path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
index 28894d68ed..dc6bbe746b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (
checkValidClsArgs, hasTyVarHead,
-- Re-exported from GHC.Core.TyCo.Compare
-- mainly just for back-compat reasons
eqType, eqTypes, nonDetCmpType, nonDetCmpTypes, eqTypeX,
@@ -130,6 +131,18 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (
isFunPtrTy, -- :: Type -> Bool
tcSplitIOType_maybe, -- :: Type -> Maybe Type
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Patersons sizes
+ PatersonSize(..), PatersonSizeFailure(..),
+ ltPatersonSize,
+ pSizeZero, pSizeOne,
+ pSizeType, pSizeTypeX, pSizeTypes,
+ pSizeClassPred, pSizeClassPredX,
+ pSizeTyConApp,
+ noMoreTyVars, allDistinctTyVars,
+ TypeSize, sizeType, sizeTypes, scopedSort,
+ isTerminatingClass, isStuckTypeFamily,
-- Reexported from Kind
Kind, liftedTypeKind, constraintKind,
@@ -152,7 +165,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (
isClassPred, isEqPrimPred, isIPLikePred, isEqPred, isEqPredClass,
- tcSplitDFunTy, tcSplitDFunHead, tcSplitMethodTy,
+ tcSplitQuantPredTy, tcSplitDFunTy, tcSplitDFunHead, tcSplitMethodTy,
isRuntimeRepVar, isFixedRuntimeRepKind,
isVisiblePiTyBinder, isInvisiblePiTyBinder,
@@ -192,8 +205,6 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (
pprTheta, pprParendTheta, pprThetaArrowTy, pprClassPred,
pprTCvBndr, pprTCvBndrs,
- TypeSize, sizeType, sizeTypes, scopedSort,
-- argument visibility
tcTyConVisibilities, isNextTyConArgVisible, isNextArgVisible
@@ -244,7 +255,7 @@ import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import Data.IORef
import Data.List.NonEmpty( NonEmpty(..) )
-import Data.List ( partition )
+import Data.List ( partition, nub, (\\) )
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
@@ -585,13 +596,32 @@ vanillaSkolemTv for a TyVar.
But ultimately I want to separate Type from TcType, and in that case
we would need to enforce the separation.
+Note [Keeping SkolemInfo inside a SkolemTv]
+A SkolemTv contains a SkolemInfo, which describes the binding side of that
+TcTyVar. This is very convenient to a consumer of a SkolemTv, but it is
+a bit awkward for the /producer/. Why? Because sometimes we can't produce
+the SkolemInfo until we have the TcTyVars!
+Example: in `GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.tcTopSkolemise` we create SkolemTvs whose
+`SkolemInfo` is `SigSkol`, whose arguments in turn mention the newly-created
+SkolemTvs. So we a RecrusiveDo idiom, like this:
+ rec { (wrap, tv_prs, given, rho_ty) <- skolemise skol_info expected_ty
+ ; skol_info <- mkSkolemInfo (SigSkol ctxt expected_ty tv_prs) }
+Note that the `skol_info` can't be created until we have the `tv_prs` returned
+by `skolemise`. Note also that `skolemise` had better be lazy in `skol_info`.
+All uses of this idiom should be flagged with a reference to this Note.
