path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Interact.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Interact.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Interact.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9e0562c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Interact.hs
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+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact (
+ solveSimpleGivens, -- Solves [Ct]
+ solveSimpleWanteds, -- Solves Cts
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Types.Basic ( SwapFlag(..), isSwapped,
+ infinity, IntWithInf, intGtLimit )
+import GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
+import GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify( canSolveByUnification )
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Core.Type as Type
+import GHC.Core.Coercion ( BlockSubstFlag(..) )
+import GHC.Core.InstEnv ( DFunInstType )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom ( sfInteractTop, sfInteractInert )
+import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import PrelNames ( coercibleTyConKey,
+ heqTyConKey, eqTyConKey, ipClassKey )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom ( TypeEqn, CoAxiom(..), CoAxBranch(..), fromBranches )
+import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.FunDeps
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Class( InstanceWhat(..), safeOverlap )
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
+import GHC.Core.Unify ( tcUnifyTyWithTFs, ruleMatchTyKiX )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Tc.Types
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
+import GHC.Core.Predicate
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
+import GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
+import Bag
+import MonadUtils ( concatMapM, foldlM )
+import GHC.Core
+import Data.List( partition, deleteFirstsBy )
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import Control.Monad
+import Maybes( isJust )
+import Pair (Pair(..))
+import GHC.Types.Unique( hasKey )
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Util
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+* *
+* Main Interaction Solver *
+* *
+Note [Basic Simplifier Plan]
+1. Pick an element from the WorkList if there exists one with depth
+ less than our context-stack depth.
+2. Run it down the 'stage' pipeline. Stages are:
+ - canonicalization
+ - inert reactions
+ - spontaneous reactions
+ - top-level interactions
+ Each stage returns a StopOrContinue and may have sideffected
+ the inerts or worklist.
+ The threading of the stages is as follows:
+ - If (Stop) is returned by a stage then we start again from Step 1.
+ - If (ContinueWith ct) is returned by a stage, we feed 'ct' on to
+ the next stage in the pipeline.
+4. If the element has survived (i.e. ContinueWith x) the last stage
+ then we add him in the inerts and jump back to Step 1.
+If in Step 1 no such element exists, we have exceeded our context-stack
+depth and will simply fail.
+Note [Unflatten after solving the simple wanteds]
+We unflatten after solving the wc_simples of an implication, and before attempting
+to float. This means that
+ * The fsk/fmv flatten-skolems only survive during solveSimples. We don't
+ need to worry about them across successive passes over the constraint tree.
+ (E.g. we don't need the old ic_fsk field of an implication.
+ * When floating an equality outwards, we don't need to worry about floating its
+ associated flattening constraints.
+ * Another tricky case becomes easy: #4935
+ type instance F True a b = a
+ type instance F False a b = b
+ [w] F c a b ~ gamma
+ (c ~ True) => a ~ gamma
+ (c ~ False) => b ~ gamma
+ Obviously this is soluble with gamma := F c a b, and unflattening
+ will do exactly that after solving the simple constraints and before
+ attempting the implications. Before, when we were not unflattening,
+ we had to push Wanted funeqs in as new givens. Yuk!
+ Another example that becomes easy: indexed_types/should_fail/T7786
+ [W] BuriedUnder sub k Empty ~ fsk
+ [W] Intersect fsk inv ~ s
+ [w] xxx[1] ~ s
+ [W] forall[2] . (xxx[1] ~ Empty)
+ => Intersect (BuriedUnder sub k Empty) inv ~ Empty
+Note [Running plugins on unflattened wanteds]
+There is an annoying mismatch between solveSimpleGivens and
+solveSimpleWanteds, because the latter needs to fiddle with the inert
+set, unflatten and zonk the wanteds. It passes the zonked wanteds
+to runTcPluginsWanteds, which produces a replacement set of wanteds,
+some additional insolubles and a flag indicating whether to go round
+the loop again. If so, prepareInertsForImplications is used to remove
+the previous wanteds (which will still be in the inert set). Note
+that prepareInertsForImplications will discard the insolubles, so we
+must keep track of them separately.
+solveSimpleGivens :: [Ct] -> TcS ()
+solveSimpleGivens givens
+ | null givens -- Shortcut for common case
+ = return ()
+ | otherwise
+ = do { traceTcS "solveSimpleGivens {" (ppr givens)
+ ; go givens
+ ; traceTcS "End solveSimpleGivens }" empty }
+ where
+ go givens = do { solveSimples (listToBag givens)
+ ; new_givens <- runTcPluginsGiven
+ ; when (notNull new_givens) $
+ go new_givens }
+solveSimpleWanteds :: Cts -> TcS WantedConstraints
+-- NB: 'simples' may contain /derived/ equalities, floated
+-- out from a nested implication. So don't discard deriveds!
+-- The result is not necessarily zonked
+solveSimpleWanteds simples
+ = do { traceTcS "solveSimpleWanteds {" (ppr simples)
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; (n,wc) <- go 1 (solverIterations dflags) (emptyWC { wc_simple = simples })
+ ; traceTcS "solveSimpleWanteds end }" $
+ vcat [ text "iterations =" <+> ppr n
+ , text "residual =" <+> ppr wc ]
+ ; return wc }
+ where
+ go :: Int -> IntWithInf -> WantedConstraints -> TcS (Int, WantedConstraints)
+ go n limit wc
+ | n `intGtLimit` limit
+ = failTcS (hang (text "solveSimpleWanteds: too many iterations"
+ <+> parens (text "limit =" <+> ppr limit))
+ 2 (vcat [ text "Set limit with -fconstraint-solver-iterations=n; n=0 for no limit"
+ , text "Simples =" <+> ppr simples
+ , text "WC =" <+> ppr wc ]))
+ | isEmptyBag (wc_simple wc)
+ = return (n,wc)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { -- Solve
+ (unif_count, wc1) <- solve_simple_wanteds wc
+ -- Run plugins
+ ; (rerun_plugin, wc2) <- runTcPluginsWanted wc1
+ -- See Note [Running plugins on unflattened wanteds]
+ ; if unif_count == 0 && not rerun_plugin
+ then return (n, wc2) -- Done
+ else do { traceTcS "solveSimple going round again:" $
+ ppr unif_count $$ ppr rerun_plugin
+ ; go (n+1) limit wc2 } } -- Loop
+solve_simple_wanteds :: WantedConstraints -> TcS (Int, WantedConstraints)
+-- Try solving these constraints
+-- Affects the unification state (of course) but not the inert set
+-- The result is not necessarily zonked
+solve_simple_wanteds (WC { wc_simple = simples1, wc_impl = implics1 })
+ = nestTcS $
+ do { solveSimples simples1
+ ; (implics2, tv_eqs, fun_eqs, others) <- getUnsolvedInerts
+ ; (unif_count, unflattened_eqs) <- reportUnifications $
+ unflattenWanteds tv_eqs fun_eqs
+ -- See Note [Unflatten after solving the simple wanteds]
+ ; return ( unif_count
+ , WC { wc_simple = others `andCts` unflattened_eqs
+ , wc_impl = implics1 `unionBags` implics2 }) }
+{- Note [The solveSimpleWanteds loop]
+Solving a bunch of simple constraints is done in a loop,
+(the 'go' loop of 'solveSimpleWanteds'):
+ 1. Try to solve them; unflattening may lead to improvement that
+ was not exploitable during solving
+ 2. Try the plugin
+ 3. If step 1 did improvement during unflattening; or if the plugin
+ wants to run again, go back to step 1
+Non-obviously, improvement can also take place during
+the unflattening that takes place in step (1). See GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten,
+See Note [Unflattening can force the solver to iterate]
+-- The main solver loop implements Note [Basic Simplifier Plan]
+solveSimples :: Cts -> TcS ()
+-- Returns the final InertSet in TcS
+-- Has no effect on work-list or residual-implications
+-- The constraints are initially examined in left-to-right order
+solveSimples cts
+ = {-# SCC "solveSimples" #-}
+ do { updWorkListTcS (\wl -> foldr extendWorkListCt wl cts)
+ ; solve_loop }
+ where
+ solve_loop
+ = {-# SCC "solve_loop" #-}
+ do { sel <- selectNextWorkItem
+ ; case sel of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just ct -> do { runSolverPipeline thePipeline ct
+ ; solve_loop } }
+-- | Extract the (inert) givens and invoke the plugins on them.
+-- Remove solved givens from the inert set and emit insolubles, but
+-- return new work produced so that 'solveSimpleGivens' can feed it back
+-- into the main solver.
+runTcPluginsGiven :: TcS [Ct]
+ = do { plugins <- getTcPlugins
+ ; if null plugins then return [] else
+ do { givens <- getInertGivens
+ ; if null givens then return [] else
+ do { p <- runTcPlugins plugins (givens,[],[])
+ ; let (solved_givens, _, _) = pluginSolvedCts p
+ insols = pluginBadCts p
+ ; updInertCans (removeInertCts solved_givens)
+ ; updInertIrreds (\irreds -> extendCtsList irreds insols)
+ ; return (pluginNewCts p) } } }
+-- | Given a bag of (flattened, zonked) wanteds, invoke the plugins on
+-- them and produce an updated bag of wanteds (possibly with some new
+-- work) and a bag of insolubles. The boolean indicates whether
+-- 'solveSimpleWanteds' should feed the updated wanteds back into the
+-- main solver.
+runTcPluginsWanted :: WantedConstraints -> TcS (Bool, WantedConstraints)
+runTcPluginsWanted wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples1, wc_impl = implics1 })
+ | isEmptyBag simples1
+ = return (False, wc)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { plugins <- getTcPlugins
+ ; if null plugins then return (False, wc) else
+ do { given <- getInertGivens
+ ; simples1 <- zonkSimples simples1 -- Plugin requires zonked inputs
+ ; let (wanted, derived) = partition isWantedCt (bagToList simples1)
+ ; p <- runTcPlugins plugins (given, derived, wanted)
+ ; let (_, _, solved_wanted) = pluginSolvedCts p
+ (_, unsolved_derived, unsolved_wanted) = pluginInputCts p
+ new_wanted = pluginNewCts p
+ insols = pluginBadCts p
+-- SLPJ: I'm deeply suspicious of this
+-- ; updInertCans (removeInertCts $ solved_givens ++ solved_deriveds)
+ ; mapM_ setEv solved_wanted
+ ; return ( notNull (pluginNewCts p)
+ , WC { wc_simple = listToBag new_wanted `andCts`
+ listToBag unsolved_wanted `andCts`
+ listToBag unsolved_derived `andCts`
+ listToBag insols
+ , wc_impl = implics1 } ) } }
+ where
+ setEv :: (EvTerm,Ct) -> TcS ()
+ setEv (ev,ct) = case ctEvidence ct of
+ CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest } -> setWantedEvTerm dest ev
+ _ -> panic "runTcPluginsWanted.setEv: attempt to solve non-wanted!"
+-- | A triple of (given, derived, wanted) constraints to pass to plugins
+type SplitCts = ([Ct], [Ct], [Ct])
+-- | A solved triple of constraints, with evidence for wanteds
+type SolvedCts = ([Ct], [Ct], [(EvTerm,Ct)])
+-- | Represents collections of constraints generated by typechecker
+-- plugins
+data TcPluginProgress = TcPluginProgress
+ { pluginInputCts :: SplitCts
+ -- ^ Original inputs to the plugins with solved/bad constraints
+ -- removed, but otherwise unmodified
+ , pluginSolvedCts :: SolvedCts
+ -- ^ Constraints solved by plugins
+ , pluginBadCts :: [Ct]
+ -- ^ Constraints reported as insoluble by plugins
+ , pluginNewCts :: [Ct]
+ -- ^ New constraints emitted by plugins
+ }
+getTcPlugins :: TcS [TcPluginSolver]
+getTcPlugins = do { tcg_env <- getGblEnv; return (tcg_tc_plugins tcg_env) }
+-- | Starting from a triple of (given, derived, wanted) constraints,
+-- invoke each of the typechecker plugins in turn and return
+-- * the remaining unmodified constraints,
+-- * constraints that have been solved,
+-- * constraints that are insoluble, and
+-- * new work.
+-- Note that new work generated by one plugin will not be seen by
+-- other plugins on this pass (but the main constraint solver will be
+-- re-invoked and they will see it later). There is no check that new
+-- work differs from the original constraints supplied to the plugin:
+-- the plugin itself should perform this check if necessary.
