path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generics.hs
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1 files changed, 1039 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generics.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generics.hs
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index 0000000000..d40824e3ea
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+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generics.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2011
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- | The deriving code for the Generic class
+module GHC.Tc.Deriv.Generics
+ (canDoGenerics
+ , canDoGenerics1
+ , GenericKind(..)
+ , gen_Generic_binds
+ , get_gen1_constrained_tys
+ )
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import GHC.Tc.Deriv.Generate
+import GHC.Tc.Deriv.Functor
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( FamInst, FamFlavor(..), mkSingleCoAxiom )
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
+import GHC.Types.Module ( moduleName, moduleNameFS
+ , moduleUnitId, unitIdFS, getModule )
+import GHC.Iface.Env ( newGlobalBinder )
+import GHC.Types.Name hiding ( varName )
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import TysPrim
+import TysWiredIn
+import PrelNames
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import ErrUtils( Validity(..), andValid )
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import Bag
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set (elemVarSet)
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import Util
+import Control.Monad (mplus)
+import Data.List (zip4, partition)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust)
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+* *
+\subsection{Bindings for the new generic deriving mechanism}
+* *
+For the generic representation we need to generate:
+\item A Generic instance
+\item A Rep type instance
+\item Many auxiliary datatypes and instances for them (for the meta-information)
+gen_Generic_binds :: GenericKind -> TyCon -> [Type]
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, FamInst)
+gen_Generic_binds gk tc inst_tys = do
+ repTyInsts <- tc_mkRepFamInsts gk tc inst_tys
+ return (mkBindsRep gk tc, repTyInsts)
+* *
+\subsection{Generating representation types}
+* *
+get_gen1_constrained_tys :: TyVar -> Type -> [Type]
+-- called by GHC.Tc.Deriv.Infer.inferConstraints; generates a list of
+-- types, each of which must be a Functor in order for the Generic1 instance to
+-- work.
+get_gen1_constrained_tys argVar
+ = argTyFold argVar $ ArgTyAlg { ata_rec0 = const []
+ , ata_par1 = [], ata_rec1 = const []
+ , ata_comp = (:) }
+Note [Requirements for deriving Generic and Rep]
+In the following, T, Tfun, and Targ are "meta-variables" ranging over type
+(Generic T) and (Rep T) are derivable for some type expression T if the
+following constraints are satisfied.
+ (a) D is a type constructor *value*. In other words, D is either a type
+ constructor or it is equivalent to the head of a data family instance (up to
+ alpha-renaming).
+ (b) D cannot have a "stupid context".
+ (c) The right-hand side of D cannot include existential types, universally
+ quantified types, or "exotic" unlifted types. An exotic unlifted type
+ is one which is not listed in the definition of allowedUnliftedTy
+ (i.e., one for which we have no representation type).
+ See Note [Generics and unlifted types]
+ (d) T :: *.
+(Generic1 T) and (Rep1 T) are derivable for some type expression T if the
+following constraints are satisfied.
+ (a),(b),(c) As above.
+ (d) T must expect arguments, and its last parameter must have kind *.
+ We use `a' to denote the parameter of D that corresponds to the last
+ parameter of T.
+ (e) For any type-level application (Tfun Targ) in the right-hand side of D
+ where the head of Tfun is not a tuple constructor:
+ (b1) `a' must not occur in Tfun.
+ (b2) If `a' occurs in Targ, then Tfun :: * -> *.
+canDoGenerics :: TyCon -> Validity
+-- canDoGenerics determines if Generic/Rep can be derived.
+-- Check (a) from Note [Requirements for deriving Generic and Rep] is taken
+-- care of because canDoGenerics is applied to rep tycons.
+-- It returns IsValid if deriving is possible. It returns (NotValid reason)
+-- if not.
+canDoGenerics tc
+ = mergeErrors (
+ -- Check (b) from Note [Requirements for deriving Generic and Rep].
+ (if (not (null (tyConStupidTheta tc)))
+ then (NotValid (tc_name <+> text "must not have a datatype context"))
+ else IsValid)
+ -- See comment below
+ : (map bad_con (tyConDataCons tc)))
+ where
+ -- The tc can be a representation tycon. When we want to display it to the
+ -- user (in an error message) we should print its parent
+ tc_name = ppr $ case tyConFamInst_maybe tc of
+ Just (ptc, _) -> ptc
+ _ -> tc
+ -- Check (c) from Note [Requirements for deriving Generic and Rep].
+ --
+ -- If any of the constructors has an exotic unlifted type as argument,
+ -- then we can't build the embedding-projection pair, because
+ -- it relies on instantiating *polymorphic* sum and product types
+ -- at the argument types of the constructors
+ bad_con dc = if (any bad_arg_type (dataConOrigArgTys dc))
+ then (NotValid (ppr dc <+> text
+ "must not have exotic unlifted or polymorphic arguments"))
+ else (if (not (isVanillaDataCon dc))
+ then (NotValid (ppr dc <+> text "must be a vanilla data constructor"))
+ else IsValid)
+ -- Nor can we do the job if it's an existential data constructor,
+ -- Nor if the args are polymorphic types (I don't think)
+ bad_arg_type ty = (isUnliftedType ty && not (allowedUnliftedTy ty))
+ || not (isTauTy ty)
+-- Returns True the Type argument is an unlifted type which has a
+-- corresponding generic representation type. For example,
+-- (allowedUnliftedTy Int#) would return True since there is the UInt
+-- representation type.
