path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 301 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
index 7d4e7e3948..ab338cf452 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ import GHC.Types.FieldLabel (flIsOverloaded)
import GHC.Types.Hint (UntickedPromotedThing(..), pprUntickedConstructor, isBareSymbol)
import GHC.Types.Hint.Ppr () -- Outputable GhcHint
import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Types.Error.Codes ( constructorCode )
import GHC.Types.Id
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader ( GreName(..), pprNameProvenance
@@ -102,19 +104,18 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> case msg_with_info of
TcRnMessageDetailed err_info msg
-> messageWithInfoDiagnosticMessage unit_state err_info (diagnosticMessage msg)
- TcRnSolverReport msgs _ _
- -> mkDecorated $
- map pprSolverReportWithCtxt msgs
+ TcRnSolverReport msg _ _
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ pprSolverReportWithCtxt msg
TcRnRedundantConstraints redundants (info, show_info)
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
text "Redundant constraint" <> plural redundants <> colon
<+> pprEvVarTheta redundants
$$ if show_info then text "In" <+> ppr info else empty
- TcRnInaccessibleCode implic contras
+ TcRnInaccessibleCode implic contra
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
hang (text "Inaccessible code in")
2 (ppr (ic_info implic))
- $$ vcat (map pprSolverReportWithCtxt (NE.toList contras))
+ $$ pprSolverReportWithCtxt contra
TcRnTypeDoesNotHaveFixedRuntimeRep ty prov (ErrInfo extra supplementary)
-> mkDecorated [pprTypeDoesNotHaveFixedRuntimeRep ty prov, extra, supplementary]
TcRnImplicitLift id_or_name ErrInfo{..}
@@ -906,7 +907,7 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
TyConPE -> same_rec_group_msg
TermVariablePE -> text "term variables cannot be promoted"
same_rec_group_msg = text "it is defined and used in the same recursive group"
- TcRnMatchesHaveDiffNumArgs argsContext match1 bad_matches
+ TcRnMatchesHaveDiffNumArgs argsContext (MatchArgMatches match1 bad_matches)
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
(vcat [ pprArgsContext argsContext <+>
text "have different numbers of arguments"
@@ -1634,16 +1635,29 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> noHints
TcRnSpecialiseNotVisible name
-> [SuggestSpecialiseVisibilityHints name]
- TcRnNameByTemplateHaskellQuote{} -> noHints
- TcRnIllegalBindingOfBuiltIn{} -> noHints
- TcRnPragmaWarning{} -> noHints
- TcRnIllegalHsigDefaultMethods{} -> noHints
- TcRnBadGenericMethod{} -> noHints
- TcRnWarningMinimalDefIncomplete{} -> noHints
- TcRnDefaultMethodForPragmaLacksBinding{} -> noHints
- TcRnIgnoreSpecialisePragmaOnDefMethod{} -> noHints
- TcRnBadMethodErr{} -> noHints
- TcRnNoExplicitAssocTypeOrDefaultDeclaration{} -> noHints
+ TcRnNameByTemplateHaskellQuote{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnIllegalBindingOfBuiltIn{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnPragmaWarning{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnIllegalHsigDefaultMethods{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnBadGenericMethod{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnWarningMinimalDefIncomplete{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnDefaultMethodForPragmaLacksBinding{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnIgnoreSpecialisePragmaOnDefMethod{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnBadMethodErr{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnNoExplicitAssocTypeOrDefaultDeclaration{}
+ -> noHints
+ diagnosticCode = constructorCode
-- | Change [x] to "x", [x, y] to "x and y", [x, y, z] to "x, y, and z",
-- and so on. The `and` stands for any `conjunction`, which is passed in.
@@ -2059,11 +2073,6 @@ pprSolverReportWithCtxt (SolverReportWithCtxt { reportContext = ctxt, reportCont
-- | Pretty-print a 'TcSolverReportMsg', with its enclosing 'SolverReportErrCtxt'.
