path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Concrete.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+module GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete
+ ( -- * Creating/emitting 'Concrete#' constraints
+ hasFixedRuntimeRep
+ , newConcretePrimWanted
+ -- * HsWrapper: checking for representation-polymorphism
+ , mkWpFun
+ )
+ where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType ( TcType, mkTyConApp )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType ( newCoercionHole, newFlexiTyVarTy )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin ( CtOrigin(..), FRROrigin(..), WpFunOrigin(..) )
+import GHC.Builtin.Types ( unliftedTypeKindTyCon, liftedTypeKindTyCon )
+import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim ( concretePrimTyCon )
+import GHC.Types.Basic ( TypeOrKind(KindLevel) )
+import GHC.Core.Type ( isConcrete, typeKind )
+{- Note [Concrete overview]
+Special predicates of the form `Concrete# ty` are used
+to check, in the typechecker, that certain types have a fixed runtime representation.
+We give here an overview of the various moving parts, to serve
+as a central point of reference for this topic.
+ * Representation polymorphism
+ Note [Representation polymorphism invariants] in GHC.Core
+ Note [Representation polymorphism checking]
+ The first note explains why we require that certain types have
+ a fixed runtime representation.
+ The second note details why we sometimes need a constraint to
+ perform such checks in the typechecker: we might not know immediately
+ whether a type has a fixed runtime representation. For example, we might
+ need further unification to take place before being able to decide.
+ So, instead of checking immediately, we emit a constraint.
+ * What does it mean for a type to be concrete?
+ Note [Concrete types]
+ Note [The Concrete mechanism]
+ The predicate 'Concrete# ty' is satisfied when we can produce
+ a coercion
+ co :: ty ~ concrete_ty
+ where 'concrete_ty' consists only of concrete types (no type variables,
+ no type families).
+ The first note explains more precisely what it means for a type to be concrete.
+ The second note explains how this relates to the `Concrete#` predicate,
+ and explains that the implementation is happening in two phases (PHASE 1 and PHASE 2).
+ In PHASE 1 (the current implementation) we only allow trivial evidence
+ of the form `co = Refl`.
+ * Fixed runtime representation vs fixed RuntimeRep
+ Note [Fixed RuntimeRep]
+ We currently enforce the representation-polymorphism invariants by checking
+ that binders and function arguments have a "fixed RuntimeRep".
+ That is, `ty :: ki` has a "fixed RuntimeRep" if we can solve `Concrete# ki`.
+ This is slightly less general than we might like, as this rules out
+ types with kind `TYPE (BoxedRep l)`: we know that this will be represented
+ by a pointer, which should be enough to go on in many situations.
+ * When do we emit 'Concrete#' constraints?
+ Note [hasFixedRuntimeRep]
+ We introduce 'Concrete#' constraints to satisfy the representation-polymorphism
+ invariants outlined in Note [Representation polymorphism invariants] in GHC.Core,
+ which mostly amounts to the following two cases:
+ - checking that a binder has a fixed runtime representation,
+ - checking that a function argument has a fixed runtime representation.
+ The note explains precisely how we emit these 'Concrete#' constraints.
+ * How do we solve Concrete# constraints?
+ Note [Solving Concrete# constraints] in GHC.Tc.Instance.Class
+ Concrete# constraints are solved through two mechanisms,
+ which are both explained further in the note:
+ - by decomposing them, e.g. `Concrete# (TYPE r)` is turned
+ into `Concrete# r` (canonicalisation of `Concrete#` constraints),
+ - by using 'Concrete' instances (top-level interactions).
+ The note explains that the evidence we get from using such 'Concrete'
+ instances can only ever be Refl, even in PHASE 2.
+ * Reporting unsolved Concrete# constraints
+ Note [Reporting representation-polymorphism errors] in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
+ When we emit a 'Concrete#' constraint, we also provide a 'FRROrigin'
+ which gives context about the check being done. This origin gets reported
+ to the user if we end up with an unsolved Wanted 'Concrete#' constraint.
+Note [Representation polymorphism checking]
+According to the "Levity Polymorphism" paper (PLDI '17),
+there are two places in which we must know that a type has a
+fixed runtime representation, as explained in
+ Note [Representation polymorphism invariants] in GHC.Core:
+ I1. the type of a bound term-level variable,
+ I2. the type of an argument to a function.
