path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs')
1 files changed, 3078 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54b663f581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3078 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+-- | Typechecking a whole module
+module GHC.Tc.Module (
+ tcRnStmt, tcRnExpr, TcRnExprMode(..), tcRnType,
+ tcRnImportDecls,
+ tcRnLookupRdrName,
+ getModuleInterface,
+ tcRnDeclsi,
+ isGHCiMonad,
+ runTcInteractive, -- Used by GHC API clients (#8878)
+ tcRnLookupName,
+ tcRnGetInfo,
+ tcRnModule, tcRnModuleTcRnM,
+ tcTopSrcDecls,
+ rnTopSrcDecls,
+ checkBootDecl, checkHiBootIface',
+ findExtraSigImports,
+ implicitRequirements,
+ checkUnitId,
+ mergeSignatures,
+ tcRnMergeSignatures,
+ instantiateSignature,
+ tcRnInstantiateSignature,
+ loadUnqualIfaces,
+ -- More private...
+ badReexportedBootThing,
+ checkBootDeclM,
+ missingBootThing,
+ getRenamedStuff, RenamedStuff
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Gen.Splice ( finishTH, runRemoteModFinalizers )
+import GHC.Rename.Splice ( rnTopSpliceDecls, traceSplice, SpliceInfo(..) )
+import GHC.Iface.Env ( externaliseName )
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
+import GHC.Tc.Validity( checkValidType )
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Match
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate( deeplyInstantiate )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify( checkConstraints )
+import GHC.Rename.HsType
+import GHC.Rename.Expr
+import GHC.Rename.Utils ( HsDocContext(..) )
+import GHC.Rename.Fixity ( lookupFixityRn )
+import TysWiredIn ( unitTy, mkListTy )
+import GHC.Driver.Plugins
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Iface.Syntax ( ShowSub(..), showToHeader )
+import GHC.Iface.Type ( ShowForAllFlag(..) )
+import GHC.Core.PatSyn( pprPatSynType )
+import PrelNames
+import PrelInfo
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Zonk
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Export
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
+import qualified BooleanFormula as BF
+import GHC.Core.Ppr.TyThing ( pprTyThingInContext )
+import GHC.Core.FVs ( orphNamesOfFamInst )
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
+import GHC.Core.InstEnv
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+ ( FamInst, pprFamInst, famInstsRepTyCons
+ , famInstEnvElts, extendFamInstEnvList, normaliseType )
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Annotation
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind
+import GHC.Iface.Make ( coAxiomToIfaceDecl )
+import HeaderInfo ( mkPrelImports )
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Default
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Rule
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.Foreign
+import GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance
+import GHC.IfaceToCore
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import GHC.Tc.Solver
+import GHC.Tc.TyCl
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Typeable ( mkTypeableBinds )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Backpack
+import GHC.Iface.Load
+import GHC.Rename.Names
+import GHC.Rename.Env
+import GHC.Rename.Module
+import ErrUtils
+import GHC.Types.Id as Id
+import GHC.Types.Id.Info( IdDetails(..) )
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import GHC.Types.Module
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Name.Env
+import GHC.Types.Name.Set
+import GHC.Types.Avail
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import ListSetOps
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Core.ConLike
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Types.Basic hiding( SuccessFlag(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+import GHC.Types.Annotations
+import Data.List ( find, sortBy, sort )
+import Data.Ord
+import FastString
+import Maybes
+import Util
+import Bag
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate (tcGetInsts)
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import Data.Data ( Data )
+import GHC.Hs.Dump
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Control.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Errors.Hole.FitTypes ( HoleFitPluginR (..) )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+* *
+ Typecheck and rename a module
+* *
+-- | Top level entry point for typechecker and renamer
+tcRnModule :: HscEnv
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> Bool -- True <=> save renamed syntax
+ -> HsParsedModule
+ -> IO (Messages, Maybe TcGblEnv)
+tcRnModule hsc_env mod_sum save_rn_syntax
+ parsedModule@HsParsedModule {hpm_module= L loc this_module}
+ | RealSrcSpan real_loc _ <- loc
+ = withTiming dflags
+ (text "Renamer/typechecker"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
+ (const ()) $
+ initTc hsc_env hsc_src save_rn_syntax this_mod real_loc $
+ withTcPlugins hsc_env $ withHoleFitPlugins hsc_env $
+ tcRnModuleTcRnM hsc_env mod_sum parsedModule pair
+ | otherwise
+ = return ((emptyBag, unitBag err_msg), Nothing)
+ where
+ hsc_src = ms_hsc_src mod_sum
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ err_msg = mkPlainErrMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) loc $
+ text "Module does not have a RealSrcSpan:" <+> ppr this_mod
+ this_pkg = thisPackage (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ pair :: (Module, SrcSpan)
+ pair@(this_mod,_)
+ | Just (L mod_loc mod) <- hsmodName this_module
+ = (mkModule this_pkg mod, mod_loc)
+ | otherwise -- 'module M where' is omitted
+ = (mAIN, srcLocSpan (srcSpanStart loc))
+tcRnModuleTcRnM :: HscEnv
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> HsParsedModule
+ -> (Module, SrcSpan)
+ -> TcRn TcGblEnv
+-- Factored out separately from tcRnModule so that a Core plugin can
+-- call the type checker directly
+tcRnModuleTcRnM hsc_env mod_sum
+ (HsParsedModule {
+ hpm_module =
+ (L loc (HsModule maybe_mod export_ies
+ import_decls local_decls mod_deprec
+ maybe_doc_hdr)),
+ hpm_src_files = src_files
+ })
+ (this_mod, prel_imp_loc)
+ = setSrcSpan loc $
+ do { let { explicit_mod_hdr = isJust maybe_mod
+ ; hsc_src = ms_hsc_src mod_sum }
+ ; -- Load the hi-boot interface for this module, if any
+ -- We do this now so that the boot_names can be passed
+ -- to tcTyAndClassDecls, because the boot_names are
+ -- automatically considered to be loop breakers
+ tcg_env <- getGblEnv
+ ; boot_info <- tcHiBootIface hsc_src this_mod
+ ; setGblEnv (tcg_env { tcg_self_boot = boot_info })
+ $ do
+ { -- Deal with imports; first add implicit prelude
+ implicit_prelude <- xoptM LangExt.ImplicitPrelude
+ ; let { prel_imports = mkPrelImports (moduleName this_mod) prel_imp_loc
+ implicit_prelude import_decls }
+ ; whenWOptM Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude $
+ when (notNull prel_imports) $
+ addWarn (Reason Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude) (implicitPreludeWarn)
+ ; -- TODO This is a little skeevy; maybe handle a bit more directly
+ let { simplifyImport (L _ idecl) =
+ ( fmap sl_fs (ideclPkgQual idecl) , ideclName idecl)
+ }
+ ; raw_sig_imports <- liftIO
+ $ findExtraSigImports hsc_env hsc_src
+ (moduleName this_mod)
+ ; raw_req_imports <- liftIO
+ $ implicitRequirements hsc_env
+ (map simplifyImport (prel_imports
+ ++ import_decls))
+ ; let { mkImport (Nothing, L _ mod_name) = noLoc
+ $ (simpleImportDecl mod_name)
+ { ideclHiding = Just (False, noLoc [])}
+ ; mkImport _ = panic "mkImport" }
+ ; let { all_imports = prel_imports ++ import_decls
+ ++ map mkImport (raw_sig_imports ++ raw_req_imports) }
+ ; -- OK now finally rename the imports
+ tcg_env <- {-# SCC "tcRnImports" #-}
+ tcRnImports hsc_env all_imports
+ ; -- If the whole module is warned about or deprecated
+ -- (via mod_deprec) record that in tcg_warns. If we do thereby add
+ -- a WarnAll, it will override any subsequent deprecations added to tcg_warns
+ let { tcg_env1 = case mod_deprec of
+ Just (L _ txt) ->
+ tcg_env {tcg_warns = WarnAll txt}
+ Nothing -> tcg_env
+ }
+ ; setGblEnv tcg_env1
+ $ do { -- Rename and type check the declarations
+ traceRn "rn1a" empty
+ ; tcg_env <- if isHsBootOrSig hsc_src
+ then tcRnHsBootDecls hsc_src local_decls
+ else {-# SCC "tcRnSrcDecls" #-}
+ tcRnSrcDecls explicit_mod_hdr local_decls export_ies
+ ; setGblEnv tcg_env
+ $ do { -- Process the export list
+ traceRn "rn4a: before exports" empty
+ ; tcg_env <- tcRnExports explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
+ tcg_env
+ ; traceRn "rn4b: after exports" empty
+ ; -- Compare hi-boot iface (if any) with the real thing
+ -- Must be done after processing the exports
+ tcg_env <- checkHiBootIface tcg_env boot_info
+ ; -- The new type env is already available to stuff
+ -- slurped from interface files, via
+ -- GHC.Tc.Utils.Env.setGlobalTypeEnv. It's important that this
+ -- includes the stuff in checkHiBootIface,
+ -- because the latter might add new bindings for
+ -- boot_dfuns, which may be mentioned in imported
+ -- unfoldings.
+ -- Don't need to rename the Haddock documentation,
+ -- it's not parsed by GHC anymore.
+ tcg_env <- return (tcg_env
+ { tcg_doc_hdr = maybe_doc_hdr })
+ ; -- Report unused names
+ -- Do this /after/ typeinference, so that when reporting
+ -- a function with no type signature we can give the
+ -- inferred type
+ reportUnusedNames tcg_env
+ ; -- add extra source files to tcg_dependent_files
+ addDependentFiles src_files
+ ; tcg_env <- runTypecheckerPlugin mod_sum hsc_env tcg_env
+ ; -- Dump output and return
+ tcDump tcg_env
+ ; return tcg_env }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+implicitPreludeWarn :: SDoc
+ = text "Module `Prelude' implicitly imported"
+* *
+ Import declarations
+* *
+tcRnImports :: HscEnv -> [LImportDecl GhcPs] -> TcM TcGblEnv
+tcRnImports hsc_env import_decls
+ = do { (rn_imports, rdr_env, imports, hpc_info) <- rnImports import_decls ;
+ ; this_mod <- getModule
+ ; let { dep_mods :: ModuleNameEnv (ModuleName, IsBootInterface)
+ ; dep_mods = imp_dep_mods imports
+ -- We want instance declarations from all home-package
+ -- modules below this one, including boot modules, except
+ -- ourselves. The 'except ourselves' is so that we don't
+ -- get the instances from this module's hs-boot file. This
+ -- filtering also ensures that we don't see instances from
+ -- modules batch (@--make@) compiled before this one, but
+ -- which are not below this one.
+ ; want_instances :: ModuleName -> Bool
+ ; want_instances mod = mod `elemUFM` dep_mods
+ && mod /= moduleName this_mod
+ ; (home_insts, home_fam_insts) = hptInstances hsc_env
+ want_instances
+ } ;
+ -- Record boot-file info in the EPS, so that it's
+ -- visible to loadHiBootInterface in tcRnSrcDecls,
+ -- and any other incrementally-performed imports
+ ; updateEps_ (\eps -> eps { eps_is_boot = dep_mods }) ;
+ -- Update the gbl env
+ ; updGblEnv ( \ gbl ->
+ gbl {
+ tcg_rdr_env = tcg_rdr_env gbl `plusGlobalRdrEnv` rdr_env,
+ tcg_imports = tcg_imports gbl `plusImportAvails` imports,
+ tcg_rn_imports = rn_imports,
+ tcg_inst_env = extendInstEnvList (tcg_inst_env gbl) home_insts,
+ tcg_fam_inst_env = extendFamInstEnvList (tcg_fam_inst_env gbl)
+ home_fam_insts,
+ tcg_hpc = hpc_info
+ }) $ do {
+ ; traceRn "rn1" (ppr (imp_dep_mods imports))
+ -- Fail if there are any errors so far
+ -- The error printing (if needed) takes advantage
+ -- of the tcg_env we have now set
+-- ; traceIf (text "rdr_env: " <+> ppr rdr_env)
+ ; failIfErrsM
+ -- Load any orphan-module (including orphan family
+ -- instance-module) interfaces, so that their rules and
+ -- instance decls will be found. But filter out a
+ -- self hs-boot: these instances will be checked when
+ -- we define them locally.
+ -- (We don't need to load non-orphan family instance
+ -- modules until we either try to use the instances they
+ -- define, or define our own family instances, at which
+ -- point we need to check them for consistency.)
+ ; loadModuleInterfaces (text "Loading orphan modules")
+ (filter (/= this_mod) (imp_orphs imports))
+ -- Check type-family consistency between imports.
+ -- See Note [The type family instance consistency story]
+ ; traceRn "rn1: checking family instance consistency {" empty
+ ; let { dir_imp_mods = moduleEnvKeys
+ . imp_mods
+ $ imports }
+ ; checkFamInstConsistency dir_imp_mods
+ ; traceRn "rn1: } checking family instance consistency" empty
+ ; getGblEnv } }
+* *
+ Type-checking the top level of a module
+* *
+tcRnSrcDecls :: Bool -- False => no 'module M(..) where' header at all
+ -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -- Declarations
+ -> Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])
+ -> TcM TcGblEnv
+tcRnSrcDecls explicit_mod_hdr decls export_ies
+ = do { -- Do all the declarations
+ ; (tcg_env, tcl_env, lie) <- tc_rn_src_decls decls
+ -- Check for the 'main' declaration
+ -- Must do this inside the captureTopConstraints
+ -- NB: always set envs *before* captureTopConstraints
+ ; (tcg_env, lie_main) <- setEnvs (tcg_env, tcl_env) $
+ captureTopConstraints $
+ checkMain explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
+ ; setEnvs (tcg_env, tcl_env) $ do {
+ -- Simplify constraints
+ --
+ -- We do this after checkMain, so that we use the type info
+ -- that checkMain adds
+ --
+ -- We do it with both global and local env in scope:
+ -- * the global env exposes the instances to simplifyTop
+ -- * the local env exposes the local Ids to simplifyTop,
+ -- so that we get better error messages (monomorphism restriction)
+ ; new_ev_binds <- {-# SCC "simplifyTop" #-}
+ simplifyTop (lie `andWC` lie_main)
+ -- Emit Typeable bindings
+ ; tcg_env <- mkTypeableBinds
+ ; traceTc "Tc9" empty
+ ; failIfErrsM -- Don't zonk if there have been errors
+ -- It's a waste of time; and we may get debug warnings
+ -- about strangely-typed TyCons!
+ ; traceTc "Tc10" empty
+ -- Zonk the final code. This must be done last.
+ -- Even simplifyTop may do some unification.
+ -- This pass also warns about missing type signatures
+ ; (bind_env, ev_binds', binds', fords', imp_specs', rules')
+ <- zonkTcGblEnv new_ev_binds tcg_env
+ -- Finalizers must run after constraints are simplified, or some types
+ -- might not be complete when using reify (see #12777).
+ -- and also after we zonk the first time because we run typed splices
+ -- in the zonker which gives rise to the finalisers.
+ ; (tcg_env_mf, _) <- setGblEnv (clearTcGblEnv tcg_env)
+ run_th_modfinalizers
+ ; finishTH
+ ; traceTc "Tc11" empty
+ ; -- zonk the new bindings arising from running the finalisers.
+ -- This won't give rise to any more finalisers as you can't nest
+ -- finalisers inside finalisers.