+runTcPlugins :: [TcPluginSolver] -> SplitCts -> TcS TcPluginProgress
+runTcPlugins plugins all_cts
+ = foldM do_plugin initialProgress plugins
+ where
+ do_plugin :: TcPluginProgress -> TcPluginSolver -> TcS TcPluginProgress
+ do_plugin p solver = do
+ result <- runTcPluginTcS (uncurry3 solver (pluginInputCts p))
+ return $ progress p result
+ progress :: TcPluginProgress -> TcPluginResult -> TcPluginProgress
+ progress p (TcPluginContradiction bad_cts) =
+ p { pluginInputCts = discard bad_cts (pluginInputCts p)
+ , pluginBadCts = bad_cts ++ pluginBadCts p
+ }
+ progress p (TcPluginOk solved_cts new_cts) =
+ p { pluginInputCts = discard (map snd solved_cts) (pluginInputCts p)
+ , pluginSolvedCts = add solved_cts (pluginSolvedCts p)
+ , pluginNewCts = new_cts ++ pluginNewCts p
+ }
+ initialProgress = TcPluginProgress all_cts ([], [], []) [] []
+ discard :: [Ct] -> SplitCts -> SplitCts
+ discard cts (xs, ys, zs) =
+ (xs `without` cts, ys `without` cts, zs `without` cts)
+ without :: [Ct] -> [Ct] -> [Ct]
+ without = deleteFirstsBy eqCt
+ eqCt :: Ct -> Ct -> Bool
+ eqCt c c' = ctFlavour c == ctFlavour c'
+ && ctPred c `tcEqType` ctPred c'
+ add :: [(EvTerm,Ct)] -> SolvedCts -> SolvedCts
+ add xs scs = foldl' addOne scs xs
+ addOne :: SolvedCts -> (EvTerm,Ct) -> SolvedCts
+ addOne (givens, deriveds, wanteds) (ev,ct) = case ctEvidence ct of
+ CtGiven {} -> (ct:givens, deriveds, wanteds)
+ CtDerived{} -> (givens, ct:deriveds, wanteds)
+ CtWanted {} -> (givens, deriveds, (ev,ct):wanteds)
+type WorkItem = Ct
+type SimplifierStage = WorkItem -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+runSolverPipeline :: [(String,SimplifierStage)] -- The pipeline
+ -> WorkItem -- The work item
+ -> TcS ()
+-- Run this item down the pipeline, leaving behind new work and inerts
+runSolverPipeline pipeline workItem
+ = do { wl <- getWorkList
+ ; inerts <- getTcSInerts
+ ; tclevel <- getTcLevel
+ ; traceTcS "----------------------------- " empty
+ ; traceTcS "Start solver pipeline {" $
+ vcat [ text "tclevel =" <+> ppr tclevel
+ , text "work item =" <+> ppr workItem
+ , text "inerts =" <+> ppr inerts
+ , text "rest of worklist =" <+> ppr wl ]
+ ; bumpStepCountTcS -- One step for each constraint processed
+ ; final_res <- run_pipeline pipeline (ContinueWith workItem)
+ ; case final_res of
+ Stop ev s -> do { traceFireTcS ev s
+ ; traceTcS "End solver pipeline (discharged) }" empty
+ ; return () }
+ ContinueWith ct -> do { addInertCan ct
+ ; traceFireTcS (ctEvidence ct) (text "Kept as inert")
+ ; traceTcS "End solver pipeline (kept as inert) }" $
+ (text "final_item =" <+> ppr ct) }
+ }
+ where run_pipeline :: [(String,SimplifierStage)] -> StopOrContinue Ct
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+ run_pipeline [] res = return res
+ run_pipeline _ (Stop ev s) = return (Stop ev s)
+ run_pipeline ((stg_name,stg):stgs) (ContinueWith ct)
+ = do { traceTcS ("runStage " ++ stg_name ++ " {")
+ (text "workitem = " <+> ppr ct)
+ ; res <- stg ct
+ ; traceTcS ("end stage " ++ stg_name ++ " }") empty
+ ; run_pipeline stgs res }
+Example 1:
+ Inert: {c ~ d, F a ~ t, b ~ Int, a ~ ty} (all given)
+ Reagent: a ~ [b] (given)
+React with (c~d) ==> IR (ContinueWith (a~[b])) True []
+React with (F a ~ t) ==> IR (ContinueWith (a~[b])) False [F [b] ~ t]
+React with (b ~ Int) ==> IR (ContinueWith (a~[Int]) True []
+Example 2:
+ Inert: {c ~w d, F a ~g t, b ~w Int, a ~w ty}
+ Reagent: a ~w [b]
+React with (c ~w d) ==> IR (ContinueWith (a~[b])) True []
+React with (F a ~g t) ==> IR (ContinueWith (a~[b])) True [] (can't rewrite given with wanted!)
+Example 3:
+ Inert: {a ~ Int, F Int ~ b} (given)
+ Reagent: F a ~ b (wanted)
+React with (a ~ Int) ==> IR (ContinueWith (F Int ~ b)) True []
+React with (F Int ~ b) ==> IR Stop True [] -- after substituting we re-canonicalize and get nothing
+thePipeline :: [(String,SimplifierStage)]
+thePipeline = [ ("canonicalization", GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.canonicalize)
+ , ("interact with inerts", interactWithInertsStage)
+ , ("top-level reactions", topReactionsStage) ]
+* *
+ The interact-with-inert Stage
+* *
+Note [The Solver Invariant]
+We always add Givens first. So you might think that the solver has
+the invariant
+ If the work-item is Given,
+ then the inert item must Given
+But this isn't quite true. Suppose we have,
+ c1: [W] beta ~ [alpha], c2 : [W] blah, c3 :[W] alpha ~ Int
+After processing the first two, we get
+ c1: [G] beta ~ [alpha], c2 : [W] blah
+Now, c3 does not interact with the given c1, so when we spontaneously
+solve c3, we must re-react it with the inert set. So we can attempt a
+reaction between inert c2 [W] and work-item c3 [G].
+It *is* true that [Solver Invariant]
+ If the work-item is Given,
+ AND there is a reaction
+ then the inert item must Given
+or, equivalently,
+ If the work-item is Given,
+ and the inert item is Wanted/Derived
+ then there is no reaction
+-- Interaction result of WorkItem <~> Ct
+interactWithInertsStage :: WorkItem -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- Precondition: if the workitem is a CTyEqCan then it will not be able to
+-- react with anything at this stage.
+interactWithInertsStage wi
+ = do { inerts <- getTcSInerts
+ ; let ics = inert_cans inerts
+ ; case wi of
+ CTyEqCan {} -> interactTyVarEq ics wi
+ CFunEqCan {} -> interactFunEq ics wi
+ CIrredCan {} -> interactIrred ics wi
+ CDictCan {} -> interactDict ics wi
+ _ -> pprPanic "interactWithInerts" (ppr wi) }
+ -- CHoleCan are put straight into inert_frozen, so never get here
+ -- CNonCanonical have been canonicalised
+data InteractResult
+ = KeepInert -- Keep the inert item, and solve the work item from it
+ -- (if the latter is Wanted; just discard it if not)
+ | KeepWork -- Keep the work item, and solve the intert item from it
+instance Outputable InteractResult where
+ ppr KeepInert = text "keep inert"
+ ppr KeepWork = text "keep work-item"
+solveOneFromTheOther :: CtEvidence -- Inert
+ -> CtEvidence -- WorkItem
+ -> TcS InteractResult
+-- Precondition:
+-- * inert and work item represent evidence for the /same/ predicate
+-- We can always solve one from the other: even if both are wanted,
+-- although we don't rewrite wanteds with wanteds, we can combine
+-- two wanteds into one by solving one from the other
+solveOneFromTheOther ev_i ev_w
+ | isDerived ev_w -- Work item is Derived; just discard it
+ = return KeepInert
+ | isDerived ev_i -- The inert item is Derived, we can just throw it away,
+ = return KeepWork -- The ev_w is inert wrt earlier inert-set items,
+ -- so it's safe to continue on from this point
+ | CtWanted { ctev_loc = loc_w } <- ev_w
+ , prohibitedSuperClassSolve (ctEvLoc ev_i) loc_w
+ = -- inert must be Given
+ do { traceTcS "prohibitedClassSolve1" (ppr ev_i $$ ppr ev_w)
+ ; return KeepWork }
+ | CtWanted {} <- ev_w
+ -- Inert is Given or Wanted
+ = return KeepInert
+ -- From here on the work-item is Given
+ | CtWanted { ctev_loc = loc_i } <- ev_i
+ , prohibitedSuperClassSolve (ctEvLoc ev_w) loc_i
+ = do { traceTcS "prohibitedClassSolve2" (ppr ev_i $$ ppr ev_w)
+ ; return KeepInert } -- Just discard the un-usable Given
+ -- This never actually happens because
+ -- Givens get processed first
+ | CtWanted {} <- ev_i
+ = return KeepWork
+ -- From here on both are Given
+ -- See Note [Replacement vs keeping]
+ | lvl_i == lvl_w
+ = do { ev_binds_var <- getTcEvBindsVar
+ ; binds <- getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var
+ ; return (same_level_strategy binds) }
+ | otherwise -- Both are Given, levels differ
+ = return different_level_strategy
+ where
+ pred = ctEvPred ev_i
+ loc_i = ctEvLoc ev_i
+ loc_w = ctEvLoc ev_w
+ lvl_i = ctLocLevel loc_i
+ lvl_w = ctLocLevel loc_w
+ ev_id_i = ctEvEvId ev_i
+ ev_id_w = ctEvEvId ev_w
+ different_level_strategy -- Both Given
+ | isIPPred pred = if lvl_w > lvl_i then KeepWork else KeepInert
+ | otherwise = if lvl_w > lvl_i then KeepInert else KeepWork
+ -- See Note [Replacement vs keeping] (the different-level bullet)
+ -- For the isIPPred case see Note [Shadowing of Implicit Parameters]
+ same_level_strategy binds -- Both Given
+ | GivenOrigin (InstSC s_i) <- ctLocOrigin loc_i
+ = case ctLocOrigin loc_w of
+ GivenOrigin (InstSC s_w) | s_w < s_i -> KeepWork
+ | otherwise -> KeepInert
+ _ -> KeepWork
+ | GivenOrigin (InstSC {}) <- ctLocOrigin loc_w
+ = KeepInert
+ | has_binding binds ev_id_w
+ , not (has_binding binds ev_id_i)
+ , not (ev_id_i `elemVarSet` findNeededEvVars binds (unitVarSet ev_id_w))
+ = KeepWork
+ | otherwise
+ = KeepInert
+ has_binding binds ev_id = isJust (lookupEvBind binds ev_id)
+Note [Replacement vs keeping]
+When we have two Given constraints both of type (C tys), say, which should
+we keep? More subtle than you might think!
+ * Constraints come from different levels (different_level_strategy)
+ - For implicit parameters we want to keep the innermost (deepest)
+ one, so that it overrides the outer one.
+ See Note [Shadowing of Implicit Parameters]
+ - For everything else, we want to keep the outermost one. Reason: that
+ makes it more likely that the inner one will turn out to be unused,
+ and can be reported as redundant. See Note [Tracking redundant constraints]
+ in GHC.Tc.Solver.
+ It transpires that using the outermost one is responsible for an
+ 8% performance improvement in nofib cryptarithm2, compared to
+ just rolling the dice. I didn't investigate why.
+ * Constraints coming from the same level (i.e. same implication)
+ (a) Always get rid of InstSC ones if possible, since they are less
+ useful for solving. If both are InstSC, choose the one with
+ the smallest TypeSize
+ See Note [Solving superclass constraints] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance
+ (b) Keep the one that has a non-trivial evidence binding.
+ Example: f :: (Eq a, Ord a) => blah
+ then we may find [G] d3 :: Eq a
+ [G] d2 :: Eq a
+ with bindings d3 = sc_sel (d1::Ord a)
+ We want to discard d2 in favour of the superclass selection from
+ the Ord dictionary.
+ Why? See Note [Tracking redundant constraints] in GHC.Tc.Solver again.
+ (c) But don't do (b) if the evidence binding depends transitively on the
+ one without a binding. Example (with RecursiveSuperClasses)
+ class C a => D a
+ class D a => C a
+ Inert: d1 :: C a, d2 :: D a
+ Binds: d3 = sc_sel d2, d2 = sc_sel d1
+ Work item: d3 :: C a
+ Then it'd be ridiculous to replace d1 with d3 in the inert set!
+ Hence the findNeedEvVars test. See #14774.
+ * Finally, when there is still a choice, use KeepInert rather than
+ KeepWork, for two reasons:
+ - to avoid unnecessary munging of the inert set.
+ - to cut off superclass loops; see Note [Superclass loops] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
+Doing the depth-check for implicit parameters, rather than making the work item
+always override, is important. Consider
+ data T a where { T1 :: (?x::Int) => T Int; T2 :: T a }
+ f :: (?x::a) => T a -> Int
+ f T1 = ?x
+ f T2 = 3
+We have a [G] (?x::a) in the inert set, and at the pattern match on T1 we add
+two new givens in the work-list: [G] (?x::Int)
+ [G] (a ~ Int)
+Now consider these steps
+ - process a~Int, kicking out (?x::a)
+ - process (?x::Int), the inner given, adding to inert set
+ - process (?x::a), the outer given, overriding the inner given
+Wrong! The depth-check ensures that the inner implicit parameter wins.
+(Actually I think that the order in which the work-list is processed means
+that this chain of events won't happen, but that's very fragile.)
+* *
+ interactIrred
+* *
+Note [Multiple matching irreds]
+You might think that it's impossible to have multiple irreds all match the
+work item; after all, interactIrred looks for matches and solves one from the
+other. However, note that interacting insoluble, non-droppable irreds does not
+do this matching. We thus might end up with several insoluble, non-droppable,
+matching irreds in the inert set. When another irred comes along that we have
+not yet labeled insoluble, we can find multiple matches. These multiple matches
+cause no harm, but it would be wrong to ASSERT that they aren't there (as we
+once had done). This problem can be tickled by typecheck/should_compile/holes.
