path: root/compiler/GHC
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC')
10 files changed, 1896 insertions, 1929 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Hooks.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Hooks.hs
index 6730daca5c..e4f4262d5e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Hooks.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Hooks.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Driver.Env
import GHC.Driver.Session
-import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Phases
import GHC.Hs.Decls
import GHC.Hs.Binds
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ data Hooks = Hooks
, hscCompileCoreExprHook ::
!(Maybe (HscEnv -> (SrcSpan, Maybe ModuleNameWithIsBoot) -> CoreExpr -> IO ForeignHValue))
, ghcPrimIfaceHook :: !(Maybe ModIface)
- , runPhaseHook :: !(Maybe (PhasePlus -> FilePath -> CompPipeline (PhasePlus, FilePath)))
+ , runPhaseHook :: !(Maybe PhaseHook)
, runMetaHook :: !(Maybe (MetaHook TcM))
, linkHook :: !(Maybe (GhcLink -> DynFlags -> Bool
-> HomePackageTable -> IO SuccessFlag))
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
index c3c7cd9e31..3d55e77191 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@ hscSimpleIface' tc_result summary mb_old_iface = do
-- | Compile to hard-code.
hscGenHardCode :: HscEnv -> CgGuts -> ModLocation -> FilePath
-> IO (FilePath, Maybe FilePath, [(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)], CgInfos)
- -- ^ @Just f@ <=> _stub.c is f
+ -- ^ @Just f@ <=> _stub.c is f
hscGenHardCode hsc_env cgguts location output_filename = do
let CgGuts{ -- This is the last use of the ModGuts in a compilation.
-- From now on, we just use the bits we need.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
index ae12059726..46bb160cfc 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1558,7 +1559,7 @@ upsweep_mod hsc_env mHscMessage old_hpt summary mod_index nmods
compile_it :: Maybe Linkable -> IO HomeModInfo
compile_it mb_linkable =
- compileOne' Nothing mHscMessage hsc_env summary mod_index nmods
+ compileOne' mHscMessage hsc_env summary mod_index nmods
mb_old_iface mb_linkable
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Phases.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Phases.hs
index 07ec166ca3..2b4e234d12 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Phases.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Phases.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-- GHC Driver
@@ -10,10 +8,13 @@
module GHC.Driver.Phases (
- happensBefore, eqPhase, anyHsc, isStopLn,
+ happensBefore, eqPhase, isStopLn,
+ StopPhase(..),
+ stopPhaseToPhase,
@@ -67,6 +68,19 @@ import System.FilePath
linker | other | - | a.out
+-- Phases we can actually stop after
+data StopPhase = StopPreprocess -- -E
+ | StopC -- -C
+ | StopAs -- -S
+ | NoStop -- -c
+stopPhaseToPhase :: StopPhase -> Phase
+stopPhaseToPhase StopPreprocess = anyHsc
+stopPhaseToPhase StopC = HCc
+stopPhaseToPhase StopAs = As False
+stopPhaseToPhase NoStop = StopLn
+-- | Untyped Phase description
data Phase
= Unlit HscSource
| Cpp HscSource
@@ -86,7 +100,6 @@ data Phase
| MergeForeign -- merge in the foreign object files
-- The final phase is a pseudo-phase that tells the pipeline to stop.
- -- There is no runPhase case for it.
| StopLn -- Stop, but linking will follow, so generate .o file
deriving (Eq, Show)
@@ -122,22 +135,8 @@ eqPhase Ccxx Ccxx = True
eqPhase Cobjcxx Cobjcxx = True
eqPhase _ _ = False
-{- Note [Partial ordering on phases]
-We want to know which phases will occur before which others. This is used for
-sanity checking, to ensure that the pipeline will stop at some point (see
-A < B iff A occurs before B in a normal compilation pipeline.
-There is explicitly not a total ordering on phases, because in registerised
-builds, the phase `HsC` doesn't happen before nor after any other phase.
-Although we check that a normal user doesn't set the stop_phase to HsC through
-use of -C with registerised builds (in Main.checkOptions), it is still
-possible for a ghc-api user to do so. So be careful when using the function
-happensBefore, and don't think that `not (a <= b)` implies `b < a`.
+-- MP: happensBefore is only used in preprocessPipeline, that usage should
+-- be refactored and this usage removed.
happensBefore :: Platform -> Phase -> Phase -> Bool
happensBefore platform p1 p2 = p1 `happensBefore'` p2
where StopLn `happensBefore'` _ = False
@@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ phaseInputExt (Cpp _) = "lpp" -- intermediate only
phaseInputExt (HsPp _) = "hscpp" -- intermediate only
phaseInputExt (Hsc _) = "hspp" -- intermediate only
-- NB: as things stand, phaseInputExt (Hsc x) must not evaluate x
- -- because runPipeline uses the StopBefore phase to pick the
+ -- because runPhase uses the StopBefore phase to pick the
-- output filename. That could be fixed, but watch out.
phaseInputExt HCc = "hc"
phaseInputExt Ccxx = "cpp"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
index 3825019d8b..cdd22b1388 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
@@ -18,82 +17,85 @@
module GHC.Driver.Pipeline (
- -- Run a series of compilation steps in a pipeline, for a
- -- collection of source files.
+ -- * Run a series of compilation steps in a pipeline, for a
+ -- collection of source files.
oneShot, compileFile,
- -- Interfaces for the compilation manager (interpreted/batch-mode)
+ -- * Interfaces for the compilation manager (interpreted/batch-mode)
compileOne, compileOne',
- link,
+ compileForeign, compileEmptyStub,
+ -- * Linking
+ link, linkingNeeded, checkLinkInfo,
+ -- * PipeEnv
+ PipeEnv(..), mkPipeEnv, phaseOutputFilenameNew,
+ -- * Running individual phases
+ TPhase(..), runPhase,
+ hscPostBackendPhase,
+ -- * Constructing Pipelines
+ TPipelineClass, MonadUse(..),
+ preprocessPipeline, fullPipeline, hscPipeline, hscBackendPipeline, hscPostBackendPipeline,
+ hscGenBackendPipeline, asPipeline, viaCPipeline, cmmCppPipeline, cmmPipeline,
+ llvmPipeline, llvmLlcPipeline, llvmManglePipeline, pipelineStart,
+ -- * Default method of running a pipeline
+ runPipeline
+) where
- -- Exports for hooks to override runPhase and link
- PhasePlus(..), CompPipeline(..), PipeEnv(..), PipeState(..),
- phaseOutputFilename, getOutputFilename, getPipeState, getPipeEnv,
- hscPostBackendPhase, getLocation, setModLocation, setDynFlags,
- runPhase,
- doCpp,
- linkingNeeded, checkLinkInfo, writeInterfaceOnlyMode
- ) where
#include "ghcplatform.h"
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Platform
-import GHC.Tc.Types
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad hiding ( getImports )
+import GHC.Utils.Monad ( MonadIO(liftIO), mapMaybeM )
import GHC.Driver.Main
import GHC.Driver.Env hiding ( Hsc )
import GHC.Driver.Errors
import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types
import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Monad
-import GHC.Driver.Config.Parser (initParserOpts)
import GHC.Driver.Config.Diagnostic
import GHC.Driver.Phases
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Phases
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Driver.Backend
import GHC.Driver.Ppr
import GHC.Driver.Hooks
import GHC.Platform.Ways
-import GHC.Platform.ArchOS
-import GHC.Parser.Header
import GHC.SysTools
import GHC.Utils.TmpFs
import GHC.Linker.ExtraObj
-import GHC.Linker.Dynamic
import GHC.Linker.Static
import GHC.Linker.Types
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Error
-import GHC.Utils.Fingerprint
import GHC.Utils.Panic
-import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Utils.Exception as Exception
import GHC.Utils.Logger
-import GHC.CmmToLlvm ( llvmFixupAsm, llvmVersionList )
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
-import GHC.Settings
import GHC.Data.FastString ( mkFastString )
-import GHC.Data.StringBuffer ( hGetStringBuffer, hPutStringBuffer )
+import GHC.Data.StringBuffer ( hPutStringBuffer )
import GHC.Data.Maybe ( expectJust )
import GHC.Iface.Make ( mkFullIface )
import GHC.Runtime.Loader ( initializePlugins )
-import GHC.Types.Basic ( SuccessFlag(..) )
+import GHC.Types.Basic ( SuccessFlag(..), ForeignSrcLang(..) )
import GHC.Types.Error ( singleMessage, getMessages )
-import GHC.Types.Name.Env
import GHC.Types.Target
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.SourceFile
@@ -101,7 +103,8 @@ import GHC.Types.SourceError
import GHC.Unit
import GHC.Unit.Env
-import GHC.Unit.Finder
+--import GHC.Unit.Finder
+--import GHC.Unit.State
import GHC.Unit.Module.ModSummary
import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface
import GHC.Unit.Module.Graph (needsTemplateHaskellOrQQ)
@@ -113,13 +116,14 @@ import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as MC (handle)
-import Data.IORef
-import Data.List ( isInfixOf, intercalate )
import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Version
import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
import Data.Time ( getCurrentTime )
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Execute
+-- Simpler type synonym for actions in the pipeline monad
+type P m = TPipelineClass TPhase m
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Pre-process
@@ -141,17 +145,10 @@ preprocess hsc_env input_fn mb_input_buf mb_phase =
MC.handle handler $
fmap Right $ do
massertPpr (isJust mb_phase || isHaskellSrcFilename input_fn) (text input_fn)
- (dflags, fp, mb_iface, mb_linkable) <- runPipeline anyHsc hsc_env (input_fn, mb_input_buf, fmap RealPhase mb_phase)
- Nothing
- -- We keep the processed file for the whole session to save on
- -- duplicated work in ghci.
- (Temporary TFL_GhcSession)
- Nothing{-no ModLocation-}
- []{-no foreign objects-}
- -- We stop before Hsc phase so we shouldn't generate an interface
- massert (isNothing mb_iface)
- massert (isNothing mb_linkable)
- return (dflags, fp)
+ input_fn_final <- mkInputFn
+ let preprocess_pipeline = preprocessPipeline pipe_env (setDumpPrefix pipe_env hsc_env) input_fn_final
+ runPipeline (hsc_hooks hsc_env) preprocess_pipeline
srcspan = srcLocSpan $ mkSrcLoc (mkFastString input_fn) 1 1
handler (ProgramError msg) =
@@ -173,6 +170,24 @@ preprocess hsc_env input_fn mb_input_buf mb_phase =
-> Just (DriverPsHeaderMessage (PsHeaderMessage msg))
_ -> Nothing
+ pipe_env = mkPipeEnv StopPreprocess input_fn (Temporary TFL_GhcSession)
+ mkInputFn =
+ case mb_input_buf of
+ Just input_buf -> do
+ fn <- newTempName (hsc_logger hsc_env)
+ (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env)
+ (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ TFL_CurrentModule
+ ("buf_" ++ src_suffix pipe_env)
+ hdl <- openBinaryFile fn WriteMode
+ -- Add a LINE pragma so reported source locations will
+ -- mention the real input file, not this temp file.
+ hPutStrLn hdl $ "{-# LINE 1 \""++ input_fn ++ "\"#-}"
+ hPutStringBuffer hdl input_buf
+ hClose hdl
+ return fn
+ Nothing -> return input_fn
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Compile
@@ -187,6 +202,7 @@ preprocess hsc_env input_fn mb_input_buf mb_phase =
-- NB. No old interface can also mean that the source has changed.
compileOne :: HscEnv
-> ModSummary -- ^ summary for module being compiled
-> Int -- ^ module N ...
@@ -195,10 +211,9 @@ compileOne :: HscEnv
-> Maybe Linkable -- ^ old linkable, if we have one
-> IO HomeModInfo -- ^ the complete HomeModInfo, if successful
-compileOne = compileOne' Nothing (Just batchMsg)
+compileOne = compileOne' (Just batchMsg)
-compileOne' :: Maybe TcGblEnv
- -> Maybe Messager
+compileOne' :: Maybe Messager
-> HscEnv
-> ModSummary -- ^ summary for module being compiled
-> Int -- ^ module N ...
@@ -207,7 +222,7 @@ compileOne' :: Maybe TcGblEnv
-> Maybe Linkable -- ^ old linkable, if we have one
-> IO HomeModInfo -- ^ the complete HomeModInfo, if successful
-compileOne' m_tc_result mHscMessage
+compileOne' mHscMessage
hsc_env0 summary mod_index nmods mb_old_iface mb_old_linkable
= do
@@ -222,25 +237,14 @@ compileOne' m_tc_result mHscMessage
[ml_obj_file $ ms_location summary]
plugin_hsc_env <- initializePlugins hsc_env (Just (ms_mnwib summary))
- let runPostTc = compileOnePostTc plugin_hsc_env summary
- case m_tc_result of
- Just tc_result
- | not always_do_basic_recompilation_check -> do
- runPostTc (FrontendTypecheck tc_result) emptyMessages Nothing
- _ -> do
- status <- hscRecompStatus mHscMessage plugin_hsc_env summary
- mb_old_iface mb_old_linkable (mod_index, nmods)
- case status of
- HscUpToDate iface old_linkable -> do
- massert ( isJust old_linkable || isNoLink (ghcLink dflags) )
- -- See Note [ModDetails and --make mode]
- details <- initModDetails plugin_hsc_env summary iface
- return $! HomeModInfo iface details old_linkable
- HscRecompNeeded mb_old_hash -> do
- (tc_result, warnings) <- hscTypecheckAndGetWarnings plugin_hsc_env summary
- runPostTc tc_result warnings mb_old_hash
+ let pipe_env = mkPipeEnv NoStop input_fn pipelineOutput
+ status <- hscRecompStatus mHscMessage plugin_hsc_env summary
+ mb_old_iface mb_old_linkable (mod_index, nmods)
+ let pipeline = hscPipeline pipe_env (setDumpPrefix pipe_env plugin_hsc_env, summary, status)
+ (iface, old_linkable) <- runPipeline (hsc_hooks hsc_env) pipeline
+ -- See Note [ModDetails and --make mode]
+ details <- initModDetails plugin_hsc_env summary iface
+ return $! HomeModInfo iface details old_linkable
where lcl_dflags = ms_hspp_opts summary
location = ms_location summary
@@ -252,6 +256,11 @@ compileOne' m_tc_result mHscMessage
isProfWay = any (== WayProf) (ways lcl_dflags)
internalInterpreter = not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter lcl_dflags)
+ pipelineOutput = case bcknd of
+ Interpreter -> NoOutputFile
+ NoBackend -> NoOutputFile
+ _ -> Persistent
logger = hsc_logger hsc_env0
tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env0
@@ -295,122 +304,6 @@ compileOne' m_tc_result mHscMessage
dflags = dflags3 { includePaths = addImplicitQuoteInclude old_paths [current_dir] }
hsc_env = hscSetFlags dflags hsc_env0
- always_do_basic_recompilation_check = case bcknd of
- Interpreter -> True
- _ -> False
--- | Do the post typechecking compilation of a module in the --make mode
- :: HscEnv
- -> ModSummary
- -> FrontendResult
- -> WarningMessages
- -> Maybe Fingerprint
- -> IO HomeModInfo
-compileOnePostTc hsc_env summary tc_result warnings mb_old_hash = do
- output_fn <- getOutputFilename logger tmpfs next_phase
- (Temporary TFL_CurrentModule)
- basename dflags next_phase (Just location)
- (_, _, Just iface, mb_linkable) <- runPipeline StopLn hsc_env
- (output_fn,
- Nothing,
- Just (HscPostTc summary tc_result warnings mb_old_hash))
- (Just basename)
- pipelineOutput
- (Just location)
- []
- -- TODO: figure out a way to set this in runPipeline for HsSrcFile
- mLinkable <- case () of
- _ | Just l <- mb_linkable -> return $ Just l
- | bcknd == NoBackend -> return Nothing
- | src_flavour == HsSrcFile -> do
- -- The object filename comes from the ModLocation
- o_time <- getModificationUTCTime object_filename
- let !linkable = LM o_time this_mod [DotO object_filename]
- return $ Just linkable
- | otherwise -> return Nothing
- -- See Note [ModDetails and --make mode]
- details <- initModDetails hsc_env summary iface
- return $! HomeModInfo iface details mLinkable
- where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- this_mod = ms_mod summary
- location = ms_location summary
- input_fn = expectJust "compile:hs" (ml_hs_file location)
- logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
- tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
- src_flavour = ms_hsc_src summary
- next_phase = hscPostBackendPhase src_flavour bcknd
- bcknd = backend dflags
- object_filename = ml_obj_file location
- basename = dropExtension input_fn
- pipelineOutput = case bcknd of
- Interpreter -> NoOutputFile
- NoBackend -> NoOutputFile
- _ -> Persistent
--- stub .h and .c files (for foreign export support), and cc files.
--- The _stub.c file is derived from the haskell source file, possibly taking
--- into account the -stubdir option.
--- The object file created by compiling the _stub.c file is put into a
--- temporary file, which will be later combined with the main .o file
--- (see the MergeForeigns phase).
--- Moreover, we also let the user emit arbitrary C/C++/ObjC/ObjC++ files
--- from TH, that are then compiled and linked to the module. This is
--- useful to implement facilities such as inline-c.
-compileForeign :: HscEnv -> ForeignSrcLang -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
-compileForeign _ RawObject object_file = return object_file
-compileForeign hsc_env lang stub_c = do
- let phase = case lang of
- LangC -> Cc
- LangCxx -> Ccxx
- LangObjc -> Cobjc
- LangObjcxx -> Cobjcxx
- LangAsm -> As True -- allow CPP
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 811
- RawObject -> panic "compileForeign: should be unreachable"
- (_, stub_o, _, _) <- runPipeline StopLn hsc_env
- (stub_c, Nothing, Just (RealPhase phase))
- Nothing (Temporary TFL_GhcSession)
- Nothing{-no ModLocation-}
- []
- return stub_o
-compileStub :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
-compileStub hsc_env stub_c = compileForeign hsc_env LangC stub_c
-compileEmptyStub :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> ModLocation -> ModuleName -> IO ()
-compileEmptyStub dflags hsc_env basename location mod_name = do
- -- To maintain the invariant that every Haskell file
- -- compiles to object code, we make an empty (but
- -- valid) stub object file for signatures. However,
- -- we make sure this object file has a unique symbol,
- -- so that ranlib on OS X doesn't complain, see
- --
- -- and
- let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
- let tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
- empty_stub <- newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule "c"
- let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env
- src = text "int" <+> ppr (mkHomeModule home_unit mod_name) <+> text "= 0;"
- writeFile empty_stub (showSDoc dflags (pprCode CStyle src))
- _ <- runPipeline StopLn hsc_env
- (empty_stub, Nothing, Nothing)
- (Just basename)
- Persistent
- (Just location)
- []
- return ()
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Link
@@ -614,13 +507,17 @@ findHSLib platform ws dirs lib = do
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Compile files in one-shot mode.
-oneShot :: HscEnv -> Phase -> [(String, Maybe Phase)] -> IO ()
+oneShot :: HscEnv -> StopPhase -> [(String, Maybe Phase)] -> IO ()
oneShot hsc_env stop_phase srcs = do
- o_files <- mapM (compileFile hsc_env stop_phase) srcs
- doLink hsc_env stop_phase o_files
-compileFile :: HscEnv -> Phase -> (FilePath, Maybe Phase) -> IO FilePath
-compileFile hsc_env stop_phase (src, mb_phase) = do
+ o_files <- mapMaybeM (compileFile hsc_env stop_phase) srcs
+ case stop_phase of
+ StopPreprocess -> return ()
+ StopC -> return ()
+ StopAs -> return ()
+ NoStop -> doLink hsc_env o_files
+compileFile :: HscEnv -> StopPhase -> (FilePath, Maybe Phase) -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+compileFile hsc_env stop_phase (src, _mb_phase) = do
exists <- doesFileExist src
when (not exists) $
throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError ("does not exist: " ++ src))
@@ -634,27 +531,19 @@ compileFile hsc_env stop_phase (src, mb_phase) = do
-- otherwise, we use it as the name for the pipeline's output.
| NoBackend <- backend dflags = NoOutputFile
- | StopLn <- stop_phase, not (isNoLink ghc_link) = Persistent
+ | NoStop <- stop_phase, not (isNoLink ghc_link) = Persistent
-- -o foo applies to linker
| isJust mb_o_file = SpecificFile
-- -o foo applies to the file we are compiling now
| otherwise = Persistent
- ( _, out_file, _, _) <- runPipeline stop_phase hsc_env
- (src, Nothing, fmap RealPhase mb_phase)
- Nothing
- output
- Nothing{-no ModLocation-} []
- return out_file
+ pipe_env = mkPipeEnv stop_phase src output
+ pipeline = pipelineStart pipe_env (setDumpPrefix pipe_env hsc_env) src
+ runPipeline (hsc_hooks hsc_env) pipeline
-doLink :: HscEnv -> Phase -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
-doLink hsc_env stop_phase o_files
- | not (isStopLn stop_phase)
- = return () -- We stopped before the linking phase
- | otherwise
- = let
+doLink :: HscEnv -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
+doLink hsc_env o_files =
+ let
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
unit_env = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
@@ -666,1586 +555,415 @@ doLink hsc_env stop_phase o_files
LinkDynLib -> linkDynLibCheck logger tmpfs dflags unit_env o_files []
other -> panicBadLink other
+-- stub .h and .c files (for foreign export support), and cc files.