+ ; (bind_env_mf, ev_binds_mf, binds_mf, fords_mf, imp_specs_mf, rules_mf)
+ <- zonkTcGblEnv emptyBag tcg_env_mf
+ ; let { final_type_env = plusTypeEnv (tcg_type_env tcg_env)
+ (plusTypeEnv bind_env_mf bind_env)
+ ; tcg_env' = tcg_env_mf
+ { tcg_binds = binds' `unionBags` binds_mf,
+ tcg_ev_binds = ev_binds' `unionBags` ev_binds_mf ,
+ tcg_imp_specs = imp_specs' ++ imp_specs_mf ,
+ tcg_rules = rules' ++ rules_mf ,
+ tcg_fords = fords' ++ fords_mf } } ;
+ ; setGlobalTypeEnv tcg_env' final_type_env
+ } }
+zonkTcGblEnv :: Bag EvBind -> TcGblEnv
+ -> TcM (TypeEnv, Bag EvBind, LHsBinds GhcTc,
+ [LForeignDecl GhcTc], [LTcSpecPrag], [LRuleDecl GhcTc])
+zonkTcGblEnv new_ev_binds tcg_env =
+ let TcGblEnv { tcg_binds = binds,
+ tcg_ev_binds = cur_ev_binds,
+ tcg_imp_specs = imp_specs,
+ tcg_rules = rules,
+ tcg_fords = fords } = tcg_env
+ all_ev_binds = cur_ev_binds `unionBags` new_ev_binds
+ in {-# SCC "zonkTopDecls" #-}
+ zonkTopDecls all_ev_binds binds rules imp_specs fords
+-- | Remove accumulated bindings, rules and so on from TcGblEnv
+clearTcGblEnv :: TcGblEnv -> TcGblEnv
+clearTcGblEnv tcg_env
+ = tcg_env { tcg_binds = emptyBag,
+ tcg_ev_binds = emptyBag ,
+ tcg_imp_specs = [],
+ tcg_rules = [],
+ tcg_fords = [] }
+-- | Runs TH finalizers and renames and typechecks the top-level declarations
+-- that they could introduce.
+run_th_modfinalizers :: TcM (TcGblEnv, TcLclEnv)
+run_th_modfinalizers = do
+ th_modfinalizers_var <- fmap tcg_th_modfinalizers getGblEnv
+ th_modfinalizers <- readTcRef th_modfinalizers_var
+ if null th_modfinalizers
+ then getEnvs
+ else do
+ writeTcRef th_modfinalizers_var []
+ let run_finalizer (lcl_env, f) =
+ setLclEnv lcl_env (runRemoteModFinalizers f)
+ (_, lie_th) <- captureTopConstraints $
+ mapM_ run_finalizer th_modfinalizers
+ -- Finalizers can add top-level declarations with addTopDecls, so
+ -- we have to run tc_rn_src_decls to get them
+ (tcg_env, tcl_env, lie_top_decls) <- tc_rn_src_decls []
+ setEnvs (tcg_env, tcl_env) $ do
+ -- Subsequent rounds of finalizers run after any new constraints are
+ -- simplified, or some types might not be complete when using reify
+ -- (see #12777).
+ new_ev_binds <- {-# SCC "simplifyTop2" #-}
+ simplifyTop (lie_th `andWC` lie_top_decls)
+ addTopEvBinds new_ev_binds run_th_modfinalizers
+ -- addTopDecls can add declarations which add new finalizers.
+tc_rn_src_decls :: [LHsDecl GhcPs]
+ -> TcM (TcGblEnv, TcLclEnv, WantedConstraints)
+-- Loops around dealing with each top level inter-splice group
+-- in turn, until it's dealt with the entire module
+-- Never emits constraints; calls captureTopConstraints internally
+tc_rn_src_decls ds
+ = {-# SCC "tc_rn_src_decls" #-}
+ do { (first_group, group_tail) <- findSplice ds
+ -- If ds is [] we get ([], Nothing)
+ -- Deal with decls up to, but not including, the first splice
+ ; (tcg_env, rn_decls) <- rnTopSrcDecls first_group
+ -- rnTopSrcDecls fails if there are any errors
+ -- Get TH-generated top-level declarations and make sure they don't
+ -- contain any splices since we don't handle that at the moment
+ --
+ -- The plumbing here is a bit odd: see #10853
+ ; th_topdecls_var <- fmap tcg_th_topdecls getGblEnv
+ ; th_ds <- readTcRef th_topdecls_var
+ ; writeTcRef th_topdecls_var []
+ ; (tcg_env, rn_decls) <-
+ if null th_ds
+ then return (tcg_env, rn_decls)
+ else do { (th_group, th_group_tail) <- findSplice th_ds
+ ; case th_group_tail of
+ { Nothing -> return ()
+ ; Just (SpliceDecl _ (L loc _) _, _) ->
+ setSrcSpan loc
+ $ addErr (text
+ ("Declaration splices are not "
+ ++ "permitted inside top-level "
+ ++ "declarations added with addTopDecls"))
+ ; Just (XSpliceDecl nec, _) -> noExtCon nec
+ }
+ -- Rename TH-generated top-level declarations
+ ; (tcg_env, th_rn_decls) <- setGblEnv tcg_env
+ $ rnTopSrcDecls th_group
+ -- Dump generated top-level declarations
+ ; let msg = "top-level declarations added with addTopDecls"
+ ; traceSplice
+ $ SpliceInfo { spliceDescription = msg
+ , spliceIsDecl = True
+ , spliceSource = Nothing
+ , spliceGenerated = ppr th_rn_decls }
+ ; return (tcg_env, appendGroups rn_decls th_rn_decls)
+ }
+ -- Type check all declarations
+ -- NB: set the env **before** captureTopConstraints so that error messages
+ -- get reported w.r.t. the right GlobalRdrEnv. It is for this reason that
+ -- the captureTopConstraints must go here, not in tcRnSrcDecls.
+ ; ((tcg_env, tcl_env), lie1) <- setGblEnv tcg_env $
+ captureTopConstraints $
+ tcTopSrcDecls rn_decls
+ -- If there is no splice, we're nearly done
+ ; setEnvs (tcg_env, tcl_env) $
+ case group_tail of
+ { Nothing -> return (tcg_env, tcl_env, lie1)
+ -- If there's a splice, we must carry on
+ ; Just (SpliceDecl _ (L _ splice) _, rest_ds) ->
+ do {
+ -- We need to simplify any constraints from the previous declaration
+ -- group, or else we might reify metavariables, as in #16980.
+ ; ev_binds1 <- simplifyTop lie1
+ -- Rename the splice expression, and get its supporting decls
+ ; (spliced_decls, splice_fvs) <- rnTopSpliceDecls splice
+ -- Glue them on the front of the remaining decls and loop
+ ; (tcg_env, tcl_env, lie2) <-
+ setGblEnv (tcg_env `addTcgDUs` usesOnly splice_fvs) $
+ addTopEvBinds ev_binds1 $
+ tc_rn_src_decls (spliced_decls ++ rest_ds)
+ ; return (tcg_env, tcl_env, lie2)
+ }
+ ; Just (XSpliceDecl nec, _) -> noExtCon nec
+ }
+ }
+* *
+ Compiling hs-boot source files, and
+ comparing the hi-boot interface with the real thing
+* *
+tcRnHsBootDecls :: HscSource -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> TcM TcGblEnv
+tcRnHsBootDecls hsc_src decls
+ = do { (first_group, group_tail) <- findSplice decls
+ -- Rename the declarations
+ ; (tcg_env, HsGroup { hs_tyclds = tycl_decls
+ , hs_derivds = deriv_decls
+ , hs_fords = for_decls
+ , hs_defds = def_decls
+ , hs_ruleds = rule_decls
+ , hs_annds = _
+ , hs_valds = XValBindsLR (NValBinds val_binds val_sigs) })
+ <- rnTopSrcDecls first_group
+ -- The empty list is for extra dependencies coming from .hs-boot files
+ -- See Note [Extra dependencies from .hs-boot files] in GHC.Rename.Module
+ ; (gbl_env, lie) <- setGblEnv tcg_env $ captureTopConstraints $ do {
+ -- NB: setGblEnv **before** captureTopConstraints so that
+ -- if the latter reports errors, it knows what's in scope
+ -- Check for illegal declarations
+ ; case group_tail of
+ Just (SpliceDecl _ d _, _) -> badBootDecl hsc_src "splice" d
+ Just (XSpliceDecl nec, _) -> noExtCon nec
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ ; mapM_ (badBootDecl hsc_src "foreign") for_decls
+ ; mapM_ (badBootDecl hsc_src "default") def_decls
+ ; mapM_ (badBootDecl hsc_src "rule") rule_decls
+ -- Typecheck type/class/instance decls
+ ; traceTc "Tc2 (boot)" empty
+ ; (tcg_env, inst_infos, _deriv_binds)
+ <- tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls val_binds
+ ; setGblEnv tcg_env $ do {
+ -- Emit Typeable bindings
+ ; tcg_env <- mkTypeableBinds
+ ; setGblEnv tcg_env $ do {
+ -- Typecheck value declarations
+ ; traceTc "Tc5" empty
+ ; val_ids <- tcHsBootSigs val_binds val_sigs
+ -- Wrap up
+ -- No simplification or zonking to do
+ ; traceTc "Tc7a" empty
+ ; gbl_env <- getGblEnv
+ -- Make the final type-env
+ -- Include the dfun_ids so that their type sigs
+ -- are written into the interface file.
+ ; let { type_env0 = tcg_type_env gbl_env
+ ; type_env1 = extendTypeEnvWithIds type_env0 val_ids
+ ; type_env2 = extendTypeEnvWithIds type_env1 dfun_ids
+ ; dfun_ids = map iDFunId inst_infos
+ }
+ ; setGlobalTypeEnv gbl_env type_env2
+ }}}
+ ; traceTc "boot" (ppr lie); return gbl_env }
+badBootDecl :: HscSource -> String -> Located decl -> TcM ()
+badBootDecl hsc_src what (L loc _)
+ = addErrAt loc (char 'A' <+> text what
+ <+> text "declaration is not (currently) allowed in a"
+ <+> (case hsc_src of
+ HsBootFile -> text "hs-boot"
+ HsigFile -> text "hsig"
+ _ -> panic "badBootDecl: should be an hsig or hs-boot file")
+ <+> text "file")
+Once we've typechecked the body of the module, we want to compare what
+we've found (gathered in a TypeEnv) with the hi-boot details (if any).
+checkHiBootIface :: TcGblEnv -> SelfBootInfo -> TcM TcGblEnv
+-- Compare the hi-boot file for this module (if there is one)
+-- with the type environment we've just come up with
+-- In the common case where there is no hi-boot file, the list
+-- of boot_names is empty.
+checkHiBootIface tcg_env boot_info
+ | NoSelfBoot <- boot_info -- Common case
+ = return tcg_env
+ | HsBootFile <- tcg_src tcg_env -- Current module is already a hs-boot file!
+ = return tcg_env
+ | SelfBoot { sb_mds = boot_details } <- boot_info
+ , TcGblEnv { tcg_binds = binds
+ , tcg_insts = local_insts
+ , tcg_type_env = local_type_env
+ , tcg_exports = local_exports } <- tcg_env
+ = do { -- This code is tricky, see Note [DFun knot-tying]
+ ; dfun_prs <- checkHiBootIface' local_insts local_type_env
+ local_exports boot_details
+ -- Now add the boot-dfun bindings $fxblah = $fblah
+ -- to (a) the type envt, and (b) the top-level bindings
+ ; let boot_dfuns = map fst dfun_prs
+ type_env' = extendTypeEnvWithIds local_type_env boot_dfuns
+ dfun_binds = listToBag [ mkVarBind boot_dfun (nlHsVar dfun)
+ | (boot_dfun, dfun) <- dfun_prs ]
+ tcg_env_w_binds
+ = tcg_env { tcg_binds = binds `unionBags` dfun_binds }
+ ; type_env' `seq`
+ -- Why the seq? Without, we will put a TypeEnv thunk in
+ -- tcg_type_env_var. That thunk will eventually get
+ -- forced if we are typechecking interfaces, but that
+ -- is no good if we are trying to typecheck the very
+ -- DFun we were going to put in.
+ -- TODO: Maybe setGlobalTypeEnv should be strict.
+ setGlobalTypeEnv tcg_env_w_binds type_env' }
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 810
+ | otherwise = panic "checkHiBootIface: unreachable code"
+{- Note [DFun impedance matching]
+We return a list of "impedance-matching" bindings for the dfuns
+defined in the hs-boot file, such as
+ $fxEqT = $fEqT
+We need these because the module and hi-boot file might differ in
+the name it chose for the dfun: the name of a dfun is not
+uniquely determined by its type; there might be multiple dfuns
+which, individually, would map to the same name (in which case
+we have to disambiguate them.) There's no way for the hi file
+to know exactly what disambiguation to use... without looking
+at the hi-boot file itself.
+In fact, the names will always differ because we always pick names
+prefixed with "$fx" for boot dfuns, and "$f" for real dfuns
+(so that this impedance matching is always possible).
+Note [DFun knot-tying]
+The 'SelfBootInfo' that is fed into 'checkHiBootIface' comes from
+typechecking the hi-boot file that we are presently implementing.
+Suppose we are typechecking the module A: when we typecheck the
+hi-boot file, whenever we see an identifier A.T, we knot-tie this
+identifier to the *local* type environment (via if_rec_types.) The
+contract then is that we don't *look* at 'SelfBootInfo' until we've
+finished typechecking the module and updated the type environment with
+the new tycons and ids.
+This most works well, but there is one problem: DFuns! We do not want
+to look at the mb_insts of the ModDetails in SelfBootInfo, because a
+dfun in one of those ClsInsts is gotten (in GHC.IfaceToCore.tcIfaceInst) by a
+(lazily evaluated) lookup in the if_rec_types. We could extend the
+type env, do a setGloblaTypeEnv etc; but that all seems very indirect.
+It is much more directly simply to extract the DFunIds from the
+md_types of the SelfBootInfo.
+See #4003, #16038 for why we need to take care here.
+checkHiBootIface' :: [ClsInst] -> TypeEnv -> [AvailInfo]
+ -> ModDetails -> TcM [(Id, Id)]
+-- Variant which doesn't require a full TcGblEnv; you could get the
+-- local components from another ModDetails.
+ local_insts local_type_env local_exports
+ (ModDetails { md_types = boot_type_env
+ , md_fam_insts = boot_fam_insts
+ , md_exports = boot_exports })
+ = do { traceTc "checkHiBootIface" $ vcat
+ [ ppr boot_type_env, ppr boot_exports]
+ -- Check the exports of the boot module, one by one
+ ; mapM_ check_export boot_exports
+ -- Check for no family instances
+ ; unless (null boot_fam_insts) $
+ panic ("GHC.Tc.Module.checkHiBootIface: Cannot handle family " ++
+ "instances in boot files yet...")
+ -- FIXME: Why? The actual comparison is not hard, but what would
+ -- be the equivalent to the dfun bindings returned for class
+ -- instances? We can't easily equate tycons...
+ -- Check instance declarations
+ -- and generate an impedance-matching binding
+ ; mb_dfun_prs <- mapM check_cls_inst boot_dfuns
+ ; failIfErrsM
+ ; return (catMaybes mb_dfun_prs) }
+ where
+ boot_dfun_names = map idName boot_dfuns
+ boot_dfuns = filter isDFunId $ typeEnvIds boot_type_env
+ -- NB: boot_dfuns is /not/ defined thus: map instanceDFunId md_insts
+ -- We don't want to look at md_insts!
+ -- Why not? See Note [DFun knot-tying]
+ check_export boot_avail -- boot_avail is exported by the boot iface
+ | name `elem` boot_dfun_names = return ()
+ | isWiredInName name = return () -- No checking for wired-in names. In particular,
+ -- 'error' is handled by a rather gross hack
+ -- (see comments in GHC.Err.hs-boot)
+ -- Check that the actual module exports the same thing
+ | not (null missing_names)
+ = addErrAt (nameSrcSpan (head missing_names))
+ (missingBootThing True (head missing_names) "exported by")
+ -- If the boot module does not *define* the thing, we are done
+ -- (it simply re-exports it, and names match, so nothing further to do)
+ | isNothing mb_boot_thing = return ()
+ -- Check that the actual module also defines the thing, and
+ -- then compare the definitions
+ | Just real_thing <- lookupTypeEnv local_type_env name,
+ Just boot_thing <- mb_boot_thing
+ = checkBootDeclM True boot_thing real_thing
+ | otherwise
+ = addErrTc (missingBootThing True name "defined in")
+ where
+ name = availName boot_avail
+ mb_boot_thing = lookupTypeEnv boot_type_env name
+ missing_names = case lookupNameEnv local_export_env name of
+ Nothing -> [name]
+ Just avail -> availNames boot_avail `minusList` availNames avail
+ local_export_env :: NameEnv AvailInfo
+ local_export_env = availsToNameEnv local_exports
+ check_cls_inst :: DFunId -> TcM (Maybe (Id, Id))
+ -- Returns a pair of the boot dfun in terms of the equivalent
+ -- real dfun. Delicate (like checkBootDecl) because it depends
+ -- on the types lining up precisely even to the ordering of
+ -- the type variables in the foralls.
