path: root/compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Reader.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Reader.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Reader.hs
index 864101e8a9..05ea5a696b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Reader.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Reader.hs
@@ -71,11 +71,8 @@ module GHC.Types.Name.Reader (
ImportSpec(..), ImpDeclSpec(..), ImpItemSpec(..),
importSpecLoc, importSpecModule, isExplicitItem, bestImport,
- -- * Utils for StarIsType
- starInfo,
-- * Utils
- opIsAt,
+ opIsAt
) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -1374,83 +1371,6 @@ pprLoc :: SrcSpan -> SDoc
pprLoc (RealSrcSpan s _) = text "at" <+> ppr s
pprLoc (UnhelpfulSpan {}) = empty
--- | Display info about the treatment of '*' under NoStarIsType.
--- With StarIsType, three properties of '*' hold:
--- (a) it is not an infix operator
--- (b) it is always in scope
--- (c) it is a synonym for Data.Kind.Type
--- However, the user might not know that they are working on a module with
--- NoStarIsType and write code that still assumes (a), (b), and (c), which
--- actually do not hold in that module.
--- Violation of (a) shows up in the parser. For instance, in the following
--- examples, we have '*' not applied to enough arguments:
--- data A :: *
--- data F :: * -> *
--- Violation of (b) or (c) show up in the renamer and the typechecker
--- respectively. For instance:
--- type K = Either * Bool
--- This will parse differently depending on whether StarIsType is enabled,
--- but it will parse nonetheless. With NoStarIsType it is parsed as a type
--- operator, thus we have ((*) Either Bool). Now there are two cases to
--- consider:
--- 1. There is no definition of (*) in scope. In this case the renamer will
--- fail to look it up. This is a violation of assumption (b).
--- 2. There is a definition of the (*) type operator in scope (for example
--- coming from GHC.TypeNats). In this case the user will get a kind
--- mismatch error. This is a violation of assumption (c).
--- The user might unknowingly be working on a module with NoStarIsType
--- or use '*' as 'Data.Kind.Type' out of habit. So it is important to give a
--- hint whenever an assumption about '*' is violated. Unfortunately, it is
--- somewhat difficult to deal with (c), so we limit ourselves to (a) and (b).
--- 'starInfo' generates an appropriate hint to the user depending on the
--- extensions enabled in the module and the name that triggered the error.
--- That is, if we have NoStarIsType and the error is related to '*' or its
--- Unicode variant, the resulting SDoc will contain a helpful suggestion.
--- Otherwise it is empty.
-starInfo :: Bool -> RdrName -> SDoc
-starInfo star_is_type rdr_name =
- -- One might ask: if can use `sdocOption sdocStarIsType` here, why bother to
- -- take star_is_type as input? Why not refactor?
- --
- -- The reason is that `sdocOption sdocStarIsType` would indicate that
- -- StarIsType is enabled in the module that tries to load the problematic
- -- definition, not in the module that is being loaded.
- --
- -- So if we have 'data T :: *' in a module with NoStarIsType, then the hint
- -- must be displayed even if we load this definition from a module (or GHCi)
- -- with StarIsType enabled!
- --
- if isUnqualStar && not star_is_type
- then text "With NoStarIsType, " <>
- quotes (ppr rdr_name) <>
- text " is treated as a regular type operator. "
- $$
- text "Did you mean to use " <> quotes (text "Type") <>
- text " from Data.Kind instead?"
- else empty
- where
- -- Does rdr_name look like the user might have meant the '*' kind by it?
- -- We focus on unqualified stars specifically, because qualified stars are
- -- treated as type operators even under StarIsType.
- isUnqualStar
- | Unqual occName <- rdr_name
- = let fs = occNameFS occName
- in fs == fsLit "*" || fs == fsLit "★"
- | otherwise = False
-- | Indicate if the given name is the "@" operator
opIsAt :: RdrName -> Bool
opIsAt e = e == mkUnqual varName (fsLit "@")