path: root/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow/FromCmm.hs
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1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow/FromCmm.hs b/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow/FromCmm.hs
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+++ b/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow/FromCmm.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+module GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow.FromCmm
+ ( structuredControl
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude hiding (succ)
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List (sortBy)
+import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dominators
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Cmm.Switch
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable ( Outputable, text, (<+>), ppr
+ , pprWithCommas
+ , showSDocUnsafe
+ )
+import GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow
+Module : GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow.FromCmm
+Description : Translation of (reducible) Cmm control flow to WebAssembly
+Code in this module can translate any _reducible_ Cmm control-flow
+graph to the structured control flow that is required by WebAssembly.
+The algorithm is subtle and is described in detail in a draft paper
+to be found at
+--------------------- Abstraction of Cmm control flow -----------------------
+-- | Abstracts the kind of control flow we understand how to convert.
+-- A block can be left in one of four ways:
+-- * Unconditionally
+-- * Conditionally on a predicate of type `e`
+-- * To a location determined by the value of a scrutinee of type `e`
+-- * Not at all.
+data ControlFlow e = Unconditional Label
+ | Conditional e Label Label
+ | Switch { _scrutinee :: e
+ , _range :: BrTableInterval
+ , _targets :: [Maybe Label] -- from 0
+ , _defaultTarget :: Maybe Label
+ }
+ | TailCall e
+flowLeaving :: Platform -> CmmBlock -> ControlFlow CmmExpr
+flowLeaving platform b =
+ case lastNode b of
+ CmmBranch l -> Unconditional l
+ CmmCondBranch c t f _ -> Conditional c t f
+ CmmSwitch e targets ->
+ let (offset, target_labels) = switchTargetsToTable targets
+ (lo, hi) = switchTargetsRange targets
+ default_label = switchTargetsDefault targets
+ scrutinee = smartPlus platform e offset
+ range = inclusiveInterval (lo+toInteger offset) (hi+toInteger offset)
+ in Switch scrutinee range (atMost brTableLimit target_labels) default_label
+ CmmCall { cml_cont = Just l } -> Unconditional l
+ CmmCall { cml_cont = Nothing, cml_target = e } -> TailCall e
+ CmmForeignCall { succ = l } -> Unconditional l
+ where atMost :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+ atMost k xs = if xs `hasAtLeast` k then
+ panic "switch table is too big for WebAssembly"
+ else
+ xs
+ hasAtLeast :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
+ hasAtLeast _ 0 = True
+ hasAtLeast [] _ = False
+ hasAtLeast (_:xs) k = hasAtLeast xs (k - 1)
+----------------------- Evaluation contexts ------------------------------
+-- | The syntactic constructs in which Wasm code may be contained.
+-- A list of these constructs represents an evaluation context,
+-- which is used to determined what level of `br` instruction
+-- reaches a given label.
+data ContainingSyntax
+ = BlockFollowedBy Label
+ | LoopHeadedBy Label
+ | IfThenElse (Maybe Label) -- ^ Carries the label that follows `if...end`, if any
+matchesFrame :: Label -> ContainingSyntax -> Bool
+matchesFrame label (BlockFollowedBy l) = label == l
+matchesFrame label (LoopHeadedBy l) = label == l
+matchesFrame label (IfThenElse (Just l)) = label == l
+matchesFrame _ _ = False
+data Context = Context { enclosing :: [ContainingSyntax]
+ , fallthrough :: Maybe Label -- the label can
+ -- be reached just by "falling through"
+ -- the hole
+ }
+instance Outputable Context where
+ ppr c | Just l <- fallthrough c =
+ pprWithCommas ppr (enclosing c) <+> text "fallthrough to" <+> ppr l
+ | otherwise = pprWithCommas ppr (enclosing c)
+emptyContext :: Context
+emptyContext = Context [] Nothing
+inside :: ContainingSyntax -> Context -> Context
+withFallthrough :: Context -> Label -> Context
+inside frame c = c { enclosing = frame : enclosing c }
+withFallthrough c l = c { fallthrough = Just l }
+type CmmActions = Block CmmNode O O
+type CfgNode = CmmBlock
+type FT pre post = WasmFunctionType pre post
+returns :: FT '[] '[ 'I32]
+doesn'tReturn :: FT '[] '[]
+returns = WasmFunctionType TypeListNil (TypeListCons TagI32 TypeListNil)
+doesn'tReturn = WasmFunctionType TypeListNil TypeListNil
+emptyPost :: FT pre post -> Bool
+emptyPost (WasmFunctionType _ TypeListNil) = True
+emptyPost _ = False
+----------------------- Translation ------------------------------
+-- | Convert a Cmm CFG to WebAssembly's structured control flow.