+ check_cls_inst boot_dfun
+ | (real_dfun : _) <- find_real_dfun boot_dfun
+ , let local_boot_dfun = Id.mkExportedVanillaId
+ (idName boot_dfun) (idType real_dfun)
+ = return (Just (local_boot_dfun, real_dfun))
+ -- Two tricky points here:
+ --
+ -- * The local_boot_fun should have a Name from the /boot-file/,
+ -- but type from the dfun defined in /this module/.
+ -- That ensures that the TyCon etc inside the type are
+ -- the ones defined in this module, not the ones gotten
+ -- from the hi-boot file, which may have a lot less info
+ -- (#8743, comment:10).
+ --
+ -- * The DFunIds from boot_details are /GlobalIds/, because
+ -- they come from typechecking M.hi-boot.
+ -- But all bindings in this module should be for /LocalIds/,
+ -- otherwise dependency analysis fails (#16038). This
+ -- is another reason for using mkExportedVanillaId, rather
+ -- that modifying boot_dfun, to make local_boot_fun.
+ | otherwise
+ = setSrcSpan (nameSrcSpan (getName boot_dfun)) $
+ do { traceTc "check_cls_inst" $ vcat
+ [ text "local_insts" <+>
+ vcat (map (ppr . idType . instanceDFunId) local_insts)
+ , text "boot_dfun_ty" <+> ppr (idType boot_dfun) ]
+ ; addErrTc (instMisMatch boot_dfun)
+ ; return Nothing }
+ find_real_dfun :: DFunId -> [DFunId]
+ find_real_dfun boot_dfun
+ = [dfun | inst <- local_insts
+ , let dfun = instanceDFunId inst
+ , idType dfun `eqType` boot_dfun_ty ]
+ where
+ boot_dfun_ty = idType boot_dfun
+-- In general, to perform these checks we have to
+-- compare the TyThing from the .hi-boot file to the TyThing
+-- in the current source file. We must be careful to allow alpha-renaming
+-- where appropriate, and also the boot declaration is allowed to omit
+-- constructors and class methods.
+-- See rnfail055 for a good test of this stuff.
+-- | Compares two things for equivalence between boot-file and normal code,
+-- reporting an error if they don't match up.
+checkBootDeclM :: Bool -- ^ True <=> an hs-boot file (could also be a sig)
+ -> TyThing -> TyThing -> TcM ()
+checkBootDeclM is_boot boot_thing real_thing
+ = whenIsJust (checkBootDecl is_boot boot_thing real_thing) $ \ err ->
+ addErrAt span
+ (bootMisMatch is_boot err real_thing boot_thing)
+ where
+ -- Here we use the span of the boot thing or, if it doesn't have a sensible
+ -- span, that of the real thing,
+ span
+ | let span = nameSrcSpan (getName boot_thing)
+ , isGoodSrcSpan span
+ = span
+ | otherwise
+ = nameSrcSpan (getName real_thing)
+-- | Compares the two things for equivalence between boot-file and normal
+-- code. Returns @Nothing@ on success or @Just "some helpful info for user"@
+-- failure. If the difference will be apparent to the user, @Just empty@ is
+-- perfectly suitable.
+checkBootDecl :: Bool -> TyThing -> TyThing -> Maybe SDoc
+checkBootDecl _ (AnId id1) (AnId id2)
+ = ASSERT(id1 == id2)
+ check (idType id1 `eqType` idType id2)
+ (text "The two types are different")
+checkBootDecl is_boot (ATyCon tc1) (ATyCon tc2)
+ = checkBootTyCon is_boot tc1 tc2
+checkBootDecl _ (AConLike (RealDataCon dc1)) (AConLike (RealDataCon _))
+ = pprPanic "checkBootDecl" (ppr dc1)
+checkBootDecl _ _ _ = Just empty -- probably shouldn't happen
+-- | Combines two potential error messages
+andThenCheck :: Maybe SDoc -> Maybe SDoc -> Maybe SDoc
+Nothing `andThenCheck` msg = msg
+msg `andThenCheck` Nothing = msg
+Just d1 `andThenCheck` Just d2 = Just (d1 $$ d2)
+infixr 0 `andThenCheck`
+-- | If the test in the first parameter is True, succeed with @Nothing@;
+-- otherwise, return the provided check
+checkUnless :: Bool -> Maybe SDoc -> Maybe SDoc
+checkUnless True _ = Nothing
+checkUnless False k = k
+-- | Run the check provided for every pair of elements in the lists.
+-- The provided SDoc should name the element type, in the plural.
+checkListBy :: (a -> a -> Maybe SDoc) -> [a] -> [a] -> SDoc
+ -> Maybe SDoc
+checkListBy check_fun as bs whats = go [] as bs
+ where
+ herald = text "The" <+> whats <+> text "do not match"
+ go [] [] [] = Nothing
+ go docs [] [] = Just (hang (herald <> colon) 2 (vcat $ reverse docs))
+ go docs (x:xs) (y:ys) = case check_fun x y of
+ Just doc -> go (doc:docs) xs ys
+ Nothing -> go docs xs ys
+ go _ _ _ = Just (hang (herald <> colon)
+ 2 (text "There are different numbers of" <+> whats))
+-- | If the test in the first parameter is True, succeed with @Nothing@;
+-- otherwise, fail with the given SDoc.
+check :: Bool -> SDoc -> Maybe SDoc
+check True _ = Nothing
+check False doc = Just doc
+-- | A more perspicuous name for @Nothing@, for @checkBootDecl@ and friends.
+checkSuccess :: Maybe SDoc
+checkSuccess = Nothing
+checkBootTyCon :: Bool -> TyCon -> TyCon -> Maybe SDoc
+checkBootTyCon is_boot tc1 tc2
+ | not (eqType (tyConKind tc1) (tyConKind tc2))
+ = Just $ text "The types have different kinds" -- First off, check the kind
+ | Just c1 <- tyConClass_maybe tc1
+ , Just c2 <- tyConClass_maybe tc2
+ , let (clas_tvs1, clas_fds1, sc_theta1, _, ats1, op_stuff1)
+ = classExtraBigSig c1
+ (clas_tvs2, clas_fds2, sc_theta2, _, ats2, op_stuff2)
+ = classExtraBigSig c2
+ , Just env <- eqVarBndrs emptyRnEnv2 clas_tvs1 clas_tvs2
+ = let
+ eqSig (id1, def_meth1) (id2, def_meth2)
+ = check (name1 == name2)
+ (text "The names" <+> pname1 <+> text "and" <+> pname2 <+>
+ text "are different") `andThenCheck`
+ check (eqTypeX env op_ty1 op_ty2)
+ (text "The types of" <+> pname1 <+>
+ text "are different") `andThenCheck`
+ if is_boot
+ then check (eqMaybeBy eqDM def_meth1 def_meth2)
+ (text "The default methods associated with" <+> pname1 <+>
+ text "are different")
+ else check (subDM op_ty1 def_meth1 def_meth2)
+ (text "The default methods associated with" <+> pname1 <+>
+ text "are not compatible")
+ where
+ name1 = idName id1
+ name2 = idName id2
+ pname1 = quotes (ppr name1)
+ pname2 = quotes (ppr name2)
+ (_, rho_ty1) = splitForAllTys (idType id1)
+ op_ty1 = funResultTy rho_ty1
+ (_, rho_ty2) = splitForAllTys (idType id2)
+ op_ty2 = funResultTy rho_ty2
+ eqAT (ATI tc1 def_ats1) (ATI tc2 def_ats2)
+ = checkBootTyCon is_boot tc1 tc2 `andThenCheck`
+ check (eqATDef def_ats1 def_ats2)
+ (text "The associated type defaults differ")
+ eqDM (_, VanillaDM) (_, VanillaDM) = True
+ eqDM (_, GenericDM t1) (_, GenericDM t2) = eqTypeX env t1 t2
+ eqDM _ _ = False
+ -- NB: first argument is from hsig, second is from real impl.
+ -- Order of pattern matching matters.
+ subDM _ Nothing _ = True
+ subDM _ _ Nothing = False
+ -- If the hsig wrote:
+ --
+ -- f :: a -> a
+ -- default f :: a -> a
+ --
+ -- this should be validly implementable using an old-fashioned
+ -- vanilla default method.
+ subDM t1 (Just (_, GenericDM t2)) (Just (_, VanillaDM))
+ = eqTypeX env t1 t2
+ -- This case can occur when merging signatures
+ subDM t1 (Just (_, VanillaDM)) (Just (_, GenericDM t2))
+ = eqTypeX env t1 t2
+ subDM _ (Just (_, VanillaDM)) (Just (_, VanillaDM)) = True
+ subDM _ (Just (_, GenericDM t1)) (Just (_, GenericDM t2))
+ = eqTypeX env t1 t2
+ -- Ignore the location of the defaults
+ eqATDef Nothing Nothing = True
+ eqATDef (Just (ty1, _loc1)) (Just (ty2, _loc2)) = eqTypeX env ty1 ty2
+ eqATDef _ _ = False
+ eqFD (as1,bs1) (as2,bs2) =
+ eqListBy (eqTypeX env) (mkTyVarTys as1) (mkTyVarTys as2) &&
+ eqListBy (eqTypeX env) (mkTyVarTys bs1) (mkTyVarTys bs2)
+ in
+ checkRoles roles1 roles2 `andThenCheck`
+ -- Checks kind of class
+ check (eqListBy eqFD clas_fds1 clas_fds2)
+ (text "The functional dependencies do not match") `andThenCheck`
+ checkUnless (isAbstractTyCon tc1) $
+ check (eqListBy (eqTypeX env) sc_theta1 sc_theta2)
+ (text "The class constraints do not match") `andThenCheck`
+ checkListBy eqSig op_stuff1 op_stuff2 (text "methods") `andThenCheck`
+ checkListBy eqAT ats1 ats2 (text "associated types") `andThenCheck`
+ check (classMinimalDef c1 `BF.implies` classMinimalDef c2)
+ (text "The MINIMAL pragmas are not compatible")
+ | Just syn_rhs1 <- synTyConRhs_maybe tc1
+ , Just syn_rhs2 <- synTyConRhs_maybe tc2
+ , Just env <- eqVarBndrs emptyRnEnv2 (tyConTyVars tc1) (tyConTyVars tc2)
+ = ASSERT(tc1 == tc2)
+ checkRoles roles1 roles2 `andThenCheck`
+ check (eqTypeX env syn_rhs1 syn_rhs2) empty -- nothing interesting to say
+ -- This allows abstract 'data T a' to be implemented using 'type T = ...'
+ -- and abstract 'class K a' to be implement using 'type K = ...'
+ -- See Note [Synonyms implement abstract data]
+ | not is_boot -- don't support for hs-boot yet
+ , isAbstractTyCon tc1
+ , Just (tvs, ty) <- synTyConDefn_maybe tc2
+ , Just (tc2', args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ = checkSynAbsData tvs ty tc2' args
+ -- TODO: When it's a synonym implementing a class, we really
+ -- should check if the fundeps are satisfied, but
+ -- there is not an obvious way to do this for a constraint synonym.
+ -- So for now, let it all through (it won't cause segfaults, anyway).
+ -- Tracked at #12704.
+ -- This allows abstract 'data T :: Nat' to be implemented using
+ -- 'type T = 42' Since the kinds already match (we have checked this
+ -- upfront) all we need to check is that the implementation 'type T
+ -- = ...' defined an actual literal. See #15138 for the case this
+ -- handles.
+ | not is_boot
+ , isAbstractTyCon tc1
+ , Just (_,ty2) <- synTyConDefn_maybe tc2
+ , isJust (isLitTy ty2)
+ = Nothing
+ | Just fam_flav1 <- famTyConFlav_maybe tc1
+ , Just fam_flav2 <- famTyConFlav_maybe tc2
+ = ASSERT(tc1 == tc2)
+ let eqFamFlav OpenSynFamilyTyCon OpenSynFamilyTyCon = True
+ eqFamFlav (DataFamilyTyCon {}) (DataFamilyTyCon {}) = True
+ -- This case only happens for hsig merging:
+ eqFamFlav AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = True
+ eqFamFlav AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon {}) = True
+ eqFamFlav (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon {}) AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = True
+ eqFamFlav (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon ax1) (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon ax2)
+ = eqClosedFamilyAx ax1 ax2
+ eqFamFlav (BuiltInSynFamTyCon {}) (BuiltInSynFamTyCon {}) = tc1 == tc2
+ eqFamFlav _ _ = False
+ injInfo1 = tyConInjectivityInfo tc1
+ injInfo2 = tyConInjectivityInfo tc2
+ in
+ -- check equality of roles, family flavours and injectivity annotations
+ -- (NB: Type family roles are always nominal. But the check is
+ -- harmless enough.)
+ checkRoles roles1 roles2 `andThenCheck`
+ check (eqFamFlav fam_flav1 fam_flav2)
+ (whenPprDebug $
+ text "Family flavours" <+> ppr fam_flav1 <+> text "and" <+> ppr fam_flav2 <+>
+ text "do not match") `andThenCheck`
+ check (injInfo1 == injInfo2) (text "Injectivities do not match")
+ | isAlgTyCon tc1 && isAlgTyCon tc2
+ , Just env <- eqVarBndrs emptyRnEnv2 (tyConTyVars tc1) (tyConTyVars tc2)
+ = ASSERT(tc1 == tc2)
+ checkRoles roles1 roles2 `andThenCheck`
+ check (eqListBy (eqTypeX env)
+ (tyConStupidTheta tc1) (tyConStupidTheta tc2))
+ (text "The datatype contexts do not match") `andThenCheck`
+ eqAlgRhs tc1 (algTyConRhs tc1) (algTyConRhs tc2)
+ | otherwise = Just empty -- two very different types -- should be obvious
+ where
+ roles1 = tyConRoles tc1 -- the abstract one
+ roles2 = tyConRoles tc2
+ roles_msg = text "The roles do not match." $$
+ (text "Roles on abstract types default to" <+>
+ quotes (text "representational") <+> text "in boot files.")
+ roles_subtype_msg = text "The roles are not compatible:" $$
+ text "Main module:" <+> ppr roles2 $$
+ text "Hsig file:" <+> ppr roles1
+ checkRoles r1 r2
+ | is_boot || isInjectiveTyCon tc1 Representational -- See Note [Role subtyping]
+ = check (r1 == r2) roles_msg
+ | otherwise = check (r2 `rolesSubtypeOf` r1) roles_subtype_msg
+ -- Note [Role subtyping]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- In the current formulation of roles, role subtyping is only OK if the
+ -- "abstract" TyCon was not representationally injective. Among the most
+ -- notable examples of non representationally injective TyCons are abstract
+ -- data, which can be implemented via newtypes (which are not
+ -- representationally injective). The key example is
+ -- in this example from #13140:
+ --
+ -- -- In an hsig file
+ -- data T a -- abstract!
+ -- type role T nominal
+ --
+ -- -- Elsewhere
+ -- foo :: Coercible (T a) (T b) => a -> b
+ -- foo x = x
+ --
+ -- We must NOT allow foo to typecheck, because if we instantiate
+ -- T with a concrete data type with a phantom role would cause
+ -- Coercible (T a) (T b) to be provable. Fortunately, if T is not
+ -- representationally injective, we cannot make the inference that a ~N b if
+ -- T a ~R T b.
+ --
+ -- Unconditional role subtyping would be possible if we setup
+ -- an extra set of roles saying when we can project out coercions
+ -- (we call these proj-roles); then it would NOT be valid to instantiate T
+ -- with a data type at phantom since the proj-role subtyping check
+ -- would fail. See #13140 for more details.
