path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
index cb23c835dc..ed102d9bb5 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
@@ -588,6 +588,7 @@ reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics
-- we might suppress its error message, and proceed on past
-- type checking to get a Lint error later
report1 = [ ("custom_error", is_user_type_error, True, mkUserTypeErrorReporter)
+ -- (Handles TypeError and Unsatisfiable)
, given_eq_spec
, ("insoluble2", utterly_wrong, True, mkGroupReporter mkEqErr)
@@ -643,7 +644,12 @@ reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics
non_tv_eq _ (EqPred NomEq ty1 _) = not (isTyVarTy ty1)
non_tv_eq _ _ = False
- is_user_type_error item _ = isUserTypeError (errorItemPred item)
+ -- Catch TypeError and Unsatisfiable.
+ -- Here, we want any nested TypeErrors to bubble up, so we use
+ -- 'containsUserTypeError' and not 'isTopLevelUserTypeError'.
+ --
+ -- See also Note [Implementation of Unsatisfiable constraints], point (F).
+ is_user_type_error item _ = containsUserTypeError (errorItemPred item)
is_homo_equality _ (EqPred _ ty1 ty2)
= typeKind ty1 `tcEqType` typeKind ty2
@@ -786,8 +792,129 @@ Currently, the constraints to ignore are:
If there is any trouble, checkValidFamInst bleats, aborting compilation.
+Note [Implementation of Unsatisfiable constraints]
+The Unsatisfiable constraint was introduced in GHC proposal #433 (
+See Note [The Unsatisfiable constraint] in GHC.TypeError.
+Its implementation consists of the following:
+ A. The definitions.
+ The Unsatisfiable class is defined in GHC.TypeError, in base.
+ It consists of the following definitions:
+ type Unsatisfiable :: ErrorMessage -> Constraint
+ class Unsatisfiable msg where
+ unsatisfiableLifted :: a
+ unsatisfiable :: forall {rep} (msg :: ErrorMessage) (a :: TYPE rep). Unsatisfiable msg => a
+ unsatisfiable = unsatisfiableLifted @msg @((##) -> a) (##)
+ The class TyCon as well as the unsatisfiable Id have known-key Names
+ in GHC; they are not wired-in.
+ B. Unsatisfiable instances.
+ The Unsatisfiable typeclass has no instances (see GHC.Tc.Instance.Class.matchGlobalInst).
+ Users are prevented from writing instances in GHC.Tc.Validity.check_special_inst_head.
+ This is done using the same mechanism as for, say, Coercible or WithDict.
+ C. Using [G] Unsatisfiable msg to solve any Wanted.
+ In GHC.Tc.Solver.simplifyTopWanteds, after defaulting happens, when an
+ implication contains Givens of the form [G] Unsatisfiable msg, and the
+ implication supports term-level evidence (as per Note [Coercion evidence only]
+ in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence), we use any such Given to solve all the Wanteds
+ in that implication. See GHC.Tc.Solver.useUnsatisfiableGivens.
+ The way we construct the evidence terms is slightly complicated by
+ Type vs Constraint considerations; see Note [Evidence terms from Unsatisfiable Givens]
+ in GHC.Tc.Solver.
+ The proposal explains why this happens after defaulting: if there are other
+ ways to solve the Wanteds, we would prefer to use that, as that will make
+ user programs "as defined as possible".
+ Wrinkle [Ambiguity]
+ We also use an Unsatisfiable Given to solve Wanteds when performing an
+ ambiguity check. See the call to "useUnsatisfiableGivens" in
+ GHC.Tc.Solver.simplifyAmbiguityCheck.
+ This is, for example, required to typecheck the definition
+ of "unsatisfiable" itself:
+ unsatisfiable :: forall {rep} (msg :: ErrorMessage) (a :: TYPE rep). Unsatisfiable msg => a
+ The ambiguity check on this type signature will produce
+ [G] Unsatisfiable msg1, [W] Unsatisfiable msg2
+ and we want to ensure the Given solves the Wanted, to accept the definition.
+ NB:
+ An alternative would be to add a functional dependency on Unsatisfiable:
+ class Unsatisfiable msg | -> msg
+ Then we would unify msg1 and msg2 in the above constraint solving problem,
+ and would be able to solve the Wanted using the Given in the normal way.
+ However, adding such a functional dependency solely for this purpose
+ could have undesirable consequences. For example, one might have
+ [W] Unsatisfiable (Text "msg1"), [W] Unsatisfiable (Text "msg2")
+ and W-W fundep interaction would produce the insoluble constraint
+ [W] "msg1" ~ "msg2"
+ which we definitely wouldn't want to report to the user.
+ D. Adding "meth = unsatisfiable @msg" method bindings.
+ When a class instance has an "Unsatisfiable msg" constraint in its context,
+ and the user has omitted methods (which don't have any default implementations),
+ we add method bindings of the form "meth = unsatisfiable @msg".
+ See GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance.tcMethods, in particular "tc_default".
+ Example:
+ class C a where { op :: a -> a }
+ instance Unsatisfiable Msg => C [a] where {}
+ elaborates to
+ instance Unsatisfiable Msg => C [a] where { op = unsatisfiable @Msg }
+ due to the (Unsatisfiable Msg) constraint in the instance context.
+ We also switch off the "missing methods" warning in this situation.
+ See "checkMinimalDefinition" in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance.tcMethods.
+ E. Switching off functional dependency coverage checks when there is
+ an "Unsatisfiable msg" context.
+ This is because we want to allow users to rule out certain instances with
+ an "unsatisfiable" error, even when that would violate a functional
+ dependency. For example:
+ class C a b | a -> b
+ instance Unsatisfiable (Text "No") => C a b
+ See GHC.Tc.Instance.FunDeps.checkInstCoverage.
+ F. Error reporting of "Unsatisfiable msg" constraints.
+ This is done in GHC.Tc.Errors.reportWanteds: we detect when a constraint
+ is of the form "Unsatisfiable msg" and just emit the custom message
+ as an error to the user.
+ This is the only way that "Unsatisfiable msg" constraints are reported,
+ which makes their behaviour much more predictable than TypeError.
@@ -922,10 +1049,15 @@ mkUserTypeErrorReporter ctxt
; addDeferredBinding ctxt err item }
mkUserTypeError :: ErrorItem -> TcSolverReportMsg
-mkUserTypeError item =
- case getUserTypeErrorMsg (errorItemPred item) of
- Just msg -> UserTypeError msg
- Nothing -> pprPanic "mkUserTypeError" (ppr item)
+mkUserTypeError item
+ | Just msg <- getUserTypeErrorMsg pty
+ = UserTypeError msg
+ | Just msg <- isUnsatisfiableCt_maybe pty
+ = UnsatisfiableError msg
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "mkUserTypeError" (ppr item)
+ where
+ pty = errorItemPred item
mkGivenErrorReporter :: Reporter
-- See Note [Given errors]