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Run a compilation pipeline, consisting of multiple phases.
--- This is the interface to the compilation pipeline, which runs
--- a series of compilation steps on a single source file, specifying
--- at which stage to stop.
--- The DynFlags can be modified by phases in the pipeline (eg. by
--- OPTIONS_GHC pragmas), and the changes affect later phases in the
--- pipeline.
- :: Phase -- ^ When to stop
- -> HscEnv -- ^ Compilation environment
- -> (FilePath, Maybe InputFileBuffer, Maybe PhasePlus)
- -- ^ Pipeline input file name, optional
- -- buffer and maybe -x suffix
- -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ original basename (if different from ^^^)
- -> PipelineOutput -- ^ Output filename
- -> Maybe ModLocation -- ^ A ModLocation, if this is a Haskell module
- -> [FilePath] -- ^ foreign objects
- -> IO (DynFlags, FilePath, Maybe ModIface, Maybe Linkable)
- -- ^ (final flags, output filename, interface, linkable)
-runPipeline stop_phase hsc_env0 (input_fn, mb_input_buf, mb_phase)
- mb_basename output maybe_loc foreign_os
- = do let
- -- Decide where dump files should go based on the pipeline output
- hsc_env = hscUpdateFlags (\dflags -> dflags { dumpPrefix = Just (basename ++ ".")}) hsc_env0
- logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
- tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
- dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- (input_basename, suffix) = splitExtension input_fn
- suffix' = drop 1 suffix -- strip off the .
- basename | Just b <- mb_basename = b
- | otherwise = input_basename
- -- If we were given a -x flag, then use that phase to start from
- start_phase = fromMaybe (RealPhase (startPhase suffix')) mb_phase
- isHaskell (RealPhase (Unlit _)) = True
- isHaskell (RealPhase (Cpp _)) = True
- isHaskell (RealPhase (HsPp _)) = True
- isHaskell (RealPhase (Hsc _)) = True
- isHaskell (HscPostTc {}) = True
- isHaskell (HscBackend {}) = True
- isHaskell _ = False
- isHaskellishFile = isHaskell start_phase
- env = PipeEnv{ stop_phase,
- src_filename = input_fn,
- src_basename = basename,
- src_suffix = suffix',
- output_spec = output }
- when (isBackpackishSuffix suffix') $
- throwGhcExceptionIO (UsageError
- ("use --backpack to process " ++ input_fn))
- -- We want to catch cases of "you can't get there from here" before
- -- we start the pipeline, because otherwise it will just run off the
- -- end.
- let happensBefore' = happensBefore (targetPlatform dflags)
- case start_phase of
- RealPhase start_phase' ->
- -- See Note [Partial ordering on phases]
- -- Not the same as: (stop_phase `happensBefore` start_phase')
- when (not (start_phase' `happensBefore'` stop_phase ||
- start_phase' `eqPhase` stop_phase)) $
- throwGhcExceptionIO (UsageError
- ("cannot compile this file to desired target: "
- ++ input_fn))
- HscPostTc {} -> return ()
- HscBackend {} -> return ()
- -- Write input buffer to temp file if requested
- input_fn' <- case (start_phase, mb_input_buf) of
- (RealPhase real_start_phase, Just input_buf) -> do
- let suffix = phaseInputExt real_start_phase
- fn <- newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule suffix
- hdl <- openBinaryFile fn WriteMode
- -- Add a LINE pragma so reported source locations will
- -- mention the real input file, not this temp file.
- hPutStrLn hdl $ "{-# LINE 1 \""++ input_fn ++ "\"#-}"
- hPutStringBuffer hdl input_buf
- hClose hdl
- return fn
- (_, _) -> return input_fn
- debugTraceMsg logger 4 (text "Running the pipeline")
- r <- runPipeline' start_phase hsc_env env input_fn'
- maybe_loc foreign_os
- when isHaskellishFile $
- dynamicTooState dflags >>= \case
- DT_Dont -> return ()
- DT_Dyn -> return ()
- DT_OK -> return ()
- -- If we are compiling a Haskell module with -dynamic-too, we
- -- first try the "fast path": that is we compile the non-dynamic
- -- version and at the same time we check that interfaces depended
- -- on exist both for the non-dynamic AND the dynamic way. We also
- -- check that they have the same hash.
- -- If they don't, dynamicTooState is set to DT_Failed.
- -- See GHC.Iface.Load.checkBuildDynamicToo
- -- If they do, in the end we produce both the non-dynamic and
- -- dynamic outputs.
- --
- -- If this "fast path" failed, we execute the whole pipeline
- -- again, this time for the dynamic way *only*. To do that we
- -- just set the dynamicNow bit from the start to ensure that the
- -- dynamic DynFlags fields are used and we disable -dynamic-too
- -- (its state is already set to DT_Failed so it wouldn't do much
- -- anyway).
- DT_Failed
- -- NB: Currently disabled on Windows (ref #7134, #8228, and #5987)
- | OSMinGW32 <- platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) -> return ()
- | otherwise -> do
- debugTraceMsg logger 4
- (text "Running the full pipeline again for -dynamic-too")
- let dflags0 = flip gopt_unset Opt_BuildDynamicToo
- $ setDynamicNow
- $ dflags
- hsc_env' <- newHscEnv dflags0
- (dbs,unit_state,home_unit,mconstants) <- initUnits logger dflags0 Nothing
- dflags1 <- updatePlatformConstants dflags0 mconstants
- unit_env0 <- initUnitEnv (ghcNameVersion dflags1) (targetPlatform dflags1)
- let unit_env = unit_env0
- { ue_home_unit = Just home_unit
- , ue_units = unit_state
- , ue_unit_dbs = Just dbs
- }
- let hsc_env'' = hscSetFlags dflags1
- $ hsc_env' { hsc_unit_env = unit_env }
- _ <- runPipeline' start_phase hsc_env'' env input_fn'
- maybe_loc foreign_os
- return ()
- return r
- :: PhasePlus -- ^ When to start
- -> HscEnv -- ^ Compilation environment
- -> PipeEnv
- -> FilePath -- ^ Input filename
- -> Maybe ModLocation -- ^ A ModLocation, if this is a Haskell module
- -> [FilePath] -- ^ foreign objects, if we have one
- -> IO (DynFlags, FilePath, Maybe ModIface, Maybe Linkable)
- -- ^ (final flags, output filename, interface, linkable)
-runPipeline' start_phase hsc_env env input_fn
- maybe_loc foreign_os
- = do
- -- Execute the pipeline...
- let state = PipeState{ hsc_env, maybe_loc, foreign_os = foreign_os, iface = Nothing
- , maybe_linkable = Nothing }
- (pipe_state, fp) <- evalP (pipeLoop start_phase input_fn) env state
- return (pipeStateDynFlags pipe_state, fp, pipeStateModIface pipe_state
- , pipeStateLinkable pipe_state )
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- outer pipeline loop
--- | pipeLoop runs phases until we reach the stop phase
-pipeLoop :: PhasePlus -> FilePath -> CompPipeline FilePath
-pipeLoop phase input_fn = do
- env <- getPipeEnv
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- logger <- getLogger
- -- See Note [Partial ordering on phases]
- let happensBefore' = happensBefore (targetPlatform dflags)
- stopPhase = stop_phase env
- case phase of
- RealPhase realPhase | realPhase `eqPhase` stopPhase -- All done
- -> -- Sometimes, a compilation phase doesn't actually generate any output
- -- (eg. the CPP phase when -fcpp is not turned on). If we end on this
- -- stage, but we wanted to keep the output, then we have to explicitly
- -- copy the file, remembering to prepend a {-# LINE #-} pragma so that
- -- further compilation stages can tell what the original filename was.
- case output_spec env of
- Temporary _ ->
- return input_fn
- NoOutputFile -> return input_fn
- output ->
- do pst <- getPipeState
- tmpfs <- hsc_tmpfs <$> getPipeSession
- final_fn <- liftIO $ getOutputFilename logger tmpfs
- stopPhase output (src_basename env)
- dflags stopPhase (maybe_loc pst)
- when (final_fn /= input_fn) $ do
- let msg = "Copying `" ++ input_fn ++"' to `" ++ final_fn ++ "'"
- line_prag = "{-# LINE 1 \"" ++ src_filename env ++ "\" #-}\n"
- liftIO $ showPass logger msg
- liftIO $ copyWithHeader line_prag input_fn final_fn
- return final_fn
- | not (realPhase `happensBefore'` stopPhase)
- -- Something has gone wrong. We'll try to cover all the cases when
- -- this could happen, so if we reach here it is a panic.
- -- eg. it might happen if the -C flag is used on a source file that
- -- has {-# OPTIONS -fasm #-}.
- -> panic ("pipeLoop: at phase " ++ show realPhase ++
- " but I wanted to stop at phase " ++ show stopPhase)
- _
- -> do liftIO $ debugTraceMsg logger 4
- (text "Running phase" <+> ppr phase)
- case phase of
- HscBackend {} -> do
- -- Depending on the dynamic-too state, we first run the
- -- backend to generate the non-dynamic objects and then
- -- re-run it to generate the dynamic ones.
- let noDynToo = do
- (next_phase, output_fn) <- runHookedPhase phase input_fn
- pipeLoop next_phase output_fn
- let dynToo = do
- -- we must run the non-dynamic way before the dynamic
- -- one because there may be interfaces loaded only in
- -- the backend (e.g., in CorePrep). See #19264
- r <- noDynToo
- -- we must check the dynamic-too state again, because
- -- we may have failed to load a dynamic interface in
- -- the backend.
- dynamicTooState dflags >>= \case
- DT_OK -> do
- let dflags' = setDynamicNow dflags -- set "dynamicNow"
- setDynFlags dflags'
- (next_phase, output_fn) <- runHookedPhase phase input_fn
- _ <- pipeLoop next_phase output_fn
- -- TODO: we probably shouldn't ignore the result of
- -- the dynamic compilation
- setDynFlags dflags -- restore flags without "dynamicNow" set
- return r
- _ -> return r
- dynamicTooState dflags >>= \case
- DT_Dont -> noDynToo
- DT_Failed -> noDynToo
- DT_OK -> dynToo
- DT_Dyn -> noDynToo
- -- it shouldn't be possible to be in this last case
- -- here. It would mean that we executed the whole
- -- pipeline with DynamicNow and Opt_BuildDynamicToo set.
- --
- -- When we restart the whole pipeline for -dynamic-too
- -- we set DynamicNow but we unset Opt_BuildDynamicToo so
- -- it's weird.
- _ -> do
- (next_phase, output_fn) <- runHookedPhase phase input_fn
- pipeLoop next_phase output_fn
-runHookedPhase :: PhasePlus -> FilePath -> CompPipeline (PhasePlus, FilePath)
-runHookedPhase pp input = do
- hooks <- hsc_hooks <$> getPipeSession
- case runPhaseHook hooks of
- Nothing -> runPhase pp input
- Just h -> h pp input
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- In each phase, we need to know into what filename to generate the
--- output. All the logic about which filenames we generate output
--- into is embodied in the following function.
--- | Computes the next output filename after we run @next_phase@.
--- Like 'getOutputFilename', but it operates in the 'CompPipeline' monad
--- (which specifies all of the ambient information.)
-phaseOutputFilename :: Phase{-next phase-} -> CompPipeline FilePath
-phaseOutputFilename next_phase = do
- PipeEnv{stop_phase, src_basename, output_spec} <- getPipeEnv
- PipeState{maybe_loc,hsc_env} <- getPipeState
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- logger <- getLogger
- let tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
- liftIO $ getOutputFilename logger tmpfs stop_phase output_spec
- src_basename dflags next_phase maybe_loc
--- | Computes the next output filename for something in the compilation
--- pipeline. This is controlled by several variables:
--- 1. 'Phase': the last phase to be run (e.g. 'stopPhase'). This
--- is used to tell if we're in the last phase or not, because
--- in that case flags like @-o@ may be important.
--- 2. 'PipelineOutput': is this intended to be a 'Temporary' or
--- 'Persistent' build output? Temporary files just go in
--- a fresh temporary name.
--- 3. 'String': what was the basename of the original input file?
--- 4. 'DynFlags': the obvious thing
--- 5. 'Phase': the phase we want to determine the output filename of.
--- 6. @Maybe ModLocation@: the 'ModLocation' of the module we're
--- compiling; this can be used to override the default output
--- of an object file. (TODO: do we actually need this?)
- :: Logger
- -> TmpFs
- -> Phase
- -> PipelineOutput
- -> String
- -> DynFlags
- -> Phase -- next phase
- -> Maybe ModLocation
- -> IO FilePath
-getOutputFilename logger tmpfs stop_phase output basename dflags next_phase maybe_location
- | is_last_phase, Persistent <- output = persistent_fn
- | is_last_phase, SpecificFile <- output = case outputFile dflags of
- Just f -> return f
- Nothing ->
- panic "SpecificFile: No filename"
- | keep_this_output = persistent_fn
- | Temporary lifetime <- output = newTempName logger tmpfs dflags lifetime suffix
- | otherwise = newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule
- suffix
- where
- hcsuf = hcSuf dflags
- odir = objectDir dflags
- osuf = objectSuf dflags
- keep_hc = gopt Opt_KeepHcFiles dflags
- keep_hscpp = gopt Opt_KeepHscppFiles dflags
- keep_s = gopt Opt_KeepSFiles dflags
- keep_bc = gopt Opt_KeepLlvmFiles dflags
- myPhaseInputExt HCc = hcsuf
- myPhaseInputExt MergeForeign = osuf
- myPhaseInputExt StopLn = osuf
- myPhaseInputExt other = phaseInputExt other
- is_last_phase = next_phase `eqPhase` stop_phase
- -- sometimes, we keep output from intermediate stages
- keep_this_output =
- case next_phase of
- As _ | keep_s -> True
- LlvmOpt | keep_bc -> True
- HCc | keep_hc -> True
- HsPp _ | keep_hscpp -> True -- See #10869
- _other -> False
- suffix = myPhaseInputExt next_phase
- -- persistent object files get put in odir
- persistent_fn
- | StopLn <- next_phase = return odir_persistent
- | otherwise = return persistent
- persistent = basename <.> suffix
- odir_persistent
- | Just loc <- maybe_location = ml_obj_file loc
- | Just d <- odir = d </> persistent
- | otherwise = persistent
--- | LLVM Options. These are flags to be passed to opt and llc, to ensure
--- consistency we list them in pairs, so that they form groups.
-llvmOptions :: DynFlags
- -> [(String, String)] -- ^ pairs of (opt, llc) arguments
-llvmOptions dflags =
- [("-enable-tbaa -tbaa", "-enable-tbaa") | gopt Opt_LlvmTBAA dflags ]
- ++ [("-relocation-model=" ++ rmodel
- ,"-relocation-model=" ++ rmodel) | not (null rmodel)]
- ++ [("-stack-alignment=" ++ (show align)
- ,"-stack-alignment=" ++ (show align)) | align > 0 ]
- -- Additional llc flags
- ++ [("", "-mcpu=" ++ mcpu) | not (null mcpu)
- , not (any (isInfixOf "-mcpu") (getOpts dflags opt_lc)) ]
- ++ [("", "-mattr=" ++ attrs) | not (null attrs) ]
- ++ [("", "-target-abi=" ++ abi) | not (null abi) ]
- where target = platformMisc_llvmTarget $ platformMisc dflags
- Just (LlvmTarget _ mcpu mattr) = lookup target (llvmTargets $ llvmConfig dflags)
- -- Relocation models
- rmodel | gopt Opt_PIC dflags = "pic"
- | positionIndependent dflags = "pic"
- | WayDyn `elem` ways dflags = "dynamic-no-pic"
- | otherwise = "static"
- platform = targetPlatform dflags
- align :: Int
- align = case platformArch platform of
- ArchX86_64 | isAvxEnabled dflags -> 32
- _ -> 0
- attrs :: String
- attrs = intercalate "," $ mattr
- ++ ["+sse42" | isSse4_2Enabled dflags ]
- ++ ["+sse2" | isSse2Enabled platform ]
- ++ ["+sse" | isSseEnabled platform ]
- ++ ["+avx512f" | isAvx512fEnabled dflags ]
- ++ ["+avx2" | isAvx2Enabled dflags ]
- ++ ["+avx" | isAvxEnabled dflags ]
- ++ ["+avx512cd"| isAvx512cdEnabled dflags ]
- ++ ["+avx512er"| isAvx512erEnabled dflags ]
- ++ ["+avx512pf"| isAvx512pfEnabled dflags ]
- ++ ["+bmi" | isBmiEnabled dflags ]
- ++ ["+bmi2" | isBmi2Enabled dflags ]
- abi :: String
- abi = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
- ArchRISCV64 -> "lp64d"
- _ -> ""
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Each phase in the pipeline returns the next phase to execute, and the
--- name of the file in which the output was placed.
+-- The _stub.c file is derived from the haskell source file, possibly taking
+-- into account the -stubdir option.
--- We must do things dynamically this way, because we often don't know
--- what the rest of the phases will be until part-way through the
--- compilation: for example, an {-# OPTIONS -fasm #-} at the beginning
--- of a source file can change the latter stages of the pipeline from
--- taking the LLVM route to using the native code generator.
+-- The object file created by compiling the _stub.c file is put into a
+-- temporary file, which will be later combined with the main .o file
+-- (see the MergeForeigns phase).
-runPhase :: PhasePlus -- ^ Run this phase
- -> FilePath -- ^ name of the input file
- -> CompPipeline (PhasePlus, -- next phase to run
- FilePath) -- output filename
- -- Invariant: the output filename always contains the output
- -- Interesting case: Hsc when there is no recompilation to do
- -- Then the output filename is still a .o file
--- Unlit phase
-runPhase (RealPhase (Unlit sf)) input_fn = do
- let
- -- escape the characters \, ", and ', but don't try to escape
- -- Unicode or anything else (so we don't use Util.charToC
- -- here). If we get this wrong, then in
- -- GHC.HsToCore.Coverage.isGoodTickSrcSpan where we check that the filename in
- -- a SrcLoc is the same as the source filenaame, the two will
- -- look bogusly different. See test:
- -- libraries/hpc/tests/function/subdir/tough2.hs
- escape ('\\':cs) = '\\':'\\': escape cs
- escape ('\"':cs) = '\\':'\"': escape cs
- escape ('\'':cs) = '\\':'\'': escape cs
- escape (c:cs) = c : escape cs
- escape [] = []
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename (Cpp sf)
- let flags = [ -- The -h option passes the file name for unlit to
- -- put in a #line directive
- GHC.SysTools.Option "-h"
- -- See Note [Don't normalise input filenames].
- , GHC.SysTools.Option $ escape input_fn
- , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
- , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
- ]
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- logger <- getLogger
- liftIO $ GHC.SysTools.runUnlit logger dflags flags
- return (RealPhase (Cpp sf), output_fn)
--- Cpp phase : (a) gets OPTIONS out of file
--- (b) runs cpp if necessary
-runPhase (RealPhase (Cpp sf)) input_fn
- = do
- dflags0 <- getDynFlags
- let parser_opts0 = initParserOpts dflags0
- src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile parser_opts0 input_fn
- (dflags1, unhandled_flags, warns)
- <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags0 src_opts
- setDynFlags dflags1
- liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult unhandled_flags
- if not (xopt LangExt.Cpp dflags1) then do
- -- we have to be careful to emit warnings only once.