+ --
+ -- One consequence of this is we get no role subtyping for non-abstract
+ -- data types in signatures. Suppose you have:
+ --
+ -- signature A where
+ -- type role T nominal
+ -- data T a = MkT
+ --
+ -- If you write this, we'll treat T as injective, and make inferences
+ -- like T a ~R T b ==> a ~N b (mkNthCo). But if we can
+ -- subsequently replace T with one at phantom role, we would then be able to
+ -- infer things like T Int ~R T Bool which is bad news.
+ --
+ -- We could allow role subtyping here if we didn't treat *any* data types
+ -- defined in signatures as injective. But this would be a bit surprising,
+ -- replacing a data type in a module with one in a signature could cause
+ -- your code to stop typechecking (whereas if you made the type abstract,
+ -- it is more understandable that the type checker knows less).
+ --
+ -- It would have been best if this was purely a question of defaults
+ -- (i.e., a user could explicitly ask for one behavior or another) but
+ -- the current role system isn't expressive enough to do this.
+ -- Having explicit proj-roles would solve this problem.
+ rolesSubtypeOf [] [] = True
+ -- NB: this relation is the OPPOSITE of the subroling relation
+ rolesSubtypeOf (x:xs) (y:ys) = x >= y && rolesSubtypeOf xs ys
+ rolesSubtypeOf _ _ = False
+ -- Note [Synonyms implement abstract data]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- An abstract data type or class can be implemented using a type synonym,
+ -- but ONLY if the type synonym is nullary and has no type family
+ -- applications. This arises from two properties of skolem abstract data:
+ --
+ -- For any T (with some number of paramaters),
+ --
+ -- 1. T is a valid type (it is "curryable"), and
+ --
+ -- 2. T is valid in an instance head (no type families).
+ --
+ -- See also 'HowAbstract' and Note [Skolem abstract data].
+ -- | Given @type T tvs = ty@, where @ty@ decomposes into @tc2' args@,
+ -- check that this synonym is an acceptable implementation of @tc1@.
+ -- See Note [Synonyms implement abstract data]
+ checkSynAbsData :: [TyVar] -> Type -> TyCon -> [Type] -> Maybe SDoc
+ checkSynAbsData tvs ty tc2' args =
+ check (null (tcTyFamInsts ty))
+ (text "Illegal type family application in implementation of abstract data.")
+ `andThenCheck`
+ check (null tvs)
+ (text "Illegal parameterized type synonym in implementation of abstract data." $$
+ text "(Try eta reducing your type synonym so that it is nullary.)")
+ `andThenCheck`
+ -- Don't report roles errors unless the type synonym is nullary
+ checkUnless (not (null tvs)) $
+ ASSERT( null roles2 )
+ -- If we have something like:
+ --
+ -- signature H where
+ -- data T a
+ -- module H where
+ -- data K a b = ...
+ -- type T = K Int
+ --
+ -- we need to drop the first role of K when comparing!
+ checkRoles roles1 (drop (length args) (tyConRoles tc2'))
+ -- Hypothetically, if we were allow to non-nullary type synonyms, here
+ -- is how you would check the roles
+ if length tvs == length roles1
+ then checkRoles roles1 roles2
+ else case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc2', args) ->
+ checkRoles roles1 (drop (length args) (tyConRoles tc2') ++ roles2)
+ Nothing -> Just roles_msg
+ eqAlgRhs _ AbstractTyCon _rhs2
+ = checkSuccess -- rhs2 is guaranteed to be injective, since it's an AlgTyCon
+ eqAlgRhs _ tc1@DataTyCon{} tc2@DataTyCon{} =
+ checkListBy eqCon (data_cons tc1) (data_cons tc2) (text "constructors")
+ eqAlgRhs _ tc1@NewTyCon{} tc2@NewTyCon{} =
+ eqCon (data_con tc1) (data_con tc2)
+ eqAlgRhs _ _ _ = Just (text "Cannot match a" <+> quotes (text "data") <+>
+ text "definition with a" <+> quotes (text "newtype") <+>
+ text "definition")
+ eqCon c1 c2
+ = check (name1 == name2)
+ (text "The names" <+> pname1 <+> text "and" <+> pname2 <+>
+ text "differ") `andThenCheck`
+ check (dataConIsInfix c1 == dataConIsInfix c2)
+ (text "The fixities of" <+> pname1 <+>
+ text "differ") `andThenCheck`
+ check (eqListBy eqHsBang (dataConImplBangs c1) (dataConImplBangs c2))
+ (text "The strictness annotations for" <+> pname1 <+>
+ text "differ") `andThenCheck`
+ check (map flSelector (dataConFieldLabels c1) == map flSelector (dataConFieldLabels c2))
+ (text "The record label lists for" <+> pname1 <+>
+ text "differ") `andThenCheck`
+ check (eqType (dataConUserType c1) (dataConUserType c2))
+ (text "The types for" <+> pname1 <+> text "differ")
+ where
+ name1 = dataConName c1
+ name2 = dataConName c2
+ pname1 = quotes (ppr name1)
+ pname2 = quotes (ppr name2)
+ eqClosedFamilyAx Nothing Nothing = True
+ eqClosedFamilyAx Nothing (Just _) = False
+ eqClosedFamilyAx (Just _) Nothing = False
+ eqClosedFamilyAx (Just (CoAxiom { co_ax_branches = branches1 }))
+ (Just (CoAxiom { co_ax_branches = branches2 }))
+ = numBranches branches1 == numBranches branches2
+ && (and $ zipWith eqClosedFamilyBranch branch_list1 branch_list2)
+ where
+ branch_list1 = fromBranches branches1
+ branch_list2 = fromBranches branches2
+ eqClosedFamilyBranch (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs1, cab_cvs = cvs1
+ , cab_lhs = lhs1, cab_rhs = rhs1 })
+ (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs2, cab_cvs = cvs2
+ , cab_lhs = lhs2, cab_rhs = rhs2 })
+ | Just env1 <- eqVarBndrs emptyRnEnv2 tvs1 tvs2
+ , Just env <- eqVarBndrs env1 cvs1 cvs2
+ = eqListBy (eqTypeX env) lhs1 lhs2 &&
+ eqTypeX env rhs1 rhs2
+ | otherwise = False
+emptyRnEnv2 :: RnEnv2
+emptyRnEnv2 = mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet
+missingBootThing :: Bool -> Name -> String -> SDoc
+missingBootThing is_boot name what
+ = quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is exported by the"
+ <+> (if is_boot then text "hs-boot" else text "hsig")
+ <+> text "file, but not"
+ <+> text what <+> text "the module"
+badReexportedBootThing :: Bool -> Name -> Name -> SDoc
+badReexportedBootThing is_boot name name'
+ = withUserStyle alwaysQualify AllTheWay $ vcat
+ [ text "The" <+> (if is_boot then text "hs-boot" else text "hsig")
+ <+> text "file (re)exports" <+> quotes (ppr name)
+ , text "but the implementing module exports a different identifier" <+> quotes (ppr name')
+ ]
+bootMisMatch :: Bool -> SDoc -> TyThing -> TyThing -> SDoc
+bootMisMatch is_boot extra_info real_thing boot_thing
+ = pprBootMisMatch is_boot extra_info real_thing real_doc boot_doc
+ where
+ to_doc
+ = pprTyThingInContext $ showToHeader { ss_forall =
+ if is_boot
+ then ShowForAllMust
+ else ShowForAllWhen }
+ real_doc = to_doc real_thing
+ boot_doc = to_doc boot_thing
+ pprBootMisMatch :: Bool -> SDoc -> TyThing -> SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+ pprBootMisMatch is_boot extra_info real_thing real_doc boot_doc
+ = vcat
+ [ ppr real_thing <+>
+ text "has conflicting definitions in the module",
+ text "and its" <+>
+ (if is_boot
+ then text "hs-boot file"
+ else text "hsig file"),
+ text "Main module:" <+> real_doc,
+ (if is_boot
+ then text "Boot file: "
+ else text "Hsig file: ")
+ <+> boot_doc,
+ extra_info
+ ]
+instMisMatch :: DFunId -> SDoc
+instMisMatch dfun
+ = hang (text "instance" <+> ppr (idType dfun))
+ 2 (text "is defined in the hs-boot file, but not in the module itself")
+* *
+ Type-checking the top level of a module (continued)
+* *
+rnTopSrcDecls :: HsGroup GhcPs -> TcM (TcGblEnv, HsGroup GhcRn)
+-- Fails if there are any errors
+rnTopSrcDecls group
+ = do { -- Rename the source decls
+ traceRn "rn12" empty ;
+ (tcg_env, rn_decls) <- checkNoErrs $ rnSrcDecls group ;
+ traceRn "rn13" empty ;
+ (tcg_env, rn_decls) <- runRenamerPlugin tcg_env rn_decls ;
+ traceRn "rn13-plugin" empty ;
+ -- save the renamed syntax, if we want it
+ let { tcg_env'
+ | Just grp <- tcg_rn_decls tcg_env
+ = tcg_env{ tcg_rn_decls = Just (appendGroups grp rn_decls) }
+ | otherwise
+ = tcg_env };
+ -- Dump trace of renaming part
+ rnDump rn_decls ;
+ return (tcg_env', rn_decls)
+ }
+tcTopSrcDecls :: HsGroup GhcRn -> TcM (TcGblEnv, TcLclEnv)
+tcTopSrcDecls (HsGroup { hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
+ hs_derivds = deriv_decls,
+ hs_fords = foreign_decls,
+ hs_defds = default_decls,
+ hs_annds = annotation_decls,
+ hs_ruleds = rule_decls,
+ hs_valds = hs_val_binds@(XValBindsLR
+ (NValBinds val_binds val_sigs)) })
+ = do { -- Type-check the type and class decls, and all imported decls
+ -- The latter come in via tycl_decls
+ traceTc "Tc2 (src)" empty ;
+ -- Source-language instances, including derivings,
+ -- and import the supporting declarations
+ traceTc "Tc3" empty ;
+ (tcg_env, inst_infos, XValBindsLR (NValBinds deriv_binds deriv_sigs))
+ <- tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls val_binds ;
+ setGblEnv tcg_env $ do {
+ -- Generate Applicative/Monad proposal (AMP) warnings
+ traceTc "Tc3b" empty ;
+ -- Generate Semigroup/Monoid warnings
+ traceTc "Tc3c" empty ;
+ tcSemigroupWarnings ;
+ -- Foreign import declarations next.
+ traceTc "Tc4" empty ;
+ (fi_ids, fi_decls, fi_gres) <- tcForeignImports foreign_decls ;
+ tcExtendGlobalValEnv fi_ids $ do {
+ -- Default declarations
+ traceTc "Tc4a" empty ;
+ default_tys <- tcDefaults default_decls ;
+ updGblEnv (\gbl -> gbl { tcg_default = default_tys }) $ do {
+ -- Value declarations next.
+ -- It is important that we check the top-level value bindings
+ -- before the GHC-generated derived bindings, since the latter
+ -- may be defined in terms of the former. (For instance,
+ -- the bindings produced in a Data instance.)
+ traceTc "Tc5" empty ;
+ tc_envs <- tcTopBinds val_binds val_sigs;
+ setEnvs tc_envs $ do {
+ -- Now GHC-generated derived bindings, generics, and selectors
+ -- Do not generate warnings from compiler-generated code;
+ -- hence the use of discardWarnings
+ tc_envs@(tcg_env, tcl_env)
+ <- discardWarnings (tcTopBinds deriv_binds deriv_sigs) ;
+ setEnvs tc_envs $ do { -- Environment doesn't change now
+ -- Second pass over class and instance declarations,
+ -- now using the kind-checked decls
+ traceTc "Tc6" empty ;
+ inst_binds <- tcInstDecls2 (tyClGroupTyClDecls tycl_decls) inst_infos ;
+ -- Foreign exports
+ traceTc "Tc7" empty ;
+ (foe_binds, foe_decls, foe_gres) <- tcForeignExports foreign_decls ;
+ -- Annotations
+ annotations <- tcAnnotations annotation_decls ;
+ -- Rules
+ rules <- tcRules rule_decls ;
+ -- Wrap up
+ traceTc "Tc7a" empty ;
+ let { all_binds = inst_binds `unionBags`
+ foe_binds
+ ; fo_gres = fi_gres `unionBags` foe_gres
+ ; fo_fvs = foldr (\gre fvs -> fvs `addOneFV` gre_name gre)
+ emptyFVs fo_gres
+ ; sig_names = mkNameSet (collectHsValBinders hs_val_binds)
+ `minusNameSet` getTypeSigNames val_sigs
+ -- Extend the GblEnv with the (as yet un-zonked)
+ -- bindings, rules, foreign decls
+ ; tcg_env' = tcg_env { tcg_binds = tcg_binds tcg_env `unionBags` all_binds
+ , tcg_sigs = tcg_sigs tcg_env `unionNameSet` sig_names
+ , tcg_rules = tcg_rules tcg_env
+ ++ flattenRuleDecls rules
+ , tcg_anns = tcg_anns tcg_env ++ annotations
+ , tcg_ann_env = extendAnnEnvList (tcg_ann_env tcg_env) annotations
+ , tcg_fords = tcg_fords tcg_env ++ foe_decls ++ fi_decls
+ , tcg_dus = tcg_dus tcg_env `plusDU` usesOnly fo_fvs } } ;
+ -- tcg_dus: see Note [Newtype constructor usage in foreign declarations]
+ -- See Note [Newtype constructor usage in foreign declarations]
+ addUsedGREs (bagToList fo_gres) ;
+ return (tcg_env', tcl_env)
+ }}}}}}
+tcTopSrcDecls _ = panic "tcTopSrcDecls: ValBindsIn"
+tcSemigroupWarnings :: TcM ()
+tcSemigroupWarnings = do
+ traceTc "tcSemigroupWarnings" empty
+ let warnFlag = Opt_WarnSemigroup
+ tcPreludeClashWarn warnFlag sappendName
+ tcMissingParentClassWarn warnFlag monoidClassName semigroupClassName
+-- | Warn on local definitions of names that would clash with future Prelude
+-- elements.
+-- A name clashes if the following criteria are met:
+-- 1. It would is imported (unqualified) from Prelude
+-- 2. It is locally defined in the current module
+-- 3. It has the same literal name as the reference function
+-- 4. It is not identical to the reference function
+tcPreludeClashWarn :: WarningFlag
+ -> Name
+ -> TcM ()
+tcPreludeClashWarn warnFlag name = do
+ { warn <- woptM warnFlag
+ ; when warn $ do
+ { traceTc "tcPreludeClashWarn/wouldBeImported" empty
+ -- Is the name imported (unqualified) from Prelude? (Point 4 above)
+ ; rnImports <- fmap (map unLoc . tcg_rn_imports) getGblEnv
+ -- (Note that this automatically handles -XNoImplicitPrelude, as Prelude
+ -- will not appear in rnImports automatically if it is set.)
+ -- Continue only the name is imported from Prelude
+ ; when (importedViaPrelude name rnImports) $ do
+ -- Handle 2.-4.
+ { rdrElts <- fmap (concat . occEnvElts . tcg_rdr_env) getGblEnv
+ ; let clashes :: GlobalRdrElt -> Bool
+ clashes x = isLocalDef && nameClashes && isNotInProperModule
+ where
+ isLocalDef = gre_lcl x == True
+ -- Names are identical ...
+ nameClashes = nameOccName (gre_name x) == nameOccName name
+ -- ... but not the actual definitions, because we don't want to
+ -- warn about a bad definition of e.g. <> in Data.Semigroup, which
+ -- is the (only) proper place where this should be defined
+ isNotInProperModule = gre_name x /= name
+ -- List of all offending definitions
+ clashingElts :: [GlobalRdrElt]
+ clashingElts = filter clashes rdrElts
+ ; traceTc "tcPreludeClashWarn/prelude_functions"
+ (hang (ppr name) 4 (sep [ppr clashingElts]))
+ ; let warn_msg x = addWarnAt (Reason warnFlag) (nameSrcSpan (gre_name x)) (hsep
+ [ text "Local definition of"
+ , (quotes . ppr . nameOccName . gre_name) x
+ , text "clashes with a future Prelude name." ]
+ $$
+ text "This will become an error in a future release." )
+ ; mapM_ warn_msg clashingElts
+ }}}
+ where
+ -- Is the given name imported via Prelude?
