path: root/compiler/GHC
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17 files changed, 15488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa345f1476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section{Haskell abstract syntax definition}
+This module glues together the pieces of the Haskell abstract syntax,
+which is declared in the various \tr{Hs*} modules. This module,
+therefore, is almost nothing but re-exporting.
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} -- For deriving instance Data
+module GHC.Hs (
+ module GHC.Hs.Binds,
+ module GHC.Hs.Decls,
+ module GHC.Hs.Expr,
+ module GHC.Hs.ImpExp,
+ module GHC.Hs.Lit,
+ module GHC.Hs.Pat,
+ module GHC.Hs.Types,
+ module GHC.Hs.Utils,
+ module GHC.Hs.Doc,
+ module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder,
+ module GHC.Hs.Extension,
+ Fixity,
+ HsModule(..),
+) where
+-- friends:
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Hs.Decls
+import GHC.Hs.Binds
+import GHC.Hs.Expr
+import GHC.Hs.ImpExp
+import GHC.Hs.Lit
+import GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import GHC.Hs.Pat
+import GHC.Hs.Types
+import BasicTypes ( Fixity, WarningTxt )
+import GHC.Hs.Utils
+import GHC.Hs.Doc
+import GHC.Hs.Instances () -- For Data instances
+-- others:
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc
+import Module ( ModuleName )
+-- libraries:
+import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
+-- | Haskell Module
+-- All we actually declare here is the top-level structure for a module.
+data HsModule pass
+ = HsModule {
+ hsmodName :: Maybe (Located ModuleName),
+ -- ^ @Nothing@: \"module X where\" is omitted (in which case the next
+ -- field is Nothing too)
+ hsmodExports :: Maybe (Located [LIE pass]),
+ -- ^ Export list
+ --
+ -- - @Nothing@: export list omitted, so export everything
+ --
+ -- - @Just []@: export /nothing/
+ --
+ -- - @Just [...]@: as you would expect...
+ --
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen'
+ -- ,'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ hsmodImports :: [LImportDecl pass],
+ -- ^ We snaffle interesting stuff out of the imported interfaces early
+ -- on, adding that info to TyDecls/etc; so this list is often empty,
+ -- downstream.
+ hsmodDecls :: [LHsDecl pass],
+ -- ^ Type, class, value, and interface signature decls
+ hsmodDeprecMessage :: Maybe (Located WarningTxt),
+ -- ^ reason\/explanation for warning/deprecation of this module
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen'
+ -- ,'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ --
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ hsmodHaddockModHeader :: Maybe LHsDocString
+ -- ^ Haddock module info and description, unparsed
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen'
+ -- ,'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ }
+ -- ^ 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnModule','ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere'
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' for explicit braces and semi around
+ -- hsmodImports,hsmodDecls if this style is used.
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR name name) => Data (HsModule name)
+deriving instance Data (HsModule GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsModule GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsModule GhcTc)
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (HsModule p) where
+ ppr (HsModule Nothing _ imports decls _ mbDoc)
+ = pp_mb mbDoc $$ pp_nonnull imports
+ $$ pp_nonnull decls
+ ppr (HsModule (Just name) exports imports decls deprec mbDoc)
+ = vcat [
+ pp_mb mbDoc,
+ case exports of
+ Nothing -> pp_header (text "where")
+ Just es -> vcat [
+ pp_header lparen,
+ nest 8 (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr (unLoc es)))),
+ nest 4 (text ") where")
+ ],
+ pp_nonnull imports,
+ pp_nonnull decls
+ ]
+ where
+ pp_header rest = case deprec of
+ Nothing -> pp_modname <+> rest
+ Just d -> vcat [ pp_modname, ppr d, rest ]
+ pp_modname = text "module" <+> ppr name
+pp_mb :: Outputable t => Maybe t -> SDoc
+pp_mb (Just x) = ppr x
+pp_mb Nothing = empty
+pp_nonnull :: Outputable t => [t] -> SDoc
+pp_nonnull [] = empty
+pp_nonnull xs = vcat (map ppr xs)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Binds.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Binds.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01c10b1ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Binds.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1310 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[HsBinds]{Abstract syntax: top-level bindings and signatures}
+Datatype for: @BindGroup@, @Bind@, @Sig@, @Bind@.
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module GHC.Hs.Binds where
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Expr ( pprExpr, LHsExpr,
+ MatchGroup, pprFunBind,
+ GRHSs, pprPatBind )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Pat ( LPat )
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import GHC.Hs.Types
+import CoreSyn
+import TcEvidence
+import Type
+import NameSet
+import BasicTypes
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc
+import Var
+import Bag
+import FastString
+import BooleanFormula (LBooleanFormula)
+import DynFlags
+import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
+import Data.List hiding ( foldr )
+import Data.Ord
+* *
+\subsection{Bindings: @BindGroup@}
+* *
+Global bindings (where clauses)
+-- During renaming, we need bindings where the left-hand sides
+-- have been renamed but the right-hand sides have not.
+-- the ...LR datatypes are parametrized by two id types,
+-- one for the left and one for the right.
+-- Other than during renaming, these will be the same.
+-- | Haskell Local Bindings
+type HsLocalBinds id = HsLocalBindsLR id id
+-- | Located Haskell local bindings
+type LHsLocalBinds id = Located (HsLocalBinds id)
+-- | Haskell Local Bindings with separate Left and Right identifier types
+-- Bindings in a 'let' expression
+-- or a 'where' clause
+data HsLocalBindsLR idL idR
+ = HsValBinds
+ (XHsValBinds idL idR)
+ (HsValBindsLR idL idR)
+ -- ^ Haskell Value Bindings
+ -- There should be no pattern synonyms in the HsValBindsLR
+ -- These are *local* (not top level) bindings
+ -- The parser accepts them, however, leaving the
+ -- renamer to report them
+ | HsIPBinds
+ (XHsIPBinds idL idR)
+ (HsIPBinds idR)
+ -- ^ Haskell Implicit Parameter Bindings
+ | EmptyLocalBinds (XEmptyLocalBinds idL idR)
+ -- ^ Empty Local Bindings
+ | XHsLocalBindsLR
+ (XXHsLocalBindsLR idL idR)
+type instance XHsValBinds (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtField
+type instance XHsIPBinds (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtField
+type instance XEmptyLocalBinds (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtField
+type instance XXHsLocalBindsLR (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtCon
+type LHsLocalBindsLR idL idR = Located (HsLocalBindsLR idL idR)
+-- | Haskell Value Bindings
+type HsValBinds id = HsValBindsLR id id
+-- | Haskell Value bindings with separate Left and Right identifier types
+-- (not implicit parameters)
+-- Used for both top level and nested bindings
+-- May contain pattern synonym bindings
+data HsValBindsLR idL idR
+ = -- | Value Bindings In
+ --
+ -- Before renaming RHS; idR is always RdrName
+ -- Not dependency analysed
+ -- Recursive by default
+ ValBinds
+ (XValBinds idL idR)
+ (LHsBindsLR idL idR) [LSig idR]
+ -- | Value Bindings Out
+ --
+ -- After renaming RHS; idR can be Name or Id Dependency analysed,
+ -- later bindings in the list may depend on earlier ones.
+ | XValBindsLR
+ (XXValBindsLR idL idR)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Deal with ValBindsOut
+-- TODO: make this the only type for ValBinds
+data NHsValBindsLR idL
+ = NValBinds
+ [(RecFlag, LHsBinds idL)]
+ [LSig GhcRn]
+type instance XValBinds (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtField
+type instance XXValBindsLR (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR)
+ = NHsValBindsLR (GhcPass pL)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Located Haskell Binding
+type LHsBind id = LHsBindLR id id
+-- | Located Haskell Bindings
+type LHsBinds id = LHsBindsLR id id
+-- | Haskell Binding
+type HsBind id = HsBindLR id id
+-- | Located Haskell Bindings with separate Left and Right identifier types
+type LHsBindsLR idL idR = Bag (LHsBindLR idL idR)
+-- | Located Haskell Binding with separate Left and Right identifier types
+type LHsBindLR idL idR = Located (HsBindLR idL idR)
+{- Note [FunBind vs PatBind]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+The distinction between FunBind and PatBind is a bit subtle. FunBind covers
+patterns which resemble function bindings and simple variable bindings.
+ f x = e
+ f !x = e
+ f = e
+ !x = e -- FunRhs has SrcStrict
+ x `f` y = e -- FunRhs has Infix
+The actual patterns and RHSs of a FunBind are encoding in fun_matches.
+The m_ctxt field of each Match in fun_matches will be FunRhs and carries
+two bits of information about the match,
+ * The mc_fixity field on each Match describes the fixity of the
+ function binder in that match. E.g. this is legal:
+ f True False = e1
+ True `f` True = e2
+ * The mc_strictness field is used /only/ for nullary FunBinds: ones
+ with one Match, which has no pats. For these, it describes whether
+ the match is decorated with a bang (e.g. `!x = e`).
+By contrast, PatBind represents data constructor patterns, as well as a few
+other interesting cases. Namely,
+ Just x = e
+ (x) = e
+ x :: Ty = e
+-- | Haskell Binding with separate Left and Right id's
+data HsBindLR idL idR
+ = -- | Function-like Binding
+ --
+ -- FunBind is used for both functions @f x = e@
+ -- and variables @f = \x -> e@
+ -- and strict variables @!x = x + 1@
+ --
+ -- Reason 1: Special case for type inference: see 'TcBinds.tcMonoBinds'.
+ --
+ -- Reason 2: Instance decls can only have FunBinds, which is convenient.
+ -- If you change this, you'll need to change e.g. rnMethodBinds
+ --
+ -- But note that the form @f :: a->a = ...@
+ -- parses as a pattern binding, just like
+ -- @(f :: a -> a) = ... @
+ --
+ -- Strict bindings have their strictness recorded in the 'SrcStrictness' of their
+ -- 'MatchContext'. See Note [FunBind vs PatBind] for
+ -- details about the relationship between FunBind and PatBind.
+ --
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnFunId', attached to each element of fun_matches
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual','ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ FunBind {
+ fun_ext :: XFunBind idL idR, -- ^ After the renamer, this contains
+ -- the locally-bound
+ -- free variables of this defn.
+ -- See Note [Bind free vars]
+ fun_id :: Located (IdP idL), -- Note [fun_id in Match] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+ fun_matches :: MatchGroup idR (LHsExpr idR), -- ^ The payload
+ fun_co_fn :: HsWrapper, -- ^ Coercion from the type of the MatchGroup to the type of
+ -- the Id. Example:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- f :: Int -> forall a. a -> a
+ -- f x y = y
+ -- @
+ --
+ -- Then the MatchGroup will have type (Int -> a' -> a')
+ -- (with a free type variable a'). The coercion will take
+ -- a CoreExpr of this type and convert it to a CoreExpr of
+ -- type Int -> forall a'. a' -> a'
+ -- Notice that the coercion captures the free a'.
+ fun_tick :: [Tickish Id] -- ^ Ticks to put on the rhs, if any
+ }
+ -- | Pattern Binding
+ --
+ -- The pattern is never a simple variable;
+ -- That case is done by FunBind.
+ -- See Note [FunBind vs PatBind] for details about the
+ -- relationship between FunBind and PatBind.
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnBang',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual','ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | PatBind {
+ pat_ext :: XPatBind idL idR, -- ^ See Note [Bind free vars]
+ pat_lhs :: LPat idL,
+ pat_rhs :: GRHSs idR (LHsExpr idR),
+ pat_ticks :: ([Tickish Id], [[Tickish Id]])
+ -- ^ Ticks to put on the rhs, if any, and ticks to put on
+ -- the bound variables.
+ }
+ -- | Variable Binding
+ --
+ -- Dictionary binding and suchlike.
+ -- All VarBinds are introduced by the type checker
+ | VarBind {
+ var_ext :: XVarBind idL idR,
+ var_id :: IdP idL,
+ var_rhs :: LHsExpr idR, -- ^ Located only for consistency
+ var_inline :: Bool -- ^ True <=> inline this binding regardless
+ -- (used for implication constraints only)
+ }
+ -- | Abstraction Bindings
+ | AbsBinds { -- Binds abstraction; TRANSLATION
+ abs_ext :: XAbsBinds idL idR,
+ abs_tvs :: [TyVar],
+ abs_ev_vars :: [EvVar], -- ^ Includes equality constraints
+ -- | AbsBinds only gets used when idL = idR after renaming,
+ -- but these need to be idL's for the collect... code in HsUtil
+ -- to have the right type
+ abs_exports :: [ABExport idL],
+ -- | Evidence bindings
+ -- Why a list? See TcInstDcls
+ -- Note [Typechecking plan for instance declarations]
+ abs_ev_binds :: [TcEvBinds],
+ -- | Typechecked user bindings
+ abs_binds :: LHsBinds idL,
+ abs_sig :: Bool -- See Note [The abs_sig field of AbsBinds]
+ }
+ -- | Patterns Synonym Binding
+ | PatSynBind
+ (XPatSynBind idL idR)
+ (PatSynBind idL idR)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnPattern',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnLarrow','ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere'
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{'@,'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'}'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | XHsBindsLR (XXHsBindsLR idL idR)
+data NPatBindTc = NPatBindTc {
+ pat_fvs :: NameSet, -- ^ Free variables
+ pat_rhs_ty :: Type -- ^ Type of the GRHSs
+ } deriving Data
+type instance XFunBind (GhcPass pL) GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XFunBind (GhcPass pL) GhcRn = NameSet -- Free variables
+type instance XFunBind (GhcPass pL) GhcTc = NameSet -- Free variables
+type instance XPatBind GhcPs (GhcPass pR) = NoExtField
+type instance XPatBind GhcRn (GhcPass pR) = NameSet -- Free variables
+type instance XPatBind GhcTc (GhcPass pR) = NPatBindTc
+type instance XVarBind (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtField
+type instance XAbsBinds (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtField
+type instance XPatSynBind (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtField
+type instance XXHsBindsLR (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtCon
+ -- Consider (AbsBinds tvs ds [(ftvs, poly_f, mono_f) binds]
+ --
+ -- Creates bindings for (polymorphic, overloaded) poly_f
+ -- in terms of monomorphic, non-overloaded mono_f
+ --
+ -- Invariants:
+ -- 1. 'binds' binds mono_f
+ -- 2. ftvs is a subset of tvs
+ -- 3. ftvs includes all tyvars free in ds
+ --
+ -- See Note [AbsBinds]
+-- | Abtraction Bindings Export
+data ABExport p
+ = ABE { abe_ext :: XABE p
+ , abe_poly :: IdP p -- ^ Any INLINE pragma is attached to this Id
+ , abe_mono :: IdP p
+ , abe_wrap :: HsWrapper -- ^ See Note [ABExport wrapper]
+ -- Shape: (forall abs_tvs. abs_ev_vars => abe_mono) ~ abe_poly
+ , abe_prags :: TcSpecPrags -- ^ SPECIALISE pragmas
+ }
+ | XABExport (XXABExport p)
+type instance XABE (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XXABExport (GhcPass p) = NoExtCon
+-- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnPattern',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual','ApiAnnotation.AnnLarrow'
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere','ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{'@,
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'}'@,
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | Pattern Synonym binding
+data PatSynBind idL idR
+ = PSB { psb_ext :: XPSB idL idR, -- ^ Post renaming, FVs.
+ -- See Note [Bind free vars]
+ psb_id :: Located (IdP idL), -- ^ Name of the pattern synonym
+ psb_args :: HsPatSynDetails (Located (IdP idR)),
+ -- ^ Formal parameter names
+ psb_def :: LPat idR, -- ^ Right-hand side
+ psb_dir :: HsPatSynDir idR -- ^ Directionality
+ }
+ | XPatSynBind (XXPatSynBind idL idR)
+type instance XPSB (GhcPass idL) GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XPSB (GhcPass idL) GhcRn = NameSet
+type instance XPSB (GhcPass idL) GhcTc = NameSet
+type instance XXPatSynBind (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) = NoExtCon
+Note [AbsBinds]
+The AbsBinds constructor is used in the output of the type checker, to
+record *typechecked* and *generalised* bindings. Specifically
+ AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tvs
+ , abs_ev_vars = [d1,d2]
+ , abs_exports = [ABE { abe_poly = fp, abe_mono = fm
+ , abe_wrap = fwrap }
+ ABE { slly for g } ]
+ , abs_ev_binds = DBINDS
+ , abs_binds = BIND[fm,gm] }
+where 'BIND' binds the monomorphic Ids 'fm' and 'gm', means
+ fp = fwrap [/\ tvs. \d1 d2. letrec { DBINDS ]
+ [ ; BIND[fm,gm] } ]
+ [ in fm ]
+ gp = ...same again, with gm instead of fm
+The 'fwrap' is an impedence-matcher that typically does nothing; see
+Note [ABExport wrapper].
+This is a pretty bad translation, because it duplicates all the bindings.
+So the desugarer tries to do a better job:
+ fp = /\ [a,b] -> \ [d1,d2] -> case tp [a,b] [d1,d2] of
+ (fm,gm) -> fm
+ ..ditto for gp..
+ tp = /\ [a,b] -> \ [d1,d2] -> letrec { DBINDS; BIND }
+ in (fm,gm)
+In general:
+ * abs_tvs are the type variables over which the binding group is
+ generalised
+ * abs_ev_var are the evidence variables (usually dictionaries)
+ over which the binding group is generalised
+ * abs_binds are the monomorphic bindings
+ * abs_ex_binds are the evidence bindings that wrap the abs_binds
+ * abs_exports connects the monomorphic Ids bound by abs_binds
+ with the polymorphic Ids bound by the AbsBinds itself.
+For example, consider a module M, with this top-level binding, where
+there is no type signature for M.reverse,
+ M.reverse [] = []
+ M.reverse (x:xs) = M.reverse xs ++ [x]
+In Hindley-Milner, a recursive binding is typechecked with the
+*recursive* uses being *monomorphic*. So after typechecking *and*
+desugaring we will get something like this
+ M.reverse :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
+ = /\a. letrec
+ reverse :: [a] -> [a] = \xs -> case xs of
+ [] -> []
+ (x:xs) -> reverse xs ++ [x]
+ in reverse
+Notice that 'M.reverse' is polymorphic as expected, but there is a local
+definition for plain 'reverse' which is *monomorphic*. The type variable
+'a' scopes over the entire letrec.
+That's after desugaring. What about after type checking but before
+desugaring? That's where AbsBinds comes in. It looks like this:
+ AbsBinds { abs_tvs = [a]
+ , abs_ev_vars = []
+ , abs_exports = [ABE { abe_poly = M.reverse :: forall a. [a] -> [a],
+ , abe_mono = reverse :: [a] -> [a]}]
+ , abs_ev_binds = {}
+ , abs_binds = { reverse :: [a] -> [a]
+ = \xs -> case xs of
+ [] -> []
+ (x:xs) -> reverse xs ++ [x] } }
+ * abs_tvs says what type variables are abstracted over the binding
+ group, just 'a' in this case.
+ * abs_binds is the *monomorphic* bindings of the group
+ * abs_exports describes how to get the polymorphic Id 'M.reverse'
+ from the monomorphic one 'reverse'
+Notice that the *original* function (the polymorphic one you thought
+you were defining) appears in the abe_poly field of the
+abs_exports. The bindings in abs_binds are for fresh, local, Ids with
+a *monomorphic* Id.
+If there is a group of mutually recursive (see Note [Polymorphic
+recursion]) functions without type signatures, we get one AbsBinds
+with the monomorphic versions of the bindings in abs_binds, and one
+element of abe_exports for each variable bound in the mutually
+recursive group. This is true even for pattern bindings. Example:
+ (f,g) = (\x -> x, f)
+After type checking we get
+ AbsBinds { abs_tvs = [a]
+ , abs_exports = [ ABE { abe_poly = M.f :: forall a. a -> a
+ , abe_mono = f :: a -> a }
+ , ABE { abe_poly = M.g :: forall a. a -> a
+ , abe_mono = g :: a -> a }]
+ , abs_binds = { (f,g) = (\x -> x, f) }
+Note [Polymorphic recursion]
+ Rec { f x = ...(g ef)...
+ ; g :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
+ ; g y = ...(f eg)... }
+These bindings /are/ mutually recursive (f calls g, and g calls f).
+But we can use the type signature for g to break the recursion,
+like this:
+ 1. Add g :: forall a. [a] -> [a] to the type environment
+ 2. Typecheck the definition of f, all by itself,
+ including generalising it to find its most general
+ type, say f :: forall b. b -> b -> [b]
+ 3. Extend the type environment with that type for f
+ 4. Typecheck the definition of g, all by itself,
+ checking that it has the type claimed by its signature
+Steps 2 and 4 each generate a separate AbsBinds, so we end
+up with
+ Rec { AbsBinds { ...for f ... }
+ ; AbsBinds { ...for g ... } }
+This approach allows both f and to call each other
+polymorphically, even though only g has a signature.
+We get an AbsBinds that encompasses multiple source-program
+bindings only when
+ * Each binding in the group has at least one binder that
+ lacks a user type signature
+ * The group forms a strongly connected component
+Note [The abs_sig field of AbsBinds]
+The abs_sig field supports a couple of special cases for bindings.
+ x :: Num a => (# a, a #)
+ x = (# 3, 4 #)
+The general desugaring for AbsBinds would give
+ x = /\a. \ ($dNum :: Num a) ->
+ letrec xm = (# fromInteger $dNum 3, fromInteger $dNum 4 #) in
+ xm
+But that has an illegal let-binding for an unboxed tuple. In this
+case we'd prefer to generate the (more direct)
+ x = /\ a. \ ($dNum :: Num a) ->
+ (# fromInteger $dNum 3, fromInteger $dNum 4 #)
+A similar thing happens with representation-polymorphic defns
+ undef :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r). HasCallStack => a
+ undef = error "undef"
+Again, the vanilla desugaring gives a local let-binding for a
+representation-polymorphic (undefm :: a), which is illegal. But
+again we can desugar without a let:
+ undef = /\ a. \ (d:HasCallStack) -> error a d "undef"
+The abs_sig field supports this direct desugaring, with no local
+let-bining. When abs_sig = True
+ * the abs_binds is single FunBind
+ * the abs_exports is a singleton
+ * we have a complete type sig for binder
+ and hence the abs_binds is non-recursive
+ (it binds the mono_id but refers to the poly_id
+These properties are exploited in DsBinds.dsAbsBinds to
+generate code without a let-binding.
+Note [ABExport wrapper]
+ (f,g) = (\x.x, \y.y)
+This ultimately desugars to something like this:
+ tup :: forall a b. (a->a, b->b)
+ tup = /\a b. (\x:a.x, \y:b.y)
+ f :: forall a. a -> a
+ f = /\a. case tup a Any of
+ (fm::a->a,gm:Any->Any) -> fm
+ ...similarly for g...
+The abe_wrap field deals with impedance-matching between
+ (/\a b. case tup a b of { (f,g) -> f })
+and the thing we really want, which may have fewer type
+variables. The action happens in TcBinds.mkExport.
+Note [Bind free vars]
+The bind_fvs field of FunBind and PatBind records the free variables
+of the definition. It is used for the following purposes
+a) Dependency analysis prior to type checking
+ (see TcBinds.tc_group)
+b) Deciding whether we can do generalisation of the binding
+ (see TcBinds.decideGeneralisationPlan)
+c) Deciding whether the binding can be used in static forms
+ (see TcExpr.checkClosedInStaticForm for the HsStatic case and
+ TcBinds.isClosedBndrGroup).
+ * bind_fvs includes all free vars that are defined in this module
+ (including top-level things and lexically scoped type variables)
+ * bind_fvs excludes imported vars; this is just to keep the set smaller
+ * Before renaming, and after typechecking, the field is unused;
+ it's just an error thunk
+instance (idL ~ GhcPass pl, idR ~ GhcPass pr,
+ OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR)
+ => Outputable (HsLocalBindsLR idL idR) where
+ ppr (HsValBinds _ bs) = ppr bs
+ ppr (HsIPBinds _ bs) = ppr bs
+ ppr (EmptyLocalBinds _) = empty
+ ppr (XHsLocalBindsLR x) = ppr x
+instance (idL ~ GhcPass pl, idR ~ GhcPass pr,
+ OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR)
+ => Outputable (HsValBindsLR idL idR) where
+ ppr (ValBinds _ binds sigs)
+ = pprDeclList (pprLHsBindsForUser binds sigs)
+ ppr (XValBindsLR (NValBinds sccs sigs))
+ = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
+ if debugStyle sty then -- Print with sccs showing
+ vcat (map ppr sigs) $$ vcat (map ppr_scc sccs)
+ else
+ pprDeclList (pprLHsBindsForUser (unionManyBags (map snd sccs)) sigs)
+ where
+ ppr_scc (rec_flag, binds) = pp_rec rec_flag <+> pprLHsBinds binds
+ pp_rec Recursive = text "rec"
+ pp_rec NonRecursive = text "nonrec"
+pprLHsBinds :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idL), OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR))
+ => LHsBindsLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) -> SDoc
+pprLHsBinds binds
+ | isEmptyLHsBinds binds = empty
+ | otherwise = pprDeclList (map ppr (bagToList binds))
+pprLHsBindsForUser :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idL),
+ OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR),
+ OutputableBndrId (GhcPass id2))
+ => LHsBindsLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) -> [LSig (GhcPass id2)] -> [SDoc]
+-- pprLHsBindsForUser is different to pprLHsBinds because
+-- a) No braces: 'let' and 'where' include a list of HsBindGroups
+-- and we don't want several groups of bindings each
+-- with braces around
+-- b) Sort by location before printing
+-- c) Include signatures
+pprLHsBindsForUser binds sigs
+ = map snd (sort_by_loc decls)
+ where
+ decls :: [(SrcSpan, SDoc)]
+ decls = [(loc, ppr sig) | L loc sig <- sigs] ++
+ [(loc, ppr bind) | L loc bind <- bagToList binds]
+ sort_by_loc decls = sortBy (comparing fst) decls
+pprDeclList :: [SDoc] -> SDoc -- Braces with a space
+-- Print a bunch of declarations
+-- One could choose { d1; d2; ... }, using 'sep'
+-- or d1
+-- d2
+-- ..
+-- using vcat
+-- At the moment we chose the latter
+-- Also we do the 'pprDeeperList' thing.
+pprDeclList ds = pprDeeperList vcat ds
+emptyLocalBinds :: HsLocalBindsLR (GhcPass a) (GhcPass b)
+emptyLocalBinds = EmptyLocalBinds noExtField
+-- AZ:These functions do not seem to be used at all?
+isEmptyLocalBindsTc :: HsLocalBindsLR (GhcPass a) GhcTc -> Bool
+isEmptyLocalBindsTc (HsValBinds _ ds) = isEmptyValBinds ds
+isEmptyLocalBindsTc (HsIPBinds _ ds) = isEmptyIPBindsTc ds
+isEmptyLocalBindsTc (EmptyLocalBinds _) = True
+isEmptyLocalBindsTc (XHsLocalBindsLR _) = True
+isEmptyLocalBindsPR :: HsLocalBindsLR (GhcPass a) (GhcPass b) -> Bool
+isEmptyLocalBindsPR (HsValBinds _ ds) = isEmptyValBinds ds
+isEmptyLocalBindsPR (HsIPBinds _ ds) = isEmptyIPBindsPR ds
+isEmptyLocalBindsPR (EmptyLocalBinds _) = True
+isEmptyLocalBindsPR (XHsLocalBindsLR _) = True
+eqEmptyLocalBinds :: HsLocalBindsLR a b -> Bool
+eqEmptyLocalBinds (EmptyLocalBinds _) = True
+eqEmptyLocalBinds _ = False
+isEmptyValBinds :: HsValBindsLR (GhcPass a) (GhcPass b) -> Bool
+isEmptyValBinds (ValBinds _ ds sigs) = isEmptyLHsBinds ds && null sigs
+isEmptyValBinds (XValBindsLR (NValBinds ds sigs)) = null ds && null sigs
+emptyValBindsIn, emptyValBindsOut :: HsValBindsLR (GhcPass a) (GhcPass b)
+emptyValBindsIn = ValBinds noExtField emptyBag []
+emptyValBindsOut = XValBindsLR (NValBinds [] [])
+emptyLHsBinds :: LHsBindsLR idL idR
+emptyLHsBinds = emptyBag
+isEmptyLHsBinds :: LHsBindsLR idL idR -> Bool
+isEmptyLHsBinds = isEmptyBag
+plusHsValBinds :: HsValBinds (GhcPass a) -> HsValBinds (GhcPass a)
+ -> HsValBinds(GhcPass a)
+plusHsValBinds (ValBinds _ ds1 sigs1) (ValBinds _ ds2 sigs2)
+ = ValBinds noExtField (ds1 `unionBags` ds2) (sigs1 ++ sigs2)
+plusHsValBinds (XValBindsLR (NValBinds ds1 sigs1))
+ (XValBindsLR (NValBinds ds2 sigs2))
+ = XValBindsLR (NValBinds (ds1 ++ ds2) (sigs1 ++ sigs2))
+plusHsValBinds _ _
+ = panic "HsBinds.plusHsValBinds"
+instance (idL ~ GhcPass pl, idR ~ GhcPass pr,
+ OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR)
+ => Outputable (HsBindLR idL idR) where
+ ppr mbind = ppr_monobind mbind
+ppr_monobind :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idL), OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR))
+ => HsBindLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) -> SDoc
+ppr_monobind (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss })
+ = pprPatBind pat grhss
+ppr_monobind (VarBind { var_id = var, var_rhs = rhs })
+ = sep [pprBndr CasePatBind var, nest 2 $ equals <+> pprExpr (unLoc rhs)]
+ppr_monobind (FunBind { fun_id = fun,
+ fun_co_fn = wrap,
+ fun_matches = matches,
+ fun_tick = ticks })
+ = pprTicks empty (if null ticks then empty
+ else text "-- ticks = " <> ppr ticks)
+ $$ whenPprDebug (pprBndr LetBind (unLoc fun))
+ $$ pprFunBind matches
+ $$ whenPprDebug (ppr wrap)
+ppr_monobind (PatSynBind _ psb) = ppr psb
+ppr_monobind (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tyvars, abs_ev_vars = dictvars
+ , abs_exports = exports, abs_binds = val_binds
+ , abs_ev_binds = ev_binds })
+ = sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags ->
+ if gopt Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration dflags then
+ -- Show extra information (bug number: #10662)
+ hang (text "AbsBinds" <+> brackets (interpp'SP tyvars)
+ <+> brackets (interpp'SP dictvars))
+ 2 $ braces $ vcat
+ [ text "Exports:" <+>
+ brackets (sep (punctuate comma (map ppr exports)))
+ , text "Exported types:" <+>
+ vcat [pprBndr LetBind (abe_poly ex) | ex <- exports]
+ , text "Binds:" <+> pprLHsBinds val_binds
+ , text "Evidence:" <+> ppr ev_binds ]
+ else
+ pprLHsBinds val_binds
+ppr_monobind (XHsBindsLR x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (ABExport p) where
+ ppr (ABE { abe_wrap = wrap, abe_poly = gbl, abe_mono = lcl, abe_prags = prags })
+ = vcat [ ppr gbl <+> text "<=" <+> ppr lcl
+ , nest 2 (pprTcSpecPrags prags)
+ , nest 2 (text "wrap:" <+> ppr wrap)]
+ ppr (XABExport x) = ppr x
+instance (idR ~ GhcPass pr,OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
+ Outputable (XXPatSynBind idL idR))
+ => Outputable (PatSynBind idL idR) where
+ ppr (PSB{ psb_id = (L _ psyn), psb_args = details, psb_def = pat,
+ psb_dir = dir })
+ = ppr_lhs <+> ppr_rhs
+ where
+ ppr_lhs = text "pattern" <+> ppr_details
+ ppr_simple syntax = syntax <+> ppr pat
+ ppr_details = case details of
+ InfixCon v1 v2 -> hsep [ppr v1, pprInfixOcc psyn, ppr v2]
+ PrefixCon vs -> hsep (pprPrefixOcc psyn : map ppr vs)
+ RecCon vs -> pprPrefixOcc psyn
+ <> braces (sep (punctuate comma (map ppr vs)))
+ ppr_rhs = case dir of
+ Unidirectional -> ppr_simple (text "<-")
+ ImplicitBidirectional -> ppr_simple equals
+ ExplicitBidirectional mg -> ppr_simple (text "<-") <+> ptext (sLit "where") $$
+ (nest 2 $ pprFunBind mg)
+ ppr (XPatSynBind x) = ppr x
+pprTicks :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+-- Print stuff about ticks only when -dppr-debug is on, to avoid
+-- them appearing in error messages (from the desugarer); see # 3263
+-- Also print ticks in dumpStyle, so that -ddump-hpc actually does
+-- something useful.
+pprTicks pp_no_debug pp_when_debug
+ = getPprStyle (\ sty -> if debugStyle sty || dumpStyle sty
+ then pp_when_debug
+ else pp_no_debug)
+* *
+ Implicit parameter bindings
+* *
+-- | Haskell Implicit Parameter Bindings
+data HsIPBinds id
+ = IPBinds
+ (XIPBinds id)
+ [LIPBind id]
+ -- TcEvBinds -- Only in typechecker output; binds
+ -- -- uses of the implicit parameters
+ | XHsIPBinds (XXHsIPBinds id)
+type instance XIPBinds GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XIPBinds GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XIPBinds GhcTc = TcEvBinds -- binds uses of the
+ -- implicit parameters
+type instance XXHsIPBinds (GhcPass p) = NoExtCon
+isEmptyIPBindsPR :: HsIPBinds (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+isEmptyIPBindsPR (IPBinds _ is) = null is
+isEmptyIPBindsPR (XHsIPBinds _) = True
+isEmptyIPBindsTc :: HsIPBinds GhcTc -> Bool
+isEmptyIPBindsTc (IPBinds ds is) = null is && isEmptyTcEvBinds ds
+isEmptyIPBindsTc (XHsIPBinds _) = True
+-- | Located Implicit Parameter Binding
+type LIPBind id = Located (IPBind id)
+-- ^ May have 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi' when in a
+-- list
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | Implicit parameter bindings.
+-- These bindings start off as (Left "x") in the parser and stay
+-- that way until after type-checking when they are replaced with
+-- (Right d), where "d" is the name of the dictionary holding the
+-- evidence for the implicit parameter.
+-- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual'
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+data IPBind id
+ = IPBind
+ (XCIPBind id)
+ (Either (Located HsIPName) (IdP id))
+ (LHsExpr id)
+ | XIPBind (XXIPBind id)
+type instance XCIPBind (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XXIPBind (GhcPass p) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (HsIPBinds p) where
+ ppr (IPBinds ds bs) = pprDeeperList vcat (map ppr bs)
+ $$ whenPprDebug (ppr ds)
+ ppr (XHsIPBinds x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (IPBind p) where
+ ppr (IPBind _ lr rhs) = name <+> equals <+> pprExpr (unLoc rhs)
+ where name = case lr of
+ Left (L _ ip) -> pprBndr LetBind ip
+ Right id -> pprBndr LetBind id
+ ppr (XIPBind x) = ppr x
+* *
+\subsection{@Sig@: type signatures and value-modifying user pragmas}
+* *
+It is convenient to lump ``value-modifying'' user-pragmas (e.g.,
+``specialise this function to these four types...'') in with type
+signatures. Then all the machinery to move them into place, etc.,
+serves for both.
+-- | Located Signature
+type LSig pass = Located (Sig pass)
+-- | Signatures and pragmas
+data Sig pass
+ = -- | An ordinary type signature
+ --
+ -- > f :: Num a => a -> a
+ --
+ -- After renaming, this list of Names contains the named
+ -- wildcards brought into scope by this signature. For a signature
+ -- @_ -> _a -> Bool@, the renamer will leave the unnamed wildcard @_@
+ -- untouched, and the named wildcard @_a@ is then replaced with
+ -- fresh meta vars in the type. Their names are stored in the type
+ -- signature that brought them into scope, in this third field to be
+ -- more specific.
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ TypeSig
+ (XTypeSig pass)
+ [Located (IdP pass)] -- LHS of the signature; e.g. f,g,h :: blah
+ (LHsSigWcType pass) -- RHS of the signature; can have wildcards
+ -- | A pattern synonym type signature
+ --
+ -- > pattern Single :: () => (Show a) => a -> [a]
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnPattern',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon','ApiAnnotation.AnnForall'
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDot','ApiAnnotation.AnnDarrow'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | PatSynSig (XPatSynSig pass) [Located (IdP pass)] (LHsSigType pass)
+ -- P :: forall a b. Req => Prov => ty
+ -- | A signature for a class method
+ -- False: ordinary class-method signature
+ -- True: generic-default class method signature
+ -- e.g. class C a where
+ -- op :: a -> a -- Ordinary
+ -- default op :: Eq a => a -> a -- Generic default
+ -- No wildcards allowed here
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDefault',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon'
+ | ClassOpSig (XClassOpSig pass) Bool [Located (IdP pass)] (LHsSigType pass)
+ -- | A type signature in generated code, notably the code
+ -- generated for record selectors. We simply record
+ -- the desired Id itself, replete with its name, type
+ -- and IdDetails. Otherwise it's just like a type
+ -- signature: there should be an accompanying binding
+ | IdSig (XIdSig pass) Id
+ -- | An ordinary fixity declaration
+ --
+ -- > infixl 8 ***
+ --
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnInfix',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVal'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | FixSig (XFixSig pass) (FixitySig pass)
+ -- | An inline pragma
+ --
+ -- > {#- INLINE f #-}
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{-\# INLINE'@ and @'['@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose','ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVal','ApiAnnotation.AnnTilde',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | InlineSig (XInlineSig pass)
+ (Located (IdP pass)) -- Function name
+ InlinePragma -- Never defaultInlinePragma
+ -- | A specialisation pragma
+ --
+ -- > {-# SPECIALISE f :: Int -> Int #-}
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{-\# SPECIALISE'@ and @'['@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnTilde',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVal',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @']'@ and @'\#-}'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | SpecSig (XSpecSig pass)
+ (Located (IdP pass)) -- Specialise a function or datatype ...
+ [LHsSigType pass] -- ... to these types
+ InlinePragma -- The pragma on SPECIALISE_INLINE form.
+ -- If it's just defaultInlinePragma, then we said
+ -- | A specialisation pragma for instance declarations only
+ --
+ -- > {-# SPECIALISE instance Eq [Int] #-}
+ --
+ -- (Class tys); should be a specialisation of the
+ -- current instance declaration
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnInstance','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | SpecInstSig (XSpecInstSig pass) SourceText (LHsSigType pass)
+ -- Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ -- | A minimal complete definition pragma
+ --
+ -- > {-# MINIMAL a | (b, c | (d | e)) #-}
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar','ApiAnnotation.AnnComma',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | MinimalSig (XMinimalSig pass)
+ SourceText (LBooleanFormula (Located (IdP pass)))
+ -- Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ -- | A "set cost centre" pragma for declarations
+ --
+ -- > {-# SCC funName #-}
+ --
+ -- or
+ --
+ -- > {-# SCC funName "cost_centre_name" #-}
+ | SCCFunSig (XSCCFunSig pass)
+ SourceText -- Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ (Located (IdP pass)) -- Function name
+ (Maybe (Located StringLiteral))
+ -- | A complete match pragma
+ --
+ -- > {-# COMPLETE C, D [:: T] #-}
+ --
+ -- Used to inform the pattern match checker about additional
+ -- complete matchings which, for example, arise from pattern
+ -- synonym definitions.
+ | CompleteMatchSig (XCompleteMatchSig pass)
+ SourceText
+ (Located [Located (IdP pass)])
+ (Maybe (Located (IdP pass)))
+ | XSig (XXSig pass)
+type instance XTypeSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XPatSynSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XClassOpSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XIdSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XFixSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XInlineSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XSpecSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XSpecInstSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XMinimalSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XSCCFunSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XCompleteMatchSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XXSig (GhcPass p) = NoExtCon
+-- | Located Fixity Signature
+type LFixitySig pass = Located (FixitySig pass)
+-- | Fixity Signature
+data FixitySig pass = FixitySig (XFixitySig pass) [Located (IdP pass)] Fixity
+ | XFixitySig (XXFixitySig pass)
+type instance XFixitySig (GhcPass p) = NoExtField
+type instance XXFixitySig (GhcPass p) = NoExtCon
+-- | Type checker Specialisation Pragmas
+-- 'TcSpecPrags' conveys @SPECIALISE@ pragmas from the type checker to the desugarer
+data TcSpecPrags
+ = IsDefaultMethod -- ^ Super-specialised: a default method should
+ -- be macro-expanded at every call site
+ | SpecPrags [LTcSpecPrag]
+ deriving Data
+-- | Located Type checker Specification Pragmas
+type LTcSpecPrag = Located TcSpecPrag
+-- | Type checker Specification Pragma
+data TcSpecPrag
+ = SpecPrag
+ Id
+ HsWrapper
+ InlinePragma
+ -- ^ The Id to be specialised, a wrapper that specialises the
+ -- polymorphic function, and inlining spec for the specialised function
+ deriving Data
+noSpecPrags :: TcSpecPrags
+noSpecPrags = SpecPrags []
+hasSpecPrags :: TcSpecPrags -> Bool
+hasSpecPrags (SpecPrags ps) = not (null ps)
+hasSpecPrags IsDefaultMethod = False
+isDefaultMethod :: TcSpecPrags -> Bool
+isDefaultMethod IsDefaultMethod = True
+isDefaultMethod (SpecPrags {}) = False
+isFixityLSig :: LSig name -> Bool
+isFixityLSig (L _ (FixSig {})) = True
+isFixityLSig _ = False
+isTypeLSig :: LSig name -> Bool -- Type signatures
+isTypeLSig (L _(TypeSig {})) = True
+isTypeLSig (L _(ClassOpSig {})) = True
+isTypeLSig (L _(IdSig {})) = True
+isTypeLSig _ = False
+isSpecLSig :: LSig name -> Bool
+isSpecLSig (L _(SpecSig {})) = True
+isSpecLSig _ = False
+isSpecInstLSig :: LSig name -> Bool
+isSpecInstLSig (L _ (SpecInstSig {})) = True
+isSpecInstLSig _ = False
+isPragLSig :: LSig name -> Bool
+-- Identifies pragmas
+isPragLSig (L _ (SpecSig {})) = True
+isPragLSig (L _ (InlineSig {})) = True
+isPragLSig (L _ (SCCFunSig {})) = True
+isPragLSig (L _ (CompleteMatchSig {})) = True
+isPragLSig _ = False
+isInlineLSig :: LSig name -> Bool
+-- Identifies inline pragmas
+isInlineLSig (L _ (InlineSig {})) = True
+isInlineLSig _ = False
+isMinimalLSig :: LSig name -> Bool
+isMinimalLSig (L _ (MinimalSig {})) = True
+isMinimalLSig _ = False
+isSCCFunSig :: LSig name -> Bool
+isSCCFunSig (L _ (SCCFunSig {})) = True
+isSCCFunSig _ = False
+isCompleteMatchSig :: LSig name -> Bool
+isCompleteMatchSig (L _ (CompleteMatchSig {} )) = True
+isCompleteMatchSig _ = False
+hsSigDoc :: Sig name -> SDoc
+hsSigDoc (TypeSig {}) = text "type signature"
+hsSigDoc (PatSynSig {}) = text "pattern synonym signature"
+hsSigDoc (ClassOpSig _ is_deflt _ _)
+ | is_deflt = text "default type signature"
+ | otherwise = text "class method signature"
+hsSigDoc (IdSig {}) = text "id signature"
+hsSigDoc (SpecSig {}) = text "SPECIALISE pragma"
+hsSigDoc (InlineSig _ _ prag) = ppr (inlinePragmaSpec prag) <+> text "pragma"
+hsSigDoc (SpecInstSig {}) = text "SPECIALISE instance pragma"
+hsSigDoc (FixSig {}) = text "fixity declaration"
+hsSigDoc (MinimalSig {}) = text "MINIMAL pragma"
+hsSigDoc (SCCFunSig {}) = text "SCC pragma"
+hsSigDoc (CompleteMatchSig {}) = text "COMPLETE pragma"
+hsSigDoc (XSig {}) = text "XSIG TTG extension"
+Check if signatures overlap; this is used when checking for duplicate
+signatures. Since some of the signatures contain a list of names, testing for
+equality is not enough -- we have to check if they overlap.
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (Sig p) where
+ ppr sig = ppr_sig sig
+ppr_sig :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => Sig (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+ppr_sig (TypeSig _ vars ty) = pprVarSig (map unLoc vars) (ppr ty)
+ppr_sig (ClassOpSig _ is_deflt vars ty)
+ | is_deflt = text "default" <+> pprVarSig (map unLoc vars) (ppr ty)
+ | otherwise = pprVarSig (map unLoc vars) (ppr ty)
+ppr_sig (IdSig _ id) = pprVarSig [id] (ppr (varType id))
+ppr_sig (FixSig _ fix_sig) = ppr fix_sig
+ppr_sig (SpecSig _ var ty inl@(InlinePragma { inl_inline = spec }))
+ = pragSrcBrackets (inl_src inl) pragmaSrc (pprSpec (unLoc var)
+ (interpp'SP ty) inl)
+ where
+ pragmaSrc = case spec of
+ NoUserInline -> "{-# SPECIALISE"
+ppr_sig (InlineSig _ var inl)
+ = pragSrcBrackets (inl_src inl) "{-# INLINE" (pprInline inl
+ <+> pprPrefixOcc (unLoc var))
+ppr_sig (SpecInstSig _ src ty)
+ = pragSrcBrackets src "{-# SPECIALISE" (text "instance" <+> ppr ty)
+ppr_sig (MinimalSig _ src bf)
+ = pragSrcBrackets src "{-# MINIMAL" (pprMinimalSig bf)
+ppr_sig (PatSynSig _ names sig_ty)
+ = text "pattern" <+> pprVarSig (map unLoc names) (ppr sig_ty)
+ppr_sig (SCCFunSig _ src fn mlabel)
+ = pragSrcBrackets src "{-# SCC" (ppr fn <+> maybe empty ppr mlabel )
+ppr_sig (CompleteMatchSig _ src cs mty)
+ = pragSrcBrackets src "{-# COMPLETE"
+ ((hsep (punctuate comma (map ppr (unLoc cs))))
+ <+> opt_sig)
+ where
+ opt_sig = maybe empty ((\t -> dcolon <+> ppr t) . unLoc) mty
+ppr_sig (XSig x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (FixitySig p) where
+ ppr (FixitySig _ names fixity) = sep [ppr fixity, pprops]
+ where
+ pprops = hsep $ punctuate comma (map (pprInfixOcc . unLoc) names)
+ ppr (XFixitySig x) = ppr x
+pragBrackets :: SDoc -> SDoc
+pragBrackets doc = text "{-#" <+> doc <+> text "#-}"
+-- | Using SourceText in case the pragma was spelled differently or used mixed
+-- case
+pragSrcBrackets :: SourceText -> String -> SDoc -> SDoc
+pragSrcBrackets (SourceText src) _ doc = text src <+> doc <+> text "#-}"
+pragSrcBrackets NoSourceText alt doc = text alt <+> doc <+> text "#-}"
+pprVarSig :: (OutputableBndr id) => [id] -> SDoc -> SDoc
+pprVarSig vars pp_ty = sep [pprvars <+> dcolon, nest 2 pp_ty]
+ where
+ pprvars = hsep $ punctuate comma (map pprPrefixOcc vars)
+pprSpec :: (OutputableBndr id) => id -> SDoc -> InlinePragma -> SDoc
+pprSpec var pp_ty inl = pp_inl <+> pprVarSig [var] pp_ty
+ where
+ pp_inl | isDefaultInlinePragma inl = empty
+ | otherwise = pprInline inl
+pprTcSpecPrags :: TcSpecPrags -> SDoc
+pprTcSpecPrags IsDefaultMethod = text "<default method>"
+pprTcSpecPrags (SpecPrags ps) = vcat (map (ppr . unLoc) ps)
+instance Outputable TcSpecPrag where
+ ppr (SpecPrag var _ inl)
+ = text "SPECIALIZE" <+> pprSpec var (text "<type>") inl
+pprMinimalSig :: (OutputableBndr name)
+ => LBooleanFormula (Located name) -> SDoc
+pprMinimalSig (L _ bf) = ppr (fmap unLoc bf)
+* *
+\subsection[PatSynBind]{A pattern synonym definition}
+* *
+-- | Haskell Pattern Synonym Details
+type HsPatSynDetails arg = HsConDetails arg [RecordPatSynField arg]
+-- See Note [Record PatSyn Fields]
+-- | Record Pattern Synonym Field
+data RecordPatSynField a
+ = RecordPatSynField {
+ recordPatSynSelectorId :: a -- Selector name visible in rest of the file
+ , recordPatSynPatVar :: a
+ -- Filled in by renamer, the name used internally
+ -- by the pattern
+ } deriving (Data, Functor)
+Note [Record PatSyn Fields]
+Consider the following two pattern synonyms.
+pattern P x y = ([x,True], [y,'v'])
+pattern Q{ x, y } =([x,True], [y,'v'])
+In P, we just have two local binders, x and y.
+In Q, we have local binders but also top-level record selectors
+x :: ([Bool], [Char]) -> Bool and similarly for y.
+It would make sense to support record-like syntax
+pattern Q{ x=x1, y=y1 } = ([x1,True], [y1,'v'])
+when we have a different name for the local and top-level binder
+the distinction between the two names clear
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (RecordPatSynField a) where
+ ppr (RecordPatSynField { recordPatSynSelectorId = v }) = ppr v
+instance Foldable RecordPatSynField where
+ foldMap f (RecordPatSynField { recordPatSynSelectorId = visible
+ , recordPatSynPatVar = hidden })
+ = f visible `mappend` f hidden
+instance Traversable RecordPatSynField where
+ traverse f (RecordPatSynField { recordPatSynSelectorId =visible
+ , recordPatSynPatVar = hidden })
+ = (\ sel_id pat_var -> RecordPatSynField { recordPatSynSelectorId = sel_id
+ , recordPatSynPatVar = pat_var })
+ <$> f visible <*> f hidden
+-- | Haskell Pattern Synonym Direction
+data HsPatSynDir id
+ = Unidirectional
+ | ImplicitBidirectional
+ | ExplicitBidirectional (MatchGroup id (LHsExpr id))
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Decls.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Decls.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..701c8b1a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Decls.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2417 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable,
+ DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+-- | Abstract syntax of global declarations.
+-- Definitions for: @SynDecl@ and @ConDecl@, @ClassDecl@,
+-- @InstDecl@, @DefaultDecl@ and @ForeignDecl@.
+module GHC.Hs.Decls (
+ -- * Toplevel declarations
+ HsDecl(..), LHsDecl, HsDataDefn(..), HsDeriving, LHsFunDep,
+ HsDerivingClause(..), LHsDerivingClause, NewOrData(..), newOrDataToFlavour,
+ -- ** Class or type declarations
+ TyClDecl(..), LTyClDecl, DataDeclRn(..),
+ TyClGroup(..),
+ tyClGroupTyClDecls, tyClGroupInstDecls, tyClGroupRoleDecls,
+ isClassDecl, isDataDecl, isSynDecl, tcdName,
+ isFamilyDecl, isTypeFamilyDecl, isDataFamilyDecl,
+ isOpenTypeFamilyInfo, isClosedTypeFamilyInfo,
+ tyFamInstDeclName, tyFamInstDeclLName,
+ countTyClDecls, pprTyClDeclFlavour,
+ tyClDeclLName, tyClDeclTyVars,
+ hsDeclHasCusk, famDeclHasCusk,
+ FamilyDecl(..), LFamilyDecl,
+ -- ** Instance declarations
+ InstDecl(..), LInstDecl, FamilyInfo(..),
+ TyFamInstDecl(..), LTyFamInstDecl, instDeclDataFamInsts,
+ TyFamDefltDecl, LTyFamDefltDecl,
+ DataFamInstDecl(..), LDataFamInstDecl,
+ pprDataFamInstFlavour, pprTyFamInstDecl, pprHsFamInstLHS,
+ FamInstEqn, LFamInstEqn, FamEqn(..),
+ TyFamInstEqn, LTyFamInstEqn, HsTyPats,
+ LClsInstDecl, ClsInstDecl(..),
+ -- ** Standalone deriving declarations
+ DerivDecl(..), LDerivDecl,
+ -- ** Deriving strategies
+ DerivStrategy(..), LDerivStrategy,
+ derivStrategyName, foldDerivStrategy, mapDerivStrategy,
+ -- ** @RULE@ declarations
+ LRuleDecls,RuleDecls(..),RuleDecl(..),LRuleDecl,HsRuleRn(..),
+ RuleBndr(..),LRuleBndr,
+ collectRuleBndrSigTys,
+ flattenRuleDecls, pprFullRuleName,
+ -- ** @default@ declarations
+ DefaultDecl(..), LDefaultDecl,
+ -- ** Template haskell declaration splice
+ SpliceExplicitFlag(..),
+ SpliceDecl(..), LSpliceDecl,
+ -- ** Foreign function interface declarations
+ ForeignDecl(..), LForeignDecl, ForeignImport(..), ForeignExport(..),
+ CImportSpec(..),
+ -- ** Data-constructor declarations
+ ConDecl(..), LConDecl,
+ HsConDeclDetails, hsConDeclArgTys, hsConDeclTheta,
+ getConNames, getConArgs,
+ -- ** Document comments
+ DocDecl(..), LDocDecl, docDeclDoc,
+ -- ** Deprecations
+ WarnDecl(..), LWarnDecl,
+ WarnDecls(..), LWarnDecls,
+ -- ** Annotations
+ AnnDecl(..), LAnnDecl,
+ AnnProvenance(..), annProvenanceName_maybe,
+ -- ** Role annotations
+ RoleAnnotDecl(..), LRoleAnnotDecl, roleAnnotDeclName,
+ -- ** Injective type families
+ FamilyResultSig(..), LFamilyResultSig, InjectivityAnn(..), LInjectivityAnn,
+ resultVariableName,
+ -- * Grouping
+ HsGroup(..), emptyRdrGroup, emptyRnGroup, appendGroups, hsGroupInstDecls
+ ) where
+-- friends:
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Expr( HsExpr, HsSplice, pprExpr,
+ pprSpliceDecl )
+ -- Because Expr imports Decls via HsBracket
+import GHC.Hs.Binds
+import GHC.Hs.Types
+import GHC.Hs.Doc
+import TyCon
+import BasicTypes
+import Coercion
+import ForeignCall
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import NameSet
+-- others:
+import Class
+import Outputable
+import Util
+import SrcLoc
+import Type
+import Bag
+import Maybes
+import Data.Data hiding (TyCon,Fixity, Infix)
+* *
+* *
+type LHsDecl p = Located (HsDecl p)
+ -- ^ When in a list this may have
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi'
+ --
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | A Haskell Declaration
+data HsDecl p
+ = TyClD (XTyClD p) (TyClDecl p) -- ^ Type or Class Declaration
+ | InstD (XInstD p) (InstDecl p) -- ^ Instance declaration
+ | DerivD (XDerivD p) (DerivDecl p) -- ^ Deriving declaration
+ | ValD (XValD p) (HsBind p) -- ^ Value declaration
+ | SigD (XSigD p) (Sig p) -- ^ Signature declaration
+ | DefD (XDefD p) (DefaultDecl p) -- ^ 'default' declaration
+ | ForD (XForD p) (ForeignDecl p) -- ^ Foreign declaration
+ | WarningD (XWarningD p) (WarnDecls p) -- ^ Warning declaration
+ | AnnD (XAnnD p) (AnnDecl p) -- ^ Annotation declaration
+ | RuleD (XRuleD p) (RuleDecls p) -- ^ Rule declaration
+ | SpliceD (XSpliceD p) (SpliceDecl p) -- ^ Splice declaration
+ -- (Includes quasi-quotes)
+ | DocD (XDocD p) (DocDecl) -- ^ Documentation comment declaration
+ | RoleAnnotD (XRoleAnnotD p) (RoleAnnotDecl p) -- ^Role annotation declaration
+ | XHsDecl (XXHsDecl p)
+type instance XTyClD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XInstD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XDerivD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XValD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XSigD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XDefD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XForD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XWarningD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XAnnD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XRuleD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XSpliceD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XDocD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XRoleAnnotD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXHsDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- NB: all top-level fixity decls are contained EITHER
+-- EITHER SigDs
+-- OR in the ClassDecls in TyClDs
+-- The former covers
+-- a) data constructors
+-- b) class methods (but they can be also done in the
+-- signatures of class decls)
+-- c) imported functions (that have an IfacSig)
+-- d) top level decls
+-- The latter is for class methods only
+-- | Haskell Group
+-- A 'HsDecl' is categorised into a 'HsGroup' before being
+-- fed to the renamer.
