path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs
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1 files changed, 1737 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6750a77500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind
+ ( tcLocalBinds
+ , tcTopBinds
+ , tcValBinds
+ , tcHsBootSigs
+ , tcPolyCheck
+ , chooseInferredQuantifiers
+ , badBootDeclErr
+ )
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Gen.Match ( tcGRHSsPat, tcMatchesFun )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr ( tcMonoExpr )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.TyCl.PatSyn ( tcPatSynDecl, tcPatSynBuilderBind )
+import GHC.Core (Tickish (..))
+import GHC.Types.CostCentre (mkUserCC, CCFlavour(DeclCC))
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import FastString
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Sig
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
+import GHC.Tc.Solver
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Pat
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv( normaliseType )
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family( tcGetFamInstEnvs )
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import GHC.Core.Type (mkStrLitTy, tidyOpenType, splitTyConApp_maybe, mkCastTy)
+import TysPrim
+import TysWiredIn( mkBoxedTupleTy )
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Var as Var
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env( TidyEnv )
+import GHC.Types.Module
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Name.Set
+import GHC.Types.Name.Env
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import Bag
+import ErrUtils
+import Digraph
+import Maybes
+import Util
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import Outputable
+import PrelNames( ipClassName )
+import GHC.Tc.Validity (checkValidType)
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import GHC.Core.ConLike
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Foldable (find)
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+* *
+\subsection{Type-checking bindings}
+* *
+@tcBindsAndThen@ typechecks a @HsBinds@. The "and then" part is because
+it needs to know something about the {\em usage} of the things bound,
+so that it can create specialisations of them. So @tcBindsAndThen@
+takes a function which, given an extended environment, E, typechecks
+the scope of the bindings returning a typechecked thing and (most
+important) an LIE. It is this LIE which is then used as the basis for
+specialising the things bound.
+@tcBindsAndThen@ also takes a "combiner" which glues together the
+bindings and the "thing" to make a new "thing".
+The real work is done by @tcBindWithSigsAndThen@.
+Recursive and non-recursive binds are handled in essentially the same
+way: because of uniques there are no scoping issues left. The only
+difference is that non-recursive bindings can bind primitive values.
+Even for non-recursive binding groups we add typings for each binder
+to the LVE for the following reason. When each individual binding is
+checked the type of its LHS is unified with that of its RHS; and
+type-checking the LHS of course requires that the binder is in scope.
+At the top-level the LIE is sure to contain nothing but constant
+dictionaries, which we resolve at the module level.
+Note [Polymorphic recursion]
+The game plan for polymorphic recursion in the code above is
+ * Bind any variable for which we have a type signature
+ to an Id with a polymorphic type. Then when type-checking
+ the RHSs we'll make a full polymorphic call.
+This fine, but if you aren't a bit careful you end up with a horrendous
+amount of partial application and (worse) a huge space leak. For example:
+ f :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
+ f xs = ...f...
+If we don't take care, after typechecking we get
+ f = /\a -> \d::Eq a -> let f' = f a d
+ in
+ \ys:[a] -> ...f'...
+Notice the stupid construction of (f a d), which is of course
+identical to the function we're executing. In this case, the
+polymorphic recursion isn't being used (but that's a very common case).
+This can lead to a massive space leak, from the following top-level defn
+ ff :: [Int] -> [Int]
+ ff = f Int dEqInt
+Now (f dEqInt) evaluates to a lambda that has f' as a free variable; but
+f' is another thunk which evaluates to the same thing... and you end
+up with a chain of identical values all hung onto by the CAF ff.
+ ff = f Int dEqInt
+ = let f' = f Int dEqInt in \ys. ...f'...
+ = let f' = let f' = f Int dEqInt in \ys. ...f'...
+ in \ys. ...f'...
+NOTE: a bit of arity analysis would push the (f a d) inside the (\ys...),
+which would make the space leak go away in this case
+Solution: when typechecking the RHSs we always have in hand the
+*monomorphic* Ids for each binding. So we just need to make sure that
+if (Method f a d) shows up in the constraints emerging from (...f...)
+we just use the monomorphic Id. We achieve this by adding monomorphic Ids
+to the "givens" when simplifying constraints. That's what the "lies_avail"
+is doing.
+Then we get
+ f = /\a -> \d::Eq a -> letrec
+ fm = \ys:[a] ->
+ in
+ fm
+tcTopBinds :: [(RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcRn)] -> [LSig GhcRn]
+ -> TcM (TcGblEnv, TcLclEnv)
+-- The TcGblEnv contains the new tcg_binds and tcg_spects
+-- The TcLclEnv has an extended type envt for the new bindings
+tcTopBinds binds sigs
+ = do { -- Pattern synonym bindings populate the global environment
+ (binds', (tcg_env, tcl_env)) <- tcValBinds TopLevel binds sigs $
+ do { gbl <- getGblEnv
+ ; lcl <- getLclEnv
+ ; return (gbl, lcl) }
+ ; specs <- tcImpPrags sigs -- SPECIALISE prags for imported Ids
+ ; complete_matches <- setEnvs (tcg_env, tcl_env) $ tcCompleteSigs sigs
+ ; traceTc "complete_matches" (ppr binds $$ ppr sigs)
+ ; traceTc "complete_matches" (ppr complete_matches)
+ ; let { tcg_env' = tcg_env { tcg_imp_specs
+ = specs ++ tcg_imp_specs tcg_env
+ , tcg_complete_matches
+ = complete_matches
+ ++ tcg_complete_matches tcg_env }
+ `addTypecheckedBinds` map snd binds' }
+ ; return (tcg_env', tcl_env) }
+ -- The top level bindings are flattened into a giant
+ -- implicitly-mutually-recursive LHsBinds
+-- Note [Typechecking Complete Matches]
+-- Much like when a user bundled a pattern synonym, the result types of
+-- all the constructors in the match pragma must be consistent.
+-- If we allowed pragmas with inconsistent types then it would be
+-- impossible to ever match every constructor in the list and so
+-- the pragma would be useless.
+-- This is only used in `tcCompleteSig`. We fold over all the conlikes,
+-- this accumulator keeps track of the first `ConLike` with a concrete
+-- return type. After fixing the return type, all other constructors with
+-- a fixed return type must agree with this.
+-- The fields of `Fixed` cache the first conlike and its return type so
+-- that that we can compare all the other conlikes to it. The conlike is
+-- stored for error messages.
+-- `Nothing` in the case that the type is fixed by a type signature
+data CompleteSigType = AcceptAny | Fixed (Maybe ConLike) TyCon
+tcCompleteSigs :: [LSig GhcRn] -> TcM [CompleteMatch]
+tcCompleteSigs sigs =
+ let
+ doOne :: Sig GhcRn -> TcM (Maybe CompleteMatch)
+ doOne c@(CompleteMatchSig _ _ lns mtc)
+ = fmap Just $ do
+ addErrCtxt (text "In" <+> ppr c) $
+ case mtc of
+ Nothing -> infer_complete_match
+ Just tc -> check_complete_match tc
+ where
+ checkCLTypes acc = foldM checkCLType (acc, []) (unLoc lns)
+ infer_complete_match = do
+ (res, cls) <- checkCLTypes AcceptAny
+ case res of
+ AcceptAny -> failWithTc ambiguousError
+ Fixed _ tc -> return $ mkMatch cls tc
+ check_complete_match tc_name = do
+ ty_con <- tcLookupLocatedTyCon tc_name
+ (_, cls) <- checkCLTypes (Fixed Nothing ty_con)
+ return $ mkMatch cls ty_con
+ mkMatch :: [ConLike] -> TyCon -> CompleteMatch
+ mkMatch cls ty_con = CompleteMatch {
+ -- foldM is a left-fold and will have accumulated the ConLikes in
+ -- the reverse order. foldrM would accumulate in the correct order,
+ -- but would type-check the last ConLike first, which might also be
+ -- confusing from the user's perspective. Hence reverse here.
+ completeMatchConLikes = reverse (map conLikeName cls),
+ completeMatchTyCon = tyConName ty_con
+ }
+ doOne _ = return Nothing
+ ambiguousError :: SDoc
+ ambiguousError =
+ text "A type signature must be provided for a set of polymorphic"
+ <+> text "pattern synonyms."
+ -- See note [Typechecking Complete Matches]
+ checkCLType :: (CompleteSigType, [ConLike]) -> Located Name
+ -> TcM (CompleteSigType, [ConLike])
+ checkCLType (cst, cs) n = do
+ cl <- addLocM tcLookupConLike n
+ let (_,_,_,_,_,_, res_ty) = conLikeFullSig cl
+ res_ty_con = fst <$> splitTyConApp_maybe res_ty
+ case (cst, res_ty_con) of
+ (AcceptAny, Nothing) -> return (AcceptAny, cl:cs)
+ (AcceptAny, Just tc) -> return (Fixed (Just cl) tc, cl:cs)
+ (Fixed mfcl tc, Nothing) -> return (Fixed mfcl tc, cl:cs)
+ (Fixed mfcl tc, Just tc') ->
+ if tc == tc'
+ then return (Fixed mfcl tc, cl:cs)
+ else case mfcl of
+ Nothing ->
+ addErrCtxt (text "In" <+> ppr cl) $
+ failWithTc typeSigErrMsg
+ Just cl -> failWithTc (errMsg cl)
+ where
+ typeSigErrMsg :: SDoc
+ typeSigErrMsg =
+ text "Couldn't match expected type"
+ <+> quotes (ppr tc)
+ <+> text "with"
+ <+> quotes (ppr tc')
+ errMsg :: ConLike -> SDoc
+ errMsg fcl =
+ text "Cannot form a group of complete patterns from patterns"
+ <+> quotes (ppr fcl) <+> text "and" <+> quotes (ppr cl)
+ <+> text "as they match different type constructors"
+ <+> parens (quotes (ppr tc)
+ <+> text "resp."
