path: root/compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary/Typeable.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary/Typeable.hs')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary/Typeable.hs b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary/Typeable.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..580b245ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Binary/Typeable.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -funbox-strict-fields #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
+-- | Orphan Binary instances for Data.Typeable stuff
+module GHC.Utils.Binary.Typeable
+ ( getSomeTypeRep
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Binary
+import GHC.Exts (TYPE, RuntimeRep(..), VecCount(..), VecElem(..))
+import GHC.Serialized
+import Foreign
+import Type.Reflection
+import Type.Reflection.Unsafe
+import Data.Kind (Type)
+instance Binary TyCon where
+ put_ bh tc = do
+ put_ bh (tyConPackage tc)
+ put_ bh (tyConModule tc)
+ put_ bh (tyConName tc)
+ put_ bh (tyConKindArgs tc)
+ put_ bh (tyConKindRep tc)
+ get bh =
+ mkTyCon <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+getSomeTypeRep :: BinHandle -> IO SomeTypeRep
+getSomeTypeRep bh = do
+ tag <- get bh :: IO Word8
+ case tag of
+ 0 -> return $ SomeTypeRep (typeRep :: TypeRep Type)
+ 1 -> do con <- get bh :: IO TyCon
+ ks <- get bh :: IO [SomeTypeRep]
+ return $ SomeTypeRep $ mkTrCon con ks
+ 2 -> do SomeTypeRep f <- getSomeTypeRep bh
+ SomeTypeRep x <- getSomeTypeRep bh
+ case typeRepKind f of
+ Fun arg res ->
+ case arg `eqTypeRep` typeRepKind x of
+ Just HRefl ->
+ case typeRepKind res `eqTypeRep` (typeRep :: TypeRep Type) of
+ Just HRefl -> return $ SomeTypeRep $ mkTrApp f x
+ _ -> failure "Kind mismatch in type application" []
+ _ -> failure "Kind mismatch in type application"
+ [ " Found argument of kind: " ++ show (typeRepKind x)
+ , " Where the constructor: " ++ show f
+ , " Expects kind: " ++ show arg
+ ]
+ _ -> failure "Applied non-arrow"
+ [ " Applied type: " ++ show f
+ , " To argument: " ++ show x
+ ]
+ 3 -> do SomeTypeRep arg <- getSomeTypeRep bh
+ SomeTypeRep res <- getSomeTypeRep bh
+ if
+ | App argkcon _ <- typeRepKind arg
+ , App reskcon _ <- typeRepKind res
+ , Just HRefl <- argkcon `eqTypeRep` tYPErep
+ , Just HRefl <- reskcon `eqTypeRep` tYPErep
+ -> return $ SomeTypeRep $ Fun arg res
+ | otherwise -> failure "Kind mismatch" []
+ _ -> failure "Invalid SomeTypeRep" []
+ where
+ tYPErep :: TypeRep TYPE
+ tYPErep = typeRep
+ failure description info =
+ fail $ unlines $ [ "Binary.getSomeTypeRep: "++description ]
+ ++ map (" "++) info
+instance Binary SomeTypeRep where
+ put_ bh (SomeTypeRep rep) = putTypeRep bh rep
+ get = getSomeTypeRep
+instance Typeable a => Binary (TypeRep (a :: k)) where
+ put_ = putTypeRep
+ get bh = do
+ SomeTypeRep rep <- getSomeTypeRep bh
+ case rep `eqTypeRep` expected of
+ Just HRefl -> pure rep
+ Nothing -> fail $ unlines
+ [ "Binary: Type mismatch"
+ , " Deserialized type: " ++ show rep
+ , " Expected type: " ++ show expected
+ ]
+ where expected = typeRep :: TypeRep a
+instance Binary VecCount where
+ put_ bh = putByte bh . fromIntegral . fromEnum
+ get bh = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> getByte bh
+instance Binary VecElem where
+ put_ bh = putByte bh . fromIntegral . fromEnum
+ get bh = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> getByte bh
+instance Binary RuntimeRep where