+allowedUnliftedTy :: Type -> Bool
+allowedUnliftedTy = isJust . unboxedRepRDRs
+mergeErrors :: [Validity] -> Validity
+mergeErrors [] = IsValid
+mergeErrors (NotValid s:t) = case mergeErrors t of
+ IsValid -> NotValid s
+ NotValid s' -> NotValid (s <> text ", and" $$ s')
+mergeErrors (IsValid : t) = mergeErrors t
+-- A datatype used only inside of canDoGenerics1. It's the result of analysing
+-- a type term.
+data Check_for_CanDoGenerics1 = CCDG1
+ { _ccdg1_hasParam :: Bool -- does the parameter of interest occurs in
+ -- this type?
+ , _ccdg1_errors :: Validity -- errors generated by this type
+ }
+Note [degenerate use of FFoldType]
+We use foldDataConArgs here only for its ability to treat tuples
+specially. foldDataConArgs also tracks covariance (though it assumes all
+higher-order type parameters are covariant) and has hooks for special handling
+of functions and polytypes, but we do *not* use those.
+The key issue is that Generic1 deriving currently offers no sophisticated
+support for functions. For example, we cannot handle
+ data F a = F ((a -> Int) -> Int)
+even though a is occurring covariantly.
+In fact, our rule is harsh: a is simply not allowed to occur within the first
+argument of (->). We treat (->) the same as any other non-tuple tycon.
+Unfortunately, this means we have to track "the parameter occurs in this type"
+explicitly, even though foldDataConArgs is also doing this internally.
+-- canDoGenerics1 determines if a Generic1/Rep1 can be derived.
+-- Checks (a) through (c) from Note [Requirements for deriving Generic and Rep]
+-- are taken care of by the call to canDoGenerics.
+-- It returns IsValid if deriving is possible. It returns (NotValid reason)
+-- if not.
+canDoGenerics1 :: TyCon -> Validity
+canDoGenerics1 rep_tc =
+ canDoGenerics rep_tc `andValid` additionalChecks
+ where
+ additionalChecks
+ -- check (d) from Note [Requirements for deriving Generic and Rep]
+ | null (tyConTyVars rep_tc) = NotValid $
+ text "Data type" <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc)
+ <+> text "must have some type parameters"
+ | otherwise = mergeErrors $ concatMap check_con data_cons
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons rep_tc
+ check_con con = case check_vanilla con of
+ j@(NotValid {}) -> [j]
+ IsValid -> _ccdg1_errors `map` foldDataConArgs (ft_check con) con
+ bad :: DataCon -> SDoc -> SDoc
+ bad con msg = text "Constructor" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+> msg
+ check_vanilla :: DataCon -> Validity
+ check_vanilla con | isVanillaDataCon con = IsValid
+ | otherwise = NotValid (bad con existential)
+ bmzero = CCDG1 False IsValid
+ bmbad con s = CCDG1 True $ NotValid $ bad con s
+ bmplus (CCDG1 b1 m1) (CCDG1 b2 m2) = CCDG1 (b1 || b2) (m1 `andValid` m2)
+ -- check (e) from Note [Requirements for deriving Generic and Rep]
+ -- See also Note [degenerate use of FFoldType]
+ ft_check :: DataCon -> FFoldType Check_for_CanDoGenerics1
+ ft_check con = FT
+ { ft_triv = bmzero
+ , ft_var = caseVar, ft_co_var = caseVar
+ -- (component_0,component_1,...,component_n)
+ , ft_tup = \_ components -> if any _ccdg1_hasParam (init components)
+ then bmbad con wrong_arg
+ else foldr bmplus bmzero components
+ -- (dom -> rng), where the head of ty is not a tuple tycon
+ , ft_fun = \dom rng -> -- cf #8516
+ if _ccdg1_hasParam dom
+ then bmbad con wrong_arg
+ else bmplus dom rng
+ -- (ty arg), where head of ty is neither (->) nor a tuple constructor and
+ -- the parameter of interest does not occur in ty
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ arg -> arg
+ , ft_bad_app = bmbad con wrong_arg
+ , ft_forall = \_ body -> body -- polytypes are handled elsewhere
+ }
+ where
+ caseVar = CCDG1 True IsValid
+ existential = text "must not have existential arguments"
+ wrong_arg = text "applies a type to an argument involving the last parameter"
+ $$ text "but the applied type is not of kind * -> *"
+* *
+\subsection{Generating the RHS of a generic default method}
+* *
+type US = Int -- Local unique supply, just a plain Int
+type Alt = (LPat GhcPs, LHsExpr GhcPs)
+-- GenericKind serves to mark if a datatype derives Generic (Gen0) or
+-- Generic1 (Gen1).
+data GenericKind = Gen0 | Gen1
+-- as above, but with a payload of the TyCon's name for "the" parameter
+data GenericKind_ = Gen0_ | Gen1_ TyVar
+-- as above, but using a single datacon's name for "the" parameter
+data GenericKind_DC = Gen0_DC | Gen1_DC TyVar
+forgetArgVar :: GenericKind_DC -> GenericKind
+forgetArgVar Gen0_DC = Gen0
+forgetArgVar Gen1_DC{} = Gen1
+-- When working only within a single datacon, "the" parameter's name should
+-- match that datacon's name for it.
+gk2gkDC :: GenericKind_ -> DataCon -> GenericKind_DC
+gk2gkDC Gen0_ _ = Gen0_DC
+gk2gkDC Gen1_{} d = Gen1_DC $ last $ dataConUnivTyVars d
+-- Bindings for the Generic instance
+mkBindsRep :: GenericKind -> TyCon -> LHsBinds GhcPs
+mkBindsRep gk tycon =
+ unitBag (mkRdrFunBind (L loc from01_RDR) [from_eqn])
+ `unionBags`
+ unitBag (mkRdrFunBind (L loc to01_RDR) [to_eqn])
+ where
+ -- The topmost M1 (the datatype metadata) has the exact same type
+ -- across all cases of a from/to definition, and can be factored out
+ -- to save some allocations during typechecking.
