path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs
index 7ae4ccb0f6..89ba997d8a 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ import GHC.Builtin.Names
import GHC.Builtin.Types
import GHC.ThToHs
+import GHC.HsToCore.Docs
import GHC.HsToCore.Expr
import GHC.HsToCore.Monad
import GHC.IfaceToCore
@@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.Dynamic ( fromDynamic, toDyn )
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Typeable ( typeOf, Typeable, TypeRep, typeRep )
import Data.Data (Data)
@@ -1220,6 +1222,148 @@ instance TH.Quasi TcM where
qExtsEnabled =
EnumSet.toList . extensionFlags . hsc_dflags <$> getTopEnv
+ qPutDoc doc_loc s = do
+ th_doc_var <- tcg_th_docs <$> getGblEnv
+ resolved_doc_loc <- resolve_loc doc_loc
+ is_local <- checkLocalName resolved_doc_loc
+ unless is_local $ failWithTc $ text
+ "Can't add documentation to" <+> ppr_loc doc_loc <+>
+ text "as it isn't inside the current module"
+ updTcRef th_doc_var (Map.insert resolved_doc_loc s)
+ where
+ resolve_loc (TH.DeclDoc n) = DeclDoc <$> lookupThName n
+ resolve_loc (TH.ArgDoc n i) = ArgDoc <$> lookupThName n <*> pure i
+ resolve_loc (TH.InstDoc t) = InstDoc <$> fmap getName (lookupThInstName t)
+ resolve_loc TH.ModuleDoc = pure ModuleDoc
+ ppr_loc (TH.DeclDoc n) = ppr_th n
+ ppr_loc (TH.ArgDoc n _) = ppr_th n
+ ppr_loc (TH.InstDoc t) = ppr_th t
+ ppr_loc TH.ModuleDoc = text "the module header"
+ -- It doesn't make sense to add documentation to something not inside
+ -- the current module. So check for it!
+ checkLocalName (DeclDoc n) = nameIsLocalOrFrom <$> getModule <*> pure n
+ checkLocalName (ArgDoc n _) = nameIsLocalOrFrom <$> getModule <*> pure n
+ checkLocalName (InstDoc n) = nameIsLocalOrFrom <$> getModule <*> pure n
+ checkLocalName ModuleDoc = pure True
+ qGetDoc (TH.DeclDoc n) = lookupThName n >>= lookupDeclDoc
+ qGetDoc (TH.InstDoc t) = lookupThInstName t >>= lookupDeclDoc
+ qGetDoc (TH.ArgDoc n i) = lookupThName n >>= lookupArgDoc i
+ qGetDoc TH.ModuleDoc = do
+ (moduleDoc, _, _) <- getGblEnv >>= extractDocs
+ return (fmap unpackHDS moduleDoc)
+-- | Looks up documentation for a declaration in first the current module,
+-- otherwise tries to find it in another module via 'hscGetModuleInterface'.
+lookupDeclDoc :: Name -> TcM (Maybe String)
+lookupDeclDoc nm = do
+ (_, DeclDocMap declDocs, _) <- getGblEnv >>= extractDocs
+ fam_insts <- tcg_fam_insts <$> getGblEnv
+ traceTc "lookupDeclDoc" (ppr nm <+> ppr declDocs <+> ppr fam_insts)
+ case Map.lookup nm declDocs of
+ Just doc -> pure $ Just (unpackHDS doc)
+ Nothing -> do
+ -- Wasn't in the current module. Try searching other external ones!
+ mIface <- getExternalModIface nm
+ case mIface of
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing
+ Just ModIface { mi_decl_docs = DeclDocMap dmap } ->
+ pure $ unpackHDS <$> Map.lookup nm dmap
+-- | Like 'lookupDeclDoc', looks up documentation for a function argument. If
+-- it can't find any documentation for a function in this module, it tries to
+-- find it in another module.
+lookupArgDoc :: Int -> Name -> TcM (Maybe String)
+lookupArgDoc i nm = do
+ (_, _, ArgDocMap argDocs) <- getGblEnv >>= extractDocs
+ case Map.lookup nm argDocs of
+ Just m -> pure $ unpackHDS <$> IntMap.lookup i m
+ Nothing -> do
+ mIface <- getExternalModIface nm
+ case mIface of
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing
+ Just ModIface { mi_arg_docs = ArgDocMap amap } ->
+ pure $ unpackHDS <$> (Map.lookup nm amap >>= IntMap.lookup i)
+-- | Returns the module a Name belongs to, if it is isn't local.