+ <+> quotes (ppr tc'))
+ -- For some reason I haven't investigated further, the signatures come in
+ -- backwards wrt. declaration order. So we reverse them here, because it makes
+ -- a difference for incomplete match suggestions.
+ in mapMaybeM (addLocM doOne) (reverse sigs) -- process in declaration order
+tcHsBootSigs :: [(RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcRn)] -> [LSig GhcRn] -> TcM [Id]
+-- A hs-boot file has only one BindGroup, and it only has type
+-- signatures in it. The renamer checked all this
+tcHsBootSigs binds sigs
+ = do { checkTc (null binds) badBootDeclErr
+ ; concatMapM (addLocM tc_boot_sig) (filter isTypeLSig sigs) }
+ where
+ tc_boot_sig (TypeSig _ lnames hs_ty) = mapM f lnames
+ where
+ f (L _ name)
+ = do { sigma_ty <- tcHsSigWcType (FunSigCtxt name False) hs_ty
+ ; return (mkVanillaGlobal name sigma_ty) }
+ -- Notice that we make GlobalIds, not LocalIds
+ tc_boot_sig s = pprPanic "tcHsBootSigs/tc_boot_sig" (ppr s)
+badBootDeclErr :: MsgDoc
+badBootDeclErr = text "Illegal declarations in an hs-boot file"
+tcLocalBinds :: HsLocalBinds GhcRn -> TcM thing
+ -> TcM (HsLocalBinds GhcTcId, thing)
+tcLocalBinds (EmptyLocalBinds x) thing_inside
+ = do { thing <- thing_inside
+ ; return (EmptyLocalBinds x, thing) }
+tcLocalBinds (HsValBinds x (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds sigs))) thing_inside
+ = do { (binds', thing) <- tcValBinds NotTopLevel binds sigs thing_inside
+ ; return (HsValBinds x (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds' sigs)), thing) }
+tcLocalBinds (HsValBinds _ (ValBinds {})) _ = panic "tcLocalBinds"
+tcLocalBinds (HsIPBinds x (IPBinds _ ip_binds)) thing_inside
+ = do { ipClass <- tcLookupClass ipClassName
+ ; (given_ips, ip_binds') <-
+ mapAndUnzipM (wrapLocSndM (tc_ip_bind ipClass)) ip_binds
+ -- If the binding binds ?x = E, we must now
+ -- discharge any ?x constraints in expr_lie
+ -- See Note [Implicit parameter untouchables]
+ ; (ev_binds, result) <- checkConstraints (IPSkol ips)
+ [] given_ips thing_inside
+ ; return (HsIPBinds x (IPBinds ev_binds ip_binds') , result) }
+ where
+ ips = [ip | (L _ (IPBind _ (Left (L _ ip)) _)) <- ip_binds]
+ -- I wonder if we should do these one at a time
+ -- Consider ?x = 4
+ -- ?y = ?x + 1
+ tc_ip_bind ipClass (IPBind _ (Left (L _ ip)) expr)
+ = do { ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy
+ ; let p = mkStrLitTy $ hsIPNameFS ip
+ ; ip_id <- newDict ipClass [ p, ty ]
+ ; expr' <- tcMonoExpr expr (mkCheckExpType ty)
+ ; let d = toDict ipClass p ty `fmap` expr'
+ ; return (ip_id, (IPBind noExtField (Right ip_id) d)) }
+ tc_ip_bind _ (IPBind _ (Right {}) _) = panic "tc_ip_bind"
+ tc_ip_bind _ (XIPBind nec) = noExtCon nec
+ -- Coerces a `t` into a dictionary for `IP "x" t`.
+ -- co : t -> IP "x" t
+ toDict ipClass x ty = mkHsWrap $ mkWpCastR $
+ wrapIP $ mkClassPred ipClass [x,ty]
+tcLocalBinds (HsIPBinds _ (XHsIPBinds nec)) _ = noExtCon nec
+tcLocalBinds (XHsLocalBindsLR nec) _ = noExtCon nec
+{- Note [Implicit parameter untouchables]
+We add the type variables in the types of the implicit parameters
+as untouchables, not so much because we really must not unify them,
+but rather because we otherwise end up with constraints like this
+ Num alpha, Implic { wanted = alpha ~ Int }
+The constraint solver solves alpha~Int by unification, but then
+doesn't float that solved constraint out (it's not an unsolved
+wanted). Result disaster: the (Num alpha) is again solved, this
+time by defaulting. No no no.
+However [Oct 10] this is all handled automatically by the
+untouchable-range idea.
+tcValBinds :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> [(RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcRn)] -> [LSig GhcRn]
+ -> TcM thing
+ -> TcM ([(RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcTcId)], thing)
+tcValBinds top_lvl binds sigs thing_inside
+ = do { -- Typecheck the signatures
+ -- It's easier to do so now, once for all the SCCs together
+ -- because a single signature f,g :: <type>
+ -- might relate to more than one SCC
+ ; (poly_ids, sig_fn) <- tcAddPatSynPlaceholders patsyns $
+ tcTySigs sigs
+ -- Extend the envt right away with all the Ids
+ -- declared with complete type signatures
+ -- Do not extend the TcBinderStack; instead
+ -- we extend it on a per-rhs basis in tcExtendForRhs
+ ; tcExtendSigIds top_lvl poly_ids $ do
+ { (binds', (extra_binds', thing)) <- tcBindGroups top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn binds $ do
+ { thing <- thing_inside
+ -- See Note [Pattern synonym builders don't yield dependencies]
+ -- in GHC.Rename.Bind
+ ; patsyn_builders <- mapM tcPatSynBuilderBind patsyns
+ ; let extra_binds = [ (NonRecursive, builder) | builder <- patsyn_builders ]
+ ; return (extra_binds, thing) }
+ ; return (binds' ++ extra_binds', thing) }}
+ where
+ patsyns = getPatSynBinds binds
+ prag_fn = mkPragEnv sigs (foldr (unionBags . snd) emptyBag binds)
+tcBindGroups :: TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragEnv
+ -> [(RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcRn)] -> TcM thing
+ -> TcM ([(RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcTcId)], thing)
+-- Typecheck a whole lot of value bindings,
+-- one strongly-connected component at a time
+-- Here a "strongly connected component" has the straightforward
+-- meaning of a group of bindings that mention each other,
+-- ignoring type signatures (that part comes later)
+tcBindGroups _ _ _ [] thing_inside
+ = do { thing <- thing_inside
+ ; return ([], thing) }
+tcBindGroups top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (group : groups) thing_inside
+ = do { -- See Note [Closed binder groups]
+ type_env <- getLclTypeEnv
+ ; let closed = isClosedBndrGroup type_env (snd group)
+ ; (group', (groups', thing))
+ <- tc_group top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn group closed $
+ tcBindGroups top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn groups thing_inside
+ ; return (group' ++ groups', thing) }
+-- Note [Closed binder groups]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- A mutually recursive group is "closed" if all of the free variables of
+-- the bindings are closed. For example
+-- > h = \x -> let f = ...g...
+-- > g = ....f...x...
+-- > in ...
+-- Here @g@ is not closed because it mentions @x@; and hence neither is @f@
+-- closed.
+-- So we need to compute closed-ness on each strongly connected components,
+-- before we sub-divide it based on what type signatures it has.
+tc_group :: forall thing.
+ TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragEnv
+ -> (RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcRn) -> IsGroupClosed -> TcM thing
+ -> TcM ([(RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcTcId)], thing)
+-- Typecheck one strongly-connected component of the original program.
+-- We get a list of groups back, because there may
+-- be specialisations etc as well
+tc_group top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (NonRecursive, binds) closed thing_inside
+ -- A single non-recursive binding
+ -- We want to keep non-recursive things non-recursive
+ -- so that we desugar unlifted bindings correctly
+ = do { let bind = case bagToList binds of
+ [bind] -> bind
+ [] -> panic "tc_group: empty list of binds"
+ _ -> panic "tc_group: NonRecursive binds is not a singleton bag"
+ ; (bind', thing) <- tc_single top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn bind closed
+ thing_inside
+ ; return ( [(NonRecursive, bind')], thing) }
+tc_group top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (Recursive, binds) closed thing_inside
+ = -- To maximise polymorphism, we do a new
+ -- strongly-connected-component analysis, this time omitting
+ -- any references to variables with type signatures.
+ -- (This used to be optional, but isn't now.)
+ -- See Note [Polymorphic recursion] in HsBinds.
+ do { traceTc "tc_group rec" (pprLHsBinds binds)
+ ; whenIsJust mbFirstPatSyn $ \lpat_syn ->
+ recursivePatSynErr (getLoc lpat_syn) binds
+ ; (binds1, thing) <- go sccs
+ ; return ([(Recursive, binds1)], thing) }
+ -- Rec them all together
+ where
+ mbFirstPatSyn = find (isPatSyn . unLoc) binds
+ isPatSyn PatSynBind{} = True
+ isPatSyn _ = False
+ sccs :: [SCC (LHsBind GhcRn)]
+ sccs = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq (mkEdges sig_fn binds)
+ go :: [SCC (LHsBind GhcRn)] -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, thing)
+ go (scc:sccs) = do { (binds1, ids1) <- tc_scc scc
+ ; (binds2, thing) <- tcExtendLetEnv top_lvl sig_fn
+ closed ids1 $
+ go sccs
+ ; return (binds1 `unionBags` binds2, thing) }
+ go [] = do { thing <- thing_inside; return (emptyBag, thing) }
+ tc_scc (AcyclicSCC bind) = tc_sub_group NonRecursive [bind]
+ tc_scc (CyclicSCC binds) = tc_sub_group Recursive binds
+ tc_sub_group rec_tc binds =
+ tcPolyBinds sig_fn prag_fn Recursive rec_tc closed binds
+recursivePatSynErr ::
+ OutputableBndrId p =>
+ SrcSpan -- ^ The location of the first pattern synonym binding
+ -- (for error reporting)
+ -> LHsBinds (GhcPass p)
+ -> TcM a
+recursivePatSynErr loc binds
+ = failAt loc $
+ hang (text "Recursive pattern synonym definition with following bindings:")
+ 2 (vcat $ map pprLBind . bagToList $ binds)
+ where
+ pprLoc loc = parens (text "defined at" <+> ppr loc)
+ pprLBind (L loc bind) = pprWithCommas ppr (collectHsBindBinders bind)
+ <+> pprLoc loc
+tc_single :: forall thing.
+ TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragEnv
+ -> LHsBind GhcRn -> IsGroupClosed -> TcM thing
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, thing)
+tc_single _top_lvl sig_fn _prag_fn
+ (L _ (PatSynBind _ psb@PSB{ psb_id = L _ name }))
+ _ thing_inside
+ = do { (aux_binds, tcg_env) <- tcPatSynDecl psb (sig_fn name)
+ ; thing <- setGblEnv tcg_env thing_inside
+ ; return (aux_binds, thing)
+ }
+tc_single top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn lbind closed thing_inside
+ = do { (binds1, ids) <- tcPolyBinds sig_fn prag_fn
+ NonRecursive NonRecursive
+ closed
+ [lbind]
+ ; thing <- tcExtendLetEnv top_lvl sig_fn closed ids thing_inside
+ ; return (binds1, thing) }
+type BKey = Int -- Just number off the bindings
+mkEdges :: TcSigFun -> LHsBinds GhcRn -> [Node BKey (LHsBind GhcRn)]
+-- See Note [Polymorphic recursion] in HsBinds.
+mkEdges sig_fn binds
+ = [ DigraphNode bind key [key | n <- nonDetEltsUniqSet (bind_fvs (unLoc bind)),
+ Just key <- [lookupNameEnv key_map n], no_sig n ]
+ | (bind, key) <- keyd_binds
+ ]
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUFM here as stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices
+ -- is still deterministic even if the edges are in nondeterministic order
+ -- as explained in Note [Deterministic SCC] in Digraph.
+ where
+ bind_fvs (FunBind { fun_ext = fvs }) = fvs
+ bind_fvs (PatBind { pat_ext = fvs }) = fvs
+ bind_fvs _ = emptyNameSet
+ no_sig :: Name -> Bool
+ no_sig n = not (hasCompleteSig sig_fn n)
+ keyd_binds = bagToList binds `zip` [0::BKey ..]
+ key_map :: NameEnv BKey -- Which binding it comes from
+ key_map = mkNameEnv [(bndr, key) | (L _ bind, key) <- keyd_binds
+ , bndr <- collectHsBindBinders bind ]
+tcPolyBinds :: TcSigFun -> TcPragEnv
+ -> RecFlag -- Whether the group is really recursive
+ -> RecFlag -- Whether it's recursive after breaking
+ -- dependencies based on type signatures
+ -> IsGroupClosed -- Whether the group is closed
+ -> [LHsBind GhcRn] -- None are PatSynBind
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, [TcId])
+-- Typechecks a single bunch of values bindings all together,
+-- and generalises them. The bunch may be only part of a recursive
+-- group, because we use type signatures to maximise polymorphism
+-- Returns a list because the input may be a single non-recursive binding,
+-- in which case the dependency order of the resulting bindings is
+-- important.
+-- Knows nothing about the scope of the bindings
+-- None of the bindings are pattern synonyms
+tcPolyBinds sig_fn prag_fn rec_group rec_tc closed bind_list
+ = setSrcSpan loc $
+ recoverM (recoveryCode binder_names sig_fn) $ do
+ -- Set up main recover; take advantage of any type sigs
+ { traceTc "------------------------------------------------" Outputable.empty
+ ; traceTc "Bindings for {" (ppr binder_names)
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let plan = decideGeneralisationPlan dflags bind_list closed sig_fn
+ ; traceTc "Generalisation plan" (ppr plan)
+ ; result@(_, poly_ids) <- case plan of
+ NoGen -> tcPolyNoGen rec_tc prag_fn sig_fn bind_list
+ InferGen mn -> tcPolyInfer rec_tc prag_fn sig_fn mn bind_list
+ CheckGen lbind sig -> tcPolyCheck prag_fn sig lbind
+ ; traceTc "} End of bindings for" (vcat [ ppr binder_names, ppr rec_group
+ , vcat [ppr id <+> ppr (idType id) | id <- poly_ids]
+ ])
+ ; return result }
+ where
+ binder_names = collectHsBindListBinders bind_list
+ loc = foldr1 combineSrcSpans (map getLoc bind_list)
+ -- The mbinds have been dependency analysed and
+ -- may no longer be adjacent; so find the narrowest
+ -- span that includes them all
+-- If typechecking the binds fails, then return with each
+-- signature-less binder given type (forall a.a), to minimise
+-- subsequent error messages
+recoveryCode :: [Name] -> TcSigFun -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, [Id])
+recoveryCode binder_names sig_fn
+ = do { traceTc "tcBindsWithSigs: error recovery" (ppr binder_names)
+ ; let poly_ids = map mk_dummy binder_names
+ ; return (emptyBag, poly_ids) }
+ where
+ mk_dummy name
+ | Just sig <- sig_fn name
+ , Just poly_id <- completeSigPolyId_maybe sig
+ = poly_id
+ | otherwise
+ = mkLocalId name forall_a_a
+forall_a_a :: TcType
+-- At one point I had (forall r (a :: TYPE r). a), but of course
+-- that type is ill-formed: its mentions 'r' which escapes r's scope.
+-- Another alternative would be (forall (a :: TYPE kappa). a), where
+-- kappa is a unification variable. But I don't think we need that
+-- complication here. I'm going to just use (forall (a::*). a).
+-- See #15276
+forall_a_a = mkSpecForAllTys [alphaTyVar] alphaTy
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ tcPolyNoGen
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcPolyNoGen -- No generalisation whatsoever
+ :: RecFlag -- Whether it's recursive after breaking
+ -- dependencies based on type signatures
+ -> TcPragEnv -> TcSigFun
+ -> [LHsBind GhcRn]
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, [TcId])
+tcPolyNoGen rec_tc prag_fn tc_sig_fn bind_list
+ = do { (binds', mono_infos) <- tcMonoBinds rec_tc tc_sig_fn
+ (LetGblBndr prag_fn)
+ bind_list
+ ; mono_ids' <- mapM tc_mono_info mono_infos
+ ; return (binds', mono_ids') }
+ where
+ tc_mono_info (MBI { mbi_poly_name = name, mbi_mono_id = mono_id })
+ = do { _specs <- tcSpecPrags mono_id (lookupPragEnv prag_fn name)
+ ; return mono_id }
+ -- NB: tcPrags generates error messages for
+ -- specialisation pragmas for non-overloaded sigs
+ -- Indeed that is why we call it here!
+ -- So we can safely ignore _specs
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ tcPolyCheck
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcPolyCheck :: TcPragEnv
+ -> TcIdSigInfo -- Must be a complete signature
+ -> LHsBind GhcRn -- Must be a FunBind
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, [TcId])
+-- There is just one binding,
+-- it is a FunBind
+-- it has a complete type signature,
+tcPolyCheck prag_fn
+ (CompleteSig { sig_bndr = poly_id
+ , sig_ctxt = ctxt
+ , sig_loc = sig_loc })
+ (L loc (FunBind { fun_id = (L nm_loc name)
+ , fun_matches = matches }))
+ = setSrcSpan sig_loc $
+ do { traceTc "tcPolyCheck" (ppr poly_id $$ ppr sig_loc)
+ ; (tv_prs, theta, tau) <- tcInstType tcInstSkolTyVars poly_id
+ -- See Note [Instantiate sig with fresh variables]
+ ; mono_name <- newNameAt (nameOccName name) nm_loc
+ ; ev_vars <- newEvVars theta
+ ; let mono_id = mkLocalId mono_name tau
+ skol_info = SigSkol ctxt (idType poly_id) tv_prs
+ skol_tvs = map snd tv_prs
+ ; (ev_binds, (co_fn, matches'))
+ <- checkConstraints skol_info skol_tvs ev_vars $
+ tcExtendBinderStack [TcIdBndr mono_id NotTopLevel] $
+ tcExtendNameTyVarEnv tv_prs $
+ setSrcSpan loc $
+ tcMatchesFun (L nm_loc mono_name) matches (mkCheckExpType tau)
+ ; let prag_sigs = lookupPragEnv prag_fn name
+ ; spec_prags <- tcSpecPrags poly_id prag_sigs
+ ; poly_id <- addInlinePrags poly_id prag_sigs
+ ; mod <- getModule
+ ; tick <- funBindTicks nm_loc mono_id mod prag_sigs
+ ; let bind' = FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc mono_id
+ , fun_matches = matches'
+ , fun_ext = co_fn
+ , fun_tick = tick }
+ export = ABE { abe_ext = noExtField
+ , abe_wrap = idHsWrapper
+ , abe_poly = poly_id
+ , abe_mono = mono_id
+ , abe_prags = SpecPrags spec_prags }
+ abs_bind = L loc $
+ AbsBinds { abs_ext = noExtField
+ , abs_tvs = skol_tvs
+ , abs_ev_vars = ev_vars
+ , abs_ev_binds = [ev_binds]
+ , abs_exports = [export]
+ , abs_binds = unitBag (L loc bind')
+ , abs_sig = True }
+ ; return (unitBag abs_bind, [poly_id]) }
+tcPolyCheck _prag_fn sig bind
+ = pprPanic "tcPolyCheck" (ppr sig $$ ppr bind)
+funBindTicks :: SrcSpan -> TcId -> Module -> [LSig GhcRn]
+ -> TcM [Tickish TcId]
+funBindTicks loc fun_id mod sigs
+ | (mb_cc_str : _) <- [ cc_name | L _ (SCCFunSig _ _ _ cc_name) <- sigs ]
+ -- this can only be a singleton list, as duplicate pragmas are rejected
+ -- by the renamer
+ , let cc_str
+ | Just cc_str <- mb_cc_str
+ = sl_fs $ unLoc cc_str
+ | otherwise
+ = getOccFS (Var.varName fun_id)
+ cc_name = moduleNameFS (moduleName mod) `appendFS` consFS '.' cc_str
+ = do
+ flavour <- DeclCC <$> getCCIndexM cc_name
+ let cc = mkUserCC cc_name mod loc flavour
+ return [ProfNote cc True True]
+ | otherwise
+ = return []
+{- Note [Instantiate sig with fresh variables]
+It's vital to instantiate a type signature with fresh variables.
+For example:
+ type T = forall a. [a] -> [a]
+ f :: T;
+ f = g where { g :: T; g = <rhs> }
+ We must not use the same 'a' from the defn of T at both places!!
+(Instantiation is only necessary because of type synonyms. Otherwise,
+it's all cool; each signature has distinct type variables from the renamer.)
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ tcPolyInfer
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+ :: RecFlag -- Whether it's recursive after breaking
+ -- dependencies based on type signatures
+ -> TcPragEnv -> TcSigFun
+ -> Bool -- True <=> apply the monomorphism restriction
+ -> [LHsBind GhcRn]
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, [TcId])
+tcPolyInfer rec_tc prag_fn tc_sig_fn mono bind_list
+ = do { (tclvl, wanted, (binds', mono_infos))
+ <- pushLevelAndCaptureConstraints $
+ tcMonoBinds rec_tc tc_sig_fn LetLclBndr bind_list
+ ; let name_taus = [ (mbi_poly_name info, idType (mbi_mono_id info))
+ | info <- mono_infos ]
+ sigs = [ sig | MBI { mbi_sig = Just sig } <- mono_infos ]
+ infer_mode = if mono then ApplyMR else NoRestrictions
+ ; mapM_ (checkOverloadedSig mono) sigs
+ ; traceTc "simplifyInfer call" (ppr tclvl $$ ppr name_taus $$ ppr wanted)
+ ; (qtvs, givens, ev_binds, residual, insoluble)
+ <- simplifyInfer tclvl infer_mode sigs name_taus wanted
+ ; emitConstraints residual
+ ; let inferred_theta = map evVarPred givens
+ ; exports <- checkNoErrs $
+ mapM (mkExport prag_fn insoluble qtvs inferred_theta) mono_infos
+ ; loc <- getSrcSpanM
+ ; let poly_ids = map abe_poly exports
+ abs_bind = L loc $
+ AbsBinds { abs_ext = noExtField
+ , abs_tvs = qtvs
+ , abs_ev_vars = givens, abs_ev_binds = [ev_binds]
+ , abs_exports = exports, abs_binds = binds'
+ , abs_sig = False }
+ ; traceTc "Binding:" (ppr (poly_ids `zip` map idType poly_ids))
+ ; return (unitBag abs_bind, poly_ids) }
+ -- poly_ids are guaranteed zonked by mkExport
+mkExport :: TcPragEnv
+ -> Bool -- True <=> there was an insoluble type error
+ -- when typechecking the bindings
+ -> [TyVar] -> TcThetaType -- Both already zonked
+ -> MonoBindInfo
+ -> TcM (ABExport GhcTc)
+-- Only called for generalisation plan InferGen, not by CheckGen or NoGen
+-- mkExport generates exports with
+-- zonked type variables,
+-- zonked poly_ids
+-- The former is just because no further unifications will change
+-- the quantified type variables, so we can fix their final form
+-- right now.
+-- The latter is needed because the poly_ids are used to extend the
+-- type environment; see the invariant on GHC.Tc.Utils.Env.tcExtendIdEnv
+-- Pre-condition: the qtvs and theta are already zonked
+mkExport prag_fn insoluble qtvs theta
+ mono_info@(MBI { mbi_poly_name = poly_name
+ , mbi_sig = mb_sig
+ , mbi_mono_id = mono_id })
+ = do { mono_ty <- zonkTcType (idType mono_id)
+ ; poly_id <- mkInferredPolyId insoluble qtvs theta poly_name mb_sig mono_ty
+ -- NB: poly_id has a zonked type
+ ; poly_id <- addInlinePrags poly_id prag_sigs
+ ; spec_prags <- tcSpecPrags poly_id prag_sigs
+ -- tcPrags requires a zonked poly_id
+ -- See Note [Impedance matching]
+ -- NB: we have already done checkValidType, including an ambiguity check,
+ -- on the type; either when we checked the sig or in mkInferredPolyId
+ ; let poly_ty = idType poly_id
+ sel_poly_ty = mkInfSigmaTy qtvs theta mono_ty
+ -- This type is just going into tcSubType,
+ -- so Inferred vs. Specified doesn't matter
+ ; wrap <- if sel_poly_ty `eqType` poly_ty -- NB: eqType ignores visibility
+ then return idHsWrapper -- Fast path; also avoids complaint when we infer
+ -- an ambiguous type and have AllowAmbiguousType
+ -- e..g infer x :: forall a. F a -> Int
+ else addErrCtxtM (mk_impedance_match_msg mono_info sel_poly_ty poly_ty) $
+ tcSubType_NC sig_ctxt sel_poly_ty poly_ty
+ ; warn_missing_sigs <- woptM Opt_WarnMissingLocalSignatures
+ ; when warn_missing_sigs $
+ localSigWarn Opt_WarnMissingLocalSignatures poly_id mb_sig
+ ; return (ABE { abe_ext = noExtField
+ , abe_wrap = wrap
+ -- abe_wrap :: idType poly_id ~ (forall qtvs. theta => mono_ty)
+ , abe_poly = poly_id
+ , abe_mono = mono_id
+ , abe_prags = SpecPrags spec_prags }) }
+ where
+ prag_sigs = lookupPragEnv prag_fn poly_name
+ sig_ctxt = InfSigCtxt poly_name
+mkInferredPolyId :: Bool -- True <=> there was an insoluble error when
+ -- checking the binding group for this Id
+ -> [TyVar] -> TcThetaType
+ -> Name -> Maybe TcIdSigInst -> TcType
+ -> TcM TcId
+mkInferredPolyId insoluble qtvs inferred_theta poly_name mb_sig_inst mono_ty
+ | Just (TISI { sig_inst_sig = sig }) <- mb_sig_inst
+ , CompleteSig { sig_bndr = poly_id } <- sig
+ = return poly_id
+ | otherwise -- Either no type sig or partial type sig
+ = checkNoErrs $ -- The checkNoErrs ensures that if the type is ambiguous
+ -- we don't carry on to the impedance matching, and generate
+ -- a duplicate ambiguity error. There is a similar
+ -- checkNoErrs for complete type signatures too.