+ -- See Note [Generics compilation speed tricks]
+ from_eqn = mkHsCaseAlt x_Pat $ mkM1_E
+ $ nlHsPar $ nlHsCase x_Expr from_matches
+ to_eqn = mkHsCaseAlt (mkM1_P x_Pat) $ nlHsCase x_Expr to_matches
+ from_matches = [mkHsCaseAlt pat rhs | (pat,rhs) <- from_alts]
+ to_matches = [mkHsCaseAlt pat rhs | (pat,rhs) <- to_alts ]
+ loc = srcLocSpan (getSrcLoc tycon)
+ datacons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ (from01_RDR, to01_RDR) = case gk of
+ Gen0 -> (from_RDR, to_RDR)
+ Gen1 -> (from1_RDR, to1_RDR)
+ -- Recurse over the sum first
+ from_alts, to_alts :: [Alt]
+ (from_alts, to_alts) = mkSum gk_ (1 :: US) datacons
+ where gk_ = case gk of
+ Gen0 -> Gen0_
+ Gen1 -> ASSERT(tyvars `lengthAtLeast` 1)
+ Gen1_ (last tyvars)
+ where tyvars = tyConTyVars tycon
+-- The type synonym instance and synonym
+-- type instance Rep (D a b) = Rep_D a b
+-- type Rep_D a b = ...representation type for D ...
+tc_mkRepFamInsts :: GenericKind -- Gen0 or Gen1
+ -> TyCon -- The type to generate representation for
+ -> [Type] -- The type(s) to which Generic(1) is applied
+ -- in the generated instance
+ -> TcM FamInst -- Generated representation0 coercion
+tc_mkRepFamInsts gk tycon inst_tys =
+ -- Consider the example input tycon `D`, where data D a b = D_ a
+ -- Also consider `R:DInt`, where { data family D x y :: * -> *
+ -- ; data instance D Int a b = D_ a }
+ do { -- `rep` = GHC.Generics.Rep or GHC.Generics.Rep1 (type family)
+ fam_tc <- case gk of
+ Gen0 -> tcLookupTyCon repTyConName
+ Gen1 -> tcLookupTyCon rep1TyConName
+ ; fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ ; let -- If the derived instance is
+ -- instance Generic (Foo x)
+ -- then:
+ -- `arg_ki` = *, `inst_ty` = Foo x :: *
+ --
+ -- If the derived instance is
+ -- instance Generic1 (Bar x :: k -> *)
+ -- then:
+ -- `arg_k` = k, `inst_ty` = Bar x :: k -> *
+ (arg_ki, inst_ty) = case (gk, inst_tys) of
+ (Gen0, [inst_t]) -> (liftedTypeKind, inst_t)
+ (Gen1, [arg_k, inst_t]) -> (arg_k, inst_t)
+ _ -> pprPanic "tc_mkRepFamInsts" (ppr inst_tys)
+ ; let mbFamInst = tyConFamInst_maybe tycon
+ -- If we're examining a data family instance, we grab the parent
+ -- TyCon (ptc) and use it to determine the type arguments
+ -- (inst_args) for the data family *instance*'s type variables.
+ ptc = maybe tycon fst mbFamInst
+ (_, inst_args, _) = tcLookupDataFamInst fam_envs ptc $ snd
+ $ tcSplitTyConApp inst_ty
+ ; let -- `tyvars` = [a,b]
+ (tyvars, gk_) = case gk of
+ Gen0 -> (all_tyvars, Gen0_)
+ Gen1 -> ASSERT(not $ null all_tyvars)
+ (init all_tyvars, Gen1_ $ last all_tyvars)
+ where all_tyvars = tyConTyVars tycon
+ -- `repTy` = D1 ... (C1 ... (S1 ... (Rec0 a))) :: * -> *
+ ; repTy <- tc_mkRepTy gk_ tycon arg_ki
+ -- `rep_name` is a name we generate for the synonym
+ ; mod <- getModule
+ ; loc <- getSrcSpanM
+ ; let tc_occ = nameOccName (tyConName tycon)
+ rep_occ = case gk of Gen0 -> mkGenR tc_occ; Gen1 -> mkGen1R tc_occ
+ ; rep_name <- newGlobalBinder mod rep_occ loc
+ -- We make sure to substitute the tyvars with their user-supplied
+ -- type arguments before generating the Rep/Rep1 instance, since some
+ -- of the tyvars might have been instantiated when deriving.
+ -- See Note [Generating a correctly typed Rep instance].
+ ; let (env_tyvars, env_inst_args)
+ = case gk_ of
+ Gen0_ -> (tyvars, inst_args)
+ Gen1_ last_tv
+ -- See the "wrinkle" in
+ -- Note [Generating a correctly typed Rep instance]
+ -> ( last_tv : tyvars
+ , anyTypeOfKind (tyVarKind last_tv) : inst_args )
+ env = zipTyEnv env_tyvars env_inst_args
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes inst_tys)
+ subst = mkTvSubst in_scope env
+ repTy' = substTyUnchecked subst repTy
+ tcv' = tyCoVarsOfTypeList inst_ty
+ (tv', cv') = partition isTyVar tcv'
+ tvs' = scopedSort tv'
+ cvs' = scopedSort cv'
+ axiom = mkSingleCoAxiom Nominal rep_name tvs' [] cvs'
+ fam_tc inst_tys repTy'
+ ; newFamInst SynFamilyInst axiom }
+-- Type representation
+-- | See documentation of 'argTyFold'; that function uses the fields of this
+-- type to interpret the structure of a type when that type is considered as an
+-- argument to a constructor that is being represented with 'Rep1'.
