path: root/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
index cecd2ccd1c..1720bf5ec3 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module GHC.Types.Demand (
Demand(AbsDmd, BotDmd, (:*)),
SubDemand(Prod, Poly), mkProd, viewProd,
-- ** Algebra
+ botCard, topCard,
absDmd, topDmd, botDmd, seqDmd, topSubDmd,
-- *** Least upper bound
lubCard, lubDmd, lubSubDmd,
@@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ module GHC.Types.Demand (
lazyApply1Dmd, lazyApply2Dmd, strictOnceApply1Dmd, strictManyApply1Dmd,
-- ** Other @Demand@ operations
oneifyCard, oneifyDmd, strictifyDmd, strictifyDictDmd, lazifyDmd,
- peelCallDmd, peelManyCalls, mkCalledOnceDmd, mkCalledOnceDmds,
+ peelCallDmd, peelManyCalls, enterManyCalls,
+ mkCall, mkCalls, mkCalledOnceDmd, mkCalledOnceDmds,
mkWorkerDemand, subDemandIfEvaluated,
-- ** Extracting one-shot information
argOneShots, argsOneShots, saturatedByOneShots,
@@ -536,8 +538,8 @@ pattern C_0N = Card 0b111
{-# COMPLETE C_00, C_01, C_0N, C_10, C_11, C_1N :: Card #-}
-_botCard, topCard :: Card
-_botCard = C_10
+botCard, topCard :: Card
+botCard = C_10
topCard = C_0N
-- | True <=> lower bound is 1.
@@ -803,13 +805,14 @@ viewProd _ _
-- for Arity. Otherwise, #18304 bites us.
-- | A smart constructor for 'Call', applying rewrite rules along the semantic
--- equality @Call C_0N (Poly C_0N) === Poly C_0N@, simplifying to 'Poly' 'SubDemand's
+-- equality @Call n (Poly n) === Poly n@, simplifying to 'Poly' 'SubDemand's
-- when possible.
-mkCall :: CardNonAbs -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
-mkCall C_1N sd@(Poly Boxed C_1N) = sd
-mkCall C_0N sd@(Poly Boxed C_0N) = sd
-mkCall n sd = assertPpr (isCardNonAbs n) (ppr n $$ ppr sd) $
- Call n sd
+mkCall :: Card -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
+mkCall n sd@(Poly Boxed m) | n == m = sd
+mkCall n sd = Call n sd & assertPpr (isCardNonAbs n) (ppr n $$ ppr sd)
+mkCalls :: [Card] -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
+mkCalls ns sd = foldr mkCall sd ns
-- | @viewCall sd@ interprets @sd@ as a 'Call', expanding 'Poly' subdemands as
-- necessary.
@@ -1096,14 +1099,49 @@ mkCalledOnceDmds arity sd = iterate mkCalledOnceDmd sd !! arity
peelCallDmd :: SubDemand -> (Card, SubDemand)
peelCallDmd sd = viewCall sd `orElse` (topCard, topSubDmd)
--- Peels multiple nestings of 'Call' sub-demands and also returns
--- whether it was unsaturated in the form of a 'Card'inality, denoting
--- how many times the lambda body was entered.
+-- A "fusion helper" that allows efficient implementation of peelManyCalls and
+-- enterManyCalls (and possibly other folds in the future).
+ :: Arity
+ -> SubDemand
+ -> (Card -> r -> r) -- "cons" / Call
+ -> (SubDemand -> r) -- "nil" / out of arity
+ -> r
+peelManyCallsFB k sd call end = peel k sd
+ where
+ peel 0 sd = end sd
+ peel k (peelCallDmd -> (n, sd)) = n `call` (peel (k-1) sd)
+{-# INLINE peelManyCallsFB #-}
+-- | 'peelManyCalls k sd' iterates 'peelCallDmd' `k` times on (the 'Call' body
+-- of) `sd`. E.g.
+-- > peelManyCalls 3 CL(CM(CS(P(A)))) = ([L,M,S], P(A))
+peelManyCalls :: Arity -> SubDemand -> ([Card], SubDemand)
+peelManyCalls k sd = peelManyCallsFB k sd cons nil
+ where
+ nil sd = ([], sd)
+ cons n (ns, sd) = (n:ns, sd)
+-- | 'enterManyCalls k sd' returns as a 'Card' how often `sd` was called with
+-- `k` many args. A more efficient variant of
+-- > let (cards, _) = peelManyCalls in
+-- > in foldr multCard C_11 cards
+-- If `sd` represents undersaturated calls (e.g., there are less than `k`
+-- 'Call's) then the resulting cardinality is 'topCard'. Examples:
+-- > enterManyCalls 2 CS(C1(CM(A))) = S
+-- > enterManyCalls 3 CS(C1(CM(A))) = L
+-- > enterManyCalls 2 C1(C1(CM(A))) = 1
+-- > enterManyCalls 3 C1(C1(CM(A))) = M
+-- > enterManyCalls 3 C1(C1(A)) = A
-- See Note [Demands from unsaturated function calls].
-peelManyCalls :: Int -> SubDemand -> Card
-peelManyCalls 0 _ = C_11
-peelManyCalls n (viewCall -> Just (m, sd)) = m `multCard` peelManyCalls (n-1) sd
-peelManyCalls _ _ = C_0N
+enterManyCalls :: Arity -> SubDemand -> Card
+enterManyCalls k sd = peelManyCallsFB k sd multCard (\_sd -> C_11)
-- | Extract the 'SubDemand' of a 'Demand'.
-- PRECONDITION: The SubDemand must be used in a context where the expression
@@ -1153,7 +1191,7 @@ argOneShots (_ :* sd) = go sd
saturatedByOneShots :: Int -> Demand -> Bool
saturatedByOneShots _ AbsDmd = True
saturatedByOneShots _ BotDmd = True
-saturatedByOneShots n (_ :* sd) = isUsedOnce (peelManyCalls n sd)
+saturatedByOneShots n (_ :* sd) = isUsedOnce (enterManyCalls n sd)
{- Note [Strict demands]
@@ -2198,7 +2236,7 @@ type DmdTransformer = SubDemand -> DmdType
-- return how the function evaluates its free variables and arguments.
dmdTransformSig :: DmdSig -> DmdTransformer
dmdTransformSig (DmdSig dmd_ty@(DmdType _ arg_ds _)) sd
- = multDmdType (peelManyCalls (length arg_ds) sd) dmd_ty
+ = multDmdType (enterManyCalls (length arg_ds) sd) dmd_ty
-- see Note [Demands from unsaturated function calls]
-- and Note [What are demand signatures?]