+ do { fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ ; let (_co, mono_ty') = normaliseType fam_envs Nominal mono_ty
+ -- Unification may not have normalised the type,
+ -- (see Note [Lazy flattening] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten) so do it
+ -- here to make it as uncomplicated as possible.
+ -- Example: f :: [F Int] -> Bool
+ -- should be rewritten to f :: [Char] -> Bool, if possible
+ --
+ -- We can discard the coercion _co, because we'll reconstruct
+ -- it in the call to tcSubType below
+ ; (binders, theta') <- chooseInferredQuantifiers inferred_theta
+ (tyCoVarsOfType mono_ty') qtvs mb_sig_inst
+ ; let inferred_poly_ty = mkForAllTys binders (mkPhiTy theta' mono_ty')
+ ; traceTc "mkInferredPolyId" (vcat [ppr poly_name, ppr qtvs, ppr theta'
+ , ppr inferred_poly_ty])
+ ; unless insoluble $
+ addErrCtxtM (mk_inf_msg poly_name inferred_poly_ty) $
+ checkValidType (InfSigCtxt poly_name) inferred_poly_ty
+ -- See Note [Validity of inferred types]
+ -- If we found an insoluble error in the function definition, don't
+ -- do this check; otherwise (#14000) we may report an ambiguity
+ -- error for a rather bogus type.
+ ; return (mkLocalId poly_name inferred_poly_ty) }
+chooseInferredQuantifiers :: TcThetaType -- inferred
+ -> TcTyVarSet -- tvs free in tau type
+ -> [TcTyVar] -- inferred quantified tvs
+ -> Maybe TcIdSigInst
+ -> TcM ([TyVarBinder], TcThetaType)
+chooseInferredQuantifiers inferred_theta tau_tvs qtvs Nothing
+ = -- No type signature (partial or complete) for this binder,
+ do { let free_tvs = closeOverKinds (growThetaTyVars inferred_theta tau_tvs)
+ -- Include kind variables! #7916
+ my_theta = pickCapturedPreds free_tvs inferred_theta
+ binders = [ mkTyVarBinder Inferred tv
+ | tv <- qtvs
+ , tv `elemVarSet` free_tvs ]
+ ; return (binders, my_theta) }
+chooseInferredQuantifiers inferred_theta tau_tvs qtvs
+ (Just (TISI { sig_inst_sig = sig -- Always PartialSig
+ , sig_inst_wcx = wcx
+ , sig_inst_theta = annotated_theta
+ , sig_inst_skols = annotated_tvs }))
+ = -- Choose quantifiers for a partial type signature
+ do { psig_qtv_prs <- zonkTyVarTyVarPairs annotated_tvs
+ -- Check whether the quantified variables of the
+ -- partial signature have been unified together
+ -- See Note [Quantified variables in partial type signatures]
+ ; mapM_ report_dup_tyvar_tv_err (findDupTyVarTvs psig_qtv_prs)
+ -- Check whether a quantified variable of the partial type
+ -- signature is not actually quantified. How can that happen?
+ -- See Note [Quantification and partial signatures] Wrinkle 4
+ -- in GHC.Tc.Solver
+ ; mapM_ report_mono_sig_tv_err [ n | (n,tv) <- psig_qtv_prs
+ , not (tv `elem` qtvs) ]
+ ; let psig_qtvs = mkVarSet (map snd psig_qtv_prs)
+ ; annotated_theta <- zonkTcTypes annotated_theta
+ ; (free_tvs, my_theta) <- choose_psig_context psig_qtvs annotated_theta wcx
+ ; let keep_me = free_tvs `unionVarSet` psig_qtvs
+ final_qtvs = [ mkTyVarBinder vis tv
+ | tv <- qtvs -- Pulling from qtvs maintains original order
+ , tv `elemVarSet` keep_me
+ , let vis | tv `elemVarSet` psig_qtvs = Specified
+ | otherwise = Inferred ]
+ ; return (final_qtvs, my_theta) }
+ where
+ report_dup_tyvar_tv_err (n1,n2)
+ | PartialSig { psig_name = fn_name, psig_hs_ty = hs_ty } <- sig
+ = addErrTc (hang (text "Couldn't match" <+> quotes (ppr n1)
+ <+> text "with" <+> quotes (ppr n2))
+ 2 (hang (text "both bound by the partial type signature:")
+ 2 (ppr fn_name <+> dcolon <+> ppr hs_ty)))
+ | otherwise -- Can't happen; by now we know it's a partial sig
+ = pprPanic "report_tyvar_tv_err" (ppr sig)
+ report_mono_sig_tv_err n
+ | PartialSig { psig_name = fn_name, psig_hs_ty = hs_ty } <- sig
+ = addErrTc (hang (text "Can't quantify over" <+> quotes (ppr n))
+ 2 (hang (text "bound by the partial type signature:")
+ 2 (ppr fn_name <+> dcolon <+> ppr hs_ty)))
+ | otherwise -- Can't happen; by now we know it's a partial sig
+ = pprPanic "report_mono_sig_tv_err" (ppr sig)
+ choose_psig_context :: VarSet -> TcThetaType -> Maybe TcType
+ -> TcM (VarSet, TcThetaType)
+ choose_psig_context _ annotated_theta Nothing
+ = do { let free_tvs = closeOverKinds (tyCoVarsOfTypes annotated_theta
+ `unionVarSet` tau_tvs)
+ ; return (free_tvs, annotated_theta) }
+ choose_psig_context psig_qtvs annotated_theta (Just wc_var_ty)
+ = do { let free_tvs = closeOverKinds (growThetaTyVars inferred_theta seed_tvs)
+ -- growThetaVars just like the no-type-sig case
+ -- Omitting this caused #12844
+ seed_tvs = tyCoVarsOfTypes annotated_theta -- These are put there
+ `unionVarSet` tau_tvs -- by the user
+ ; let keep_me = psig_qtvs `unionVarSet` free_tvs
+ my_theta = pickCapturedPreds keep_me inferred_theta
+ -- Fill in the extra-constraints wildcard hole with inferred_theta,
+ -- so that the Hole constraint we have already emitted
+ -- (in tcHsPartialSigType) can report what filled it in.
+ -- NB: my_theta already includes all the annotated constraints
+ ; let inferred_diff = [ pred
+ | pred <- my_theta
+ , all (not . (`eqType` pred)) annotated_theta ]
+ ; ctuple <- mk_ctuple inferred_diff
+ ; case tcGetCastedTyVar_maybe wc_var_ty of
+ -- We know that wc_co must have type kind(wc_var) ~ Constraint, as it
+ -- comes from the checkExpectedKind in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType.tcAnonWildCardOcc. So, to
+ -- make the kinds work out, we reverse the cast here.
+ Just (wc_var, wc_co) -> writeMetaTyVar wc_var (ctuple `mkCastTy` mkTcSymCo wc_co)
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "chooseInferredQuantifiers 1" (ppr wc_var_ty)
+ ; traceTc "completeTheta" $
+ vcat [ ppr sig
+ , ppr annotated_theta, ppr inferred_theta
+ , ppr inferred_diff ]
+ ; return (free_tvs, my_theta) }
+ mk_ctuple preds = return (mkBoxedTupleTy preds)
+ -- Hack alert! See GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType:
+ -- Note [Extra-constraint holes in partial type signatures]
+mk_impedance_match_msg :: MonoBindInfo
+ -> TcType -> TcType
+ -> TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+-- This is a rare but rather awkward error messages
+mk_impedance_match_msg (MBI { mbi_poly_name = name, mbi_sig = mb_sig })
+ inf_ty sig_ty tidy_env
+ = do { (tidy_env1, inf_ty) <- zonkTidyTcType tidy_env inf_ty
+ ; (tidy_env2, sig_ty) <- zonkTidyTcType tidy_env1 sig_ty
+ ; let msg = vcat [ text "When checking that the inferred type"
+ , nest 2 $ ppr name <+> dcolon <+> ppr inf_ty
+ , text "is as general as its" <+> what <+> text "signature"
+ , nest 2 $ ppr name <+> dcolon <+> ppr sig_ty ]
+ ; return (tidy_env2, msg) }
+ where
+ what = case mb_sig of
+ Nothing -> text "inferred"
+ Just sig | isPartialSig sig -> text "(partial)"
+ | otherwise -> empty
+mk_inf_msg :: Name -> TcType -> TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, SDoc)
+mk_inf_msg poly_name poly_ty tidy_env
+ = do { (tidy_env1, poly_ty) <- zonkTidyTcType tidy_env poly_ty
+ ; let msg = vcat [ text "When checking the inferred type"
+ , nest 2 $ ppr poly_name <+> dcolon <+> ppr poly_ty ]
+ ; return (tidy_env1, msg) }
+-- | Warn the user about polymorphic local binders that lack type signatures.