+data HsGroup p
+ = HsGroup {
+ hs_ext :: XCHsGroup p,
+ hs_valds :: HsValBinds p,
+ hs_splcds :: [LSpliceDecl p],
+ hs_tyclds :: [TyClGroup p],
+ -- A list of mutually-recursive groups;
+ -- This includes `InstDecl`s as well;
+ -- Parser generates a singleton list;
+ -- renamer does dependency analysis
+ hs_derivds :: [LDerivDecl p],
+ hs_fixds :: [LFixitySig p],
+ -- Snaffled out of both top-level fixity signatures,
+ -- and those in class declarations
+ hs_defds :: [LDefaultDecl p],
+ hs_fords :: [LForeignDecl p],
+ hs_warnds :: [LWarnDecls p],
+ hs_annds :: [LAnnDecl p],
+ hs_ruleds :: [LRuleDecls p],
+ hs_docs :: [LDocDecl]
+ }
+ | XHsGroup (XXHsGroup p)
+type instance XCHsGroup (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXHsGroup (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+emptyGroup, emptyRdrGroup, emptyRnGroup :: HsGroup (GhcPass p)
+emptyRdrGroup = emptyGroup { hs_valds = emptyValBindsIn }
+emptyRnGroup = emptyGroup { hs_valds = emptyValBindsOut }
+hsGroupInstDecls :: HsGroup id -> [LInstDecl id]
+hsGroupInstDecls = (=<<) group_instds . hs_tyclds
+emptyGroup = HsGroup { hs_ext = noExtField,
+ hs_tyclds = [],
+ hs_derivds = [],
+ hs_fixds = [], hs_defds = [], hs_annds = [],
+ hs_fords = [], hs_warnds = [], hs_ruleds = [],
+ hs_valds = error "emptyGroup hs_valds: Can't happen",
+ hs_splcds = [],
+ hs_docs = [] }
+appendGroups :: HsGroup (GhcPass p) -> HsGroup (GhcPass p)
+ -> HsGroup (GhcPass p)
+ HsGroup {
+ hs_valds = val_groups1,
+ hs_splcds = spliceds1,
+ hs_tyclds = tyclds1,
+ hs_derivds = derivds1,
+ hs_fixds = fixds1,
+ hs_defds = defds1,
+ hs_annds = annds1,
+ hs_fords = fords1,
+ hs_warnds = warnds1,
+ hs_ruleds = rulds1,
+ hs_docs = docs1 }
+ HsGroup {
+ hs_valds = val_groups2,
+ hs_splcds = spliceds2,
+ hs_tyclds = tyclds2,
+ hs_derivds = derivds2,
+ hs_fixds = fixds2,
+ hs_defds = defds2,
+ hs_annds = annds2,
+ hs_fords = fords2,
+ hs_warnds = warnds2,
+ hs_ruleds = rulds2,
+ hs_docs = docs2 }
+ =
+ HsGroup {
+ hs_ext = noExtField,
+ hs_valds = val_groups1 `plusHsValBinds` val_groups2,
+ hs_splcds = spliceds1 ++ spliceds2,
+ hs_tyclds = tyclds1 ++ tyclds2,
+ hs_derivds = derivds1 ++ derivds2,
+ hs_fixds = fixds1 ++ fixds2,
+ hs_annds = annds1 ++ annds2,
+ hs_defds = defds1 ++ defds2,
+ hs_fords = fords1 ++ fords2,
+ hs_warnds = warnds1 ++ warnds2,
+ hs_ruleds = rulds1 ++ rulds2,
+ hs_docs = docs1 ++ docs2 }
+appendGroups _ _ = panic "appendGroups"
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (HsDecl p) where
+ ppr (TyClD _ dcl) = ppr dcl
+ ppr (ValD _ binds) = ppr binds
+ ppr (DefD _ def) = ppr def
+ ppr (InstD _ inst) = ppr inst
+ ppr (DerivD _ deriv) = ppr deriv
+ ppr (ForD _ fd) = ppr fd
+ ppr (SigD _ sd) = ppr sd
+ ppr (RuleD _ rd) = ppr rd
+ ppr (WarningD _ wd) = ppr wd
+ ppr (AnnD _ ad) = ppr ad
+ ppr (SpliceD _ dd) = ppr dd
+ ppr (DocD _ doc) = ppr doc
+ ppr (RoleAnnotD _ ra) = ppr ra
+ ppr (XHsDecl x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (HsGroup p) where
+ ppr (HsGroup { hs_valds = val_decls,
+ hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
+ hs_derivds = deriv_decls,
+ hs_fixds = fix_decls,
+ hs_warnds = deprec_decls,
+ hs_annds = ann_decls,
+ hs_fords = foreign_decls,
+ hs_defds = default_decls,
+ hs_ruleds = rule_decls })
+ = vcat_mb empty
+ [ppr_ds fix_decls, ppr_ds default_decls,
+ ppr_ds deprec_decls, ppr_ds ann_decls,
+ ppr_ds rule_decls,
+ if isEmptyValBinds val_decls
+ then Nothing
+ else Just (ppr val_decls),
+ ppr_ds (tyClGroupRoleDecls tycl_decls),
+ ppr_ds (tyClGroupTyClDecls tycl_decls),
+ ppr_ds (tyClGroupInstDecls tycl_decls),
+ ppr_ds deriv_decls,
+ ppr_ds foreign_decls]
+ where
+ ppr_ds :: Outputable a => [a] -> Maybe SDoc
+ ppr_ds [] = Nothing
+ ppr_ds ds = Just (vcat (map ppr ds))
+ vcat_mb :: SDoc -> [Maybe SDoc] -> SDoc
+ -- Concatenate vertically with white-space between non-blanks
+ vcat_mb _ [] = empty
+ vcat_mb gap (Nothing : ds) = vcat_mb gap ds
+ vcat_mb gap (Just d : ds) = gap $$ d $$ vcat_mb blankLine ds
+ ppr (XHsGroup x) = ppr x
+-- | Located Splice Declaration
+type LSpliceDecl pass = Located (SpliceDecl pass)
+-- | Splice Declaration
+data SpliceDecl p
+ = SpliceDecl -- Top level splice
+ (XSpliceDecl p)
+ (Located (HsSplice p))
+ SpliceExplicitFlag
+ | XSpliceDecl (XXSpliceDecl p)
+type instance XSpliceDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXSpliceDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (SpliceDecl p) where
+ ppr (SpliceDecl _ (L _ e) f) = pprSpliceDecl e f
+ ppr (XSpliceDecl x) = ppr x
+* *
+ Type and class declarations
+* *
+Note [The Naming story]
+Here is the story about the implicit names that go with type, class,
+and instance decls. It's a bit tricky, so pay attention!
+"Implicit" (or "system") binders
+ Each data type decl defines
+ a worker name for each constructor
+ to-T and from-T convertors
+ Each class decl defines
+ a tycon for the class
+ a data constructor for that tycon
+ the worker for that constructor
+ a selector for each superclass
+All have occurrence names that are derived uniquely from their parent
+None of these get separate definitions in an interface file; they are
+fully defined by the data or class decl. But they may *occur* in
+interface files, of course. Any such occurrence must haul in the
+relevant type or class decl.
+Plan of attack:
+ - Ensure they "point to" the parent data/class decl
+ when loading that decl from an interface file
+ (See RnHiFiles.getSysBinders)
+ - When typechecking the decl, we build the implicit TyCons and Ids.
+ When doing so we look them up in the name cache (RnEnv.lookupSysName),
+ to ensure correct module and provenance is set
+These are the two places that we have to conjure up the magic derived
+names. (The actual magic is in OccName.mkWorkerOcc, etc.)
+Default methods
+ - Occurrence name is derived uniquely from the method name
+ E.g. $dmmax
+ - If there is a default method name at all, it's recorded in
+ the ClassOpSig (in GHC.Hs.Binds), in the DefMethInfo field.
+ (DefMethInfo is defined in Class.hs)
+Source-code class decls and interface-code class decls are treated subtly
+differently, which has given me a great deal of confusion over the years.
+Here's the deal. (We distinguish the two cases because source-code decls
+have (Just binds) in the tcdMeths field, whereas interface decls have Nothing.
+In *source-code* class declarations:
+ - When parsing, every ClassOpSig gets a DefMeth with a suitable RdrName
+ This is done by RdrHsSyn.mkClassOpSigDM
+ - The renamer renames it to a Name
+ - During typechecking, we generate a binding for each $dm for
+ which there's a programmer-supplied default method:
+ class Foo a where
+ op1 :: <type>
+ op2 :: <type>
+ op1 = ...
+ We generate a binding for $dmop1 but not for $dmop2.
+ The Class for Foo has a Nothing for op2 and
+ a Just ($dm_op1, VanillaDM) for op1.
+ The Name for $dmop2 is simply discarded.
+In *interface-file* class declarations:
+ - When parsing, we see if there's an explicit programmer-supplied default method
+ because there's an '=' sign to indicate it:
+ class Foo a where
+ op1 = :: <type> -- NB the '='
+ op2 :: <type>
+ We use this info to generate a DefMeth with a suitable RdrName for op1,
+ and a NoDefMeth for op2
+ - The interface file has a separate definition for $dmop1, with unfolding etc.
+ - The renamer renames it to a Name.
+ - The renamer treats $dmop1 as a free variable of the declaration, so that
+ the binding for $dmop1 will be sucked in. (See RnHsSyn.tyClDeclFVs)
+ This doesn't happen for source code class decls, because they *bind* the default method.
+Dictionary functions
+Each instance declaration gives rise to one dictionary function binding.
+The type checker makes up new source-code instance declarations
+(e.g. from 'deriving' or generic default methods --- see
+TcInstDcls.tcInstDecls1). So we can't generate the names for
+dictionary functions in advance (we don't know how many we need).
+On the other hand for interface-file instance declarations, the decl
+specifies the name of the dictionary function, and it has a binding elsewhere
+in the interface file:
+ instance {Eq Int} = dEqInt
+ dEqInt :: {Eq Int} <pragma info>
+So again we treat source code and interface file code slightly differently.
+Source code:
+ - Source code instance decls have a Nothing in the (Maybe name) field
+ (see data InstDecl below)
+ - The typechecker makes up a Local name for the dict fun for any source-code
+ instance decl, whether it comes from a source-code instance decl, or whether
+ the instance decl is derived from some other construct (e.g. 'deriving').
+ - The occurrence name it chooses is derived from the instance decl (just for
+ documentation really) --- e.g. dNumInt. Two dict funs may share a common
+ occurrence name, but will have different uniques. E.g.
+ instance Foo [Int] where ...
+ instance Foo [Bool] where ...
+ These might both be dFooList
+ - The CoreTidy phase externalises the name, and ensures the occurrence name is
+ unique (this isn't special to dict funs). So we'd get dFooList and dFooList1.
+ - We can take this relaxed approach (changing the occurrence name later)
+ because dict fun Ids are not captured in a TyCon or Class (unlike default
+ methods, say). Instead, they are kept separately in the InstEnv. This
+ makes it easy to adjust them after compiling a module. (Once we've finished
+ compiling that module, they don't change any more.)
+Interface file code:
+ - The instance decl gives the dict fun name, so the InstDecl has a (Just name)
+ in the (Maybe name) field.
+ - RnHsSyn.instDeclFVs treats the dict fun name as free in the decl, so that we
+ suck in the dfun binding
+-- | Located Declaration of a Type or Class
+type LTyClDecl pass = Located (TyClDecl pass)
+-- | A type or class declaration.
+data TyClDecl pass
+ = -- | @type/data family T :: *->*@
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnData',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnFamily','ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere','ApiAnnotation.AnnOpenP',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon','ApiAnnotation.AnnCloseP',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual','ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ FamDecl { tcdFExt :: XFamDecl pass, tcdFam :: FamilyDecl pass }
+ | -- | @type@ declaration
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ SynDecl { tcdSExt :: XSynDecl pass -- ^ Post renameer, FVs
+ , tcdLName :: Located (IdP pass) -- ^ Type constructor
+ , tcdTyVars :: LHsQTyVars pass -- ^ Type variables; for an
+ -- associated type these
+ -- include outer binders
+ , tcdFixity :: LexicalFixity -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
+ , tcdRhs :: LHsType pass } -- ^ RHS of type declaration
+ | -- | @data@ declaration
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnData',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnFamily',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnNewType',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnNewType','ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon'
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ DataDecl { tcdDExt :: XDataDecl pass -- ^ Post renamer, CUSK flag, FVs
+ , tcdLName :: Located (IdP pass) -- ^ Type constructor
+ , tcdTyVars :: LHsQTyVars pass -- ^ Type variables
+ -- See Note [TyVar binders for associated declarations]
+ , tcdFixity :: LexicalFixity -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
+ , tcdDataDefn :: HsDataDefn pass }
+ | ClassDecl { tcdCExt :: XClassDecl pass, -- ^ Post renamer, FVs
+ tcdCtxt :: LHsContext pass, -- ^ Context...
+ tcdLName :: Located (IdP pass), -- ^ Name of the class
+ tcdTyVars :: LHsQTyVars pass, -- ^ Class type variables
+ tcdFixity :: LexicalFixity, -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
+ tcdFDs :: [LHsFunDep pass], -- ^ Functional deps
+ tcdSigs :: [LSig pass], -- ^ Methods' signatures
+ tcdMeths :: LHsBinds pass, -- ^ Default methods
+ tcdATs :: [LFamilyDecl pass], -- ^ Associated types;
+ tcdATDefs :: [LTyFamDefltDecl pass], -- ^ Associated type defaults
+ tcdDocs :: [LDocDecl] -- ^ Haddock docs
+ }
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClass',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere','ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- - The tcdFDs will have 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma'
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | XTyClDecl (XXTyClDecl pass)
+type LHsFunDep pass = Located (FunDep (Located (IdP pass)))
+data DataDeclRn = DataDeclRn
+ { tcdDataCusk :: Bool -- ^ does this have a CUSK?
+ -- See Note [CUSKs: complete user-supplied kind signatures]
+ , tcdFVs :: NameSet }
+ deriving Data
+{- Note [TyVar binders for associated decls]
+For an /associated/ data, newtype, or type-family decl, the LHsQTyVars
+/includes/ outer binders. For example
+ class T a where
+ data D a c
+ type F a b :: *
+ type F a b = a -> a
+Here the data decl for 'D', and type-family decl for 'F', both include 'a'
+in their LHsQTyVars (tcdTyVars and fdTyVars resp).
+Ditto any implicit binders in the hsq_implicit field of the LHSQTyVars.
+The idea is that the associated type is really a top-level decl in its
+own right. However we are careful to use the same name 'a', so that
+we can match things up.
+c.f. Note [Associated type tyvar names] in Class.hs
+ Note [Family instance declaration binders]
+type instance XFamDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XSynDecl GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XSynDecl GhcRn = NameSet -- FVs
+type instance XSynDecl GhcTc = NameSet -- FVs
+type instance XDataDecl GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XDataDecl GhcRn = DataDeclRn
+type instance XDataDecl GhcTc = DataDeclRn
+type instance XClassDecl GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XClassDecl GhcRn = NameSet -- FVs
+type instance XClassDecl GhcTc = NameSet -- FVs
+type instance XXTyClDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- Simple classifiers for TyClDecl
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- | @True@ <=> argument is a @data@\/@newtype@
+-- declaration.
+isDataDecl :: TyClDecl pass -> Bool
+isDataDecl (DataDecl {}) = True
+isDataDecl _other = False
+-- | type or type instance declaration
+isSynDecl :: TyClDecl pass -> Bool
+isSynDecl (SynDecl {}) = True
+isSynDecl _other = False
+-- | type class
+isClassDecl :: TyClDecl pass -> Bool
+isClassDecl (ClassDecl {}) = True
+isClassDecl _ = False
+-- | type/data family declaration
+isFamilyDecl :: TyClDecl pass -> Bool
+isFamilyDecl (FamDecl {}) = True
+isFamilyDecl _other = False
+-- | type family declaration
+isTypeFamilyDecl :: TyClDecl pass -> Bool
+isTypeFamilyDecl (FamDecl _ (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info })) = case info of
+ OpenTypeFamily -> True
+ ClosedTypeFamily {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+isTypeFamilyDecl _ = False
+-- | open type family info
+isOpenTypeFamilyInfo :: FamilyInfo pass -> Bool
+isOpenTypeFamilyInfo OpenTypeFamily = True
+isOpenTypeFamilyInfo _ = False
+-- | closed type family info
+isClosedTypeFamilyInfo :: FamilyInfo pass -> Bool
+isClosedTypeFamilyInfo (ClosedTypeFamily {}) = True
+isClosedTypeFamilyInfo _ = False
+-- | data family declaration
+isDataFamilyDecl :: TyClDecl pass -> Bool
+isDataFamilyDecl (FamDecl _ (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = DataFamily })) = True
+isDataFamilyDecl _other = False
+-- Dealing with names
+tyFamInstDeclName :: TyFamInstDecl (GhcPass p) -> IdP (GhcPass p)
+tyFamInstDeclName = unLoc . tyFamInstDeclLName
+tyFamInstDeclLName :: TyFamInstDecl (GhcPass p) -> Located (IdP (GhcPass p))
+tyFamInstDeclLName (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn =
+ (HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = ln }}) })
+ = ln
+tyFamInstDeclLName (TyFamInstDecl (HsIB _ (XFamEqn nec)))
+ = noExtCon nec
+tyFamInstDeclLName (TyFamInstDecl (XHsImplicitBndrs nec))
+ = noExtCon nec
+tyClDeclLName :: TyClDecl pass -> Located (IdP pass)
+tyClDeclLName (FamDecl { tcdFam = FamilyDecl { fdLName = ln } }) = ln
+tyClDeclLName decl = tcdLName decl
+tcdName :: TyClDecl pass -> (IdP pass)
+tcdName = unLoc . tyClDeclLName
+tyClDeclTyVars :: TyClDecl pass -> LHsQTyVars pass
+tyClDeclTyVars (FamDecl { tcdFam = FamilyDecl { fdTyVars = tvs } }) = tvs
+tyClDeclTyVars d = tcdTyVars d
+countTyClDecls :: [TyClDecl pass] -> (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
+ -- class, synonym decls, data, newtype, family decls
+countTyClDecls decls
+ = (count isClassDecl decls,
+ count isSynDecl decls, -- excluding...
+ count isDataTy decls, --
+ count isNewTy decls, -- ...instances
+ count isFamilyDecl decls)
+ where
+ isDataTy DataDecl{ tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_ND = DataType } } = True
+ isDataTy _ = False
+ isNewTy DataDecl{ tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_ND = NewType } } = True
+ isNewTy _ = False
+-- | Does this declaration have a complete, user-supplied kind signature?
+-- See Note [CUSKs: complete user-supplied kind signatures]
+ :: Bool -- True <=> the -XCUSKs extension is enabled
+ -> TyClDecl GhcRn
+ -> Bool
+hsDeclHasCusk _cusks_enabled@False _ = False
+hsDeclHasCusk cusks_enabled (FamDecl { tcdFam = fam_decl })
+ = famDeclHasCusk cusks_enabled False fam_decl
+ -- False: this is not: an associated type of a class with no cusk
+hsDeclHasCusk _cusks_enabled@True (SynDecl { tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdRhs = rhs })
+ -- NB: Keep this synchronized with 'getInitialKind'
+ = hsTvbAllKinded tyvars && rhs_annotated rhs
+ where
+ rhs_annotated (L _ ty) = case ty of
+ HsParTy _ lty -> rhs_annotated lty
+ HsKindSig {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+hsDeclHasCusk _cusks_enabled@True (DataDecl { tcdDExt = DataDeclRn { tcdDataCusk = cusk }}) = cusk
+hsDeclHasCusk _cusks_enabled@True (ClassDecl { tcdTyVars = tyvars }) = hsTvbAllKinded tyvars
+hsDeclHasCusk _ (XTyClDecl nec) = noExtCon nec
+-- Pretty-printing TyClDecl
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (TyClDecl p) where
+ ppr (FamDecl { tcdFam = decl }) = ppr decl
+ ppr (SynDecl { tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity
+ , tcdRhs = rhs })
+ = hang (text "type" <+>
+ pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars fixity noLHsContext <+> equals)
+ 4 (ppr rhs)
+ ppr (DataDecl { tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity
+ , tcdDataDefn = defn })
+ = pp_data_defn (pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars fixity) defn
+ ppr (ClassDecl {tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = lclas, tcdTyVars = tyvars,
+ tcdFixity = fixity,
+ tcdFDs = fds,
+ tcdSigs = sigs, tcdMeths = methods,
+ tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs})
+ | null sigs && isEmptyBag methods && null ats && null at_defs -- No "where" part
+ = top_matter
+ | otherwise -- Laid out
+ = vcat [ top_matter <+> text "where"
+ , nest 2 $ pprDeclList (map (pprFamilyDecl NotTopLevel . unLoc) ats ++
+ map (pprTyFamDefltDecl . unLoc) at_defs ++
+ pprLHsBindsForUser methods sigs) ]
+ where
+ top_matter = text "class"
+ <+> pp_vanilla_decl_head lclas tyvars fixity context
+ <+> pprFundeps (map unLoc fds)
+ ppr (XTyClDecl x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (TyClGroup p) where
+ ppr (TyClGroup { group_tyclds = tyclds
+ , group_roles = roles
+ , group_instds = instds
+ }
+ )
+ = ppr tyclds $$
+ ppr roles $$
+ ppr instds
+ ppr (XTyClGroup x) = ppr x
+pp_vanilla_decl_head :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => Located (IdP (GhcPass p))
+ -> LHsQTyVars (GhcPass p)
+ -> LexicalFixity
+ -> LHsContext (GhcPass p)
+ -> SDoc
+pp_vanilla_decl_head thing (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tyvars }) fixity context
+ = hsep [pprLHsContext context, pp_tyvars tyvars]
+ where
+ pp_tyvars (varl:varsr)
+ | fixity == Infix && length varsr > 1
+ = hsep [char '(',ppr (unLoc varl), pprInfixOcc (unLoc thing)
+ , (ppr.unLoc) (head varsr), char ')'
+ , hsep (map (ppr.unLoc) (tail varsr))]
+ | fixity == Infix
+ = hsep [ppr (unLoc varl), pprInfixOcc (unLoc thing)
+ , hsep (map (ppr.unLoc) varsr)]
+ | otherwise = hsep [ pprPrefixOcc (unLoc thing)
+ , hsep (map (ppr.unLoc) (varl:varsr))]
+ pp_tyvars [] = pprPrefixOcc (unLoc thing)
+pp_vanilla_decl_head _ (XLHsQTyVars x) _ _ = ppr x
+pprTyClDeclFlavour :: TyClDecl (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprTyClDeclFlavour (ClassDecl {}) = text "class"
+pprTyClDeclFlavour (SynDecl {}) = text "type"
+pprTyClDeclFlavour (FamDecl { tcdFam = FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info }})
+ = pprFlavour info <+> text "family"
+pprTyClDeclFlavour (FamDecl { tcdFam = XFamilyDecl x})
+ = ppr x
+pprTyClDeclFlavour (DataDecl { tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_ND = nd } })
+ = ppr nd
+pprTyClDeclFlavour (DataDecl { tcdDataDefn = XHsDataDefn x })
+ = ppr x
+pprTyClDeclFlavour (XTyClDecl x) = ppr x
+{- Note [CUSKs: complete user-supplied kind signatures]
+We kind-check declarations differently if they have a complete, user-supplied
+kind signature (CUSK). This is because we can safely generalise a CUSKed
+declaration before checking all of the others, supporting polymorphic recursion.
+and #9200 for lots of discussion of how we got here.
+The detection of CUSKs is enabled by the -XCUSKs extension, switched on by default.
+Under -XNoCUSKs, all declarations are treated as if they have no CUSK.
+ a type declaration has a CUSK iff we could produce a separate kind signature
+ for it, just like a type signature for a function,
+ looking only at the header of the declaration.
+ * data T1 (a :: *->*) (b :: *) = ....
+ -- Has CUSK; equivalant to T1 :: (*->*) -> * -> *
+ * data T2 a b = ...
+ -- No CUSK; we do not want to guess T2 :: * -> * -> *
+ -- because the full decl might be data T a b = MkT (a b)
+ * data T3 (a :: k -> *) (b :: *) = ...
+ -- CUSK; equivalent to T3 :: (k -> *) -> * -> *
+ -- We lexically generalise over k to get
+ -- T3 :: forall k. (k -> *) -> * -> *
+ -- The generalisation is here is purely lexical, just like
+ -- f3 :: a -> a
+ -- means
+ -- f3 :: forall a. a -> a
+ * data T4 (a :: j k) = ...
+ -- CUSK; equivalent to T4 :: j k -> *
+ -- which we lexically generalise to T4 :: forall j k. j k -> *
+ -- and then, if PolyKinds is on, we further generalise to
+ -- T4 :: forall kk (j :: kk -> *) (k :: kk). j k -> *
+ -- Again this is exactly like what happens as the term level
+ -- when you write
+ -- f4 :: forall a b. a b -> Int
+ * A CUSK does /not/ mean that everything about the kind signature is
+ fully specified by the user. Look at T4 and f4: we had do do kind
+ inference to figure out the kind-quantification. But in both cases
+ (T4 and f4) that inference is done looking /only/ at the header of T4
+ (or signature for f4), not at the definition thereof.
+ * The CUSK completely fixes the kind of the type constructor, forever.
+ * The precise rules, for each declaration form, for whethher a declaration
+ has a CUSK are given in the user manual section "Complete user-supplied
+ kind signatures and polymorphic recursion". BUt they simply implement
+ PRINCIPLE above.
+ * Open type families are interesting:
+ type family T5 a b :: *
+ There simply /is/ no accompanying declaration, so that info is all
+ we'll ever get. So we it has a CUSK by definition, and we default
+ any un-fixed kind variables to *.
+ * Associated types are a bit tricker:
+ class C6 a where
+ type family T6 a b :: *
+ op :: a Int -> Int
+ Here C6 does not have a CUSK (in fact we ultimately discover that
+ a :: * -> *). And hence neither does T6, the associated family,
+ because we can't fix its kind until we have settled C6. Another
+ way to say it: unlike a top-level, we /may/ discover more about
+ a's kind from C6's definition.
+ * A data definition with a top-level :: must explicitly bind all
+ kind variables to the right of the ::. See test
+ dependent/should_compile/KindLevels, which requires this
+ case. (Naturally, any kind variable mentioned before the :: should
+ not be bound after it.)
+ This last point is much more debatable than the others; see
+ #15142 comment:22
+ Because this is fiddly to check, there is a field in the DataDeclRn
+ structure (included in a DataDecl after the renamer) that stores whether
+ or not the declaration has a CUSK.
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ TyClGroup
+ Strongly connected components of
+ type, class, instance, and role declarations
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [TyClGroups and dependency analysis]
+A TyClGroup represents a strongly connected components of type/class/instance
+decls, together with the role annotations for the type/class declarations.
+The hs_tyclds :: [TyClGroup] field of a HsGroup is a dependency-order
+sequence of strongly-connected components.
+ * The type and class declarations, group_tyclds, may depend on each
+ other, or earlier TyClGroups, but not on later ones
+ * The role annotations, group_roles, are role-annotations for some or
+ all of the types and classes in group_tyclds (only).
+ * The instance declarations, group_instds, may (and usually will)
+ depend on group_tyclds, or on earlier TyClGroups, but not on later
+ ones.
+See Note [Dependency analsis of type, class, and instance decls]
+in RnSource for more info.
+-- | Type or Class Group
+data TyClGroup pass -- See Note [TyClGroups and dependency analysis]
+ = TyClGroup { group_ext :: XCTyClGroup pass
+ , group_tyclds :: [LTyClDecl pass]
+ , group_roles :: [LRoleAnnotDecl pass]
+ , group_instds :: [LInstDecl pass] }
+ | XTyClGroup (XXTyClGroup pass)
+type instance XCTyClGroup (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXTyClGroup (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+tyClGroupTyClDecls :: [TyClGroup pass] -> [LTyClDecl pass]
+tyClGroupTyClDecls = concatMap group_tyclds
+tyClGroupInstDecls :: [TyClGroup pass] -> [LInstDecl pass]
+tyClGroupInstDecls = concatMap group_instds
+tyClGroupRoleDecls :: [TyClGroup pass] -> [LRoleAnnotDecl pass]
+tyClGroupRoleDecls = concatMap group_roles
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Data and type family declarations
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+{- Note [FamilyResultSig]
+This data type represents the return signature of a type family. Possible
+values are:
+ * NoSig - the user supplied no return signature:
+ type family Id a where ...
+ * KindSig - the user supplied the return kind:
+ type family Id a :: * where ...
+ * TyVarSig - user named the result with a type variable and possibly
+ provided a kind signature for that variable:
+ type family Id a = r where ...
+ type family Id a = (r :: *) where ...
+ Naming result of a type family is required if we want to provide
+ injectivity annotation for a type family:
+ type family Id a = r | r -> a where ...
+See also: Note [Injectivity annotation]
+Note [Injectivity annotation]
+A user can declare a type family to be injective:
+ type family Id a = r | r -> a where ...
+ * The part after the "|" is called "injectivity annotation".
+ * "r -> a" part is called "injectivity condition"; at the moment terms
+ "injectivity annotation" and "injectivity condition" are synonymous
+ because we only allow a single injectivity condition.
+ * "r" is the "LHS of injectivity condition". LHS can only contain the
+ variable naming the result of a type family.
+ * "a" is the "RHS of injectivity condition". RHS contains space-separated
+ type and kind variables representing the arguments of a type
+ family. Variables can be omitted if a type family is not injective in
+ these arguments. Example:
+ type family Foo a b c = d | d -> a c where ...
+Note that:
+ (a) naming of type family result is required to provide injectivity
+ annotation
+ (b) for associated types if the result was named then injectivity annotation
+ is mandatory. Otherwise result type variable is indistinguishable from
+ associated type default.
+It is possible that in the future this syntax will be extended to support
+more complicated injectivity annotations. For example we could declare that
+if we know the result of Plus and one of its arguments we can determine the
+other argument:
+ type family Plus a b = (r :: Nat) | r a -> b, r b -> a where ...
+Here injectivity annotation would consist of two comma-separated injectivity
+See also Note [Injective type families] in TyCon
+-- | Located type Family Result Signature
+type LFamilyResultSig pass = Located (FamilyResultSig pass)
+-- | type Family Result Signature
+data FamilyResultSig pass = -- see Note [FamilyResultSig]
+ NoSig (XNoSig pass)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | KindSig (XCKindSig pass) (LHsKind pass)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpenP','ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnCloseP'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | TyVarSig (XTyVarSig pass) (LHsTyVarBndr pass)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpenP','ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnCloseP', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual'
+ | XFamilyResultSig (XXFamilyResultSig pass)
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+type instance XNoSig (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XCKindSig (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XTyVarSig (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXFamilyResultSig (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- | Located type Family Declaration
+type LFamilyDecl pass = Located (FamilyDecl pass)
+-- | type Family Declaration
+data FamilyDecl pass = FamilyDecl
+ { fdExt :: XCFamilyDecl pass
+ , fdInfo :: FamilyInfo pass -- type/data, closed/open
+ , fdLName :: Located (IdP pass) -- type constructor
+ , fdTyVars :: LHsQTyVars pass -- type variables
+ -- See Note [TyVar binders for associated declarations]
+ , fdFixity :: LexicalFixity -- Fixity used in the declaration
+ , fdResultSig :: LFamilyResultSig pass -- result signature
+ , fdInjectivityAnn :: Maybe (LInjectivityAnn pass) -- optional injectivity ann
+ }
+ | XFamilyDecl (XXFamilyDecl pass)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnData', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnFamily',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpenP',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnCloseP',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+type instance XCFamilyDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXFamilyDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- | Located Injectivity Annotation
+type LInjectivityAnn pass = Located (InjectivityAnn pass)
+-- | If the user supplied an injectivity annotation it is represented using
+-- InjectivityAnn. At the moment this is a single injectivity condition - see
+-- Note [Injectivity annotation]. `Located name` stores the LHS of injectivity
+-- condition. `[Located name]` stores the RHS of injectivity condition. Example:
+-- type family Foo a b c = r | r -> a c where ...
+-- This will be represented as "InjectivityAnn `r` [`a`, `c`]"
+data InjectivityAnn pass
+ = InjectivityAnn (Located (IdP pass)) [Located (IdP pass)]
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+data FamilyInfo pass
+ = DataFamily
+ | OpenTypeFamily
+ -- | 'Nothing' if we're in an hs-boot file and the user
+ -- said "type family Foo x where .."
+ | ClosedTypeFamily (Maybe [LTyFamInstEqn pass])
+-- | Does this family declaration have a complete, user-supplied kind signature?
+-- See Note [CUSKs: complete user-supplied kind signatures]
+famDeclHasCusk :: Bool -- ^ True <=> the -XCUSKs extension is enabled
+ -> Bool -- ^ True <=> this is an associated type family,
+ -- and the parent class has /no/ CUSK
+ -> FamilyDecl (GhcPass pass)
+ -> Bool
+famDeclHasCusk _cusks_enabled@False _ _ = False
+famDeclHasCusk _cusks_enabled@True assoc_with_no_cusk
+ (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = fam_info
+ , fdTyVars = tyvars
+ , fdResultSig = L _ resultSig })
+ = case fam_info of
+ ClosedTypeFamily {} -> hsTvbAllKinded tyvars
+ && hasReturnKindSignature resultSig
+ _ -> not assoc_with_no_cusk
+ -- Un-associated open type/data families have CUSKs
+ -- Associated type families have CUSKs iff the parent class does
+famDeclHasCusk _ _ (XFamilyDecl nec) = noExtCon nec
+-- | Does this family declaration have user-supplied return kind signature?
+hasReturnKindSignature :: FamilyResultSig a -> Bool
+hasReturnKindSignature (NoSig _) = False
+hasReturnKindSignature (TyVarSig _ (L _ (UserTyVar{}))) = False
+hasReturnKindSignature _ = True
+-- | Maybe return name of the result type variable
+resultVariableName :: FamilyResultSig (GhcPass a) -> Maybe (IdP (GhcPass a))
+resultVariableName (TyVarSig _ sig) = Just $ hsLTyVarName sig
+resultVariableName _ = Nothing
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (FamilyDecl p) where
+ ppr = pprFamilyDecl TopLevel
+pprFamilyDecl :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => TopLevelFlag -> FamilyDecl (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprFamilyDecl top_level (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info, fdLName = ltycon
+ , fdTyVars = tyvars
+ , fdFixity = fixity
+ , fdResultSig = L _ result
+ , fdInjectivityAnn = mb_inj })
+ = vcat [ pprFlavour info <+> pp_top_level <+>
+ pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars fixity noLHsContext <+>
+ pp_kind <+> pp_inj <+> pp_where
+ , nest 2 $ pp_eqns ]
+ where
+ pp_top_level = case top_level of
+ TopLevel -> text "family"
+ NotTopLevel -> empty
+ pp_kind = case result of
+ NoSig _ -> empty
+ KindSig _ kind -> dcolon <+> ppr kind
+ TyVarSig _ tv_bndr -> text "=" <+> ppr tv_bndr
+ XFamilyResultSig x -> ppr x
+ pp_inj = case mb_inj of
+ Just (L _ (InjectivityAnn lhs rhs)) ->
+ hsep [ vbar, ppr lhs, text "->", hsep (map ppr rhs) ]
+ Nothing -> empty
+ (pp_where, pp_eqns) = case info of
+ ClosedTypeFamily mb_eqns ->
+ ( text "where"
+ , case mb_eqns of
+ Nothing -> text ".."
+ Just eqns -> vcat $ map (ppr_fam_inst_eqn . unLoc) eqns )
+ _ -> (empty, empty)
+pprFamilyDecl _ (XFamilyDecl x) = ppr x
+pprFlavour :: FamilyInfo pass -> SDoc
+pprFlavour DataFamily = text "data"
+pprFlavour OpenTypeFamily = text "type"
+pprFlavour (ClosedTypeFamily {}) = text "type"
+instance Outputable (FamilyInfo pass) where
+ ppr info = pprFlavour info <+> text "family"
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Data types and data constructors
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- | Haskell Data type Definition
+data HsDataDefn pass -- The payload of a data type defn
+ -- Used *both* for vanilla data declarations,
+ -- *and* for data family instances
+ = -- | Declares a data type or newtype, giving its constructors
+ -- @
+ -- data/newtype T a = <constrs>
+ -- data/newtype instance T [a] = <constrs>
+ -- @
+ HsDataDefn { dd_ext :: XCHsDataDefn pass,
+ dd_ND :: NewOrData,
+ dd_ctxt :: LHsContext pass, -- ^ Context
+ dd_cType :: Maybe (Located CType),
+ dd_kindSig:: Maybe (LHsKind pass),
+ -- ^ Optional kind signature.
+ --
+ -- @(Just k)@ for a GADT-style @data@,
+ -- or @data instance@ decl, with explicit kind sig
+ --
+ -- Always @Nothing@ for H98-syntax decls
+ dd_cons :: [LConDecl pass],
+ -- ^ Data constructors
+ --
+ -- For @data T a = T1 | T2 a@
+ -- the 'LConDecl's all have 'ConDeclH98'.
+ -- For @data T a where { T1 :: T a }@
+ -- the 'LConDecls' all have 'ConDeclGADT'.
+ dd_derivs :: HsDeriving pass -- ^ Optional 'deriving' claues
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ }
+ | XHsDataDefn (XXHsDataDefn pass)
+type instance XCHsDataDefn (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXHsDataDefn (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- | Haskell Deriving clause
+type HsDeriving pass = Located [LHsDerivingClause pass]
+ -- ^ The optional @deriving@ clauses of a data declaration. "Clauses" is
+ -- plural because one can specify multiple deriving clauses using the
+ -- @-XDerivingStrategies@ language extension.
+ --
+ -- The list of 'LHsDerivingClause's corresponds to exactly what the user
+ -- requested to derive, in order. If no deriving clauses were specified,
+ -- the list is empty.
+type LHsDerivingClause pass = Located (HsDerivingClause pass)
+-- | A single @deriving@ clause of a data declaration.
+-- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDeriving', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnStock',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnAnyClass', 'Api.AnnNewtype',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+data HsDerivingClause pass
+ -- See Note [Deriving strategies] in TcDeriv
+ = HsDerivingClause
+ { deriv_clause_ext :: XCHsDerivingClause pass
+ , deriv_clause_strategy :: Maybe (LDerivStrategy pass)
+ -- ^ The user-specified strategy (if any) to use when deriving
+ -- 'deriv_clause_tys'.
+ , deriv_clause_tys :: Located [LHsSigType pass]
+ -- ^ The types to derive.
+ --
+ -- It uses 'LHsSigType's because, with @-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving@,
+ -- we can mention type variables that aren't bound by the datatype, e.g.
+ --
+ -- > data T b = ... deriving (C [a])
+ --
+ -- should produce a derived instance for @C [a] (T b)@.
+ }
+ | XHsDerivingClause (XXHsDerivingClause pass)
+type instance XCHsDerivingClause (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXHsDerivingClause (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (HsDerivingClause p) where
+ ppr (HsDerivingClause { deriv_clause_strategy = dcs
+ , deriv_clause_tys = L _ dct })
+ = hsep [ text "deriving"
+ , pp_strat_before
+ , pp_dct dct
+ , pp_strat_after ]
+ where
+ -- This complexity is to distinguish between
+ -- deriving Show
+ -- deriving (Show)
+ pp_dct [HsIB { hsib_body = ty }]
+ = ppr (parenthesizeHsType appPrec ty)
+ pp_dct _ = parens (interpp'SP dct)
+ -- @via@ is unique in that in comes /after/ the class being derived,
+ -- so we must special-case it.
+ (pp_strat_before, pp_strat_after) =
+ case dcs of
+ Just (L _ via@ViaStrategy{}) -> (empty, ppr via)
+ _ -> (ppDerivStrategy dcs, empty)
+ ppr (XHsDerivingClause x) = ppr x
+data NewOrData
+ = NewType -- ^ @newtype Blah ...@
+ | DataType -- ^ @data Blah ...@
+ deriving( Eq, Data ) -- Needed because Demand derives Eq
+-- | Convert a 'NewOrData' to a 'TyConFlavour'
+newOrDataToFlavour :: NewOrData -> TyConFlavour
+newOrDataToFlavour NewType = NewtypeFlavour
+newOrDataToFlavour DataType = DataTypeFlavour
+-- | Located data Constructor Declaration
+type LConDecl pass = Located (ConDecl pass)
+ -- ^ May have 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi' when
+ -- in a GADT constructor list
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- |
+-- @
+-- data T b = forall a. Eq a => MkT a b
+-- MkT :: forall b a. Eq a => MkT a b
+-- data T b where
+-- MkT1 :: Int -> T Int
+-- data T = Int `MkT` Int
+-- | MkT2
+-- data T a where
+-- Int `MkT` Int :: T Int
+-- @
+-- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDotdot','ApiAnnotation.AnnCLose',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual','ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDarrow','ApiAnnotation.AnnDarrow',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnForall','ApiAnnotation.AnnDot'
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | data Constructor Declaration
+data ConDecl pass
+ = ConDeclGADT
+ { con_g_ext :: XConDeclGADT pass
+ , con_names :: [Located (IdP pass)]
+ -- The next four fields describe the type after the '::'
+ -- See Note [GADT abstract syntax]
+ -- The following field is Located to anchor API Annotations,
+ -- AnnForall and AnnDot.
+ , con_forall :: Located Bool -- ^ True <=> explicit forall
+ -- False => hsq_explicit is empty
+ , con_qvars :: LHsQTyVars pass
+ -- Whether or not there is an /explicit/ forall, we still
+ -- need to capture the implicitly-bound type/kind variables
+ , con_mb_cxt :: Maybe (LHsContext pass) -- ^ User-written context (if any)
+ , con_args :: HsConDeclDetails pass -- ^ Arguments; never InfixCon
+ , con_res_ty :: LHsType pass -- ^ Result type
+ , con_doc :: Maybe LHsDocString
+ -- ^ A possible Haddock comment.
+ }
+ | ConDeclH98
+ { con_ext :: XConDeclH98 pass
+ , con_name :: Located (IdP pass)
+ , con_forall :: Located Bool
+ -- ^ True <=> explicit user-written forall
+ -- e.g. data T a = forall b. MkT b (b->a)
+ -- con_ex_tvs = {b}
+ -- False => con_ex_tvs is empty
+ , con_ex_tvs :: [LHsTyVarBndr pass] -- ^ Existentials only
+ , con_mb_cxt :: Maybe (LHsContext pass) -- ^ User-written context (if any)
+ , con_args :: HsConDeclDetails pass -- ^ Arguments; can be InfixCon
+ , con_doc :: Maybe LHsDocString
+ -- ^ A possible Haddock comment.
+ }
+ | XConDecl (XXConDecl pass)
+type instance XConDeclGADT (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XConDeclH98 (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXConDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+{- Note [GADT abstract syntax]
+There's a wrinkle in ConDeclGADT
+* For record syntax, it's all uniform. Given:
+ data T a where
+ K :: forall a. Ord a => { x :: [a], ... } -> T a
+ we make the a ConDeclGADT for K with
+ con_qvars = {a}
+ con_mb_cxt = Just [Ord a]
+ con_args = RecCon <the record fields>
+ con_res_ty = T a
+ We need the RecCon before the reanmer, so we can find the record field
+ binders in GHC.Hs.Utils.hsConDeclsBinders.
+* However for a GADT constr declaration which is not a record, it can
+ be hard parse until we know operator fixities. Consider for example
+ C :: a :*: b -> a :*: b -> a :+: b
+ Initially this type will parse as
+ a :*: (b -> (a :*: (b -> (a :+: b))))
+ so it's hard to split up the arguments until we've done the precedence
+ resolution (in the renamer).
+ So: - In the parser (RdrHsSyn.mkGadtDecl), we put the whole constr
+ type into the res_ty for a ConDeclGADT for now, and use
+ PrefixCon []
+ con_args = PrefixCon []
+ con_res_ty = a :*: (b -> (a :*: (b -> (a :+: b))))
+ - In the renamer (RnSource.rnConDecl), we unravel it afer
+ operator fixities are sorted. So we generate. So we end
+ up with
+ con_args = PrefixCon [ a :*: b, a :*: b ]
+ con_res_ty = a :+: b
+-- | Haskell data Constructor Declaration Details
+type HsConDeclDetails pass
+ = HsConDetails (LBangType pass) (Located [LConDeclField pass])
+getConNames :: ConDecl (GhcPass p) -> [Located (IdP (GhcPass p))]
+getConNames ConDeclH98 {con_name = name} = [name]
+getConNames ConDeclGADT {con_names = names} = names
+getConNames (XConDecl nec) = noExtCon nec
+getConArgs :: ConDecl pass -> HsConDeclDetails pass
+getConArgs d = con_args d
+hsConDeclArgTys :: HsConDeclDetails pass -> [LBangType pass]
+hsConDeclArgTys (PrefixCon tys) = tys
+hsConDeclArgTys (InfixCon ty1 ty2) = [ty1,ty2]
+hsConDeclArgTys (RecCon flds) = map (cd_fld_type . unLoc) (unLoc flds)
+hsConDeclTheta :: Maybe (LHsContext pass) -> [LHsType pass]
+hsConDeclTheta Nothing = []
+hsConDeclTheta (Just (L _ theta)) = theta
+pp_data_defn :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => (LHsContext (GhcPass p) -> SDoc) -- Printing the header
+ -> HsDataDefn (GhcPass p)
+ -> SDoc
+pp_data_defn pp_hdr (HsDataDefn { dd_ND = new_or_data, dd_ctxt = context
+ , dd_cType = mb_ct
+ , dd_kindSig = mb_sig
+ , dd_cons = condecls, dd_derivs = derivings })
+ | null condecls
+ = ppr new_or_data <+> pp_ct <+> pp_hdr context <+> pp_sig
+ <+> pp_derivings derivings
+ | otherwise
+ = hang (ppr new_or_data <+> pp_ct <+> pp_hdr context <+> pp_sig)
+ 2 (pp_condecls condecls $$ pp_derivings derivings)
+ where
+ pp_ct = case mb_ct of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just ct -> ppr ct
+ pp_sig = case mb_sig of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just kind -> dcolon <+> ppr kind
+ pp_derivings (L _ ds) = vcat (map ppr ds)
+pp_data_defn _ (XHsDataDefn x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (HsDataDefn p) where
+ ppr d = pp_data_defn (\_ -> text "Naked HsDataDefn") d
+instance Outputable NewOrData where
+ ppr NewType = text "newtype"
+ ppr DataType = text "data"
+pp_condecls :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => [LConDecl (GhcPass p)] -> SDoc
+pp_condecls cs@(L _ ConDeclGADT{} : _) -- In GADT syntax
+ = hang (text "where") 2 (vcat (map ppr cs))
+pp_condecls cs -- In H98 syntax
+ = equals <+> sep (punctuate (text " |") (map ppr cs))
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (ConDecl p) where
+ ppr = pprConDecl
+pprConDecl :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => ConDecl (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprConDecl (ConDeclH98 { con_name = L _ con
+ , con_ex_tvs = ex_tvs
+ , con_mb_cxt = mcxt
+ , con_args = args
+ , con_doc = doc })
+ = sep [ppr_mbDoc doc, pprHsForAll ForallInvis ex_tvs cxt, ppr_details args]
+ where
+ ppr_details (InfixCon t1 t2) = hsep [ppr t1, pprInfixOcc con, ppr t2]
+ ppr_details (PrefixCon tys) = hsep (pprPrefixOcc con
+ : map (pprHsType . unLoc) tys)
+ ppr_details (RecCon fields) = pprPrefixOcc con
+ <+> pprConDeclFields (unLoc fields)
+ cxt = fromMaybe noLHsContext mcxt
+pprConDecl (ConDeclGADT { con_names = cons, con_qvars = qvars
+ , con_mb_cxt = mcxt, con_args = args
+ , con_res_ty = res_ty, con_doc = doc })
+ = ppr_mbDoc doc <+> ppr_con_names cons <+> dcolon
+ <+> (sep [pprHsForAll ForallInvis (hsq_explicit qvars) cxt,
+ ppr_arrow_chain (get_args args ++ [ppr res_ty]) ])
+ where
+ get_args (PrefixCon args) = map ppr args
+ get_args (RecCon fields) = [pprConDeclFields (unLoc fields)]
+ get_args (InfixCon {}) = pprPanic "pprConDecl:GADT" (ppr cons)
+ cxt = fromMaybe noLHsContext mcxt
+ ppr_arrow_chain (a:as) = sep (a : map (arrow <+>) as)
+ ppr_arrow_chain [] = empty
+pprConDecl (XConDecl x) = ppr x
+ppr_con_names :: (OutputableBndr a) => [Located a] -> SDoc
+ppr_con_names = pprWithCommas (pprPrefixOcc . unLoc)
+* *
+ Instance declarations
+* *
+Note [Type family instance declarations in HsSyn]
+The data type FamEqn represents one equation of a type family instance.
+Aside from the pass, it is also parameterised over another field, feqn_rhs.
+feqn_rhs is either an HsDataDefn (for data family instances) or an LHsType
+(for type family instances).
+Type family instances also include associated type family default equations.
+That is because a default for a type family looks like this:
+ class C a where
+ type family F a b :: Type
+ type F c d = (c,d) -- Default instance
+The default declaration is really just a `type instance` declaration, but one
+with particularly simple patterns: they must all be distinct type variables.
+That's because we will instantiate it (in an instance declaration for `C`) if
+we don't give an explicit instance for `F`. Note that the names of the
+variables don't need to match those of the class: it really is like a
+free-standing `type instance` declaration.
+----------------- Type synonym family instances -------------
+-- | Located Type Family Instance Equation
+type LTyFamInstEqn pass = Located (TyFamInstEqn pass)
+ -- ^ May have 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi'
+ -- when in a list
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | Haskell Type Patterns
+type HsTyPats pass = [LHsTypeArg pass]
+{- Note [Family instance declaration binders]
+The feqn_pats field of FamEqn (family instance equation) stores the LHS type
+(and kind) patterns. Any type (and kind) variables contained
+in these type patterns are bound in the hsib_vars field of the HsImplicitBndrs
+in FamInstEqn depending on whether or not an explicit forall is present. In
+the case of an explicit forall, the hsib_vars only includes kind variables not
+bound in the forall. Otherwise, all type (and kind) variables are bound in
+the hsib_vars. In the latter case, note that in particular
+* The hsib_vars *includes* any anonymous wildcards. For example
+ type instance F a _ = a
+ The hsib_vars will be {a, _}. Remember that each separate wildcard
+ '_' gets its own unique. In this context wildcards behave just like
+ an ordinary type variable, only anonymous.
+* The hsib_vars *includes* type variables that are already in scope
+ Eg class C s t where
+ type F t p :: *
+ instance C w (a,b) where
+ type F (a,b) x = x->a
+ The hsib_vars of the F decl are {a,b,x}, even though the F decl
+ is nested inside the 'instance' decl.
+ However after the renamer, the uniques will match up:
+ instance C w7 (a8,b9) where
+ type F (a8,b9) x10 = x10->a8
+ so that we can compare the type pattern in the 'instance' decl and
+ in the associated 'type' decl
+c.f. Note [TyVar binders for associated decls]
+-- | Type Family Instance Equation
+type TyFamInstEqn pass = FamInstEqn pass (LHsType pass)
+-- | Type family default declarations.
+-- A convenient synonym for 'TyFamInstDecl'.
+-- See @Note [Type family instance declarations in HsSyn]@.
+type TyFamDefltDecl = TyFamInstDecl
+-- | Located type family default declarations.
+type LTyFamDefltDecl pass = Located (TyFamDefltDecl pass)
+-- | Located Type Family Instance Declaration
+type LTyFamInstDecl pass = Located (TyFamInstDecl pass)
+-- | Type Family Instance Declaration
+newtype TyFamInstDecl pass = TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn :: TyFamInstEqn pass }
+ -- ^
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnInstance',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+----------------- Data family instances -------------
+-- | Located Data Family Instance Declaration
+type LDataFamInstDecl pass = Located (DataFamInstDecl pass)
+-- | Data Family Instance Declaration
+newtype DataFamInstDecl pass
+ = DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn :: FamInstEqn pass (HsDataDefn pass) }
+ -- ^
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnData',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnNewType','ApiAnnotation.AnnInstance',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon'
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere','ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+----------------- Family instances (common types) -------------
+-- | Located Family Instance Equation
+type LFamInstEqn pass rhs = Located (FamInstEqn pass rhs)
+-- | Family Instance Equation
+type FamInstEqn pass rhs = HsImplicitBndrs pass (FamEqn pass rhs)
+ -- ^ Here, the @pats@ are type patterns (with kind and type bndrs).
+ -- See Note [Family instance declaration binders]
+-- | Family Equation
+-- One equation in a type family instance declaration, data family instance
+-- declaration, or type family default.
+-- See Note [Type family instance declarations in HsSyn]
+-- See Note [Family instance declaration binders]
+data FamEqn pass rhs
+ = FamEqn
+ { feqn_ext :: XCFamEqn pass rhs
+ , feqn_tycon :: Located (IdP pass)
+ , feqn_bndrs :: Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr pass] -- ^ Optional quantified type vars
+ , feqn_pats :: HsTyPats pass
+ , feqn_fixity :: LexicalFixity -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
+ , feqn_rhs :: rhs
+ }
+ -- ^
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual'
+ | XFamEqn (XXFamEqn pass rhs)
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+type instance XCFamEqn (GhcPass _) r = NoExtField
+type instance XXFamEqn (GhcPass _) r = NoExtCon
+----------------- Class instances -------------
+-- | Located Class Instance Declaration
+type LClsInstDecl pass = Located (ClsInstDecl pass)
+-- | Class Instance Declaration
+data ClsInstDecl pass
+ = ClsInstDecl
+ { cid_ext :: XCClsInstDecl pass
+ , cid_poly_ty :: LHsSigType pass -- Context => Class Instance-type
+ -- Using a polytype means that the renamer conveniently
+ -- figures out the quantified type variables for us.
+ , cid_binds :: LHsBinds pass -- Class methods
+ , cid_sigs :: [LSig pass] -- User-supplied pragmatic info
+ , cid_tyfam_insts :: [LTyFamInstDecl pass] -- Type family instances
+ , cid_datafam_insts :: [LDataFamInstDecl pass] -- Data family instances
+ , cid_overlap_mode :: Maybe (Located OverlapMode)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ }
+ -- ^
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnInstance',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | XClsInstDecl (XXClsInstDecl pass)
+type instance XCClsInstDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXClsInstDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+----------------- Instances of all kinds -------------
+-- | Located Instance Declaration
+type LInstDecl pass = Located (InstDecl pass)
+-- | Instance Declaration
+data InstDecl pass -- Both class and family instances
+ = ClsInstD
+ { cid_d_ext :: XClsInstD pass
+ , cid_inst :: ClsInstDecl pass }
+ | DataFamInstD -- data family instance
+ { dfid_ext :: XDataFamInstD pass
+ , dfid_inst :: DataFamInstDecl pass }
+ | TyFamInstD -- type family instance
+ { tfid_ext :: XTyFamInstD pass
+ , tfid_inst :: TyFamInstDecl pass }
+ | XInstDecl (XXInstDecl pass)
+type instance XClsInstD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XDataFamInstD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XTyFamInstD (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXInstDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (TyFamInstDecl p) where
+ ppr = pprTyFamInstDecl TopLevel
+pprTyFamInstDecl :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => TopLevelFlag -> TyFamInstDecl (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprTyFamInstDecl top_lvl (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn })
+ = text "type" <+> ppr_instance_keyword top_lvl <+> ppr_fam_inst_eqn eqn
+ppr_instance_keyword :: TopLevelFlag -> SDoc
+ppr_instance_keyword TopLevel = text "instance"
+ppr_instance_keyword NotTopLevel = empty
+pprTyFamDefltDecl :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => TyFamDefltDecl (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprTyFamDefltDecl = pprTyFamInstDecl NotTopLevel
+ppr_fam_inst_eqn :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => TyFamInstEqn (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+ppr_fam_inst_eqn (HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ tycon
+ , feqn_bndrs = bndrs
+ , feqn_pats = pats
+ , feqn_fixity = fixity
+ , feqn_rhs = rhs }})
+ = pprHsFamInstLHS tycon bndrs pats fixity noLHsContext <+> equals <+> ppr rhs
+ppr_fam_inst_eqn (HsIB { hsib_body = XFamEqn x }) = ppr x
+ppr_fam_inst_eqn (XHsImplicitBndrs x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (DataFamInstDecl p) where
+ ppr = pprDataFamInstDecl TopLevel
+pprDataFamInstDecl :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => TopLevelFlag -> DataFamInstDecl (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprDataFamInstDecl top_lvl (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body =
+ FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ tycon
+ , feqn_bndrs = bndrs
+ , feqn_pats = pats
+ , feqn_fixity = fixity
+ , feqn_rhs = defn }}})
+ = pp_data_defn pp_hdr defn
+ where
+ pp_hdr ctxt = ppr_instance_keyword top_lvl
+ <+> pprHsFamInstLHS tycon bndrs pats fixity ctxt
+ -- pp_data_defn pretty-prints the kind sig. See #14817.
+pprDataFamInstDecl _ (DataFamInstDecl (HsIB _ (XFamEqn x)))
+ = ppr x
+pprDataFamInstDecl _ (DataFamInstDecl (XHsImplicitBndrs x))
+ = ppr x
+pprDataFamInstFlavour :: DataFamInstDecl (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprDataFamInstFlavour (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body =
+ FamEqn { feqn_rhs = HsDataDefn { dd_ND = nd }}}})
+ = ppr nd
+pprDataFamInstFlavour (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body =
+ FamEqn { feqn_rhs = XHsDataDefn x}}})
+ = ppr x
+pprDataFamInstFlavour (DataFamInstDecl (HsIB _ (XFamEqn x)))
+ = ppr x
+pprDataFamInstFlavour (DataFamInstDecl (XHsImplicitBndrs x))
+ = ppr x
+pprHsFamInstLHS :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => IdP (GhcPass p)
+ -> Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p)]
+ -> HsTyPats (GhcPass p)
+ -> LexicalFixity
+ -> LHsContext (GhcPass p)
+ -> SDoc
+pprHsFamInstLHS thing bndrs typats fixity mb_ctxt
+ = hsep [ pprHsExplicitForAll ForallInvis bndrs
+ , pprLHsContext mb_ctxt
+ , pp_pats typats ]
+ where
+ pp_pats (patl:patr:pats)
+ | Infix <- fixity
+ = let pp_op_app = hsep [ ppr patl, pprInfixOcc thing, ppr patr ] in
+ case pats of
+ [] -> pp_op_app
+ _ -> hsep (parens pp_op_app : map ppr pats)
+ pp_pats pats = hsep [ pprPrefixOcc thing
+ , hsep (map ppr pats)]
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (ClsInstDecl p) where
+ ppr (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = inst_ty, cid_binds = binds
+ , cid_sigs = sigs, cid_tyfam_insts = ats
+ , cid_overlap_mode = mbOverlap
+ , cid_datafam_insts = adts })
+ | null sigs, null ats, null adts, isEmptyBag binds -- No "where" part
+ = top_matter
+ | otherwise -- Laid out
+ = vcat [ top_matter <+> text "where"
+ , nest 2 $ pprDeclList $
+ map (pprTyFamInstDecl NotTopLevel . unLoc) ats ++
+ map (pprDataFamInstDecl NotTopLevel . unLoc) adts ++
+ pprLHsBindsForUser binds sigs ]
+ where
+ top_matter = text "instance" <+> ppOverlapPragma mbOverlap
+ <+> ppr inst_ty
+ ppr (XClsInstDecl x) = ppr x
+ppDerivStrategy :: (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Maybe (LDerivStrategy p) -> SDoc
+ppDerivStrategy mb =
+ case mb of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just (L _ ds) -> ppr ds
+ppOverlapPragma :: Maybe (Located OverlapMode) -> SDoc
+ppOverlapPragma mb =
+ case mb of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just (L _ (NoOverlap s)) -> maybe_stext s "{-# NO_OVERLAP #-}"
+ Just (L _ (Overlappable s)) -> maybe_stext s "{-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}"
+ Just (L _ (Overlapping s)) -> maybe_stext s "{-# OVERLAPPING #-}"
+ Just (L _ (Overlaps s)) -> maybe_stext s "{-# OVERLAPS #-}"
+ Just (L _ (Incoherent s)) -> maybe_stext s "{-# INCOHERENT #-}"
+ where
+ maybe_stext NoSourceText alt = text alt
+ maybe_stext (SourceText src) _ = text src <+> text "#-}"
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (InstDecl p) where
+ ppr (ClsInstD { cid_inst = decl }) = ppr decl
+ ppr (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = decl }) = ppr decl
+ ppr (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = decl }) = ppr decl
+ ppr (XInstDecl x) = ppr x
+-- Extract the declarations of associated data types from an instance
+instDeclDataFamInsts :: [LInstDecl (GhcPass p)] -> [DataFamInstDecl (GhcPass p)]
+instDeclDataFamInsts inst_decls
+ = concatMap do_one inst_decls
+ where
+ do_one (L _ (ClsInstD { cid_inst = ClsInstDecl { cid_datafam_insts = fam_insts } }))
+ = map unLoc fam_insts
+ do_one (L _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = fam_inst })) = [fam_inst]
+ do_one (L _ (TyFamInstD {})) = []
+ do_one (L _ (ClsInstD _ (XClsInstDecl nec))) = noExtCon nec
+ do_one (L _ (XInstDecl nec)) = noExtCon nec
+* *
+\subsection[DerivDecl]{A stand-alone instance deriving declaration}
+* *
+-- | Located stand-alone 'deriving instance' declaration
+type LDerivDecl pass = Located (DerivDecl pass)
+-- | Stand-alone 'deriving instance' declaration
+data DerivDecl pass = DerivDecl
+ { deriv_ext :: XCDerivDecl pass
+ , deriv_type :: LHsSigWcType pass
+ -- ^ The instance type to derive.