+data ArgTyAlg a = ArgTyAlg
+ { ata_rec0 :: (Type -> a)
+ , ata_par1 :: a, ata_rec1 :: (Type -> a)
+ , ata_comp :: (Type -> a -> a)
+ }
+-- | @argTyFold@ implements a generalised and safer variant of the @arg@
+-- function from Figure 3 in <>. @arg@
+-- is conceptually equivalent to:
+-- > arg t = case t of
+-- > _ | isTyVar t -> if (t == argVar) then Par1 else Par0 t
+-- > App f [t'] |
+-- > representable1 f &&
+-- > t' == argVar -> Rec1 f
+-- > App f [t'] |
+-- > representable1 f &&
+-- > t' has tyvars -> f :.: (arg t')
+-- > _ -> Rec0 t
+-- where @argVar@ is the last type variable in the data type declaration we are
+-- finding the representation for.
+-- @argTyFold@ is more general than @arg@ because it uses 'ArgTyAlg' to
+-- abstract out the concrete invocations of @Par0@, @Rec0@, @Par1@, @Rec1@, and
+-- @:.:@.
+-- @argTyFold@ is safer than @arg@ because @arg@ would lead to a GHC panic for
+-- some data types. The problematic case is when @t@ is an application of a
+-- non-representable type @f@ to @argVar@: @App f [argVar]@ is caught by the
+-- @_@ pattern, and ends up represented as @Rec0 t@. This type occurs /free/ in
+-- the RHS of the eventual @Rep1@ instance, which is therefore ill-formed. Some
+-- representable1 checks have been relaxed, and others were moved to
+-- @canDoGenerics1@.
+argTyFold :: forall a. TyVar -> ArgTyAlg a -> Type -> a
+argTyFold argVar (ArgTyAlg {ata_rec0 = mkRec0,
+ ata_par1 = mkPar1, ata_rec1 = mkRec1,
+ ata_comp = mkComp}) =
+ -- mkRec0 is the default; use it if there is no interesting structure
+ -- (e.g. occurrences of parameters or recursive occurrences)
+ \t -> maybe (mkRec0 t) id $ go t where
+ go :: Type -> -- type to fold through
+ Maybe a -- the result (e.g. representation type), unless it's trivial
+ go t = isParam `mplus` isApp where
+ isParam = do -- handles parameters
+ t' <- getTyVar_maybe t
+ Just $ if t' == argVar then mkPar1 -- moreover, it is "the" parameter
+ else mkRec0 t -- NB mkRec0 instead of the conventional mkPar0
+ isApp = do -- handles applications
+ (phi, beta) <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe t
+ let interesting = argVar `elemVarSet` exactTyCoVarsOfType beta
+ -- Does it have no interesting structure to represent?
+ if not interesting then Nothing
+ else -- Is the argument the parameter? Special case for mkRec1.
+ if Just argVar == getTyVar_maybe beta then Just $ mkRec1 phi
+ else mkComp phi `fmap` go beta -- It must be a composition.
+tc_mkRepTy :: -- Gen0_ or Gen1_, for Rep or Rep1
+ GenericKind_
+ -- The type to generate representation for
+ -> TyCon
+ -- The kind of the representation type's argument
+ -- See Note [Handling kinds in a Rep instance]
+ -> Kind
+ -- Generated representation0 type
+ -> TcM Type
+tc_mkRepTy gk_ tycon k =
+ do
+ d1 <- tcLookupTyCon d1TyConName
+ c1 <- tcLookupTyCon c1TyConName
+ s1 <- tcLookupTyCon s1TyConName
+ rec0 <- tcLookupTyCon rec0TyConName
+ rec1 <- tcLookupTyCon rec1TyConName
+ par1 <- tcLookupTyCon par1TyConName
+ u1 <- tcLookupTyCon u1TyConName
+ v1 <- tcLookupTyCon v1TyConName
+ plus <- tcLookupTyCon sumTyConName
+ times <- tcLookupTyCon prodTyConName
+ comp <- tcLookupTyCon compTyConName
+ uAddr <- tcLookupTyCon uAddrTyConName
+ uChar <- tcLookupTyCon uCharTyConName
+ uDouble <- tcLookupTyCon uDoubleTyConName
+ uFloat <- tcLookupTyCon uFloatTyConName
+ uInt <- tcLookupTyCon uIntTyConName
+ uWord <- tcLookupTyCon uWordTyConName
+ let tcLookupPromDataCon = fmap promoteDataCon . tcLookupDataCon
+ md <- tcLookupPromDataCon metaDataDataConName
+ mc <- tcLookupPromDataCon metaConsDataConName
+ ms <- tcLookupPromDataCon metaSelDataConName
+ pPrefix <- tcLookupPromDataCon prefixIDataConName
+ pInfix <- tcLookupPromDataCon infixIDataConName
+ pLA <- tcLookupPromDataCon leftAssociativeDataConName
+ pRA <- tcLookupPromDataCon rightAssociativeDataConName
+ pNA <- tcLookupPromDataCon notAssociativeDataConName
+ pSUpk <- tcLookupPromDataCon sourceUnpackDataConName
+ pSNUpk <- tcLookupPromDataCon sourceNoUnpackDataConName