+ --
+ -- Possible scenarios:
+ -- a) Prelude is imported implicitly, issue warnings.
+ -- b) Prelude is imported explicitly, but without mentioning the name in
+ -- question. Issue no warnings.
+ -- c) Prelude is imported hiding the name in question. Issue no warnings.
+ -- d) Qualified import of Prelude, no warnings.
+ importedViaPrelude :: Name
+ -> [ImportDecl GhcRn]
+ -> Bool
+ importedViaPrelude name = any importViaPrelude
+ where
+ isPrelude :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool
+ isPrelude imp = unLoc (ideclName imp) == pRELUDE_NAME
+ -- Implicit (Prelude) import?
+ isImplicit :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool
+ isImplicit = ideclImplicit
+ -- Unqualified import?
+ isUnqualified :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool
+ isUnqualified = not . isImportDeclQualified . ideclQualified
+ -- List of explicitly imported (or hidden) Names from a single import.
+ -- Nothing -> No explicit imports
+ -- Just (False, <names>) -> Explicit import list of <names>
+ -- Just (True , <names>) -> Explicit hiding of <names>
+ importListOf :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Maybe (Bool, [Name])
+ importListOf = fmap toImportList . ideclHiding
+ where
+ toImportList (h, loc) = (h, map (ieName . unLoc) (unLoc loc))
+ isExplicit :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool
+ isExplicit x = case importListOf x of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just (False, explicit)
+ -> nameOccName name `elem` map nameOccName explicit
+ Just (True, hidden)
+ -> nameOccName name `notElem` map nameOccName hidden
+ -- Check whether the given name would be imported (unqualified) from
+ -- an import declaration.
+ importViaPrelude :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool
+ importViaPrelude x = isPrelude x
+ && isUnqualified x
+ && (isImplicit x || isExplicit x)
+-- Notation: is* is for classes the type is an instance of, should* for those
+-- that it should also be an instance of based on the corresponding
+-- is*.
+tcMissingParentClassWarn :: WarningFlag
+ -> Name -- ^ Instances of this ...
+ -> Name -- ^ should also be instances of this
+ -> TcM ()
+tcMissingParentClassWarn warnFlag isName shouldName
+ = do { warn <- woptM warnFlag
+ ; when warn $ do
+ { traceTc "tcMissingParentClassWarn" empty
+ ; isClass' <- tcLookupClass_maybe isName
+ ; shouldClass' <- tcLookupClass_maybe shouldName
+ ; case (isClass', shouldClass') of
+ (Just isClass, Just shouldClass) -> do
+ { localInstances <- tcGetInsts
+ ; let isInstance m = is_cls m == isClass
+ isInsts = filter isInstance localInstances
+ ; traceTc "tcMissingParentClassWarn/isInsts" (ppr isInsts)
+ ; forM_ isInsts (checkShouldInst isClass shouldClass)
+ }
+ (is',should') ->
+ traceTc "tcMissingParentClassWarn/notIsShould"
+ (hang (ppr isName <> text "/" <> ppr shouldName) 2 (
+ (hsep [ quotes (text "Is"), text "lookup for"
+ , ppr isName
+ , text "resulted in", ppr is' ])
+ $$
+ (hsep [ quotes (text "Should"), text "lookup for"
+ , ppr shouldName
+ , text "resulted in", ppr should' ])))
+ }}
+ where
+ -- Check whether the desired superclass exists in a given environment.
+ checkShouldInst :: Class -- ^ Class of existing instance
+ -> Class -- ^ Class there should be an instance of
+ -> ClsInst -- ^ Existing instance
+ -> TcM ()
+ checkShouldInst isClass shouldClass isInst
+ = do { instEnv <- tcGetInstEnvs
+ ; let (instanceMatches, shouldInsts, _)
+ = lookupInstEnv False instEnv shouldClass (is_tys isInst)
+ ; traceTc "tcMissingParentClassWarn/checkShouldInst"
+ (hang (ppr isInst) 4
+ (sep [ppr instanceMatches, ppr shouldInsts]))
+ -- "<location>: Warning: <type> is an instance of <is> but not
+ -- <should>" e.g. "Foo is an instance of Monad but not Applicative"
+ ; let instLoc = srcLocSpan . nameSrcLoc $ getName isInst
+ warnMsg (Just name:_) =
+ addWarnAt (Reason warnFlag) instLoc $
+ hsep [ (quotes . ppr . nameOccName) name
+ , text "is an instance of"
+ , (ppr . nameOccName . className) isClass
+ , text "but not"
+ , (ppr . nameOccName . className) shouldClass ]
+ <> text "."
+ $$
+ hsep [ text "This will become an error in"
+ , text "a future release." ]
+ warnMsg _ = pure ()
+ ; when (null shouldInsts && null instanceMatches) $
+ warnMsg (is_tcs isInst)
+ }
+ tcLookupClass_maybe :: Name -> TcM (Maybe Class)
+ tcLookupClass_maybe name = tcLookupImported_maybe name >>= \case
+ Succeeded (ATyCon tc) | cls@(Just _) <- tyConClass_maybe tc -> pure cls
+ _else -> pure Nothing
+tcTyClsInstDecls :: [TyClGroup GhcRn]
+ -> [LDerivDecl GhcRn]
+ -> [(RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcRn)]
+ -> TcM (TcGblEnv, -- The full inst env
+ [InstInfo GhcRn], -- Source-code instance decls to
+ -- process; contains all dfuns for
+ -- this module
+ HsValBinds GhcRn) -- Supporting bindings for derived
+ -- instances
+tcTyClsInstDecls tycl_decls deriv_decls binds
+ = tcAddDataFamConPlaceholders (tycl_decls >>= group_instds) $
+ tcAddPatSynPlaceholders (getPatSynBinds binds) $
+ do { (tcg_env, inst_info, deriv_info)
+ <- tcTyAndClassDecls tycl_decls ;
+ ; setGblEnv tcg_env $ do {
+ -- With the @TyClDecl@s and @InstDecl@s checked we're ready to
+ -- process the deriving clauses, including data family deriving
+ -- clauses discovered in @tcTyAndClassDecls@.
+ --
+ -- Careful to quit now in case there were instance errors, so that
+ -- the deriving errors don't pile up as well.
+ ; failIfErrsM
+ ; (tcg_env', inst_info', val_binds)
+ <- tcInstDeclsDeriv deriv_info deriv_decls
+ ; setGblEnv tcg_env' $ do {
+ failIfErrsM
+ ; pure (tcg_env', inst_info' ++ inst_info, val_binds)
+ }}}
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Checking for 'main'
+* *
+checkMain :: Bool -- False => no 'module M(..) where' header at all
+ -> Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs]) -- Export specs of Main module
+ -> TcM TcGblEnv
+-- If we are in module Main, check that 'main' is defined and exported.
+checkMain explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; tcg_env <- getGblEnv
+ ; check_main dflags tcg_env explicit_mod_hdr export_ies }
+check_main :: DynFlags -> TcGblEnv -> Bool -> Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])
+ -> TcM TcGblEnv
+check_main dflags tcg_env explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
+ | mod /= main_mod
+ = traceTc "checkMain not" (ppr main_mod <+> ppr mod) >>
+ return tcg_env
+ | otherwise
+ -- Compare the list of main functions in scope with those
+ -- specified in the export list.
+ = do mains_all <- lookupInfoOccRn main_fn
+ -- get all 'main' functions in scope
+ -- They may also be imported from other modules!
+ case exportedMains of -- check the main(s) specified in the export list
+ [ ] -> do
+ -- The module has no main functions in the export spec, so we must give
+ -- some kind of error message. The tricky part is giving an error message
+ -- that accurately characterizes what the problem is.
+ -- See Note [Main module without a main function in the export spec]
+ traceTc "checkMain no main module exported" ppr_mod_mainfn
+ complain_no_main
+ -- In order to reduce the number of potential error messages, we check
+ -- to see if there are any main functions defined (but not exported)...
+ case getSomeMain mains_all of
+ Nothing -> return tcg_env
+ -- ...if there are no such main functions, there is nothing we can do...
+ Just some_main -> use_as_main some_main
+ -- ...if there is such a main function, then communicate this to the
+ -- typechecker. This can prevent a spurious "Ambiguous type variable"
+ -- error message in certain cases, as described in
+ -- Note [Main module without a main function in the export spec].
+ _ -> do -- The module has one or more main functions in the export spec
+ let mains = filterInsMains exportedMains mains_all
+ case mains of
+ [] -> do --
+ traceTc "checkMain fail" ppr_mod_mainfn
+ complain_no_main
+ return tcg_env
+ [main_name] -> use_as_main main_name
+ _ -> do -- multiple main functions are exported
+ addAmbiguousNameErr main_fn -- issue error msg
+ return tcg_env
+ where
+ mod = tcg_mod tcg_env
+ main_mod = mainModIs dflags
+ main_mod_nm = moduleName main_mod
+ main_fn = getMainFun dflags
+ occ_main_fn = occName main_fn
+ interactive = ghcLink dflags == LinkInMemory
+ exportedMains = selExportMains export_ies
+ ppr_mod_mainfn = ppr main_mod <+> ppr main_fn
+ -- There is a single exported 'main' function.
+ use_as_main :: Name -> TcM TcGblEnv
+ use_as_main main_name = do
+ { traceTc "checkMain found" (ppr main_mod <+> ppr main_fn)
+ ; let loc = srcLocSpan (getSrcLoc main_name)
+ ; ioTyCon <- tcLookupTyCon ioTyConName
+ ; res_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
+ ; let io_ty = mkTyConApp ioTyCon [res_ty]
+ skol_info = SigSkol (FunSigCtxt main_name False) io_ty []
+ ; (ev_binds, main_expr)
+ <- checkConstraints skol_info [] [] $
+ addErrCtxt mainCtxt $
+ tcMonoExpr (L loc (HsVar noExtField (L loc main_name)))
+ (mkCheckExpType io_ty)
+ -- See Note [Root-main Id]
+ -- Construct the binding
+ -- :Main.main :: IO res_ty = runMainIO res_ty main
+ ; run_main_id <- tcLookupId runMainIOName
+ ; let { root_main_name = mkExternalName rootMainKey rOOT_MAIN
+ (mkVarOccFS (fsLit "main"))
+ (getSrcSpan main_name)
+ ; root_main_id = Id.mkExportedVanillaId root_main_name
+ (mkTyConApp ioTyCon [res_ty])
+ ; co = mkWpTyApps [res_ty]
+ -- The ev_binds of the `main` function may contain deferred
+ -- type error when type of `main` is not `IO a`. The `ev_binds`
+ -- must be put inside `runMainIO` to ensure the deferred type
+ -- error can be emitted correctly. See #13838.
+ ; rhs = nlHsApp (mkLHsWrap co (nlHsVar run_main_id)) $
+ mkHsDictLet ev_binds main_expr
+ ; main_bind = mkVarBind root_main_id rhs }
+ ; return (tcg_env { tcg_main = Just main_name,
+ tcg_binds = tcg_binds tcg_env
+ `snocBag` main_bind,
+ tcg_dus = tcg_dus tcg_env
+ `plusDU` usesOnly (unitFV main_name)
+ -- Record the use of 'main', so that we don't
+ -- complain about it being defined but not used
+ })}
+ complain_no_main = unless (interactive && not explicit_mod_hdr)
+ (addErrTc noMainMsg) -- #12906
+ -- Without an explicit module header...
+ -- in interactive mode, don't worry about the absence of 'main'.
+ -- in other modes, add error message and go on with typechecking.
+ mainCtxt = text "When checking the type of the" <+> pp_main_fn
+ noMainMsg = text "The" <+> pp_main_fn
+ <+> text "is not" <+> text defOrExp <+> text "module"
+ <+> quotes (ppr main_mod)
+ defOrExp = if null exportedMains then "exported by" else "defined in"
+ pp_main_fn = ppMainFn main_fn
+ -- Select the main functions from the export list.
+ -- Only the module name is needed, the function name is fixed.
+ selExportMains :: Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs]) -> [ModuleName] -- #16453
+ selExportMains Nothing = [main_mod_nm]
+ -- no main specified, but there is a header.
+ selExportMains (Just exps) = fmap fst $
+ filter (\(_,n) -> n == occ_main_fn ) texp
+ where
+ ies = fmap unLoc $ unLoc exps
+ texp = mapMaybe transExportIE ies
+ -- Filter all main functions in scope that match the export specs
+ filterInsMains :: [ModuleName] -> [Name] -> [Name] -- #16453
+ filterInsMains export_mains inscope_mains =
+ [mod | mod <- inscope_mains,
+ (moduleName . nameModule) mod `elem` export_mains]
+ -- Transform an export_ie to a (ModuleName, OccName) pair.
+ -- 'IEVar' constructors contain exported values (functions), eg '(Main.main)'
+ -- 'IEModuleContents' constructors contain fully exported modules, eg '(Main)'
+ -- All other 'IE...' constructors are not used and transformed to Nothing.
+ transExportIE :: IE GhcPs -> Maybe (ModuleName, OccName) -- #16453
+ transExportIE (IEVar _ var) = isQual_maybe $
+ upqual $ ieWrappedName $ unLoc var
+ where
+ -- A module name is always needed, so qualify 'UnQual' rdr names.
+ upqual (Unqual occ) = Qual main_mod_nm occ
+ upqual rdr = rdr
+ transExportIE (IEModuleContents _ mod) = Just (unLoc mod, occ_main_fn)
+ transExportIE _ = Nothing
+ -- Get a main function that is in scope.
+ -- See Note [Main module without a main function in the export spec]
+ getSomeMain :: [Name] -> Maybe Name -- #16453
+ getSomeMain all_mains = case all_mains of
+ [] -> Nothing -- No main function in scope
+ [m] -> Just m -- Just one main function in scope
+ _ -> case mbMainOfMain of
+ Nothing -> listToMaybe all_mains -- Take the first main function in scope or Nothing
+ _ -> mbMainOfMain -- Take the Main module's main function or Nothing
+ where
+ mbMainOfMain = find (\n -> (moduleName . nameModule) n == main_mod_nm )
+ all_mains -- the main function of the Main module
+-- | Get the unqualified name of the function to use as the \"main\" for the main module.
+-- Either returns the default name or the one configured on the command line with -main-is
+getMainFun :: DynFlags -> RdrName
+getMainFun dflags = case mainFunIs dflags of
+ Just fn -> mkRdrUnqual (mkVarOccFS (mkFastString fn))
+ Nothing -> main_RDR_Unqual
+ppMainFn :: RdrName -> SDoc
+ppMainFn main_fn
+ | rdrNameOcc main_fn == mainOcc
+ = text "IO action" <+> quotes (ppr main_fn)
+ | otherwise
+ = text "main IO action" <+> quotes (ppr main_fn)
+mainOcc :: OccName
+mainOcc = mkVarOccFS (fsLit "main")
+Note [Root-main Id]
+The function that the RTS invokes is always :Main.main, which we call
+root_main_id. (Because GHC allows the user to have a module not
+called Main as the main module, we can't rely on the main function
+being called "Main.main". That's why root_main_id has a fixed module
+This is unusual: it's a LocalId whose Name has a Module from another
+module. Tiresomely, we must filter it out again in GHC.Iface.Make, less we
+get two defns for 'main' in the interface file!
+Note [Main module without a main function in the export spec]
+Giving accurate error messages for a Main module that does not export a main
+function is surprisingly tricky. To see why, consider a module in a file
+`Foo.hs` that has no `main` function in the explicit export specs of the module
+ module Main () where
+ foo = return ()
+This does not export a main function and therefore should be rejected, per
+chapter 5 of the Haskell Report 2010:
+ A Haskell program is a collection of modules, one of which, by convention,
+ must be called Main and must export the value main. The value of the
+ program is the value of the identifier main in module Main, which must be
+ a computation of type IO τ for some type τ.