- unless (gopt Opt_Pp dflags1) $ do
- logger <- getLogger
- liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings logger (initDiagOpts dflags1) warns
- -- no need to preprocess CPP, just pass input file along
- -- to the next phase of the pipeline.
- return (RealPhase (HsPp sf), input_fn)
- else do
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename (HsPp sf)
- hsc_env <- getPipeSession
- logger <- getLogger
- liftIO $ doCpp logger
- (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env)
- (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
- (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
- True{-raw-}
- input_fn output_fn
- -- re-read the pragmas now that we've preprocessed the file
- -- See #2464,#3457
- src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile parser_opts0 output_fn
- (dflags2, unhandled_flags, warns)
- <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags0 src_opts
- setDynFlags dflags2
- liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult unhandled_flags
- unless (gopt Opt_Pp dflags2) $ do
- logger <- getLogger
- liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings logger (initDiagOpts dflags2) warns
- -- the HsPp pass below will emit warnings
- return (RealPhase (HsPp sf), output_fn)
--- HsPp phase
-runPhase (RealPhase (HsPp sf)) input_fn = do
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- logger <- getLogger
- if not (gopt Opt_Pp dflags) then
- -- no need to preprocess, just pass input file along
- -- to the next phase of the pipeline.
- return (RealPhase (Hsc sf), input_fn)
- else do
- PipeEnv{src_basename, src_suffix} <- getPipeEnv
- let orig_fn = src_basename <.> src_suffix
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename (Hsc sf)
- liftIO $ GHC.SysTools.runPp logger dflags
- ( [ GHC.SysTools.Option orig_fn
- , GHC.SysTools.Option input_fn
- , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
- ]
- )
- -- re-read pragmas now that we've parsed the file (see #3674)
- let parser_opts = initParserOpts dflags
- src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile parser_opts output_fn
- (dflags1, unhandled_flags, warns)
- <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags src_opts
- setDynFlags dflags1
- liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult unhandled_flags
- liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings logger (initDiagOpts dflags1) warns
- return (RealPhase (Hsc sf), output_fn)
--- Hsc phase
--- Compilation of a single module, in "legacy" mode (_not_ under
--- the direction of the compilation manager).
-runPhase (RealPhase (Hsc src_flavour)) input_fn
- = do -- normal Hsc mode, not mkdependHS
- dflags0 <- getDynFlags
- PipeEnv{ src_basename=basename,
- src_suffix=suff } <- getPipeEnv
- -- we add the current directory (i.e. the directory in which
- -- the .hs files resides) to the include path, since this is
- -- what gcc does, and it's probably what you want.
- let current_dir = takeDirectory basename
- new_includes = addImplicitQuoteInclude paths [current_dir]
- paths = includePaths dflags0
- dflags = dflags0 { includePaths = new_includes }
- setDynFlags dflags
- -- gather the imports and module name
- (hspp_buf,mod_name,imps,src_imps) <- liftIO $ do
- buf <- hGetStringBuffer input_fn
- let imp_prelude = xopt LangExt.ImplicitPrelude dflags
- popts = initParserOpts dflags
- eimps <- getImports popts imp_prelude buf input_fn (basename <.> suff)
- case eimps of
- Left errs -> throwErrors (GhcPsMessage <$> errs)
- Right (src_imps,imps,L _ mod_name) -> return
- (Just buf, mod_name, imps, src_imps)
- -- Take -o into account if present
- -- Very like -ohi, but we must *only* do this if we aren't linking
- -- (If we're linking then the -o applies to the linked thing, not to
- -- the object file for one module.)
- -- Note the nasty duplication with the same computation in compileFile above
- location <- getLocation src_flavour mod_name
- let o_file = ml_obj_file location -- The real object file
- hi_file = ml_hi_file location
- hie_file = ml_hie_file location
- dyn_o_file = dynamicOutputFile dflags o_file
- src_hash <- liftIO $ getFileHash (basename <.> suff)
- hi_date <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists hi_file
- hie_date <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists hie_file
- o_mod <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists o_file
- dyn_o_mod <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists dyn_o_file
- PipeState{hsc_env=hsc_env'} <- getPipeState
- -- Tell the finder cache about this module
- mod <- liftIO $ do
- let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env'
- let fc = hsc_FC hsc_env'
- addHomeModuleToFinder fc home_unit mod_name location
- -- Make the ModSummary to hand to hscMain
- let
- mod_summary = ModSummary { ms_mod = mod,
- ms_hsc_src = src_flavour,
- ms_hspp_file = input_fn,
- ms_hspp_opts = dflags,
- ms_hspp_buf = hspp_buf,
- ms_location = location,
- ms_hs_hash = src_hash,
- ms_obj_date = o_mod,
- ms_dyn_obj_date = dyn_o_mod,
- ms_parsed_mod = Nothing,
- ms_iface_date = hi_date,
- ms_hie_date = hie_date,
- ms_textual_imps = imps,
- ms_srcimps = src_imps }
- -- run the compiler!
- let msg hsc_env _ what _ = oneShotMsg (hsc_logger hsc_env) what
- plugin_hsc_env' <- liftIO $ initializePlugins hsc_env' (Just $ ms_mnwib mod_summary)
- -- Need to set the knot-tying mutable variable for interface
- -- files. See GHC.Tc.Utils.TcGblEnv.tcg_type_env_var.
- -- See also Note [hsc_type_env_var hack]
- type_env_var <- liftIO $ newIORef emptyNameEnv
- let plugin_hsc_env = plugin_hsc_env' { hsc_type_env_var = Just (mod, type_env_var) }
- status <- liftIO $ hscRecompStatus (Just msg) plugin_hsc_env mod_summary
- Nothing Nothing (1, 1)
- logger <- getLogger
- case status of
- HscUpToDate iface _ ->
- do liftIO $ touchObjectFile logger dflags o_file
- -- The .o file must have a later modification date
- -- than the source file (else we wouldn't get Nothing)
- -- but we touch it anyway, to keep 'make' happy (we think).
- setIface iface
- return (RealPhase StopLn, o_file)
- HscRecompNeeded mb_old_hash -> do
- (tc_result, warnings) <- liftIO $
- hscTypecheckAndGetWarnings plugin_hsc_env mod_summary
- -- In the rest of the pipeline use the loaded plugins
- setPlugins (hsc_plugins plugin_hsc_env)
- (hsc_static_plugins plugin_hsc_env)
- -- "driver" plugins may have modified the DynFlags so we update them
- setDynFlags (hsc_dflags plugin_hsc_env)
- return (HscPostTc mod_summary tc_result warnings mb_old_hash,
- panic "HscPostTc doesn't have an input filename")
-runPhase (HscPostTc mod_summary tc_result tc_warnings mb_old_hash) _ = do
- PipeState{hsc_env=hsc_env'} <- getPipeState
- hscBackendAction <- liftIO $ runHsc hsc_env' $ do
- hscDesugarAndSimplify mod_summary tc_result tc_warnings mb_old_hash
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- let hscBackendPhase = HscBackend mod_summary hscBackendAction
- next_phase <- case hscBackendAction of
- HscUpdate iface -> do
- setIface iface
- case backend dflags of
- NoBackend -> return $ RealPhase StopLn
- Interpreter -> return $ RealPhase StopLn
- _ -> return hscBackendPhase -- Need to create .o, and handle -dynamic-too
- _ -> return hscBackendPhase
- return (next_phase,
- panic "HscBackend doesn't have an input filename")
-runPhase (HscBackend mod_summary result) _ = do
- let mod_name = moduleName (ms_mod mod_summary)
- src_flavour = (ms_hsc_src mod_summary)
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- logger <- getLogger
- location <- getLocation src_flavour mod_name
- setModLocation location
- let o_file = ml_obj_file location -- The real object file
- next_phase = hscPostBackendPhase src_flavour (backend dflags)
- case result of
- HscUpdate iface ->
- do
- case src_flavour of
- HsigFile -> do
- -- We need to create a REAL but empty .o file
- -- because we are going to attempt to put it in a library
- PipeState{hsc_env=hsc_env'} <- getPipeState
- let input_fn = expectJust "runPhase" (ml_hs_file location)
- basename = dropExtension input_fn
- liftIO $ compileEmptyStub dflags hsc_env' basename location mod_name
- -- In the case of hs-boot files, generate a dummy .o-boot
- -- stamp file for the benefit of Make
- HsBootFile -> liftIO $ touchObjectFile logger dflags o_file
- HsSrcFile -> panic "HscUpdate not relevant for HscSrcFile"
- setIface iface
- return (RealPhase StopLn, o_file)
- HscRecomp { hscs_guts = cgguts,
- hscs_mod_location = mod_location,
- hscs_partial_iface = partial_iface,
- hscs_old_iface_hash = mb_old_iface_hash
- }
- -> case backend dflags of
- NoBackend -> panic "HscRecomp not relevant for NoBackend"
- Interpreter -> do
- PipeState{hsc_env=hsc_env'} <- getPipeState
- -- In interpreted mode the regular codeGen backend is not run so we
- -- generate a interface without codeGen info.
- final_iface <- liftIO $ mkFullIface hsc_env' partial_iface Nothing
- liftIO $ hscMaybeWriteIface logger dflags True final_iface mb_old_iface_hash location
- (hasStub, comp_bc, spt_entries) <- liftIO $ hscInteractive hsc_env' cgguts mod_location
- stub_o <- liftIO $ case hasStub of
- Nothing -> return []
- Just stub_c -> do
- stub_o <- compileStub hsc_env' stub_c
- return [DotO stub_o]
- let hs_unlinked = [BCOs comp_bc spt_entries]
- unlinked_time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- -- Why do we use the timestamp of the source file here,
- -- rather than the current time? This works better in
- -- the case where the local clock is out of sync
- -- with the filesystem's clock. It's just as accurate:
- -- if the source is modified, then the linkable will
- -- be out of date.
- let !linkable = LM unlinked_time (ms_mod mod_summary)
- (hs_unlinked ++ stub_o)
- setIface final_iface
- setLinkable linkable
- return (RealPhase StopLn,
- panic "Interpreter backend doesn't have an output file")
- _ -> do
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
- PipeState{hsc_env=hsc_env'} <- getPipeState
- (outputFilename, mStub, foreign_files, cg_infos) <- liftIO $
- hscGenHardCode hsc_env' cgguts mod_location output_fn
- let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env'
- final_iface <- liftIO (mkFullIface hsc_env' partial_iface (Just cg_infos))
- setIface final_iface
- -- See Note [Writing interface files]
- liftIO $ hscMaybeWriteIface logger dflags False final_iface mb_old_iface_hash mod_location
- stub_o <- liftIO (mapM (compileStub hsc_env') mStub)
- foreign_os <- liftIO $
- mapM (uncurry (compileForeign hsc_env')) foreign_files
- setForeignOs (maybe [] return stub_o ++ foreign_os)
- return (RealPhase next_phase, outputFilename)
--- Cmm phase
-runPhase (RealPhase CmmCpp) input_fn = do
- hsc_env <- getPipeSession
- logger <- getLogger
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename Cmm
- liftIO $ doCpp logger
- (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env)
- (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
- (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
- False{-not raw-}
- input_fn output_fn
- return (RealPhase Cmm, output_fn)
-runPhase (RealPhase Cmm) input_fn = do
- hsc_env <- getPipeSession
- let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- let next_phase = hscPostBackendPhase HsSrcFile (backend dflags)
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
- PipeState{hsc_env} <- getPipeState
- mstub <- liftIO $ hscCompileCmmFile hsc_env input_fn output_fn
- stub_o <- liftIO (mapM (compileStub hsc_env) mstub)
- setForeignOs (maybeToList stub_o)
- return (RealPhase next_phase, output_fn)
--- Cc phase
-runPhase (RealPhase cc_phase) input_fn
- | any (cc_phase `eqPhase`) [Cc, Ccxx, HCc, Cobjc, Cobjcxx]
- = do
- hsc_env <- getPipeSession
- let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- let unit_env = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
- let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env
- let tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
- let platform = ue_platform unit_env
- let hcc = cc_phase `eqPhase` HCc
- let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
- -- HC files have the dependent packages stamped into them
- pkgs <- if hcc then liftIO $ getHCFilePackages input_fn else return []
- -- add package include paths even if we're just compiling .c
- -- files; this is the Value Add(TM) that using ghc instead of
- -- gcc gives you :)
- ps <- liftIO $ mayThrowUnitErr (preloadUnitsInfo' unit_env pkgs)
- let pkg_include_dirs = collectIncludeDirs ps
- let include_paths_global = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-I" ++ x) : xs) []
- (includePathsGlobal cmdline_include_paths ++ pkg_include_dirs)
- let include_paths_quote = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-iquote" ++ x) : xs) []
- (includePathsQuote cmdline_include_paths ++
- includePathsQuoteImplicit cmdline_include_paths)
- let include_paths = include_paths_quote ++ include_paths_global
- -- pass -D or -optP to preprocessor when compiling foreign C files
- -- (#16737). Doing it in this way is simpler and also enable the C
- -- compiler to perform preprocessing and parsing in a single pass,
- -- but it may introduce inconsistency if a different pgm_P is specified.
- let more_preprocessor_opts = concat
- [ ["-Xpreprocessor", i]
- | not hcc
- , i <- getOpts dflags opt_P
- ]
- let gcc_extra_viac_flags = extraGccViaCFlags dflags
- let pic_c_flags = picCCOpts dflags
- let verbFlags = getVerbFlags dflags
- -- cc-options are not passed when compiling .hc files. Our
- -- hc code doesn't not #include any header files anyway, so these
- -- options aren't necessary.
- let pkg_extra_cc_opts
- | hcc = []
- | otherwise = collectExtraCcOpts ps
- let framework_paths
- | platformUsesFrameworks platform
- = let pkgFrameworkPaths = collectFrameworksDirs ps
- cmdlineFrameworkPaths = frameworkPaths dflags
- in map ("-F"++) (cmdlineFrameworkPaths ++ pkgFrameworkPaths)
- | otherwise
- = []
- let cc_opt | optLevel dflags >= 2 = [ "-O2" ]
- | optLevel dflags >= 1 = [ "-O" ]
- | otherwise = []
- -- Decide next phase
- let next_phase = As False
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
- let
- more_hcc_opts =
- -- on x86 the floating point regs have greater precision
- -- than a double, which leads to unpredictable results.
- -- By default, we turn this off with -ffloat-store unless
- -- the user specified -fexcess-precision.
- (if platformArch platform == ArchX86 &&
- not (gopt Opt_ExcessPrecision dflags)
- then [ "-ffloat-store" ]
- else []) ++
- -- gcc's -fstrict-aliasing allows two accesses to memory
- -- to be considered non-aliasing if they have different types.
- -- This interacts badly with the C code we generate, which is
- -- very weakly typed, being derived from C--.
- ["-fno-strict-aliasing"]
- ghcVersionH <- liftIO $ getGhcVersionPathName dflags unit_env
- logger <- getLogger
- liftIO $ GHC.SysTools.runCc (phaseForeignLanguage cc_phase) logger tmpfs dflags (
- [ GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
- , GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
- , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
- ]
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option (
- pic_c_flags
- -- Stub files generated for foreign exports references the runIO_closure
- -- and runNonIO_closure symbols, which are defined in the base package.
- -- These symbols are imported into the stub.c file via RtsAPI.h, and the
- -- way we do the import depends on whether we're currently compiling
- -- the base package or not.
- ++ (if platformOS platform == OSMinGW32 &&
- isHomeUnitId home_unit baseUnitId
- else [])
- -- We only support SparcV9 and better because V8 lacks an atomic CAS
- -- instruction. Note that the user can still override this
- -- (e.g., -mcpu=ultrasparc) as GCC picks the "best" -mcpu flag
- -- regardless of the ordering.
- --
- -- This is a temporary hack. See #2872, commit
- -- 5bd3072ac30216a505151601884ac88bf404c9f2
- ++ (if platformArch platform == ArchSPARC
- then ["-mcpu=v9"]
- else [])
- -- GCC 4.6+ doesn't like -Wimplicit when compiling C++.
- ++ (if (cc_phase /= Ccxx && cc_phase /= Cobjcxx)
- then ["-Wimplicit"]
- else [])
- ++ (if hcc
- then gcc_extra_viac_flags ++ more_hcc_opts
- else [])
- ++ verbFlags
- ++ [ "-S" ]
- ++ cc_opt
- ++ [ "-include", ghcVersionH ]
- ++ framework_paths
- ++ include_paths
- ++ more_preprocessor_opts
- ++ pkg_extra_cc_opts
- ))
- return (RealPhase next_phase, output_fn)
--- As, SpitAs phase : Assembler
--- This is for calling the assembler on a regular assembly file
-runPhase (RealPhase (As with_cpp)) input_fn
- = do
- hsc_env <- getPipeSession
- let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
- let unit_env = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
- let platform = ue_platform unit_env
- -- LLVM from version 3.0 onwards doesn't support the OS X system
- -- assembler, so we use clang as the assembler instead. (#5636)
- let (as_prog, get_asm_info) | backend dflags == LLVM
- , platformOS platform == OSDarwin
- = (GHC.SysTools.runClang, pure Clang)
- | otherwise
- = (GHC.SysTools.runAs, liftIO $ getAssemblerInfo logger dflags)
- asmInfo <- get_asm_info
- let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
- let pic_c_flags = picCCOpts dflags
- next_phase <- maybeMergeForeign
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
- -- we create directories for the object file, because it
- -- might be a hierarchical module.
- liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory output_fn)
- let global_includes = [ GHC.SysTools.Option ("-I" ++ p)
- | p <- includePathsGlobal cmdline_include_paths ]
- let local_includes = [ GHC.SysTools.Option ("-iquote" ++ p)
- | p <- includePathsQuote cmdline_include_paths ++
- includePathsQuoteImplicit cmdline_include_paths]
- let runAssembler inputFilename outputFilename
- = liftIO $
- withAtomicRename outputFilename $ \temp_outputFilename ->
- as_prog
- logger dflags
- (local_includes ++ global_includes
- -- See Note [-fPIC for assembler]
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option pic_c_flags
- -- See Note [Produce big objects on Windows]
- ++ [ GHC.SysTools.Option "-Wa,-mbig-obj"
- | platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32
- , not $ target32Bit (targetPlatform dflags)
- ]
- -- We only support SparcV9 and better because V8 lacks an atomic CAS
- -- instruction so we have to make sure that the assembler accepts the
- -- instruction set. Note that the user can still override this
- -- (e.g., -mcpu=ultrasparc). GCC picks the "best" -mcpu flag
- -- regardless of the ordering.
- --
- -- This is a temporary hack.
- ++ (if platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) == ArchSPARC
- then [GHC.SysTools.Option "-mcpu=v9"]
- else [])
- ++ (if any (asmInfo ==) [Clang, AppleClang, AppleClang51]
- then [GHC.SysTools.Option "-Qunused-arguments"]
- else [])
- ++ [ GHC.SysTools.Option "-x"
- , if with_cpp
- then GHC.SysTools.Option "assembler-with-cpp"
- else GHC.SysTools.Option "assembler"
- , GHC.SysTools.Option "-c"
- , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" inputFilename
- , GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
- , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" temp_outputFilename
- ])
- liftIO $ debugTraceMsg logger 4 (text "Running the assembler")
- runAssembler input_fn output_fn
- return (RealPhase next_phase, output_fn)
--- LlvmOpt phase
-runPhase (RealPhase LlvmOpt) input_fn = do
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- logger <- getLogger
- let -- we always (unless -optlo specified) run Opt since we rely on it to
- -- fix up some pretty big deficiencies in the code we generate
- optIdx = max 0 $ min 2 $ optLevel dflags -- ensure we're in [0,2]
- llvmOpts = case lookup optIdx $ llvmPasses $ llvmConfig dflags of
- Just passes -> passes
- Nothing -> panic ("runPhase LlvmOpt: llvm-passes file "
- ++ "is missing passes for level "
- ++ show optIdx)
- defaultOptions = map GHC.SysTools.Option . concat . fmap words . fst
- $ unzip (llvmOptions dflags)
- -- don't specify anything if user has specified commands. We do this
- -- for opt but not llc since opt is very specifically for optimisation
- -- passes only, so if the user is passing us extra options we assume
- -- they know what they are doing and don't get in the way.
