path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs')
1 files changed, 478 insertions, 375 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
index a833e76661..b71a6b1dd4 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
@@ -13,8 +14,6 @@ module GHC.Tc.Errors(
reportUnsolved, reportAllUnsolved, warnAllUnsolved,
- solverDepthErrorTcS,
-- * GHC API helper functions
@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..), (<|) )
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE ( map, reverse )
import Data.List ( sortBy )
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
+import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
@@ -464,20 +463,73 @@ But without the context we won't find beta := Zero.
This only matters in instance declarations..
+-- | Should we completely ignore this constraint in error reporting?
+-- It *must* be the case that any constraint for which this returns True
+-- somehow causes an error to be reported elsewhere.
+-- See Note [Constraints to ignore].
+ignoreConstraint :: Ct -> Bool
+ignoreConstraint ct
+ | AssocFamPatOrigin <- ctOrigin ct
+ = True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+-- | Makes an error item from a constraint, calculating whether or not
+-- the item should be suppressed. See Note [Wanteds rewrite Wanteds]
+-- in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint. Returns Nothing if we should just ignore
+-- a constraint. See Note [Constraints to ignore].
+mkErrorItem :: Ct -> TcM (Maybe ErrorItem)
+mkErrorItem ct
+ | ignoreConstraint ct
+ = do { traceTc "Ignoring constraint:" (ppr ct)
+ ; return Nothing } -- See Note [Constraints to ignore]
+ | otherwise
+ = do { let loc = ctLoc ct
+ flav = ctFlavour ct
+ ; (suppress, m_evdest) <- case ctEvidence ct of
+ CtGiven {} -> return (False, Nothing)
+ CtWanted { ctev_rewriters = rewriters, ctev_dest = dest }
+ -> do { supp <- anyUnfilledCoercionHoles rewriters
+ ; return (supp, Just dest) }
+ ; let m_reason = case ct of CIrredCan { cc_reason = reason } -> Just reason
+ _ -> Nothing
+ ; return $ Just $ EI { ei_pred = ctPred ct
+ , ei_evdest = m_evdest
+ , ei_flavour = flav
+ , ei_loc = loc
+ , ei_m_reason = m_reason
+ , ei_suppress = suppress }}
reportWanteds :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> TcLevel -> WantedConstraints -> TcM ()
-reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics
- , wc_holes = holes })
- = do { traceTc "reportWanteds" (vcat [ text "Simples =" <+> ppr simples
- , text "Suppress =" <+> ppr (cec_suppress ctxt)
- , text "tidy_cts =" <+> ppr tidy_cts
- , text "tidy_holes = " <+> ppr tidy_holes ])
+reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics
+ , wc_holes = holes })
+ | isEmptyWC wc = traceTc "reportWanteds empty WC" empty
+ | otherwise
+ = do { tidy_items <- mapMaybeM mkErrorItem tidy_cts
+ ; traceTc "reportWanteds 1" (vcat [ text "Simples =" <+> ppr simples
+ , text "Suppress =" <+> ppr (cec_suppress ctxt)
+ , text "tidy_cts =" <+> ppr tidy_cts
+ , text "tidy_items =" <+> ppr tidy_items
+ , text "tidy_holes =" <+> ppr tidy_holes ])
+ -- This check makes sure that we aren't suppressing the only error that will
+ -- actually stop compilation
+ ; massert $
+ null simples || -- no errors to report here
+ any ignoreConstraint simples || -- one error is ignorable (is reported elsewhere)
+ not (all ei_suppress tidy_items) -- not all error are suppressed
-- First, deal with any out-of-scope errors:
; let (out_of_scope, other_holes) = partition isOutOfScopeHole tidy_holes
-- don't suppress out-of-scope errors
ctxt_for_scope_errs = ctxt { cec_suppress = False }
; (_, no_out_of_scope) <- askNoErrs $
- reportHoles tidy_cts ctxt_for_scope_errs out_of_scope
+ reportHoles tidy_items ctxt_for_scope_errs out_of_scope
-- Next, deal with things that are utterly wrong
-- Like Int ~ Bool (incl nullary TyCons)
@@ -485,57 +537,71 @@ reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics
-- These /ones/ are not suppressed by the incoming context
-- (but will be by out-of-scope errors)
; let ctxt_for_insols = ctxt { cec_suppress = not no_out_of_scope }
- ; reportHoles tidy_cts ctxt_for_insols other_holes
+ ; reportHoles tidy_items ctxt_for_insols other_holes
-- holes never suppress
- ; (ctxt1, cts1) <- tryReporters ctxt_for_insols report1 tidy_cts
+ -- See Note [Suppressing confusing errors]
+ ; let (suppressed_items, items0) = partition suppress tidy_items
+ ; traceTc "reportWanteds suppressed:" (ppr suppressed_items)
+ ; (ctxt1, items1) <- tryReporters ctxt_for_insols report1 items0
-- Now all the other constraints. We suppress errors here if
-- any of the first batch failed, or if the enclosing context
-- says to suppress
- ; let ctxt2 = ctxt { cec_suppress = cec_suppress ctxt || cec_suppress ctxt1 }
- ; (_, leftovers) <- tryReporters ctxt2 report2 cts1
+ ; let ctxt2 = ctxt1 { cec_suppress = cec_suppress ctxt || cec_suppress ctxt1 }
+ ; (ctxt3, leftovers) <- tryReporters ctxt2 report2 items1
; massertPpr (null leftovers)
(text "The following unsolved Wanted constraints \
\have not been reported to the user:"
$$ ppr leftovers)
- -- All the Derived ones have been filtered out of simples
- -- by the constraint solver. This is ok; we don't want
- -- to report unsolved Derived goals as errors
- -- See Note [Do not report derived but soluble errors]
- ; mapBagM_ (reportImplic ctxt2) implics }
+ ; mapBagM_ (reportImplic ctxt2) implics
-- NB ctxt2: don't suppress inner insolubles if there's only a
-- wanted insoluble here; but do suppress inner insolubles
-- if there's a *given* insoluble here (= inaccessible code)
+ -- Only now, if there are no errors, do we report suppressed ones
+ -- See Note [Suppressing confusing errors]
+ -- We don't need to update the context further because of the
+ -- whenNoErrs guard
+ ; whenNoErrs $
+ do { (_, more_leftovers) <- tryReporters ctxt3 report3 suppressed_items
+ ; massertPpr (null more_leftovers) (ppr more_leftovers) } }
- env = cec_tidy ctxt
+ env = cec_tidy ctxt
tidy_cts = bagToList (mapBag (tidyCt env) simples)
tidy_holes = bagToList (mapBag (tidyHole env) holes)
+ -- See Note [Suppressing confusing errors]
+ suppress :: ErrorItem -> Bool
+ suppress item
+ | Wanted <- ei_flavour item
+ = is_ww_fundep_item item
+ | otherwise
+ = False
-- report1: ones that should *not* be suppressed by
-- an insoluble somewhere else in the tree
-- It's crucial that anything that is considered insoluble
-- (see GHC.Tc.Utils.insolublWantedCt) is caught here, otherwise
-- we might suppress its error message, and proceed on past
-- type checking to get a Lint error later
- report1 = [ ("custom_error", unblocked is_user_type_error, True, mkUserTypeErrorReporter)
+ report1 = [ ("custom_error", is_user_type_error, True, mkUserTypeErrorReporter)
, given_eq_spec
- , ("insoluble2", unblocked utterly_wrong, True, mkGroupReporter mkEqErr)
- , ("skolem eq1", unblocked very_wrong, True, mkSkolReporter)
- , ("skolem eq2", unblocked skolem_eq, True, mkSkolReporter)
- , ("non-tv eq", unblocked non_tv_eq, True, mkSkolReporter)
+ , ("insoluble2", utterly_wrong, True, mkGroupReporter mkEqErr)
+ , ("skolem eq1", very_wrong, True, mkSkolReporter)
+ , ("skolem eq2", skolem_eq, True, mkSkolReporter)
+ , ("non-tv eq", non_tv_eq, True, mkSkolReporter)
-- The only remaining equalities are alpha ~ ty,
-- where alpha is untouchable; and representational equalities
-- Prefer homogeneous equalities over hetero, because the
-- former might be holding up the latter.