pprTcSolverReportMsg :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> TcSolverReportMsg -> SDoc
-pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (TcReportWithInfo msg (info :| infos)) =
- vcat
- ( pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt msg
- : pprTcSolverReportInfo ctxt info
- : map (pprTcSolverReportInfo ctxt) infos )
pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (BadTelescope telescope skols) =
hang (text "These kind and type variables:" <+> ppr telescope $$
text "are out of dependency order. Perhaps try this ordering:")
@@ -2074,143 +2083,22 @@ pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (UserTypeError ty) =
pprUserTypeErrorTy ty
pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (ReportHoleError hole err) =
pprHoleError ctxt hole err
-pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (CannotUnifyWithPolytype item tv1 ty2) =
- vcat [ (if isSkolemTyVar tv1
- then text "Cannot equate type variable"
- else text "Cannot instantiate unification variable")
- <+> quotes (ppr tv1)
- , hang (text "with a" <+> what <+> text "involving polytypes:") 2 (ppr ty2) ]
- where
- what = text $ levelString $
- ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (errorItemCtLoc item) `orElse` TypeLevel
-pprTcSolverReportMsg _
- (Mismatch { mismatch_ea = add_ea
- , mismatch_item = item
- , mismatch_ty1 = ty1
- , mismatch_ty2 = ty2 })
- = addArising (errorItemCtLoc item) msg
- where
- msg
- | (isLiftedRuntimeRep ty1 && isUnliftedRuntimeRep ty2) ||
- (isLiftedRuntimeRep ty2 && isUnliftedRuntimeRep ty1) ||
- (isLiftedLevity ty1 && isUnliftedLevity ty2) ||
- (isLiftedLevity ty2 && isUnliftedLevity ty1)
- = text "Couldn't match a lifted type with an unlifted type"
- | isAtomicTy ty1 || isAtomicTy ty2
- = -- Print with quotes
- sep [ text herald1 <+> quotes (ppr ty1)
- , nest padding $
- text herald2 <+> quotes (ppr ty2) ]
- | otherwise
- = -- Print with vertical layout
- vcat [ text herald1 <> colon <+> ppr ty1
- , nest padding $
- text herald2 <> colon <+> ppr ty2 ]
- herald1 = conc [ "Couldn't match"
- , if is_repr then "representation of" else ""
- , if add_ea then "expected" else ""
- , what ]
- herald2 = conc [ "with"
- , if is_repr then "that of" else ""
- , if add_ea then ("actual " ++ what) else "" ]
- padding = length herald1 - length herald2
- is_repr = case errorItemEqRel item of { ReprEq -> True; NomEq -> False }
- what = levelString (ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (errorItemCtLoc item) `orElse` TypeLevel)
- conc :: [String] -> String
- conc = foldr1 add_space
- add_space :: String -> String -> String
- add_space s1 s2 | null s1 = s2
- | null s2 = s1
- | otherwise = s1 ++ (' ' : s2)
-pprTcSolverReportMsg _
- (KindMismatch { kmismatch_what = thing
- , kmismatch_expected = exp
- , kmismatch_actual = act })
- = hang (text "Expected" <+> kind_desc <> comma)
- 2 (text "but" <+> quotes (ppr thing) <+> text "has kind" <+>
- quotes (ppr act))
- where
- kind_desc | tcIsConstraintKind exp = text "a constraint"
- | Just arg <- kindRep_maybe exp -- TYPE t0
- , tcIsTyVarTy arg = sdocOption sdocPrintExplicitRuntimeReps $ \case
- True -> text "kind" <+> quotes (ppr exp)
- False -> text "a type"
- | otherwise = text "kind" <+> quotes (ppr exp)
pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt
- (TypeEqMismatch { teq_mismatch_ppr_explicit_kinds = ppr_explicit_kinds
- , teq_mismatch_item = item
- , teq_mismatch_ty1 = ty1
- , teq_mismatch_ty2 = ty2
- , teq_mismatch_expected = exp
- , teq_mismatch_actual = act
- , teq_mismatch_what = mb_thing })
- = addArising ct_loc $ pprWithExplicitKindsWhen ppr_explicit_kinds msg
- where
- msg
- | isUnliftedTypeKind act, isLiftedTypeKind exp
- = sep [ text "Expecting a lifted type, but"
- , thing_msg mb_thing (text "an") (text "unlifted") ]
- | isLiftedTypeKind act, isUnliftedTypeKind exp
- = sep [ text "Expecting an unlifted type, but"
- , thing_msg mb_thing (text "a") (text "lifted") ]
- | tcIsLiftedTypeKind exp
- = maybe_num_args_msg $$
- sep [ text "Expected a type, but"
- , case mb_thing of
- Nothing -> text "found something with kind"
- Just thing -> quotes (ppr thing) <+> text "has kind"
- , quotes (pprWithTYPE act) ]
- | Just nargs_msg <- num_args_msg
- , Right ea_msg <- mk_ea_msg ctxt (Just item) level orig
- = nargs_msg $$ pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt ea_msg
- | -- pprTrace "check" (ppr ea_looks_same $$ ppr exp $$ ppr act $$ ppr ty1 $$ ppr ty2) $
- ea_looks_same ty1 ty2 exp act
- , Right ea_msg <- mk_ea_msg ctxt (Just item) level orig
- = pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt ea_msg
- -- The mismatched types are /inside/ exp and act
- | let mismatch_err = Mismatch False item ty1 ty2
- errs = case mk_ea_msg ctxt Nothing level orig of
- Left ea_info -> [ mkTcReportWithInfo mismatch_err ea_info ]
- Right ea_err -> [ mismatch_err, ea_err ]
- = vcat $ map (pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt) errs
- ct_loc = errorItemCtLoc item
- orig = errorItemOrigin item
- level = ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe ct_loc `orElse` TypeLevel
- thing_msg (Just thing) _ levity = quotes (ppr thing) <+> text "is" <+> levity
- thing_msg Nothing an levity = text "got" <+> an <+> levity <+> text "type"
- num_args_msg = case level of
- KindLevel
- | not (isMetaTyVarTy exp) && not (isMetaTyVarTy act)
- -- if one is a meta-tyvar, then it's possible that the user
- -- has asked for something impredicative, and we couldn't unify.
- -- Don't bother with counting arguments.
- -> let n_act = count_args act
- n_exp = count_args exp in
- case n_act - n_exp of
- n | n > 0 -- we don't know how many args there are, so don't
- -- recommend removing args that aren't
- , Just thing <- mb_thing
- -> Just $ pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (ExpectingMoreArguments n thing)
- _ -> Nothing
- _ -> Nothing
- maybe_num_args_msg = num_args_msg `orElse` empty
- count_args ty = count isVisibleBinder $ fst $ splitPiTys ty
+ (CannotUnifyVariable
+ { mismatchMsg = msg
+ , cannotUnifyReason = reason })
+ = pprMismatchMsg ctxt msg
+ $$ pprCannotUnifyVariableReason ctxt reason
+pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt
+ (Mismatch
+ { mismatchMsg = mismatch_msg
+ , mismatchTyVarInfo = tv_info
+ , mismatchAmbiguityInfo = ambig_infos
+ , mismatchCoercibleInfo = coercible_info })
+ = hang (pprMismatchMsg ctxt mismatch_msg)
+ 2 (vcat ( maybe empty (pprTyVarInfo ctxt) tv_info
+ : maybe empty pprCoercibleMsg coercible_info
+ : map pprAmbiguityInfo ambig_infos ))
pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (FixedRuntimeRepError frr_origs) =
vcat (map make_msg frr_origs)
@@ -2287,28 +2175,6 @@ pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (FixedRuntimeRepError frr_origs) =
= quotes (text "Levity")
| otherwise
= text "type"
-pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (SkolemEscape item implic esc_skols) =
- let
- esc_doc = sep [ text "because" <+> what <+> text "variable" <> plural esc_skols
- <+> pprQuotedList esc_skols
- , text "would escape" <+>
- if isSingleton esc_skols then text "its scope"
- else text "their scope" ]
- in
- vcat [ nest 2 $ esc_doc
- , sep [ (if isSingleton esc_skols
- then text "This (rigid, skolem)" <+>
- what <+> text "variable is"
- else text "These (rigid, skolem)" <+>
- what <+> text "variables are")
- <+> text "bound by"
- , nest 2 $ ppr (ic_info implic)
- , nest 2 $ text "at" <+>
- ppr (getLclEnvLoc (ic_env implic)) ] ]
- where
- what = text $ levelString $
- ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (errorItemCtLoc item) `orElse` TypeLevel
pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (UntouchableVariable tv implic)
| Implic { ic_given = given, ic_info = skol_info } <- implic
= sep [ quotes (ppr tv) <+> text "is untouchable"
@@ -2333,52 +2199,11 @@ pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (UnboundImplicitParams (item :| items)) =
then addArising (errorItemCtLoc item) $
sep [ text "Unbound implicit parameter" <> plural preds
, nest 2 (pprParendTheta preds) ]
- else pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (CouldNotDeduce givens (item :| items) Nothing)
+ else pprMismatchMsg ctxt (CouldNotDeduce givens (item :| items) Nothing)
preds = map errorItemPred (item : items)
-pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (CouldNotDeduce useful_givens (item :| others) mb_extra)
- = main_msg $$
- case supplementary of
- Left infos
- -> vcat (map (pprTcSolverReportInfo ctxt) infos)
- Right other_msg
- -> pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt other_msg
- where
- main_msg
- | null useful_givens
- = addArising ct_loc (no_instance_msg <+> missing)
- | otherwise
- = vcat (addArising ct_loc (no_deduce_msg <+> missing)
- : pp_givens useful_givens)
- supplementary = case mb_extra of
- Nothing
- -> Left []
- Just (CND_Extra level ty1 ty2)
- -> mk_supplementary_ea_msg ctxt level ty1 ty2 orig
- ct_loc = errorItemCtLoc item
- orig = ctLocOrigin ct_loc
- wanteds = map errorItemPred (item:others)
- no_instance_msg =
- case wanteds of
- [wanted] | Just (tc, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe wanted
- -- Don't say "no instance" for a constraint such as "c" for a type variable c.
- , isClassTyCon tc -> text "No instance for"
- _ -> text "Could not solve:"
- no_deduce_msg =
- case wanteds of
- [_wanted] -> text "Could not deduce"
- _ -> text "Could not deduce:"
- missing =
- case wanteds of
- [wanted] -> quotes (ppr wanted)
- _ -> pprTheta wanteds
-pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (AmbiguityPreventsSolvingCt item ambigs) =
- pprTcSolverReportInfo ctxt (Ambiguity True ambigs) <+>
+pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (AmbiguityPreventsSolvingCt item ambigs) =
+ pprAmbiguityInfo (Ambiguity True ambigs) <+>
pprArising (errorItemCtLoc item) $$
text "prevents the constraint" <+> quotes (pprParendType $ errorItemPred item)
<+> text "from being solved."
@@ -2386,12 +2211,12 @@ pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt@(CEC {cec_encl = implics})
(CannotResolveInstance item unifiers candidates imp_errs suggs binds)
- [ pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt no_inst_msg
+ [ no_inst_msg
, nest 2 extra_note
, mb_patsyn_prov `orElse` empty
, ppWhen (has_ambigs && not (null unifiers && null useful_givens))
(vcat [ ppUnless lead_with_ambig $
- pprTcSolverReportInfo ctxt (Ambiguity False (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs))
+ pprAmbiguityInfo (Ambiguity False (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs))
, pprRelevantBindings binds
, potential_msg ])
, ppWhen (isNothing mb_patsyn_prov) $
@@ -2421,12 +2246,12 @@ pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt@(CEC {cec_encl = implics})
&& not (null unifiers)
&& null useful_givens
- no_inst_msg :: TcSolverReportMsg
+ no_inst_msg :: SDoc
| lead_with_ambig
- = AmbiguityPreventsSolvingCt item (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs)
+ = pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt $ AmbiguityPreventsSolvingCt item (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs)
| otherwise
- = CouldNotDeduce useful_givens (item :| []) Nothing
+ = pprMismatchMsg ctxt $ CouldNotDeduce useful_givens (item :| []) Nothing
-- Report "potential instances" only when the constraint arises
-- directly from the user's use of an overloaded function
@@ -2556,6 +2381,242 @@ pprTcSolverReportMsg _ (UnsafeOverlap item matches unsafe_overlapped) =
pred = errorItemPred item
(clas, tys) = getClassPredTys pred
+pprCannotUnifyVariableReason :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> CannotUnifyVariableReason -> SDoc
+pprCannotUnifyVariableReason ctxt (CannotUnifyWithPolytype item tv1 ty2 mb_tv_info) =
+ vcat [ (if isSkolemTyVar tv1
+ then text "Cannot equate type variable"
+ else text "Cannot instantiate unification variable")
+ <+> quotes (ppr tv1)
+ , hang (text "with a" <+> what <+> text "involving polytypes:") 2 (ppr ty2)
+ , maybe empty (pprTyVarInfo ctxt) mb_tv_info ]
+ where
+ what = text $ levelString $
+ ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (errorItemCtLoc item) `orElse` TypeLevel
+pprCannotUnifyVariableReason _ (SkolemEscape item implic esc_skols) =
+ let
+ esc_doc = sep [ text "because" <+> what <+> text "variable" <> plural esc_skols
+ <+> pprQuotedList esc_skols
+ , text "would escape" <+>
+ if isSingleton esc_skols then text "its scope"
+ else text "their scope" ]
+ in
+ vcat [ nest 2 $ esc_doc
+ , sep [ (if isSingleton esc_skols
+ then text "This (rigid, skolem)" <+>
+ what <+> text "variable is"
+ else text "These (rigid, skolem)" <+>
+ what <+> text "variables are")
+ <+> text "bound by"
+ , nest 2 $ ppr (ic_info implic)
+ , nest 2 $ text "at" <+>
+ ppr (getLclEnvLoc (ic_env implic)) ] ]
+ where
+ what = text $ levelString $
+ ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (errorItemCtLoc item) `orElse` TypeLevel
+pprCannotUnifyVariableReason ctxt