- optFlag = if null (getOpts dflags opt_lo)
- then map GHC.SysTools.Option $ words llvmOpts
- else []
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename LlvmLlc
- liftIO $ GHC.SysTools.runLlvmOpt logger dflags
- ( optFlag
- ++ defaultOptions ++
- [ GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
- , GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
- , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn]
- )
- return (RealPhase LlvmLlc, output_fn)
--- LlvmLlc phase
-runPhase (RealPhase LlvmLlc) input_fn = do
- -- Note [Clamping of llc optimizations]
- --
- -- See #13724
- --
- -- we clamp the llc optimization between [1,2]. This is because passing -O0
- -- to llc 3.9 or llc 4.0, the naive register allocator can fail with
- --
- -- Error while trying to spill R1 from class GPR: Cannot scavenge register
- -- without an emergency spill slot!
- --
- -- Observed at least with target 'arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf'.
- --
- --
- -- With LLVM4, llc -O3 crashes when ghc-stage1 tries to compile
- -- rts/HeapStackCheck.cmm
- --
- -- llc -O3 '-mtriple=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf' -enable-tbaa /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_6.bc -o /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_7.lm_s
- -- 0 llc 0x0000000102ae63e8 llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) + 40
- -- 1 llc 0x0000000102ae69a6 SignalHandler(int) + 358
- -- 2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fffc23f4b3a _sigtramp + 26
- -- 3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fffc226498b __vfprintf + 17876
- -- 4 llc 0x00000001029d5123 llvm::SelectionDAGISel::LowerArguments(llvm::Function const&) + 5699
- -- 5 llc 0x0000000102a21a35 llvm::SelectionDAGISel::SelectAllBasicBlocks(llvm::Function const&) + 3381
- -- 6 llc 0x0000000102a202b1 llvm::SelectionDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(llvm::MachineFunction&) + 1457
- -- 7 llc 0x0000000101bdc474 (anonymous namespace)::ARMDAGToDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(llvm::MachineFunction&) + 20
- -- 8 llc 0x00000001025573a6 llvm::MachineFunctionPass::runOnFunction(llvm::Function&) + 134
- -- 9 llc 0x000000010274fb12 llvm::FPPassManager::runOnFunction(llvm::Function&) + 498
- -- 10 llc 0x000000010274fd23 llvm::FPPassManager::runOnModule(llvm::Module&) + 67
- -- 11 llc 0x00000001027501b8 llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl::run(llvm::Module&) + 920
- -- 12 llc 0x000000010195f075 compileModule(char**, llvm::LLVMContext&) + 12133
- -- 13 llc 0x000000010195bf0b main + 491
- -- 14 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fffc21e5235 start + 1
- -- Stack dump:
- -- 0. Program arguments: llc -O3 -mtriple=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf -enable-tbaa /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_6.bc -o /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_7.lm_s
- -- 1. Running pass 'Function Pass Manager' on module '/var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_6.bc'.
- -- 2. Running pass 'ARM Instruction Selection' on function '@"stg_gc_f1$def"'
- --
- -- Observed at least with -mtriple=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf -enable-tbaa
- --
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- logger <- getLogger
- let
- llvmOpts = case optLevel dflags of
- 0 -> "-O1" -- required to get the non-naive reg allocator. Passing -regalloc=greedy is not sufficient.
- 1 -> "-O1"
- _ -> "-O2"
- defaultOptions = map GHC.SysTools.Option . concatMap words . snd
- $ unzip (llvmOptions dflags)
- optFlag = if null (getOpts dflags opt_lc)
- then map GHC.SysTools.Option $ words llvmOpts
- else []
- next_phase <- if -- hidden debugging flag '-dno-llvm-mangler' to skip mangling
- | gopt Opt_NoLlvmMangler dflags -> return (As False)
- | otherwise -> return LlvmMangle
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
- liftIO $ GHC.SysTools.runLlvmLlc logger dflags
- ( optFlag
- ++ defaultOptions
- ++ [ GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
- , GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
- , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
- ]
- )
- return (RealPhase next_phase, output_fn)
--- LlvmMangle phase
-runPhase (RealPhase LlvmMangle) input_fn = do
- let next_phase = As False
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
- platform <- (ue_platform . hsc_unit_env) <$> getPipeSession
- logger <- getLogger
- liftIO $ withTiming logger (text "LLVM Mangler") id $
- llvmFixupAsm platform input_fn output_fn
- return (RealPhase next_phase, output_fn)
--- merge in stub objects
-runPhase (RealPhase MergeForeign) input_fn = do
- PipeState{foreign_os,hsc_env} <- getPipeState
- output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename StopLn
- liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory output_fn)
- if null foreign_os
- then panic "runPhase(MergeForeign): no foreign objects"
- else do
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- logger <- getLogger
- let tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
- liftIO $ joinObjectFiles logger tmpfs dflags (input_fn : foreign_os) output_fn
- return (RealPhase StopLn, output_fn)
--- warning suppression
-runPhase (RealPhase other) _input_fn =
- panic ("runPhase: don't know how to run phase " ++ show other)
-maybeMergeForeign :: CompPipeline Phase
- = do
- PipeState{foreign_os} <- getPipeState
- if null foreign_os then return StopLn else return MergeForeign
-getLocation :: HscSource -> ModuleName -> CompPipeline ModLocation
-getLocation src_flavour mod_name = do
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- PipeEnv{ src_basename=basename,
- src_suffix=suff } <- getPipeEnv
- location1 <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod_name basename suff
- -- Boot-ify it if necessary
- let location2
- | HsBootFile <- src_flavour = addBootSuffixLocnOut location1
- | otherwise = location1
- -- Take -ohi into account if present
- -- This can't be done in mkHomeModuleLocation because
- -- it only applies to the module being compiles
- let ohi = outputHi dflags
- location3 | Just fn <- ohi = location2{ ml_hi_file = fn }
- | otherwise = location2
- -- Take -o into account if present
- -- Very like -ohi, but we must *only* do this if we aren't linking
- -- (If we're linking then the -o applies to the linked thing, not to
- -- the object file for one module.)
- -- Note the nasty duplication with the same computation in compileFile
- -- above
- let expl_o_file = outputFile dflags
- location4 | Just ofile <- expl_o_file
- , isNoLink (ghcLink dflags)
- = location3 { ml_obj_file = ofile }
- | otherwise = location3
- return location4
--- Look for the /* GHC_PACKAGES ... */ comment at the top of a .hc file
-getHCFilePackages :: FilePath -> IO [UnitId]
-getHCFilePackages filename =
- Exception.bracket (openFile filename ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> do
- l <- hGetLine h
- case l of
- '/':'*':' ':'G':'H':'C':'_':'P':'A':'C':'K':'A':'G':'E':'S':rest ->
- return (map stringToUnitId (words rest))
- _other ->
- return []
+-- Moreover, we also let the user emit arbitrary C/C++/ObjC/ObjC++ files
+-- from TH, that are then compiled and linked to the module. This is
+-- useful to implement facilities such as inline-c.
-linkDynLibCheck :: Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> UnitEnv -> [String] -> [UnitId] -> IO ()
-linkDynLibCheck logger tmpfs dflags unit_env o_files dep_units = do
- when (haveRtsOptsFlags dflags) $
- logMsg logger MCInfo noSrcSpan
- $ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle
- (text "Warning: -rtsopts and -with-rtsopts have no effect with -shared." $$
- text " Call hs_init_ghc() from your main() function to set these options.")
- linkDynLib logger tmpfs dflags unit_env o_files dep_units
+compileForeign :: HscEnv -> ForeignSrcLang -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+compileForeign _ RawObject object_file = return object_file
+compileForeign hsc_env lang stub_c = do
+ let pipeline = case lang of
+ LangC -> viaCPipeline Cc
+ LangCxx -> viaCPipeline Ccxx
+ LangObjc -> viaCPipeline Cobjc
+ LangObjcxx -> viaCPipeline Cobjcxx
+ LangAsm -> \pe hsc_env ml fp -> Just <$> asPipeline True pe hsc_env ml fp
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 811
+ RawObject -> panic "compileForeign: should be unreachable"
+ pipe_env = mkPipeEnv NoStop stub_c (Temporary TFL_GhcSession)
+ res <- runPipeline (hsc_hooks hsc_env) (pipeline pipe_env hsc_env Nothing stub_c)
+ case res of
+ -- This should never happen as viaCPipeline should only return `Nothing` when the stop phase is `StopC`.
+ -- Future refactoring to not check StopC for this case
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "compileForeign" (ppr stub_c)
+ Just fp -> return fp
+compileEmptyStub :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> ModLocation -> ModuleName -> IO ()
+compileEmptyStub dflags hsc_env basename location mod_name = do
+ -- To maintain the invariant that every Haskell file
+ -- compiles to object code, we make an empty (but
+ -- valid) stub object file for signatures. However,
+ -- we make sure this object file has a unique symbol,
+ -- so that ranlib on OS X doesn't complain, see
+ --
+ -- and
+ let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ let tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
+ empty_stub <- newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule "c"
+ let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env
+ src = text "int" <+> ppr (mkHomeModule home_unit mod_name) <+> text "= 0;"
+ writeFile empty_stub (showSDoc dflags (pprCode CStyle src))
+ let pipe_env = (mkPipeEnv NoStop empty_stub Persistent) { src_basename = basename}
+ pipeline = viaCPipeline HCc pipe_env hsc_env (Just location) empty_stub
+ _ <- runPipeline (hsc_hooks hsc_env) pipeline
+ return ()
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Running CPP
--- | Run CPP
--- UnitEnv is needed to compute MIN_VERSION macros
-doCpp :: Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> UnitEnv -> Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
-doCpp logger tmpfs dflags unit_env raw input_fn output_fn = do
- let hscpp_opts = picPOpts dflags
- let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
- let unit_state = ue_units unit_env
- pkg_include_dirs <- mayThrowUnitErr
- (collectIncludeDirs <$> preloadUnitsInfo unit_env)
- let include_paths_global = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-I" ++ x) : xs) []
- (includePathsGlobal cmdline_include_paths ++ pkg_include_dirs)
- let include_paths_quote = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-iquote" ++ x) : xs) []
- (includePathsQuote cmdline_include_paths ++
- includePathsQuoteImplicit cmdline_include_paths)
- let include_paths = include_paths_quote ++ include_paths_global
- let verbFlags = getVerbFlags dflags
- let cpp_prog args | raw = GHC.SysTools.runCpp logger dflags args
- | otherwise = GHC.SysTools.runCc Nothing logger tmpfs dflags
- (GHC.SysTools.Option "-E" : args)
- let platform = targetPlatform dflags
- targetArch = stringEncodeArch $ platformArch platform
- targetOS = stringEncodeOS $ platformOS platform
- isWindows = platformOS platform == OSMinGW32
- let target_defs =
- [ "-D" ++ HOST_OS ++ "_BUILD_OS",
- "-D" ++ HOST_ARCH ++ "_BUILD_ARCH",
- "-D" ++ targetOS ++ "_HOST_OS",
- "-D" ++ targetArch ++ "_HOST_ARCH" ]
- -- remember, in code we *compile*, the HOST is the same our TARGET,
- -- and BUILD is the same as our HOST.
- let io_manager_defs =
- [ "-D__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__=1" | isWindows ] ++
- [ "-D__IO_MANAGER_MIO__=1" ]
- let sse_defs =
- [ "-D__SSE__" | isSseEnabled platform ] ++
- [ "-D__SSE2__" | isSse2Enabled platform ] ++
- [ "-D__SSE4_2__" | isSse4_2Enabled dflags ]
- let avx_defs =
- [ "-D__AVX__" | isAvxEnabled dflags ] ++
- [ "-D__AVX2__" | isAvx2Enabled dflags ] ++
- [ "-D__AVX512CD__" | isAvx512cdEnabled dflags ] ++
- [ "-D__AVX512ER__" | isAvx512erEnabled dflags ] ++
- [ "-D__AVX512F__" | isAvx512fEnabled dflags ] ++
- [ "-D__AVX512PF__" | isAvx512pfEnabled dflags ]
- backend_defs <- getBackendDefs logger dflags
- let th_defs = [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_TH__" ]
- -- Default CPP defines in Haskell source
- ghcVersionH <- getGhcVersionPathName dflags unit_env
- let hsSourceCppOpts = [ "-include", ghcVersionH ]
- -- MIN_VERSION macros
- let uids = explicitUnits unit_state
- pkgs = catMaybes (map (lookupUnit unit_state) uids)
- mb_macro_include <-
- if not (null pkgs) && gopt Opt_VersionMacros dflags
- then do macro_stub <- newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule "h"
- writeFile macro_stub (generatePackageVersionMacros pkgs)
- -- Include version macros for every *exposed* package.
- -- Without -hide-all-packages and with a package database
- -- size of 1000 packages, it takes cpp an estimated 2
- -- milliseconds to process this file. See #10970
- -- comment 8.
- return [GHC.SysTools.FileOption "-include" macro_stub]
- else return []
- cpp_prog ( map GHC.SysTools.Option verbFlags
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option include_paths
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option hsSourceCppOpts
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option target_defs
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option backend_defs
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option th_defs
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option hscpp_opts
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option sse_defs
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option avx_defs
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option io_manager_defs
- ++ mb_macro_include
- -- Set the language mode to assembler-with-cpp when preprocessing. This
- -- alleviates some of the C99 macro rules relating to whitespace and the hash
- -- operator, which we tend to abuse. Clang in particular is not very happy
- -- about this.
- ++ [ GHC.SysTools.Option "-x"
- , GHC.SysTools.Option "assembler-with-cpp"
- , GHC.SysTools.Option input_fn
- -- We hackily use Option instead of FileOption here, so that the file
- -- name is not back-slashed on Windows. cpp is capable of
- -- dealing with / in filenames, so it works fine. Furthermore
- -- if we put in backslashes, cpp outputs #line directives
- -- with *double* backslashes. And that in turn means that
- -- our error messages get double backslashes in them.
- -- In due course we should arrange that the lexer deals
- -- with these \\ escapes properly.
- , GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
- , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
- ])
-getBackendDefs :: Logger -> DynFlags -> IO [String]
-getBackendDefs logger dflags | backend dflags == LLVM = do
- llvmVer <- figureLlvmVersion logger dflags
- return $ case fmap llvmVersionList llvmVer of
- Just [m] -> [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__=" ++ format (m,0) ]
- Just (m:n:_) -> [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__=" ++ format (m,n) ]
- _ -> []
+{- Environment Initialisation -}
+mkPipeEnv :: StopPhase -- End phase
+ -> FilePath -- input fn
+ -> PipelineOutput -- Output
+ -> PipeEnv
+mkPipeEnv stop_phase input_fn output =
+ let (basename, suffix) = splitExtension input_fn
+ suffix' = drop 1 suffix -- strip off the .
+ env = PipeEnv{ stop_phase,
+ src_filename = input_fn,
+ src_basename = basename,
+ src_suffix = suffix',
+ output_spec = output }
+ in env
+setDumpPrefix :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
+setDumpPrefix pipe_env hsc_env =
+ hscUpdateFlags (\dflags -> dflags { dumpPrefix = Just (src_basename pipe_env ++ ".")}) hsc_env
+{- The Pipelines -}
+phaseIfFlag :: Monad m
+ => HscEnv
+ -> (DynFlags -> Bool)
+ -> a
+ -> m a
+ -> m a
+phaseIfFlag hsc_env flag def action =
+ if flag (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ then action
+ else return def
+-- | Check if the start is *before* the current phase, otherwise skip with a default
+phaseIfAfter :: P m => Platform -> Phase -> Phase -> a -> m a -> m a
+phaseIfAfter platform start_phase cur_phase def action =
+ if start_phase `eqPhase` cur_phase
+ || happensBefore platform start_phase cur_phase
+ then action
+ else return def
+-- | The preprocessor pipeline
+preprocessPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> m (DynFlags, FilePath)
+preprocessPipeline pipe_env hsc_env input_fn = do
+ unlit_fn <-
+ runAfter (Unlit HsSrcFile) input_fn $ do
+ use (T_Unlit pipe_env hsc_env input_fn)
+ (dflags1, warns1) <- use (T_FileArgs hsc_env unlit_fn)
+ let hsc_env1 = hscSetFlags dflags1 hsc_env
+ (cpp_fn, hsc_env2)
+ <- runAfterFlag hsc_env1 (Cpp HsSrcFile) (xopt LangExt.Cpp) (unlit_fn, hsc_env1) $ do
+ cpp_fn <- use (T_Cpp pipe_env hsc_env1 unlit_fn)
+ (dflags2, _) <- use (T_FileArgs hsc_env1 cpp_fn)
+ let hsc_env2 = hscSetFlags dflags2 hsc_env1
+ return (cpp_fn, hsc_env2)
+ pp_fn <- runAfterFlag hsc_env2 (HsPp HsSrcFile) (gopt Opt_Pp) cpp_fn $
+ use (T_HsPp pipe_env hsc_env2 input_fn cpp_fn)
+ (dflags3, warns3)
+ <- if pp_fn == unlit_fn
+ -- Didn't run any preprocessors so don't need to reparse, would be nicer
+ -- if `T_FileArgs` recognised this.
+ then return (dflags1, warns1)
+ else do
+ -- Reparse with original hsc_env so that we don't get duplicated options
+ use (T_FileArgs hsc_env pp_fn)
+ liftIO (handleFlagWarnings (hsc_logger hsc_env) (initDiagOpts dflags3) warns3)
+ return (dflags3, pp_fn)
+ -- This won't change through the compilation pipeline
+ where platform = targetPlatform (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ runAfter :: P p => Phase
+ -> a -> p a -> p a
+ runAfter = phaseIfAfter platform start_phase
+ start_phase = startPhase (src_suffix pipe_env)
+ runAfterFlag :: P p
+ => HscEnv
+ -> Phase
+ -> (DynFlags -> Bool)
+ -> a
+ -> p a
+ -> p a
+ runAfterFlag hsc_env phase flag def action =
+ runAfter phase def
+ $ phaseIfFlag hsc_env flag def action
+-- | The complete compilation pipeline, from start to finish
+fullPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> HscSource -> m (ModIface, Maybe Linkable)
+fullPipeline pipe_env hsc_env pp_fn src_flavour = do
+ (dflags, input_fn) <- preprocessPipeline pipe_env hsc_env pp_fn
+ let hsc_env' = hscSetFlags dflags hsc_env
+ (hsc_env_with_plugins, mod_sum, hsc_recomp_status)
+ <- use (T_HscRecomp pipe_env hsc_env' input_fn src_flavour)
+ res <- hscPipeline pipe_env (hsc_env_with_plugins, mod_sum, hsc_recomp_status)
+ checkDynamicToo pipe_env hsc_env pp_fn src_flavour res
+ -- Once the pipeline has finished, check to see if -dynamic-too failed and
+ -- rerun again if it failed but just the `--dynamic` way.
+checkDynamicToo :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> HscSource -> (ModIface, Maybe Linkable) -> m (ModIface, Maybe Linkable)
+checkDynamicToo pipe_env hsc_env pp_fn src_flavour res = do
+ liftIO (dynamicTooState (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) >>= \case
+ DT_Dont -> return res
+ DT_Dyn -> return res
+ DT_OK -> return res
+ -- If we are compiling a Haskell module with -dynamic-too, we
+ -- first try the "fast path": that is we compile the non-dynamic
+ -- version and at the same time we check that interfaces depended
+ -- on exist both for the non-dynamic AND the dynamic way. We also
+ -- check that they have the same hash.
+ -- If they don't, dynamicTooState is set to DT_Failed.
+ -- See GHC.Iface.Load.checkBuildDynamicToo
+ -- If they do, in the end we produce both the non-dynamic and
+ -- dynamic outputs.
+ --
+ -- If this "fast path" failed, we execute the whole pipeline
+ -- again, this time for the dynamic way *only*. To do that we
+ -- just set the dynamicNow bit from the start to ensure that the
+ -- dynamic DynFlags fields are used and we disable -dynamic-too
+ -- (its state is already set to DT_Failed so it wouldn't do much
+ -- anyway).
+ DT_Failed
+ -- NB: Currently disabled on Windows (ref #7134, #8228, and #5987)
+ | OSMinGW32 <- platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) -> return res
+ | otherwise -> do
+ liftIO (debugTraceMsg logger 4
+ (text "Running the full pipeline again for -dynamic-too"))
+ hsc_env' <- liftIO (resetHscEnv hsc_env)
+ fullPipeline pipe_env hsc_env' pp_fn src_flavour
- format (major, minor)
- | minor >= 100 = error "getBackendDefs: Unsupported minor version"
- | otherwise = show $ (100 * major + minor :: Int) -- Contract is Int
-getBackendDefs _ _ =
- return []
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Macros (cribbed from Cabal)
-generatePackageVersionMacros :: [UnitInfo] -> String
-generatePackageVersionMacros pkgs = concat
- -- Do not add any C-style comments. See #3389.