-- See Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
- , ("Homo eqs", unblocked is_homo_equality, True, mkGroupReporter mkEqErr)
- , ("Other eqs", unblocked is_equality, True, mkGroupReporter mkEqErr)
- , ("Blocked eqs", is_equality, False, mkSuppressReporter mkBlockedEqErr)]
+ , ("Homo eqs", is_homo_equality, True, mkGroupReporter mkEqErr)
+ , ("Other eqs", is_equality, True, mkGroupReporter mkEqErr)
+ ]
-- report2: we suppress these if there are insolubles elsewhere in the tree
report2 = [ ("Implicit params", is_ip, False, mkGroupReporter mkIPErr)
@@ -543,17 +609,17 @@ reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics
, ("FixedRuntimeRep", is_FRR, False, mkGroupReporter mkFRRErr)
, ("Dicts", is_dict, False, mkGroupReporter mkDictErr) ]
- -- also checks to make sure the constraint isn't HoleBlockerReason
- -- See TcCanonical Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds], (4)
- unblocked :: (Ct -> Pred -> Bool) -> Ct -> Pred -> Bool
- unblocked _ (CIrredCan { cc_reason = HoleBlockerReason {}}) _ = False
- unblocked checker ct pred = checker ct pred
+ -- report3: suppressed errors should be reported as categorized by either report1
+ -- or report2. Keep this in sync with the suppress function above
+ report3 = [ ("wanted/wanted fundeps", is_ww_fundep, True, mkGroupReporter mkEqErr)
+ ]
-- rigid_nom_eq, rigid_nom_tv_eq,
- is_dict, is_equality, is_ip, is_FRR, is_irred :: Ct -> Pred -> Bool
+ is_dict, is_equality, is_ip, is_FRR, is_irred :: ErrorItem -> Pred -> Bool
- is_given_eq ct pred
- | EqPred {} <- pred = arisesFromGivens ct
+ is_given_eq item pred
+ | Given <- ei_flavour item
+ , EqPred {} <- pred = True
| otherwise = False
-- I think all given residuals are equalities
@@ -573,7 +639,7 @@ reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics
non_tv_eq _ (EqPred NomEq ty1 _) = not (isTyVarTy ty1)
non_tv_eq _ _ = False
- is_user_type_error ct _ = isUserTypeErrorCt ct
+ is_user_type_error item _ = isUserTypeError (errorItemPred item)
is_homo_equality _ (EqPred _ ty1 ty2) = tcTypeKind ty1 `tcEqType` tcTypeKind ty2
is_homo_equality _ _ = False
@@ -587,8 +653,8 @@ reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics
is_ip _ (ClassPred cls _) = isIPClass cls
is_ip _ _ = False
- is_FRR ct (SpecialPred ConcretePrimPred _)
- | FixedRuntimeRepOrigin {} <- ctOrigin ct
+ is_FRR item (SpecialPred ConcretePrimPred _)
+ | FixedRuntimeRepOrigin {} <- errorItemOrigin item
= True
is_FRR _ _
= False
@@ -596,8 +662,12 @@ reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics
is_irred _ (IrredPred {}) = True
is_irred _ _ = False
+ -- See situation (1) of Note [Suppressing confusing errors]
+ is_ww_fundep item _ = is_ww_fundep_item item
+ is_ww_fundep_item = isWantedWantedFunDepOrigin . errorItemOrigin
given_eq_spec -- See Note [Given errors]
- | has_gadt_match (cec_encl ctxt)
+ | has_gadt_match_here
= ("insoluble1a", is_given_eq, True, mkGivenErrorReporter)
| otherwise
= ("insoluble1b", is_given_eq, False, ignoreErrorReporter)
@@ -608,6 +678,7 @@ reportWanteds ctxt tc_lvl (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics
-- #13446 is an example
-- See Note [Given errors]
+ has_gadt_match_here = has_gadt_match (cec_encl ctxt)
has_gadt_match [] = False
has_gadt_match (implic : implics)
| PatSkol {} <- ic_info implic
@@ -637,36 +708,119 @@ isTyFun_maybe ty = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
Just (tc,_) | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc -> Just tc
_ -> Nothing
+{- Note [Suppressing confusing errors]
+Certain errors we might encounter are potentially confusing to users.
+If there are any other errors to report, at all, we want to suppress these.
+Which errors (only 1 case right now):
+1) Errors which arise from the interaction of two Wanted fun-dep constraints.
+ Example:
+ class C a b | a -> b where
+ op :: a -> b -> b
+ foo _ = op True Nothing
+ bar _ = op False []
+ Here, we could infer
+ foo :: C Bool (Maybe a) => p -> Maybe a
+ bar :: C Bool [a] => p -> [a]
+ (The unused arguments suppress the monomorphism restriction.) The problem
+ is that these types can't both be correct, as they violate the functional
+ dependency. Yet reporting an error here is awkward: we must
+ non-deterministically choose either foo or bar to reject. We thus want
+ to report this problem only when there is nothing else to report.
+ See typecheck/should_fail/T13506 for an example of when to suppress
+ the error. The case above is actually accepted, because foo and bar
+ are checked separately, and thus the two fundep constraints never
+ encounter each other. It is test case typecheck/should_compile/FunDepOrigin1.
+ This case applies only when both fundeps are *Wanted* fundeps; when
+ both are givens, the error represents unreachable code. For
+ a Given/Wanted case, see #9612.
+We use the `suppress` function within reportWanteds to filter out these two
+cases, then report all other errors. Lastly, we return to these suppressed
+ones and report them only if there have been no errors so far.
+Note [Constraints to ignore]
+Some constraints are meant only to aid the solver by unification; a failure
+to solve them is not necessarily an error to report to the user. It is critical
+that compilation is aborted elsewhere if there are any ignored constraints here;
+they will remain unfilled, and might have been used to rewrite another constraint.
+Currently, the constraints to ignore are:
+1) Constraints generated in order to unify associated type instance parameters
+ with class parameters. Here are two illustrative examples:
+ class C (a :: k) where
+ type F (b :: k)
+ instance C True where
+ type F a = Int
+ instance C Left where
+ type F (Left :: a -> Either a b) = Bool
+ In the first instance, we want to infer that `a` has type Bool. So we emit
+ a constraint unifying kappa (the guessed type of `a`) with Bool. All is well.
+ In the second instance, we process the associated type instance only
+ after fixing the quantified type variables of the class instance. We thus
+ have skolems a1 and b1 such that the class instance is for (Left :: a1 -> Either a1 b1).
+ Unifying a1 and b1 with a and b in the type instance will fail, but harmlessly so.
+ checkConsistentFamInst checks for this, and will fail if anything has gone
+ awry. Really the equality constraints emitted are just meant as an aid, not
+ a requirement. This is test case T13972.
+ We detect this case by looking for an origin of AssocFamPatOrigin; constraints
+ with this origin are dropped entirely during error message reporting.
+ If there is any trouble, checkValidFamInst bleats, aborting compilation.
-- Reporters
type Reporter
- = SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM ()
+ = SolverReportErrCtxt -> [ErrorItem] -> TcM ()
type ReporterSpec
- = ( String -- Name
- , Ct -> Pred -> Bool -- Pick these ones
- , Bool -- True <=> suppress subsequent reporters
- , Reporter) -- The reporter itself
+ = ( String -- Name
+ , ErrorItem -> Pred -> Bool -- Pick these ones
+ , Bool -- True <=> suppress subsequent reporters
+ , Reporter) -- The reporter itself
mkSkolReporter :: Reporter
-- Suppress duplicates with either the same LHS, or same location
-mkSkolReporter ctxt cts
- = mapM_ (reportGroup mkEqErr ctxt) (group cts)
+-- Pre-condition: all items are equalities
+mkSkolReporter ctxt items
+ = mapM_ (reportGroup mkEqErr ctxt) (group items)
group [] = []
- group (ct:cts) = (ct : yeses) : group noes
+ group (item:items) = (item : yeses) : group noes
- (yeses, noes) = partition (group_with ct) cts
+ (yeses, noes) = partition (group_with item) items
- group_with ct1 ct2
- | EQ <- cmp_loc ct1 ct2 = True
- | eq_lhs_type ct1 ct2 = True
- | otherwise = False
+ group_with item1 item2
+ | EQ <- cmp_loc item1 item2 = True
+ | eq_lhs_type item1 item2 = True
+ | otherwise = False
-reportHoles :: [Ct] -- other (tidied) constraints
+reportHoles :: [ErrorItem] -- other (tidied) constraints
-> SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Hole] -> TcM ()
-reportHoles tidy_cts ctxt holes
+reportHoles tidy_items ctxt holes
= do
diag_opts <- initDiagOpts <$> getDynFlags
let severity = diagReasonSeverity diag_opts (cec_type_holes ctxt)
@@ -675,7 +829,7 @@ reportHoles tidy_cts ctxt holes
-- because otherwise types will be zonked and tidied many times over.