+ (OccursCheck
+ { occursCheckInterestingTyVars = interesting_tvs
+ , occursCheckAmbiguityInfos = ambig_infos })
+ = ppr_interesting_tyVars interesting_tvs
+ $$ vcat (map pprAmbiguityInfo ambig_infos)
+ where
+ ppr_interesting_tyVars [] = empty
+ ppr_interesting_tyVars (tv:tvs) =
+ hang (text "Type variable kinds:") 2 $
+ vcat (map (tyvar_binding . tidyTyCoVarOcc (cec_tidy ctxt))
+ (tv:tvs))
+ tyvar_binding tyvar = ppr tyvar <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyVarKind tyvar)
+pprCannotUnifyVariableReason ctxt (DifferentTyVars tv_info)
+ = pprTyVarInfo ctxt tv_info
+pprCannotUnifyVariableReason ctxt (RepresentationalEq tv_info mb_coercible_msg)
+ = pprTyVarInfo ctxt tv_info
+ $$ maybe empty pprCoercibleMsg mb_coercible_msg
+pprMismatchMsg :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> MismatchMsg -> SDoc
+pprMismatchMsg ctxt
+ (BasicMismatch { mismatch_ea = ea
+ , mismatch_item = item
+ , mismatch_ty1 = ty1
+ , mismatch_ty2 = ty2
+ , mismatch_whenMatching = mb_match_txt
+ , mismatch_mb_same_occ = same_occ_info })
+ = addArising (errorItemCtLoc item) msg
+ $$ maybe empty (pprWhenMatching ctxt) mb_match_txt
+ $$ maybe empty pprSameOccInfo same_occ_info
+ where
+ msg
+ | (isLiftedRuntimeRep ty1 && isUnliftedRuntimeRep ty2) ||
+ (isLiftedRuntimeRep ty2 && isUnliftedRuntimeRep ty1) ||
+ (isLiftedLevity ty1 && isUnliftedLevity ty2) ||
+ (isLiftedLevity ty2 && isUnliftedLevity ty1)
+ = text "Couldn't match a lifted type with an unlifted type"
+ | isAtomicTy ty1 || isAtomicTy ty2
+ = -- Print with quotes
+ sep [ text herald1 <+> quotes (ppr ty1)
+ , nest padding $
+ text herald2 <+> quotes (ppr ty2) ]
+ | otherwise
+ = -- Print with vertical layout
+ vcat [ text herald1 <> colon <+> ppr ty1
+ , nest padding $
+ text herald2 <> colon <+> ppr ty2 ]
+ want_ea = case ea of { NoEA -> False; EA {} -> True }
+ herald1 = conc [ "Couldn't match"
+ , if is_repr then "representation of" else ""
+ , if want_ea then "expected" else ""
+ , what ]
+ herald2 = conc [ "with"
+ , if is_repr then "that of" else ""
+ , if want_ea then ("actual " ++ what) else "" ]
+ padding = length herald1 - length herald2
+ is_repr = case errorItemEqRel item of { ReprEq -> True; NomEq -> False }
+ what = levelString (ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe (errorItemCtLoc item) `orElse` TypeLevel)
+ conc :: [String] -> String
+ conc = foldr1 add_space
+ add_space :: String -> String -> String
+ add_space s1 s2 | null s1 = s2
+ | null s2 = s1
+ | otherwise = s1 ++ (' ' : s2)
+pprMismatchMsg _
+ (KindMismatch { kmismatch_what = thing
+ , kmismatch_expected = exp
+ , kmismatch_actual = act })
+ = hang (text "Expected" <+> kind_desc <> comma)
+ 2 (text "but" <+> quotes (ppr thing) <+> text "has kind" <+>
+ quotes (ppr act))
+ where
+ kind_desc | tcIsConstraintKind exp = text "a constraint"
+ | Just arg <- kindRep_maybe exp -- TYPE t0
+ , tcIsTyVarTy arg = sdocOption sdocPrintExplicitRuntimeReps $ \case
+ True -> text "kind" <+> quotes (ppr exp)
+ False -> text "a type"
+ | otherwise = text "kind" <+> quotes (ppr exp)
+pprMismatchMsg ctxt
+ (TypeEqMismatch { teq_mismatch_ppr_explicit_kinds = ppr_explicit_kinds
+ , teq_mismatch_item = item
+ , teq_mismatch_ty1 = ty1
+ , teq_mismatch_ty2 = ty2
+ , teq_mismatch_expected = exp
+ , teq_mismatch_actual = act
+ , teq_mismatch_what = mb_thing
+ , teq_mb_same_occ = mb_same_occ })
+ = (addArising ct_loc $ pprWithExplicitKindsWhen ppr_explicit_kinds msg)
+ $$ maybe empty pprSameOccInfo mb_same_occ
+ where
+ msg
+ | isUnliftedTypeKind act, isLiftedTypeKind exp
+ = sep [ text "Expecting a lifted type, but"
+ , thing_msg mb_thing (text "an") (text "unlifted") ]
+ | isLiftedTypeKind act, isUnliftedTypeKind exp
