_kind = case tyConFamInst_maybe rep_tc of
+ Just (fam_tc, _) -> tyConKind fam_tc
+ Nothing -> tyConKind rep_tc
+ gcast_binds | tycon_kind `tcEqKind` kind1 = mk_gcast dataCast1_RDR gcast1_RDR
+ | tycon_kind `tcEqKind` kind2 = mk_gcast dataCast2_RDR gcast2_RDR
+ | otherwise = emptyBag
+ mk_gcast dataCast_RDR gcast_RDR
+ = unitBag (mkSimpleGeneratedFunBind loc dataCast_RDR [nlVarPat f_RDR]
+ (nlHsVar gcast_RDR `nlHsApp` nlHsVar f_RDR))
+kind1, kind2 :: Kind
+kind1 = typeToTypeKind
+kind2 = liftedTypeKind `mkVisFunTy` kind1
+gfoldl_RDR, gunfold_RDR, toConstr_RDR, dataTypeOf_RDR, mkConstr_RDR,
+ mkDataType_RDR, conIndex_RDR, prefix_RDR, infix_RDR,
+ dataCast1_RDR, dataCast2_RDR, gcast1_RDR, gcast2_RDR,
+ constr_RDR, dataType_RDR,
+ eqChar_RDR , ltChar_RDR , geChar_RDR , gtChar_RDR , leChar_RDR ,
+ eqInt_RDR , ltInt_RDR , geInt_RDR , gtInt_RDR , leInt_RDR ,
+ eqInt8_RDR , ltInt8_RDR , geInt8_RDR , gtInt8_RDR , leInt8_RDR ,
+ eqInt16_RDR , ltInt16_RDR , geInt16_RDR , gtInt16_RDR , leInt16_RDR ,
+ eqWord_RDR , ltWord_RDR , geWord_RDR , gtWord_RDR , leWord_RDR ,
+ eqWord8_RDR , ltWord8_RDR , geWord8_RDR , gtWord8_RDR , leWord8_RDR ,
+ eqWord16_RDR, ltWord16_RDR, geWord16_RDR, gtWord16_RDR, leWord16_RDR,
+ eqAddr_RDR , ltAddr_RDR , geAddr_RDR , gtAddr_RDR , leAddr_RDR ,
+ eqFloat_RDR , ltFloat_RDR , geFloat_RDR , gtFloat_RDR , leFloat_RDR ,
+ eqDouble_RDR, ltDouble_RDR, geDouble_RDR, gtDouble_RDR, leDouble_RDR,
+ extendWord8_RDR, extendInt8_RDR,
+ extendWord16_RDR, extendInt16_RDR :: RdrName
+gfoldl_RDR = varQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "gfoldl")
+gunfold_RDR = varQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "gunfold")
+toConstr_RDR = varQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "toConstr")
+dataTypeOf_RDR = varQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "dataTypeOf")
+dataCast1_RDR = varQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "dataCast1")
+dataCast2_RDR = varQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "dataCast2")
+gcast1_RDR = varQual_RDR tYPEABLE (fsLit "gcast1")
+gcast2_RDR = varQual_RDR tYPEABLE (fsLit "gcast2")
+mkConstr_RDR = varQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "mkConstr")
+constr_RDR = tcQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "Constr")
+mkDataType_RDR = varQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "mkDataType")
+dataType_RDR = tcQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "DataType")
+conIndex_RDR = varQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "constrIndex")
+prefix_RDR = dataQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "Prefix")
+infix_RDR = dataQual_RDR gENERICS (fsLit "Infix")
+eqChar_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "eqChar#")
+ltChar_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "ltChar#")
+leChar_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "leChar#")
+gtChar_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "gtChar#")
+geChar_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "geChar#")
+eqInt_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "==#")
+ltInt_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "<#" )
+leInt_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "<=#")
+gtInt_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit ">#" )
+geInt_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit ">=#")
+eqInt8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "eqInt8#")
+ltInt8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "ltInt8#" )
+leInt8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "leInt8#")
+gtInt8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "gtInt8#" )
+geInt8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "geInt8#")
+eqInt16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "eqInt16#")
+ltInt16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "ltInt16#" )
+leInt16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "leInt16#")
+gtInt16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "gtInt16#" )
+geInt16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "geInt16#")
+eqWord_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "eqWord#")
+ltWord_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "ltWord#")
+leWord_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "leWord#")
+gtWord_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "gtWord#")
+geWord_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "geWord#")
+eqWord8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "eqWord8#")
+ltWord8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "ltWord8#" )
+leWord8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "leWord8#")
+gtWord8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "gtWord8#" )
+geWord8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "geWord8#")
+eqWord16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "eqWord16#")
+ltWord16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "ltWord16#" )
+leWord16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "leWord16#")
+gtWord16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "gtWord16#" )
+geWord16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "geWord16#")
+eqAddr_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "eqAddr#")
+ltAddr_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "ltAddr#")
+leAddr_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "leAddr#")
+gtAddr_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "gtAddr#")
+geAddr_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "geAddr#")
+eqFloat_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "eqFloat#")
+ltFloat_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "ltFloat#")
+leFloat_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "leFloat#")