+ pNSUpkness <- tcLookupPromDataCon noSourceUnpackednessDataConName
+ pSLzy <- tcLookupPromDataCon sourceLazyDataConName
+ pSStr <- tcLookupPromDataCon sourceStrictDataConName
+ pNSStrness <- tcLookupPromDataCon noSourceStrictnessDataConName
+ pDLzy <- tcLookupPromDataCon decidedLazyDataConName
+ pDStr <- tcLookupPromDataCon decidedStrictDataConName
+ pDUpk <- tcLookupPromDataCon decidedUnpackDataConName
+ fix_env <- getFixityEnv
+ let mkSum' a b = mkTyConApp plus [k,a,b]
+ mkProd a b = mkTyConApp times [k,a,b]
+ mkRec0 a = mkBoxTy uAddr uChar uDouble uFloat uInt uWord rec0 k a
+ mkRec1 a = mkTyConApp rec1 [k,a]
+ mkPar1 = mkTyConTy par1
+ mkD a = mkTyConApp d1 [ k, metaDataTy, sumP (tyConDataCons a) ]
+ mkC a = mkTyConApp c1 [ k
+ , metaConsTy a
+ , prod (dataConInstOrigArgTys a
+ . mkTyVarTys . tyConTyVars $ tycon)
+ (dataConSrcBangs a)
+ (dataConImplBangs a)
+ (dataConFieldLabels a)]
+ mkS mlbl su ss ib a = mkTyConApp s1 [k, metaSelTy mlbl su ss ib, a]
+ -- Sums and products are done in the same way for both Rep and Rep1
+ sumP l = foldBal mkSum' (mkTyConApp v1 [k]) . map mkC $ l
+ -- The Bool is True if this constructor has labelled fields
+ prod :: [Type] -> [HsSrcBang] -> [HsImplBang] -> [FieldLabel] -> Type
+ prod l sb ib fl = foldBal mkProd (mkTyConApp u1 [k])
+ [ ASSERT(null fl || lengthExceeds fl j)
+ arg t sb' ib' (if null fl
+ then Nothing
+ else Just (fl !! j))
+ | (t,sb',ib',j) <- zip4 l sb ib [0..] ]
+ arg :: Type -> HsSrcBang -> HsImplBang -> Maybe FieldLabel -> Type
+ arg t (HsSrcBang _ su ss) ib fl = mkS fl su ss ib $ case gk_ of
+ -- Here we previously used Par0 if t was a type variable, but we
+ -- realized that we can't always guarantee that we are wrapping-up
+ -- all type variables in Par0. So we decided to stop using Par0
+ -- altogether, and use Rec0 all the time.
+ Gen0_ -> mkRec0 t
+ Gen1_ argVar -> argPar argVar t
+ where
+ -- Builds argument representation for Rep1 (more complicated due to
+ -- the presence of composition).
+ argPar argVar = argTyFold argVar $ ArgTyAlg
+ {ata_rec0 = mkRec0, ata_par1 = mkPar1,
+ ata_rec1 = mkRec1, ata_comp = mkComp comp k}
+ tyConName_user = case tyConFamInst_maybe tycon of
+ Just (ptycon, _) -> tyConName ptycon
+ Nothing -> tyConName tycon
+ dtName = mkStrLitTy . occNameFS . nameOccName $ tyConName_user
+ mdName = mkStrLitTy . moduleNameFS . moduleName
+ . nameModule . tyConName $ tycon
+ pkgName = mkStrLitTy . unitIdFS . moduleUnitId
+ . nameModule . tyConName $ tycon
+ isNT = mkTyConTy $ if isNewTyCon tycon
+ then promotedTrueDataCon
+ else promotedFalseDataCon
+ ctName = mkStrLitTy . occNameFS . nameOccName . dataConName
+ ctFix c
+ | dataConIsInfix c
+ = case lookupFixity fix_env (dataConName c) of
+ Fixity _ n InfixL -> buildFix n pLA
+ Fixity _ n InfixR -> buildFix n pRA
+ Fixity _ n InfixN -> buildFix n pNA
+ | otherwise = mkTyConTy pPrefix
+ buildFix n assoc = mkTyConApp pInfix [ mkTyConTy assoc
+ , mkNumLitTy (fromIntegral n)]
+ isRec c = mkTyConTy $ if dataConFieldLabels c `lengthExceeds` 0
+ then promotedTrueDataCon
+ else promotedFalseDataCon
+ selName = mkStrLitTy . flLabel
+ mbSel Nothing = mkTyConApp promotedNothingDataCon [typeSymbolKind]
+ mbSel (Just s) = mkTyConApp promotedJustDataCon
+ [typeSymbolKind, selName s]
+ metaDataTy = mkTyConApp md [dtName, mdName, pkgName, isNT]
+ metaConsTy c = mkTyConApp mc [ctName c, ctFix c, isRec c]
+ metaSelTy mlbl su ss ib =
+ mkTyConApp ms [mbSel mlbl, pSUpkness, pSStrness, pDStrness]
+ where
+ pSUpkness = mkTyConTy $ case su of
+ SrcUnpack -> pSUpk
+ SrcNoUnpack -> pSNUpk
+ NoSrcUnpack -> pNSUpkness
+ pSStrness = mkTyConTy $ case ss of
+ SrcLazy -> pSLzy
+ SrcStrict -> pSStr
+ NoSrcStrict -> pNSStrness
+ pDStrness = mkTyConTy $ case ib of
+ HsLazy -> pDLzy
+ HsStrict -> pDStr
+ HsUnpack{} -> pDUpk
+ return (mkD tycon)
+mkComp :: TyCon -> Kind -> Type -> Type -> Type
+mkComp comp k f g
+ | k1_first = mkTyConApp comp [k,liftedTypeKind,f,g]
+ | otherwise = mkTyConApp comp [liftedTypeKind,k,f,g]
+ where
+ -- Which of these is the case?
