path: root/compiler/GHC/Types/TyThing.hs
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+-- | A global typecheckable-thing, essentially anything that has a name.
+module GHC.Types.TyThing
+ ( TyThing (..)
+ , MonadThings (..)
+ , mkATyCon
+ , mkAnId
+ , pprShortTyThing
+ , pprTyThingCategory
+ , tyThingCategory
+ , implicitTyThings
+ , implicitConLikeThings
+ , implicitClassThings
+ , implicitTyConThings
+ , implicitCoTyCon
+ , isImplicitTyThing
+ , tyThingParent_maybe
+ , tyThingsTyCoVars
+ , tyThingAvailInfo
+ , tyThingTyCon
+ , tyThingCoAxiom
+ , tyThingDataCon
+ , tyThingConLike
+ , tyThingId
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Id.Info
+import GHC.Types.Avail
+import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.ConLike
+import GHC.Core.PatSyn
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import Control.Monad ( liftM )
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+Note [ATyCon for classes]
+Both classes and type constructors are represented in the type environment
+as ATyCon. You can tell the difference, and get to the class, with
+ isClassTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
+ tyConClass_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Class
+The Class and its associated TyCon have the same Name.
+-- | A global typecheckable-thing, essentially anything that has a name.
+-- Not to be confused with a 'TcTyThing', which is also a typecheckable
+-- thing but in the *local* context. See "GHC.Tc.Utils.Env" for how to retrieve
+-- a 'TyThing' given a 'Name'.
+data TyThing
+ = AnId Id
+ | AConLike ConLike
+ | ATyCon TyCon -- TyCons and classes; see Note [ATyCon for classes]
+ | ACoAxiom (CoAxiom Branched)
+instance Outputable TyThing where
+ ppr = pprShortTyThing
+instance NamedThing TyThing where -- Can't put this with the type
+ getName (AnId id) = getName id -- decl, because the DataCon instance
+ getName (ATyCon tc) = getName tc -- isn't visible there
+ getName (ACoAxiom cc) = getName cc
+ getName (AConLike cl) = conLikeName cl
+mkATyCon :: TyCon -> TyThing
+mkATyCon = ATyCon
+mkAnId :: Id -> TyThing
+mkAnId = AnId
+pprShortTyThing :: TyThing -> SDoc
+-- c.f. GHC.Types.TyThing.Ppr.pprTyThing, which prints all the details
+pprShortTyThing thing
+ = pprTyThingCategory thing <+> quotes (ppr (getName thing))
+pprTyThingCategory :: TyThing -> SDoc
+pprTyThingCategory = text . capitalise . tyThingCategory
+tyThingCategory :: TyThing -> String
+tyThingCategory (ATyCon tc)
+ | isClassTyCon tc = "class"
+ | otherwise = "type constructor"
+tyThingCategory (ACoAxiom _) = "coercion axiom"
+tyThingCategory (AnId _) = "identifier"
+tyThingCategory (AConLike (RealDataCon _)) = "data constructor"
+tyThingCategory (AConLike (PatSynCon _)) = "pattern synonym"
+Note [Implicit TyThings]
+ DEFINITION: An "implicit" TyThing is one that does not have its own
+ IfaceDecl in an interface file. Instead, its binding in the type
+ environment is created as part of typechecking the IfaceDecl for
+ some other thing.
+ * All DataCons are implicit, because they are generated from the
+ IfaceDecl for the data/newtype. Ditto class methods.
+ * Record selectors are *not* implicit, because they get their own
+ free-standing IfaceDecl.
+ * Associated data/type families are implicit because they are
+ included in the IfaceDecl of the parent class. (NB: the
+ IfaceClass decl happens to use IfaceDecl recursively for the
+ associated types, but that's irrelevant here.)
+ * Dictionary function Ids are not implicit.
+ * Axioms for newtypes are implicit (same as above), but axioms
+ for data/type family instances are *not* implicit (like DFunIds).
+-- | Determine the 'TyThing's brought into scope by another 'TyThing'
+-- /other/ than itself. For example, Id's don't have any implicit TyThings
+-- as they just bring themselves into scope, but classes bring their
+-- dictionary datatype, type constructor and some selector functions into
+-- scope, just for a start!