+gtFloat_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "gtFloat#")
+geFloat_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "geFloat#")
+eqDouble_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "==##")
+ltDouble_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "<##" )
+leDouble_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "<=##")
+gtDouble_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit ">##" )
+geDouble_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit ">=##")
+extendWord8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "extendWord8#")
+extendInt8_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "extendInt8#")
+extendWord16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "extendWord16#")
+extendInt16_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_PRIM (fsLit "extendInt16#")
+* *
+ Lift instances
+* *
+ data Foo a = Foo a | a :^: a deriving Lift
+ ==>
+ instance (Lift a) => Lift (Foo a) where
+ lift (Foo a) = [| Foo a |]
+ lift ((:^:) u v) = [| (:^:) u v |]
+ liftTyped (Foo a) = [|| Foo a ||]
+ liftTyped ((:^:) u v) = [|| (:^:) u v ||]
+gen_Lift_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
+gen_Lift_binds loc tycon = (listToBag [lift_bind, liftTyped_bind], emptyBag)
+ where
+ lift_bind = mkFunBindEC 1 loc lift_RDR (nlHsApp pure_Expr)
+ (map (pats_etc mk_exp) data_cons)
+ liftTyped_bind = mkFunBindEC 1 loc liftTyped_RDR (nlHsApp pure_Expr)
+ (map (pats_etc mk_texp) data_cons)
+ mk_exp = ExpBr noExtField
+ mk_texp = TExpBr noExtField
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ pats_etc mk_bracket data_con
+ = ([con_pat], lift_Expr)
+ where
+ con_pat = nlConVarPat data_con_RDR as_needed
+ data_con_RDR = getRdrName data_con
+ con_arity = dataConSourceArity data_con
+ as_needed = take con_arity as_RDRs
+ lift_Expr = noLoc (HsBracket noExtField (mk_bracket br_body))
+ br_body = nlHsApps (Exact (dataConName data_con))
+ (map nlHsVar as_needed)
+* *
+ Newtype-deriving instances
+* *
+Note [Newtype-deriving instances]
+We take every method in the original instance and `coerce` it to fit
+into the derived instance. We need type applications on the argument
+to `coerce` to make it obvious what instantiation of the method we're
+coercing from. So from, say,
+ class C a b where
+ op :: forall c. a -> [b] -> c -> Int
+ newtype T x = MkT <rep-ty>
+ instance C a <rep-ty> => C a (T x) where
+ op :: forall c. a -> [T x] -> c -> Int
+ op = coerce @(a -> [<rep-ty>] -> c -> Int)
+ @(a -> [T x] -> c -> Int)
+ op
+In addition to the type applications, we also have an explicit
+type signature on the entire RHS. This brings the method-bound variable
+`c` into scope over the two type applications.
+See Note [GND and QuantifiedConstraints] for more information on why this
+is important.
+Giving 'coerce' two explicitly-visible type arguments grants us finer control
+over how it should be instantiated. Recall
+ coerce :: Coercible a b => a -> b
+By giving it explicit type arguments we deal with the case where
+'op' has a higher rank type, and so we must instantiate 'coerce' with
+a polytype. E.g.
+ class C a where op :: a -> forall b. b -> b
+ newtype T x = MkT <rep-ty>
+ instance C <rep-ty> => C (T x) where
+ op :: T x -> forall b. b -> b
+ op = coerce @(<rep-ty> -> forall b. b -> b)
+ @(T x -> forall b. b -> b)
+ op
+The use of type applications is crucial here. If we had tried using only
+explicit type signatures, like so:
+ instance C <rep-ty> => C (T x) where
+ op :: T x -> forall b. b -> b
+ op = coerce (op :: <rep-ty> -> forall b. b -> b)
+Then GHC will attempt to deeply skolemize the two type signatures, which will
+wreak havoc with the Coercible solver. Therefore, we instead use type
+applications, which do not deeply skolemize and thus avoid this issue.
+The downside is that we currently require -XImpredicativeTypes to permit this
+polymorphic type instantiation, so we have to switch that flag on locally in
+GHC.Tc.Deriv.genInst. See #8503 for more discussion.
+Note [Newtype-deriving trickiness]
+Consider (#12768):
+ class C a where { op :: D a => a -> a }
+ instance C a => C [a] where { op = opList }
+ opList :: (C a, D [a]) => [a] -> [a]
+ opList = ...
+Now suppose we try GND on this:
+ newtype N a = MkN [a] deriving( C )
+The GND is expecting to get an implementation of op for N by
+coercing opList, thus:
+ instance C a => C (N a) where { op = opN }
+ opN :: (C a, D (N a)) => N a -> N a
+ opN = coerce @([a] -> [a])
+ @([N a] -> [N a]
+ opList :: D (N a) => [N a] -> [N a]
+But there is no reason to suppose that (D [a]) and (D (N a))
+are inter-coercible; these instances might completely different.
+So GHC rightly rejects this code.
+Note [GND and QuantifiedConstraints]
+Consider the following example from #15290:
+ class C m where
+ join :: m (m a) -> m a
+ newtype T m a = MkT (m a)
+ deriving instance
+ (C m, forall p q. Coercible p q => Coercible (m p) (m q)) =>
+ C (T m)
+The code that GHC used to generate for this was:
+ instance (C m, forall p q. Coercible p q => Coercible (m p) (m q)) =>
+ C (T m) where
+ join = coerce @(forall a. m (m a) -> m a)
+ @(forall a. T m (T m a) -> T m a)
+ join
+This instantiates `coerce` at a polymorphic type, a form of impredicative
+polymorphism, so we're already on thin ice. And in fact the ice breaks,
+as we'll explain:
+The call to `coerce` gives rise to:
+ Coercible (forall a. m (m a) -> m a)
+ (forall a. T m (T m a) -> T m a)
+And that simplified to the following implication constraint:
+ forall a <no-ev>. m (T m a) ~R# m (m a)
+But because this constraint is under a `forall`, inside a type, we have to
+prove it *without computing any term evidence* (hence the <no-ev>). Alas, we
+*must* generate a term-level evidence binding in order to instantiate the
+quantified constraint! In response, GHC currently chooses not to use such
+a quantified constraint.