+structuredControl :: forall expr stmt .
+ Platform -- ^ needed for offset calculation
+ -> (Label -> CmmExpr -> expr) -- ^ translator for expressions
+ -> (Label -> CmmActions -> stmt) -- ^ translator for straight-line code
+ -> CmmGraph -- ^ CFG to be translated
+ -> WasmControl stmt expr '[] '[ 'I32]
+structuredControl platform txExpr txBlock g =
+ doTree returns dominatorTree emptyContext
+ where
+ gwd :: GraphWithDominators CmmNode
+ gwd = graphWithDominators g
+ dominatorTree :: Tree.Tree CfgNode-- Dominator tree in which children are sorted
+ -- with highest reverse-postorder number first
+ dominatorTree = fmap blockLabeled $ sortTree $ gwdDominatorTree gwd
+ doTree :: FT '[] post -> Tree.Tree CfgNode -> Context -> WasmControl stmt expr '[] post
+ nodeWithin :: forall post .
+ FT '[] post -> CfgNode -> [Tree.Tree CfgNode] -> Maybe Label
+ -> Context -> WasmControl stmt expr '[] post
+ doBranch :: FT '[] post -> Label -> Label -> Context -> WasmControl stmt expr '[] post
+ doTree fty (Tree.Node x children) context =
+ let codeForX = nodeWithin fty x selectedChildren Nothing
+ in if isLoopHeader x then
+ WasmLoop fty (codeForX loopContext)
+ else
+ codeForX context
+ where selectedChildren = case lastNode x of
+ CmmSwitch {} -> children
+ -- N.B. Unlike `if`, translation of Switch uses only labels.
+ _ -> filter hasMergeRoot children
+ loopContext = LoopHeadedBy (entryLabel x) `inside`
+ (context `withFallthrough` entryLabel x)
+ hasMergeRoot = isMergeNode . Tree.rootLabel
+ nodeWithin fty x (y_n:ys) (Just zlabel) context =
+ WasmBlock fty $ nodeWithin fty x (y_n:ys) Nothing context'
+ where context' = BlockFollowedBy zlabel `inside` context
+ nodeWithin fty x (y_n:ys) Nothing context =
+ nodeWithin doesn'tReturn x ys (Just ylabel) (context `withFallthrough` ylabel) <>
+ doTree fty y_n context
+ where ylabel = treeEntryLabel y_n
+ nodeWithin fty x [] (Just zlabel) context
+ | not (generatesIf x) =
+ WasmBlock fty (nodeWithin fty x [] Nothing context')
+ where context' = BlockFollowedBy zlabel `inside` context
+ nodeWithin fty x [] maybeMarks context =
+ translationOfX context
+ where xlabel = entryLabel x
+ translationOfX :: Context -> WasmControl stmt expr '[] post
+ translationOfX context =
+ WasmActions (txBlock xlabel $ nodeBody x) <>
+ case flowLeaving platform x of
+ Unconditional l -> doBranch fty xlabel l context
+ Conditional e t f ->
+ WasmIf fty
+ (txExpr xlabel e)
+ (doBranch fty xlabel t (IfThenElse maybeMarks `inside` context))
+ (doBranch fty xlabel f (IfThenElse maybeMarks `inside` context))
+ TailCall e -> WasmPush TagI32 (txExpr xlabel e) <> WasmReturnTop TagI32
+ Switch e range targets default' ->
+ WasmBrTable (txExpr xlabel e)
+ range
+ (map switchIndex targets)
+ (switchIndex default')
+ where switchIndex :: Maybe Label -> Int
+ switchIndex Nothing = 0 -- arbitrary; GHC won't go here
+ switchIndex (Just lbl) = index lbl (enclosing context)
+ doBranch fty from to context
+ | to `elem` fallthrough context && emptyPost fty = WasmFallthrough
+ -- optimization: `br` is not needed, but it typechecks
+ -- only if nothing is expected to be left on the stack
+ | isBackward from to = WasmBr i -- continue
+ | isMergeLabel to = WasmBr i -- exit
+ | otherwise = doTree fty (subtreeAt to) context -- inline the code here
+ where i = index to (enclosing context)
+ generatesIf :: CmmBlock -> Bool
+ generatesIf x = case flowLeaving platform x of Conditional {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+ ---- everything else is utility functions
+ treeEntryLabel :: Tree.Tree CfgNode -> Label
+ treeEntryLabel = entryLabel . Tree.rootLabel
+ sortTree :: Tree.Tree Label -> Tree.Tree Label
+ -- Sort highest rpnum first
+ sortTree (Tree.Node label children) =
+ Tree.Node label $ sortBy (flip compare `on` (rpnum . Tree.rootLabel)) $
+ map sortTree children
+ subtreeAt :: Label -> Tree.Tree CfgNode
+ blockLabeled :: Label -> CfgNode
+ rpnum :: Label -> RPNum-- reverse postorder number of the labeled block
+ isMergeLabel :: Label -> Bool
+ isMergeNode :: CfgNode -> Bool
+ isLoopHeader :: CfgNode -> Bool-- identify loop headers
+ -- all nodes whose immediate dominator is the given block.