(tidy_env', lcl_name_cache) <- zonkTidyTcLclEnvs (cec_tidy ctxt) (map (ctl_env . hole_loc) holes')
let ctxt' = ctxt { cec_tidy = tidy_env' }
- forM_ holes' $ \hole -> do { msg <- mkHoleError lcl_name_cache tidy_cts ctxt' hole
+ forM_ holes' $ \hole -> do { msg <- mkHoleError lcl_name_cache tidy_items ctxt' hole
; reportDiagnostic msg }
keepThisHole :: Severity -> Hole -> Bool
@@ -734,42 +888,43 @@ machinery, in cases where it is definitely going to be a no-op.
mkUserTypeErrorReporter :: Reporter
mkUserTypeErrorReporter ctxt
- = mapM_ $ \ct -> do { let err = important ctxt $ mkUserTypeError ct
- ; maybeReportError ctxt ct err
- ; addDeferredBinding ctxt err ct }
+ = mapM_ $ \item -> do { let err = important ctxt $ mkUserTypeError item
+ ; maybeReportError ctxt [item] err
+ ; addDeferredBinding ctxt err item }
-mkUserTypeError :: Ct -> TcSolverReportMsg
-mkUserTypeError ct =
- case getUserTypeErrorMsg ct of
+mkUserTypeError :: ErrorItem -> TcSolverReportMsg
+mkUserTypeError item =
+ case getUserTypeErrorMsg (errorItemPred item) of
Just msg -> UserTypeError msg
- Nothing -> pprPanic "mkUserTypeError" (ppr ct)
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "mkUserTypeError" (ppr item)
mkGivenErrorReporter :: Reporter
-- See Note [Given errors]
-mkGivenErrorReporter ctxt cts
- = do { (ctxt, relevant_binds, ct) <- relevantBindings True ctxt ct
+mkGivenErrorReporter ctxt items
+ = do { (ctxt, relevant_binds, item) <- relevantBindings True ctxt item
; let (implic:_) = cec_encl ctxt
-- Always non-empty when mkGivenErrorReporter is called
- ct' = setCtLoc ct (setCtLocEnv (ctLoc ct) (ic_env implic))
+ loc' = setCtLocEnv (ei_loc item) (ic_env implic)
+ item' = item { ei_loc = loc' }
-- For given constraints we overwrite the env (and hence src-loc)
-- with one from the immediately-enclosing implication.
-- See Note [Inaccessible code]
- ; (eq_err_msgs, _hints) <- mkEqErr_help ctxt ct' ty1 ty2
+ ; (eq_err_msgs, _hints) <- mkEqErr_help ctxt item' ty1 ty2
-- The hints wouldn't help in this situation, so we discard them.
; let supplementary = [ SupplementaryBindings relevant_binds ]
msg = TcRnInaccessibleCode implic (NE.reverse . (SolverReportWithCtxt ctxt) $ eq_err_msgs)
- ; msg <- mkErrorReport (ctLocEnv (ctLoc ct')) msg (Just ctxt) supplementary
+ ; msg <- mkErrorReport (ctLocEnv loc') msg (Just ctxt) supplementary
; reportDiagnostic msg }
- (ct : _ ) = cts -- Never empty
- (ty1, ty2) = getEqPredTys (ctPred ct)
+ (item : _ ) = items -- Never empty
+ (ty1, ty2) = getEqPredTys (errorItemPred item)
ignoreErrorReporter :: Reporter
-- Discard Given errors that don't come from
-- a pattern match; maybe we should warn instead?
-ignoreErrorReporter ctxt cts
- = do { traceTc "mkGivenErrorReporter no" (ppr cts $$ ppr (cec_encl ctxt))
+ignoreErrorReporter ctxt items
+ = do { traceTc "mkGivenErrorReporter no" (ppr items $$ ppr (cec_encl ctxt))
; return () }
@@ -807,59 +962,43 @@ pattern match which binds some equality constraints. If we
find one, we report the insoluble Given.
-mkGroupReporter :: (SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM SolverReport)
+mkGroupReporter :: (SolverReportErrCtxt -> [ErrorItem] -> TcM SolverReport)
-- Make error message for a group
-> Reporter -- Deal with lots of constraints
-- Group together errors from same location,
-- and report only the first (to avoid a cascade)
-mkGroupReporter mk_err ctxt cts
- = mapM_ (reportGroup mk_err ctxt . toList) (equivClasses cmp_loc cts)
--- Like mkGroupReporter, but doesn't actually print error messages
-mkSuppressReporter :: (SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM SolverReport)
- -> Reporter
-mkSuppressReporter mk_err ctxt cts
- = mapM_ (suppressGroup mk_err ctxt . toList) (equivClasses cmp_loc cts)
-eq_lhs_type :: Ct -> Ct -> Bool
-eq_lhs_type ct1 ct2
- = case (classifyPredType (ctPred ct1), classifyPredType (ctPred ct2)) of
+mkGroupReporter mk_err ctxt items
+ = mapM_ (reportGroup mk_err ctxt . toList) (equivClasses cmp_loc items)
+eq_lhs_type :: ErrorItem -> ErrorItem -> Bool
+eq_lhs_type item1 item2
+ = case (classifyPredType (errorItemPred item1), classifyPredType (errorItemPred item2)) of
(EqPred eq_rel1 ty1 _, EqPred eq_rel2 ty2 _) ->
(eq_rel1 == eq_rel2) && (ty1 `eqType` ty2)
- _ -> pprPanic "mkSkolReporter" (ppr ct1 $$ ppr ct2)
+ _ -> pprPanic "mkSkolReporter" (ppr item1 $$ ppr item2)
-cmp_loc :: Ct -> Ct -> Ordering
-cmp_loc ct1 ct2 = get ct1 `compare` get ct2
+cmp_loc :: ErrorItem -> ErrorItem -> Ordering
+cmp_loc item1 item2 = get item1 `compare` get item2
- get ct = realSrcSpanStart (ctLocSpan (ctLoc ct))
+ get ei = realSrcSpanStart (ctLocSpan (errorItemCtLoc ei))
-- Reduce duplication by reporting only one error from each
-- /starting/ location even if the end location differs
-reportGroup :: (SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM SolverReport) -> Reporter
-reportGroup mk_err ctxt cts
- | ct1 : _ <- cts =
- do { err <- mk_err ctxt cts
- ; traceTc "About to maybeReportErr" $
- vcat [ text "Constraint:" <+> ppr cts
- , text "cec_suppress =" <+> ppr (cec_suppress ctxt)
- , text "cec_defer_type_errors =" <+> ppr (cec_defer_type_errors ctxt) ]
- ; maybeReportError ctxt ct1 err
- -- But see Note [Always warn with -fdefer-type-errors]
- ; traceTc "reportGroup" (ppr cts)
- ; mapM_ (addDeferredBinding ctxt err) cts }
- -- Add deferred bindings for all
- -- Redundant if we are going to abort compilation,
- -- but that's hard to know for sure, and if we don't
- -- abort, we need bindings for all (e.g. #12156)
- | otherwise = panic "empty reportGroup"
--- like reportGroup, but does not actually report messages. It still adds
--- -fdefer-type-errors bindings, though.
