path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs
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index 0000000000..e1a290fdf9
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+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveFunctor, ViewPatterns, BangPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+module GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten(
+ FlattenMode(..),
+ flatten, flattenKind, flattenArgsNom,
+ rewriteTyVar,
+ unflattenWanteds
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Tc.Types
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr ( pprTyVar )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
+import GHC.Core.Predicate
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep -- performs delicate algorithm on types
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad as TcS
+import GHC.Types.Basic( SwapFlag(..) )
+import Util
+import Bag
+import Control.Monad
+import MonadUtils ( zipWith3M )
+import Data.Foldable ( foldrM )
+import Control.Arrow ( first )
+Note [The flattening story]
+* A CFunEqCan is either of form
+ [G] <F xis> : F xis ~ fsk -- fsk is a FlatSkolTv
+ [W] x : F xis ~ fmv -- fmv is a FlatMetaTv
+ where
+ x is the witness variable
+ xis are function-free
+ fsk/fmv is a flatten skolem;
+ it is always untouchable (level 0)
+* CFunEqCans can have any flavour: [G], [W], [WD] or [D]
+ - A given flatten-skolem, fsk, is known a-priori to be equal to
+ F xis (the LHS), with <F xis> evidence. The fsk is still a
+ unification variable, but it is "owned" by its CFunEqCan, and
+ is filled in (unflattened) only by unflattenGivens.
+ - A unification flatten-skolem, fmv, stands for the as-yet-unknown
+ type to which (F xis) will eventually reduce. It is filled in
+ - All fsk/fmv variables are "untouchable". To make it simple to test,
+ we simply give them TcLevel=0. This means that in a CTyVarEq, say,
+ fmv ~ Int
+ we NEVER unify fmv.
+ - A unification flatten-skolem, fmv, ONLY gets unified when either
+ a) The CFunEqCan takes a step, using an axiom
+ b) By unflattenWanteds
+ They are never unified in any other form of equality.
+ For example [W] ffmv ~ Int is stuck; it does not unify with fmv.
+* We *never* substitute in the RHS (i.e. the fsk/fmv) of a CFunEqCan.
+ That would destroy the invariant about the shape of a CFunEqCan,
+ and it would risk wanted/wanted interactions. The only way we
+ learn information about fsk is when the CFunEqCan takes a step.
+ However we *do* substitute in the LHS of a CFunEqCan (else it
+ would never get to fire!)
+* Unflattening:
+ - We unflatten Givens when leaving their scope (see unflattenGivens)
+ - We unflatten Wanteds at the end of each attempt to simplify the
+ wanteds; see unflattenWanteds, called from solveSimpleWanteds.
+* Ownership of fsk/fmv. Each canonical [G], [W], or [WD]
+ CFunEqCan x : F xis ~ fsk/fmv
+ "owns" a distinct evidence variable x, and flatten-skolem fsk/fmv.
+ Why? We make a fresh fsk/fmv when the constraint is born;
+ and we never rewrite the RHS of a CFunEqCan.
+ In contrast a [D] CFunEqCan /shares/ its fmv with its partner [W],
+ but does not "own" it. If we reduce a [D] F Int ~ fmv, where
+ say type instance F Int = ty, then we don't discharge fmv := ty.
+ Rather we simply generate [D] fmv ~ ty (in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.reduce_top_fun_eq,
+ and dischargeFmv)
+* Inert set invariant: if F xis1 ~ fsk1, F xis2 ~ fsk2
+ then xis1 /= xis2
+ i.e. at most one CFunEqCan with a particular LHS
+* Flattening a type (F xis):
+ - If we are flattening in a Wanted/Derived constraint
+ then create new [W] x : F xis ~ fmv
+ else create new [G] x : F xis ~ fsk
+ with fresh evidence variable x and flatten-skolem fsk/fmv
+ - Add it to the work list
+ - Replace (F xis) with fsk/fmv in the type you are flattening
+ - You can also add the CFunEqCan to the "flat cache", which
+ simply keeps track of all the function applications you
+ have flattened.
+ - If (F xis) is in the cache already, just
+ use its fsk/fmv and evidence x, and emit nothing.
+ - No need to substitute in the flat-cache. It's not the end
+ of the world if we start with, say (F alpha ~ fmv1) and
+ (F Int ~ fmv2) and then find alpha := Int. Athat will
+ simply give rise to fmv1 := fmv2 via [Interacting rule] below
+* Canonicalising a CFunEqCan [G/W] x : F xis ~ fsk/fmv
+ - Flatten xis (to substitute any tyvars; there are already no functions)
+ cos :: xis ~ flat_xis
+ - New wanted x2 :: F flat_xis ~ fsk/fmv
+ - Add new wanted to flat cache
+ - Discharge x = F cos ; x2
+* [Interacting rule]
+ (inert) [W] x1 : F tys ~ fmv1
+ (work item) [W] x2 : F tys ~ fmv2
+ Just solve one from the other:
+ x2 := x1
+ fmv2 := fmv1
+ This just unites the two fsks into one.
+ Always solve given from wanted if poss.
+* For top-level reductions, see Note [Top-level reductions for type functions]
+ in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact
+Why given-fsks, alone, doesn't work
+Could we get away with only flatten meta-tyvars, with no flatten-skolems? No.
+ [W] w : alpha ~ [F alpha Int]
+---> flatten
+ w = ...w'...
+ [W] w' : alpha ~ [fsk]
+ [G] <F alpha Int> : F alpha Int ~ fsk
+--> unify (no occurs check)
+ alpha := [fsk]
+But since fsk = F alpha Int, this is really an occurs check error. If
+that is all we know about alpha, we will succeed in constraint
+solving, producing a program with an infinite type.
+Even if we did finally get (g : fsk ~ Bool) by solving (F alpha Int ~ fsk)
+using axiom, zonking would not see it, so (x::alpha) sitting in the
+tree will get zonked to an infinite type. (Zonking always only does
+refl stuff.)
+Why flatten-meta-vars, alone doesn't work
+Look at Simple13, with unification-fmvs only
+ [G] g : a ~ [F a]
+---> Flatten given
+ g' = g;[x]
+ [G] g' : a ~ [fmv]
+ [W] x : F a ~ fmv
+--> subst a in x
+ g' = g;[x]
+ x = F g' ; x2
+ [W] x2 : F [fmv] ~ fmv
+And now we have an evidence cycle between g' and x!
+If we used a given instead (ie current story)
+ [G] g : a ~ [F a]
+---> Flatten given
+ g' = g;[x]
+ [G] g' : a ~ [fsk]
+ [G] <F a> : F a ~ fsk
+---> Substitute for a
+ [G] g' : a ~ [fsk]
+ [G] F (sym g'); <F a> : F [fsk] ~ fsk
+Why is it right to treat fmv's differently to ordinary unification vars?
+ f :: forall a. a -> a -> Bool
+ g :: F Int -> F Int -> Bool
+ f (x:Int) (y:Bool)
+This gives alpha~Int, alpha~Bool. There is an inconsistency,
+but really only one error. SherLoc may tell you which location
+is most likely, based on other occurrences of alpha.
+ g (x:Int) (y:Bool)
+Here we get (F Int ~ Int, F Int ~ Bool), which flattens to
+ (fmv ~ Int, fmv ~ Bool)
+But there are really TWO separate errors.
+ ** We must not complain about Int~Bool. **
+Moreover these two errors could arise in entirely unrelated parts of
+the code. (In the alpha case, there must be *some* connection (eg
+v:alpha in common envt).)
+Note [Unflattening can force the solver to iterate]
+Look at #10340:
+ type family Any :: * -- No instances
+ get :: MonadState s m => m s
+ instance MonadState s (State s) where ...
+ foo :: State Any Any
+ foo = get
+For 'foo' we instantiate 'get' at types mm ss
+ [WD] MonadState ss mm, [WD] mm ss ~ State Any Any
+Flatten, and decompose
+ [WD] MonadState ss mm, [WD] Any ~ fmv
+ [WD] mm ~ State fmv, [WD] fmv ~ ss
+Unify mm := State fmv:
+ [WD] MonadState ss (State fmv)
+ [WD] Any ~ fmv, [WD] fmv ~ ss
+Now we are stuck; the instance does not match!! So unflatten:
+ fmv := Any
+ ss := Any (*)
+ [WD] MonadState Any (State Any)
+The unification (*) represents progress, so we must do a second
+round of solving; this time it succeeds. This is done by the 'go'
+loop in solveSimpleWanteds.
+This story does not feel right but it's the best I can do; and the
+iteration only happens in pretty obscure circumstances.
+* *
+* Examples
+ Here is a long series of examples I had to work through
+* *
+axiom F [a] = [F a]
+ [G] F [a] ~ a
+ [G] fsk ~ a
+ [G] [F a] ~ fsk (nc)
+ [G] F a ~ fsk2
+ [G] fsk ~ [fsk2]
+ [G] fsk ~ a
+ [G] F a ~ fsk2
+ [G] a ~ [fsk2]
+ [G] fsk ~ a
+ [W] H (F Bool) ~ H alpha
+ [W] alpha ~ F Bool
+ F Bool ~ fmv0
+ H fmv0 ~ fmv1
+ H alpha ~ fmv2
+ fmv1 ~ fmv2
+ fmv0 ~ alpha
+ fmv0 := F Bool
+ fmv1 := H (F Bool)
+ fmv2 := H alpha
+ alpha := F Bool
+ fmv1 ~ fmv2
+But these two are equal under the above assumptions.
+Solve by Refl.
