path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Foreign.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+-- | Typechecking \tr{foreign} declarations
+-- A foreign declaration is used to either give an externally
+-- implemented function a Haskell type (and calling interface) or
+-- give a Haskell function an external calling interface. Either way,
+-- the range of argument and result types these functions can accommodate
+-- is restricted to what the outside world understands (read C), and this
+-- module checks to see if a foreign declaration has got a legal type.
+module GHC.Tc.Gen.Foreign
+ ( tcForeignImports
+ , tcForeignExports
+ -- Low-level exports for hooks
+ , isForeignImport, isForeignExport
+ , tcFImport, tcFExport
+ , tcForeignImports'
+ , tcCheckFIType, checkCTarget, checkForeignArgs, checkForeignRes
+ , normaliseFfiType
+ , nonIOok, mustBeIO
+ , checkSafe, noCheckSafe
+ , tcForeignExports'
+ , tcCheckFEType
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
+import ErrUtils
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import PrelNames
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import Bag
+import GHC.Driver.Hooks
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import Control.Monad
+-- Defines a binding
+isForeignImport :: LForeignDecl name -> Bool
+isForeignImport (L _ (ForeignImport {})) = True
+isForeignImport _ = False
+-- Exports a binding
+isForeignExport :: LForeignDecl name -> Bool
+isForeignExport (L _ (ForeignExport {})) = True
+isForeignExport _ = False
+Note [Don't recur in normaliseFfiType']
+normaliseFfiType' is the workhorse for normalising a type used in a foreign
+declaration. If we have
+newtype Age = MkAge Int
+we want to see that Age -> IO () is the same as Int -> IO (). But, we don't
+need to recur on any type parameters, because no paramaterized types (with
+interesting parameters) are marshalable! The full list of marshalable types
+is in the body of boxedMarshalableTyCon in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType. The only members of that
+list not at kind * are Ptr, FunPtr, and StablePtr, all of which get marshaled
+the same way regardless of type parameter. So, no need to recur into
+Similarly, we don't need to look in AppTy's, because nothing headed by
+an AppTy will be marshalable.
+Note [FFI type roles]
+The 'go' helper function within normaliseFfiType' always produces
+representational coercions. But, in the "children_only" case, we need to
+use these coercions in a TyConAppCo. Accordingly, the roles on the coercions
+must be twiddled to match the expectation of the enclosing TyCon. However,
+we cannot easily go from an R coercion to an N one, so we forbid N roles
+on FFI type constructors. Currently, only two such type constructors exist:
+IO and FunPtr. Thus, this is not an onerous burden.
+If we ever want to lift this restriction, we would need to make 'go' take
+the target role as a parameter. This wouldn't be hard, but it's a complication
+not yet necessary and so is not yet implemented.
+-- normaliseFfiType takes the type from an FFI declaration, and
+-- evaluates any type synonyms, type functions, and newtypes. However,
+-- we are only allowed to look through newtypes if the constructor is
+-- in scope. We return a bag of all the newtype constructors thus found.
+-- Always returns a Representational coercion
+normaliseFfiType :: Type -> TcM (Coercion, Type, Bag GlobalRdrElt)
+normaliseFfiType ty
+ = do fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ normaliseFfiType' fam_envs ty
+normaliseFfiType' :: FamInstEnvs -> Type -> TcM (Coercion, Type, Bag GlobalRdrElt)
+normaliseFfiType' env ty0 = go initRecTc ty0
+ where
+ go :: RecTcChecker -> Type -> TcM (Coercion, Type, Bag GlobalRdrElt)
+ go rec_nts ty
+ | Just ty' <- tcView ty -- Expand synonyms
+ = go rec_nts ty'
+ | Just (tc, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ = go_tc_app rec_nts tc tys
+ | (bndrs, inner_ty) <- splitForAllVarBndrs ty
+ , not (null bndrs)
+ = do (coi, nty1, gres1) <- go rec_nts inner_ty
+ return ( mkHomoForAllCos (binderVars bndrs) coi
+ , mkForAllTys bndrs nty1, gres1 )
+ | otherwise -- see Note [Don't recur in normaliseFfiType']
+ = return (mkRepReflCo ty, ty, emptyBag)
+ go_tc_app :: RecTcChecker -> TyCon -> [Type]
+ -> TcM (Coercion, Type, Bag GlobalRdrElt)
+ go_tc_app rec_nts tc tys
+ -- We don't want to look through the IO newtype, even if it is
+ -- in scope, so we have a special case for it:
+ | tc_key `elem` [ioTyConKey, funPtrTyConKey, funTyConKey]
+ -- These *must not* have nominal roles on their parameters!