+In fact, when you compile the program above using `ghc Foo.hs`, you will
+actually get *two* errors:
+ - The IO action ‘main’ is not defined in module ‘Main’
+ - Ambiguous type variable ‘m0’ arising from a use of ‘return’
+ prevents the constraint ‘(Monad m0)’ from being solved.
+The first error is self-explanatory, while the second error message occurs
+due to the monomorphism restriction.
+Now consider what would happen if the program above were compiled with
+`ghc -main-is foo Foo`. The has the effect of `foo` being designated as the
+main function. The program will still be rejected since it does not export
+`foo` (and therefore does not export its main function), but there is one
+important difference: `foo` will be checked against the type `IO τ`. As a
+result, we would *not* expect the monomorphism restriction error message
+to occur, since the typechecker should have no trouble figuring out the type
+of `foo`. In other words, we should only throw the former error message,
+not the latter.
+The implementation uses the function `getSomeMain` to find a potential main
+function that is defined but not exported. If one is found, it is passed to
+`use_as_main` to inform the typechecker that the main function should be of
+type `IO τ`. See also the `T414` and `T17171a` test cases for similar examples
+of programs whose error messages are influenced by the situation described in
+this Note.
+* *
+ GHCi stuff
+* *
+runTcInteractive :: HscEnv -> TcRn a -> IO (Messages, Maybe a)
+-- Initialise the tcg_inst_env with instances from all home modules.
+-- This mimics the more selective call to hptInstances in tcRnImports
+runTcInteractive hsc_env thing_inside
+ = initTcInteractive hsc_env $ withTcPlugins hsc_env $ withHoleFitPlugins hsc_env $
+ do { traceTc "setInteractiveContext" $
+ vcat [ text "ic_tythings:" <+> vcat (map ppr (ic_tythings icxt))
+ , text "ic_insts:" <+> vcat (map (pprBndr LetBind . instanceDFunId) ic_insts)
+ , text "ic_rn_gbl_env (LocalDef)" <+>
+ vcat (map ppr [ local_gres | gres <- occEnvElts (ic_rn_gbl_env icxt)
+ , let local_gres = filter isLocalGRE gres
+ , not (null local_gres) ]) ]
+ ; let getOrphans m mb_pkg = fmap (\iface -> mi_module iface
+ : dep_orphs (mi_deps iface))
+ (loadSrcInterface (text "runTcInteractive") m
+ False mb_pkg)
+ ; !orphs <- fmap (force . concat) . forM (ic_imports icxt) $ \i ->
+ case i of -- force above: see #15111
+ IIModule n -> getOrphans n Nothing
+ IIDecl i ->
+ let mb_pkg = sl_fs <$> ideclPkgQual i in
+ getOrphans (unLoc (ideclName i)) mb_pkg
+ ; let imports = emptyImportAvails {
+ imp_orphs = orphs
+ }
+ ; (gbl_env, lcl_env) <- getEnvs
+ ; let gbl_env' = gbl_env {
+ tcg_rdr_env = ic_rn_gbl_env icxt
+ , tcg_type_env = type_env
+ , tcg_inst_env = extendInstEnvList
+ (extendInstEnvList (tcg_inst_env gbl_env) ic_insts)
+ home_insts
+ , tcg_fam_inst_env = extendFamInstEnvList
+ (extendFamInstEnvList (tcg_fam_inst_env gbl_env)
+ ic_finsts)
+ home_fam_insts
+ , tcg_field_env = mkNameEnv con_fields
+ -- setting tcg_field_env is necessary
+ -- to make RecordWildCards work (test: ghci049)
+ , tcg_fix_env = ic_fix_env icxt
+ , tcg_default = ic_default icxt
+ -- must calculate imp_orphs of the ImportAvails
+ -- so that instance visibility is done correctly
+ , tcg_imports = imports
+ }
+ lcl_env' = tcExtendLocalTypeEnv lcl_env lcl_ids
+ ; setEnvs (gbl_env', lcl_env') thing_inside }
+ where
+ (home_insts, home_fam_insts) = hptInstances hsc_env (\_ -> True)
+ icxt = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ (ic_insts, ic_finsts) = ic_instances icxt
+ (lcl_ids, top_ty_things) = partitionWith is_closed (ic_tythings icxt)
+ is_closed :: TyThing -> Either (Name, TcTyThing) TyThing
+ -- Put Ids with free type variables (always RuntimeUnks)
+ -- in the *local* type environment
+ -- See Note [Initialising the type environment for GHCi]
+ is_closed thing
+ | AnId id <- thing
+ , not (isTypeClosedLetBndr id)
+ = Left (idName id, ATcId { tct_id = id
+ , tct_info = NotLetBound })
+ | otherwise
+ = Right thing
+ type_env1 = mkTypeEnvWithImplicits top_ty_things
+ type_env = extendTypeEnvWithIds type_env1 (map instanceDFunId ic_insts)
+ -- Putting the dfuns in the type_env
+ -- is just to keep Core Lint happy
+ con_fields = [ (dataConName c, dataConFieldLabels c)
+ | ATyCon t <- top_ty_things
+ , c <- tyConDataCons t ]
+{- Note [Initialising the type environment for GHCi]
+Most of the Ids in ic_things, defined by the user in 'let' stmts,
+have closed types. E.g.
+ ghci> let foo x y = x && not y
+However the GHCi debugger creates top-level bindings for Ids whose
+types have free RuntimeUnk skolem variables, standing for unknown
+types. If we don't register these free TyVars as global TyVars then
+the typechecker will try to quantify over them and fall over in
+skolemiseQuantifiedTyVar. so we must add any free TyVars to the
+typechecker's global TyVar set. That is done by using
+We do this by splitting out the Ids with open types, using 'is_closed'
+to do the partition. The top-level things go in the global TypeEnv;
+the open, NotTopLevel, Ids, with free RuntimeUnk tyvars, go in the
+local TypeEnv.
+Note that we don't extend the local RdrEnv (tcl_rdr); all the in-scope
+things are already in the interactive context's GlobalRdrEnv.
+Extending the local RdrEnv isn't terrible, but it means there is an
+entry for the same Name in both global and local RdrEnvs, and that
+lead to duplicate "perhaps you meant..." suggestions (e.g. T5564).
+We don't bother with the tcl_th_bndrs environment either.
+-- | The returned [Id] is the list of new Ids bound by this statement. It can
+-- be used to extend the InteractiveContext via extendInteractiveContext.
+-- The returned TypecheckedHsExpr is of type IO [ () ], a list of the bound
+-- values, coerced to ().
+tcRnStmt :: HscEnv -> GhciLStmt GhcPs
+ -> IO (Messages, Maybe ([Id], LHsExpr GhcTc, FixityEnv))
+tcRnStmt hsc_env rdr_stmt
+ = runTcInteractive hsc_env $ do {
+ -- The real work is done here
+ ((bound_ids, tc_expr), fix_env) <- tcUserStmt rdr_stmt ;
+ zonked_expr <- zonkTopLExpr tc_expr ;
+ zonked_ids <- zonkTopBndrs bound_ids ;
+ failIfErrsM ; -- we can't do the next step if there are levity polymorphism errors
+ -- test case: ghci/scripts/T13202{,a}
+ -- None of the Ids should be of unboxed type, because we
+ -- cast them all to HValues in the end!
+ mapM_ bad_unboxed (filter (isUnliftedType . idType) zonked_ids) ;
+ traceTc "tcs 1" empty ;
+ this_mod <- getModule ;
+ global_ids <- mapM (externaliseAndTidyId this_mod) zonked_ids ;
+ -- Note [Interactively-bound Ids in GHCi] in GHC.Driver.Types
+{- ---------------------------------------------
+ At one stage I removed any shadowed bindings from the type_env;
+ they are inaccessible but might, I suppose, cause a space leak if we leave them there.
+ However, with Template Haskell they aren't necessarily inaccessible. Consider this
+ GHCi session
+ Prelude> let f n = n * 2 :: Int
+ Prelude> fName <- runQ [| f |]
+ Prelude> $(return $ AppE fName (LitE (IntegerL 7)))
+ 14
+ Prelude> let f n = n * 3 :: Int
+ Prelude> $(return $ AppE fName (LitE (IntegerL 7)))
+ In the last line we use 'fName', which resolves to the *first* 'f'
+ in scope. If we delete it from the type env, GHCi crashes because
+ it doesn't expect that.
+ Hence this code is commented out
+-------------------------------------------------- -}
+ traceOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_tc
+ (vcat [text "Bound Ids" <+> pprWithCommas ppr global_ids,
+ text "Typechecked expr" <+> ppr zonked_expr]) ;
+ return (global_ids, zonked_expr, fix_env)
+ }
+ where
+ bad_unboxed id = addErr (sep [text "GHCi can't bind a variable of unlifted type:",
+ nest 2 (ppr id <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType id))])
+ Typechecking Stmts in GHCi
+Here is the grand plan, implemented in tcUserStmt
+ What you type The IO [HValue] that hscStmt returns
+ ------------- ------------------------------------
+ let pat = expr ==> let pat = expr in return [coerce HVal x, coerce HVal y, ...]
+ bindings: [x,y,...]
+ pat <- expr ==> expr >>= \ pat -> return [coerce HVal x, coerce HVal y, ...]
+ bindings: [x,y,...]
+ expr (of IO type) ==> expr >>= \ it -> return [coerce HVal it]
+ [NB: result not printed] bindings: [it]
+ expr (of non-IO type, ==> let it = expr in print it >> return [coerce HVal it]
+ result showable) bindings: [it]
+ expr (of non-IO type,
+ result not showable) ==> error
+-- | A plan is an attempt to lift some code into the IO monad.
+type PlanResult = ([Id], LHsExpr GhcTc)
+type Plan = TcM PlanResult
+-- | Try the plans in order. If one fails (by raising an exn), try the next.
+-- If one succeeds, take it.
+runPlans :: [Plan] -> TcM PlanResult
+runPlans [] = panic "runPlans"
+runPlans [p] = p
+runPlans (p:ps) = tryTcDiscardingErrs (runPlans ps) p
+-- | Typecheck (and 'lift') a stmt entered by the user in GHCi into the
+-- GHCi 'environment'.
+-- By 'lift' and 'environment we mean that the code is changed to
+-- execute properly in an IO monad. See Note [Interactively-bound Ids
+-- in GHCi] in GHC.Driver.Types for more details. We do this lifting by trying
+-- different ways ('plans') of lifting the code into the IO monad and
+-- type checking each plan until one succeeds.
+tcUserStmt :: GhciLStmt GhcPs -> TcM (PlanResult, FixityEnv)
+-- An expression typed at the prompt is treated very specially
+tcUserStmt (L loc (BodyStmt _ expr _ _))
+ = do { (rn_expr, fvs) <- checkNoErrs (rnLExpr expr)
+ -- Don't try to typecheck if the renamer fails!
+ ; ghciStep <- getGhciStepIO
+ ; uniq <- newUnique
+ ; interPrintName <- getInteractivePrintName
+ ; let fresh_it = itName uniq loc
+ matches = [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (L loc fresh_it)) [] rn_expr
+ (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)]
+ -- [it = expr]
+ the_bind = L loc $ (mkTopFunBind FromSource
+ (L loc fresh_it) matches)
+ { fun_ext = fvs }
+ -- Care here! In GHCi the expression might have
+ -- free variables, and they in turn may have free type variables
+ -- (if we are at a breakpoint, say). We must put those free vars
+ -- [let it = expr]
+ let_stmt = L loc $ LetStmt noExtField $ noLoc $ HsValBinds noExtField
+ $ XValBindsLR
+ (NValBinds [(NonRecursive,unitBag the_bind)] [])
+ -- [it <- e]
+ bind_stmt = L loc $ BindStmt noExtField
+ (L loc (VarPat noExtField (L loc fresh_it)))
+ (nlHsApp ghciStep rn_expr)
+ (mkRnSyntaxExpr bindIOName)
+ noSyntaxExpr
+ -- [; print it]
+ print_it = L loc $ BodyStmt noExtField
+ (nlHsApp (nlHsVar interPrintName)
+ (nlHsVar fresh_it))
+ (mkRnSyntaxExpr thenIOName)
+ noSyntaxExpr
+ -- NewA
+ no_it_a = L loc $ BodyStmt noExtField (nlHsApps bindIOName
+ [rn_expr , nlHsVar interPrintName])
+ (mkRnSyntaxExpr thenIOName)
+ noSyntaxExpr
+ no_it_b = L loc $ BodyStmt noExtField (rn_expr)
+ (mkRnSyntaxExpr thenIOName)
+ noSyntaxExpr
+ no_it_c = L loc $ BodyStmt noExtField
+ (nlHsApp (nlHsVar interPrintName) rn_expr)
+ (mkRnSyntaxExpr thenIOName)
+ noSyntaxExpr
+ -- See Note [GHCi Plans]
+ it_plans = [
+ -- Plan A
+ do { stuff@([it_id], _) <- tcGhciStmts [bind_stmt, print_it]
+ ; it_ty <- zonkTcType (idType it_id)
+ ; when (isUnitTy $ it_ty) failM
+ ; return stuff },
+ -- Plan B; a naked bind statement
+ tcGhciStmts [bind_stmt],
+ -- Plan C; check that the let-binding is typeable all by itself.
+ -- If not, fail; if so, try to print it.
+ -- The two-step process avoids getting two errors: one from
+ -- the expression itself, and one from the 'print it' part
+ -- This two-step story is very clunky, alas
+ do { _ <- checkNoErrs (tcGhciStmts [let_stmt])
+ --- checkNoErrs defeats the error recovery of let-bindings
+ ; tcGhciStmts [let_stmt, print_it] } ]
+ -- Plans where we don't bind "it"
+ no_it_plans = [
+ tcGhciStmts [no_it_a] ,
+ tcGhciStmts [no_it_b] ,
+ tcGhciStmts [no_it_c] ]
+ ; generate_it <- goptM Opt_NoIt
+ -- We disable `-fdefer-type-errors` in GHCi for naked expressions.
+ -- See Note [Deferred type errors in GHCi]
+ -- NB: The flag `-fdefer-type-errors` implies `-fdefer-type-holes`
+ -- and `-fdefer-out-of-scope-variables`. However the flag
+ -- `-fno-defer-type-errors` doesn't imply `-fdefer-type-holes` and
+ -- `-fno-defer-out-of-scope-variables`. Thus the later two flags
+ -- also need to be unset here.
+ ; plan <- unsetGOptM Opt_DeferTypeErrors $
+ unsetGOptM Opt_DeferTypedHoles $
+ unsetGOptM Opt_DeferOutOfScopeVariables $
+ runPlans $ if generate_it
+ then no_it_plans
+ else it_plans
+ ; fix_env <- getFixityEnv
+ ; return (plan, fix_env) }
+{- Note [Deferred type errors in GHCi]
+In GHCi, we ensure that type errors don't get deferred when type checking the
+naked expressions. Deferring type errors here is unhelpful because the
+expression gets evaluated right away anyway. It also would potentially emit
+two redundant type-error warnings, one from each plan.
+#14963 reveals another bug that when deferred type errors is enabled
+in GHCi, any reference of imported/loaded variables (directly or indirectly)
+in interactively issued naked expressions will cause ghc panic. See more
+detailed discussion in #14963.
+The interactively issued declarations, statements, as well as the modules
+loaded into GHCi, are not affected. That means, for declaration, you could
+ Prelude> :set -fdefer-type-errors
+ Prelude> x :: IO (); x = putStrLn True
+ <interactive>:14:26: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors]
+ ? Couldn't match type ‘Bool’ with ‘[Char]’
+ Expected type: String
+ Actual type: Bool
+ ? In the first argument of ‘putStrLn’, namely ‘True’
+ In the expression: putStrLn True
+ In an equation for ‘x’: x = putStrLn True
+But for naked expressions, you will have
+ Prelude> :set -fdefer-type-errors
+ Prelude> putStrLn True
+ <interactive>:2:10: error:
+ ? Couldn't match type ‘Bool’ with ‘[Char]’
+ Expected type: String
+ Actual type: Bool
+ ? In the first argument of ‘putStrLn’, namely ‘True’
+ In the expression: putStrLn True
+ In an equation for ‘it’: it = putStrLn True
+ Prelude> let x = putStrLn True
+ <interactive>:2:18: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors]
+ ? Couldn't match type ‘Bool’ with ‘[Char]’
+ Expected type: String
+ Actual type: Bool
+ ? In the first argument of ‘putStrLn’, namely ‘True’
+ In the expression: putStrLn True
+ In an equation for ‘x’: x = putStrLn True
+tcUserStmt rdr_stmt@(L loc _)
+ = do { (([rn_stmt], fix_env), fvs) <- checkNoErrs $
+ rnStmts GhciStmtCtxt rnLExpr [rdr_stmt] $ \_ -> do
+ fix_env <- getFixityEnv
+ return (fix_env, emptyFVs)
+ -- Don't try to typecheck if the renamer fails!