+--- under plan B, namely solve fmv1:=fmv2 eagerly ---
+ [W] H (F Bool) ~ H alpha
+ [W] alpha ~ F Bool
+ F Bool ~ fmv0
+ H fmv0 ~ fmv1
+ H alpha ~ fmv2
+ fmv1 ~ fmv2
+ fmv0 ~ alpha
+ F Bool ~ fmv0
+ H fmv0 ~ fmv1
+ H alpha ~ fmv2 fmv2 := fmv1
+ fmv0 ~ alpha
+ fmv0 := F Bool
+ fmv1 := H fmv0 = H (F Bool)
+ retain H alpha ~ fmv2
+ because fmv2 has been filled
+ alpha := F Bool
+after solving
+ [W] fmv_1 ~ fmv_2
+ [W] A3 (FCon x) ~ fmv_1 (CFunEqCan)
+ [W] A3 (x (aoa -> fmv_2)) ~ fmv_2 (CFunEqCan)
+a) [W] BasePrimMonad (Rand m) ~ m1
+b) [W] tt m1 ~ BasePrimMonad (Rand m)
+---> process (b) first
+ BasePrimMonad (Ramd m) ~ fmv_atH
+ fmv_atH ~ tt m1
+---> now process (a)
+ m1 ~ s_atH ~ tt m1 -- An obscure occurs check
+Original constraint
+ [W] x + y ~ x + alpha (non-canonical)
+ [W] x + y ~ fmv1 (CFunEqCan)
+ [W] x + alpha ~ fmv2 (CFuneqCan)
+ [W] fmv1 ~ fmv2 (CTyEqCan)
+ [G] Const a ~ ()
+==> flatten
+ [G] fsk ~ ()
+ work item: Const a ~ fsk
+==> fire top rule
+ [G] fsk ~ ()
+ work item fsk ~ ()
+Surely the work item should rewrite to () ~ ()? Well, maybe not;
+it'a very special case. More generally, our givens look like
+F a ~ Int, where (F a) is not reducible.
+Why using a different can-rewrite rule in CFunEqCan heads
+does not work.
+Assuming NOT rewriting wanteds with wanteds
+ Inert: [W] fsk_aBh ~ fmv_aBk -> fmv_aBk
+ [W] fmv_aBk ~ fsk_aBh
+ [G] Scalar fsk_aBg ~ fsk_aBh
+ [G] V a ~ f_aBg
+ Worklist includes [W] Scalar fmv_aBi ~ fmv_aBk
+ fmv_aBi, fmv_aBk are flatten unification variables
+ Work item: [W] V fsk_aBh ~ fmv_aBi
+Note that the inert wanteds are cyclic, because we do not rewrite
+wanteds with wanteds.
+Then we go into a loop when normalise the work-item, because we
+use rewriteOrSame on the argument of V.
+Conclusion: Don't make canRewrite context specific; instead use
+[W] a ~ ty to rewrite a wanted iff 'a' is a unification variable.
+Here is a somewhat similar case:
+ type family G a :: *
+ blah :: (G a ~ Bool, Eq (G a)) => a -> a
+ blah = error "urk"
+ foo x = blah x
+For foo we get
+ [W] Eq (G a), G a ~ Bool
+ [W] G a ~ fmv, Eq fmv, fmv ~ Bool
+We can't simplify away the Eq Bool unless we substitute for fmv.
+Maybe that doesn't matter: we would still be left with unsolved
+G a ~ Bool.
+#9318 has a very simple program leading to
+ [W] F Int ~ Int
+ [W] F Int ~ Bool
+We don't want to get "Error Int~Bool". But if fmv's can rewrite
+wanteds, we will
+ [W] fmv ~ Int
+ [W] fmv ~ Bool
+ [W] Int ~ Bool
+* *
+* FlattenEnv & FlatM
+* The flattening environment & monad
+* *
+type FlatWorkListRef = TcRef [Ct] -- See Note [The flattening work list]
+data FlattenEnv
+ = FE { fe_mode :: !FlattenMode
+ , fe_loc :: CtLoc -- See Note [Flattener CtLoc]
+ -- unbanged because it's bogus in rewriteTyVar
+ , fe_flavour :: !CtFlavour
+ , fe_eq_rel :: !EqRel -- See Note [Flattener EqRels]
+ , fe_work :: !FlatWorkListRef } -- See Note [The flattening work list]
+data FlattenMode -- Postcondition for all three: inert wrt the type substitution
+ = FM_FlattenAll -- Postcondition: function-free
+ | FM_SubstOnly -- See Note [Flattening under a forall]
+-- | FM_Avoid TcTyVar Bool -- See Note [Lazy flattening]
+-- -- Postcondition:
+-- -- * tyvar is only mentioned in result under a rigid path
+-- -- e.g. [a] is ok, but F a won't happen
+-- -- * If flat_top is True, top level is not a function application
+-- -- (but under type constructors is ok e.g. [F a])
+instance Outputable FlattenMode where
+ ppr FM_FlattenAll = text "FM_FlattenAll"
+ ppr FM_SubstOnly = text "FM_SubstOnly"
+eqFlattenMode :: FlattenMode -> FlattenMode -> Bool
+eqFlattenMode FM_FlattenAll FM_FlattenAll = True
+eqFlattenMode FM_SubstOnly FM_SubstOnly = True
+-- FM_Avoid tv1 b1 `eq` FM_Avoid tv2 b2 = tv1 == tv2 && b1 == b2
+eqFlattenMode _ _ = False
+-- | The 'FlatM' monad is a wrapper around 'TcS' with the following
+-- extra capabilities: (1) it offers access to a 'FlattenEnv';
+-- and (2) it maintains the flattening worklist.
+-- See Note [The flattening work list].
+newtype FlatM a
+ = FlatM { runFlatM :: FlattenEnv -> TcS a }
+ deriving (Functor)
+instance Monad FlatM where
+ m >>= k = FlatM $ \env ->
+ do { a <- runFlatM m env
+ ; runFlatM (k a) env }
+instance Applicative FlatM where
+ pure x = FlatM $ const (pure x)
+ (<*>) = ap
+liftTcS :: TcS a -> FlatM a
+liftTcS thing_inside
+ = FlatM $ const thing_inside
+emitFlatWork :: Ct -> FlatM ()
+-- See Note [The flattening work list]
+emitFlatWork ct = FlatM $ \env -> updTcRef (fe_work env) (ct :)
+-- convenient wrapper when you have a CtEvidence describing
+-- the flattening operation
+runFlattenCtEv :: FlattenMode -> CtEvidence -> FlatM a -> TcS a
+runFlattenCtEv mode ev
+ = runFlatten mode (ctEvLoc ev) (ctEvFlavour ev) (ctEvEqRel ev)
+-- Run thing_inside (which does flattening), and put all
+-- the work it generates onto the main work list
+-- See Note [The flattening work list]
+runFlatten :: FlattenMode -> CtLoc -> CtFlavour -> EqRel -> FlatM a -> TcS a
+runFlatten mode loc flav eq_rel thing_inside
+ = do { flat_ref <- newTcRef []
+ ; let fmode = FE { fe_mode = mode
+ , fe_loc = bumpCtLocDepth loc
+ -- See Note [Flatten when discharging CFunEqCan]
+ , fe_flavour = flav
+ , fe_eq_rel = eq_rel
+ , fe_work = flat_ref }
+ ; res <- runFlatM thing_inside fmode
+ ; new_flats <- readTcRef flat_ref
+ ; updWorkListTcS (add_flats new_flats)
+ ; return res }
+ where
+ add_flats new_flats wl
+ = wl { wl_funeqs = add_funeqs new_flats (wl_funeqs wl) }
+ add_funeqs [] wl = wl
+ add_funeqs (f:fs) wl = add_funeqs fs (f:wl)
+ -- add_funeqs fs ws = reverse fs ++ ws
+ -- e.g. add_funeqs [f1,f2,f3] [w1,w2,w3,w4]
+ -- = [f3,f2,f1,w1,w2,w3,w4]
+traceFlat :: String -> SDoc -> FlatM ()
+traceFlat herald doc = liftTcS $ traceTcS herald doc
+getFlatEnvField :: (FlattenEnv -> a) -> FlatM a
+getFlatEnvField accessor
+ = FlatM $ \env -> return (accessor env)
+getEqRel :: FlatM EqRel
+getEqRel = getFlatEnvField fe_eq_rel
+getRole :: FlatM Role
+getRole = eqRelRole <$> getEqRel
+getFlavour :: FlatM CtFlavour
+getFlavour = getFlatEnvField fe_flavour
+getFlavourRole :: FlatM CtFlavourRole
+ = do { flavour <- getFlavour
+ ; eq_rel <- getEqRel
+ ; return (flavour, eq_rel) }
+getMode :: FlatM FlattenMode
+getMode = getFlatEnvField fe_mode
+getLoc :: FlatM CtLoc
+getLoc = getFlatEnvField fe_loc
+checkStackDepth :: Type -> FlatM ()
+checkStackDepth ty
+ = do { loc <- getLoc
+ ; liftTcS $ checkReductionDepth loc ty }
+-- | Change the 'EqRel' in a 'FlatM'.
+setEqRel :: EqRel -> FlatM a -> FlatM a
+setEqRel new_eq_rel thing_inside
+ = FlatM $ \env ->
+ if new_eq_rel == fe_eq_rel env
+ then runFlatM thing_inside env
+ else runFlatM thing_inside (env { fe_eq_rel = new_eq_rel })
+-- | Change the 'FlattenMode' in a 'FlattenEnv'.