+ --
+ -- It uses an 'LHsSigWcType' because the context is allowed to be a
+ -- single wildcard:
+ --
+ -- > deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo a)
+ --
+ -- Which signifies that the context should be inferred.
+ -- See Note [Inferring the instance context] in TcDerivInfer.
+ , deriv_strategy :: Maybe (LDerivStrategy pass)
+ , deriv_overlap_mode :: Maybe (Located OverlapMode)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDeriving',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnInstance', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnStock',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnAnyClass', 'Api.AnnNewtype',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ }
+ | XDerivDecl (XXDerivDecl pass)
+type instance XCDerivDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXDerivDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (DerivDecl p) where
+ ppr (DerivDecl { deriv_type = ty
+ , deriv_strategy = ds
+ , deriv_overlap_mode = o })
+ = hsep [ text "deriving"
+ , ppDerivStrategy ds
+ , text "instance"
+ , ppOverlapPragma o
+ , ppr ty ]
+ ppr (XDerivDecl x) = ppr x
+* *
+ Deriving strategies
+* *
+-- | A 'Located' 'DerivStrategy'.
+type LDerivStrategy pass = Located (DerivStrategy pass)
+-- | Which technique the user explicitly requested when deriving an instance.
+data DerivStrategy pass
+ -- See Note [Deriving strategies] in TcDeriv
+ = StockStrategy -- ^ GHC's \"standard\" strategy, which is to implement a
+ -- custom instance for the data type. This only works
+ -- for certain types that GHC knows about (e.g., 'Eq',
+ -- 'Show', 'Functor' when @-XDeriveFunctor@ is enabled,
+ -- etc.)
+ | AnyclassStrategy -- ^ @-XDeriveAnyClass@
+ | NewtypeStrategy -- ^ @-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving@
+ | ViaStrategy (XViaStrategy pass)
+ -- ^ @-XDerivingVia@
+type instance XViaStrategy GhcPs = LHsSigType GhcPs
+type instance XViaStrategy GhcRn = LHsSigType GhcRn
+type instance XViaStrategy GhcTc = Type
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (DerivStrategy p) where
+ ppr StockStrategy = text "stock"
+ ppr AnyclassStrategy = text "anyclass"
+ ppr NewtypeStrategy = text "newtype"
+ ppr (ViaStrategy ty) = text "via" <+> ppr ty
+-- | A short description of a @DerivStrategy'@.
+derivStrategyName :: DerivStrategy a -> SDoc
+derivStrategyName = text . go
+ where
+ go StockStrategy = "stock"
+ go AnyclassStrategy = "anyclass"
+ go NewtypeStrategy = "newtype"
+ go (ViaStrategy {}) = "via"
+-- | Eliminate a 'DerivStrategy'.
+foldDerivStrategy :: (p ~ GhcPass pass)
+ => r -> (XViaStrategy p -> r) -> DerivStrategy p -> r
+foldDerivStrategy other _ StockStrategy = other
+foldDerivStrategy other _ AnyclassStrategy = other
+foldDerivStrategy other _ NewtypeStrategy = other
+foldDerivStrategy _ via (ViaStrategy t) = via t
+-- | Map over the @via@ type if dealing with 'ViaStrategy'. Otherwise,
+-- return the 'DerivStrategy' unchanged.
+mapDerivStrategy :: (p ~ GhcPass pass)
+ => (XViaStrategy p -> XViaStrategy p)
+ -> DerivStrategy p -> DerivStrategy p
+mapDerivStrategy f ds = foldDerivStrategy ds (ViaStrategy . f) ds
+* *
+\subsection[DefaultDecl]{A @default@ declaration}
+* *
+There can only be one default declaration per module, but it is hard
+for the parser to check that; we pass them all through in the abstract
+syntax, and that restriction must be checked in the front end.
+-- | Located Default Declaration
+type LDefaultDecl pass = Located (DefaultDecl pass)
+-- | Default Declaration
+data DefaultDecl pass
+ = DefaultDecl (XCDefaultDecl pass) [LHsType pass]
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDefault',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | XDefaultDecl (XXDefaultDecl pass)
+type instance XCDefaultDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXDefaultDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (DefaultDecl p) where
+ ppr (DefaultDecl _ tys)
+ = text "default" <+> parens (interpp'SP tys)
+ ppr (XDefaultDecl x) = ppr x
+* *
+\subsection{Foreign function interface declaration}
+* *
+-- foreign declarations are distinguished as to whether they define or use a
+-- Haskell name
+-- * the Boolean value indicates whether the pre-standard deprecated syntax
+-- has been used
+-- | Located Foreign Declaration
+type LForeignDecl pass = Located (ForeignDecl pass)
+-- | Foreign Declaration
+data ForeignDecl pass
+ = ForeignImport
+ { fd_i_ext :: XForeignImport pass -- Post typechecker, rep_ty ~ sig_ty
+ , fd_name :: Located (IdP pass) -- defines this name
+ , fd_sig_ty :: LHsSigType pass -- sig_ty
+ , fd_fi :: ForeignImport }
+ | ForeignExport
+ { fd_e_ext :: XForeignExport pass -- Post typechecker, rep_ty ~ sig_ty
+ , fd_name :: Located (IdP pass) -- uses this name
+ , fd_sig_ty :: LHsSigType pass -- sig_ty
+ , fd_fe :: ForeignExport }
+ -- ^
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnForeign',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnImport','ApiAnnotation.AnnExport',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | XForeignDecl (XXForeignDecl pass)
+ In both ForeignImport and ForeignExport:
+ sig_ty is the type given in the Haskell code
+ rep_ty is the representation for this type, i.e. with newtypes
+ coerced away and type functions evaluated.
+ Thus if the declaration is valid, then rep_ty will only use types
+ such as Int and IO that we know how to make foreign calls with.
+type instance XForeignImport GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XForeignImport GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XForeignImport GhcTc = Coercion
+type instance XForeignExport GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XForeignExport GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XForeignExport GhcTc = Coercion
+type instance XXForeignDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- Specification Of an imported external entity in dependence on the calling
+-- convention
+data ForeignImport = -- import of a C entity
+ --
+ -- * the two strings specifying a header file or library
+ -- may be empty, which indicates the absence of a
+ -- header or object specification (both are not used
+ -- in the case of `CWrapper' and when `CFunction'
+ -- has a dynamic target)
+ --
+ -- * the calling convention is irrelevant for code
+ -- generation in the case of `CLabel', but is needed
+ -- for pretty printing
+ --
+ -- * `Safety' is irrelevant for `CLabel' and `CWrapper'
+ --
+ CImport (Located CCallConv) -- ccall or stdcall
+ (Located Safety) -- interruptible, safe or unsafe
+ (Maybe Header) -- name of C header
+ CImportSpec -- details of the C entity
+ (Located SourceText) -- original source text for
+ -- the C entity
+ deriving Data
+-- details of an external C entity
+data CImportSpec = CLabel CLabelString -- import address of a C label
+ | CFunction CCallTarget -- static or dynamic function
+ | CWrapper -- wrapper to expose closures
+ -- (former f.e.d.)
+ deriving Data
+-- specification of an externally exported entity in dependence on the calling
+-- convention
+data ForeignExport = CExport (Located CExportSpec) -- contains the calling
+ -- convention
+ (Located SourceText) -- original source text for
+ -- the C entity
+ deriving Data
+-- pretty printing of foreign declarations
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (ForeignDecl p) where
+ ppr (ForeignImport { fd_name = n, fd_sig_ty = ty, fd_fi = fimport })
+ = hang (text "foreign import" <+> ppr fimport <+> ppr n)
+ 2 (dcolon <+> ppr ty)
+ ppr (ForeignExport { fd_name = n, fd_sig_ty = ty, fd_fe = fexport }) =
+ hang (text "foreign export" <+> ppr fexport <+> ppr n)
+ 2 (dcolon <+> ppr ty)
+ ppr (XForeignDecl x) = ppr x
+instance Outputable ForeignImport where
+ ppr (CImport cconv safety mHeader spec (L _ srcText)) =
+ ppr cconv <+> ppr safety
+ <+> pprWithSourceText srcText (pprCEntity spec "")
+ where
+ pp_hdr = case mHeader of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just (Header _ header) -> ftext header
+ pprCEntity (CLabel lbl) _ =
+ doubleQuotes $ text "static" <+> pp_hdr <+> char '&' <> ppr lbl
+ pprCEntity (CFunction (StaticTarget st _lbl _ isFun)) src =
+ if dqNeeded then doubleQuotes ce else empty
+ where
+ dqNeeded = (take 6 src == "static")
+ || isJust mHeader
+ || not isFun
+ || st /= NoSourceText
+ ce =
+ -- We may need to drop leading spaces first
+ (if take 6 src == "static" then text "static" else empty)
+ <+> pp_hdr
+ <+> (if isFun then empty else text "value")
+ <+> (pprWithSourceText st empty)
+ pprCEntity (CFunction DynamicTarget) _ =
+ doubleQuotes $ text "dynamic"
+ pprCEntity CWrapper _ = doubleQuotes $ text "wrapper"
+instance Outputable ForeignExport where
+ ppr (CExport (L _ (CExportStatic _ lbl cconv)) _) =
+ ppr cconv <+> char '"' <> ppr lbl <> char '"'
+* *
+\subsection{Transformation rules}
+* *
+-- | Located Rule Declarations
+type LRuleDecls pass = Located (RuleDecls pass)
+ -- Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+-- | Rule Declarations
+data RuleDecls pass = HsRules { rds_ext :: XCRuleDecls pass
+ , rds_src :: SourceText
+ , rds_rules :: [LRuleDecl pass] }
+ | XRuleDecls (XXRuleDecls pass)
+type instance XCRuleDecls (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXRuleDecls (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- | Located Rule Declaration
+type LRuleDecl pass = Located (RuleDecl pass)
+-- | Rule Declaration
+data RuleDecl pass
+ = HsRule -- Source rule
+ { rd_ext :: XHsRule pass
+ -- ^ After renamer, free-vars from the LHS and RHS
+ , rd_name :: Located (SourceText,RuleName)
+ -- ^ Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ , rd_act :: Activation
+ , rd_tyvs :: Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr (NoGhcTc pass)]
+ -- ^ Forall'd type vars
+ , rd_tmvs :: [LRuleBndr pass]
+ -- ^ Forall'd term vars, before typechecking; after typechecking
+ -- this includes all forall'd vars
+ , rd_lhs :: Located (HsExpr pass)
+ , rd_rhs :: Located (HsExpr pass)
+ }
+ -- ^
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnTilde',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVal',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnForall','ApiAnnotation.AnnDot',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual',
+ | XRuleDecl (XXRuleDecl pass)
+data HsRuleRn = HsRuleRn NameSet NameSet -- Free-vars from the LHS and RHS
+ deriving Data
+type instance XHsRule GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XHsRule GhcRn = HsRuleRn
+type instance XHsRule GhcTc = HsRuleRn
+type instance XXRuleDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+flattenRuleDecls :: [LRuleDecls pass] -> [LRuleDecl pass]
+flattenRuleDecls decls = concatMap (rds_rules . unLoc) decls
+-- | Located Rule Binder
+type LRuleBndr pass = Located (RuleBndr pass)
+-- | Rule Binder
+data RuleBndr pass
+ = RuleBndr (XCRuleBndr pass) (Located (IdP pass))
+ | RuleBndrSig (XRuleBndrSig pass) (Located (IdP pass)) (LHsSigWcType pass)
+ | XRuleBndr (XXRuleBndr pass)
+ -- ^
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+type instance XCRuleBndr (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XRuleBndrSig (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXRuleBndr (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+collectRuleBndrSigTys :: [RuleBndr pass] -> [LHsSigWcType pass]
+collectRuleBndrSigTys bndrs = [ty | RuleBndrSig _ _ ty <- bndrs]
+pprFullRuleName :: Located (SourceText, RuleName) -> SDoc
+pprFullRuleName (L _ (st, n)) = pprWithSourceText st (doubleQuotes $ ftext n)
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (RuleDecls p) where
+ ppr (HsRules { rds_src = st
+ , rds_rules = rules })
+ = pprWithSourceText st (text "{-# RULES")
+ <+> vcat (punctuate semi (map ppr rules)) <+> text "#-}"
+ ppr (XRuleDecls x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (RuleDecl p) where
+ ppr (HsRule { rd_name = name
+ , rd_act = act
+ , rd_tyvs = tys
+ , rd_tmvs = tms
+ , rd_lhs = lhs
+ , rd_rhs = rhs })
+ = sep [pprFullRuleName name <+> ppr act,
+ nest 4 (pp_forall_ty tys <+> pp_forall_tm tys
+ <+> pprExpr (unLoc lhs)),
+ nest 6 (equals <+> pprExpr (unLoc rhs)) ]
+ where
+ pp_forall_ty Nothing = empty
+ pp_forall_ty (Just qtvs) = forAllLit <+> fsep (map ppr qtvs) <> dot
+ pp_forall_tm Nothing | null tms = empty
+ pp_forall_tm _ = forAllLit <+> fsep (map ppr tms) <> dot
+ ppr (XRuleDecl x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (RuleBndr p) where
+ ppr (RuleBndr _ name) = ppr name
+ ppr (RuleBndrSig _ name ty) = parens (ppr name <> dcolon <> ppr ty)
+ ppr (XRuleBndr x) = ppr x
+* *
+\subsection[DocDecl]{Document comments}
+* *
+-- | Located Documentation comment Declaration
+type LDocDecl = Located (DocDecl)
+-- | Documentation comment Declaration
+data DocDecl
+ = DocCommentNext HsDocString
+ | DocCommentPrev HsDocString
+ | DocCommentNamed String HsDocString
+ | DocGroup Int HsDocString
+ deriving Data
+-- Okay, I need to reconstruct the document comments, but for now:
+instance Outputable DocDecl where
+ ppr _ = text "<document comment>"
+docDeclDoc :: DocDecl -> HsDocString
+docDeclDoc (DocCommentNext d) = d
+docDeclDoc (DocCommentPrev d) = d
+docDeclDoc (DocCommentNamed _ d) = d
+docDeclDoc (DocGroup _ d) = d
+* *
+* *
+We use exported entities for things to deprecate.
+-- | Located Warning Declarations
+type LWarnDecls pass = Located (WarnDecls pass)
+ -- Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+-- | Warning pragma Declarations
+data WarnDecls pass = Warnings { wd_ext :: XWarnings pass
+ , wd_src :: SourceText
+ , wd_warnings :: [LWarnDecl pass]
+ }
+ | XWarnDecls (XXWarnDecls pass)
+type instance XWarnings (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXWarnDecls (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- | Located Warning pragma Declaration
+type LWarnDecl pass = Located (WarnDecl pass)
+-- | Warning pragma Declaration
+data WarnDecl pass = Warning (XWarning pass) [Located (IdP pass)] WarningTxt
+ | XWarnDecl (XXWarnDecl pass)
+type instance XWarning (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXWarnDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass,OutputableBndr (IdP p))
+ => Outputable (WarnDecls p) where
+ ppr (Warnings _ (SourceText src) decls)
+ = text src <+> vcat (punctuate comma (map ppr decls)) <+> text "#-}"
+ ppr (Warnings _ NoSourceText _decls) = panic "WarnDecls"
+ ppr (XWarnDecls x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndr (IdP p))
+ => Outputable (WarnDecl p) where
+ ppr (Warning _ thing txt)
+ = hsep ( punctuate comma (map ppr thing))
+ <+> ppr txt
+ ppr (XWarnDecl x) = ppr x
+* *
+* *
+-- | Located Annotation Declaration
+type LAnnDecl pass = Located (AnnDecl pass)
+-- | Annotation Declaration
+data AnnDecl pass = HsAnnotation
+ (XHsAnnotation pass)
+ SourceText -- Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ (AnnProvenance (IdP pass)) (Located (HsExpr pass))
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType'
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnModule'
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | XAnnDecl (XXAnnDecl pass)
+type instance XHsAnnotation (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXAnnDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (AnnDecl p) where
+ ppr (HsAnnotation _ _ provenance expr)
+ = hsep [text "{-#", pprAnnProvenance provenance, pprExpr (unLoc expr), text "#-}"]
+ ppr (XAnnDecl x) = ppr x
+-- | Annotation Provenance
+data AnnProvenance name = ValueAnnProvenance (Located name)
+ | TypeAnnProvenance (Located name)
+ | ModuleAnnProvenance
+deriving instance Functor AnnProvenance
+deriving instance Foldable AnnProvenance
+deriving instance Traversable AnnProvenance
+deriving instance (Data pass) => Data (AnnProvenance pass)
+annProvenanceName_maybe :: AnnProvenance name -> Maybe name
+annProvenanceName_maybe (ValueAnnProvenance (L _ name)) = Just name
+annProvenanceName_maybe (TypeAnnProvenance (L _ name)) = Just name
+annProvenanceName_maybe ModuleAnnProvenance = Nothing
+pprAnnProvenance :: OutputableBndr name => AnnProvenance name -> SDoc
+pprAnnProvenance ModuleAnnProvenance = text "ANN module"
+pprAnnProvenance (ValueAnnProvenance (L _ name))
+ = text "ANN" <+> ppr name
+pprAnnProvenance (TypeAnnProvenance (L _ name))
+ = text "ANN type" <+> ppr name
+* *
+\subsection[RoleAnnot]{Role annotations}
+* *
+-- | Located Role Annotation Declaration
+type LRoleAnnotDecl pass = Located (RoleAnnotDecl pass)
+-- See #8185 for more info about why role annotations are
+-- top-level declarations
+-- | Role Annotation Declaration
+data RoleAnnotDecl pass
+ = RoleAnnotDecl (XCRoleAnnotDecl pass)
+ (Located (IdP pass)) -- type constructor
+ [Located (Maybe Role)] -- optional annotations
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRole'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | XRoleAnnotDecl (XXRoleAnnotDecl pass)
+type instance XCRoleAnnotDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXRoleAnnotDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndr (IdP p))
+ => Outputable (RoleAnnotDecl p) where
+ ppr (RoleAnnotDecl _ ltycon roles)
+ = text "type role" <+> pprPrefixOcc (unLoc ltycon) <+>
+ hsep (map (pp_role . unLoc) roles)
+ where
+ pp_role Nothing = underscore
+ pp_role (Just r) = ppr r
+ ppr (XRoleAnnotDecl x) = ppr x
+roleAnnotDeclName :: RoleAnnotDecl (GhcPass p) -> IdP (GhcPass p)
+roleAnnotDeclName (RoleAnnotDecl _ (L _ name) _) = name
+roleAnnotDeclName (XRoleAnnotDecl nec) = noExtCon nec
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Doc.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Doc.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18a820fa6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Doc.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module GHC.Hs.Doc
+ ( HsDocString
+ , LHsDocString
+ , mkHsDocString
+ , mkHsDocStringUtf8ByteString
+ , unpackHDS
+ , hsDocStringToByteString
+ , ppr_mbDoc
+ , appendDocs
+ , concatDocs
+ , DeclDocMap(..)
+ , emptyDeclDocMap
+ , ArgDocMap(..)
+ , emptyArgDocMap
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import Binary
+import Encoding
+import FastFunctions
+import Name
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
+import Data.Data
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe
+import Foreign
+-- | Haskell Documentation String
+-- Internally this is a UTF8-Encoded 'ByteString'.
+newtype HsDocString = HsDocString ByteString
+ -- There are at least two plausible Semigroup instances for this type:
+ --
+ -- 1. Simple string concatenation.
+ -- 2. Concatenation as documentation paragraphs with newlines in between.
+ --
+ -- To avoid confusion, we pass on defining an instance at all.
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
+-- | Located Haskell Documentation String
+type LHsDocString = Located HsDocString
+instance Binary HsDocString where
+ put_ bh (HsDocString bs) = put_ bh bs
+ get bh = HsDocString <$> get bh
+instance Outputable HsDocString where
+ ppr = doubleQuotes . text . unpackHDS
+mkHsDocString :: String -> HsDocString
+mkHsDocString s =
+ inlinePerformIO $ do
+ let len = utf8EncodedLength s
+ buf <- mallocForeignPtrBytes len
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> do
+ utf8EncodeString ptr s
+ pure (HsDocString (BS.fromForeignPtr buf 0 len))
+-- | Create a 'HsDocString' from a UTF8-encoded 'ByteString'.
+mkHsDocStringUtf8ByteString :: ByteString -> HsDocString
+mkHsDocStringUtf8ByteString = HsDocString
+unpackHDS :: HsDocString -> String
+unpackHDS = utf8DecodeByteString . hsDocStringToByteString
+-- | Return the contents of a 'HsDocString' as a UTF8-encoded 'ByteString'.
+hsDocStringToByteString :: HsDocString -> ByteString
+hsDocStringToByteString (HsDocString bs) = bs
+ppr_mbDoc :: Maybe LHsDocString -> SDoc
+ppr_mbDoc (Just doc) = ppr doc
+ppr_mbDoc Nothing = empty
+-- | Join two docstrings.
+-- Non-empty docstrings are joined with two newlines in between,
+-- resulting in separate paragraphs.
+appendDocs :: HsDocString -> HsDocString -> HsDocString
+appendDocs x y =
+ fromMaybe
+ (HsDocString BS.empty)
+ (concatDocs [x, y])
+-- | Concat docstrings with two newlines in between.
+-- Empty docstrings are skipped.
+-- If all inputs are empty, 'Nothing' is returned.
+concatDocs :: [HsDocString] -> Maybe HsDocString
+concatDocs xs =
+ if BS.null b
+ then Nothing
+ else Just (HsDocString b)
+ where
+ b = BS.intercalate (C8.pack "\n\n")
+ . filter (not . BS.null)
+ . map hsDocStringToByteString
+ $ xs
+-- | Docs for declarations: functions, data types, instances, methods etc.
+newtype DeclDocMap = DeclDocMap (Map Name HsDocString)
+instance Binary DeclDocMap where
+ put_ bh (DeclDocMap m) = put_ bh (Map.toList m)
+ -- We can't rely on a deterministic ordering of the `Name`s here.
+ -- See the comments on `Name`'s `Ord` instance for context.
+ get bh = DeclDocMap . Map.fromList <$> get bh
+instance Outputable DeclDocMap where
+ ppr (DeclDocMap m) = vcat (map pprPair (Map.toAscList m))
+ where
+ pprPair (name, doc) = ppr name Outputable.<> colon $$ nest 2 (ppr doc)
+emptyDeclDocMap :: DeclDocMap
+emptyDeclDocMap = DeclDocMap Map.empty
+-- | Docs for arguments. E.g. function arguments, method arguments.
+newtype ArgDocMap = ArgDocMap (Map Name (Map Int HsDocString))
+instance Binary ArgDocMap where
+ put_ bh (ArgDocMap m) = put_ bh (Map.toList (Map.toAscList <$> m))
+ -- We can't rely on a deterministic ordering of the `Name`s here.
+ -- See the comments on `Name`'s `Ord` instance for context.
+ get bh = ArgDocMap . fmap Map.fromDistinctAscList . Map.fromList <$> get bh
+instance Outputable ArgDocMap where
+ ppr (ArgDocMap m) = vcat (map pprPair (Map.toAscList m))
+ where
+ pprPair (name, int_map) =
+ ppr name Outputable.<> colon $$ nest 2 (pprIntMap int_map)
+ pprIntMap im = vcat (map pprIPair (Map.toAscList im))
+ pprIPair (i, doc) = ppr i Outputable.<> colon $$ nest 2 (ppr doc)
+emptyArgDocMap :: ArgDocMap
+emptyArgDocMap = ArgDocMap Map.empty
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Dump.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Dump.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bdfc8668e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Dump.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+-- | Contains a debug function to dump parts of the GHC.Hs AST. It uses a syb
+-- traversal which falls back to displaying based on the constructor name, so
+-- can be used to dump anything having a @Data.Data@ instance.
+module GHC.Hs.Dump (
+ -- * Dumping ASTs
+ showAstData,
+ BlankSrcSpan(..),
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Data.Data hiding (Fixity)
+import Bag
+import BasicTypes
+import FastString
+import NameSet
+import Name
+import DataCon
+import SrcLoc
+import GHC.Hs
+import OccName hiding (occName)
+import Var
+import Module
+import Outputable
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+data BlankSrcSpan = BlankSrcSpan | NoBlankSrcSpan
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Show a GHC syntax tree. This parameterised because it is also used for
+-- comparing ASTs in ppr roundtripping tests, where the SrcSpan's are blanked
+-- out, to avoid comparing locations, only structure
+showAstData :: Data a => BlankSrcSpan -> a -> SDoc
+showAstData b a0 = blankLine $$ showAstData' a0
+ where
+ showAstData' :: Data a => a -> SDoc
+ showAstData' =
+ generic
+ `ext1Q` list
+ `extQ` string `extQ` fastString `extQ` srcSpan
+ `extQ` lit `extQ` litr `extQ` litt
+ `extQ` bytestring
+ `extQ` name `extQ` occName `extQ` moduleName `extQ` var
+ `extQ` dataCon
+ `extQ` bagName `extQ` bagRdrName `extQ` bagVar `extQ` nameSet
+ `extQ` fixity
+ `ext2Q` located
+ where generic :: Data a => a -> SDoc
+ generic t = parens $ text (showConstr (toConstr t))
+ $$ vcat (gmapQ showAstData' t)
+ string :: String -> SDoc
+ string = text . normalize_newlines . show
+ fastString :: FastString -> SDoc
+ fastString s = braces $
+ text "FastString: "
+ <> text (normalize_newlines . show $ s)
+ bytestring :: B.ByteString -> SDoc
+ bytestring = text . normalize_newlines . show
+ list [] = brackets empty
+ list [x] = brackets (showAstData' x)
+ list (x1 : x2 : xs) = (text "[" <> showAstData' x1)
+ $$ go x2 xs
+ where
+ go y [] = text "," <> showAstData' y <> text "]"
+ go y1 (y2 : ys) = (text "," <> showAstData' y1) $$ go y2 ys
+ -- Eliminate word-size dependence
+ lit :: HsLit GhcPs -> SDoc
+ lit (HsWordPrim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ lit (HsWord64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ lit (HsIntPrim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ lit (HsInt64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ lit l = generic l
+ litr :: HsLit GhcRn -> SDoc
+ litr (HsWordPrim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ litr (HsWord64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ litr (HsIntPrim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ litr (HsInt64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ litr l = generic l
+ litt :: HsLit GhcTc -> SDoc
+ litt (HsWordPrim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ litt (HsWord64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ litt (HsIntPrim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ litt (HsInt64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ litt l = generic l
+ numericLit :: String -> Integer -> SourceText -> SDoc
+ numericLit tag x s = braces $ hsep [ text tag
+ , generic x
+ , generic s ]
+ name :: Name -> SDoc
+ name nm = braces $ text "Name: " <> ppr nm
+ occName n = braces $
+ text "OccName: "
+ <> text (OccName.occNameString n)
+ moduleName :: ModuleName -> SDoc
+ moduleName m = braces $ text "ModuleName: " <> ppr m
+ srcSpan :: SrcSpan -> SDoc
+ srcSpan ss = case b of
+ BlankSrcSpan -> text "{ ss }"
+ NoBlankSrcSpan -> braces $ char ' ' <>
+ (hang (ppr ss) 1
+ -- TODO: show annotations here
+ (text ""))
+ var :: Var -> SDoc
+ var v = braces $ text "Var: " <> ppr v
+ dataCon :: DataCon -> SDoc
+ dataCon c = braces $ text "DataCon: " <> ppr c
+ bagRdrName:: Bag (Located (HsBind GhcPs)) -> SDoc
+ bagRdrName bg = braces $
+ text "Bag(Located (HsBind GhcPs)):"
+ $$ (list . bagToList $ bg)
+ bagName :: Bag (Located (HsBind GhcRn)) -> SDoc
+ bagName bg = braces $
+ text "Bag(Located (HsBind Name)):"
+ $$ (list . bagToList $ bg)
+ bagVar :: Bag (Located (HsBind GhcTc)) -> SDoc
+ bagVar bg = braces $
+ text "Bag(Located (HsBind Var)):"
+ $$ (list . bagToList $ bg)
+ nameSet ns = braces $
+ text "NameSet:"
+ $$ (list . nameSetElemsStable $ ns)
+ fixity :: Fixity -> SDoc
+ fixity fx = braces $
+ text "Fixity: "
+ <> ppr fx
+ located :: (Data b,Data loc) => GenLocated loc b -> SDoc
+ located (L ss a) = parens $
+ case cast ss of
+ Just (s :: SrcSpan) ->
+ srcSpan s
+ Nothing -> text "nnnnnnnn"
+ $$ showAstData' a
+normalize_newlines :: String -> String
+normalize_newlines ('\\':'r':'\\':'n':xs) = '\\':'n':normalize_newlines xs
+normalize_newlines (x:xs) = x:normalize_newlines xs
+normalize_newlines [] = []
+* *
+* Copied from syb
+* *
+-- | The type constructor for queries
+newtype Q q x = Q { unQ :: x -> q }
+-- | Extend a generic query by a type-specific case
+extQ :: ( Typeable a
+ , Typeable b
+ )
+ => (a -> q)
+ -> (b -> q)
+ -> a
+ -> q
+extQ f g a = maybe (f a) g (cast a)
+-- | Type extension of queries for type constructors
+ext1Q :: (Data d, Typeable t)
+ => (d -> q)
+ -> (forall e. Data e => t e -> q)
+ -> d -> q
+ext1Q def ext = unQ ((Q def) `ext1` (Q ext))
+-- | Type extension of queries for type constructors
+ext2Q :: (Data d, Typeable t)
+ => (d -> q)
+ -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => t d1 d2 -> q)
+ -> d -> q
+ext2Q def ext = unQ ((Q def) `ext2` (Q ext))
+-- | Flexible type extension
+ext1 :: (Data a, Typeable t)
+ => c a
+ -> (forall d. Data d => c (t d))
+ -> c a
+ext1 def ext = maybe def id (dataCast1 ext)
+-- | Flexible type extension
+ext2 :: (Data a, Typeable t)
+ => c a
+ -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => c (t d1 d2))
+ -> c a
+ext2 def ext = maybe def id (dataCast2 ext)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ea1ae3f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2828 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+-- | Abstract Haskell syntax for expressions.
+module GHC.Hs.Expr where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+-- friends:
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Hs.Decls
+import GHC.Hs.Pat
+import GHC.Hs.Lit
+import GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder ( NameOrRdrName )
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import GHC.Hs.Types
+import GHC.Hs.Binds
+-- others:
+import TcEvidence
+import CoreSyn
+import DynFlags ( gopt, GeneralFlag(Opt_PrintExplicitCoercions) )
+import Name
+import NameSet
+import RdrName ( GlobalRdrEnv )
+import BasicTypes
+import ConLike
+import SrcLoc
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import Type
+import TcType (TcType)
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TcRnTypes (TcLclEnv)
+-- libraries:
+import Data.Data hiding (Fixity(..))
+import qualified Data.Data as Data (Fixity(..))
+import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
+import GHCi.RemoteTypes ( ForeignRef )
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH (Q)
+* *
+\subsection{Expressions proper}
+* *
+-- * Expressions proper
+-- | Located Haskell Expression
+type LHsExpr p = Located (HsExpr p)
+ -- ^ May have 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma' when
+ -- in a list
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | Post-Type checking Expression
+-- PostTcExpr is an evidence expression attached to the syntax tree by the
+-- type checker (c.f. postTcType).
+type PostTcExpr = HsExpr GhcTc
+-- | Post-Type checking Table
+-- We use a PostTcTable where there are a bunch of pieces of evidence, more
+-- than is convenient to keep individually.
+type PostTcTable = [(Name, PostTcExpr)]
+-- | Syntax Expression
+-- SyntaxExpr is like 'PostTcExpr', but it's filled in a little earlier,
+-- by the renamer. It's used for rebindable syntax.
+-- E.g. @(>>=)@ is filled in before the renamer by the appropriate 'Name' for
+-- @(>>=)@, and then instantiated by the type checker with its type args
+-- etc
+-- This should desugar to
+-- > syn_res_wrap $ syn_expr (syn_arg_wraps[0] arg0)
+-- > (syn_arg_wraps[1] arg1) ...
+-- where the actual arguments come from elsewhere in the AST.
+-- This could be defined using @GhcPass p@ and such, but it's
+-- harder to get it all to work out that way. ('noSyntaxExpr' is hard to
+-- write, for example.)
+data SyntaxExpr p = SyntaxExpr { syn_expr :: HsExpr p
+ , syn_arg_wraps :: [HsWrapper]
+ , syn_res_wrap :: HsWrapper }
+-- | This is used for rebindable-syntax pieces that are too polymorphic
+-- for tcSyntaxOp (trS_fmap and the mzip in ParStmt)
+noExpr :: HsExpr (GhcPass p)
+noExpr = HsLit noExtField (HsString (SourceText "noExpr") (fsLit "noExpr"))
+noSyntaxExpr :: SyntaxExpr (GhcPass p)
+ -- Before renaming, and sometimes after,
+ -- (if the syntax slot makes no sense)
+noSyntaxExpr = SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = HsLit noExtField
+ (HsString NoSourceText
+ (fsLit "noSyntaxExpr"))
+ , syn_arg_wraps = []
+ , syn_res_wrap = WpHole }
+-- | Make a 'SyntaxExpr (HsExpr _)', missing its HsWrappers.
+mkSyntaxExpr :: HsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SyntaxExpr (GhcPass p)
+mkSyntaxExpr expr = SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = expr
+ , syn_arg_wraps = []
+ , syn_res_wrap = WpHole }
+-- | Make a 'SyntaxExpr Name' (the "rn" is because this is used in the
+-- renamer), missing its HsWrappers.
+mkRnSyntaxExpr :: Name -> SyntaxExpr GhcRn
+mkRnSyntaxExpr name = mkSyntaxExpr $ HsVar noExtField $ noLoc name
+ -- don't care about filling in syn_arg_wraps because we're clearly
+ -- not past the typechecker
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (SyntaxExpr p) where
+ ppr (SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = expr
+ , syn_arg_wraps = arg_wraps
+ , syn_res_wrap = res_wrap })
+ = sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags ->
+ getPprStyle $ \s ->
+ if debugStyle s || gopt Opt_PrintExplicitCoercions dflags
+ then ppr expr <> braces (pprWithCommas ppr arg_wraps)
+ <> braces (ppr res_wrap)
+ else ppr expr
+-- | Command Syntax Table (for Arrow syntax)
+type CmdSyntaxTable p = [(Name, HsExpr p)]
+-- See Note [CmdSyntaxTable]
+Note [CmdSyntaxtable]
+Used only for arrow-syntax stuff (HsCmdTop), the CmdSyntaxTable keeps
+track of the methods needed for a Cmd.
+* Before the renamer, this list is an empty list
+* After the renamer, it takes the form @[(std_name, HsVar actual_name)]@
+ For example, for the 'arr' method
+ * normal case: (GHC.Control.Arrow.arr, HsVar GHC.Control.Arrow.arr)
+ * with rebindable syntax: (GHC.Control.Arrow.arr, arr_22)
+ where @arr_22@ is whatever 'arr' is in scope
+* After the type checker, it takes the form [(std_name, <expression>)]
+ where <expression> is the evidence for the method. This evidence is
+ instantiated with the class, but is still polymorphic in everything
+ else. For example, in the case of 'arr', the evidence has type
+ forall b c. (b->c) -> a b c
+ where 'a' is the ambient type of the arrow. This polymorphism is
+ important because the desugarer uses the same evidence at multiple
+ different types.
+This is Less Cool than what we normally do for rebindable syntax, which is to
+make fully-instantiated piece of evidence at every use site. The Cmd way
+is Less Cool because
+ * The renamer has to predict which methods are needed.
+ See the tedious RnExpr.methodNamesCmd.
+ * The desugarer has to know the polymorphic type of the instantiated
+ method. This is checked by Inst.tcSyntaxName, but is less flexible
+ than the rest of rebindable syntax, where the type is less
+ pre-ordained. (And this flexibility is useful; for example we can
+ typecheck do-notation with (>>=) :: m1 a -> (a -> m2 b) -> m2 b.)
+-- | An unbound variable; used for treating
+-- out-of-scope variables as expression holes
+-- Either "x", "y" Plain OutOfScope
+-- or "_", "_x" A TrueExprHole
+-- Both forms indicate an out-of-scope variable, but the latter
+-- indicates that the user /expects/ it to be out of scope, and
+-- just wants GHC to report its type
+data UnboundVar
+ = OutOfScope OccName GlobalRdrEnv -- ^ An (unqualified) out-of-scope
+ -- variable, together with the GlobalRdrEnv
+ -- with respect to which it is unbound
+ -- See Note [OutOfScope and GlobalRdrEnv]
+ | TrueExprHole OccName -- ^ A "true" expression hole (_ or _x)
+ deriving Data
+instance Outputable UnboundVar where
+ ppr (OutOfScope occ _) = text "OutOfScope" <> parens (ppr occ)
+ ppr (TrueExprHole occ) = text "ExprHole" <> parens (ppr occ)
+unboundVarOcc :: UnboundVar -> OccName
+unboundVarOcc (OutOfScope occ _) = occ
+unboundVarOcc (TrueExprHole occ) = occ
+Note [OutOfScope and GlobalRdrEnv]
+To understand why we bundle a GlobalRdrEnv with an out-of-scope variable,
+consider the following module:
+ module A where
+ foo :: ()
+ foo = bar
+ bat :: [Double]
+ bat = [1.2, 3.4]
+ $(return [])
+ bar = ()
+ bad = False
+When A is compiled, the renamer determines that `bar` is not in scope in the
+declaration of `foo` (since `bar` is declared in the following inter-splice
+group). Once it has finished typechecking the entire module, the typechecker
+then generates the associated error message, which specifies both the type of
+`bar` and a list of possible in-scope alternatives:
+ A.hs:6:7: error:
+ • Variable not in scope: bar :: ()
+ • ‘bar’ (line 13) is not in scope before the splice on line 11
+ Perhaps you meant ‘bat’ (line 9)
+When it calls RnEnv.unknownNameSuggestions to identify these alternatives, the
+typechecker must provide a GlobalRdrEnv. If it provided the current one, which
+contains top-level declarations for the entire module, the error message would
+incorrectly suggest the out-of-scope `bar` and `bad` as possible alternatives
+for `bar` (see #11680). Instead, the typechecker must use the same
+GlobalRdrEnv the renamer used when it determined that `bar` is out-of-scope.
+To obtain this GlobalRdrEnv, can the typechecker simply use the out-of-scope
+`bar`'s location to either reconstruct it (from the current GlobalRdrEnv) or to
+look it up in some global store? Unfortunately, no. The problem is that
+location information is not always sufficient for this task. This is most
+apparent when dealing with the TH function addTopDecls, which adds its
+declarations to the FOLLOWING inter-splice group. Consider these declarations:
+ ex9 = cat -- cat is NOT in scope here
+ $(do -------------------------------------------------------------
+ ds <- [d| f = cab -- cat and cap are both in scope here
+ cat = ()
+ |]
+ addTopDecls ds
+ [d| g = cab -- only cap is in scope here
+ cap = True
+ |])
+ ex10 = cat -- cat is NOT in scope here
+ $(return []) -----------------------------------------------------
+ ex11 = cat -- cat is in scope
+Here, both occurrences of `cab` are out-of-scope, and so the typechecker needs
+the GlobalRdrEnvs which were used when they were renamed. These GlobalRdrEnvs
+are different (`cat` is present only in the GlobalRdrEnv for f's `cab'), but the
+locations of the two `cab`s are the same (they are both created in the same
+splice). Thus, we must include some additional information with each `cab` to
+allow the typechecker to obtain the correct GlobalRdrEnv. Clearly, the simplest
+information to use is the GlobalRdrEnv itself.
+-- | A Haskell expression.
+data HsExpr p
+ = HsVar (XVar p)
+ (Located (IdP p)) -- ^ Variable
+ -- See Note [Located RdrNames]
+ | HsUnboundVar (XUnboundVar p)
+ UnboundVar -- ^ Unbound variable; also used for "holes"
+ -- (_ or _x).
+ -- Turned from HsVar to HsUnboundVar by the
+ -- renamer, when it finds an out-of-scope
+ -- variable or hole.
+ -- Turned into HsVar by type checker, to support
+ -- deferred type errors.
+ | HsConLikeOut (XConLikeOut p)
+ ConLike -- ^ After typechecker only; must be different
+ -- HsVar for pretty printing
+ | HsRecFld (XRecFld p)
+ (AmbiguousFieldOcc p) -- ^ Variable pointing to record selector
+ -- Not in use after typechecking
+ | HsOverLabel (XOverLabel p)
+ (Maybe (IdP p)) FastString
+ -- ^ Overloaded label (Note [Overloaded labels] in GHC.OverloadedLabels)
+ -- @Just id@ means @RebindableSyntax@ is in use, and gives the id of the
+ -- in-scope 'fromLabel'.
+ -- NB: Not in use after typechecking
+ | HsIPVar (XIPVar p)
+ HsIPName -- ^ Implicit parameter (not in use after typechecking)
+ | HsOverLit (XOverLitE p)
+ (HsOverLit p) -- ^ Overloaded literals
+ | HsLit (XLitE p)
+ (HsLit p) -- ^ Simple (non-overloaded) literals
+ | HsLam (XLam p)
+ (MatchGroup p (LHsExpr p))
+ -- ^ Lambda abstraction. Currently always a single match
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnLam',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsLamCase (XLamCase p) (MatchGroup p (LHsExpr p)) -- ^ Lambda-case
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnLam',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnCase','ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsApp (XApp p) (LHsExpr p) (LHsExpr p) -- ^ Application
+ | HsAppType (XAppTypeE p) (LHsExpr p) (LHsWcType (NoGhcTc p)) -- ^ Visible type application
+ --
+ -- Explicit type argument; e.g f @Int x y
+ -- NB: Has wildcards, but no implicit quantification
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnAt',
+ -- | Operator applications:
+ -- NB Bracketed ops such as (+) come out as Vars.
+ -- NB We need an expr for the operator in an OpApp/Section since
+ -- the typechecker may need to apply the operator to a few types.
+ | OpApp (XOpApp p)
+ (LHsExpr p) -- left operand
+ (LHsExpr p) -- operator
+ (LHsExpr p) -- right operand
+ -- | Negation operator. Contains the negated expression and the name
+ -- of 'negate'
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnMinus'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | NegApp (XNegApp p)
+ (LHsExpr p)
+ (SyntaxExpr p)
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'('@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsPar (XPar p)
+ (LHsExpr p) -- ^ Parenthesised expr; see Note [Parens in HsSyn]
+ | SectionL (XSectionL p)
+ (LHsExpr p) -- operand; see Note [Sections in HsSyn]
+ (LHsExpr p) -- operator
+ | SectionR (XSectionR p)
+ (LHsExpr p) -- operator; see Note [Sections in HsSyn]
+ (LHsExpr p) -- operand
+ -- | Used for explicit tuples and sections thereof
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | ExplicitTuple
+ (XExplicitTuple p)
+ [LHsTupArg p]
+ Boxity
+ -- | Used for unboxed sum types
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'(#'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'#)'@,
+ --
+ -- There will be multiple 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar', (1 - alternative) before
+ -- the expression, (arity - alternative) after it
+ | ExplicitSum
+ (XExplicitSum p)
+ ConTag -- Alternative (one-based)
+ Arity -- Sum arity
+ (LHsExpr p)
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnCase',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOf','ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'}'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsCase (XCase p)
+ (LHsExpr p)
+ (MatchGroup p (LHsExpr p))
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnIf',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnThen','ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnElse',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsIf (XIf p)
+ (Maybe (SyntaxExpr p)) -- cond function
+ -- Nothing => use the built-in 'if'
+ -- See Note [Rebindable if]
+ (LHsExpr p) -- predicate
+ (LHsExpr p) -- then part
+ (LHsExpr p) -- else part
+ -- | Multi-way if
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnIf'
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsMultiIf (XMultiIf p) [LGRHS p (LHsExpr p)]
+ -- | let(rec)
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnLet',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'}'@,'ApiAnnotation.AnnIn'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsLet (XLet p)
+ (LHsLocalBinds p)
+ (LHsExpr p)
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDo',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsDo (XDo p) -- Type of the whole expression
+ (HsStmtContext Name) -- The parameterisation is unimportant
+ -- because in this context we never use
+ -- the PatGuard or ParStmt variant
+ (Located [ExprLStmt p]) -- "do":one or more stmts
+ -- | Syntactic list: [a,b,c,...]
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'['@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @']'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | ExplicitList
+ (XExplicitList p) -- Gives type of components of list
+ (Maybe (SyntaxExpr p))
+ -- For OverloadedLists, the fromListN witness
+ [LHsExpr p]
+ -- | Record construction
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDotdot','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'}'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | RecordCon
+ { rcon_ext :: XRecordCon p
+ , rcon_con_name :: Located (IdP p) -- The constructor name;
+ -- not used after type checking
+ , rcon_flds :: HsRecordBinds p } -- The fields
+ -- | Record update
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDotdot','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'}'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | RecordUpd
+ { rupd_ext :: XRecordUpd p
+ , rupd_expr :: LHsExpr p
+ , rupd_flds :: [LHsRecUpdField p]
+ }
+ -- For a type family, the arg types are of the *instance* tycon,
+ -- not the family tycon
+ -- | Expression with an explicit type signature. @e :: type@
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | ExprWithTySig
+ (XExprWithTySig p)
+ (LHsExpr p)
+ (LHsSigWcType (NoGhcTc p))
+ -- | Arithmetic sequence
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'['@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma','ApiAnnotation.AnnDotdot',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @']'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | ArithSeq
+ (XArithSeq p)
+ (Maybe (SyntaxExpr p))
+ -- For OverloadedLists, the fromList witness
+ (ArithSeqInfo p)
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsSCC (XSCC p)
+ SourceText -- Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ StringLiteral -- "set cost centre" SCC pragma
+ (LHsExpr p) -- expr whose cost is to be measured
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{-\# CORE'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVal', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'\#-}'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsCoreAnn (XCoreAnn p)
+ SourceText -- Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ StringLiteral -- hdaume: core annotation
+ (LHsExpr p)
+ -----------------------------------------------------------
+ -- MetaHaskell Extensions
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpenE','ApiAnnotation.AnnOpenEQ',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose','ApiAnnotation.AnnCloseQ'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsBracket (XBracket p) (HsBracket p)
+ -- See Note [Pending Splices]
+ | HsRnBracketOut
+ (XRnBracketOut p)
+ (HsBracket GhcRn) -- Output of the renamer is the *original* renamed
+ -- expression, plus
+ [PendingRnSplice] -- _renamed_ splices to be type checked
+ | HsTcBracketOut
+ (XTcBracketOut p)
+ (HsBracket GhcRn) -- Output of the type checker is the *original*
+ -- renamed expression, plus
+ [PendingTcSplice] -- _typechecked_ splices to be
+ -- pasted back in by the desugarer
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsSpliceE (XSpliceE p) (HsSplice p)
+ -----------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Arrow notation extension
+ -- | @proc@ notation for Arrows
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnProc',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsProc (XProc p)
+ (LPat p) -- arrow abstraction, proc
+ (LHsCmdTop p) -- body of the abstraction
+ -- always has an empty stack
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- static pointers extension
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnStatic',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsStatic (XStatic p) -- Free variables of the body
+ (LHsExpr p) -- Body
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- Haskell program coverage (Hpc) Support
+ | HsTick
+ (XTick p)
+ (Tickish (IdP p))
+ (LHsExpr p) -- sub-expression
+ | HsBinTick
+ (XBinTick p)
+ Int -- module-local tick number for True
+ Int -- module-local tick number for False
+ (LHsExpr p) -- sub-expression
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{-\# GENERATED'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVal','ApiAnnotation.AnnVal',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnColon','ApiAnnotation.AnnVal',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnMinus',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVal','ApiAnnotation.AnnColon',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVal',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'\#-}'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsTickPragma -- A pragma introduced tick
+ (XTickPragma p)
+ SourceText -- Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ (StringLiteral,(Int,Int),(Int,Int))
+ -- external span for this tick
+ ((SourceText,SourceText),(SourceText,SourceText))
+ -- Source text for the four integers used in the span.
+ -- See note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ (LHsExpr p)
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- Finally, HsWrap appears only in typechecker output
+ -- The contained Expr is *NOT* itself an HsWrap.
+ -- See Note [Detecting forced eta expansion] in DsExpr. This invariant
+ -- is maintained by GHC.Hs.Utils.mkHsWrap.
+ | HsWrap (XWrap p)
+ HsWrapper -- TRANSLATION
+ (HsExpr p)
+ | XExpr (XXExpr p) -- Note [Trees that Grow] extension constructor
+-- | Extra data fields for a 'RecordCon', added by the type checker
+data RecordConTc = RecordConTc
+ { rcon_con_like :: ConLike -- The data constructor or pattern synonym
+ , rcon_con_expr :: PostTcExpr -- Instantiated constructor function
+ }
+-- | Extra data fields for a 'RecordUpd', added by the type checker
+data RecordUpdTc = RecordUpdTc
+ { rupd_cons :: [ConLike]
+ -- Filled in by the type checker to the
+ -- _non-empty_ list of DataCons that have
+ -- all the upd'd fields
+ , rupd_in_tys :: [Type] -- Argument types of *input* record type
+ , rupd_out_tys :: [Type] -- and *output* record type
+ -- The original type can be reconstructed
+ -- with conLikeResTy
+ , rupd_wrap :: HsWrapper -- See note [Record Update HsWrapper]
+ } deriving Data
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type instance XVar (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XUnboundVar (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XConLikeOut (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XRecFld (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XOverLabel (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XIPVar (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XOverLitE (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XLitE (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XLam (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XLamCase (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XApp (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XAppTypeE (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XOpApp GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XOpApp GhcRn = Fixity
+type instance XOpApp GhcTc = Fixity
+type instance XNegApp (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XPar (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XSectionL (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XSectionR (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitTuple (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitSum GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitSum GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitSum GhcTc = [Type]
+type instance XCase (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XIf (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XMultiIf GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XMultiIf GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XMultiIf GhcTc = Type
+type instance XLet (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XDo GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XDo GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XDo GhcTc = Type
+type instance XExplicitList GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitList GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitList GhcTc = Type
+type instance XRecordCon GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XRecordCon GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XRecordCon GhcTc = RecordConTc
+type instance XRecordUpd GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XRecordUpd GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XRecordUpd GhcTc = RecordUpdTc
+type instance XExprWithTySig (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XArithSeq GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XArithSeq GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XArithSeq GhcTc = PostTcExpr
+type instance XSCC (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XCoreAnn (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XBracket (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XRnBracketOut (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XTcBracketOut (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XSpliceE (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XProc (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XStatic GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XStatic GhcRn = NameSet
+type instance XStatic GhcTc = NameSet
+type instance XTick (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XBinTick (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XTickPragma (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XWrap (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXExpr (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Located Haskell Tuple Argument
+-- 'HsTupArg' is used for tuple sections
+-- @(,a,)@ is represented by
+-- @ExplicitTuple [Missing ty1, Present a, Missing ty3]@
+-- Which in turn stands for @(\x:ty1 \y:ty2. (x,a,y))@
+type LHsTupArg id = Located (HsTupArg id)
+-- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma'
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | Haskell Tuple Argument
+data HsTupArg id
+ = Present (XPresent id) (LHsExpr id) -- ^ The argument
+ | Missing (XMissing id) -- ^ The argument is missing, but this is its type
+ | XTupArg (XXTupArg id) -- ^ Note [Trees that Grow] extension point
+type instance XPresent (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XMissing GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XMissing GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XMissing GhcTc = Type
+type instance XXTupArg (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+tupArgPresent :: LHsTupArg id -> Bool
+tupArgPresent (L _ (Present {})) = True
+tupArgPresent (L _ (Missing {})) = False
+tupArgPresent (L _ (XTupArg {})) = False
+Note [Parens in HsSyn]
+HsPar (and ParPat in patterns, HsParTy in types) is used as follows
+ * HsPar is required; the pretty printer does not add parens.
+ * HsPars are respected when rearranging operator fixities.
+ So a * (b + c) means what it says (where the parens are an HsPar)
+ * For ParPat and HsParTy the pretty printer does add parens but this should be
+ a no-op for ParsedSource, based on the pretty printer round trip feature
+ introduced in
+ * ParPat and HsParTy are pretty printed as '( .. )' regardless of whether or
+ not they are strictly necessary. This should be addressed when #13238 is
+ completed, to be treated the same as HsPar.
+Note [Sections in HsSyn]
+Sections should always appear wrapped in an HsPar, thus
+ HsPar (SectionR ...)
+The parser parses sections in a wider variety of situations
+(See Note [Parsing sections]), but the renamer checks for those
+parens. This invariant makes pretty-printing easier; we don't need
+a special case for adding the parens round sections.
+Note [Rebindable if]
+The rebindable syntax for 'if' is a bit special, because when
+rebindable syntax is *off* we do not want to treat
+ (if c then t else e)
+as if it was an application (ifThenElse c t e). Why not?
+Because we allow an 'if' to return *unboxed* results, thus
+ if blah then 3# else 4#
+whereas that would not be possible using a all to a polymorphic function
+(because you can't call a polymorphic function at an unboxed type).
+So we use Nothing to mean "use the old built-in typing rule".
+Note [Record Update HsWrapper]
+There is a wrapper in RecordUpd which is used for the *required*
+constraints for pattern synonyms. This wrapper is created in the
+typechecking and is then directly used in the desugaring without
+For example, if we have the record pattern synonym P,
+ pattern P :: (Show a) => a -> Maybe a
+ pattern P{x} = Just x
+ foo = (Just True) { x = False }
+then `foo` desugars to something like
+ foo = case Just True of
+ P x -> P False
+hence we need to provide the correct dictionaries to P's matcher on
+the RHS so that we can build the expression.
+Note [Located RdrNames]
+A number of syntax elements have seemingly redundant locations attached to them.
+This is deliberate, to allow transformations making use of the API Annotations
+to easily correlate a Located Name in the RenamedSource with a Located RdrName
+in the ParsedSource.
+There are unfortunately enough differences between the ParsedSource and the
+RenamedSource that the API Annotations cannot be used directly with
+RenamedSource, so this allows a simple mapping to be used based on the location.
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (HsExpr p) where
+ ppr expr = pprExpr expr
+-- pprExpr, pprLExpr, pprBinds call pprDeeper;
+-- the underscore versions do not
+pprLExpr :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprLExpr (L _ e) = pprExpr e
+pprExpr :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprExpr e | isAtomicHsExpr e || isQuietHsExpr e = ppr_expr e
+ | otherwise = pprDeeper (ppr_expr e)
+isQuietHsExpr :: HsExpr id -> Bool
+-- Parentheses do display something, but it gives little info and
+-- if we go deeper when we go inside them then we get ugly things
+-- like (...)
+isQuietHsExpr (HsPar {}) = True
+-- applications don't display anything themselves
+isQuietHsExpr (HsApp {}) = True
+isQuietHsExpr (HsAppType {}) = True
+isQuietHsExpr (OpApp {}) = True
+isQuietHsExpr _ = False
+pprBinds :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idL), OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR))
+ => HsLocalBindsLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) -> SDoc
+pprBinds b = pprDeeper (ppr b)
+ppr_lexpr :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+ppr_lexpr e = ppr_expr (unLoc e)
+ppr_expr :: forall p. (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => HsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+ppr_expr (HsVar _ (L _ v)) = pprPrefixOcc v
+ppr_expr (HsUnboundVar _ uv)= pprPrefixOcc (unboundVarOcc uv)
+ppr_expr (HsConLikeOut _ c) = pprPrefixOcc c
+ppr_expr (HsIPVar _ v) = ppr v
+ppr_expr (HsOverLabel _ _ l)= char '#' <> ppr l
+ppr_expr (HsLit _ lit) = ppr lit
+ppr_expr (HsOverLit _ lit) = ppr lit
+ppr_expr (HsPar _ e) = parens (ppr_lexpr e)
+ppr_expr (HsCoreAnn _ stc (StringLiteral sta s) e)
+ = vcat [pprWithSourceText stc (text "{-# CORE")
+ <+> pprWithSourceText sta (doubleQuotes $ ftext s) <+> text "#-}"
+ , ppr_lexpr e]
+ppr_expr e@(HsApp {}) = ppr_apps e []
+ppr_expr e@(HsAppType {}) = ppr_apps e []
+ppr_expr (OpApp _ e1 op e2)
+ | Just pp_op <- ppr_infix_expr (unLoc op)
+ = pp_infixly pp_op
+ | otherwise
+ = pp_prefixly
+ where
+ pp_e1 = pprDebugParendExpr opPrec e1 -- In debug mode, add parens
+ pp_e2 = pprDebugParendExpr opPrec e2 -- to make precedence clear
+ pp_prefixly
+ = hang (ppr op) 2 (sep [pp_e1, pp_e2])
+ pp_infixly pp_op
+ = hang pp_e1 2 (sep [pp_op, nest 2 pp_e2])
+ppr_expr (NegApp _ e _) = char '-' <+> pprDebugParendExpr appPrec e
+ppr_expr (SectionL _ expr op)
+ | Just pp_op <- ppr_infix_expr (unLoc op)
+ = pp_infixly pp_op
+ | otherwise
+ = pp_prefixly
+ where
+ pp_expr = pprDebugParendExpr opPrec expr
+ pp_prefixly = hang (hsep [text " \\ x_ ->", ppr op])
+ 4 (hsep [pp_expr, text "x_ )"])
+ pp_infixly v = (sep [pp_expr, v])
+ppr_expr (SectionR _ op expr)
+ | Just pp_op <- ppr_infix_expr (unLoc op)
+ = pp_infixly pp_op
+ | otherwise
+ = pp_prefixly
+ where
+ pp_expr = pprDebugParendExpr opPrec expr
+ pp_prefixly = hang (hsep [text "( \\ x_ ->", ppr op, text "x_"])
+ 4 (pp_expr <> rparen)
+ pp_infixly v = sep [v, pp_expr]
+ppr_expr (ExplicitTuple _ exprs boxity)
+ = tupleParens (boxityTupleSort boxity) (fcat (ppr_tup_args $ map unLoc exprs))
+ where
+ ppr_tup_args [] = []
+ ppr_tup_args (Present _ e : es) = (ppr_lexpr e <> punc es) : ppr_tup_args es
+ ppr_tup_args (Missing _ : es) = punc es : ppr_tup_args es
+ ppr_tup_args (XTupArg x : es) = (ppr x <> punc es) : ppr_tup_args es
+ punc (Present {} : _) = comma <> space
+ punc (Missing {} : _) = comma
+ punc (XTupArg {} : _) = comma <> space
+ punc [] = empty
+ppr_expr (ExplicitSum _ alt arity expr)
+ = text "(#" <+> ppr_bars (alt - 1) <+> ppr expr <+> ppr_bars (arity - alt) <+> text "#)"
+ where
+ ppr_bars n = hsep (replicate n (char '|'))
+ppr_expr (HsLam _ matches)
+ = pprMatches matches
+ppr_expr (HsLamCase _ matches)
+ = sep [ sep [text "\\case"],
+ nest 2 (pprMatches matches) ]
+ppr_expr (HsCase _ expr matches@(MG { mg_alts = L _ [_] }))
+ = sep [ sep [text "case", nest 4 (ppr expr), ptext (sLit "of {")],
+ nest 2 (pprMatches matches) <+> char '}']
+ppr_expr (HsCase _ expr matches)
+ = sep [ sep [text "case", nest 4 (ppr expr), ptext (sLit "of")],
+ nest 2 (pprMatches matches) ]
+ppr_expr (HsIf _ _ e1 e2 e3)
+ = sep [hsep [text "if", nest 2 (ppr e1), ptext (sLit "then")],
+ nest 4 (ppr e2),
+ text "else",
+ nest 4 (ppr e3)]
+ppr_expr (HsMultiIf _ alts)
+ = hang (text "if") 3 (vcat (map ppr_alt alts))
+ where ppr_alt (L _ (GRHS _ guards expr)) =
+ hang vbar 2 (ppr_one one_alt)
+ where
+ ppr_one [] = panic "ppr_exp HsMultiIf"
+ ppr_one (h:t) = hang h 2 (sep t)
+ one_alt = [ interpp'SP guards
+ , text "->" <+> pprDeeper (ppr expr) ]
+ ppr_alt (L _ (XGRHS x)) = ppr x
+-- special case: let ... in let ...
