path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
index 5d7afcf057..145520045b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ import GHC.Types.Name( isSystemName )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Builtin.Types
-import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim( tYPE )
import GHC.Types.Var as Var
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
@@ -571,10 +570,51 @@ tcSubTypeNC :: CtOrigin -- Used when instantiating
-> TcM HsWrapper
tcSubTypeNC inst_orig ctxt m_thing ty_actual res_ty
= case res_ty of
- Infer inf_res -> instantiateAndFillInferResult inst_orig ty_actual inf_res
Check ty_expected -> tc_sub_type (unifyType m_thing) inst_orig ctxt
ty_actual ty_expected
+ Infer inf_res -> do { (wrap, rho) <- topInstantiate inst_orig ty_actual
+ -- See Note [Instantiation of InferResult]
+ ; co <- fillInferResult rho inf_res
+ ; return (mkWpCastN co <.> wrap) }
+{- Note [Instantiation of InferResult]
+We now always instantiate before filling in InferResult, so that
+the result is a TcRhoType: see #17173 for discussion.
+For example:
+1. Consider
+ f x = (*)
+ We want to instantiate the type of (*) before returning, else we
+ will infer the type
+ f :: forall {a}. a -> forall b. Num b => b -> b -> b
+ This is surely confusing for users.
+ And worse, the monomorphism restriction won't work properly. The MR is
+ dealt with in simplifyInfer, and simplifyInfer has no way of
+ instantiating. This could perhaps be worked around, but it may be
+ hard to know even when instantiation should happen.
+2. Another reason. Consider
+ f :: (?x :: Int) => a -> a
+ g y = let ?x = 3::Int in f
+ Here want to instantiate f's type so that the ?x::Int constraint
+ gets discharged by the enclosing implicit-parameter binding.
+3. Suppose one defines plus = (+). If we instantiate lazily, we will
+ infer plus :: forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a. However, the monomorphism
+ restriction compels us to infer
+ plus :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+ (or similar monotype). Indeed, the only way to know whether to apply
+ the monomorphism restriction at all is to instantiate
+There is one place where we don't want to instantiate eagerly,
+namely in GHC.Tc.Module.tcRnExpr, which implements GHCi's :type
+command. See Note [Implementing :type] in GHC.Tc.Module.
tcSubTypeSigma :: UserTypeCtxt -> TcSigmaType -> TcSigmaType -> TcM HsWrapper
-- External entry point, but no ExpTypes on either side
@@ -768,213 +808,6 @@ tcEqMult origin w_actual w_expected = do
; coercion <- uType TypeLevel origin w_actual w_expected
; return $ if isReflCo coercion then WpHole else WpMultCoercion coercion }
-{- **********************************************************************
-%* *
- ExpType functions: tcInfer, instantiateAndFillInferResult
-%* *
-%********************************************************************* -}
--- | Infer a type using a fresh ExpType
--- See also Note [ExpType] in "GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType"
-tcInfer :: (ExpSigmaType -> TcM a) -> TcM (a, TcSigmaType)
-tcInfer tc_check
- = do { res_ty <- newInferExpType
- ; result <- tc_check res_ty
- ; res_ty <- readExpType res_ty
- ; return (result, res_ty) }
-instantiateAndFillInferResult :: CtOrigin -> TcType -> InferResult -> TcM HsWrapper
--- If wrap = instantiateAndFillInferResult t1 t2
--- => wrap :: t1 ~> t2
--- See Note [Instantiation of InferResult]
-instantiateAndFillInferResult orig ty inf_res
- = do { (wrap, rho) <- topInstantiate orig ty
- ; co <- fillInferResult rho inf_res
- ; return (mkWpCastN co <.> wrap) }
-fillInferResult :: TcType -> InferResult -> TcM TcCoercionN
--- If wrap = fillInferResult t1 t2
--- => wrap :: t1 ~> t2
-fillInferResult orig_ty (IR { ir_uniq = u, ir_lvl = res_lvl
- , ir_ref = ref })
- = do { (ty_co, ty_to_fill_with) <- promoteTcType res_lvl orig_ty
- ; traceTc "Filling ExpType" $
- ppr u <+> text ":=" <+> ppr ty_to_fill_with
- ; when debugIsOn (check_hole ty_to_fill_with)
- ; writeTcRef ref (Just ty_to_fill_with)
- ; return ty_co }
- where
- check_hole ty -- Debug check only
- = do { let ty_lvl = tcTypeLevel ty
- ; MASSERT2( not (ty_lvl `strictlyDeeperThan` res_lvl),
- ppr u $$ ppr res_lvl $$ ppr ty_lvl $$
- ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tcTypeKind ty) $$ ppr orig_ty )
- ; cts <- readTcRef ref
- ; case cts of
- Just already_there -> pprPanic "writeExpType"
- (vcat [ ppr u
- , ppr ty
- , ppr already_there ])
- Nothing -> return () }
-{- Note [Instantiation of InferResult]
-We now always instantiate before filling in InferResult, so that
-the result is a TcRhoType: see #17173 for discussion.
-For example:
-1. Consider
- f x = (*)
- We want to instantiate the type of (*) before returning, else we
- will infer the type
- f :: forall {a}. a -> forall b. Num b => b -> b -> b
- This is surely confusing for users.