-- A TyVarDetails is inside a TyVar
-- See Note [TyVars and TcTyVars during type checking]
data TcTyVarDetails
= SkolemTv -- A skolem
- SkolemInfo
+ SkolemInfo -- See Note [Keeping SkolemInfo inside a SkolemTv]
TcLevel -- Level of the implication that binds it
-- See GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify Note [Deeper level on the left] for
-- how this level number is used
@@ -1581,20 +1611,23 @@ tcIsTyVarTy (TyVarTy _) = True
tcIsTyVarTy _ = False
-tcSplitDFunTy :: Type -> ([TyVar], [Type], Class, [Type])
--- Split the type of a dictionary function
--- We don't use tcSplitSigmaTy, because a DFun may (with NDP)
--- have non-Pred arguments, such as
--- df :: forall m. (forall b. Eq b => Eq (m b)) -> C m
--- Also NB splitFunTys, not tcSplitFunTys;
+tcSplitQuantPredTy :: Type -> ([TyVar], [Type], PredType)
+-- Split up the type of a quantified predicate
+-- forall tys, theta => head
+-- NB splitFunTys, not tcSplitFunTys;
-- the latter specifically stops at PredTy arguments,
-- and we don't want to do that here
-tcSplitDFunTy ty
+tcSplitQuantPredTy ty
= case tcSplitForAllInvisTyVars ty of { (tvs, rho) ->
- case splitFunTys rho of { (theta, tau) ->
- case tcSplitDFunHead tau of { (clas, tys) ->
- (tvs, map scaledThing theta, clas, tys) }}}
+ case splitFunTys rho of { (theta, head) ->
+ (tvs, map scaledThing theta, head) }}
+tcSplitDFunTy :: Type -> ([TyVar], [Type], Class, [Type])
+-- Split the type of a dictionary function
+tcSplitDFunTy ty
+ = case tcSplitQuantPredTy ty of { (tvs, theta, head) ->
+ case tcSplitDFunHead head of { (clas, tys) ->
+ (tvs, theta, clas, tys) }}
tcSplitDFunHead :: Type -> (Class, [Type])
tcSplitDFunHead = getClassPredTys
@@ -1645,8 +1678,8 @@ checkValidClsArgs :: Bool -> Class -> [KindOrType] -> Bool
-- If the Bool is True (flexible contexts), return True (i.e. ok)
-- Otherwise, check that the type (not kind) args are all headed by a tyvar
-- E.g. (Eq a) accepted, (Eq (f a)) accepted, but (Eq Int) rejected
--- This function is here rather than in GHC.Tc.Validity because it is
--- called from GHC.Tc.Solver, which itself is imported by GHC.Tc.Validity
+-- This function is here in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType, rather than in GHC.Tc.Validity,
+-- because it is called from GHC.Tc.Solver, which itself is imported by GHC.Tc.Validity
checkValidClsArgs flexible_contexts cls kts
| flexible_contexts = True
| otherwise = all hasTyVarHead tys
@@ -2261,71 +2294,11 @@ Reason: the back end falls over with panic "primRepHint:VoidRep";
* *
- The "Paterson size" of a type
+ Visiblities
* *
-Note [Paterson conditions on PredTypes]
-We are considering whether *class* constraints terminate
-(see Note [Paterson conditions]). Precisely, the Paterson conditions
-would have us check that "the constraint has fewer constructors and variables
-(taken together and counting repetitions) than the head.".
-However, we can be a bit more refined by looking at which kind of constraint
-this actually is. There are two main tricks:
- 1. It seems like it should be OK not to count the tuple type constructor
- for a PredType like (Show a, Eq a) :: Constraint, since we don't
- count the "implicit" tuple in the ThetaType itself.
- In fact, the Paterson test just checks *each component* of the top level
- ThetaType against the size bound, one at a time. By analogy, it should be
- OK to return the size of the *largest* tuple component as the size of the
- whole tuple.
- 2. Once we get into an implicit parameter or equality we
- can't get back to a class constraint, so it's safe
- to say "size 0". See #4200.
-NB: we don't want to detect PredTypes in sizeType (and then call
-sizePred on them), or we might get an infinite loop if that PredType
-is irreducible. See #5581.
-type TypeSize = IntWithInf
-sizeType :: Type -> TypeSize
--- Size of a type: the number of variables and constructors
--- Ignore kinds altogether
-sizeType = go
- where
- go ty | Just exp_ty <- coreView ty = go exp_ty
- go (TyVarTy {}) = 1
- go (TyConApp tc tys)
- | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc = infinity -- Type-family applications can
- -- expand to any arbitrary size
- | otherwise = sizeTypes (filterOutInvisibleTypes tc tys) + 1
- -- Why filter out invisible args? I suppose any
- -- size ordering is sound, but why is this better?