+The paper explains the restrictions more fully, but briefly:
+expressions in these contexts need to be stored in registers, and it's
+hard (read: impossible) to store something that does not have a
+fixed runtime representation.
+In practice, we enforce these types to have a /fixed RuntimeRep/, which is slightly
+stronger, as explained in Note [Fixed RuntimeRep].
+There are two different ways we check whether a given type
+has a fixed runtime representation, both in the typechecker:
+ 1. When typechecking type declarations (e.g. datatypes, typeclass, pattern synonyms),
+ under the GHC.Tc.TyCl module hierarchy.
+ In these situations, we can immediately reject bad representation polymorphism.
+ For instance, the following datatype declaration
+ data Foo (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r) = Foo a
+ is rejected in GHC.Tc.TyCl.checkValidDataCon upon seeing that the type 'a'
+ is representation-polymorphic.
+ Such checks are done using `GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType.checkTypeHasFixedRuntimeRep`,
+ with `GHC.Tc.Errors.Types.FixedRuntimeRepProvenance` describing the different
+ contexts in which bad representation polymorphism can occur while validity checking.
+ 2. When typechecking value-level declarations (functions, expressions, patterns, ...),
+ under the GHC.Tc.Gen module hierarchy.
+ In these situations, the typechecker might need to do some work to figure out
+ whether a type has a fixed runtime representation or not. For instance,
+ GHC might introduce a metavariable (rr :: RuntimeRep), which is only later
+ (through constraint solving) discovered to be equal to FloatRep.
+ This is handled by the Concrete mechanism outlined in
+ Note [The Concrete mechanism] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete.
+ See Note [Concrete overview] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete for an overview
+ of the various moving parts.
+ The idea is that, to guarantee that a type (rr :: RuntimeRep) is
+ representation-monomorphic, we emit a 'Concrete# rr' Wanted constraint.
+ If GHC can solve this constraint, it means 'rr' is monomorphic, and we
+ are OK to proceed. Otherwise, we report this unsolved Wanted in the form
+ of a representation-polymorphism error. The different contexts in which
+ such constraints arise are enumerated in 'FRROrigin'.
+Note [Concrete types]
+Definition: a type is /concrete/
+ iff it consists of a tree of concrete type constructors
+ See GHC.Core.Type.isConcrete
+Definition: a /concrete type constructor/ is defined by
+ - a promoted data constructor
+ - a class, data type or newtype
+ - a primitive type like Array# or Int#
+ - an abstract type as defined in a Backpack signature file
+ (see Note [Synonyms implement abstract data] in GHC.Tc.Module)
+ In particular, type and data families are not concrete.
+ See GHC.Core.TyCon.isConcreteTyCon.
+Examples of concrete types:
+ Lifted, BoxedRep Lifted, TYPE (BoxedRep Lifted) are all concrete
+Examples of non-concrete types
+ F Int, TYPE (F Int), TYPE r, a Int
+ NB: (F Int) is not concrete because F is a type function
+Note [The Concrete mechanism]
+As explained in (2) in Note [Representation polymorphism checking],
+to check (ty :: ki) has a fixed runtime representation,
+we emit a `Concrete# ki` constraint, where
+ Concrete# :: forall k. k -> TupleRep '[]
+Such constraints get solved by decomposition, as per
+ Note [Canonical Concrete# constraints] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.
+When unsolved Wanted `Concrete#` constraints remain after typechecking,
+we report them as representation-polymorphism errors, using `GHC.Tc.Types.Origin.FRROrigin`
+to inform the user of the context in which a fixed-runtime-rep check arose.
+The evidence for a 'Concrete# ty' constraint is a nominal coercion
+ co :: ty ~# concrete_ty
+where 'concrete_ty' consists only of (non-synonym) type constructors and applications
+(after expanding any vanilla type synonyms).
+ OK:
+ TYPE FloatRep
+ TYPE (BoxedRep Lifted)
+ Type
+ TYPE (TupleRep '[ FloatRep, SumRep '[ IntRep, IntRep ] ])
+ Not OK:
+ Type variables:
+ ty
+ TYPE r
+ TYPE (BoxedRep l)
+ Type family applications:
+ TYPE (Id FloatRep)
+This is so that we can compute the 'PrimRep's needed to represent the type
+using 'runtimeRepPrimRep', which expects to be able to read off the 'RuntimeRep',
+as per Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep] in GHC.Types.RepType.