+ -- See Note [FFI type roles]
+ = children_only
+ | isNewTyCon tc -- Expand newtypes
+ , Just rec_nts' <- checkRecTc rec_nts tc
+ -- See Note [Expanding newtypes] in GHC.Core.TyCon
+ -- We can't just use isRecursiveTyCon; sometimes recursion is ok:
+ -- newtype T = T (Ptr T)
+ -- Here, we don't reject the type for being recursive.
+ -- If this is a recursive newtype then it will normally
+ -- be rejected later as not being a valid FFI type.
+ = do { rdr_env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
+ ; case checkNewtypeFFI rdr_env tc of
+ Nothing -> nothing
+ Just gre -> do { (co', ty', gres) <- go rec_nts' nt_rhs
+ ; return (mkTransCo nt_co co', ty', gre `consBag` gres) } }
+ | isFamilyTyCon tc -- Expand open tycons
+ , (co, ty) <- normaliseTcApp env Representational tc tys
+ , not (isReflexiveCo co)
+ = do (co', ty', gres) <- go rec_nts ty
+ return (mkTransCo co co', ty', gres)
+ | otherwise
+ = nothing -- see Note [Don't recur in normaliseFfiType']
+ where
+ tc_key = getUnique tc
+ children_only
+ = do xs <- mapM (go rec_nts) tys
+ let (cos, tys', gres) = unzip3 xs
+ -- the (repeat Representational) is because 'go' always
+ -- returns R coercions
+ cos' = zipWith3 downgradeRole (tyConRoles tc)
+ (repeat Representational) cos
+ return ( mkTyConAppCo Representational tc cos'
+ , mkTyConApp tc tys', unionManyBags gres)
+ nt_co = mkUnbranchedAxInstCo Representational (newTyConCo tc) tys []
+ nt_rhs = newTyConInstRhs tc tys
+ ty = mkTyConApp tc tys
+ nothing = return (mkRepReflCo ty, ty, emptyBag)
+checkNewtypeFFI :: GlobalRdrEnv -> TyCon -> Maybe GlobalRdrElt
+checkNewtypeFFI rdr_env tc
+ | Just con <- tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tc
+ , Just gre <- lookupGRE_Name rdr_env (dataConName con)
+ = Just gre -- See Note [Newtype constructor usage in foreign declarations]
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+Note [Newtype constructor usage in foreign declarations]
+GHC automatically "unwraps" newtype constructors in foreign import/export
+declarations. In effect that means that a newtype data constructor is
+used even though it is not mentioned expclitly in the source, so we don't
+want to report it as "defined but not used" or "imported but not used".
+eg newtype D = MkD Int
+ foreign import foo :: D -> IO ()
+Here 'MkD' us used. See #7408.
+GHC also expands type functions during this process, so it's not enough
+just to look at the free variables of the declaration.
+eg type instance F Bool = D
+ foreign import bar :: F Bool -> IO ()
+Here again 'MkD' is used.
+So we really have wait until the type checker to decide what is used.
+That's why tcForeignImports and tecForeignExports return a (Bag GRE)
+for the newtype constructors they see. Then GHC.Tc.Module can add them
+to the module's usages.
+* *
+* *
+tcForeignImports :: [LForeignDecl GhcRn]
+ -> TcM ([Id], [LForeignDecl GhcTc], Bag GlobalRdrElt)
+tcForeignImports decls
+ = getHooked tcForeignImportsHook tcForeignImports' >>= ($ decls)
+tcForeignImports' :: [LForeignDecl GhcRn]
+ -> TcM ([Id], [LForeignDecl GhcTc], Bag GlobalRdrElt)
+-- For the (Bag GlobalRdrElt) result,
+-- see Note [Newtype constructor usage in foreign declarations]
+tcForeignImports' decls
+ = do { (ids, decls, gres) <- mapAndUnzip3M tcFImport $
+ filter isForeignImport decls
+ ; return (ids, decls, unionManyBags gres) }
+tcFImport :: LForeignDecl GhcRn
+ -> TcM (Id, LForeignDecl GhcTc, Bag GlobalRdrElt)
+tcFImport (L dloc fo@(ForeignImport { fd_name = L nloc nm, fd_sig_ty = hs_ty
+ , fd_fi = imp_decl }))
+ = setSrcSpan dloc $ addErrCtxt (foreignDeclCtxt fo) $
+ do { sig_ty <- tcHsSigType (ForSigCtxt nm) hs_ty
+ ; (norm_co, norm_sig_ty, gres) <- normaliseFfiType sig_ty
+ ; let
+ -- Drop the foralls before inspecting the
+ -- structure of the foreign type.