+localSigWarn :: WarningFlag -> Id -> Maybe TcIdSigInst -> TcM ()
+localSigWarn flag id mb_sig
+ | Just _ <- mb_sig = return ()
+ | not (isSigmaTy (idType id)) = return ()
+ | otherwise = warnMissingSignatures flag msg id
+ where
+ msg = text "Polymorphic local binding with no type signature:"
+warnMissingSignatures :: WarningFlag -> SDoc -> Id -> TcM ()
+warnMissingSignatures flag msg id
+ = do { env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
+ ; let (env1, tidy_ty) = tidyOpenType env0 (idType id)
+ ; addWarnTcM (Reason flag) (env1, mk_msg tidy_ty) }
+ where
+ mk_msg ty = sep [ msg, nest 2 $ pprPrefixName (idName id) <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty ]
+checkOverloadedSig :: Bool -> TcIdSigInst -> TcM ()
+-- Example:
+-- f :: Eq a => a -> a
+-- K f = e
+-- The MR applies, but the signature is overloaded, and it's
+-- best to complain about this directly
+-- c.f #11339
+checkOverloadedSig monomorphism_restriction_applies sig
+ | not (null (sig_inst_theta sig))
+ , monomorphism_restriction_applies
+ , let orig_sig = sig_inst_sig sig
+ = setSrcSpan (sig_loc orig_sig) $
+ failWith $
+ hang (text "Overloaded signature conflicts with monomorphism restriction")
+ 2 (ppr orig_sig)
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+{- Note [Partial type signatures and generalisation]
+If /any/ of the signatures in the group is a partial type signature
+ f :: _ -> Int
+then we *always* use the InferGen plan, and hence tcPolyInfer.
+We do this even for a local binding with -XMonoLocalBinds, when
+we normally use NoGen.
+ * The TcSigInfo for 'f' has a unification variable for the '_',
+ whose TcLevel is one level deeper than the current level.
+ (See pushTcLevelM in tcTySig.) But NoGen doesn't increase
+ the TcLevel like InferGen, so we lose the level invariant.
+ * The signature might be f :: forall a. _ -> a
+ so it really is polymorphic. It's not clear what it would
+ mean to use NoGen on this, and indeed the ASSERT in tcLhs,
+ in the (Just sig) case, checks that if there is a signature
+ then we are using LetLclBndr, and hence a nested AbsBinds with
+ increased TcLevel
+It might be possible to fix these difficulties somehow, but there
+doesn't seem much point. Indeed, adding a partial type signature is a
+way to get per-binding inferred generalisation.
+We apply the MR if /all/ of the partial signatures lack a context.
+In particular (#11016):
+ f2 :: (?loc :: Int) => _
+ f2 = ?loc
+It's stupid to apply the MR here. This test includes an extra-constraints
+wildcard; that is, we don't apply the MR if you write
+ f3 :: _ => blah
+Note [Quantified variables in partial type signatures]
+ f :: forall a. a -> a -> _
+ f x y = g x y
+ g :: forall b. b -> b -> _
+ g x y = [x, y]
+Here, 'f' and 'g' are mutually recursive, and we end up unifying 'a' and 'b'
+together, which is fine. So we bind 'a' and 'b' to TyVarTvs, which can then
+unify with each other.
+But now consider:
+ f :: forall a b. a -> b -> _
+ f x y = [x, y]
+We want to get an error from this, because 'a' and 'b' get unified.
+So we make a test, one per partial signature, to check that the
+explicitly-quantified type variables have not been unified together.
+#14449 showed this up.
+Note [Validity of inferred types]
+We need to check inferred type for validity, in case it uses language
+extensions that are not turned on. The principle is that if the user
+simply adds the inferred type to the program source, it'll compile fine.
+See #8883.
+Examples that might fail:
+ - the type might be ambiguous
+ - an inferred theta that requires type equalities e.g. (F a ~ G b)
+ or multi-parameter type classes
+ - an inferred type that includes unboxed tuples
+Note [Impedance matching]
+ f 0 x = x
+ f n x = g [] (not x)
+ g [] y = f 10 y
+ g _ y = f 9 y
+After typechecking we'll get
+ f_mono_ty :: a -> Bool -> Bool
+ g_mono_ty :: [b] -> Bool -> Bool
+with constraints
+ (Eq a, Num a)
+Note that f is polymorphic in 'a' and g in 'b'; and these are not linked.
+The types we really want for f and g are
+ f :: forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => a -> Bool -> Bool
+ g :: forall b. [b] -> Bool -> Bool
+We can get these by "impedance matching":
+ tuple :: forall a b. (Eq a, Num a) => (a -> Bool -> Bool, [b] -> Bool -> Bool)
+ tuple a b d1 d1 = let ...bind f_mono, g_mono in (f_mono, g_mono)
+ f a d1 d2 = case tuple a Any d1 d2 of (f, g) -> f
+ g b = case tuple Integer b dEqInteger dNumInteger of (f,g) -> g
+Suppose the shared quantified tyvars are qtvs and constraints theta.
+Then we want to check that
+ forall qtvs. theta => f_mono_ty is more polymorphic than f's polytype
+and the proof is the impedance matcher.
+Notice that the impedance matcher may do defaulting. See #7173.
+It also cleverly does an ambiguity check; for example, rejecting
+ f :: F a -> F a
+where F is a non-injective type function.
+Note [SPECIALISE pragmas]
+There is no point in a SPECIALISE pragma for a non-overloaded function:
+ reverse :: [a] -> [a]
+ {-# SPECIALISE reverse :: [Int] -> [Int] #-}
+But SPECIALISE INLINE *can* make sense for GADTS:
+ data Arr e where
+ ArrInt :: !Int -> ByteArray# -> Arr Int
+ ArrPair :: !Int -> Arr e1 -> Arr e2 -> Arr (e1, e2)
+ (!:) :: Arr e -> Int -> e
+ {-# SPECIALISE INLINE (!:) :: Arr Int -> Int -> Int #-}
+ {-# SPECIALISE INLINE (!:) :: Arr (a, b) -> Int -> (a, b) #-}
+ (ArrInt _ ba) !: (I# i) = I# (indexIntArray# ba i)
+ (ArrPair _ a1 a2) !: i = (a1 !: i, a2 !: i)
+When (!:) is specialised it becomes non-recursive, and can usefully
+be inlined. Scary! So we only warn for SPECIALISE *without* INLINE
+for a non-overloaded function.
+* *
+ tcMonoBinds
+* *
+@tcMonoBinds@ deals with a perhaps-recursive group of HsBinds.
+The signatures have been dealt with already.
+data MonoBindInfo = MBI { mbi_poly_name :: Name
+ , mbi_sig :: Maybe TcIdSigInst
+ , mbi_mono_id :: TcId }
+tcMonoBinds :: RecFlag -- Whether the binding is recursive for typechecking purposes
+ -- i.e. the binders are mentioned in their RHSs, and
+ -- we are not rescued by a type signature
+ -> TcSigFun -> LetBndrSpec
+ -> [LHsBind GhcRn]
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, [MonoBindInfo])
+tcMonoBinds is_rec sig_fn no_gen
+ [ L b_loc (FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc name
+ , fun_matches = matches })]
+ -- Single function binding,
+ | NonRecursive <- is_rec -- ...binder isn't mentioned in RHS
+ , Nothing <- sig_fn name -- ...with no type signature
+ = -- Note [Single function non-recursive binding special-case]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- In this very special case we infer the type of the
+ -- right hand side first (it may have a higher-rank type)
+ -- and *then* make the monomorphic Id for the LHS
+ -- e.g. f = \(x::forall a. a->a) -> <body>
+ -- We want to infer a higher-rank type for f
+ setSrcSpan b_loc $
+ do { ((co_fn, matches'), rhs_ty)
+ <- tcInferInst $ \ exp_ty ->
+ -- tcInferInst: see GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify,
+ -- Note [Deep instantiation of InferResult] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
+ tcExtendBinderStack [TcIdBndr_ExpType name exp_ty NotTopLevel] $
+ -- We extend the error context even for a non-recursive
+ -- function so that in type error messages we show the
+ -- type of the thing whose rhs we are type checking
+ tcMatchesFun (L nm_loc name) matches exp_ty
+ ; mono_id <- newLetBndr no_gen name rhs_ty
+ ; return (unitBag $ L b_loc $
+ FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc mono_id,
+ fun_matches = matches',
+ fun_ext = co_fn, fun_tick = [] },
+ [MBI { mbi_poly_name = name
+ , mbi_sig = Nothing
+ , mbi_mono_id = mono_id }]) }
+tcMonoBinds _ sig_fn no_gen binds
+ = do { tc_binds <- mapM (wrapLocM (tcLhs sig_fn no_gen)) binds
+ -- Bring the monomorphic Ids, into scope for the RHSs
+ ; let mono_infos = getMonoBindInfo tc_binds
+ rhs_id_env = [ (name, mono_id)
+ | MBI { mbi_poly_name = name
+ , mbi_sig = mb_sig
+ , mbi_mono_id = mono_id } <- mono_infos
+ , case mb_sig of
+ Just sig -> isPartialSig sig
+ Nothing -> True ]
+ -- A monomorphic binding for each term variable that lacks
+ -- a complete type sig. (Ones with a sig are already in scope.)