+-- Two pieces of irreducible evidence: if their types are *exactly identical*
+-- we can rewrite them. We can never improve using this:
+-- if we want ty1 :: Constraint and have ty2 :: Constraint it clearly does not
+-- mean that (ty1 ~ ty2)
+interactIrred :: InertCans -> Ct -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+interactIrred inerts workItem@(CIrredCan { cc_ev = ev_w, cc_status = status })
+ | InsolubleCIS <- status
+ -- For insolubles, don't allow the constraint to be dropped
+ -- which can happen with solveOneFromTheOther, so that
+ -- we get distinct error messages with -fdefer-type-errors
+ -- See Note [Do not add duplicate derived insolubles]
+ , not (isDroppableCt workItem)
+ = continueWith workItem
+ | let (matching_irreds, others) = findMatchingIrreds (inert_irreds inerts) ev_w
+ , ((ct_i, swap) : _rest) <- bagToList matching_irreds
+ -- See Note [Multiple matching irreds]
+ , let ev_i = ctEvidence ct_i
+ = do { what_next <- solveOneFromTheOther ev_i ev_w
+ ; traceTcS "iteractIrred" (ppr workItem $$ ppr what_next $$ ppr ct_i)
+ ; case what_next of
+ KeepInert -> do { setEvBindIfWanted ev_w (swap_me swap ev_i)
+ ; return (Stop ev_w (text "Irred equal" <+> parens (ppr what_next))) }
+ KeepWork -> do { setEvBindIfWanted ev_i (swap_me swap ev_w)
+ ; updInertIrreds (\_ -> others)
+ ; continueWith workItem } }
+ | otherwise
+ = continueWith workItem
+ where
+ swap_me :: SwapFlag -> CtEvidence -> EvTerm
+ swap_me swap ev
+ = case swap of
+ NotSwapped -> ctEvTerm ev
+ IsSwapped -> evCoercion (mkTcSymCo (evTermCoercion (ctEvTerm ev)))
+interactIrred _ wi = pprPanic "interactIrred" (ppr wi)
+findMatchingIrreds :: Cts -> CtEvidence -> (Bag (Ct, SwapFlag), Bag Ct)
+findMatchingIrreds irreds ev
+ | EqPred eq_rel1 lty1 rty1 <- classifyPredType pred
+ -- See Note [Solving irreducible equalities]
+ = partitionBagWith (match_eq eq_rel1 lty1 rty1) irreds
+ | otherwise
+ = partitionBagWith match_non_eq irreds
+ where
+ pred = ctEvPred ev
+ match_non_eq ct
+ | ctPred ct `tcEqTypeNoKindCheck` pred = Left (ct, NotSwapped)
+ | otherwise = Right ct
+ match_eq eq_rel1 lty1 rty1 ct
+ | EqPred eq_rel2 lty2 rty2 <- classifyPredType (ctPred ct)
+ , eq_rel1 == eq_rel2
+ , Just swap <- match_eq_help lty1 rty1 lty2 rty2
+ = Left (ct, swap)
+ | otherwise
+ = Right ct
+ match_eq_help lty1 rty1 lty2 rty2
+ | lty1 `tcEqTypeNoKindCheck` lty2, rty1 `tcEqTypeNoKindCheck` rty2
+ = Just NotSwapped
+ | lty1 `tcEqTypeNoKindCheck` rty2, rty1 `tcEqTypeNoKindCheck` lty2
+ = Just IsSwapped
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+{- Note [Solving irreducible equalities]
+Consider (#14333)
+ [G] a b ~R# c d
+ [W] c d ~R# a b
+Clearly we should be able to solve this! Even though the constraints are
+not decomposable. We solve this when looking up the work-item in the
+irreducible constraints to look for an identical one. When doing this
+lookup, findMatchingIrreds spots the equality case, and matches either
+way around. It has to return a swap-flag so we can generate evidence
+that is the right way round too.
+Note [Do not add duplicate derived insolubles]
+In general we *must* add an insoluble (Int ~ Bool) even if there is
+one such there already, because they may come from distinct call
+sites. Not only do we want an error message for each, but with
+-fdefer-type-errors we must generate evidence for each. But for
+*derived* insolubles, we only want to report each one once. Why?
+(a) A constraint (C r s t) where r -> s, say, may generate the same fundep
+ equality many times, as the original constraint is successively rewritten.
+(b) Ditto the successive iterations of the main solver itself, as it traverses
+ the constraint tree. See example below.
+Also for *given* insolubles we may get repeated errors, as we
+repeatedly traverse the constraint tree. These are relatively rare
+anyway, so removing duplicates seems ok. (Alternatively we could take
+the SrcLoc into account.)
+Note that the test does not need to be particularly efficient because
+it is only used if the program has a type error anyway.
+Example of (b): assume a top-level class and instance declaration:
+ class D a b | a -> b
+ instance D [a] [a]
+Assume we have started with an implication:
+ forall c. Eq c => { wc_simple = D [c] c [W] }
+which we have simplified to:
+ forall c. Eq c => { wc_simple = D [c] c [W]
+ (c ~ [c]) [D] }
+For some reason, e.g. because we floated an equality somewhere else,
+we might try to re-solve this implication. If we do not do a
+dropDerivedWC, then we will end up trying to solve the following
+constraints the second time:
+ (D [c] c) [W]
+ (c ~ [c]) [D]
+which will result in two Deriveds to end up in the insoluble set:
+ wc_simple = D [c] c [W]
+ (c ~ [c]) [D], (c ~ [c]) [D]
+* *
+ interactDict
+* *
+Note [Shortcut solving]
+When we interact a [W] constraint with a [G] constraint that solves it, there is
+a possibility that we could produce better code if instead we solved from a
+top-level instance declaration (See #12791, #5835). For example:
+ class M a b where m :: a -> b
+ type C a b = (Num a, M a b)
+ f :: C Int b => b -> Int -> Int
+ f _ x = x + 1
+The body of `f` requires a [W] `Num Int` instance. We could solve this
+constraint from the givens because we have `C Int b` and that provides us a
+solution for `Num Int`. This would let us produce core like the following
+(with -O2):
+ f :: forall b. C Int b => b -> Int -> Int
+ f = \ (@ b) ($d(%,%) :: C Int b) _ (eta1 :: Int) ->
+ + @ Int
+ (GHC.Classes.$p1(%,%) @ (Num Int) @ (M Int b) $d(%,%))
+ eta1
+ A.f1
+This is bad! We could do /much/ better if we solved [W] `Num Int` directly
+from the instance that we have in scope:
+ f :: forall b. C Int b => b -> Int -> Int
+ f = \ (@ b) _ _ (x :: Int) ->
+ case x of { GHC.Types.I# x1 -> GHC.Types.I# (GHC.Prim.+# x1 1#) }
+** NB: It is important to emphasize that all this is purely an optimization:
+** exactly the same programs should typecheck with or without this
+** procedure.
+Solving fully
+There is a reason why the solver does not simply try to solve such
+constraints with top-level instances. If the solver finds a relevant
+instance declaration in scope, that instance may require a context
+that can't be solved for. A good example of this is:
+ f :: Ord [a] => ...
+ f x = ..Need Eq [a]...
+If we have instance `Eq a => Eq [a]` in scope and we tried to use it, we would
+be left with the obligation to solve the constraint Eq a, which we cannot. So we
+must be conservative in our attempt to use an instance declaration to solve the
+[W] constraint we're interested in.
+Our rule is that we try to solve all of the instance's subgoals
+recursively all at once. Precisely: We only attempt to solve
+constraints of the form `C1, ... Cm => C t1 ... t n`, where all the Ci
+are themselves class constraints of the form `C1', ... Cm' => C' t1'
+... tn'` and we only succeed if the entire tree of constraints is
+solvable from instances.
+An example that succeeds:
+ class Eq a => C a b | b -> a where
+ m :: b -> a
+ f :: C [Int] b => b -> Bool
+ f x = m x == []
+We solve for `Eq [Int]`, which requires `Eq Int`, which we also have. This
+produces the following core:
+ f :: forall b. C [Int] b => b -> Bool
+ f = \ (@ b) ($dC :: C [Int] b) (x :: b) ->
+ GHC.Classes.$fEq[]_$s$c==
+ (m @ [Int] @ b $dC x) (GHC.Types.[] @ Int)
+An example that fails:
+ class Eq a => C a b | b -> a where
+ m :: b -> a
+ f :: C [a] b => b -> Bool
+ f x = m x == []
+Which, because solving `Eq [a]` demands `Eq a` which we cannot solve, produces:
+ f :: forall a b. C [a] b => b -> Bool
+ f = \ (@ a) (@ b) ($dC :: C [a] b) (eta :: b) ->
+ ==
+ @ [a]
+ (A.$p1C @ [a] @ b $dC)
+ (m @ [a] @ b $dC eta)
+ (GHC.Types.[] @ a)
+Note [Shortcut solving: type families]
+Suppose we have (#13943)
+ class Take (n :: Nat) where ...
+ instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Take 0 where ..
+ instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Take (n - 1)) => Take n where ..
+And we have [W] Take 3. That only matches one instance so we get
+[W] Take (3-1). Really we should now flatten to reduce the (3-1) to 2, and
+so on -- but that is reproducing yet more of the solver. Sigh. For now,
+we just give up (remember all this is just an optimisation).
+But we must not just naively try to lookup (Take (3-1)) in the
+InstEnv, or it'll (wrongly) appear not to match (Take 0) and get a
+unique match on the (Take n) instance. That leads immediately to an
+infinite loop. Hence the check that 'preds' have no type families
+Note [Shortcut solving: incoherence]
+This optimization relies on coherence of dictionaries to be correct. When we
+cannot assume coherence because of IncoherentInstances then this optimization
+can change the behavior of the user's code.
+The following four modules produce a program whose output would change depending
+on whether we apply this optimization when IncoherentInstances is in effect:
+ {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+ module A where
+ class A a where
+ int :: a -> Int
+ class A a => C a b where
+ m :: b -> a -> a
+ {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
+ module B where
+ import A
+ instance A a where
+ int _ = 1
+ instance C a [b] where
+ m _ = id
+ {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
+ module C where
+ import A
+ instance A Int where
+ int _ = 2
+ instance C Int [Int] where
+ m _ = id
+ intC :: C Int a => a -> Int -> Int
+ intC _ x = int x
+ module Main where
+ import A
+ import B
+ import C
+ main :: IO ()
+ main = print (intC [] (0::Int))
+The output of `main` if we avoid the optimization under the effect of
+IncoherentInstances is `1`. If we were to do the optimization, the output of
+`main` would be `2`.
+Note [Shortcut try_solve_from_instance]
+The workhorse of the short-cut solver is
+ try_solve_from_instance :: (EvBindMap, DictMap CtEvidence)
+ -> CtEvidence -- Solve this
+ -> MaybeT TcS (EvBindMap, DictMap CtEvidence)
+Note that:
+* The CtEvidence is the goal to be solved
+* The MaybeT manages early failure if we find a subgoal that
+ cannot be solved from instances.
+* The (EvBindMap, DictMap CtEvidence) is an accumulating purely-functional
+ state that allows try_solve_from_instance to augmennt the evidence
+ bindings and inert_solved_dicts as it goes.
+ If it succeeds, we commit all these bindings and solved dicts to the
+ main TcS InertSet. If not, we abandon it all entirely.
+Passing along the solved_dicts important for two reasons:
+* We need to be able to handle recursive super classes. The
+ solved_dicts state ensures that we remember what we have already
+ tried to solve to avoid looping.
+* As #15164 showed, it can be important to exploit sharing between
+ goals. E.g. To solve G we may need G1 and G2. To solve G1 we may need H;
+ and to solve G2 we may need H. If we don't spot this sharing we may
+ solve H twice; and if this pattern repeats we may get exponentially bad
+ behaviour.
+interactDict :: InertCans -> Ct -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+interactDict inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_ev = ev_w, cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = tys })
+ | Just ev_i <- lookupInertDict inerts (ctEvLoc ev_w) cls tys
+ = -- There is a matching dictionary in the inert set
+ do { -- First to try to solve it /completely/ from top level instances
+ -- See Note [Shortcut solving]
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; short_cut_worked <- shortCutSolver dflags ev_w ev_i
+ ; if short_cut_worked
+ then stopWith ev_w "interactDict/solved from instance"
+ else
+ do { -- Ths short-cut solver didn't fire, so we
+ -- solve ev_w from the matching inert ev_i we found
+ what_next <- solveOneFromTheOther ev_i ev_w
+ ; traceTcS "lookupInertDict" (ppr what_next)
+ ; case what_next of
+ KeepInert -> do { setEvBindIfWanted ev_w (ctEvTerm ev_i)
+ ; return $ Stop ev_w (text "Dict equal" <+> parens (ppr what_next)) }
+ KeepWork -> do { setEvBindIfWanted ev_i (ctEvTerm ev_w)
+ ; updInertDicts $ \ ds -> delDict ds cls tys
+ ; continueWith workItem } } }
+ | cls `hasKey` ipClassKey
+ , isGiven ev_w
+ = interactGivenIP inerts workItem
+ | otherwise
+ = do { addFunDepWork inerts ev_w cls
+ ; continueWith workItem }
+interactDict _ wi = pprPanic "interactDict" (ppr wi)
+-- See Note [Shortcut solving]
+shortCutSolver :: DynFlags
+ -> CtEvidence -- Work item
+ -> CtEvidence -- Inert we want to try to replace
+ -> TcS Bool -- True <=> success
+shortCutSolver dflags ev_w ev_i
+ | isWanted ev_w
+ && isGiven ev_i
+ -- We are about to solve a [W] constraint from a [G] constraint. We take
+ -- a moment to see if we can get a better solution using an instance.