- [ generateMacros "" pkgname version
- | pkg <- pkgs
- , let version = unitPackageVersion pkg
- pkgname = map fixchar (unitPackageNameString pkg)
- ]
-fixchar :: Char -> Char
-fixchar '-' = '_'
-fixchar c = c
-generateMacros :: String -> String -> Version -> String
-generateMacros prefix name version =
- concat
- ["#define ", prefix, "VERSION_",name," ",show (showVersion version),"\n"
- ,"#define MIN_", prefix, "VERSION_",name,"(major1,major2,minor) (\\\n"
- ," (major1) < ",major1," || \\\n"
- ," (major1) == ",major1," && (major2) < ",major2," || \\\n"
- ," (major1) == ",major1," && (major2) == ",major2," && (minor) <= ",minor,")"
- ,"\n\n"
- ]
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+-- | Enable dynamic-too, reset EPS
+resetHscEnv :: HscEnv -> IO HscEnv
+resetHscEnv hsc_env = do
+ let dflags0 = flip gopt_unset Opt_BuildDynamicToo
+ $ setDynamicNow
+ $ (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ hsc_env' <- newHscEnv dflags0
+ (dbs,unit_state,home_unit,mconstants) <- initUnits (hsc_logger hsc_env) dflags0 Nothing
+ dflags1 <- updatePlatformConstants dflags0 mconstants
+ unit_env0 <- initUnitEnv (ghcNameVersion dflags1) (targetPlatform dflags1)
+ let unit_env = unit_env0
+ { ue_home_unit = Just home_unit
+ , ue_units = unit_state
+ , ue_unit_dbs = Just dbs
+ }
+ let hsc_env'' = hscSetFlags dflags1 $ hsc_env'
+ { hsc_unit_env = unit_env
+ }
+ return hsc_env''
+-- | Everything after preprocess
+hscPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> ((HscEnv, ModSummary, HscRecompStatus)) -> m (ModIface, Maybe Linkable)
+hscPipeline pipe_env (hsc_env_with_plugins, mod_sum, hsc_recomp_status) = do
+ case hsc_recomp_status of
+ HscUpToDate iface mb_linkable -> return (iface, mb_linkable)
+ HscRecompNeeded mb_old_hash -> do
+ (tc_result, warnings) <- use (T_Hsc hsc_env_with_plugins mod_sum)
+ hscBackendAction <- use (T_HscPostTc hsc_env_with_plugins mod_sum tc_result warnings mb_old_hash )
+ hscBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env_with_plugins mod_sum hscBackendAction
+hscBackendPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> ModSummary -> HscBackendAction -> m (ModIface, Maybe Linkable)
+hscBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env mod_sum result =
+ case backend (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
+ NoBackend ->
+ case result of
+ HscUpdate iface -> return (iface, Nothing)
+ HscRecomp {} -> (,) <$> liftIO (mkFullIface hsc_env (hscs_partial_iface result) Nothing) <*> pure Nothing
+ -- TODO: Why is there not a linkable?
+ -- Interpreter -> (,) <$> use (T_IO (mkFullIface hsc_env (hscs_partial_iface result) Nothing)) <*> pure Nothing
+ _ -> do
+ res <- hscGenBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env mod_sum result
+ liftIO (dynamicTooState (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) >>= \case
+ DT_OK -> do
+ let dflags' = setDynamicNow (hsc_dflags hsc_env) -- set "dynamicNow"
+ () <$ hscGenBackendPipeline pipe_env (hscSetFlags dflags' hsc_env) mod_sum result
+ _ -> return ()
+ return res
+hscGenBackendPipeline :: P m
+ => PipeEnv
+ -> HscEnv
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> HscBackendAction
+ -> m (ModIface, Maybe Linkable)
+hscGenBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env mod_sum result = do
+ let mod_name = moduleName (ms_mod mod_sum)
+ src_flavour = (ms_hsc_src mod_sum)
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- MP: The ModLocation is recalculated here to get the right paths when
+ -- -dynamic-too is enabled. `ModLocation` should be extended with a field for
+ -- the location of the `dyn_o` file to avoid this recalculation.
+ location <- liftIO (getLocation pipe_env dflags src_flavour mod_name)
+ (fos, miface, mlinkable, o_file) <- use (T_HscBackend pipe_env hsc_env mod_name src_flavour location result)
+ final_fp <- hscPostBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env (ms_hsc_src mod_sum) (backend (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) (Just location) o_file
+ final_linkable <-
+ case final_fp of
+ -- No object file produced, bytecode or NoBackend
+ Nothing -> return mlinkable
+ Just o_fp -> do
+ unlinked_time <- liftIO (liftIO getCurrentTime)
+ final_o <- use (T_MergeForeign pipe_env hsc_env (Just location) o_fp fos)
+ let !linkable = LM unlinked_time
+ (ms_mod mod_sum)
+ [DotO final_o]
+ return (Just linkable)
+ return (miface, final_linkable)
+asPipeline :: P m => Bool -> PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> m FilePath
+asPipeline use_cpp pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
+ use (T_As use_cpp pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn)
+viaCPipeline :: P m => Phase -> PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
+viaCPipeline c_phase pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
+ out_fn <- use (T_Cc c_phase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn)
+ case stop_phase pipe_env of
+ StopC -> return Nothing
+ _ -> Just <$> asPipeline False pipe_env hsc_env location out_fn
+llvmPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> m FilePath
+llvmPipeline pipe_env hsc_env location fp = do
+ opt_fn <- use (T_LlvmOpt pipe_env hsc_env fp)
+ llvmLlcPipeline pipe_env hsc_env location opt_fn
+llvmLlcPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> m FilePath
+llvmLlcPipeline pipe_env hsc_env location opt_fn = do
+ llc_fn <- use (T_LlvmLlc pipe_env hsc_env opt_fn)
+ llvmManglePipeline pipe_env hsc_env location llc_fn
+llvmManglePipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> m FilePath
+llvmManglePipeline pipe_env hsc_env location llc_fn = do
+ mangled_fn <-
+ if gopt Opt_NoLlvmMangler (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ then use (T_LlvmMangle pipe_env hsc_env llc_fn)
+ else return llc_fn
+ asPipeline False pipe_env hsc_env location mangled_fn
+cmmCppPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> m FilePath
+cmmCppPipeline pipe_env hsc_env input_fn = do
+ output_fn <- use (T_CmmCpp pipe_env hsc_env input_fn)
+ cmmPipeline pipe_env hsc_env output_fn
+cmmPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> m FilePath
+cmmPipeline pipe_env hsc_env input_fn = do
+ (fos, output_fn) <- use (T_Cmm pipe_env hsc_env input_fn)
+ mo_fn <- hscPostBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env HsSrcFile (backend (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) Nothing output_fn
+ case mo_fn of
+ Nothing -> panic "CMM pipeline - produced no .o file"
+ Just mo_fn -> use (T_MergeForeign pipe_env hsc_env Nothing mo_fn fos)
+hscPostBackendPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> HscSource -> Backend -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
+hscPostBackendPipeline _ _ HsBootFile _ _ _ = return Nothing
+hscPostBackendPipeline _ _ HsigFile _ _ _ = return Nothing
+hscPostBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env _ bcknd ml input_fn =
+ case bcknd of
+ ViaC -> viaCPipeline HCc pipe_env hsc_env ml input_fn
+ NCG -> Just <$> asPipeline False pipe_env hsc_env ml input_fn
+ LLVM -> Just <$> llvmPipeline pipe_env hsc_env ml input_fn
+ NoBackend -> return Nothing
+ Interpreter -> return Nothing
+-- Pipeline from a given suffix
+pipelineStart :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
+pipelineStart pipe_env hsc_env input_fn =
+ fromSuffix (src_suffix pipe_env)
- (major1:major2:minor:_) = map show (versionBranch version ++ repeat 0)
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- join object files into a single relocatable object file, using ld -r
+ stop_after = stop_phase pipe_env
+ frontend :: P m => HscSource -> m (Maybe FilePath)
+ frontend sf = case stop_after of
+ StopPreprocess -> do
+ -- The actual output from preprocessing
+ (_, out_fn) <- preprocessPipeline pipe_env hsc_env input_fn
+ let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ -- Sometimes, a compilation phase doesn't actually generate any output
+ -- (eg. the CPP phase when -fcpp is not turned on). If we end on this
+ -- stage, but we wanted to keep the output, then we have to explicitly
+ -- copy the file, remembering to prepend a {-# LINE #-} pragma so that
+ -- further compilation stages can tell what the original filename was.
+ -- File name we expected the output to have
+ final_fn <- liftIO $ phaseOutputFilenameNew (Hsc HsSrcFile) pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+ when (final_fn /= out_fn) $ do
+ let msg = "Copying `" ++ input_fn ++"' to `" ++ final_fn ++ "'"
+ line_prag = "{-# LINE 1 \"" ++ src_filename pipe_env ++ "\" #-}\n"
+ liftIO (showPass logger msg)
+ liftIO (copyWithHeader line_prag input_fn final_fn)
+ return Nothing
+ _ -> objFromLinkable <$> fullPipeline pipe_env hsc_env input_fn sf
+ c :: P m => Phase -> m (Maybe FilePath)
+ c phase = viaCPipeline phase pipe_env hsc_env Nothing input_fn
+ as :: P m => Bool -> m (Maybe FilePath)
+ as use_cpp = Just <$> asPipeline use_cpp pipe_env hsc_env Nothing input_fn
+ objFromLinkable (_, Just (LM _ _ [DotO lnk])) = Just lnk
+ objFromLinkable _ = Nothing
+ fromSuffix :: P m => String -> m (Maybe FilePath)
+ fromSuffix "lhs" = frontend HsSrcFile
+ fromSuffix "lhs-boot" = frontend HsBootFile
+ fromSuffix "lhsig" = frontend HsigFile
+ fromSuffix "hs" = frontend HsSrcFile
+ fromSuffix "hs-boot" = frontend HsBootFile
+ fromSuffix "hsig" = frontend HsigFile
+ fromSuffix "hscpp" = frontend HsSrcFile
+ fromSuffix "hspp" = frontend HsSrcFile
+ fromSuffix "hc" = c HCc
+ fromSuffix "c" = c Cc
+ fromSuffix "cpp" = c Ccxx
+ fromSuffix "C" = c Cc
+ fromSuffix "m" = c Cobjc
+ fromSuffix "M" = c Cobjcxx
+ fromSuffix "mm" = c Cobjcxx
+ fromSuffix "cc" = c Ccxx
+ fromSuffix "cxx" = c Ccxx
+ fromSuffix "s" = as False
+ fromSuffix "S" = as True
+ fromSuffix "ll" = Just <$> llvmPipeline pipe_env hsc_env Nothing input_fn
+ fromSuffix "bc" = Just <$> llvmLlcPipeline pipe_env hsc_env Nothing input_fn
+ fromSuffix "lm_s" = Just <$> llvmManglePipeline pipe_env hsc_env Nothing input_fn
+ fromSuffix "o" = return (Just input_fn)
+ fromSuffix "cmm" = Just <$> cmmCppPipeline pipe_env hsc_env input_fn
+ fromSuffix "cmmcpp" = Just <$> cmmPipeline pipe_env hsc_env input_fn
+ fromSuffix _ = return (Just input_fn)
-Note [Produce big objects on Windows]
-The Windows Portable Executable object format has a limit of 32k sections, which
-we tend to blow through pretty easily. Thankfully, there is a "big object"
-extension, which raises this limit to 2^32. However, it must be explicitly
-enabled in the toolchain:
- * the assembler accepts the -mbig-obj flag, which causes it to produce a
- bigobj-enabled COFF object.
- * the linker accepts the --oformat pe-bigobj-x86-64 flag. Despite what the name
- suggests, this tells the linker to produce a bigobj-enabled COFF object, no a
- PE executable.
-We must enable bigobj output in a few places:
+Note [The Pipeline Monad]
- * When merging object files (GHC.Driver.Pipeline.joinObjectFiles)
+The pipeline is represented as a free monad by the `TPipelineClass` type synonym,
+which stipulates the general monadic interface for the pipeline and `MonadUse`, instantiated
+to `TPhase`, which indicates the actions available in the pipeline.
- * When assembling (GHC.Driver.Pipeline.runPhase (RealPhase As ...))
+The `TPhase` actions correspond to different compiled phases, they are executed by
+the 'runPhase' function which interprets each action into IO.
-Unfortunately the big object format is not supported on 32-bit targets so
-none of this can be used in that case.
+The idea in the future is that we can now implement different instiations of
+`TPipelineClass` to give different behaviours that the default `HookedPhase` implementation:
+* Additional logging of different phases
+* Automatic parrelism (in the style of shake)
+* Easy consumption by external tools such as ghcide
+* Easier to create your own pipeline and extend existing pipelines.
-Note [Merging object files for GHCi]
-GHCi can usually loads standard linkable object files using GHC's linker
-implementation. However, most users build their projects with -split-sections,
-meaning that such object files can have an extremely high number of sections.
-As the linker must map each of these sections individually, loading such object
-files is very inefficient.
-To avoid this inefficiency, we use the linker's `-r` flag and a linker script
-to produce a merged relocatable object file. This file will contain a singe
-text section section and can consequently be mapped far more efficiently. As
-gcc tends to do unpredictable things to our linker command line, we opt to
-invoke ld directly in this case, in contrast to our usual strategy of linking
-via gcc.
-joinObjectFiles :: Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO ()
-joinObjectFiles logger tmpfs dflags o_files output_fn = do
- let toolSettings' = toolSettings dflags
- ldIsGnuLd = toolSettings_ldIsGnuLd toolSettings'
- osInfo = platformOS (targetPlatform dflags)
- ld_r args = GHC.SysTools.runMergeObjects logger tmpfs dflags (
- -- See Note [Produce big objects on Windows]
- concat
- [ [GHC.SysTools.Option "--oformat", GHC.SysTools.Option "pe-bigobj-x86-64"]
- | OSMinGW32 == osInfo
- , not $ target32Bit (targetPlatform dflags)
- ]
- ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option ld_build_id
- ++ [ GHC.SysTools.Option "-o",
- GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn ]
- ++ args)
- -- suppress the generation of the section,
- -- which we don't need and sometimes causes ld to emit a
- -- warning:
- ld_build_id | toolSettings_ldSupportsBuildId toolSettings' = ["--build-id=none"]
- | otherwise = []
- if ldIsGnuLd
- then do
- script <- newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule "ldscript"
- cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
- let o_files_abs = map (\x -> "\"" ++ (cwd </> x) ++ "\"") o_files
- writeFile script $ "INPUT(" ++ unwords o_files_abs ++ ")"
- ld_r [GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" script]
- else if toolSettings_ldSupportsFilelist toolSettings'
- then do
- filelist <- newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule "filelist"
- writeFile filelist $ unlines o_files
- ld_r [GHC.SysTools.Option "-filelist",
- GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" filelist]
- else
- ld_r (map (GHC.SysTools.FileOption "") o_files)
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Misc.
+The structure of the code as a free monad also means that the return type of each
+phase is a lot more flexible.
--- | What phase to run after one of the backend code generators has run
-hscPostBackendPhase :: HscSource -> Backend -> Phase
-hscPostBackendPhase HsBootFile _ = StopLn
-hscPostBackendPhase HsigFile _ = StopLn
-hscPostBackendPhase _ bcknd =
- case bcknd of
- ViaC -> HCc
- NCG -> As False
- LLVM -> LlvmOpt
- NoBackend -> StopLn
- Interpreter -> StopLn
-touchObjectFile :: Logger -> DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO ()
-touchObjectFile logger dflags path = do
- createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory path
- GHC.SysTools.touch logger dflags "Touching object file" path
--- | Find out path to @ghcversion.h@ file
-getGhcVersionPathName :: DynFlags -> UnitEnv -> IO FilePath
-getGhcVersionPathName dflags unit_env = do
- candidates <- case ghcVersionFile dflags of
- Just path -> return [path]
- Nothing -> do
- ps <- mayThrowUnitErr (preloadUnitsInfo' unit_env [rtsUnitId])
- return ((</> "ghcversion.h") <$> collectIncludeDirs ps)
- found <- filterM doesFileExist candidates
- case found of
- [] -> throwGhcExceptionIO (InstallationError
- ("ghcversion.h missing; tried: "
- ++ intercalate ", " candidates))
- (x:_) -> return x
--- Note [-fPIC for assembler]
--- When compiling .c source file GHC's driver pipeline basically
--- does the following two things:
--- 1. ${CC} -S 'PIC_CFLAGS' source.c
--- 2. ${CC} -x assembler -c 'PIC_CFLAGS' source.S
--- Why do we need to pass 'PIC_CFLAGS' both to C compiler and assembler?
--- Because on some architectures (at least sparc32) assembler also chooses
--- the relocation type!
--- Consider the following C module:
--- /* pic-sample.c */
--- int v;
--- void set_v (int n) { v = n; }
--- int get_v (void) { return v; }
--- $ gcc -S -fPIC pic-sample.c
--- $ gcc -c pic-sample.s -o # incorrect binary
--- $ gcc -c -fPIC pic-sample.s -o pic-sample.pic.o # correct binary
--- $ objdump -r -d pic-sample.pic.o > pic-sample.pic.o.od
--- $ objdump -r -d >
--- $ diff -u pic-sample.pic.o.od
--- Most of architectures won't show any difference in this test, but on sparc32
--- the following assembly snippet:
--- sethi %hi(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_-8), %l7
--- generates two kinds or relocations, only 'R_SPARC_PC22' is correct:
--- 3c: 2f 00 00 00 sethi %hi(0), %l7
-{- Note [Don't normalise input filenames]
- We used to normalise input filenames when starting the unlit phase. This
- broke hpc in `--make` mode with imported literate modules (#2991).
- 1) --main
- When compiling a module with --main, GHC scans its imports to find out which
- other modules it needs to compile too. It turns out that there is a small
- difference between saying `ghc --make A.hs`, when `A` imports `B`, and
- specifying both modules on the command line with `ghc --make A.hs B.hs`. In
- the former case, the filename for B is inferred to be './B.hs' instead of
- 'B.hs'.
- 2) unlit
- When GHC compiles a literate haskell file, the source code first needs to go
- through unlit, which turns it into normal Haskell source code. At the start
- of the unlit phase, in `Driver.Pipeline.runPhase`, we call unlit with the
- option `-h` and the name of the original file. We used to normalise this
- filename using System.FilePath.normalise, which among other things removes
- an initial './'. unlit then uses that filename in #line directives that it
- inserts in the transformed source code.
- 3) SrcSpan
- A SrcSpan represents a portion of a source code file. It has fields
- linenumber, start column, end column, and also a reference to the file it
- originated from. The SrcSpans for a literate haskell file refer to the
- filename that was passed to unlit -h.
- 4) -fhpc
- At some point during compilation with -fhpc, in the function
- `GHC.HsToCore.Coverage.isGoodTickSrcSpan`, we compare the filename that a
- `SrcSpan` refers to with the name of the file we are currently compiling.
- For some reason I don't yet understand, they can sometimes legitimally be
- different, and then hpc ignores that SrcSpan.
- When running `ghc --make -fhpc A.hs`, where `A.hs` imports the literate
- module `B.lhs`, `B` is inferred to be in the file `./B.lhs` (1). At the
- start of the unlit phase, the name `./B.lhs` is normalised to `B.lhs` (2).
- Therefore the SrcSpans of `B` refer to the file `B.lhs` (3), but we are
- still compiling `./B.lhs`. Hpc thinks these two filenames are different (4),
- doesn't include ticks for B, and we have unhappy customers (#2991).
- Do not normalise `input_fn` when starting the unlit phase.
-Alternative solution
- Another option would be to not compare the two filenames on equality, but to
- use System.FilePath.equalFilePath. That function first normalises its
- arguments. The problem is that by the time we need to do the comparison, the
- filenames have been turned into FastStrings, probably for performance
- reasons, so System.FilePath.equalFilePath can not be used directly.