+ (arg_tys, res_ty) = tcSplitFunTys (dropForAlls norm_sig_ty)
+ id = mkLocalId nm sig_ty
+ -- Use a LocalId to obey the invariant that locally-defined
+ -- things are LocalIds. However, it does not need zonking,
+ -- (so GHC.Tc.Utils.Zonk.zonkForeignExports ignores it).
+ ; imp_decl' <- tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty imp_decl
+ -- Can't use sig_ty here because sig_ty :: Type and
+ -- we need HsType Id hence the undefined
+ ; let fi_decl = ForeignImport { fd_name = L nloc id
+ , fd_sig_ty = undefined
+ , fd_i_ext = mkSymCo norm_co
+ , fd_fi = imp_decl' }
+ ; return (id, L dloc fi_decl, gres) }
+tcFImport d = pprPanic "tcFImport" (ppr d)
+-- ------------ Checking types for foreign import ----------------------
+tcCheckFIType :: [Type] -> Type -> ForeignImport -> TcM ForeignImport
+tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty (CImport (L lc cconv) safety mh l@(CLabel _) src)
+ -- Foreign import label
+ = do checkCg checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ -- NB check res_ty not sig_ty!
+ -- In case sig_ty is (forall a. ForeignPtr a)
+ check (isFFILabelTy (mkVisFunTys arg_tys res_ty)) (illegalForeignTyErr Outputable.empty)
+ cconv' <- checkCConv cconv
+ return (CImport (L lc cconv') safety mh l src)
+tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty (CImport (L lc cconv) safety mh CWrapper src) = do
+ -- Foreign wrapper (former f.e.d.)
+ -- The type must be of the form ft -> IO (FunPtr ft), where ft is a valid
+ -- foreign type. For legacy reasons ft -> IO (Ptr ft) is accepted, too.
+ -- The use of the latter form is DEPRECATED, though.
+ checkCg checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ cconv' <- checkCConv cconv
+ case arg_tys of
+ [arg1_ty] -> do checkForeignArgs isFFIExternalTy arg1_tys
+ checkForeignRes nonIOok checkSafe isFFIExportResultTy res1_ty
+ checkForeignRes mustBeIO checkSafe (isFFIDynTy arg1_ty) res_ty
+ where
+ (arg1_tys, res1_ty) = tcSplitFunTys arg1_ty
+ _ -> addErrTc (illegalForeignTyErr Outputable.empty (text "One argument expected"))
+ return (CImport (L lc cconv') safety mh CWrapper src)
+tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport (L lc cconv) (L ls safety) mh
+ (CFunction target) src)
+ | isDynamicTarget target = do -- Foreign import dynamic
+ checkCg checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ cconv' <- checkCConv cconv
+ case arg_tys of -- The first arg must be Ptr or FunPtr
+ [] ->
+ addErrTc (illegalForeignTyErr Outputable.empty (text "At least one argument expected"))
+ (arg1_ty:arg_tys) -> do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let curried_res_ty = mkVisFunTys arg_tys res_ty
+ check (isFFIDynTy curried_res_ty arg1_ty)
+ (illegalForeignTyErr argument)
+ checkForeignArgs (isFFIArgumentTy dflags safety) arg_tys
+ checkForeignRes nonIOok checkSafe (isFFIImportResultTy dflags) res_ty
+ return $ CImport (L lc cconv') (L ls safety) mh (CFunction target) src
+ | cconv == PrimCallConv = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ checkTc (xopt LangExt.GHCForeignImportPrim dflags)
+ (text "Use GHCForeignImportPrim to allow `foreign import prim'.")
+ checkCg checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ checkCTarget target
+ checkTc (playSafe safety)
+ (text "The safe/unsafe annotation should not be used with `foreign import prim'.")