+ -- newtype (:.:) {k1} {k2} (f :: k2->*) (g :: k1->k2) (p :: k1) = ...
+ -- or newtype (:.:) {k2} {k1} (f :: k2->*) (g :: k1->k2) (p :: k1) = ...
+ -- We want to instantiate with k1=k, and k2=*
+ -- Reason for k2=*: see Note [Handling kinds in a Rep instance]
+ -- But we need to know which way round!
+ k1_first = k_first == p_kind_var
+ [k_first,_,_,_,p] = tyConTyVars comp
+ Just p_kind_var = getTyVar_maybe (tyVarKind p)
+-- Given the TyCons for each URec-related type synonym, check to see if the
+-- given type is an unlifted type that generics understands. If so, return
+-- its representation type. Otherwise, return Rec0.
+-- See Note [Generics and unlifted types]
+mkBoxTy :: TyCon -- UAddr
+ -> TyCon -- UChar
+ -> TyCon -- UDouble
+ -> TyCon -- UFloat
+ -> TyCon -- UInt
+ -> TyCon -- UWord
+ -> TyCon -- Rec0
+ -> Kind -- What to instantiate Rec0's kind variable with
+ -> Type
+ -> Type
+mkBoxTy uAddr uChar uDouble uFloat uInt uWord rec0 k ty
+ | ty `eqType` addrPrimTy = mkTyConApp uAddr [k]
+ | ty `eqType` charPrimTy = mkTyConApp uChar [k]
+ | ty `eqType` doublePrimTy = mkTyConApp uDouble [k]
+ | ty `eqType` floatPrimTy = mkTyConApp uFloat [k]
+ | ty `eqType` intPrimTy = mkTyConApp uInt [k]
+ | ty `eqType` wordPrimTy = mkTyConApp uWord [k]
+ | otherwise = mkTyConApp rec0 [k,ty]
+-- Dealing with sums
+mkSum :: GenericKind_ -- Generic or Generic1?
+ -> US -- Base for generating unique names
+ -> [DataCon] -- The data constructors
+ -> ([Alt], -- Alternatives for the T->Trep "from" function
+ [Alt]) -- Alternatives for the Trep->T "to" function
+-- Datatype without any constructors
+mkSum _ _ [] = ([from_alt], [to_alt])
+ where
+ from_alt = (x_Pat, nlHsCase x_Expr [])
+ to_alt = (x_Pat, nlHsCase x_Expr [])
+ -- These M1s are meta-information for the datatype
+-- Datatype with at least one constructor
+mkSum gk_ us datacons =
+ -- switch the payload of gk_ to be datacon-centric instead of tycon-centric
+ unzip [ mk1Sum (gk2gkDC gk_ d) us i (length datacons) d
+ | (d,i) <- zip datacons [1..] ]
+-- Build the sum for a particular constructor
+mk1Sum :: GenericKind_DC -- Generic or Generic1?
+ -> US -- Base for generating unique names
+ -> Int -- The index of this constructor
+ -> Int -- Total number of constructors
+ -> DataCon -- The data constructor
+ -> (Alt, -- Alternative for the T->Trep "from" function
+ Alt) -- Alternative for the Trep->T "to" function
+mk1Sum gk_ us i n datacon = (from_alt, to_alt)
+ where
+ gk = forgetArgVar gk_
+ -- Existentials already excluded
+ argTys = dataConOrigArgTys datacon
+ n_args = dataConSourceArity datacon
+ datacon_varTys = zip (map mkGenericLocal [us .. us+n_args-1]) argTys
+ datacon_vars = map fst datacon_varTys
+ datacon_rdr = getRdrName datacon
+ from_alt = (nlConVarPat datacon_rdr datacon_vars, from_alt_rhs)
+ from_alt_rhs = genLR_E i n (mkProd_E gk_ datacon_varTys)
+ to_alt = ( genLR_P i n (mkProd_P gk datacon_varTys)
+ , to_alt_rhs
+ ) -- These M1s are meta-information for the datatype
+ to_alt_rhs = case gk_ of
+ Gen0_DC -> nlHsVarApps datacon_rdr datacon_vars
+ Gen1_DC argVar -> nlHsApps datacon_rdr $ map argTo datacon_varTys
+ where
+ argTo (var, ty) = converter ty `nlHsApp` nlHsVar var where
+ converter = argTyFold argVar $ ArgTyAlg
+ {ata_rec0 = nlHsVar . unboxRepRDR,
+ ata_par1 = nlHsVar unPar1_RDR,
+ ata_rec1 = const $ nlHsVar unRec1_RDR,
+ ata_comp = \_ cnv -> (nlHsVar fmap_RDR `nlHsApp` cnv)
+ `nlHsCompose` nlHsVar unComp1_RDR}
+-- Generates the L1/R1 sum pattern
+genLR_P :: Int -> Int -> LPat GhcPs -> LPat GhcPs
+genLR_P i n p
+ | n == 0 = error "impossible"
+ | n == 1 = p
+ | i <= div n 2 = nlParPat $ nlConPat l1DataCon_RDR [genLR_P i (div n 2) p]
+ | otherwise = nlParPat $ nlConPat r1DataCon_RDR [genLR_P (i-m) (n-m) p]
+ where m = div n 2
+-- Generates the L1/R1 sum expression
+genLR_E :: Int -> Int -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+genLR_E i n e
+ | n == 0 = error "impossible"
+ | n == 1 = e
+ | i <= div n 2 = nlHsVar l1DataCon_RDR `nlHsApp`
+ nlHsPar (genLR_E i (div n 2) e)
+ | otherwise = nlHsVar r1DataCon_RDR `nlHsApp`
+ nlHsPar (genLR_E (i-m) (n-m) e)
+ where m = div n 2
+-- Dealing with products
+-- Build a product expression
+mkProd_E :: GenericKind_DC -- Generic or Generic1?
