path: root/compiler/GHC/Types/Error.hs
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1 files changed, 25 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Error.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Error.hs
index 7edf599c9f..48cb9eaedd 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Error.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Error.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ module GHC.Types.Error
, MessageClass (..)
, Severity (..)
- , mkMCDiagnostic
, Diagnostic (..)
, DiagnosticMessage (..)
, DiagnosticReason (..)
@@ -33,14 +32,8 @@ module GHC.Types.Error
, mkLocMessage
, mkLocMessageAnn
, getCaretDiagnostic
- -- * Constructing individual diagnostic messages
- , mkMsgEnvelope
- , mkPlainMsgEnvelope
- , mkLongMsgEnvelope
- , mkShortMsgEnvelope
- , defaultReasonSeverity
-- * Queries
- , isErrorMessage
+ , isIntrinsicErrorMessage
, isWarningMessage
, getErrorMessages
, getWarningMessages
@@ -193,9 +186,9 @@ data DiagnosticReason
instance Outputable DiagnosticReason where
ppr = \case
- WarningWithoutFlag -> text "WarningWithoutFlag"
- WarningWithFlag wf -> text ("WarningWithFlag " ++ show wf)
- ErrorWithoutFlag -> text "ErrorWithoutFlag"
+ WarningWithoutFlag -> text "WarningWithoutFlag"
+ WarningWithFlag wf -> text ("WarningWithFlag " ++ show wf)
+ ErrorWithoutFlag -> text "ErrorWithoutFlag"
-- | An envelope for GHC's facts about a running program, parameterised over the
-- /domain-specific/ (i.e. parsing, typecheck-renaming, etc) diagnostics.
@@ -237,11 +230,6 @@ data MessageClass
-- /especially/ when emitting compiler diagnostics, use the smart constructor.
deriving (Eq, Show)
--- | Make a 'MessageClass' for a given 'DiagnosticReason', without consulting the 'DynFlags'.
--- This will not respect -Werror or warning suppression and so is probably wrong
--- for any warning.
-mkMCDiagnostic :: DiagnosticReason -> MessageClass
-mkMCDiagnostic reason = MCDiagnostic (defaultReasonSeverity reason) reason
-- | Used to describe warnings and errors
-- o The message has a file\/line\/column heading,
@@ -325,14 +313,6 @@ mkLocMessageAnn ann msg_class locn msg
MCFatal -> text "fatal:"
_ -> empty
--- | Computes a severity from a reason in the absence of DynFlags. This will likely
--- be wrong in the presence of -Werror. It will be removed in the context of #18516.
-defaultReasonSeverity :: DiagnosticReason -> Severity
-defaultReasonSeverity = \case
- WarningWithoutFlag -> SevWarning
- WarningWithFlag _flag -> SevWarning
- ErrorWithoutFlag -> SevError
getMessageClassColour :: MessageClass -> Col.Scheme -> Col.PprColour
getMessageClassColour (MCDiagnostic SevError _reason) = Col.sError
getMessageClassColour (MCDiagnostic SevWarning _reason) = Col.sWarning
@@ -416,76 +396,40 @@ getCaretDiagnostic msg_class (RealSrcSpan span _) =
caretLine = replicate start ' ' ++ replicate width '^' ++ caretEllipsis
--- Creating MsgEnvelope(s)
+-- Queries
- :: Diagnostic e
- => Severity
- -> SrcSpan
- -> PrintUnqualified
- -> e
- -> MsgEnvelope e
-mkMsgEnvelope sev locn print_unqual err
- = MsgEnvelope { errMsgSpan = locn
- , errMsgContext = print_unqual
- , errMsgDiagnostic = err
- , errMsgSeverity = sev
- }
--- | A long (multi-line) diagnostic message.
--- The 'Severity' will be calculated out of the 'DiagnosticReason', and will likely be
--- incorrect in the presence of '-Werror'.
