path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
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1 files changed, 104 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
index c07a3a7057..ef140f7e70 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
@@ -10,18 +10,22 @@ module GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr (
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Core.Class (Class(..))
-import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr (pprKind, pprParendType, pprType, pprWithTYPE)
+import GHC.Core.Coercion (pprCoAxBranchUser)
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom (coAxiomTyCon, coAxiomSingleBranch)
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (famInstAxiom)
+import GHC.Core.InstEnv
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr (pprKind, pprParendType, pprType, pprWithTYPE, pprWithExplicitKindsWhen)
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types
import GHC.Tc.Types.Rank (Rank(..))
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (tcSplitForAllTyVars)
import GHC.Types.Error
-import GHC.Types.Name (pprPrefixName)
+import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader (pprNameProvenance)
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (GenLocated(..))
-import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence (occName)
import GHC.Types.Var.Env (emptyTidyEnv)
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set (pprVarSet, pluralVarSet)
import GHC.Driver.Flags
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
@@ -79,11 +83,13 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
vcat [text "Multiple warning declarations for" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name),
text "also at " <+> ppr (getLocA d)]
- TcRnSimplifierTooManyIterations limit wc
+ TcRnSimplifierTooManyIterations simples limit wc
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
hang (text "solveWanteds: too many iterations"
<+> parens (text "limit =" <+> ppr limit))
- 2 (text "Unsolved:" <+> ppr wc)
+ 2 (vcat [ text "Unsolved:" <+> ppr wc
+ , text "Simples:" <+> ppr simples
+ ])
TcRnIllegalPatSynDecl rdrname
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
hang (text "Illegal pattern synonym declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr rdrname))
@@ -245,6 +251,58 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
MonoTypeConstraint -> text "A constraint must be a monotype"
_ -> empty
in mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [hang herald 2 (pprType ty), extra]
+ TcRnMonomorphicBindings bindings
+ -> let pp_bndrs = pprBindings bindings
+ in mkSimpleDecorated $
+ sep [ text "The Monomorphism Restriction applies to the binding"
+ <> plural bindings
+ , text "for" <+> pp_bndrs ]
+ TcRnOrphanInstance inst
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ hsep [ text "Orphan instance:"
+ , pprInstanceHdr inst
+ ]
+ TcRnFunDepConflict unit_state sorted
+ -> let herald = text "Functional dependencies conflict between instance declarations:"
+ in mkSimpleDecorated $
+ pprWithUnitState unit_state $ (hang herald 2 (pprInstances $ NE.toList sorted))
+ TcRnDupInstanceDecls unit_state sorted
+ -> let herald = text "Duplicate instance declarations:"
+ in mkSimpleDecorated $
+ pprWithUnitState unit_state $ (hang herald 2 (pprInstances $ NE.toList sorted))
+ TcRnConflictingFamInstDecls sortedNE
+ -> let sorted = NE.toList sortedNE
+ in mkSimpleDecorated $
+ hang (text "Conflicting family instance declarations:")
+ 2 (vcat [ pprCoAxBranchUser (coAxiomTyCon ax) (coAxiomSingleBranch ax)
+ | fi <- sorted
+ , let ax = famInstAxiom fi ])
+ TcRnFamInstNotInjective rea fam_tc (eqn1 NE.:| rest_eqns)
+ -> let (herald, show_kinds) = case rea of
+ InjErrRhsBareTyVar tys ->
+ (injectivityErrorHerald $$
+ text "RHS of injective type family equation is a bare" <+>
+ text "type variable" $$
+ text "but these LHS type and kind patterns are not bare" <+>
+ text "variables:" <+> pprQuotedList tys, False)
+ InjErrRhsCannotBeATypeFam ->
+ (injectivityErrorHerald $$
+ text "RHS of injective type family equation cannot" <+>
+ text "be a type family:", False)
+ InjErrRhsOverlap ->
+ (text "Type family equation right-hand sides overlap; this violates" $$
+ text "the family's injectivity annotation:", False)
+ InjErrCannotInferFromRhs tvs has_kinds _ ->
+ let show_kinds = has_kinds == YesHasKinds
+ what = if show_kinds then text "Type/kind" else text "Type"
+ body = sep [ what <+> text "variable" <>
+ pluralVarSet tvs <+> pprVarSet tvs (pprQuotedList . scopedSort)
+ , text "cannot be inferred from the right-hand side." ]
+ in (injectivityErrorHerald $$ body $$ text "In the type family equation:", show_kinds)
+ in mkSimpleDecorated $ pprWithExplicitKindsWhen show_kinds $
+ hang herald
+ 2 (vcat (map (pprCoAxBranchUser fam_tc) (eqn1 : rest_eqns)))
diagnosticReason = \case
TcRnUnknownMessage m
@@ -362,6 +420,18 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnMonomorphicBindings{}
+ -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMonomorphism
+ TcRnOrphanInstance{}
+ -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnOrphans
+ TcRnFunDepConflict{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnDupInstanceDecls{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnConflictingFamInstDecls{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnFamInstNotInjective{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
diagnosticHints = \case
TcRnUnknownMessage m
@@ -485,6 +555,28 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
MonoTypeSynArg -> [suggestExtension LangExt.LiberalTypeSynonyms]
MonoTypeConstraint -> [suggestExtension LangExt.QuantifiedConstraints]
_ -> noHints
+ TcRnMonomorphicBindings bindings
+ -> case bindings of
+ [] -> noHints
+ (x:xs) -> [SuggestAddTypeSignatures $ NamedBindings (x NE.:| xs)]
+ TcRnOrphanInstance{}
+ -> [SuggestFixOrphanInstance]
+ TcRnFunDepConflict{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnDupInstanceDecls{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnConflictingFamInstDecls{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnFamInstNotInjective rea _ _
+ -> case rea of
+ InjErrRhsBareTyVar{} -> noHints
+ InjErrRhsCannotBeATypeFam -> noHints
+ InjErrRhsOverlap -> noHints
+ InjErrCannotInferFromRhs _ _ suggestUndInst
+ | YesSuggestUndecidableInstaces <- suggestUndInst
+ -> [suggestExtension LangExt.UndecidableInstances]
+ | otherwise
+ -> noHints
messageWithInfoDiagnosticMessage :: UnitState
-> ErrInfo
@@ -556,3 +648,10 @@ pprRecordFieldPart = \case
RecordFieldConstructor{} -> text "construction"
RecordFieldPattern{} -> text "pattern"
RecordFieldUpdate -> text "update"
+pprBindings :: [Name] -> SDoc
+pprBindings = pprWithCommas (quotes . ppr)
+injectivityErrorHerald :: SDoc
+injectivityErrorHerald =
+ text "Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation."