path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs
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1 files changed, 2384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs
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index 0000000000..3de1e2063d
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+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- | Template Haskell splices
+module GHC.Tc.Gen.Splice(
+ tcSpliceExpr, tcTypedBracket, tcUntypedBracket,
+-- runQuasiQuoteExpr, runQuasiQuotePat,
+-- runQuasiQuoteDecl, runQuasiQuoteType,
+ runAnnotation,
+ runMetaE, runMetaP, runMetaT, runMetaD, runQuasi,
+ tcTopSpliceExpr, lookupThName_maybe,
+ defaultRunMeta, runMeta', runRemoteModFinalizers,
+ finishTH, runTopSplice
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Types.Annotations
+import GHC.Driver.Finder
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import THNames
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
+import GHC.Core.Coercion( etaExpandCoAxBranch )
+import FileCleanup ( newTempName, TempFileLifetime(..) )
+import Control.Monad
+import GHCi.Message
+import GHCi.RemoteTypes
+import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter
+import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Main
+ -- These imports are the reason that GHC.Tc.Gen.Splice
+ -- is very high up the module hierarchy
+import GHC.Rename.Splice( traceSplice, SpliceInfo(..))
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import GHC.ThToHs
+import GHC.Rename.Expr
+import GHC.Rename.Env
+import GHC.Rename.Utils ( HsDocContext(..) )
+import GHC.Rename.Fixity ( lookupFixityRn_help )
+import GHC.Rename.HsType
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Zonk
+import GHC.Tc.Solver
+import GHC.Core.Type as Type
+import GHC.Types.Name.Set
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
+import GHC.IfaceToCore
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep as TyCoRep
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+import GHC.Core.InstEnv as InstEnv
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate
+import GHC.Types.Name.Env
+import PrelNames
+import TysWiredIn
+import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence as OccName
+import GHC.Driver.Hooks
+import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Types.Module
+import GHC.Iface.Load
+import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+import GHC.Core.PatSyn
+import GHC.Core.ConLike
+import GHC.Core.DataCon as DataCon
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Id.Info
+import GHC.HsToCore.Expr
+import GHC.HsToCore.Monad
+import GHC.Serialized
+import ErrUtils
+import Util
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import Data.List ( find )
+import Data.Maybe
+import FastString
+import GHC.Types.Basic as BasicTypes hiding( SuccessFlag(..) )
+import Maybes( MaybeErr(..) )
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Lexeme
+import qualified EnumSet
+import GHC.Driver.Plugins
+import Bag
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
+-- THSyntax gives access to internal functions and data types
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
+-- Because GHC.Desugar might not be in the base library of the bootstrapping compiler
+import GHC.Desugar ( AnnotationWrapper(..) )
+import Unsafe.Coerce ( unsafeCoerce )
+import Control.Exception
+import Data.Binary
+import Data.Binary.Get
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
+import Data.Dynamic ( fromDynamic, toDyn )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Typeable ( typeOf, Typeable, TypeRep, typeRep )
+import Data.Data (Data)
+import Data.Proxy ( Proxy (..) )
+* *
+\subsection{Main interface + stubs for the non-GHCI case
+* *
+tcTypedBracket :: HsExpr GhcRn -> HsBracket GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId)
+tcUntypedBracket :: HsExpr GhcRn -> HsBracket GhcRn -> [PendingRnSplice] -> ExpRhoType
+ -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId)
+tcSpliceExpr :: HsSplice GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId)
+ -- None of these functions add constraints to the LIE
+-- runQuasiQuoteExpr :: HsQuasiQuote RdrName -> RnM (LHsExpr RdrName)
+-- runQuasiQuotePat :: HsQuasiQuote RdrName -> RnM (LPat RdrName)
+-- runQuasiQuoteType :: HsQuasiQuote RdrName -> RnM (LHsType RdrName)
+-- runQuasiQuoteDecl :: HsQuasiQuote RdrName -> RnM [LHsDecl RdrName]
+runAnnotation :: CoreAnnTarget -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM Annotation
+* *
+\subsection{Quoting an expression}
+* *
+-- See Note [How brackets and nested splices are handled]
+-- tcTypedBracket :: HsBracket Name -> TcRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr TcId)
+tcTypedBracket rn_expr brack@(TExpBr _ expr) res_ty
+ = addErrCtxt (quotationCtxtDoc brack) $
+ do { cur_stage <- getStage
+ ; ps_ref <- newMutVar []
+ ; lie_var <- getConstraintVar -- Any constraints arising from nested splices
+ -- should get thrown into the constraint set
+ -- from outside the bracket
+ -- Make a new type variable for the type of the overall quote
+ ; m_var <- mkTyVarTy <$> mkMetaTyVar
+ -- Make sure the type variable satisfies Quote
+ ; ev_var <- emitQuoteWanted m_var
+ -- Bundle them together so they can be used in GHC.HsToCore.Quote for desugaring
+ -- brackets.
+ ; let wrapper = QuoteWrapper ev_var m_var
+ -- Typecheck expr to make sure it is valid,
+ -- Throw away the typechecked expression but return its type.
+ -- We'll typecheck it again when we splice it in somewhere
+ ; (_tc_expr, expr_ty) <- setStage (Brack cur_stage (TcPending ps_ref lie_var wrapper)) $
+ tcInferRhoNC expr
+ -- NC for no context; tcBracket does that
+ ; let rep = getRuntimeRep expr_ty
+ ; meta_ty <- tcTExpTy m_var expr_ty
+ ; ps' <- readMutVar ps_ref
+ ; texpco <- tcLookupId unsafeTExpCoerceName
+ ; tcWrapResultO (Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "TExpBr")
+ rn_expr
+ (unLoc (mkHsApp (mkLHsWrap (applyQuoteWrapper wrapper)
+ (nlHsTyApp texpco [rep, expr_ty]))
+ (noLoc (HsTcBracketOut noExtField (Just wrapper) brack ps'))))
+ meta_ty res_ty }
+tcTypedBracket _ other_brack _
+ = pprPanic "tcTypedBracket" (ppr other_brack)
+-- tcUntypedBracket :: HsBracket Name -> [PendingRnSplice] -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr TcId)
+-- See Note [Typechecking Overloaded Quotes]
+tcUntypedBracket rn_expr brack ps res_ty
+ = do { traceTc "tc_bracket untyped" (ppr brack $$ ppr ps)
+ -- Create the type m Exp for expression bracket, m Type for a type
+ -- bracket and so on. The brack_info is a Maybe because the
+ -- VarBracket ('a) isn't overloaded, but also shouldn't contain any
+ -- splices.
+ ; (brack_info, expected_type) <- brackTy brack
+ -- Match the expected type with the type of all the internal
+ -- splices. They might have further constrained types and if they do
+ -- we want to reflect that in the overall type of the bracket.
+ ; ps' <- case quoteWrapperTyVarTy <$> brack_info of
+ Just m_var -> mapM (tcPendingSplice m_var) ps
+ Nothing -> ASSERT(null ps) return []
+ ; traceTc "tc_bracket done untyped" (ppr expected_type)
+ -- Unify the overall type of the bracket with the expected result
+ -- type
+ ; tcWrapResultO BracketOrigin rn_expr
+ (HsTcBracketOut noExtField brack_info brack ps')
+ expected_type res_ty
+ }
+-- | A type variable with kind * -> * named "m"
+mkMetaTyVar :: TcM TyVar
+mkMetaTyVar =
+ newNamedFlexiTyVar (fsLit "m") (mkVisFunTy liftedTypeKind liftedTypeKind)
+-- | For a type 'm', emit the constraint 'Quote m'.
+emitQuoteWanted :: Type -> TcM EvVar
+emitQuoteWanted m_var = do
+ quote_con <- tcLookupTyCon quoteClassName
+ emitWantedEvVar BracketOrigin $
+ mkTyConApp quote_con [m_var]
+-- | Compute the expected type of a quotation, and also the QuoteWrapper in
+-- the case where it is an overloaded quotation. All quotation forms are
+-- overloaded aprt from Variable quotations ('foo)
+brackTy :: HsBracket GhcRn -> TcM (Maybe QuoteWrapper, Type)
+brackTy b =
+ let mkTy n = do
+ -- New polymorphic type variable for the bracket
+ m_var <- mkTyVarTy <$> mkMetaTyVar
+ -- Emit a Quote constraint for the bracket
+ ev_var <- emitQuoteWanted m_var
+ -- Construct the final expected type of the quote, for example
+ -- m Exp or m Type
+ final_ty <- mkAppTy m_var <$> tcMetaTy n
+ -- Return the evidence variable and metavariable to be used during
+ -- desugaring.
+ let wrapper = QuoteWrapper ev_var m_var
+ return (Just wrapper, final_ty)
+ in
+ case b of
+ (VarBr {}) -> (Nothing,) <$> tcMetaTy nameTyConName
+ -- Result type is Var (not Quote-monadic)
+ (ExpBr {}) -> mkTy expTyConName -- Result type is m Exp
+ (TypBr {}) -> mkTy typeTyConName -- Result type is m Type
+ (DecBrG {}) -> mkTy decsTyConName -- Result type is m [Dec]
+ (PatBr {}) -> mkTy patTyConName -- Result type is m Pat
+ (DecBrL {}) -> panic "tcBrackTy: Unexpected DecBrL"
+ (TExpBr {}) -> panic "tcUntypedBracket: Unexpected TExpBr"
+ (XBracket nec) -> noExtCon nec
+-- | Typechecking a pending splice from a untyped bracket
+tcPendingSplice :: TcType -- Metavariable for the expected overall type of the
+ -- quotation.
+ -> PendingRnSplice
+ -> TcM PendingTcSplice
+tcPendingSplice m_var (PendingRnSplice flavour splice_name expr)
+ -- See Note [Typechecking Overloaded Quotes]
+ = do { meta_ty <- tcMetaTy meta_ty_name
+ -- Expected type of splice, e.g. m Exp
+ ; let expected_type = mkAppTy m_var meta_ty
+ ; expr' <- tcPolyExpr expr expected_type
+ ; return (PendingTcSplice splice_name expr') }
+ where
+ meta_ty_name = case flavour of
+ UntypedExpSplice -> expTyConName
+ UntypedPatSplice -> patTyConName
+ UntypedTypeSplice -> typeTyConName
+ UntypedDeclSplice -> decsTyConName
+-- Takes a m and tau and returns the type m (TExp tau)
+tcTExpTy :: TcType -> TcType -> TcM TcType
+tcTExpTy m_ty exp_ty
+ = do { unless (isTauTy exp_ty) $ addErr (err_msg exp_ty)
+ ; texp <- tcLookupTyCon tExpTyConName
+ ; let rep = getRuntimeRep exp_ty
+ ; return (mkAppTy m_ty (mkTyConApp texp [rep, exp_ty])) }
+ where
+ err_msg ty
+ = vcat [ text "Illegal polytype:" <+> ppr ty
+ , text "The type of a Typed Template Haskell expression must" <+>
+ text "not have any quantification." ]
+quotationCtxtDoc :: HsBracket GhcRn -> SDoc
+quotationCtxtDoc br_body
+ = hang (text "In the Template Haskell quotation")
+ 2 (ppr br_body)
+ -- The whole of the rest of the file is the else-branch (ie stage2 only)
+Note [How top-level splices are handled]
+Top-level splices (those not inside a [| .. |] quotation bracket) are handled
+very straightforwardly:
+ 1. tcTopSpliceExpr: typecheck the body e of the splice $(e)
+ 2. runMetaT: desugar, compile, run it, and convert result back to
+ GHC.Hs syntax RdrName (of the appropriate flavour, eg HsType RdrName,
+ HsExpr RdrName etc)
+ 3. treat the result as if that's what you saw in the first place
+ e.g for HsType, rename and kind-check
+ for HsExpr, rename and type-check
+ (The last step is different for decls, because they can *only* be
+ top-level: we return the result of step 2.)
+Note [How brackets and nested splices are handled]
+Nested splices (those inside a [| .. |] quotation bracket),
+are treated quite differently.
+Remember, there are two forms of bracket
+ typed [|| e ||]
+ and untyped [| e |]
+The life cycle of a typed bracket:
+ * Starts as HsBracket
+ * When renaming:
+ * Set the ThStage to (Brack s RnPendingTyped)
+ * Rename the body
+ * Result is still a HsBracket
+ * When typechecking:
+ * Set the ThStage to (Brack s (TcPending ps_var lie_var))
+ * Typecheck the body, and throw away the elaborated result
+ * Nested splices (which must be typed) are typechecked, and
+ the results accumulated in ps_var; their constraints
+ accumulate in lie_var
+ * Result is a HsTcBracketOut rn_brack pending_splices
+ where rn_brack is the incoming renamed bracket
+The life cycle of a un-typed bracket:
+ * Starts as HsBracket
+ * When renaming:
+ * Set the ThStage to (Brack s (RnPendingUntyped ps_var))
+ * Rename the body
+ * Nested splices (which must be untyped) are renamed, and the
+ results accumulated in ps_var
+ * Result is still (HsRnBracketOut rn_body pending_splices)
+ * When typechecking a HsRnBracketOut
+ * Typecheck the pending_splices individually
+ * Ignore the body of the bracket; just check that the context
+ expects a bracket of that type (e.g. a [p| pat |] bracket should
+ be in a context needing a (Q Pat)
+ * Result is a HsTcBracketOut rn_brack pending_splices
+ where rn_brack is the incoming renamed bracket
+In both cases, desugaring happens like this:
+ * HsTcBracketOut is desugared by GHC.HsToCore.Quote.dsBracket. It
+ a) Extends the ds_meta environment with the PendingSplices
+ attached to the bracket
+ b) Converts the quoted (HsExpr Name) to a CoreExpr that, when
+ run, will produce a suitable TH expression/type/decl. This
+ is why we leave the *renamed* expression attached to the bracket:
+ the quoted expression should not be decorated with all the goop
+ added by the type checker
+ * Each splice carries a unique Name, called a "splice point", thus
+ ${n}(e). The name is initialised to an (Unqual "splice") when the
+ splice is created; the renamer gives it a unique.
+ * When GHC.HsToCore.Quote (used to desugar the body of the bracket) comes across
+ a splice, it looks up the splice's Name, n, in the ds_meta envt,
+ to find an (HsExpr Id) that should be substituted for the splice;
+ it just desugars it to get a CoreExpr (GHC.HsToCore.Quote.repSplice).
+ Source: f = [| Just $(g 3) |]
+ The [| |] part is a HsBracket
+ Typechecked: f = [| Just ${s7}(g 3) |]{s7 = g Int 3}
+ The [| |] part is a HsBracketOut, containing *renamed*
+ (not typechecked) expression
+ The "s7" is the "splice point"; the (g Int 3) part
+ is a typechecked expression
+ Desugared: f = do { s7 <- g Int 3
+ ; return (ConE "Data.Maybe.Just" s7) }
+Note [Template Haskell state diagram]
+Here are the ThStages, s, their corresponding level numbers
+(the result of (thLevel s)), and their state transitions.
+The top level of the program is stage Comp:
+ Start here
+ |
+ V
+ ----------- $ ------------ $
+ | Comp | ---------> | Splice | -----|
+ | 1 | | 0 | <----|
+ ----------- ------------
+ ^ | ^ |
+ $ | | [||] $ | | [||]
+ | v | v
+ -------------- ----------------
+ | Brack Comp | | Brack Splice |
+ | 2 | | 1 |
+ -------------- ----------------
+* Normal top-level declarations start in state Comp
+ (which has level 1).
+ Annotations start in state Splice, since they are
+ treated very like a splice (only without a '$')
+* Code compiled in state Splice (and only such code)
+ will be *run at compile time*, with the result replacing
+ the splice
+* The original paper used level -1 instead of 0, etc.
+* The original paper did not allow a splice within a
+ splice, but there is no reason not to. This is the
+ $ transition in the top right.
+Note [Template Haskell levels]
+* Imported things are impLevel (= 0)
+* However things at level 0 are not *necessarily* imported.
+ eg $( \b -> ... ) here b is bound at level 0
+* In GHCi, variables bound by a previous command are treated
+ as impLevel, because we have bytecode for them.
+* Variables are bound at the "current level"
+* The current level starts off at outerLevel (= 1)
+* The level is decremented by splicing $(..)
+ incremented by brackets [| |]
+ incremented by name-quoting 'f
+* When a variable is used, checkWellStaged compares
+ bind: binding level, and
+ use: current level at usage site
+ Generally
+ bind > use Always error (bound later than used)
+ [| \x -> $(f x) |]
+ bind = use Always OK (bound same stage as used)
+ [| \x -> $(f [| x |]) |]
+ bind < use Inside brackets, it depends
+ Inside splice, OK
+ Inside neither, OK
+ For (bind < use) inside brackets, there are three cases:
+ - Imported things OK f = [| map |]
+ - Top-level things OK g = [| f |]
+ - Non-top-level Only if there is a liftable instance
+ h = \(x:Int) -> [| x |]
+ To track top-level-ness we use the ThBindEnv in TcLclEnv
+ For example:
+ f = ...
+ g1 = $(map ...) is OK
+ g2 = $(f ...) is not OK; because we haven't compiled f yet
+Note [Typechecking Overloaded Quotes]
+The main function for typechecking untyped quotations is `tcUntypedBracket`.
+Consider an expression quote, `[| e |]`, its type is `forall m . Quote m => m Exp`.
+When we typecheck it we therefore create a template of a metavariable `m` applied to `Exp` and
+emit a constraint `Quote m`. All this is done in the `brackTy` function.
+`brackTy` also selects the correct contents type for the quotation (Exp, Type, Decs etc).
+The meta variable and the constraint evidence variable are
+returned together in a `QuoteWrapper` and then passed along to two further places
+during compilation:
+1. Typechecking nested splices (immediately in tcPendingSplice)
+2. Desugaring quotations (see GHC.HsToCore.Quote)
+`tcPendingSplice` takes the `m` type variable as an argument and checks
+each nested splice against this variable `m`. During this
+process the variable `m` can either be fixed to a specific value or further constrained by the
+nested splices.
+Once we have checked all the nested splices, the quote type is checked against
+the expected return type.
+The process is very simple and like typechecking a list where the quotation is
+like the container and the splices are the elements of the list which must have
+a specific type.
+After the typechecking process is completed, the evidence variable for `Quote m`
+and the type `m` is stored in a `QuoteWrapper` which is passed through the pipeline
+and used when desugaring quotations.
+Typechecking typed quotations is a similar idea but the `QuoteWrapper` is stored
+in the `PendingStuff` as the nested splices are gathered up in a different way
+to untyped splices. Untyped splices are found in the renamer but typed splices are
+not typechecked and extracted until during typechecking.
+-- | We only want to produce warnings for TH-splices if the user requests so.
+-- See Note [Warnings for TH splices].
+getThSpliceOrigin :: TcM Origin
+getThSpliceOrigin = do
+ warn <- goptM Opt_EnableThSpliceWarnings
+ if warn then return FromSource else return Generated
+{- Note [Warnings for TH splices]
+We only produce warnings for TH splices when the user requests so
+(-fenable-th-splice-warnings). There are multiple reasons:
+ * It's not clear that the user that compiles a splice is the author of the code
+ that produces the warning. Think of the situation where she just splices in
+ code from a third-party library that produces incomplete pattern matches.
+ In this scenario, the user isn't even able to fix that warning.
+ * Gathering information for producing the warnings (pattern-match check
+ warnings in particular) is costly. There's no point in doing so if the user
+ is not interested in those warnings.
+That's why we store Origin flags in the Haskell AST. The functions from ThToHs
+take such a flag and depending on whether TH splice warnings were enabled or
+not, we pass FromSource (if the user requests warnings) or Generated
+(otherwise). This is implemented in getThSpliceOrigin.
+For correct pattern-match warnings it's crucial that we annotate the Origin
+consistently (#17270). In the future we could offer the Origin as part of the
+TH AST. That would enable us to give quotes from the current module get
+FromSource origin, and/or third library authors to tag certain parts of
+generated code as FromSource to enable warnings. That effort is tracked in
+* *
+\subsection{Splicing an expression}
+* *
+tcSpliceExpr splice@(HsTypedSplice _ _ name expr) res_ty
+ = addErrCtxt (spliceCtxtDoc splice) $
+ setSrcSpan (getLoc expr) $ do
+ { stage <- getStage
+ ; case stage of
+ Splice {} -> tcTopSplice expr res_ty
+ Brack pop_stage pend -> tcNestedSplice pop_stage pend name expr res_ty
+ RunSplice _ ->
+ -- See Note [RunSplice ThLevel] in "GHC.Tc.Types".
+ pprPanic ("tcSpliceExpr: attempted to typecheck a splice when " ++
+ "running another splice") (ppr splice)
+ Comp -> tcTopSplice expr res_ty
+ }
+tcSpliceExpr splice _
+ = pprPanic "tcSpliceExpr" (ppr splice)
+{- Note [Collecting modFinalizers in typed splices]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+'qAddModFinalizer' of the @Quasi TcM@ instance adds finalizers in the local
+environment (see Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices] in
+GHC.Rename.Splice). Thus after executing the splice, we move the finalizers to the
+finalizer list in the global environment and set them to use the current local
+environment (with 'addModFinalizersWithLclEnv').
+tcNestedSplice :: ThStage -> PendingStuff -> Name
+ -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
+ -- See Note [How brackets and nested splices are handled]
+ -- A splice inside brackets
+tcNestedSplice pop_stage (TcPending ps_var lie_var q@(QuoteWrapper _ m_var)) splice_name expr res_ty
+ = do { res_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
+ ; let rep = getRuntimeRep res_ty
+ ; meta_exp_ty <- tcTExpTy m_var res_ty
+ ; expr' <- setStage pop_stage $
+ setConstraintVar lie_var $
+ tcMonoExpr expr (mkCheckExpType meta_exp_ty)
+ ; untypeq <- tcLookupId unTypeQName
+ ; let expr'' = mkHsApp
+ (mkLHsWrap (applyQuoteWrapper q)
+ (nlHsTyApp untypeq [rep, res_ty])) expr'
+ ; ps <- readMutVar ps_var
+ ; writeMutVar ps_var (PendingTcSplice splice_name expr'' : ps)
+ -- The returned expression is ignored; it's in the pending splices
+ ; return (panic "tcSpliceExpr") }
+tcNestedSplice _ _ splice_name _ _
+ = pprPanic "tcNestedSplice: rename stage found" (ppr splice_name)
+tcTopSplice :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
+tcTopSplice expr res_ty
+ = do { -- Typecheck the expression,
+ -- making sure it has type Q (T res_ty)
+ res_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
+ ; q_type <- tcMetaTy qTyConName
+ -- Top level splices must still be of type Q (TExp a)
+ ; meta_exp_ty <- tcTExpTy q_type res_ty
+ ; q_expr <- tcTopSpliceExpr Typed $
+ tcMonoExpr expr (mkCheckExpType meta_exp_ty)
+ ; lcl_env <- getLclEnv
+ ; let delayed_splice
+ = DelayedSplice lcl_env expr res_ty q_expr
+ ; return (HsSpliceE noExtField (XSplice (HsSplicedT delayed_splice)))
+ }
+-- This is called in the zonker
+-- See Note [Running typed splices in the zonker]
+runTopSplice :: DelayedSplice -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
+runTopSplice (DelayedSplice lcl_env orig_expr res_ty q_expr)
+ = setLclEnv lcl_env $ do {
+ zonked_ty <- zonkTcType res_ty
+ ; zonked_q_expr <- zonkTopLExpr q_expr
+ -- See Note [Collecting modFinalizers in typed splices].
+ ; modfinalizers_ref <- newTcRef []
+ -- Run the expression
+ ; expr2 <- setStage (RunSplice modfinalizers_ref) $
+ runMetaE zonked_q_expr
+ ; mod_finalizers <- readTcRef modfinalizers_ref
+ ; addModFinalizersWithLclEnv $ ThModFinalizers mod_finalizers
+ -- We use orig_expr here and not q_expr when tracing as a call to
+ -- unsafeTExpCoerce is added to the original expression by the
+ -- typechecker when typed quotes are type checked.
+ ; traceSplice (SpliceInfo { spliceDescription = "expression"
+ , spliceIsDecl = False
+ , spliceSource = Just orig_expr
+ , spliceGenerated = ppr expr2 })
+ -- Rename and typecheck the spliced-in expression,
+ -- making sure it has type res_ty
+ -- These steps should never fail; this is a *typed* splice
+ ; (res, wcs) <-
+ captureConstraints $
+ addErrCtxt (spliceResultDoc zonked_q_expr) $ do
+ { (exp3, _fvs) <- rnLExpr expr2
+ ; tcMonoExpr exp3 (mkCheckExpType zonked_ty)}
+ ; ev <- simplifyTop wcs
+ ; return $ unLoc (mkHsDictLet (EvBinds ev) res)
+ }
+* *
+\subsection{Error messages}
+* *
+spliceCtxtDoc :: HsSplice GhcRn -> SDoc
+spliceCtxtDoc splice
+ = hang (text "In the Template Haskell splice")
+ 2 (pprSplice splice)
+spliceResultDoc :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> SDoc
+spliceResultDoc expr
+ = sep [ text "In the result of the splice:"
+ , nest 2 (char '$' <> ppr expr)
+ , text "To see what the splice expanded to, use -ddump-splices"]
+tcTopSpliceExpr :: SpliceType -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc) -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+-- Note [How top-level splices are handled]
+-- Type check an expression that is the body of a top-level splice
+-- (the caller will compile and run it)
+-- Note that set the level to Splice, regardless of the original level,
+-- before typechecking the expression. For example:
+-- f x = $( ...$(g 3) ... )
+-- The recursive call to tcPolyExpr will simply expand the
+-- inner escape before dealing with the outer one
+tcTopSpliceExpr isTypedSplice tc_action
+ = checkNoErrs $ -- checkNoErrs: must not try to run the thing
+ -- if the type checker fails!
+ unsetGOptM Opt_DeferTypeErrors $
+ -- Don't defer type errors. Not only are we
+ -- going to run this code, but we do an unsafe
+ -- coerce, so we get a seg-fault if, say we
+ -- splice a type into a place where an expression
+ -- is expected (#7276)
+ setStage (Splice isTypedSplice) $
+ do { -- Typecheck the expression
+ (expr', wanted) <- captureConstraints tc_action
+ ; const_binds <- simplifyTop wanted
+ -- Zonk it and tie the knot of dictionary bindings
+ ; return $ mkHsDictLet (EvBinds const_binds) expr' }
+* *
+ Annotations
+* *
+runAnnotation target expr = do
+ -- Find the classes we want instances for in order to call toAnnotationWrapper
+ loc <- getSrcSpanM
+ data_class <- tcLookupClass dataClassName
+ to_annotation_wrapper_id <- tcLookupId toAnnotationWrapperName
+ -- Check the instances we require live in another module (we want to execute it..)
+ -- and check identifiers live in other modules using TH stage checks. tcSimplifyStagedExpr
+ -- also resolves the LIE constraints to detect e.g. instance ambiguity
+ zonked_wrapped_expr' <- zonkTopLExpr =<< tcTopSpliceExpr Untyped (
+ do { (expr', expr_ty) <- tcInferRhoNC expr
+ -- We manually wrap the typechecked expression in a call to toAnnotationWrapper
+ -- By instantiating the call >here< it gets registered in the
+ -- LIE consulted by tcTopSpliceExpr
+ -- and hence ensures the appropriate dictionary is bound by const_binds
+ ; wrapper <- instCall AnnOrigin [expr_ty] [mkClassPred data_class [expr_ty]]
+ ; let specialised_to_annotation_wrapper_expr
+ = L loc (mkHsWrap wrapper
+ (HsVar noExtField (L loc to_annotation_wrapper_id)))
+ ; return (L loc (HsApp noExtField
+ specialised_to_annotation_wrapper_expr expr'))
+ })
+ -- Run the appropriately wrapped expression to get the value of
+ -- the annotation and its dictionaries. The return value is of
+ -- type AnnotationWrapper by construction, so this conversion is
+ -- safe
+ serialized <- runMetaAW zonked_wrapped_expr'
+ return Annotation {
+ ann_target = target,
+ ann_value = serialized
+ }
+convertAnnotationWrapper :: ForeignHValue -> TcM (Either MsgDoc Serialized)
+convertAnnotationWrapper fhv = do
+ interp <- tcGetInterp
+ case interp of
+ ExternalInterp {} -> Right <$> runTH THAnnWrapper fhv
+ InternalInterp -> do
+ annotation_wrapper <- liftIO $ wormhole InternalInterp fhv
+ return $ Right $
+ case unsafeCoerce annotation_wrapper of
+ AnnotationWrapper value | let serialized = toSerialized serializeWithData value ->
+ -- Got the value and dictionaries: build the serialized value and
+ -- call it a day. We ensure that we seq the entire serialized value
+ -- in order that any errors in the user-written code for the
+ -- annotation are exposed at this point. This is also why we are
+ -- doing all this stuff inside the context of runMeta: it has the
+ -- facilities to deal with user error in a meta-level expression
+ seqSerialized serialized `seq` serialized
+-- | Force the contents of the Serialized value so weknow it doesn't contain any bottoms
+seqSerialized :: Serialized -> ()
+seqSerialized (Serialized the_type bytes) = the_type `seq` bytes `seqList` ()
+* *
+\subsection{Running an expression}
+* *
+runQuasi :: TH.Q a -> TcM a
+runQuasi act = TH.runQ act
+runRemoteModFinalizers :: ThModFinalizers -> TcM ()
+runRemoteModFinalizers (ThModFinalizers finRefs) = do
+ let withForeignRefs [] f = f []
+ withForeignRefs (x : xs) f = withForeignRef x $ \r ->
+ withForeignRefs xs $ \rs -> f (r : rs)
+ interp <- tcGetInterp
+ case interp of
+ InternalInterp -> do
+ qs <- liftIO (withForeignRefs finRefs $ mapM localRef)
+ runQuasi $ sequence_ qs
+ ExternalInterp conf iserv -> withIServ_ conf iserv $ \i -> do
+ tcg <- getGblEnv
+ th_state <- readTcRef (tcg_th_remote_state tcg)
+ case th_state of
+ Nothing -> return () -- TH was not started, nothing to do
+ Just fhv -> do
+ liftIO $ withForeignRef fhv $ \st ->
+ withForeignRefs finRefs $ \qrefs ->
+ writeIServ i (putMessage (RunModFinalizers st qrefs))
+ () <- runRemoteTH i []
+ readQResult i
+ :: (a -> String)
+ -> (Origin -> SrcSpan -> a -> b)
+ -> (ForeignHValue -> TcM a)
+ -> SrcSpan
+ -> ForeignHValue {- TH.Q a -}
+ -> TcM b
+runQResult show_th f runQ expr_span hval
+ = do { th_result <- runQ hval
+ ; th_origin <- getThSpliceOrigin
+ ; traceTc "Got TH result:" (text (show_th th_result))
+ ; return (f th_origin expr_span th_result) }
+runMeta :: (MetaHook TcM -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> TcM hs_syn)
+ -> LHsExpr GhcTc
+ -> TcM hs_syn
+runMeta unwrap e
+ = do { h <- getHooked runMetaHook defaultRunMeta
+ ; unwrap h e }
+defaultRunMeta :: MetaHook TcM
+defaultRunMeta (MetaE r)
+ = fmap r . runMeta' True ppr (runQResult TH.pprint convertToHsExpr runTHExp)
+defaultRunMeta (MetaP r)
+ = fmap r . runMeta' True ppr (runQResult TH.pprint convertToPat runTHPat)
+defaultRunMeta (MetaT r)
+ = fmap r . runMeta' True ppr (runQResult TH.pprint convertToHsType runTHType)
+defaultRunMeta (MetaD r)
+ = fmap r . runMeta' True ppr (runQResult TH.pprint convertToHsDecls runTHDec)
+defaultRunMeta (MetaAW r)
+ = fmap r . runMeta' False (const empty) (const convertAnnotationWrapper)
+ -- We turn off showing the code in meta-level exceptions because doing so exposes
+ -- the toAnnotationWrapper function that we slap around the user's code
+runMetaAW :: LHsExpr GhcTc -- Of type AnnotationWrapper
+ -> TcM Serialized
+runMetaAW = runMeta metaRequestAW
+runMetaE :: LHsExpr GhcTc -- Of type (Q Exp)
+ -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+runMetaE = runMeta metaRequestE
+runMetaP :: LHsExpr GhcTc -- Of type (Q Pat)
+ -> TcM (LPat GhcPs)
+runMetaP = runMeta metaRequestP
+runMetaT :: LHsExpr GhcTc -- Of type (Q Type)
+ -> TcM (LHsType GhcPs)
+runMetaT = runMeta metaRequestT
+runMetaD :: LHsExpr GhcTc -- Of type Q [Dec]
+ -> TcM [LHsDecl GhcPs]
+runMetaD = runMeta metaRequestD
+runMeta' :: Bool -- Whether code should be printed in the exception message
+ -> (hs_syn -> SDoc) -- how to print the code
+ -> (SrcSpan -> ForeignHValue -> TcM (Either MsgDoc hs_syn)) -- How to run x
+ -> LHsExpr GhcTc -- Of type x; typically x = Q TH.Exp, or
+ -- something like that
+ -> TcM hs_syn -- Of type t
+runMeta' show_code ppr_hs run_and_convert expr
+ = do { traceTc "About to run" (ppr expr)
+ ; recordThSpliceUse -- seems to be the best place to do this,
+ -- we catch all kinds of splices and annotations.
+ -- Check that we've had no errors of any sort so far.
+ -- For example, if we found an error in an earlier defn f, but
+ -- recovered giving it type f :: forall a.a, it'd be very dodgy
+ -- to carry ont. Mind you, the staging restrictions mean we won't
+ -- actually run f, but it still seems wrong. And, more concretely,
+ -- see #5358 for an example that fell over when trying to
+ -- reify a function with a "?" kind in it. (These don't occur
+ -- in type-correct programs.
+ ; failIfErrsM
+ -- run plugins
+ ; hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ ; expr' <- withPlugins (hsc_dflags hsc_env) spliceRunAction expr
+ -- Desugar
+ ; ds_expr <- initDsTc (dsLExpr expr')
+ -- Compile and link it; might fail if linking fails
+ ; src_span <- getSrcSpanM
+ ; traceTc "About to run (desugared)" (ppr ds_expr)
+ ; either_hval <- tryM $ liftIO $
+ GHC.Driver.Main.hscCompileCoreExpr hsc_env src_span ds_expr
+ ; case either_hval of {
+ Left exn -> fail_with_exn "compile and link" exn ;
+ Right hval -> do
+ { -- Coerce it to Q t, and run it
+ -- Running might fail if it throws an exception of any kind (hence tryAllM)
+ -- including, say, a pattern-match exception in the code we are running
+ --
+ -- We also do the TH -> HS syntax conversion inside the same
+ -- exception-catching thing so that if there are any lurking
+ -- exceptions in the data structure returned by hval, we'll
+ -- encounter them inside the try
+ --
+ -- See Note [Exceptions in TH]
+ let expr_span = getLoc expr
+ ; either_tval <- tryAllM $
+ setSrcSpan expr_span $ -- Set the span so that qLocation can
+ -- see where this splice is
+ do { mb_result <- run_and_convert expr_span hval
+ ; case mb_result of
+ Left err -> failWithTc err
+ Right result -> do { traceTc "Got HsSyn result:" (ppr_hs result)
+ ; return $! result } }
+ ; case either_tval of
+ Right v -> return v
+ Left se -> case fromException se of
+ Just IOEnvFailure -> failM -- Error already in Tc monad
+ _ -> fail_with_exn "run" se -- Exception
+ }}}
+ where
+ -- see Note [Concealed TH exceptions]
+ fail_with_exn :: Exception e => String -> e -> TcM a
+ fail_with_exn phase exn = do
+ exn_msg <- liftIO $ Panic.safeShowException exn
+ let msg = vcat [text "Exception when trying to" <+> text phase <+> text "compile-time code:",
+ nest 2 (text exn_msg),
+ if show_code then text "Code:" <+> ppr expr else empty]
+ failWithTc msg
+Note [Running typed splices in the zonker]
+See #15471 for the full discussion.
+For many years typed splices were run immediately after they were type checked
+however, this is too early as it means to zonk some type variables before
+they can be unified with type variables in the surrounding context.
+For example,
+module A where
+test_foo :: forall a . Q (TExp (a -> a))
+test_foo = [|| id ||]
+module B where
+import A
+qux = $$(test_foo)
+We would expect `qux` to have inferred type `forall a . a -> a` but if
+we run the splices too early the unified variables are zonked to `Any`. The
+inferred type is the unusable `Any -> Any`.
+To run the splice, we must compile `test_foo` all the way to byte code.
+But at the moment when the type checker is looking at the splice, test_foo
+has type `Q (TExp (alpha -> alpha))` and we
+certainly can't compile code involving unification variables!
+We could default `alpha` to `Any` but then we infer `qux :: Any -> Any`
+which definitely is not what we want. Moreover, if we had
+ qux = [$$(test_foo), (\x -> x +1::Int)]
+then `alpha` would have to be `Int`.
+Conclusion: we must defer taking decisions about `alpha` until the
+typechecker is done; and *then* we can run the splice. It's fine to do it
+later, because we know it'll produce type-correct code.
+Deferring running the splice until later, in the zonker, means that the
+unification variables propagate upwards from the splice into the surrounding
+context and are unified correctly.
+This is implemented by storing the arguments we need for running the splice
+in a `DelayedSplice`. In the zonker, the arguments are passed to
+`GHC.Tc.Gen.Splice.runTopSplice` and the expression inserted into the AST as normal.
+Note [Exceptions in TH]
+Suppose we have something like this
+ $( f 4 )
+ f :: Int -> Q [Dec]
+ f n | n>3 = fail "Too many declarations"
+ | otherwise = ...
+The 'fail' is a user-generated failure, and should be displayed as a
+perfectly ordinary compiler error message, not a panic or anything
+like that. Here's how it's processed:
+ * 'fail' is the monad fail. The monad instance for Q in TH.Syntax
+ effectively transforms (fail s) to
+ qReport True s >> fail
+ where 'qReport' comes from the Quasi class and fail from its monad
+ superclass.
+ * The TcM monad is an instance of Quasi (see GHC.Tc.Gen.Splice), and it implements
+ (qReport True s) by using addErr to add an error message to the bag of errors.
+ The 'fail' in TcM raises an IOEnvFailure exception
+ * 'qReport' forces the message to ensure any exception hidden in unevaluated
+ thunk doesn't get into the bag of errors. Otherwise the following splice
+ will trigger panic (#8987):
+ $(fail undefined)
+ See also Note [Concealed TH exceptions]
+ * So, when running a splice, we catch all exceptions; then for
+ - an IOEnvFailure exception, we assume the error is already
+ in the error-bag (above)
+ - other errors, we add an error to the bag
+ and then fail
+Note [Concealed TH exceptions]
+When displaying the error message contained in an exception originated from TH
+code, we need to make sure that the error message itself does not contain an
+exception. For example, when executing the following splice:
+ $( error ("foo " ++ error "bar") )
+the message for the outer exception is a thunk which will throw the inner
+exception when evaluated.
+For this reason, we display the message of a TH exception using the
+'safeShowException' function, which recursively catches any exception thrown
+when showing an error message.
+To call runQ in the Tc monad, we need to make TcM an instance of Quasi:
+instance TH.Quasi TcM where
+ qNewName s = do { u <- newUnique
+ ; let i = toInteger (getKey u)
+ ; return (TH.mkNameU s i) }
+ -- 'msg' is forced to ensure exceptions don't escape,
+ -- see Note [Exceptions in TH]
+ qReport True msg = seqList msg $ addErr (text msg)
+ qReport False msg = seqList msg $ addWarn NoReason (text msg)
+ qLocation = do { m <- getModule
+ ; l <- getSrcSpanM
+ ; r <- case l of
+ UnhelpfulSpan _ -> pprPanic "qLocation: Unhelpful location"
+ (ppr l)
+ RealSrcSpan s _ -> return s
+ ; return (TH.Loc { TH.loc_filename = unpackFS (srcSpanFile r)
+ , TH.loc_module = moduleNameString (moduleName m)
+ , TH.loc_package = unitIdString (moduleUnitId m)
+ , TH.loc_start = (srcSpanStartLine r, srcSpanStartCol r)
+ , TH.loc_end = (srcSpanEndLine r, srcSpanEndCol r) }) }
+ qLookupName = lookupName
+ qReify = reify
+ qReifyFixity nm = lookupThName nm >>= reifyFixity
+ qReifyType = reifyTypeOfThing
+ qReifyInstances = reifyInstances
+ qReifyRoles = reifyRoles
+ qReifyAnnotations = reifyAnnotations
+ qReifyModule = reifyModule
+ qReifyConStrictness nm = do { nm' <- lookupThName nm
+ ; dc <- tcLookupDataCon nm'
+ ; let bangs = dataConImplBangs dc
+ ; return (map reifyDecidedStrictness bangs) }
+ -- For qRecover, discard error messages if
+ -- the recovery action is chosen. Otherwise
+ -- we'll only fail higher up.
+ qRecover recover main = tryTcDiscardingErrs recover main
+ qAddDependentFile fp = do
+ ref <- fmap tcg_dependent_files getGblEnv
+ dep_files <- readTcRef ref
+ writeTcRef ref (fp:dep_files)
+ qAddTempFile suffix = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ liftIO $ newTempName dflags TFL_GhcSession suffix
+ qAddTopDecls thds = do
+ l <- getSrcSpanM
+ th_origin <- getThSpliceOrigin
+ let either_hval = convertToHsDecls th_origin l thds
+ ds <- case either_hval of
+ Left exn -> failWithTc $
+ hang (text "Error in a declaration passed to addTopDecls:")
+ 2 exn
+ Right ds -> return ds
+ mapM_ (checkTopDecl . unLoc) ds
+ th_topdecls_var <- fmap tcg_th_topdecls getGblEnv
+ updTcRef th_topdecls_var (\topds -> ds ++ topds)
+ where
+ checkTopDecl :: HsDecl GhcPs -> TcM ()
+ checkTopDecl (ValD _ binds)
+ = mapM_ bindName (collectHsBindBinders binds)
+ checkTopDecl (SigD _ _)
+ = return ()
+ checkTopDecl (AnnD _ _)
+ = return ()
+ checkTopDecl (ForD _ (ForeignImport { fd_name = L _ name }))
+ = bindName name
+ checkTopDecl _
+ = addErr $ text "Only function, value, annotation, and foreign import declarations may be added with addTopDecl"
+ bindName :: RdrName -> TcM ()
+ bindName (Exact n)
+ = do { th_topnames_var <- fmap tcg_th_topnames getGblEnv
+ ; updTcRef th_topnames_var (\ns -> extendNameSet ns n)
+ }
+ bindName name =
+ addErr $
+ hang (text "The binder" <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> ptext (sLit "is not a NameU."))
+ 2 (text "Probable cause: you used mkName instead of newName to generate a binding.")
+ qAddForeignFilePath lang fp = do
+ var <- fmap tcg_th_foreign_files getGblEnv
+ updTcRef var ((lang, fp) :)
+ qAddModFinalizer fin = do
+ r <- liftIO $ mkRemoteRef fin
+ fref <- liftIO $ mkForeignRef r (freeRemoteRef r)
+ addModFinalizerRef fref
+ qAddCorePlugin plugin = do
+ hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ r <- liftIO $ findHomeModule hsc_env (mkModuleName plugin)
+ let err = hang
+ (text "addCorePlugin: invalid plugin module "
+ <+> text (show plugin)
+ )
+ 2
+ (text "Plugins in the current package can't be specified.")
+ case r of
+ Found {} -> addErr err
+ FoundMultiple {} -> addErr err
+ _ -> return ()
+ th_coreplugins_var <- tcg_th_coreplugins <$> getGblEnv
+ updTcRef th_coreplugins_var (plugin:)
+ qGetQ :: forall a. Typeable a => TcM (Maybe a)
+ qGetQ = do
+ th_state_var <- fmap tcg_th_state getGblEnv
+ th_state <- readTcRef th_state_var
+ -- See #10596 for why we use a scoped type variable here.
+ return (Map.lookup (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)) th_state >>= fromDynamic)
+ qPutQ x = do
+ th_state_var <- fmap tcg_th_state getGblEnv
+ updTcRef th_state_var (\m -> Map.insert (typeOf x) (toDyn x) m)
+ qIsExtEnabled = xoptM
+ qExtsEnabled =
+ EnumSet.toList . extensionFlags . hsc_dflags <$> getTopEnv
+-- | Adds a mod finalizer reference to the local environment.
+addModFinalizerRef :: ForeignRef (TH.Q ()) -> TcM ()
+addModFinalizerRef finRef = do
+ th_stage <- getStage
+ case th_stage of
+ RunSplice th_modfinalizers_var -> updTcRef th_modfinalizers_var (finRef :)
+ -- This case happens only if a splice is executed and the caller does
+ -- not set the 'ThStage' to 'RunSplice' to collect finalizers.
+ -- See Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices] in GHC.Rename.Splice.
+ _ ->
+ pprPanic "addModFinalizer was called when no finalizers were collected"
+ (ppr th_stage)
+-- | Releases the external interpreter state.
+finishTH :: TcM ()
+finishTH = do
+ hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ case hsc_interp hsc_env of
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ Just InternalInterp -> pure ()
+ Just (ExternalInterp {}) -> do
+ tcg <- getGblEnv
+ writeTcRef (tcg_th_remote_state tcg) Nothing
+runTHExp :: ForeignHValue -> TcM TH.Exp
+runTHExp = runTH THExp
+runTHPat :: ForeignHValue -> TcM TH.Pat
+runTHPat = runTH THPat
+runTHType :: ForeignHValue -> TcM TH.Type
+runTHType = runTH THType
+runTHDec :: ForeignHValue -> TcM [TH.Dec]
+runTHDec = runTH THDec
+runTH :: Binary a => THResultType -> ForeignHValue -> TcM a
+runTH ty fhv = do
+ interp <- tcGetInterp
+ case interp of
+ InternalInterp -> do
+ -- Run it in the local TcM
+ hv <- liftIO $ wormhole InternalInterp fhv
+ r <- runQuasi (unsafeCoerce hv :: TH.Q a)
+ return r
+ ExternalInterp conf iserv ->
+ -- Run it on the server. For an overview of how TH works with
+ -- Remote GHCi, see Note [Remote Template Haskell] in
+ -- libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs.
+ withIServ_ conf iserv $ \i -> do
+ rstate <- getTHState i
+ loc <- TH.qLocation
+ liftIO $
+ withForeignRef rstate $ \state_hv ->
+ withForeignRef fhv $ \q_hv ->
+ writeIServ i (putMessage (RunTH state_hv q_hv ty (Just loc)))
+ runRemoteTH i []
+ bs <- readQResult i
+ return $! runGet get (LB.fromStrict bs)
+-- | communicate with a remotely-running TH computation until it finishes.
+-- See Note [Remote Template Haskell] in libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs.
+ :: IServInstance
+ -> [Messages] -- saved from nested calls to qRecover
+ -> TcM ()
+runRemoteTH iserv recovers = do
+ THMsg msg <- liftIO $ readIServ iserv getTHMessage
+ case msg of
+ RunTHDone -> return ()
+ StartRecover -> do -- Note [TH recover with -fexternal-interpreter]
+ v <- getErrsVar
+ msgs <- readTcRef v
+ writeTcRef v emptyMessages
+ runRemoteTH iserv (msgs : recovers)
+ EndRecover caught_error -> do
+ let (prev_msgs@(prev_warns,prev_errs), rest) = case recovers of
+ [] -> panic "EndRecover"
+ a : b -> (a,b)
+ v <- getErrsVar
+ (warn_msgs,_) <- readTcRef v
+ -- keep the warnings only if there were no errors
+ writeTcRef v $ if caught_error
+ then prev_msgs
+ else (prev_warns `unionBags` warn_msgs, prev_errs)
+ runRemoteTH iserv rest
+ _other -> do
+ r <- handleTHMessage msg
+ liftIO $ writeIServ iserv (put r)
+ runRemoteTH iserv recovers
+-- | Read a value of type QResult from the iserv
+readQResult :: Binary a => IServInstance -> TcM a
+readQResult i = do
+ qr <- liftIO $ readIServ i get
+ case qr of
+ QDone a -> return a
+ QException str -> liftIO $ throwIO (ErrorCall str)
+ QFail str -> fail str
+{- Note [TH recover with -fexternal-interpreter]
+Recover is slightly tricky to implement.
+The meaning of "recover a b" is
+ - Do a
+ - If it finished with no errors, then keep the warnings it generated
+ - If it failed, discard any messages it generated, and do b
+Note that "failed" here can mean either
+ (1) threw an exception (failTc)
+ (2) generated an error message (addErrTcM)
+The messages are managed by GHC in the TcM monad, whereas the
+exception-handling is done in the ghc-iserv process, so we have to
+coordinate between the two.
+On the server:
+ - emit a StartRecover message
+ - run "a; FailIfErrs" inside a try
+ - emit an (EndRecover x) message, where x = True if "a; FailIfErrs" failed
+ - if "a; FailIfErrs" failed, run "b"
+Back in GHC, when we receive:
+ FailIfErrrs
+ failTc if there are any error messages (= failIfErrsM)
+ StartRecover
+ save the current messages and start with an empty set.
+ EndRecover caught_error
+ Restore the previous messages,
+ and merge in the new messages if caught_error is false.
+-- | Retrieve (or create, if it hasn't been created already), the
+-- remote TH state. The TH state is a remote reference to an IORef
+-- QState living on the server, and we have to pass this to each RunTH
+-- call we make.
+-- The TH state is stored in tcg_th_remote_state in the TcGblEnv.
+getTHState :: IServInstance -> TcM (ForeignRef (IORef QState))
+getTHState i = do
+ tcg <- getGblEnv
+ th_state <- readTcRef (tcg_th_remote_state tcg)
+ case th_state of
+ Just rhv -> return rhv
+ Nothing -> do
+ hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env =<< iservCall i StartTH
+ writeTcRef (tcg_th_remote_state tcg) (Just fhv)
+ return fhv
+wrapTHResult :: TcM a -> TcM (THResult a)
+wrapTHResult tcm = do
+ e <- tryM tcm -- only catch 'fail', treat everything else as catastrophic
+ case e of
+ Left e -> return (THException (show e))
+ Right a -> return (THComplete a)
+handleTHMessage :: THMessage a -> TcM a
+handleTHMessage msg = case msg of
+ NewName a -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qNewName a
+ Report b str -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qReport b str
+ LookupName b str -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qLookupName b str
+ Reify n -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qReify n
+ ReifyFixity n -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qReifyFixity n
+ ReifyType n -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qReifyType n
+ ReifyInstances n ts -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qReifyInstances n ts
+ ReifyRoles n -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qReifyRoles n
+ ReifyAnnotations lookup tyrep ->
+ wrapTHResult $ (map B.pack <$> getAnnotationsByTypeRep lookup tyrep)
+ ReifyModule m -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qReifyModule m
+ ReifyConStrictness nm -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qReifyConStrictness nm
+ AddDependentFile f -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qAddDependentFile f
+ AddTempFile s -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qAddTempFile s
+ AddModFinalizer r -> do
+ hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ wrapTHResult $ liftIO (mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env r) >>= addModFinalizerRef
+ AddCorePlugin str -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qAddCorePlugin str
+ AddTopDecls decs -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qAddTopDecls decs
+ AddForeignFilePath lang str -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qAddForeignFilePath lang str
+ IsExtEnabled ext -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qIsExtEnabled ext
+ ExtsEnabled -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qExtsEnabled
+ FailIfErrs -> wrapTHResult failIfErrsM
+ _ -> panic ("handleTHMessage: unexpected message " ++ show msg)
+getAnnotationsByTypeRep :: TH.AnnLookup -> TypeRep -> TcM [[Word8]]
+getAnnotationsByTypeRep th_name tyrep
+ = do { name <- lookupThAnnLookup th_name
+ ; topEnv <- getTopEnv
+ ; epsHptAnns <- liftIO $ prepareAnnotations topEnv Nothing
+ ; tcg <- getGblEnv
+ ; let selectedEpsHptAnns = findAnnsByTypeRep epsHptAnns name tyrep
+ ; let selectedTcgAnns = findAnnsByTypeRep (tcg_ann_env tcg) name tyrep
+ ; return (selectedEpsHptAnns ++ selectedTcgAnns) }
+* *
+ Instance Testing
+* *
+reifyInstances :: TH.Name -> [TH.Type] -> TcM [TH.Dec]
+reifyInstances th_nm th_tys
+ = addErrCtxt (text "In the argument of reifyInstances:"
+ <+> ppr_th th_nm <+> sep (map ppr_th th_tys)) $
+ do { loc <- getSrcSpanM
+ ; th_origin <- getThSpliceOrigin
+ ; rdr_ty <- cvt th_origin loc (mkThAppTs (TH.ConT th_nm) th_tys)
+ -- #9262 says to bring vars into scope, like in HsForAllTy case
+ -- of rnHsTyKi
+ ; let tv_rdrs = extractHsTyRdrTyVars rdr_ty
+ -- Rename to HsType Name
+ ; ((tv_names, rn_ty), _fvs)
+ <- checkNoErrs $ -- If there are out-of-scope Names here, then we
+ -- must error before proceeding to typecheck the
+ -- renamed type, as that will result in GHC
+ -- internal errors (#13837).
+ bindLRdrNames tv_rdrs $ \ tv_names ->
+ do { (rn_ty, fvs) <- rnLHsType doc rdr_ty
+ ; return ((tv_names, rn_ty), fvs) }
+ ; (_tvs, ty)
+ <- pushTcLevelM_ $
+ solveEqualities $ -- Avoid error cascade if there are unsolved
+ bindImplicitTKBndrs_Skol tv_names $
+ fst <$> tcLHsType rn_ty
+ ; ty <- zonkTcTypeToType ty
+ -- Substitute out the meta type variables
+ -- In particular, the type might have kind
+ -- variables inside it (#7477)
+ ; traceTc "reifyInstances" (ppr ty $$ ppr (tcTypeKind ty))
+ ; case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of -- This expands any type synonyms
+ Just (tc, tys) -- See #7910
+ | Just cls <- tyConClass_maybe tc
+ -> do { inst_envs <- tcGetInstEnvs
+ ; let (matches, unifies, _) = lookupInstEnv False inst_envs cls tys
+ ; traceTc "reifyInstances1" (ppr matches)
+ ; reifyClassInstances cls (map fst matches ++ unifies) }
+ | isOpenFamilyTyCon tc
+ -> do { inst_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ ; let matches = lookupFamInstEnv inst_envs tc tys
+ ; traceTc "reifyInstances2" (ppr matches)
+ ; reifyFamilyInstances tc (map fim_instance matches) }
+ _ -> bale_out (hang (text "reifyInstances:" <+> quotes (ppr ty))
+ 2 (text "is not a class constraint or type family application")) }
+ where
+ doc = ClassInstanceCtx
+ bale_out msg = failWithTc msg
+ cvt :: Origin -> SrcSpan -> TH.Type -> TcM (LHsType GhcPs)
+ cvt origin loc th_ty = case convertToHsType origin loc th_ty of
+ Left msg -> failWithTc msg
+ Right ty -> return ty
+* *
+ Reification
+* *
+lookupName :: Bool -- True <=> type namespace
+ -- False <=> value namespace
+ -> String -> TcM (Maybe TH.Name)
+lookupName is_type_name s
+ = do { lcl_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
+ ; case lookupLocalRdrEnv lcl_env rdr_name of
+ Just n -> return (Just (reifyName n))
+ Nothing -> do { mb_nm <- lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe rdr_name
+ ; return (fmap reifyName mb_nm) } }
+ where
+ th_name = TH.mkName s -- Parses M.x into a base of 'x' and a module of 'M'
+ occ_fs :: FastString
+ occ_fs = mkFastString (TH.nameBase th_name)
+ occ :: OccName
+ occ | is_type_name
+ = if isLexVarSym occ_fs || isLexCon occ_fs
+ then mkTcOccFS occ_fs
+ else mkTyVarOccFS occ_fs
+ | otherwise
+ = if isLexCon occ_fs then mkDataOccFS occ_fs
+ else mkVarOccFS occ_fs
+ rdr_name = case TH.nameModule th_name of
+ Nothing -> mkRdrUnqual occ
+ Just mod -> mkRdrQual (mkModuleName mod) occ
+getThing :: TH.Name -> TcM TcTyThing
+getThing th_name
+ = do { name <- lookupThName th_name
+ ; traceIf (text "reify" <+> text (show th_name) <+> brackets (ppr_ns th_name) <+> ppr name)
+ ; tcLookupTh name }
+ -- ToDo: this tcLookup could fail, which would give a
+ -- rather unhelpful error message
+ where
+ ppr_ns (TH.Name _ (TH.NameG TH.DataName _pkg _mod)) = text "data"
+ ppr_ns (TH.Name _ (TH.NameG TH.TcClsName _pkg _mod)) = text "tc"
+ ppr_ns (TH.Name _ (TH.NameG TH.VarName _pkg _mod)) = text "var"
+ ppr_ns _ = panic "reify/ppr_ns"
+reify :: TH.Name -> TcM TH.Info
+reify th_name
+ = do { traceTc "reify 1" (text (TH.showName th_name))
+ ; thing <- getThing th_name
+ ; traceTc "reify 2" (ppr thing)
+ ; reifyThing thing }
+lookupThName :: TH.Name -> TcM Name
+lookupThName th_name = do
+ mb_name <- lookupThName_maybe th_name
+ case mb_name of
+ Nothing -> failWithTc (notInScope th_name)
+ Just name -> return name
+lookupThName_maybe :: TH.Name -> TcM (Maybe Name)
+lookupThName_maybe th_name
+ = do { names <- mapMaybeM lookup (thRdrNameGuesses th_name)
+ -- Pick the first that works
+ -- E.g. reify (mkName "A") will pick the class A in preference to the data constructor A
+ ; return (listToMaybe names) }
+ where
+ lookup rdr_name
+ = do { -- Repeat much of lookupOccRn, because we want
+ -- to report errors in a TH-relevant way
+ ; rdr_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
+ ; case lookupLocalRdrEnv rdr_env rdr_name of
+ Just name -> return (Just name)
+ Nothing -> lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe rdr_name }
+tcLookupTh :: Name -> TcM TcTyThing
+-- This is a specialised version of GHC.Tc.Utils.Env.tcLookup; specialised mainly in that
+-- it gives a reify-related error message on failure, whereas in the normal
+-- tcLookup, failure is a bug.
+tcLookupTh name
+ = do { (gbl_env, lcl_env) <- getEnvs
+ ; case lookupNameEnv (tcl_env lcl_env) name of {
+ Just thing -> return thing;
+ Nothing ->
+ case lookupNameEnv (tcg_type_env gbl_env) name of {
+ Just thing -> return (AGlobal thing);
+ Nothing ->
+ -- EZY: I don't think this choice matters, no TH in signatures!
+ if nameIsLocalOrFrom (tcg_semantic_mod gbl_env) name
+ then -- It's defined in this module
+ failWithTc (notInEnv name)
+ else
+ do { mb_thing <- tcLookupImported_maybe name
+ ; case mb_thing of
+ Succeeded thing -> return (AGlobal thing)
+ Failed msg -> failWithTc msg
+ }}}}
+notInScope :: TH.Name -> SDoc
+notInScope th_name = quotes (text (TH.pprint th_name)) <+>
+ text "is not in scope at a reify"
+ -- Ugh! Rather an indirect way to display the name
+notInEnv :: Name -> SDoc
+notInEnv name = quotes (ppr name) <+>
+ text "is not in the type environment at a reify"
+reifyRoles :: TH.Name -> TcM [TH.Role]
+reifyRoles th_name
+ = do { thing <- getThing th_name
+ ; case thing of
+ AGlobal (ATyCon tc) -> return (map reify_role (tyConRoles tc))
+ _ -> failWithTc (text "No roles associated with" <+> (ppr thing))
+ }
+ where
+ reify_role Nominal = TH.NominalR
+ reify_role Representational = TH.RepresentationalR
+ reify_role Phantom = TH.PhantomR
+reifyThing :: TcTyThing -> TcM TH.Info
+-- The only reason this is monadic is for error reporting,
+-- which in turn is mainly for the case when TH can't express
+-- some random GHC extension
+reifyThing (AGlobal (AnId id))
+ = do { ty <- reifyType (idType id)
+ ; let v = reifyName id
+ ; case idDetails id of
+ ClassOpId cls -> return (TH.ClassOpI v ty (reifyName cls))
+ RecSelId{sel_tycon=RecSelData tc}
+ -> return (TH.VarI (reifySelector id tc) ty Nothing)
+ _ -> return (TH.VarI v ty Nothing)
+ }
+reifyThing (AGlobal (ATyCon tc)) = reifyTyCon tc
+reifyThing (AGlobal (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)))
+ = do { let name = dataConName dc
+ ; ty <- reifyType (idType (dataConWrapId dc))
+ ; return (TH.DataConI (reifyName name) ty
+ (reifyName (dataConOrigTyCon dc)))
+ }
+reifyThing (AGlobal (AConLike (PatSynCon ps)))
+ = do { let name = reifyName ps
+ ; ty <- reifyPatSynType (patSynSig ps)
+ ; return (TH.PatSynI name ty) }
+reifyThing (ATcId {tct_id = id})
+ = do { ty1 <- zonkTcType (idType id) -- Make use of all the info we have, even
+ -- though it may be incomplete
+ ; ty2 <- reifyType ty1
+ ; return (TH.VarI (reifyName id) ty2 Nothing) }
+reifyThing (ATyVar tv tv1)
+ = do { ty1 <- zonkTcTyVar tv1
+ ; ty2 <- reifyType ty1
+ ; return (TH.TyVarI (reifyName tv) ty2) }
+reifyThing thing = pprPanic "reifyThing" (pprTcTyThingCategory thing)
+reifyAxBranch :: TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> TcM TH.TySynEqn
+reifyAxBranch fam_tc (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs
+ , cab_lhs = lhs
+ , cab_rhs = rhs })
+ -- remove kind patterns (#8884)
+ = do { tvs' <- reifyTyVarsToMaybe tvs
+ ; let lhs_types_only = filterOutInvisibleTypes fam_tc lhs
+ ; lhs' <- reifyTypes lhs_types_only
+ ; annot_th_lhs <- zipWith3M annotThType (tyConArgsPolyKinded fam_tc)
+ lhs_types_only lhs'
+ ; let lhs_type = mkThAppTs (TH.ConT $ reifyName fam_tc) annot_th_lhs
+ ; rhs' <- reifyType rhs
+ ; return (TH.TySynEqn tvs' lhs_type rhs') }
+reifyTyCon :: TyCon -> TcM TH.Info
+reifyTyCon tc
+ | Just cls <- tyConClass_maybe tc
+ = reifyClass cls
+ | isFunTyCon tc
+ = return (TH.PrimTyConI (reifyName tc) 2 False)
+ | isPrimTyCon tc
+ = return (TH.PrimTyConI (reifyName tc) (length (tyConVisibleTyVars tc))
+ (isUnliftedTyCon tc))
+ | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+ = do { let tvs = tyConTyVars tc
+ res_kind = tyConResKind tc
+ resVar = famTcResVar tc
+ ; kind' <- reifyKind res_kind
+ ; let (resultSig, injectivity) =
+ case resVar of
+ Nothing -> (TH.KindSig kind', Nothing)
+ Just name ->
+ let thName = reifyName name
+ injAnnot = tyConInjectivityInfo tc
+ sig = TH.TyVarSig (TH.KindedTV thName kind')
+ inj = case injAnnot of
+ NotInjective -> Nothing
+ Injective ms ->
+ Just (TH.InjectivityAnn thName injRHS)
+ where
+ injRHS = map (reifyName . tyVarName)
+ (filterByList ms tvs)
+ in (sig, inj)
+ ; tvs' <- reifyTyVars (tyConVisibleTyVars tc)
+ ; let tfHead =
+ TH.TypeFamilyHead (reifyName tc) tvs' resultSig injectivity
+ ; if isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+ then do { fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ ; instances <- reifyFamilyInstances tc
+ (familyInstances fam_envs tc)
+ ; return (TH.FamilyI (TH.OpenTypeFamilyD tfHead) instances) }
+ else do { eqns <-
+ case isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe tc of
+ Just ax -> mapM (reifyAxBranch tc) $
+ fromBranches $ coAxiomBranches ax
+ Nothing -> return []
+ ; return (TH.FamilyI (TH.ClosedTypeFamilyD tfHead eqns)
+ []) } }
+ | isDataFamilyTyCon tc
+ = do { let res_kind = tyConResKind tc
+ ; kind' <- fmap Just (reifyKind res_kind)
+ ; tvs' <- reifyTyVars (tyConVisibleTyVars tc)
+ ; fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ ; instances <- reifyFamilyInstances tc (familyInstances fam_envs tc)
+ ; return (TH.FamilyI
+ (TH.DataFamilyD (reifyName tc) tvs' kind') instances) }
+ | Just (_, rhs) <- synTyConDefn_maybe tc -- Vanilla type synonym
+ = do { rhs' <- reifyType rhs
+ ; tvs' <- reifyTyVars (tyConVisibleTyVars tc)
+ ; return (TH.TyConI
+ (TH.TySynD (reifyName tc) tvs' rhs'))
+ }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { cxt <- reifyCxt (tyConStupidTheta tc)
+ ; let tvs = tyConTyVars tc
+ dataCons = tyConDataCons tc
+ isGadt = isGadtSyntaxTyCon tc
+ ; cons <- mapM (reifyDataCon isGadt (mkTyVarTys tvs)) dataCons
+ ; r_tvs <- reifyTyVars (tyConVisibleTyVars tc)
+ ; let name = reifyName tc
+ deriv = [] -- Don't know about deriving
+ decl | isNewTyCon tc =
+ TH.NewtypeD cxt name r_tvs Nothing (head cons) deriv
+ | otherwise =
+ TH.DataD cxt name r_tvs Nothing cons deriv
+ ; return (TH.TyConI decl) }
+reifyDataCon :: Bool -> [Type] -> DataCon -> TcM TH.Con
+reifyDataCon isGadtDataCon tys dc
+ = do { let -- used for H98 data constructors
+ (ex_tvs, theta, arg_tys)
+ = dataConInstSig dc tys
+ -- used for GADTs data constructors
+ g_user_tvs' = dataConUserTyVars dc
+ (g_univ_tvs, _, g_eq_spec, g_theta', g_arg_tys', g_res_ty')
+ = dataConFullSig dc
+ (srcUnpks, srcStricts)
+ = mapAndUnzip reifySourceBang (dataConSrcBangs dc)
+ dcdBangs = zipWith TH.Bang srcUnpks srcStricts
+ fields = dataConFieldLabels dc
+ name = reifyName dc
+ -- Universal tvs present in eq_spec need to be filtered out, as
+ -- they will not appear anywhere in the type.
+ eq_spec_tvs = mkVarSet (map eqSpecTyVar g_eq_spec)
+ ; (univ_subst, _)
+ -- See Note [Freshen reified GADT constructors' universal tyvars]
+ <- freshenTyVarBndrs $
+ filterOut (`elemVarSet` eq_spec_tvs) g_univ_tvs
+ ; let (tvb_subst, g_user_tvs) = substTyVarBndrs univ_subst g_user_tvs'
+ g_theta = substTys tvb_subst g_theta'
+ g_arg_tys = substTys tvb_subst g_arg_tys'
+ g_res_ty = substTy tvb_subst g_res_ty'
+ ; r_arg_tys <- reifyTypes (if isGadtDataCon then g_arg_tys else arg_tys)
+ ; main_con <-
+ if | not (null fields) && not isGadtDataCon ->
+ return $ TH.RecC name (zip3 (map reifyFieldLabel fields)
+ dcdBangs r_arg_tys)
+ | not (null fields) -> do
+ { res_ty <- reifyType g_res_ty
+ ; return $ TH.RecGadtC [name]
+ (zip3 (map (reifyName . flSelector) fields)
+ dcdBangs r_arg_tys) res_ty }
+ -- We need to check not isGadtDataCon here because GADT
+ -- constructors can be declared infix.
+ -- See Note [Infix GADT constructors] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.
+ | dataConIsInfix dc && not isGadtDataCon ->
+ ASSERT( r_arg_tys `lengthIs` 2 ) do
+ { let [r_a1, r_a2] = r_arg_tys
+ [s1, s2] = dcdBangs
+ ; return $ TH.InfixC (s1,r_a1) name (s2,r_a2) }
+ | isGadtDataCon -> do
+ { res_ty <- reifyType g_res_ty
+ ; return $ TH.GadtC [name] (dcdBangs `zip` r_arg_tys) res_ty }
+ | otherwise ->
+ return $ TH.NormalC name (dcdBangs `zip` r_arg_tys)
+ ; let (ex_tvs', theta') | isGadtDataCon = (g_user_tvs, g_theta)
+ | otherwise = ASSERT( all isTyVar ex_tvs )
+ -- no covars for haskell syntax
+ (ex_tvs, theta)
+ ret_con | null ex_tvs' && null theta' = return main_con
+ | otherwise = do
+ { cxt <- reifyCxt theta'
+ ; ex_tvs'' <- reifyTyVars ex_tvs'
+ ; return (TH.ForallC ex_tvs'' cxt main_con) }
+ ; ASSERT( r_arg_tys `equalLength` dcdBangs )
+ ret_con }
+Note [Freshen reified GADT constructors' universal tyvars]
+Suppose one were to reify this GADT:
+ data a :~: b where
+ Refl :: forall a b. (a ~ b) => a :~: b
+We ought to be careful here about the uniques we give to the occurrences of `a`
+and `b` in this definition. That is because in the original DataCon, all uses
+of `a` and `b` have the same unique, since `a` and `b` are both universally
+quantified type variables--that is, they are used in both the (:~:) tycon as
+well as in the constructor type signature. But when we turn the DataCon
+definition into the reified one, the `a` and `b` in the constructor type
+signature becomes differently scoped than the `a` and `b` in `data a :~: b`.
+While it wouldn't technically be *wrong* per se to re-use the same uniques for
+`a` and `b` across these two different scopes, it's somewhat annoying for end
+users of Template Haskell, since they wouldn't be able to rely on the
+assumption that all TH names have globally distinct uniques (#13885). For this
+reason, we freshen the universally quantified tyvars that go into the reified
+GADT constructor type signature to give them distinct uniques from their
+counterparts in the tycon.
+reifyClass :: Class -> TcM TH.Info
+reifyClass cls
+ = do { cxt <- reifyCxt theta
+ ; inst_envs <- tcGetInstEnvs
+ ; insts <- reifyClassInstances cls (InstEnv.classInstances inst_envs cls)
+ ; assocTys <- concatMapM reifyAT ats
+ ; ops <- concatMapM reify_op op_stuff
+ ; tvs' <- reifyTyVars (tyConVisibleTyVars (classTyCon cls))
+ ; let dec = TH.ClassD cxt (reifyName cls) tvs' fds' (assocTys ++ ops)
+ ; return (TH.ClassI dec insts) }
+ where
+ (_, fds, theta, _, ats, op_stuff) = classExtraBigSig cls
+ fds' = map reifyFunDep fds
+ reify_op (op, def_meth)
+ = do { let (_, _, ty) = tcSplitMethodTy (idType op)
+ -- Use tcSplitMethodTy to get rid of the extraneous class
+ -- variables and predicates at the beginning of op's type
+ -- (see #15551).
+ ; ty' <- reifyType ty
+ ; let nm' = reifyName op
+ ; case def_meth of
+ Just (_, GenericDM gdm_ty) ->
+ do { gdm_ty' <- reifyType gdm_ty
+ ; return [TH.SigD nm' ty', TH.DefaultSigD nm' gdm_ty'] }
+ _ -> return [TH.SigD nm' ty'] }
+ reifyAT :: ClassATItem -> TcM [TH.Dec]
+ reifyAT (ATI tycon def) = do
+ tycon' <- reifyTyCon tycon
+ case tycon' of
+ TH.FamilyI dec _ -> do
+ let (tyName, tyArgs) = tfNames dec
+ (dec :) <$> maybe (return [])
+ (fmap (:[]) . reifyDefImpl tyName tyArgs . fst)
+ def
+ _ -> pprPanic "reifyAT" (text (show tycon'))
+ reifyDefImpl :: TH.Name -> [TH.Name] -> Type -> TcM TH.Dec
+ reifyDefImpl n args ty =
+ TH.TySynInstD . TH.TySynEqn Nothing (mkThAppTs (TH.ConT n) (map TH.VarT args))
+ <$> reifyType ty
+ tfNames :: TH.Dec -> (TH.Name, [TH.Name])
+ tfNames (TH.OpenTypeFamilyD (TH.TypeFamilyHead n args _ _))
+ = (n, map bndrName args)
+ tfNames d = pprPanic "tfNames" (text (show d))
+ bndrName :: TH.TyVarBndr -> TH.Name
+ bndrName (TH.PlainTV n) = n
+ bndrName (TH.KindedTV n _) = n
+-- | Annotate (with TH.SigT) a type if the first parameter is True
+-- and if the type contains a free variable.
+-- This is used to annotate type patterns for poly-kinded tyvars in
+-- reifying class and type instances.
+-- See @Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]@.
+annotThType :: Bool -- True <=> annotate
+ -> TyCoRep.Type -> TH.Type -> TcM TH.Type
+ -- tiny optimization: if the type is annotated, don't annotate again.
+annotThType _ _ th_ty@(TH.SigT {}) = return th_ty
+annotThType True ty th_ty
+ | not $ isEmptyVarSet $ filterVarSet isTyVar $ tyCoVarsOfType ty
+ = do { let ki = tcTypeKind ty
+ ; th_ki <- reifyKind ki
+ ; return (TH.SigT th_ty th_ki) }
+annotThType _ _ th_ty = return th_ty
+-- | For every argument type that a type constructor accepts,
+-- report whether or not the argument is poly-kinded. This is used to
+-- eventually feed into 'annotThType'.
+-- See @Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]@.
+tyConArgsPolyKinded :: TyCon -> [Bool]
+tyConArgsPolyKinded tc =
+ map (is_poly_ty . tyVarKind) tc_vis_tvs
+ -- See "Wrinkle: Oversaturated data family instances" in
+ -- @Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]@
+ ++ map (is_poly_ty . tyCoBinderType) tc_res_kind_vis_bndrs -- (1) in Wrinkle
+ ++ repeat True -- (2) in Wrinkle
+ where
+ is_poly_ty :: Type -> Bool
+ is_poly_ty ty = not $
+ isEmptyVarSet $
+ filterVarSet isTyVar $
+ tyCoVarsOfType ty
+ tc_vis_tvs :: [TyVar]
+ tc_vis_tvs = tyConVisibleTyVars tc
+ tc_res_kind_vis_bndrs :: [TyCoBinder]
+ tc_res_kind_vis_bndrs = filter isVisibleBinder $ fst $ splitPiTys $ tyConResKind tc
+Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]
+Reified class instances and type family instances often include extra kind
+information to disambiguate instances. Here is one such example that
+illustrates this (#8953):
+ type family Poly (a :: k) :: Type
+ type instance Poly (x :: Bool) = Int
+ type instance Poly (x :: Maybe k) = Double
+If you're not careful, reifying these instances might yield this:
+ type instance Poly x = Int
+ type instance Poly x = Double
+To avoid this, we go through some care to annotate things with extra kind
+information. Some functions which accomplish this feat include:
+* annotThType: This annotates a type with a kind signature if the type contains
+ a free variable.
+* tyConArgsPolyKinded: This checks every argument that a type constructor can
+ accept and reports if the type of the argument is poly-kinded. This
+ information is ultimately fed into annotThType.
+-- Wrinkle: Oversaturated data family instances
+What constitutes an argument to a type constructor in the definition of
+tyConArgsPolyKinded? For most type constructors, it's simply the visible
+type variable binders (i.e., tyConVisibleTyVars). There is one corner case
+we must keep in mind, however: data family instances can appear oversaturated
+(#17296). For instance:
+ data family Foo :: Type -> Type
+ data instance Foo x
+ data family Bar :: k
+ data family Bar x
+For these sorts of data family instances, tyConVisibleTyVars isn't enough,
+as they won't give you the kinds of the oversaturated arguments. We must
+also consult:
+1. The kinds of the arguments in the result kind (i.e., the tyConResKind).
+ This will tell us, e.g., the kind of `x` in `Foo x` above.
+2. If we go beyond the number of arguments in the result kind (like the
+ `x` in `Bar x`), then we conservatively assume that the argument's
+ kind is poly-kinded.
+-- Wrinkle: data family instances with return kinds
+Another squirrelly corner case is this:
+ data family Foo (a :: k)
+ data instance Foo :: Bool -> Type
+ data instance Foo :: Char -> Type
+If you're not careful, reifying these instances might yield this:
+ data instance Foo
+ data instance Foo
+We can fix this ambiguity by reifying the instances' explicit return kinds. We
+should only do this if necessary (see
+Note [When does a tycon application need an explicit kind signature?] in GHC.Core.Type),
+but more importantly, we *only* do this if either of the following are true:
+1. The data family instance has no constructors.
+2. The data family instance is declared with GADT syntax.
+If neither of these are true, then reifying the return kind would yield
+something like this:
+ data instance (Bar a :: Type) = MkBar a
+Which is not valid syntax.
+reifyClassInstances :: Class -> [ClsInst] -> TcM [TH.Dec]
+reifyClassInstances cls insts
+ = mapM (reifyClassInstance (tyConArgsPolyKinded (classTyCon cls))) insts
+reifyClassInstance :: [Bool] -- True <=> the corresponding tv is poly-kinded
+ -- includes only *visible* tvs
+ -> ClsInst -> TcM TH.Dec
+reifyClassInstance is_poly_tvs i
+ = do { cxt <- reifyCxt theta
+ ; let vis_types = filterOutInvisibleTypes cls_tc types
+ ; thtypes <- reifyTypes vis_types
+ ; annot_thtypes <- zipWith3M annotThType is_poly_tvs vis_types thtypes
+ ; let head_ty = mkThAppTs (TH.ConT (reifyName cls)) annot_thtypes
+ ; return $ (TH.InstanceD over cxt head_ty []) }
+ where
+ (_tvs, theta, cls, types) = tcSplitDFunTy (idType dfun)
+ cls_tc = classTyCon cls
+ dfun = instanceDFunId i
+ over = case overlapMode (is_flag i) of
+ NoOverlap _ -> Nothing
+ Overlappable _ -> Just TH.Overlappable
+ Overlapping _ -> Just TH.Overlapping
+ Overlaps _ -> Just TH.Overlaps
+ Incoherent _ -> Just TH.Incoherent
+reifyFamilyInstances :: TyCon -> [FamInst] -> TcM [TH.Dec]
+reifyFamilyInstances fam_tc fam_insts
+ = mapM (reifyFamilyInstance (tyConArgsPolyKinded fam_tc)) fam_insts
+reifyFamilyInstance :: [Bool] -- True <=> the corresponding tv is poly-kinded
+ -- includes only *visible* tvs
+ -> FamInst -> TcM TH.Dec
+reifyFamilyInstance is_poly_tvs (FamInst { fi_flavor = flavor
+ , fi_axiom = ax
+ , fi_fam = fam })
+ | let fam_tc = coAxiomTyCon ax
+ branch = coAxiomSingleBranch ax
+ , CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_lhs = lhs, cab_rhs = rhs } <- branch
+ = case flavor of
+ SynFamilyInst ->
+ -- remove kind patterns (#8884)
+ do { th_tvs <- reifyTyVarsToMaybe tvs
+ ; let lhs_types_only = filterOutInvisibleTypes fam_tc lhs
+ ; th_lhs <- reifyTypes lhs_types_only
+ ; annot_th_lhs <- zipWith3M annotThType is_poly_tvs lhs_types_only
+ th_lhs
+ ; let lhs_type = mkThAppTs (TH.ConT $ reifyName fam) annot_th_lhs
+ ; th_rhs <- reifyType rhs
+ ; return (TH.TySynInstD (TH.TySynEqn th_tvs lhs_type th_rhs)) }
+ DataFamilyInst rep_tc ->
+ do { let -- eta-expand lhs types, because sometimes data/newtype
+ -- instances are eta-reduced; See #9692
+ -- See Note [Eta reduction for data families] in GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+ (ee_tvs, ee_lhs, _) = etaExpandCoAxBranch branch
+ fam' = reifyName fam
+ dataCons = tyConDataCons rep_tc
+ isGadt = isGadtSyntaxTyCon rep_tc
+ ; th_tvs <- reifyTyVarsToMaybe ee_tvs
+ ; cons <- mapM (reifyDataCon isGadt (mkTyVarTys ee_tvs)) dataCons
+ ; let types_only = filterOutInvisibleTypes fam_tc ee_lhs
+ ; th_tys <- reifyTypes types_only
+ ; annot_th_tys <- zipWith3M annotThType is_poly_tvs types_only th_tys
+ ; let lhs_type = mkThAppTs (TH.ConT fam') annot_th_tys
+ ; mb_sig <-
+ -- See "Wrinkle: data family instances with return kinds" in
+ -- Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]
+ if (null cons || isGadtSyntaxTyCon rep_tc)
+ && tyConAppNeedsKindSig False fam_tc (length ee_lhs)
+ then do { let full_kind = tcTypeKind (mkTyConApp fam_tc ee_lhs)
+ ; th_full_kind <- reifyKind full_kind
+ ; pure $ Just th_full_kind }
+ else pure Nothing
+ ; return $
+ if isNewTyCon rep_tc
+ then TH.NewtypeInstD [] th_tvs lhs_type mb_sig (head cons) []
+ else TH.DataInstD [] th_tvs lhs_type mb_sig cons []
+ }
+reifyType :: TyCoRep.Type -> TcM TH.Type
+-- Monadic only because of failure
+reifyType ty | tcIsLiftedTypeKind ty = return TH.StarT
+ -- Make sure to use tcIsLiftedTypeKind here, since we don't want to confuse it
+ -- with Constraint (#14869).
+reifyType ty@(ForAllTy (Bndr _ argf) _)
+ = reify_for_all argf ty
+reifyType (LitTy t) = do { r <- reifyTyLit t; return (TH.LitT r) }
+reifyType (TyVarTy tv) = return (TH.VarT (reifyName tv))
+reifyType (TyConApp tc tys) = reify_tc_app tc tys -- Do not expand type synonyms here
+reifyType ty@(AppTy {}) = do
+ let (ty_head, ty_args) = splitAppTys ty
+ ty_head' <- reifyType ty_head
+ ty_args' <- reifyTypes (filter_out_invisible_args ty_head ty_args)
+ pure $ mkThAppTs ty_head' ty_args'
+ where
+ -- Make sure to filter out any invisible arguments. For instance, if you
+ -- reify the following:
+ --
+ -- newtype T (f :: forall a. a -> Type) = MkT (f Bool)
+ --
+ -- Then you should receive back `f Bool`, not `f Type Bool`, since the
+ -- `Type` argument is invisible (#15792).
+ filter_out_invisible_args :: Type -> [Type] -> [Type]
+ filter_out_invisible_args ty_head ty_args =
+ filterByList (map isVisibleArgFlag $ appTyArgFlags ty_head ty_args)
+ ty_args
+reifyType ty@(FunTy { ft_af = af, ft_arg = t1, ft_res = t2 })
+ | InvisArg <- af = reify_for_all Inferred ty -- Types like ((?x::Int) => Char -> Char)
+ | otherwise = do { [r1,r2] <- reifyTypes [t1,t2] ; return (TH.ArrowT `TH.AppT` r1 `TH.AppT` r2) }
+reifyType (CastTy t _) = reifyType t -- Casts are ignored in TH
+reifyType ty@(CoercionTy {})= noTH (sLit "coercions in types") (ppr ty)
+reify_for_all :: TyCoRep.ArgFlag -> TyCoRep.Type -> TcM TH.Type
+-- Arg of reify_for_all is always ForAllTy or a predicate FunTy
+reify_for_all argf ty = do
+ tvs' <- reifyTyVars tvs
+ case argToForallVisFlag argf of
+ ForallVis -> do phi' <- reifyType phi
+ pure $ TH.ForallVisT tvs' phi'
+ ForallInvis -> do let (cxt, tau) = tcSplitPhiTy phi
+ cxt' <- reifyCxt cxt
+ tau' <- reifyType tau
+ pure $ TH.ForallT tvs' cxt' tau'
+ where
+ (tvs, phi) = tcSplitForAllTysSameVis argf ty
+reifyTyLit :: TyCoRep.TyLit -> TcM TH.TyLit
+reifyTyLit (NumTyLit n) = return (TH.NumTyLit n)
+reifyTyLit (StrTyLit s) = return (TH.StrTyLit (unpackFS s))
+reifyTypes :: [Type] -> TcM [TH.Type]
+reifyTypes = mapM reifyType
+ :: ([TyVar], ThetaType, [TyVar], ThetaType, [Type], Type) -> TcM TH.Type
+-- reifies a pattern synonym's type and returns its *complete* type
+-- signature; see NOTE [Pattern synonym signatures and Template
+-- Haskell]
+reifyPatSynType (univTyVars, req, exTyVars, prov, argTys, resTy)
+ = do { univTyVars' <- reifyTyVars univTyVars
+ ; req' <- reifyCxt req
+ ; exTyVars' <- reifyTyVars exTyVars
+ ; prov' <- reifyCxt prov
+ ; tau' <- reifyType (mkVisFunTys argTys resTy)
+ ; return $ TH.ForallT univTyVars' req'
+ $ TH.ForallT exTyVars' prov' tau' }
+reifyKind :: Kind -> TcM TH.Kind
+reifyKind = reifyType
+reifyCxt :: [PredType] -> TcM [TH.Pred]
+reifyCxt = mapM reifyType
+reifyFunDep :: ([TyVar], [TyVar]) -> TH.FunDep
+reifyFunDep (xs, ys) = TH.FunDep (map reifyName xs) (map reifyName ys)
+reifyTyVars :: [TyVar] -> TcM [TH.TyVarBndr]
+reifyTyVars tvs = mapM reify_tv tvs
+ where
+ -- even if the kind is *, we need to include a kind annotation,
+ -- in case a poly-kind would be inferred without the annotation.