+ppr_expr (HsLet _ (L _ binds) expr@(L _ (HsLet _ _ _)))
+ = sep [hang (text "let") 2 (hsep [pprBinds binds, ptext (sLit "in")]),
+ ppr_lexpr expr]
+ppr_expr (HsLet _ (L _ binds) expr)
+ = sep [hang (text "let") 2 (pprBinds binds),
+ hang (text "in") 2 (ppr expr)]
+ppr_expr (HsDo _ do_or_list_comp (L _ stmts)) = pprDo do_or_list_comp stmts
+ppr_expr (ExplicitList _ _ exprs)
+ = brackets (pprDeeperList fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr_lexpr exprs)))
+ppr_expr (RecordCon { rcon_con_name = con_id, rcon_flds = rbinds })
+ = hang (ppr con_id) 2 (ppr rbinds)
+ppr_expr (RecordUpd { rupd_expr = L _ aexp, rupd_flds = rbinds })
+ = hang (ppr aexp) 2 (braces (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr rbinds))))
+ppr_expr (ExprWithTySig _ expr sig)
+ = hang (nest 2 (ppr_lexpr expr) <+> dcolon)
+ 4 (ppr sig)
+ppr_expr (ArithSeq _ _ info) = brackets (ppr info)
+ppr_expr (HsSCC _ st (StringLiteral stl lbl) expr)
+ = sep [ pprWithSourceText st (text "{-# SCC")
+ -- no doublequotes if stl empty, for the case where the SCC was written
+ -- without quotes.
+ <+> pprWithSourceText stl (ftext lbl) <+> text "#-}",
+ ppr expr ]
+ppr_expr (HsWrap _ co_fn e)
+ = pprHsWrapper co_fn (\parens -> if parens then pprExpr e
+ else pprExpr e)
+ppr_expr (HsSpliceE _ s) = pprSplice s
+ppr_expr (HsBracket _ b) = pprHsBracket b
+ppr_expr (HsRnBracketOut _ e []) = ppr e
+ppr_expr (HsRnBracketOut _ e ps) = ppr e $$ text "pending(rn)" <+> ppr ps
+ppr_expr (HsTcBracketOut _ e []) = ppr e
+ppr_expr (HsTcBracketOut _ e ps) = ppr e $$ text "pending(tc)" <+> ppr ps
+ppr_expr (HsProc _ pat (L _ (HsCmdTop _ cmd)))
+ = hsep [text "proc", ppr pat, ptext (sLit "->"), ppr cmd]
+ppr_expr (HsProc _ pat (L _ (XCmdTop x)))
+ = hsep [text "proc", ppr pat, ptext (sLit "->"), ppr x]
+ppr_expr (HsStatic _ e)
+ = hsep [text "static", ppr e]
+ppr_expr (HsTick _ tickish exp)
+ = pprTicks (ppr exp) $
+ ppr tickish <+> ppr_lexpr exp
+ppr_expr (HsBinTick _ tickIdTrue tickIdFalse exp)
+ = pprTicks (ppr exp) $
+ hcat [text "bintick<",
+ ppr tickIdTrue,
+ text ",",
+ ppr tickIdFalse,
+ text ">(",
+ ppr exp, text ")"]
+ppr_expr (HsTickPragma _ _ externalSrcLoc _ exp)
+ = pprTicks (ppr exp) $
+ hcat [text "tickpragma<",
+ pprExternalSrcLoc externalSrcLoc,
+ text ">(",
+ ppr exp,
+ text ")"]
+ppr_expr (HsRecFld _ f) = ppr f
+ppr_expr (XExpr x) = ppr x
+ppr_infix_expr :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsExpr (GhcPass p) -> Maybe SDoc
+ppr_infix_expr (HsVar _ (L _ v)) = Just (pprInfixOcc v)
+ppr_infix_expr (HsConLikeOut _ c)= Just (pprInfixOcc (conLikeName c))
+ppr_infix_expr (HsRecFld _ f) = Just (pprInfixOcc f)
+ppr_infix_expr (HsUnboundVar _ h@TrueExprHole{}) = Just (pprInfixOcc (unboundVarOcc h))
+ppr_infix_expr (HsWrap _ _ e) = ppr_infix_expr e
+ppr_infix_expr _ = Nothing
+ppr_apps :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => HsExpr (GhcPass p)
+ -> [Either (LHsExpr (GhcPass p)) (LHsWcType (NoGhcTc (GhcPass p)))]
+ -> SDoc
+ppr_apps (HsApp _ (L _ fun) arg) args
+ = ppr_apps fun (Left arg : args)
+ppr_apps (HsAppType _ (L _ fun) arg) args
+ = ppr_apps fun (Right arg : args)
+ppr_apps fun args = hang (ppr_expr fun) 2 (fsep (map pp args))
+ where
+ pp (Left arg) = ppr arg
+ -- pp (Right (LHsWcTypeX (HsWC { hswc_body = L _ arg })))
+ -- = char '@' <> pprHsType arg
+ pp (Right arg)
+ = char '@' <> ppr arg
+pprExternalSrcLoc :: (StringLiteral,(Int,Int),(Int,Int)) -> SDoc
+pprExternalSrcLoc (StringLiteral _ src,(n1,n2),(n3,n4))
+ = ppr (src,(n1,n2),(n3,n4))
+HsSyn records exactly where the user put parens, with HsPar.
+So generally speaking we print without adding any parens.
+However, some code is internally generated, and in some places
+parens are absolutely required; so for these places we use
+pprParendLExpr (but don't print double parens of course).
+For operator applications we don't add parens, because the operator
+fixities should do the job, except in debug mode (-dppr-debug) so we
+can see the structure of the parse tree.
+pprDebugParendExpr :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => PprPrec -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprDebugParendExpr p expr
+ = getPprStyle (\sty ->
+ if debugStyle sty then pprParendLExpr p expr
+ else pprLExpr expr)
+pprParendLExpr :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => PprPrec -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprParendLExpr p (L _ e) = pprParendExpr p e
+pprParendExpr :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => PprPrec -> HsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprParendExpr p expr
+ | hsExprNeedsParens p expr = parens (pprExpr expr)
+ | otherwise = pprExpr expr
+ -- Using pprLExpr makes sure that we go 'deeper'
+ -- I think that is usually (always?) right
+-- | @'hsExprNeedsParens' p e@ returns 'True' if the expression @e@ needs
+-- parentheses under precedence @p@.
+hsExprNeedsParens :: PprPrec -> HsExpr p -> Bool
+hsExprNeedsParens p = go
+ where
+ go (HsVar{}) = False
+ go (HsUnboundVar{}) = False
+ go (HsConLikeOut{}) = False
+ go (HsIPVar{}) = False
+ go (HsOverLabel{}) = False
+ go (HsLit _ l) = hsLitNeedsParens p l
+ go (HsOverLit _ ol) = hsOverLitNeedsParens p ol
+ go (HsPar{}) = False
+ go (HsCoreAnn _ _ _ (L _ e)) = go e
+ go (HsApp{}) = p >= appPrec
+ go (HsAppType {}) = p >= appPrec
+ go (OpApp{}) = p >= opPrec
+ go (NegApp{}) = p > topPrec
+ go (SectionL{}) = True
+ go (SectionR{}) = True
+ go (ExplicitTuple{}) = False
+ go (ExplicitSum{}) = False
+ go (HsLam{}) = p > topPrec
+ go (HsLamCase{}) = p > topPrec
+ go (HsCase{}) = p > topPrec
+ go (HsIf{}) = p > topPrec
+ go (HsMultiIf{}) = p > topPrec
+ go (HsLet{}) = p > topPrec
+ go (HsDo _ sc _)
+ | isComprehensionContext sc = False
+ | otherwise = p > topPrec
+ go (ExplicitList{}) = False
+ go (RecordUpd{}) = False
+ go (ExprWithTySig{}) = p >= sigPrec
+ go (ArithSeq{}) = False
+ go (HsSCC{}) = p >= appPrec
+ go (HsWrap _ _ e) = go e
+ go (HsSpliceE{}) = False
+ go (HsBracket{}) = False
+ go (HsRnBracketOut{}) = False
+ go (HsTcBracketOut{}) = False
+ go (HsProc{}) = p > topPrec
+ go (HsStatic{}) = p >= appPrec
+ go (HsTick _ _ (L _ e)) = go e
+ go (HsBinTick _ _ _ (L _ e)) = go e
+ go (HsTickPragma _ _ _ _ (L _ e)) = go e
+ go (RecordCon{}) = False
+ go (HsRecFld{}) = False
+ go (XExpr{}) = True
+-- | @'parenthesizeHsExpr' p e@ checks if @'hsExprNeedsParens' p e@ is true,
+-- and if so, surrounds @e@ with an 'HsPar'. Otherwise, it simply returns @e@.
+parenthesizeHsExpr :: PprPrec -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
+parenthesizeHsExpr p le@(L loc e)
+ | hsExprNeedsParens p e = L loc (HsPar noExtField le)
+ | otherwise = le
+isAtomicHsExpr :: HsExpr id -> Bool
+-- True of a single token
+isAtomicHsExpr (HsVar {}) = True
+isAtomicHsExpr (HsConLikeOut {}) = True
+isAtomicHsExpr (HsLit {}) = True
+isAtomicHsExpr (HsOverLit {}) = True
+isAtomicHsExpr (HsIPVar {}) = True
+isAtomicHsExpr (HsOverLabel {}) = True
+isAtomicHsExpr (HsUnboundVar {}) = True
+isAtomicHsExpr (HsWrap _ _ e) = isAtomicHsExpr e
+isAtomicHsExpr (HsPar _ e) = isAtomicHsExpr (unLoc e)
+isAtomicHsExpr (HsRecFld{}) = True
+isAtomicHsExpr _ = False
+* *
+\subsection{Commands (in arrow abstractions)}
+* *
+We re-use HsExpr to represent these.
+-- | Located Haskell Command (for arrow syntax)
+type LHsCmd id = Located (HsCmd id)
+-- | Haskell Command (e.g. a "statement" in an Arrow proc block)
+data HsCmd id
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.Annlarrowtail',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.Annrarrowtail','ApiAnnotation.AnnLarrowtail',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrowtail'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ = HsCmdArrApp -- Arrow tail, or arrow application (f -< arg)
+ (XCmdArrApp id) -- type of the arrow expressions f,
+ -- of the form a t t', where arg :: t
+ (LHsExpr id) -- arrow expression, f
+ (LHsExpr id) -- input expression, arg
+ HsArrAppType -- higher-order (-<<) or first-order (-<)
+ Bool -- True => right-to-left (f -< arg)
+ -- False => left-to-right (arg >- f)
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpenB' @'(|'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnCloseB' @'|)'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsCmdArrForm -- Command formation, (| e cmd1 .. cmdn |)
+ (XCmdArrForm id)
+ (LHsExpr id) -- The operator.
+ -- After type-checking, a type abstraction to be
+ -- applied to the type of the local environment tuple
+ LexicalFixity -- Whether the operator appeared prefix or infix when
+ -- parsed.
+ (Maybe Fixity) -- fixity (filled in by the renamer), for forms that
+ -- were converted from OpApp's by the renamer
+ [LHsCmdTop id] -- argument commands
+ | HsCmdApp (XCmdApp id)
+ (LHsCmd id)
+ (LHsExpr id)
+ | HsCmdLam (XCmdLam id)
+ (MatchGroup id (LHsCmd id)) -- kappa
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnLam',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsCmdPar (XCmdPar id)
+ (LHsCmd id) -- parenthesised command
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'('@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsCmdCase (XCmdCase id)
+ (LHsExpr id)
+ (MatchGroup id (LHsCmd id)) -- bodies are HsCmd's
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnCase',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOf','ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'}'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsCmdIf (XCmdIf id)
+ (Maybe (SyntaxExpr id)) -- cond function
+ (LHsExpr id) -- predicate
+ (LHsCmd id) -- then part
+ (LHsCmd id) -- else part
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnIf',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnThen','ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnElse',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsCmdLet (XCmdLet id)
+ (LHsLocalBinds id) -- let(rec)
+ (LHsCmd id)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnLet',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'}'@,'ApiAnnotation.AnnIn'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsCmdDo (XCmdDo id) -- Type of the whole expression
+ (Located [CmdLStmt id])
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDo',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsCmdWrap (XCmdWrap id)
+ HsWrapper
+ (HsCmd id) -- If cmd :: arg1 --> res
+ -- wrap :: arg1 "->" arg2
+ -- Then (HsCmdWrap wrap cmd) :: arg2 --> res
+ | XCmd (XXCmd id) -- Note [Trees that Grow] extension point
+type instance XCmdArrApp GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdArrApp GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdArrApp GhcTc = Type
+type instance XCmdArrForm (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdApp (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdLam (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdPar (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdCase (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdIf (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdLet (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdDo GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdDo GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdDo GhcTc = Type
+type instance XCmdWrap (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXCmd (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- | Haskell Array Application Type
+data HsArrAppType = HsHigherOrderApp | HsFirstOrderApp
+ deriving Data
+{- | Top-level command, introducing a new arrow.
+This may occur inside a proc (where the stack is empty) or as an
+argument of a command-forming operator.
+-- | Located Haskell Top-level Command
+type LHsCmdTop p = Located (HsCmdTop p)
+-- | Haskell Top-level Command
+data HsCmdTop p
+ = HsCmdTop (XCmdTop p)
+ (LHsCmd p)
+ | XCmdTop (XXCmdTop p) -- Note [Trees that Grow] extension point
+data CmdTopTc
+ = CmdTopTc Type -- Nested tuple of inputs on the command's stack
+ Type -- return type of the command
+ (CmdSyntaxTable GhcTc) -- See Note [CmdSyntaxTable]
+type instance XCmdTop GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XCmdTop GhcRn = CmdSyntaxTable GhcRn -- See Note [CmdSyntaxTable]
+type instance XCmdTop GhcTc = CmdTopTc
+type instance XXCmdTop (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (HsCmd p) where
+ ppr cmd = pprCmd cmd
+-- pprCmd and pprLCmd call pprDeeper;
+-- the underscore versions do not
+pprLCmd :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => LHsCmd (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprLCmd (L _ c) = pprCmd c
+pprCmd :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsCmd (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprCmd c | isQuietHsCmd c = ppr_cmd c
+ | otherwise = pprDeeper (ppr_cmd c)
+isQuietHsCmd :: HsCmd id -> Bool
+-- Parentheses do display something, but it gives little info and
+-- if we go deeper when we go inside them then we get ugly things
+-- like (...)
+isQuietHsCmd (HsCmdPar {}) = True
+-- applications don't display anything themselves
+isQuietHsCmd (HsCmdApp {}) = True
+isQuietHsCmd _ = False
+ppr_lcmd :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => LHsCmd (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+ppr_lcmd c = ppr_cmd (unLoc c)
+ppr_cmd :: forall p. (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsCmd (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdPar _ c) = parens (ppr_lcmd c)
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdApp _ c e)
+ = let (fun, args) = collect_args c [e] in
+ hang (ppr_lcmd fun) 2 (sep (map ppr args))
+ where
+ collect_args (L _ (HsCmdApp _ fun arg)) args = collect_args fun (arg:args)
+ collect_args fun args = (fun, args)
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdLam _ matches)
+ = pprMatches matches
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdCase _ expr matches)
+ = sep [ sep [text "case", nest 4 (ppr expr), ptext (sLit "of")],
+ nest 2 (pprMatches matches) ]
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdIf _ _ e ct ce)
+ = sep [hsep [text "if", nest 2 (ppr e), ptext (sLit "then")],
+ nest 4 (ppr ct),
+ text "else",
+ nest 4 (ppr ce)]
+-- special case: let ... in let ...
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdLet _ (L _ binds) cmd@(L _ (HsCmdLet {})))
+ = sep [hang (text "let") 2 (hsep [pprBinds binds, ptext (sLit "in")]),
+ ppr_lcmd cmd]
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdLet _ (L _ binds) cmd)
+ = sep [hang (text "let") 2 (pprBinds binds),
+ hang (text "in") 2 (ppr cmd)]
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdDo _ (L _ stmts)) = pprDo ArrowExpr stmts
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdWrap _ w cmd)
+ = pprHsWrapper w (\_ -> parens (ppr_cmd cmd))
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsFirstOrderApp True)
+ = hsep [ppr_lexpr arrow, larrowt, ppr_lexpr arg]
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsFirstOrderApp False)
+ = hsep [ppr_lexpr arg, arrowt, ppr_lexpr arrow]
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsHigherOrderApp True)
+ = hsep [ppr_lexpr arrow, larrowtt, ppr_lexpr arg]
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsHigherOrderApp False)
+ = hsep [ppr_lexpr arg, arrowtt, ppr_lexpr arrow]
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrForm _ (L _ (HsVar _ (L _ v))) _ (Just _) [arg1, arg2])
+ = hang (pprCmdArg (unLoc arg1)) 4 (sep [ pprInfixOcc v
+ , pprCmdArg (unLoc arg2)])
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrForm _ (L _ (HsVar _ (L _ v))) Infix _ [arg1, arg2])
+ = hang (pprCmdArg (unLoc arg1)) 4 (sep [ pprInfixOcc v
+ , pprCmdArg (unLoc arg2)])
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrForm _ (L _ (HsConLikeOut _ c)) _ (Just _) [arg1, arg2])
+ = hang (pprCmdArg (unLoc arg1)) 4 (sep [ pprInfixOcc (conLikeName c)
+ , pprCmdArg (unLoc arg2)])
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrForm _ (L _ (HsConLikeOut _ c)) Infix _ [arg1, arg2])
+ = hang (pprCmdArg (unLoc arg1)) 4 (sep [ pprInfixOcc (conLikeName c)
+ , pprCmdArg (unLoc arg2)])
+ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrForm _ op _ _ args)
+ = hang (text "(|" <+> ppr_lexpr op)
+ 4 (sep (map (pprCmdArg.unLoc) args) <+> text "|)")
+ppr_cmd (XCmd x) = ppr x
+pprCmdArg :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsCmdTop (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprCmdArg (HsCmdTop _ cmd)
+ = ppr_lcmd cmd
+pprCmdArg (XCmdTop x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (HsCmdTop p) where
+ ppr = pprCmdArg
+* *
+\subsection{Record binds}
+* *
+-- | Haskell Record Bindings
+type HsRecordBinds p = HsRecFields p (LHsExpr p)
+* *
+\subsection{@Match@, @GRHSs@, and @GRHS@ datatypes}
+* *
+@Match@es are sets of pattern bindings and right hand sides for
+functions, patterns or case branches. For example, if a function @g@
+is defined as:
+g (x,y) = y
+g ((x:ys),y) = y+1,
+then \tr{g} has two @Match@es: @(x,y) = y@ and @((x:ys),y) = y+1@.
+It is always the case that each element of an @[Match]@ list has the
+same number of @pats@s inside it. This corresponds to saying that
+a function defined by pattern matching must have the same number of
+patterns in each equation.
+data MatchGroup p body
+ = MG { mg_ext :: XMG p body -- Posr typechecker, types of args and result
+ , mg_alts :: Located [LMatch p body] -- The alternatives
+ , mg_origin :: Origin }
+ -- The type is the type of the entire group
+ -- t1 -> ... -> tn -> tr
+ -- where there are n patterns
+ | XMatchGroup (XXMatchGroup p body)
+data MatchGroupTc
+ = MatchGroupTc
+ { mg_arg_tys :: [Type] -- Types of the arguments,
+ , mg_res_ty :: Type -- Type of the result, tr
+ } deriving Data
+type instance XMG GhcPs b = NoExtField
+type instance XMG GhcRn b = NoExtField
+type instance XMG GhcTc b = MatchGroupTc
+type instance XXMatchGroup (GhcPass _) b = NoExtCon
+-- | Located Match
+type LMatch id body = Located (Match id body)
+-- ^ May have 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi' when in a
+-- list
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+data Match p body
+ = Match {
+ m_ext :: XCMatch p body,
+ m_ctxt :: HsMatchContext (NameOrRdrName (IdP p)),
+ -- See note [m_ctxt in Match]
+ m_pats :: [LPat p], -- The patterns
+ m_grhss :: (GRHSs p body)
+ }
+ | XMatch (XXMatch p body)
+type instance XCMatch (GhcPass _) b = NoExtField
+type instance XXMatch (GhcPass _) b = NoExtCon
+instance (idR ~ GhcPass pr, OutputableBndrId idR, Outputable body)
+ => Outputable (Match idR body) where
+ ppr = pprMatch
+Note [m_ctxt in Match]
+A Match can occur in a number of contexts, such as a FunBind, HsCase, HsLam and
+so on.
+In order to simplify tooling processing and pretty print output, the provenance
+is captured in an HsMatchContext.
+This is particularly important for the API Annotations for a multi-equation
+The parser initially creates a FunBind with a single Match in it for
+every function definition it sees.
+These are then grouped together by getMonoBind into a single FunBind,
+where all the Matches are combined.
+In the process, all the original FunBind fun_id's bar one are
+discarded, including the locations.
+This causes a problem for source to source conversions via API
+Annotations, so the original fun_ids and infix flags are preserved in
+the Match, when it originates from a FunBind.
+Example infix function definition requiring individual API Annotations
+ (&&& ) [] [] = []
+ xs &&& [] = xs
+ ( &&& ) [] ys = ys
+isInfixMatch :: Match id body -> Bool
+isInfixMatch match = case m_ctxt match of
+ FunRhs {mc_fixity = Infix} -> True
+ _ -> False
+isEmptyMatchGroup :: MatchGroup id body -> Bool
+isEmptyMatchGroup (MG { mg_alts = ms }) = null $ unLoc ms
+isEmptyMatchGroup (XMatchGroup {}) = False
+-- | Is there only one RHS in this list of matches?
+isSingletonMatchGroup :: [LMatch id body] -> Bool
+isSingletonMatchGroup matches
+ | [L _ match] <- matches
+ , Match { m_grhss = GRHSs { grhssGRHSs = [_] } } <- match
+ = True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+matchGroupArity :: MatchGroup (GhcPass id) body -> Arity
+-- Precondition: MatchGroup is non-empty
+-- This is called before type checking, when mg_arg_tys is not set
+matchGroupArity (MG { mg_alts = alts })
+ | L _ (alt1:_) <- alts = length (hsLMatchPats alt1)
+ | otherwise = panic "matchGroupArity"
+matchGroupArity (XMatchGroup nec) = noExtCon nec
+hsLMatchPats :: LMatch (GhcPass id) body -> [LPat (GhcPass id)]
+hsLMatchPats (L _ (Match { m_pats = pats })) = pats
+hsLMatchPats (L _ (XMatch nec)) = noExtCon nec
+-- | Guarded Right-Hand Sides
+-- GRHSs are used both for pattern bindings and for Matches
+-- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual','ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow','ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi'
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+data GRHSs p body
+ = GRHSs {
+ grhssExt :: XCGRHSs p body,
+ grhssGRHSs :: [LGRHS p body], -- ^ Guarded RHSs
+ grhssLocalBinds :: LHsLocalBinds p -- ^ The where clause
+ }
+ | XGRHSs (XXGRHSs p body)
+type instance XCGRHSs (GhcPass _) b = NoExtField
+type instance XXGRHSs (GhcPass _) b = NoExtCon
+-- | Located Guarded Right-Hand Side
+type LGRHS id body = Located (GRHS id body)
+-- | Guarded Right Hand Side.
+data GRHS p body = GRHS (XCGRHS p body)
+ [GuardLStmt p] -- Guards
+ body -- Right hand side
+ | XGRHS (XXGRHS p body)
+type instance XCGRHS (GhcPass _) b = NoExtField
+type instance XXGRHS (GhcPass _) b = NoExtCon
+-- We know the list must have at least one @Match@ in it.
+pprMatches :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR), Outputable body)
+ => MatchGroup (GhcPass idR) body -> SDoc
+pprMatches MG { mg_alts = matches }
+ = vcat (map pprMatch (map unLoc (unLoc matches)))
+ -- Don't print the type; it's only a place-holder before typechecking
+pprMatches (XMatchGroup x) = ppr x
+-- Exported to GHC.Hs.Binds, which can't see the defn of HsMatchContext
+pprFunBind :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR), Outputable body)
+ => MatchGroup (GhcPass idR) body -> SDoc
+pprFunBind matches = pprMatches matches
+-- Exported to GHC.Hs.Binds, which can't see the defn of HsMatchContext
+pprPatBind :: forall bndr p body. (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass bndr),
+ OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p),
+ Outputable body)
+ => LPat (GhcPass bndr) -> GRHSs (GhcPass p) body -> SDoc
+pprPatBind pat (grhss)
+ = sep [ppr pat,
+ nest 2 (pprGRHSs (PatBindRhs :: HsMatchContext (IdP (GhcPass p))) grhss)]
+pprMatch :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR), Outputable body)
+ => Match (GhcPass idR) body -> SDoc
+pprMatch match
+ = sep [ sep (herald : map (nest 2 . pprParendLPat appPrec) other_pats)
+ , nest 2 (pprGRHSs ctxt (m_grhss match)) ]
+ where
+ ctxt = m_ctxt match
+ (herald, other_pats)
+ = case ctxt of
+ FunRhs {mc_fun=L _ fun, mc_fixity=fixity, mc_strictness=strictness}
+ | strictness == SrcStrict -> ASSERT(null $ m_pats match)
+ (char '!'<>pprPrefixOcc fun, m_pats match)
+ -- a strict variable binding
+ | fixity == Prefix -> (pprPrefixOcc fun, m_pats match)
+ -- f x y z = e
+ -- Not pprBndr; the AbsBinds will
+ -- have printed the signature
+ | null pats2 -> (pp_infix, [])
+ -- x &&& y = e
+ | otherwise -> (parens pp_infix, pats2)
+ -- (x &&& y) z = e
+ where
+ pp_infix = pprParendLPat opPrec pat1
+ <+> pprInfixOcc fun
+ <+> pprParendLPat opPrec pat2
+ LambdaExpr -> (char '\\', m_pats match)
+ _ -> if null (m_pats match)
+ then (empty, [])
+ else ASSERT2( null pats1, ppr ctxt $$ ppr pat1 $$ ppr pats1 )
+ (ppr pat1, []) -- No parens around the single pat
+ (pat1:pats1) = m_pats match
+ (pat2:pats2) = pats1
+pprGRHSs :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR), Outputable body)
+ => HsMatchContext idL -> GRHSs (GhcPass idR) body -> SDoc
+pprGRHSs ctxt (GRHSs _ grhss (L _ binds))
+ = vcat (map (pprGRHS ctxt . unLoc) grhss)
+ -- Print the "where" even if the contents of the binds is empty. Only
+ -- EmptyLocalBinds means no "where" keyword
+ $$ ppUnless (eqEmptyLocalBinds binds)
+ (text "where" $$ nest 4 (pprBinds binds))
+pprGRHSs _ (XGRHSs x) = ppr x
+pprGRHS :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR), Outputable body)
+ => HsMatchContext idL -> GRHS (GhcPass idR) body -> SDoc
+pprGRHS ctxt (GRHS _ [] body)
+ = pp_rhs ctxt body
+pprGRHS ctxt (GRHS _ guards body)
+ = sep [vbar <+> interpp'SP guards, pp_rhs ctxt body]
+pprGRHS _ (XGRHS x) = ppr x
+pp_rhs :: Outputable body => HsMatchContext idL -> body -> SDoc
+pp_rhs ctxt rhs = matchSeparator ctxt <+> pprDeeper (ppr rhs)
+* *
+\subsection{Do stmts and list comprehensions}
+* *
+-- | Located @do@ block Statement
+type LStmt id body = Located (StmtLR id id body)
+-- | Located Statement with separate Left and Right id's
+type LStmtLR idL idR body = Located (StmtLR idL idR body)
+-- | @do@ block Statement
+type Stmt id body = StmtLR id id body
+-- | Command Located Statement
+type CmdLStmt id = LStmt id (LHsCmd id)
+-- | Command Statement
+type CmdStmt id = Stmt id (LHsCmd id)
+-- | Expression Located Statement
+type ExprLStmt id = LStmt id (LHsExpr id)
+-- | Expression Statement
+type ExprStmt id = Stmt id (LHsExpr id)
+-- | Guard Located Statement
+type GuardLStmt id = LStmt id (LHsExpr id)
+-- | Guard Statement
+type GuardStmt id = Stmt id (LHsExpr id)
+-- | Ghci Located Statement
+type GhciLStmt id = LStmt id (LHsExpr id)
+-- | Ghci Statement
+type GhciStmt id = Stmt id (LHsExpr id)
+-- The SyntaxExprs in here are used *only* for do-notation and monad
+-- comprehensions, which have rebindable syntax. Otherwise they are unused.
+-- | API Annotations when in qualifier lists or guards
+-- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVbar',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma','ApiAnnotation.AnnThen',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnBy','ApiAnnotation.AnnBy',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnGroup','ApiAnnotation.AnnUsing'
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+data StmtLR idL idR body -- body should always be (LHs**** idR)
+ = LastStmt -- Always the last Stmt in ListComp, MonadComp,
+ -- and (after the renamer, see RnExpr.checkLastStmt) DoExpr, MDoExpr
+ -- Not used for GhciStmtCtxt, PatGuard, which scope over other stuff
+ (XLastStmt idL idR body)
+ body
+ Bool -- True <=> return was stripped by ApplicativeDo
+ (SyntaxExpr idR) -- The return operator
+ -- The return operator is used only for MonadComp
+ -- For ListComp we use the baked-in 'return'
+ -- For DoExpr, MDoExpr, we don't apply a 'return' at all
+ -- See Note [Monad Comprehensions]
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnLarrow'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | BindStmt (XBindStmt idL idR body) -- Post typechecking,
+ -- result type of the function passed to bind;
+ -- that is, S in (>>=) :: Q -> (R -> S) -> T
+ (LPat idL)
+ body
+ (SyntaxExpr idR) -- The (>>=) operator; see Note [The type of bind in Stmts]
+ (SyntaxExpr idR) -- The fail operator
+ -- The fail operator is noSyntaxExpr
+ -- if the pattern match can't fail
+ -- | 'ApplicativeStmt' represents an applicative expression built with
+ -- '<$>' and '<*>'. It is generated by the renamer, and is desugared into the
+ -- appropriate applicative expression by the desugarer, but it is intended
+ -- to be invisible in error messages.
+ --
+ -- For full details, see Note [ApplicativeDo] in RnExpr
+ --
+ | ApplicativeStmt
+ (XApplicativeStmt idL idR body) -- Post typecheck, Type of the body
+ [ ( SyntaxExpr idR
+ , ApplicativeArg idL) ]
+ -- [(<$>, e1), (<*>, e2), ..., (<*>, en)]
+ (Maybe (SyntaxExpr idR)) -- 'join', if necessary
+ | BodyStmt (XBodyStmt idL idR body) -- Post typecheck, element type
+ -- of the RHS (used for arrows)
+ body -- See Note [BodyStmt]
+ (SyntaxExpr idR) -- The (>>) operator
+ (SyntaxExpr idR) -- The `guard` operator; used only in MonadComp
+ -- See notes [Monad Comprehensions]
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnLet'
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{'@,'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'}'@,
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | LetStmt (XLetStmt idL idR body) (LHsLocalBindsLR idL idR)
+ -- ParStmts only occur in a list/monad comprehension
+ | ParStmt (XParStmt idL idR body) -- Post typecheck,
+ -- S in (>>=) :: Q -> (R -> S) -> T
+ [ParStmtBlock idL idR]
+ (HsExpr idR) -- Polymorphic `mzip` for monad comprehensions
+ (SyntaxExpr idR) -- The `>>=` operator
+ -- See notes [Monad Comprehensions]
+ -- After renaming, the ids are the binders
+ -- bound by the stmts and used after themp
+ | TransStmt {
+ trS_ext :: XTransStmt idL idR body, -- Post typecheck,
+ -- R in (>>=) :: Q -> (R -> S) -> T
+ trS_form :: TransForm,
+ trS_stmts :: [ExprLStmt idL], -- Stmts to the *left* of the 'group'
+ -- which generates the tuples to be grouped
+ trS_bndrs :: [(IdP idR, IdP idR)], -- See Note [TransStmt binder map]
+ trS_using :: LHsExpr idR,
+ trS_by :: Maybe (LHsExpr idR), -- "by e" (optional)
+ -- Invariant: if trS_form = GroupBy, then grp_by = Just e
+ trS_ret :: SyntaxExpr idR, -- The monomorphic 'return' function for
+ -- the inner monad comprehensions
+ trS_bind :: SyntaxExpr idR, -- The '(>>=)' operator
+ trS_fmap :: HsExpr idR -- The polymorphic 'fmap' function for desugaring
+ -- Only for 'group' forms
+ -- Just a simple HsExpr, because it's
+ -- too polymorphic for tcSyntaxOp
+ } -- See Note [Monad Comprehensions]
+ -- Recursive statement (see Note [How RecStmt works] below)
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRec'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | RecStmt
+ { recS_ext :: XRecStmt idL idR body
+ , recS_stmts :: [LStmtLR idL idR body]
+ -- The next two fields are only valid after renaming
+ , recS_later_ids :: [IdP idR]
+ -- The ids are a subset of the variables bound by the
+ -- stmts that are used in stmts that follow the RecStmt
+ , recS_rec_ids :: [IdP idR]
+ -- Ditto, but these variables are the "recursive" ones,
+ -- that are used before they are bound in the stmts of
+ -- the RecStmt.
+ -- An Id can be in both groups
+ -- Both sets of Ids are (now) treated monomorphically
+ -- See Note [How RecStmt works] for why they are separate
+ -- Rebindable syntax
+ , recS_bind_fn :: SyntaxExpr idR -- The bind function
+ , recS_ret_fn :: SyntaxExpr idR -- The return function
+ , recS_mfix_fn :: SyntaxExpr idR -- The mfix function
+ }
+ | XStmtLR (XXStmtLR idL idR body)
+-- Extra fields available post typechecking for RecStmt.
+data RecStmtTc =
+ RecStmtTc
+ { recS_bind_ty :: Type -- S in (>>=) :: Q -> (R -> S) -> T
+ , recS_later_rets :: [PostTcExpr] -- (only used in the arrow version)
+ , recS_rec_rets :: [PostTcExpr] -- These expressions correspond 1-to-1
+ -- with recS_later_ids and recS_rec_ids,
+ -- and are the expressions that should be
+ -- returned by the recursion.
+ -- They may not quite be the Ids themselves,
+ -- because the Id may be *polymorphic*, but
+ -- the returned thing has to be *monomorphic*,
+ -- so they may be type applications
+ , recS_ret_ty :: Type -- The type of
+ -- do { stmts; return (a,b,c) }
+ -- With rebindable syntax the type might not
+ -- be quite as simple as (m (tya, tyb, tyc)).
+ }
+type instance XLastStmt (GhcPass _) (GhcPass _) b = NoExtField
+type instance XBindStmt (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = NoExtField
+type instance XBindStmt (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = NoExtField
+type instance XBindStmt (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = Type
+type instance XApplicativeStmt (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = NoExtField
+type instance XApplicativeStmt (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = NoExtField
+type instance XApplicativeStmt (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = Type
+type instance XBodyStmt (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = NoExtField
+type instance XBodyStmt (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = NoExtField
+type instance XBodyStmt (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = Type
+type instance XLetStmt (GhcPass _) (GhcPass _) b = NoExtField
+type instance XParStmt (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = NoExtField
+type instance XParStmt (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = NoExtField
+type instance XParStmt (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = Type
+type instance XTransStmt (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = NoExtField
+type instance XTransStmt (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = NoExtField
+type instance XTransStmt (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = Type
+type instance XRecStmt (GhcPass _) GhcPs b = NoExtField
+type instance XRecStmt (GhcPass _) GhcRn b = NoExtField
+type instance XRecStmt (GhcPass _) GhcTc b = RecStmtTc
+type instance XXStmtLR (GhcPass _) (GhcPass _) b = NoExtCon
+data TransForm -- The 'f' below is the 'using' function, 'e' is the by function
+ = ThenForm -- then f or then f by e (depending on trS_by)
+ | GroupForm -- then group using f or then group by e using f (depending on trS_by)
+ deriving Data
+-- | Parenthesised Statement Block
+data ParStmtBlock idL idR
+ = ParStmtBlock
+ (XParStmtBlock idL idR)
+ [ExprLStmt idL]
+ [IdP idR] -- The variables to be returned
+ (SyntaxExpr idR) -- The return operator
+ | XParStmtBlock (XXParStmtBlock idL idR)
+type instance XParStmtBlock (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtField
+type instance XXParStmtBlock (GhcPass pL) (GhcPass pR) = NoExtCon
+-- | Applicative Argument
+data ApplicativeArg idL
+ = ApplicativeArgOne -- A single statement (BindStmt or BodyStmt)
+ (XApplicativeArgOne idL)
+ (LPat idL) -- WildPat if it was a BodyStmt (see below)
+ (LHsExpr idL)
+ Bool -- True <=> was a BodyStmt
+ -- False <=> was a BindStmt
+ -- See Note [Applicative BodyStmt]
+ | ApplicativeArgMany -- do { stmts; return vars }
+ (XApplicativeArgMany idL)
+ [ExprLStmt idL] -- stmts
+ (HsExpr idL) -- return (v1,..,vn), or just (v1,..,vn)
+ (LPat idL) -- (v1,...,vn)
+ | XApplicativeArg (XXApplicativeArg idL)
+type instance XApplicativeArgOne (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XApplicativeArgMany (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXApplicativeArg (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+Note [The type of bind in Stmts]
+Some Stmts, notably BindStmt, keep the (>>=) bind operator.
+We do NOT assume that it has type
+ (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
+In some cases (see #303, #1537) it might have a more
+exotic type, such as
+ (>>=) :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
+So we must be careful not to make assumptions about the type.
+In particular, the monad may not be uniform throughout.
+Note [TransStmt binder map]
+The [(idR,idR)] in a TransStmt behaves as follows:
+ * Before renaming: []
+ * After renaming:
+ [ (x27,x27), ..., (z35,z35) ]
+ These are the variables
+ bound by the stmts to the left of the 'group'
+ and used either in the 'by' clause,
+ or in the stmts following the 'group'
+ Each item is a pair of identical variables.
+ * After typechecking:
+ [ (x27:Int, x27:[Int]), ..., (z35:Bool, z35:[Bool]) ]
+ Each pair has the same unique, but different *types*.
+Note [BodyStmt]
+BodyStmts are a bit tricky, because what they mean
+depends on the context. Consider the following contexts:
+ A do expression of type (m res_ty)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ * BodyStmt E any_ty: do { ....; E; ... }
+ E :: m any_ty
+ Translation: E >> ...
+ A list comprehensions of type [elt_ty]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ * BodyStmt E Bool: [ .. | .... E ]
+ [ .. | ..., E, ... ]
+ [ .. | .... | ..., E | ... ]
+ E :: Bool
+ Translation: if E then fail else ...
+ A guard list, guarding a RHS of type rhs_ty
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ * BodyStmt E BooParStmtBlockl: f x | ..., E, ... = ...rhs...
+ E :: Bool
+ Translation: if E then fail else ...
+ A monad comprehension of type (m res_ty)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ * BodyStmt E Bool: [ .. | .... E ]
+ E :: Bool
+ Translation: guard E >> ...
+Array comprehensions are handled like list comprehensions.
+Note [How RecStmt works]
+ HsDo [ BindStmt x ex
+ , RecStmt { recS_rec_ids = [a, c]
+ , recS_stmts = [ BindStmt b (return (a,c))
+ , LetStmt a = ...b...
+ , BindStmt c ec ]
+ , recS_later_ids = [a, b]
+ , return (a b) ]
+Here, the RecStmt binds a,b,c; but
+ - Only a,b are used in the stmts *following* the RecStmt,
+ - Only a,c are used in the stmts *inside* the RecStmt
+ *before* their bindings
+Why do we need *both* rec_ids and later_ids? For monads they could be
+combined into a single set of variables, but not for arrows. That
+follows from the types of the respective feedback operators:
+ mfix :: MonadFix m => (a -> m a) -> m a
+ loop :: ArrowLoop a => a (b,d) (c,d) -> a b c
+* For mfix, the 'a' covers the union of the later_ids and the rec_ids
+* For 'loop', 'c' is the later_ids and 'd' is the rec_ids
+Note [Typing a RecStmt]
+A (RecStmt stmts) types as if you had written
+ (v1,..,vn, _, ..., _) <- mfix (\~(_, ..., _, r1, ..., rm) ->
+ do { stmts
+ ; return (v1,, r1, ..., rm) })
+where are the later_ids
+ r1..rm are the rec_ids
+Note [Monad Comprehensions]
+Monad comprehensions require separate functions like 'return' and
+'>>=' for desugaring. These functions are stored in the statements
+used in monad comprehensions. For example, the 'return' of the 'LastStmt'
+expression is used to lift the body of the monad comprehension:
+ [ body | stmts ]
+ =>
+ stmts >>= \bndrs -> return body
+In transform and grouping statements ('then ..' and 'then group ..') the
+'return' function is required for nested monad comprehensions, for example:
+ [ body | stmts, then f, rest ]
+ =>
+ f [ env | stmts ] >>= \bndrs -> [ body | rest ]
+BodyStmts require the 'Control.Monad.guard' function for boolean
+ [ body | exp, stmts ]
+ =>
+ guard exp >> [ body | stmts ]
+Parallel statements require the 'Control.Monad.Zip.mzip' function:
+ [ body | stmts1 | stmts2 | .. ]
+ =>
+ mzip stmts1 (mzip stmts2 (..)) >>= \(bndrs1, (bndrs2, ..)) -> return body
+In any other context than 'MonadComp', the fields for most of these
+'SyntaxExpr's stay bottom.
+Note [Applicative BodyStmt]
+(#12143) For the purposes of ApplicativeDo, we treat any BodyStmt
+as if it was a BindStmt with a wildcard pattern. For example,
+ do
+ x <- A
+ B
+ return x
+is transformed as if it were
+ do
+ x <- A
+ _ <- B
+ return x
+so it transforms to
+ (\(x,_) -> x) <$> A <*> B
+But we have to remember when we treat a BodyStmt like a BindStmt,
+because in error messages we want to emit the original syntax the user
+wrote, not our internal representation. So ApplicativeArgOne has a
+Bool flag that is True when the original statement was a BodyStmt, so
+that we can pretty-print it correctly.
+instance (Outputable (StmtLR idL idL (LHsExpr idL)),
+ Outputable (XXParStmtBlock idL idR))
+ => Outputable (ParStmtBlock idL idR) where
+ ppr (ParStmtBlock _ stmts _ _) = interpp'SP stmts
+ ppr (XParStmtBlock x) = ppr x
+instance (idL ~ GhcPass pl,idR ~ GhcPass pr,
+ OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
+ Outputable body)
+ => Outputable (StmtLR idL idR body) where
+ ppr stmt = pprStmt stmt
+pprStmt :: forall idL idR body . (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idL),
+ OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR),
+ Outputable body)
+ => (StmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) body) -> SDoc
+pprStmt (LastStmt _ expr ret_stripped _)
+ = whenPprDebug (text "[last]") <+>
+ (if ret_stripped then text "return" else empty) <+>
+ ppr expr
+pprStmt (BindStmt _ pat expr _ _) = hsep [ppr pat, larrow, ppr expr]
+pprStmt (LetStmt _ (L _ binds)) = hsep [text "let", pprBinds binds]
+pprStmt (BodyStmt _ expr _ _) = ppr expr
+pprStmt (ParStmt _ stmtss _ _) = sep (punctuate (text " | ") (map ppr stmtss))
+pprStmt (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_by = by
+ , trS_using = using, trS_form = form })
+ = sep $ punctuate comma (map ppr stmts ++ [pprTransStmt by using form])
+pprStmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = segment, recS_rec_ids = rec_ids
+ , recS_later_ids = later_ids })
+ = text "rec" <+>
+ vcat [ ppr_do_stmts segment
+ , whenPprDebug (vcat [ text "rec_ids=" <> ppr rec_ids
+ , text "later_ids=" <> ppr later_ids])]
+pprStmt (ApplicativeStmt _ args mb_join)
+ = getPprStyle $ \style ->
+ if userStyle style
+ then pp_for_user
+ else pp_debug
+ where
+ -- make all the Applicative stuff invisible in error messages by
+ -- flattening the whole ApplicativeStmt nest back to a sequence
+ -- of statements.
+ pp_for_user = vcat $ concatMap flattenArg args
+ -- ppr directly rather than transforming here, because we need to
+ -- inject a "return" which is hard when we're polymorphic in the id
+ -- type.
+ flattenStmt :: ExprLStmt (GhcPass idL) -> [SDoc]
+ flattenStmt (L _ (ApplicativeStmt _ args _)) = concatMap flattenArg args
+ flattenStmt stmt = [ppr stmt]
+ flattenArg :: forall a . (a, ApplicativeArg (GhcPass idL)) -> [SDoc]
+ flattenArg (_, ApplicativeArgOne _ pat expr isBody)
+ | isBody = -- See Note [Applicative BodyStmt]
+ [ppr (BodyStmt (panic "pprStmt") expr noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
+ :: ExprStmt (GhcPass idL))]
+ | otherwise =
+ [ppr (BindStmt (panic "pprStmt") pat expr noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
+ :: ExprStmt (GhcPass idL))]
+ flattenArg (_, ApplicativeArgMany _ stmts _ _) =
+ concatMap flattenStmt stmts
+ flattenArg (_, XApplicativeArg nec) = noExtCon nec
+ pp_debug =
+ let
+ ap_expr = sep (punctuate (text " |") (map pp_arg args))
+ in
+ if isNothing mb_join
+ then ap_expr
+ else text "join" <+> parens ap_expr
+ pp_arg :: (a, ApplicativeArg (GhcPass idL)) -> SDoc
+ pp_arg (_, ApplicativeArgOne _ pat expr isBody)
+ | isBody = -- See Note [Applicative BodyStmt]
+ ppr (BodyStmt (panic "pprStmt") expr noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
+ :: ExprStmt (GhcPass idL))
+ | otherwise =
+ ppr (BindStmt (panic "pprStmt") pat expr noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
+ :: ExprStmt (GhcPass idL))
+ pp_arg (_, ApplicativeArgMany _ stmts return pat) =
+ ppr pat <+>
+ text "<-" <+>
+ ppr (HsDo (panic "pprStmt") DoExpr (noLoc
+ (stmts ++
+ [noLoc (LastStmt noExtField (noLoc return) False noSyntaxExpr)])))
+ pp_arg (_, XApplicativeArg x) = ppr x
+pprStmt (XStmtLR x) = ppr x
+pprTransformStmt :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => [IdP (GhcPass p)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
+ -> Maybe (LHsExpr (GhcPass p)) -> SDoc
+pprTransformStmt bndrs using by
+ = sep [ text "then" <+> whenPprDebug (braces (ppr bndrs))
+ , nest 2 (ppr using)
+ , nest 2 (pprBy by)]
+pprTransStmt :: Outputable body => Maybe body -> body -> TransForm -> SDoc
+pprTransStmt by using ThenForm
+ = sep [ text "then", nest 2 (ppr using), nest 2 (pprBy by)]
+pprTransStmt by using GroupForm
+ = sep [ text "then group", nest 2 (pprBy by), nest 2 (ptext (sLit "using") <+> ppr using)]
+pprBy :: Outputable body => Maybe body -> SDoc
+pprBy Nothing = empty
+pprBy (Just e) = text "by" <+> ppr e
+pprDo :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p), Outputable body)
+ => HsStmtContext any -> [LStmt (GhcPass p) body] -> SDoc
+pprDo DoExpr stmts = text "do" <+> ppr_do_stmts stmts
+pprDo GhciStmtCtxt stmts = text "do" <+> ppr_do_stmts stmts
+pprDo ArrowExpr stmts = text "do" <+> ppr_do_stmts stmts
+pprDo MDoExpr stmts = text "mdo" <+> ppr_do_stmts stmts
+pprDo ListComp stmts = brackets $ pprComp stmts
+pprDo MonadComp stmts = brackets $ pprComp stmts
+pprDo _ _ = panic "pprDo" -- PatGuard, ParStmtCxt
+ppr_do_stmts :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idL), OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR),
+ Outputable body)
+ => [LStmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) body] -> SDoc
+-- Print a bunch of do stmts
+ppr_do_stmts stmts = pprDeeperList vcat (map ppr stmts)
+pprComp :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p), Outputable body)
+ => [LStmt (GhcPass p) body] -> SDoc
+pprComp quals -- Prints: body | qual1, ..., qualn
+ | Just (initStmts, L _ (LastStmt _ body _ _)) <- snocView quals
+ = if null initStmts
+ -- If there are no statements in a list comprehension besides the last
+ -- one, we simply treat it like a normal list. This does arise
+ -- occasionally in code that GHC generates, e.g., in implementations of
+ -- 'range' for derived 'Ix' instances for product datatypes with exactly
+ -- one constructor (e.g., see #12583).
+ then ppr body
+ else hang (ppr body <+> vbar) 2 (pprQuals initStmts)
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "pprComp" (pprQuals quals)
+pprQuals :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p), Outputable body)
+ => [LStmt (GhcPass p) body] -> SDoc
+-- Show list comprehension qualifiers separated by commas
+pprQuals quals = interpp'SP quals
+* *
+ Template Haskell quotation brackets
+* *
+-- | Haskell Splice
+data HsSplice id
+ = HsTypedSplice -- $$z or $$(f 4)
+ (XTypedSplice id)
+ SpliceDecoration -- Whether $$( ) variant found, for pretty printing
+ (IdP id) -- A unique name to identify this splice point
+ (LHsExpr id) -- See Note [Pending Splices]
+ | HsUntypedSplice -- $z or $(f 4)
+ (XUntypedSplice id)
+ SpliceDecoration -- Whether $( ) variant found, for pretty printing
+ (IdP id) -- A unique name to identify this splice point
+ (LHsExpr id) -- See Note [Pending Splices]
+ | HsQuasiQuote -- See Note [Quasi-quote overview] in TcSplice
+ (XQuasiQuote id)
+ (IdP id) -- Splice point
+ (IdP id) -- Quoter
+ SrcSpan -- The span of the enclosed string
+ FastString -- The enclosed string
+ -- AZ:TODO: use XSplice instead of HsSpliced
+ | HsSpliced -- See Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices] in
+ -- RnSplice.
+ -- This is the result of splicing a splice. It is produced by
+ -- the renamer and consumed by the typechecker. It lives only
+ -- between the two.
+ (XSpliced id)
+ ThModFinalizers -- TH finalizers produced by the splice.
+ (HsSplicedThing id) -- The result of splicing
+ | HsSplicedT
+ DelayedSplice
+ | XSplice (XXSplice id) -- Note [Trees that Grow] extension point
+type instance XTypedSplice (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XUntypedSplice (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XQuasiQuote (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XSpliced (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXSplice (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- | A splice can appear with various decorations wrapped around it. This data
+-- type captures explicitly how it was originally written, for use in the pretty
+-- printer.
+data SpliceDecoration
+ = HasParens -- ^ $( splice ) or $$( splice )
+ | HasDollar -- ^ $splice or $$splice
+ | NoParens -- ^ bare splice
+ deriving (Data, Eq, Show)
+instance Outputable SpliceDecoration where
+ ppr x = text $ show x
+isTypedSplice :: HsSplice id -> Bool
+isTypedSplice (HsTypedSplice {}) = True
+isTypedSplice _ = False -- Quasi-quotes are untyped splices
+-- | Finalizers produced by a splice with
+-- 'Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.addModFinalizer'
+-- See Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices] in RnSplice. For how
+-- this is used.
+newtype ThModFinalizers = ThModFinalizers [ForeignRef (TH.Q ())]
+-- A Data instance which ignores the argument of 'ThModFinalizers'.
+instance Data ThModFinalizers where
+ gunfold _ z _ = z $ ThModFinalizers []
+ toConstr a = mkConstr (dataTypeOf a) "ThModFinalizers" [] Data.Prefix
+ dataTypeOf a = mkDataType "HsExpr.ThModFinalizers" [toConstr a]
+-- See Note [Running typed splices in the zonker]
+-- These are the arguments that are passed to `TcSplice.runTopSplice`
+data DelayedSplice =
+ DelayedSplice
+ TcLclEnv -- The local environment to run the splice in
+ (LHsExpr GhcRn) -- The original renamed expression
+ TcType -- The result type of running the splice, unzonked
+ (LHsExpr GhcTcId) -- The typechecked expression to run and splice in the result
+-- A Data instance which ignores the argument of 'DelayedSplice'.
+instance Data DelayedSplice where
+ gunfold _ _ _ = panic "DelayedSplice"
+ toConstr a = mkConstr (dataTypeOf a) "DelayedSplice" [] Data.Prefix
+ dataTypeOf a = mkDataType "HsExpr.DelayedSplice" [toConstr a]
+-- | Haskell Spliced Thing
+-- Values that can result from running a splice.
+data HsSplicedThing id
+ = HsSplicedExpr (HsExpr id) -- ^ Haskell Spliced Expression
+ | HsSplicedTy (HsType id) -- ^ Haskell Spliced Type
+ | HsSplicedPat (Pat id) -- ^ Haskell Spliced Pattern
+-- See Note [Pending Splices]
+type SplicePointName = Name
+-- | Pending Renamer Splice
+data PendingRnSplice
+ = PendingRnSplice UntypedSpliceFlavour SplicePointName (LHsExpr GhcRn)
+data UntypedSpliceFlavour
+ = UntypedExpSplice
+ | UntypedPatSplice
+ | UntypedTypeSplice
+ | UntypedDeclSplice
+ deriving Data
+-- | Pending Type-checker Splice
+data PendingTcSplice
+ = PendingTcSplice SplicePointName (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+Note [Pending Splices]
+When we rename an untyped bracket, we name and lift out all the nested
+splices, so that when the typechecker hits the bracket, it can
+typecheck those nested splices without having to walk over the untyped
+bracket code. So for example
+ [| f $(g x) |]
+looks like
+ HsBracket (HsApp (HsVar "f") (HsSpliceE _ (g x)))
+which the renamer rewrites to
+ HsRnBracketOut (HsApp (HsVar f) (HsSpliceE sn (g x)))
+ [PendingRnSplice UntypedExpSplice sn (g x)]
+* The 'sn' is the Name of the splice point, the SplicePointName
+* The PendingRnExpSplice gives the splice that splice-point name maps to;
+ and the typechecker can now conveniently find these sub-expressions
+* The other copy of the splice, in the second argument of HsSpliceE
+ in the renamed first arg of HsRnBracketOut
+ is used only for pretty printing
+There are four varieties of pending splices generated by the renamer,
+distinguished by their UntypedSpliceFlavour
+ * Pending expression splices (UntypedExpSplice), e.g.,
+ [|$(f x) + 2|]
+ UntypedExpSplice is also used for
+ * quasi-quotes, where the pending expression expands to
+ $(quoter "...blah...")
+ (see RnSplice.makePending, HsQuasiQuote case)
+ * cross-stage lifting, where the pending expression expands to
+ $(lift x)
+ (see RnSplice.checkCrossStageLifting)
+ * Pending pattern splices (UntypedPatSplice), e.g.,
+ [| \$(f x) -> x |]
+ * Pending type splices (UntypedTypeSplice), e.g.,
+ [| f :: $(g x) |]
+ * Pending declaration (UntypedDeclSplice), e.g.,
+ [| let $(f x) in ... |]
+There is a fifth variety of pending splice, which is generated by the type
+ * Pending *typed* expression splices, (PendingTcSplice), e.g.,
+ [||1 + $$(f 2)||]
+It would be possible to eliminate HsRnBracketOut and use HsBracketOut for the
+output of the renamer. However, when pretty printing the output of the renamer,
+e.g., in a type error message, we *do not* want to print out the pending
+splices. In contrast, when pretty printing the output of the type checker, we
+*do* want to print the pending splices. So splitting them up seems to make
+sense, although I hate to add another constructor to HsExpr.