+ checkForeignArgs (isFFIPrimArgumentTy dflags) arg_tys
+ -- prim import result is more liberal, allows (#,,#)
+ checkForeignRes nonIOok checkSafe (isFFIPrimResultTy dflags) res_ty
+ return idecl
+ | otherwise = do -- Normal foreign import
+ checkCg checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ cconv' <- checkCConv cconv
+ checkCTarget target
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ checkForeignArgs (isFFIArgumentTy dflags safety) arg_tys
+ checkForeignRes nonIOok checkSafe (isFFIImportResultTy dflags) res_ty
+ checkMissingAmpersand dflags arg_tys res_ty
+ case target of
+ StaticTarget _ _ _ False
+ | not (null arg_tys) ->
+ addErrTc (text "`value' imports cannot have function types")
+ _ -> return ()
+ return $ CImport (L lc cconv') (L ls safety) mh (CFunction target) src
+-- This makes a convenient place to check
+-- that the C identifier is valid for C
+checkCTarget :: CCallTarget -> TcM ()
+checkCTarget (StaticTarget _ str _ _) = do
+ checkCg checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ checkTc (isCLabelString str) (badCName str)
+checkCTarget DynamicTarget = panic "checkCTarget DynamicTarget"
+checkMissingAmpersand :: DynFlags -> [Type] -> Type -> TcM ()
+checkMissingAmpersand dflags arg_tys res_ty
+ | null arg_tys && isFunPtrTy res_ty &&
+ wopt Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports dflags
+ = addWarn (Reason Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports)
+ (text "possible missing & in foreign import of FunPtr")
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+* *
+* *
+tcForeignExports :: [LForeignDecl GhcRn]
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, [LForeignDecl GhcTcId], Bag GlobalRdrElt)
+tcForeignExports decls =
+ getHooked tcForeignExportsHook tcForeignExports' >>= ($ decls)
+tcForeignExports' :: [LForeignDecl GhcRn]
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, [LForeignDecl GhcTcId], Bag GlobalRdrElt)
+-- For the (Bag GlobalRdrElt) result,
+-- see Note [Newtype constructor usage in foreign declarations]
+tcForeignExports' decls
+ = foldlM combine (emptyLHsBinds, [], emptyBag) (filter isForeignExport decls)
+ where
+ combine (binds, fs, gres1) (L loc fe) = do
+ (b, f, gres2) <- setSrcSpan loc (tcFExport fe)
+ return (b `consBag` binds, L loc f : fs, gres1 `unionBags` gres2)
+tcFExport :: ForeignDecl GhcRn
+ -> TcM (LHsBind GhcTc, ForeignDecl GhcTc, Bag GlobalRdrElt)
+tcFExport fo@(ForeignExport { fd_name = L loc nm, fd_sig_ty = hs_ty, fd_fe = spec })
+ = addErrCtxt (foreignDeclCtxt fo) $ do
+ sig_ty <- tcHsSigType (ForSigCtxt nm) hs_ty
+ rhs <- tcPolyExpr (nlHsVar nm) sig_ty
+ (norm_co, norm_sig_ty, gres) <- normaliseFfiType sig_ty
+ spec' <- tcCheckFEType norm_sig_ty spec
+ -- we're exporting a function, but at a type possibly more
+ -- constrained than its declared/inferred type. Hence the need
+ -- to create a local binding which will call the exported function
+ -- at a particular type (and, maybe, overloading).
+ -- We need to give a name to the new top-level binding that
+ -- is *stable* (i.e. the compiler won't change it later),
+ -- because this name will be referred to by the C code stub.
+ id <- mkStableIdFromName nm sig_ty loc mkForeignExportOcc
+ return ( mkVarBind id rhs
+ , ForeignExport { fd_name = L loc id
+ , fd_sig_ty = undefined
+ , fd_e_ext = norm_co, fd_fe = spec' }
+ , gres)
+tcFExport d = pprPanic "tcFExport" (ppr d)
+-- ------------ Checking argument types for foreign export ----------------------
+tcCheckFEType :: Type -> ForeignExport -> TcM ForeignExport
+tcCheckFEType sig_ty (CExport (L l (CExportStatic esrc str cconv)) src) = do
+ checkCg checkCOrAsmOrLlvm
+ checkTc (isCLabelString str) (badCName str)
+ cconv' <- checkCConv cconv
+ checkForeignArgs isFFIExternalTy arg_tys
+ checkForeignRes nonIOok noCheckSafe isFFIExportResultTy res_ty
+ return (CExport (L l (CExportStatic esrc str cconv')) src)
+ where
+ -- Drop the foralls before inspecting
+ -- the structure of the foreign type.
+ (arg_tys, res_ty) = tcSplitFunTys (dropForAlls sig_ty)
+* *
+* *
+------------ Checking argument types for foreign import ----------------------
+checkForeignArgs :: (Type -> Validity) -> [Type] -> TcM ()
+checkForeignArgs pred tys = mapM_ go tys
+ where
+ go ty = check (pred ty) (illegalForeignTyErr argument)
+------------ Checking result types for foreign calls ----------------------
+-- | Check that the type has the form
+-- (IO t) or (t) , and that t satisfies the given predicate.
+-- When calling this function, any newtype wrappers (should) have been
+-- already dealt with by normaliseFfiType.