+getExternalModIface :: Name -> TcM (Maybe ModIface)
+getExternalModIface nm = do
+ isLocal <- nameIsLocalOrFrom <$> getModule <*> pure nm
+ if isLocal
+ then pure Nothing
+ else case nameModule_maybe nm of
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing
+ Just modNm -> do
+ hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ iface <- liftIO $ hscGetModuleInterface hsc_env modNm
+ pure (Just iface)
+-- | Find the GHC name of the first instance that matches the TH type
+lookupThInstName :: TH.Type -> TcM Name
+lookupThInstName th_type = do
+ cls_name <- inst_cls_name th_type
+ insts <- reifyInstances' cls_name (inst_arg_types th_type)
+ case insts of -- This expands any type synonyms
+ Left (_, (inst:_)) -> return $ getName inst
+ Left (_, []) -> noMatches
+ Right (_, (inst:_)) -> return $ getName inst
+ Right (_, []) -> noMatches
+ where
+ noMatches = failWithTc $
+ text "Couldn't find any instances of"
+ <+> ppr_th th_type
+ <+> text "to add documentation to"
+ -- | Get the name of the class for the instance we are documenting
+ -- > inst_cls_name (Monad Maybe) == Monad
+ -- > inst_cls_name C = C
+ inst_cls_name :: TH.Type -> TcM TH.Name
+ inst_cls_name (TH.AppT t _) = inst_cls_name t
+ inst_cls_name (TH.SigT n _) = inst_cls_name n
+ inst_cls_name (TH.VarT n) = pure n
+ inst_cls_name (TH.ConT n) = pure n
+ inst_cls_name (TH.PromotedT n) = pure n
+ inst_cls_name (TH.InfixT _ n _) = pure n
+ inst_cls_name (TH.UInfixT _ n _) = pure n
+ inst_cls_name (TH.ParensT t) = inst_cls_name t
+ inst_cls_name (TH.ForallT _ _ _) = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name (TH.ForallVisT _ _) = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name (TH.AppKindT _ _) = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name (TH.TupleT _) = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name (TH.UnboxedTupleT _) = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name (TH.UnboxedSumT _) = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name TH.ArrowT = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name TH.MulArrowT = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name TH.EqualityT = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name TH.ListT = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name (TH.PromotedTupleT _) = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name TH.PromotedNilT = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name TH.PromotedConsT = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name TH.StarT = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name TH.ConstraintT = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name (TH.LitT _) = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name TH.WildCardT = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name (TH.ImplicitParamT _ _) = inst_cls_name_err
+ inst_cls_name_err = failWithTc $
+ text "Couldn't work out what instance"
+ <+> ppr_th th_type
+ <+> text "is supposed to be"
+ -- | Basically does the opposite of 'mkThAppTs'
+ -- > inst_arg_types (Monad Maybe) == [Maybe]
+ -- > inst_arg_types C == []
+ inst_arg_types :: TH.Type -> [TH.Type]
+ inst_arg_types (TH.AppT _ args) =
+ let go (TH.AppT t ts) = t:go ts
+ go t = [t]
+ in go args
+ inst_arg_types _ = []
-- | Adds a mod finalizer reference to the local environment.
addModFinalizerRef :: ForeignRef (TH.Q ()) -> TcM ()
addModFinalizerRef finRef = do
@@ -1411,6 +1555,8 @@ handleTHMessage msg = case msg of
AddForeignFilePath lang str -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qAddForeignFilePath lang str
IsExtEnabled ext -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qIsExtEnabled ext
ExtsEnabled -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qExtsEnabled
+ PutDoc l s -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qPutDoc l s
+ GetDoc l -> wrapTHResult $ TH.qGetDoc l
FailIfErrs -> wrapTHResult failIfErrsM
_ -> panic ("handleTHMessage: unexpected message " ++ show msg)
@@ -1434,6 +1580,19 @@ getAnnotationsByTypeRep th_name tyrep
reifyInstances :: TH.Name -> [TH.Type] -> TcM [TH.Dec]
reifyInstances th_nm th_tys
+ = do { insts <- reifyInstances' th_nm th_tys
+ ; case insts of
+ Left (cls, cls_insts) ->
+ reifyClassInstances cls cls_insts
+ Right (tc, fam_insts) ->
+ reifyFamilyInstances tc fam_insts }
+reifyInstances' :: TH.Name
+ -> [TH.Type]
+ -> TcM (Either (Class, [ClsInst]) (TyCon, [FamInst]))
+ -- ^ Returns 'Left' in the case that the instances were found to
+ -- be class instances, or 'Right' if they are family instances.
+reifyInstances' th_nm th_tys
= addErrCtxt (text "In the argument of reifyInstances:"
<+> ppr_th th_nm <+> sep (map ppr_th th_tys)) $
do { loc <- getSrcSpanM
@@ -1467,19 +1626,19 @@ reifyInstances th_nm th_tys
-- In particular, the type might have kind
-- variables inside it (#7477)
- ; traceTc "reifyInstances" (ppr ty $$ ppr (tcTypeKind ty))
+ ; traceTc "reifyInstances'" (ppr ty $$ ppr (tcTypeKind ty))
; case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of -- This expands any type synonyms
Just (tc, tys) -- See #7910
| Just cls <- tyConClass_maybe tc
-> do { inst_envs <- tcGetInstEnvs
; let (matches, unifies, _) = lookupInstEnv False inst_envs cls tys
- ; traceTc "reifyInstances1" (ppr matches)
- ; reifyClassInstances cls (map fst matches ++ unifies) }
+ ; traceTc "reifyInstances'1" (ppr matches)
+ ; return $ Left (cls, map fst matches ++ unifies) }
| isOpenFamilyTyCon tc
-> do { inst_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
; let matches = lookupFamInstEnv inst_envs tc tys
- ; traceTc "reifyInstances2" (ppr matches)
- ; reifyFamilyInstances tc (map fim_instance matches) }
+ ; traceTc "reifyInstances'2" (ppr matches)
+ ; return $ Right (tc, map fim_instance matches) }
_ -> bale_out (hang (text "reifyInstances:" <+> quotes (ppr ty))
2 (text "is not a class constraint or type family application")) }