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (HsSplicedThing p) where
+ ppr (HsSplicedExpr e) = ppr_expr e
+ ppr (HsSplicedTy t) = ppr t
+ ppr (HsSplicedPat p) = ppr p
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (HsSplice p) where
+ ppr s = pprSplice s
+pprPendingSplice :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => SplicePointName -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprPendingSplice n e = angleBrackets (ppr n <> comma <+> ppr e)
+pprSpliceDecl :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => HsSplice (GhcPass p) -> SpliceExplicitFlag -> SDoc
+pprSpliceDecl e@HsQuasiQuote{} _ = pprSplice e
+pprSpliceDecl e ExplicitSplice = text "$(" <> ppr_splice_decl e <> text ")"
+pprSpliceDecl e ImplicitSplice = ppr_splice_decl e
+ppr_splice_decl :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => HsSplice (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+ppr_splice_decl (HsUntypedSplice _ _ n e) = ppr_splice empty n e empty
+ppr_splice_decl e = pprSplice e
+pprSplice :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsSplice (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprSplice (HsTypedSplice _ HasParens n e)
+ = ppr_splice (text "$$(") n e (text ")")
+pprSplice (HsTypedSplice _ HasDollar n e)
+ = ppr_splice (text "$$") n e empty
+pprSplice (HsTypedSplice _ NoParens n e)
+ = ppr_splice empty n e empty
+pprSplice (HsUntypedSplice _ HasParens n e)
+ = ppr_splice (text "$(") n e (text ")")
+pprSplice (HsUntypedSplice _ HasDollar n e)
+ = ppr_splice (text "$") n e empty
+pprSplice (HsUntypedSplice _ NoParens n e)
+ = ppr_splice empty n e empty
+pprSplice (HsQuasiQuote _ n q _ s) = ppr_quasi n q s
+pprSplice (HsSpliced _ _ thing) = ppr thing
+pprSplice (HsSplicedT {}) = text "Unevaluated typed splice"
+pprSplice (XSplice x) = ppr x
+ppr_quasi :: OutputableBndr p => p -> p -> FastString -> SDoc
+ppr_quasi n quoter quote = whenPprDebug (brackets (ppr n)) <>
+ char '[' <> ppr quoter <> vbar <>
+ ppr quote <> text "|]"
+ppr_splice :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => SDoc -> (IdP (GhcPass p)) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc -> SDoc
+ppr_splice herald n e trail
+ = herald <> whenPprDebug (brackets (ppr n)) <> ppr e <> trail
+-- | Haskell Bracket
+data HsBracket p
+ = ExpBr (XExpBr p) (LHsExpr p) -- [| expr |]
+ | PatBr (XPatBr p) (LPat p) -- [p| pat |]
+ | DecBrL (XDecBrL p) [LHsDecl p] -- [d| decls |]; result of parser
+ | DecBrG (XDecBrG p) (HsGroup p) -- [d| decls |]; result of renamer
+ | TypBr (XTypBr p) (LHsType p) -- [t| type |]
+ | VarBr (XVarBr p) Bool (IdP p) -- True: 'x, False: ''T
+ -- (The Bool flag is used only in pprHsBracket)
+ | TExpBr (XTExpBr p) (LHsExpr p) -- [|| expr ||]
+ | XBracket (XXBracket p) -- Note [Trees that Grow] extension point
+type instance XExpBr (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XPatBr (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XDecBrL (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XDecBrG (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XTypBr (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XVarBr (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XTExpBr (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXBracket (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+isTypedBracket :: HsBracket id -> Bool
+isTypedBracket (TExpBr {}) = True
+isTypedBracket _ = False
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (HsBracket p) where
+ ppr = pprHsBracket
+pprHsBracket :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsBracket (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprHsBracket (ExpBr _ e) = thBrackets empty (ppr e)
+pprHsBracket (PatBr _ p) = thBrackets (char 'p') (ppr p)
+pprHsBracket (DecBrG _ gp) = thBrackets (char 'd') (ppr gp)
+pprHsBracket (DecBrL _ ds) = thBrackets (char 'd') (vcat (map ppr ds))
+pprHsBracket (TypBr _ t) = thBrackets (char 't') (ppr t)
+pprHsBracket (VarBr _ True n)
+ = char '\'' <> pprPrefixOcc n
+pprHsBracket (VarBr _ False n)
+ = text "''" <> pprPrefixOcc n
+pprHsBracket (TExpBr _ e) = thTyBrackets (ppr e)
+pprHsBracket (XBracket e) = ppr e
+thBrackets :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+thBrackets pp_kind pp_body = char '[' <> pp_kind <> vbar <+>
+ pp_body <+> text "|]"
+thTyBrackets :: SDoc -> SDoc
+thTyBrackets pp_body = text "[||" <+> pp_body <+> ptext (sLit "||]")
+instance Outputable PendingRnSplice where
+ ppr (PendingRnSplice _ n e) = pprPendingSplice n e
+instance Outputable PendingTcSplice where
+ ppr (PendingTcSplice n e) = pprPendingSplice n e
+* *
+\subsection{Enumerations and list comprehensions}
+* *
+-- | Arithmetic Sequence Information
+data ArithSeqInfo id
+ = From (LHsExpr id)
+ | FromThen (LHsExpr id)
+ (LHsExpr id)
+ | FromTo (LHsExpr id)
+ (LHsExpr id)
+ | FromThenTo (LHsExpr id)
+ (LHsExpr id)
+ (LHsExpr id)
+-- AZ: Sould ArithSeqInfo have a TTG extension?
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (ArithSeqInfo p) where
+ ppr (From e1) = hcat [ppr e1, pp_dotdot]
+ ppr (FromThen e1 e2) = hcat [ppr e1, comma, space, ppr e2, pp_dotdot]
+ ppr (FromTo e1 e3) = hcat [ppr e1, pp_dotdot, ppr e3]
+ ppr (FromThenTo e1 e2 e3)
+ = hcat [ppr e1, comma, space, ppr e2, pp_dotdot, ppr e3]
+pp_dotdot :: SDoc
+pp_dotdot = text " .. "
+* *
+* *
+-- | Haskell Match Context
+-- Context of a pattern match. This is more subtle than it would seem. See Note
+-- [Varieties of pattern matches].
+data HsMatchContext id -- Not an extensible tag
+ = FunRhs { mc_fun :: Located id -- ^ function binder of @f@
+ , mc_fixity :: LexicalFixity -- ^ fixing of @f@
+ , mc_strictness :: SrcStrictness -- ^ was @f@ banged?
+ -- See Note [FunBind vs PatBind]
+ }
+ -- ^A pattern matching on an argument of a
+ -- function binding
+ | LambdaExpr -- ^Patterns of a lambda
+ | CaseAlt -- ^Patterns and guards on a case alternative
+ | IfAlt -- ^Guards of a multi-way if alternative
+ | ProcExpr -- ^Patterns of a proc
+ | PatBindRhs -- ^A pattern binding eg [y] <- e = e
+ | PatBindGuards -- ^Guards of pattern bindings, e.g.,
+ -- (Just b) | Just _ <- x = e
+ -- | otherwise = e'
+ | RecUpd -- ^Record update [used only in DsExpr to
+ -- tell matchWrapper what sort of
+ -- runtime error message to generate]
+ | StmtCtxt (HsStmtContext id) -- ^Pattern of a do-stmt, list comprehension,
+ -- pattern guard, etc
+ | ThPatSplice -- ^A Template Haskell pattern splice
+ | ThPatQuote -- ^A Template Haskell pattern quotation [p| (a,b) |]
+ | PatSyn -- ^A pattern synonym declaration
+ deriving Functor
+deriving instance (Data id) => Data (HsMatchContext id)
+instance OutputableBndr id => Outputable (HsMatchContext id) where
+ ppr m@(FunRhs{}) = text "FunRhs" <+> ppr (mc_fun m) <+> ppr (mc_fixity m)
+ ppr LambdaExpr = text "LambdaExpr"
+ ppr CaseAlt = text "CaseAlt"
+ ppr IfAlt = text "IfAlt"
+ ppr ProcExpr = text "ProcExpr"
+ ppr PatBindRhs = text "PatBindRhs"
+ ppr PatBindGuards = text "PatBindGuards"
+ ppr RecUpd = text "RecUpd"
+ ppr (StmtCtxt _) = text "StmtCtxt _"
+ ppr ThPatSplice = text "ThPatSplice"
+ ppr ThPatQuote = text "ThPatQuote"
+ ppr PatSyn = text "PatSyn"
+isPatSynCtxt :: HsMatchContext id -> Bool
+isPatSynCtxt ctxt =
+ case ctxt of
+ PatSyn -> True
+ _ -> False
+-- | Haskell Statement Context. It expects to be parameterised with one of
+-- 'RdrName', 'Name' or 'Id'
+data HsStmtContext id
+ = ListComp
+ | MonadComp
+ | DoExpr -- ^do { ... }
+ | MDoExpr -- ^mdo { ... } ie recursive do-expression
+ | ArrowExpr -- ^do-notation in an arrow-command context
+ | GhciStmtCtxt -- ^A command-line Stmt in GHCi pat <- rhs
+ | PatGuard (HsMatchContext id) -- ^Pattern guard for specified thing
+ | ParStmtCtxt (HsStmtContext id) -- ^A branch of a parallel stmt
+ | TransStmtCtxt (HsStmtContext id) -- ^A branch of a transform stmt
+ deriving Functor
+deriving instance (Data id) => Data (HsStmtContext id)
+isComprehensionContext :: HsStmtContext id -> Bool
+-- Uses comprehension syntax [ e | quals ]
+isComprehensionContext ListComp = True
+isComprehensionContext MonadComp = True
+isComprehensionContext (ParStmtCtxt c) = isComprehensionContext c
+isComprehensionContext (TransStmtCtxt c) = isComprehensionContext c
+isComprehensionContext _ = False
+-- | Should pattern match failure in a 'HsStmtContext' be desugared using
+-- 'MonadFail'?
+isMonadFailStmtContext :: HsStmtContext id -> Bool
+isMonadFailStmtContext MonadComp = True
+isMonadFailStmtContext DoExpr = True
+isMonadFailStmtContext MDoExpr = True
+isMonadFailStmtContext GhciStmtCtxt = True
+isMonadFailStmtContext (ParStmtCtxt ctxt) = isMonadFailStmtContext ctxt
+isMonadFailStmtContext (TransStmtCtxt ctxt) = isMonadFailStmtContext ctxt
+isMonadFailStmtContext _ = False -- ListComp, PatGuard, ArrowExpr
+isMonadCompContext :: HsStmtContext id -> Bool
+isMonadCompContext MonadComp = True
+isMonadCompContext _ = False
+matchSeparator :: HsMatchContext id -> SDoc
+matchSeparator (FunRhs {}) = text "="
+matchSeparator CaseAlt = text "->"
+matchSeparator IfAlt = text "->"
+matchSeparator LambdaExpr = text "->"
+matchSeparator ProcExpr = text "->"
+matchSeparator PatBindRhs = text "="
+matchSeparator PatBindGuards = text "="
+matchSeparator (StmtCtxt _) = text "<-"
+matchSeparator RecUpd = text "=" -- This can be printed by the pattern
+ -- match checker trace
+matchSeparator ThPatSplice = panic "unused"
+matchSeparator ThPatQuote = panic "unused"
+matchSeparator PatSyn = panic "unused"
+pprMatchContext :: (Outputable (NameOrRdrName id),Outputable id)
+ => HsMatchContext id -> SDoc
+pprMatchContext ctxt
+ | want_an ctxt = text "an" <+> pprMatchContextNoun ctxt
+ | otherwise = text "a" <+> pprMatchContextNoun ctxt
+ where
+ want_an (FunRhs {}) = True -- Use "an" in front
+ want_an ProcExpr = True
+ want_an _ = False
+pprMatchContextNoun :: (Outputable (NameOrRdrName id),Outputable id)
+ => HsMatchContext id -> SDoc
+pprMatchContextNoun (FunRhs {mc_fun=L _ fun})
+ = text "equation for"
+ <+> quotes (ppr fun)
+pprMatchContextNoun CaseAlt = text "case alternative"
+pprMatchContextNoun IfAlt = text "multi-way if alternative"
+pprMatchContextNoun RecUpd = text "record-update construct"
+pprMatchContextNoun ThPatSplice = text "Template Haskell pattern splice"
+pprMatchContextNoun ThPatQuote = text "Template Haskell pattern quotation"
+pprMatchContextNoun PatBindRhs = text "pattern binding"
+pprMatchContextNoun PatBindGuards = text "pattern binding guards"
+pprMatchContextNoun LambdaExpr = text "lambda abstraction"
+pprMatchContextNoun ProcExpr = text "arrow abstraction"
+pprMatchContextNoun (StmtCtxt ctxt) = text "pattern binding in"
+ $$ pprAStmtContext ctxt
+pprMatchContextNoun PatSyn = text "pattern synonym declaration"
+pprAStmtContext, pprStmtContext :: (Outputable id,
+ Outputable (NameOrRdrName id))
+ => HsStmtContext id -> SDoc
+pprAStmtContext ctxt = article <+> pprStmtContext ctxt
+ where
+ pp_an = text "an"
+ pp_a = text "a"
+ article = case ctxt of
+ MDoExpr -> pp_an
+ GhciStmtCtxt -> pp_an
+ _ -> pp_a
+pprStmtContext GhciStmtCtxt = text "interactive GHCi command"
+pprStmtContext DoExpr = text "'do' block"
+pprStmtContext MDoExpr = text "'mdo' block"
+pprStmtContext ArrowExpr = text "'do' block in an arrow command"
+pprStmtContext ListComp = text "list comprehension"
+pprStmtContext MonadComp = text "monad comprehension"
+pprStmtContext (PatGuard ctxt) = text "pattern guard for" $$ pprMatchContext ctxt
+-- Drop the inner contexts when reporting errors, else we get
+-- Unexpected transform statement
+-- in a transformed branch of
+-- transformed branch of
+-- transformed branch of monad comprehension
+pprStmtContext (ParStmtCtxt c) =
+ ifPprDebug (sep [text "parallel branch of", pprAStmtContext c])
+ (pprStmtContext c)
+pprStmtContext (TransStmtCtxt c) =
+ ifPprDebug (sep [text "transformed branch of", pprAStmtContext c])
+ (pprStmtContext c)
+instance (Outputable p, Outputable (NameOrRdrName p))
+ => Outputable (HsStmtContext p) where
+ ppr = pprStmtContext
+-- Used to generate the string for a *runtime* error message
+matchContextErrString :: Outputable id
+ => HsMatchContext id -> SDoc
+matchContextErrString (FunRhs{mc_fun=L _ fun}) = text "function" <+> ppr fun
+matchContextErrString CaseAlt = text "case"
+matchContextErrString IfAlt = text "multi-way if"
+matchContextErrString PatBindRhs = text "pattern binding"
+matchContextErrString PatBindGuards = text "pattern binding guards"
+matchContextErrString RecUpd = text "record update"
+matchContextErrString LambdaExpr = text "lambda"
+matchContextErrString ProcExpr = text "proc"
+matchContextErrString ThPatSplice = panic "matchContextErrString" -- Not used at runtime
+matchContextErrString ThPatQuote = panic "matchContextErrString" -- Not used at runtime
+matchContextErrString PatSyn = panic "matchContextErrString" -- Not used at runtime
+matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt (ParStmtCtxt c)) = matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt c)
+matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt (TransStmtCtxt c)) = matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt c)
+matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt (PatGuard _)) = text "pattern guard"
+matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt GhciStmtCtxt) = text "interactive GHCi command"
+matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt DoExpr) = text "'do' block"
+matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt ArrowExpr) = text "'do' block"
+matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt MDoExpr) = text "'mdo' block"
+matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt ListComp) = text "list comprehension"
+matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt MonadComp) = text "monad comprehension"
+pprMatchInCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR),
+ -- TODO:AZ these constraints do not make sense
+ Outputable (NameOrRdrName (NameOrRdrName (IdP (GhcPass idR)))),
+ Outputable body)
+ => Match (GhcPass idR) body -> SDoc
+pprMatchInCtxt match = hang (text "In" <+> pprMatchContext (m_ctxt match)
+ <> colon)
+ 4 (pprMatch match)
+pprStmtInCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idL),
+ OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR),
+ Outputable body)
+ => HsStmtContext (IdP (GhcPass idL))
+ -> StmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) body
+ -> SDoc
+pprStmtInCtxt ctxt (LastStmt _ e _ _)
+ | isComprehensionContext ctxt -- For [ e | .. ], do not mutter about "stmts"
+ = hang (text "In the expression:") 2 (ppr e)
+pprStmtInCtxt ctxt stmt
+ = hang (text "In a stmt of" <+> pprAStmtContext ctxt <> colon)
+ 2 (ppr_stmt stmt)
+ where
+ -- For Group and Transform Stmts, don't print the nested stmts!
+ ppr_stmt (TransStmt { trS_by = by, trS_using = using
+ , trS_form = form }) = pprTransStmt by using form
+ ppr_stmt stmt = pprStmt stmt
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fd8f3857a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module GHC.Hs.Expr where
+import SrcLoc ( Located )
+import Outputable ( SDoc, Outputable )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Pat ( LPat )
+import BasicTypes ( SpliceExplicitFlag(..))
+import GHC.Hs.Extension ( OutputableBndrId, GhcPass )
+type role HsExpr nominal
+type role HsCmd nominal
+type role MatchGroup nominal nominal
+type role GRHSs nominal nominal
+type role HsSplice nominal
+type role SyntaxExpr nominal
+data HsExpr (i :: *)
+data HsCmd (i :: *)
+data HsSplice (i :: *)
+data MatchGroup (a :: *) (body :: *)
+data GRHSs (a :: *) (body :: *)
+data SyntaxExpr (i :: *)
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (HsExpr p)
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (HsCmd p)
+type LHsExpr a = Located (HsExpr a)
+pprLExpr :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprExpr :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsExpr (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprSplice :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsSplice (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprSpliceDecl :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => HsSplice (GhcPass p) -> SpliceExplicitFlag -> SDoc
+pprPatBind :: forall bndr p body. (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass bndr),
+ OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p),
+ Outputable body)
+ => LPat (GhcPass bndr) -> GRHSs (GhcPass p) body -> SDoc
+pprFunBind :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass idR), Outputable body)
+ => MatchGroup (GhcPass idR) body -> SDoc
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f360e1c32e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+module GHC.Hs.Extension where
+-- This module captures the type families to precisely identify the extension
+-- points for GHC.Hs syntax
+import GhcPrelude
+import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
+import GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+import Name
+import RdrName
+import Var
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc (Located)
+import Data.Kind
+Note [Trees that grow]
+The hsSyn AST is reused across multiple compiler passes. We also have the
+Template Haskell AST, and the haskell-src-exts one (outside of GHC)
+Supporting multiple passes means the AST has various warts on it to cope with
+the specifics for the phases, such as the 'ValBindsOut', 'ConPatOut',
+'SigPatOut' etc.
+The growable AST will allow each of these variants to be captured explicitly,
+such that they only exist in the given compiler pass AST, as selected by the
+type parameter to the AST.
+In addition it will allow tool writers to define their own extensions to capture
+additional information for the tool, in a natural way.
+A further goal is to provide a means to harmonise the Template Haskell and
+haskell-src-exts ASTs as well.
+-- | A placeholder type for TTG extension points that are not currently
+-- unused to represent any particular value.
+-- This should not be confused with 'NoExtCon', which are found in unused
+-- extension /constructors/ and therefore should never be inhabited. In
+-- contrast, 'NoExtField' is used in extension /points/ (e.g., as the field of
+-- some constructor), so it must have an inhabitant to construct AST passes
+-- that manipulate fields with that extension point as their type.
+data NoExtField = NoExtField
+ deriving (Data,Eq,Ord)
+instance Outputable NoExtField where
+ ppr _ = text "NoExtField"
+-- | Used when constructing a term with an unused extension point.
+noExtField :: NoExtField
+noExtField = NoExtField
+-- | Used in TTG extension constructors that have yet to be extended with
+-- anything. If an extension constructor has 'NoExtCon' as its field, it is
+-- not intended to ever be constructed anywhere, and any function that consumes
+-- the extension constructor can eliminate it by way of 'noExtCon'.
+-- This should not be confused with 'NoExtField', which are found in unused
+-- extension /points/ (not /constructors/) and therefore can be inhabited.
+-- See also [NoExtCon and strict fields].
+data NoExtCon
+ deriving (Data,Eq,Ord)
+instance Outputable NoExtCon where
+ ppr = noExtCon
+-- | Eliminate a 'NoExtCon'. Much like 'Data.Void.absurd'.
+noExtCon :: NoExtCon -> a
+noExtCon x = case x of {}
+Note [NoExtCon and strict fields]
+Currently, any unused TTG extension constructor will generally look like the
+ type instance XXHsDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+ data HsDecl p
+ = ...
+ | XHsDecl (XXHsDecl p)
+This means that any function that wishes to consume an HsDecl will need to
+have a case for XHsDecl. This might look like this:
+ ex :: HsDecl GhcPs -> HsDecl GhcRn
+ ...
+ ex (XHsDecl nec) = noExtCon nec
+Ideally, we wouldn't need a case for XHsDecl at all (it /is/ supposed to be
+an unused extension constructor, after all). There is a way to achieve this
+on GHC 8.8 or later: make the field of XHsDecl strict:
+ data HsDecl p
+ = ...
+ | XHsDecl !(XXHsDecl p)
+If this is done, GHC's pattern-match coverage checker is clever enough to
+figure out that the XHsDecl case of `ex` is unreachable, so it can simply be
+omitted. (See Note [Extensions to GADTs Meet Their Match] in Check for more on
+how this works.)
+When GHC drops support for bootstrapping with GHC 8.6 and earlier, we can make
+the strict field changes described above and delete gobs of code involving
+`noExtCon`. Until then, it is necessary to use, so be aware of it when writing
+code that consumes unused extension constructors.
+-- | Used as a data type index for the hsSyn AST
+data GhcPass (c :: Pass)
+deriving instance Eq (GhcPass c)
+deriving instance Typeable c => Data (GhcPass c)
+data Pass = Parsed | Renamed | Typechecked
+ deriving (Data)
+-- Type synonyms as a shorthand for tagging
+type GhcPs = GhcPass 'Parsed -- Old 'RdrName' type param
+type GhcRn = GhcPass 'Renamed -- Old 'Name' type param
+type GhcTc = GhcPass 'Typechecked -- Old 'Id' type para,
+type GhcTcId = GhcTc -- Old 'TcId' type param
+-- | Maps the "normal" id type for a given pass
+type family IdP p
+type instance IdP GhcPs = RdrName
+type instance IdP GhcRn = Name
+type instance IdP GhcTc = Id
+type LIdP p = Located (IdP p)
+-- | Marks that a field uses the GhcRn variant even when the pass
+-- parameter is GhcTc. Useful for storing HsTypes in GHC.Hs.Exprs, say, because
+-- HsType GhcTc should never occur.
+type family NoGhcTc (p :: Type) where
+ -- this way, GHC can figure out that the result is a GhcPass
+ NoGhcTc (GhcPass pass) = GhcPass (NoGhcTcPass pass)
+ NoGhcTc other = other
+type family NoGhcTcPass (p :: Pass) :: Pass where
+ NoGhcTcPass 'Typechecked = 'Renamed
+ NoGhcTcPass other = other
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsBinds extension points
+-- HsLocalBindsLR type families
+type family XHsValBinds x x'
+type family XHsIPBinds x x'
+type family XEmptyLocalBinds x x'
+type family XXHsLocalBindsLR x x'
+type ForallXHsLocalBindsLR (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsValBinds x x')
+ , c (XHsIPBinds x x')
+ , c (XEmptyLocalBinds x x')
+ , c (XXHsLocalBindsLR x x')
+ )
+-- ValBindsLR type families
+type family XValBinds x x'
+type family XXValBindsLR x x'
+type ForallXValBindsLR (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) =
+ ( c (XValBinds x x')
+ , c (XXValBindsLR x x')
+ )
+-- HsBindsLR type families
+type family XFunBind x x'
+type family XPatBind x x'
+type family XVarBind x x'
+type family XAbsBinds x x'
+type family XPatSynBind x x'
+type family XXHsBindsLR x x'
+type ForallXHsBindsLR (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) =
+ ( c (XFunBind x x')
+ , c (XPatBind x x')
+ , c (XVarBind x x')
+ , c (XAbsBinds x x')
+ , c (XPatSynBind x x')
+ , c (XXHsBindsLR x x')
+ )
+-- ABExport type families
+type family XABE x
+type family XXABExport x
+type ForallXABExport (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XABE x)
+ , c (XXABExport x)
+ )
+-- PatSynBind type families
+type family XPSB x x'
+type family XXPatSynBind x x'
+type ForallXPatSynBind (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) =
+ ( c (XPSB x x')
+ , c (XXPatSynBind x x')
+ )
+-- HsIPBinds type families
+type family XIPBinds x
+type family XXHsIPBinds x
+type ForallXHsIPBinds (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XIPBinds x)
+ , c (XXHsIPBinds x)
+ )
+-- IPBind type families
+type family XCIPBind x
+type family XXIPBind x
+type ForallXIPBind (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCIPBind x)
+ , c (XXIPBind x)
+ )
+-- Sig type families
+type family XTypeSig x
+type family XPatSynSig x
+type family XClassOpSig x
+type family XIdSig x
+type family XFixSig x
+type family XInlineSig x
+type family XSpecSig x
+type family XSpecInstSig x
+type family XMinimalSig x
+type family XSCCFunSig x
+type family XCompleteMatchSig x
+type family XXSig x
+type ForallXSig (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XTypeSig x)
+ , c (XPatSynSig x)
+ , c (XClassOpSig x)
+ , c (XIdSig x)
+ , c (XFixSig x)
+ , c (XInlineSig x)
+ , c (XSpecSig x)
+ , c (XSpecInstSig x)
+ , c (XMinimalSig x)
+ , c (XSCCFunSig x)
+ , c (XCompleteMatchSig x)
+ , c (XXSig x)
+ )
+-- FixitySig type families
+type family XFixitySig x
+type family XXFixitySig x
+type ForallXFixitySig (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XFixitySig x)
+ , c (XXFixitySig x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsDecls extension points
+-- HsDecl type families
+type family XTyClD x
+type family XInstD x
+type family XDerivD x
+type family XValD x
+type family XSigD x
+type family XDefD x
+type family XForD x
+type family XWarningD x
+type family XAnnD x
+type family XRuleD x
+type family XSpliceD x
+type family XDocD x
+type family XRoleAnnotD x
+type family XXHsDecl x
+type ForallXHsDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XTyClD x)
+ , c (XInstD x)
+ , c (XDerivD x)
+ , c (XValD x)
+ , c (XSigD x)
+ , c (XDefD x)
+ , c (XForD x)
+ , c (XWarningD x)
+ , c (XAnnD x)
+ , c (XRuleD x)
+ , c (XSpliceD x)
+ , c (XDocD x)
+ , c (XRoleAnnotD x)
+ , c (XXHsDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- HsGroup type families
+type family XCHsGroup x
+type family XXHsGroup x
+type ForallXHsGroup (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCHsGroup x)
+ , c (XXHsGroup x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- SpliceDecl type families
+type family XSpliceDecl x
+type family XXSpliceDecl x
+type ForallXSpliceDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XSpliceDecl x)
+ , c (XXSpliceDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- TyClDecl type families
+type family XFamDecl x
+type family XSynDecl x
+type family XDataDecl x
+type family XClassDecl x
+type family XXTyClDecl x
+type ForallXTyClDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XFamDecl x)
+ , c (XSynDecl x)
+ , c (XDataDecl x)
+ , c (XClassDecl x)
+ , c (XXTyClDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- TyClGroup type families
+type family XCTyClGroup x
+type family XXTyClGroup x
+type ForallXTyClGroup (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCTyClGroup x)
+ , c (XXTyClGroup x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- FamilyResultSig type families
+type family XNoSig x
+type family XCKindSig x -- Clashes with XKindSig above
+type family XTyVarSig x
+type family XXFamilyResultSig x
+type ForallXFamilyResultSig (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XNoSig x)
+ , c (XCKindSig x)
+ , c (XTyVarSig x)
+ , c (XXFamilyResultSig x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- FamilyDecl type families
+type family XCFamilyDecl x
+type family XXFamilyDecl x
+type ForallXFamilyDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCFamilyDecl x)
+ , c (XXFamilyDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- HsDataDefn type families
+type family XCHsDataDefn x
+type family XXHsDataDefn x
+type ForallXHsDataDefn (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCHsDataDefn x)
+ , c (XXHsDataDefn x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- HsDerivingClause type families
+type family XCHsDerivingClause x
+type family XXHsDerivingClause x
+type ForallXHsDerivingClause (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCHsDerivingClause x)
+ , c (XXHsDerivingClause x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- ConDecl type families
+type family XConDeclGADT x
+type family XConDeclH98 x
+type family XXConDecl x
+type ForallXConDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XConDeclGADT x)
+ , c (XConDeclH98 x)
+ , c (XXConDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- FamEqn type families
+type family XCFamEqn x r
+type family XXFamEqn x r
+type ForallXFamEqn (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (r :: *) =
+ ( c (XCFamEqn x r)
+ , c (XXFamEqn x r)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- ClsInstDecl type families
+type family XCClsInstDecl x
+type family XXClsInstDecl x
+type ForallXClsInstDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCClsInstDecl x)
+ , c (XXClsInstDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- ClsInstDecl type families
+type family XClsInstD x
+type family XDataFamInstD x
+type family XTyFamInstD x
+type family XXInstDecl x
+type ForallXInstDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XClsInstD x)
+ , c (XDataFamInstD x)
+ , c (XTyFamInstD x)
+ , c (XXInstDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- DerivDecl type families
+type family XCDerivDecl x
+type family XXDerivDecl x
+type ForallXDerivDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCDerivDecl x)
+ , c (XXDerivDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- DerivStrategy type family
+type family XViaStrategy x
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- DefaultDecl type families
+type family XCDefaultDecl x
+type family XXDefaultDecl x
+type ForallXDefaultDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCDefaultDecl x)
+ , c (XXDefaultDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- DefaultDecl type families
+type family XForeignImport x
+type family XForeignExport x
+type family XXForeignDecl x
+type ForallXForeignDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XForeignImport x)
+ , c (XForeignExport x)
+ , c (XXForeignDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- RuleDecls type families
+type family XCRuleDecls x
+type family XXRuleDecls x
+type ForallXRuleDecls (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCRuleDecls x)
+ , c (XXRuleDecls x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- RuleDecl type families
+type family XHsRule x
+type family XXRuleDecl x
+type ForallXRuleDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsRule x)
+ , c (XXRuleDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- RuleBndr type families
+type family XCRuleBndr x
+type family XRuleBndrSig x
+type family XXRuleBndr x
+type ForallXRuleBndr (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCRuleBndr x)
+ , c (XRuleBndrSig x)
+ , c (XXRuleBndr x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- WarnDecls type families
+type family XWarnings x
+type family XXWarnDecls x
+type ForallXWarnDecls (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XWarnings x)
+ , c (XXWarnDecls x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- AnnDecl type families
+type family XWarning x
+type family XXWarnDecl x
+type ForallXWarnDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XWarning x)
+ , c (XXWarnDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- AnnDecl type families
+type family XHsAnnotation x
+type family XXAnnDecl x
+type ForallXAnnDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsAnnotation x)
+ , c (XXAnnDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- RoleAnnotDecl type families
+type family XCRoleAnnotDecl x
+type family XXRoleAnnotDecl x
+type ForallXRoleAnnotDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCRoleAnnotDecl x)
+ , c (XXRoleAnnotDecl x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsExpr extension points
+type family XVar x
+type family XUnboundVar x
+type family XConLikeOut x
+type family XRecFld x
+type family XOverLabel x
+type family XIPVar x
+type family XOverLitE x
+type family XLitE x
+type family XLam x
+type family XLamCase x
+type family XApp x
+type family XAppTypeE x
+type family XOpApp x
+type family XNegApp x
+type family XPar x
+type family XSectionL x
+type family XSectionR x
+type family XExplicitTuple x
+type family XExplicitSum x
+type family XCase x
+type family XIf x
+type family XMultiIf x
+type family XLet x
+type family XDo x
+type family XExplicitList x
+type family XRecordCon x
+type family XRecordUpd x
+type family XExprWithTySig x
+type family XArithSeq x
+type family XSCC x
+type family XCoreAnn x
+type family XBracket x
+type family XRnBracketOut x
+type family XTcBracketOut x
+type family XSpliceE x
+type family XProc x
+type family XStatic x
+type family XTick x
+type family XBinTick x
+type family XTickPragma x
+type family XWrap x
+type family XXExpr x
+type ForallXExpr (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XVar x)
+ , c (XUnboundVar x)
+ , c (XConLikeOut x)
+ , c (XRecFld x)
+ , c (XOverLabel x)
+ , c (XIPVar x)
+ , c (XOverLitE x)
+ , c (XLitE x)
+ , c (XLam x)
+ , c (XLamCase x)
+ , c (XApp x)
+ , c (XAppTypeE x)
+ , c (XOpApp x)
+ , c (XNegApp x)
+ , c (XPar x)
+ , c (XSectionL x)
+ , c (XSectionR x)
+ , c (XExplicitTuple x)
+ , c (XExplicitSum x)
+ , c (XCase x)
+ , c (XIf x)
+ , c (XMultiIf x)
+ , c (XLet x)
+ , c (XDo x)
+ , c (XExplicitList x)
+ , c (XRecordCon x)
+ , c (XRecordUpd x)
+ , c (XExprWithTySig x)
+ , c (XArithSeq x)
+ , c (XSCC x)
+ , c (XCoreAnn x)
+ , c (XBracket x)
+ , c (XRnBracketOut x)
+ , c (XTcBracketOut x)
+ , c (XSpliceE x)
+ , c (XProc x)
+ , c (XStatic x)
+ , c (XTick x)
+ , c (XBinTick x)
+ , c (XTickPragma x)
+ , c (XWrap x)
+ , c (XXExpr x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XUnambiguous x
+type family XAmbiguous x
+type family XXAmbiguousFieldOcc x
+type ForallXAmbiguousFieldOcc (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XUnambiguous x)
+ , c (XAmbiguous x)
+ , c (XXAmbiguousFieldOcc x)
+ )
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XPresent x
+type family XMissing x
+type family XXTupArg x
+type ForallXTupArg (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XPresent x)
+ , c (XMissing x)
+ , c (XXTupArg x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XTypedSplice x
+type family XUntypedSplice x
+type family XQuasiQuote x
+type family XSpliced x
+type family XXSplice x
+type ForallXSplice (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XTypedSplice x)
+ , c (XUntypedSplice x)
+ , c (XQuasiQuote x)
+ , c (XSpliced x)
+ , c (XXSplice x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XExpBr x
+type family XPatBr x
+type family XDecBrL x
+type family XDecBrG x
+type family XTypBr x
+type family XVarBr x
+type family XTExpBr x
+type family XXBracket x
+type ForallXBracket (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XExpBr x)
+ , c (XPatBr x)
+ , c (XDecBrL x)
+ , c (XDecBrG x)
+ , c (XTypBr x)
+ , c (XVarBr x)
+ , c (XTExpBr x)
+ , c (XXBracket x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XCmdTop x
+type family XXCmdTop x
+type ForallXCmdTop (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCmdTop x)
+ , c (XXCmdTop x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XMG x b
+type family XXMatchGroup x b
+type ForallXMatchGroup (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XMG x b)
+ , c (XXMatchGroup x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XCMatch x b
+type family XXMatch x b
+type ForallXMatch (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XCMatch x b)
+ , c (XXMatch x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XCGRHSs x b
+type family XXGRHSs x b
+type ForallXGRHSs (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XCGRHSs x b)
+ , c (XXGRHSs x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XCGRHS x b
+type family XXGRHS x b
+type ForallXGRHS (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XCGRHS x b)
+ , c (XXGRHS x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XLastStmt x x' b
+type family XBindStmt x x' b
+type family XApplicativeStmt x x' b
+type family XBodyStmt x x' b
+type family XLetStmt x x' b
+type family XParStmt x x' b
+type family XTransStmt x x' b
+type family XRecStmt x x' b
+type family XXStmtLR x x' b
+type ForallXStmtLR (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XLastStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XBindStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XApplicativeStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XBodyStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XLetStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XParStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XTransStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XRecStmt x x' b)
+ , c (XXStmtLR x x' b)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XCmdArrApp x
+type family XCmdArrForm x
+type family XCmdApp x
+type family XCmdLam x
+type family XCmdPar x
+type family XCmdCase x
+type family XCmdIf x
+type family XCmdLet x
+type family XCmdDo x
+type family XCmdWrap x
+type family XXCmd x
+type ForallXCmd (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCmdArrApp x)
+ , c (XCmdArrForm x)
+ , c (XCmdApp x)
+ , c (XCmdLam x)
+ , c (XCmdPar x)
+ , c (XCmdCase x)
+ , c (XCmdIf x)
+ , c (XCmdLet x)
+ , c (XCmdDo x)
+ , c (XCmdWrap x)
+ , c (XXCmd x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XParStmtBlock x x'
+type family XXParStmtBlock x x'
+type ForallXParStmtBlock (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (x' :: *) =
+ ( c (XParStmtBlock x x')
+ , c (XXParStmtBlock x x')
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XApplicativeArgOne x
+type family XApplicativeArgMany x
+type family XXApplicativeArg x
+type ForallXApplicativeArg (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XApplicativeArgOne x)
+ , c (XApplicativeArgMany x)
+ , c (XXApplicativeArg x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsImpExp extension points
+-- TODO
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsLit extension points
+-- We define a type family for each extension point. This is based on prepending
+-- 'X' to the constructor name, for ease of reference.
+type family XHsChar x
+type family XHsCharPrim x
+type family XHsString x
+type family XHsStringPrim x
+type family XHsInt x
+type family XHsIntPrim x
+type family XHsWordPrim x
+type family XHsInt64Prim x
+type family XHsWord64Prim x
+type family XHsInteger x
+type family XHsRat x
+type family XHsFloatPrim x
+type family XHsDoublePrim x
+type family XXLit x
+-- | Helper to apply a constraint to all extension points. It has one
+-- entry per extension point type family.
+type ForallXHsLit (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsChar x)
+ , c (XHsCharPrim x)
+ , c (XHsDoublePrim x)
+ , c (XHsFloatPrim x)
+ , c (XHsInt x)
+ , c (XHsInt64Prim x)
+ , c (XHsIntPrim x)
+ , c (XHsInteger x)
+ , c (XHsRat x)
+ , c (XHsString x)
+ , c (XHsStringPrim x)
+ , c (XHsWord64Prim x)
+ , c (XHsWordPrim x)
+ , c (XXLit x)
+ )
+type family XOverLit x
+type family XXOverLit x
+type ForallXOverLit (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XOverLit x)
+ , c (XXOverLit x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsPat extension points
+type family XWildPat x
+type family XVarPat x
+type family XLazyPat x
+type family XAsPat x
+type family XParPat x
+type family XBangPat x
+type family XListPat x
+type family XTuplePat x
+type family XSumPat x
+type family XConPat x
+type family XViewPat x
+type family XSplicePat x
+type family XLitPat x
+type family XNPat x
+type family XNPlusKPat x
+type family XSigPat x
+type family XCoPat x
+type family XXPat x
+type ForallXPat (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XWildPat x)
+ , c (XVarPat x)
+ , c (XLazyPat x)
+ , c (XAsPat x)
+ , c (XParPat x)
+ , c (XBangPat x)
+ , c (XListPat x)
+ , c (XTuplePat x)
+ , c (XSumPat x)
+ , c (XViewPat x)
+ , c (XSplicePat x)
+ , c (XLitPat x)
+ , c (XNPat x)
+ , c (XNPlusKPat x)
+ , c (XSigPat x)
+ , c (XCoPat x)
+ , c (XXPat x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsTypes type families
+type family XHsQTvs x
+type family XXLHsQTyVars x
+type ForallXLHsQTyVars (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsQTvs x)
+ , c (XXLHsQTyVars x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XHsIB x b
+type family XXHsImplicitBndrs x b
+type ForallXHsImplicitBndrs (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsIB x b)
+ , c (XXHsImplicitBndrs x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XHsWC x b
+type family XXHsWildCardBndrs x b
+type ForallXHsWildCardBndrs(c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) (b :: *) =
+ ( c (XHsWC x b)
+ , c (XXHsWildCardBndrs x b)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XForAllTy x
+type family XQualTy x
+type family XTyVar x
+type family XAppTy x
+type family XAppKindTy x
+type family XFunTy x
+type family XListTy x
+type family XTupleTy x
+type family XSumTy x
+type family XOpTy x
+type family XParTy x
+type family XIParamTy x
+type family XStarTy x
+type family XKindSig x
+type family XSpliceTy x
+type family XDocTy x
+type family XBangTy x
+type family XRecTy x
+type family XExplicitListTy x
+type family XExplicitTupleTy x
+type family XTyLit x
+type family XWildCardTy x
+type family XXType x
+-- | Helper to apply a constraint to all extension points. It has one
+-- entry per extension point type family.
+type ForallXType (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XForAllTy x)
+ , c (XQualTy x)
+ , c (XTyVar x)
+ , c (XAppTy x)
+ , c (XAppKindTy x)
+ , c (XFunTy x)
+ , c (XListTy x)
+ , c (XTupleTy x)
+ , c (XSumTy x)
+ , c (XOpTy x)
+ , c (XParTy x)
+ , c (XIParamTy x)
+ , c (XStarTy x)
+ , c (XKindSig x)
+ , c (XSpliceTy x)
+ , c (XDocTy x)
+ , c (XBangTy x)
+ , c (XRecTy x)
+ , c (XExplicitListTy x)
+ , c (XExplicitTupleTy x)
+ , c (XTyLit x)
+ , c (XWildCardTy x)
+ , c (XXType x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XUserTyVar x
+type family XKindedTyVar x
+type family XXTyVarBndr x
+type ForallXTyVarBndr (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XUserTyVar x)
+ , c (XKindedTyVar x)
+ , c (XXTyVarBndr x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XConDeclField x
+type family XXConDeclField x
+type ForallXConDeclField (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XConDeclField x)
+ , c (XXConDeclField x)
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type family XCFieldOcc x
+type family XXFieldOcc x
+type ForallXFieldOcc (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCFieldOcc x)
+ , c (XXFieldOcc x)
+ )
+-- =====================================================================
+-- Type families for the HsImpExp type families
+type family XCImportDecl x
+type family XXImportDecl x
+type ForallXImportDecl (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XCImportDecl x)
+ , c (XXImportDecl x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+type family XIEVar x
+type family XIEThingAbs x
+type family XIEThingAll x
+type family XIEThingWith x
+type family XIEModuleContents x
+type family XIEGroup x
+type family XIEDoc x
+type family XIEDocNamed x
+type family XXIE x
+type ForallXIE (c :: * -> Constraint) (x :: *) =
+ ( c (XIEVar x)
+ , c (XIEThingAbs x)
+ , c (XIEThingAll x)
+ , c (XIEThingWith x)
+ , c (XIEModuleContents x)
+ , c (XIEGroup x)
+ , c (XIEDoc x)
+ , c (XIEDocNamed x)
+ , c (XXIE x)
+ )
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- =====================================================================
+-- End of Type family definitions
+-- =====================================================================
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Conversion of annotations from one type index to another. This is required
+-- where the AST is converted from one pass to another, and the extension values
+-- need to be brought along if possible. So for example a 'SourceText' is
+-- converted via 'id', but needs a type signature to keep the type checker
+-- happy.
+class Convertable a b | a -> b where
+ convert :: a -> b
+instance Convertable a a where
+ convert = id
+-- | A constraint capturing all the extension points that can be converted via
+-- @instance Convertable a a@
+type ConvertIdX a b =
+ (XHsDoublePrim a ~ XHsDoublePrim b,
+ XHsFloatPrim a ~ XHsFloatPrim b,
+ XHsRat a ~ XHsRat b,
+ XHsInteger a ~ XHsInteger b,
+ XHsWord64Prim a ~ XHsWord64Prim b,
+ XHsInt64Prim a ~ XHsInt64Prim b,
+ XHsWordPrim a ~ XHsWordPrim b,
+ XHsIntPrim a ~ XHsIntPrim b,
+ XHsInt a ~ XHsInt b,
+ XHsStringPrim a ~ XHsStringPrim b,
+ XHsString a ~ XHsString b,
+ XHsCharPrim a ~ XHsCharPrim b,
+ XHsChar a ~ XHsChar b,
+ XXLit a ~ XXLit b)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Note [OutputableX]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- is required because the type family resolution
+-- process cannot determine that all cases are handled for a `GhcPass p`
+-- case where the cases are listed separately.
+-- So
+-- type instance XXHsIPBinds (GhcPass p) = NoExtCon
+-- will correctly deduce Outputable for (GhcPass p), but
+-- type instance XIPBinds GhcPs = NoExt
+-- type instance XIPBinds GhcRn = NoExt
+-- type instance XIPBinds GhcTc = TcEvBinds
+-- will not.
+-- | Provide a summary constraint that gives all am Outputable constraint to
+-- extension points needing one
+type OutputableX p = -- See Note [OutputableX]
+ ( Outputable (XIPBinds p)
+ , Outputable (XViaStrategy p)
+ , Outputable (XViaStrategy GhcRn)
+ )
+-- TODO: Should OutputableX be included in OutputableBndrId?
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- |Constraint type to bundle up the requirement for 'OutputableBndr' on both
+-- the @id@ and the 'NameOrRdrName' type for it
+type OutputableBndrId id =
+ ( OutputableBndr (NameOrRdrName (IdP id))
+ , OutputableBndr (IdP id)
+ , OutputableBndr (NameOrRdrName (IdP (NoGhcTc id)))
+ , OutputableBndr (IdP (NoGhcTc id))
+ , NoGhcTc id ~ NoGhcTc (NoGhcTc id)
+ , OutputableX id
+ , OutputableX (NoGhcTc id)
+ )
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/ImpExp.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/ImpExp.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56d1691ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/ImpExp.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+GHC.Hs.ImpExp: Abstract syntax: imports, exports, interfaces
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+module GHC.Hs.ImpExp where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Module ( ModuleName )
+import GHC.Hs.Doc ( HsDocString )
+import OccName ( HasOccName(..), isTcOcc, isSymOcc )
+import BasicTypes ( SourceText(..), StringLiteral(..), pprWithSourceText )
+import FieldLabel ( FieldLbl(..) )
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import SrcLoc
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import Data.Data
+import Data.Maybe
+* *
+\subsection{Import and export declaration lists}
+* *
+One per \tr{import} declaration in a module.
+-- | Located Import Declaration
+type LImportDecl pass = Located (ImportDecl pass)
+ -- ^ When in a list this may have
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSemi'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | If/how an import is 'qualified'.
+data ImportDeclQualifiedStyle
+ = QualifiedPre -- ^ 'qualified' appears in prepositive position.
+ | QualifiedPost -- ^ 'qualified' appears in postpositive position.
+ | NotQualified -- ^ Not qualified.
+ deriving (Eq, Data)
+-- | Given two possible located 'qualified' tokens, compute a style
+-- (in a conforming Haskell program only one of the two can be not
+-- 'Nothing'). This is called from 'Parser.y'.
+importDeclQualifiedStyle :: Maybe (Located a)
+ -> Maybe (Located a)
+ -> ImportDeclQualifiedStyle
+importDeclQualifiedStyle mPre mPost =
+ if isJust mPre then QualifiedPre
+ else if isJust mPost then QualifiedPost else NotQualified
+-- | Convenience function to answer the question if an import decl. is
+-- qualified.
+isImportDeclQualified :: ImportDeclQualifiedStyle -> Bool
+isImportDeclQualified NotQualified = False
+isImportDeclQualified _ = True
+-- | Import Declaration
+-- A single Haskell @import@ declaration.
+data ImportDecl pass
+ = ImportDecl {
+ ideclExt :: XCImportDecl pass,
+ ideclSourceSrc :: SourceText,
+ -- Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ ideclName :: Located ModuleName, -- ^ Module name.
+ ideclPkgQual :: Maybe StringLiteral, -- ^ Package qualifier.
+ ideclSource :: Bool, -- ^ True <=> {-\# SOURCE \#-} import
+ ideclSafe :: Bool, -- ^ True => safe import
+ ideclQualified :: ImportDeclQualifiedStyle, -- ^ If/how the import is qualified.
+ ideclImplicit :: Bool, -- ^ True => implicit import (of Prelude)
+ ideclAs :: Maybe (Located ModuleName), -- ^ as Module
+ ideclHiding :: Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE pass])
+ -- ^ (True => hiding, names)
+ }
+ | XImportDecl (XXImportDecl pass)
+ -- ^
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnImport'
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' for ideclSource
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnSafe','ApiAnnotation.AnnQualified',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnPackageName','ApiAnnotation.AnnAs',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVal'
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnHiding','ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' attached
+ -- to location in ideclHiding
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+type instance XCImportDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXImportDecl (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+simpleImportDecl :: ModuleName -> ImportDecl (GhcPass p)
+simpleImportDecl mn = ImportDecl {
+ ideclExt = noExtField,
+ ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText,
+ ideclName = noLoc mn,
+ ideclPkgQual = Nothing,
+ ideclSource = False,
+ ideclSafe = False,
+ ideclImplicit = False,
+ ideclQualified = NotQualified,
+ ideclAs = Nothing,
+ ideclHiding = Nothing
+ }
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass,OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (ImportDecl p) where
+ ppr (ImportDecl { ideclSourceSrc = mSrcText, ideclName = mod'
+ , ideclPkgQual = pkg
+ , ideclSource = from, ideclSafe = safe
+ , ideclQualified = qual, ideclImplicit = implicit
+ , ideclAs = as, ideclHiding = spec })
+ = hang (hsep [text "import", ppr_imp from, pp_implicit implicit, pp_safe safe,
+ pp_qual qual False, pp_pkg pkg, ppr mod', pp_qual qual True, pp_as as])
+ 4 (pp_spec spec)
+ where
+ pp_implicit False = empty
+ pp_implicit True = ptext (sLit ("(implicit)"))
+ pp_pkg Nothing = empty
+ pp_pkg (Just (StringLiteral st p))
+ = pprWithSourceText st (doubleQuotes (ftext p))
+ pp_qual QualifiedPre False = text "qualified" -- Prepositive qualifier/prepositive position.
+ pp_qual QualifiedPost True = text "qualified" -- Postpositive qualifier/postpositive position.
+ pp_qual QualifiedPre True = empty -- Prepositive qualifier/postpositive position.
+ pp_qual QualifiedPost False = empty -- Postpositive qualifier/prepositive position.
+ pp_qual NotQualified _ = empty
+ pp_safe False = empty
+ pp_safe True = text "safe"
+ pp_as Nothing = empty
+ pp_as (Just a) = text "as" <+> ppr a
+ ppr_imp True = case mSrcText of
+ NoSourceText -> text "{-# SOURCE #-}"
+ SourceText src -> text src <+> text "#-}"
+ ppr_imp False = empty
+ pp_spec Nothing = empty
+ pp_spec (Just (False, (L _ ies))) = ppr_ies ies
+ pp_spec (Just (True, (L _ ies))) = text "hiding" <+> ppr_ies ies
+ ppr_ies [] = text "()"
+ ppr_ies ies = char '(' <+> interpp'SP ies <+> char ')'
+ ppr (XImportDecl x) = ppr x
+* *
+\subsection{Imported and exported entities}
+* *
+-- | A name in an import or export specification which may have adornments. Used
+-- primarily for accurate pretty printing of ParsedSource, and API Annotation
+-- placement.
+data IEWrappedName name
+ = IEName (Located name) -- ^ no extra
+ | IEPattern (Located name) -- ^ pattern X
+ | IEType (Located name) -- ^ type (:+:)
+ deriving (Eq,Data)
+-- | Located name with possible adornment
+-- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnPattern'
+type LIEWrappedName name = Located (IEWrappedName name)
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | Located Import or Export
+type LIE pass = Located (IE pass)
+ -- ^ When in a list this may have
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | Imported or exported entity.
+data IE pass
+ = IEVar (XIEVar pass) (LIEWrappedName (IdP pass))
+ -- ^ Imported or Exported Variable
+ | IEThingAbs (XIEThingAbs pass) (LIEWrappedName (IdP pass))
+ -- ^ Imported or exported Thing with Absent list
+ --
+ -- The thing is a Class/Type (can't tell)
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnPattern',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType','ApiAnnotation.AnnVal'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ -- See Note [Located RdrNames] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+ | IEThingAll (XIEThingAll pass) (LIEWrappedName (IdP pass))
+ -- ^ Imported or exported Thing with All imported or exported
+ --
+ -- The thing is a Class/Type and the All refers to methods/constructors
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDotdot','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ -- See Note [Located RdrNames] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+ | IEThingWith (XIEThingWith pass)
+ (LIEWrappedName (IdP pass))
+ IEWildcard
+ [LIEWrappedName (IdP pass)]
+ [Located (FieldLbl (IdP pass))]
+ -- ^ Imported or exported Thing With given imported or exported
+ --
+ -- The thing is a Class/Type and the imported or exported things are
+ -- methods/constructors and record fields; see Note [IEThingWith]
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | IEModuleContents (XIEModuleContents pass) (Located ModuleName)
+ -- ^ Imported or exported module contents
+ --
+ -- (Export Only)
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnModule'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | IEGroup (XIEGroup pass) Int HsDocString -- ^ Doc section heading
+ | IEDoc (XIEDoc pass) HsDocString -- ^ Some documentation
+ | IEDocNamed (XIEDocNamed pass) String -- ^ Reference to named doc
+ | XIE (XXIE pass)
+type instance XIEVar (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XIEThingAbs (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XIEThingAll (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XIEThingWith (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XIEModuleContents (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XIEGroup (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XIEDoc (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XIEDocNamed (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXIE (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- | Imported or Exported Wildcard
+data IEWildcard = NoIEWildcard | IEWildcard Int deriving (Eq, Data)
+Note [IEThingWith]
+A definition like
+ module M ( T(MkT, x) ) where
+ data T = MkT { x :: Int }
+gives rise to
+ IEThingWith T [MkT] [FieldLabel "x" False x)] (without DuplicateRecordFields)
+ IEThingWith T [MkT] [FieldLabel "x" True $sel:x:MkT)] (with DuplicateRecordFields)
+See Note [Representing fields in AvailInfo] in Avail for more details.
+ieName :: IE (GhcPass p) -> IdP (GhcPass p)
+ieName (IEVar _ (L _ n)) = ieWrappedName n
+ieName (IEThingAbs _ (L _ n)) = ieWrappedName n
+ieName (IEThingWith _ (L _ n) _ _ _) = ieWrappedName n
+ieName (IEThingAll _ (L _ n)) = ieWrappedName n
+ieName _ = panic "ieName failed pattern match!"
+ieNames :: IE (GhcPass p) -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
+ieNames (IEVar _ (L _ n) ) = [ieWrappedName n]
+ieNames (IEThingAbs _ (L _ n) ) = [ieWrappedName n]
+ieNames (IEThingAll _ (L _ n) ) = [ieWrappedName n]
+ieNames (IEThingWith _ (L _ n) _ ns _) = ieWrappedName n
+ : map (ieWrappedName . unLoc) ns
+ieNames (IEModuleContents {}) = []
+ieNames (IEGroup {}) = []
+ieNames (IEDoc {}) = []
+ieNames (IEDocNamed {}) = []
+ieNames (XIE nec) = noExtCon nec
+ieWrappedName :: IEWrappedName name -> name
+ieWrappedName (IEName (L _ n)) = n
+ieWrappedName (IEPattern (L _ n)) = n
+ieWrappedName (IEType (L _ n)) = n
+lieWrappedName :: LIEWrappedName name -> name
+lieWrappedName (L _ n) = ieWrappedName n
+ieLWrappedName :: LIEWrappedName name -> Located name
+ieLWrappedName (L l n) = L l (ieWrappedName n)
+replaceWrappedName :: IEWrappedName name1 -> name2 -> IEWrappedName name2
+replaceWrappedName (IEName (L l _)) n = IEName (L l n)
+replaceWrappedName (IEPattern (L l _)) n = IEPattern (L l n)
+replaceWrappedName (IEType (L l _)) n = IEType (L l n)
+replaceLWrappedName :: LIEWrappedName name1 -> name2 -> LIEWrappedName name2
+replaceLWrappedName (L l n) n' = L l (replaceWrappedName n n')
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass,OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (IE p) where
+ ppr (IEVar _ var) = ppr (unLoc var)
+ ppr (IEThingAbs _ thing) = ppr (unLoc thing)
+ ppr (IEThingAll _ thing) = hcat [ppr (unLoc thing), text "(..)"]
+ ppr (IEThingWith _ thing wc withs flds)
+ = ppr (unLoc thing) <> parens (fsep (punctuate comma
+ (ppWiths ++
+ map (ppr . flLabel . unLoc) flds)))
+ where
+ ppWiths =
+ case wc of
+ NoIEWildcard ->
+ map (ppr . unLoc) withs
+ IEWildcard pos ->
+ let (bs, as) = splitAt pos (map (ppr . unLoc) withs)
+ in bs ++ [text ".."] ++ as
+ ppr (IEModuleContents _ mod')
+ = text "module" <+> ppr mod'
+ ppr (IEGroup _ n _) = text ("<IEGroup: " ++ show n ++ ">")
+ ppr (IEDoc _ doc) = ppr doc
+ ppr (IEDocNamed _ string) = text ("<IEDocNamed: " ++ string ++ ">")
+ ppr (XIE x) = ppr x
+instance (HasOccName name) => HasOccName (IEWrappedName name) where
+ occName w = occName (ieWrappedName w)
+instance (OutputableBndr name) => OutputableBndr (IEWrappedName name) where
+ pprBndr bs w = pprBndr bs (ieWrappedName w)
+ pprPrefixOcc w = pprPrefixOcc (ieWrappedName w)
+ pprInfixOcc w = pprInfixOcc (ieWrappedName w)
+instance (OutputableBndr name) => Outputable (IEWrappedName name) where
+ ppr (IEName n) = pprPrefixOcc (unLoc n)
+ ppr (IEPattern n) = text "pattern" <+> pprPrefixOcc (unLoc n)
+ ppr (IEType n) = text "type" <+> pprPrefixOcc (unLoc n)
+pprImpExp :: (HasOccName name, OutputableBndr name) => name -> SDoc
+pprImpExp name = type_pref <+> pprPrefixOcc name
+ where
+ occ = occName name
+ type_pref | isTcOcc occ && isSymOcc occ = text "type"
+ | otherwise = empty
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Instances.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Instances.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d55e20c2e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Instances.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module GHC.Hs.Instances where
+-- This module defines the Data instances for the hsSyn AST.
+-- It happens here to avoid massive constraint types on the AST with concomitant
+-- slow GHC bootstrap times.
+-- UndecidableInstances ?