-suppressGroup :: (SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM SolverReport) -> Reporter
-suppressGroup mk_err ctxt cts
- = do { err <- mk_err ctxt cts
- ; traceTc "Suppressing errors for" (ppr cts)
- ; mapM_ (addDeferredBinding ctxt err) cts }
+reportGroup :: (SolverReportErrCtxt -> [ErrorItem] -> TcM SolverReport) -> Reporter
+reportGroup mk_err ctxt items
+ = do { err <- mk_err ctxt items
+ ; traceTc "About to maybeReportErr" $
+ vcat [ text "Constraint:" <+> ppr items
+ , text "cec_suppress =" <+> ppr (cec_suppress ctxt)
+ , text "cec_defer_type_errors =" <+> ppr (cec_defer_type_errors ctxt) ]
+ ; maybeReportError ctxt items err
+ -- But see Note [Always warn with -fdefer-type-errors]
+ ; traceTc "reportGroup" (ppr items)
+ ; mapM_ (addDeferredBinding ctxt err) items }
+ -- Add deferred bindings for all
+ -- Redundant if we are going to abort compilation,
+ -- but that's hard to know for sure, and if we don't
+ -- abort, we need bindings for all (e.g. #12156)
-- See Note [No deferring for multiplicity errors]
nonDeferrableOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool
@@ -868,23 +1007,33 @@ nonDeferrableOrigin (UsageEnvironmentOf {}) = True
nonDeferrableOrigin (FixedRuntimeRepOrigin {}) = True
nonDeferrableOrigin _ = False
-maybeReportError :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> Ct -> SolverReport -> TcM ()
-maybeReportError ctxt ct (SolverReport { sr_important_msgs = important, sr_supplementary = supp, sr_hints = hints })
- = unless (cec_suppress ctxt) $ -- Some worse error has occurred, so suppress this diagnostic
- do let reason | nonDeferrableOrigin (ctOrigin ct) = ErrorWithoutFlag
- | otherwise = cec_defer_type_errors ctxt
+maybeReportError :: SolverReportErrCtxt
+ -> [ErrorItem] -- items covered by the Report
+ -> SolverReport -> TcM ()
+maybeReportError ctxt items@(item1:_) (SolverReport { sr_important_msgs = important
+ , sr_supplementary = supp
+ , sr_hints = hints })
+ = unless (cec_suppress ctxt -- Some worse error has occurred, so suppress this diagnostic
+ || all ei_suppress items) $
+ -- if they're all to be suppressed, report nothing
+ -- if at least one is not suppressed, do report:
+ -- the function that generates the error message
+ -- should look for an unsuppressed error item
+ do let reason | any (nonDeferrableOrigin . errorItemOrigin) items = ErrorWithoutFlag
+ | otherwise = cec_defer_type_errors ctxt
-- See Note [No deferring for multiplicity errors]
diag = TcRnSolverReport important reason hints
- msg <- mkErrorReport (ctLocEnv (ctLoc ct)) diag (Just ctxt) supp
+ msg <- mkErrorReport (ctLocEnv (errorItemCtLoc item1)) diag (Just ctxt) supp
reportDiagnostic msg
+maybeReportError _ _ _ = panic "maybeReportError"
-addDeferredBinding :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> SolverReport -> Ct -> TcM ()
+addDeferredBinding :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> SolverReport -> ErrorItem -> TcM ()
-- See Note [Deferring coercion errors to runtime]
-addDeferredBinding ctxt err ct
+addDeferredBinding ctxt err (EI { ei_evdest = Just dest, ei_pred = item_ty
+ , ei_loc = loc })
+ -- if evdest is Just, then the constraint was from a wanted
| deferringAnyBindings ctxt
- , CtWanted { ctev_pred = pred, ctev_dest = dest } <- ctEvidence ct
- -- Only add deferred bindings for Wanted constraints
- = do { err_tm <- mkErrorTerm ctxt (ctLoc ct) pred err
+ = do { err_tm <- mkErrorTerm ctxt loc item_ty err
; let ev_binds_var = cec_binds ctxt
; case dest of
@@ -895,9 +1044,7 @@ addDeferredBinding ctxt err ct
let co_var = coHoleCoVar hole
; addTcEvBind ev_binds_var $ mkWantedEvBind co_var err_tm
; fillCoercionHole hole (mkTcCoVarCo co_var) }}
- | otherwise -- Do not set any evidence for Given/Derived
- = return ()
+addDeferredBinding _ _ _ = return () -- Do not set any evidence for Given
mkErrorTerm :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> CtLoc -> Type -- of the error term
-> SolverReport -> TcM EvTerm
@@ -913,42 +1060,44 @@ mkErrorTerm ctxt ct_loc ty (SolverReport { sr_important_msgs = important, sr_sup
; return $ evDelayedError ty err_str }
-tryReporters :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [ReporterSpec] -> [Ct] -> TcM (SolverReportErrCtxt, [Ct])
+tryReporters :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [ReporterSpec] -> [ErrorItem] -> TcM (SolverReportErrCtxt, [ErrorItem])
-- Use the first reporter in the list whose predicate says True
-tryReporters ctxt reporters cts
- = do { let (vis_cts, invis_cts) = partition (isVisibleOrigin . ctOrigin) cts
- ; traceTc "tryReporters {" (ppr vis_cts $$ ppr invis_cts)
- ; (ctxt', cts') <- go ctxt reporters vis_cts invis_cts
- ; traceTc "tryReporters }" (ppr cts')
- ; return (ctxt', cts') }
+tryReporters ctxt reporters items
+ = do { let (vis_items, invis_items)
+ = partition (isVisibleOrigin . errorItemOrigin) items
+ ; traceTc "tryReporters {" (ppr vis_items $$ ppr invis_items)
+ ; (ctxt', items') <- go ctxt reporters vis_items invis_items
+ ; traceTc "tryReporters }" (ppr items')
+ ; return (ctxt', items') }
- go ctxt [] vis_cts invis_cts
- = return (ctxt, vis_cts ++ invis_cts)
+ go ctxt [] vis_items invis_items
+ = return (ctxt, vis_items ++ invis_items)
- go ctxt (r : rs) vis_cts invis_cts
+ go ctxt (r : rs) vis_items invis_items
-- always look at *visible* Origins before invisible ones
-- this is the whole point of isVisibleOrigin
- = do { (ctxt', vis_cts') <- tryReporter ctxt r vis_cts
- ; (ctxt'', invis_cts') <- tryReporter ctxt' r invis_cts
- ; go ctxt'' rs vis_cts' invis_cts' }
+ = do { (ctxt', vis_items') <- tryReporter ctxt r vis_items
+ ; (ctxt'', invis_items') <- tryReporter ctxt' r invis_items
+ ; go ctxt'' rs vis_items' invis_items' }
-- Carry on with the rest, because we must make
-- deferred bindings for them if we have -fdefer-type-errors
-- But suppress their error messages
-tryReporter :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> ReporterSpec -> [Ct] -> TcM (SolverReportErrCtxt, [Ct])
-tryReporter ctxt (str, keep_me, suppress_after, reporter) cts
+tryReporter :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> ReporterSpec -> [ErrorItem] -> TcM (SolverReportErrCtxt, [ErrorItem])
+tryReporter ctxt (str, keep_me, suppress_after, reporter) items
| null yeses
- = return (ctxt, cts)
+ = return (ctxt, items)
| otherwise
= do { traceTc "tryReporter{ " (text str <+> ppr yeses)
; (_, no_errs) <- askNoErrs (reporter ctxt yeses)
- ; let suppress_now = not no_errs && suppress_after
+ ; let suppress_now = not no_errs && suppress_after
-- See Note [Suppressing error messages]
ctxt' = ctxt { cec_suppress = suppress_now || cec_suppress ctxt }
; traceTc "tryReporter end }" (text str <+> ppr (cec_suppress ctxt) <+> ppr suppress_after)
; return (ctxt', nos) }
- (yeses, nos) = partition (\ct -> keep_me ct (classifyPredType (ctPred ct))) cts
+ (yeses, nos) = partition keep items
+ keep item = keep_me item (classifyPredType (errorItemPred item))
-- | Wrap an input 'TcRnMessage' with additional contextual information,
-- such as relevant bindings or valid hole fits.
@@ -1069,56 +1218,6 @@ from that EvVar, filling the hole with that coercion. Because coercions'
types are unlifted, the error is guaranteed to be hit before we get to the
-Note [Do not report derived but soluble errors]
-The wc_simples include Derived constraints that have not been solved,
-but are not insoluble (in that case they'd be reported by 'report1').
-We do not want to report these as errors:
-* Superclass constraints. If we have an unsolved [W] Ord a, we'll also have
- an unsolved [D] Eq a, and we do not want to report that; it's just noise.
-* Functional dependencies. For givens, consider
- class C a b | a -> b
- data T a where
- MkT :: C a d => [d] -> T a
- f :: C a b => T a -> F Int
- f (MkT xs) = length xs
- Then we get a [D] b~d. But there *is* a legitimate call to
- f, namely f (MkT [True]) :: T Bool, in which b=d. So we should
- not reject the program.
- For wanteds, something similar
- data T a where
- MkT :: C Int b => a -> b -> T a
- g :: C Int c => c -> ()
- f :: T a -> ()
- f (MkT x y) = g x
- Here we get [G] C Int b, [W] C Int a, hence [D] a~b.
- But again f (MkT True True) is a legitimate call.
-(We leave the Deriveds in wc_simple until reportErrors, so that we don't lose
-derived superclasses between iterations of the solver.)
-For functional dependencies, here is a real example,
-stripped off from libraries/utf8-string/Codec/Binary/UTF8/Generic.hs
- class C a b | a -> b
- g :: C a b => a -> b -> ()
- f :: C a b => a -> b -> ()
- f xa xb =
- let loop = g xa
- in loop xb
-We will first try to infer a type for loop, and we will succeed:
- C a b' => b' -> ()
-Subsequently, we will type check (loop xb) and all is good. But,
-recall that we have to solve a final implication constraint:
- C a b => (C a b' => .... cts from body of loop .... ))
-And now we have a problem as we will generate an equality b ~ b' and fail to
-solve it.