+ -- Note that we only do this for the sake of performance. Exactly the same
+ -- programs should typecheck regardless of whether we take this step or
+ -- not. See Note [Shortcut solving]
+ && not (xopt LangExt.IncoherentInstances dflags)
+ -- If IncoherentInstances is on then we cannot rely on coherence of proofs
+ -- in order to justify this optimization: The proof provided by the
+ -- [G] constraint's superclass may be different from the top-level proof.
+ -- See Note [Shortcut solving: incoherence]
+ && gopt Opt_SolveConstantDicts dflags
+ -- Enabled by the -fsolve-constant-dicts flag
+ = do { ev_binds_var <- getTcEvBindsVar
+ ; ev_binds <- ASSERT2( not (isCoEvBindsVar ev_binds_var ), ppr ev_w )
+ getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var
+ ; solved_dicts <- getSolvedDicts
+ ; mb_stuff <- runMaybeT $ try_solve_from_instance
+ (ev_binds, solved_dicts) ev_w
+ ; case mb_stuff of
+ Nothing -> return False
+ Just (ev_binds', solved_dicts')
+ -> do { setTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var ev_binds'
+ ; setSolvedDicts solved_dicts'
+ ; return True } }
+ | otherwise
+ = return False
+ where
+ -- This `CtLoc` is used only to check the well-staged condition of any
+ -- candidate DFun. Our subgoals all have the same stage as our root
+ -- [W] constraint so it is safe to use this while solving them.
+ loc_w = ctEvLoc ev_w
+ try_solve_from_instance -- See Note [Shortcut try_solve_from_instance]
+ :: (EvBindMap, DictMap CtEvidence) -> CtEvidence
+ -> MaybeT TcS (EvBindMap, DictMap CtEvidence)
+ try_solve_from_instance (ev_binds, solved_dicts) ev
+ | let pred = ctEvPred ev
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ , ClassPred cls tys <- classifyPredType pred
+ = do { inst_res <- lift $ matchGlobalInst dflags True cls tys
+ ; case inst_res of
+ OneInst { cir_new_theta = preds
+ , cir_mk_ev = mk_ev
+ , cir_what = what }
+ | safeOverlap what
+ , all isTyFamFree preds -- Note [Shortcut solving: type families]
+ -> do { let solved_dicts' = addDict solved_dicts cls tys ev
+ -- solved_dicts': it is important that we add our goal
+ -- to the cache before we solve! Otherwise we may end
+ -- up in a loop while solving recursive dictionaries.
+ ; lift $ traceTcS "shortCutSolver: found instance" (ppr preds)
+ ; loc' <- lift $ checkInstanceOK loc what pred
+ ; evc_vs <- mapM (new_wanted_cached loc' solved_dicts') preds
+ -- Emit work for subgoals but use our local cache
+ -- so we can solve recursive dictionaries.
+ ; let ev_tm = mk_ev (map getEvExpr evc_vs)
+ ev_binds' = extendEvBinds ev_binds $
+ mkWantedEvBind (ctEvEvId ev) ev_tm
+ ; foldlM try_solve_from_instance
+ (ev_binds', solved_dicts')
+ (freshGoals evc_vs) }
+ _ -> mzero }
+ | otherwise = mzero
+ -- Use a local cache of solved dicts while emitting EvVars for new work
+ -- We bail out of the entire computation if we need to emit an EvVar for
+ -- a subgoal that isn't a ClassPred.
+ new_wanted_cached :: CtLoc -> DictMap CtEvidence -> TcPredType -> MaybeT TcS MaybeNew
+ new_wanted_cached loc cache pty
+ | ClassPred cls tys <- classifyPredType pty
+ = lift $ case findDict cache loc_w cls tys of
+ Just ctev -> return $ Cached (ctEvExpr ctev)
+ Nothing -> Fresh <$> newWantedNC loc pty
+ | otherwise = mzero
+addFunDepWork :: InertCans -> CtEvidence -> Class -> TcS ()
+-- Add derived constraints from type-class functional dependencies.
+addFunDepWork inerts work_ev cls
+ | isImprovable work_ev
+ = mapBagM_ add_fds (findDictsByClass (inert_dicts inerts) cls)
+ -- No need to check flavour; fundeps work between
+ -- any pair of constraints, regardless of flavour
+ -- Importantly we don't throw workitem back in the
+ -- worklist because this can cause loops (see #5236)
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+ where
+ work_pred = ctEvPred work_ev
+ work_loc = ctEvLoc work_ev
+ add_fds inert_ct
+ | isImprovable inert_ev
+ = do { traceTcS "addFunDepWork" (vcat
+ [ ppr work_ev
+ , pprCtLoc work_loc, ppr (isGivenLoc work_loc)
+ , pprCtLoc inert_loc, ppr (isGivenLoc inert_loc)
+ , pprCtLoc derived_loc, ppr (isGivenLoc derived_loc) ]) ;
+ emitFunDepDeriveds $
+ improveFromAnother derived_loc inert_pred work_pred
+ -- We don't really rewrite tys2, see below _rewritten_tys2, so that's ok
+ -- NB: We do create FDs for given to report insoluble equations that arise
+ -- from pairs of Givens, and also because of floating when we approximate
+ -- implications. The relevant test is: typecheck/should_fail/FDsFromGivens.hs
+ }
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+ where
+ inert_ev = ctEvidence inert_ct
+ inert_pred = ctEvPred inert_ev
+ inert_loc = ctEvLoc inert_ev
+ derived_loc = work_loc { ctl_depth = ctl_depth work_loc `maxSubGoalDepth`
+ ctl_depth inert_loc
+ , ctl_origin = FunDepOrigin1 work_pred
+ (ctLocOrigin work_loc)
+ (ctLocSpan work_loc)
+ inert_pred
+ (ctLocOrigin inert_loc)
+ (ctLocSpan inert_loc) }
+* *
+ Implicit parameters
+* *
+interactGivenIP :: InertCans -> Ct -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- Work item is Given (?x:ty)
+-- See Note [Shadowing of Implicit Parameters]
+interactGivenIP inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_class = cls
+ , cc_tyargs = tys@(ip_str:_) })
+ = do { updInertCans $ \cans -> cans { inert_dicts = addDict filtered_dicts cls tys workItem }
+ ; stopWith ev "Given IP" }
+ where
+ dicts = inert_dicts inerts
+ ip_dicts = findDictsByClass dicts cls
+ other_ip_dicts = filterBag (not . is_this_ip) ip_dicts
+ filtered_dicts = addDictsByClass dicts cls other_ip_dicts
+ -- Pick out any Given constraints for the same implicit parameter
+ is_this_ip (CDictCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_tyargs = ip_str':_ })
+ = isGiven ev && ip_str `tcEqType` ip_str'
+ is_this_ip _ = False
+interactGivenIP _ wi = pprPanic "interactGivenIP" (ppr wi)
+{- Note [Shadowing of Implicit Parameters]
+Consider the following example:
+f :: (?x :: Char) => Char
+f = let ?x = 'a' in ?x
+The "let ?x = ..." generates an implication constraint of the form:
+?x :: Char => ?x :: Char
+Furthermore, the signature for `f` also generates an implication
+constraint, so we end up with the following nested implication:
+?x :: Char => (?x :: Char => ?x :: Char)
+Note that the wanted (?x :: Char) constraint may be solved in
+two incompatible ways: either by using the parameter from the
+signature, or by using the local definition. Our intention is
+that the local definition should "shadow" the parameter of the
+signature, and we implement this as follows: when we add a new
+*given* implicit parameter to the inert set, it replaces any existing
+givens for the same implicit parameter.
+Similarly, consider
+ f :: (?x::a) => Bool -> a
+ g v = let ?x::Int = 3
+ in (f v, let ?x::Bool = True in f v)
+This should probably be well typed, with
+ g :: Bool -> (Int, Bool)
+So the inner binding for ?x::Bool *overrides* the outer one.
+See ticket #17104 for a rather tricky example of this overriding
+All this works for the normal cases but it has an odd side effect in
+some pathological programs like this:
+-- This is accepted, the second parameter shadows
+f1 :: (?x :: Int, ?x :: Char) => Char
+f1 = ?x
+-- This is rejected, the second parameter shadows
+f2 :: (?x :: Int, ?x :: Char) => Int
+f2 = ?x
+Both of these are actually wrong: when we try to use either one,
+we'll get two incompatible wanted constraints (?x :: Int, ?x :: Char),
+which would lead to an error.
+I can think of two ways to fix this:
+ 1. Simply disallow multiple constraints for the same implicit
+ parameter---this is never useful, and it can be detected completely
+ syntactically.
+ 2. Move the shadowing machinery to the location where we nest
+ implications, and add some code here that will produce an
+ error if we get multiple givens for the same implicit parameter.
+* *
+ interactFunEq
+* *
+interactFunEq :: InertCans -> Ct -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- Try interacting the work item with the inert set
+interactFunEq inerts work_item@(CFunEqCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_fun = tc
+ , cc_tyargs = args, cc_fsk = fsk })
+ | Just inert_ct@(CFunEqCan { cc_ev = ev_i
+ , cc_fsk = fsk_i })
+ <- findFunEq (inert_funeqs inerts) tc args
+ , pr@(swap_flag, upgrade_flag) <- ev_i `funEqCanDischarge` ev
+ = do { traceTcS "reactFunEq (rewrite inert item):" $
+ vcat [ text "work_item =" <+> ppr work_item
+ , text "inertItem=" <+> ppr ev_i
+ , text "(swap_flag, upgrade)" <+> ppr pr ]
+ ; if isSwapped swap_flag
+ then do { -- Rewrite inert using work-item
+ let work_item' | upgrade_flag = upgradeWanted work_item
+ | otherwise = work_item
+ ; updInertFunEqs $ \ feqs -> insertFunEq feqs tc args work_item'
+ -- Do the updInertFunEqs before the reactFunEq, so that
+ -- we don't kick out the inertItem as well as consuming it!
+ ; reactFunEq ev fsk ev_i fsk_i
+ ; stopWith ev "Work item rewrites inert" }
+ else do { -- Rewrite work-item using inert
+ ; when upgrade_flag $
+ updInertFunEqs $ \ feqs -> insertFunEq feqs tc args
+ (upgradeWanted inert_ct)
+ ; reactFunEq ev_i fsk_i ev fsk
+ ; stopWith ev "Inert rewrites work item" } }
+ | otherwise -- Try improvement
+ = do { improveLocalFunEqs ev inerts tc args fsk
+ ; continueWith work_item }
+interactFunEq _ work_item = pprPanic "interactFunEq" (ppr work_item)
+upgradeWanted :: Ct -> Ct
+-- We are combining a [W] F tys ~ fmv1 and [D] F tys ~ fmv2
+-- so upgrade the [W] to [WD] before putting it in the inert set
+upgradeWanted ct = ct { cc_ev = upgrade_ev (cc_ev ct) }
+ where
+ upgrade_ev ev = ASSERT2( isWanted ev, ppr ct )
+ ev { ctev_nosh = WDeriv }
+improveLocalFunEqs :: CtEvidence -> InertCans -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> TcTyVar
+ -> TcS ()
+-- Generate derived improvement equalities, by comparing
+-- the current work item with inert CFunEqs
+-- E.g. x + y ~ z, x + y' ~ z => [D] y ~ y'
+-- See Note [FunDep and implicit parameter reactions]
+improveLocalFunEqs work_ev inerts fam_tc args fsk
+ | isGiven work_ev -- See Note [No FunEq improvement for Givens]
+ || not (isImprovable work_ev)
+ = return ()
+ | otherwise
+ = do { eqns <- improvement_eqns
+ ; if not (null eqns)
+ then do { traceTcS "interactFunEq improvements: " $
+ vcat [ text "Eqns:" <+> ppr eqns
+ , text "Candidates:" <+> ppr funeqs_for_tc
+ , text "Inert eqs:" <+> ppr (inert_eqs inerts) ]
+ ; emitFunDepDeriveds eqns }
+ else return () }
+ where
+ funeqs = inert_funeqs inerts
+ funeqs_for_tc = findFunEqsByTyCon funeqs fam_tc
+ work_loc = ctEvLoc work_ev
+ work_pred = ctEvPred work_ev
+ fam_inj_info = tyConInjectivityInfo fam_tc
+ --------------------
+ improvement_eqns :: TcS [FunDepEqn CtLoc]
+ improvement_eqns
+ | Just ops <- isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe fam_tc
+ = -- Try built-in families, notably for arithmethic
+ do { rhs <- rewriteTyVar fsk
+ ; concatMapM (do_one_built_in ops rhs) funeqs_for_tc }
+ | Injective injective_args <- fam_inj_info
+ = -- Try improvement from type families with injectivity annotations
+ do { rhs <- rewriteTyVar fsk
+ ; concatMapM (do_one_injective injective_args rhs) funeqs_for_tc }
+ | otherwise
+ = return []
+ --------------------
+ do_one_built_in ops rhs (CFunEqCan { cc_tyargs = iargs, cc_fsk = ifsk, cc_ev = inert_ev })
+ = do { inert_rhs <- rewriteTyVar ifsk
+ ; return $ mk_fd_eqns inert_ev (sfInteractInert ops args rhs iargs inert_rhs) }
+ do_one_built_in _ _ _ = pprPanic "interactFunEq 1" (ppr fam_tc)
+ --------------------
+ -- See Note [Type inference for type families with injectivity]
+ do_one_injective inj_args rhs (CFunEqCan { cc_tyargs = inert_args
+ , cc_fsk = ifsk, cc_ev = inert_ev })
+ | isImprovable inert_ev
+ = do { inert_rhs <- rewriteTyVar ifsk
+ ; return $ if rhs `tcEqType` inert_rhs
+ then mk_fd_eqns inert_ev $
+ [ Pair arg iarg
+ | (arg, iarg, True) <- zip3 args inert_args inj_args ]
+ else [] }
+ | otherwise
+ = return []
+ do_one_injective _ _ _ = pprPanic "interactFunEq 2" (ppr fam_tc)
+ --------------------
+ mk_fd_eqns :: CtEvidence -> [TypeEqn] -> [FunDepEqn CtLoc]
+ mk_fd_eqns inert_ev eqns
+ | null eqns = []
+ | otherwise = [ FDEqn { fd_qtvs = [], fd_eqs = eqns
+ , fd_pred1 = work_pred
+ , fd_pred2 = ctEvPred inert_ev
+ , fd_loc = loc } ]
+ where
+ inert_loc = ctEvLoc inert_ev
+ loc = inert_loc { ctl_depth = ctl_depth inert_loc `maxSubGoalDepth`
+ ctl_depth work_loc }
+reactFunEq :: CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -- From this :: F args1 ~ fsk1
+ -> CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -- Solve this :: F args2 ~ fsk2
+ -> TcS ()
+reactFunEq from_this fsk1 solve_this fsk2
+ = do { traceTcS "reactFunEq"
+ (vcat [ppr from_this, ppr fsk1, ppr solve_this, ppr fsk2])
+ ; dischargeFunEq solve_this fsk2 (ctEvCoercion from_this) (mkTyVarTy fsk1)
+ ; traceTcS "reactFunEq done" (ppr from_this $$ ppr fsk1 $$
+ ppr solve_this $$ ppr fsk2) }
+{- Note [Type inference for type families with injectivity]
+Suppose we have a type family with an injectivity annotation:
+ type family F a b = r | r -> b
+Then if we have two CFunEqCan constraints for F with the same RHS
+ F s1 t1 ~ rhs
+ F s2 t2 ~ rhs
+then we can use the injectivity to get a new Derived constraint on
+the injective argument
+ [D] t1 ~ t2
+That in turn can help GHC solve constraints that would otherwise require
+guessing. For example, consider the ambiguity check for
+ f :: F Int b -> Int
+We get the constraint
+ [W] F Int b ~ F Int beta
+where beta is a unification variable. Injectivity lets us pick beta ~ b.