+import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import GHC.Hs.Binds
+import GHC.Hs.Decls
+import GHC.Hs.Expr
+import GHC.Hs.Lit
+import GHC.Hs.Types
+import GHC.Hs.Pat
+import GHC.Hs.ImpExp
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Data derivations from GHC.Hs-----------------------------------------
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Data derivations from GHC.Hs.Binds ----------------------------------
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR pL pR) => Data (HsLocalBindsLR pL pR)
+deriving instance Data (HsLocalBindsLR GhcPs GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsLocalBindsLR GhcPs GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsLocalBindsLR GhcRn GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsLocalBindsLR GhcTc GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR pL pR) => Data (HsValBindsLR pL pR)
+deriving instance Data (HsValBindsLR GhcPs GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsValBindsLR GhcPs GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsValBindsLR GhcRn GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsValBindsLR GhcTc GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR pL pL) => Data (NHsValBindsLR pL)
+deriving instance Data (NHsValBindsLR GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (NHsValBindsLR GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (NHsValBindsLR GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR pL pR) => Data (HsBindLR pL pR)
+deriving instance Data (HsBindLR GhcPs GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsBindLR GhcPs GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsBindLR GhcRn GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsBindLR GhcTc GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataId p) => Data (ABExport p)
+deriving instance Data (ABExport GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (ABExport GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (ABExport GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR pL pR) => Data (PatSynBind pL pR)
+deriving instance Data (PatSynBind GhcPs GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (PatSynBind GhcPs GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (PatSynBind GhcRn GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (PatSynBind GhcTc GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsIPBinds p)
+deriving instance Data (HsIPBinds GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsIPBinds GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsIPBinds GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (IPBind p)
+deriving instance Data (IPBind GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (IPBind GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (IPBind GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (Sig p)
+deriving instance Data (Sig GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (Sig GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (Sig GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataId p) => Data (FixitySig p)
+deriving instance Data (FixitySig GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (FixitySig GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (FixitySig GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsPatSynDir p)
+deriving instance Data (HsPatSynDir GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsPatSynDir GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsPatSynDir GhcTc)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Data derivations from GHC.Hs.Decls ----------------------------------
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (HsDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsGroup p)
+deriving instance Data (HsGroup GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsGroup GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsGroup GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (SpliceDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (SpliceDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (SpliceDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (SpliceDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (TyClDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (TyClDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (TyClDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (TyClDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (TyClGroup p)
+deriving instance Data (TyClGroup GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (TyClGroup GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (TyClGroup GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (FamilyResultSig p)
+deriving instance Data (FamilyResultSig GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (FamilyResultSig GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (FamilyResultSig GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (FamilyDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (FamilyDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (FamilyDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (FamilyDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (InjectivityAnn p)
+deriving instance Data (InjectivityAnn GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (InjectivityAnn GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (InjectivityAnn GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (FamilyInfo p)
+deriving instance Data (FamilyInfo GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (FamilyInfo GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (FamilyInfo GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsDataDefn p)
+deriving instance Data (HsDataDefn GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsDataDefn GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsDataDefn GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsDerivingClause p)
+deriving instance Data (HsDerivingClause GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsDerivingClause GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsDerivingClause GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (ConDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (ConDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (ConDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (ConDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance DataIdLR p p => Data (TyFamInstDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (TyFamInstDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (TyFamInstDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (TyFamInstDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance DataIdLR p p => Data (DataFamInstDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (DataFamInstDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (DataFamInstDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (DataFamInstDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p,Data rhs)=>Data (FamEqn p rhs)
+deriving instance Data rhs => Data (FamEqn GhcPs rhs)
+deriving instance Data rhs => Data (FamEqn GhcRn rhs)
+deriving instance Data rhs => Data (FamEqn GhcTc rhs)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (ClsInstDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (ClsInstDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (ClsInstDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (ClsInstDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (InstDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (InstDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (InstDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (InstDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (DerivDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (DerivDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (DerivDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (DerivDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (DerivStrategy p)
+deriving instance Data (DerivStrategy GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (DerivStrategy GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (DerivStrategy GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (DefaultDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (DefaultDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (DefaultDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (DefaultDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (ForeignDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (ForeignDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (ForeignDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (ForeignDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (RuleDecls p)
+deriving instance Data (RuleDecls GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (RuleDecls GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (RuleDecls GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (RuleDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (RuleDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (RuleDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (RuleDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (RuleBndr p)
+deriving instance Data (RuleBndr GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (RuleBndr GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (RuleBndr GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataId p) => Data (WarnDecls p)
+deriving instance Data (WarnDecls GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (WarnDecls GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (WarnDecls GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataId p) => Data (WarnDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (WarnDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (WarnDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (WarnDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (AnnDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (AnnDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (AnnDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (AnnDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataId p) => Data (RoleAnnotDecl p)
+deriving instance Data (RoleAnnotDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (RoleAnnotDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (RoleAnnotDecl GhcTc)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Data derivations from GHC.Hs.Expr -----------------------------------
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (SyntaxExpr p)
+deriving instance Data (SyntaxExpr GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (SyntaxExpr GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (SyntaxExpr GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsExpr p)
+deriving instance Data (HsExpr GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsExpr GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsExpr GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsTupArg p)
+deriving instance Data (HsTupArg GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsTupArg GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsTupArg GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsCmd p)
+deriving instance Data (HsCmd GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsCmd GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsCmd GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsCmdTop p)
+deriving instance Data (HsCmdTop GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsCmdTop GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsCmdTop GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p,Data body) => Data (MatchGroup p body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (MatchGroup GhcPs body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (MatchGroup GhcRn body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (MatchGroup GhcTc body)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p,Data body) => Data (Match p body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (Match GhcPs body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (Match GhcRn body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (Match GhcTc body)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p,Data body) => Data (GRHSs p body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (GRHSs GhcPs body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (GRHSs GhcRn body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (GRHSs GhcTc body)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p,Data body) => Data (GRHS p body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (GRHS GhcPs body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (GRHS GhcRn body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (GRHS GhcTc body)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p,Data body) => Data (StmtLR p p body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (StmtLR GhcPs GhcRn body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (StmtLR GhcTc GhcTc body)
+deriving instance Data RecStmtTc
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (ParStmtBlock p p)
+deriving instance Data (ParStmtBlock GhcPs GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (ParStmtBlock GhcPs GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (ParStmtBlock GhcRn GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (ParStmtBlock GhcTc GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (ApplicativeArg p)
+deriving instance Data (ApplicativeArg GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (ApplicativeArg GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (ApplicativeArg GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsSplice p)
+deriving instance Data (HsSplice GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsSplice GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsSplice GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsSplicedThing p)
+deriving instance Data (HsSplicedThing GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsSplicedThing GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsSplicedThing GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsBracket p)
+deriving instance Data (HsBracket GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsBracket GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsBracket GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (ArithSeqInfo p)
+deriving instance Data (ArithSeqInfo GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (ArithSeqInfo GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (ArithSeqInfo GhcTc)
+deriving instance Data RecordConTc
+deriving instance Data CmdTopTc
+deriving instance Data PendingRnSplice
+deriving instance Data PendingTcSplice
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Data derivations from GHC.Hs.Lit ------------------------------------
+-- deriving instance (DataId p) => Data (HsLit p)
+deriving instance Data (HsLit GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsLit GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsLit GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsOverLit p)
+deriving instance Data (HsOverLit GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsOverLit GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsOverLit GhcTc)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Data derivations from GHC.Hs.Pat ------------------------------------
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (Pat p)
+deriving instance Data (Pat GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (Pat GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (Pat GhcTc)
+deriving instance Data ListPatTc
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p, Data body) => Data (HsRecFields p body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (HsRecFields GhcPs body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (HsRecFields GhcRn body)
+deriving instance (Data body) => Data (HsRecFields GhcTc body)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Data derivations from GHC.Hs.Types ----------------------------------
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (LHsQTyVars p)
+deriving instance Data (LHsQTyVars GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (LHsQTyVars GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (LHsQTyVars GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p, Data thing) =>Data (HsImplicitBndrs p thing)
+deriving instance (Data thing) => Data (HsImplicitBndrs GhcPs thing)
+deriving instance (Data thing) => Data (HsImplicitBndrs GhcRn thing)
+deriving instance (Data thing) => Data (HsImplicitBndrs GhcTc thing)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p, Data thing) =>Data (HsWildCardBndrs p thing)
+deriving instance (Data thing) => Data (HsWildCardBndrs GhcPs thing)
+deriving instance (Data thing) => Data (HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn thing)
+deriving instance (Data thing) => Data (HsWildCardBndrs GhcTc thing)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsTyVarBndr p)
+deriving instance Data (HsTyVarBndr GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsTyVarBndr GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsTyVarBndr GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (HsType p)
+deriving instance Data (HsType GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (HsType GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (HsType GhcTc)
+deriving instance Data (LHsTypeArg GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (LHsTypeArg GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (LHsTypeArg GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataIdLR p p) => Data (ConDeclField p)
+deriving instance Data (ConDeclField GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (ConDeclField GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (ConDeclField GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataId p) => Data (FieldOcc p)
+deriving instance Data (FieldOcc GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (FieldOcc GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (FieldOcc GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance DataId p => Data (AmbiguousFieldOcc p)
+deriving instance Data (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataId name) => Data (ImportDecl name)
+deriving instance Data (ImportDecl GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (ImportDecl GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (ImportDecl GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (DataId name) => Data (IE name)
+deriving instance Data (IE GhcPs)
+deriving instance Data (IE GhcRn)
+deriving instance Data (IE GhcTc)
+-- deriving instance (Eq name, Eq (IdP name)) => Eq (IE name)
+deriving instance Eq (IE GhcPs)
+deriving instance Eq (IE GhcRn)
+deriving instance Eq (IE GhcTc)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Lit.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Lit.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab30de87ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Lit.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[HsLit]{Abstract syntax: source-language literals}
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module GHC.Hs.Lit where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Expr( HsExpr, pprExpr )
+import BasicTypes ( IntegralLit(..),FractionalLit(..),negateIntegralLit,
+ negateFractionalLit,SourceText(..),pprWithSourceText )
+import Type
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
+* *
+* *
+-- Note [Literal source text] in BasicTypes for SourceText fields in
+-- the following
+-- Note [Trees that grow] in GHC.Hs.Extension for the Xxxxx fields in the following
+-- | Haskell Literal
+data HsLit x
+ = HsChar (XHsChar x) {- SourceText -} Char
+ -- ^ Character
+ | HsCharPrim (XHsCharPrim x) {- SourceText -} Char
+ -- ^ Unboxed character
+ | HsString (XHsString x) {- SourceText -} FastString
+ -- ^ String
+ | HsStringPrim (XHsStringPrim x) {- SourceText -} ByteString
+ -- ^ Packed bytes
+ | HsInt (XHsInt x) IntegralLit
+ -- ^ Genuinely an Int; arises from
+ -- @TcGenDeriv@, and from TRANSLATION
+ | HsIntPrim (XHsIntPrim x) {- SourceText -} Integer
+ -- ^ literal @Int#@
+ | HsWordPrim (XHsWordPrim x) {- SourceText -} Integer
+ -- ^ literal @Word#@
+ | HsInt64Prim (XHsInt64Prim x) {- SourceText -} Integer
+ -- ^ literal @Int64#@
+ | HsWord64Prim (XHsWord64Prim x) {- SourceText -} Integer
+ -- ^ literal @Word64#@
+ | HsInteger (XHsInteger x) {- SourceText -} Integer Type
+ -- ^ Genuinely an integer; arises only
+ -- from TRANSLATION (overloaded
+ -- literals are done with HsOverLit)
+ | HsRat (XHsRat x) FractionalLit Type
+ -- ^ Genuinely a rational; arises only from
+ -- TRANSLATION (overloaded literals are
+ -- done with HsOverLit)
+ | HsFloatPrim (XHsFloatPrim x) FractionalLit
+ -- ^ Unboxed Float
+ | HsDoublePrim (XHsDoublePrim x) FractionalLit
+ -- ^ Unboxed Double
+ | XLit (XXLit x)
+type instance XHsChar (GhcPass _) = SourceText
+type instance XHsCharPrim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
+type instance XHsString (GhcPass _) = SourceText
+type instance XHsStringPrim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
+type instance XHsInt (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XHsIntPrim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
+type instance XHsWordPrim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
+type instance XHsInt64Prim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
+type instance XHsWord64Prim (GhcPass _) = SourceText
+type instance XHsInteger (GhcPass _) = SourceText
+type instance XHsRat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XHsFloatPrim (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XHsDoublePrim (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXLit (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance Eq (HsLit x) where
+ (HsChar _ x1) == (HsChar _ x2) = x1==x2
+ (HsCharPrim _ x1) == (HsCharPrim _ x2) = x1==x2
+ (HsString _ x1) == (HsString _ x2) = x1==x2
+ (HsStringPrim _ x1) == (HsStringPrim _ x2) = x1==x2
+ (HsInt _ x1) == (HsInt _ x2) = x1==x2
+ (HsIntPrim _ x1) == (HsIntPrim _ x2) = x1==x2
+ (HsWordPrim _ x1) == (HsWordPrim _ x2) = x1==x2
+ (HsInt64Prim _ x1) == (HsInt64Prim _ x2) = x1==x2
+ (HsWord64Prim _ x1) == (HsWord64Prim _ x2) = x1==x2
+ (HsInteger _ x1 _) == (HsInteger _ x2 _) = x1==x2
+ (HsRat _ x1 _) == (HsRat _ x2 _) = x1==x2
+ (HsFloatPrim _ x1) == (HsFloatPrim _ x2) = x1==x2
+ (HsDoublePrim _ x1) == (HsDoublePrim _ x2) = x1==x2
+ _ == _ = False
+-- | Haskell Overloaded Literal
+data HsOverLit p
+ = OverLit {
+ ol_ext :: (XOverLit p),
+ ol_val :: OverLitVal,
+ ol_witness :: HsExpr p} -- Note [Overloaded literal witnesses]
+ | XOverLit
+ (XXOverLit p)
+data OverLitTc
+ = OverLitTc {
+ ol_rebindable :: Bool, -- Note [ol_rebindable]
+ ol_type :: Type }
+ deriving Data
+type instance XOverLit GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XOverLit GhcRn = Bool -- Note [ol_rebindable]
+type instance XOverLit GhcTc = OverLitTc
+type instance XXOverLit (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- Note [Literal source text] in BasicTypes for SourceText fields in
+-- the following
+-- | Overloaded Literal Value
+data OverLitVal
+ = HsIntegral !IntegralLit -- ^ Integer-looking literals;
+ | HsFractional !FractionalLit -- ^ Frac-looking literals
+ | HsIsString !SourceText !FastString -- ^ String-looking literals
+ deriving Data
+negateOverLitVal :: OverLitVal -> OverLitVal
+negateOverLitVal (HsIntegral i) = HsIntegral (negateIntegralLit i)
+negateOverLitVal (HsFractional f) = HsFractional (negateFractionalLit f)
+negateOverLitVal _ = panic "negateOverLitVal: argument is not a number"
+overLitType :: HsOverLit GhcTc -> Type
+overLitType (OverLit (OverLitTc _ ty) _ _) = ty
+overLitType (XOverLit nec) = noExtCon nec
+-- | Convert a literal from one index type to another, updating the annotations
+-- according to the relevant 'Convertable' instance
+convertLit :: (ConvertIdX a b) => HsLit a -> HsLit b
+convertLit (HsChar a x) = (HsChar (convert a) x)
+convertLit (HsCharPrim a x) = (HsCharPrim (convert a) x)
+convertLit (HsString a x) = (HsString (convert a) x)
+convertLit (HsStringPrim a x) = (HsStringPrim (convert a) x)
+convertLit (HsInt a x) = (HsInt (convert a) x)
+convertLit (HsIntPrim a x) = (HsIntPrim (convert a) x)
+convertLit (HsWordPrim a x) = (HsWordPrim (convert a) x)
+convertLit (HsInt64Prim a x) = (HsInt64Prim (convert a) x)
+convertLit (HsWord64Prim a x) = (HsWord64Prim (convert a) x)
+convertLit (HsInteger a x b) = (HsInteger (convert a) x b)
+convertLit (HsRat a x b) = (HsRat (convert a) x b)
+convertLit (HsFloatPrim a x) = (HsFloatPrim (convert a) x)
+convertLit (HsDoublePrim a x) = (HsDoublePrim (convert a) x)
+convertLit (XLit a) = (XLit (convert a))
+Note [ol_rebindable]
+The ol_rebindable field is True if this literal is actually
+using rebindable syntax. Specifically:
+ False iff ol_witness is the standard one
+ True iff ol_witness is non-standard
+Equivalently it's True if
+ a) RebindableSyntax is on
+ b) the witness for fromInteger/fromRational/fromString
+ that happens to be in scope isn't the standard one
+Note [Overloaded literal witnesses]
+*Before* type checking, the HsExpr in an HsOverLit is the
+name of the coercion function, 'fromInteger' or 'fromRational'.
+*After* type checking, it is a witness for the literal, such as
+ (fromInteger 3) or lit_78
+This witness should replace the literal.
+This dual role is unusual, because we're replacing 'fromInteger' with
+a call to fromInteger. Reason: it allows commoning up of the fromInteger
+calls, which wouldn't be possible if the desugarer made the application.
+The PostTcType in each branch records the type the overload literal is
+found to have.
+-- Comparison operations are needed when grouping literals
+-- for compiling pattern-matching (module MatchLit)
+instance (Eq (XXOverLit p)) => Eq (HsOverLit p) where
+ (OverLit _ val1 _) == (OverLit _ val2 _) = val1 == val2
+ (XOverLit val1) == (XOverLit val2) = val1 == val2
+ _ == _ = panic "Eq HsOverLit"
+instance Eq OverLitVal where
+ (HsIntegral i1) == (HsIntegral i2) = i1 == i2
+ (HsFractional f1) == (HsFractional f2) = f1 == f2
+ (HsIsString _ s1) == (HsIsString _ s2) = s1 == s2
+ _ == _ = False
+instance (Ord (XXOverLit p)) => Ord (HsOverLit p) where
+ compare (OverLit _ val1 _) (OverLit _ val2 _) = val1 `compare` val2
+ compare (XOverLit val1) (XOverLit val2) = val1 `compare` val2
+ compare _ _ = panic "Ord HsOverLit"
+instance Ord OverLitVal where
+ compare (HsIntegral i1) (HsIntegral i2) = i1 `compare` i2
+ compare (HsIntegral _) (HsFractional _) = LT
+ compare (HsIntegral _) (HsIsString _ _) = LT
+ compare (HsFractional f1) (HsFractional f2) = f1 `compare` f2
+ compare (HsFractional _) (HsIntegral _) = GT
+ compare (HsFractional _) (HsIsString _ _) = LT
+ compare (HsIsString _ s1) (HsIsString _ s2) = s1 `compare` s2
+ compare (HsIsString _ _) (HsIntegral _) = GT
+ compare (HsIsString _ _) (HsFractional _) = GT
+-- Instance specific to GhcPs, need the SourceText
+instance p ~ GhcPass pass => Outputable (HsLit p) where
+ ppr (HsChar st c) = pprWithSourceText st (pprHsChar c)
+ ppr (HsCharPrim st c) = pp_st_suffix st primCharSuffix (pprPrimChar c)
+ ppr (HsString st s) = pprWithSourceText st (pprHsString s)
+ ppr (HsStringPrim st s) = pprWithSourceText st (pprHsBytes s)
+ ppr (HsInt _ i)
+ = pprWithSourceText (il_text i) (integer (il_value i))
+ ppr (HsInteger st i _) = pprWithSourceText st (integer i)
+ ppr (HsRat _ f _) = ppr f
+ ppr (HsFloatPrim _ f) = ppr f <> primFloatSuffix
+ ppr (HsDoublePrim _ d) = ppr d <> primDoubleSuffix
+ ppr (HsIntPrim st i) = pprWithSourceText st (pprPrimInt i)
+ ppr (HsWordPrim st w) = pprWithSourceText st (pprPrimWord w)
+ ppr (HsInt64Prim st i) = pp_st_suffix st primInt64Suffix (pprPrimInt64 i)
+ ppr (HsWord64Prim st w) = pp_st_suffix st primWord64Suffix (pprPrimWord64 w)
+ ppr (XLit x) = ppr x
+pp_st_suffix :: SourceText -> SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+pp_st_suffix NoSourceText _ doc = doc
+pp_st_suffix (SourceText st) suffix _ = text st <> suffix
+-- in debug mode, print the expression that it's resolved to, too
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (HsOverLit p) where
+ ppr (OverLit {ol_val=val, ol_witness=witness})
+ = ppr val <+> (whenPprDebug (parens (pprExpr witness)))
+ ppr (XOverLit x) = ppr x
+instance Outputable OverLitVal where
+ ppr (HsIntegral i) = pprWithSourceText (il_text i) (integer (il_value i))
+ ppr (HsFractional f) = ppr f
+ ppr (HsIsString st s) = pprWithSourceText st (pprHsString s)
+-- | pmPprHsLit pretty prints literals and is used when pretty printing pattern
+-- match warnings. All are printed the same (i.e., without hashes if they are
+-- primitive and not wrapped in constructors if they are boxed). This happens
+-- mainly for too reasons:
+-- * We do not want to expose their internal representation
+-- * The warnings become too messy
+pmPprHsLit :: HsLit (GhcPass x) -> SDoc
+pmPprHsLit (HsChar _ c) = pprHsChar c
+pmPprHsLit (HsCharPrim _ c) = pprHsChar c
+pmPprHsLit (HsString st s) = pprWithSourceText st (pprHsString s)
+pmPprHsLit (HsStringPrim _ s) = pprHsBytes s
+pmPprHsLit (HsInt _ i) = integer (il_value i)
+pmPprHsLit (HsIntPrim _ i) = integer i
+pmPprHsLit (HsWordPrim _ w) = integer w
+pmPprHsLit (HsInt64Prim _ i) = integer i
+pmPprHsLit (HsWord64Prim _ w) = integer w
+pmPprHsLit (HsInteger _ i _) = integer i
+pmPprHsLit (HsRat _ f _) = ppr f
+pmPprHsLit (HsFloatPrim _ f) = ppr f
+pmPprHsLit (HsDoublePrim _ d) = ppr d
+pmPprHsLit (XLit x) = ppr x
+-- | @'hsLitNeedsParens' p l@ returns 'True' if a literal @l@ needs
+-- to be parenthesized under precedence @p@.
+hsLitNeedsParens :: PprPrec -> HsLit x -> Bool
+hsLitNeedsParens p = go
+ where
+ go (HsChar {}) = False
+ go (HsCharPrim {}) = False
+ go (HsString {}) = False
+ go (HsStringPrim {}) = False
+ go (HsInt _ x) = p > topPrec && il_neg x
+ go (HsIntPrim _ x) = p > topPrec && x < 0
+ go (HsWordPrim {}) = False
+ go (HsInt64Prim _ x) = p > topPrec && x < 0
+ go (HsWord64Prim {}) = False
+ go (HsInteger _ x _) = p > topPrec && x < 0
+ go (HsRat _ x _) = p > topPrec && fl_neg x
+ go (HsFloatPrim _ x) = p > topPrec && fl_neg x
+ go (HsDoublePrim _ x) = p > topPrec && fl_neg x
+ go (XLit _) = False
+-- | @'hsOverLitNeedsParens' p ol@ returns 'True' if an overloaded literal
+-- @ol@ needs to be parenthesized under precedence @p@.
+hsOverLitNeedsParens :: PprPrec -> HsOverLit x -> Bool
+hsOverLitNeedsParens p (OverLit { ol_val = olv }) = go olv
+ where
+ go :: OverLitVal -> Bool
+ go (HsIntegral x) = p > topPrec && il_neg x
+ go (HsFractional x) = p > topPrec && fl_neg x
+ go (HsIsString {}) = False
+hsOverLitNeedsParens _ (XOverLit { }) = False
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe8a4e88d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[PatSyntax]{Abstract Haskell syntax---patterns}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module GHC.Hs.Pat (
+ Pat(..), InPat, OutPat, LPat,
+ ListPatTc(..),
+ HsConPatDetails, hsConPatArgs,
+ HsRecFields(..), HsRecField'(..), LHsRecField',
+ HsRecField, LHsRecField,
+ HsRecUpdField, LHsRecUpdField,
+ hsRecFields, hsRecFieldSel, hsRecFieldId, hsRecFieldsArgs,
+ hsRecUpdFieldId, hsRecUpdFieldOcc, hsRecUpdFieldRdr,
+ mkPrefixConPat, mkCharLitPat, mkNilPat,
+ looksLazyPatBind,
+ isBangedLPat,
+ patNeedsParens, parenthesizePat,
+ isIrrefutableHsPat,
+ collectEvVarsPat, collectEvVarsPats,
+ pprParendLPat, pprConArgs
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Expr (SyntaxExpr, LHsExpr, HsSplice, pprLExpr, pprSplice)
+-- friends:
+import GHC.Hs.Binds
+import GHC.Hs.Lit
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import GHC.Hs.Types
+import TcEvidence
+import BasicTypes
+-- others:
+import PprCore ( {- instance OutputableBndr TyVar -} )
+import TysWiredIn
+import Var
+import RdrName ( RdrName )
+import ConLike
+import DataCon
+import TyCon
+import Outputable
+import Type
+import SrcLoc
+import Bag -- collect ev vars from pats
+import DynFlags( gopt, GeneralFlag(..) )
+import Maybes
+-- libraries:
+import Data.Data hiding (TyCon,Fixity)
+type InPat p = LPat p -- No 'Out' constructors
+type OutPat p = LPat p -- No 'In' constructors
+type LPat p = Pat p
+-- | Pattern
+-- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnBang'
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+data Pat p
+ = ------------ Simple patterns ---------------
+ WildPat (XWildPat p) -- ^ Wildcard Pattern
+ -- The sole reason for a type on a WildPat is to
+ -- support hsPatType :: Pat Id -> Type
+ -- AZ:TODO above comment needs to be updated
+ | VarPat (XVarPat p)
+ (Located (IdP p)) -- ^ Variable Pattern
+ -- See Note [Located RdrNames] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+ | LazyPat (XLazyPat p)
+ (LPat p) -- ^ Lazy Pattern
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnTilde'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | AsPat (XAsPat p)
+ (Located (IdP p)) (LPat p) -- ^ As pattern
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnAt'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | ParPat (XParPat p)
+ (LPat p) -- ^ Parenthesised pattern
+ -- See Note [Parens in HsSyn] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'('@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | BangPat (XBangPat p)
+ (LPat p) -- ^ Bang pattern
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnBang'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ ------------ Lists, tuples, arrays ---------------
+ | ListPat (XListPat p)
+ [LPat p]
+ -- For OverloadedLists a Just (ty,fn) gives
+ -- overall type of the pattern, and the toList
+-- function to convert the scrutinee to a list value
+ -- ^ Syntactic List
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'['@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @']'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | TuplePat (XTuplePat p)
+ -- after typechecking, holds the types of the tuple components
+ [LPat p] -- Tuple sub-patterns
+ Boxity -- UnitPat is TuplePat []
+ -- You might think that the post typechecking Type was redundant,
+ -- because we can get the pattern type by getting the types of the
+ -- sub-patterns.
+ -- But it's essential
+ -- data T a where
+ -- T1 :: Int -> T Int
+ -- f :: (T a, a) -> Int
+ -- f (T1 x, z) = z
+ -- When desugaring, we must generate
+ -- f = /\a. \v::a. case v of (t::T a, w::a) ->
+ -- case t of (T1 (x::Int)) ->
+ -- Note the (w::a), NOT (w::Int), because we have not yet
+ -- refined 'a' to Int. So we must know that the second component
+ -- of the tuple is of type 'a' not Int. See selectMatchVar
+ -- (June 14: I'm not sure this comment is right; the sub-patterns
+ -- will be wrapped in CoPats, no?)
+ -- ^ Tuple sub-patterns
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'('@ or @'(#'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @')'@ or @'#)'@
+ | SumPat (XSumPat p) -- GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder before typechecker, filled in
+ -- afterwards with the types of the
+ -- alternative
+ (LPat p) -- Sum sub-pattern
+ ConTag -- Alternative (one-based)
+ Arity -- Arity (INVARIANT: ≥ 2)
+ -- ^ Anonymous sum pattern
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'(#'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'#)'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ ------------ Constructor patterns ---------------
+ | ConPatIn (Located (IdP p))
+ (HsConPatDetails p)
+ -- ^ Constructor Pattern In
+ | ConPatOut {
+ pat_con :: Located ConLike,
+ pat_arg_tys :: [Type], -- The universal arg types, 1-1 with the universal
+ -- tyvars of the constructor/pattern synonym
+ -- Use (conLikeResTy pat_con pat_arg_tys) to get
+ -- the type of the pattern
+ pat_tvs :: [TyVar], -- Existentially bound type variables
+ -- in correctly-scoped order e.g. [k:*, x:k]
+ pat_dicts :: [EvVar], -- Ditto *coercion variables* and *dictionaries*
+ -- One reason for putting coercion variable here, I think,
+ -- is to ensure their kinds are zonked
+ pat_binds :: TcEvBinds, -- Bindings involving those dictionaries
+ pat_args :: HsConPatDetails p,
+ pat_wrap :: HsWrapper -- Extra wrapper to pass to the matcher
+ -- Only relevant for pattern-synonyms;
+ -- ignored for data cons
+ }
+ -- ^ Constructor Pattern Out
+ ------------ View patterns ---------------
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | ViewPat (XViewPat p) -- The overall type of the pattern
+ -- (= the argument type of the view function)
+ -- for hsPatType.
+ (LHsExpr p)
+ (LPat p)
+ -- ^ View Pattern
+ ------------ Pattern splices ---------------
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'$('@
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | SplicePat (XSplicePat p)
+ (HsSplice p) -- ^ Splice Pattern (Includes quasi-quotes)
+ ------------ Literal and n+k patterns ---------------
+ | LitPat (XLitPat p)
+ (HsLit p) -- ^ Literal Pattern
+ -- Used for *non-overloaded* literal patterns:
+ -- Int#, Char#, Int, Char, String, etc.
+ | NPat -- Natural Pattern
+ -- Used for all overloaded literals,
+ -- including overloaded strings with -XOverloadedStrings
+ (XNPat p) -- Overall type of pattern. Might be
+ -- different than the literal's type
+ -- if (==) or negate changes the type
+ (Located (HsOverLit p)) -- ALWAYS positive
+ (Maybe (SyntaxExpr p)) -- Just (Name of 'negate') for
+ -- negative patterns, Nothing
+ -- otherwise
+ (SyntaxExpr p) -- Equality checker, of type t->t->Bool
+ -- ^ Natural Pattern
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnVal' @'+'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | NPlusKPat (XNPlusKPat p) -- Type of overall pattern
+ (Located (IdP p)) -- n+k pattern
+ (Located (HsOverLit p)) -- It'll always be an HsIntegral
+ (HsOverLit p) -- See Note [NPlusK patterns] in TcPat
+ -- NB: This could be (PostTc ...), but that induced a
+ -- a new hs-boot file. Not worth it.
+ (SyntaxExpr p) -- (>=) function, of type t1->t2->Bool
+ (SyntaxExpr p) -- Name of '-' (see RnEnv.lookupSyntaxName)
+ -- ^ n+k pattern
+ ------------ Pattern type signatures ---------------
+ -- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | SigPat (XSigPat p) -- After typechecker: Type
+ (LPat p) -- Pattern with a type signature
+ (LHsSigWcType (NoGhcTc p)) -- Signature can bind both
+ -- kind and type vars
+ -- ^ Pattern with a type signature
+ ------------ Pattern coercions (translation only) ---------------
+ | CoPat (XCoPat p)
+ HsWrapper -- Coercion Pattern
+ -- If co :: t1 ~ t2, p :: t2,
+ -- then (CoPat co p) :: t1
+ (Pat p) -- Why not LPat? Ans: existing locn will do
+ Type -- Type of whole pattern, t1
+ -- During desugaring a (CoPat co pat) turns into a cast with 'co' on
+ -- the scrutinee, followed by a match on 'pat'
+ -- ^ Coercion Pattern
+ -- | Trees that Grow extension point for new constructors
+ | XPat
+ (XXPat p)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+data ListPatTc
+ = ListPatTc
+ Type -- The type of the elements
+ (Maybe (Type, SyntaxExpr GhcTc)) -- For rebindable syntax
+type instance XWildPat GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XWildPat GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XWildPat GhcTc = Type
+type instance XVarPat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XLazyPat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XAsPat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XParPat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XBangPat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+-- Note: XListPat cannot be extended when using GHC 8.0.2 as the bootstrap
+-- compiler, as it triggers for
+-- `SyntaxExpr`
+type instance XListPat GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XListPat GhcRn = Maybe (SyntaxExpr GhcRn)
+type instance XListPat GhcTc = ListPatTc
+type instance XTuplePat GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XTuplePat GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XTuplePat GhcTc = [Type]
+type instance XSumPat GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XSumPat GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XSumPat GhcTc = [Type]
+type instance XViewPat GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XViewPat GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XViewPat GhcTc = Type
+type instance XSplicePat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XLitPat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XNPat GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XNPat GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XNPat GhcTc = Type
+type instance XNPlusKPat GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XNPlusKPat GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XNPlusKPat GhcTc = Type
+type instance XSigPat GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XSigPat GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XSigPat GhcTc = Type
+type instance XCoPat (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXPat (GhcPass p) = Located (Pat (GhcPass p))
+* *
+* HasSrcSpan Instance
+* *
+type instance SrcSpanLess (LPat (GhcPass p)) = Pat (GhcPass p)
+instance HasSrcSpan (LPat (GhcPass p)) where
+ -- NB: The following chooses the behaviour of the outer location
+ -- wrapper replacing the inner ones.
+ composeSrcSpan (L sp p) = if sp == noSrcSpan
+ then p
+ else XPat (L sp (stripSrcSpanPat p))
+ -- NB: The following only returns the top-level location, if any.
+ decomposeSrcSpan (XPat (L sp p)) = L sp (stripSrcSpanPat p)
+ decomposeSrcSpan p = L noSrcSpan p
+stripSrcSpanPat :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Pat (GhcPass p)
+stripSrcSpanPat (XPat (L _ p)) = stripSrcSpanPat p
+stripSrcSpanPat p = p
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Haskell Constructor Pattern Details
+type HsConPatDetails p = HsConDetails (LPat p) (HsRecFields p (LPat p))
+hsConPatArgs :: HsConPatDetails p -> [LPat p]
+hsConPatArgs (PrefixCon ps) = ps
+hsConPatArgs (RecCon fs) = map (hsRecFieldArg . unLoc) (rec_flds fs)
+hsConPatArgs (InfixCon p1 p2) = [p1,p2]
+-- | Haskell Record Fields
+-- HsRecFields is used only for patterns and expressions (not data type
+-- declarations)
+data HsRecFields p arg -- A bunch of record fields
+ -- { x = 3, y = True }
+ -- Used for both expressions and patterns
+ = HsRecFields { rec_flds :: [LHsRecField p arg],
+ rec_dotdot :: Maybe (Located Int) } -- Note [DotDot fields]
+ deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+-- Note [DotDot fields]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- The rec_dotdot field means this:
+-- Nothing => the normal case
+-- Just n => the group uses ".." notation,
+-- In the latter case:
+-- *before* renamer: rec_flds are exactly the n user-written fields
+-- *after* renamer: rec_flds includes *all* fields, with
+-- the first 'n' being the user-written ones
+-- and the remainder being 'filled in' implicitly
+-- | Located Haskell Record Field
+type LHsRecField' p arg = Located (HsRecField' p arg)
+-- | Located Haskell Record Field
+type LHsRecField p arg = Located (HsRecField p arg)
+-- | Located Haskell Record Update Field
+type LHsRecUpdField p = Located (HsRecUpdField p)
+-- | Haskell Record Field
+type HsRecField p arg = HsRecField' (FieldOcc p) arg
+-- | Haskell Record Update Field
+type HsRecUpdField p = HsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc p) (LHsExpr p)
+-- | Haskell Record Field
+-- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual',
+-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+data HsRecField' id arg = HsRecField {
+ hsRecFieldLbl :: Located id,
+ hsRecFieldArg :: arg, -- ^ Filled in by renamer when punning
+ hsRecPun :: Bool -- ^ Note [Punning]
+ } deriving (Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+-- Note [Punning]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- If you write T { x, y = v+1 }, the HsRecFields will be
+-- HsRecField x x True ...
+-- HsRecField y (v+1) False ...
+-- That is, for "punned" field x is expanded (in the renamer)
+-- to x=x; but with a punning flag so we can detect it later
+-- (e.g. when pretty printing)
+-- If the original field was qualified, we un-qualify it, thus
+-- T { A.x } means T { A.x = x }
+-- Note [HsRecField and HsRecUpdField]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- A HsRecField (used for record construction and pattern matching)
+-- contains an unambiguous occurrence of a field (i.e. a FieldOcc).
+-- We can't just store the Name, because thanks to
+-- DuplicateRecordFields this may not correspond to the label the user
+-- wrote.
+-- A HsRecUpdField (used for record update) contains a potentially
+-- ambiguous occurrence of a field (an AmbiguousFieldOcc). The
+-- renamer will fill in the selector function if it can, but if the
+-- selector is ambiguous the renamer will defer to the typechecker.
+-- After the typechecker, a unique selector will have been determined.
+-- The renamer produces an Unambiguous result if it can, rather than
+-- just doing the lookup in the typechecker, so that completely
+-- unambiguous updates can be represented by 'DsMeta.repUpdFields'.
+-- For example, suppose we have:
+-- data S = MkS { x :: Int }
+-- data T = MkT { x :: Int }
+-- f z = (z { x = 3 }) :: S
+-- The parsed HsRecUpdField corresponding to the record update will have:
+-- hsRecFieldLbl = Unambiguous "x" noExtField :: AmbiguousFieldOcc RdrName
+-- After the renamer, this will become:
+-- hsRecFieldLbl = Ambiguous "x" noExtField :: AmbiguousFieldOcc Name
+-- (note that the Unambiguous constructor is not type-correct here).
+-- The typechecker will determine the particular selector:
+-- hsRecFieldLbl = Unambiguous "x" $sel:x:MkS :: AmbiguousFieldOcc Id
+-- See also Note [Disambiguating record fields] in TcExpr.
+hsRecFields :: HsRecFields p arg -> [XCFieldOcc p]
+hsRecFields rbinds = map (unLoc . hsRecFieldSel . unLoc) (rec_flds rbinds)
+-- Probably won't typecheck at once, things have changed :/
+hsRecFieldsArgs :: HsRecFields p arg -> [arg]
+hsRecFieldsArgs rbinds = map (hsRecFieldArg . unLoc) (rec_flds rbinds)
+hsRecFieldSel :: HsRecField pass arg -> Located (XCFieldOcc pass)
+hsRecFieldSel = fmap extFieldOcc . hsRecFieldLbl
+hsRecFieldId :: HsRecField GhcTc arg -> Located Id
+hsRecFieldId = hsRecFieldSel
+hsRecUpdFieldRdr :: HsRecUpdField (GhcPass p) -> Located RdrName
+hsRecUpdFieldRdr = fmap rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc . hsRecFieldLbl
+hsRecUpdFieldId :: HsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) arg -> Located Id
+hsRecUpdFieldId = fmap extFieldOcc . hsRecUpdFieldOcc
+hsRecUpdFieldOcc :: HsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) arg -> LFieldOcc GhcTc
+hsRecUpdFieldOcc = fmap unambiguousFieldOcc . hsRecFieldLbl
+* *
+* Printing patterns
+* *
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (Pat p) where
+ ppr = pprPat
+pprPatBndr :: OutputableBndr name => name -> SDoc
+pprPatBndr var -- Print with type info if -dppr-debug is on
+ = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
+ if debugStyle sty then
+ parens (pprBndr LambdaBind var) -- Could pass the site to pprPat
+ -- but is it worth it?
+ else
+ pprPrefixOcc var
+pprParendLPat :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => PprPrec -> LPat (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprParendLPat p = pprParendPat p . unLoc
+pprParendPat :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => PprPrec -> Pat (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprParendPat p pat = sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags ->
+ if need_parens dflags pat
+ then parens (pprPat pat)
+ else pprPat pat
+ where
+ need_parens dflags pat
+ | CoPat {} <- pat = gopt Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration dflags
+ | otherwise = patNeedsParens p pat
+ -- For a CoPat we need parens if we are going to show it, which
+ -- we do if -fprint-typechecker-elaboration is on (c.f. pprHsWrapper)
+ -- But otherwise the CoPat is discarded, so it
+ -- is the pattern inside that matters. Sigh.
+pprPat :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => Pat (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprPat (VarPat _ lvar) = pprPatBndr (unLoc lvar)
+pprPat (WildPat _) = char '_'
+pprPat (LazyPat _ pat) = char '~' <> pprParendLPat appPrec pat
+pprPat (BangPat _ pat) = char '!' <> pprParendLPat appPrec pat
+pprPat (AsPat _ name pat) = hcat [pprPrefixOcc (unLoc name), char '@',
+ pprParendLPat appPrec pat]
+pprPat (ViewPat _ expr pat) = hcat [pprLExpr expr, text " -> ", ppr pat]
+pprPat (ParPat _ pat) = parens (ppr pat)
+pprPat (LitPat _ s) = ppr s
+pprPat (NPat _ l Nothing _) = ppr l
+pprPat (NPat _ l (Just _) _) = char '-' <> ppr l
+pprPat (NPlusKPat _ n k _ _ _) = hcat [ppr n, char '+', ppr k]
+pprPat (SplicePat _ splice) = pprSplice splice
+pprPat (CoPat _ co pat _) = pprHsWrapper co $ \parens
+ -> if parens
+ then pprParendPat appPrec pat
+ else pprPat pat
+pprPat (SigPat _ pat ty) = ppr pat <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty
+pprPat (ListPat _ pats) = brackets (interpp'SP pats)
+pprPat (TuplePat _ pats bx) = tupleParens (boxityTupleSort bx)
+ (pprWithCommas ppr pats)
+pprPat (SumPat _ pat alt arity) = sumParens (pprAlternative ppr pat alt arity)
+pprPat (ConPatIn con details) = pprUserCon (unLoc con) details
+pprPat (ConPatOut { pat_con = con
+ , pat_tvs = tvs
+ , pat_dicts = dicts
+ , pat_binds = binds
+ , pat_args = details })
+ = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ -- Tiresome; in TcBinds.tcRhs we print out a
+ -- typechecked Pat in an error message,
+ -- and we want to make sure it prints nicely
+ if gopt Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration dflags then
+ ppr con
+ <> braces (sep [ hsep (map pprPatBndr (tvs ++ dicts))
+ , ppr binds])
+ <+> pprConArgs details
+ else pprUserCon (unLoc con) details
+pprPat (XPat x) = ppr x
+pprUserCon :: (OutputableBndr con, OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => con -> HsConPatDetails (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprUserCon c (InfixCon p1 p2) = ppr p1 <+> pprInfixOcc c <+> ppr p2
+pprUserCon c details = pprPrefixOcc c <+> pprConArgs details
+pprConArgs :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => HsConPatDetails (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprConArgs (PrefixCon pats) = fsep (map (pprParendLPat appPrec) pats)
+pprConArgs (InfixCon p1 p2) = sep [ pprParendLPat appPrec p1
+ , pprParendLPat appPrec p2 ]
+pprConArgs (RecCon rpats) = ppr rpats
+instance (Outputable arg)
+ => Outputable (HsRecFields p arg) where
+ ppr (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds, rec_dotdot = Nothing })
+ = braces (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr flds)))
+ ppr (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds, rec_dotdot = Just (unLoc -> n) })
+ = braces (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr (take n flds) ++ [dotdot])))
+ where
+ dotdot = text ".." <+> whenPprDebug (ppr (drop n flds))
+instance (Outputable p, Outputable arg)
+ => Outputable (HsRecField' p arg) where
+ ppr (HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl = f, hsRecFieldArg = arg,
+ hsRecPun = pun })
+ = ppr f <+> (ppUnless pun $ equals <+> ppr arg)
+* *
+* Building patterns
+* *
+mkPrefixConPat :: DataCon ->
+ [OutPat (GhcPass p)] -> [Type] -> OutPat (GhcPass p)
+-- Make a vanilla Prefix constructor pattern
+mkPrefixConPat dc pats tys
+ = noLoc $ ConPatOut { pat_con = noLoc (RealDataCon dc)
+ , pat_tvs = []
+ , pat_dicts = []
+ , pat_binds = emptyTcEvBinds
+ , pat_args = PrefixCon pats
+ , pat_arg_tys = tys
+ , pat_wrap = idHsWrapper }
+mkNilPat :: Type -> OutPat (GhcPass p)
+mkNilPat ty = mkPrefixConPat nilDataCon [] [ty]
+mkCharLitPat :: SourceText -> Char -> OutPat (GhcPass p)
+mkCharLitPat src c = mkPrefixConPat charDataCon
+ [noLoc $ LitPat noExtField (HsCharPrim src c)] []
+* *
+* Predicates for checking things about pattern-lists in EquationInfo *
+* *
+\subsection[Pat-list-predicates]{Look for interesting things in patterns}
+Unlike in the Wadler chapter, where patterns are either ``variables''
+or ``constructors,'' here we distinguish between:
+Patterns that cannot fail to match: variables, wildcards, and lazy
+These are the irrefutable patterns; the two other categories
+are refutable patterns.
+A non-literal constructor pattern (see next category).
+\item[literal patterns:]
+At least the numeric ones may be overloaded.
+A pattern is in {\em exactly one} of the above three categories; `as'
+patterns are treated specially, of course.
+The 1.3 report defines what ``irrefutable'' and ``failure-free'' patterns are.
+isBangedLPat :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+isBangedLPat = isBangedPat . unLoc
+isBangedPat :: Pat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+isBangedPat (ParPat _ p) = isBangedLPat p
+isBangedPat (BangPat {}) = True
+isBangedPat _ = False
+looksLazyPatBind :: HsBind (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+-- Returns True of anything *except*
+-- a StrictHsBind (as above) or
+-- a VarPat
+-- In particular, returns True of a pattern binding with a compound pattern, like (I# x)
+-- Looks through AbsBinds
+looksLazyPatBind (PatBind { pat_lhs = p })
+ = looksLazyLPat p
+looksLazyPatBind (AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds })
+ = anyBag (looksLazyPatBind . unLoc) binds
+looksLazyPatBind _
+ = False
+looksLazyLPat :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+looksLazyLPat = looksLazyPat . unLoc
+looksLazyPat :: Pat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+looksLazyPat (ParPat _ p) = looksLazyLPat p
+looksLazyPat (AsPat _ _ p) = looksLazyLPat p
+looksLazyPat (BangPat {}) = False
+looksLazyPat (VarPat {}) = False
+looksLazyPat (WildPat {}) = False
+looksLazyPat _ = True
+isIrrefutableHsPat :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+-- (isIrrefutableHsPat p) is true if matching against p cannot fail,
+-- in the sense of falling through to the next pattern.
+-- (NB: this is not quite the same as the (silly) defn
+-- in 3.17.2 of the Haskell 98 report.)
+-- WARNING: isIrrefutableHsPat returns False if it's in doubt.
+-- Specifically on a ConPatIn, which is what it sees for a
+-- (LPat Name) in the renamer, it doesn't know the size of the
+-- constructor family, so it returns False. Result: only
+-- tuple patterns are considered irrefuable at the renamer stage.
+-- But if it returns True, the pattern is definitely irrefutable
+ = goL
+ where
+ goL = go . unLoc
+ go (WildPat {}) = True
+ go (VarPat {}) = True
+ go (LazyPat {}) = True
+ go (BangPat _ pat) = goL pat
+ go (CoPat _ _ pat _) = go pat
+ go (ParPat _ pat) = goL pat
+ go (AsPat _ _ pat) = goL pat
+ go (ViewPat _ _ pat) = goL pat
+ go (SigPat _ pat _) = goL pat
+ go (TuplePat _ pats _) = all goL pats
+ go (SumPat {}) = False
+ -- See Note [Unboxed sum patterns aren't irrefutable]
+ go (ListPat {}) = False
+ go (ConPatIn {}) = False -- Conservative
+ go (ConPatOut
+ { pat_con = (dL->L _ (RealDataCon con))
+ , pat_args = details })
+ =
+ isJust (tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (dataConTyCon con))
+ -- NB: tyConSingleDataCon_maybe, *not* isProductTyCon, because
+ -- the latter is false of existentials. See #4439
+ && all goL (hsConPatArgs details)
+ go (ConPatOut
+ { pat_con = (dL->L _ (PatSynCon _pat)) })
+ = False -- Conservative
+ go (ConPatOut{}) = panic "ConPatOut:Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
+ go (LitPat {}) = False
+ go (NPat {}) = False
+ go (NPlusKPat {}) = False
+ -- We conservatively assume that no TH splices are irrefutable
+ -- since we cannot know until the splice is evaluated.
+ go (SplicePat {}) = False
+ go (XPat {}) = False
+{- Note [Unboxed sum patterns aren't irrefutable]
+Unlike unboxed tuples, unboxed sums are *not* irrefutable when used as
+patterns. A simple example that demonstrates this is from #14228:
+ pattern Just' x = (# x | #)
+ pattern Nothing' = (# | () #)
+ foo x = case x of
+ Nothing' -> putStrLn "nothing"
+ Just' -> putStrLn "just"
+In foo, the pattern Nothing' (that is, (# x | #)) is certainly not irrefutable,
+as does not match an unboxed sum value of the same arity—namely, (# | y #)
+(covered by Just'). In fact, no unboxed sum pattern is irrefutable, since the
+minimum unboxed sum arity is 2.
+Failing to mark unboxed sum patterns as non-irrefutable would cause the Just'
+case in foo to be unreachable, as GHC would mistakenly believe that Nothing'
+is the only thing that could possibly be matched!
+-- | @'patNeedsParens' p pat@ returns 'True' if the pattern @pat@ needs
+-- parentheses under precedence @p@.
+patNeedsParens :: PprPrec -> Pat p -> Bool
+patNeedsParens p = go
+ where
+ go (NPlusKPat {}) = p > opPrec
+ go (SplicePat {}) = False
+ go (ConPatIn _ ds) = conPatNeedsParens p ds
+ go cp@(ConPatOut {}) = conPatNeedsParens p (pat_args cp)
+ go (SigPat {}) = p >= sigPrec
+ go (ViewPat {}) = True
+ go (CoPat _ _ p _) = go p
+ go (WildPat {}) = False
+ go (VarPat {}) = False
+ go (LazyPat {}) = False
+ go (BangPat {}) = False
+ go (ParPat {}) = False
+ go (AsPat {}) = False
+ go (TuplePat {}) = False
+ go (SumPat {}) = False
+ go (ListPat {}) = False
+ go (LitPat _ l) = hsLitNeedsParens p l
+ go (NPat _ lol _ _) = hsOverLitNeedsParens p (unLoc lol)
+ go (XPat {}) = True -- conservative default
+-- | @'conPatNeedsParens' p cp@ returns 'True' if the constructor patterns @cp@
+-- needs parentheses under precedence @p@.
+conPatNeedsParens :: PprPrec -> HsConDetails a b -> Bool
+conPatNeedsParens p = go
+ where
+ go (PrefixCon args) = p >= appPrec && not (null args)
+ go (InfixCon {}) = p >= opPrec
+ go (RecCon {}) = False
+-- | @'parenthesizePat' p pat@ checks if @'patNeedsParens' p pat@ is true, and
+-- if so, surrounds @pat@ with a 'ParPat'. Otherwise, it simply returns @pat@.
+parenthesizePat :: PprPrec -> LPat (GhcPass p) -> LPat (GhcPass p)
+parenthesizePat p lpat@(dL->L loc pat)
+ | patNeedsParens p pat = cL loc (ParPat noExtField lpat)
+ | otherwise = lpat
+% Collect all EvVars from all constructor patterns
+-- May need to add more cases
+collectEvVarsPats :: [Pat GhcTc] -> Bag EvVar
+collectEvVarsPats = unionManyBags . map collectEvVarsPat
+collectEvVarsLPat :: LPat GhcTc -> Bag EvVar
+collectEvVarsLPat = collectEvVarsPat . unLoc
+collectEvVarsPat :: Pat GhcTc -> Bag EvVar
+collectEvVarsPat pat =
+ case pat of
+ LazyPat _ p -> collectEvVarsLPat p
+ AsPat _ _ p -> collectEvVarsLPat p
+ ParPat _ p -> collectEvVarsLPat p
+ BangPat _ p -> collectEvVarsLPat p
+ ListPat _ ps -> unionManyBags $ map collectEvVarsLPat ps
+ TuplePat _ ps _ -> unionManyBags $ map collectEvVarsLPat ps
+ SumPat _ p _ _ -> collectEvVarsLPat p
+ ConPatOut {pat_dicts = dicts, pat_args = args}
+ -> unionBags (listToBag dicts)
+ $ unionManyBags
+ $ map collectEvVarsLPat
+ $ hsConPatArgs args
+ SigPat _ p _ -> collectEvVarsLPat p
+ CoPat _ _ p _ -> collectEvVarsPat p
+ ConPatIn _ _ -> panic "foldMapPatBag: ConPatIn"
+ _other_pat -> emptyBag
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..801f481879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module GHC.Hs.Pat where
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Hs.Extension ( OutputableBndrId, GhcPass )
+type role Pat nominal
+data Pat (i :: *)
+type LPat i = Pat i
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (Pat p)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/PlaceHolder.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/PlaceHolder.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faaa1331ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/PlaceHolder.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder where
+import Name
+import NameSet
+import RdrName
+import Var
+%* *
+\subsection{Annotating the syntax}
+%* *
+-- NB: These are intentionally open, allowing API consumers (like Haddock)
+-- to declare new instances
+placeHolderNamesTc :: NameSet
+placeHolderNamesTc = emptyNameSet
+TODO:AZ: remove this, and check if we still need all the UndecidableInstances
+Note [Pass sensitive types]
+Since the same AST types are re-used through parsing,renaming and type
+checking there are naturally some places in the AST that do not have
+any meaningful value prior to the pass they are assigned a value.
+Historically these have been filled in with place holder values of the form
+ panic "error message"
+This has meant the AST is difficult to traverse using standard generic
+programming techniques. The problem is addressed by introducing
+pass-specific data types, implemented as a pair of open type families,
+one for PostTc and one for PostRn. These are then explicitly populated
+with a PlaceHolder value when they do not yet have meaning.
+In terms of actual usage, we have the following
+ PostTc id Kind
+ PostTc id Type
+ PostRn id Fixity
+ PostRn id NameSet
+TcId and Var are synonyms for Id
+Unfortunately the type checker termination checking conditions fail for the
+DataId constraint type based on this, so even though it is safe the
+UndecidableInstances pragma is required where this is used.
+-- |Follow the @id@, but never beyond Name. This is used in a 'HsMatchContext',
+-- for printing messages related to a 'Match'
+type family NameOrRdrName id where
+ NameOrRdrName Id = Name
+ NameOrRdrName Name = Name
+ NameOrRdrName RdrName = RdrName
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f14d59ba4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1724 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+GHC.Hs.Types: Abstract syntax: user-defined types
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- Note [Pass sensitive types]
+ -- in module GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module GHC.Hs.Types (
+ HsType(..), NewHsTypeX(..), LHsType, HsKind, LHsKind,
+ HsTyVarBndr(..), LHsTyVarBndr, ForallVisFlag(..),
+ LHsQTyVars(..),
+ HsImplicitBndrs(..),
+ HsWildCardBndrs(..),
+ LHsSigType, LHsSigWcType, LHsWcType,
+ HsTupleSort(..),
+ HsContext, LHsContext, noLHsContext,
+ HsTyLit(..),
+ HsIPName(..), hsIPNameFS,
+ HsArg(..), numVisibleArgs,
+ LHsTypeArg,
+ LBangType, BangType,
+ HsSrcBang(..), HsImplBang(..),
+ SrcStrictness(..), SrcUnpackedness(..),
+ getBangType, getBangStrictness,
+ ConDeclField(..), LConDeclField, pprConDeclFields,
+ HsConDetails(..),
+ FieldOcc(..), LFieldOcc, mkFieldOcc,
+ AmbiguousFieldOcc(..), mkAmbiguousFieldOcc,
+ rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc, selectorAmbiguousFieldOcc,
+ unambiguousFieldOcc, ambiguousFieldOcc,
+ mkAnonWildCardTy, pprAnonWildCard,
+ mkHsImplicitBndrs, mkHsWildCardBndrs, hsImplicitBody,
+ mkEmptyImplicitBndrs, mkEmptyWildCardBndrs,
+ mkHsQTvs, hsQTvExplicit, emptyLHsQTvs, isEmptyLHsQTvs,
+ isHsKindedTyVar, hsTvbAllKinded, isLHsForAllTy,
+ hsScopedTvs, hsWcScopedTvs, dropWildCards,
+ hsTyVarName, hsAllLTyVarNames, hsLTyVarLocNames,
+ hsLTyVarName, hsLTyVarNames, hsLTyVarLocName, hsExplicitLTyVarNames,
+ splitLHsInstDeclTy, getLHsInstDeclHead, getLHsInstDeclClass_maybe,
+ splitLHsPatSynTy,
+ splitLHsForAllTy, splitLHsForAllTyInvis,
+ splitLHsQualTy, splitLHsSigmaTy, splitLHsSigmaTyInvis,
+ splitHsFunType, hsTyGetAppHead_maybe,
+ mkHsOpTy, mkHsAppTy, mkHsAppTys, mkHsAppKindTy,
+ ignoreParens, hsSigType, hsSigWcType,
+ hsLTyVarBndrToType, hsLTyVarBndrsToTypes,
+ hsConDetailsArgs,
+ -- Printing
+ pprHsType, pprHsForAll, pprHsForAllExtra, pprHsExplicitForAll,
+ pprLHsContext,
+ hsTypeNeedsParens, parenthesizeHsType, parenthesizeHsContext
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Expr ( HsSplice, pprSplice )
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import Id ( Id )
+import Name( Name )
+import RdrName ( RdrName )
+import DataCon( HsSrcBang(..), HsImplBang(..),
+ SrcStrictness(..), SrcUnpackedness(..) )
+import TysPrim( funTyConName )
+import Type
+import GHC.Hs.Doc
+import BasicTypes
+import SrcLoc
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import Maybes( isJust )
+import Util ( count, debugIsOn )
+import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity, Prefix, Infix )
+* *
+\subsection{Bang annotations}
+* *
+-- | Located Bang Type
+type LBangType pass = Located (BangType pass)
+-- | Bang Type
+-- In the parser, strictness and packedness annotations bind more tightly
+-- than docstrings. This means that when consuming a 'BangType' (and looking
+-- for 'HsBangTy') we must be ready to peer behind a potential layer of
+-- 'HsDocTy'. See #15206 for motivation and 'getBangType' for an example.
+type BangType pass = HsType pass -- Bangs are in the HsType data type
+getBangType :: LHsType a -> LHsType a
+getBangType (L _ (HsBangTy _ _ lty)) = lty
+getBangType (L _ (HsDocTy x (L _ (HsBangTy _ _ lty)) lds)) =
+ addCLoc lty lds (HsDocTy x lty lds)
+getBangType lty = lty
+getBangStrictness :: LHsType a -> HsSrcBang
+getBangStrictness (L _ (HsBangTy _ s _)) = s
+getBangStrictness (L _ (HsDocTy _ (L _ (HsBangTy _ s _)) _)) = s
+getBangStrictness _ = (HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack NoSrcStrict)
+* *
+\subsection{Data types}
+* *
+This is the syntax for types as seen in type signatures.
+Note [HsBSig binder lists]
+Consider a binder (or pattern) decorated with a type or kind,
+ \ (x :: a -> a). blah
+ forall (a :: k -> *) (b :: k). blah
+Then we use a LHsBndrSig on the binder, so that the
+renamer can decorate it with the variables bound
+by the pattern ('a' in the first example, 'k' in the second),
+assuming that neither of them is in scope already
+See also Note [Kind and type-variable binders] in RnTypes
+Note [HsType binders]
+The system for recording type and kind-variable binders in HsTypes
+is a bit complicated. Here's how it works.
+* In a HsType,
+ HsForAllTy represents an /explicit, user-written/ 'forall'
+ e.g. forall a b. {...} or
+ forall a b -> {...}
+ HsQualTy represents an /explicit, user-written/ context
+ e.g. (Eq a, Show a) => ...
+ The context can be empty if that's what the user wrote
+ These constructors represent what the user wrote, no more
+ and no less.
+* The ForallVisFlag field of HsForAllTy represents whether a forall is
+ invisible (e.g., forall a b. {...}, with a dot) or visible
+ (e.g., forall a b -> {...}, with an arrow).
+* HsTyVarBndr describes a quantified type variable written by the
+ user. For example
+ f :: forall a (b :: *). blah
+ here 'a' and '(b::*)' are each a HsTyVarBndr. A HsForAllTy has
+ a list of LHsTyVarBndrs.
+* HsImplicitBndrs is a wrapper that gives the implicitly-quantified
+ kind and type variables of the wrapped thing. It is filled in by
+ the renamer. For example, if the user writes
+ f :: a -> a
+ the HsImplicitBinders binds the 'a' (not a HsForAllTy!).
+ NB: this implicit quantification is purely lexical: we bind any
+ type or kind variables that are not in scope. The type checker
+ may subsequently quantify over further kind variables.
+* HsWildCardBndrs is a wrapper that binds the wildcard variables
+ of the wrapped thing. It is filled in by the renamer
+ f :: _a -> _
+ The enclosing HsWildCardBndrs binds the wildcards _a and _.
+* The explicit presence of these wrappers specifies, in the HsSyn,
+ exactly where implicit quantification is allowed, and where
+ wildcards are allowed.
+* LHsQTyVars is used in data/class declarations, where the user gives
+ explicit *type* variable bindings, but we need to implicitly bind
+ *kind* variables. For example
+ class C (a :: k -> *) where ...
+ The 'k' is implicitly bound in the hsq_tvs field of LHsQTyVars
+Note [The wildcard story for types]
+Types can have wildcards in them, to support partial type signatures,
+like f :: Int -> (_ , _a) -> _a
+A wildcard in a type can be
+ * An anonymous wildcard,
+ written '_'
+ In HsType this is represented by HsWildCardTy.