+ ; traceRn "tcRnStmt" (vcat [ppr rdr_stmt, ppr rn_stmt, ppr fvs])
+ ; rnDump rn_stmt ;
+ ; ghciStep <- getGhciStepIO
+ ; let gi_stmt
+ | (L loc (BindStmt ty pat expr op1 op2)) <- rn_stmt
+ = L loc $ BindStmt ty pat (nlHsApp ghciStep expr) op1 op2
+ | otherwise = rn_stmt
+ ; opt_pr_flag <- goptM Opt_PrintBindResult
+ ; let print_result_plan
+ | opt_pr_flag -- The flag says "print result"
+ , [v] <- collectLStmtBinders gi_stmt -- One binder
+ = [mk_print_result_plan gi_stmt v]
+ | otherwise = []
+ -- The plans are:
+ -- [stmt; print v] if one binder and not v::()
+ -- [stmt] otherwise
+ ; plan <- runPlans (print_result_plan ++ [tcGhciStmts [gi_stmt]])
+ ; return (plan, fix_env) }
+ where
+ mk_print_result_plan stmt v
+ = do { stuff@([v_id], _) <- tcGhciStmts [stmt, print_v]
+ ; v_ty <- zonkTcType (idType v_id)
+ ; when (isUnitTy v_ty || not (isTauTy v_ty)) failM
+ ; return stuff }
+ where
+ print_v = L loc $ BodyStmt noExtField (nlHsApp (nlHsVar printName)
+ (nlHsVar v))
+ (mkRnSyntaxExpr thenIOName) noSyntaxExpr
+Note [GHCi Plans]
+When a user types an expression in the repl we try to print it in three different
+ways. Also, depending on whether -fno-it is set, we bind a variable called `it`
+which can be used to refer to the result of the expression subsequently in the repl.
+The normal plans are :
+ A. [it <- e; print e] but not if it::()
+ B. [it <- e]
+ C. [let it = e; print it]
+When -fno-it is set, the plans are:
+ A. [e >>= print]
+ B. [e]
+ C. [let it = e in print it]
+The reason for -fno-it is explained in #14336. `it` can lead to the repl
+leaking memory as it is repeatedly queried.
+-- | Typecheck the statements given and then return the results of the
+-- statement in the form 'IO [()]'.
+tcGhciStmts :: [GhciLStmt GhcRn] -> TcM PlanResult
+tcGhciStmts stmts
+ = do { ioTyCon <- tcLookupTyCon ioTyConName
+ ; ret_id <- tcLookupId returnIOName -- return @ IO
+ ; let ret_ty = mkListTy unitTy
+ io_ret_ty = mkTyConApp ioTyCon [ret_ty]
+ tc_io_stmts = tcStmtsAndThen GhciStmtCtxt tcDoStmt stmts
+ (mkCheckExpType io_ret_ty)
+ names = collectLStmtsBinders stmts
+ -- OK, we're ready to typecheck the stmts
+ ; traceTc "GHC.Tc.Module.tcGhciStmts: tc stmts" empty
+ ; ((tc_stmts, ids), lie) <- captureTopConstraints $
+ tc_io_stmts $ \ _ ->
+ mapM tcLookupId names
+ -- Look up the names right in the middle,
+ -- where they will all be in scope
+ -- Simplify the context
+ ; traceTc "GHC.Tc.Module.tcGhciStmts: simplify ctxt" empty
+ ; const_binds <- checkNoErrs (simplifyInteractive lie)
+ -- checkNoErrs ensures that the plan fails if context redn fails
+ ; traceTc "GHC.Tc.Module.tcGhciStmts: done" empty
+ -- rec_expr is the expression
+ -- returnIO @ [()] [unsafeCoerce# () x, .., unsafeCorece# () z]
+ --
+ -- Despite the inconvenience of building the type applications etc,
+ -- this *has* to be done in type-annotated post-typecheck form
+ -- because we are going to return a list of *polymorphic* values
+ -- coerced to type (). If we built a *source* stmt
+ -- return [coerce x, ..., coerce z]
+ -- then the type checker would instantiate x..z, and we wouldn't
+ -- get their *polymorphic* values. (And we'd get ambiguity errs
+ -- if they were overloaded, since they aren't applied to anything.)
+ ; AnId unsafe_coerce_id <- tcLookupGlobal unsafeCoercePrimName
+ -- We use unsafeCoerce# here because of (U11) in
+ -- Note [Implementing unsafeCoerce] in base:Unsafe.Coerce
+ ; let ret_expr = nlHsApp (nlHsTyApp ret_id [ret_ty]) $
+ noLoc $ ExplicitList unitTy Nothing $
+ map mk_item ids
+ mk_item id = unsafe_coerce_id `nlHsTyApp` [ getRuntimeRep (idType id)
+ , getRuntimeRep unitTy
+ , idType id, unitTy]
+ `nlHsApp` nlHsVar id
+ stmts = tc_stmts ++ [noLoc (mkLastStmt ret_expr)]
+ ; return (ids, mkHsDictLet (EvBinds const_binds) $
+ noLoc (HsDo io_ret_ty GhciStmtCtxt (noLoc stmts)))
+ }
+-- | Generate a typed ghciStepIO expression (ghciStep :: Ty a -> IO a)
+getGhciStepIO :: TcM (LHsExpr GhcRn)
+getGhciStepIO = do
+ ghciTy <- getGHCiMonad
+ a_tv <- newName (mkTyVarOccFS (fsLit "a"))
+ let ghciM = nlHsAppTy (nlHsTyVar ghciTy) (nlHsTyVar a_tv)
+ ioM = nlHsAppTy (nlHsTyVar ioTyConName) (nlHsTyVar a_tv)
+ step_ty = noLoc $ HsForAllTy
+ { hst_fvf = ForallInvis
+ , hst_bndrs = [noLoc $ UserTyVar noExtField (noLoc a_tv)]
+ , hst_xforall = noExtField
+ , hst_body = nlHsFunTy ghciM ioM }
+ stepTy :: LHsSigWcType GhcRn
+ stepTy = mkEmptyWildCardBndrs (mkEmptyImplicitBndrs step_ty)
+ return (noLoc $ ExprWithTySig noExtField (nlHsVar ghciStepIoMName) stepTy)
+isGHCiMonad :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Messages, Maybe Name)
+isGHCiMonad hsc_env ty
+ = runTcInteractive hsc_env $ do
+ rdrEnv <- getGlobalRdrEnv
+ let occIO = lookupOccEnv rdrEnv (mkOccName tcName ty)
+ case occIO of
+ Just [n] -> do
+ let name = gre_name n
+ ghciClass <- tcLookupClass ghciIoClassName
+ userTyCon <- tcLookupTyCon name
+ let userTy = mkTyConApp userTyCon []
+ _ <- tcLookupInstance ghciClass [userTy]
+ return name
+ Just _ -> failWithTc $ text "Ambiguous type!"
+ Nothing -> failWithTc $ text ("Can't find type:" ++ ty)
+-- | How should we infer a type? See Note [TcRnExprMode]
+data TcRnExprMode = TM_Inst -- ^ Instantiate the type fully (:type)
+ | TM_NoInst -- ^ Do not instantiate the type (:type +v)
+ | TM_Default -- ^ Default the type eagerly (:type +d)
+-- | tcRnExpr just finds the type of an expression
+tcRnExpr :: HscEnv
+ -> TcRnExprMode
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> IO (Messages, Maybe Type)
+tcRnExpr hsc_env mode rdr_expr
+ = runTcInteractive hsc_env $
+ do {
+ (rn_expr, _fvs) <- rnLExpr rdr_expr ;
+ failIfErrsM ;
+ -- Now typecheck the expression, and generalise its type
+ -- it might have a rank-2 type (e.g. :t runST)
+ uniq <- newUnique ;
+ let { fresh_it = itName uniq (getLoc rdr_expr)
+ ; orig = lexprCtOrigin rn_expr } ;
+ ((tclvl, res_ty), lie)
+ <- captureTopConstraints $
+ pushTcLevelM $
+ do { (_tc_expr, expr_ty) <- tcInferSigma rn_expr
+ ; if inst
+ then snd <$> deeplyInstantiate orig expr_ty
+ else return expr_ty } ;
+ -- Generalise
+ (qtvs, dicts, _, residual, _)
+ <- simplifyInfer tclvl infer_mode
+ [] {- No sig vars -}
+ [(fresh_it, res_ty)]
+ lie ;
+ -- Ignore the dictionary bindings
+ _ <- perhaps_disable_default_warnings $
+ simplifyInteractive residual ;
+ let { all_expr_ty = mkInvForAllTys qtvs $
+ mkPhiTy (map idType dicts) res_ty } ;
+ ty <- zonkTcType all_expr_ty ;
+ -- We normalise type families, so that the type of an expression is the
+ -- same as of a bound expression (GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.mkInferredPolyId). See Trac
+ -- #10321 for further discussion.
+ fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs ;
+ -- normaliseType returns a coercion which we discard, so the Role is
+ -- irrelevant
+ return (snd (normaliseType fam_envs Nominal ty))
+ }
+ where
+ -- See Note [TcRnExprMode]
+ (inst, infer_mode, perhaps_disable_default_warnings) = case mode of
+ TM_Inst -> (True, NoRestrictions, id)
+ TM_NoInst -> (False, NoRestrictions, id)
+ TM_Default -> (True, EagerDefaulting, unsetWOptM Opt_WarnTypeDefaults)
+tcRnImportDecls :: HscEnv
+ -> [LImportDecl GhcPs]
+ -> IO (Messages, Maybe GlobalRdrEnv)
+-- Find the new chunk of GlobalRdrEnv created by this list of import
+-- decls. In contract tcRnImports *extends* the TcGblEnv.
+tcRnImportDecls hsc_env import_decls
+ = runTcInteractive hsc_env $
+ do { gbl_env <- updGblEnv zap_rdr_env $
+ tcRnImports hsc_env import_decls
+ ; return (tcg_rdr_env gbl_env) }
+ where
+ zap_rdr_env gbl_env = gbl_env { tcg_rdr_env = emptyGlobalRdrEnv }
+-- tcRnType just finds the kind of a type
+tcRnType :: HscEnv
+ -> ZonkFlexi
+ -> Bool -- Normalise the returned type
+ -> LHsType GhcPs
+ -> IO (Messages, Maybe (Type, Kind))
+tcRnType hsc_env flexi normalise rdr_type
+ = runTcInteractive hsc_env $
+ setXOptM LangExt.PolyKinds $ -- See Note [Kind-generalise in tcRnType]
+ do { (HsWC { hswc_ext = wcs, hswc_body = rn_type }, _fvs)
+ <- rnHsWcType GHCiCtx (mkHsWildCardBndrs rdr_type)
+ -- The type can have wild cards, but no implicit
+ -- generalisation; e.g. :kind (T _)
+ ; failIfErrsM
+ -- We follow Note [Recipe for checking a signature] in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType here
+ -- Now kind-check the type
+ -- It can have any rank or kind
+ -- First bring into scope any wildcards
+ ; traceTc "tcRnType" (vcat [ppr wcs, ppr rn_type])
+ ; (ty, kind) <- pushTcLevelM_ $
+ -- must push level to satisfy level precondition of
+ -- kindGeneralize, below
+ solveEqualities $
+ tcNamedWildCardBinders wcs $ \ wcs' ->
+ do { emitNamedWildCardHoleConstraints wcs'
+ ; tcLHsTypeUnsaturated rn_type }
+ -- Do kind generalisation; see Note [Kind-generalise in tcRnType]
+ ; kvs <- kindGeneralizeAll kind
+ ; e <- mkEmptyZonkEnv flexi
+ ; ty <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX e ty
+ -- Do validity checking on type
+ ; checkValidType (GhciCtxt True) ty
+ ; ty' <- if normalise
+ then do { fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ ; let (_, ty')
+ = normaliseType fam_envs Nominal ty
+ ; return ty' }
+ else return ty ;
+ ; return (ty', mkInvForAllTys kvs (tcTypeKind ty')) }
+{- Note [TcRnExprMode]
+How should we infer a type when a user asks for the type of an expression e
+at the GHCi prompt? We offer 3 different possibilities, described below. Each
+considers this example, with -fprint-explicit-foralls enabled:
+ foo :: forall a f b. (Show a, Num b, Foldable f) => a -> f b -> String
+ :type{,-spec,-def} foo @Int
+:type / TM_Inst
+ In this mode, we report the type that would be inferred if a variable
+ were assigned to expression e, without applying the monomorphism restriction.
+ This means we deeply instantiate the type and then regeneralize, as discussed
+ in #11376.
+ > :type foo @Int
+ forall {b} {f :: * -> *}. (Foldable f, Num b) => Int -> f b -> String
+ Note that the variables and constraints are reordered here, because this
+ is possible during regeneralization. Also note that the variables are
+ reported as Inferred instead of Specified.
+:type +v / TM_NoInst
+ This mode is for the benefit of users using TypeApplications. It does no
+ instantiation whatsoever, sometimes meaning that class constraints are not
+ solved.
+ > :type +v foo @Int
+ forall f b. (Show Int, Num b, Foldable f) => Int -> f b -> String
+ Note that Show Int is still reported, because the solver never got a chance
+ to see it.
+:type +d / TM_Default
+ This mode is for the benefit of users who wish to see instantiations of
+ generalized types, and in particular to instantiate Foldable and Traversable.
+ In this mode, any type variable that can be defaulted is defaulted. Because
+ GHCi uses -XExtendedDefaultRules, this means that Foldable and Traversable are
+ defaulted.
+ > :type +d foo @Int
+ Int -> [Integer] -> String
+ Note that this mode can sometimes lead to a type error, if a type variable is
+ used with a defaultable class but cannot actually be defaulted:
+ bar :: (Num a, Monoid a) => a -> a
+ > :type +d bar
+ ** error **
+ The error arises because GHC tries to default a but cannot find a concrete
+ type in the defaulting list that is both Num and Monoid. (If this list is
+ modified to include an element that is both Num and Monoid, the defaulting
+ would succeed, of course.)
+Note [Kind-generalise in tcRnType]
+We switch on PolyKinds when kind-checking a user type, so that we will
+kind-generalise the type, even when PolyKinds is not otherwise on.
+This gives the right default behaviour at the GHCi prompt, where if
+you say ":k T", and T has a polymorphic kind, you'd like to see that
+polymorphism. Of course. If T isn't kind-polymorphic you won't get
+anything unexpected, but the apparent *loss* of polymorphism, for
+types that you know are polymorphic, is quite surprising. See Trac
+#7688 for a discussion.
+Note that the goal is to generalise the *kind of the type*, not
+the type itself! Example:
+ ghci> data SameKind :: k -> k -> Type
+ ghci> :k SameKind _
+We want to get `k -> Type`, not `Any -> Type`, which is what we would
+get without kind-generalisation. Note that `:k SameKind` is OK, as
+GHC will not instantiate SameKind here, and so we see its full kind
+of `forall k. k -> k -> Type`.
+* *
+ tcRnDeclsi
+* *
+tcRnDeclsi exists to allow class, data, and other declarations in GHCi.