+Note that the evidence for a `Concrete#` constraint isn't a typeclass dictionary:
+like with `(~#)`, the evidence is an (unlifted) nominal coercion, which justifies defining
+ Concrete# :: forall k. k -> TYPE (TupleRep '[])
+We still need a constraint that users can write in their own programs,
+so much like `(~#)` and `(~)` we also define:
+ Concrete :: forall k. k -> Constraint
+The need for user-facing 'Concrete' constraints is detailed in
+ Note [Concrete and Concrete#] in GHC.Builtin.Types.
+-- PHASE 1 and PHASE 2 --
+The Concrete mechanism is being implemented in two separate phases.
+In PHASE 1 (currently implemented), we never allow a 'Concrete#' constraint
+to be rewritten (see e.g. GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.canConcretePrim).
+The only allowable evidence term is Refl, which forbids any program
+that requires type family evaluation in order to determine that a 'RuntimeRep' is fixed.
+N.B.: we do not currently check that this invariant is upheld: as we are discarding the
+evidence in PHASE 1, we no longer have access to the coercion after constraint solving
+(which is the point at which we would want to check that the filled in evidence is Refl).
+In PHASE 2 (future work), we lift this restriction. To illustrate what this entails,
+recall that the code generator needs to be able to compute 'PrimRep's, so that it
+can put function arguments in the correct registers, etc.
+As a result, we must insert additional casts in Core to ensure that no type family
+reduction is needed to be able to compute 'PrimRep's. For example, the Core
+ f = /\ ( a :: F Int ). \ ( x :: a ). some_expression
+is problematic when 'F' is a type family: we don't know what runtime representation to use
+for 'x', so we can't compile this function (we can't evaluate type family applications
+after we are done with typechecking). Instead, we ensure the 'RuntimeRep' is always
+explicitly visible:
+ f = /\ ( a :: F Int ). \ ( x :: ( a |> kco ) ). some_expression
+where 'kco' is the evidence for `Concrete# (F Int)`, for example if `F Int = TYPE Int#`
+this would be:
+ kco :: F Int ~# TYPE Int#
+As `( a |> kco ) :: TYPE Int#`, the code generator knows to use a machine-sized
+integer register for `x`, and all is good again.
+Example test cases that require PHASE 2: T13105, T17021, T20363b.
+Note [Fixed RuntimeRep]
+ a type `ty :: ki` has a /fixed RuntimeRep/
+ iff we can solve `Concrete# ki`
+In PHASE 1 (see Note [The Concrete mechanism]), this is equivalent to:
+ a type `ty :: ki` has a /fixed RuntimeRep/
+ iff `ki` is a concrete type (in the sense of Note [Concrete types]).
+This definition is crafted to be useful to satisfy the invariants of
+Core; see Note [Representation polymorphism invariants] in GHC.Core.
+Notice that "fixed RuntimeRep" means (for now anyway) that
+ * we know the runtime representation, and
+ * we know the levity.
+For example (ty :: TYPE (BoxedRep l)), where `l` is a levity variable
+is /not/ "fixed RuntimeRep", even though it is always represented by
+a heap pointer, because we don't know the levity. In due course we
+will want to make finer distinctions, as explained in the paper
+Kinds are Calling Conventions [ICFP'20], but this suffices for now.
+Note [hasFixedRuntimeRep]
+The 'hasFixedRuntimeRep' function is responsible for taking a type 'ty'
+and emitting a 'Concrete#' constraint to ensure that 'ty' has a fixed `RuntimeRep`,
+as outlined in Note [The Concrete mechanism].
+To do so, we compute the kind 'ki' of 'ty' and emit a 'Concrete# ki' constraint,
+which will only be solved if we can prove that 'ty' indeed has a fixed RuntimeRep.
+ [Wrinkle: Typed Template Haskell]
+ We don't perform any checks when type-checking a typed Template Haskell quote:
+ we want to allow representation polymorphic quotes, as long as they are
+ monomorphised at splice site.
+ Example:
+ Module1
+ repPolyId :: forall r (a :: TYPE r). CodeQ (a -> a)
+ repPolyId = [|| \ x -> x ||]
+ Module2
+ import Module1
+ id1 :: Int -> Int
+ id1 = $$repPolyId
+ id2 :: Int# -> Int#
+ id2 = $$repPolyId
+ We implement this skip by inspecting the TH stage in `hasFixedRuntimeRep`.
