path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
index d4dae8e31e..eaa62e44ea 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf, RecursiveDo #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf, RecursiveDo, TupleSections #-}
module GHC.Tc.Solver(
InferMode(..), simplifyInfer, findInferredDiff,
@@ -31,11 +31,15 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.InstEnv ( Coherence(IsCoherent) )
+import GHC.Core.Make
import GHC.Driver.Session
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate
+import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Data.List.SetOps
import GHC.Types.Name
-import GHC.Types.Id( idType )
+import GHC.Types.Id
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Builtin.Utils
import GHC.Builtin.Names
@@ -58,22 +62,25 @@ import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Core.Ppr
import GHC.Core.TyCon ( TyConBinder, isTypeFamilyTyCon )
-import GHC.Builtin.Types ( liftedRepTy, liftedDataConTy )
+import GHC.Builtin.Types
import GHC.Core.Unify ( tcMatchTyKi )
+import GHC.Unit.Module ( getModule )
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Types.Var
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
-import GHC.Types.Basic ( IntWithInf, intGtLimit
- , DefaultingStrategy(..), NonStandardDefaultingStrategy(..) )
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Types.Id.Make ( unboxedUnitExpr )
import GHC.Types.Error
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( lift )
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict ( StateT(runStateT), put )
import Data.Foldable ( toList )
import Data.List ( partition )
import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) )
-import GHC.Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe, isJust )
+import GHC.Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
@@ -487,7 +494,11 @@ simplifyTopWanteds wanteds
= do { wc_first_go <- nestTcS (solveWanteds wanteds)
-- This is where the main work happens
; dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; try_tyvar_defaulting dflags wc_first_go }
+ ; wc_defaulted <- try_tyvar_defaulting dflags wc_first_go
+ -- See Note [Implementation of Unsatisfiable constraints] in GHC.Tc.Errors,
+ -- point (C).
+ ; useUnsatisfiableGivens wc_defaulted }
try_tyvar_defaulting :: DynFlags -> WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
try_tyvar_defaulting dflags wc
@@ -539,6 +550,149 @@ simplifyTopWanteds wanteds
| otherwise
= defaultCallStacks wc
+-- | If an implication contains a Given of the form @Unsatisfiable msg@, use
+-- it to solve all Wanteds within the implication.
+-- This does a complete walk over the implication tree.
+-- See point (C) in Note [Implementation of Unsatisfiable constraints] in GHC.Tc.Errors.
+useUnsatisfiableGivens :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
+useUnsatisfiableGivens wc =
+ do { (final_wc, did_work) <- (`runStateT` False) $ go_wc wc
+ ; if did_work
+ then nestTcS (solveWanteds final_wc)
+ else return final_wc }
+ where
+ go_wc (WC { wc_simple = wtds, wc_impl = impls, wc_errors = errs })
+ = do impls' <- mapMaybeBagM go_impl impls
+ return $ WC { wc_simple = wtds, wc_impl = impls', wc_errors = errs }
+ go_impl impl
+ | isSolvedStatus (ic_status impl)
+ = return $ Just impl
+ -- Is there a Given with type "Unsatisfiable msg"?
+ -- If so, use it to solve all other Wanteds.
+ | unsat_given:_ <- mapMaybe unsatisfiableEv_maybe (ic_given impl)
+ = do { put True
+ ; lift $ solveImplicationUsingUnsatGiven unsat_given impl }
+ -- Otherwise, recurse.
+ | otherwise
+ = do { wcs' <- go_wc (ic_wanted impl)
+ ; lift $ setImplicationStatus $ impl { ic_wanted = wcs' } }
+-- | Is this evidence variable the evidence for an 'Unsatisfiable' constraint?
+-- If so, return the variable itself together with the error message type.