- And worse, the monomorphism restriction won't work properly. The MR is
- dealt with in simplifyInfer, and simplifyInfer has no way of
- instantiating. This could perhaps be worked around, but it may be
- hard to know even when instantiation should happen.
-2. Another reason. Consider
- f :: (?x :: Int) => a -> a
- g y = let ?x = 3::Int in f
- Here want to instantiate f's type so that the ?x::Int constraint
- gets discharged by the enclosing implicit-parameter binding.
-3. Suppose one defines plus = (+). If we instantiate lazily, we will
- infer plus :: forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a. However, the monomorphism
- restriction compels us to infer
- plus :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
- (or similar monotype). Indeed, the only way to know whether to apply
- the monomorphism restriction at all is to instantiate
-There is one place where we don't want to instantiate eagerly,
-namely in GHC.Tc.Module.tcRnExpr, which implements GHCi's :type
-command. See Note [Implementing :type] in GHC.Tc.Module.
-{- *********************************************************************
-* *
- Promoting types
-* *
-********************************************************************* -}
-promoteTcType :: TcLevel -> TcType -> TcM (TcCoercion, TcType)
--- See Note [Promoting a type]
--- promoteTcType level ty = (co, ty')
--- * Returns ty' whose max level is just 'level'
--- and whose kind is ~# to the kind of 'ty'
--- and whose kind has form TYPE rr
--- * and co :: ty ~ ty'
--- * and emits constraints to justify the coercion
-promoteTcType dest_lvl ty
- = do { cur_lvl <- getTcLevel
- ; if (cur_lvl `sameDepthAs` dest_lvl)
- then dont_promote_it
- else promote_it }
- where
- promote_it :: TcM (TcCoercion, TcType)
- promote_it -- Emit a constraint (alpha :: TYPE rr) ~ ty
- -- where alpha and rr are fresh and from level dest_lvl
- = do { rr <- newMetaTyVarTyAtLevel dest_lvl runtimeRepTy
- ; prom_ty <- newMetaTyVarTyAtLevel dest_lvl (tYPE rr)
- ; let eq_orig = TypeEqOrigin { uo_actual = ty
- , uo_expected = prom_ty
- , uo_thing = Nothing
- , uo_visible = False }
- ; co <- emitWantedEq eq_orig TypeLevel Nominal ty prom_ty
- ; return (co, prom_ty) }
- dont_promote_it :: TcM (TcCoercion, TcType)
- dont_promote_it -- Check that ty :: TYPE rr, for some (fresh) rr
- = do { res_kind <- newOpenTypeKind
- ; let ty_kind = tcTypeKind ty
- kind_orig = TypeEqOrigin { uo_actual = ty_kind
- , uo_expected = res_kind
- , uo_thing = Nothing
- , uo_visible = False }
- ; ki_co <- uType KindLevel kind_orig (tcTypeKind ty) res_kind
- ; let co = mkTcGReflRightCo Nominal ty ki_co
- ; return (co, ty `mkCastTy` ki_co) }
-{- Note [Promoting a type]
-Consider (#12427)
- data T where
- MkT :: (Int -> Int) -> a -> T
- h y = case y of MkT v w -> v
-We'll infer the RHS type with an expected type ExpType of
- (IR { ir_lvl = l, ir_ref = ref, ... )
-where 'l' is the TcLevel of the RHS of 'h'. Then the MkT pattern
-match will increase the level, so we'll end up in tcSubType, trying to
-unify the type of v,
- v :: Int -> Int
-with the expected type. But this attempt takes place at level (l+1),
-rightly so, since v's type could have mentioned existential variables,
-(like w's does) and we want to catch that.
-So we
- - create a new meta-var alpha[l+1]
- - fill in the InferRes ref cell 'ref' with alpha
- - emit an equality constraint, thus
- [W] alpha[l+1] ~ (Int -> Int)
-That constraint will float outwards, as it should, unless v's
-type mentions a skolem-captured variable.
-This approach fails if v has a higher rank type; see
-Note [Promotion and higher rank types]
-Note [Promotion and higher rank types]
-If v had a higher-rank type, say v :: (forall a. a->a) -> Int,
-then we'd emit an equality
- [W] alpha[l+1] ~ ((forall a. a->a) -> Int)
-which will sadly fail because we can't unify a unification variable
-with a polytype. But there is nothing really wrong with the program
-We could just about solve this by "promote the type" of v, to expose
-its polymorphic "shape" while still leaving constraints that will
-prevent existential escape. But we must be careful! Exposing
-the "shape" of the type is precisely what we must NOT do under
-a GADT pattern match! So in this case we might promote the type
- (forall a. a->a) -> alpha[l+1]
-and emit the constraint
- [W] alpha[l+1] ~ Int
-Now the promoted type can fill the ref cell, while the emitted
-equality can float or not, according to the usual rules.
-But that's not quite right! We are exposing the arrow! We could
-deal with that too:
- (forall a. mu[l+1] a a) -> alpha[l+1]
-with constraints
- [W] alpha[l+1] ~ Int
- [W] mu[l+1] ~ (->)
-Here we abstract over the '->' inside the forall, in case that
-is subject to an equality constraint from a GADT match.
-Note that we kept the outer (->) because that's part of
-the polymorphic "shape". And because of impredicativity,
-GADT matches can't give equalities that affect polymorphic
-This reasoning just seems too complicated, so I decided not
-to do it. These higher-rank notes are just here to record
-the thinking.
{- *********************************************************************
* *