path: root/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs
index 2db4672f07..25da8be3de 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
@@ -124,10 +123,6 @@ orValid IsValid _ = IsValid
orValid _ v = v
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Basic error messages: just render a message with a source location.
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Collecting up messages for later ordering and printing.
mk_err_msg :: DynFlags -> Severity -> SrcSpan -> PrintUnqualified -> ErrDoc -> ErrMsg
@@ -536,42 +531,42 @@ withTiming' :: MonadIO m
-> m a -- ^ The body of the phase to be timed
-> m a
withTiming' dflags what force_result prtimings action
- = do if verbosity dflags >= 2 || dopt Opt_D_dump_timings dflags
- then do whenPrintTimings $
- logInfo dflags $ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle $
- text "***" <+> what <> colon
- let ctx = initDefaultSDocContext dflags
- eventBegins ctx what
- alloc0 <- liftIO getAllocationCounter
- start <- liftIO getCPUTime
- !r <- action
- () <- pure $ force_result r
- eventEnds ctx what
- end <- liftIO getCPUTime
- alloc1 <- liftIO getAllocationCounter
- -- recall that allocation counter counts down
- let alloc = alloc0 - alloc1
- time = realToFrac (end - start) * 1e-9
- when (verbosity dflags >= 2 && prtimings == PrintTimings)
- $ liftIO $ logInfo dflags $ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle
- (text "!!!" <+> what <> colon <+> text "finished in"
- <+> doublePrec 2 time
- <+> text "milliseconds"
- <> comma
- <+> text "allocated"
- <+> doublePrec 3 (realToFrac alloc / 1024 / 1024)
- <+> text "megabytes")
- whenPrintTimings $
- dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_timings "" FormatText
- $ text $ showSDocOneLine ctx
- $ hsep [ what <> colon
- , text "alloc=" <> ppr alloc
- , text "time=" <> doublePrec 3 time
- ]
- pure r
- else action
+ = if verbosity dflags >= 2 || dopt Opt_D_dump_timings dflags
+ then do whenPrintTimings $
+ logInfo dflags $ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle $
+ text "***" <+> what <> colon
+ let ctx = initDefaultSDocContext dflags
+ eventBegins ctx what
+ alloc0 <- liftIO getAllocationCounter
+ start <- liftIO getCPUTime
+ !r <- action
+ () <- pure $ force_result r
+ eventEnds ctx what
+ end <- liftIO getCPUTime
+ alloc1 <- liftIO getAllocationCounter
+ -- recall that allocation counter counts down
+ let alloc = alloc0 - alloc1
+ time = realToFrac (end - start) * 1e-9
+ when (verbosity dflags >= 2 && prtimings == PrintTimings)
+ $ liftIO $ logInfo dflags $ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle
+ (text "!!!" <+> what <> colon <+> text "finished in"
+ <+> doublePrec 2 time
+ <+> text "milliseconds"
+ <> comma
+ <+> text "allocated"
+ <+> doublePrec 3 (realToFrac alloc / 1024 / 1024)
+ <+> text "megabytes")
+ whenPrintTimings $
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_timings "" FormatText
+ $ text $ showSDocOneLine ctx
+ $ hsep [ what <> colon
+ , text "alloc=" <> ppr alloc
+ , text "time=" <> doublePrec 3 time
+ ]
+ pure r
+ else action
where whenPrintTimings = liftIO . when (prtimings == PrintTimings)
eventBegins ctx w = do
@@ -776,8 +771,8 @@ type TraceAction = forall a. DynFlags -> String -> SDoc -> a -> a
-- | Default action for 'dumpAction' hook
defaultDumpAction :: DumpAction
-defaultDumpAction dflags sty dumpOpt title _fmt doc = do
- dumpSDocWithStyle sty dflags dumpOpt title doc
+defaultDumpAction dflags sty dumpOpt title _fmt doc =
+ dumpSDocWithStyle sty dflags dumpOpt title doc
-- | Default action for 'traceAction' hook
defaultTraceAction :: TraceAction