+ -- They are produced with the largest RP number first,
+ -- so the largest RP number is pushed on the context first.
+ dominates :: Label -> Label -> Bool
+ -- Domination relation (not just immediate domination)
+ blockmap :: LabelMap CfgNode
+ GMany NothingO blockmap NothingO = g_graph g
+ blockLabeled l = findLabelIn l blockmap
+ rpblocks :: [CfgNode]
+ rpblocks = revPostorderFrom blockmap (g_entry g)
+ foldEdges :: forall a . (Label -> Label -> a -> a) -> a -> a
+ foldEdges f a =
+ foldl (\a (from, to) -> f from to a)
+ a
+ [(entryLabel from, to) | from <- rpblocks, to <- successors from]
+ isMergeLabel l = setMember l mergeBlockLabels
+ isMergeNode = isMergeLabel . entryLabel
+ isBackward :: Label -> Label -> Bool
+ isBackward from to = rpnum to <= rpnum from -- self-edge counts as a backward edge
+ subtreeAt label = findLabelIn label subtrees
+ subtrees :: LabelMap (Tree.Tree CfgNode)
+ subtrees = addSubtree mapEmpty dominatorTree
+ where addSubtree map t@(Tree.Node root children) =
+ foldl addSubtree (mapInsert (entryLabel root) t map) children
+ mergeBlockLabels :: LabelSet
+ -- N.B. A block is a merge node if it is where control flow merges.
+ -- That means it is entered by multiple control-flow edges, _except_
+ -- back edges don't count. There must be multiple paths that enter the
+ -- block _without_ passing through the block itself.
+ mergeBlockLabels =
+ setFromList [entryLabel n | n <- rpblocks, big (forwardPreds (entryLabel n))]
+ where big [] = False
+ big [_] = False
+ big (_ : _ : _) = True
+ forwardPreds :: Label -> [Label] -- reachable predecessors of reachable blocks,
+ -- via forward edges only
+ forwardPreds = \l -> mapFindWithDefault [] l predmap
+ where predmap :: LabelMap [Label]
+ predmap = foldEdges addForwardEdge mapEmpty
+ addForwardEdge from to pm
+ | isBackward from to = pm
+ | otherwise = addToList (from :) to pm
+ isLoopHeader = isHeaderLabel . entryLabel
+ isHeaderLabel = (`setMember` headers) -- loop headers
+ where headers :: LabelSet
+ headers = foldMap headersPointedTo blockmap
+ headersPointedTo block =
+ setFromList [label | label <- successors block,
+ dominates label (entryLabel block)]
+ index :: Label -> [ContainingSyntax] -> Int
+ index _ [] = panic "destination label not in evaluation context"
+ index label (frame : context)
+ | label `matchesFrame` frame = 0
+ | otherwise = 1 + index label context
+ rpnum = gwdRPNumber gwd
+ dominates lbl blockname =
+ lbl == blockname || dominatorsMember lbl (gwdDominatorsOf gwd blockname)
+nodeBody :: CfgNode -> CmmActions
+nodeBody (BlockCC _first middle _last) = middle
+smartPlus :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> Int -> CmmExpr
+smartPlus _ e 0 = e
+smartPlus platform e k =
+ CmmMachOp (MO_Add width) [e, CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral k) width)]
+ where width = cmmExprWidth platform e
+addToList :: (IsMap map) => ([a] -> [a]) -> KeyOf map -> map [a] -> map [a]
+addToList consx = mapAlter add
+ where add Nothing = Just (consx [])
+ add (Just xs) = Just (consx xs)
+--- everything below here is for diagnostics in case of panic
+instance Outputable ContainingSyntax where
+ ppr (BlockFollowedBy l) = text "node" <+> ppr l
+ ppr (LoopHeadedBy l) = text "loop" <+> ppr l
+ ppr (IfThenElse l) = text "if-then-else" <+> ppr l
+findLabelIn :: HasDebugCallStack => Label -> LabelMap a -> a
+findLabelIn lbl = mapFindWithDefault failed lbl
+ where failed =
+ panic $ "label " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr lbl) ++ " not found in control-flow graph"