path: root/compiler/GHC/Types/Var.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Var.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Var.hs
index 0e7e806656..a3974a92bd 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Var.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Var.hs
@@ -65,11 +65,10 @@ module GHC.Types.Var (
-- * ArgFlags
isVisibleArgFlag, isInvisibleArgFlag, sameVis,
- AnonArgFlag(..), ForallVisFlag(..), argToForallVisFlag,
- Specificity(..),
+ AnonArgFlag(..), Specificity(..),
-- * TyVar's
- VarBndr(..), TyCoVarBinder, TyVarBinder, InvisTVBinder,
+ VarBndr(..), TyCoVarBinder, TyVarBinder, InvisTVBinder, ReqTVBinder,
binderVar, binderVars, binderArgFlag, binderType,
mkTyCoVarBinder, mkTyCoVarBinders,
mkTyVarBinder, mkTyVarBinders,
@@ -405,7 +404,6 @@ data ArgFlag = Invisible Specificity
-- (<) on ArgFlag means "is less visible than"
-- | Whether an 'Invisible' argument may appear in source Haskell.
--- see Note [Specificity in HsForAllTy] in GHC.Hs.Type
data Specificity = InferredSpec
-- ^ the argument may not appear in source Haskell, it is
-- only inferred.
@@ -469,7 +467,6 @@ instance Binary ArgFlag where
-- Appears here partly so that it's together with its friends ArgFlag
-- and ForallVisFlag, but also because it is used in IfaceType, rather
-- early in the compilation chain
--- See Note [AnonArgFlag vs. ForallVisFlag]
data AnonArgFlag
= VisArg -- ^ Used for @(->)@: an ordinary non-dependent arrow.
-- The argument is visible in source code.
@@ -491,26 +488,6 @@ instance Binary AnonArgFlag where
0 -> return VisArg
_ -> return InvisArg
--- | Is a @forall@ invisible (e.g., @forall a b. {...}@, with a dot) or visible
--- (e.g., @forall a b -> {...}@, with an arrow)?
--- See Note [AnonArgFlag vs. ForallVisFlag]
-data ForallVisFlag
- = ForallVis -- ^ A visible @forall@ (with an arrow)
- | ForallInvis -- ^ An invisible @forall@ (with a dot)
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)
-instance Outputable ForallVisFlag where
- ppr f = text $ case f of
- ForallVis -> "ForallVis"
- ForallInvis -> "ForallInvis"
--- | Convert an 'ArgFlag' to its corresponding 'ForallVisFlag'.
-argToForallVisFlag :: ArgFlag -> ForallVisFlag
-argToForallVisFlag Required = ForallVis
-argToForallVisFlag Specified = ForallInvis
-argToForallVisFlag Inferred = ForallInvis
{- Note [AnonArgFlag]
AnonArgFlag is used principally in the FunTy constructor of Type.
@@ -564,30 +541,7 @@ Conclusion: the easiest thing is to make mkLamType build
(c => ty)
when the argument is a predicate type. See GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
Note [Types for coercions, predicates, and evidence]
-Note [AnonArgFlag vs. ForallVisFlag]
-The AnonArgFlag and ForallVisFlag data types are quite similar at a first
- data AnonArgFlag = VisArg | InvisArg
- data ForallVisFlag = ForallVis | ForallInvis
-Both data types keep track of visibility of some sort. AnonArgFlag tracks
-whether a FunTy has a visible argument (->) or an invisible predicate argument
-(=>). ForallVisFlag tracks whether a `forall` quantifier in a user-specified
-HsType is
- visible: forall a -> {...}
- invisible: forall a. {...}
-In fact the visible form can currently only appear in kinds.
-Given their similarities, it's tempting to want to combine these two
-data types into one, but they actually represent distinct
-concepts. AnonArgFlag reflects a property of *Core* types, whereas
-ForallVisFlag reflects a property of the HsSyn source-code AST. In
-other words, AnonArgFlag is all about internals, whereas ForallVisFlag
-is all about surface syntax. Therefore, they are kept as separate data
-types. -}
{- *********************************************************************
* *
@@ -598,14 +552,16 @@ types. -}
-- Variable Binder
-- VarBndr is polymorphic in both var and visibility fields.
--- Currently there are sevenv different uses of 'VarBndr':
--- * Var.TyVarBinder = VarBndr TyVar ArgFlag
--- * Var.InvisTVBinder = VarBndr TyVar Specificity
--- * Var.TyCoVarBinder = VarBndr TyCoVar ArgFlag
--- * TyCon.TyConBinder = VarBndr TyVar TyConBndrVis
--- * TyCon.TyConTyCoBinder = VarBndr TyCoVar TyConBndrVis
--- * IfaceType.IfaceForAllBndr = VarBndr IfaceBndr ArgFlag
--- * IfaceType.IfaceTyConBinder = VarBndr IfaceBndr TyConBndrVis
+-- Currently there are nine different uses of 'VarBndr':
+-- * Var.TyVarBinder = VarBndr TyVar ArgFlag
+-- * Var.TyCoVarBinder = VarBndr TyCoVar ArgFlag
+-- * Var.InvisTVBinder = VarBndr TyVar Specificity
+-- * Var.ReqTVBinder = VarBndr TyVar ()
+-- * TyCon.TyConBinder = VarBndr TyVar TyConBndrVis
+-- * TyCon.TyConTyCoBinder = VarBndr TyCoVar TyConBndrVis
+-- * IfaceType.IfaceForAllBndr = VarBndr IfaceBndr ArgFlag
+-- * IfaceType.IfaceTyConBinder = VarBndr IfaceBndr TyConBndrVis
+-- * IfaceType.IfaceForAllSpecBndr = VarBndr IfaceBndr Specificity
data VarBndr var argf = Bndr var argf
deriving( Data )
@@ -619,6 +575,7 @@ data VarBndr var argf = Bndr var argf
type TyCoVarBinder = VarBndr TyCoVar ArgFlag
type TyVarBinder = VarBndr TyVar ArgFlag
type InvisTVBinder = VarBndr TyVar Specificity
+type ReqTVBinder = VarBndr TyVar ()
tyVarSpecToBinders :: [VarBndr a Specificity] -> [VarBndr a ArgFlag]
tyVarSpecToBinders = map tyVarSpecToBinder