+tcRnDeclsi :: HscEnv
+ -> [LHsDecl GhcPs]
+ -> IO (Messages, Maybe TcGblEnv)
+tcRnDeclsi hsc_env local_decls
+ = runTcInteractive hsc_env $
+ tcRnSrcDecls False local_decls Nothing
+externaliseAndTidyId :: Module -> Id -> TcM Id
+externaliseAndTidyId this_mod id
+ = do { name' <- externaliseName this_mod (idName id)
+ ; return $ globaliseId id
+ `setIdName` name'
+ `setIdType` tidyTopType (idType id) }
+* *
+ More GHCi stuff, to do with browsing and getting info
+* *
+-- | ASSUMES that the module is either in the 'HomePackageTable' or is
+-- a package module with an interface on disk. If neither of these is
+-- true, then the result will be an error indicating the interface
+-- could not be found.
+getModuleInterface :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO (Messages, Maybe ModIface)
+getModuleInterface hsc_env mod
+ = runTcInteractive hsc_env $
+ loadModuleInterface (text "getModuleInterface") mod
+tcRnLookupRdrName :: HscEnv -> Located RdrName
+ -> IO (Messages, Maybe [Name])
+-- ^ Find all the Names that this RdrName could mean, in GHCi
+tcRnLookupRdrName hsc_env (L loc rdr_name)
+ = runTcInteractive hsc_env $
+ setSrcSpan loc $
+ do { -- If the identifier is a constructor (begins with an
+ -- upper-case letter), then we need to consider both
+ -- constructor and type class identifiers.
+ let rdr_names = dataTcOccs rdr_name
+ ; names_s <- mapM lookupInfoOccRn rdr_names
+ ; let names = concat names_s
+ ; when (null names) (addErrTc (text "Not in scope:" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name)))
+ ; return names }
+tcRnLookupName :: HscEnv -> Name -> IO (Messages, Maybe TyThing)
+tcRnLookupName hsc_env name
+ = runTcInteractive hsc_env $
+ tcRnLookupName' name
+-- To look up a name we have to look in the local environment (tcl_lcl)
+-- as well as the global environment, which is what tcLookup does.
+-- But we also want a TyThing, so we have to convert:
+tcRnLookupName' :: Name -> TcRn TyThing
+tcRnLookupName' name = do
+ tcthing <- tcLookup name
+ case tcthing of
+ AGlobal thing -> return thing
+ ATcId{tct_id=id} -> return (AnId id)
+ _ -> panic "tcRnLookupName'"
+tcRnGetInfo :: HscEnv
+ -> Name
+ -> IO ( Messages
+ , Maybe (TyThing, Fixity, [ClsInst], [FamInst], SDoc))
+-- Used to implement :info in GHCi
+-- Look up a RdrName and return all the TyThings it might be
+-- A capitalised RdrName is given to us in the DataName namespace,
+-- but we want to treat it as *both* a data constructor
+-- *and* as a type or class constructor;
+-- hence the call to dataTcOccs, and we return up to two results
+tcRnGetInfo hsc_env name
+ = runTcInteractive hsc_env $
+ do { loadUnqualIfaces hsc_env (hsc_IC hsc_env)
+ -- Load the interface for all unqualified types and classes
+ -- That way we will find all the instance declarations
+ -- (Packages have not orphan modules, and we assume that
+ -- in the home package all relevant modules are loaded.)
+ ; thing <- tcRnLookupName' name
+ ; fixity <- lookupFixityRn name
+ ; (cls_insts, fam_insts) <- lookupInsts thing
+ ; let info = lookupKnownNameInfo name
+ ; return (thing, fixity, cls_insts, fam_insts, info) }
+-- Lookup all class and family instances for a type constructor.
+-- This function filters all instances in the type environment, so there
+-- is a lot of duplicated work if it is called many times in the same
+-- type environment. If this becomes a problem, the NameEnv computed
+-- in GHC.getNameToInstancesIndex could be cached in TcM and both functions
+-- could be changed to consult that index.
+lookupInsts :: TyThing -> TcM ([ClsInst],[FamInst])
+lookupInsts (ATyCon tc)
+ = do { InstEnvs { ie_global = pkg_ie, ie_local = home_ie, ie_visible = vis_mods } <- tcGetInstEnvs
+ ; (pkg_fie, home_fie) <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
+ -- Load all instances for all classes that are
+ -- in the type environment (which are all the ones
+ -- we've seen in any interface file so far)
+ -- Return only the instances relevant to the given thing, i.e.
+ -- the instances whose head contains the thing's name.
+ ; let cls_insts =
+ [ ispec -- Search all
+ | ispec <- instEnvElts home_ie ++ instEnvElts pkg_ie
+ , instIsVisible vis_mods ispec
+ , tc_name `elemNameSet` orphNamesOfClsInst ispec ]
+ ; let fam_insts =
+ [ fispec
+ | fispec <- famInstEnvElts home_fie ++ famInstEnvElts pkg_fie
+ , tc_name `elemNameSet` orphNamesOfFamInst fispec ]
+ ; return (cls_insts, fam_insts) }
+ where
+ tc_name = tyConName tc
+lookupInsts _ = return ([],[])
+loadUnqualIfaces :: HscEnv -> InteractiveContext -> TcM ()
+-- Load the interface for everything that is in scope unqualified
+-- This is so that we can accurately report the instances for
+-- something
+loadUnqualIfaces hsc_env ictxt
+ = initIfaceTcRn $ do
+ mapM_ (loadSysInterface doc) (moduleSetElts (mkModuleSet unqual_mods))
+ where
+ this_pkg = thisPackage (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ unqual_mods = [ nameModule name
+ | gre <- globalRdrEnvElts (ic_rn_gbl_env ictxt)
+ , let name = gre_name gre
+ , nameIsFromExternalPackage this_pkg name
+ , isTcOcc (nameOccName name) -- Types and classes only
+ , unQualOK gre ] -- In scope unqualified
+ doc = text "Need interface for module whose export(s) are in scope unqualified"
+* *
+ Debugging output
+ This is what happens when you do -ddump-types
+* *
+-- | Dump, with a banner, if -ddump-rn
+rnDump :: (Outputable a, Data a) => a -> TcRn ()
+rnDump rn = dumpOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_rn "Renamer" FormatHaskell (ppr rn)
+tcDump :: TcGblEnv -> TcRn ()
+tcDump env
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags ;
+ -- Dump short output if -ddump-types or -ddump-tc
+ when (dopt Opt_D_dump_types dflags || dopt Opt_D_dump_tc dflags)
+ (dumpTcRn True (dumpOptionsFromFlag Opt_D_dump_types)
+ "" FormatText short_dump) ;
+ -- Dump bindings if -ddump-tc
+ dumpOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_tc "Typechecker" FormatHaskell full_dump;
+ -- Dump bindings as an hsSyn AST if -ddump-tc-ast
+ dumpOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_tc_ast "Typechecker AST" FormatHaskell ast_dump
+ }
+ where
+ short_dump = pprTcGblEnv env
+ full_dump = pprLHsBinds (tcg_binds env)
+ -- NB: foreign x-d's have undefined's in their types;
+ -- hence can't show the tc_fords
+ ast_dump = showAstData NoBlankSrcSpan (tcg_binds env)
+-- It's unpleasant having both pprModGuts and pprModDetails here
+pprTcGblEnv :: TcGblEnv -> SDoc
+pprTcGblEnv (TcGblEnv { tcg_type_env = type_env,
+ tcg_insts = insts,
+ tcg_fam_insts = fam_insts,
+ tcg_rules = rules,
+ tcg_imports = imports })
+ = getPprDebug $ \debug ->
+ vcat [ ppr_types debug type_env
+ , ppr_tycons debug fam_insts type_env
+ , ppr_datacons debug type_env
+ , ppr_patsyns type_env
+ , ppr_insts insts
+ , ppr_fam_insts fam_insts
+ , ppr_rules rules
+ , text "Dependent modules:" <+>
+ pprUFM (imp_dep_mods imports) (ppr . sort)
+ , text "Dependent packages:" <+>
+ ppr (S.toList $ imp_dep_pkgs imports)]
+ where -- The use of sort is just to reduce unnecessary
+ -- wobbling in testsuite output
+ppr_rules :: [LRuleDecl GhcTc] -> SDoc
+ppr_rules rules
+ = ppUnless (null rules) $
+ hang (text "RULES")
+ 2 (vcat (map ppr rules))
+ppr_types :: Bool -> TypeEnv -> SDoc
+ppr_types debug type_env
+ = ppr_things "TYPE SIGNATURES" ppr_sig
+ (sortBy (comparing getOccName) ids)
+ where
+ ids = [id | id <- typeEnvIds type_env, want_sig id]
+ want_sig id
+ | debug = True
+ | otherwise = hasTopUserName id
+ && case idDetails id of
+ VanillaId -> True
+ RecSelId {} -> True
+ ClassOpId {} -> True
+ FCallId {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+ -- Data cons (workers and wrappers), pattern synonyms,
+ -- etc are suppressed (unless -dppr-debug),
+ -- because they appear elsewhere
+ ppr_sig id = hang (ppr id <+> dcolon) 2 (ppr (tidyTopType (idType id)))
+ppr_tycons :: Bool -> [FamInst] -> TypeEnv -> SDoc
+ppr_tycons debug fam_insts type_env
+ = vcat [ ppr_things "TYPE CONSTRUCTORS" ppr_tc tycons
+ , ppr_things "COERCION AXIOMS" ppr_ax
+ (typeEnvCoAxioms type_env) ]
+ where
+ fi_tycons = famInstsRepTyCons fam_insts
+ tycons = sortBy (comparing getOccName) $
+ [tycon | tycon <- typeEnvTyCons type_env
+ , want_tycon tycon]
+ -- Sort by OccName to reduce unnecessary changes
+ want_tycon tycon | debug = True
+ | otherwise = isExternalName (tyConName tycon) &&
+ not (tycon `elem` fi_tycons)
+ ppr_tc tc
+ = vcat [ hang (ppr (tyConFlavour tc) <+> ppr tc
+ <> braces (ppr (tyConArity tc)) <+> dcolon)
+ 2 (ppr (tidyTopType (tyConKind tc)))
+ , nest 2 $
+ ppWhen show_roles $
+ text "roles" <+> (sep (map ppr roles)) ]
+ where
+ show_roles = debug || not (all (== boring_role) roles)
+ roles = tyConRoles tc
+ boring_role | isClassTyCon tc = Nominal
+ | otherwise = Representational
+ -- Matches the choice in GHC.Iface.Syntax, calls to pprRoles
+ ppr_ax ax = ppr (coAxiomToIfaceDecl ax)
+ -- We go via IfaceDecl rather than using pprCoAxiom
+ -- This way we get the full axiom (both LHS and RHS) with
+ -- wildcard binders tidied to _1, _2, etc.
+ppr_datacons :: Bool -> TypeEnv -> SDoc
+ppr_datacons debug type_env
+ = ppr_things "DATA CONSTRUCTORS" ppr_dc wanted_dcs
+ -- The filter gets rid of class data constructors
+ where
+ ppr_dc dc = ppr dc <+> dcolon <+> ppr (dataConUserType dc)
+ all_dcs = typeEnvDataCons type_env
+ wanted_dcs | debug = all_dcs
+ | otherwise = filterOut is_cls_dc all_dcs
+ is_cls_dc dc = isClassTyCon (dataConTyCon dc)
+ppr_patsyns :: TypeEnv -> SDoc
+ppr_patsyns type_env
+ = ppr_things "PATTERN SYNONYMS" ppr_ps
+ (typeEnvPatSyns type_env)
+ where
+ ppr_ps ps = ppr ps <+> dcolon <+> pprPatSynType ps
+ppr_insts :: [ClsInst] -> SDoc
+ppr_insts ispecs
+ = ppr_things "CLASS INSTANCES" pprInstance ispecs
+ppr_fam_insts :: [FamInst] -> SDoc
+ppr_fam_insts fam_insts
+ = ppr_things "FAMILY INSTANCES" pprFamInst fam_insts
+ppr_things :: String -> (a -> SDoc) -> [a] -> SDoc
+ppr_things herald ppr_one things
+ | null things = empty
+ | otherwise = text herald $$ nest 2 (vcat (map ppr_one things))
+hasTopUserName :: NamedThing x => x -> Bool
+-- A top-level thing whose name is not "derived"
+-- Thus excluding things like $tcX, from Typeable boilerplate
+-- and C:Coll from class-dictionary data constructors
+hasTopUserName x
+ = isExternalName name && not (isDerivedOccName (nameOccName name))
+ where
+ name = getName x
+Type Checker Plugins
+withTcPlugins :: HscEnv -> TcM a -> TcM a
+withTcPlugins hsc_env m =
+ do let plugins = getTcPlugins (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ case plugins of
+ [] -> m -- Common fast case
+ _ -> do ev_binds_var <- newTcEvBinds
+ (solvers,stops) <- unzip `fmap` mapM (startPlugin ev_binds_var) plugins
+ -- This ensures that tcPluginStop is called even if a type
+ -- error occurs during compilation (Fix of #10078)
+ eitherRes <- tryM $ do
+ updGblEnv (\e -> e { tcg_tc_plugins = solvers }) m
+ mapM_ (flip runTcPluginM ev_binds_var) stops
+ case eitherRes of
+ Left _ -> failM
+ Right res -> return res
+ where
+ startPlugin ev_binds_var (TcPlugin start solve stop) =
+ do s <- runTcPluginM start ev_binds_var
+ return (solve s, stop s)
+getTcPlugins :: DynFlags -> [GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad.TcPlugin]
+getTcPlugins dflags = catMaybes $ mapPlugins dflags (\p args -> tcPlugin p args)
+withHoleFitPlugins :: HscEnv -> TcM a -> TcM a
+withHoleFitPlugins hsc_env m =
+ case (getHfPlugins (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) of
+ [] -> m -- Common fast case
+ plugins -> do (plugins,stops) <- unzip `fmap` mapM startPlugin plugins
+ -- This ensures that hfPluginStop is called even if a type
+ -- error occurs during compilation.
+ eitherRes <- tryM $ do
+ updGblEnv (\e -> e { tcg_hf_plugins = plugins }) m
+ sequence_ stops
+ case eitherRes of
+ Left _ -> failM
+ Right res -> return res
+ where
+ startPlugin (HoleFitPluginR init plugin stop) =
+ do ref <- init
+ return (plugin ref, stop ref)
+getHfPlugins :: DynFlags -> [HoleFitPluginR]
+getHfPlugins dflags =
+ catMaybes $ mapPlugins dflags (\p args -> holeFitPlugin p args)
+runRenamerPlugin :: TcGblEnv
+ -> HsGroup GhcRn
+ -> TcM (TcGblEnv, HsGroup GhcRn)
+runRenamerPlugin gbl_env hs_group = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ withPlugins dflags
+ (\p opts (e, g) -> ( mark_plugin_unsafe dflags >> renamedResultAction p opts e g))
+ (gbl_env, hs_group)
+-- XXX: should this really be a Maybe X? Check under which circumstances this
+-- can become a Nothing and decide whether this should instead throw an
+-- exception/signal an error.
+type RenamedStuff =
+ (Maybe (HsGroup GhcRn, [LImportDecl GhcRn], Maybe [(LIE GhcRn, Avails)],
+ Maybe LHsDocString))
+-- | Extract the renamed information from TcGblEnv.
+getRenamedStuff :: TcGblEnv -> RenamedStuff
+getRenamedStuff tc_result
+ = fmap (\decls -> ( decls, tcg_rn_imports tc_result
+ , tcg_rn_exports tc_result, tcg_doc_hdr tc_result ) )
+ (tcg_rn_decls tc_result)
+runTypecheckerPlugin :: ModSummary -> HscEnv -> TcGblEnv -> TcM TcGblEnv
+runTypecheckerPlugin sum hsc_env gbl_env = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ withPlugins dflags
+ (\p opts env -> mark_plugin_unsafe dflags
+ >> typeCheckResultAction p opts sum env)
+ gbl_env
+mark_plugin_unsafe :: DynFlags -> TcM ()
+mark_plugin_unsafe dflags = unless (gopt Opt_PluginTrustworthy dflags) $
+ recordUnsafeInfer pluginUnsafe
+ where
+ unsafeText = "Use of plugins makes the module unsafe"
+ pluginUnsafe = unitBag ( mkPlainWarnMsg dflags noSrcSpan
+ (Outputable.text unsafeText) )