+Injectivity information is also used at the call sites. For example:
+ g = f True
+gives rise to
+ [W] F Int b ~ Bool
+from which we can derive b. This requires looking at the defining equations of
+a type family, ie. finding equation with a matching RHS (Bool in this example)
+and inferring values of type variables (b in this example) from the LHS patterns
+of the matching equation. For closed type families we have to perform
+additional apartness check for the selected equation to check that the selected
+is guaranteed to fire for given LHS arguments.
+These new constraints are simply *Derived* constraints; they have no evidence.
+We could go further and offer evidence from decomposing injective type-function
+applications, but that would require new evidence forms, and an extension to
+FC, so we don't do that right now (Dec 14).
+See also Note [Injective type families] in GHC.Core.TyCon
+Note [Cache-caused loops]
+It is very dangerous to cache a rewritten wanted family equation as 'solved' in our
+solved cache (which is the default behaviour or xCtEvidence), because the interaction
+may not be contributing towards a solution. Here is an example:
+Initial inert set:
+ [W] g1 : F a ~ beta1
+Work item:
+ [W] g2 : F a ~ beta2
+The work item will react with the inert yielding the _same_ inert set plus:
+ (i) Will set g2 := g1 `cast` g3
+ (ii) Will add to our solved cache that [S] g2 : F a ~ beta2
+ (iii) Will emit [W] g3 : beta1 ~ beta2
+Now, the g3 work item will be spontaneously solved to [G] g3 : beta1 ~ beta2
+and then it will react the item in the inert ([W] g1 : F a ~ beta1). So it
+will set
+ g1 := g ; sym g3
+and what is g? Well it would ideally be a new goal of type (F a ~ beta2) but
+remember that we have this in our solved cache, and it is ... g2! In short we
+created the evidence loop:
+ g2 := g1 ; g3
+ g3 := refl
+ g1 := g2 ; sym g3
+To avoid this situation we do not cache as solved any workitems (or inert)
+which did not really made a 'step' towards proving some goal. Solved's are
+just an optimization so we don't lose anything in terms of completeness of
+Note [Efficient Orientation]
+Suppose we are interacting two FunEqCans with the same LHS:
+ (inert) ci :: (F ty ~ xi_i)
+ (work) cw :: (F ty ~ xi_w)
+We prefer to keep the inert (else we pass the work item on down
+the pipeline, which is a bit silly). If we keep the inert, we
+will (a) discharge 'cw'
+ (b) produce a new equality work-item (xi_w ~ xi_i)
+Notice the orientation (xi_w ~ xi_i) NOT (xi_i ~ xi_w):
+ new_work :: xi_w ~ xi_i
+ cw := ci ; sym new_work
+Why? Consider the simplest case when xi1 is a type variable. If
+we generate xi1~xi2, processing that constraint will kick out 'ci'.
+If we generate xi2~xi1, there is less chance of that happening.
+Of course it can and should still happen if xi1=a, xi1=Int, say.
+But we want to avoid it happening needlessly.
+Similarly, if we *can't* keep the inert item (because inert is Wanted,
+and work is Given, say), we prefer to orient the new equality (xi_i ~
+Note [Carefully solve the right CFunEqCan]
+ ---- because we now allow multiple
+ ---- wanted FunEqs with the same head
+Consider the constraints
+ c1 :: F Int ~ a -- Arising from an application line 5
+ c2 :: F Int ~ Bool -- Arising from an application line 10
+Suppose that 'a' is a unification variable, arising only from
+flattening. So there is no error on line 5; it's just a flattening
+variable. But there is (or might be) an error on line 10.
+Two ways to combine them, leaving either (Plan A)
+ c1 :: F Int ~ a -- Arising from an application line 5
+ c3 :: a ~ Bool -- Arising from an application line 10
+or (Plan B)
+ c2 :: F Int ~ Bool -- Arising from an application line 10
+ c4 :: a ~ Bool -- Arising from an application line 5
+Plan A will unify c3, leaving c1 :: F Int ~ Bool as an error
+on the *totally innocent* line 5. An example is test SimpleFail16
+where the expected/actual message comes out backwards if we use
+the wrong plan.
+The second is the right thing to do. Hence the isMetaTyVarTy
+test when solving pairwise CFunEqCan.
+* *
+ interactTyVarEq
+* *
+inertsCanDischarge :: InertCans -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> CtFlavourRole
+ -> Maybe ( CtEvidence -- The evidence for the inert
+ , SwapFlag -- Whether we need mkSymCo
+ , Bool) -- True <=> keep a [D] version
+ -- of the [WD] constraint
+inertsCanDischarge inerts tv rhs fr
+ | (ev_i : _) <- [ ev_i | CTyEqCan { cc_ev = ev_i, cc_rhs = rhs_i
+ , cc_eq_rel = eq_rel }
+ <- findTyEqs inerts tv
+ , (ctEvFlavour ev_i, eq_rel) `eqCanDischargeFR` fr
+ , rhs_i `tcEqType` rhs ]
+ = -- Inert: a ~ ty
+ -- Work item: a ~ ty
+ Just (ev_i, NotSwapped, keep_deriv ev_i)
+ | Just tv_rhs <- getTyVar_maybe rhs
+ , (ev_i : _) <- [ ev_i | CTyEqCan { cc_ev = ev_i, cc_rhs = rhs_i
+ , cc_eq_rel = eq_rel }
+ <- findTyEqs inerts tv_rhs
+ , (ctEvFlavour ev_i, eq_rel) `eqCanDischargeFR` fr
+ , rhs_i `tcEqType` mkTyVarTy tv ]
+ = -- Inert: a ~ b
+ -- Work item: b ~ a
+ Just (ev_i, IsSwapped, keep_deriv ev_i)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ where
+ keep_deriv ev_i
+ | Wanted WOnly <- ctEvFlavour ev_i -- inert is [W]
+ , (Wanted WDeriv, _) <- fr -- work item is [WD]
+ = True -- Keep a derived version of the work item
+ | otherwise
+ = False -- Work item is fully discharged
+interactTyVarEq :: InertCans -> Ct -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- CTyEqCans are always consumed, so always returns Stop
+interactTyVarEq inerts workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_tyvar = tv
+ , cc_rhs = rhs
+ , cc_ev = ev
+ , cc_eq_rel = eq_rel })
+ | Just (ev_i, swapped, keep_deriv)
+ <- inertsCanDischarge inerts tv rhs (ctEvFlavour ev, eq_rel)
+ = do { setEvBindIfWanted ev $
+ evCoercion (maybeSym swapped $
+ tcDowngradeRole (eqRelRole eq_rel)
+ (ctEvRole ev_i)
+ (ctEvCoercion ev_i))
+ ; let deriv_ev = CtDerived { ctev_pred = ctEvPred ev
+ , ctev_loc = ctEvLoc ev }
+ ; when keep_deriv $
+ emitWork [workItem { cc_ev = deriv_ev }]
+ -- As a Derived it might not be fully rewritten,
+ -- so we emit it as new work
+ ; stopWith ev "Solved from inert" }
+ | ReprEq <- eq_rel -- See Note [Do not unify representational equalities]
+ = do { traceTcS "Not unifying representational equality" (ppr workItem)
+ ; continueWith workItem }
+ | isGiven ev -- See Note [Touchables and givens]
+ = continueWith workItem
+ | otherwise
+ = do { tclvl <- getTcLevel
+ ; if canSolveByUnification tclvl tv rhs
+ then do { solveByUnification ev tv rhs
+ ; n_kicked <- kickOutAfterUnification tv
+ ; return (Stop ev (text "Solved by unification" <+> pprKicked n_kicked)) }
+ else continueWith workItem }
+interactTyVarEq _ wi = pprPanic "interactTyVarEq" (ppr wi)
+solveByUnification :: CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS ()
+-- Solve with the identity coercion
+-- Precondition: kind(xi) equals kind(tv)
+-- Precondition: CtEvidence is Wanted or Derived
+-- Precondition: CtEvidence is nominal
+-- Returns: workItem where
+-- workItem = the new Given constraint
+-- NB: No need for an occurs check here, because solveByUnification always
+-- arises from a CTyEqCan, a *canonical* constraint. Its invariant (TyEq:OC)
+-- says that in (a ~ xi), the type variable a does not appear in xi.
+-- See GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint.Ct invariants.
+-- Post: tv is unified (by side effect) with xi;
+-- we often write tv := xi
+solveByUnification wd tv xi
+ = do { let tv_ty = mkTyVarTy tv
+ ; traceTcS "Sneaky unification:" $
+ vcat [text "Unifies:" <+> ppr tv <+> text ":=" <+> ppr xi,
+ text "Coercion:" <+> pprEq tv_ty xi,
+ text "Left Kind is:" <+> ppr (tcTypeKind tv_ty),
+ text "Right Kind is:" <+> ppr (tcTypeKind xi) ]
+ ; unifyTyVar tv xi
+ ; setEvBindIfWanted wd (evCoercion (mkTcNomReflCo xi)) }
+{- Note [Avoid double unifications]
+The spontaneous solver has to return a given which mentions the unified unification
+variable *on the left* of the equality. Here is what happens if not:
+ Original wanted: (a ~ alpha), (alpha ~ Int)
+We spontaneously solve the first wanted, without changing the order!
+ given : a ~ alpha [having unified alpha := a]
+Now the second wanted comes along, but he cannot rewrite the given, so we simply continue.
+At the end we spontaneously solve that guy, *reunifying* [alpha := Int]
+We avoid this problem by orienting the resulting given so that the unification
+variable is on the left. [Note that alternatively we could attempt to
+enforce this at canonicalization]
+See also Note [No touchables as FunEq RHS] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad; avoiding
+double unifications is the main reason we disallow touchable
+unification variables as RHS of type family equations: F xis ~ alpha.
+Note [Do not unify representational equalities]
+Consider [W] alpha ~R# b
+where alpha is touchable. Should we unify alpha := b?
+Certainly not! Unifying forces alpha and be to be the same; but they
+only need to be representationally equal types.
+For example, we might have another constraint [W] alpha ~# N b
+ newtype N b = MkN b
+and we want to get alpha := N b.
+See also #15144, which was caused by unifying a representational
+equality (in the unflattener).
+* *
+* Functional dependencies, instantiation of equations
+* *
+When we spot an equality arising from a functional dependency,
+we now use that equality (a "wanted") to rewrite the work-item
+constraint right away. This avoids two dangers
+ Danger 1: If we send the original constraint on down the pipeline
+ it may react with an instance declaration, and in delicate
+ situations (when a Given overlaps with an instance) that
+ may produce new insoluble goals: see #4952
+ Danger 2: If we don't rewrite the constraint, it may re-react
+ with the same thing later, and produce the same equality
+ again --> termination worries.
+To achieve this required some refactoring of GHC.Tc.Instance.FunDeps (nicer
+Note [FunDep and implicit parameter reactions]
+Currently, our story of interacting two dictionaries (or a dictionary
+and top-level instances) for functional dependencies, and implicit
+parameters, is that we simply produce new Derived equalities. So for example
+ class D a b | a -> b where ...