+ ; traceTc "tcMonoBinds" $ vcat [ ppr n <+> ppr id <+> ppr (idType id)
+ | (n,id) <- rhs_id_env]
+ ; binds' <- tcExtendRecIds rhs_id_env $
+ mapM (wrapLocM tcRhs) tc_binds
+ ; return (listToBag binds', mono_infos) }
+-- tcLhs typechecks the LHS of the bindings, to construct the environment in which
+-- we typecheck the RHSs. Basically what we are doing is this: for each binder:
+-- if there's a signature for it, use the instantiated signature type
+-- otherwise invent a type variable
+-- You see that quite directly in the FunBind case.
+-- But there's a complication for pattern bindings:
+-- data T = MkT (forall a. a->a)
+-- MkT f = e
+-- Here we can guess a type variable for the entire LHS (which will be refined to T)
+-- but we want to get (f::forall a. a->a) as the RHS environment.
+-- The simplest way to do this is to typecheck the pattern, and then look up the
+-- bound mono-ids. Then we want to retain the typechecked pattern to avoid re-doing
+-- it; hence the TcMonoBind data type in which the LHS is done but the RHS isn't
+data TcMonoBind -- Half completed; LHS done, RHS not done
+ = TcFunBind MonoBindInfo SrcSpan (MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn))
+ | TcPatBind [MonoBindInfo] (LPat GhcTcId) (GRHSs GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn))
+ TcSigmaType
+tcLhs :: TcSigFun -> LetBndrSpec -> HsBind GhcRn -> TcM TcMonoBind
+-- Only called with plan InferGen (LetBndrSpec = LetLclBndr)
+-- or NoGen (LetBndrSpec = LetGblBndr)
+-- CheckGen is used only for functions with a complete type signature,
+-- and tcPolyCheck doesn't use tcMonoBinds at all
+tcLhs sig_fn no_gen (FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc name
+ , fun_matches = matches })
+ | Just (TcIdSig sig) <- sig_fn name
+ = -- There is a type signature.
+ -- It must be partial; if complete we'd be in tcPolyCheck!
+ -- e.g. f :: _ -> _
+ -- f x = ...g...
+ -- Just g = ...f...
+ -- Hence always typechecked with InferGen
+ do { mono_info <- tcLhsSigId no_gen (name, sig)
+ ; return (TcFunBind mono_info nm_loc matches) }
+ | otherwise -- No type signature
+ = do { mono_ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy
+ ; mono_id <- newLetBndr no_gen name mono_ty
+ ; let mono_info = MBI { mbi_poly_name = name
+ , mbi_sig = Nothing
+ , mbi_mono_id = mono_id }
+ ; return (TcFunBind mono_info nm_loc matches) }
+tcLhs sig_fn no_gen (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss })
+ = -- See Note [Typechecking pattern bindings]
+ do { sig_mbis <- mapM (tcLhsSigId no_gen) sig_names
+ ; let inst_sig_fun = lookupNameEnv $ mkNameEnv $
+ [ (mbi_poly_name mbi, mbi_mono_id mbi)
+ | mbi <- sig_mbis ]
+ -- See Note [Existentials in pattern bindings]
+ ; ((pat', nosig_mbis), pat_ty)
+ <- addErrCtxt (patMonoBindsCtxt pat grhss) $
+ tcInferNoInst $ \ exp_ty ->
+ tcLetPat inst_sig_fun no_gen pat exp_ty $
+ mapM lookup_info nosig_names
+ ; let mbis = sig_mbis ++ nosig_mbis
+ ; traceTc "tcLhs" (vcat [ ppr id <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType id)
+ | mbi <- mbis, let id = mbi_mono_id mbi ]
+ $$ ppr no_gen)
+ ; return (TcPatBind mbis pat' grhss pat_ty) }
+ where
+ bndr_names = collectPatBinders pat
+ (nosig_names, sig_names) = partitionWith find_sig bndr_names
+ find_sig :: Name -> Either Name (Name, TcIdSigInfo)
+ find_sig name = case sig_fn name of
+ Just (TcIdSig sig) -> Right (name, sig)
+ _ -> Left name
+ -- After typechecking the pattern, look up the binder
+ -- names that lack a signature, which the pattern has brought
+ -- into scope.
+ lookup_info :: Name -> TcM MonoBindInfo
+ lookup_info name
+ = do { mono_id <- tcLookupId name
+ ; return (MBI { mbi_poly_name = name
+ , mbi_sig = Nothing
+ , mbi_mono_id = mono_id }) }
+tcLhs _ _ other_bind = pprPanic "tcLhs" (ppr other_bind)
+ -- AbsBind, VarBind impossible
+tcLhsSigId :: LetBndrSpec -> (Name, TcIdSigInfo) -> TcM MonoBindInfo
+tcLhsSigId no_gen (name, sig)
+ = do { inst_sig <- tcInstSig sig
+ ; mono_id <- newSigLetBndr no_gen name inst_sig
+ ; return (MBI { mbi_poly_name = name
+ , mbi_sig = Just inst_sig
+ , mbi_mono_id = mono_id }) }
+newSigLetBndr :: LetBndrSpec -> Name -> TcIdSigInst -> TcM TcId
+newSigLetBndr (LetGblBndr prags) name (TISI { sig_inst_sig = id_sig })
+ | CompleteSig { sig_bndr = poly_id } <- id_sig
+ = addInlinePrags poly_id (lookupPragEnv prags name)
+newSigLetBndr no_gen name (TISI { sig_inst_tau = tau })
+ = newLetBndr no_gen name tau
+tcRhs :: TcMonoBind -> TcM (HsBind GhcTcId)
+tcRhs (TcFunBind info@(MBI { mbi_sig = mb_sig, mbi_mono_id = mono_id })
+ loc matches)
+ = tcExtendIdBinderStackForRhs [info] $
+ tcExtendTyVarEnvForRhs mb_sig $
+ do { traceTc "tcRhs: fun bind" (ppr mono_id $$ ppr (idType mono_id))
+ ; (co_fn, matches') <- tcMatchesFun (L loc (idName mono_id))
+ matches (mkCheckExpType $ idType mono_id)
+ ; return ( FunBind { fun_id = L loc mono_id
+ , fun_matches = matches'
+ , fun_ext = co_fn
+ , fun_tick = [] } ) }
+tcRhs (TcPatBind infos pat' grhss pat_ty)
+ = -- When we are doing pattern bindings we *don't* bring any scoped
+ -- type variables into scope unlike function bindings
+ -- Wny not? They are not completely rigid.
+ -- That's why we have the special case for a single FunBind in tcMonoBinds
+ tcExtendIdBinderStackForRhs infos $
+ do { traceTc "tcRhs: pat bind" (ppr pat' $$ ppr pat_ty)
+ ; grhss' <- addErrCtxt (patMonoBindsCtxt pat' grhss) $
+ tcGRHSsPat grhss pat_ty
+ ; return ( PatBind { pat_lhs = pat', pat_rhs = grhss'
+ , pat_ext = NPatBindTc emptyNameSet pat_ty
+ , pat_ticks = ([],[]) } )}
+tcExtendTyVarEnvForRhs :: Maybe TcIdSigInst -> TcM a -> TcM a
+tcExtendTyVarEnvForRhs Nothing thing_inside
+ = thing_inside
+tcExtendTyVarEnvForRhs (Just sig) thing_inside
+ = tcExtendTyVarEnvFromSig sig thing_inside
+tcExtendTyVarEnvFromSig :: TcIdSigInst -> TcM a -> TcM a
+tcExtendTyVarEnvFromSig sig_inst thing_inside
+ | TISI { sig_inst_skols = skol_prs, sig_inst_wcs = wcs } <- sig_inst
+ = tcExtendNameTyVarEnv wcs $
+ tcExtendNameTyVarEnv skol_prs $
+ thing_inside
+tcExtendIdBinderStackForRhs :: [MonoBindInfo] -> TcM a -> TcM a
+-- Extend the TcBinderStack for the RHS of the binding, with
+-- the monomorphic Id. That way, if we have, say
+-- f = \x -> blah
+-- and something goes wrong in 'blah', we get a "relevant binding"
+-- looking like f :: alpha -> beta
+-- This applies if 'f' has a type signature too:
+-- f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
+-- f x = True
+-- We can't unify True with [a], and a relevant binding is f :: [a] -> [a]
+-- If we had the *polymorphic* version of f in the TcBinderStack, it
+-- would not be reported as relevant, because its type is closed
+tcExtendIdBinderStackForRhs infos thing_inside
+ = tcExtendBinderStack [ TcIdBndr mono_id NotTopLevel
+ | MBI { mbi_mono_id = mono_id } <- infos ]
+ thing_inside
+ -- NotTopLevel: it's a monomorphic binding
+getMonoBindInfo :: [Located TcMonoBind] -> [MonoBindInfo]
+getMonoBindInfo tc_binds
+ = foldr (get_info . unLoc) [] tc_binds
+ where
+ get_info (TcFunBind info _ _) rest = info : rest
+ get_info (TcPatBind infos _ _ _) rest = infos ++ rest
+{- Note [Typechecking pattern bindings]
+Look at:
+ - typecheck/should_compile/ExPat
+ - #12427, typecheck/should_compile/T12427{a,b}
+ data T where
+ MkT :: Integral a => a -> Int -> T
+and suppose t :: T. Which of these pattern bindings are ok?