+ The renamer leaves it untouched, and it is later given fresh meta tyvars in
+ the typechecker.
+ * A named wildcard,
+ written '_a', '_foo', etc
+ In HsType this is represented by (HsTyVar "_a")
+ i.e. a perfectly ordinary type variable that happens
+ to start with an underscore
+Note carefully:
+* When NamedWildCards is off, type variables that start with an
+ underscore really /are/ ordinary type variables. And indeed, even
+ when NamedWildCards is on you can bind _a explicitly as an ordinary
+ type variable:
+ data T _a _b = MkT _b _a
+ Or even:
+ f :: forall _a. _a -> _b
+ Here _a is an ordinary forall'd binder, but (With NamedWildCards)
+ _b is a named wildcard. (See the comments in #10982)
+* Named wildcards are bound by the HsWildCardBndrs construct, which wraps
+ types that are allowed to have wildcards. Unnamed wildcards however are left
+ unchanged until typechecking, where we give them fresh wild tyavrs and
+ determine whether or not to emit hole constraints on each wildcard
+ (we don't if it's a visible type/kind argument or a type family pattern).
+ See related notes Note [Wildcards in visible kind application]
+ and Note [Wildcards in visible type application] in TcHsType.hs
+* After type checking is done, we report what types the wildcards
+ got unified with.
+Note [Ordering of implicit variables]
+Since the advent of -XTypeApplications, GHC makes promises about the ordering
+of implicit variable quantification. Specifically, we offer that implicitly
+quantified variables (such as those in const :: a -> b -> a, without a `forall`)
+will occur in left-to-right order of first occurrence. Here are a few examples:
+ const :: a -> b -> a -- forall a b. ...
+ f :: Eq a => b -> a -> a -- forall a b. ... contexts are included
+ type a <-< b = b -> a
+ g :: a <-< b -- forall a b. ... type synonyms matter
+ class Functor f where
+ fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- forall f a b. ...
+ -- The f is quantified by the class, so only a and b are considered in fmap
+This simple story is complicated by the possibility of dependency: all variables
+must come after any variables mentioned in their kinds.
+ typeRep :: Typeable a => TypeRep (a :: k) -- forall k a. ...
+The k comes first because a depends on k, even though the k appears later than
+the a in the code. Thus, GHC does a *stable topological sort* on the variables.
+By "stable", we mean that any two variables who do not depend on each other
+preserve their existing left-to-right ordering.
+Implicitly bound variables are collected by the extract- family of functions
+(extractHsTysRdrTyVars, extractHsTyVarBndrsKVs, etc.) in RnTypes.
+These functions thus promise to keep left-to-right ordering.
+Look for pointers to this note to see the places where the action happens.
+Note that we also maintain this ordering in kind signatures. Even though
+there's no visible kind application (yet), having implicit variables be
+quantified in left-to-right order in kind signatures is nice since:
+* It's consistent with the treatment for type signatures.
+* It can affect how types are displayed with -fprint-explicit-kinds (see
+ #15568 for an example), which is a situation where knowing the order in
+ which implicit variables are quantified can be useful.
+* In the event that visible kind application is implemented, the order in
+ which we would expect implicit variables to be ordered in kinds will have
+ already been established.
+-- | Located Haskell Context
+type LHsContext pass = Located (HsContext pass)
+ -- ^ 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnUnit'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+noLHsContext :: LHsContext pass
+-- Use this when there is no context in the original program
+-- It would really be more kosher to use a Maybe, to distinguish
+-- class () => C a where ...
+-- from
+-- class C a where ...
+noLHsContext = noLoc []
+-- | Haskell Context
+type HsContext pass = [LHsType pass]
+-- | Located Haskell Type
+type LHsType pass = Located (HsType pass)
+ -- ^ May have 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma' when
+ -- in a list
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | Haskell Kind
+type HsKind pass = HsType pass
+-- | Located Haskell Kind
+type LHsKind pass = Located (HsKind pass)
+ -- ^ 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- LHsQTyVars
+-- The explicitly-quantified binders in a data/type declaration
+-- | Located Haskell Type Variable Binder
+type LHsTyVarBndr pass = Located (HsTyVarBndr pass)
+ -- See Note [HsType binders]
+-- | Located Haskell Quantified Type Variables
+data LHsQTyVars pass -- See Note [HsType binders]
+ = HsQTvs { hsq_ext :: XHsQTvs pass
+ , hsq_explicit :: [LHsTyVarBndr pass]
+ -- Explicit variables, written by the user
+ -- See Note [HsForAllTy tyvar binders]
+ }
+ | XLHsQTyVars (XXLHsQTyVars pass)
+type HsQTvsRn = [Name] -- Implicit variables
+ -- For example, in data T (a :: k1 -> k2) = ...
+ -- the 'a' is explicit while 'k1', 'k2' are implicit
+type instance XHsQTvs GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XHsQTvs GhcRn = HsQTvsRn
+type instance XHsQTvs GhcTc = HsQTvsRn
+type instance XXLHsQTyVars (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+mkHsQTvs :: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs] -> LHsQTyVars GhcPs
+mkHsQTvs tvs = HsQTvs { hsq_ext = noExtField, hsq_explicit = tvs }
+hsQTvExplicit :: LHsQTyVars pass -> [LHsTyVarBndr pass]
+hsQTvExplicit = hsq_explicit
+emptyLHsQTvs :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn
+emptyLHsQTvs = HsQTvs { hsq_ext = [], hsq_explicit = [] }
+isEmptyLHsQTvs :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> Bool
+isEmptyLHsQTvs (HsQTvs { hsq_ext = imp, hsq_explicit = exp })
+ = null imp && null exp
+isEmptyLHsQTvs _ = False
+-- HsImplicitBndrs
+-- Used to quantify the implicit binders of a type
+-- * Implicit binders of a type signature (LHsSigType/LHsSigWcType)
+-- * Patterns in a type/data family instance (HsTyPats)
+-- | Haskell Implicit Binders
+data HsImplicitBndrs pass thing -- See Note [HsType binders]
+ = HsIB { hsib_ext :: XHsIB pass thing -- after renamer: [Name]
+ -- Implicitly-bound kind & type vars
+ -- Order is important; see
+ -- Note [Ordering of implicit variables]
+ -- in RnTypes
+ , hsib_body :: thing -- Main payload (type or list of types)
+ }
+ | XHsImplicitBndrs (XXHsImplicitBndrs pass thing)
+type instance XHsIB GhcPs _ = NoExtField
+type instance XHsIB GhcRn _ = [Name]
+type instance XHsIB GhcTc _ = [Name]
+type instance XXHsImplicitBndrs (GhcPass _) _ = NoExtCon
+-- | Haskell Wildcard Binders
+data HsWildCardBndrs pass thing
+ -- See Note [HsType binders]
+ -- See Note [The wildcard story for types]
+ = HsWC { hswc_ext :: XHsWC pass thing
+ -- after the renamer
+ -- Wild cards, only named
+ -- See Note [Wildcards in visible kind application]
+ , hswc_body :: thing
+ -- Main payload (type or list of types)
+ -- If there is an extra-constraints wildcard,
+ -- it's still there in the hsc_body.
+ }
+ | XHsWildCardBndrs (XXHsWildCardBndrs pass thing)
+type instance XHsWC GhcPs b = NoExtField
+type instance XHsWC GhcRn b = [Name]
+type instance XHsWC GhcTc b = [Name]
+type instance XXHsWildCardBndrs (GhcPass _) b = NoExtCon
+-- | Located Haskell Signature Type
+type LHsSigType pass = HsImplicitBndrs pass (LHsType pass) -- Implicit only
+-- | Located Haskell Wildcard Type
+type LHsWcType pass = HsWildCardBndrs pass (LHsType pass) -- Wildcard only
+-- | Located Haskell Signature Wildcard Type
+type LHsSigWcType pass = HsWildCardBndrs pass (LHsSigType pass) -- Both
+-- See Note [Representing type signatures]
+hsImplicitBody :: HsImplicitBndrs (GhcPass p) thing -> thing
+hsImplicitBody (HsIB { hsib_body = body }) = body
+hsImplicitBody (XHsImplicitBndrs nec) = noExtCon nec
+hsSigType :: LHsSigType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+hsSigType = hsImplicitBody
+hsSigWcType :: LHsSigWcType pass -> LHsType pass
+hsSigWcType sig_ty = hsib_body (hswc_body sig_ty)
+dropWildCards :: LHsSigWcType pass -> LHsSigType pass
+-- Drop the wildcard part of a LHsSigWcType
+dropWildCards sig_ty = hswc_body sig_ty
+{- Note [Representing type signatures]
+HsSigType is used to represent an explicit user type signature
+such as f :: a -> a
+ or g (x :: a -> a) = x
+A HsSigType is just a HsImplicitBndrs wrapping a LHsType.
+ * The HsImplicitBndrs binds the /implicitly/ quantified tyvars
+ * The LHsType binds the /explicitly/ quantified tyvars
+E.g. For a signature like
+ f :: forall (a::k). blah
+we get
+ HsIB { hsib_vars = [k]
+ , hsib_body = HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = [(a::*)]
+ , hst_body = blah }
+The implicit kind variable 'k' is bound by the HsIB;
+the explicitly forall'd tyvar 'a' is bound by the HsForAllTy
+mkHsImplicitBndrs :: thing -> HsImplicitBndrs GhcPs thing
+mkHsImplicitBndrs x = HsIB { hsib_ext = noExtField
+ , hsib_body = x }
+mkHsWildCardBndrs :: thing -> HsWildCardBndrs GhcPs thing
+mkHsWildCardBndrs x = HsWC { hswc_body = x
+ , hswc_ext = noExtField }
+-- Add empty binders. This is a bit suspicious; what if
+-- the wrapped thing had free type variables?
+mkEmptyImplicitBndrs :: thing -> HsImplicitBndrs GhcRn thing
+mkEmptyImplicitBndrs x = HsIB { hsib_ext = []
+ , hsib_body = x }
+mkEmptyWildCardBndrs :: thing -> HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn thing
+mkEmptyWildCardBndrs x = HsWC { hswc_body = x
+ , hswc_ext = [] }
+-- | These names are used early on to store the names of implicit
+-- parameters. They completely disappear after type-checking.
+newtype HsIPName = HsIPName FastString
+ deriving( Eq, Data )
+hsIPNameFS :: HsIPName -> FastString
+hsIPNameFS (HsIPName n) = n
+instance Outputable HsIPName where
+ ppr (HsIPName n) = char '?' <> ftext n -- Ordinary implicit parameters
+instance OutputableBndr HsIPName where
+ pprBndr _ n = ppr n -- Simple for now
+ pprInfixOcc n = ppr n
+ pprPrefixOcc n = ppr n
+-- | Haskell Type Variable Binder
+data HsTyVarBndr pass
+ = UserTyVar -- no explicit kinding
+ (XUserTyVar pass)
+ (Located (IdP pass))
+ -- See Note [Located RdrNames] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+ | KindedTyVar
+ (XKindedTyVar pass)
+ (Located (IdP pass))
+ (LHsKind pass) -- The user-supplied kind signature
+ -- ^
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon', 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | XTyVarBndr
+ (XXTyVarBndr pass)
+type instance XUserTyVar (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XKindedTyVar (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXTyVarBndr (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+-- | Does this 'HsTyVarBndr' come with an explicit kind annotation?
+isHsKindedTyVar :: HsTyVarBndr pass -> Bool
+isHsKindedTyVar (UserTyVar {}) = False
+isHsKindedTyVar (KindedTyVar {}) = True
+isHsKindedTyVar (XTyVarBndr {}) = False
+-- | Do all type variables in this 'LHsQTyVars' come with kind annotations?
+hsTvbAllKinded :: LHsQTyVars pass -> Bool
+hsTvbAllKinded = all (isHsKindedTyVar . unLoc) . hsQTvExplicit
+-- | Haskell Type
+data HsType pass
+ = HsForAllTy -- See Note [HsType binders]
+ { hst_xforall :: XForAllTy pass
+ , hst_fvf :: ForallVisFlag -- Is this `forall a -> {...}` or
+ -- `forall a. {...}`?
+ , hst_bndrs :: [LHsTyVarBndr pass]
+ -- Explicit, user-supplied 'forall a b c'
+ , hst_body :: LHsType pass -- body type
+ }
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnForall',
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDot','ApiAnnotation.AnnDarrow'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsQualTy -- See Note [HsType binders]
+ { hst_xqual :: XQualTy pass
+ , hst_ctxt :: LHsContext pass -- Context C => blah
+ , hst_body :: LHsType pass }
+ | HsTyVar (XTyVar pass)
+ PromotionFlag -- Whether explicitly promoted,
+ -- for the pretty printer
+ (Located (IdP pass))
+ -- Type variable, type constructor, or data constructor
+ -- see Note [Promotions (HsTyVar)]
+ -- See Note [Located RdrNames] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : None
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsAppTy (XAppTy pass)
+ (LHsType pass)
+ (LHsType pass)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : None
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsAppKindTy (XAppKindTy pass) -- type level type app
+ (LHsType pass)
+ (LHsKind pass)
+ | HsFunTy (XFunTy pass)
+ (LHsType pass) -- function type
+ (LHsType pass)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow',
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsListTy (XListTy pass)
+ (LHsType pass) -- Element type
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'['@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @']'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsTupleTy (XTupleTy pass)
+ HsTupleSort
+ [LHsType pass] -- Element types (length gives arity)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'(' or '(#'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @')' or '#)'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsSumTy (XSumTy pass)
+ [LHsType pass] -- Element types (length gives arity)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'(#'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' '#)'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsOpTy (XOpTy pass)
+ (LHsType pass) (Located (IdP pass)) (LHsType pass)
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : None
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsParTy (XParTy pass)
+ (LHsType pass) -- See Note [Parens in HsSyn] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+ -- Parenthesis preserved for the precedence re-arrangement in RnTypes
+ -- It's important that a * (b + c) doesn't get rearranged to (a*b) + c!
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'('@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsIParamTy (XIParamTy pass)
+ (Located HsIPName) -- (?x :: ty)
+ (LHsType pass) -- Implicit parameters as they occur in
+ -- contexts
+ -- ^
+ -- > (?x :: ty)
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsStarTy (XStarTy pass)
+ Bool -- Is this the Unicode variant?
+ -- Note [HsStarTy]
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : None
+ | HsKindSig (XKindSig pass)
+ (LHsType pass) -- (ty :: kind)
+ (LHsKind pass) -- A type with a kind signature
+ -- ^
+ -- > (ty :: kind)
+ --
+ -- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'('@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon','ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsSpliceTy (XSpliceTy pass)
+ (HsSplice pass) -- Includes quasi-quotes
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'$('@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsDocTy (XDocTy pass)
+ (LHsType pass) LHsDocString -- A documented type
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : None
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsBangTy (XBangTy pass)
+ HsSrcBang (LHsType pass) -- Bang-style type annotations
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' :
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{-\# UNPACK' or '{-\# NOUNPACK'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'#-}'@
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnBang' @\'!\'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsRecTy (XRecTy pass)
+ [LConDeclField pass] -- Only in data type declarations
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @'{'@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @'}'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ -- | HsCoreTy (XCoreTy pass) Type -- An escape hatch for tunnelling a *closed*
+ -- -- Core Type through HsSyn.
+ -- -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : None
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsExplicitListTy -- A promoted explicit list
+ (XExplicitListTy pass)
+ PromotionFlag -- whether explcitly promoted, for pretty printer
+ [LHsType pass]
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @"'["@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @']'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsExplicitTupleTy -- A promoted explicit tuple
+ (XExplicitTupleTy pass)
+ [LHsType pass]
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen' @"'("@,
+ -- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose' @')'@
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsTyLit (XTyLit pass) HsTyLit -- A promoted numeric literal.
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : None
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | HsWildCardTy (XWildCardTy pass) -- A type wildcard
+ -- See Note [The wildcard story for types]
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : None
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ -- For adding new constructors via Trees that Grow
+ | XHsType
+ (XXType pass)
+data NewHsTypeX
+ = NHsCoreTy Type -- An escape hatch for tunnelling a *closed*
+ -- Core Type through HsSyn.
+ deriving Data
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : None
+instance Outputable NewHsTypeX where
+ ppr (NHsCoreTy ty) = ppr ty
+type instance XForAllTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XQualTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XTyVar (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XAppTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XFunTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XListTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XTupleTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XSumTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XOpTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XParTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XIParamTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XStarTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XKindSig (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XAppKindTy (GhcPass _) = SrcSpan -- Where the `@` lives
+type instance XSpliceTy GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XSpliceTy GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XSpliceTy GhcTc = Kind
+type instance XDocTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XBangTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XRecTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitListTy GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitListTy GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitListTy GhcTc = Kind
+type instance XExplicitTupleTy GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitTupleTy GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XExplicitTupleTy GhcTc = [Kind]
+type instance XTyLit (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XWildCardTy (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXType (GhcPass _) = NewHsTypeX
+-- Note [Literal source text] in BasicTypes for SourceText fields in
+-- the following
+-- | Haskell Type Literal
+data HsTyLit
+ = HsNumTy SourceText Integer
+ | HsStrTy SourceText FastString
+ deriving Data
+Note [HsForAllTy tyvar binders]
+After parsing:
+ * Implicit => empty
+ Explicit => the variables the user wrote
+After renaming
+ * Implicit => the *type* variables free in the type
+ Explicit => the variables the user wrote (renamed)
+Qualified currently behaves exactly as Implicit,
+but it is deprecated to use it for implicit quantification.
+In this case, GHC 7.10 gives a warning; see
+Note [Context quantification] in RnTypes, and #4426.
+In GHC 8.0, Qualified will no longer bind variables
+and this will become an error.
+The kind variables bound in the hsq_implicit field come both
+ a) from the kind signatures on the kind vars (eg k1)
+ b) from the scope of the forall (eg k2)
+Example: f :: forall (a::k1) b. T a (b::k2)
+Note [Unit tuples]
+Consider the type
+ type instance F Int = ()
+We want to parse that "()"
+ as HsTupleTy HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple [],
+NOT as HsTyVar unitTyCon
+Why? Because F might have kind (* -> Constraint), so we when parsing we
+don't know if that tuple is going to be a constraint tuple or an ordinary
+unit tuple. The HsTupleSort flag is specifically designed to deal with
+that, but it has to work for unit tuples too.
+Note [Promotions (HsTyVar)]
+HsTyVar: A name in a type or kind.
+ Here are the allowed namespaces for the name.
+ In a type:
+ Var: not allowed
+ Data: promoted data constructor
+ Tv: type variable
+ TcCls before renamer: type constructor, class constructor, or promoted data constructor
+ TcCls after renamer: type constructor or class constructor
+ In a kind:
+ Var, Data: not allowed
+ Tv: kind variable
+ TcCls: kind constructor or promoted type constructor
+ The 'Promoted' field in an HsTyVar captures whether the type was promoted in
+ the source code by prefixing an apostrophe.
+Note [HsStarTy]
+When the StarIsType extension is enabled, we want to treat '*' and its Unicode
+variant identically to 'Data.Kind.Type'. Unfortunately, doing so in the parser
+would mean that when we pretty-print it back, we don't know whether the user
+wrote '*' or 'Type', and lose the parse/ppr roundtrip property.
+As a workaround, we parse '*' as HsStarTy (if it stands for 'Data.Kind.Type')
+and then desugar it to 'Data.Kind.Type' in the typechecker (see tc_hs_type).
+When '*' is a regular type operator (StarIsType is disabled), HsStarTy is not
+Note [Promoted lists and tuples]
+Notice the difference between
+ HsListTy HsExplicitListTy
+ HsTupleTy HsExplicitListTupleTy
+E.g. f :: [Int] HsListTy
+ g3 :: T '[] All these use
+ g2 :: T '[True] HsExplicitListTy
+ g1 :: T '[True,False]
+ g1a :: T [True,False] (can omit ' where unambiguous)
+ kind of T :: [Bool] -> * This kind uses HsListTy!
+E.g. h :: (Int,Bool) HsTupleTy; f is a pair
+ k :: S '(True,False) HsExplicitTypleTy; S is indexed by
+ a type-level pair of booleans
+ kind of S :: (Bool,Bool) -> * This kind uses HsExplicitTupleTy
+Note [Distinguishing tuple kinds]
+Apart from promotion, tuples can have one of three different kinds:
+ x :: (Int, Bool) -- Regular boxed tuples
+ f :: Int# -> (# Int#, Int# #) -- Unboxed tuples
+ g :: (Eq a, Ord a) => a -- Constraint tuples
+For convenience, internally we use a single constructor for all of these,
+namely HsTupleTy, but keep track of the tuple kind (in the first argument to
+HsTupleTy, a HsTupleSort). We can tell if a tuple is unboxed while parsing,
+because of the #. However, with -XConstraintKinds we can only distinguish
+between constraint and boxed tuples during type checking, in general. Hence the
+four constructors of HsTupleSort:
+ HsUnboxedTuple -> Produced by the parser
+ HsBoxedTuple -> Certainly a boxed tuple
+ HsConstraintTuple -> Certainly a constraint tuple
+ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple -> Could be a boxed or a constraint
+ tuple. Produced by the parser only,
+ disappears after type checking
+-- | Haskell Tuple Sort
+data HsTupleSort = HsUnboxedTuple
+ | HsBoxedTuple
+ | HsConstraintTuple
+ | HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple
+ deriving Data
+-- | Located Constructor Declaration Field
+type LConDeclField pass = Located (ConDeclField pass)
+ -- ^ May have 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma' when
+ -- in a list
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+-- | Constructor Declaration Field
+data ConDeclField pass -- Record fields have Haddoc docs on them
+ = ConDeclField { cd_fld_ext :: XConDeclField pass,
+ cd_fld_names :: [LFieldOcc pass],
+ -- ^ See Note [ConDeclField passs]
+ cd_fld_type :: LBangType pass,
+ cd_fld_doc :: Maybe LHsDocString }
+ -- ^ - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon'
+ -- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
+ | XConDeclField (XXConDeclField pass)
+type instance XConDeclField (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
+type instance XXConDeclField (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (ConDeclField p) where
+ ppr (ConDeclField _ fld_n fld_ty _) = ppr fld_n <+> dcolon <+> ppr fld_ty
+ ppr (XConDeclField x) = ppr x
+-- HsConDetails is used for patterns/expressions *and* for data type
+-- declarations
+-- | Haskell Constructor Details
+data HsConDetails arg rec
+ = PrefixCon [arg] -- C p1 p2 p3
+ | RecCon rec -- C { x = p1, y = p2 }
+ | InfixCon arg arg -- p1 `C` p2
+ deriving Data
+instance (Outputable arg, Outputable rec)
+ => Outputable (HsConDetails arg rec) where
+ ppr (PrefixCon args) = text "PrefixCon" <+> ppr args
+ ppr (RecCon rec) = text "RecCon:" <+> ppr rec
+ ppr (InfixCon l r) = text "InfixCon:" <+> ppr [l, r]
+hsConDetailsArgs ::
+ HsConDetails (LHsType a) (Located [LConDeclField a])
+ -> [LHsType a]
+hsConDetailsArgs details = case details of
+ InfixCon a b -> [a,b]
+ PrefixCon xs -> xs
+ RecCon r -> map (cd_fld_type . unLoc) (unLoc r)
+Note [ConDeclField passs]
+A ConDeclField contains a list of field occurrences: these always
+include the field label as the user wrote it. After the renamer, it
+will additionally contain the identity of the selector function in the
+second component.
+Due to DuplicateRecordFields, the OccName of the selector function
+may have been mangled, which is why we keep the original field label
+separately. For example, when DuplicateRecordFields is enabled
+ data T = MkT { x :: Int }
+ ConDeclField { cd_fld_names = [L _ (FieldOcc "x" $sel:x:MkT)], ... }.
+-- A valid type must have a for-all at the top of the type, or of the fn arg
+-- types
+hsWcScopedTvs :: LHsSigWcType GhcRn -> [Name]
+-- Get the lexically-scoped type variables of a HsSigType
+-- - the explicitly-given forall'd type variables
+-- - the named wildcars; see Note [Scoping of named wildcards]
+-- because they scope in the same way
+hsWcScopedTvs sig_ty
+ | HsWC { hswc_ext = nwcs, hswc_body = sig_ty1 } <- sig_ty
+ , HsIB { hsib_ext = vars
+ , hsib_body = sig_ty2 } <- sig_ty1
+ = case sig_ty2 of
+ L _ (HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = vis_flag
+ , hst_bndrs = tvs }) ->
+ ASSERT( vis_flag == ForallInvis ) -- See Note [hsScopedTvs vis_flag]
+ vars ++ nwcs ++ hsLTyVarNames tvs
+ _ -> nwcs
+hsWcScopedTvs (HsWC _ (XHsImplicitBndrs nec)) = noExtCon nec
+hsWcScopedTvs (XHsWildCardBndrs nec) = noExtCon nec
+hsScopedTvs :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> [Name]
+-- Same as hsWcScopedTvs, but for a LHsSigType
+hsScopedTvs sig_ty
+ | HsIB { hsib_ext = vars
+ , hsib_body = sig_ty2 } <- sig_ty
+ , L _ (HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = vis_flag
+ , hst_bndrs = tvs }) <- sig_ty2
+ = ASSERT( vis_flag == ForallInvis ) -- See Note [hsScopedTvs vis_flag]
+ vars ++ hsLTyVarNames tvs
+ | otherwise
+ = []
+{- Note [Scoping of named wildcards]
+ f :: _a -> _a
+ f x = let g :: _a -> _a
+ g = ...
+ in ...
+Currently, for better or worse, the "_a" variables are all the same. So
+although there is no explicit forall, the "_a" scopes over the definition.
+I don't know if this is a good idea, but there it is.
+{- Note [hsScopedTvs vis_flag]
+-XScopedTypeVariables can be defined in terms of a desugaring to
+-XTypeAbstractions (GHC Proposal #50):
+ fn :: forall a b c. tau(a,b,c) fn :: forall a b c. tau(a,b,c)
+ fn = defn(a,b,c) ==> fn @x @y @z = defn(x,y,z)
+That is, for every type variable of the leading 'forall' in the type signature,
+we add an invisible binder at term level.
+This model does not extend to visible forall, as discussed here:
+The conclusion of these discussions can be summarized as follows:
+ > Assuming support for visible 'forall' in terms, consider this example:
+ >
+ > vfn :: forall x y -> tau(x,y)
+ > vfn = \a b -> ...
+ >
+ > The user has written their own binders 'a' and 'b' to stand for 'x' and
+ > 'y', and we definitely should not desugar this into:
+ >
+ > vfn :: forall x y -> tau(x,y)
+ > vfn x y = \a b -> ... -- bad!
+At the moment, GHC does not support visible 'forall' in terms, so we simply cement
+our assumptions with an assert:
+ hsScopedTvs (HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = vis_flag, ... }) =
+ ASSERT( vis_flag == ForallInvis )
+ ...
+In the future, this assert can be safely turned into a pattern match to support
+visible forall in terms:
+ hsScopedTvs (HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = ForallInvis, ... }) = ...
+hsTyVarName :: HsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p) -> IdP (GhcPass p)
+hsTyVarName (UserTyVar _ (L _ n)) = n
+hsTyVarName (KindedTyVar _ (L _ n) _) = n
+hsTyVarName (XTyVarBndr nec) = noExtCon nec
+hsLTyVarName :: LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p) -> IdP (GhcPass p)
+hsLTyVarName = hsTyVarName . unLoc
+hsLTyVarNames :: [LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p)] -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
+hsLTyVarNames = map hsLTyVarName
+hsExplicitLTyVarNames :: LHsQTyVars (GhcPass p) -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
+-- Explicit variables only
+hsExplicitLTyVarNames qtvs = map hsLTyVarName (hsQTvExplicit qtvs)
+hsAllLTyVarNames :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> [Name]
+-- All variables
+hsAllLTyVarNames (HsQTvs { hsq_ext = kvs
+ , hsq_explicit = tvs })
+ = kvs ++ hsLTyVarNames tvs
+hsAllLTyVarNames (XLHsQTyVars nec) = noExtCon nec
+hsLTyVarLocName :: LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p) -> Located (IdP (GhcPass p))
+hsLTyVarLocName = onHasSrcSpan hsTyVarName
+hsLTyVarLocNames :: LHsQTyVars (GhcPass p) -> [Located (IdP (GhcPass p))]
+hsLTyVarLocNames qtvs = map hsLTyVarLocName (hsQTvExplicit qtvs)
+-- | Convert a LHsTyVarBndr to an equivalent LHsType.
+hsLTyVarBndrToType :: LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+hsLTyVarBndrToType = onHasSrcSpan cvt
+ where cvt (UserTyVar _ n) = HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted n
+ cvt (KindedTyVar _ (L name_loc n) kind)
+ = HsKindSig noExtField
+ (L name_loc (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (L name_loc n))) kind
+ cvt (XTyVarBndr nec) = noExtCon nec
+-- | Convert a LHsTyVarBndrs to a list of types.
+-- Works on *type* variable only, no kind vars.
+hsLTyVarBndrsToTypes :: LHsQTyVars (GhcPass p) -> [LHsType (GhcPass p)]
+hsLTyVarBndrsToTypes (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tvbs }) = map hsLTyVarBndrToType tvbs
+hsLTyVarBndrsToTypes (XLHsQTyVars nec) = noExtCon nec
+ignoreParens :: LHsType pass -> LHsType pass
+ignoreParens (L _ (HsParTy _ ty)) = ignoreParens ty
+ignoreParens ty = ty
+isLHsForAllTy :: LHsType p -> Bool
+isLHsForAllTy (L _ (HsForAllTy {})) = True
+isLHsForAllTy _ = False
+* *
+ Building types
+* *
+mkAnonWildCardTy :: HsType GhcPs
+mkAnonWildCardTy = HsWildCardTy noExtField
+mkHsOpTy :: LHsType (GhcPass p) -> Located (IdP (GhcPass p))
+ -> LHsType (GhcPass p) -> HsType (GhcPass p)
+mkHsOpTy ty1 op ty2 = HsOpTy noExtField ty1 op ty2
+mkHsAppTy :: LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+mkHsAppTy t1 t2
+ = addCLoc t1 t2 (HsAppTy noExtField t1 (parenthesizeHsType appPrec t2))
+mkHsAppTys :: LHsType (GhcPass p) -> [LHsType (GhcPass p)]
+ -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+mkHsAppTys = foldl' mkHsAppTy
+mkHsAppKindTy :: XAppKindTy (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+ -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+mkHsAppKindTy ext ty k
+ = addCLoc ty k (HsAppKindTy ext ty k)
+* *
+ Decomposing HsTypes
+* *
+-- splitHsFunType decomposes a type (t1 -> t2 ... -> tn)
+-- Breaks up any parens in the result type:
+-- splitHsFunType (a -> (b -> c)) = ([a,b], c)
+-- Also deals with (->) t1 t2; that is why it only works on LHsType Name
+-- (see #9096)
+splitHsFunType :: LHsType GhcRn -> ([LHsType GhcRn], LHsType GhcRn)
+splitHsFunType (L _ (HsParTy _ ty))
+ = splitHsFunType ty
+splitHsFunType (L _ (HsFunTy _ x y))
+ | (args, res) <- splitHsFunType y
+ = (x:args, res)
+{- This is not so correct, because it won't work with visible kind app, in case
+ someone wants to write '(->) @k1 @k2 t1 t2'. Fixing this would require changing
+ ConDeclGADT abstract syntax -}
+splitHsFunType orig_ty@(L _ (HsAppTy _ t1 t2))
+ = go t1 [t2]
+ where -- Look for (->) t1 t2, possibly with parenthesisation
+ go (L _ (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ fn))) tys | fn == funTyConName
+ , [t1,t2] <- tys
+ , (args, res) <- splitHsFunType t2
+ = (t1:args, res)
+ go (L _ (HsAppTy _ t1 t2)) tys = go t1 (t2:tys)
+ go (L _ (HsParTy _ ty)) tys = go ty tys
+ go _ _ = ([], orig_ty) -- Failure to match
+splitHsFunType other = ([], other)
+-- retrieve the name of the "head" of a nested type application
+-- somewhat like splitHsAppTys, but a little more thorough
+-- used to examine the result of a GADT-like datacon, so it doesn't handle
+-- *all* cases (like lists, tuples, (~), etc.)
+hsTyGetAppHead_maybe :: LHsType (GhcPass p)
+ -> Maybe (Located (IdP (GhcPass p)))
+hsTyGetAppHead_maybe = go
+ where
+ go (L _ (HsTyVar _ _ ln)) = Just ln
+ go (L _ (HsAppTy _ l _)) = go l
+ go (L _ (HsAppKindTy _ t _)) = go t
+ go (L _ (HsOpTy _ _ (L loc n) _)) = Just (L loc n)
+ go (L _ (HsParTy _ t)) = go t
+ go (L _ (HsKindSig _ t _)) = go t
+ go _ = Nothing
+-- Arguments in an expression/type after splitting
+data HsArg tm ty
+ = HsValArg tm -- Argument is an ordinary expression (f arg)
+ | HsTypeArg SrcSpan ty -- Argument is a visible type application (f @ty)
+ -- SrcSpan is location of the `@`
+ | HsArgPar SrcSpan -- See Note [HsArgPar]
+numVisibleArgs :: [HsArg tm ty] -> Arity
+numVisibleArgs = count is_vis
+ where is_vis (HsValArg _) = True
+ is_vis _ = False
+-- type level equivalent
+type LHsTypeArg p = HsArg (LHsType p) (LHsKind p)
+instance (Outputable tm, Outputable ty) => Outputable (HsArg tm ty) where
+ ppr (HsValArg tm) = ppr tm
+ ppr (HsTypeArg _ ty) = char '@' <> ppr ty
+ ppr (HsArgPar sp) = text "HsArgPar" <+> ppr sp
+Note [HsArgPar]
+A HsArgPar indicates that everything to the left of this in the argument list is
+enclosed in parentheses together with the function itself. It is necessary so
+that we can recreate the parenthesis structure in the original source after
+typechecking the arguments.
+The SrcSpan is the span of the original HsPar
+((f arg1) arg2 arg3) results in an input argument list of
+[HsValArg arg1, HsArgPar span1, HsValArg arg2, HsValArg arg3, HsArgPar span2]
+-- | Decompose a pattern synonym type signature into its constituent parts.
+-- Note that this function looks through parentheses, so it will work on types
+-- such as @(forall a. <...>)@. The downside to this is that it is not
+-- generally possible to take the returned types and reconstruct the original
+-- type (parentheses and all) from them.
+splitLHsPatSynTy :: LHsType pass
+ -> ( [LHsTyVarBndr pass] -- universals
+ , LHsContext pass -- required constraints
+ , [LHsTyVarBndr pass] -- existentials
+ , LHsContext pass -- provided constraints
+ , LHsType pass) -- body type
+splitLHsPatSynTy ty = (univs, reqs, exis, provs, ty4)
+ where
+ (univs, ty1) = splitLHsForAllTyInvis ty
+ (reqs, ty2) = splitLHsQualTy ty1
+ (exis, ty3) = splitLHsForAllTyInvis ty2
+ (provs, ty4) = splitLHsQualTy ty3
+-- | Decompose a sigma type (of the form @forall <tvs>. context => body@)
+-- into its constituent parts.
+-- Note that this function looks through parentheses, so it will work on types
+-- such as @(forall a. <...>)@. The downside to this is that it is not
+-- generally possible to take the returned types and reconstruct the original
+-- type (parentheses and all) from them.
+splitLHsSigmaTy :: LHsType pass
+ -> ([LHsTyVarBndr pass], LHsContext pass, LHsType pass)
+splitLHsSigmaTy ty
+ | (tvs, ty1) <- splitLHsForAllTy ty
+ , (ctxt, ty2) <- splitLHsQualTy ty1
+ = (tvs, ctxt, ty2)
+-- | Like 'splitLHsSigmaTy', but only splits type variable binders that were
+-- quantified invisibly (e.g., @forall a.@, with a dot).
+-- This function is used to split apart certain types, such as instance
+-- declaration types, which disallow visible @forall@s. For instance, if GHC
+-- split apart the @forall@ in @instance forall a -> Show (Blah a)@, then that
+-- declaration would mistakenly be accepted!
+-- Note that this function looks through parentheses, so it will work on types
+-- such as @(forall a. <...>)@. The downside to this is that it is not
+-- generally possible to take the returned types and reconstruct the original
+-- type (parentheses and all) from them.
+splitLHsSigmaTyInvis :: LHsType pass
+ -> ([LHsTyVarBndr pass], LHsContext pass, LHsType pass)
+splitLHsSigmaTyInvis ty
+ | (tvs, ty1) <- splitLHsForAllTyInvis ty
+ , (ctxt, ty2) <- splitLHsQualTy ty1
+ = (tvs, ctxt, ty2)
+-- | Decompose a type of the form @forall <tvs>. body@) into its constituent
+-- parts.
+-- Note that this function looks through parentheses, so it will work on types
+-- such as @(forall a. <...>)@. The downside to this is that it is not
+-- generally possible to take the returned types and reconstruct the original
+-- type (parentheses and all) from them.
+splitLHsForAllTy :: LHsType pass -> ([LHsTyVarBndr pass], LHsType pass)
+splitLHsForAllTy (L _ (HsParTy _ ty)) = splitLHsForAllTy ty
+splitLHsForAllTy (L _ (HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tvs, hst_body = body })) = (tvs, body)
+splitLHsForAllTy body = ([], body)
+-- | Like 'splitLHsForAllTy', but only splits type variable binders that
+-- were quantified invisibly (e.g., @forall a.@, with a dot).
+-- This function is used to split apart certain types, such as instance
+-- declaration types, which disallow visible @forall@s. For instance, if GHC
+-- split apart the @forall@ in @instance forall a -> Show (Blah a)@, then that
+-- declaration would mistakenly be accepted!
+-- Note that this function looks through parentheses, so it will work on types
+-- such as @(forall a. <...>)@. The downside to this is that it is not
+-- generally possible to take the returned types and reconstruct the original
+-- type (parentheses and all) from them.
+splitLHsForAllTyInvis :: LHsType pass -> ([LHsTyVarBndr pass], LHsType pass)
+splitLHsForAllTyInvis lty@(L _ ty) =
+ case ty of
+ HsParTy _ ty' -> splitLHsForAllTyInvis ty'
+ HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = fvf', hst_bndrs = tvs', hst_body = body' }
+ | fvf' == ForallInvis
+ -> (tvs', body')
+ _ -> ([], lty)
+-- | Decompose a type of the form @context => body@ into its constituent parts.
+-- Note that this function looks through parentheses, so it will work on types
+-- such as @(context => <...>)@. The downside to this is that it is not
+-- generally possible to take the returned types and reconstruct the original
+-- type (parentheses and all) from them.
+splitLHsQualTy :: LHsType pass -> (LHsContext pass, LHsType pass)
+splitLHsQualTy (L _ (HsParTy _ ty)) = splitLHsQualTy ty
+splitLHsQualTy (L _ (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = body })) = (ctxt, body)
+splitLHsQualTy body = (noLHsContext, body)
+-- | Decompose a type class instance type (of the form
+-- @forall <tvs>. context => instance_head@) into its constituent parts.
+-- Note that this function looks through parentheses, so it will work on types
+-- such as @(forall <tvs>. <...>)@. The downside to this is that it is not
+-- generally possible to take the returned types and reconstruct the original
+-- type (parentheses and all) from them.
+splitLHsInstDeclTy :: LHsSigType GhcRn
+ -> ([Name], LHsContext GhcRn, LHsType GhcRn)
+-- Split up an instance decl type, returning the pieces
+splitLHsInstDeclTy (HsIB { hsib_ext = itkvs
+ , hsib_body = inst_ty })
+ | (tvs, cxt, body_ty) <- splitLHsSigmaTyInvis inst_ty
+ = (itkvs ++ hsLTyVarNames tvs, cxt, body_ty)
+ -- Return implicitly bound type and kind vars
+ -- For an instance decl, all of them are in scope
+splitLHsInstDeclTy (XHsImplicitBndrs nec) = noExtCon nec
+getLHsInstDeclHead :: LHsSigType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+getLHsInstDeclHead inst_ty
+ | (_tvs, _cxt, body_ty) <- splitLHsSigmaTyInvis (hsSigType inst_ty)
+ = body_ty
+getLHsInstDeclClass_maybe :: LHsSigType (GhcPass p)
+ -> Maybe (Located (IdP (GhcPass p)))
+-- Works on (HsSigType RdrName)
+getLHsInstDeclClass_maybe inst_ty
+ = do { let head_ty = getLHsInstDeclHead inst_ty
+ ; cls <- hsTyGetAppHead_maybe head_ty
+ ; return cls }
+* *
+ FieldOcc
+* *
+-- | Located Field Occurrence
+type LFieldOcc pass = Located (FieldOcc pass)
+-- | Field Occurrence
+-- Represents an *occurrence* of an unambiguous field. We store
+-- both the 'RdrName' the user originally wrote, and after the
+-- renamer, the selector function.
+data FieldOcc pass = FieldOcc { extFieldOcc :: XCFieldOcc pass
+ , rdrNameFieldOcc :: Located RdrName
+ -- ^ See Note [Located RdrNames] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+ }
+ | XFieldOcc
+ (XXFieldOcc pass)
+deriving instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, Eq (XCFieldOcc p)) => Eq (FieldOcc p)
+deriving instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, Ord (XCFieldOcc p)) => Ord (FieldOcc p)
+type instance XCFieldOcc GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XCFieldOcc GhcRn = Name
+type instance XCFieldOcc GhcTc = Id
+type instance XXFieldOcc (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance Outputable (FieldOcc pass) where
+ ppr = ppr . rdrNameFieldOcc
+mkFieldOcc :: Located RdrName -> FieldOcc GhcPs
+mkFieldOcc rdr = FieldOcc noExtField rdr
+-- | Ambiguous Field Occurrence
+-- Represents an *occurrence* of a field that is potentially
+-- ambiguous after the renamer, with the ambiguity resolved by the
+-- typechecker. We always store the 'RdrName' that the user
+-- originally wrote, and store the selector function after the renamer
+-- (for unambiguous occurrences) or the typechecker (for ambiguous
+-- occurrences).
+-- See Note [HsRecField and HsRecUpdField] in GHC.Hs.Pat and
+-- Note [Disambiguating record fields] in TcExpr.
+-- See Note [Located RdrNames] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+data AmbiguousFieldOcc pass
+ = Unambiguous (XUnambiguous pass) (Located RdrName)
+ | Ambiguous (XAmbiguous pass) (Located RdrName)
+ | XAmbiguousFieldOcc (XXAmbiguousFieldOcc pass)
+type instance XUnambiguous GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XUnambiguous GhcRn = Name
+type instance XUnambiguous GhcTc = Id
+type instance XAmbiguous GhcPs = NoExtField
+type instance XAmbiguous GhcRn = NoExtField
+type instance XAmbiguous GhcTc = Id
+type instance XXAmbiguousFieldOcc (GhcPass _) = NoExtCon
+instance p ~ GhcPass pass => Outputable (AmbiguousFieldOcc p) where
+ ppr = ppr . rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc
+instance p ~ GhcPass pass => OutputableBndr (AmbiguousFieldOcc p) where
+ pprInfixOcc = pprInfixOcc . rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc
+ pprPrefixOcc = pprPrefixOcc . rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc
+mkAmbiguousFieldOcc :: Located RdrName -> AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs
+mkAmbiguousFieldOcc rdr = Unambiguous noExtField rdr
+rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc :: AmbiguousFieldOcc (GhcPass p) -> RdrName
+rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc (Unambiguous _ (L _ rdr)) = rdr
+rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc (Ambiguous _ (L _ rdr)) = rdr
+rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc (XAmbiguousFieldOcc nec)
+ = noExtCon nec
+selectorAmbiguousFieldOcc :: AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc -> Id
+selectorAmbiguousFieldOcc (Unambiguous sel _) = sel
+selectorAmbiguousFieldOcc (Ambiguous sel _) = sel
+selectorAmbiguousFieldOcc (XAmbiguousFieldOcc nec)
+ = noExtCon nec
+unambiguousFieldOcc :: AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc -> FieldOcc GhcTc
+unambiguousFieldOcc (Unambiguous rdr sel) = FieldOcc rdr sel
+unambiguousFieldOcc (Ambiguous rdr sel) = FieldOcc rdr sel
+unambiguousFieldOcc (XAmbiguousFieldOcc nec) = noExtCon nec
+ambiguousFieldOcc :: FieldOcc GhcTc -> AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc
+ambiguousFieldOcc (FieldOcc sel rdr) = Unambiguous sel rdr
+ambiguousFieldOcc (XFieldOcc nec) = noExtCon nec
+* *
+\subsection{Pretty printing}
+* *
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (HsType p) where
+ ppr ty = pprHsType ty
+instance Outputable HsTyLit where
+ ppr = ppr_tylit
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (LHsQTyVars p) where
+ ppr (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tvs }) = interppSP tvs
+ ppr (XLHsQTyVars x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p)
+ => Outputable (HsTyVarBndr p) where
+ ppr (UserTyVar _ n) = ppr n
+ ppr (KindedTyVar _ n k) = parens $ hsep [ppr n, dcolon, ppr k]
+ ppr (XTyVarBndr n) = ppr n
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass,Outputable thing)
+ => Outputable (HsImplicitBndrs p thing) where
+ ppr (HsIB { hsib_body = ty }) = ppr ty
+ ppr (XHsImplicitBndrs x) = ppr x
+instance (p ~ GhcPass pass,Outputable thing)
+ => Outputable (HsWildCardBndrs p thing) where
+ ppr (HsWC { hswc_body = ty }) = ppr ty
+ ppr (XHsWildCardBndrs x) = ppr x
+pprAnonWildCard :: SDoc
+pprAnonWildCard = char '_'
+-- | Prints a forall; When passed an empty list, prints @forall .@/@forall ->@
+-- only when @-dppr-debug@ is enabled.
+pprHsForAll :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => ForallVisFlag -> [LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p)]
+ -> LHsContext (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprHsForAll = pprHsForAllExtra Nothing
+-- | Version of 'pprHsForAll' that can also print an extra-constraints
+-- wildcard, e.g. @_ => a -> Bool@ or @(Show a, _) => a -> String@. This
+-- underscore will be printed when the 'Maybe SrcSpan' argument is a 'Just'
+-- containing the location of the extra-constraints wildcard. A special
+-- function for this is needed, as the extra-constraints wildcard is removed
+-- from the actual context and type, and stored in a separate field, thus just
+-- printing the type will not print the extra-constraints wildcard.
+pprHsForAllExtra :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => Maybe SrcSpan -> ForallVisFlag
+ -> [LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p)]
+ -> LHsContext (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprHsForAllExtra extra fvf qtvs cxt
+ = pp_forall <+> pprLHsContextExtra (isJust extra) cxt
+ where
+ pp_forall | null qtvs = whenPprDebug (forAllLit <> separator)
+ | otherwise = forAllLit <+> interppSP qtvs <> separator
+ separator = ppr_forall_separator fvf
+-- | Version of 'pprHsForAll' or 'pprHsForAllExtra' that will always print
+-- @forall.@ when passed @Just []@. Prints nothing if passed 'Nothing'
+pprHsExplicitForAll :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => ForallVisFlag
+ -> Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p)] -> SDoc
+pprHsExplicitForAll fvf (Just qtvs) = forAllLit <+> interppSP qtvs
+ <> ppr_forall_separator fvf
+pprHsExplicitForAll _ Nothing = empty
+-- | Prints an arrow for visible @forall@s (e.g., @forall a ->@) and a dot for
+-- invisible @forall@s (e.g., @forall a.@).
+ppr_forall_separator :: ForallVisFlag -> SDoc
+ppr_forall_separator ForallVis = space <> arrow
+ppr_forall_separator ForallInvis = dot
+pprLHsContext :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => LHsContext (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprLHsContext lctxt
+ | null (unLoc lctxt) = empty
+ | otherwise = pprLHsContextAlways lctxt
+-- For use in a HsQualTy, which always gets printed if it exists.
+pprLHsContextAlways :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => LHsContext (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprLHsContextAlways (L _ ctxt)
+ = case ctxt of
+ [] -> parens empty <+> darrow
+ [L _ ty] -> ppr_mono_ty ty <+> darrow
+ _ -> parens (interpp'SP ctxt) <+> darrow
+-- True <=> print an extra-constraints wildcard, e.g. @(Show a, _) =>@
+pprLHsContextExtra :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => Bool -> LHsContext (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprLHsContextExtra show_extra lctxt@(L _ ctxt)
+ | not show_extra = pprLHsContext lctxt
+ | null ctxt = char '_' <+> darrow
+ | otherwise = parens (sep (punctuate comma ctxt')) <+> darrow
+ where
+ ctxt' = map ppr ctxt ++ [char '_']
+pprConDeclFields :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => [LConDeclField (GhcPass p)] -> SDoc
+pprConDeclFields fields = braces (sep (punctuate comma (map ppr_fld fields)))
+ where
+ ppr_fld (L _ (ConDeclField { cd_fld_names = ns, cd_fld_type = ty,
+ cd_fld_doc = doc }))
+ = ppr_names ns <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty <+> ppr_mbDoc doc
+ ppr_fld (L _ (XConDeclField x)) = ppr x
+ ppr_names [n] = ppr n
+ ppr_names ns = sep (punctuate comma (map ppr ns))
+Note [Printing KindedTyVars]
+#3830 reminded me that we should really only print the kind
+signature on a KindedTyVar if the kind signature was put there by the
+programmer. During kind inference GHC now adds a PostTcKind to UserTyVars,
+rather than converting to KindedTyVars as before.
+(As it happens, the message in #3830 comes out a different way now,
+and the problem doesn't show up; but having the flag on a KindedTyVar
+seems like the Right Thing anyway.)
+-- Printing works more-or-less as for Types
+pprHsType :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsType (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprHsType ty = ppr_mono_ty ty
+ppr_mono_lty :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => LHsType (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+ppr_mono_lty ty = ppr_mono_ty (unLoc ty)
+ppr_mono_ty :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => HsType (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+ppr_mono_ty (HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = fvf, hst_bndrs = tvs, hst_body = ty })
+ = sep [pprHsForAll fvf tvs noLHsContext, ppr_mono_lty ty]
+ppr_mono_ty (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = ty })
+ = sep [pprLHsContextAlways ctxt, ppr_mono_lty ty]
+ppr_mono_ty (HsBangTy _ b ty) = ppr b <> ppr_mono_lty ty
+ppr_mono_ty (HsRecTy _ flds) = pprConDeclFields flds
+ppr_mono_ty (HsTyVar _ prom (L _ name))
+ | isPromoted prom = quote (pprPrefixOcc name)
+ | otherwise = pprPrefixOcc name
+ppr_mono_ty (HsFunTy _ ty1 ty2) = ppr_fun_ty ty1 ty2
+ppr_mono_ty (HsTupleTy _ con tys) = tupleParens std_con (pprWithCommas ppr tys)
+ where std_con = case con of
+ HsUnboxedTuple -> UnboxedTuple
+ _ -> BoxedTuple
+ppr_mono_ty (HsSumTy _ tys)
+ = tupleParens UnboxedTuple (pprWithBars ppr tys)
+ppr_mono_ty (HsKindSig _ ty kind)
+ = ppr_mono_lty ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr kind
+ppr_mono_ty (HsListTy _ ty) = brackets (ppr_mono_lty ty)
+ppr_mono_ty (HsIParamTy _ n ty) = (ppr n <+> dcolon <+> ppr_mono_lty ty)
+ppr_mono_ty (HsSpliceTy _ s) = pprSplice s
+ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitListTy _ prom tys)
+ | isPromoted prom = quote $ brackets (maybeAddSpace tys $ interpp'SP tys)
+ | otherwise = brackets (interpp'SP tys)
+ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys)
+ = quote $ parens (maybeAddSpace tys $ interpp'SP tys)
+ppr_mono_ty (HsTyLit _ t) = ppr_tylit t
+ppr_mono_ty (HsWildCardTy {}) = char '_'
+ppr_mono_ty (HsStarTy _ isUni) = char (if isUni then '★' else '*')
+ppr_mono_ty (HsAppTy _ fun_ty arg_ty)
+ = hsep [ppr_mono_lty fun_ty, ppr_mono_lty arg_ty]
+ppr_mono_ty (HsAppKindTy _ ty k)
+ = ppr_mono_lty ty <+> char '@' <> ppr_mono_lty k
+ppr_mono_ty (HsOpTy _ ty1 (L _ op) ty2)
+ = sep [ ppr_mono_lty ty1
+ , sep [pprInfixOcc op, ppr_mono_lty ty2 ] ]
+ppr_mono_ty (HsParTy _ ty)
+ = parens (ppr_mono_lty ty)
+ -- Put the parens in where the user did
+ -- But we still use the precedence stuff to add parens because
+ -- toHsType doesn't put in any HsParTys, so we may still need them
+ppr_mono_ty (HsDocTy _ ty doc)
+ -- AZ: Should we add parens? Should we introduce "-- ^"?
+ = ppr_mono_lty ty <+> ppr (unLoc doc)
+ -- we pretty print Haddock comments on types as if they were
+ -- postfix operators
+ppr_mono_ty (XHsType t) = ppr t
+ppr_fun_ty :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
+ => LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+ppr_fun_ty ty1 ty2
+ = let p1 = ppr_mono_lty ty1
+ p2 = ppr_mono_lty ty2
+ in
+ sep [p1, arrow <+> p2]
+ppr_tylit :: HsTyLit -> SDoc
+ppr_tylit (HsNumTy _ i) = integer i
+ppr_tylit (HsStrTy _ s) = text (show s)
+-- | @'hsTypeNeedsParens' p t@ returns 'True' if the type @t@ needs parentheses
+-- under precedence @p@.
+hsTypeNeedsParens :: PprPrec -> HsType pass -> Bool
+hsTypeNeedsParens p = go
+ where
+ go (HsForAllTy{}) = p >= funPrec
+ go (HsQualTy{}) = p >= funPrec
+ go (HsBangTy{}) = p > topPrec
+ go (HsRecTy{}) = False
+ go (HsTyVar{}) = False
+ go (HsFunTy{}) = p >= funPrec
+ go (HsTupleTy{}) = False
+ go (HsSumTy{}) = False
+ go (HsKindSig{}) = p >= sigPrec
+ go (HsListTy{}) = False
+ go (HsIParamTy{}) = p > topPrec
+ go (HsSpliceTy{}) = False
+ go (HsExplicitListTy{}) = False
+ go (HsExplicitTupleTy{}) = False
+ go (HsTyLit{}) = False
+ go (HsWildCardTy{}) = False
+ go (HsStarTy{}) = False
+ go (HsAppTy{}) = p >= appPrec
+ go (HsAppKindTy{}) = p >= appPrec
+ go (HsOpTy{}) = p >= opPrec
+ go (HsParTy{}) = False
+ go (HsDocTy _ (L _ t) _) = go t
+ go (XHsType{}) = False
+maybeAddSpace :: [LHsType pass] -> SDoc -> SDoc
+-- See Note [Printing promoted type constructors]
+-- in IfaceType. This code implements the same
+-- logic for printing HsType
+maybeAddSpace tys doc
+ | (ty : _) <- tys
+ , lhsTypeHasLeadingPromotionQuote ty = space <> doc
+ | otherwise = doc
+lhsTypeHasLeadingPromotionQuote :: LHsType pass -> Bool
+lhsTypeHasLeadingPromotionQuote ty
+ = goL ty
+ where
+ goL (L _ ty) = go ty
+ go (HsForAllTy{}) = False
+ go (HsQualTy{ hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = body})
+ | L _ (c:_) <- ctxt = goL c
+ | otherwise = goL body
+ go (HsBangTy{}) = False
+ go (HsRecTy{}) = False
+ go (HsTyVar _ p _) = isPromoted p
+ go (HsFunTy _ arg _) = goL arg
+ go (HsListTy{}) = False
+ go (HsTupleTy{}) = False
+ go (HsSumTy{}) = False
+ go (HsOpTy _ t1 _ _) = goL t1
+ go (HsKindSig _ t _) = goL t
+ go (HsIParamTy{}) = False
+ go (HsSpliceTy{}) = False
+ go (HsExplicitListTy _ p _) = isPromoted p
+ go (HsExplicitTupleTy{}) = True
+ go (HsTyLit{}) = False
+ go (HsWildCardTy{}) = False
+ go (HsStarTy{}) = False
+ go (HsAppTy _ t _) = goL t
+ go (HsAppKindTy _ t _) = goL t
+ go (HsParTy{}) = False
+ go (HsDocTy _ t _) = goL t
+ go (XHsType{}) = False
+-- | @'parenthesizeHsType' p ty@ checks if @'hsTypeNeedsParens' p ty@ is
+-- true, and if so, surrounds @ty@ with an 'HsParTy'. Otherwise, it simply
+-- returns @ty@.
+parenthesizeHsType :: PprPrec -> LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+parenthesizeHsType p lty@(L loc ty)
+ | hsTypeNeedsParens p ty = L loc (HsParTy noExtField lty)
+ | otherwise = lty
+-- | @'parenthesizeHsContext' p ctxt@ checks if @ctxt@ is a single constraint
+-- @c@ such that @'hsTypeNeedsParens' p c@ is true, and if so, surrounds @c@
+-- with an 'HsParTy' to form a parenthesized @ctxt@. Otherwise, it simply
+-- returns @ctxt@ unchanged.