+ = sep [ text "Expecting an unlifted type, but"
+ , thing_msg mb_thing (text "a") (text "lifted") ]
+ | tcIsLiftedTypeKind exp
+ = maybe_num_args_msg $$
+ sep [ text "Expected a type, but"
+ , case mb_thing of
+ Nothing -> text "found something with kind"
+ Just thing -> quotes (ppr thing) <+> text "has kind"
+ , quotes (pprWithTYPE act) ]
+ | Just nargs_msg <- num_args_msg
+ , Right ea_msg <- mk_ea_msg ctxt (Just item) level orig
+ = nargs_msg $$ pprMismatchMsg ctxt ea_msg
+ | -- pprTrace "check" (ppr ea_looks_same $$ ppr exp $$ ppr act $$ ppr ty1 $$ ppr ty2) $
+ ea_looks_same ty1 ty2 exp act
+ , Right ea_msg <- mk_ea_msg ctxt (Just item) level orig
+ = pprMismatchMsg ctxt ea_msg
+ | otherwise
+ =
+ -- The mismatched types are /inside/ exp and act
+ let mismatch_err = mkBasicMismatchMsg NoEA item ty1 ty2
+ errs = case mk_ea_msg ctxt Nothing level orig of
+ Left ea_info -> pprMismatchMsg ctxt mismatch_err : map (pprExpectedActualInfo ctxt) ea_info
+ Right ea_err -> [ pprMismatchMsg ctxt mismatch_err, pprMismatchMsg ctxt ea_err ]
+ in vcat errs
+ ct_loc = errorItemCtLoc item
+ orig = errorItemOrigin item
+ level = ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe ct_loc `orElse` TypeLevel
+ thing_msg (Just thing) _ levity = quotes (ppr thing) <+> text "is" <+> levity
+ thing_msg Nothing an levity = text "got" <+> an <+> levity <+> text "type"
+ num_args_msg = case level of
+ KindLevel
+ | not (isMetaTyVarTy exp) && not (isMetaTyVarTy act)
+ -- if one is a meta-tyvar, then it's possible that the user
+ -- has asked for something impredicative, and we couldn't unify.
+ -- Don't bother with counting arguments.
+ -> let n_act = count_args act
+ n_exp = count_args exp in
+ case n_act - n_exp of
+ n | n > 0 -- we don't know how many args there are, so don't
+ -- recommend removing args that aren't
+ , Just thing <- mb_thing
+ -> Just $ pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt (ExpectingMoreArguments n thing)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
+ maybe_num_args_msg = num_args_msg `orElse` empty
+ count_args ty = count isVisibleBinder $ fst $ splitPiTys ty
+pprMismatchMsg ctxt (CouldNotDeduce useful_givens (item :| others) mb_extra)
+ = main_msg $$
+ case supplementary of
+ Left infos
+ -> vcat (map (pprExpectedActualInfo ctxt) infos)
+ Right other_msg
+ -> pprMismatchMsg ctxt other_msg
+ where
+ main_msg
+ | null useful_givens
+ = addArising ct_loc (no_instance_msg <+> missing)
+ | otherwise
+ = vcat (addArising ct_loc (no_deduce_msg <+> missing)
+ : pp_givens useful_givens)
+ supplementary = case mb_extra of
+ Nothing
+ -> Left []
+ Just (CND_Extra level ty1 ty2)
+ -> mk_supplementary_ea_msg ctxt level ty1 ty2 orig
+ ct_loc = errorItemCtLoc item
+ orig = ctLocOrigin ct_loc
+ wanteds = map errorItemPred (item:others)
+ no_instance_msg =
+ case wanteds of
+ [wanted] | Just (tc, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe wanted
+ -- Don't say "no instance" for a constraint such as "c" for a type variable c.
+ , isClassTyCon tc -> text "No instance for"
+ _ -> text "Could not solve:"
+ no_deduce_msg =
+ case wanteds of
+ [_wanted] -> text "Could not deduce"
+ _ -> text "Could not deduce:"
+ missing =
+ case wanteds of
+ [wanted] -> quotes (ppr wanted)
+ _ -> pprTheta wanteds
{- *********************************************************************
* *
Displaying potential instances
@@ -2746,50 +2807,17 @@ we want to give it a bit of structure. Here's the plan
{- *********************************************************************
* *
- Outputting TcSolverReportInfo
+ Outputting additional solver report information
* *
-- | Pretty-print an informational message, to accompany a 'TcSolverReportMsg'.