+ put_ bh (VecRep a b) = putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh a >> put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (TupleRep reps) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh reps
+ put_ bh (SumRep reps) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh reps
+ put_ bh LiftedRep = putByte bh 3
+ put_ bh UnliftedRep = putByte bh 4
+ put_ bh IntRep = putByte bh 5
+ put_ bh WordRep = putByte bh 6
+ put_ bh Int64Rep = putByte bh 7
+ put_ bh Word64Rep = putByte bh 8
+ put_ bh AddrRep = putByte bh 9
+ put_ bh FloatRep = putByte bh 10
+ put_ bh DoubleRep = putByte bh 11
+ put_ bh Int8Rep = putByte bh 12
+ put_ bh Word8Rep = putByte bh 13
+ put_ bh Int16Rep = putByte bh 14
+ put_ bh Word16Rep = putByte bh 15
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 809
+ put_ bh Int32Rep = putByte bh 16
+ put_ bh Word32Rep = putByte bh 17
+ get bh = do
+ tag <- getByte bh
+ case tag of
+ 0 -> VecRep <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 1 -> TupleRep <$> get bh
+ 2 -> SumRep <$> get bh
+ 3 -> pure LiftedRep
+ 4 -> pure UnliftedRep
+ 5 -> pure IntRep
+ 6 -> pure WordRep
+ 7 -> pure Int64Rep
+ 8 -> pure Word64Rep
+ 9 -> pure AddrRep
+ 10 -> pure FloatRep
+ 11 -> pure DoubleRep
+ 12 -> pure Int8Rep
+ 13 -> pure Word8Rep
+ 14 -> pure Int16Rep
+ 15 -> pure Word16Rep
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 809
+ 16 -> pure Int32Rep
+ 17 -> pure Word32Rep
+ _ -> fail "Binary.putRuntimeRep: invalid tag"
+instance Binary KindRep where
+ put_ bh (KindRepTyConApp tc k) = putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh tc >> put_ bh k
+ put_ bh (KindRepVar bndr) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh bndr
+ put_ bh (KindRepApp a b) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh a >> put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (KindRepFun a b) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh a >> put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (KindRepTYPE r) = putByte bh 4 >> put_ bh r
+ put_ bh (KindRepTypeLit sort r) = putByte bh 5 >> put_ bh sort >> put_ bh r
+ get bh = do
+ tag <- getByte bh
+ case tag of
+ 0 -> KindRepTyConApp <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 1 -> KindRepVar <$> get bh
+ 2 -> KindRepApp <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 3 -> KindRepFun <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 4 -> KindRepTYPE <$> get bh
+ 5 -> KindRepTypeLit <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ _ -> fail "Binary.putKindRep: invalid tag"
+instance Binary TypeLitSort where
+ put_ bh TypeLitSymbol = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh TypeLitNat = putByte bh 1
+ get bh = do
+ tag <- getByte bh
+ case tag of
+ 0 -> pure TypeLitSymbol
+ 1 -> pure TypeLitNat
+ _ -> fail "Binary.putTypeLitSort: invalid tag"
+putTypeRep :: BinHandle -> TypeRep a -> IO ()
+-- Special handling for TYPE, (->), and RuntimeRep due to recursive kind
+-- relations.
+-- See Note [Mutually recursive representations of primitive types]
+putTypeRep bh rep
+ | Just HRefl <- rep `eqTypeRep` (typeRep :: TypeRep Type)
+ = put_ bh (0 :: Word8)
+putTypeRep bh (Con' con ks) = do
+ put_ bh (1 :: Word8)
+ put_ bh con
+ put_ bh ks
+putTypeRep bh (App f x) = do
+ put_ bh (2 :: Word8)
+ putTypeRep bh f
+ putTypeRep bh x
+putTypeRep bh (Fun arg res) = do
+ put_ bh (3 :: Word8)
+ putTypeRep bh arg
+ putTypeRep bh res
+instance Binary Serialized where
+ put_ bh (Serialized the_type bytes) = do
+ put_ bh the_type
+ put_ bh bytes
+ get bh = do
+ the_type <- get bh
+ bytes <- get bh
+ return (Serialized the_type bytes)