- The call to `normalise` was added in a commit called "Fix slash
- direction on Windows with the new filePath code" (c9b6b5e8). The problem
- that commit was addressing has since been solved in a different manner, in a
- commit called "Fix the filename passed to unlit" (1eedbc6b). So the
- `normalise` is no longer necessary.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3467ff4ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+module GHC.Driver.Pipeline where
+import GHC.Driver.Env.Types ( HscEnv )
+import GHC.ForeignSrcLang ( ForeignSrcLang )
+import GHC.Prelude (FilePath, IO)
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Location (ModLocation)
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Name (ModuleName)
+import GHC.Driver.Session (DynFlags)
+-- These are used in GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Execute, but defined in terms of runPipeline
+compileForeign :: HscEnv -> ForeignSrcLang -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+compileEmptyStub :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> ModLocation -> ModuleName -> IO ()
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d843f29056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1263 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+#include "ghcplatform.h"
+{- Functions for providing the default interpretation of the 'TPhase' actions
+module GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Execute where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Control.Monad.Catch
+import GHC.Driver.Hooks
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Phases
+import GHC.Driver.Env hiding (Hsc)
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Location
+import GHC.Driver.Phases
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Name ( ModuleName )
+import GHC.Unit.Types
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Status
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface
+import GHC.Linker.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Backend
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Driver.CmdLine
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModSummary
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Driver.Main
+import GHC.Tc.Types
+import GHC.Types.Error
+import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types
+import GHC.Fingerprint
+import GHC.Utils.Logger
+import GHC.Utils.TmpFs
+import GHC.Platform
+import Data.List (intercalate, isInfixOf)
+import GHC.Unit.Env
+import GHC.SysTools.Info
+import GHC.Utils.Error
+import Data.Maybe
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Mangler
+import GHC.SysTools
+import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
+import GHC.Unit.Info
+import GHC.Unit.State
+import GHC.Unit.Home
+import GHC.Data.Maybe
+import GHC.Iface.Make
+import Data.Time
+import GHC.Driver.Config.Parser
+import GHC.Parser.Header
+import GHC.Data.StringBuffer
+import GHC.Types.SourceError
+import GHC.Unit.Finder
+import GHC.Runtime.Loader
+import Data.IORef
+import GHC.Types.Name.Env
+import GHC.Platform.Ways
+import GHC.Platform.ArchOS
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Base ( llvmVersionList )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Driver.Pipeline (compileForeign, compileEmptyStub)
+import GHC.Settings
+import System.IO
+import GHC.Linker.ExtraObj
+import GHC.Linker.Dynamic
+import Data.Version
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+newtype HookedUse a = HookedUse { runHookedUse :: (Hooks, PhaseHook) -> IO a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadThrow, MonadCatch) via (ReaderT (Hooks, PhaseHook) IO)
+instance MonadUse TPhase HookedUse where
+ use fa = HookedUse $ \(hooks, (PhaseHook k)) ->
+ case runPhaseHook hooks of
+ Nothing -> k fa
+ Just (PhaseHook h) -> h fa
+-- | The default mechanism to run a pipeline, see Note [The Pipeline Monad]
+runPipeline :: Hooks -> HookedUse a -> IO a
+runPipeline hooks pipeline = runHookedUse pipeline (hooks, PhaseHook runPhase)
+-- | Default interpretation of each phase, in terms of IO.
+runPhase :: TPhase out -> IO out
+runPhase (T_Unlit pipe_env hsc_env inp_path) = do
+ out_path <- phaseOutputFilenameNew (Cpp HsSrcFile) pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+ runUnlitPhase hsc_env inp_path out_path
+runPhase (T_FileArgs hsc_env inp_path) = getFileArgs hsc_env inp_path
+runPhase (T_Cpp pipe_env hsc_env inp_path) = do
+ out_path <- phaseOutputFilenameNew (HsPp HsSrcFile) pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+ runCppPhase hsc_env inp_path out_path
+runPhase (T_HsPp pipe_env hsc_env origin_path inp_path) = do
+ out_path <- phaseOutputFilenameNew (Hsc HsSrcFile) pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+ runHsPpPhase hsc_env origin_path inp_path out_path
+runPhase (T_HscRecomp pipe_env hsc_env fp hsc_src) = do
+ runHscPhase pipe_env hsc_env fp hsc_src
+runPhase (T_Hsc hsc_env mod_sum) = runHscTcPhase hsc_env mod_sum
+runPhase (T_HscPostTc hsc_env ms fer m mfi) =
+ runHscPostTcPhase hsc_env ms fer m mfi
+runPhase (T_HscBackend pipe_env hsc_env mod_name hsc_src location x) = do
+ runHscBackendPhase pipe_env hsc_env mod_name hsc_src location x
+runPhase (T_CmmCpp pipe_env hsc_env input_fn) = do
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilenameNew Cmm pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+ doCpp (hsc_logger hsc_env)
+ (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env)
+ (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
+ False{-not raw-}
+ input_fn output_fn
+ return output_fn
+runPhase (T_Cmm pipe_env hsc_env input_fn) = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let next_phase = hscPostBackendPhase HsSrcFile (backend dflags)
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilenameNew next_phase pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+ mstub <- hscCompileCmmFile hsc_env input_fn output_fn
+ stub_o <- mapM (compileStub hsc_env) mstub
+ let foreign_os = (maybeToList stub_o)
+ return (foreign_os, output_fn)
+runPhase (T_Cc phase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn) = runCcPhase phase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn
+runPhase (T_As cpp pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn) = do
+ runAsPhase cpp pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn
+runPhase (T_LlvmOpt pipe_env hsc_env input_fn) =
+ runLlvmOptPhase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn
+runPhase (T_LlvmLlc pipe_env hsc_env input_fn) =
+ runLlvmLlcPhase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn
+runPhase (T_LlvmMangle pipe_env hsc_env input_fn) =
+ runLlvmManglePhase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn
+runPhase (T_MergeForeign pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn fos) =
+ runMergeForeign pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn fos
+runLlvmManglePhase :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO [Char]
+runLlvmManglePhase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn = do
+ let next_phase = As False
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilenameNew next_phase pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ llvmFixupAsm (targetPlatform dflags) input_fn output_fn
+ return output_fn
+runMergeForeign :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO FilePath
+runMergeForeign _pipe_env hsc_env _location input_fn foreign_os = do
+ if null foreign_os
+ then return input_fn
+ else do
+ -- Work around a binutil < 2.31 bug where you can't merge objects if the output file
+ -- is one of the inputs
+ new_o <- newTempName (hsc_logger hsc_env) (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env) (hsc_dflags hsc_env) TFL_CurrentModule "o"
+ copyFile input_fn new_o
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ let tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
+ joinObjectFiles logger tmpfs dflags (new_o : foreign_os) input_fn
+ return input_fn
+runLlvmLlcPhase :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+runLlvmLlcPhase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn = do
+ -- Note [Clamping of llc optimizations]
+ --
+ -- See #13724
+ --
+ -- we clamp the llc optimization between [1,2]. This is because passing -O0
+ -- to llc 3.9 or llc 4.0, the naive register allocator can fail with
+ --
+ -- Error while trying to spill R1 from class GPR: Cannot scavenge register
+ -- without an emergency spill slot!
+ --
+ -- Observed at least with target 'arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf'.
+ --
+ --
+ -- With LLVM4, llc -O3 crashes when ghc-stage1 tries to compile
+ -- rts/HeapStackCheck.cmm
+ --
+ -- llc -O3 '-mtriple=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf' -enable-tbaa /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_6.bc -o /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_7.lm_s
+ -- 0 llc 0x0000000102ae63e8 llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) + 40
+ -- 1 llc 0x0000000102ae69a6 SignalHandler(int) + 358
+ -- 2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fffc23f4b3a _sigtramp + 26
+ -- 3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fffc226498b __vfprintf + 17876
+ -- 4 llc 0x00000001029d5123 llvm::SelectionDAGISel::LowerArguments(llvm::Function const&) + 5699
+ -- 5 llc 0x0000000102a21a35 llvm::SelectionDAGISel::SelectAllBasicBlocks(llvm::Function const&) + 3381
+ -- 6 llc 0x0000000102a202b1 llvm::SelectionDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(llvm::MachineFunction&) + 1457
+ -- 7 llc 0x0000000101bdc474 (anonymous namespace)::ARMDAGToDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(llvm::MachineFunction&) + 20
+ -- 8 llc 0x00000001025573a6 llvm::MachineFunctionPass::runOnFunction(llvm::Function&) + 134
+ -- 9 llc 0x000000010274fb12 llvm::FPPassManager::runOnFunction(llvm::Function&) + 498
+ -- 10 llc 0x000000010274fd23 llvm::FPPassManager::runOnModule(llvm::Module&) + 67
+ -- 11 llc 0x00000001027501b8 llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl::run(llvm::Module&) + 920
+ -- 12 llc 0x000000010195f075 compileModule(char**, llvm::LLVMContext&) + 12133
+ -- 13 llc 0x000000010195bf0b main + 491
+ -- 14 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fffc21e5235 start + 1
+ -- Stack dump:
+ -- 0. Program arguments: llc -O3 -mtriple=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf -enable-tbaa /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_6.bc -o /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_7.lm_s
+ -- 1. Running pass 'Function Pass Manager' on module '/var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_6.bc'.
+ -- 2. Running pass 'ARM Instruction Selection' on function '@"stg_gc_f1$def"'
+ --
+ -- Observed at least with -mtriple=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf -enable-tbaa
+ --
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ llvmOpts = case optLevel dflags of
+ 0 -> "-O1" -- required to get the non-naive reg allocator. Passing -regalloc=greedy is not sufficient.
+ 1 -> "-O1"
+ _ -> "-O2"
+ defaultOptions = map GHC.SysTools.Option . concatMap words . snd
+ $ unzip (llvmOptions dflags)
+ optFlag = if null (getOpts dflags opt_lc)
+ then map GHC.SysTools.Option $ words llvmOpts
+ else []
+ next_phase <- if -- hidden debugging flag '-dno-llvm-mangler' to skip mangling
+ | gopt Opt_NoLlvmMangler dflags -> return (As False)
+ | otherwise -> return LlvmMangle
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilenameNew next_phase pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+ GHC.SysTools.runLlvmLlc logger dflags
+ ( optFlag
+ ++ defaultOptions
+ ++ [ GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ )
+ return output_fn
+runLlvmOptPhase :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+runLlvmOptPhase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ let -- we always (unless -optlo specified) run Opt since we rely on it to
+ -- fix up some pretty big deficiencies in the code we generate
+ optIdx = max 0 $ min 2 $ optLevel dflags -- ensure we're in [0,2]
+ llvmOpts = case lookup optIdx $ llvmPasses $ llvmConfig dflags of
+ Just passes -> passes
+ Nothing -> panic ("runPhase LlvmOpt: llvm-passes file "
+ ++ "is missing passes for level "
+ ++ show optIdx)
+ defaultOptions = map GHC.SysTools.Option . concat . fmap words . fst
+ $ unzip (llvmOptions dflags)
+ -- don't specify anything if user has specified commands. We do this
+ -- for opt but not llc since opt is very specifically for optimisation
+ -- passes only, so if the user is passing us extra options we assume
+ -- they know what they are doing and don't get in the way.
+ optFlag = if null (getOpts dflags opt_lo)
+ then map GHC.SysTools.Option $ words llvmOpts
+ else []
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilenameNew LlvmLlc pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+ GHC.SysTools.runLlvmOpt logger dflags
+ ( optFlag
+ ++ defaultOptions ++
+ [ GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn]
+ )
+ return output_fn
+runAsPhase :: Bool -> PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+runAsPhase with_cpp pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ let unit_env = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
+ let platform = ue_platform unit_env
+ -- LLVM from version 3.0 onwards doesn't support the OS X system
+ -- assembler, so we use clang as the assembler instead. (#5636)
+ let (as_prog, get_asm_info) | backend dflags == LLVM
+ , platformOS platform == OSDarwin
+ = (GHC.SysTools.runClang, pure Clang)
+ | otherwise
+ = (GHC.SysTools.runAs, getAssemblerInfo logger dflags)
+ asmInfo <- get_asm_info
+ let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
+ let pic_c_flags = picCCOpts dflags
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilenameNew StopLn pipe_env hsc_env location
+ -- we create directories for the object file, because it
+ -- might be a hierarchical module.
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory output_fn)
+ let global_includes = [ GHC.SysTools.Option ("-I" ++ p)
+ | p <- includePathsGlobal cmdline_include_paths ]
+ let local_includes = [ GHC.SysTools.Option ("-iquote" ++ p)
+ | p <- includePathsQuote cmdline_include_paths ++
+ includePathsQuoteImplicit cmdline_include_paths]
+ let runAssembler inputFilename outputFilename
+ = withAtomicRename outputFilename $ \temp_outputFilename ->
+ as_prog
+ logger dflags
+ (local_includes ++ global_includes
+ -- See Note [-fPIC for assembler]
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option pic_c_flags
+ -- See Note [Produce big objects on Windows]
+ ++ [ GHC.SysTools.Option "-Wa,-mbig-obj"
+ | platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32
+ , not $ target32Bit (targetPlatform dflags)
+ ]
+ -- We only support SparcV9 and better because V8 lacks an atomic CAS
+ -- instruction so we have to make sure that the assembler accepts the
+ -- instruction set. Note that the user can still override this
+ -- (e.g., -mcpu=ultrasparc). GCC picks the "best" -mcpu flag
+ -- regardless of the ordering.
+ --
+ -- This is a temporary hack.
+ ++ (if platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) == ArchSPARC
+ then [GHC.SysTools.Option "-mcpu=v9"]
+ else [])
+ ++ (if any (asmInfo ==) [Clang, AppleClang, AppleClang51]
+ then [GHC.SysTools.Option "-Qunused-arguments"]
+ else [])
+ ++ [ GHC.SysTools.Option "-x"
+ , if with_cpp
+ then GHC.SysTools.Option "assembler-with-cpp"
+ else GHC.SysTools.Option "assembler"
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option "-c"
+ , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" inputFilename
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" temp_outputFilename
+ ])
+ debugTraceMsg logger 4 (text "Running the assembler")
+ runAssembler input_fn output_fn
+ return output_fn
+runCcPhase :: Phase -> PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+runCcPhase cc_phase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ let unit_env = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
+ let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env
+ let tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
+ let platform = ue_platform unit_env
+ let hcc = cc_phase `eqPhase` HCc
+ let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
+ -- HC files have the dependent packages stamped into them
+ pkgs <- if hcc then getHCFilePackages input_fn else return []
+ -- add package include paths even if we're just compiling .c
+ -- files; this is the Value Add(TM) that using ghc instead of
+ -- gcc gives you :)
+ ps <- mayThrowUnitErr (preloadUnitsInfo' unit_env pkgs)
+ let pkg_include_dirs = collectIncludeDirs ps
+ let include_paths_global = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-I" ++ x) : xs) []
+ (includePathsGlobal cmdline_include_paths ++ pkg_include_dirs)
+ let include_paths_quote = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-iquote" ++ x) : xs) []
+ (includePathsQuote cmdline_include_paths ++
+ includePathsQuoteImplicit cmdline_include_paths)
+ let include_paths = include_paths_quote ++ include_paths_global
+ -- pass -D or -optP to preprocessor when compiling foreign C files
+ -- (#16737). Doing it in this way is simpler and also enable the C
+ -- compiler to perform preprocessing and parsing in a single pass,
+ -- but it may introduce inconsistency if a different pgm_P is specified.
+ let more_preprocessor_opts = concat
+ [ ["-Xpreprocessor", i]
+ | not hcc
+ , i <- getOpts dflags opt_P
+ ]
+ let gcc_extra_viac_flags = extraGccViaCFlags dflags
+ let pic_c_flags = picCCOpts dflags
+ let verbFlags = getVerbFlags dflags
+ -- cc-options are not passed when compiling .hc files. Our
+ -- hc code doesn't not #include any header files anyway, so these
+ -- options aren't necessary.
+ let pkg_extra_cc_opts
+ | hcc = []
+ | otherwise = collectExtraCcOpts ps
+ let framework_paths
+ | platformUsesFrameworks platform
+ = let pkgFrameworkPaths = collectFrameworksDirs ps
+ cmdlineFrameworkPaths = frameworkPaths dflags
+ in map ("-F"++) (cmdlineFrameworkPaths ++ pkgFrameworkPaths)
+ | otherwise
+ = []
+ let cc_opt | optLevel dflags >= 2 = [ "-O2" ]
+ | optLevel dflags >= 1 = [ "-O" ]
+ | otherwise = []
+ -- Decide next phase
+ let next_phase = As False
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilenameNew next_phase pipe_env hsc_env Nothing
+ let
+ more_hcc_opts =
+ -- on x86 the floating point regs have greater precision
+ -- than a double, which leads to unpredictable results.
+ -- By default, we turn this off with -ffloat-store unless
+ -- the user specified -fexcess-precision.
+ (if platformArch platform == ArchX86 &&
+ not (gopt Opt_ExcessPrecision dflags)
+ then [ "-ffloat-store" ]
+ else []) ++
+ -- gcc's -fstrict-aliasing allows two accesses to memory
+ -- to be considered non-aliasing if they have different types.
+ -- This interacts badly with the C code we generate, which is
+ -- very weakly typed, being derived from C--.
+ ["-fno-strict-aliasing"]
+ ghcVersionH <- getGhcVersionPathName dflags unit_env
+ GHC.SysTools.runCc (phaseForeignLanguage cc_phase) logger tmpfs dflags (
+ [ GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option (
+ pic_c_flags
+ -- Stub files generated for foreign exports references the runIO_closure
+ -- and runNonIO_closure symbols, which are defined in the base package.
+ -- These symbols are imported into the stub.c file via RtsAPI.h, and the
+ -- way we do the import depends on whether we're currently compiling
+ -- the base package or not.
+ ++ (if platformOS platform == OSMinGW32 &&
+ isHomeUnitId home_unit baseUnitId
+ else [])
+ -- We only support SparcV9 and better because V8 lacks an atomic CAS
+ -- instruction. Note that the user can still override this
+ -- (e.g., -mcpu=ultrasparc) as GCC picks the "best" -mcpu flag
+ -- regardless of the ordering.
+ --
+ -- This is a temporary hack. See #2872, commit
+ -- 5bd3072ac30216a505151601884ac88bf404c9f2
+ ++ (if platformArch platform == ArchSPARC
+ then ["-mcpu=v9"]
+ else [])
+ -- GCC 4.6+ doesn't like -Wimplicit when compiling C++.
+ ++ (if (cc_phase /= Ccxx && cc_phase /= Cobjcxx)
+ then ["-Wimplicit"]
+ else [])
+ ++ (if hcc
+ then gcc_extra_viac_flags ++ more_hcc_opts
+ else [])
+ ++ verbFlags
+ ++ [ "-S" ]
+ ++ cc_opt
+ ++ [ "-include", ghcVersionH ]
+ ++ framework_paths
+ ++ include_paths
+ ++ more_preprocessor_opts
+ ++ pkg_extra_cc_opts
+ ))
+ return output_fn
+-- This is where all object files get written from, for hs-boot and hsig files as well.
+runHscBackendPhase :: PipeEnv
+ -> HscEnv
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> HscSource
+ -> ModLocation
+ -> HscBackendAction
+ -> IO ([FilePath], ModIface, Maybe Linkable, FilePath)
+runHscBackendPhase pipe_env hsc_env mod_name src_flavour location result = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ o_file = ml_obj_file location -- The real object file
+ next_phase = hscPostBackendPhase src_flavour (backend dflags)
+ case result of
+ HscUpdate iface ->
+ do
+ case src_flavour of
+ HsigFile -> do
+ -- We need to create a REAL but empty .o file
+ -- because we are going to attempt to put it in a library
+ let input_fn = expectJust "runPhase" (ml_hs_file location)
+ basename = dropExtension input_fn
+ compileEmptyStub dflags hsc_env basename location mod_name
+ -- In the case of hs-boot files, generate a dummy .o-boot
+ -- stamp file for the benefit of Make
+ HsBootFile -> touchObjectFile logger dflags o_file
+ HsSrcFile -> panic "HscUpdate not relevant for HscSrcFile"
+ return ([], iface, Nothing, o_file)
+ HscRecomp { hscs_guts = cgguts,
+ hscs_mod_location = mod_location,
+ hscs_partial_iface = partial_iface,
+ hscs_old_iface_hash = mb_old_iface_hash
+ }
+ -> case backend dflags of
+ NoBackend -> panic "HscRecomp not relevant for NoBackend"
+ Interpreter -> do
+ -- In interpreted mode the regular codeGen backend is not run so we
+ -- generate a interface without codeGen info.