+See Note [Instances in no-evidence implications] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.
+But this isn't the death knell for combining QuantifiedConstraints with GND.
+On the contrary, if we generate GND bindings in a slightly different way, then
+we can avoid this situation altogether. Instead of applying `coerce` to two
+polymorphic types, we instead let an instance signature do the polymorphic
+instantiation, and omit the `forall`s in the type applications.
+More concretely, we generate the following code instead:
+ instance (C m, forall p q. Coercible p q => Coercible (m p) (m q)) =>
+ C (T m) where
+ join :: forall a. T m (T m a) -> T m a
+ join = coerce @( m (m a) -> m a)
+ @(T m (T m a) -> T m a)
+ join
+Now the visible type arguments are both monotypes, so we don't need any of this
+funny quantified constraint instantiation business. While this particular
+example no longer uses impredicative instantiation, we still need to enable
+ImpredicativeTypes to typecheck GND-generated code for class methods with
+higher-rank types. See Note [Newtype-deriving instances].
+You might think that that second @(T m (T m a) -> T m a) argument is redundant
+in the presence of the instance signature, but in fact leaving it off will
+break this example (from the T15290d test case):
+ class C a where
+ c :: Int -> forall b. b -> a
+ instance C Int
+ instance C Age where
+ c :: Int -> forall b. b -> Age
+ c = coerce @(Int -> forall b. b -> Int)
+ c
+That is because the instance signature deeply skolemizes the forall-bound
+`b`, which wreaks havoc with the `Coercible` solver. An additional visible type
+argument of @(Int -> forall b. b -> Age) is enough to prevent this.
+Be aware that the use of an instance signature doesn't /solve/ this
+problem; it just makes it less likely to occur. For example, if a class has
+a truly higher-rank type like so:
+ class CProblem m where
+ op :: (forall b. ... (m b) ...) -> Int
+Then the same situation will arise again. But at least it won't arise for the
+common case of methods with ordinary, prenex-quantified types.
+Note [GND and ambiguity]
+We make an effort to make the code generated through GND be robust w.r.t.
+ambiguous type variables. As one example, consider the following example
+(from #15637):
+ class C a where f :: String
+ instance C () where f = "foo"
+ newtype T = T () deriving C
+A naïve attempt and generating a C T instance would be:
+ instance C T where
+ f :: String
+ f = coerce @String @String f
+This isn't going to typecheck, however, since GHC doesn't know what to
+instantiate the type variable `a` with in the call to `f` in the method body.
+(Note that `f :: forall a. String`!) To compensate for the possibility of
+ambiguity here, we explicitly instantiate `a` like so:
+ instance C T where
+ f :: String
+ f = coerce @String @String (f @())
+All better now.
+gen_Newtype_binds :: SrcSpan
+ -> Class -- the class being derived
+ -> [TyVar] -- the tvs in the instance head (this includes
+ -- the tvs from both the class types and the
+ -- newtype itself)
+ -> [Type] -- instance head parameters (incl. newtype)
+ -> Type -- the representation type
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, [LSig GhcPs], BagDerivStuff)
+-- See Note [Newtype-deriving instances]
+gen_Newtype_binds loc cls inst_tvs inst_tys rhs_ty
+ = do let ats = classATs cls
+ (binds, sigs) = mapAndUnzip mk_bind_and_sig (classMethods cls)
+ atf_insts <- ASSERT( all (not . isDataFamilyTyCon) ats )
+ mapM mk_atf_inst ats
+ return ( listToBag binds
+ , sigs
+ , listToBag $ map DerivFamInst atf_insts )
+ where
+ -- For each class method, generate its derived binding and instance
+ -- signature. Using the first example from
+ -- Note [Newtype-deriving instances]:
+ --
+ -- class C a b where
+ -- op :: forall c. a -> [b] -> c -> Int
+ --
+ -- newtype T x = MkT <rep-ty>
+ --
+ -- Then we would generate <derived-op-impl> below:
+ --
+ -- instance C a <rep-ty> => C a (T x) where
+ -- <derived-op-impl>
+ mk_bind_and_sig :: Id -> (LHsBind GhcPs, LSig GhcPs)
+ mk_bind_and_sig meth_id
+ = ( -- The derived binding, e.g.,
+ --
+ -- op = coerce @(a -> [<rep-ty>] -> c -> Int)
+ -- @(a -> [T x] -> c -> Int)
+ -- op
+ mkRdrFunBind loc_meth_RDR [mkSimpleMatch
+ (mkPrefixFunRhs loc_meth_RDR)
+ [] rhs_expr]
+ , -- The derived instance signature, e.g.,
+ --
+ -- op :: forall c. a -> [T x] -> c -> Int
+ L loc $ ClassOpSig noExtField False [loc_meth_RDR]
+ $ mkLHsSigType $ typeToLHsType to_ty
+ )
+ where
+ Pair from_ty to_ty = mkCoerceClassMethEqn cls inst_tvs inst_tys rhs_ty meth_id
+ (_, _, from_tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy from_ty
+ (_, _, to_tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy to_ty
+ meth_RDR = getRdrName meth_id
+ loc_meth_RDR = L loc meth_RDR
+ rhs_expr = nlHsVar (getRdrName coerceId)
+ `nlHsAppType` from_tau
+ `nlHsAppType` to_tau
+ `nlHsApp` meth_app
+ -- The class method, applied to all of the class instance types
+ -- (including the representation type) to avoid potential ambiguity.
