path: root/compiler/GHC/Utils/Outputable.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Utils/Outputable.hs')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Outputable.hs b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Outputable.hs
index b3d1772076..e83f0af927 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Outputable.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Outputable.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module GHC.Utils.Outputable (
Outputable(..), OutputableBndr(..),
-- * Pretty printing combinators
- SDoc, runSDoc, initSDocContext,
+ SDoc, runSDoc,
interppSP, interpp'SP,
pprQuotedList, pprWithCommas, quotedListWithOr, quotedListWithNor,
@@ -43,12 +43,10 @@ module GHC.Utils.Outputable (
coloured, keyword,
-- * Converting 'SDoc' into strings and outputting it
- printSDoc, printSDocLn, printForUser,
- printForC, bufLeftRenderSDoc,
+ printSDoc, printSDocLn,
+ bufLeftRenderSDoc,
pprCode, mkCodeStyle,
- showSDoc, showSDocUnsafe, showSDocOneLine,
- showSDocForUser, showSDocDebug, showSDocDump, showSDocDumpOneLine,
- showSDocUnqual, showPpr,
+ showSDocOneLine,
pprInfixVar, pprPrefixVar,
@@ -84,20 +82,11 @@ module GHC.Utils.Outputable (
ifPprDebug, whenPprDebug, getPprDebug,
- -- * Error handling and debugging utilities
- pprPanic, pprSorry, assertPprPanic, pprPgmError,
- pprTrace, pprTraceDebug, pprTraceWith, pprTraceIt, warnPprTrace,
- pprSTrace, pprTraceException, pprTraceM, pprTraceWithFlags,
- trace, pgmError, panic, sorry, assertPanic,
- pprDebugAndThen, callStackDoc,
) where
import GHC.Prelude
-import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Driver.Session
- ( DynFlags, hasPprDebug, hasNoDebugOutput
- , unsafeGlobalDynFlags, initSDocContext
- )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Driver.Session ( DynFlags )
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Unit.Types ( Unit, Module, moduleName )
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Unit.Module.Name( ModuleName )
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence( OccName )
@@ -105,10 +94,8 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence( OccName )
import GHC.Utils.BufHandle (BufHandle)
import GHC.Data.FastString
import qualified GHC.Utils.Ppr as Pretty
-import GHC.Utils.Misc
import qualified GHC.Utils.Ppr.Colour as Col
import GHC.Utils.Ppr ( Doc, Mode(..) )
-import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Serialized
import GHC.LanguageExtensions (Extension)
@@ -133,8 +120,6 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
import GHC.Fingerprint
import GHC.Show ( showMultiLineString )
-import GHC.Stack ( callStack, prettyCallStack )
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import GHC.Utils.Exception
@@ -493,18 +478,6 @@ printSDocLn :: SDocContext -> Mode -> Handle -> SDoc -> IO ()
printSDocLn ctx mode handle doc =
printSDoc ctx mode handle (doc $$ text "")
-printForUser :: DynFlags -> Handle -> PrintUnqualified -> Depth -> SDoc -> IO ()
-printForUser dflags handle unqual depth doc
- = printSDocLn ctx PageMode handle doc
- where ctx = initSDocContext dflags (mkUserStyle unqual depth)
--- | Like 'printSDocLn' but specialized with 'LeftMode' and
--- @'PprCode' 'CStyle'@. This is typically used to output C-- code.
-printForC :: DynFlags -> Handle -> SDoc -> IO ()
-printForC dflags handle doc =
- printSDocLn ctx LeftMode handle doc
- where ctx = initSDocContext dflags (PprCode CStyle)
-- | An efficient variant of 'printSDoc' specialized for 'LeftMode' that
-- outputs to a 'BufHandle'.
bufLeftRenderSDoc :: SDocContext -> BufHandle -> SDoc -> IO ()
@@ -517,39 +490,6 @@ pprCode cs d = withPprStyle (PprCode cs) d
mkCodeStyle :: CodeStyle -> PprStyle
mkCodeStyle = PprCode
--- Can't make SDoc an instance of Show because SDoc is just a function type
--- However, Doc *is* an instance of Show
--- showSDoc just blasts it out as a string
-showSDoc :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
-showSDoc dflags sdoc = renderWithStyle (initSDocContext dflags defaultUserStyle) sdoc
--- showSDocUnsafe is unsafe, because `unsafeGlobalDynFlags` might not be
--- initialised yet.