+ final_iface <- mkFullIface hsc_env partial_iface Nothing
+ hscMaybeWriteIface logger dflags True final_iface mb_old_iface_hash location
+ (hasStub, comp_bc, spt_entries) <- hscInteractive hsc_env cgguts mod_location
+ stub_o <- case hasStub of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just stub_c -> do
+ stub_o <- compileStub hsc_env stub_c
+ return [DotO stub_o]
+ let hs_unlinked = [BCOs comp_bc spt_entries]
+ unlinked_time <- getCurrentTime
+ let !linkable = LM unlinked_time (mkHomeModule (hsc_home_unit hsc_env) mod_name)
+ (hs_unlinked ++ stub_o)
+ return ([], final_iface, Just linkable, panic "interpreter")
+ _ -> do
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilenameNew next_phase pipe_env hsc_env (Just location)
+ (outputFilename, mStub, foreign_files, cg_infos) <-
+ hscGenHardCode hsc_env cgguts mod_location output_fn
+ final_iface <- mkFullIface hsc_env partial_iface (Just cg_infos)
+ -- See Note [Writing interface files]
+ hscMaybeWriteIface logger dflags False final_iface mb_old_iface_hash mod_location
+ stub_o <- mapM (compileStub hsc_env) mStub
+ foreign_os <-
+ mapM (uncurry (compileForeign hsc_env)) foreign_files
+ let fos = (maybe [] return stub_o ++ foreign_os)
+ -- This is awkward, no linkable is produced here because we still
+ -- have some way to do before the object file is produced
+ -- In future we can split up the driver logic more so that this function
+ -- is in TPipeline and in this branch we can invoke the rest of the backend phase.
+ return (fos, final_iface, Nothing, outputFilename)
+runUnlitPhase :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+runUnlitPhase hsc_env input_fn output_fn = do
+ let
+ -- escape the characters \, ", and ', but don't try to escape
+ -- Unicode or anything else (so we don't use Util.charToC
+ -- here). If we get this wrong, then in
+ -- GHC.HsToCore.Coverage.isGoodTickSrcSpan where we check that the filename in
+ -- a SrcLoc is the same as the source filenaame, the two will
+ -- look bogusly different. See test:
+ -- libraries/hpc/tests/function/subdir/tough2.hs
+ escape ('\\':cs) = '\\':'\\': escape cs
+ escape ('\"':cs) = '\\':'\"': escape cs
+ escape ('\'':cs) = '\\':'\'': escape cs
+ escape (c:cs) = c : escape cs
+ escape [] = []
+ let flags = [ -- The -h option passes the file name for unlit to
+ -- put in a #line directive
+ GHC.SysTools.Option "-h"
+ -- See Note [Don't normalise input filenames].
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option $ escape input_fn
+ , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ GHC.SysTools.runUnlit logger dflags flags
+ return output_fn
+getFileArgs :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO ((DynFlags, [Warn]))
+getFileArgs hsc_env input_fn = do
+ let dflags0 = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ parser_opts = initParserOpts dflags0
+ src_opts <- getOptionsFromFile parser_opts input_fn
+ (dflags1, unhandled_flags, warns)
+ <- parseDynamicFilePragma dflags0 src_opts
+ checkProcessArgsResult unhandled_flags
+ return (dflags1, warns)
+runCppPhase :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+runCppPhase hsc_env input_fn output_fn = do
+ doCpp (hsc_logger hsc_env)
+ (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env)
+ (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
+ True{-raw-}
+ input_fn output_fn
+ return output_fn
+runHscPhase :: PipeEnv
+ -> HscEnv
+ -> FilePath
+ -> HscSource
+ -> IO (HscEnv, ModSummary, HscRecompStatus)
+runHscPhase pipe_env hsc_env0 input_fn src_flavour = do
+ let dflags0 = hsc_dflags hsc_env0
+ PipeEnv{ src_basename=basename,
+ src_suffix=suff } = pipe_env
+ -- we add the current directory (i.e. the directory in which
+ -- the .hs files resides) to the include path, since this is
+ -- what gcc does, and it's probably what you want.
+ let current_dir = takeDirectory basename
+ new_includes = addImplicitQuoteInclude paths [current_dir]
+ paths = includePaths dflags0
+ dflags = dflags0 { includePaths = new_includes }
+ hsc_env = hscSetFlags dflags hsc_env0
+ -- gather the imports and module name
+ (hspp_buf,mod_name,imps,src_imps) <- do
+ buf <- hGetStringBuffer input_fn
+ let imp_prelude = xopt LangExt.ImplicitPrelude dflags
+ popts = initParserOpts dflags
+ eimps <- getImports popts imp_prelude buf input_fn (basename <.> suff)
+ case eimps of
+ Left errs -> throwErrors (GhcPsMessage <$> errs)
+ Right (src_imps,imps,L _ mod_name) -> return
+ (Just buf, mod_name, imps, src_imps)
+ -- Take -o into account if present
+ -- Very like -ohi, but we must *only* do this if we aren't linking
+ -- (If we're linking then the -o applies to the linked thing, not to
+ -- the object file for one module.)
+ -- Note the nasty duplication with the same computation in compileFile above
+ location <- getLocation pipe_env dflags src_flavour mod_name
+ let o_file = ml_obj_file location -- The real object file
+ hi_file = ml_hi_file location
+ hie_file = ml_hie_file location
+ dyn_o_file = dynamicOutputFile dflags o_file
+ src_hash <- getFileHash (basename <.> suff)
+ hi_date <- modificationTimeIfExists hi_file
+ hie_date <- modificationTimeIfExists hie_file
+ o_mod <- modificationTimeIfExists o_file
+ dyn_o_mod <- modificationTimeIfExists dyn_o_file
+ -- Tell the finder cache about this module
+ mod <- do
+ let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env
+ let fc = hsc_FC hsc_env
+ addHomeModuleToFinder fc home_unit mod_name location
+ -- Make the ModSummary to hand to hscMain
+ let
+ mod_summary = ModSummary { ms_mod = mod,
+ ms_hsc_src = src_flavour,
+ ms_hspp_file = input_fn,
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags,
+ ms_hspp_buf = hspp_buf,
+ ms_location = location,
+ ms_hs_hash = src_hash,
+ ms_obj_date = o_mod,
+ ms_dyn_obj_date = dyn_o_mod,
+ ms_parsed_mod = Nothing,
+ ms_iface_date = hi_date,
+ ms_hie_date = hie_date,
+ ms_textual_imps = imps,
+ ms_srcimps = src_imps }
+ -- run the compiler!
+ let msg :: Messager
+ msg hsc_env _ what _ = oneShotMsg (hsc_logger hsc_env) what
+ plugin_hsc_env' <- initializePlugins hsc_env (Just $ ms_mnwib mod_summary)
+ -- Need to set the knot-tying mutable variable for interface
+ -- files. See GHC.Tc.Utils.TcGblEnv.tcg_type_env_var.
+ -- See also Note [hsc_type_env_var hack]
+ type_env_var <- newIORef emptyNameEnv
+ let plugin_hsc_env = plugin_hsc_env' { hsc_type_env_var = Just (mod, type_env_var) }
+ status <- hscRecompStatus (Just msg) plugin_hsc_env mod_summary
+ Nothing Nothing (1, 1)
+ return (plugin_hsc_env, mod_summary, status)
+runHscTcPhase :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> IO (FrontendResult, Messages GhcMessage)
+runHscTcPhase = hscTypecheckAndGetWarnings
+runHscPostTcPhase ::
+ HscEnv
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> FrontendResult
+ -> Messages GhcMessage
+ -> Maybe Fingerprint
+ -> IO HscBackendAction
+runHscPostTcPhase hsc_env mod_summary tc_result tc_warnings mb_old_hash = do
+ runHsc hsc_env $ do
+ hscDesugarAndSimplify mod_summary tc_result tc_warnings mb_old_hash
+runHsPpPhase :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+runHsPpPhase hsc_env orig_fn input_fn output_fn = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ GHC.SysTools.runPp logger dflags
+ ( [ GHC.SysTools.Option orig_fn
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option input_fn
+ , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ] )
+ return output_fn
+phaseOutputFilenameNew :: Phase -> PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> IO FilePath
+phaseOutputFilenameNew next_phase pipe_env hsc_env maybe_loc = do
+ let PipeEnv{stop_phase, src_basename, output_spec} = pipe_env
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
+ getOutputFilename logger tmpfs (stopPhaseToPhase stop_phase) output_spec
+ src_basename dflags next_phase maybe_loc
+-- | Computes the next output filename for something in the compilation
+-- pipeline. This is controlled by several variables:
+-- 1. 'Phase': the last phase to be run (e.g. 'stopPhase'). This
+-- is used to tell if we're in the last phase or not, because
+-- in that case flags like @-o@ may be important.
+-- 2. 'PipelineOutput': is this intended to be a 'Temporary' or
+-- 'Persistent' build output? Temporary files just go in
+-- a fresh temporary name.
+-- 3. 'String': what was the basename of the original input file?
+-- 4. 'DynFlags': the obvious thing
+-- 5. 'Phase': the phase we want to determine the output filename of.
+-- 6. @Maybe ModLocation@: the 'ModLocation' of the module we're
+-- compiling; this can be used to override the default output
+-- of an object file. (TODO: do we actually need this?)
+ :: Logger
+ -> TmpFs
+ -> Phase
+ -> PipelineOutput
+ -> String
+ -> DynFlags
+ -> Phase -- next phase
+ -> Maybe ModLocation
+ -> IO FilePath
+getOutputFilename logger tmpfs stop_phase output basename dflags next_phase maybe_location
+ | is_last_phase, Persistent <- output = persistent_fn
+ | is_last_phase, SpecificFile <- output = case outputFile dflags of
+ Just f -> return f
+ Nothing ->
+ panic "SpecificFile: No filename"
+ | keep_this_output = persistent_fn
+ | Temporary lifetime <- output = newTempName logger tmpfs dflags lifetime suffix
+ | otherwise = newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule
+ suffix
+ where
+ hcsuf = hcSuf dflags
+ odir = objectDir dflags
+ osuf = objectSuf dflags
+ keep_hc = gopt Opt_KeepHcFiles dflags
+ keep_hscpp = gopt Opt_KeepHscppFiles dflags
+ keep_s = gopt Opt_KeepSFiles dflags
+ keep_bc = gopt Opt_KeepLlvmFiles dflags
+ myPhaseInputExt HCc = hcsuf
+ myPhaseInputExt MergeForeign = osuf
+ myPhaseInputExt StopLn = osuf
+ myPhaseInputExt other = phaseInputExt other
+ is_last_phase = next_phase `eqPhase` stop_phase
+ -- sometimes, we keep output from intermediate stages
+ keep_this_output =
+ case next_phase of
+ As _ | keep_s -> True
+ LlvmOpt | keep_bc -> True
+ HCc | keep_hc -> True
+ HsPp _ | keep_hscpp -> True -- See #10869
+ _other -> False
+ suffix = myPhaseInputExt next_phase
+ -- persistent object files get put in odir
+ persistent_fn
+ | StopLn <- next_phase = return odir_persistent
+ | otherwise = return persistent
+ persistent = basename <.> suffix
+ odir_persistent
+ | Just loc <- maybe_location = ml_obj_file loc
+ | Just d <- odir = (d </> persistent)
+ | otherwise = persistent
+-- | LLVM Options. These are flags to be passed to opt and llc, to ensure
+-- consistency we list them in pairs, so that they form groups.
+llvmOptions :: DynFlags
+ -> [(String, String)] -- ^ pairs of (opt, llc) arguments
+llvmOptions dflags =
+ [("-enable-tbaa -tbaa", "-enable-tbaa") | gopt Opt_LlvmTBAA dflags ]
+ ++ [("-relocation-model=" ++ rmodel
+ ,"-relocation-model=" ++ rmodel) | not (null rmodel)]
+ ++ [("-stack-alignment=" ++ (show align)
+ ,"-stack-alignment=" ++ (show align)) | align > 0 ]
+ -- Additional llc flags
+ ++ [("", "-mcpu=" ++ mcpu) | not (null mcpu)
+ , not (any (isInfixOf "-mcpu") (getOpts dflags opt_lc)) ]
+ ++ [("", "-mattr=" ++ attrs) | not (null attrs) ]
+ ++ [("", "-target-abi=" ++ abi) | not (null abi) ]
+ where target = platformMisc_llvmTarget $ platformMisc dflags
+ Just (LlvmTarget _ mcpu mattr) = lookup target (llvmTargets $ llvmConfig dflags)
+ -- Relocation models
+ rmodel | gopt Opt_PIC dflags = "pic"
+ | positionIndependent dflags = "pic"
+ | WayDyn `elem` ways dflags = "dynamic-no-pic"
+ | otherwise = "static"
+ platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ align :: Int
+ align = case platformArch platform of
+ ArchX86_64 | isAvxEnabled dflags -> 32
+ _ -> 0
+ attrs :: String
+ attrs = intercalate "," $ mattr
+ ++ ["+sse42" | isSse4_2Enabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+sse2" | isSse2Enabled platform ]
+ ++ ["+sse" | isSseEnabled platform ]
+ ++ ["+avx512f" | isAvx512fEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx2" | isAvx2Enabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx" | isAvxEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx512cd"| isAvx512cdEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx512er"| isAvx512erEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx512pf"| isAvx512pfEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+bmi" | isBmiEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+bmi2" | isBmi2Enabled dflags ]
+ abi :: String
+ abi = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ ArchRISCV64 -> "lp64d"
+ _ -> ""
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Running CPP
+-- | Run CPP
+-- UnitEnv is needed to compute MIN_VERSION macros
+doCpp :: Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> UnitEnv -> Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+doCpp logger tmpfs dflags unit_env raw input_fn output_fn = do
+ let hscpp_opts = picPOpts dflags
+ let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
+ let unit_state = ue_units unit_env
+ pkg_include_dirs <- mayThrowUnitErr
+ (collectIncludeDirs <$> preloadUnitsInfo unit_env)
+ let include_paths_global = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-I" ++ x) : xs) []
+ (includePathsGlobal cmdline_include_paths ++ pkg_include_dirs)
+ let include_paths_quote = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-iquote" ++ x) : xs) []
+ (includePathsQuote cmdline_include_paths ++
+ includePathsQuoteImplicit cmdline_include_paths)
+ let include_paths = include_paths_quote ++ include_paths_global
+ let verbFlags = getVerbFlags dflags
+ let cpp_prog args | raw = GHC.SysTools.runCpp logger dflags args
+ | otherwise = GHC.SysTools.runCc Nothing logger tmpfs dflags
+ (GHC.SysTools.Option "-E" : args)
+ let platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ targetArch = stringEncodeArch $ platformArch platform
+ targetOS = stringEncodeOS $ platformOS platform
+ isWindows = platformOS platform == OSMinGW32
+ let target_defs =
+ [ "-D" ++ HOST_OS ++ "_BUILD_OS",
+ "-D" ++ HOST_ARCH ++ "_BUILD_ARCH",
+ "-D" ++ targetOS ++ "_HOST_OS",
+ "-D" ++ targetArch ++ "_HOST_ARCH" ]
+ -- remember, in code we *compile*, the HOST is the same our TARGET,
+ -- and BUILD is the same as our HOST.
+ let io_manager_defs =
+ [ "-D__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__=1" | isWindows ] ++
+ [ "-D__IO_MANAGER_MIO__=1" ]
+ let sse_defs =
+ [ "-D__SSE__" | isSseEnabled platform ] ++
+ [ "-D__SSE2__" | isSse2Enabled platform ] ++
+ [ "-D__SSE4_2__" | isSse4_2Enabled dflags ]
+ let avx_defs =
+ [ "-D__AVX__" | isAvxEnabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__AVX2__" | isAvx2Enabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__AVX512CD__" | isAvx512cdEnabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__AVX512ER__" | isAvx512erEnabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__AVX512F__" | isAvx512fEnabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__AVX512PF__" | isAvx512pfEnabled dflags ]
+ backend_defs <- getBackendDefs logger dflags
+ let th_defs = [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_TH__" ]
+ -- Default CPP defines in Haskell source
+ ghcVersionH <- getGhcVersionPathName dflags unit_env
+ let hsSourceCppOpts = [ "-include", ghcVersionH ]
+ -- MIN_VERSION macros
+ let uids = explicitUnits unit_state
+ pkgs = catMaybes (map (lookupUnit unit_state) uids)
+ mb_macro_include <-
+ if not (null pkgs) && gopt Opt_VersionMacros dflags
+ then do macro_stub <- newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule "h"
+ writeFile macro_stub (generatePackageVersionMacros pkgs)
+ -- Include version macros for every *exposed* package.
+ -- Without -hide-all-packages and with a package database
+ -- size of 1000 packages, it takes cpp an estimated 2
+ -- milliseconds to process this file. See #10970
+ -- comment 8.
+ return [GHC.SysTools.FileOption "-include" macro_stub]
+ else return []
+ cpp_prog ( map GHC.SysTools.Option verbFlags
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option include_paths
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option hsSourceCppOpts
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option target_defs
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option backend_defs
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option th_defs
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option hscpp_opts
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option sse_defs
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option avx_defs
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option io_manager_defs
+ ++ mb_macro_include
+ -- Set the language mode to assembler-with-cpp when preprocessing. This
+ -- alleviates some of the C99 macro rules relating to whitespace and the hash
+ -- operator, which we tend to abuse. Clang in particular is not very happy
+ -- about this.
+ ++ [ GHC.SysTools.Option "-x"
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option "assembler-with-cpp"
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option input_fn
+ -- We hackily use Option instead of FileOption here, so that the file
+ -- name is not back-slashed on Windows. cpp is capable of
+ -- dealing with / in filenames, so it works fine. Furthermore
+ -- if we put in backslashes, cpp outputs #line directives
+ -- with *double* backslashes. And that in turn means that
+ -- our error messages get double backslashes in them.
+ -- In due course we should arrange that the lexer deals
+ -- with these \\ escapes properly.
+ , GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ])
+getBackendDefs :: Logger -> DynFlags -> IO [String]
+getBackendDefs logger dflags | backend dflags == LLVM = do
+ llvmVer <- figureLlvmVersion logger dflags
+ return $ case fmap llvmVersionList llvmVer of
+ Just [m] -> [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__=" ++ format (m,0) ]
+ Just (m:n:_) -> [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__=" ++ format (m,n) ]
+ _ -> []
+ where
+ format (major, minor)
+ | minor >= 100 = error "getBackendDefs: Unsupported minor version"
+ | otherwise = show $ (100 * major + minor :: Int) -- Contract is Int
+getBackendDefs _ _ =
+ return []
+-- | What phase to run after one of the backend code generators has run
+hscPostBackendPhase :: HscSource -> Backend -> Phase
+hscPostBackendPhase HsBootFile _ = StopLn
+hscPostBackendPhase HsigFile _ = StopLn
+hscPostBackendPhase _ bcknd =
+ case bcknd of
+ ViaC -> HCc
+ NCG -> As False
+ LLVM -> LlvmOpt
+ NoBackend -> StopLn
+ Interpreter -> StopLn
+compileStub :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+compileStub hsc_env stub_c = compileForeign hsc_env LangC stub_c
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- join object files into a single relocatable object file, using ld -r
+Note [Produce big objects on Windows]
+The Windows Portable Executable object format has a limit of 32k sections, which
+we tend to blow through pretty easily. Thankfully, there is a "big object"
+extension, which raises this limit to 2^32. However, it must be explicitly
+enabled in the toolchain:
+ * the assembler accepts the -mbig-obj flag, which causes it to produce a
+ bigobj-enabled COFF object.
+ * the linker accepts the --oformat pe-bigobj-x86-64 flag. Despite what the name
+ suggests, this tells the linker to produce a bigobj-enabled COFF object, no a
+ PE executable.
+We must enable bigobj output in a few places:
+ * When merging object files (GHC.Driver.Pipeline.joinObjectFiles)
+ * When assembling (GHC.Driver.Pipeline.runPhase (RealPhase As ...))
+Unfortunately the big object format is not supported on 32-bit targets so
+none of this can be used in that case.
+Note [Merging object files for GHCi]
+GHCi can usually loads standard linkable object files using GHC's linker
+implementation. However, most users build their projects with -split-sections,
+meaning that such object files can have an extremely high number of sections.