+ -- See Note [GND and ambiguity]
+ meth_app = foldl' nlHsAppType (nlHsVar meth_RDR) $
+ filterOutInferredTypes (classTyCon cls) underlying_inst_tys
+ -- Filter out any inferred arguments, since they can't be
+ -- applied with visible type application.
+ mk_atf_inst :: TyCon -> TcM FamInst
+ mk_atf_inst fam_tc = do
+ rep_tc_name <- newFamInstTyConName (L loc (tyConName fam_tc))
+ rep_lhs_tys
+ let axiom = mkSingleCoAxiom Nominal rep_tc_name rep_tvs' [] rep_cvs'
+ fam_tc rep_lhs_tys rep_rhs_ty
+ -- Check (c) from Note [GND and associated type families] in GHC.Tc.Deriv
+ checkValidCoAxBranch fam_tc (coAxiomSingleBranch axiom)
+ newFamInst SynFamilyInst axiom
+ where
+ cls_tvs = classTyVars cls
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet $ mkVarSet inst_tvs
+ lhs_env = zipTyEnv cls_tvs inst_tys
+ lhs_subst = mkTvSubst in_scope lhs_env
+ rhs_env = zipTyEnv cls_tvs underlying_inst_tys
+ rhs_subst = mkTvSubst in_scope rhs_env
+ fam_tvs = tyConTyVars fam_tc
+ rep_lhs_tys = substTyVars lhs_subst fam_tvs
+ rep_rhs_tys = substTyVars rhs_subst fam_tvs
+ rep_rhs_ty = mkTyConApp fam_tc rep_rhs_tys
+ rep_tcvs = tyCoVarsOfTypesList rep_lhs_tys
+ (rep_tvs, rep_cvs) = partition isTyVar rep_tcvs
+ rep_tvs' = scopedSort rep_tvs
+ rep_cvs' = scopedSort rep_cvs
+ -- Same as inst_tys, but with the last argument type replaced by the
+ -- representation type.
+ underlying_inst_tys :: [Type]
+ underlying_inst_tys = changeLast inst_tys rhs_ty
+nlHsAppType :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> Type -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+nlHsAppType e s = noLoc (HsAppType noExtField e hs_ty)
+ where
+ hs_ty = mkHsWildCardBndrs $ parenthesizeHsType appPrec (typeToLHsType s)
+nlExprWithTySig :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> Type -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+nlExprWithTySig e s = noLoc $ ExprWithTySig noExtField (parenthesizeHsExpr sigPrec e) hs_ty
+ where
+ hs_ty = mkLHsSigWcType (typeToLHsType s)
+mkCoerceClassMethEqn :: Class -- the class being derived
+ -> [TyVar] -- the tvs in the instance head (this includes
+ -- the tvs from both the class types and the
+ -- newtype itself)
+ -> [Type] -- instance head parameters (incl. newtype)
+ -> Type -- the representation type
+ -> Id -- the method to look at
+ -> Pair Type
+-- See Note [Newtype-deriving instances]
+-- See also Note [Newtype-deriving trickiness]
+-- The pair is the (from_type, to_type), where to_type is
+-- the type of the method we are trying to get
+mkCoerceClassMethEqn cls inst_tvs inst_tys rhs_ty id
+ = Pair (substTy rhs_subst user_meth_ty)
+ (substTy lhs_subst user_meth_ty)
+ where
+ cls_tvs = classTyVars cls
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet $ mkVarSet inst_tvs
+ lhs_subst = mkTvSubst in_scope (zipTyEnv cls_tvs inst_tys)
+ rhs_subst = mkTvSubst in_scope (zipTyEnv cls_tvs (changeLast inst_tys rhs_ty))
+ (_class_tvs, _class_constraint, user_meth_ty)
+ = tcSplitMethodTy (varType id)
+* *
+\subsection{Generating extra binds (@con2tag@ and @tag2con@)}
+* *
+data Foo ... = ...
+con2tag_Foo :: Foo ... -> Int#
+tag2con_Foo :: Int -> Foo ... -- easier if Int, not Int#
+maxtag_Foo :: Int -- ditto (NB: not unlifted)
+The `tags' here start at zero, hence the @fIRST_TAG@ (currently one)
+fiddling around.
+genAuxBindSpec :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> AuxBindSpec
+ -> (LHsBind GhcPs, LSig GhcPs)
+genAuxBindSpec dflags loc (DerivCon2Tag tycon)
+ = (mkFunBindSE 0 loc rdr_name eqns,
+ L loc (TypeSig noExtField [L loc rdr_name] sig_ty))
+ where
+ rdr_name = con2tag_RDR dflags tycon
+ sig_ty = mkLHsSigWcType $ L loc $ XHsType $ NHsCoreTy $
+ mkSpecSigmaTy (tyConTyVars tycon) (tyConStupidTheta tycon) $
+ mkParentType tycon `mkVisFunTy` intPrimTy
+ lots_of_constructors = tyConFamilySize tycon > 8
+ -- but we don't do vectored returns any more.