-pprTcSolverReportInfo :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> TcSolverReportInfo -> SDoc
-pprTcSolverReportInfo _ (Ambiguity prepend_msg (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs)) = msg
- where
- msg | any isRuntimeUnkSkol ambig_kvs -- See Note [Runtime skolems]
- || any isRuntimeUnkSkol ambig_tvs
- = vcat [ text "Cannot resolve unknown runtime type"
- <> plural ambig_tvs <+> pprQuotedList ambig_tvs
- , text "Use :print or :force to determine these types"]
- | not (null ambig_tvs)
- = pp_ambig (text "type") ambig_tvs
- | otherwise
- = pp_ambig (text "kind") ambig_kvs
- pp_ambig what tkvs
- | prepend_msg -- "Ambiguous type variable 't0'"
- = text "Ambiguous" <+> what <+> text "variable"
- <> plural tkvs <+> pprQuotedList tkvs
- | otherwise -- "The type variable 't0' is ambiguous"
- = text "The" <+> what <+> text "variable" <> plural tkvs
- <+> pprQuotedList tkvs <+> isOrAre tkvs <+> text "ambiguous"
-pprTcSolverReportInfo ctxt (TyVarInfo tv ) =
- case tcTyVarDetails tv of
- SkolemTv sk_info _ _ -> pprSkols ctxt [(getSkolemInfo sk_info, [tv])]
- RuntimeUnk {} -> quotes (ppr tv) <+> text "is an interactive-debugger skolem"
- MetaTv {} -> empty
-pprTcSolverReportInfo _ (NonInjectiveTyFam tc) =
- text "NB:" <+> quotes (ppr tc)
- <+> text "is a non-injective type family"
-pprTcSolverReportInfo _ (ReportCoercibleMsg msg) =
- pprCoercibleMsg msg
-pprTcSolverReportInfo _ (ExpectedActual { ea_expected = exp, ea_actual = act }) =
+pprExpectedActualInfo :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> ExpectedActualInfo -> SDoc
+pprExpectedActualInfo _ (ExpectedActual { ea_expected = exp, ea_actual = act }) =
[ text "Expected:" <+> ppr exp
, text " Actual:" <+> ppr act ]
-pprTcSolverReportInfo _
+pprExpectedActualInfo _
{ ea_expanded_expected = exp
, ea_expanded_actual = act } )
@@ -2797,7 +2825,23 @@ pprTcSolverReportInfo _
[ text "Type synonyms expanded:"
, text "Expected type:" <+> ppr exp
, text " Actual type:" <+> ppr act ]
-pprTcSolverReportInfo ctxt (WhenMatching cty1 cty2 sub_o mb_sub_t_or_k) =
+pprCoercibleMsg :: CoercibleMsg -> SDoc
+pprCoercibleMsg (UnknownRoles ty) =
+ hang (text "NB: We cannot know what roles the parameters to" <+>
+ quotes (ppr ty) <+> text "have;")
+ 2 (text "we must assume that the role is nominal")
+pprCoercibleMsg (TyConIsAbstract tc) =
+ hsep [ text "NB: The type constructor"
+ , quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc)
+ , text "is abstract" ]
+pprCoercibleMsg (OutOfScopeNewtypeConstructor tc dc) =
+ hang (text "The data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr $ dataConName dc))
+ 2 (sep [ text "of newtype" <+> quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc)
+ , text "is not in scope" ])
+pprWhenMatching :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> WhenMatching -> SDoc
+pprWhenMatching ctxt (WhenMatching cty1 cty2 sub_o mb_sub_t_or_k) =
sdocOption sdocPrintExplicitCoercions $ \printExplicitCoercions ->
if printExplicitCoercions
|| not (cty1 `pickyEqType` cty2)
@@ -2813,9 +2857,48 @@ pprTcSolverReportInfo ctxt (WhenMatching cty1 cty2 sub_o mb_sub_t_or_k) =
sub_whats = text (levelString sub_t_or_k) <> char 's'
supplementary =
case mk_supplementary_ea_msg ctxt sub_t_or_k cty1 cty2 sub_o of
- Left infos -> vcat $ map (pprTcSolverReportInfo ctxt) infos
- Right msg -> pprTcSolverReportMsg ctxt msg
-pprTcSolverReportInfo _ (SameOcc same_pkg n1 n2) =
+ Left infos -> vcat $ map (pprExpectedActualInfo ctxt) infos
+ Right msg -> pprMismatchMsg ctxt msg
+pprTyVarInfo :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> TyVarInfo -> SDoc
+pprTyVarInfo ctxt (TyVarInfo { thisTyVar = tv1, otherTy = mb_tv2 }) =
+ mk_msg tv1 $$ case mb_tv2 of { Nothing -> empty; Just tv2 -> mk_msg tv2 }
+ where
+ mk_msg tv = case tcTyVarDetails tv of
+ SkolemTv sk_info _ _ -> pprSkols ctxt [(getSkolemInfo sk_info, [tv])]