+setMode :: FlattenMode -> FlatM a -> FlatM a
+setMode new_mode thing_inside
+ = FlatM $ \env ->
+ if new_mode `eqFlattenMode` fe_mode env
+ then runFlatM thing_inside env
+ else runFlatM thing_inside (env { fe_mode = new_mode })
+-- | Make sure that flattening actually produces a coercion (in other
+-- words, make sure our flavour is not Derived)
+-- Note [No derived kind equalities]
+noBogusCoercions :: FlatM a -> FlatM a
+noBogusCoercions thing_inside
+ = FlatM $ \env ->
+ -- No new thunk is made if the flavour hasn't changed (note the bang).
+ let !env' = case fe_flavour env of
+ Derived -> env { fe_flavour = Wanted WDeriv }
+ _ -> env
+ in
+ runFlatM thing_inside env'
+bumpDepth :: FlatM a -> FlatM a
+bumpDepth (FlatM thing_inside)
+ = FlatM $ \env -> do
+ -- bumpDepth can be called a lot during flattening so we force the
+ -- new env to avoid accumulating thunks.
+ { let !env' = env { fe_loc = bumpCtLocDepth (fe_loc env) }
+ ; thing_inside env' }
+Note [The flattening work list]
+The "flattening work list", held in the fe_work field of FlattenEnv,
+is a list of CFunEqCans generated during flattening. The key idea
+is this. Consider flattening (Eq (F (G Int) (H Bool)):
+ * The flattener recursively calls itself on sub-terms before building
+ the main term, so it will encounter the terms in order
+ G Int
+ H Bool
+ F (G Int) (H Bool)
+ flattening to sub-goals
+ w1: G Int ~ fuv0
+ w2: H Bool ~ fuv1
+ w3: F fuv0 fuv1 ~ fuv2
+ * Processing w3 first is BAD, because we can't reduce i t,so it'll
+ get put into the inert set, and later kicked out when w1, w2 are
+ solved. In #9872 this led to inert sets containing hundreds
+ of suspended calls.
+ * So we want to process w1, w2 first.
+ * So you might think that we should just use a FIFO deque for the work-list,
+ so that putting adding goals in order w1,w2,w3 would mean we processed
+ w1 first.
+ * BUT suppose we have 'type instance G Int = H Char'. Then processing
+ w1 leads to a new goal
+ w4: H Char ~ fuv0
+ We do NOT want to put that on the far end of a deque! Instead we want
+ to put it at the *front* of the work-list so that we continue to work
+ on it.
+So the work-list structure is this:
+ * The wl_funeqs (in TcS) is a LIFO stack; we push new goals (such as w4) on
+ top (extendWorkListFunEq), and take new work from the top
+ (selectWorkItem).
+ * When flattening, emitFlatWork pushes new flattening goals (like
+ w1,w2,w3) onto the flattening work list, fe_work, another
+ push-down stack.
+ * When we finish flattening, we *reverse* the fe_work stack
+ onto the wl_funeqs stack (which brings w1 to the top).
+The function runFlatten initialises the fe_work stack, and reverses
+it onto wl_fun_eqs at the end.
+Note [Flattener EqRels]
+When flattening, we need to know which equality relation -- nominal
+or representation -- we should be respecting. The only difference is
+that we rewrite variables by representational equalities when fe_eq_rel
+is ReprEq, and that we unwrap newtypes when flattening w.r.t.
+representational equality.
+Note [Flattener CtLoc]
+The flattener does eager type-family reduction.
+Type families might loop, and we
+don't want GHC to do so. A natural solution is to have a bounded depth
+to these processes. A central difficulty is that such a solution isn't
+quite compositional. For example, say it takes F Int 10 steps to get to Bool.
+How many steps does it take to get from F Int -> F Int to Bool -> Bool?
+10? 20? What about getting from Const Char (F Int) to Char? 11? 1? Hard to
+know and hard to track. So, we punt, essentially. We store a CtLoc in
+the FlattenEnv and just update the environment when recurring. In the
+TyConApp case, where there may be multiple type families to flatten,
+we just copy the current CtLoc into each branch. If any branch hits the
+stack limit, then the whole thing fails.
+A consequence of this is that setting the stack limits appropriately
+will be essentially impossible. So, the official recommendation if a
+stack limit is hit is to disable the check entirely. Otherwise, there
+will be baffling, unpredictable errors.
+Note [Lazy flattening]
+The idea of FM_Avoid mode is to flatten less aggressively. If we have
+ a ~ [F Int]
+there seems to be no great merit in lifting out (F Int). But if it was
+ a ~ [G a Int]
+then we *do* want to lift it out, in case (G a Int) reduces to Bool, say,
+which gets rid of the occurs-check problem. (For the flat_top Bool, see
+comments above and at call sites.)
+HOWEVER, the lazy flattening actually seems to make type inference go
+*slower*, not faster. perf/compiler/T3064 is a case in point; it gets
+*dramatically* worse with FM_Avoid. I think it may be because
+floating the types out means we normalise them, and that often makes
+them smaller and perhaps allows more re-use of previously solved
+goals. But to be honest I'm not absolutely certain, so I am leaving
+FM_Avoid in the code base. What I'm removing is the unique place
+where it is *used*, namely in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.canEqTyVar.
+See also Note [Conservative unification check] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify, which gives
+other examples where lazy flattening caused problems.
+Bottom line: FM_Avoid is unused for now (Nov 14).
+Note: T5321Fun got faster when I disabled FM_Avoid
+ T5837 did too, but it's pathological anyway
+Note [Phantoms in the flattener]
+Suppose we have
+data Proxy p = Proxy
+and we're flattening (Proxy ty) w.r.t. ReprEq. Then, we know that `ty`
+is really irrelevant -- it will be ignored when solving for representational
+equality later on. So, we omit flattening `ty` entirely. This may
+violate the expectation of "xi"s for a bit, but the canonicaliser will
+soon throw out the phantoms when decomposing a TyConApp. (Or, the
+canonicaliser will emit an insoluble, in which case the unflattened version
+yields a better error message anyway.)
+Note [No derived kind equalities]
+A kind-level coercion can appear in types, via mkCastTy. So, whenever
+we are generating a coercion in a dependent context (in other words,
+in a kind) we need to make sure that our flavour is never Derived
+(as Derived constraints have no evidence). The noBogusCoercions function
+changes the flavour from Derived just for this purpose.
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+* Externally callable flattening functions *
+* *
+* They are all wrapped in runFlatten, so their *
+* flattening work gets put into the work list *
+* *
+Note [rewriteTyVar]
+Suppose we have an injective function F and
+ inert_funeqs: F t1 ~ fsk1
+ F t2 ~ fsk2
+ inert_eqs: fsk1 ~ [a]
+ a ~ Int
+ fsk2 ~ [Int]
+We never rewrite the RHS (cc_fsk) of a CFunEqCan. But we /do/ want to get the
+[D] t1 ~ t2 from the injectiveness of F. So we flatten cc_fsk of CFunEqCans
+when trying to find derived equalities arising from injectivity.
+-- | See Note [Flattening].
+-- If (xi, co) <- flatten mode ev ty, then co :: xi ~r ty
+-- where r is the role in @ev@. If @mode@ is 'FM_FlattenAll',
+-- then 'xi' is almost function-free (Note [Almost function-free]
+-- in GHC.Tc.Types).
+flatten :: FlattenMode -> CtEvidence -> TcType
+ -> TcS (Xi, TcCoercion)
+flatten mode ev ty
+ = do { traceTcS "flatten {" (ppr mode <+> ppr ty)
+ ; (ty', co) <- runFlattenCtEv mode ev (flatten_one ty)
+ ; traceTcS "flatten }" (ppr ty')
+ ; return (ty', co) }
+-- Apply the inert set as an *inert generalised substitution* to
+-- a variable, zonking along the way.
+-- See Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.
+-- Equivalently, this flattens the variable with respect to NomEq
+-- in a Derived constraint. (Why Derived? Because Derived allows the
+-- most about of rewriting.) Returns no coercion, because we're
+-- using Derived constraints.
+-- See Note [rewriteTyVar]
+rewriteTyVar :: TcTyVar -> TcS TcType
+rewriteTyVar tv
+ = do { traceTcS "rewriteTyVar {" (ppr tv)
+ ; (ty, _) <- runFlatten FM_SubstOnly fake_loc Derived NomEq $
+ flattenTyVar tv
+ ; traceTcS "rewriteTyVar }" (ppr ty)
+ ; return ty }
+ where
+ fake_loc = pprPanic "rewriteTyVar used a CtLoc" (ppr tv)
+-- specialized to flattening kinds: never Derived, always Nominal
+-- See Note [No derived kind equalities]
+-- See Note [Flattening]
+flattenKind :: CtLoc -> CtFlavour -> TcType -> TcS (Xi, TcCoercionN)
+flattenKind loc flav ty
+ = do { traceTcS "flattenKind {" (ppr flav <+> ppr ty)
+ ; let flav' = case flav of
+ Derived -> Wanted WDeriv -- the WDeriv/WOnly choice matters not
+ _ -> flav
+ ; (ty', co) <- runFlatten FM_FlattenAll loc flav' NomEq (flatten_one ty)
+ ; traceTcS "flattenKind }" (ppr ty' $$ ppr co) -- co is never a panic
+ ; return (ty', co) }
+-- See Note [Flattening]
+flattenArgsNom :: CtEvidence -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> TcS ([Xi], [TcCoercion], TcCoercionN)
+-- Externally-callable, hence runFlatten
+-- Flatten a vector of types all at once; in fact they are
+-- always the arguments of type family or class, so
+-- ctEvFlavour ev = Nominal
+-- and we want to flatten all at nominal role
+-- The kind passed in is the kind of the type family or class, call it T
+-- The last coercion returned has type (tcTypeKind(T xis) ~N tcTypeKind(T tys))
+-- For Derived constraints the returned coercion may be undefined
+-- because flattening may use a Derived equality ([D] a ~ ty)
+flattenArgsNom ev tc tys
+ = do { traceTcS "flatten_args {" (vcat (map ppr tys))
+ ; (tys', cos, kind_co)
+ <- runFlattenCtEv FM_FlattenAll ev (flatten_args_tc tc (repeat Nominal) tys)
+ ; traceTcS "flatten }" (vcat (map ppr tys'))
+ ; return (tys', cos, kind_co) }
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+* The main flattening functions
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [Flattening]
+ flatten ty ==> (xi, co)
+ where
+ xi has no type functions, unless they appear under ForAlls
+ has no skolems that are mapped in the inert set
+ has no filled-in metavariables
+ co :: xi ~ ty
+Key invariants:
+ (F0) co :: xi ~ zonk(ty)
+ (F1) tcTypeKind(xi) succeeds and returns a fully zonked kind
+ (F2) tcTypeKind(xi) `eqType` zonk(tcTypeKind(ty))
+Note that it is flatten's job to flatten *every type function it sees*.