- -- I came across this when investigating #14010.
- go (LitTy {}) = 1
- go (FunTy _ w arg res) = go w + go arg + go res + 1
- go (AppTy fun arg) = go fun + go arg
- go (ForAllTy (Bndr tv vis) ty)
- | isVisibleForAllTyFlag vis = go (tyVarKind tv) + go ty + 1
- | otherwise = go ty + 1
- go (CastTy ty _) = go ty
- go (CoercionTy {}) = 0
-sizeTypes :: [Type] -> TypeSize
-sizeTypes tys = sum (map sizeType tys)
-- | For every arg a tycon can take, the returned list says True if the argument
-- is taken visibly, and False otherwise. Ends with an infinite tail of Trues to
-- allow for oversaturation.
@@ -2347,3 +2320,231 @@ isNextArgVisible ty
| otherwise = True
-- this second case might happen if, say, we have an unzonked TauTv.
-- But TauTvs can't range over types that take invisible arguments
+* *
+ Paterson sizes
+* *
+{- Note [The PatersonSize of a type]
+The PatersonSize of type is something we can compare, with `ltPatersonSize`,
+to determine if the Paterson conditions are satisfied for an instance
+declaration. See Note [Paterson conditions] in GHC.Tc.Validity.
+There are some wrinkles
+(PS1) Once we get into an implicit parameter or equality we
+ can't get back to a class constraint, so it's safe
+ to say "size 0". See #4200.
+ We do this with isTerminatingClass
+Note [Invisible arguments and termination]
+When checking the ​Paterson conditions for termination an instance
+declaration, we check for the number of "constructors and variables"
+in the instance head and constraints. Question: Do we look at
+ * All the arguments, visible or invisible?
+ * Just the visible arguments?
+I think both will ensure termination, provided we are consistent.
+Currently we are /not/ consistent, which is really a bug. It's
+described in #15177, which contains a number of examples.
+The suspicious bits are the calls to filterOutInvisibleTypes.
+See also #11833.
+Note [Stuck type families]
+A type-family application generally has infinite size (PS_TyFam);
+see (PC3) in Note [Paterson conditions] in GHC.Tc.Validity.
+But a couple of built-in type families have no axioms, and can never
+expand into anything else. They are:
+* (TypeError "stuff"). E.g. consider
+ type family F a where
+ F Int = Bool
+ F Bool = Char
+ F _ = TypeError "Bad"
+ We don't want to complain about possible non-termination of F, in
+ GHC.Tc.Validity.checkFamInstRhs. cf indexed-types/should_fail/T13271
+* (Any @k).
+For now we treat them as being size zero, but (#22696) I think we should
+actually treat them as big (like any other ype family) because we don't
+want to abstract over them in e.g. validDerivPred.
+The type-family termination test, in GHC.Tc.Validity.checkFamInstRhs, already
+has a separate call to isStuckTypeFamily, so the `F` above will still be accepted.