+ -> [(RdrName, Type)]
+ -- List of variables matched on the lhs and their types
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs -- Resulting product expression
+mkProd_E gk_ varTys = mkM1_E (foldBal prod (nlHsVar u1DataCon_RDR) appVars)
+ -- These M1s are meta-information for the constructor
+ where
+ appVars = map (wrapArg_E gk_) varTys
+ prod a b = prodDataCon_RDR `nlHsApps` [a,b]
+wrapArg_E :: GenericKind_DC -> (RdrName, Type) -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+wrapArg_E Gen0_DC (var, ty) = mkM1_E $
+ boxRepRDR ty `nlHsVarApps` [var]
+ -- This M1 is meta-information for the selector
+wrapArg_E (Gen1_DC argVar) (var, ty) = mkM1_E $
+ converter ty `nlHsApp` nlHsVar var
+ -- This M1 is meta-information for the selector
+ where converter = argTyFold argVar $ ArgTyAlg
+ {ata_rec0 = nlHsVar . boxRepRDR,
+ ata_par1 = nlHsVar par1DataCon_RDR,
+ ata_rec1 = const $ nlHsVar rec1DataCon_RDR,
+ ata_comp = \_ cnv -> nlHsVar comp1DataCon_RDR `nlHsCompose`
+ (nlHsVar fmap_RDR `nlHsApp` cnv)}
+boxRepRDR :: Type -> RdrName
+boxRepRDR = maybe k1DataCon_RDR fst . unboxedRepRDRs
+unboxRepRDR :: Type -> RdrName
+unboxRepRDR = maybe unK1_RDR snd . unboxedRepRDRs
+-- Retrieve the RDRs associated with each URec data family instance
+-- constructor. See Note [Generics and unlifted types]
+unboxedRepRDRs :: Type -> Maybe (RdrName, RdrName)
+unboxedRepRDRs ty
+ | ty `eqType` addrPrimTy = Just (uAddrDataCon_RDR, uAddrHash_RDR)
+ | ty `eqType` charPrimTy = Just (uCharDataCon_RDR, uCharHash_RDR)
+ | ty `eqType` doublePrimTy = Just (uDoubleDataCon_RDR, uDoubleHash_RDR)
+ | ty `eqType` floatPrimTy = Just (uFloatDataCon_RDR, uFloatHash_RDR)
+ | ty `eqType` intPrimTy = Just (uIntDataCon_RDR, uIntHash_RDR)
+ | ty `eqType` wordPrimTy = Just (uWordDataCon_RDR, uWordHash_RDR)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+-- Build a product pattern
+mkProd_P :: GenericKind -- Gen0 or Gen1
+ -> [(RdrName, Type)] -- List of variables to match,
+ -- along with their types
+ -> LPat GhcPs -- Resulting product pattern
+mkProd_P gk varTys = mkM1_P (foldBal prod (nlNullaryConPat u1DataCon_RDR) appVars)
+ -- These M1s are meta-information for the constructor
+ where
+ appVars = unzipWith (wrapArg_P gk) varTys
+ prod a b = nlParPat $ prodDataCon_RDR `nlConPat` [a,b]
+wrapArg_P :: GenericKind -> RdrName -> Type -> LPat GhcPs
+wrapArg_P Gen0 v ty = mkM1_P (nlParPat $ boxRepRDR ty `nlConVarPat` [v])
+ -- This M1 is meta-information for the selector
+wrapArg_P Gen1 v _ = nlParPat $ m1DataCon_RDR `nlConVarPat` [v]
+mkGenericLocal :: US -> RdrName
+mkGenericLocal u = mkVarUnqual (mkFastString ("g" ++ show u))
+x_RDR :: RdrName
+x_RDR = mkVarUnqual (fsLit "x")
+x_Expr :: LHsExpr GhcPs
+x_Expr = nlHsVar x_RDR
+x_Pat :: LPat GhcPs
+x_Pat = nlVarPat x_RDR
+mkM1_E :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+mkM1_E e = nlHsVar m1DataCon_RDR `nlHsApp` e
+mkM1_P :: LPat GhcPs -> LPat GhcPs
+mkM1_P p = nlParPat $ m1DataCon_RDR `nlConPat` [p]
+nlHsCompose :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+nlHsCompose x y = compose_RDR `nlHsApps` [x, y]
+-- | Variant of foldr for producing balanced lists
+foldBal :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
+foldBal _ x [] = x
+foldBal _ _ [y] = y
+foldBal op x l = let (a,b) = splitAt (length l `div` 2) l
+ in foldBal op x a `op` foldBal op x b
+Note [Generics and unlifted types]
+Normally, all constants are marked with K1/Rec0. The exception to this rule is
+when a data constructor has an unlifted argument (e.g., Int#, Char#, etc.). In
+that case, we must use a data family instance of URec (from GHC.Generics) to
+mark it. As a result, before we can generate K1 or unK1, we must first check
+to see if the type is actually one of the unlifted types for which URec has a
+data family instance; if so, we generate that instead.
+See wiki:commentary/compiler/generic-deriving#handling-unlifted-types for more
+details on why URec is implemented the way it is.
+Note [Generating a correctly typed Rep instance]
+tc_mkRepTy derives the RHS of the Rep(1) type family instance when deriving
+Generic(1). That is, it derives the ellipsis in the following:
+ instance Generic Foo where
+ type Rep Foo = ...