+unsatisfiableEv_maybe :: EvVar -> Maybe (EvVar, Type)
+unsatisfiableEv_maybe v = (v,) <$> isUnsatisfiableCt_maybe (idType v)
+-- | We have an implication with an 'Unsatisfiable' Given; use that Given to
+-- solve all the other Wanted constraints, including those nested within
+-- deeper implications.
+solveImplicationUsingUnsatGiven :: (EvVar, Type) -> Implication -> TcS (Maybe Implication)
+ unsat_given@(given_ev,_)
+ impl@(Implic { ic_wanted = wtd, ic_tclvl = tclvl, ic_binds = ev_binds_var, ic_need_inner = inner })
+ | isCoEvBindsVar ev_binds_var
+ -- We can't use Unsatisfiable evidence in kinds.
+ -- See Note [Coercion evidence only] in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence.
+ = return $ Just impl
+ | otherwise
+ = do { wcs <- nestImplicTcS ev_binds_var tclvl $ go_wc wtd
+ ; setImplicationStatus $
+ impl { ic_wanted = wcs
+ , ic_need_inner = inner `extendVarSet` given_ev } }
+ where
+ go_wc :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
+ go_wc wc@(WC { wc_simple = wtds, wc_impl = impls })
+ = do { mapBagM_ go_simple wtds
+ ; impls <- mapMaybeBagM (solveImplicationUsingUnsatGiven unsat_given) impls
+ ; return $ wc { wc_simple = emptyBag, wc_impl = impls } }
+ go_simple :: Ct -> TcS ()
+ go_simple ct = case ctEvidence ct of
+ CtWanted { ctev_pred = pty, ctev_dest = dst }
+ -> do { ev_expr <- unsatisfiableEvExpr unsat_given pty
+ ; setWantedEvTerm dst IsCoherent $ EvExpr ev_expr }
+ _ -> return ()
+-- | Create an evidence expression for an arbitrary constraint using
+-- evidence for an "Unsatisfiable" Given.
+-- See Note [Evidence terms from Unsatisfiable Givens]
+unsatisfiableEvExpr :: (EvVar, ErrorMsgType) -> PredType -> TcS EvExpr
+unsatisfiableEvExpr (unsat_ev, given_msg) wtd_ty
+ = do { mod <- getModule
+ -- If we're typechecking GHC.TypeError, return a bogus expression;
+ -- it's only used for the ambiguity check, which throws the evidence away anyway.
+ -- This avoids problems with circularity; where we are trying to look
+ -- up the "unsatisfiable" Id while we are in the middle of typechecking it.
+ ; if mod == gHC_TYPEERROR then return (Var unsat_ev) else
+ do { unsatisfiable_id <- tcLookupId unsatisfiableIdName
+ -- See Note [Evidence terms from Unsatisfiable Givens]
+ -- for a description of what evidence term we are constructing here.
+ ; let -- (##) -=> wtd_ty
+ fun_ty = mkFunTy visArgConstraintLike ManyTy unboxedUnitTy wtd_ty
+ mkDictBox = case boxingDataCon fun_ty of
+ BI_Box { bi_data_con = mkDictBox } -> mkDictBox
+ _ -> pprPanic "unsatisfiableEvExpr: no DictBox!" (ppr wtd_ty)
+ dictBox = dataConTyCon mkDictBox
+ ; ev_bndr <- mkSysLocalM (fsLit "ct") ManyTy fun_ty
+ -- Dict ((##) -=> wtd_ty)
+ ; let scrut_ty = mkTyConApp dictBox [fun_ty]
+ -- unsatisfiable @{LiftedRep} @given_msg @(Dict ((##) -=> wtd_ty)) unsat_ev
+ scrut =
+ mkCoreApps (Var unsatisfiable_id)
+ [ Type liftedRepTy
+ , Type given_msg
+ , Type scrut_ty
+ , Var unsat_ev ]
+ -- case scrut of { MkDictBox @((##) -=> wtd_ty)) ct -> ct (# #) }
+ ev_expr =
+ mkWildCase scrut (unrestricted $ scrut_ty) wtd_ty
+ [ Alt (DataAlt mkDictBox) [ev_bndr] $
+ mkCoreApps (Var ev_bndr) [unboxedUnitExpr]
+ ]
+ ; return ev_expr } }
+{- Note [Evidence terms from Unsatisfiable Givens]
+An Unsatisfiable Given constraint, of the form [G] Unsatisfiable msg, should be
+able to solve ANY Wanted constraint whatsoever.