-showSDocUnsafe :: SDoc -> String
-showSDocUnsafe sdoc = showSDoc unsafeGlobalDynFlags sdoc
-showPpr :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> a -> String
-showPpr dflags thing = showSDoc dflags (ppr thing)
-showSDocUnqual :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
--- Only used by Haddock
-showSDocUnqual dflags sdoc = showSDoc dflags sdoc
-showSDocForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> SDoc -> String
--- Allows caller to specify the PrintUnqualified to use
-showSDocForUser dflags unqual doc
- = renderWithStyle (initSDocContext dflags (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay)) doc
-showSDocDump :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
-showSDocDump dflags d = renderWithStyle (initSDocContext dflags defaultDumpStyle) d
-showSDocDebug :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
-showSDocDebug dflags d = renderWithStyle ctx d
- where
- ctx = (initSDocContext dflags defaultDumpStyle)
- { sdocPprDebug = True
- }
renderWithStyle :: SDocContext -> SDoc -> String
renderWithStyle ctx sdoc
= let s ={ Pretty.mode = PageMode,
@@ -566,17 +506,6 @@ showSDocOneLine ctx d
Pretty.renderStyle s $
runSDoc d ctx
-showSDocDumpOneLine :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
-showSDocDumpOneLine dflags d
- = let s ={ Pretty.mode = OneLineMode,
- Pretty.lineLength = irrelevantNCols } in
- Pretty.renderStyle s $
- runSDoc d (initSDocContext dflags defaultDumpStyle)
-irrelevantNCols :: Int
--- Used for OneLineMode and LeftMode when number of cols isn't used
-irrelevantNCols = 1
isEmpty :: SDocContext -> SDoc -> Bool
isEmpty ctx sdoc = Pretty.isEmpty $ runSDoc sdoc (ctx {sdocPprDebug = True})
@@ -641,10 +570,11 @@ quotes d = sdocOption sdocCanUseUnicode $ \case
False -> SDoc $ \sty ->
let pp_d = runSDoc d sty
str = show pp_d
- in case (str, lastMaybe str) of
- (_, Just '\'') -> pp_d
- ('\'' : _, _) -> pp_d
- _other -> Pretty.quotes pp_d
+ in case str of
+ [] -> Pretty.quotes pp_d
+ '\'' : _ -> pp_d
+ _ | '\'' <- last str -> pp_d
+ | otherwise -> Pretty.quotes pp_d
semi, comma, colon, equals, space, dcolon, underscore, dot, vbar :: SDoc
arrow, lollipop, larrow, darrow, arrowt, larrowt, arrowtt, larrowtt :: SDoc
@@ -1210,96 +1140,3 @@ doOrDoes _ = text "do"
itsOrTheir :: [a] -> SDoc
itsOrTheir [_] = text "its"
itsOrTheir _ = text "their"
-* *
-\subsection{Error handling}
-* *
-callStackDoc :: HasCallStack => SDoc
-callStackDoc =
- hang (text "Call stack:")
- 4 (vcat $ map text $ lines (prettyCallStack callStack))
-pprPanic :: HasCallStack => String -> SDoc -> a
--- ^ Throw an exception saying "bug in GHC"
-pprPanic s doc = panicDoc s (doc $$ callStackDoc)
-pprSorry :: String -> SDoc -> a
--- ^ Throw an exception saying "this isn't finished yet"
-pprSorry = sorryDoc
-pprPgmError :: String -> SDoc -> a
--- ^ Throw an exception saying "bug in pgm being compiled" (used for unusual program errors)
-pprPgmError = pgmErrorDoc
-pprTraceDebug :: String -> SDoc -> a -> a
-pprTraceDebug str doc x
- | debugIsOn && hasPprDebug unsafeGlobalDynFlags = pprTrace str doc x
- | otherwise = x
--- | If debug output is on, show some 'SDoc' on the screen
-pprTrace :: String -> SDoc -> a -> a
-pprTrace str doc x = pprTraceWithFlags unsafeGlobalDynFlags str doc x
--- | If debug output is on, show some 'SDoc' on the screen
-pprTraceWithFlags :: DynFlags -> String -> SDoc -> a -> a
-pprTraceWithFlags dflags str doc x
- | hasNoDebugOutput dflags = x
- | otherwise = pprDebugAndThen dflags trace (text str) doc x
-pprTraceM :: Applicative f => String -> SDoc -> f ()
-pprTraceM str doc = pprTrace str doc (pure ())
--- | @pprTraceWith desc f x@ is equivalent to @pprTrace desc (f x) x@.
--- This allows you to print details from the returned value as well as from
--- ambient variables.
-pprTraceWith :: String -> (a -> SDoc) -> a -> a
-pprTraceWith desc f x = pprTrace desc (f x) x
--- | @pprTraceIt desc x@ is equivalent to @pprTrace desc (ppr x) x@
-pprTraceIt :: Outputable a => String -> a -> a
-pprTraceIt desc x = pprTraceWith desc ppr x
--- | @pprTraceException desc x action@ runs action, printing a message
--- if it throws an exception.
-pprTraceException :: ExceptionMonad m => String -> SDoc -> m a -> m a
-pprTraceException heading doc =
- handleGhcException $ \exc -> liftIO $ do
- putStrLn $ showSDocDump unsafeGlobalDynFlags (sep [text heading, nest 2 doc])
- throwGhcExceptionIO exc
--- | If debug output is on, show some 'SDoc' on the screen along
--- with a call stack when available.
-pprSTrace :: HasCallStack => SDoc -> a -> a
-pprSTrace doc = pprTrace "" (doc $$ callStackDoc)
-warnPprTrace :: HasCallStack => Bool -> String -> Int -> SDoc -> a -> a
--- ^ Just warn about an assertion failure, recording the given file and line number.
--- Should typically be accessed with the WARN macros
-warnPprTrace _ _ _ _ x | not debugIsOn = x
-warnPprTrace _ _file _line _msg x
- | hasNoDebugOutput unsafeGlobalDynFlags = x
-warnPprTrace False _file _line _msg x = x
-warnPprTrace True file line msg x
- = pprDebugAndThen unsafeGlobalDynFlags trace heading
- (msg $$ callStackDoc )
- x
- where
- heading = hsep [text "WARNING: file", text file <> comma, text "line", int line]
--- | Panic with an assertion failure, recording the given file and
--- line number. Should typically be accessed with the ASSERT family of macros
-assertPprPanic :: HasCallStack => String -> Int -> SDoc -> a
-assertPprPanic _file _line msg
- = pprPanic "ASSERT failed!" msg
-pprDebugAndThen :: DynFlags -> (String -> a) -> SDoc -> SDoc -> a
-pprDebugAndThen dflags cont heading pretty_msg
- = cont (showSDocDump dflags doc)
- where
- doc = sep [heading, nest 2 pretty_msg]