+ Inert:
+ d1 :g D Int Bool
+ WorkItem:
+ d2 :w D Int alpha
+ We generate the extra work item
+ cv :d alpha ~ Bool
+ where 'cv' is currently unused. However, this new item can perhaps be
+ spontaneously solved to become given and react with d2,
+ discharging it in favour of a new constraint d2' thus:
+ d2' :w D Int Bool
+ d2 := d2' |> D Int cv
+ Now d2' can be discharged from d1
+We could be more aggressive and try to *immediately* solve the dictionary
+using those extra equalities, but that requires those equalities to carry
+evidence and derived do not carry evidence.
+If that were the case with the same inert set and work item we might dischard
+d2 directly:
+ cv :w alpha ~ Bool
+ d2 := d1 |> D Int cv
+But in general it's a bit painful to figure out the necessary coercion,
+so we just take the first approach. Here is a better example. Consider:
+ class C a b c | a -> b
+ [Given] d1 : C T Int Char
+ [Wanted] d2 : C T beta Int
+In this case, it's *not even possible* to solve the wanted immediately.
+So we should simply output the functional dependency and add this guy
+[but NOT its superclasses] back in the worklist. Even worse:
+ [Given] d1 : C T Int beta
+ [Wanted] d2: C T beta Int
+Then it is solvable, but its very hard to detect this on the spot.
+It's exactly the same with implicit parameters, except that the
+"aggressive" approach would be much easier to implement.
+Note [Weird fundeps]
+Consider class Het a b | a -> b where
+ het :: m (f c) -> a -> m b
+ class GHet (a :: * -> *) (b :: * -> *) | a -> b
+ instance GHet (K a) (K [a])
+ instance Het a b => GHet (K a) (K b)
+The two instances don't actually conflict on their fundeps,
+although it's pretty strange. So they are both accepted. Now
+try [W] GHet (K Int) (K Bool)
+This triggers fundeps from both instance decls;
+ [D] K Bool ~ K [a]
+ [D] K Bool ~ K beta
+And there's a risk of complaining about Bool ~ [a]. But in fact
+the Wanted matches the second instance, so we never get as far
+as the fundeps.
+#7875 is a case in point.
+emitFunDepDeriveds :: [FunDepEqn CtLoc] -> TcS ()
+-- See Note [FunDep and implicit parameter reactions]
+emitFunDepDeriveds fd_eqns
+ = mapM_ do_one_FDEqn fd_eqns
+ where
+ do_one_FDEqn (FDEqn { fd_qtvs = tvs, fd_eqs = eqs, fd_loc = loc })
+ | null tvs -- Common shortcut
+ = do { traceTcS "emitFunDepDeriveds 1" (ppr (ctl_depth loc) $$ ppr eqs $$ ppr (isGivenLoc loc))
+ ; mapM_ (unifyDerived loc Nominal) eqs }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { traceTcS "emitFunDepDeriveds 2" (ppr (ctl_depth loc) $$ ppr tvs $$ ppr eqs)
+ ; subst <- instFlexi tvs -- Takes account of kind substitution
+ ; mapM_ (do_one_eq loc subst) eqs }
+ do_one_eq loc subst (Pair ty1 ty2)
+ = unifyDerived loc Nominal $
+ Pair (Type.substTyUnchecked subst ty1) (Type.substTyUnchecked subst ty2)
+* *
+ The top-reaction Stage
+* *
+topReactionsStage :: WorkItem -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- The work item does not react with the inert set,
+-- so try interaction with top-level instances. Note:
+topReactionsStage work_item
+ = do { traceTcS "doTopReact" (ppr work_item)
+ ; case work_item of
+ CDictCan {} -> do { inerts <- getTcSInerts
+ ; doTopReactDict inerts work_item }
+ CFunEqCan {} -> doTopReactFunEq work_item
+ CIrredCan {} -> doTopReactOther work_item
+ CTyEqCan {} -> doTopReactOther work_item
+ _ -> -- Any other work item does not react with any top-level equations
+ continueWith work_item }
+doTopReactOther :: Ct -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- Try local quantified constraints for
+-- CTyEqCan e.g. (a ~# ty)
+-- and CIrredCan e.g. (c a)
+-- Why equalities? See GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
+-- Note [Equality superclasses in quantified constraints]
+doTopReactOther work_item
+ | isGiven ev
+ = continueWith work_item
+ | EqPred eq_rel t1 t2 <- classifyPredType pred
+ = doTopReactEqPred work_item eq_rel t1 t2
+ | otherwise
+ = do { res <- matchLocalInst pred loc
+ ; case res of
+ OneInst {} -> chooseInstance work_item res
+ _ -> continueWith work_item }
+ where
+ ev = ctEvidence work_item
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ pred = ctEvPred ev
+doTopReactEqPred :: Ct -> EqRel -> TcType -> TcType -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+doTopReactEqPred work_item eq_rel t1 t2
+ -- See Note [Looking up primitive equalities in quantified constraints]
+ | Just (cls, tys) <- boxEqPred eq_rel t1 t2
+ = do { res <- matchLocalInst (mkClassPred cls tys) loc
+ ; case res of
+ OneInst { cir_mk_ev = mk_ev }
+ -> chooseInstance work_item
+ (res { cir_mk_ev = mk_eq_ev cls tys mk_ev })
+ _ -> continueWith work_item }
+ | otherwise
+ = continueWith work_item
+ where
+ ev = ctEvidence work_item
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ mk_eq_ev cls tys mk_ev evs
+ = case (mk_ev evs) of
+ EvExpr e -> EvExpr (Var sc_id `mkTyApps` tys `App` e)
+ ev -> pprPanic "mk_eq_ev" (ppr ev)
+ where
+ [sc_id] = classSCSelIds cls
+{- Note [Looking up primitive equalities in quantified constraints]
+For equalities (a ~# b) look up (a ~ b), and then do a superclass
+selection. This avoids having to support quantified constraints whose
+kind is not Constraint, such as (forall a. F a ~# b)
+ * Note [Evidence for quantified constraints] in GHC.Core.Predicate
+ * Note [Equality superclasses in quantified constraints]
+ in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
+Note [Flatten when discharging CFunEqCan]
+We have the following scenario (#16512):
+type family LV (as :: [Type]) (b :: Type) = (r :: Type) | r -> as b where
+ LV (a ': as) b = a -> LV as b
+[WD] w1 :: LV as0 (a -> b) ~ fmv1 (CFunEqCan)
+[WD] w2 :: fmv1 ~ (a -> fmv2) (CTyEqCan)
+[WD] w3 :: LV as0 b ~ fmv2 (CFunEqCan)
+We start with w1. Because LV is injective, we wish to see if the RHS of the
+equation matches the RHS of the CFunEqCan. The RHS of a CFunEqCan is always an
+fmv, so we "look through" to get (a -> fmv2). Then we run tcUnifyTyWithTFs.
+That performs the match, but it allows a type family application (such as the
+LV in the RHS of the equation) to match with anything. (See "Injective type
+families" by Stolarek et al., HS'15, Fig. 2) The matching succeeds, which
+means we can improve as0 (and b, but that's not interesting here). However,
+because the RHS of w1 can't see through fmv2 (we have no way of looking up a
+LHS of a CFunEqCan from its RHS, and this use case isn't compelling enough),
+we invent a new unification variable here. We thus get (as0 := a : as1).
+[WD] w1 :: LV (a : as1) (a -> b) ~ fmv1
+[WD] w2 :: fmv1 ~ (a -> fmv2)
+[WD] w3 :: LV (a : as1) b ~ fmv2
+We can now reduce both CFunEqCans, using the equation for LV. We get
+[WD] w2 :: (a -> LV as1 (a -> b)) ~ (a -> a -> LV as1 b)
+Now we decompose (and flatten) to
+[WD] w4 :: LV as1 (a -> b) ~ fmv3
+[WD] w5 :: fmv3 ~ (a -> fmv1)
+[WD] w6 :: LV as1 b ~ fmv4
+which is exactly where we started. These goals really are insoluble, but
+we would prefer not to loop. We thus need to find a way to bump the reduction
+depth, so that we can detect the loop and abort.
+The key observation is that we are performing a reduction. We thus wish
+to bump the level when discharging a CFunEqCan. Where does this bumped
+level go, though? It can't just go on the reduct, as that's a type. Instead,
+it must go on any CFunEqCans produced after flattening. We thus flatten
+when discharging, making sure that the level is bumped in the new
+fun-eqs. The flattening happens in reduce_top_fun_eq and the level
+is bumped when setting up the FlatM monad in GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten.runFlatten.
+(This bumping will happen for call sites other than this one, but that
+makes sense -- any constraints emitted by the flattener are offshoots
+the work item and should have a higher level. We don't have any test
+cases that require the bumping in this other cases, but it's convenient
+and causes no harm to bump at every flatten.)
+Test case: typecheck/should_fail/T16512a
+doTopReactFunEq :: Ct -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+doTopReactFunEq work_item@(CFunEqCan { cc_ev = old_ev, cc_fun = fam_tc
+ , cc_tyargs = args, cc_fsk = fsk })
+ | fsk `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfTypes args
+ = no_reduction -- See Note [FunEq occurs-check principle]
+ | otherwise -- Note [Reduction for Derived CFunEqCans]
+ = do { match_res <- matchFam fam_tc args
+ -- Look up in top-level instances, or built-in axiom
+ ; case match_res of
+ Nothing -> no_reduction
+ Just match_info -> reduce_top_fun_eq old_ev fsk match_info }
+ where
+ no_reduction
+ = do { improveTopFunEqs old_ev fam_tc args fsk
+ ; continueWith work_item }
+doTopReactFunEq w = pprPanic "doTopReactFunEq" (ppr w)
+reduce_top_fun_eq :: CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> (TcCoercion, TcType)
+ -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- We have found an applicable top-level axiom: use it to reduce
+-- Precondition: fsk is not free in rhs_ty
+-- ax_co :: F tys ~ rhs_ty, where F tys is the LHS of the old_ev
+reduce_top_fun_eq old_ev fsk (ax_co, rhs_ty)
+ | not (isDerived old_ev) -- Precondition of shortCutReduction
+ , Just (tc, tc_args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe rhs_ty
+ , isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+ , tc_args `lengthIs` tyConArity tc -- Short-cut
+ = -- RHS is another type-family application
+ -- Try shortcut; see Note [Top-level reductions for type functions]
+ do { shortCutReduction old_ev fsk ax_co tc tc_args
+ ; stopWith old_ev "Fun/Top (shortcut)" }
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT2( not (fsk `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType rhs_ty)
+ , ppr old_ev $$ ppr rhs_ty )
+ -- Guaranteed by Note [FunEq occurs-check principle]
+ do { (rhs_xi, flatten_co) <- flatten FM_FlattenAll old_ev rhs_ty
+ -- flatten_co :: rhs_xi ~ rhs_ty
+ -- See Note [Flatten when discharging CFunEqCan]
+ ; let total_co = ax_co `mkTcTransCo` mkTcSymCo flatten_co
+ ; dischargeFunEq old_ev fsk total_co rhs_xi
+ ; traceTcS "doTopReactFunEq" $
+ vcat [ text "old_ev:" <+> ppr old_ev
+ , nest 2 (text ":=") <+> ppr ax_co ]
+ ; stopWith old_ev "Fun/Top" }
+improveTopFunEqs :: CtEvidence -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> TcTyVar -> TcS ()
+-- See Note [FunDep and implicit parameter reactions]
+improveTopFunEqs ev fam_tc args fsk
+ | isGiven ev -- See Note [No FunEq improvement for Givens]
+ || not (isImprovable ev)
+ = return ()
+ | otherwise
+ = do { fam_envs <- getFamInstEnvs
+ ; rhs <- rewriteTyVar fsk
+ ; eqns <- improve_top_fun_eqs fam_envs fam_tc args rhs
+ ; traceTcS "improveTopFunEqs" (vcat [ ppr fam_tc <+> ppr args <+> ppr rhs
+ , ppr eqns ])
+ ; mapM_ (unifyDerived loc Nominal) eqns }
+ where
+ loc = bumpCtLocDepth (ctEvLoc ev)
+ -- ToDo: this location is wrong; it should be FunDepOrigin2
+ -- See #14778
+improve_top_fun_eqs :: FamInstEnvs
+ -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> TcType
+ -> TcS [TypeEqn]
+improve_top_fun_eqs fam_envs fam_tc args rhs_ty
+ | Just ops <- isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe fam_tc
+ = return (sfInteractTop ops args rhs_ty)
+ -- see Note [Type inference for type families with injectivity]
+ | isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon fam_tc
+ , Injective injective_args <- tyConInjectivityInfo fam_tc
+ , let fam_insts = lookupFamInstEnvByTyCon fam_envs fam_tc
+ = -- it is possible to have several compatible equations in an open type
+ -- family but we only want to derive equalities from one such equation.