+flatten is only called on *arguments* to type functions, by canEqGiven.
+Flattening also:
+ * zonks, removing any metavariables, and
+ * applies the substitution embodied in the inert set
+The result of flattening is *almost function-free*. See
+Note [Almost function-free] in GHC.Tc.Utils.
+Because flattening zonks and the returned coercion ("co" above) is also
+zonked, it's possible that (co :: xi ~ ty) isn't quite true. So, instead,
+we can rely on this fact:
+ (F0) co :: xi ~ zonk(ty)
+Note that the left-hand type of co is *always* precisely xi. The right-hand
+type may or may not be ty, however: if ty has unzonked filled-in metavariables,
+then the right-hand type of co will be the zonked version of ty.
+It is for this reason that we
+occasionally have to explicitly zonk, when (co :: xi ~ ty) is important
+even before we zonk the whole program. For example, see the FTRNotFollowed
+case in flattenTyVar.
+Why have these invariants on flattening? Because we sometimes use tcTypeKind
+during canonicalisation, and we want this kind to be zonked (e.g., see
+Flattening is always homogeneous. That is, the kind of the result of flattening is
+always the same as the kind of the input, modulo zonking. More formally:
+ (F2) tcTypeKind(xi) `eqType` zonk(tcTypeKind(ty))
+This invariant means that the kind of a flattened type might not itself be flat.
+Recall that in comments we use alpha[flat = ty] to represent a
+flattening skolem variable alpha which has been generated to stand in
+for ty.
+----- Example of flattening a constraint: ------
+ flatten (List (F (G Int))) ==> (xi, cc)
+ where
+ xi = List alpha
+ cc = { G Int ~ beta[flat = G Int],
+ F beta ~ alpha[flat = F beta] }
+ * alpha and beta are 'flattening skolem variables'.
+ * All the constraints in cc are 'given', and all their coercion terms
+ are the identity.
+NB: Flattening Skolems only occur in canonical constraints, which
+are never zonked, so we don't need to worry about zonking doing
+accidental unflattening.
+Note that we prefer to leave type synonyms unexpanded when possible,
+so when the flattener encounters one, it first asks whether its
+transitive expansion contains any type function applications. If so,
+it expands the synonym and proceeds; if not, it simply returns the
+unexpanded synonym.
+Note [flatten_args performance]
+In programs with lots of type-level evaluation, flatten_args becomes
+part of a tight loop. For example, see test perf/compiler/T9872a, which
+calls flatten_args a whopping 7,106,808 times. It is thus important
+that flatten_args be efficient.
+Performance testing showed that the current implementation is indeed
+efficient. It's critically important that zipWithAndUnzipM be
+specialized to TcS, and it's also quite helpful to actually `inline`
+it. On test T9872a, here are the allocation stats (Dec 16, 2014):
+ * Unspecialized, uninlined: 8,472,613,440 bytes allocated in the heap
+ * Specialized, uninlined: 6,639,253,488 bytes allocated in the heap
+ * Specialized, inlined: 6,281,539,792 bytes allocated in the heap
+To improve performance even further, flatten_args_nom is split off
+from flatten_args, as nominal equality is the common case. This would
+be natural to write using mapAndUnzipM, but even inlined, that function
+is not as performant as a hand-written loop.
+ * mapAndUnzipM, inlined: 7,463,047,432 bytes allocated in the heap
+ * hand-written recursion: 5,848,602,848 bytes allocated in the heap
+If you make any change here, pay close attention to the T9872{a,b,c} tests
+and T5321Fun.
+If we need to make this yet more performant, a possible way forward is to
+duplicate the flattener code for the nominal case, and make that case
+faster. This doesn't seem quite worth it, yet.
+Note [flatten_exact_fam_app_fully performance]
+The refactor of GRefl seems to cause performance trouble for T9872x: the allocation of flatten_exact_fam_app_fully_performance increased. See note [Generalized reflexive coercion] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep for more information about GRefl and #15192 for the current state.
+The explicit pattern match in homogenise_result helps with T9872a, b, c.
+Still, it increases the expected allocation of T9872d by ~2%.
+TODO: a step-by-step replay of the refactor to analyze the performance.
+{-# INLINE flatten_args_tc #-}
+ :: TyCon -- T
+ -> [Role] -- Role r
+ -> [Type] -- Arg types [t1,..,tn]
+ -> FlatM ( [Xi] -- List of flattened args [x1,..,xn]
+ -- 1-1 corresp with [t1,..,tn]
+ , [Coercion] -- List of arg coercions [co1,..,con]
+ -- 1-1 corresp with [t1,..,tn]
+ -- coi :: xi ~r ti
+ , CoercionN) -- Result coercion, rco
+ -- rco : (T ~N (T (x1 |> co1) .. (xn |> con))
+flatten_args_tc tc = flatten_args all_bndrs any_named_bndrs inner_ki emptyVarSet
+ -- NB: TyCon kinds are always closed
+ where
+ (bndrs, named)
+ = ty_con_binders_ty_binders' (tyConBinders tc)
+ -- it's possible that the result kind has arrows (for, e.g., a type family)
+ -- so we must split it
+ (inner_bndrs, inner_ki, inner_named) = split_pi_tys' (tyConResKind tc)
+ !all_bndrs = bndrs `chkAppend` inner_bndrs
+ !any_named_bndrs = named || inner_named
+ -- NB: Those bangs there drop allocations in T9872{a,c,d} by 8%.
+{-# INLINE flatten_args #-}
+flatten_args :: [TyCoBinder] -> Bool -- Binders, and True iff any of them are
+ -- named.
+ -> Kind -> TcTyCoVarSet -- function kind; kind's free vars
+ -> [Role] -> [Type] -- these are in 1-to-1 correspondence
+ -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+-- Coercions :: Xi ~ Type, at roles given
+-- Third coercion :: tcTypeKind(fun xis) ~N tcTypeKind(fun tys)
+-- That is, the third coercion relates the kind of some function (whose kind is
+-- passed as the first parameter) instantiated at xis to the kind of that
+-- function instantiated at the tys. This is useful in keeping flattening
+-- homoegeneous. The list of roles must be at least as long as the list of
+-- types.
+flatten_args orig_binders
+ any_named_bndrs
+ orig_inner_ki
+ orig_fvs
+ orig_roles
+ orig_tys
+ = if any_named_bndrs
+ then flatten_args_slow orig_binders
+ orig_inner_ki
+ orig_fvs
+ orig_roles
+ orig_tys
+ else flatten_args_fast orig_binders orig_inner_ki orig_roles orig_tys
+{-# INLINE flatten_args_fast #-}
+-- | fast path flatten_args, in which none of the binders are named and
+-- therefore we can avoid tracking a lifting context.
+-- There are many bang patterns in here. It's been observed that they
+-- greatly improve performance of an optimized build.
+-- The T9872 test cases are good witnesses of this fact.
+flatten_args_fast :: [TyCoBinder]
+ -> Kind
+ -> [Role]
+ -> [Type]
+ -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+flatten_args_fast orig_binders orig_inner_ki orig_roles orig_tys
+ = fmap finish (iterate orig_tys orig_roles orig_binders)
+ where
+ iterate :: [Type]
+ -> [Role]
+ -> [TyCoBinder]
+ -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], [TyCoBinder])
+ iterate (ty:tys) (role:roles) (_:binders) = do
+ (xi, co) <- go role ty
+ (xis, cos, binders) <- iterate tys roles binders
+ pure (xi : xis, co : cos, binders)
+ iterate [] _ binders = pure ([], [], binders)
+ iterate _ _ _ = pprPanic
+ "flatten_args wandered into deeper water than usual" (vcat [])
+ -- This debug information is commented out because leaving it in
+ -- causes a ~2% increase in allocations in T9872{a,c,d}.
+ {-
+ (vcat [ppr orig_binders,
+ ppr orig_inner_ki,
+ ppr (take 10 orig_roles), -- often infinite!