+ eqns | lots_of_constructors = [get_tag_eqn]
+ | otherwise = map mk_eqn (tyConDataCons tycon)
+ get_tag_eqn = ([nlVarPat a_RDR], nlHsApp (nlHsVar getTag_RDR) a_Expr)
+ mk_eqn :: DataCon -> ([LPat GhcPs], LHsExpr GhcPs)
+ mk_eqn con = ([nlWildConPat con],
+ nlHsLit (HsIntPrim NoSourceText
+ (toInteger ((dataConTag con) - fIRST_TAG))))
+genAuxBindSpec dflags loc (DerivTag2Con tycon)
+ = (mkFunBindSE 0 loc rdr_name
+ [([nlConVarPat intDataCon_RDR [a_RDR]],
+ nlHsApp (nlHsVar tagToEnum_RDR) a_Expr)],
+ L loc (TypeSig noExtField [L loc rdr_name] sig_ty))
+ where
+ sig_ty = mkLHsSigWcType $ L loc $
+ XHsType $ NHsCoreTy $ mkSpecForAllTys (tyConTyVars tycon) $
+ intTy `mkVisFunTy` mkParentType tycon
+ rdr_name = tag2con_RDR dflags tycon
+genAuxBindSpec dflags loc (DerivMaxTag tycon)
+ = (mkHsVarBind loc rdr_name rhs,
+ L loc (TypeSig noExtField [L loc rdr_name] sig_ty))
+ where
+ rdr_name = maxtag_RDR dflags tycon
+ sig_ty = mkLHsSigWcType (L loc (XHsType (NHsCoreTy intTy)))
+ rhs = nlHsApp (nlHsVar intDataCon_RDR)
+ (nlHsLit (HsIntPrim NoSourceText max_tag))
+ max_tag = case (tyConDataCons tycon) of
+ data_cons -> toInteger ((length data_cons) - fIRST_TAG)
+type SeparateBagsDerivStuff =
+ -- AuxBinds and SYB bindings
+ ( Bag (LHsBind GhcPs, LSig GhcPs)
+ -- Extra family instances (used by Generic and DeriveAnyClass)
+ , Bag (FamInst) )
+genAuxBinds :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> BagDerivStuff -> SeparateBagsDerivStuff
+genAuxBinds dflags loc b = genAuxBinds' b2 where
+ (b1,b2) = partitionBagWith splitDerivAuxBind b
+ splitDerivAuxBind (DerivAuxBind x) = Left x
+ splitDerivAuxBind x = Right x
+ rm_dups = foldr dup_check emptyBag
+ dup_check a b = if anyBag (== a) b then b else consBag a b
+ genAuxBinds' :: BagDerivStuff -> SeparateBagsDerivStuff
+ genAuxBinds' = foldr f ( mapBag (genAuxBindSpec dflags loc) (rm_dups b1)
+ , emptyBag )
+ f :: DerivStuff -> SeparateBagsDerivStuff -> SeparateBagsDerivStuff
+ f (DerivAuxBind _) = panic "genAuxBinds'" -- We have removed these before
+ f (DerivHsBind b) = add1 b
+ f (DerivFamInst t) = add2 t
+ add1 x (a,b) = (x `consBag` a,b)
+ add2 x (a,b) = (a,x `consBag` b)
+mkParentType :: TyCon -> Type
+-- Turn the representation tycon of a family into
+-- a use of its family constructor
+mkParentType tc
+ = case tyConFamInst_maybe tc of
+ Nothing -> mkTyConApp tc (mkTyVarTys (tyConTyVars tc))
+ Just (fam_tc,tys) -> mkTyConApp fam_tc tys
+* *
+\subsection{Utility bits for generating bindings}
+* *
+-- | Make a function binding. If no equations are given, produce a function
+-- with the given arity that produces a stock error.
+mkFunBindSE :: Arity -> SrcSpan -> RdrName
+ -> [([LPat GhcPs], LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> LHsBind GhcPs
+mkFunBindSE arity loc fun pats_and_exprs
+ = mkRdrFunBindSE arity (L loc fun) matches
+ where
+ matches = [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (L loc fun))
+ (map (parenthesizePat appPrec) p) e
+ (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
+ | (p,e) <-pats_and_exprs]
+mkRdrFunBind :: Located RdrName -> [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> LHsBind GhcPs
+mkRdrFunBind fun@(L loc _fun_rdr) matches
+ = L loc (mkFunBind Generated fun matches)
+-- | Make a function binding. If no equations are given, produce a function
+-- with the given arity that uses an empty case expression for the last
+-- argument that is passes to the given function to produce the right-hand
+-- side.
+mkFunBindEC :: Arity -> SrcSpan -> RdrName
+ -> (LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs)
+ -> [([LPat GhcPs], LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> LHsBind GhcPs
+mkFunBindEC arity loc fun catch_all pats_and_exprs
+ = mkRdrFunBindEC arity catch_all (L loc fun) matches
+ where
+ matches = [ mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (L loc fun))
+ (map (parenthesizePat appPrec) p) e
+ (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
+ | (p,e) <- pats_and_exprs ]
+-- | Produces a function binding. When no equations are given, it generates
+-- a binding of the given arity and an empty case expression
+-- for the last argument that it passes to the given function to produce
+-- the right-hand side.