+ RuntimeUnk {} -> quotes (ppr tv) <+> text "is an interactive-debugger skolem"
+ MetaTv {} -> empty
+pprAmbiguityInfo :: AmbiguityInfo -> SDoc
+pprAmbiguityInfo (Ambiguity prepend_msg (ambig_kvs, ambig_tvs)) = msg
+ where
+ msg | any isRuntimeUnkSkol ambig_kvs -- See Note [Runtime skolems]
+ || any isRuntimeUnkSkol ambig_tvs
+ = vcat [ text "Cannot resolve unknown runtime type"
+ <> plural ambig_tvs <+> pprQuotedList ambig_tvs
+ , text "Use :print or :force to determine these types"]
+ | not (null ambig_tvs)
+ = pp_ambig (text "type") ambig_tvs
+ | otherwise
+ = pp_ambig (text "kind") ambig_kvs
+ pp_ambig what tkvs
+ | prepend_msg -- "Ambiguous type variable 't0'"
+ = text "Ambiguous" <+> what <+> text "variable"
+ <> plural tkvs <+> pprQuotedList tkvs
+ | otherwise -- "The type variable 't0' is ambiguous"
+ = text "The" <+> what <+> text "variable" <> plural tkvs
+ <+> pprQuotedList tkvs <+> isOrAre tkvs <+> text "ambiguous"
+pprAmbiguityInfo (NonInjectiveTyFam tc) =
+ text "NB:" <+> quotes (ppr tc)
+ <+> text "is a non-injective type family"
+pprSameOccInfo :: SameOccInfo -> SDoc
+pprSameOccInfo (SameOcc same_pkg n1 n2) =
text "NB:" <+> (ppr_from same_pkg n1 $$ ppr_from same_pkg n2)
ppr_from same_pkg nm
@@ -2831,26 +2914,6 @@ pprTcSolverReportInfo _ (SameOcc same_pkg n1 n2) =
pkg = moduleUnit mod
mod = nameModule nm
loc = nameSrcSpan nm
-pprTcSolverReportInfo ctxt (OccursCheckInterestingTyVars (tv :| tvs)) =
- hang (text "Type variable kinds:") 2 $
- vcat (map (tyvar_binding . tidyTyCoVarOcc (cec_tidy ctxt))
- (tv:tvs))
- where
- tyvar_binding tyvar = ppr tyvar <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyVarKind tyvar)
-pprCoercibleMsg :: CoercibleMsg -> SDoc
-pprCoercibleMsg (UnknownRoles ty) =
- hang (text "NB: We cannot know what roles the parameters to" <+>
- quotes (ppr ty) <+> text "have;")
- 2 (text "we must assume that the role is nominal")
-pprCoercibleMsg (TyConIsAbstract tc) =
- hsep [ text "NB: The type constructor"
- , quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc)
- , text "is abstract" ]
-pprCoercibleMsg (OutOfScopeNewtypeConstructor tc dc) =
- hang (text "The data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr $ dataConName dc))
- 2 (sep [ text "of newtype" <+> quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc)
- , text "is not in scope" ])
{- *********************************************************************
* *
@@ -3229,7 +3292,7 @@ skolsSpan skol_tvs = foldr1 combineSrcSpans (map getSrcSpan skol_tvs)
mk_supplementary_ea_msg :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> TypeOrKind
- -> Type -> Type -> CtOrigin -> Either [TcSolverReportInfo] TcSolverReportMsg
+ -> Type -> Type -> CtOrigin -> Either [ExpectedActualInfo] MismatchMsg
mk_supplementary_ea_msg ctxt level ty1 ty2 orig
| TypeEqOrigin { uo_expected = exp, uo_actual = act } <- orig
, not (ea_looks_same ty1 ty2 exp act)
@@ -3252,7 +3315,7 @@ ea_looks_same ty1 ty2 exp act
-- (TYPE 'LiftedRep) and Type both print the same way.
mk_ea_msg :: SolverReportErrCtxt -> Maybe ErrorItem -> TypeOrKind
- -> CtOrigin -> Either [TcSolverReportInfo] TcSolverReportMsg
+ -> CtOrigin -> Either [ExpectedActualInfo] MismatchMsg
-- Constructs a "Couldn't match" message
-- The (Maybe ErrorItem) says whether this is the main top-level message (Just)
-- or a supplementary message (Nothing)
@@ -3264,16 +3327,9 @@ mk_ea_msg ctxt at_top level
, kmismatch_expected = exp
, kmismatch_actual = act }
| Just item <- at_top
- , let mismatch =
- Mismatch
- { mismatch_ea = True
- , mismatch_item = item
- , mismatch_ty1 = exp
- , mismatch_ty2 = act }
- = Right $
- if expanded_syns
- then mkTcReportWithInfo mismatch [ea_expanded]
- else mismatch
+ , let ea = EA $ if expanded_syns then Just ea_expanded else Nothing
+ mismatch = mkBasicMismatchMsg ea item exp act
+ = Right mismatch
| otherwise
= Left $
if expanded_syns