+ ppr orig_tys])
+ -}
+ {-# INLINE go #-}
+ go :: Role
+ -> Type
+ -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
+ go role ty
+ = case role of
+ -- In the slow path we bind the Xi and Coercion from the recursive
+ -- call and then use it such
+ --
+ -- let kind_co = mkTcSymCo $ mkReflCo Nominal (tyBinderType binder)
+ -- casted_xi = xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
+ -- casted_co = xi |> kind_co ~r xi ; co
+ --
+ -- but this isn't necessary:
+ -- mkTcSymCo (Refl a b) = Refl a b,
+ -- mkCastTy x (Refl _ _) = x
+ -- mkTcGReflLeftCo _ ty (Refl _ _) `mkTransCo` co = co
+ --
+ -- Also, no need to check isAnonTyCoBinder or isNamedBinder, since
+ -- we've already established that they're all anonymous.
+ Nominal -> setEqRel NomEq $ flatten_one ty
+ Representational -> setEqRel ReprEq $ flatten_one ty
+ Phantom -> -- See Note [Phantoms in the flattener]
+ do { ty <- liftTcS $ zonkTcType ty
+ ; return (ty, mkReflCo Phantom ty) }
+ {-# INLINE finish #-}
+ finish :: ([Xi], [Coercion], [TyCoBinder]) -> ([Xi], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+ finish (xis, cos, binders) = (xis, cos, kind_co)
+ where
+ final_kind = mkPiTys binders orig_inner_ki
+ kind_co = mkNomReflCo final_kind
+{-# INLINE flatten_args_slow #-}
+-- | Slow path, compared to flatten_args_fast, because this one must track
+-- a lifting context.
+flatten_args_slow :: [TyCoBinder] -> Kind -> TcTyCoVarSet
+ -> [Role] -> [Type]
+ -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+flatten_args_slow binders inner_ki fvs roles tys
+-- Arguments used dependently must be flattened with proper coercions, but
+-- we're not guaranteed to get a proper coercion when flattening with the
+-- "Derived" flavour. So we must call noBogusCoercions when flattening arguments
+-- corresponding to binders that are dependent. However, we might legitimately
+-- have *more* arguments than binders, in the case that the inner_ki is a variable
+-- that gets instantiated with a Π-type. We conservatively choose not to produce
+-- bogus coercions for these, too. Note that this might miss an opportunity for
+-- a Derived rewriting a Derived. The solution would be to generate evidence for
+-- Deriveds, thus avoiding this whole noBogusCoercions idea. See also
+-- Note [No derived kind equalities]
+ = do { flattened_args <- zipWith3M fl (map isNamedBinder binders ++ repeat True)
+ roles tys
+ ; return (simplifyArgsWorker binders inner_ki fvs roles flattened_args) }
+ where
+ {-# INLINE fl #-}
+ fl :: Bool -- must we ensure to produce a real coercion here?
+ -- see comment at top of function
+ -> Role -> Type -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
+ fl True r ty = noBogusCoercions $ fl1 r ty
+ fl False r ty = fl1 r ty
+ {-# INLINE fl1 #-}
+ fl1 :: Role -> Type -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
+ fl1 Nominal ty
+ = setEqRel NomEq $
+ flatten_one ty
+ fl1 Representational ty
+ = setEqRel ReprEq $
+ flatten_one ty
+ fl1 Phantom ty
+ -- See Note [Phantoms in the flattener]
+ = do { ty <- liftTcS $ zonkTcType ty
+ ; return (ty, mkReflCo Phantom ty) }
+flatten_one :: TcType -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
+-- Flatten a type to get rid of type function applications, returning
+-- the new type-function-free type, and a collection of new equality
+-- constraints. See Note [Flattening] for more detail.
+-- Postcondition: Coercion :: Xi ~ TcType
+-- The role on the result coercion matches the EqRel in the FlattenEnv
+flatten_one xi@(LitTy {})
+ = do { role <- getRole
+ ; return (xi, mkReflCo role xi) }
+flatten_one (TyVarTy tv)
+ = flattenTyVar tv
+flatten_one (AppTy ty1 ty2)
+ = flatten_app_tys ty1 [ty2]
+flatten_one (TyConApp tc tys)
+ -- Expand type synonyms that mention type families
+ -- on the RHS; see Note [Flattening synonyms]
+ | Just (tenv, rhs, tys') <- expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
+ , let expanded_ty = mkAppTys (substTy (mkTvSubstPrs tenv) rhs) tys'
+ = do { mode <- getMode
+ ; case mode of
+ FM_FlattenAll | not (isFamFreeTyCon tc)
+ -> flatten_one expanded_ty
+ _ -> flatten_ty_con_app tc tys }
+ -- Otherwise, it's a type function application, and we have to
+ -- flatten it away as well, and generate a new given equality constraint
+ -- between the application and a newly generated flattening skolem variable.
+ | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+ = flatten_fam_app tc tys
+ -- For * a normal data type application
+ -- * data family application
+ -- we just recursively flatten the arguments.
+ | otherwise
+-- FM_Avoid stuff commented out; see Note [Lazy flattening]
+-- , let fmode' = case fmode of -- Switch off the flat_top bit in FM_Avoid
+-- FE { fe_mode = FM_Avoid tv _ }
+-- -> fmode { fe_mode = FM_Avoid tv False }
+-- _ -> fmode
+ = flatten_ty_con_app tc tys
+flatten_one ty@(FunTy _ ty1 ty2)
+ = do { (xi1,co1) <- flatten_one ty1
+ ; (xi2,co2) <- flatten_one ty2
+ ; role <- getRole
+ ; return (ty { ft_arg = xi1, ft_res = xi2 }
+ , mkFunCo role co1 co2) }
+flatten_one ty@(ForAllTy {})
+-- TODO (RAE): This is inadequate, as it doesn't flatten the kind of
+-- the bound tyvar. Doing so will require carrying around a substitution
+-- and the usual substTyVarBndr-like silliness. Argh.
+-- We allow for-alls when, but only when, no type function
+-- applications inside the forall involve the bound type variables.
+ = do { let (bndrs, rho) = tcSplitForAllVarBndrs ty
+ tvs = binderVars bndrs
+ ; (rho', co) <- setMode FM_SubstOnly $ flatten_one rho
+ -- Substitute only under a forall
+ -- See Note [Flattening under a forall]
+ ; return (mkForAllTys bndrs rho', mkHomoForAllCos tvs co) }
+flatten_one (CastTy ty g)
+ = do { (xi, co) <- flatten_one ty
+ ; (g', _) <- flatten_co g
+ ; role <- getRole
+ ; return (mkCastTy xi g', castCoercionKind co role xi ty g' g) }
+flatten_one (CoercionTy co) = first mkCoercionTy <$> flatten_co co
+-- | "Flatten" a coercion. Really, just zonk it so we can uphold
+-- (F1) of Note [Flattening]
+flatten_co :: Coercion -> FlatM (Coercion, Coercion)
+flatten_co co
+ = do { co <- liftTcS $ zonkCo co
+ ; env_role <- getRole
+ ; let co' = mkTcReflCo env_role (mkCoercionTy co)
+ ; return (co, co') }
+-- flatten (nested) AppTys
+flatten_app_tys :: Type -> [Type] -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
+-- commoning up nested applications allows us to look up the function's kind
+-- only once. Without commoning up like this, we would spend a quadratic amount
+-- of time looking up functions' types
+flatten_app_tys (AppTy ty1 ty2) tys = flatten_app_tys ty1 (ty2:tys)
+flatten_app_tys fun_ty arg_tys
+ = do { (fun_xi, fun_co) <- flatten_one fun_ty
+ ; flatten_app_ty_args fun_xi fun_co arg_tys }
+-- Given a flattened function (with the coercion produced by flattening) and
+-- a bunch of unflattened arguments, flatten the arguments and apply.
+-- The coercion argument's role matches the role stored in the FlatM monad.
+-- The bang patterns used here were observed to improve performance. If you
+-- wish to remove them, be sure to check for regeressions in allocations.
+flatten_app_ty_args :: Xi -> Coercion -> [Type] -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
+flatten_app_ty_args fun_xi fun_co []
+ -- this will be a common case when called from flatten_fam_app, so shortcut
+ = return (fun_xi, fun_co)
+flatten_app_ty_args fun_xi fun_co arg_tys
+ = do { (xi, co, kind_co) <- case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe fun_xi of
+ Just (tc, xis) ->
+ do { let tc_roles = tyConRolesRepresentational tc
+ arg_roles = dropList xis tc_roles
+ ; (arg_xis, arg_cos, kind_co)
+ <- flatten_vector (tcTypeKind fun_xi) arg_roles arg_tys
+ -- Here, we have fun_co :: T xi1 xi2 ~ ty
+ -- and we need to apply fun_co to the arg_cos. The problem is
+ -- that using mkAppCo is wrong because that function expects
+ -- its second coercion to be Nominal, and the arg_cos might
+ -- not be. The solution is to use transitivity:
+ -- T <xi1> <xi2> arg_cos ;; fun_co <arg_tys>
+ ; eq_rel <- getEqRel
+ ; let app_xi = mkTyConApp tc (xis ++ arg_xis)
+ app_co = case eq_rel of
+ NomEq -> mkAppCos fun_co arg_cos
+ ReprEq -> mkTcTyConAppCo Representational tc
+ (zipWith mkReflCo tc_roles xis ++ arg_cos)
+ `mkTcTransCo`
+ mkAppCos fun_co (map mkNomReflCo arg_tys)
+ ; return (app_xi, app_co, kind_co) }
+ Nothing ->
+ do { (arg_xis, arg_cos, kind_co)
+ <- flatten_vector (tcTypeKind fun_xi) (repeat Nominal) arg_tys
+ ; let arg_xi = mkAppTys fun_xi arg_xis
+ arg_co = mkAppCos fun_co arg_cos
+ ; return (arg_xi, arg_co, kind_co) }
+ ; role <- getRole
+ ; return (homogenise_result xi co role kind_co) }
+flatten_ty_con_app :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
+flatten_ty_con_app tc tys
+ = do { role <- getRole
+ ; (xis, cos, kind_co) <- flatten_args_tc tc (tyConRolesX role tc) tys
+ ; let tyconapp_xi = mkTyConApp tc xis
+ tyconapp_co = mkTyConAppCo role tc cos
+ ; return (homogenise_result tyconapp_xi tyconapp_co role kind_co) }
+-- Make the result of flattening homogeneous (Note [Flattening] (F2))
+homogenise_result :: Xi -- a flattened type
+ -> Coercion -- :: xi ~r original ty
+ -> Role -- r
+ -> CoercionN -- kind_co :: tcTypeKind(xi) ~N tcTypeKind(ty)
+ -> (Xi, Coercion) -- (xi |> kind_co, (xi |> kind_co)
+ -- ~r original ty)
+homogenise_result xi co r kind_co
+ -- the explicit pattern match here improves the performance of T9872a, b, c by
+ -- ~2%
+ | isGReflCo kind_co = (xi `mkCastTy` kind_co, co)
+ | otherwise = (xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
+ , (mkSymCo $ GRefl r xi (MCo kind_co)) `mkTransCo` co)
+{-# INLINE homogenise_result #-}
+-- Flatten a vector (list of arguments).