+Recall that we have
+ unsatisfiable :: forall {rep} (msg :: ErrorMessage) (a :: TYPE rep)
+ . Unsatisfiable msg => a
+We want to use this function, together with the evidence
+[G] unsat_ev :: Unsatisfiable msg, to solve any other constraint [W] wtd_ty.
+We could naively think that a valid evidence term for the Wanted might be:
+ wanted_ev = unsatisfiable @{rep} @msg @wtd_ty unsat_ev
+Unfortunately, this is a kind error: "wtd_ty :: CONSTRAINT rep", but
+"unsatisfiable" expects the third type argument to be of kind "TYPE rep".
+Instead, we use a boxing data constructor to box the constraint into a type.
+In the end, we construct the following evidence for the implication:
+ [G] unsat_ev :: Unsatisfiable msg
+ ==>
+ [W] wtd_ev :: wtd_ty
+ wtd_ev =
+ case unsatisfiable @{LiftedRep} @msg @(Dict ((##) -=> wtd_ty)) unsat_ev of
+ MkDictBox ct -> ct (# #)
+Note that we play the same trick with the function arrow -=> that we did
+in order to define "unsatisfiable" in terms of "unsatisfiableLifted", as described
+in Note [The Unsatisfiable representation-polymorphism trick] in base:GHC.TypeError.
+This allows us to indirectly box constraints with different representations
+(such as primitive equality constraints).
-- | Default any remaining @CallStack@ constraints to empty @CallStack@s.
defaultCallStacks :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
-- See Note [Overview of implicit CallStacks] in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
@@ -845,8 +999,11 @@ last example above.
simplifyAmbiguityCheck :: Type -> WantedConstraints -> TcM ()
simplifyAmbiguityCheck ty wanteds
= do { traceTc "simplifyAmbiguityCheck {" (text "type = " <+> ppr ty $$ text "wanted = " <+> ppr wanteds)
- ; (final_wc, _) <- runTcS $ solveWanteds wanteds
+ ; (final_wc, _) <- runTcS $ useUnsatisfiableGivens =<< solveWanteds wanteds
-- NB: no defaulting! See Note [No defaulting in the ambiguity check]
+ -- Note: we do still use Unsatisfiable Givens to solve Wanteds,
+ -- see Wrinkle [Ambiguity] under point (C) of
+ -- Note [Implementation of Unsatisfiable constraints] in GHC.Tc.Errors.
; traceTc "End simplifyAmbiguityCheck }" empty
@@ -2785,9 +2942,9 @@ findUnnecessaryGivens info need_inner givens
unused_givens = filterOut is_used givens
- is_used given = is_type_error given
- || (given `elemVarSet` need_inner)
- || (in_instance_decl && is_improving (idType given))
+ is_used given = is_type_error given
+ || given `elemVarSet` need_inner
+ || (in_instance_decl && is_improving (idType given))
minimal_givens = mkMinimalBySCs evVarPred givens
is_minimal = (`elemVarSet` mkVarSet minimal_givens)
@@ -2796,7 +2953,7 @@ findUnnecessaryGivens info need_inner givens
| otherwise = filterOut is_minimal givens
-- See #15232
- is_type_error = isJust . userTypeError_maybe . idType
+ is_type_error id = isTopLevelUserTypeError (idType id)
is_improving pred -- (transSuperClasses p) does not include p
= any isImprovementPred (pred : transSuperClasses pred)