+mkRdrFunBindEC :: Arity
+ -> (LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs)
+ -> Located RdrName
+ -> [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> LHsBind GhcPs
+mkRdrFunBindEC arity catch_all
+ fun@(L loc _fun_rdr) matches = L loc (mkFunBind Generated fun matches')
+ where
+ -- Catch-all eqn looks like
+ -- fmap _ z = case z of {}
+ -- or
+ -- traverse _ z = pure (case z of)
+ -- or
+ -- foldMap _ z = mempty
+ -- It's needed if there no data cons at all,
+ -- which can happen with -XEmptyDataDecls
+ -- See #4302
+ matches' = if null matches
+ then [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs fun)
+ (replicate (arity - 1) nlWildPat ++ [z_Pat])
+ (catch_all $ nlHsCase z_Expr [])
+ (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)]
+ else matches
+-- | Produces a function binding. When there are no equations, it generates
+-- a binding with the given arity that produces an error based on the name of
+-- the type of the last argument.
+mkRdrFunBindSE :: Arity -> Located RdrName ->
+ [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] -> LHsBind GhcPs
+mkRdrFunBindSE arity
+ fun@(L loc fun_rdr) matches = L loc (mkFunBind Generated fun matches')
+ where
+ -- Catch-all eqn looks like
+ -- compare _ _ = error "Void compare"
+ -- It's needed if there no data cons at all,
+ -- which can happen with -XEmptyDataDecls
+ -- See #4302
+ matches' = if null matches
+ then [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs fun)
+ (replicate arity nlWildPat)
+ (error_Expr str) (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)]
+ else matches
+ str = "Void " ++ occNameString (rdrNameOcc fun_rdr)
+box :: String -- The class involved
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs -- The argument
+ -> Type -- The argument type
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs -- Boxed version of the arg
+-- See Note [Deriving and unboxed types] in GHC.Tc.Deriv.Infer
+box cls_str arg arg_ty = assoc_ty_id cls_str boxConTbl arg_ty arg
+primOrdOps :: String -- The class involved
+ -> Type -- The type
+ -> (RdrName, RdrName, RdrName, RdrName, RdrName) -- (lt,le,eq,ge,gt)
+-- See Note [Deriving and unboxed types] in GHC.Tc.Deriv.Infer
+primOrdOps str ty = assoc_ty_id str ordOpTbl ty
+ordOpTbl :: [(Type, (RdrName, RdrName, RdrName, RdrName, RdrName))]
+ = [(charPrimTy , (ltChar_RDR , leChar_RDR
+ , eqChar_RDR , geChar_RDR , gtChar_RDR ))
+ ,(intPrimTy , (ltInt_RDR , leInt_RDR
+ , eqInt_RDR , geInt_RDR , gtInt_RDR ))
+ ,(int8PrimTy , (ltInt8_RDR , leInt8_RDR
+ , eqInt8_RDR , geInt8_RDR , gtInt8_RDR ))
+ ,(int16PrimTy , (ltInt16_RDR , leInt16_RDR
+ , eqInt16_RDR , geInt16_RDR , gtInt16_RDR ))
+ ,(wordPrimTy , (ltWord_RDR , leWord_RDR
+ , eqWord_RDR , geWord_RDR , gtWord_RDR ))
+ ,(word8PrimTy , (ltWord8_RDR , leWord8_RDR
+ , eqWord8_RDR , geWord8_RDR , gtWord8_RDR ))
+ ,(word16PrimTy, (ltWord16_RDR, leWord16_RDR
+ , eqWord16_RDR, geWord16_RDR, gtWord16_RDR ))
+ ,(addrPrimTy , (ltAddr_RDR , leAddr_RDR
+ , eqAddr_RDR , geAddr_RDR , gtAddr_RDR ))
+ ,(floatPrimTy , (ltFloat_RDR , leFloat_RDR
+ , eqFloat_RDR , geFloat_RDR , gtFloat_RDR ))
+ ,(doublePrimTy, (ltDouble_RDR, leDouble_RDR
+ , eqDouble_RDR, geDouble_RDR, gtDouble_RDR)) ]
+-- A mapping from a primitive type to a function that constructs its boxed
+-- version.
+-- NOTE: Int8#/Word8# will become Int/Word.
+boxConTbl :: [(Type, LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+boxConTbl =
+ [ (charPrimTy , nlHsApp (nlHsVar $ getRdrName charDataCon))
+ , (intPrimTy , nlHsApp (nlHsVar $ getRdrName intDataCon))
+ , (wordPrimTy , nlHsApp (nlHsVar $ getRdrName wordDataCon ))
+ , (floatPrimTy , nlHsApp (nlHsVar $ getRdrName floatDataCon ))
+ , (doublePrimTy, nlHsApp (nlHsVar $ getRdrName doubleDataCon))
+ , (int8PrimTy,
+ nlHsApp (nlHsVar $ getRdrName intDataCon)
+ . nlHsApp (nlHsVar extendInt8_RDR))
+ , (word8PrimTy,
+ nlHsApp (nlHsVar $ getRdrName wordDataCon)
+ . nlHsApp (nlHsVar extendWord8_RDR))
+ , (int16PrimTy,
+ nlHsApp (nlHsVar $ getRdrName intDataCon)
+ . nlHsApp (nlHsVar extendInt16_RDR))
+ , (word16PrimTy,
+ nlHsApp (nlHsVar $ getRdrName wordDataCon)
+ . nlHsApp (nlHsVar extendWord16_RDR))
+ ]
+-- | A table of postfix modifiers for unboxed values.