-mkLongMsgEnvelope :: DiagnosticReason
- -> SrcSpan
- -> PrintUnqualified
- -> SDoc
- -> SDoc
- -> MsgEnvelope DiagnosticMessage
-mkLongMsgEnvelope rea locn unqual msg extra =
- mkMsgEnvelope (defaultReasonSeverity rea) -- wrong, but will be fixed in printOrThrowWarnings
- locn unqual (DiagnosticMessage (mkDecorated [msg,extra]) rea)
--- | A short (one-line) diagnostic message.
--- Same 'Severity' considerations as for 'mkLongMsgEnvelope'.
-mkShortMsgEnvelope :: DiagnosticReason
- -> SrcSpan
- -> PrintUnqualified
- -> SDoc
- -> MsgEnvelope DiagnosticMessage
-mkShortMsgEnvelope rea locn unqual msg =
- mkMsgEnvelope (defaultReasonSeverity rea) -- wrong, but will be fixed in printOrThrowWarnings
- locn unqual (DiagnosticMessage (mkDecorated [msg]) rea)
--- | Variant that doesn't care about qualified/unqualified names.
--- Same 'Severity' considerations as for 'mkLongMsgEnvelope'.
-mkPlainMsgEnvelope :: DiagnosticReason
- -> SrcSpan
- -> SDoc
- -> MsgEnvelope DiagnosticMessage
-mkPlainMsgEnvelope rea locn msg =
- mkMsgEnvelope (defaultReasonSeverity rea) -- wrong, but will be fixed in printOrThrowWarnings
- locn alwaysQualify (DiagnosticMessage (mkDecorated [msg]) rea)
+{- Note [Intrinsic And Extrinsic Failures]
+We distinguish between /intrinsic/ and /extrinsic/ failures. We classify in the former category
+those diagnostics which are /essentially/ failures, and their nature can't be changed. This is
+the case for 'ErrorWithoutFlag'. We classify as /extrinsic/ all those diagnostics (like fatal warnings)
+which are born as warnings but which are still failures under particular 'DynFlags' settings. It's important
+to be aware of such logic distinction, because when we are inside the typechecker or the desugarer, we are
+interested about intrinsic errors, and to bail out as soon as we find one of them. Conversely, if we find
+an /extrinsic/ one, for example because a particular 'WarningFlag' makes a warning and error, we /don't/
+want to bail out, that's still not the right time to do so: Rather, we want to first collect all the
+diagnostics, and later classify and report them appropriately (in the driver).
--- Queries
-isErrorMessage :: Diagnostic e => MsgEnvelope e -> Bool
-isErrorMessage MsgEnvelope { errMsgSeverity = SevError } = True
-isErrorMessage _ = False
+-- | Returns 'True' if this is, intrinsically, a failure. See Note [Intrinsic And Extrinsic Failures].
+isIntrinsicErrorMessage :: Diagnostic e => MsgEnvelope e -> Bool
+isIntrinsicErrorMessage = (==) ErrorWithoutFlag . diagnosticReason . errMsgDiagnostic
isWarningMessage :: Diagnostic e => MsgEnvelope e -> Bool
-isWarningMessage = not . isErrorMessage
+isWarningMessage = not . isIntrinsicErrorMessage
errorsFound :: Diagnostic e => Messages e -> Bool
-errorsFound (Messages msgs) = any isErrorMessage msgs
+errorsFound (Messages msgs) = any isIntrinsicErrorMessage msgs
getWarningMessages :: Diagnostic e => Messages e -> Bag (MsgEnvelope e)
getWarningMessages (Messages xs) = fst $ partitionBag isWarningMessage xs
getErrorMessages :: Diagnostic e => Messages e -> Bag (MsgEnvelope e)
-getErrorMessages (Messages xs) = fst $ partitionBag isErrorMessage xs
+getErrorMessages (Messages xs) = fst $ partitionBag isIntrinsicErrorMessage xs
-- | Partitions the 'Messages' and returns a tuple which first element are the warnings, and the
-- second the errors.