+flatten_vector :: Kind -- of the function being applied to these arguments
+ -> [Role] -- If we're flatten w.r.t. ReprEq, what roles do the
+ -- args have?
+ -> [Type] -- the args to flatten
+ -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+flatten_vector ki roles tys
+ = do { eq_rel <- getEqRel
+ ; case eq_rel of
+ NomEq -> flatten_args bndrs
+ any_named_bndrs
+ inner_ki
+ fvs
+ (repeat Nominal)
+ tys
+ ReprEq -> flatten_args bndrs
+ any_named_bndrs
+ inner_ki
+ fvs
+ roles
+ tys
+ }
+ where
+ (bndrs, inner_ki, any_named_bndrs) = split_pi_tys' ki
+ fvs = tyCoVarsOfType ki
+{-# INLINE flatten_vector #-}
+Note [Flattening synonyms]
+Not expanding synonyms aggressively improves error messages, and
+keeps types smaller. But we need to take care.
+ type T a = a -> a
+and we want to flatten the type (T (F a)). Then we can safely flatten
+the (F a) to a skolem, and return (T fsk). We don't need to expand the
+synonym. This works because TcTyConAppCo can deal with synonyms
+(unlike TyConAppCo), see Note [TcCoercions] in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence.
+But (#8979) for
+ type T a = (F a, a) where F is a type function
+we must expand the synonym in (say) T Int, to expose the type function
+to the flattener.
+Note [Flattening under a forall]
+Under a forall, we
+ (a) MUST apply the inert substitution
+ (b) MUST NOT flatten type family applications
+Hence FMSubstOnly.
+For (a) consider c ~ a, a ~ T (forall b. (b, [c]))
+If we don't apply the c~a substitution to the second constraint
+we won't see the occurs-check error.
+For (b) consider (a ~ forall b. F a b), we don't want to flatten
+to (a ~ forall b.fsk, F a b ~ fsk)
+because now the 'b' has escaped its scope. We'd have to flatten to
+ (a ~ forall b. fsk b, forall b. F a b ~ fsk b)
+and we have not begun to think about how to make that work!
+* *
+ Flattening a type-family application
+* *
+flatten_fam_app :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
+ -- flatten_fam_app can be over-saturated
+ -- flatten_exact_fam_app is exactly saturated
+ -- flatten_exact_fam_app_fully lifts out the application to top level
+ -- Postcondition: Coercion :: Xi ~ F tys
+flatten_fam_app tc tys -- Can be over-saturated
+ = ASSERT2( tys `lengthAtLeast` tyConArity tc
+ , ppr tc $$ ppr (tyConArity tc) $$ ppr tys)
+ do { mode <- getMode
+ ; case mode of
+ { FM_SubstOnly -> flatten_ty_con_app tc tys
+ ; FM_FlattenAll ->
+ -- Type functions are saturated
+ -- The type function might be *over* saturated
+ -- in which case the remaining arguments should
+ -- be dealt with by AppTys
+ do { let (tys1, tys_rest) = splitAt (tyConArity tc) tys
+ ; (xi1, co1) <- flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys1
+ -- co1 :: xi1 ~ F tys1
+ ; flatten_app_ty_args xi1 co1 tys_rest } } }
+-- the [TcType] exactly saturate the TyCon
+-- See note [flatten_exact_fam_app_fully performance]
+flatten_exact_fam_app_fully :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
+flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
+ -- See Note [Reduce type family applications eagerly]
+ -- the following tcTypeKind should never be evaluated, as it's just used in
+ -- casting, and casts by refl are dropped
+ = do { mOut <- try_to_reduce_nocache tc tys
+ ; case mOut of
+ Just out -> pure out
+ Nothing -> do
+ { -- First, flatten the arguments
+ ; (xis, cos, kind_co)
+ <- setEqRel NomEq $ -- just do this once, instead of for
+ -- each arg
+ flatten_args_tc tc (repeat Nominal) tys
+ -- kind_co :: tcTypeKind(F xis) ~N tcTypeKind(F tys)
+ ; eq_rel <- getEqRel
+ ; cur_flav <- getFlavour
+ ; let role = eqRelRole eq_rel
+ ret_co = mkTyConAppCo role tc cos
+ -- ret_co :: F xis ~ F tys; might be heterogeneous
+ -- Now, look in the cache
+ ; mb_ct <- liftTcS $ lookupFlatCache tc xis
+ ; case mb_ct of
+ Just (co, rhs_ty, flav) -- co :: F xis ~ fsk
+ -- flav is [G] or [WD]
+ -- See Note [Type family equations] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
+ | (NotSwapped, _) <- flav `funEqCanDischargeF` cur_flav
+ -> -- Usable hit in the flat-cache
+ do { traceFlat "flatten/flat-cache hit" $
+ (ppr tc <+> ppr xis $$ ppr rhs_ty)
+ ; (fsk_xi, fsk_co) <- flatten_one rhs_ty
+ -- The fsk may already have been unified, so
+ -- flatten it
+ -- fsk_co :: fsk_xi ~ fsk
+ ; let xi = fsk_xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
+ co' = mkTcCoherenceLeftCo role fsk_xi kind_co fsk_co
+ `mkTransCo`
+ maybeTcSubCo eq_rel (mkSymCo co)
+ `mkTransCo` ret_co
+ ; return (xi, co')
+ }
+ -- :: fsk_xi ~ F xis
+ -- Try to reduce the family application right now
+ -- See Note [Reduce type family applications eagerly]
+ _ -> do { mOut <- try_to_reduce tc
+ xis
+ kind_co
+ (`mkTransCo` ret_co)
+ ; case mOut of
+ Just out -> pure out
+ Nothing -> do
+ { loc <- getLoc
+ ; (ev, co, fsk) <- liftTcS $
+ newFlattenSkolem cur_flav loc tc xis
+ -- The new constraint (F xis ~ fsk) is not
+ -- necessarily inert (e.g. the LHS may be a
+ -- redex) so we must put it in the work list
+ ; let ct = CFunEqCan { cc_ev = ev
+ , cc_fun = tc
+ , cc_tyargs = xis
+ , cc_fsk = fsk }
+ ; emitFlatWork ct
+ ; traceFlat "flatten/flat-cache miss" $
+ (ppr tc <+> ppr xis $$ ppr fsk $$ ppr ev)
+ -- NB: fsk's kind is already flattened because
+ -- the xis are flattened
+ ; let fsk_ty = mkTyVarTy fsk
+ xi = fsk_ty `mkCastTy` kind_co
+ co' = mkTcCoherenceLeftCo role fsk_ty kind_co (maybeTcSubCo eq_rel (mkSymCo co))
+ `mkTransCo` ret_co
+ ; return (xi, co')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ where
+ -- try_to_reduce and try_to_reduce_nocache (below) could be unified into
+ -- a more general definition, but it was observed that separating them
+ -- gives better performance (lower allocation numbers in T9872x).
+ try_to_reduce :: TyCon -- F, family tycon
+ -> [Type] -- args, not necessarily flattened
+ -> CoercionN -- kind_co :: tcTypeKind(F args) ~N
+ -- tcTypeKind(F orig_args)
+ -- where
+ -- orig_args is what was passed to the outer
+ -- function
+ -> ( Coercion -- :: (xi |> kind_co) ~ F args
+ -> Coercion ) -- what to return from outer function
+ -> FlatM (Maybe (Xi, Coercion))
+ try_to_reduce tc tys kind_co update_co
+ = do { checkStackDepth (mkTyConApp tc tys)
+ ; mb_match <- liftTcS $ matchFam tc tys
+ ; case mb_match of
+ -- NB: norm_co will always be homogeneous. All type families
+ -- are homogeneous.