+ do { let improvs = buildImprovementData fam_insts
+ fi_tvs fi_tys fi_rhs (const Nothing)
+ ; traceTcS "improve_top_fun_eqs2" (ppr improvs)
+ ; concatMapM (injImproveEqns injective_args) $
+ take 1 improvs }
+ | Just ax <- isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe fam_tc
+ , Injective injective_args <- tyConInjectivityInfo fam_tc
+ = concatMapM (injImproveEqns injective_args) $
+ buildImprovementData (fromBranches (co_ax_branches ax))
+ cab_tvs cab_lhs cab_rhs Just
+ | otherwise
+ = return []
+ where
+ buildImprovementData
+ :: [a] -- axioms for a TF (FamInst or CoAxBranch)
+ -> (a -> [TyVar]) -- get bound tyvars of an axiom
+ -> (a -> [Type]) -- get LHS of an axiom
+ -> (a -> Type) -- get RHS of an axiom
+ -> (a -> Maybe CoAxBranch) -- Just => apartness check required
+ -> [( [Type], TCvSubst, [TyVar], Maybe CoAxBranch )]
+ -- Result:
+ -- ( [arguments of a matching axiom]
+ -- , RHS-unifying substitution
+ -- , axiom variables without substitution
+ -- , Maybe matching axiom [Nothing - open TF, Just - closed TF ] )
+ buildImprovementData axioms axiomTVs axiomLHS axiomRHS wrap =
+ [ (ax_args, subst, unsubstTvs, wrap axiom)
+ | axiom <- axioms
+ , let ax_args = axiomLHS axiom
+ ax_rhs = axiomRHS axiom
+ ax_tvs = axiomTVs axiom
+ , Just subst <- [tcUnifyTyWithTFs False ax_rhs rhs_ty]
+ , let notInSubst tv = not (tv `elemVarEnv` getTvSubstEnv subst)
+ unsubstTvs = filter (notInSubst <&&> isTyVar) ax_tvs ]
+ -- The order of unsubstTvs is important; it must be
+ -- in telescope order e.g. (k:*) (a:k)
+ injImproveEqns :: [Bool]
+ -> ([Type], TCvSubst, [TyCoVar], Maybe CoAxBranch)
+ -> TcS [TypeEqn]
+ injImproveEqns inj_args (ax_args, subst, unsubstTvs, cabr)
+ = do { subst <- instFlexiX subst unsubstTvs
+ -- If the current substitution bind [k -> *], and
+ -- one of the un-substituted tyvars is (a::k), we'd better
+ -- be sure to apply the current substitution to a's kind.
+ -- Hence instFlexiX. #13135 was an example.
+ ; return [ Pair (substTyUnchecked subst ax_arg) arg
+ -- NB: the ax_arg part is on the left
+ -- see Note [Improvement orientation]
+ | case cabr of
+ Just cabr' -> apartnessCheck (substTys subst ax_args) cabr'
+ _ -> True
+ , (ax_arg, arg, True) <- zip3 ax_args args inj_args ] }
+shortCutReduction :: CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> TcCoercion
+ -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> TcS ()
+-- See Note [Top-level reductions for type functions]
+-- Previously, we flattened the tc_args here, but there's no need to do so.
+-- And, if we did, this function would have all the complication of
+-- GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.canCFunEqCan. See Note [canCFunEqCan]
+shortCutReduction old_ev fsk ax_co fam_tc tc_args
+ = ASSERT( ctEvEqRel old_ev == NomEq)
+ -- ax_co :: F args ~ G tc_args
+ -- old_ev :: F args ~ fsk
+ do { new_ev <- case ctEvFlavour old_ev of
+ Given -> newGivenEvVar deeper_loc
+ ( mkPrimEqPred (mkTyConApp fam_tc tc_args) (mkTyVarTy fsk)
+ , evCoercion (mkTcSymCo ax_co
+ `mkTcTransCo` ctEvCoercion old_ev) )
+ Wanted {} ->
+ -- See TcCanonical Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] about NoBlockSubst
+ do { (new_ev, new_co) <- newWantedEq_SI NoBlockSubst WDeriv deeper_loc Nominal
+ (mkTyConApp fam_tc tc_args) (mkTyVarTy fsk)
+ ; setWantedEq (ctev_dest old_ev) $ ax_co `mkTcTransCo` new_co
+ ; return new_ev }
+ Derived -> pprPanic "shortCutReduction" (ppr old_ev)
+ ; let new_ct = CFunEqCan { cc_ev = new_ev, cc_fun = fam_tc
+ , cc_tyargs = tc_args, cc_fsk = fsk }
+ ; updWorkListTcS (extendWorkListFunEq new_ct) }
+ where
+ deeper_loc = bumpCtLocDepth (ctEvLoc old_ev)
+{- Note [Top-level reductions for type functions]
+c.f. Note [The flattening story] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten
+Suppose we have a CFunEqCan F tys ~ fmv/fsk, and a matching axiom.
+Here is what we do, in four cases:
+* Wanteds: general firing rule
+ (work item) [W] x : F tys ~ fmv
+ instantiate axiom: ax_co : F tys ~ rhs
+ Then:
+ Discharge fmv := rhs
+ Discharge x := ax_co ; sym x2
+ This is *the* way that fmv's get unified; even though they are
+ "untouchable".
+ NB: Given Note [FunEq occurs-check principle], fmv does not appear
+ in tys, and hence does not appear in the instantiated RHS. So
+ the unification can't make an infinite type.
+* Wanteds: short cut firing rule
+ Applies when the RHS of the axiom is another type-function application
+ (work item) [W] x : F tys ~ fmv
+ instantiate axiom: ax_co : F tys ~ G rhs_tys
+ It would be a waste to create yet another fmv for (G rhs_tys).
+ Instead (shortCutReduction):
+ - Flatten rhs_tys (cos : rhs_tys ~ rhs_xis)
+ - Add G rhs_xis ~ fmv to flat cache (note: the same old fmv)
+ - New canonical wanted [W] x2 : G rhs_xis ~ fmv (CFunEqCan)
+ - Discharge x := ax_co ; G cos ; x2
+* Givens: general firing rule
+ (work item) [G] g : F tys ~ fsk
+ instantiate axiom: ax_co : F tys ~ rhs
+ Now add non-canonical given (since rhs is not flat)
+ [G] (sym g ; ax_co) : fsk ~ rhs (Non-canonical)
+* Givens: short cut firing rule
+ Applies when the RHS of the axiom is another type-function application
+ (work item) [G] g : F tys ~ fsk
+ instantiate axiom: ax_co : F tys ~ G rhs_tys
+ It would be a waste to create yet another fsk for (G rhs_tys).
+ Instead (shortCutReduction):
+ - Flatten rhs_tys: flat_cos : tys ~ flat_tys
+ - Add new Canonical given
+ [G] (sym (G flat_cos) ; co ; g) : G flat_tys ~ fsk (CFunEqCan)
+Note [FunEq occurs-check principle]
+I have spent a lot of time finding a good way to deal with
+CFunEqCan constraints like
+ F (fuv, a) ~ fuv
+where flatten-skolem occurs on the LHS. Now in principle we
+might may progress by doing a reduction, but in practice its
+hard to find examples where it is useful, and easy to find examples
+where we fall into an infinite reduction loop. A rule that works
+very well is this:
+ *** FunEq occurs-check principle ***
+ Do not reduce a CFunEqCan
+ F tys ~ fsk
+ if fsk appears free in tys
+ Instead we treat it as stuck.
+* #5837 has [G] a ~ TF (a,Int), with an instance
+ type instance TF (a,b) = (TF a, TF b)
+ This readily loops when solving givens. But with the FunEq occurs
+ check principle, it rapidly gets stuck which is fine.
+* #12444 is a good example, explained in comment:2. We have
+ type instance F (Succ x) = Succ (F x)
+ [W] alpha ~ Succ (F alpha)
+ If we allow the reduction to happen, we get an infinite loop
+Note [Cached solved FunEqs]
+When trying to solve, say (FunExpensive big-type ~ ty), it's important
+to see if we have reduced (FunExpensive big-type) before, lest we
+simply repeat it. Hence the lookup in inert_solved_funeqs. Moreover
+we must use `funEqCanDischarge` because both uses might (say) be Wanteds,
+and we *still* want to save the re-computation.
+When trying to match a dictionary (D tau) to a top-level instance, or a
+type family equation (F taus_1 ~ tau_2) to a top-level family instance,
+we do *not* need to expand type synonyms because the matcher will do that for us.
+Note [Improvement orientation]
+A very delicate point is the orientation of derived equalities
+arising from injectivity improvement (#12522). Suppose we have
+ type family F x = t | t -> x
+ type instance F (a, Int) = (Int, G a)
+where G is injective; and wanted constraints
+ [W] TF (alpha, beta) ~ fuv
+ [W] fuv ~ (Int, <some type>)
+The injectivity will give rise to derived constraints
+ [D] gamma1 ~ alpha
+ [D] Int ~ beta
+The fresh unification variable gamma1 comes from the fact that we
+can only do "partial improvement" here; see Section 5.2 of
+"Injective type families for Haskell" (HS'15).
+Now, it's very important to orient the equations this way round,
+so that the fresh unification variable will be eliminated in
+favour of alpha. If we instead had
+ [D] alpha ~ gamma1
+then we would unify alpha := gamma1; and kick out the wanted
+constraint. But when we grough it back in, it'd look like
+ [W] TF (gamma1, beta) ~ fuv
+and exactly the same thing would happen again! Infinite loop.
+This all seems fragile, and it might seem more robust to avoid
+introducing gamma1 in the first place, in the case where the
+actual argument (alpha, beta) partly matches the improvement
+template. But that's a bit tricky, esp when we remember that the
+kinds much match too; so it's easier to let the normal machinery
+handle it. Instead we are careful to orient the new derived
+equality with the template on the left. Delicate, but it works.
+Note [No FunEq improvement for Givens]
+We don't do improvements (injectivity etc) for Givens. Why?
+* It generates Derived constraints on skolems, which don't do us
+ much good, except perhaps identify inaccessible branches.
+ (They'd be perfectly valid though.)
+* For type-nat stuff the derived constraints include type families;
+ e.g. (a < b), (b < c) ==> a < c If we generate a Derived for this,
+ we'll generate a Derived/Wanted CFunEqCan; and, since the same
+ InertCans (after solving Givens) are used for each iteration, that
+ massively confused the unflattening step (GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten.unflatten).
+ In fact it led to some infinite loops:
+ indexed-types/should_compile/T10806
+ indexed-types/should_compile/T10507
+ polykinds/T10742
+Note [Reduction for Derived CFunEqCans]
+You may wonder if it's important to use top-level instances to
+simplify [D] CFunEqCan's. But it is. Here's an example (T10226).
+ type instance F Int = Int
+ type instance FInv Int = Int
+Suppose we have to solve
+ [WD] FInv (F alpha) ~ alpha
+ [WD] F alpha ~ Int
+ --> flatten
+ [WD] F alpha ~ fuv0
+ [WD] FInv fuv0 ~ fuv1 -- (A)
+ [WD] fuv1 ~ alpha
+ [WD] fuv0 ~ Int -- (B)
+ --> Rewwrite (A) with (B), splitting it
+ [WD] F alpha ~ fuv0
+ [W] FInv fuv0 ~ fuv1
+ [D] FInv Int ~ fuv1 -- (C)
+ [WD] fuv1 ~ alpha
+ [WD] fuv0 ~ Int
+ --> Reduce (C) with top-level instance
+ **** This is the key step ***
+ [WD] F alpha ~ fuv0
+ [W] FInv fuv0 ~ fuv1
+ [D] fuv1 ~ Int -- (D)
+ [WD] fuv1 ~ alpha -- (E)
+ [WD] fuv0 ~ Int
+ --> Rewrite (D) with (E)
+ [WD] F alpha ~ fuv0
+ [W] FInv fuv0 ~ fuv1
+ [D] alpha ~ Int -- (F)
+ [WD] fuv1 ~ alpha
+ [WD] fuv0 ~ Int
+ --> unify (F) alpha := Int, and that solves it
+Another example is indexed-types/should_compile/T10634
+{- *******************************************************************
+* *
+ Top-level reaction for class constraints (CDictCan)
+* *
+doTopReactDict :: InertSet -> Ct -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+-- Try to use type-class instance declarations to simplify the constraint
+doTopReactDict inerts work_item@(CDictCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_class = cls
+ , cc_tyargs = xis })
+ | isGiven ev -- Never use instances for Given constraints
+ = do { try_fundep_improvement
+ ; continueWith work_item }
+ | Just solved_ev <- lookupSolvedDict inerts dict_loc cls xis -- Cached
+ = do { setEvBindIfWanted ev (ctEvTerm solved_ev)
+ ; stopWith ev "Dict/Top (cached)" }
+ | otherwise -- Wanted or Derived, but not cached
+ = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; lkup_res <- matchClassInst dflags inerts cls xis dict_loc
+ ; case lkup_res of
+ OneInst { cir_what = what }
+ -> do { insertSafeOverlapFailureTcS what work_item
+ ; addSolvedDict what ev cls xis
+ ; chooseInstance work_item lkup_res }
+ _ -> -- NoInstance or NotSure
+ do { when (isImprovable ev) $
+ try_fundep_improvement
+ ; continueWith work_item } }
+ where
+ dict_pred = mkClassPred cls xis
+ dict_loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ dict_origin = ctLocOrigin dict_loc
+ -- We didn't solve it; so try functional dependencies with
+ -- the instance environment, and return
+ -- See also Note [Weird fundeps]
+ try_fundep_improvement
+ = do { traceTcS "try_fundeps" (ppr work_item)
+ ; instEnvs <- getInstEnvs
+ ; emitFunDepDeriveds $
+ improveFromInstEnv instEnvs mk_ct_loc dict_pred }
+ mk_ct_loc :: PredType -- From instance decl
+ -> SrcSpan -- also from instance deol
+ -> CtLoc
+ mk_ct_loc inst_pred inst_loc
+ = dict_loc { ctl_origin = FunDepOrigin2 dict_pred dict_origin
+ inst_pred inst_loc }
+doTopReactDict _ w = pprPanic "doTopReactDict" (ppr w)
+chooseInstance :: Ct -> ClsInstResult -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+chooseInstance work_item
+ (OneInst { cir_new_theta = theta
+ , cir_what = what
+ , cir_mk_ev = mk_ev })
+ = do { traceTcS "doTopReact/found instance for" $ ppr ev
+ ; deeper_loc <- checkInstanceOK loc what pred
+ ; if isDerived ev then finish_derived deeper_loc theta
+ else finish_wanted deeper_loc theta mk_ev }
+ where
+ ev = ctEvidence work_item
+ pred = ctEvPred ev
+ loc = ctEvLoc ev
+ finish_wanted :: CtLoc -> [TcPredType]
+ -> ([EvExpr] -> EvTerm) -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
+ -- Precondition: evidence term matches the predicate workItem
+ finish_wanted loc theta mk_ev
+ = do { evb <- getTcEvBindsVar
+ ; if isCoEvBindsVar evb
+ then -- See Note [Instances in no-evidence implications]
+ continueWith work_item
+ else
+ do { evc_vars <- mapM (newWanted loc) theta
+ ; setEvBindIfWanted ev (mk_ev (map getEvExpr evc_vars))
+ ; emitWorkNC (freshGoals evc_vars)
+ ; stopWith ev "Dict/Top (solved wanted)" } }
+ finish_derived loc theta
+ = -- Use type-class instances for Deriveds, in the hope
+ -- of generating some improvements
+ -- C.f. Example 3 of Note [The improvement story]
+ -- It's easy because no evidence is involved
+ do { emitNewDeriveds loc theta
+ ; traceTcS "finish_derived" (ppr (ctl_depth loc))
+ ; stopWith ev "Dict/Top (solved derived)" }
+chooseInstance work_item lookup_res
+ = pprPanic "chooseInstance" (ppr work_item $$ ppr lookup_res)
+checkInstanceOK :: CtLoc -> InstanceWhat -> TcPredType -> TcS CtLoc
+-- Check that it's OK to use this insstance:
+-- (a) the use is well staged in the Template Haskell sense
+-- (b) we have not recursed too deep
+-- Returns the CtLoc to used for sub-goals
+checkInstanceOK loc what pred
+ = do { checkWellStagedDFun loc what pred
+ ; checkReductionDepth deeper_loc pred
+ ; return deeper_loc }
+ where
+ deeper_loc = zap_origin (bumpCtLocDepth loc)
+ origin = ctLocOrigin loc
+ zap_origin loc -- After applying an instance we can set ScOrigin to
+ -- infinity, so that prohibitedSuperClassSolve never fires
+ | ScOrigin {} <- origin
+ = setCtLocOrigin loc (ScOrigin infinity)
+ | otherwise
+ = loc
+{- Note [Instances in no-evidence implications]
+In #15290 we had
+ [G] forall p q. Coercible p q => Coercible (m p) (m q))
+ [W] forall <no-ev> a. m (Int, IntStateT m a)
+ ~R#
+ m (Int, StateT Int m a)
+The Given is an ordinary quantified constraint; the Wanted is an implication
+equality that arises from
+ [W] (forall a. t1) ~R# (forall a. t2)
+But because the (t1 ~R# t2) is solved "inside a type" (under that forall a)
+we can't generate any term evidence. So we can't actually use that
+lovely quantified constraint. Alas!