+postfixModTbl :: [(Type, String)]
+ = [(charPrimTy , "#" )
+ ,(intPrimTy , "#" )
+ ,(wordPrimTy , "##")
+ ,(floatPrimTy , "#" )
+ ,(doublePrimTy, "##")
+ ,(int8PrimTy, "#")
+ ,(word8PrimTy, "##")
+ ,(int16PrimTy, "#")
+ ,(word16PrimTy, "##")
+ ]
+primConvTbl :: [(Type, String)]
+primConvTbl =
+ [ (int8PrimTy, "narrowInt8#")
+ , (word8PrimTy, "narrowWord8#")
+ , (int16PrimTy, "narrowInt16#")
+ , (word16PrimTy, "narrowWord16#")
+ ]
+litConTbl :: [(Type, LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ = [(charPrimTy , nlHsApp (nlHsVar charPrimL_RDR))
+ ,(intPrimTy , nlHsApp (nlHsVar intPrimL_RDR)
+ . nlHsApp (nlHsVar toInteger_RDR))
+ ,(wordPrimTy , nlHsApp (nlHsVar wordPrimL_RDR)
+ . nlHsApp (nlHsVar toInteger_RDR))
+ ,(addrPrimTy , nlHsApp (nlHsVar stringPrimL_RDR)
+ . nlHsApp (nlHsApp
+ (nlHsVar map_RDR)
+ (compose_RDR `nlHsApps`
+ [ nlHsVar fromIntegral_RDR
+ , nlHsVar fromEnum_RDR
+ ])))
+ ,(floatPrimTy , nlHsApp (nlHsVar floatPrimL_RDR)
+ . nlHsApp (nlHsVar toRational_RDR))
+ ,(doublePrimTy, nlHsApp (nlHsVar doublePrimL_RDR)
+ . nlHsApp (nlHsVar toRational_RDR))
+ ]
+-- | Lookup `Type` in an association list.
+assoc_ty_id :: HasCallStack => String -- The class involved
+ -> [(Type,a)] -- The table
+ -> Type -- The type
+ -> a -- The result of the lookup
+assoc_ty_id cls_str tbl ty
+ | Just a <- assoc_ty_id_maybe tbl ty = a
+ | otherwise =
+ pprPanic "Error in deriving:"
+ (text "Can't derive" <+> text cls_str <+>
+ text "for primitive type" <+> ppr ty)
+-- | Lookup `Type` in an association list.
+assoc_ty_id_maybe :: [(Type, a)] -> Type -> Maybe a
+assoc_ty_id_maybe tbl ty = snd <$> find (\(t, _) -> t `eqType` ty) tbl
+and_Expr :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+and_Expr a b = genOpApp a and_RDR b
+eq_Expr :: Type -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+eq_Expr ty a b
+ | not (isUnliftedType ty) = genOpApp a eq_RDR b
+ | otherwise = genPrimOpApp a prim_eq b
+ where
+ (_, _, prim_eq, _, _) = primOrdOps "Eq" ty
+untag_Expr :: DynFlags -> TyCon -> [( RdrName, RdrName)]
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+untag_Expr _ _ [] expr = expr
+untag_Expr dflags tycon ((untag_this, put_tag_here) : more) expr
+ = nlHsCase (nlHsPar (nlHsVarApps (con2tag_RDR dflags tycon)
+ [untag_this])) {-of-}
+ [mkHsCaseAlt (nlVarPat put_tag_here) (untag_Expr dflags tycon more expr)]
+ :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+enum_from_to_Expr f t2 = nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsVar enumFromTo_RDR) f) t2
+enum_from_then_to_Expr f t t2 = nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsVar enumFromThenTo_RDR) f) t) t2
+ :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+showParen_Expr e1 e2 = nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsVar showParen_RDR) e1) e2
+nested_compose_Expr :: [LHsExpr GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+nested_compose_Expr [] = panic "nested_compose_expr" -- Arg is always non-empty
+nested_compose_Expr [e] = parenify e
+nested_compose_Expr (e:es)
+ = nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsVar compose_RDR) (parenify e)) (nested_compose_Expr es)
+-- impossible_Expr is used in case RHSs that should never happen.
+-- We generate these to keep the desugarer from complaining that they *might* happen!
+error_Expr :: String -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+error_Expr string = nlHsApp (nlHsVar error_RDR) (nlHsLit (mkHsString string))
+-- illegal_Expr is used when signalling error conditions in the RHS of a derived
+-- method. It is currently only used by Enum.{succ,pred}
+illegal_Expr :: String -> String -> String -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+illegal_Expr meth tp msg =
+ nlHsApp (nlHsVar error_RDR) (nlHsLit (mkHsString (meth ++ '{':tp ++ "}: " ++ msg)))
+-- illegal_toEnum_tag is an extended version of illegal_Expr, which also allows you
+-- to include the value of a_RDR in the error string.