+-- N.B. the set of TyThings returned here *must* match the set of
+-- names returned by 'GHC.Iface.Load.ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs', in the sense that
+-- TyThing.getOccName should define a bijection between the two lists.
+-- This invariant is used in 'GHC.Iface.Load.loadDecl' (see note [Tricky iface loop])
+-- The order of the list does not matter.
+implicitTyThings :: TyThing -> [TyThing]
+implicitTyThings (AnId _) = []
+implicitTyThings (ACoAxiom _cc) = []
+implicitTyThings (ATyCon tc) = implicitTyConThings tc
+implicitTyThings (AConLike cl) = implicitConLikeThings cl
+implicitConLikeThings :: ConLike -> [TyThing]
+implicitConLikeThings (RealDataCon dc)
+ = dataConImplicitTyThings dc
+implicitConLikeThings (PatSynCon {})
+ = [] -- Pattern synonyms have no implicit Ids; the wrapper and matcher
+ -- are not "implicit"; they are simply new top-level bindings,
+ -- and they have their own declaration in an interface file
+ -- Unless a record pat syn when there are implicit selectors
+ -- They are still not included here as `implicitConLikeThings` is
+ -- used by `tcTyClsDecls` whilst pattern synonyms are typed checked
+ -- by `tcTopValBinds`.
+implicitClassThings :: Class -> [TyThing]
+implicitClassThings cl
+ = -- Does not include default methods, because those Ids may have
+ -- their own pragmas, unfoldings etc, not derived from the Class object
+ -- associated types
+ -- No recursive call for the classATs, because they
+ -- are only the family decls; they have no implicit things
+ map ATyCon (classATs cl) ++
+ -- superclass and operation selectors
+ map AnId (classAllSelIds cl)
+implicitTyConThings :: TyCon -> [TyThing]
+implicitTyConThings tc
+ = class_stuff ++
+ -- fields (names of selectors)
+ -- (possibly) implicit newtype axioms
+ -- or type family axioms
+ implicitCoTyCon tc ++
+ -- for each data constructor in order,
+ -- the constructor, worker, and (possibly) wrapper
+ [ thing | dc <- tyConDataCons tc
+ , thing <- AConLike (RealDataCon dc) : dataConImplicitTyThings dc ]
+ -- NB. record selectors are *not* implicit, they have fully-fledged
+ -- bindings that pass through the compilation pipeline as normal.
+ where
+ class_stuff = case tyConClass_maybe tc of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just cl -> implicitClassThings cl
+-- For newtypes and closed type families (only) add the implicit coercion tycon
+implicitCoTyCon :: TyCon -> [TyThing]
+implicitCoTyCon tc
+ | Just co <- newTyConCo_maybe tc = [ACoAxiom $ toBranchedAxiom co]
+ | Just co <- isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe tc
+ = [ACoAxiom co]
+ | otherwise = []
+-- | Returns @True@ if there should be no interface-file declaration
+-- for this thing on its own: either it is built-in, or it is part
+-- of some other declaration, or it is generated implicitly by some
+-- other declaration.
+isImplicitTyThing :: TyThing -> Bool
+isImplicitTyThing (AConLike cl) = case cl of
+ RealDataCon {} -> True
+ PatSynCon {} -> False
+isImplicitTyThing (AnId id) = isImplicitId id
+isImplicitTyThing (ATyCon tc) = isImplicitTyCon tc
+isImplicitTyThing (ACoAxiom ax) = isImplicitCoAxiom ax
+-- | tyThingParent_maybe x returns (Just p)
+-- when pprTyThingInContext should print a declaration for p
+-- (albeit with some "..." in it) when asked to show x
+-- It returns the *immediate* parent. So a datacon returns its tycon
+-- but the tycon could be the associated type of a class, so it in turn
+-- might have a parent.