* *
Irreducible predicate errors
@@ -1126,14 +1225,23 @@ solve it.
-mkIrredErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM SolverReport
-mkIrredErr ctxt cts
- = do { (ctxt, binds_msg, ct1) <- relevantBindings True ctxt ct1
+mkIrredErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [ErrorItem] -> TcM SolverReport
+mkIrredErr ctxt items
+ = do { (ctxt, binds_msg, item1) <- relevantBindings True ctxt item1
; let msg = important ctxt $
- CouldNotDeduce (getUserGivens ctxt) (ct1 :| others) Nothing
+ CouldNotDeduce (getUserGivens ctxt) (item1 :| others) Nothing
; return $ msg `mappend` mk_relevant_bindings binds_msg }
- ct1:others = cts
+ (item1:others) = final_items
+ filtered_items = filter (not . ei_suppress) items
+ final_items | null filtered_items = items
+ -- they're all suppressed; must report *something*
+ -- NB: even though reportWanteds asserts that not
+ -- all items are suppressed, it's possible all the
+ -- irreducibles are suppressed, and so this function
+ -- might get all suppressed items
+ | otherwise = filtered_items
{- Note [Constructing Hole Errors]
@@ -1171,7 +1279,7 @@ See also 'reportUnsolved'.
-- | Constructs a new hole error, unless this is deferred. See Note [Constructing Hole Errors].
-mkHoleError :: NameEnv Type -> [Ct] -> SolverReportErrCtxt -> Hole -> TcM (MsgEnvelope TcRnMessage)
+mkHoleError :: NameEnv Type -> [ErrorItem] -> SolverReportErrCtxt -> Hole -> TcM (MsgEnvelope TcRnMessage)
mkHoleError _ _tidy_simples ctxt hole@(Hole { hole_occ = occ, hole_loc = ct_loc })
| isOutOfScopeHole hole
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -1277,19 +1385,27 @@ maybeAddDeferredBindings ctxt hole report = do
-- We unwrap the SolverReportErrCtxt here, to avoid introducing a loop in module
-- imports
-validHoleFits :: SolverReportErrCtxt -- ^ The context we're in, i.e. the
- -- implications and the tidy environment
- -> [Ct] -- ^ Unsolved simple constraints
- -> Hole -- ^ The hole
- -> TcM (SolverReportErrCtxt, ValidHoleFits)
- -- ^ We return the new context
- -- with a possibly updated
- -- tidy environment, and
- -- the valid hole fits.
-validHoleFits ctxt@(CEC {cec_encl = implics
- , cec_tidy = lcl_env}) simps hole
- = do { (tidy_env, fits) <- findValidHoleFits lcl_env implics simps hole
+validHoleFits :: SolverReportErrCtxt -- ^ The context we're in, i.e. the
+ -- implications and the tidy environment
+ -> [ErrorItem] -- ^ Unsolved simple constraints
+ -> Hole -- ^ The hole
+ -> TcM (SolverReportErrCtxt, ValidHoleFits)
+ -- ^ We return the new context
+ -- with a possibly updated
+ -- tidy environment, and
+ -- the valid hole fits.
+validHoleFits ctxt@(CEC { cec_encl = implics
+ , cec_tidy = lcl_env}) simps hole
+ = do { (tidy_env, fits) <- findValidHoleFits lcl_env implics (map mk_wanted simps) hole
; return (ctxt {cec_tidy = tidy_env}, fits) }
+ where
+ mk_wanted :: ErrorItem -> CtEvidence
+ mk_wanted (EI { ei_pred = pred, ei_evdest = Just dest, ei_loc = loc })
+ = CtWanted { ctev_pred = pred
+ , ctev_dest = dest
+ , ctev_loc = loc
+ , ctev_rewriters = emptyRewriterSet }
+ mk_wanted item = pprPanic "validHoleFits no evdest" (ppr item)
-- See Note [Constraints include ...]
givenConstraints :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [(Type, RealSrcSpan)]
@@ -1300,13 +1416,16 @@ givenConstraints ctxt
-mkIPErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM SolverReport
-mkIPErr ctxt cts
- = do { (ctxt, binds_msg, ct1) <- relevantBindings True ctxt ct1
- ; let msg = important ctxt $ UnboundImplicitParams (ct1 :| others)
+mkIPErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [ErrorItem] -> TcM SolverReport
+-- What would happen if an item is suppressed because of
+-- Note [Wanteds rewrite Wanteds] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint? Very unclear
+-- what's best. Let's not worry about this.
+mkIPErr ctxt items
+ = do { (ctxt, binds_msg, item1) <- relevantBindings True ctxt item1
+ ; let msg = important ctxt $ UnboundImplicitParams (item1 :| others)
; return $ msg `mappend` mk_relevant_bindings binds_msg }
- ct1:others = cts
+ item1:others = items
@@ -1314,15 +1433,15 @@ mkIPErr ctxt cts
-- Wanted constraints arising from representation-polymorphism checks.
-- See Note [Reporting representation-polymorphism errors] in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin.
-mkFRRErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM SolverReport
-mkFRRErr ctxt cts
+mkFRRErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [ErrorItem] -> TcM SolverReport
+mkFRRErr ctxt items
= do { -- Zonking/tidying.
; origs <-
-- Zonk/tidy the 'CtOrigin's.
- zonkTidyOrigins (cec_tidy ctxt) (map ctOrigin cts)
+ zonkTidyOrigins (cec_tidy ctxt) (map errorItemOrigin items)
-- Then remove duplicates: only retain one 'CtOrigin' per representation-polymorphic type.
- (nubOrdBy (nonDetCmpType `on` (snd . frr_orig_and_type)) . snd)
+ (nubOrdBy (nonDetCmpType `on` (snd . frr_orig_and_type)) . snd)
-- Obtain all the errors we want to report (constraints with FixedRuntimeRep origin),
-- with the corresponding types:
-- ty1 :: TYPE rep1, ty2 :: TYPE rep2, ...
@@ -1396,21 +1515,29 @@ any more. So we don't assert that it is.
-- Don't have multiple equality errors from the same location
-- E.g. (Int,Bool) ~ (Bool,Int) one error will do!
-mkEqErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM SolverReport
-mkEqErr ctxt (ct:_) = mkEqErr1 ctxt ct
-mkEqErr _ [] = panic "mkEqErr"
-mkEqErr1 :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> Ct -> TcM SolverReport
-mkEqErr1 ctxt ct -- Wanted or derived;
- -- givens handled in mkGivenErrorReporter
- = do { (ctxt, binds_msg, ct) <- relevantBindings True ctxt ct
+mkEqErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [ErrorItem] -> TcM SolverReport
+mkEqErr ctxt items
+ | item:_ <- filter (not . ei_suppress) items
+ = mkEqErr1 ctxt item
+ | item:_ <- items -- they're all suppressed. still need an error message
+ -- for -fdefer-type-errors though
+ = mkEqErr1 ctxt item
+ | otherwise
+ = panic "mkEqErr" -- guaranteed to have at least one item
+mkEqErr1 :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> ErrorItem -> TcM SolverReport
+mkEqErr1 ctxt item -- Wanted only
+ -- givens handled in mkGivenErrorReporter
+ = do { (ctxt, binds_msg, item) <- relevantBindings True ctxt item
; rdr_env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
; fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
- ; let mb_coercible_msg = case ctEqRel ct of
+ ; let mb_coercible_msg = case errorItemEqRel item of
NomEq -> Nothing
ReprEq -> ReportCoercibleMsg <$> mkCoercibleExplanation rdr_env fam_envs ty1 ty2
- ; traceTc "mkEqErr1" (ppr ct $$ pprCtOrigin (ctOrigin ct))
- ; (last_msg :| prev_msgs, hints) <- mkEqErr_help ctxt ct ty1 ty2
+ ; traceTc "mkEqErr1" (ppr item $$ pprCtOrigin (errorItemOrigin item))
+ ; (last_msg :| prev_msgs, hints) <- mkEqErr_help ctxt item ty1 ty2
; let
report = foldMap (important ctxt) (reverse prev_msgs)
`mappend` (important ctxt $ mkTcReportWithInfo last_msg $ maybeToList mb_coercible_msg)
@@ -1418,7 +1545,7 @@ mkEqErr1 ctxt ct -- Wanted or derived;
`mappend` (mk_report_hints hints)
; return report }
- (ty1, ty2) = getEqPredTys (ctPred ct)
+ (ty1, ty2) = getEqPredTys (errorItemPred item)
-- | This function tries to reconstruct why a "Coercible ty1 ty2" constraint
-- is left over.