+This test arranges to ignore the instance-based solution under these
+(rare) circumstances. It's sad, but I really don't see what else we can do.
+matchClassInst :: DynFlags -> InertSet
+ -> Class -> [Type]
+ -> CtLoc -> TcS ClsInstResult
+matchClassInst dflags inerts clas tys loc
+-- First check whether there is an in-scope Given that could
+-- match this constraint. In that case, do not use any instance
+-- whether top level, or local quantified constraints.
+-- ee Note [Instance and Given overlap]
+ | not (xopt LangExt.IncoherentInstances dflags)
+ , not (naturallyCoherentClass clas)
+ , let matchable_givens = matchableGivens loc pred inerts
+ , not (isEmptyBag matchable_givens)
+ = do { traceTcS "Delaying instance application" $
+ vcat [ text "Work item=" <+> pprClassPred clas tys
+ , text "Potential matching givens:" <+> ppr matchable_givens ]
+ ; return NotSure }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { traceTcS "matchClassInst" $ text "pred =" <+> ppr pred <+> char '{'
+ ; local_res <- matchLocalInst pred loc
+ ; case local_res of
+ OneInst {} -> -- See Note [Local instances and incoherence]
+ do { traceTcS "} matchClassInst local match" $ ppr local_res
+ ; return local_res }
+ NotSure -> -- In the NotSure case for local instances
+ -- we don't want to try global instances
+ do { traceTcS "} matchClassInst local not sure" empty
+ ; return local_res }
+ NoInstance -- No local instances, so try global ones
+ -> do { global_res <- matchGlobalInst dflags False clas tys
+ ; traceTcS "} matchClassInst global result" $ ppr global_res
+ ; return global_res } }
+ where
+ pred = mkClassPred clas tys
+-- | If a class is "naturally coherent", then we needn't worry at all, in any
+-- way, about overlapping/incoherent instances. Just solve the thing!
+-- See Note [Naturally coherent classes]
+-- See also Note [The equality class story] in TysPrim.
+naturallyCoherentClass :: Class -> Bool
+naturallyCoherentClass cls
+ = isCTupleClass cls
+ || cls `hasKey` heqTyConKey
+ || cls `hasKey` eqTyConKey
+ || cls `hasKey` coercibleTyConKey
+{- Note [Instance and Given overlap]
+Example, from the OutsideIn(X) paper:
+ instance P x => Q [x]
+ instance (x ~ y) => R y [x]
+ wob :: forall a b. (Q [b], R b a) => a -> Int
+ g :: forall a. Q [a] => [a] -> Int
+ g x = wob x
+From 'g' we get the implication constraint:
+ forall a. Q [a] => (Q [beta], R beta [a])
+If we react (Q [beta]) with its top-level axiom, we end up with a
+(P beta), which we have no way of discharging. On the other hand,
+if we react R beta [a] with the top-level we get (beta ~ a), which
+is solvable and can help us rewrite (Q [beta]) to (Q [a]) which is
+now solvable by the given Q [a].
+The partial solution is that:
+ In matchClassInst (and thus in topReact), we return a matching
+ instance only when there is no Given in the inerts which is
+ unifiable to this particular dictionary.
+ We treat any meta-tyvar as "unifiable" for this purpose,
+ *including* untouchable ones. But not skolems like 'a' in
+ the implication constraint above.
+The end effect is that, much as we do for overlapping instances, we
+delay choosing a class instance if there is a possibility of another
+instance OR a given to match our constraint later on. This fixes
+#4981 and #5002.
+Other notes:
+* The check is done *first*, so that it also covers classes
+ with built-in instance solving, such as
+ - constraint tuples
+ - natural numbers
+ - Typeable
+* Flatten-skolems: we do not treat a flatten-skolem as unifiable
+ for this purpose.
+ E.g. f :: Eq (F a) => [a] -> [a]
+ f xs = ....(xs==xs).....
+ Here we get [W] Eq [a], and we don't want to refrain from solving
+ it because of the given (Eq (F a)) constraint!
+* The given-overlap problem is arguably not easy to appear in practice
+ due to our aggressive prioritization of equality solving over other
+ constraints, but it is possible. I've added a test case in
+ typecheck/should-compile/GivenOverlapping.hs
+* Another "live" example is #10195; another is #10177.
+* We ignore the overlap problem if -XIncoherentInstances is in force:
+ see #6002 for a worked-out example where this makes a
+ difference.
+* Moreover notice that our goals here are different than the goals of
+ the top-level overlapping checks. There we are interested in
+ validating the following principle:
+ If we inline a function f at a site where the same global
+ instance environment is available as the instance environment at
+ the definition site of f then we should get the same behaviour.
+ But for the Given Overlap check our goal is just related to completeness of
+ constraint solving.
+* The solution is only a partial one. Consider the above example with
+ g :: forall a. Q [a] => [a] -> Int
+ g x = let v = wob x
+ in v
+ and suppose we have -XNoMonoLocalBinds, so that we attempt to find the most
+ general type for 'v'. When generalising v's type we'll simplify its
+ Q [alpha] constraint, but we don't have Q [a] in the 'givens', so we
+ will use the instance declaration after all. #11948 was a case
+ in point.
+All of this is disgustingly delicate, so to discourage people from writing
+simplifiable class givens, we warn about signatures that contain them;
+see GHC.Tc.Validity Note [Simplifiable given constraints].
+Note [Naturally coherent classes]
+A few built-in classes are "naturally coherent". This term means that
+the "instance" for the class is bidirectional with its superclass(es).
+For example, consider (~~), which behaves as if it was defined like
+ class a ~# b => a ~~ b
+ instance a ~# b => a ~~ b
+(See Note [The equality types story] in TysPrim.)
+Faced with [W] t1 ~~ t2, it's always OK to reduce it to [W] t1 ~# t2,
+without worrying about Note [Instance and Given overlap]. Why? Because
+if we had [G] s1 ~~ s2, then we'd get the superclass [G] s1 ~# s2, and
+so the reduction of the [W] constraint does not risk losing any solutions.
+On the other hand, it can be fatal to /fail/ to reduce such
+equalities, on the grounds of Note [Instance and Given overlap],
+because many good things flow from [W] t1 ~# t2.
+The same reasoning applies to
+* (~~) heqTyCOn
+* (~) eqTyCon
+* Coercible coercibleTyCon
+And less obviously to:
+* Tuple classes. For reasons described in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
+ Note [Tuples hiding implicit parameters], we may have a constraint
+ [W] (?x::Int, C a)
+ with an exactly-matching Given constraint. We must decompose this
+ tuple and solve the components separately, otherwise we won't solve
+ it at all! It is perfectly safe to decompose it, because again the
+ superclasses invert the instance; e.g.
+ class (c1, c2) => (% c1, c2 %)
+ instance (c1, c2) => (% c1, c2 %)
+ Example in #14218
+Exammples: T5853, T10432, T5315, T9222, T2627b, T3028b
+PS: the term "naturally coherent" doesn't really seem helpful.
+Perhaps "invertible" or something? I left it for now though.
+Note [Local instances and incoherence]
+ f :: forall b c. (Eq b, forall a. Eq a => Eq (c a))
+ => c b -> Bool
+ f x = x==x
+We get [W] Eq (c b), and we must use the local instance to solve it.
+BUT that wanted also unifies with the top-level Eq [a] instance,
+and Eq (Maybe a) etc. We want the local instance to "win", otherwise
+we can't solve the wanted at all. So we mark it as Incohherent.
+According to Note [Rules for instance lookup] in GHC.Core.InstEnv, that'll
+make it win even if there are other instances that unify.
+Moreover this is not a hack! The evidence for this local instance
+will be constructed by GHC at a call site... from the very instances
+that unify with it here. It is not like an incoherent user-written
+instance which might have utterly different behaviour.
+Consdider f :: Eq a => blah. If we have [W] Eq a, we certainly
+get it from the Eq a context, without worrying that there are
+lots of top-level instances that unify with [W] Eq a! We'll use
+those instances to build evidence to pass to f. That's just the
+nullary case of what's happening here.
+matchLocalInst :: TcPredType -> CtLoc -> TcS ClsInstResult
+-- Look up the predicate in Given quantified constraints,
+-- which are effectively just local instance declarations.
+matchLocalInst pred loc
+ = do { ics <- getInertCans
+ ; case match_local_inst (inert_insts ics) of
+ ([], False) -> do { traceTcS "No local instance for" (ppr pred)
+ ; return NoInstance }
+ ([(dfun_ev, inst_tys)], unifs)
+ | not unifs
+ -> do { let dfun_id = ctEvEvId dfun_ev
+ ; (tys, theta) <- instDFunType dfun_id inst_tys
+ ; let result = OneInst { cir_new_theta = theta
+ , cir_mk_ev = evDFunApp dfun_id tys
+ , cir_what = LocalInstance }
+ ; traceTcS "Local inst found:" (ppr result)
+ ; return result }
+ _ -> do { traceTcS "Multiple local instances for" (ppr pred)
+ ; return NotSure }}
+ where
+ pred_tv_set = tyCoVarsOfType pred
+ match_local_inst :: [QCInst]
+ -> ( [(CtEvidence, [DFunInstType])]
+ , Bool ) -- True <=> Some unify but do not match
+ match_local_inst []
+ = ([], False)
+ match_local_inst (qci@(QCI { qci_tvs = qtvs, qci_pred = qpred
+ , qci_ev = ev })
+ : qcis)
+ | let in_scope = mkInScopeSet (qtv_set `unionVarSet` pred_tv_set)
+ , Just tv_subst <- ruleMatchTyKiX qtv_set (mkRnEnv2 in_scope)
+ emptyTvSubstEnv qpred pred
+ , let match = (ev, map (lookupVarEnv tv_subst) qtvs)
+ = (match:matches, unif)
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT2( disjointVarSet qtv_set (tyCoVarsOfType pred)
+ , ppr qci $$ ppr pred )
+ -- ASSERT: unification relies on the
+ -- quantified variables being fresh
+ (matches, unif || this_unif)
+ where
+ qtv_set = mkVarSet qtvs
+ this_unif = mightMatchLater qpred (ctEvLoc ev) pred loc
+ (matches, unif) = match_local_inst qcis