+However, tc_mkRepTy only has knowledge of the *TyCon* of the type for which
+a Generic(1) instance is being derived, not the fully instantiated type. As a
+result, tc_mkRepTy builds the most generalized Rep(1) instance possible using
+the type variables it learns from the TyCon (i.e., it uses tyConTyVars). This
+can cause problems when the instance has instantiated type variables
+(see #11732). As an example:
+ data T a = MkT a
+ deriving instance Generic (T Int)
+ ==>
+ instance Generic (T Int) where
+ type Rep (T Int) = (... (Rec0 a)) -- wrong!
+-XStandaloneDeriving is one way for the type variables to become instantiated.
+Another way is when Generic1 is being derived for a datatype with a visible
+kind binder, e.g.,
+ data P k (a :: k) = MkP k deriving Generic1
+ ==>
+ instance Generic1 (P *) where
+ type Rep1 (P *) = (... (Rec0 k)) -- wrong!
+See Note [Unify kinds in deriving] in GHC.Tc.Deriv.
+In any such scenario, we must prevent a discrepancy between the LHS and RHS of
+a Rep(1) instance. To do so, we create a type variable substitution that maps
+the tyConTyVars of the TyCon to their counterparts in the fully instantiated
+type. (For example, using T above as example, you'd map a :-> Int.) We then
+apply the substitution to the RHS before generating the instance.
+A wrinkle in all of this: when forming the type variable substitution for
+Generic1 instances, we map the last type variable of the tycon to Any. Why?
+It's because of wily data types like this one (#15012):
+ data T a = MkT (FakeOut a)
+ type FakeOut a = Int
+If we ignore a, then we'll produce the following Rep1 instance:
+ instance Generic1 T where
+ type Rep1 T = ... (Rec0 (FakeOut a))
+ ...
+Oh no! Now we have `a` on the RHS, but it's completely unbound. Instead, we
+ensure that `a` is mapped to Any:
+ instance Generic1 T where
+ type Rep1 T = ... (Rec0 (FakeOut Any))
+ ...
+And now all is good.
+Alternatively, we could have avoided this problem by expanding all type
+synonyms on the RHSes of Rep1 instances. But we might blow up the size of
+these types even further by doing this, so we choose not to do so.
+Note [Handling kinds in a Rep instance]
+Because Generic1 is poly-kinded, the representation types were generalized to
+be kind-polymorphic as well. As a result, tc_mkRepTy must explicitly apply
+the kind of the instance being derived to all the representation type
+constructors. For instance, if you have
+ data Empty (a :: k) = Empty deriving Generic1
+Then the generated code is now approximately (with -fprint-explicit-kinds
+ instance Generic1 k (Empty k) where
+ type Rep1 k (Empty k) = U1 k
+Most representation types have only one kind variable, making them easy to deal
+with. The only non-trivial case is (:.:), which is only used in Generic1
+ newtype (:.:) (f :: k2 -> *) (g :: k1 -> k2) (p :: k1) =
+ Comp1 { unComp1 :: f (g p) }
+Here, we do something a bit counter-intuitive: we make k1 be the kind of the
+instance being derived, and we always make k2 be *. Why *? It's because
+the code that GHC generates using (:.:) is always of the form x :.: Rec1 y
+for some types x and y. In other words, the second type to which (:.:) is
+applied always has kind k -> *, for some kind k, so k2 cannot possibly be
+anything other than * in a generated Generic1 instance.
+Note [Generics compilation speed tricks]
+Deriving Generic(1) is known to have a large constant factor during
+compilation, which contributes to noticeable compilation slowdowns when
+deriving Generic(1) for large datatypes (see #5642).
+To ease the pain, there is a trick one can play when generating definitions for
+to(1) and from(1). If you have a datatype like:
+ data Letter = A | B | C | D
+then a naïve Generic instance for Letter would be:
+ instance Generic Letter where
+ type Rep Letter = D1 ('MetaData ...) ...
+ to (M1 (L1 (L1 (M1 U1)))) = A
+ to (M1 (L1 (R1 (M1 U1)))) = B
+ to (M1 (R1 (L1 (M1 U1)))) = C
+ to (M1 (R1 (R1 (M1 U1)))) = D
+ from A = M1 (L1 (L1 (M1 U1)))
+ from B = M1 (L1 (R1 (M1 U1)))
+ from C = M1 (R1 (L1 (M1 U1)))
+ from D = M1 (R1 (R1 (M1 U1)))
+Notice that in every LHS pattern-match of the 'to' definition, and in every RHS
+expression in the 'from' definition, the topmost constructor is M1. This
+corresponds to the datatype-specific metadata (the D1 in the Rep Letter
+instance). But this is wasteful from a typechecking perspective, since this
+definition requires GHC to typecheck an application of M1 in every single case,
+leading to an O(n) increase in the number of coercions the typechecker has to
+solve, which in turn increases allocations and degrades compilation speed.
+Luckily, since the topmost M1 has the exact same type across every case, we can
+factor it out reduce the typechecker's burden:
+ instance Generic Letter where
+ type Rep Letter = D1 ('MetaData ...) ...
+ to (M1 x) = case x of
+ L1 (L1 (M1 U1)) -> A
+ L1 (R1 (M1 U1)) -> B
+ R1 (L1 (M1 U1)) -> C
+ R1 (R1 (M1 U1)) -> D
+ from x = M1 (case x of
+ A -> L1 (L1 (M1 U1))
+ B -> L1 (R1 (M1 U1))
+ C -> R1 (L1 (M1 U1))
+ D -> R1 (R1 (M1 U1)))
+A simple change, but one that pays off, since it goes turns an O(n) amount of
+coercions to an O(1) amount.