+As the linker must map each of these sections individually, loading such object
+files is very inefficient.
+To avoid this inefficiency, we use the linker's `-r` flag and a linker script
+to produce a merged relocatable object file. This file will contain a singe
+text section section and can consequently be mapped far more efficiently. As
+gcc tends to do unpredictable things to our linker command line, we opt to
+invoke ld directly in this case, in contrast to our usual strategy of linking
+via gcc.
+joinObjectFiles :: Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO ()
+joinObjectFiles logger tmpfs dflags o_files output_fn = do
+ let toolSettings' = toolSettings dflags
+ ldIsGnuLd = toolSettings_ldIsGnuLd toolSettings'
+ osInfo = platformOS (targetPlatform dflags)
+ ld_r args = GHC.SysTools.runMergeObjects logger tmpfs dflags (
+ -- See Note [Produce big objects on Windows]
+ concat
+ [ [GHC.SysTools.Option "--oformat", GHC.SysTools.Option "pe-bigobj-x86-64"]
+ | OSMinGW32 == osInfo
+ , not $ target32Bit (targetPlatform dflags)
+ ]
+ ++ map GHC.SysTools.Option ld_build_id
+ ++ [ GHC.SysTools.Option "-o",
+ GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn ]
+ ++ args)
+ -- suppress the generation of the section,
+ -- which we don't need and sometimes causes ld to emit a
+ -- warning:
+ ld_build_id | toolSettings_ldSupportsBuildId toolSettings' = ["--build-id=none"]
+ | otherwise = []
+ if ldIsGnuLd
+ then do
+ script <- newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule "ldscript"
+ cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
+ let o_files_abs = map (\x -> "\"" ++ (cwd </> x) ++ "\"") o_files
+ writeFile script $ "INPUT(" ++ unwords o_files_abs ++ ")"
+ ld_r [GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" script]
+ else if toolSettings_ldSupportsFilelist toolSettings'
+ then do
+ filelist <- newTempName logger tmpfs dflags TFL_CurrentModule "filelist"
+ writeFile filelist $ unlines o_files
+ ld_r [GHC.SysTools.Option "-filelist",
+ GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" filelist]
+ else
+ ld_r (map (GHC.SysTools.FileOption "") o_files)
+-- Look for the /* GHC_PACKAGES ... */ comment at the top of a .hc file
+getHCFilePackages :: FilePath -> IO [UnitId]
+getHCFilePackages filename =
+ Exception.bracket (openFile filename ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> do
+ l <- hGetLine h
+ case l of
+ '/':'*':' ':'G':'H':'C':'_':'P':'A':'C':'K':'A':'G':'E':'S':rest ->
+ return (map stringToUnitId (words rest))
+ _other ->
+ return []
+linkDynLibCheck :: Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> UnitEnv -> [String] -> [UnitId] -> IO ()
+linkDynLibCheck logger tmpfs dflags unit_env o_files dep_units = do
+ when (haveRtsOptsFlags dflags) $
+ logMsg logger MCInfo noSrcSpan
+ $ withPprStyle defaultUserStyle
+ (text "Warning: -rtsopts and -with-rtsopts have no effect with -shared." $$
+ text " Call hs_init_ghc() from your main() function to set these options.")
+ linkDynLib logger tmpfs dflags unit_env o_files dep_units
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Macros (cribbed from Cabal)
+generatePackageVersionMacros :: [UnitInfo] -> String
+generatePackageVersionMacros pkgs = concat
+ -- Do not add any C-style comments. See #3389.
+ [ generateMacros "" pkgname version
+ | pkg <- pkgs
+ , let version = unitPackageVersion pkg
+ pkgname = map fixchar (unitPackageNameString pkg)
+ ]
+fixchar :: Char -> Char
+fixchar '-' = '_'
+fixchar c = c
+generateMacros :: String -> String -> Version -> String
+generateMacros prefix name version =
+ concat
+ ["#define ", prefix, "VERSION_",name," ",show (showVersion version),"\n"
+ ,"#define MIN_", prefix, "VERSION_",name,"(major1,major2,minor) (\\\n"
+ ," (major1) < ",major1," || \\\n"
+ ," (major1) == ",major1," && (major2) < ",major2," || \\\n"
+ ," (major1) == ",major1," && (major2) == ",major2," && (minor) <= ",minor,")"
+ ,"\n\n"
+ ]
+ where
+ (major1:major2:minor:_) = map show (versionBranch version ++ repeat 0)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Misc.
+touchObjectFile :: Logger -> DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO ()
+touchObjectFile logger dflags path = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory path
+ GHC.SysTools.touch logger dflags "Touching object file" path
+-- | Find out path to @ghcversion.h@ file
+getGhcVersionPathName :: DynFlags -> UnitEnv -> IO FilePath
+getGhcVersionPathName dflags unit_env = do
+ candidates <- case ghcVersionFile dflags of
+ Just path -> return [path]
+ Nothing -> do
+ ps <- mayThrowUnitErr (preloadUnitsInfo' unit_env [rtsUnitId])
+ return ((</> "ghcversion.h") <$> collectIncludeDirs ps)
+ found <- filterM doesFileExist candidates
+ case found of
+ [] -> throwGhcExceptionIO (InstallationError
+ ("ghcversion.h missing; tried: "
+ ++ intercalate ", " candidates))
+ (x:_) -> return x
+-- Note [-fPIC for assembler]
+-- When compiling .c source file GHC's driver pipeline basically
+-- does the following two things:
+-- 1. ${CC} -S 'PIC_CFLAGS' source.c
+-- 2. ${CC} -x assembler -c 'PIC_CFLAGS' source.S
+-- Why do we need to pass 'PIC_CFLAGS' both to C compiler and assembler?
+-- Because on some architectures (at least sparc32) assembler also chooses
+-- the relocation type!
+-- Consider the following C module:
+-- /* pic-sample.c */
+-- int v;
+-- void set_v (int n) { v = n; }
+-- int get_v (void) { return v; }
+-- $ gcc -S -fPIC pic-sample.c
+-- $ gcc -c pic-sample.s -o # incorrect binary
+-- $ gcc -c -fPIC pic-sample.s -o pic-sample.pic.o # correct binary
+-- $ objdump -r -d pic-sample.pic.o > pic-sample.pic.o.od
+-- $ objdump -r -d >
+-- $ diff -u pic-sample.pic.o.od
+-- Most of architectures won't show any difference in this test, but on sparc32
+-- the following assembly snippet:
+-- sethi %hi(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_-8), %l7
+-- generates two kinds or relocations, only 'R_SPARC_PC22' is correct:
+-- 3c: 2f 00 00 00 sethi %hi(0), %l7
+{- Note [Don't normalise input filenames]
+ We used to normalise input filenames when starting the unlit phase. This
+ broke hpc in `--make` mode with imported literate modules (#2991).
+ 1) --main
+ When compiling a module with --main, GHC scans its imports to find out which
+ other modules it needs to compile too. It turns out that there is a small
+ difference between saying `ghc --make A.hs`, when `A` imports `B`, and
+ specifying both modules on the command line with `ghc --make A.hs B.hs`. In
+ the former case, the filename for B is inferred to be './B.hs' instead of
+ 'B.hs'.
+ 2) unlit
+ When GHC compiles a literate haskell file, the source code first needs to go
+ through unlit, which turns it into normal Haskell source code. At the start
+ of the unlit phase, in `Driver.Pipeline.runPhase`, we call unlit with the
+ option `-h` and the name of the original file. We used to normalise this
+ filename using System.FilePath.normalise, which among other things removes
+ an initial './'. unlit then uses that filename in #line directives that it
+ inserts in the transformed source code.
+ 3) SrcSpan
+ A SrcSpan represents a portion of a source code file. It has fields
+ linenumber, start column, end column, and also a reference to the file it
+ originated from. The SrcSpans for a literate haskell file refer to the
+ filename that was passed to unlit -h.
+ 4) -fhpc
+ At some point during compilation with -fhpc, in the function
+ `GHC.HsToCore.Coverage.isGoodTickSrcSpan`, we compare the filename that a
+ `SrcSpan` refers to with the name of the file we are currently compiling.
+ For some reason I don't yet understand, they can sometimes legitimally be
+ different, and then hpc ignores that SrcSpan.
+ When running `ghc --make -fhpc A.hs`, where `A.hs` imports the literate
+ module `B.lhs`, `B` is inferred to be in the file `./B.lhs` (1). At the
+ start of the unlit phase, the name `./B.lhs` is normalised to `B.lhs` (2).
+ Therefore the SrcSpans of `B` refer to the file `B.lhs` (3), but we are
+ still compiling `./B.lhs`. Hpc thinks these two filenames are different (4),
+ doesn't include ticks for B, and we have unhappy customers (#2991).
+ Do not normalise `input_fn` when starting the unlit phase.
+Alternative solution
+ Another option would be to not compare the two filenames on equality, but to
+ use System.FilePath.equalFilePath. That function first normalises its
+ arguments. The problem is that by the time we need to do the comparison, the
+ filenames have been turned into FastStrings, probably for performance
+ reasons, so System.FilePath.equalFilePath can not be used directly.
+ The call to `normalise` was added in a commit called "Fix slash
+ direction on Windows with the new filePath code" (c9b6b5e8). The problem
+ that commit was addressing has since been solved in a different manner, in a
+ commit called "Fix the filename passed to unlit" (1eedbc6b). So the
+ `normalise` is no longer necessary.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Monad.hs
index 3f6716a954..a760bb6022 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Monad.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Monad.hs
@@ -1,115 +1,74 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
--- | The CompPipeline monad and associated ops
--- Defined in separate module so that it can safely be imported from Hooks
+{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+-- | The 'TPipelineClass' and 'MonadUse' classes and associated types
module GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Monad (
- CompPipeline(..), evalP
- , PhasePlus(..), HscBackendAction (..)
- , PipeEnv(..), PipeState(..), PipelineOutput(..)
- , getPipeEnv, getPipeState, getPipeSession
- , setDynFlags, setModLocation, setForeignOs, setIface
- , pipeStateDynFlags, pipeStateModIface, pipeStateLinkable, setPlugins, setLinkable
+ TPipelineClass, MonadUse(..)
+ , PipeEnv(..)
+ , PipelineOutput(..)
+ , getLocation
) where
import GHC.Prelude
-import GHC.Utils.Fingerprint
-import GHC.Utils.Monad
-import GHC.Utils.Outputable
-import GHC.Utils.Logger
-import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import qualified Data.Kind as K
import GHC.Driver.Phases
-import GHC.Driver.Env
-import GHC.Driver.Plugins
-import GHC.Linker.Types
-import GHC.Utils.TmpFs (TempFileLifetime)
-import GHC.Types.Error
+import GHC.Utils.TmpFs
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
import GHC.Unit.Module
-import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface
-import GHC.Unit.Module.ModSummary
-import GHC.Unit.Module.Status
-import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types ( GhcMessage )
-import GHC.Tc.Types
-import Control.Monad
-newtype CompPipeline a = P { unP :: PipeEnv -> PipeState -> IO (PipeState, a) }
- deriving (Functor)
-evalP :: CompPipeline a -> PipeEnv -> PipeState -> IO (PipeState, a)
-evalP (P f) env st = f env st
-instance Applicative CompPipeline where
- pure a = P $ \_env state -> return (state, a)
- (<*>) = ap
-instance Monad CompPipeline where
- P m >>= k = P $ \env state -> do (state',a) <- m env state
- unP (k a) env state'
-instance MonadIO CompPipeline where
- liftIO m = P $ \_env state -> do a <- m; return (state, a)
+import GHC.Unit.Finder
-data PhasePlus = RealPhase Phase
- -- | Runs the pipeline post typechecking, till the end
- | HscPostTc ModSummary FrontendResult (Messages GhcMessage) (Maybe Fingerprint)
- -- | The backend phase runs the code-gen. This may be run twice in
- -- the case of -dynamic-too
- | HscBackend ModSummary HscBackendAction
+-- The interface that the pipeline monad must implement.
+type TPipelineClass (f :: K.Type -> K.Type) (m :: K.Type -> K.Type)
+ = (Functor m, MonadIO m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadUse f m)
+-- | Lift a `f` action into an `m` action.
+class MonadUse f m where
+ use :: f a -> m a
-instance Outputable PhasePlus where
- ppr (RealPhase p) = ppr p
- ppr (HscPostTc {}) = text "HscPostTc"
- ppr (HscBackend {}) = text "HscBackend"
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- The pipeline uses a monad to carry around various bits of information
--- PipeEnv: invariant information passed down
+-- PipeEnv: invariant information passed down through the pipeline
data PipeEnv = PipeEnv {
- stop_phase :: Phase, -- ^ Stop just before this phase
+ stop_phase :: StopPhase, -- ^ Stop just after this phase
src_filename :: String, -- ^ basename of original input source
src_basename :: String, -- ^ basename of original input source
src_suffix :: String, -- ^ its extension
output_spec :: PipelineOutput -- ^ says where to put the pipeline output
--- PipeState: information that might change during a pipeline run
-data PipeState = PipeState {
- hsc_env :: HscEnv,
- -- ^ only the DynFlags and the Plugins change in the HscEnv. The
- -- DynFlags change at various points, for example when we read the
- -- OPTIONS_GHC pragmas in the Cpp phase.
- maybe_loc :: Maybe ModLocation,
- -- ^ the ModLocation. This is discovered during compilation,
- -- in the Hsc phase where we read the module header.
- foreign_os :: [FilePath],
- -- ^ additional object files resulting from compiling foreign
- -- code. They come from two sources: foreign stubs, and
- -- add{C,Cxx,Objc,Objcxx}File from template haskell
- iface :: Maybe ModIface,
- -- ^ Interface generated by HscBackend phase. Only available after the
- -- phase runs.
- maybe_linkable :: Maybe Linkable
- -- ^ Linkable generated by HscBackend phase, for the Interpreter backend.
- }
-pipeStateDynFlags :: PipeState -> DynFlags
-pipeStateDynFlags = hsc_dflags . hsc_env
-pipeStateModIface :: PipeState -> Maybe ModIface
-pipeStateModIface = iface
-pipeStateLinkable :: PipeState -> Maybe Linkable
-pipeStateLinkable = maybe_linkable
+-- | Calculate the ModLocation from the provided DynFlags
+getLocation :: PipeEnv -> DynFlags -> HscSource -> ModuleName -> IO ModLocation
+getLocation pipe_env dflags src_flavour mod_name = do
+ let PipeEnv{ src_basename=basename,
+ src_suffix=suff } = pipe_env
+ location1 <- mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod_name basename suff
+ -- Boot-ify it if necessary
+ let location2
+ | HsBootFile <- src_flavour = addBootSuffixLocnOut location1
+ | otherwise = location1
+ -- Take -ohi into account if present
+ -- This can't be done in mkHomeModuleLocation because
+ -- it only applies to the module being compiles
+ let ohi = outputHi dflags
+ location3 | Just fn <- ohi = location2{ ml_hi_file = fn }
+ | otherwise = location2
+ -- Take -o into account if present
+ -- Very like -ohi, but we must *only* do this if we aren't linking
+ -- (If we're linking then the -o applies to the linked thing, not to
+ -- the object file for one module.)
+ -- Note the nasty duplication with the same computation in compileFile
+ -- above
+ let expl_o_file = outputFile dflags
+ location4 | Just ofile <- expl_o_file
+ , isNoLink (ghcLink dflags)
+ = location3 { ml_obj_file = ofile }
+ | otherwise = location3
+ return location4
data PipelineOutput
= Temporary TempFileLifetime
@@ -126,41 +85,3 @@ data PipelineOutput
| NoOutputFile
-- ^ No output should be created, like in Interpreter or NoBackend.
deriving Show
-getPipeEnv :: CompPipeline PipeEnv
-getPipeEnv = P $ \env state -> return (state, env)
-getPipeState :: CompPipeline PipeState
-getPipeState = P $ \_env state -> return (state, state)
-getPipeSession :: CompPipeline HscEnv
-getPipeSession = P $ \_env state -> return (state, hsc_env state)
-instance HasDynFlags CompPipeline where
- getDynFlags = P $ \_env state -> return (state, hsc_dflags (hsc_env state))
-instance HasLogger CompPipeline where
- getLogger = P $ \_env state -> return (state, hsc_logger (hsc_env state))
-setDynFlags :: DynFlags -> CompPipeline ()
-setDynFlags dflags = P $ \_env state ->
- return (state{ hsc_env = hscSetFlags dflags (hsc_env state)}, ())
-setPlugins :: [LoadedPlugin] -> [StaticPlugin] -> CompPipeline ()
-setPlugins dyn static = P $ \_env state ->
- let hsc_env' = (hsc_env state){ hsc_plugins = dyn, hsc_static_plugins = static }
- in return (state{hsc_env = hsc_env'}, ())
-setModLocation :: ModLocation -> CompPipeline ()
-setModLocation loc = P $ \_env state ->
- return (state{ maybe_loc = Just loc }, ())
-setForeignOs :: [FilePath] -> CompPipeline ()
-setForeignOs os = P $ \_env state ->
- return (state{ foreign_os = os }, ())
-setIface :: ModIface -> CompPipeline ()
-setIface iface = P $ \_env state -> return (state{ iface = Just iface }, ())
-setLinkable :: Linkable -> CompPipeline ()
-setLinkable l = P $ \_env state -> return (state{ maybe_linkable = Just l }, ())
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Phases.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Phases.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..415d29147d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Phases.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+module GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Phases (TPhase(..), PhaseHook(..)) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Env.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Driver.CmdLine
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModSummary
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Status
+import GHC.Tc.Types ( FrontendResult )
+import GHC.Types.Error
+import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types
+import GHC.Fingerprint.Type
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Location ( ModLocation )
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Name ( ModuleName )
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface
+import GHC.Linker.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Phases
+-- Typed Pipeline Phases
+-- MP: TODO: We need to refine the arguments to each of these phases so recompilation
+-- can be smarter. For example, rather than passing a whole HscEnv, just pass the options
+-- which each phase depends on, then recompilation checking can decide to only rerun each
+-- phase if the inputs have been modified.
+data TPhase res where
+ T_Unlit :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> TPhase FilePath
+ T_FileArgs :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> TPhase (DynFlags, [Warn])
+ T_Cpp :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> TPhase FilePath
+ T_HsPp :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TPhase FilePath
+ T_HscRecomp :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> HscSource -> TPhase (HscEnv, ModSummary, HscRecompStatus)
+ T_Hsc :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> TPhase (FrontendResult, Messages GhcMessage)
+ T_HscPostTc :: HscEnv -> ModSummary
+ -> FrontendResult
+ -> Messages GhcMessage
+ -> Maybe Fingerprint
+ -> TPhase HscBackendAction
+ T_HscBackend :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> ModuleName -> HscSource -> ModLocation -> HscBackendAction -> TPhase ([FilePath], ModIface, Maybe Linkable, FilePath)
+ T_CmmCpp :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> TPhase FilePath
+ T_Cmm :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> TPhase ([FilePath], FilePath)
+ T_Cc :: Phase -> PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> TPhase FilePath
+ T_As :: Bool -> PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> TPhase FilePath
+ T_LlvmOpt :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> TPhase FilePath
+ T_LlvmLlc :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> TPhase FilePath
+ T_LlvmMangle :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> TPhase FilePath
+ T_MergeForeign :: PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> TPhase FilePath
+-- | A wrapper around the interpretation function for phases.
+data PhaseHook = PhaseHook (forall a . TPhase a -> IO a)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
index d35e0d96d4..78add24b2b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
@@ -545,11 +545,11 @@ data DynFlags = DynFlags {
-- used to query the appropriate fields
-- (outputFile/dynOutputFile, ways, etc.)
- -- | This is set by 'GHC.Driver.Pipeline.runPipeline'
+ -- | This is set by 'GHC.Driver.Pipeline.setDumpPrefix'
-- or 'ghc.GHCi.UI.runStmt' based on where its output is going.
dumpPrefix :: Maybe FilePath,
- -- | Override the 'dumpPrefix' set by 'GHC.Driver.Pipeline.runPipeline'
+ -- | Override the 'dumpPrefix' set by 'GHC.Driver.Pipeline.setDumpPrefix'
-- or 'ghc.GHCi.UI.runStmt'.
-- Set by @-ddump-file-prefix@
dumpPrefixForce :: Maybe FilePath,