@@ -1465,41 +1592,40 @@ mkCoercibleExplanation rdr_env fam_envs ty1 ty2
type AccReportMsgs = NonEmpty TcSolverReportMsg
mkEqErr_help :: SolverReportErrCtxt
- -> Ct
+ -> ErrorItem
-> TcType -> TcType -> TcM (AccReportMsgs, [GhcHint])
-mkEqErr_help ctxt ct ty1 ty2
+mkEqErr_help ctxt item ty1 ty2
| Just (tv1, _) <- tcGetCastedTyVar_maybe ty1
- = mkTyVarEqErr ctxt ct tv1 ty2
+ = mkTyVarEqErr ctxt item tv1 ty2
| Just (tv2, _) <- tcGetCastedTyVar_maybe ty2
- = mkTyVarEqErr ctxt ct tv2 ty1
+ = mkTyVarEqErr ctxt item tv2 ty1
| otherwise
- = return (reportEqErr ctxt ct ty1 ty2 :| [], [])
+ = return (reportEqErr ctxt item ty1 ty2 :| [], [])
reportEqErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt
- -> Ct
+ -> ErrorItem
-> TcType -> TcType -> TcSolverReportMsg
-reportEqErr ctxt ct ty1 ty2
+reportEqErr ctxt item ty1 ty2
= mkTcReportWithInfo mismatch eqInfos
- mismatch = misMatchOrCND False ctxt ct ty1 ty2
- eqInfos = eqInfoMsgs ct ty1 ty2
+ mismatch = misMatchOrCND False ctxt item ty1 ty2
+ eqInfos = eqInfoMsgs ty1 ty2
-mkTyVarEqErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> Ct
+mkTyVarEqErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> ErrorItem
-> TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcM (AccReportMsgs, [GhcHint])
-- tv1 and ty2 are already tidied
-mkTyVarEqErr ctxt ct tv1 ty2
- = do { traceTc "mkTyVarEqErr" (ppr ct $$ ppr tv1 $$ ppr ty2)
- ; dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; mkTyVarEqErr' dflags ctxt ct tv1 ty2 }
+mkTyVarEqErr ctxt item tv1 ty2
+ = do { traceTc "mkTyVarEqErr" (ppr item $$ ppr tv1 $$ ppr ty2)
+ ; mkTyVarEqErr' ctxt item tv1 ty2 }
-mkTyVarEqErr' :: DynFlags -> SolverReportErrCtxt -> Ct
+mkTyVarEqErr' :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> ErrorItem
-> TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcM (AccReportMsgs, [GhcHint])
-mkTyVarEqErr' dflags ctxt ct tv1 ty2
+mkTyVarEqErr' ctxt item tv1 ty2
-- impredicativity is a simple error to understand; try it first
| check_eq_result `cterHasProblem` cteImpredicative = do
tyvar_eq_info <- extraTyVarEqInfo tv1 ty2
- poly_msg = CannotUnifyWithPolytype ct tv1 ty2
+ poly_msg = CannotUnifyWithPolytype item tv1 ty2
| isSkolemTyVar tv1
= mkTcReportWithInfo poly_msg tyvar_eq_info
@@ -1513,7 +1639,7 @@ mkTyVarEqErr' dflags ctxt ct tv1 ty2
| isSkolemTyVar tv1 -- ty2 won't be a meta-tyvar; we would have
-- swapped in Solver.Canonical.canEqTyVarHomo
|| isTyVarTyVar tv1 && not (isTyVarTy ty2)
- || ctEqRel ct == ReprEq
+ || errorItemEqRel item == ReprEq
-- The cases below don't really apply to ReprEq (except occurs check)
= do
tv_extra <- extraTyVarEqInfo tv1 ty2
@@ -1523,7 +1649,7 @@ mkTyVarEqErr' dflags ctxt ct tv1 ty2
-- We report an "occurs check" even for a ~ F t a, where F is a type
-- function; it's not insoluble (because in principle F could reduce)
-- but we have certainly been unable to solve it
- = let extras2 = eqInfoMsgs ct ty1 ty2
+ = let extras2 = eqInfoMsgs ty1 ty2
interesting_tyvars = filter (not . noFreeVarsOfType . tyVarKind) $
filter isTyVar $
@@ -1536,6 +1662,11 @@ mkTyVarEqErr' dflags ctxt ct tv1 ty2
in return (mkTcReportWithInfo headline_msg (extras2 ++ extras3) :| [], [])
+ -- This is wrinkle (4) in Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in
+ -- GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
+ | hasCoercionHoleTy ty2
+ = return (mkBlockedEqErr item :| [], [])
-- If the immediately-enclosing implication has 'tv' a skolem, and
-- we know by now its an InferSkol kind of skolem, then presumably
-- it started life as a TyVarTv, else it'd have been unified, given
@@ -1552,7 +1683,7 @@ mkTyVarEqErr' dflags ctxt ct tv1 ty2
, Implic { ic_skols = skols } <- implic
, let esc_skols = filter (`elemVarSet` (tyCoVarsOfType ty2)) skols
, not (null esc_skols)
- = return (SkolemEscape ct implic esc_skols :| [mismatch_msg], [])
+ = return (SkolemEscape item implic esc_skols :| [mismatch_msg], [])
-- Nastiest case: attempt to unify an untouchable variable
-- So tv is a meta tyvar (or started that way before we
@@ -1568,43 +1699,48 @@ mkTyVarEqErr' dflags ctxt ct tv1 ty2
return (mkTcReportWithInfo tclvl_extra tv_extra :| [mismatch_msg], add_sig)
| otherwise
- = return (reportEqErr ctxt ct (mkTyVarTy tv1) ty2 :| [], [])
+ = return (reportEqErr ctxt item (mkTyVarTy tv1) ty2 :| [], [])
-- This *can* happen (#6123)
-- Consider an ambiguous top-level constraint (a ~ F a)
-- Not an occurs check, because F is a type function.
- headline_msg = misMatchOrCND insoluble_occurs_check ctxt ct ty1 ty2
- mismatch_msg = mkMismatchMsg ct ty1 ty2
+ headline_msg = misMatchOrCND insoluble_occurs_check ctxt item ty1 ty2
+ mismatch_msg = mkMismatchMsg item ty1 ty2
add_sig = maybeToList $ suggestAddSig ctxt ty1 ty2
ty1 = mkTyVarTy tv1
- check_eq_result = case ct of
- CIrredCan { cc_reason = NonCanonicalReason result } -> result
- CIrredCan { cc_reason = HoleBlockerReason {} } -> cteProblem cteHoleBlocker
- _ -> checkTyVarEq dflags tv1 ty2
+ check_eq_result = case ei_m_reason item of
+ Just (NonCanonicalReason result) -> result
+ _ -> checkTyVarEq tv1 ty2
-- in T2627b, we report an error for F (F a0) ~ a0. Note that the type
-- variable is on the right, so we don't get useful info for the CIrredCan,
-- and have to compute the result of checkTyVarEq here.
insoluble_occurs_check = check_eq_result `cterHasProblem` cteInsolubleOccurs
-eqInfoMsgs :: Ct -> TcType -> TcType -> [TcSolverReportInfo]
+eqInfoMsgs :: TcType -> TcType -> [TcSolverReportInfo]
-- Report (a) ambiguity if either side is a type function application
-- e.g. F a0 ~ Int
-- (b) warning about injectivity if both sides are the same
-- type function application F a ~ F b
-- See Note [Non-injective type functions]
-eqInfoMsgs ct ty1 ty2
+eqInfoMsgs ty1 ty2
= catMaybes [tyfun_msg, ambig_msg]
mb_fun1 = isTyFun_maybe ty1
mb_fun2 = isTyFun_maybe ty2
- (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs) = getAmbigTkvs ct
+ -- if a type isn't headed by a type function, then any ambiguous
+ -- variables need not be reported as such. e.g.: F a ~ t0 -> t0, where a is a skolem
+ ambig_tkvs1 = maybe mempty (\_ -> ambigTkvsOfTy ty1) mb_fun1
+ ambig_tkvs2 = maybe mempty (\_ -> ambigTkvsOfTy ty2) mb_fun2
+ ambig_tkvs@(ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs) = ambig_tkvs1 S.<> ambig_tkvs2
ambig_msg | isJust mb_fun1 || isJust mb_fun2
, not (null ambig_kvs && null ambig_tvs)
- = Just $ Ambiguity False (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs)
+ = Just $ Ambiguity False ambig_tkvs
| otherwise
= Nothing
@@ -1616,24 +1752,23 @@ eqInfoMsgs ct ty1 ty2
| otherwise
= Nothing
-misMatchOrCND :: Bool -> SolverReportErrCtxt -> Ct
+misMatchOrCND :: Bool -> SolverReportErrCtxt -> ErrorItem
-> TcType -> TcType -> TcSolverReportMsg
-- If oriented then ty1 is actual, ty2 is expected
-misMatchOrCND insoluble_occurs_check ctxt ct ty1 ty2
+misMatchOrCND insoluble_occurs_check ctxt item ty1 ty2
| insoluble_occurs_check -- See Note [Insoluble occurs check]
|| (isRigidTy ty1 && isRigidTy ty2)
- || isGivenCt ct
+ || (ei_flavour item == Given)
|| null givens
= -- If the equality is unconditionally insoluble
-- or there is no context, don't report the context
- mkMismatchMsg ct ty1 ty2
+ mkMismatchMsg item ty1 ty2
| otherwise
- = CouldNotDeduce givens (ct :| []) (Just $ CND_Extra level ty1 ty2)
+ = CouldNotDeduce givens (item :| []) (Just $ CND_Extra level ty1 ty2)
- ev = ctEvidence ct
- level = ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (ctEvLoc ev) `orElse` TypeLevel
+ level = ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (errorItemCtLoc item) `orElse` TypeLevel
givens = [ given | given <- getUserGivens ctxt, ic_given_eqs given /= NoGivenEqs ]
-- Keep only UserGivens that have some equalities.