+data PatersonSizeFailure
+ = PSF_TyFam TyCon -- Type family
+ | PSF_Size -- Too many type constructors/variables
+ | PSF_TyVar [TyVar] -- These type variables appear more often than in instance head;
+ -- no duplicates in this list
+data PatersonSize -- See Note [Paterson conditions] in GHC.Tc.Validity
+ = PS_TyFam TyCon -- Mentions a type family; infinite size
+ | PS_Vanilla { ps_tvs :: [TyVar] -- Free tyvars, including repetitions;
+ , ps_size :: Int -- Number of type constructors and variables
+ }
+ -- Always after expanding synonyms
+ -- Always ignore coercions (not user written)
+ -- ToDo: ignore invisible arguments? See Note [Invisible arguments and termination]
+instance Outputable PatersonSize where
+ ppr (PS_TyFam tc) = text "PS_TyFam" <+> ppr tc
+ ppr (PS_Vanilla { ps_tvs = tvs, ps_size = size })
+ = text "PS_Vanilla" <> braces (sep [ text "ps_tvs =" <+> ppr tvs <> comma
+ , text "ps_size =" <+> int size ])
+pSizeZero, pSizeOne :: PatersonSize
+pSizeZero = PS_Vanilla { ps_tvs = [], ps_size = 0 }
+pSizeOne = PS_Vanilla { ps_tvs = [], ps_size = 1 }
+ltPatersonSize :: PatersonSize -- Size of constraint
+ -> PatersonSize -- Size of instance head; never PS_TyFam
+ -> Maybe PatersonSizeFailure
+-- (ps1 `ltPatersonSize` ps2) returns
+-- Nothing iff ps1 is strictly smaller than p2
+-- Just ps_fail says what went wrong
+ltPatersonSize (PS_TyFam tc) _ = Just (PSF_TyFam tc)
+ltPatersonSize (PS_Vanilla { ps_tvs = tvs1, ps_size = s1 })
+ (PS_Vanilla { ps_tvs = tvs2, ps_size = s2 })
+ | s1 >= s2 = Just PSF_Size
+ | bad_tvs@(_:_) <- noMoreTyVars tvs1 tvs2 = Just (PSF_TyVar bad_tvs)
+ | otherwise = Nothing -- OK!
+ltPatersonSize (PS_Vanilla {}) (PS_TyFam tc)
+ = pprPanic "ltPSize" (ppr tc)
+ -- Impossible because we never have a type family in an instance head
+noMoreTyVars :: [TyVar] -- Free vars (with repetitions) of the constraint C
+ -> [TyVar] -- Free vars (with repetitions) of the head H
+ -> [TyVar] -- TyVars that appear more often in C than H;
+ -- no repetitions in this list
+noMoreTyVars tvs head_tvs
+ = nub (tvs \\ head_tvs) -- The (\\) is list difference; e.g.
+ -- [a,b,a,a] \\ [a,a] = [b,a]
+ -- So we are counting repetitions
+addPSize :: PatersonSize -> PatersonSize -> PatersonSize
+addPSize ps1@(PS_TyFam {}) _ = ps1
+addPSize _ ps2@(PS_TyFam {}) = ps2
+addPSize (PS_Vanilla { ps_tvs = tvs1, ps_size = s1 })
+ (PS_Vanilla { ps_tvs = tvs2, ps_size = s2 })
+ = PS_Vanilla { ps_tvs = tvs1 ++ tvs2, ps_size = s1 + s2 }
+ -- (++) is not very performant, but the types
+ -- are user-written and never large
+pSizeType :: Type -> PatersonSize
+pSizeType = pSizeTypeX emptyVarSet
+pSizeTypes :: [Type] -> PatersonSize
+pSizeTypes = pSizeTypesX emptyVarSet pSizeZero
+-- Paterson size of a type, retaining repetitions, and expanding synonyms
+-- This ignores coercions, as coercions aren't user-written
+pSizeTypeX :: VarSet -> Type -> PatersonSize
+pSizeTypeX bvs ty | Just exp_ty <- coreView ty = pSizeTypeX bvs exp_ty
+pSizeTypeX bvs (TyVarTy tv)
+ | tv `elemVarSet` bvs = pSizeOne
+ | otherwise = PS_Vanilla { ps_tvs = [tv], ps_size = 1 }
+pSizeTypeX _ (LitTy {}) = pSizeOne
+pSizeTypeX bvs (TyConApp tc tys) = pSizeTyConAppX bvs tc tys
+pSizeTypeX bvs (AppTy fun arg) = pSizeTypeX bvs fun `addPSize` pSizeTypeX bvs arg
+pSizeTypeX bvs (FunTy _ w arg res) = pSizeTypeX bvs w `addPSize` pSizeTypeX bvs arg `addPSize`
+ pSizeTypeX bvs res
+pSizeTypeX bvs (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) ty) = pSizeTypeX bvs (tyVarKind tv) `addPSize`
+ pSizeTypeX (bvs `extendVarSet` tv) ty
+pSizeTypeX bvs (CastTy ty _) = pSizeTypeX bvs ty
+pSizeTypeX _ (CoercionTy {}) = pSizeOne
+pSizeTypesX :: VarSet -> PatersonSize -> [Type] -> PatersonSize
+pSizeTypesX bvs sz tys = foldr (addPSize . pSizeTypeX bvs) sz tys
+pSizeTyConApp :: TyCon -> [Type] -> PatersonSize
+pSizeTyConApp = pSizeTyConAppX emptyVarSet
+pSizeTyConAppX :: VarSet -> TyCon -> [Type] -> PatersonSize
+-- Open question: do we count all args, or just the visible ones?