+tyThingParent_maybe :: TyThing -> Maybe TyThing
+tyThingParent_maybe (AConLike cl) = case cl of
+ RealDataCon dc -> Just (ATyCon (dataConTyCon dc))
+ PatSynCon{} -> Nothing
+tyThingParent_maybe (ATyCon tc) = case tyConAssoc_maybe tc of
+ Just tc -> Just (ATyCon tc)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+tyThingParent_maybe (AnId id) = case idDetails id of
+ RecSelId { sel_tycon = RecSelData tc } ->
+ Just (ATyCon tc)
+ ClassOpId cls ->
+ Just (ATyCon (classTyCon cls))
+ _other -> Nothing
+tyThingParent_maybe _other = Nothing
+tyThingsTyCoVars :: [TyThing] -> TyCoVarSet
+tyThingsTyCoVars tts =
+ unionVarSets $ map ttToVarSet tts
+ where
+ ttToVarSet (AnId id) = tyCoVarsOfType $ idType id
+ ttToVarSet (AConLike cl) = case cl of
+ RealDataCon dc -> tyCoVarsOfType $ dataConRepType dc
+ PatSynCon{} -> emptyVarSet
+ ttToVarSet (ATyCon tc)
+ = case tyConClass_maybe tc of
+ Just cls -> (mkVarSet . fst . classTvsFds) cls
+ Nothing -> tyCoVarsOfType $ tyConKind tc
+ ttToVarSet (ACoAxiom _) = emptyVarSet
+-- | The Names that a TyThing should bring into scope. Used to build
+-- the GlobalRdrEnv for the InteractiveContext.
+tyThingAvailInfo :: TyThing -> [AvailInfo]
+tyThingAvailInfo (ATyCon t)
+ = case tyConClass_maybe t of
+ Just c -> [AvailTC n (n : map getName (classMethods c)
+ ++ map getName (classATs c))
+ [] ]
+ where n = getName c
+ Nothing -> [AvailTC n (n : map getName dcs) flds]
+ where n = getName t
+ dcs = tyConDataCons t
+ flds = tyConFieldLabels t
+tyThingAvailInfo (AConLike (PatSynCon p))
+ = map avail ((getName p) : map flSelector (patSynFieldLabels p))
+tyThingAvailInfo t
+ = [avail (getName t)]
+-- | Get the 'TyCon' from a 'TyThing' if it is a type constructor thing. Panics otherwise
+tyThingTyCon :: HasDebugCallStack => TyThing -> TyCon
+tyThingTyCon (ATyCon tc) = tc
+tyThingTyCon other = pprPanic "tyThingTyCon" (ppr other)
+-- | Get the 'CoAxiom' from a 'TyThing' if it is a coercion axiom thing. Panics otherwise
+tyThingCoAxiom :: HasDebugCallStack => TyThing -> CoAxiom Branched
+tyThingCoAxiom (ACoAxiom ax) = ax
+tyThingCoAxiom other = pprPanic "tyThingCoAxiom" (ppr other)
+-- | Get the 'DataCon' from a 'TyThing' if it is a data constructor thing. Panics otherwise
+tyThingDataCon :: HasDebugCallStack => TyThing -> DataCon
+tyThingDataCon (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)) = dc
+tyThingDataCon other = pprPanic "tyThingDataCon" (ppr other)
+-- | Get the 'ConLike' from a 'TyThing' if it is a data constructor thing.
+-- Panics otherwise
+tyThingConLike :: HasDebugCallStack => TyThing -> ConLike
+tyThingConLike (AConLike dc) = dc
+tyThingConLike other = pprPanic "tyThingConLike" (ppr other)
+-- | Get the 'Id' from a 'TyThing' if it is a id *or* data constructor thing. Panics otherwise
+tyThingId :: HasDebugCallStack => TyThing -> Id
+tyThingId (AnId id) = id
+tyThingId (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)) = dataConWrapId dc
+tyThingId other = pprPanic "tyThingId" (ppr other)
+-- | Class that abstracts out the common ability of the monads in GHC
+-- to lookup a 'TyThing' in the monadic environment by 'Name'. Provides
+-- a number of related convenience functions for accessing particular
+-- kinds of 'TyThing'
+class Monad m => MonadThings m where
+ lookupThing :: Name -> m TyThing
+ lookupId :: Name -> m Id
+ lookupId = liftM tyThingId . lookupThing
+ lookupDataCon :: Name -> m DataCon
+ lookupDataCon = liftM tyThingDataCon . lookupThing
+ lookupTyCon :: Name -> m TyCon
+ lookupTyCon = liftM tyThingTyCon . lookupThing
+-- Instance used in GHC.HsToCore.Quote
+instance MonadThings m => MonadThings (ReaderT s m) where
+ lookupThing = lift . lookupThing