-- See Note [Suppress redundant givens during error reporting]
@@ -1643,9 +1778,8 @@ misMatchOrCND insoluble_occurs_check ctxt ct ty1 ty2
-- always be another unsolved wanted around, which will ordinarily suppress
-- this message. But this can still be printed out with -fdefer-type-errors
-- (sigh), so we must produce a message.
-mkBlockedEqErr :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM SolverReport
-mkBlockedEqErr ctxt (ct:_) = return $ important ctxt (BlockedEquality ct)
-mkBlockedEqErr _ [] = panic "mkBlockedEqErr no constraints"
+mkBlockedEqErr :: ErrorItem -> TcSolverReportMsg
+mkBlockedEqErr item = BlockedEquality item
Note [Suppress redundant givens during error reporting]
@@ -1732,53 +1866,49 @@ suggestAddSig ctxt ty1 _ty2
= find implics (seen_eqs || ic_given_eqs implic /= NoGivenEqs) tv
-mkMismatchMsg :: Ct -> Type -> Type -> TcSolverReportMsg
-mkMismatchMsg ct ty1 ty2 =
- case ctOrigin ct of
+mkMismatchMsg :: ErrorItem -> Type -> Type -> TcSolverReportMsg
+mkMismatchMsg item ty1 ty2 =
+ case orig of
TypeEqOrigin { uo_actual, uo_expected, uo_thing = mb_thing } ->
{ teq_mismatch_ppr_explicit_kinds = ppr_explicit_kinds
- , teq_mismatch_ct = ct
- , teq_mismatch_ty1 = ty1
- , teq_mismatch_ty2 = ty2
+ , teq_mismatch_item = item
+ , teq_mismatch_ty1 = ty1
+ , teq_mismatch_ty2 = ty2
, teq_mismatch_actual = uo_actual
, teq_mismatch_expected = uo_expected
, teq_mismatch_what = mb_thing})
KindEqOrigin cty1 cty2 sub_o mb_sub_t_or_k ->
- mkTcReportWithInfo (Mismatch False ct ty1 ty2)
+ mkTcReportWithInfo (Mismatch False item ty1 ty2)
(WhenMatching cty1 cty2 sub_o mb_sub_t_or_k : extras)
_ ->
- (Mismatch False ct ty1 ty2)
+ (Mismatch False item ty1 ty2)
- orig = ctOrigin ct
+ orig = errorItemOrigin item
extras = sameOccExtras ty2 ty1
ppr_explicit_kinds = shouldPprWithExplicitKinds ty1 ty2 orig
--- | Whether to prints explicit kinds (with @-fprint-explicit-kinds@)
+-- | Whether to print explicit kinds (with @-fprint-explicit-kinds@)
-- in an 'SDoc' when a type mismatch occurs to due invisible kind arguments.
-- This function first checks to see if the 'CtOrigin' argument is a
--- 'TypeEqOrigin', and if so, uses the expected/actual types from that to
--- check for a kind mismatch (as these types typically have more surrounding
--- types and are likelier to be able to glean information about whether a
--- mismatch occurred in an invisible argument position or not). If the
--- 'CtOrigin' is not a 'TypeEqOrigin', fall back on the actual mismatched types
--- themselves.
+-- 'TypeEqOrigin'. If so, it first checks whether the equality is a visible
+-- equality; if it's not, definitely print the kinds. Even if the equality is
+-- a visible equality, check the expected/actual types to see if the types
+-- have equal visible components. If the 'CtOrigin' is
+-- not a 'TypeEqOrigin', fall back on the actual mismatched types themselves.
shouldPprWithExplicitKinds :: Type -> Type -> CtOrigin -> Bool
-shouldPprWithExplicitKinds ty1 ty2 ct
- = tcEqTypeVis act_ty exp_ty
- -- True when the visible bit of the types look the same,
- -- so we want to show the kinds in the displayed type.
- where
- (act_ty, exp_ty) = case ct of
- TypeEqOrigin { uo_actual = act
- , uo_expected = exp } -> (act, exp)
- _ -> (ty1, ty2)
+shouldPprWithExplicitKinds _ty1 _ty2 (TypeEqOrigin { uo_actual = act
+ , uo_expected = exp
+ , uo_visible = vis })
+ | not vis = True -- See tests T15870, T16204c
+ | otherwise = tcEqTypeVis act exp -- See tests T9171, T9144.
+shouldPprWithExplicitKinds ty1 ty2 _ct
+ = tcEqTypeVis ty1 ty2
{- Note [Insoluble occurs check]
@@ -1880,39 +2010,44 @@ Warn of loopy local equalities that were dropped.
-mkDictErr :: HasDebugCallStack => SolverReportErrCtxt -> [Ct] -> TcM SolverReport
-mkDictErr ctxt cts
- = assert (not (null cts)) $
+mkDictErr :: HasDebugCallStack => SolverReportErrCtxt -> [ErrorItem] -> TcM SolverReport
+mkDictErr ctxt orig_items
+ = assert (not (null items)) $
do { inst_envs <- tcGetInstEnvs
- ; let min_cts = elim_superclasses cts
- lookups = map (lookup_cls_inst inst_envs) min_cts
- (no_inst_cts, overlap_cts) = partition is_no_inst lookups
+ ; let min_items = elim_superclasses items
+ lookups = map (lookup_cls_inst inst_envs) min_items
+ (no_inst_items, overlap_items) = partition is_no_inst lookups
-- Report definite no-instance errors,
-- or (iff there are none) overlap errors
-- But we report only one of them (hence 'head') because they all
-- have the same source-location origin, to try avoid a cascade
-- of error from one location
- ; err <- mk_dict_err ctxt (head (no_inst_cts ++ overlap_cts))
+ ; err <- mk_dict_err ctxt (head (no_inst_items ++ overlap_items))
; return $ important ctxt err }
+ filtered_items = filter (not . ei_suppress) orig_items
+ items | null filtered_items = orig_items -- all suppressed, but must report
+ -- something for -fdefer-type-errors
+ | otherwise = filtered_items -- common case
no_givens = null (getUserGivens ctxt)
- is_no_inst (ct, (matches, unifiers, _))
+ is_no_inst (item, (matches, unifiers, _))
= no_givens
&& null matches
- && (nullUnifiers unifiers || all (not . isAmbiguousTyVar) (tyCoVarsOfCtList ct))
+ && (nullUnifiers unifiers || all (not . isAmbiguousTyVar) (tyCoVarsOfTypeList (errorItemPred item)))
- lookup_cls_inst inst_envs ct
- = (ct, lookupInstEnv True inst_envs clas tys)
+ lookup_cls_inst inst_envs item
+ = (item, lookupInstEnv True inst_envs clas tys)
- (clas, tys) = getClassPredTys (ctPred ct)
+ (clas, tys) = getClassPredTys (errorItemPred item)
-- When simplifying [W] Ord (Set a), we need
-- [W] Eq a, [W] Ord a
-- but we really only want to report the latter
- elim_superclasses cts = mkMinimalBySCs ctPred cts
+ elim_superclasses items = mkMinimalBySCs errorItemPred items
-- Note [mk_dict_err]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -1925,16 +2060,16 @@ mkDictErr ctxt cts
-- - One match, one or more unifiers: report "Overlapping instances for", show the
-- matching and unifying instances, and say "The choice depends on the instantion of ...,
-- and the result of evaluating ...".