+ Just (norm_co, norm_ty)
+ -> do { traceFlat "Eager T.F. reduction success" $
+ vcat [ ppr tc, ppr tys, ppr norm_ty
+ , ppr norm_co <+> dcolon
+ <+> ppr (coercionKind norm_co)
+ ]
+ ; (xi, final_co) <- bumpDepth $ flatten_one norm_ty
+ ; eq_rel <- getEqRel
+ ; let co = maybeTcSubCo eq_rel norm_co
+ `mkTransCo` mkSymCo final_co
+ ; flavour <- getFlavour
+ -- NB: only extend cache with nominal equalities
+ ; when (eq_rel == NomEq) $
+ liftTcS $
+ extendFlatCache tc tys ( co, xi, flavour )
+ ; let role = eqRelRole eq_rel
+ xi' = xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
+ co' = update_co $
+ mkTcCoherenceLeftCo role xi kind_co (mkSymCo co)
+ ; return $ Just (xi', co') }
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing }
+ try_to_reduce_nocache :: TyCon -- F, family tycon
+ -> [Type] -- args, not necessarily flattened
+ -> FlatM (Maybe (Xi, Coercion))
+ try_to_reduce_nocache tc tys
+ = do { checkStackDepth (mkTyConApp tc tys)
+ ; mb_match <- liftTcS $ matchFam tc tys
+ ; case mb_match of
+ -- NB: norm_co will always be homogeneous. All type families
+ -- are homogeneous.
+ Just (norm_co, norm_ty)
+ -> do { (xi, final_co) <- bumpDepth $ flatten_one norm_ty
+ ; eq_rel <- getEqRel
+ ; let co = mkSymCo (maybeTcSubCo eq_rel norm_co
+ `mkTransCo` mkSymCo final_co)
+ ; return $ Just (xi, co) }
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing }
+{- Note [Reduce type family applications eagerly]
+If we come across a type-family application like (Append (Cons x Nil) t),
+then, rather than flattening to a skolem etc, we may as well just reduce
+it on the spot to (Cons x t). This saves a lot of intermediate steps.
+Examples that are helped are tests T9872, and T5321Fun.
+Performance testing indicates that it's best to try this *twice*, once
+before flattening arguments and once after flattening arguments.
+Adding the extra reduction attempt before flattening arguments cut
+the allocation amounts for the T9872{a,b,c} tests by half.
+An example of where the early reduction appears helpful:
+ type family Last x where
+ Last '[x] = x
+ Last (h ': t) = Last t
+ workitem: (x ~ Last '[1,2,3,4,5,6])
+Flattening the argument never gets us anywhere, but trying to flatten
+it at every step is quadratic in the length of the list. Reducing more
+eagerly makes simplifying the right-hand type linear in its length.
+Testing also indicated that the early reduction should *not* use the
+flat-cache, but that the later reduction *should*. (Although the
+effect was not large.) Hence the Bool argument to try_to_reduce. To
+me (SLPJ) this seems odd; I get that eager reduction usually succeeds;
+and if don't use the cache for eager reduction, we will miss most of
+the opportunities for using it at all. More exploration would be good
+At the end, once we've got a flat rhs, we extend the flatten-cache to record
+the result. Doing so can save lots of work when the same redex shows up more
+than once. Note that we record the link from the redex all the way to its
+*final* value, not just the single step reduction. Interestingly, using the
+flat-cache for the first reduction resulted in an increase in allocations
+of about 3% for the four T9872x tests. However, using the flat-cache in
+the later reduction is a similar gain. I (Richard E) don't currently (Dec '14)
+have any knowledge as to *why* these facts are true.
+* *
+ Flattening a type variable
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- | The result of flattening a tyvar "one step".
+data FlattenTvResult
+ = FTRNotFollowed
+ -- ^ The inert set doesn't make the tyvar equal to anything else
+ | FTRFollowed TcType Coercion
+ -- ^ The tyvar flattens to a not-necessarily flat other type.
+ -- co :: new type ~r old type, where the role is determined by
+ -- the FlattenEnv
+flattenTyVar :: TyVar -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
+flattenTyVar tv
+ = do { mb_yes <- flatten_tyvar1 tv
+ ; case mb_yes of
+ FTRFollowed ty1 co1 -- Recur
+ -> do { (ty2, co2) <- flatten_one ty1
+ -- ; traceFlat "flattenTyVar2" (ppr tv $$ ppr ty2)
+ ; return (ty2, co2 `mkTransCo` co1) }
+ FTRNotFollowed -- Done, but make sure the kind is zonked
+ -- Note [Flattening] invariant (F0) and (F1)
+ -> do { tv' <- liftTcS $ updateTyVarKindM zonkTcType tv
+ ; role <- getRole
+ ; let ty' = mkTyVarTy tv'
+ ; return (ty', mkTcReflCo role ty') } }
+flatten_tyvar1 :: TcTyVar -> FlatM FlattenTvResult
+-- "Flattening" a type variable means to apply the substitution to it
+-- Specifically, look up the tyvar in
+-- * the internal MetaTyVar box
+-- * the inerts
+-- See also the documentation for FlattenTvResult
+flatten_tyvar1 tv
+ = do { mb_ty <- liftTcS $ isFilledMetaTyVar_maybe tv
+ ; case mb_ty of
+ Just ty -> do { traceFlat "Following filled tyvar"
+ (ppr tv <+> equals <+> ppr ty)
+ ; role <- getRole
+ ; return (FTRFollowed ty (mkReflCo role ty)) } ;
+ Nothing -> do { traceFlat "Unfilled tyvar" (pprTyVar tv)
+ ; fr <- getFlavourRole
+ ; flatten_tyvar2 tv fr } }
+flatten_tyvar2 :: TcTyVar -> CtFlavourRole -> FlatM FlattenTvResult
+-- The tyvar is not a filled-in meta-tyvar
+-- Try in the inert equalities
+-- See Definition [Applying a generalised substitution] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
+-- See Note [Stability of flattening] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
+flatten_tyvar2 tv fr@(_, eq_rel)
+ = do { ieqs <- liftTcS $ getInertEqs
+ ; mode <- getMode
+ ; case lookupDVarEnv ieqs tv of
+ Just (ct:_) -- If the first doesn't work,
+ -- the subsequent ones won't either
+ | CTyEqCan { cc_ev = ctev, cc_tyvar = tv
+ , cc_rhs = rhs_ty, cc_eq_rel = ct_eq_rel } <- ct
+ , let ct_fr = (ctEvFlavour ctev, ct_eq_rel)
+ , ct_fr `eqCanRewriteFR` fr -- This is THE key call of eqCanRewriteFR
+ -> do { traceFlat "Following inert tyvar"
+ (ppr mode <+>
+ ppr tv <+>
+ equals <+>
+ ppr rhs_ty $$ ppr ctev)
+ ; let rewrite_co1 = mkSymCo (ctEvCoercion ctev)
+ rewrite_co = case (ct_eq_rel, eq_rel) of
+ (ReprEq, _rel) -> ASSERT( _rel == ReprEq )
+ -- if this ASSERT fails, then
+ -- eqCanRewriteFR answered incorrectly
+ rewrite_co1
+ (NomEq, NomEq) -> rewrite_co1
+ (NomEq, ReprEq) -> mkSubCo rewrite_co1
+ ; return (FTRFollowed rhs_ty rewrite_co) }
+ -- NB: ct is Derived then fmode must be also, hence
+ -- we are not going to touch the returned coercion
+ -- so ctEvCoercion is fine.
+ _other -> return FTRNotFollowed }
+Note [An alternative story for the inert substitution]
+(This entire note is just background, left here in case we ever want
+ to return the previous state of affairs)
+We used (GHC 7.8) to have this story for the inert substitution inert_eqs
+ * 'a' is not in fvs(ty)
+ * They are *inert* in the weaker sense that there is no infinite chain of
+ (i1 `eqCanRewrite` i2), (i2 `eqCanRewrite` i3), etc
+This means that flattening must be recursive, but it does allow
+ [G] a ~ [b]
+ [G] b ~ Maybe c
+This avoids "saturating" the Givens, which can save a modest amount of work.
+It is easy to implement, in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.kick_out, by only kicking out an inert
+only if (a) the work item can rewrite the inert AND
+ (b) the inert cannot rewrite the work item
+This is significantly harder to think about. It can save a LOT of work
+in occurs-check cases, but we don't care about them much. #5837
+is an example; all the constraints here are Givens
+ [G] a ~ TF (a,Int)
+ -->
+ work TF (a,Int) ~ fsk
+ inert fsk ~ a
+ --->
+ work fsk ~ (TF a, TF Int)
+ inert fsk ~ a
+ --->
+ work a ~ (TF a, TF Int)
+ inert fsk ~ a
+ ---> (attempting to flatten (TF a) so that it does not mention a
+ work TF a ~ fsk2
+ inert a ~ (fsk2, TF Int)
+ inert fsk ~ (fsk2, TF Int)
+ ---> (substitute for a)
+ work TF (fsk2, TF Int) ~ fsk2
+ inert a ~ (fsk2, TF Int)
+ inert fsk ~ (fsk2, TF Int)
+ ---> (top-level reduction, re-orient)
+ work fsk2 ~ (TF fsk2, TF Int)
+ inert a ~ (fsk2, TF Int)
+ inert fsk ~ (fsk2, TF Int)
+ ---> (attempt to flatten (TF fsk2) to get rid of fsk2
+ work TF fsk2 ~ fsk3
+ work fsk2 ~ (fsk3, TF Int)
+ inert a ~ (fsk2, TF Int)
+ inert fsk ~ (fsk2, TF Int)
+ --->
+ work TF fsk2 ~ fsk3
+ inert fsk2 ~ (fsk3, TF Int)
+ inert a ~ ((fsk3, TF Int), TF Int)
+ inert fsk ~ ((fsk3, TF Int), TF Int)
+Because the incoming given rewrites all the inert givens, we get more and
+more duplication in the inert set. But this really only happens in pathological
+casee, so we don't care.