+ A better solution would be to use 'CodeC' constraints, as in the paper
+ "Staging With Class", POPL 2022
+ by Ningning Xie, Matthew Pickering, Andres Löh, Nicolas Wu, Jeremy Yallop, Meng Wang
+ but for the moment, as we will typecheck again when splicing,
+ this shouldn't cause any problems in practice. See ticket #18170.
+ Test case: rep-poly/T18170a.
+Note [Solving Concrete# constraints]
+The representation polymorphism checks emit 'Concrete# ty' constraints,
+as explained in Note [hasFixedRuntimeRep] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete.
+The main mechanism through which a `Concrete# ty` constraint is solved
+is to directly inspect 'ty' to check that it is a concrete type
+such as 'TYPE IntRep' or `TYPE (TupleRep '[ TupleRep '[], FloatRep ])`,
+and not, e.g., a skolem type variable.
+There are, however, some interactions to take into account:
+ 1. Decomposition.
+ The solving of `Concrete#` constraints works recursively.
+ For example, to solve a Wanted `Concrete# (TYPE r)` constraint,
+ we decompose it, emitting a new `Concrete# @RuntimeRep r` Wanted constraint,
+ and use it to solve the original `Concrete# (TYPE r)` constraint.
+ This happens in the canonicaliser -- see GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.canDecomposableConcretePrim.
+ Note that Decomposition fully solves `Concrete# ty` whenever `ty` is a
+ concrete type. For example:
+ Concrete# (TYPE (BoxedRep Lifted))
+ ==> (decompose)
+ Concrete# (BoxedRep Lifted)
+ ==> (decompose)
+ Concrete# Lifted
+ ==> (decompose)
+ <nothing, since Lifted is nullary>
+ 2. Rewriting.
+ In PHASE 1 (as per Note [The Concrete mechanism] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete),
+ we don't have to worry about a 'Concrete#' constraint being rewritten.
+ We only need to zonk: if e.g. a metavariable, `alpha`, gets unified with `IntRep`,
+ we should be able to solve `Concrete# alpha`.
+ In PHASE 2, we will need to proceed as in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.canClass:
+ if we have a constraint `Concrete# (F ty1)` and a coercion witnessing the reduction of
+ `F`, say `co :: F ty1 ~# ty2`, then we will solve `Concrete# (F ty1)` in terms of `Concrete# ty2`,
+ by rewriting the evidence for `Concrete# ty2` using `co` (see GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.rewriteEvidence).
+ 3. Backpack
+ Abstract 'TyCon's in Backpack signature files are always considered to be concrete.
+ This is because of the strong restrictions around how abstract types are allowed
+ to be implemented, as laid out in Note [Synonyms implement abstract data] in GHC.Tc.Module.
+ In particular, no variables or type family applications are allowed.
+ Examples: backpack/should_run/T13955.bkp, rep-poly/RepPolyBackpack2.
+-- | A coercion hole used to store evidence for `Concrete#` constraints.
+-- See Note [The Concrete mechanism].
+type ConcreteHole = CoercionHole
+-- | Evidence for a `Concrete#` constraint:
+-- essentially a 'ConcreteHole' (a coercion hole) that will be filled later,
+-- except:
+-- - we might already have the evidence now; no point in creating a coercion hole
+-- in that case;
+-- - we sometimes skip the check entirely, e.g. in Typed Template Haskell
+-- (see [Wrinkle: Typed Template Haskell] in Note [hasFixedRuntimeRep]).
+data ConcreteEvidence
+ = ConcreteReflEvidence
+ -- ^ We have evidence right now: don't bother creating a 'ConcreteHole'.
+ | ConcreteTypedTHNoEvidence
+ -- ^ We don't emit 'Concrete#' constraints in Typed Template Haskell.
+ -- See [Wrinkle: Typed Template Haskell] in Note [hasFixedRuntimeRep].
+ | ConcreteHoleEvidence ConcreteHole
+ -- ^ The general form of evidence: a 'ConcreteHole' that should be
+ -- filled in later by the constraint solver, as per
+ -- Note [Solving Concrete# constraints].
+-- | Check that the kind of the provided type is of the form
+-- @TYPE rep@ for a __fixed__ 'RuntimeRep' @rep@.
+-- If this isn't immediately obvious, for instance if the 'RuntimeRep'
+-- is hidden under a type-family application such as
+-- > ty :: TYPE (F x)
+-- this function will emit a new Wanted 'Concrete#' constraint.