-mk_dict_err :: HasCallStack => SolverReportErrCtxt -> (Ct, ClsInstLookupResult)
+mk_dict_err :: HasCallStack => SolverReportErrCtxt -> (ErrorItem, ClsInstLookupResult)
-> TcM TcSolverReportMsg
-- Report an overlap error if this class constraint results
-- from an overlap (returning Left clas), otherwise return (Right pred)
-mk_dict_err ctxt (ct, (matches, unifiers, unsafe_overlapped))
+mk_dict_err ctxt (item, (matches, unifiers, unsafe_overlapped))
| null matches -- No matches but perhaps several unifiers
- = do { (_, rel_binds, ct) <- relevantBindings True ctxt ct
+ = do { (_, rel_binds, item) <- relevantBindings True ctxt item
; candidate_insts <- get_candidate_instances
; (imp_errs, field_suggestions) <- record_field_suggestions
- ; return (cannot_resolve_msg ct candidate_insts rel_binds imp_errs field_suggestions) }
+ ; return (cannot_resolve_msg item candidate_insts rel_binds imp_errs field_suggestions) }
| null unsafe_overlapped -- Some matches => overlap errors
= return $ overlap_msg
@@ -1942,8 +2077,8 @@ mk_dict_err ctxt (ct, (matches, unifiers, unsafe_overlapped))
| otherwise
= return $ safe_haskell_msg
- orig = ctOrigin ct
- pred = ctPred ct
+ orig = errorItemOrigin item
+ pred = errorItemPred item
(clas, tys) = getClassPredTys pred
ispecs = [ispec | (ispec, _) <- matches]
unsafe_ispecs = [ispec | (ispec, _) <- unsafe_overlapped]
@@ -1990,21 +2125,22 @@ mk_dict_err ctxt (ct, (matches, unifiers, unsafe_overlapped))
HasFieldOrigin name -> Just (mkVarOccFS name)
_ -> Nothing
- cannot_resolve_msg :: Ct -> [ClsInst] -> RelevantBindings -> [ImportError] -> [GhcHint] -> TcSolverReportMsg
- cannot_resolve_msg ct candidate_insts binds imp_errs field_suggestions
- = CannotResolveInstance ct (getPotentialUnifiers unifiers) candidate_insts imp_errs field_suggestions binds
+ cannot_resolve_msg :: ErrorItem -> [ClsInst] -> RelevantBindings
+ -> [ImportError] -> [GhcHint] -> TcSolverReportMsg
+ cannot_resolve_msg item candidate_insts binds imp_errs field_suggestions
+ = CannotResolveInstance item (getPotentialUnifiers unifiers) candidate_insts imp_errs field_suggestions binds
-- Overlap errors.
overlap_msg, safe_haskell_msg :: TcSolverReportMsg
-- Normal overlap error
- = assert (not (null matches)) $ OverlappingInstances ct ispecs (getPotentialUnifiers unifiers)
+ = assert (not (null matches)) $ OverlappingInstances item ispecs (getPotentialUnifiers unifiers)
-- Overlap error because of Safe Haskell (first
-- match should be the most specific match)
= assert (matches `lengthIs` 1 && not (null unsafe_ispecs)) $
- UnsafeOverlap ct ispecs unsafe_ispecs
+ UnsafeOverlap item ispecs unsafe_ispecs
{- Note [Report candidate instances]
@@ -2086,14 +2222,6 @@ the above error message would instead be displayed as:
Which makes it clearer that the culprit is the mismatch between `k2` and `k20`.
-getAmbigTkvs :: Ct -> ([Var],[Var])
-getAmbigTkvs ct
- = partition (`elemVarSet` dep_tkv_set) ambig_tkvs
- where
- tkvs = tyCoVarsOfCtList ct
- ambig_tkvs = filter isAmbiguousTyVar tkvs
- dep_tkv_set = tyCoVarsOfTypes (map tyVarKind tkvs)
-- relevantBindings looks at the value environment and finds values whose
-- types mention any of the offending type variables. It has to be
@@ -2105,11 +2233,11 @@ getAmbigTkvs ct
relevantBindings :: Bool -- True <=> filter by tyvar; False <=> no filtering
-- See #8191
- -> SolverReportErrCtxt -> Ct
- -> TcM (SolverReportErrCtxt, RelevantBindings, Ct)
+ -> SolverReportErrCtxt -> ErrorItem
+ -> TcM (SolverReportErrCtxt, RelevantBindings, ErrorItem)
-- Also returns the zonked and tidied CtOrigin of the constraint
-relevantBindings want_filtering ctxt ct
- = do { traceTc "relevantBindings" (ppr ct)
+relevantBindings want_filtering ctxt item
+ = do { traceTc "relevantBindings" (ppr item)
; (env1, tidy_orig) <- zonkTidyOrigin (cec_tidy ctxt) (ctLocOrigin loc)
-- For *kind* errors, report the relevant bindings of the
@@ -2117,19 +2245,19 @@ relevantBindings want_filtering ctxt ct
; let extra_tvs = case tidy_orig of
KindEqOrigin t1 t2 _ _ -> tyCoVarsOfTypes [t1,t2]
_ -> emptyVarSet
- ct_fvs = tyCoVarsOfCt ct `unionVarSet` extra_tvs
+ ct_fvs = tyCoVarsOfType (errorItemPred item) `unionVarSet` extra_tvs
- -- Put a zonked, tidied CtOrigin into the Ct
+ -- Put a zonked, tidied CtOrigin into the ErrorItem
loc' = setCtLocOrigin loc tidy_orig
- ct' = setCtLoc ct loc'
+ item' = item { ei_loc = loc' }
; (env2, lcl_name_cache) <- zonkTidyTcLclEnvs env1 [lcl_env]
; relev_bds <- relevant_bindings want_filtering lcl_env lcl_name_cache ct_fvs
; let ctxt' = ctxt { cec_tidy = env2 }
- ; return (ctxt', relev_bds, ct') }
+ ; return (ctxt', relev_bds, item') }
- loc = ctLoc ct
+ loc = errorItemCtLoc item
lcl_env = ctLocEnv loc
-- slightly more general version, to work also with holes
@@ -2222,9 +2350,12 @@ warnDefaulting _ [] _
warnDefaulting the_tv wanteds@(ct:_) default_ty
= do { warn_default <- woptM Opt_WarnTypeDefaults
; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
- ; let tidy_env = tidyFreeTyCoVars env0 $
- tyCoVarsOfCtsList (listToBag wanteds)
- tidy_wanteds = map (tidyCt tidy_env) wanteds
+ -- don't want to report all the superclass constraints, which
+ -- add unhelpful clutter
+ ; let filtered = filter (not . isWantedSuperclassOrigin . ctOrigin) wanteds
+ tidy_env = tidyFreeTyCoVars env0 $
+ tyCoVarsOfCtsList (listToBag filtered)
+ tidy_wanteds = map (tidyCt tidy_env) filtered
tidy_tv = lookupVarEnv (snd tidy_env) the_tv
diag = TcRnWarnDefaulting tidy_wanteds tidy_tv default_ty
loc = ctLoc ct
@@ -2236,36 +2367,8 @@ Note [Runtime skolems]
We want to give a reasonably helpful error message for ambiguity
arising from *runtime* skolems in the debugger. These
are created by in GHC.Runtime.Heap.Inspect.zonkRTTIType.
-* *
- Error from the canonicaliser
- These ones are called *during* constraint simplification
-* *
-solverDepthErrorTcS :: CtLoc -> TcType -> TcM a
-solverDepthErrorTcS loc ty
- = setCtLocM loc $
- do { ty <- zonkTcType ty
- ; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
- ; let tidy_env = tidyFreeTyCoVars env0 (tyCoVarsOfTypeList ty)
- tidy_ty = tidyType tidy_env ty
- msg = TcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- vcat [ text "Reduction stack overflow; size =" <+> ppr depth
- , hang (text "When simplifying the following type:")
- 2 (ppr tidy_ty)
- , note ]
- ; failWithTcM (tidy_env, msg) }
- where
- depth = ctLocDepth loc
- note = vcat
- [ text "Use -freduction-depth=0 to disable this check"
- , text "(any upper bound you could choose might fail unpredictably with"
- , text " minor updates to GHC, so disabling the check is recommended if"
- , text " you're sure that type checking should terminate)" ]
* *
GHC API helper functions