+* *
+ Unflattening
+* *
+An unflattening example:
+ [W] F a ~ alpha
+flattens to
+ [W] F a ~ fmv (CFunEqCan)
+ [W] fmv ~ alpha (CTyEqCan)
+We must solve both!
+unflattenWanteds :: Cts -> Cts -> TcS Cts
+unflattenWanteds tv_eqs funeqs
+ = do { tclvl <- getTcLevel
+ ; traceTcS "Unflattening" $ braces $
+ vcat [ text "Funeqs =" <+> pprCts funeqs
+ , text "Tv eqs =" <+> pprCts tv_eqs ]
+ -- Step 1: unflatten the CFunEqCans, except if that causes an occurs check
+ -- Occurs check: consider [W] alpha ~ [F alpha]
+ -- ==> (flatten) [W] F alpha ~ fmv, [W] alpha ~ [fmv]
+ -- ==> (unify) [W] F [fmv] ~ fmv
+ -- See Note [Unflatten using funeqs first]
+ ; funeqs <- foldrM unflatten_funeq emptyCts funeqs
+ ; traceTcS "Unflattening 1" $ braces (pprCts funeqs)
+ -- Step 2: unify the tv_eqs, if possible
+ ; tv_eqs <- foldrM (unflatten_eq tclvl) emptyCts tv_eqs
+ ; traceTcS "Unflattening 2" $ braces (pprCts tv_eqs)
+ -- Step 3: fill any remaining fmvs with fresh unification variables
+ ; funeqs <- mapBagM finalise_funeq funeqs
+ ; traceTcS "Unflattening 3" $ braces (pprCts funeqs)
+ -- Step 4: remove any tv_eqs that look like ty ~ ty
+ ; tv_eqs <- foldrM finalise_eq emptyCts tv_eqs
+ ; let all_flat = tv_eqs `andCts` funeqs
+ ; traceTcS "Unflattening done" $ braces (pprCts all_flat)
+ ; return all_flat }
+ where
+ ----------------
+ unflatten_funeq :: Ct -> Cts -> TcS Cts
+ unflatten_funeq ct@(CFunEqCan { cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = xis
+ , cc_fsk = fmv, cc_ev = ev }) rest
+ = do { -- fmv should be an un-filled flatten meta-tv;
+ -- we now fix its final value by filling it, being careful
+ -- to observe the occurs check. Zonking will eliminate it
+ -- altogether in due course
+ rhs' <- zonkTcType (mkTyConApp tc xis)
+ ; case occCheckExpand [fmv] rhs' of
+ Just rhs'' -- Normal case: fill the tyvar
+ -> do { setReflEvidence ev NomEq rhs''
+ ; unflattenFmv fmv rhs''
+ ; return rest }
+ Nothing -> -- Occurs check
+ return (ct `consCts` rest) }
+ unflatten_funeq other_ct _
+ = pprPanic "unflatten_funeq" (ppr other_ct)
+ ----------------
+ finalise_funeq :: Ct -> TcS Ct
+ finalise_funeq (CFunEqCan { cc_fsk = fmv, cc_ev = ev })
+ = do { demoteUnfilledFmv fmv
+ ; return (mkNonCanonical ev) }
+ finalise_funeq ct = pprPanic "finalise_funeq" (ppr ct)
+ ----------------
+ unflatten_eq :: TcLevel -> Ct -> Cts -> TcS Cts
+ unflatten_eq tclvl ct@(CTyEqCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_tyvar = tv
+ , cc_rhs = rhs, cc_eq_rel = eq_rel }) rest
+ | NomEq <- eq_rel -- See Note [Do not unify representational equalities]
+ -- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact
+ , isFmvTyVar tv -- Previously these fmvs were untouchable,
+ -- but now they are touchable
+ -- NB: unlike unflattenFmv, filling a fmv here /does/
+ -- bump the unification count; it is "improvement"
+ -- Note [Unflattening can force the solver to iterate]
+ = ASSERT2( tyVarKind tv `eqType` tcTypeKind rhs, ppr ct )
+ -- CTyEqCan invariant (TyEq:K) should ensure this is true
+ do { is_filled <- isFilledMetaTyVar tv
+ ; elim <- case is_filled of
+ False -> do { traceTcS "unflatten_eq 2" (ppr ct)
+ ; tryFill ev tv rhs }
+ True -> do { traceTcS "unflatten_eq 3" (ppr ct)
+ ; try_fill_rhs ev tclvl tv rhs }
+ ; if elim
+ then do { setReflEvidence ev eq_rel (mkTyVarTy tv)
+ ; return rest }
+ else return (ct `consCts` rest) }
+ | otherwise
+ = return (ct `consCts` rest)
+ unflatten_eq _ ct _ = pprPanic "unflatten_irred" (ppr ct)
+ ----------------
+ try_fill_rhs ev tclvl lhs_tv rhs
+ -- Constraint is lhs_tv ~ rhs_tv,
+ -- and lhs_tv is filled, so try RHS
+ | Just (rhs_tv, co) <- getCastedTyVar_maybe rhs
+ -- co :: kind(rhs_tv) ~ kind(lhs_tv)
+ , isFmvTyVar rhs_tv || (isTouchableMetaTyVar tclvl rhs_tv
+ && not (isTyVarTyVar rhs_tv))
+ -- LHS is a filled fmv, and so is a type
+ -- family application, which a TyVarTv should
+ -- not unify with
+ = do { is_filled <- isFilledMetaTyVar rhs_tv
+ ; if is_filled then return False
+ else tryFill ev rhs_tv
+ (mkTyVarTy lhs_tv `mkCastTy` mkSymCo co) }
+ | otherwise
+ = return False
+ ----------------
+ finalise_eq :: Ct -> Cts -> TcS Cts
+ finalise_eq (CTyEqCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_tyvar = tv
+ , cc_rhs = rhs, cc_eq_rel = eq_rel }) rest
+ | isFmvTyVar tv
+ = do { ty1 <- zonkTcTyVar tv
+ ; rhs' <- zonkTcType rhs
+ ; if ty1 `tcEqType` rhs'
+ then do { setReflEvidence ev eq_rel rhs'
+ ; return rest }
+ else return (mkNonCanonical ev `consCts` rest) }
+ | otherwise
+ = return (mkNonCanonical ev `consCts` rest)
+ finalise_eq ct _ = pprPanic "finalise_irred" (ppr ct)
+tryFill :: CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcS Bool
+-- (tryFill tv rhs ev) assumes 'tv' is an /un-filled/ MetaTv
+-- If tv does not appear in 'rhs', it set tv := rhs,
+-- binds the evidence (which should be a CtWanted) to Refl<rhs>
+-- and return True. Otherwise returns False
+tryFill ev tv rhs
+ = ASSERT2( not (isGiven ev), ppr ev )
+ do { rhs' <- zonkTcType rhs
+ ; case () of
+ _ | Just tv' <- tcGetTyVar_maybe rhs'
+ , tv == tv' -- tv == rhs
+ -> return True
+ _ | Just rhs'' <- occCheckExpand [tv] rhs'
+ -> do { -- Fill the tyvar
+ unifyTyVar tv rhs''
+ ; return True }
+ _ | otherwise -- Occurs check
+ -> return False
+ }
+setReflEvidence :: CtEvidence -> EqRel -> TcType -> TcS ()
+setReflEvidence ev eq_rel rhs
+ = setEvBindIfWanted ev (evCoercion refl_co)
+ where
+ refl_co = mkTcReflCo (eqRelRole eq_rel) rhs
+Note [Unflatten using funeqs first]
+ [W] G a ~ Int
+ [W] F (G a) ~ G a
+do not want to end up with
+ [W] F Int ~ Int
+because that might actually hold! Better to end up with the two above
+unsolved constraints. The flat form will be
+ G a ~ fmv1 (CFunEqCan)
+ F fmv1 ~ fmv2 (CFunEqCan)
+ fmv1 ~ Int (CTyEqCan)
+ fmv1 ~ fmv2 (CTyEqCan)
+Flatten using the fun-eqs first.
+-- | Like 'splitPiTys'' but comes with a 'Bool' which is 'True' iff there is at
+-- least one named binder.
+split_pi_tys' :: Type -> ([TyCoBinder], Type, Bool)
+split_pi_tys' ty = split ty ty
+ where
+ split orig_ty ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty = split orig_ty ty'
+ split _ (ForAllTy b res) = let (bs, ty, _) = split res res
+ in (Named b : bs, ty, True)
+ split _ (FunTy { ft_af = af, ft_arg = arg, ft_res = res })
+ = let (bs, ty, named) = split res res
+ in (Anon af arg : bs, ty, named)
+ split orig_ty _ = ([], orig_ty, False)
+{-# INLINE split_pi_tys' #-}
+-- | Like 'tyConBindersTyCoBinders' but you also get a 'Bool' which is true iff
+-- there is at least one named binder.
+ty_con_binders_ty_binders' :: [TyConBinder] -> ([TyCoBinder], Bool)
+ty_con_binders_ty_binders' = foldr go ([], False)
+ where
+ go (Bndr tv (NamedTCB vis)) (bndrs, _)
+ = (Named (Bndr tv vis) : bndrs, True)
+ go (Bndr tv (AnonTCB af)) (bndrs, n)
+ = (Anon af (tyVarKind tv) : bndrs, n)
+ {-# INLINE go #-}
+{-# INLINE ty_con_binders_ty_binders' #-}