+-- We also check that the Safe Haskell condition of FFI imports having
+-- results in the IO monad holds.
+checkForeignRes :: Bool -> Bool -> (Type -> Validity) -> Type -> TcM ()
+checkForeignRes non_io_result_ok check_safe pred_res_ty ty
+ | Just (_, res_ty) <- tcSplitIOType_maybe ty
+ = -- Got an IO result type, that's always fine!
+ check (pred_res_ty res_ty) (illegalForeignTyErr result)
+ -- We disallow nested foralls in foreign types
+ -- (at least, for the time being). See #16702.
+ | tcIsForAllTy ty
+ = addErrTc $ illegalForeignTyErr result (text "Unexpected nested forall")
+ -- Case for non-IO result type with FFI Import
+ | not non_io_result_ok
+ = addErrTc $ illegalForeignTyErr result (text "IO result type expected")
+ | otherwise
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; case pred_res_ty ty of
+ -- Handle normal typecheck fail, we want to handle this first and
+ -- only report safe haskell errors if the normal type check is OK.
+ NotValid msg -> addErrTc $ illegalForeignTyErr result msg
+ -- handle safe infer fail
+ _ | check_safe && safeInferOn dflags
+ -> recordUnsafeInfer emptyBag
+ -- handle safe language typecheck fail
+ _ | check_safe && safeLanguageOn dflags
+ -> addErrTc (illegalForeignTyErr result safeHsErr)
+ -- success! non-IO return is fine
+ _ -> return () }
+ where
+ safeHsErr =
+ text "Safe Haskell is on, all FFI imports must be in the IO monad"
+nonIOok, mustBeIO :: Bool
+nonIOok = True
+mustBeIO = False
+checkSafe, noCheckSafe :: Bool
+checkSafe = True
+noCheckSafe = False
+-- Checking a supported backend is in use
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvm :: HscTarget -> Validity
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvm HscC = IsValid
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvm HscAsm = IsValid
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvm HscLlvm = IsValid
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvm _
+ = NotValid (text "requires unregisterised, llvm (-fllvm) or native code generation (-fasm)")
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp :: HscTarget -> Validity
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp HscC = IsValid
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp HscAsm = IsValid
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp HscLlvm = IsValid
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp HscInterpreted = IsValid
+checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp _
+ = NotValid (text "requires interpreted, unregisterised, llvm or native code generation")
+checkCg :: (HscTarget -> Validity) -> TcM ()
+checkCg check = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let target = hscTarget dflags
+ case target of
+ HscNothing -> return ()
+ _ ->
+ case check target of
+ IsValid -> return ()
+ NotValid err -> addErrTc (text "Illegal foreign declaration:" <+> err)
+-- Calling conventions
+checkCConv :: CCallConv -> TcM CCallConv
+checkCConv CCallConv = return CCallConv
+checkCConv CApiConv = return CApiConv
+checkCConv StdCallConv = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ if platformArch platform == ArchX86
+ then return StdCallConv
+ else do -- This is a warning, not an error. see #3336
+ when (wopt Opt_WarnUnsupportedCallingConventions dflags) $
+ addWarnTc (Reason Opt_WarnUnsupportedCallingConventions)
+ (text "the 'stdcall' calling convention is unsupported on this platform," $$ text "treating as ccall")
+ return CCallConv
+checkCConv PrimCallConv = do addErrTc (text "The `prim' calling convention can only be used with `foreign import'")
+ return PrimCallConv
+checkCConv JavaScriptCallConv = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) == ArchJavaScript
+ then return JavaScriptCallConv
+ else do addErrTc (text "The `javascript' calling convention is unsupported on this platform")
+ return JavaScriptCallConv
+-- Warnings
+check :: Validity -> (MsgDoc -> MsgDoc) -> TcM ()
+check IsValid _ = return ()
+check (NotValid doc) err_fn = addErrTc (err_fn doc)
+illegalForeignTyErr :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+illegalForeignTyErr arg_or_res extra
+ = hang msg 2 extra
+ where
+ msg = hsep [ text "Unacceptable", arg_or_res
+ , text "type in foreign declaration:"]
+-- Used for 'arg_or_res' argument to illegalForeignTyErr
+argument, result :: SDoc
+argument = text "argument"
+result = text "result"
+badCName :: CLabelString -> MsgDoc
+badCName target
+ = sep [quotes (ppr target) <+> text "is not a valid C identifier"]
+foreignDeclCtxt :: ForeignDecl GhcRn -> SDoc
+foreignDeclCtxt fo
+ = hang (text "When checking declaration:")
+ 2 (ppr fo)