+ E1. let { MkT p _ = t } in <body>
+ E2. let { MkT _ q = t } in <body>
+ E3. let { MkT (toInteger -> r) _ = t } in <body>
+* (E1) is clearly wrong because the existential 'a' escapes.
+ What type could 'p' possibly have?
+* (E2) is fine, despite the existential pattern, because
+ q::Int, and nothing escapes.
+* Even (E3) is fine. The existential pattern binds a dictionary
+ for (Integral a) which the view pattern can use to convert the
+ a-valued field to an Integer, so r :: Integer.
+An easy way to see all three is to imagine the desugaring.
+For (E2) it would look like
+ let q = case t of MkT _ q' -> q'
+ in <body>
+We typecheck pattern bindings as follows. First tcLhs does this:
+ 1. Take each type signature q :: ty, partial or complete, and
+ instantiate it (with tcLhsSigId) to get a MonoBindInfo. This
+ gives us a fresh "mono_id" qm :: instantiate(ty), where qm has
+ a fresh name.
+ Any fresh unification variables in instantiate(ty) born here, not
+ deep under implications as would happen if we allocated them when
+ we encountered q during tcPat.
+ 2. Build a little environment mapping "q" -> "qm" for those Ids
+ with signatures (inst_sig_fun)
+ 3. Invoke tcLetPat to typecheck the pattern.
+ - We pass in the current TcLevel. This is captured by
+ GHC.Tc.Gen.Pat.tcLetPat, and put into the pc_lvl field of PatCtxt, in
+ PatEnv.
+ - When tcPat finds an existential constructor, it binds fresh
+ type variables and dictionaries as usual, increments the TcLevel,
+ and emits an implication constraint.
+ - When we come to a binder (GHC.Tc.Gen.Pat.tcPatBndr), it looks it up
+ in the little environment (the pc_sig_fn field of PatCtxt).
+ Success => There was a type signature, so just use it,
+ checking compatibility with the expected type.
+ Failure => No type signature.
+ Infer case: (happens only outside any constructor pattern)
+ use a unification variable
+ at the outer level pc_lvl
+ Check case: use promoteTcType to promote the type
+ to the outer level pc_lvl. This is the
+ place where we emit a constraint that'll blow
+ up if existential capture takes place
+ Result: the type of the binder is always at pc_lvl. This is
+ crucial.
+ 4. Throughout, when we are making up an Id for the pattern-bound variables
+ (newLetBndr), we have two cases:
+ - If we are generalising (generalisation plan is InferGen or
+ CheckGen), then the let_bndr_spec will be LetLclBndr. In that case
+ we want to bind a cloned, local version of the variable, with the
+ type given by the pattern context, *not* by the signature (even if
+ there is one; see #7268). The mkExport part of the
+ generalisation step will do the checking and impedance matching
+ against the signature.
+ - If for some some reason we are not generalising (plan = NoGen), the
+ LetBndrSpec will be LetGblBndr. In that case we must bind the
+ global version of the Id, and do so with precisely the type given
+ in the signature. (Then we unify with the type from the pattern
+ context type.)
+And that's it! The implication constraints check for the skolem
+escape. It's quite simple and neat, and more expressive than before
+e.g. GHC 8.0 rejects (E2) and (E3).
+Example for (E1), starting at level 1. We generate
+ p :: beta:1, with constraints (forall:3 a. Integral a => a ~ beta)
+The (a~beta) can't float (because of the 'a'), nor be solved (because
+beta is untouchable.)
+Example for (E2), we generate
+ q :: beta:1, with constraint (forall:3 a. Integral a => Int ~ beta)
+The beta is untouchable, but floats out of the constraint and can
+be solved absolutely fine.
+* *
+ Generalisation
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+data GeneralisationPlan
+ = NoGen -- No generalisation, no AbsBinds
+ | InferGen -- Implicit generalisation; there is an AbsBinds
+ Bool -- True <=> apply the MR; generalise only unconstrained type vars
+ | CheckGen (LHsBind GhcRn) TcIdSigInfo
+ -- One FunBind with a signature
+ -- Explicit generalisation
+-- A consequence of the no-AbsBinds choice (NoGen) is that there is
+-- no "polymorphic Id" and "monmomorphic Id"; there is just the one
+instance Outputable GeneralisationPlan where
+ ppr NoGen = text "NoGen"
+ ppr (InferGen b) = text "InferGen" <+> ppr b
+ ppr (CheckGen _ s) = text "CheckGen" <+> ppr s
+ :: DynFlags -> [LHsBind GhcRn] -> IsGroupClosed -> TcSigFun
+ -> GeneralisationPlan
+decideGeneralisationPlan dflags lbinds closed sig_fn
+ | has_partial_sigs = InferGen (and partial_sig_mrs)
+ | Just (bind, sig) <- one_funbind_with_sig = CheckGen bind sig
+ | do_not_generalise closed = NoGen
+ | otherwise = InferGen mono_restriction
+ where
+ binds = map unLoc lbinds
+ partial_sig_mrs :: [Bool]
+ -- One for each partial signature (so empty => no partial sigs)
+ -- The Bool is True if the signature has no constraint context
+ -- so we should apply the MR
+ -- See Note [Partial type signatures and generalisation]
+ partial_sig_mrs
+ = [ null theta
+ | TcIdSig (PartialSig { psig_hs_ty = hs_ty })
+ <- mapMaybe sig_fn (collectHsBindListBinders lbinds)
+ , let (_, L _ theta, _) = splitLHsSigmaTyInvis (hsSigWcType hs_ty) ]
+ has_partial_sigs = not (null partial_sig_mrs)
+ mono_restriction = xopt LangExt.MonomorphismRestriction dflags
+ && any restricted binds
+ do_not_generalise (IsGroupClosed _ True) = False
+ -- The 'True' means that all of the group's
+ -- free vars have ClosedTypeId=True; so we can ignore
+ -- -XMonoLocalBinds, and generalise anyway
+ do_not_generalise _ = xopt LangExt.MonoLocalBinds dflags
+ -- With OutsideIn, all nested bindings are monomorphic
+ -- except a single function binding with a signature
+ one_funbind_with_sig
+ | [lbind@(L _ (FunBind { fun_id = v }))] <- lbinds
+ , Just (TcIdSig sig) <- sig_fn (unLoc v)
+ = Just (lbind, sig)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ -- The Haskell 98 monomorphism restriction
+ restricted (PatBind {}) = True
+ restricted (VarBind { var_id = v }) = no_sig v
+ restricted (FunBind { fun_id = v, fun_matches = m }) = restricted_match m
+ && no_sig (unLoc v)
+ restricted b = pprPanic "isRestrictedGroup/unrestricted" (ppr b)
+ restricted_match mg = matchGroupArity mg == 0
+ -- No args => like a pattern binding
+ -- Some args => a function binding
+ no_sig n = not (hasCompleteSig sig_fn n)
+isClosedBndrGroup :: TcTypeEnv -> Bag (LHsBind GhcRn) -> IsGroupClosed
+isClosedBndrGroup type_env binds
+ = IsGroupClosed fv_env type_closed
+ where
+ type_closed = allUFM (nameSetAll is_closed_type_id) fv_env
+ fv_env :: NameEnv NameSet
+ fv_env = mkNameEnv $ concatMap (bindFvs . unLoc) binds
+ bindFvs :: HsBindLR GhcRn GhcRn -> [(Name, NameSet)]
+ bindFvs (FunBind { fun_id = L _ f
+ , fun_ext = fvs })
+ = let open_fvs = get_open_fvs fvs
+ in [(f, open_fvs)]
+ bindFvs (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_ext = fvs })
+ = let open_fvs = get_open_fvs fvs
+ in [(b, open_fvs) | b <- collectPatBinders pat]
+ bindFvs _
+ = []
+ get_open_fvs fvs = filterNameSet (not . is_closed) fvs
+ is_closed :: Name -> ClosedTypeId
+ is_closed name
+ | Just thing <- lookupNameEnv type_env name
+ = case thing of
+ AGlobal {} -> True
+ ATcId { tct_info = ClosedLet } -> True
+ _ -> False
+ | otherwise
+ = True -- The free-var set for a top level binding mentions
+ is_closed_type_id :: Name -> Bool
+ -- We're already removed Global and ClosedLet Ids
+ is_closed_type_id name
+ | Just thing <- lookupNameEnv type_env name
+ = case thing of
+ ATcId { tct_info = NonClosedLet _ cl } -> cl
+ ATcId { tct_info = NotLetBound } -> False
+ ATyVar {} -> False
+ -- In-scope type variables are not closed!
+ _ -> pprPanic "is_closed_id" (ppr name)
+ | otherwise
+ = True -- The free-var set for a top level binding mentions
+ -- imported things too, so that we can report unused imports
+ -- These won't be in the local type env.
+ -- Ditto class method etc from the current module
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Error contexts and messages
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- This one is called on LHS, when pat and grhss are both Name
+-- and on RHS, when pat is TcId and grhss is still Name
+patMonoBindsCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId p, Outputable body)
+ => LPat (GhcPass p) -> GRHSs GhcRn body -> SDoc
+patMonoBindsCtxt pat grhss
+ = hang (text "In a pattern binding:") 2 (pprPatBind pat grhss)