+ -- See #8953 or test th/T8953
+ reify_tv tv = TH.KindedTV name <$> reifyKind kind
+ where
+ kind = tyVarKind tv
+ name = reifyName tv
+reifyTyVarsToMaybe :: [TyVar] -> TcM (Maybe [TH.TyVarBndr])
+reifyTyVarsToMaybe [] = pure Nothing
+reifyTyVarsToMaybe tys = Just <$> reifyTyVars tys
+reify_tc_app :: TyCon -> [Type.Type] -> TcM TH.Type
+reify_tc_app tc tys
+ = do { tys' <- reifyTypes (filterOutInvisibleTypes tc tys)
+ ; maybe_sig_t (mkThAppTs r_tc tys') }
+ where
+ arity = tyConArity tc
+ r_tc | isUnboxedSumTyCon tc = TH.UnboxedSumT (arity `div` 2)
+ | isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc = TH.UnboxedTupleT (arity `div` 2)
+ | isPromotedTupleTyCon tc = TH.PromotedTupleT (arity `div` 2)
+ -- See Note [Unboxed tuple RuntimeRep vars] in GHC.Core.TyCon
+ | isTupleTyCon tc = if isPromotedDataCon tc
+ then TH.PromotedTupleT arity
+ else TH.TupleT arity
+ | tc `hasKey` constraintKindTyConKey
+ = TH.ConstraintT
+ | tc `hasKey` funTyConKey = TH.ArrowT
+ | tc `hasKey` listTyConKey = TH.ListT
+ | tc `hasKey` nilDataConKey = TH.PromotedNilT
+ | tc `hasKey` consDataConKey = TH.PromotedConsT
+ | tc `hasKey` heqTyConKey = TH.EqualityT
+ | tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey = TH.EqualityT
+ | tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey = TH.ConT (reifyName coercibleTyCon)
+ | isPromotedDataCon tc = TH.PromotedT (reifyName tc)
+ | otherwise = TH.ConT (reifyName tc)
+ -- See Note [When does a tycon application need an explicit kind
+ -- signature?] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+ maybe_sig_t th_type
+ | tyConAppNeedsKindSig
+ False -- We don't reify types using visible kind applications, so
+ -- don't count specified binders as contributing towards
+ -- injective positions in the kind of the tycon.
+ tc (length tys)
+ = do { let full_kind = tcTypeKind (mkTyConApp tc tys)
+ ; th_full_kind <- reifyKind full_kind
+ ; return (TH.SigT th_type th_full_kind) }
+ | otherwise
+ = return th_type
+reifyName :: NamedThing n => n -> TH.Name
+reifyName thing
+ | isExternalName name
+ = mk_varg pkg_str mod_str occ_str
+ | otherwise = TH.mkNameU occ_str (toInteger $ getKey (getUnique name))
+ -- Many of the things we reify have local bindings, and
+ -- NameL's aren't supposed to appear in binding positions, so
+ -- we use NameU. When/if we start to reify nested things, that
+ -- have free variables, we may need to generate NameL's for them.
+ where
+ name = getName thing
+ mod = ASSERT( isExternalName name ) nameModule name
+ pkg_str = unitIdString (moduleUnitId mod)
+ mod_str = moduleNameString (moduleName mod)
+ occ_str = occNameString occ
+ occ = nameOccName name
+ mk_varg | OccName.isDataOcc occ = TH.mkNameG_d
+ | OccName.isVarOcc occ = TH.mkNameG_v
+ | OccName.isTcOcc occ = TH.mkNameG_tc
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "reifyName" (ppr name)
+-- See Note [Reifying field labels]
+reifyFieldLabel :: FieldLabel -> TH.Name
+reifyFieldLabel fl
+ | flIsOverloaded fl
+ = TH.Name (TH.mkOccName occ_str) (TH.NameQ (TH.mkModName mod_str))
+ | otherwise = TH.mkNameG_v pkg_str mod_str occ_str
+ where
+ name = flSelector fl
+ mod = ASSERT( isExternalName name ) nameModule name
+ pkg_str = unitIdString (moduleUnitId mod)
+ mod_str = moduleNameString (moduleName mod)
+ occ_str = unpackFS (flLabel fl)
+reifySelector :: Id -> TyCon -> TH.Name
+reifySelector id tc
+ = case find ((idName id ==) . flSelector) (tyConFieldLabels tc) of
+ Just fl -> reifyFieldLabel fl
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "reifySelector: missing field" (ppr id $$ ppr tc)
+reifyFixity :: Name -> TcM (Maybe TH.Fixity)
+reifyFixity name
+ = do { (found, fix) <- lookupFixityRn_help name
+ ; return (if found then Just (conv_fix fix) else Nothing) }
+ where
+ conv_fix (BasicTypes.Fixity _ i d) = TH.Fixity i (conv_dir d)
+ conv_dir BasicTypes.InfixR = TH.InfixR
+ conv_dir BasicTypes.InfixL = TH.InfixL
+ conv_dir BasicTypes.InfixN = TH.InfixN
+reifyUnpackedness :: DataCon.SrcUnpackedness -> TH.SourceUnpackedness
+reifyUnpackedness NoSrcUnpack = TH.NoSourceUnpackedness
+reifyUnpackedness SrcNoUnpack = TH.SourceNoUnpack
+reifyUnpackedness SrcUnpack = TH.SourceUnpack
+reifyStrictness :: DataCon.SrcStrictness -> TH.SourceStrictness
+reifyStrictness NoSrcStrict = TH.NoSourceStrictness
+reifyStrictness SrcStrict = TH.SourceStrict
+reifyStrictness SrcLazy = TH.SourceLazy
+reifySourceBang :: DataCon.HsSrcBang
+ -> (TH.SourceUnpackedness, TH.SourceStrictness)
+reifySourceBang (HsSrcBang _ u s) = (reifyUnpackedness u, reifyStrictness s)
+reifyDecidedStrictness :: DataCon.HsImplBang -> TH.DecidedStrictness
+reifyDecidedStrictness HsLazy = TH.DecidedLazy
+reifyDecidedStrictness HsStrict = TH.DecidedStrict
+reifyDecidedStrictness HsUnpack{} = TH.DecidedUnpack
+reifyTypeOfThing :: TH.Name -> TcM TH.Type
+reifyTypeOfThing th_name = do
+ thing <- getThing th_name
+ case thing of
+ AGlobal (AnId id) -> reifyType (idType id)
+ AGlobal (ATyCon tc) -> reifyKind (tyConKind tc)
+ AGlobal (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)) ->
+ reifyType (idType (dataConWrapId dc))
+ AGlobal (AConLike (PatSynCon ps)) ->
+ reifyPatSynType (patSynSig ps)
+ ATcId{tct_id = id} -> zonkTcType (idType id) >>= reifyType
+ ATyVar _ tctv -> zonkTcTyVar tctv >>= reifyType
+ -- Impossible cases, supposedly:
+ AGlobal (ACoAxiom _) -> panic "reifyTypeOfThing: ACoAxiom"
+ ATcTyCon _ -> panic "reifyTypeOfThing: ATcTyCon"
+ APromotionErr _ -> panic "reifyTypeOfThing: APromotionErr"
+lookupThAnnLookup :: TH.AnnLookup -> TcM CoreAnnTarget
+lookupThAnnLookup (TH.AnnLookupName th_nm) = fmap NamedTarget (lookupThName th_nm)
+lookupThAnnLookup (TH.AnnLookupModule (TH.Module pn mn))
+ = return $ ModuleTarget $
+ mkModule (stringToUnitId $ TH.pkgString pn) (mkModuleName $ TH.modString mn)
+reifyAnnotations :: Data a => TH.AnnLookup -> TcM [a]
+reifyAnnotations th_name
+ = do { name <- lookupThAnnLookup th_name
+ ; topEnv <- getTopEnv
+ ; epsHptAnns <- liftIO $ prepareAnnotations topEnv Nothing
+ ; tcg <- getGblEnv
+ ; let selectedEpsHptAnns = findAnns deserializeWithData epsHptAnns name
+ ; let selectedTcgAnns = findAnns deserializeWithData (tcg_ann_env tcg) name
+ ; return (selectedEpsHptAnns ++ selectedTcgAnns) }
+modToTHMod :: Module -> TH.Module
+modToTHMod m = TH.Module (TH.PkgName $ unitIdString $ moduleUnitId m)
+ (TH.ModName $ moduleNameString $ moduleName m)
+reifyModule :: TH.Module -> TcM TH.ModuleInfo
+reifyModule (TH.Module (TH.PkgName pkgString) (TH.ModName mString)) = do
+ this_mod <- getModule
+ let reifMod = mkModule (stringToUnitId pkgString) (mkModuleName mString)
+ if (reifMod == this_mod) then reifyThisModule else reifyFromIface reifMod
+ where
+ reifyThisModule = do
+ usages <- fmap (map modToTHMod . moduleEnvKeys . imp_mods) getImports
+ return $ TH.ModuleInfo usages
+ reifyFromIface reifMod = do
+ iface <- loadInterfaceForModule (text "reifying module from TH for" <+> ppr reifMod) reifMod
+ let usages = [modToTHMod m | usage <- mi_usages iface,
+ Just m <- [usageToModule (moduleUnitId reifMod) usage] ]
+ return $ TH.ModuleInfo usages
+ usageToModule :: UnitId -> Usage -> Maybe Module
+ usageToModule _ (UsageFile {}) = Nothing
+ usageToModule this_pkg (UsageHomeModule { usg_mod_name = mn }) = Just $ mkModule this_pkg mn
+ usageToModule _ (UsagePackageModule { usg_mod = m }) = Just m
+ usageToModule _ (UsageMergedRequirement { usg_mod = m }) = Just m
+mkThAppTs :: TH.Type -> [TH.Type] -> TH.Type
+mkThAppTs fun_ty arg_tys = foldl' TH.AppT fun_ty arg_tys
+noTH :: PtrString -> SDoc -> TcM a
+noTH s d = failWithTc (hsep [text "Can't represent" <+> ptext s <+>
+ text "in Template Haskell:",
+ nest 2 d])
+ppr_th :: TH.Ppr a => a -> SDoc
+ppr_th x = text (TH.pprint x)
+Note [Reifying field labels]
+When reifying a datatype declared with DuplicateRecordFields enabled, we want
+the reified names of the fields to be labels rather than selector functions.
+That is, we want (reify ''T) and (reify 'foo) to produce
+ data T = MkT { foo :: Int }
+ foo :: T -> Int
+rather than
+ data T = MkT { $sel:foo:MkT :: Int }
+ $sel:foo:MkT :: T -> Int
+because otherwise TH code that uses the field names as strings will silently do
+the wrong thing. Thus we use the field label (e.g. foo) as the OccName, rather
+than the selector (e.g. $sel:foo:MkT). Since the Orig name isn't in the
+environment, NameG can't be used to represent such fields. Instead,
+reifyFieldLabel uses NameQ.
+However, this means that extracting the field name from the output of reify, and
+trying to reify it again, may fail with an ambiguity error if there are multiple
+such fields defined in the module (see the test case
+overloadedrecflds/should_fail/T11103.hs). The "proper" fix requires changes to
+the TH AST to make it able to represent duplicate record fields.
+tcGetInterp :: TcM Interp
+tcGetInterp = do
+ hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ case hsc_interp hsc_env of
+ Nothing -> liftIO $ throwIO (InstallationError "Template haskell requires a target code interpreter")
+ Just i -> pure i