+illegal_toEnum_tag :: String -> RdrName -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+illegal_toEnum_tag tp maxtag =
+ nlHsApp (nlHsVar error_RDR)
+ (nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsVar append_RDR)
+ (nlHsLit (mkHsString ("toEnum{" ++ tp ++ "}: tag ("))))
+ (nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsApp
+ (nlHsVar showsPrec_RDR)
+ (nlHsIntLit 0))
+ (nlHsVar a_RDR))
+ (nlHsApp (nlHsApp
+ (nlHsVar append_RDR)
+ (nlHsLit (mkHsString ") is outside of enumeration's range (0,")))
+ (nlHsApp (nlHsApp (nlHsApp
+ (nlHsVar showsPrec_RDR)
+ (nlHsIntLit 0))
+ (nlHsVar maxtag))
+ (nlHsLit (mkHsString ")"))))))
+parenify :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+parenify e@(L _ (HsVar _ _)) = e
+parenify e = mkHsPar e
+-- genOpApp wraps brackets round the operator application, so that the
+-- renamer won't subsequently try to re-associate it.
+genOpApp :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> RdrName -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+genOpApp e1 op e2 = nlHsPar (nlHsOpApp e1 op e2)
+genPrimOpApp :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> RdrName -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+genPrimOpApp e1 op e2 = nlHsPar (nlHsApp (nlHsVar tagToEnum_RDR) (nlHsOpApp e1 op e2))
+a_RDR, b_RDR, c_RDR, d_RDR, f_RDR, k_RDR, z_RDR, ah_RDR, bh_RDR, ch_RDR, dh_RDR
+ :: RdrName
+a_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "a")
+b_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "b")
+c_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "c")
+d_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "d")
+f_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "f")
+k_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "k")
+z_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "z")
+ah_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "a#")
+bh_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "b#")
+ch_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "c#")
+dh_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "d#")
+as_RDRs, bs_RDRs, cs_RDRs :: [RdrName]
+as_RDRs = [ mkVarUnqual (mkFastString ("a"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
+bs_RDRs = [ mkVarUnqual (mkFastString ("b"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
+cs_RDRs = [ mkVarUnqual (mkFastString ("c"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
+a_Expr, b_Expr, c_Expr, z_Expr, ltTag_Expr, eqTag_Expr, gtTag_Expr, false_Expr,
+ true_Expr, pure_Expr :: LHsExpr GhcPs
+a_Expr = nlHsVar a_RDR
+b_Expr = nlHsVar b_RDR
+c_Expr = nlHsVar c_RDR
+z_Expr = nlHsVar z_RDR
+ltTag_Expr = nlHsVar ltTag_RDR
+eqTag_Expr = nlHsVar eqTag_RDR
+gtTag_Expr = nlHsVar gtTag_RDR
+false_Expr = nlHsVar false_RDR
+true_Expr = nlHsVar true_RDR
+pure_Expr = nlHsVar pure_RDR
+a_Pat, b_Pat, c_Pat, d_Pat, k_Pat, z_Pat :: LPat GhcPs
+a_Pat = nlVarPat a_RDR
+b_Pat = nlVarPat b_RDR
+c_Pat = nlVarPat c_RDR
+d_Pat = nlVarPat d_RDR
+k_Pat = nlVarPat k_RDR
+z_Pat = nlVarPat z_RDR
+minusInt_RDR, tagToEnum_RDR :: RdrName
+minusInt_RDR = getRdrName (primOpId IntSubOp )
+tagToEnum_RDR = getRdrName (primOpId TagToEnumOp)
+con2tag_RDR, tag2con_RDR, maxtag_RDR :: DynFlags -> TyCon -> RdrName
+-- Generates Orig s RdrName, for the binding positions
+con2tag_RDR dflags tycon = mk_tc_deriv_name dflags tycon mkCon2TagOcc
+tag2con_RDR dflags tycon = mk_tc_deriv_name dflags tycon mkTag2ConOcc
+maxtag_RDR dflags tycon = mk_tc_deriv_name dflags tycon mkMaxTagOcc
+mk_tc_deriv_name :: DynFlags -> TyCon -> (OccName -> OccName) -> RdrName
+mk_tc_deriv_name dflags tycon occ_fun =
+ mkAuxBinderName dflags (tyConName tycon) occ_fun
+mkAuxBinderName :: DynFlags -> Name -> (OccName -> OccName) -> RdrName
+-- ^ Make a top-level binder name for an auxiliary binding for a parent name
+-- See Note [Auxiliary binders]
+mkAuxBinderName dflags parent occ_fun
+ = mkRdrUnqual (occ_fun stable_parent_occ)
+ where
+ stable_parent_occ = mkOccName (occNameSpace parent_occ) stable_string
+ stable_string
+ | hasPprDebug dflags = parent_stable
+ | otherwise = parent_stable_hash
+ parent_stable = nameStableString parent
+ parent_stable_hash =
+ let Fingerprint high low = fingerprintString parent_stable
+ in toBase62 high ++ toBase62Padded low
+ -- See Note [Base 62 encoding 128-bit integers] in Encoding
+ parent_occ = nameOccName parent
+Note [Auxiliary binders]
+We often want to make a top-level auxiliary binding. E.g. for comparison we have
+ instance Ord T where
+ compare a b = $con2tag a `compare` $con2tag b
+ $con2tag :: T -> Int
+ $con2tag = ...code....
+Of course these top-level bindings should all have distinct name, and we are
+generating RdrNames here. We can't just use the TyCon or DataCon to distinguish
+because with standalone deriving two imported TyCons might both be called T!
+(See #7947.)
+So we use package name, module name and the name of the parent
+(T in this example) as part of the OccName we generate for the new binding.
+To make the symbol names short we take a base62 hash of the full name.
+In the past we used the *unique* from the parent, but that's not stable across
+recompilations as uniques are nondeterministic.