+-- See Note [Invisible arguments and termination]
+pSizeTyConAppX bvs tc tys
+ | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc = pSizeTyFamApp tc
+ | otherwise = pSizeTypesX bvs pSizeOne tys
+pSizeTyFamApp :: TyCon -> PatersonSize
+-- See Note [Stuck type families]
+pSizeTyFamApp tc
+ | isStuckTypeFamily tc = pSizeZero
+ | otherwise = PS_TyFam tc
+pSizeClassPred :: Class -> [Type] -> PatersonSize
+pSizeClassPred = pSizeClassPredX emptyVarSet
+pSizeClassPredX :: VarSet -> Class -> [Type] -> PatersonSize
+pSizeClassPredX bvs cls tys
+ | isTerminatingClass cls -- See (PS1) in Note [The PatersonSize of a type]
+ = pSizeZero
+ | otherwise
+ = pSizeTypesX bvs pSizeOne $
+ filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon cls) tys
+ -- filterOutInvisibleTypes Yuk! See Note [Invisible arguments and termination]
+isStuckTypeFamily :: TyCon -> Bool
+-- See Note [Stuck type families]
+isStuckTypeFamily tc
+ = tc `hasKey` errorMessageTypeErrorFamKey
+ || tc `hasKey` anyTyConKey
+-- | When this says "True", ignore this class constraint during
+-- a termination check
+-- See (PS1) in Note [The PatersonSize of a type]
+isTerminatingClass :: Class -> Bool
+isTerminatingClass cls
+ = isIPClass cls -- Implicit parameter constraints always terminate because
+ -- there are no instances for them --- they are only solved
+ -- by "local instances" in expressions
+ || isEqPredClass cls
+ || cls `hasKey` typeableClassKey
+ -- Typeable constraints are bigger than they appear due
+ -- to kind polymorphism, but we can never get instance divergence this way
+ || cls `hasKey` coercibleTyConKey
+allDistinctTyVars :: TyVarSet -> [KindOrType] -> Bool
+-- (allDistinctTyVars tvs tys) returns True if tys are
+-- a) all tyvars
+-- b) all distinct
+-- c) disjoint from tvs
+allDistinctTyVars _ [] = True
+allDistinctTyVars tkvs (ty : tys)
+ = case getTyVar_maybe ty of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just tv | tv `elemVarSet` tkvs -> False
+ | otherwise -> allDistinctTyVars (tkvs `extendVarSet` tv) tys
+type TypeSize = IntWithInf
+sizeType :: Type -> TypeSize
+-- Size of a type: the number of variables and constructors
+sizeType ty = toTypeSize (pSizeType ty)
+sizeTypes :: [Type] -> TypeSize
+sizeTypes tys = toTypeSize (foldr (addPSize . pSizeType) pSizeZero tys)
+toTypeSize :: PatersonSize -> TypeSize
+toTypeSize (PS_TyFam {}) = infinity
+toTypeSize (PS_Vanilla { ps_size = size }) = mkIntWithInf size