+hasFixedRuntimeRep :: FRROrigin -> Type -> TcM ConcreteEvidence
+hasFixedRuntimeRep frrOrig ty
+ -- Shortcut: check for 'Type' and 'UnliftedType' type synonyms.
+ | TyConApp tc [] <- ki
+ , tc == liftedTypeKindTyCon || tc == unliftedTypeKindTyCon
+ = return ConcreteReflEvidence
+ | otherwise
+ = do { th_stage <- getStage
+ ; if
+ -- We have evidence for 'Concrete# ty' right now:
+ -- no need to emit a constraint/create an evidence hole.
+ | isConcrete ki
+ -> return ConcreteReflEvidence
+ -- See [Wrinkle: Typed Template Haskell] in Note [hasFixedRuntimeRep].
+ | Brack _ (TcPending {}) <- th_stage
+ -> return ConcreteTypedTHNoEvidence
+ -- Create a new Wanted 'Concrete#' constraint and emit it.
+ | otherwise
+ -> do { loc <- getCtLocM (FixedRuntimeRepOrigin ty frrOrig) (Just KindLevel)
+ ; (hole, ct_ev) <- newConcretePrimWanted loc ki
+ ; emitSimple $ mkNonCanonical ct_ev
+ ; return $ ConcreteHoleEvidence hole } }
+ where
+ ki :: Kind
+ ki = typeKind ty
+-- | Create a new (initially unfilled) coercion hole,
+-- to hold evidence for a @'Concrete#' (ty :: ki)@ constraint.
+newConcreteHole :: Kind -- ^ Kind of the thing we want to ensure is concrete (e.g. 'runtimeRepTy')
+ -> Type -- ^ Thing we want to ensure is concrete (e.g. some 'RuntimeRep')
+ -> TcM ConcreteHole
+newConcreteHole ki ty
+ = do { concrete_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy ki
+ ; let co_ty = mkHeteroPrimEqPred ki ki ty concrete_ty
+ ; newCoercionHole co_ty }
+-- | Create a new 'Concrete#' constraint.
+newConcretePrimWanted :: CtLoc -> Type -> TcM (ConcreteHole, CtEvidence)
+newConcretePrimWanted loc ty
+ = do { let
+ ki :: Kind
+ ki = typeKind ty
+ ; hole <- newConcreteHole ki ty
+ ; let
+ wantedCtEv :: CtEvidence
+ wantedCtEv =
+ CtWanted
+ { ctev_dest = HoleDest hole
+ , ctev_pred = mkTyConApp concretePrimTyCon [ki, ty]
+ , ctev_nosh = WOnly -- WOnly, because Derived Concrete# constraints
+ -- aren't useful: solving a Concrete# constraint
+ -- can't cause any unification to take place.
+ , ctev_loc = loc
+ }
+ ; return (hole, wantedCtEv) }
+* *
+ HsWrapper
+* *
+-- | Smart constructor to create a 'WpFun' 'HsWrapper'.
+-- Might emit a 'Concrete#' constraint, to check for
+-- representation polymorphism. This is necessary, as 'WpFun' will desugar to
+-- a lambda abstraction, whose binder must have a fixed runtime representation.
+mkWpFun :: HsWrapper -> HsWrapper
+ -> Scaled TcType -- ^ the "from" type of the first wrapper
+ -> TcType -- ^ either type of the second wrapper (used only when the
+ -- second wrapper is the identity)
+ -> WpFunOrigin -- ^ what caused you to want a WpFun?
+ -> TcM HsWrapper
+mkWpFun WpHole WpHole _ _ _ = return $ WpHole
+mkWpFun WpHole (WpCast co2) (Scaled w t1) _ _ = return $ WpCast (mkTcFunCo Representational (multToCo w) (mkTcRepReflCo t1) co2)
+mkWpFun (WpCast co1) WpHole (Scaled w _) t2 _ = return $ WpCast (mkTcFunCo Representational (multToCo w) (mkTcSymCo co1) (mkTcRepReflCo t2))
+mkWpFun (WpCast co1) (WpCast co2) (Scaled w _) _ _ = return $ WpCast (mkTcFunCo Representational (multToCo w) (mkTcSymCo co1) co2)
+mkWpFun co1 co2 t1 _ wpFunOrig
+ = do { _concrete_ev <- hasFixedRuntimeRep (FRRWpFun wpFunOrig) (scaledThing t1)
+ ; return $ WpFun co1 co2 t1 }