+parenthesizeHsContext :: PprPrec
+ -> LHsContext (GhcPass p) -> LHsContext (GhcPass p)
+parenthesizeHsContext p lctxt@(L loc ctxt) =
+ case ctxt of
+ [c] -> L loc [parenthesizeHsType p c]
+ _ -> lctxt -- Other contexts are already "parenthesized" by virtue of
+ -- being tuples.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d54196af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1416 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow, 1992-2006
+Here we collect a variety of helper functions that construct or
+analyse HsSyn. All these functions deal with generic HsSyn; functions
+which deal with the instantiated versions are located elsewhere:
+ Parameterised by Module
+ ---------------- -------------
+ GhcPs/RdrName parser/RdrHsSyn
+ GhcRn/Name rename/RnHsSyn
+ GhcTc/Id typecheck/TcHsSyn
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module GHC.Hs.Utils(
+ -- Terms
+ mkHsPar, mkHsApp, mkHsAppType, mkHsAppTypes, mkHsCaseAlt,
+ mkSimpleMatch, unguardedGRHSs, unguardedRHS,
+ mkMatchGroup, mkMatch, mkPrefixFunRhs, mkHsLam, mkHsIf,
+ mkHsWrap, mkLHsWrap, mkHsWrapCo, mkHsWrapCoR, mkLHsWrapCo,
+ mkHsDictLet, mkHsLams,
+ mkHsOpApp, mkHsDo, mkHsComp, mkHsWrapPat, mkHsWrapPatCo,
+ mkLHsPar, mkHsCmdWrap, mkLHsCmdWrap,
+ mkHsCmdIf,
+ nlHsTyApp, nlHsTyApps, nlHsVar, nlHsDataCon,
+ nlHsLit, nlHsApp, nlHsApps, nlHsSyntaxApps,
+ nlHsIntLit, nlHsVarApps,
+ nlHsDo, nlHsOpApp, nlHsLam, nlHsPar, nlHsIf, nlHsCase, nlList,
+ mkLHsTupleExpr, mkLHsVarTuple, missingTupArg,
+ typeToLHsType,
+ -- * Constructing general big tuples
+ -- $big_tuples
+ mkChunkified, chunkify,
+ -- Bindings
+ mkFunBind, mkVarBind, mkHsVarBind, mk_easy_FunBind, mkTopFunBind,
+ mkPatSynBind,
+ isInfixFunBind,
+ -- Literals
+ mkHsIntegral, mkHsFractional, mkHsIsString, mkHsString, mkHsStringPrimLit,
+ -- Patterns
+ mkNPat, mkNPlusKPat, nlVarPat, nlLitPat, nlConVarPat, nlConVarPatName, nlConPat,
+ nlConPatName, nlInfixConPat, nlNullaryConPat, nlWildConPat, nlWildPat,
+ nlWildPatName, nlTuplePat, mkParPat, nlParPat,
+ mkBigLHsVarTup, mkBigLHsTup, mkBigLHsVarPatTup, mkBigLHsPatTup,
+ -- Types
+ mkHsAppTy, mkHsAppKindTy,
+ mkLHsSigType, mkLHsSigWcType, mkClassOpSigs, mkHsSigEnv,
+ nlHsAppTy, nlHsAppKindTy, nlHsTyVar, nlHsFunTy, nlHsParTy, nlHsTyConApp,
+ -- Stmts
+ mkTransformStmt, mkTransformByStmt, mkBodyStmt, mkBindStmt, mkTcBindStmt,
+ mkLastStmt,
+ emptyTransStmt, mkGroupUsingStmt, mkGroupByUsingStmt,
+ emptyRecStmt, emptyRecStmtName, emptyRecStmtId, mkRecStmt,
+ unitRecStmtTc,
+ -- Template Haskell
+ mkUntypedSplice, mkTypedSplice,
+ mkHsQuasiQuote, unqualQuasiQuote,
+ -- Collecting binders
+ isUnliftedHsBind, isBangedHsBind,
+ collectLocalBinders, collectHsValBinders, collectHsBindListBinders,
+ collectHsIdBinders,
+ collectHsBindsBinders, collectHsBindBinders, collectMethodBinders,
+ collectPatBinders, collectPatsBinders,
+ collectLStmtsBinders, collectStmtsBinders,
+ collectLStmtBinders, collectStmtBinders,
+ hsLTyClDeclBinders, hsTyClForeignBinders,
+ hsPatSynSelectors, getPatSynBinds,
+ hsForeignDeclsBinders, hsGroupBinders, hsDataFamInstBinders,
+ -- Collecting implicit binders
+ lStmtsImplicits, hsValBindsImplicits, lPatImplicits
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Hs.Decls
+import GHC.Hs.Binds
+import GHC.Hs.Expr
+import GHC.Hs.Pat
+import GHC.Hs.Types
+import GHC.Hs.Lit
+import GHC.Hs.PlaceHolder
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import TcEvidence
+import RdrName
+import Var
+import TyCoRep
+import Type ( appTyArgFlags, splitAppTys, tyConArgFlags, tyConAppNeedsKindSig )
+import TysWiredIn ( unitTy )
+import TcType
+import DataCon
+import ConLike
+import Id
+import Name
+import NameSet hiding ( unitFV )
+import NameEnv
+import BasicTypes
+import SrcLoc
+import FastString
+import Util
+import Bag
+import Outputable
+import Constants
+import Data.Either
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List
+* *
+ Some useful helpers for constructing syntax
+* *
+These functions attempt to construct a not-completely-useless SrcSpan
+from their components, compared with the nl* functions below which
+just attach noSrcSpan to everything.
+mkHsPar :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+mkHsPar e = cL (getLoc e) (HsPar noExtField e)
+mkSimpleMatch :: HsMatchContext (NameOrRdrName (IdP (GhcPass p)))
+ -> [LPat (GhcPass p)] -> Located (body (GhcPass p))
+ -> LMatch (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
+mkSimpleMatch ctxt pats rhs
+ = cL loc $
+ Match { m_ext = noExtField, m_ctxt = ctxt, m_pats = pats
+ , m_grhss = unguardedGRHSs rhs }
+ where
+ loc = case pats of
+ [] -> getLoc rhs
+ (pat:_) -> combineSrcSpans (getLoc pat) (getLoc rhs)
+unguardedGRHSs :: Located (body (GhcPass p))
+ -> GRHSs (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
+unguardedGRHSs rhs@(dL->L loc _)
+ = GRHSs noExtField (unguardedRHS loc rhs) (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
+unguardedRHS :: SrcSpan -> Located (body (GhcPass p))
+ -> [LGRHS (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))]
+unguardedRHS loc rhs = [cL loc (GRHS noExtField [] rhs)]
+mkMatchGroup :: (XMG name (Located (body name)) ~ NoExtField)
+ => Origin -> [LMatch name (Located (body name))]
+ -> MatchGroup name (Located (body name))
+mkMatchGroup origin matches = MG { mg_ext = noExtField
+ , mg_alts = mkLocatedList matches
+ , mg_origin = origin }
+mkLocatedList :: [Located a] -> Located [Located a]
+mkLocatedList [] = noLoc []
+mkLocatedList ms = cL (combineLocs (head ms) (last ms)) ms
+mkHsApp :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+mkHsApp e1 e2 = addCLoc e1 e2 (HsApp noExtField e1 e2)
+mkHsAppType :: (NoGhcTc (GhcPass id) ~ GhcRn)
+ => LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsWcType GhcRn -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+mkHsAppType e t = addCLoc e t_body (HsAppType noExtField e paren_wct)
+ where
+ t_body = hswc_body t
+ paren_wct = t { hswc_body = parenthesizeHsType appPrec t_body }
+mkHsAppTypes :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> [LHsWcType GhcRn] -> LHsExpr GhcRn
+mkHsAppTypes = foldl' mkHsAppType
+mkHsLam :: (XMG (GhcPass p) (LHsExpr (GhcPass p)) ~ NoExtField) =>
+ [LPat (GhcPass p)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
+mkHsLam pats body = mkHsPar (cL (getLoc body) (HsLam noExtField matches))
+ where
+ matches = mkMatchGroup Generated
+ [mkSimpleMatch LambdaExpr pats' body]
+ pats' = map (parenthesizePat appPrec) pats
+mkHsLams :: [TyVar] -> [EvVar] -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> LHsExpr GhcTc
+mkHsLams tyvars dicts expr = mkLHsWrap (mkWpTyLams tyvars
+ <.> mkWpLams dicts) expr
+-- |A simple case alternative with a single pattern, no binds, no guards;
+-- pre-typechecking
+mkHsCaseAlt :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
+ -> LMatch (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
+mkHsCaseAlt pat expr
+ = mkSimpleMatch CaseAlt [pat] expr
+nlHsTyApp :: IdP (GhcPass id) -> [Type] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+nlHsTyApp fun_id tys
+ = noLoc (mkHsWrap (mkWpTyApps tys) (HsVar noExtField (noLoc fun_id)))
+nlHsTyApps :: IdP (GhcPass id) -> [Type] -> [LHsExpr (GhcPass id)]
+ -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+nlHsTyApps fun_id tys xs = foldl' nlHsApp (nlHsTyApp fun_id tys) xs
+--------- Adding parens ---------
+mkLHsPar :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+-- Wrap in parens if (hsExprNeedsParens appPrec) says it needs them
+-- So 'f x' becomes '(f x)', but '3' stays as '3'
+mkLHsPar le@(dL->L loc e)
+ | hsExprNeedsParens appPrec e = cL loc (HsPar noExtField le)
+ | otherwise = le
+mkParPat :: LPat (GhcPass name) -> LPat (GhcPass name)
+mkParPat lp@(dL->L loc p)
+ | patNeedsParens appPrec p = cL loc (ParPat noExtField lp)
+ | otherwise = lp
+nlParPat :: LPat (GhcPass name) -> LPat (GhcPass name)
+nlParPat p = noLoc (ParPat noExtField p)
+-- These are the bits of syntax that contain rebindable names
+-- See RnEnv.lookupSyntaxName
+mkHsIntegral :: IntegralLit -> HsOverLit GhcPs
+mkHsFractional :: FractionalLit -> HsOverLit GhcPs
+mkHsIsString :: SourceText -> FastString -> HsOverLit GhcPs
+mkHsDo :: HsStmtContext Name -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> HsExpr GhcPs
+mkHsComp :: HsStmtContext Name -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> HsExpr GhcPs
+mkNPat :: Located (HsOverLit GhcPs) -> Maybe (SyntaxExpr GhcPs)
+ -> Pat GhcPs
+mkNPlusKPat :: Located RdrName -> Located (HsOverLit GhcPs) -> Pat GhcPs
+mkLastStmt :: Located (bodyR (GhcPass idR))
+ -> StmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) (Located (bodyR (GhcPass idR)))
+mkBodyStmt :: Located (bodyR GhcPs)
+ -> StmtLR (GhcPass idL) GhcPs (Located (bodyR GhcPs))
+mkBindStmt :: (XBindStmt (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR)
+ (Located (bodyR (GhcPass idR))) ~ NoExtField)
+ => LPat (GhcPass idL) -> Located (bodyR (GhcPass idR))
+ -> StmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) (Located (bodyR (GhcPass idR)))
+mkTcBindStmt :: LPat GhcTc -> Located (bodyR GhcTc)
+ -> StmtLR GhcTc GhcTc (Located (bodyR GhcTc))
+emptyRecStmt :: StmtLR (GhcPass idL) GhcPs bodyR
+emptyRecStmtName :: StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn bodyR
+emptyRecStmtId :: StmtLR GhcTc GhcTc bodyR
+mkRecStmt :: [LStmtLR (GhcPass idL) GhcPs bodyR]
+ -> StmtLR (GhcPass idL) GhcPs bodyR
+mkHsIntegral i = OverLit noExtField (HsIntegral i) noExpr
+mkHsFractional f = OverLit noExtField (HsFractional f) noExpr
+mkHsIsString src s = OverLit noExtField (HsIsString src s) noExpr
+mkHsDo ctxt stmts = HsDo noExtField ctxt (mkLocatedList stmts)
+mkHsComp ctxt stmts expr = mkHsDo ctxt (stmts ++ [last_stmt])
+ where
+ last_stmt = cL (getLoc expr) $ mkLastStmt expr
+mkHsIf :: LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
+ -> HsExpr (GhcPass p)
+mkHsIf c a b = HsIf noExtField (Just noSyntaxExpr) c a b
+mkHsCmdIf :: LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsCmd (GhcPass p) -> LHsCmd (GhcPass p)
+ -> HsCmd (GhcPass p)
+mkHsCmdIf c a b = HsCmdIf noExtField (Just noSyntaxExpr) c a b
+mkNPat lit neg = NPat noExtField lit neg noSyntaxExpr
+mkNPlusKPat id lit
+ = NPlusKPat noExtField id lit (unLoc lit) noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
+mkTransformStmt :: [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+mkTransformByStmt :: [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+mkGroupUsingStmt :: [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+mkGroupByUsingStmt :: [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+ -> StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+emptyTransStmt :: StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+emptyTransStmt = TransStmt { trS_ext = noExtField
+ , trS_form = panic "emptyTransStmt: form"
+ , trS_stmts = [], trS_bndrs = []
+ , trS_by = Nothing, trS_using = noLoc noExpr
+ , trS_ret = noSyntaxExpr, trS_bind = noSyntaxExpr
+ , trS_fmap = noExpr }
+mkTransformStmt ss u = emptyTransStmt { trS_form = ThenForm, trS_stmts = ss, trS_using = u }
+mkTransformByStmt ss u b = emptyTransStmt { trS_form = ThenForm, trS_stmts = ss, trS_using = u, trS_by = Just b }
+mkGroupUsingStmt ss u = emptyTransStmt { trS_form = GroupForm, trS_stmts = ss, trS_using = u }
+mkGroupByUsingStmt ss b u = emptyTransStmt { trS_form = GroupForm, trS_stmts = ss, trS_using = u, trS_by = Just b }
+mkLastStmt body = LastStmt noExtField body False noSyntaxExpr
+mkBodyStmt body
+ = BodyStmt noExtField body noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
+mkBindStmt pat body
+ = BindStmt noExtField pat body noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
+mkTcBindStmt pat body = BindStmt unitTy pat body noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr
+ -- don't use placeHolderTypeTc above, because that panics during zonking
+emptyRecStmt' :: forall idL idR body.
+ XRecStmt (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) body
+ -> StmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) body
+emptyRecStmt' tyVal =
+ RecStmt
+ { recS_stmts = [], recS_later_ids = []
+ , recS_rec_ids = []
+ , recS_ret_fn = noSyntaxExpr
+ , recS_mfix_fn = noSyntaxExpr
+ , recS_bind_fn = noSyntaxExpr
+ , recS_ext = tyVal }
+unitRecStmtTc :: RecStmtTc
+unitRecStmtTc = RecStmtTc { recS_bind_ty = unitTy
+ , recS_later_rets = []
+ , recS_rec_rets = []
+ , recS_ret_ty = unitTy }
+emptyRecStmt = emptyRecStmt' noExtField
+emptyRecStmtName = emptyRecStmt' noExtField
+emptyRecStmtId = emptyRecStmt' unitRecStmtTc
+ -- a panic might trigger during zonking
+mkRecStmt stmts = emptyRecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts }
+--- A useful function for building @OpApps@. The operator is always a
+-- variable, and we don't know the fixity yet.
+mkHsOpApp :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> IdP GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> HsExpr GhcPs
+mkHsOpApp e1 op e2 = OpApp noExtField e1 (noLoc (HsVar noExtField (noLoc op))) e2
+unqualSplice :: RdrName
+unqualSplice = mkRdrUnqual (mkVarOccFS (fsLit "splice"))
+mkUntypedSplice :: SpliceDecoration -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> HsSplice GhcPs
+mkUntypedSplice hasParen e = HsUntypedSplice noExtField hasParen unqualSplice e
+mkTypedSplice :: SpliceDecoration -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> HsSplice GhcPs
+mkTypedSplice hasParen e = HsTypedSplice noExtField hasParen unqualSplice e
+mkHsQuasiQuote :: RdrName -> SrcSpan -> FastString -> HsSplice GhcPs
+mkHsQuasiQuote quoter span quote
+ = HsQuasiQuote noExtField unqualSplice quoter span quote
+unqualQuasiQuote :: RdrName
+unqualQuasiQuote = mkRdrUnqual (mkVarOccFS (fsLit "quasiquote"))
+ -- A name (uniquified later) to
+ -- identify the quasi-quote
+mkHsString :: String -> HsLit (GhcPass p)
+mkHsString s = HsString NoSourceText (mkFastString s)
+mkHsStringPrimLit :: FastString -> HsLit (GhcPass p)
+mkHsStringPrimLit fs = HsStringPrim NoSourceText (bytesFS fs)
+* *
+ Constructing syntax with no location info
+* *
+nlHsVar :: IdP (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+nlHsVar n = noLoc (HsVar noExtField (noLoc n))
+-- NB: Only for LHsExpr **Id**
+nlHsDataCon :: DataCon -> LHsExpr GhcTc
+nlHsDataCon con = noLoc (HsConLikeOut noExtField (RealDataCon con))
+nlHsLit :: HsLit (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
+nlHsLit n = noLoc (HsLit noExtField n)
+nlHsIntLit :: Integer -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
+nlHsIntLit n = noLoc (HsLit noExtField (HsInt noExtField (mkIntegralLit n)))
+nlVarPat :: IdP (GhcPass id) -> LPat (GhcPass id)
+nlVarPat n = noLoc (VarPat noExtField (noLoc n))
+nlLitPat :: HsLit GhcPs -> LPat GhcPs
+nlLitPat l = noLoc (LitPat noExtField l)
+nlHsApp :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+nlHsApp f x = noLoc (HsApp noExtField f (mkLHsPar x))
+nlHsSyntaxApps :: SyntaxExpr (GhcPass id) -> [LHsExpr (GhcPass id)]
+ -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+nlHsSyntaxApps (SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = fun
+ , syn_arg_wraps = arg_wraps
+ , syn_res_wrap = res_wrap }) args
+ | [] <- arg_wraps -- in the noSyntaxExpr case
+ = ASSERT( isIdHsWrapper res_wrap )
+ foldl' nlHsApp (noLoc fun) args
+ | otherwise
+ = mkLHsWrap res_wrap (foldl' nlHsApp (noLoc fun) (zipWithEqual "nlHsSyntaxApps"
+ mkLHsWrap arg_wraps args))
+nlHsApps :: IdP (GhcPass id) -> [LHsExpr (GhcPass id)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+nlHsApps f xs = foldl' nlHsApp (nlHsVar f) xs
+nlHsVarApps :: IdP (GhcPass id) -> [IdP (GhcPass id)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+nlHsVarApps f xs = noLoc (foldl' mk (HsVar noExtField (noLoc f))
+ (map ((HsVar noExtField) . noLoc) xs))
+ where
+ mk f a = HsApp noExtField (noLoc f) (noLoc a)
+nlConVarPat :: RdrName -> [RdrName] -> LPat GhcPs
+nlConVarPat con vars = nlConPat con (map nlVarPat vars)
+nlConVarPatName :: Name -> [Name] -> LPat GhcRn
+nlConVarPatName con vars = nlConPatName con (map nlVarPat vars)
+nlInfixConPat :: RdrName -> LPat GhcPs -> LPat GhcPs -> LPat GhcPs
+nlInfixConPat con l r = noLoc (ConPatIn (noLoc con)
+ (InfixCon (parenthesizePat opPrec l)
+ (parenthesizePat opPrec r)))
+nlConPat :: RdrName -> [LPat GhcPs] -> LPat GhcPs
+nlConPat con pats =
+ noLoc (ConPatIn (noLoc con) (PrefixCon (map (parenthesizePat appPrec) pats)))
+nlConPatName :: Name -> [LPat GhcRn] -> LPat GhcRn
+nlConPatName con pats =
+ noLoc (ConPatIn (noLoc con) (PrefixCon (map (parenthesizePat appPrec) pats)))
+nlNullaryConPat :: IdP (GhcPass p) -> LPat (GhcPass p)
+nlNullaryConPat con = noLoc (ConPatIn (noLoc con) (PrefixCon []))
+nlWildConPat :: DataCon -> LPat GhcPs
+nlWildConPat con = noLoc (ConPatIn (noLoc (getRdrName con))
+ (PrefixCon (replicate (dataConSourceArity con)
+ nlWildPat)))
+nlWildPat :: LPat GhcPs
+nlWildPat = noLoc (WildPat noExtField ) -- Pre-typechecking
+nlWildPatName :: LPat GhcRn
+nlWildPatName = noLoc (WildPat noExtField ) -- Pre-typechecking
+nlHsDo :: HsStmtContext Name -> [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+nlHsDo ctxt stmts = noLoc (mkHsDo ctxt stmts)
+nlHsOpApp :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> IdP GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+nlHsOpApp e1 op e2 = noLoc (mkHsOpApp e1 op e2)
+nlHsLam :: LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+nlHsPar :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+nlHsIf :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+ -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+nlHsCase :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+nlList :: [LHsExpr GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
+nlHsLam match = noLoc (HsLam noExtField (mkMatchGroup Generated [match]))
+nlHsPar e = noLoc (HsPar noExtField e)
+-- Note [Rebindable nlHsIf]
+-- nlHsIf should generate if-expressions which are NOT subject to
+-- RebindableSyntax, so the first field of HsIf is Nothing. (#12080)
+nlHsIf cond true false = noLoc (HsIf noExtField Nothing cond true false)
+nlHsCase expr matches
+ = noLoc (HsCase noExtField expr (mkMatchGroup Generated matches))
+nlList exprs = noLoc (ExplicitList noExtField Nothing exprs)
+nlHsAppTy :: LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+nlHsTyVar :: IdP (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+nlHsFunTy :: LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+nlHsParTy :: LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+nlHsAppTy f t = noLoc (HsAppTy noExtField f (parenthesizeHsType appPrec t))
+nlHsTyVar x = noLoc (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc x))
+nlHsFunTy a b = noLoc (HsFunTy noExtField (parenthesizeHsType funPrec a) b)
+nlHsParTy t = noLoc (HsParTy noExtField t)
+nlHsTyConApp :: IdP (GhcPass p) -> [LHsType (GhcPass p)] -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+nlHsTyConApp tycon tys = foldl' nlHsAppTy (nlHsTyVar tycon) tys
+nlHsAppKindTy ::
+ LHsType (GhcPass p) -> LHsKind (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
+nlHsAppKindTy f k
+ = noLoc (HsAppKindTy noSrcSpan f (parenthesizeHsType appPrec k))
+Tuples. All these functions are *pre-typechecker* because they lack
+types on the tuple.
+mkLHsTupleExpr :: [LHsExpr (GhcPass a)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass a)
+-- Makes a pre-typechecker boxed tuple, deals with 1 case
+mkLHsTupleExpr [e] = e
+mkLHsTupleExpr es
+ = noLoc $ ExplicitTuple noExtField (map (noLoc . (Present noExtField)) es) Boxed
+mkLHsVarTuple :: [IdP (GhcPass a)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass a)
+mkLHsVarTuple ids = mkLHsTupleExpr (map nlHsVar ids)
+nlTuplePat :: [LPat GhcPs] -> Boxity -> LPat GhcPs
+nlTuplePat pats box = noLoc (TuplePat noExtField pats box)
+missingTupArg :: HsTupArg GhcPs
+missingTupArg = Missing noExtField
+mkLHsPatTup :: [LPat GhcRn] -> LPat GhcRn
+mkLHsPatTup [] = noLoc $ TuplePat noExtField [] Boxed
+mkLHsPatTup [lpat] = lpat
+mkLHsPatTup lpats = cL (getLoc (head lpats)) $ TuplePat noExtField lpats Boxed
+-- The Big equivalents for the source tuple expressions
+mkBigLHsVarTup :: [IdP (GhcPass id)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+mkBigLHsVarTup ids = mkBigLHsTup (map nlHsVar ids)
+mkBigLHsTup :: [LHsExpr (GhcPass id)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+mkBigLHsTup = mkChunkified mkLHsTupleExpr
+-- The Big equivalents for the source tuple patterns
+mkBigLHsVarPatTup :: [IdP GhcRn] -> LPat GhcRn
+mkBigLHsVarPatTup bs = mkBigLHsPatTup (map nlVarPat bs)
+mkBigLHsPatTup :: [LPat GhcRn] -> LPat GhcRn
+mkBigLHsPatTup = mkChunkified mkLHsPatTup
+-- $big_tuples
+-- #big_tuples#
+-- GHCs built in tuples can only go up to 'mAX_TUPLE_SIZE' in arity, but
+-- we might concievably want to build such a massive tuple as part of the
+-- output of a desugaring stage (notably that for list comprehensions).
+-- We call tuples above this size \"big tuples\", and emulate them by
+-- creating and pattern matching on >nested< tuples that are expressible
+-- by GHC.
+-- Nesting policy: it's better to have a 2-tuple of 10-tuples (3 objects)
+-- than a 10-tuple of 2-tuples (11 objects), so we want the leaves of any
+-- construction to be big.
+-- If you just use the 'mkBigCoreTup', 'mkBigCoreVarTupTy', 'mkTupleSelector'
+-- and 'mkTupleCase' functions to do all your work with tuples you should be
+-- fine, and not have to worry about the arity limitation at all.
+-- | Lifts a \"small\" constructor into a \"big\" constructor by recursive decompositon
+mkChunkified :: ([a] -> a) -- ^ \"Small\" constructor function, of maximum input arity 'mAX_TUPLE_SIZE'
+ -> [a] -- ^ Possible \"big\" list of things to construct from
+ -> a -- ^ Constructed thing made possible by recursive decomposition
+mkChunkified small_tuple as = mk_big_tuple (chunkify as)
+ where
+ -- Each sub-list is short enough to fit in a tuple
+ mk_big_tuple [as] = small_tuple as
+ mk_big_tuple as_s = mk_big_tuple (chunkify (map small_tuple as_s))
+chunkify :: [a] -> [[a]]
+-- ^ Split a list into lists that are small enough to have a corresponding
+-- tuple arity. The sub-lists of the result all have length <= 'mAX_TUPLE_SIZE'
+-- But there may be more than 'mAX_TUPLE_SIZE' sub-lists
+chunkify xs
+ | n_xs <= mAX_TUPLE_SIZE = [xs]
+ | otherwise = split xs
+ where
+ n_xs = length xs
+ split [] = []
+ split xs = take mAX_TUPLE_SIZE xs : split (drop mAX_TUPLE_SIZE xs)
+* *
+ LHsSigType and LHsSigWcType
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+mkLHsSigType :: LHsType GhcPs -> LHsSigType GhcPs
+mkLHsSigType ty = mkHsImplicitBndrs ty
+mkLHsSigWcType :: LHsType GhcPs -> LHsSigWcType GhcPs
+mkLHsSigWcType ty = mkHsWildCardBndrs (mkHsImplicitBndrs ty)
+mkHsSigEnv :: forall a. (LSig GhcRn -> Maybe ([Located Name], a))
+ -> [LSig GhcRn]
+ -> NameEnv a
+mkHsSigEnv get_info sigs
+ = mkNameEnv (mk_pairs ordinary_sigs)
+ `extendNameEnvList` (mk_pairs gen_dm_sigs)
+ -- The subtlety is this: in a class decl with a
+ -- default-method signature as well as a method signature
+ -- we want the latter to win (#12533)
+ -- class C x where
+ -- op :: forall a . x a -> x a
+ -- default op :: forall b . x b -> x b
+ -- op x = ...(e :: b -> b)...
+ -- The scoped type variables of the 'default op', namely 'b',
+ -- scope over the code for op. The 'forall a' does not!
+ -- This applies both in the renamer and typechecker, both
+ -- of which use this function
+ where
+ (gen_dm_sigs, ordinary_sigs) = partition is_gen_dm_sig sigs
+ is_gen_dm_sig (dL->L _ (ClassOpSig _ True _ _)) = True
+ is_gen_dm_sig _ = False
+ mk_pairs :: [LSig GhcRn] -> [(Name, a)]
+ mk_pairs sigs = [ (n,a) | Just (ns,a) <- map get_info sigs
+ , (dL->L _ n) <- ns ]
+mkClassOpSigs :: [LSig GhcPs] -> [LSig GhcPs]
+-- Convert TypeSig to ClassOpSig
+-- The former is what is parsed, but the latter is
+-- what we need in class/instance declarations
+mkClassOpSigs sigs
+ = map fiddle sigs
+ where
+ fiddle (dL->L loc (TypeSig _ nms ty))
+ = cL loc (ClassOpSig noExtField False nms (dropWildCards ty))
+ fiddle sig = sig
+typeToLHsType :: Type -> LHsType GhcPs
+-- ^ Converting a Type to an HsType RdrName
+-- This is needed to implement GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving.
+-- Note that we use 'getRdrName' extensively, which
+-- generates Exact RdrNames rather than strings.
+typeToLHsType ty
+ = go ty
+ where
+ go :: Type -> LHsType GhcPs
+ go ty@(FunTy { ft_af = af, ft_arg = arg, ft_res = res })
+ = case af of
+ VisArg -> nlHsFunTy (go arg) (go res)
+ InvisArg | (theta, tau) <- tcSplitPhiTy ty
+ -> noLoc (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = noLoc (map go theta)
+ , hst_xqual = noExtField
+ , hst_body = go tau })
+ go ty@(ForAllTy (Bndr _ argf) _)
+ | (tvs, tau) <- tcSplitForAllTysSameVis argf ty
+ = noLoc (HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = argToForallVisFlag argf
+ , hst_bndrs = map go_tv tvs
+ , hst_xforall = noExtField
+ , hst_body = go tau })
+ go (TyVarTy tv) = nlHsTyVar (getRdrName tv)
+ go (LitTy (NumTyLit n))
+ = noLoc $ HsTyLit noExtField (HsNumTy NoSourceText n)
+ go (LitTy (StrTyLit s))
+ = noLoc $ HsTyLit noExtField (HsStrTy NoSourceText s)
+ go ty@(TyConApp tc args)
+ | tyConAppNeedsKindSig True tc (length args)
+ -- We must produce an explicit kind signature here to make certain
+ -- programs kind-check. See Note [Kind signatures in typeToLHsType].
+ = nlHsParTy $ noLoc $ HsKindSig noExtField ty' (go (tcTypeKind ty))
+ | otherwise = ty'
+ where
+ ty' :: LHsType GhcPs
+ ty' = go_app (nlHsTyVar (getRdrName tc)) args (tyConArgFlags tc args)
+ go ty@(AppTy {}) = go_app (go head) args (appTyArgFlags head args)
+ where
+ head :: Type
+ args :: [Type]
+ (head, args) = splitAppTys ty
+ go (CastTy ty _) = go ty
+ go (CoercionTy co) = pprPanic "toLHsSigWcType" (ppr co)
+ -- Source-language types have _invisible_ kind arguments,
+ -- so we must remove them here (#8563)
+ go_app :: LHsType GhcPs -- The type being applied
+ -> [Type] -- The argument types
+ -> [ArgFlag] -- The argument types' visibilities
+ -> LHsType GhcPs
+ go_app head args arg_flags =
+ foldl' (\f (arg, flag) ->
+ let arg' = go arg in
+ case flag of
+ Inferred -> f
+ Specified -> f `nlHsAppKindTy` arg'
+ Required -> f `nlHsAppTy` arg')
+ head (zip args arg_flags)
+ go_tv :: TyVar -> LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs
+ go_tv tv = noLoc $ KindedTyVar noExtField (noLoc (getRdrName tv))
+ (go (tyVarKind tv))
+Note [Kind signatures in typeToLHsType]
+There are types that typeToLHsType can produce which require explicit kind
+signatures in order to kind-check. Here is an example from #14579:
+ -- type P :: forall {k} {t :: k}. Proxy t
+ type P = 'Proxy
+ -- type Wat :: forall a. Proxy a -> *
+ newtype Wat (x :: Proxy (a :: Type)) = MkWat (Maybe a)
+ deriving Eq
+ -- type Wat2 :: forall {a}. Proxy a -> *
+ type Wat2 = Wat
+ -- type Glurp :: * -> *
+ newtype Glurp a = MkGlurp (Wat2 (P :: Proxy a))
+ deriving Eq
+The derived Eq instance for Glurp (without any kind signatures) would be:
+ instance Eq a => Eq (Glurp a) where
+ (==) = coerce @(Wat2 P -> Wat2 P -> Bool)
+ @(Glurp a -> Glurp a -> Bool)
+ (==) :: Glurp a -> Glurp a -> Bool
+(Where the visible type applications use types produced by typeToLHsType.)
+The type P (in Wat2 P) has an underspecified kind, so we must ensure that
+typeToLHsType ascribes it with its kind: Wat2 (P :: Proxy a). To accomplish
+this, whenever we see an application of a tycon to some arguments, we use
+the tyConAppNeedsKindSig function to determine if it requires an explicit kind
+signature to resolve some ambiguity. (See Note
+Note [When does a tycon application need an explicit kind signature?] for a
+more detailed explanation of how this works.)
+Note that we pass True to tyConAppNeedsKindSig since we are generated code with
+visible kind applications, so even specified arguments count towards injective
+positions in the kind of the tycon.
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ --------- HsWrappers: type args, dict args, casts ---------
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+mkLHsWrap :: HsWrapper -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+mkLHsWrap co_fn (dL->L loc e) = cL loc (mkHsWrap co_fn e)
+-- Avoid (HsWrap co (HsWrap co' _)).
+-- See Note [Detecting forced eta expansion] in DsExpr
+mkHsWrap :: HsWrapper -> HsExpr (GhcPass id) -> HsExpr (GhcPass id)
+mkHsWrap co_fn e | isIdHsWrapper co_fn = e
+mkHsWrap co_fn (HsWrap _ co_fn' e) = mkHsWrap (co_fn <.> co_fn') e
+mkHsWrap co_fn e = HsWrap noExtField co_fn e
+mkHsWrapCo :: TcCoercionN -- A Nominal coercion a ~N b
+ -> HsExpr (GhcPass id) -> HsExpr (GhcPass id)
+mkHsWrapCo co e = mkHsWrap (mkWpCastN co) e
+mkHsWrapCoR :: TcCoercionR -- A Representational coercion a ~R b
+ -> HsExpr (GhcPass id) -> HsExpr (GhcPass id)
+mkHsWrapCoR co e = mkHsWrap (mkWpCastR co) e
+mkLHsWrapCo :: TcCoercionN -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
+mkLHsWrapCo co (dL->L loc e) = cL loc (mkHsWrapCo co e)
+mkHsCmdWrap :: HsWrapper -> HsCmd (GhcPass p) -> HsCmd (GhcPass p)
+mkHsCmdWrap w cmd | isIdHsWrapper w = cmd
+ | otherwise = HsCmdWrap noExtField w cmd
+mkLHsCmdWrap :: HsWrapper -> LHsCmd (GhcPass p) -> LHsCmd (GhcPass p)
+mkLHsCmdWrap w (dL->L loc c) = cL loc (mkHsCmdWrap w c)
+mkHsWrapPat :: HsWrapper -> Pat (GhcPass id) -> Type -> Pat (GhcPass id)
+mkHsWrapPat co_fn p ty | isIdHsWrapper co_fn = p
+ | otherwise = CoPat noExtField co_fn p ty
+mkHsWrapPatCo :: TcCoercionN -> Pat (GhcPass id) -> Type -> Pat (GhcPass id)
+mkHsWrapPatCo co pat ty | isTcReflCo co = pat
+ | otherwise = CoPat noExtField (mkWpCastN co) pat ty
+mkHsDictLet :: TcEvBinds -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> LHsExpr GhcTc
+mkHsDictLet ev_binds expr = mkLHsWrap (mkWpLet ev_binds) expr
+* *
+ Bindings; with a location at the top
+* *
+mkFunBind :: Located RdrName -> [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> HsBind GhcPs
+-- Not infix, with place holders for coercion and free vars
+mkFunBind fn ms = FunBind { fun_id = fn
+ , fun_matches = mkMatchGroup Generated ms
+ , fun_co_fn = idHsWrapper
+ , fun_ext = noExtField
+ , fun_tick = [] }
+mkTopFunBind :: Origin -> Located Name -> [LMatch GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)]
+ -> HsBind GhcRn
+-- In Name-land, with empty bind_fvs
+mkTopFunBind origin fn ms = FunBind { fun_id = fn
+ , fun_matches = mkMatchGroup origin ms
+ , fun_co_fn = idHsWrapper
+ , fun_ext = emptyNameSet -- NB: closed
+ -- binding
+ , fun_tick = [] }
+mkHsVarBind :: SrcSpan -> RdrName -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsBind GhcPs
+mkHsVarBind loc var rhs = mk_easy_FunBind loc var [] rhs
+mkVarBind :: IdP (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsBind (GhcPass p)
+mkVarBind var rhs = cL (getLoc rhs) $
+ VarBind { var_ext = noExtField,
+ var_id = var, var_rhs = rhs, var_inline = False }
+mkPatSynBind :: Located RdrName -> HsPatSynDetails (Located RdrName)
+ -> LPat GhcPs -> HsPatSynDir GhcPs -> HsBind GhcPs
+mkPatSynBind name details lpat dir = PatSynBind noExtField psb
+ where
+ psb = PSB{ psb_ext = noExtField
+ , psb_id = name
+ , psb_args = details
+ , psb_def = lpat
+ , psb_dir = dir }
+-- |If any of the matches in the 'FunBind' are infix, the 'FunBind' is
+-- considered infix.
+isInfixFunBind :: HsBindLR id1 id2 -> Bool
+isInfixFunBind (FunBind _ _ (MG _ matches _) _ _)
+ = any (isInfixMatch . unLoc) (unLoc matches)
+isInfixFunBind _ = False
+mk_easy_FunBind :: SrcSpan -> RdrName -> [LPat GhcPs]
+ -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsBind GhcPs
+mk_easy_FunBind loc fun pats expr
+ = cL loc $ mkFunBind (cL loc fun)
+ [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (cL loc fun)) pats expr
+ (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)]
+-- | Make a prefix, non-strict function 'HsMatchContext'
+mkPrefixFunRhs :: Located id -> HsMatchContext id
+mkPrefixFunRhs n = FunRhs { mc_fun = n
+ , mc_fixity = Prefix
+ , mc_strictness = NoSrcStrict }
+mkMatch :: HsMatchContext (NameOrRdrName (IdP (GhcPass p)))
+ -> [LPat (GhcPass p)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
+ -> Located (HsLocalBinds (GhcPass p))
+ -> LMatch (GhcPass p) (LHsExpr (GhcPass p))
+mkMatch ctxt pats expr lbinds
+ = noLoc (Match { m_ext = noExtField
+ , m_ctxt = ctxt
+ , m_pats = map paren pats
+ , m_grhss = GRHSs noExtField (unguardedRHS noSrcSpan expr) lbinds })
+ where
+ paren lp@(dL->L l p)
+ | patNeedsParens appPrec p = cL l (ParPat noExtField lp)
+ | otherwise = lp
+* *
+ Collecting binders
+* *
+Get all the binders in some HsBindGroups, IN THE ORDER OF APPEARANCE. eg.
+ (x, y) = ...
+ f i j = ...
+ [a, b] = ...
+it should return [x, y, f, a, b] (remember, order important).
+Note [Collect binders only after renaming]
+These functions should only be used on HsSyn *after* the renamer,
+to return a [Name] or [Id]. Before renaming the record punning
+and wild-card mechanism makes it hard to know what is bound.
+So these functions should not be applied to (HsSyn RdrName)
+Note [Unlifted id check in isUnliftedHsBind]
+The function isUnliftedHsBind is used to complain if we make a top-level
+binding for a variable of unlifted type.
+Such a binding is illegal if the top-level binding would be unlifted;
+but also if the local letrec generated by desugaring AbsBinds would be.
+ f :: Num a => (# a, a #)
+ g :: Num a => a -> a
+ f = ...g...
+ g = ...g...
+The top-level bindings for f,g are not unlifted (because of the Num a =>),
+but the local, recursive, monomorphic bindings are:
+ t = /\a \(d:Num a).
+ letrec fm :: (# a, a #) = ...g...
+ gm :: a -> a = ...f...
+ in (fm, gm)
+Here the binding for 'fm' is illegal. So generally we check the abe_mono types.
+BUT we have a special case when abs_sig is true;
+ see Note [The abs_sig field of AbsBinds] in GHC.Hs.Binds
+----------------- Bindings --------------------------
+-- | Should we treat this as an unlifted bind? This will be true for any
+-- bind that binds an unlifted variable, but we must be careful around
+-- AbsBinds. See Note [Unlifted id check in isUnliftedHsBind]. For usage
+-- information, see Note [Strict binds check] is DsBinds.
+isUnliftedHsBind :: HsBind GhcTc -> Bool -- works only over typechecked binds
+isUnliftedHsBind bind
+ | AbsBinds { abs_exports = exports, abs_sig = has_sig } <- bind
+ = if has_sig
+ then any (is_unlifted_id . abe_poly) exports
+ else any (is_unlifted_id . abe_mono) exports
+ -- If has_sig is True we wil never generate a binding for abe_mono,
+ -- so we don't need to worry about it being unlifted. The abe_poly
+ -- binding might not be: e.g. forall a. Num a => (# a, a #)
+ | otherwise
+ = any is_unlifted_id (collectHsBindBinders bind)
+ where
+ is_unlifted_id id = isUnliftedType (idType id)
+-- | Is a binding a strict variable or pattern bind (e.g. @!x = ...@)?
+isBangedHsBind :: HsBind GhcTc -> Bool
+isBangedHsBind (AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds })
+ = anyBag (isBangedHsBind . unLoc) binds
+isBangedHsBind (FunBind {fun_matches = matches})
+ | [dL->L _ match] <- unLoc $ mg_alts matches
+ , FunRhs{mc_strictness = SrcStrict} <- m_ctxt match
+ = True
+isBangedHsBind (PatBind {pat_lhs = pat})
+ = isBangedLPat pat
+isBangedHsBind _
+ = False
+collectLocalBinders :: HsLocalBindsLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR)
+ -> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
+collectLocalBinders (HsValBinds _ binds) = collectHsIdBinders binds
+ -- No pattern synonyms here
+collectLocalBinders (HsIPBinds {}) = []
+collectLocalBinders (EmptyLocalBinds _) = []
+collectLocalBinders (XHsLocalBindsLR _) = []
+collectHsIdBinders, collectHsValBinders
+ :: HsValBindsLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) -> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
+-- Collect Id binders only, or Ids + pattern synonyms, respectively
+collectHsIdBinders = collect_hs_val_binders True
+collectHsValBinders = collect_hs_val_binders False
+collectHsBindBinders :: (SrcSpanLess (LPat p) ~ Pat p, HasSrcSpan (LPat p))=>
+ HsBindLR p idR -> [IdP p]
+-- Collect both Ids and pattern-synonym binders
+collectHsBindBinders b = collect_bind False b []
+collectHsBindsBinders :: LHsBindsLR (GhcPass p) idR -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
+collectHsBindsBinders binds = collect_binds False binds []
+collectHsBindListBinders :: [LHsBindLR (GhcPass p) idR] -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
+-- Same as collectHsBindsBinders, but works over a list of bindings
+collectHsBindListBinders = foldr (collect_bind False . unLoc) []
+collect_hs_val_binders :: Bool -> HsValBindsLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR)
+ -> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
+collect_hs_val_binders ps (ValBinds _ binds _) = collect_binds ps binds []
+collect_hs_val_binders ps (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _))
+ = collect_out_binds ps binds
+collect_out_binds :: Bool -> [(RecFlag, LHsBinds (GhcPass p))] ->
+ [IdP (GhcPass p)]
+collect_out_binds ps = foldr (collect_binds ps . snd) []
+collect_binds :: Bool -> LHsBindsLR (GhcPass p) idR ->
+ [IdP (GhcPass p)] -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
+-- Collect Ids, or Ids + pattern synonyms, depending on boolean flag
+collect_binds ps binds acc = foldr (collect_bind ps . unLoc) acc binds
+collect_bind :: (SrcSpanLess (LPat p) ~ Pat p , HasSrcSpan (LPat p)) =>
+ Bool -> HsBindLR p idR -> [IdP p] -> [IdP p]
+collect_bind _ (PatBind { pat_lhs = p }) acc = collect_lpat p acc
+collect_bind _ (FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ f) }) acc = f : acc
+collect_bind _ (VarBind { var_id = f }) acc = f : acc
+collect_bind _ (AbsBinds { abs_exports = dbinds }) acc = map abe_poly dbinds ++ acc
+ -- I don't think we want the binders from the abe_binds
+ -- binding (hence see AbsBinds) is in zonking in TcHsSyn
+collect_bind omitPatSyn (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = (dL->L _ ps) })) acc
+ | omitPatSyn = acc
+ | otherwise = ps : acc
+collect_bind _ (PatSynBind _ (XPatSynBind _)) acc = acc
+collect_bind _ (XHsBindsLR _) acc = acc
+collectMethodBinders :: LHsBindsLR idL idR -> [Located (IdP idL)]
+-- Used exclusively for the bindings of an instance decl which are all FunBinds
+collectMethodBinders binds = foldr (get . unLoc) [] binds
+ where
+ get (FunBind { fun_id = f }) fs = f : fs
+ get _ fs = fs
+ -- Someone else complains about non-FunBinds
+----------------- Statements --------------------------
+collectLStmtsBinders :: [LStmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) body]
+ -> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
+collectLStmtsBinders = concatMap collectLStmtBinders
+collectStmtsBinders :: [StmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) body]
+ -> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
+collectStmtsBinders = concatMap collectStmtBinders
+collectLStmtBinders :: LStmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) body
+ -> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
+collectLStmtBinders = collectStmtBinders . unLoc
+collectStmtBinders :: StmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) body
+ -> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
+ -- Id Binders for a Stmt... [but what about pattern-sig type vars]?
+collectStmtBinders (BindStmt _ pat _ _ _) = collectPatBinders pat
+collectStmtBinders (LetStmt _ binds) = collectLocalBinders (unLoc binds)
+collectStmtBinders (BodyStmt {}) = []
+collectStmtBinders (LastStmt {}) = []
+collectStmtBinders (ParStmt _ xs _ _) = collectLStmtsBinders
+ $ [s | ParStmtBlock _ ss _ _ <- xs, s <- ss]
+collectStmtBinders (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts }) = collectLStmtsBinders stmts
+collectStmtBinders (RecStmt { recS_stmts = ss }) = collectLStmtsBinders ss
+collectStmtBinders (ApplicativeStmt _ args _) = concatMap collectArgBinders args
+ where
+ collectArgBinders (_, ApplicativeArgOne _ pat _ _) = collectPatBinders pat
+ collectArgBinders (_, ApplicativeArgMany _ _ _ pat) = collectPatBinders pat
+ collectArgBinders _ = []
+collectStmtBinders (XStmtLR nec) = noExtCon nec
+----------------- Patterns --------------------------
+collectPatBinders :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
+collectPatBinders pat = collect_lpat pat []
+collectPatsBinders :: [LPat (GhcPass p)] -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
+collectPatsBinders pats = foldr collect_lpat [] pats
+collect_lpat :: (SrcSpanLess (LPat p) ~ Pat p , HasSrcSpan (LPat p)) =>
+ LPat p -> [IdP p] -> [IdP p]
+collect_lpat p bndrs
+ = go (unLoc p)
+ where
+ go (VarPat _ var) = unLoc var : bndrs
+ go (WildPat _) = bndrs
+ go (LazyPat _ pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (BangPat _ pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (AsPat _ a pat) = unLoc a : collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (ViewPat _ _ pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (ParPat _ pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (ListPat _ pats) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs pats
+ go (TuplePat _ pats _) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs pats
+ go (SumPat _ pat _ _) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (ConPatIn _ ps) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
+ go (ConPatOut {pat_args=ps}) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
+ -- See Note [Dictionary binders in ConPatOut]
+ go (LitPat _ _) = bndrs
+ go (NPat {}) = bndrs
+ go (NPlusKPat _ n _ _ _ _) = unLoc n : bndrs
+ go (SigPat _ pat _) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (SplicePat _ (HsSpliced _ _ (HsSplicedPat pat)))
+ = go pat
+ go (SplicePat _ _) = bndrs
+ go (CoPat _ _ pat _) = go pat
+ go (XPat {}) = bndrs
+Note [Dictionary binders in ConPatOut] See also same Note in DsArrows
+Do *not* gather (a) dictionary and (b) dictionary bindings as binders
+of a ConPatOut pattern. For most calls it doesn't matter, because
+it's pre-typechecker and there are no ConPatOuts. But it does matter
+more in the desugarer; for example, DsUtils.mkSelectorBinds uses
+collectPatBinders. In a lazy pattern, for example f ~(C x y) = ...,
+we want to generate bindings for x,y but not for dictionaries bound by
+C. (The type checker ensures they would not be used.)
+Desugaring of arrow case expressions needs these bindings (see DsArrows
+and arrowcase1), but SPJ (Jan 2007) says it's safer for it to use its
+own pat-binder-collector:
+Here's the problem. Consider
+data T a where
+ C :: Num a => a -> Int -> T a
+f ~(C (n+1) m) = (n,m)
+Here, the pattern (C (n+1)) binds a hidden dictionary (d::Num a),
+and *also* uses that dictionary to match the (n+1) pattern. Yet, the
+variables bound by the lazy pattern are n,m, *not* the dictionary d.
+So in mkSelectorBinds in DsUtils, we want just m,n as the variables bound.
+hsGroupBinders :: HsGroup GhcRn -> [Name]
+hsGroupBinders (HsGroup { hs_valds = val_decls, hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
+ hs_fords = foreign_decls })
+ = collectHsValBinders val_decls
+ ++ hsTyClForeignBinders tycl_decls foreign_decls
+hsGroupBinders (XHsGroup nec) = noExtCon nec
+hsTyClForeignBinders :: [TyClGroup GhcRn]
+ -> [LForeignDecl GhcRn]
+ -> [Name]
+-- We need to look at instance declarations too,
+-- because their associated types may bind data constructors
+hsTyClForeignBinders tycl_decls foreign_decls
+ = map unLoc (hsForeignDeclsBinders foreign_decls)
+ ++ getSelectorNames
+ (foldMap (foldMap hsLTyClDeclBinders . group_tyclds) tycl_decls
+ `mappend`
+ foldMap (foldMap hsLInstDeclBinders . group_instds) tycl_decls)
+ where
+ getSelectorNames :: ([Located Name], [LFieldOcc GhcRn]) -> [Name]
+ getSelectorNames (ns, fs) = map unLoc ns ++ map (extFieldOcc . unLoc) fs
+hsLTyClDeclBinders :: Located (TyClDecl (GhcPass p))
+ -> ([Located (IdP (GhcPass p))], [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)])
+-- ^ Returns all the /binding/ names of the decl. The first one is
+-- guaranteed to be the name of the decl. The first component
+-- represents all binding names except record fields; the second
+-- represents field occurrences. For record fields mentioned in
+-- multiple constructors, the SrcLoc will be from the first occurrence.
+-- Each returned (Located name) has a SrcSpan for the /whole/ declaration.
+-- See Note [SrcSpan for binders]
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (FamDecl { tcdFam = FamilyDecl
+ { fdLName = (dL->L _ name) } }))
+ = ([cL loc name], [])
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L _ (FamDecl { tcdFam = XFamilyDecl nec }))
+ = noExtCon nec
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (SynDecl
+ { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name) }))
+ = ([cL loc name], [])
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (ClassDecl
+ { tcdLName = (dL->L _ cls_name)
+ , tcdSigs = sigs
+ , tcdATs = ats }))
+ = (cL loc cls_name :
+ [ cL fam_loc fam_name | (dL->L fam_loc (FamilyDecl
+ { fdLName = L _ fam_name })) <- ats ]
+ ++
+ [ cL mem_loc mem_name | (dL->L mem_loc (ClassOpSig _ False ns _)) <- sigs
+ , (dL->L _ mem_name) <- ns ]
+ , [])
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name)
+ , tcdDataDefn = defn }))
+ = (\ (xs, ys) -> (cL loc name : xs, ys)) $ hsDataDefnBinders defn
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L _ (XTyClDecl nec)) = noExtCon nec
+hsLTyClDeclBinders _ = panic "hsLTyClDeclBinders: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
+hsForeignDeclsBinders :: [LForeignDecl pass] -> [Located (IdP pass)]
+-- See Note [SrcSpan for binders]
+hsForeignDeclsBinders foreign_decls
+ = [ cL decl_loc n
+ | (dL->L decl_loc (ForeignImport { fd_name = (dL->L _ n) }))
+ <- foreign_decls]
+hsPatSynSelectors :: HsValBinds (GhcPass p) -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
+-- Collects record pattern-synonym selectors only; the pattern synonym
+-- names are collected by collectHsValBinders.
+hsPatSynSelectors (ValBinds _ _ _) = panic "hsPatSynSelectors"
+hsPatSynSelectors (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _))
+ = foldr addPatSynSelector [] . unionManyBags $ map snd binds
+addPatSynSelector:: LHsBind p -> [IdP p] -> [IdP p]
+addPatSynSelector bind sels
+ | PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_args = RecCon as }) <- unLoc bind
+ = map (unLoc . recordPatSynSelectorId) as ++ sels
+ | otherwise = sels
+getPatSynBinds :: [(RecFlag, LHsBinds id)] -> [PatSynBind id id]
+getPatSynBinds binds
+ = [ psb | (_, lbinds) <- binds
+ , (dL->L _ (PatSynBind _ psb)) <- bagToList lbinds ]
+hsLInstDeclBinders :: LInstDecl (GhcPass p)
+ -> ([Located (IdP (GhcPass p))], [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)])
+hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (ClsInstD
+ { cid_inst = ClsInstDecl
+ { cid_datafam_insts = dfis }}))
+ = foldMap (hsDataFamInstBinders . unLoc) dfis
+hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = fi }))
+ = hsDataFamInstBinders fi
+hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (TyFamInstD {})) = mempty
+hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (ClsInstD _ (XClsInstDecl nec)))
+ = noExtCon nec
+hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (XInstDecl nec))
+ = noExtCon nec
+hsLInstDeclBinders _ = panic "hsLInstDeclBinders: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
+-- the SrcLoc returned are for the whole declarations, not just the names
+hsDataFamInstBinders :: DataFamInstDecl (GhcPass p)
+ -> ([Located (IdP (GhcPass p))], [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)])
+hsDataFamInstBinders (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body =
+ FamEqn { feqn_rhs = defn }}})
+ = hsDataDefnBinders defn
+ -- There can't be repeated symbols because only data instances have binders
+hsDataFamInstBinders (DataFamInstDecl
+ { dfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body = XFamEqn nec}})
+ = noExtCon nec
+hsDataFamInstBinders (DataFamInstDecl (XHsImplicitBndrs nec))
+ = noExtCon nec
+-- the SrcLoc returned are for the whole declarations, not just the names
+hsDataDefnBinders :: HsDataDefn (GhcPass p)
+ -> ([Located (IdP (GhcPass p))], [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)])
+hsDataDefnBinders (HsDataDefn { dd_cons = cons })
+ = hsConDeclsBinders cons
+ -- See Note [Binders in family instances]
+hsDataDefnBinders (XHsDataDefn nec) = noExtCon nec
+type Seen p = [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)] -> [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)]
+ -- Filters out ones that have already been seen
+hsConDeclsBinders :: [LConDecl (GhcPass p)]
+ -> ([Located (IdP (GhcPass p))], [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)])
+ -- See hsLTyClDeclBinders for what this does
+ -- The function is boringly complicated because of the records
+ -- And since we only have equality, we have to be a little careful
+hsConDeclsBinders cons
+ = go id cons
+ where
+ go :: Seen p -> [LConDecl (GhcPass p)]
+ -> ([Located (IdP (GhcPass p))], [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)])
+ go _ [] = ([], [])
+ go remSeen (r:rs)
+ -- Don't re-mangle the location of field names, because we don't
+ -- have a record of the full location of the field declaration anyway
+ = let loc = getLoc r
+ in case unLoc r of
+ -- remove only the first occurrence of any seen field in order to
+ -- avoid circumventing detection of duplicate fields (#9156)
+ ConDeclGADT { con_names = names, con_args = args }
+ -> (map (cL loc . unLoc) names ++ ns, flds ++ fs)
+ where
+ (remSeen', flds) = get_flds remSeen args
+ (ns, fs) = go remSeen' rs
+ ConDeclH98 { con_name = name, con_args = args }
+ -> ([cL loc (unLoc name)] ++ ns, flds ++ fs)
+ where
+ (remSeen', flds) = get_flds remSeen args
+ (ns, fs) = go remSeen' rs
+ XConDecl nec -> noExtCon nec
+ get_flds :: Seen p -> HsConDeclDetails (GhcPass p)
+ -> (Seen p, [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)])
+ get_flds remSeen (RecCon flds)
+ = (remSeen', fld_names)
+ where
+ fld_names = remSeen (concatMap (cd_fld_names . unLoc) (unLoc flds))
+ remSeen' = foldr (.) remSeen
+ [deleteBy ((==) `on` unLoc . rdrNameFieldOcc . unLoc) v
+ | v <- fld_names]
+ get_flds remSeen _
+ = (remSeen, [])
+Note [SrcSpan for binders]
+When extracting the (Located RdrNme) for a binder, at least for the
+main name (the TyCon of a type declaration etc), we want to give it
+the @SrcSpan@ of the whole /declaration/, not just the name itself
+(which is how it appears in the syntax tree). This SrcSpan (for the
+entire declaration) is used as the SrcSpan for the Name that is
+finally produced, and hence for error messages. (See #8607.)
+Note [Binders in family instances]
+In a type or data family instance declaration, the type
+constructor is an *occurrence* not a binding site
+ type instance T Int = Int -> Int -- No binders
+ data instance S Bool = S1 | S2 -- Binders are S1,S2
+* *
+ Collecting binders the user did not write
+* *
+The job of this family of functions is to run through binding sites and find the set of all Names
+that were defined "implicitly", without being explicitly written by the user.
+The main purpose is to find names introduced by record wildcards so that we can avoid
+warning the user when they don't use those names (#4404)
+Since the addition of -Wunused-record-wildcards, this function returns a pair
+of [(SrcSpan, [Name])]. Each element of the list is one set of implicit
+binders, the first component of the tuple is the document describes the possible
+fix to the problem (by removing the ..).
+This means there is some unfortunate coupling between this function and where it
+is used but it's only used for one specific purpose in one place so it seemed
+lStmtsImplicits :: [LStmtLR GhcRn (GhcPass idR) (Located (body (GhcPass idR)))]
+ -> [(SrcSpan, [Name])]
+lStmtsImplicits = hs_lstmts
+ where
+ hs_lstmts :: [LStmtLR GhcRn (GhcPass idR) (Located (body (GhcPass idR)))]
+ -> [(SrcSpan, [Name])]
+ hs_lstmts = concatMap (hs_stmt . unLoc)
+ hs_stmt :: StmtLR GhcRn (GhcPass idR) (Located (body (GhcPass idR)))
+ -> [(SrcSpan, [Name])]
+ hs_stmt (BindStmt _ pat _ _ _) = lPatImplicits pat
+ hs_stmt (ApplicativeStmt _ args _) = concatMap do_arg args
+ where do_arg (_, ApplicativeArgOne _ pat _ _) = lPatImplicits pat
+ do_arg (_, ApplicativeArgMany _ stmts _ _) = hs_lstmts stmts
+ do_arg (_, XApplicativeArg nec) = noExtCon nec
+ hs_stmt (LetStmt _ binds) = hs_local_binds (unLoc binds)
+ hs_stmt (BodyStmt {}) = []
+ hs_stmt (LastStmt {}) = []
+ hs_stmt (ParStmt _ xs _ _) = hs_lstmts [s | ParStmtBlock _ ss _ _ <- xs
+ , s <- ss]
+ hs_stmt (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts }) = hs_lstmts stmts
+ hs_stmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = ss }) = hs_lstmts ss
+ hs_stmt (XStmtLR nec) = noExtCon nec
+ hs_local_binds (HsValBinds _ val_binds) = hsValBindsImplicits val_binds
+ hs_local_binds (HsIPBinds {}) = []
+ hs_local_binds (EmptyLocalBinds _) = []
+ hs_local_binds (XHsLocalBindsLR _) = []
+hsValBindsImplicits :: HsValBindsLR GhcRn (GhcPass idR) -> [(SrcSpan, [Name])]
+hsValBindsImplicits (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _))
+ = concatMap (lhsBindsImplicits . snd) binds
+hsValBindsImplicits (ValBinds _ binds _)
+ = lhsBindsImplicits binds
+lhsBindsImplicits :: LHsBindsLR GhcRn idR -> [(SrcSpan, [Name])]
+lhsBindsImplicits = foldBag (++) (lhs_bind . unLoc) []
+ where
+ lhs_bind (PatBind { pat_lhs = lpat }) = lPatImplicits lpat
+ lhs_bind _ = []
+lPatImplicits :: LPat GhcRn -> [(SrcSpan, [Name])]
+lPatImplicits = hs_lpat
+ where
+ hs_lpat lpat = hs_pat (unLoc lpat)
+ hs_lpats = foldr (\pat rest -> hs_lpat pat ++ rest) []
+ hs_pat (LazyPat _ pat) = hs_lpat pat
+ hs_pat (BangPat _ pat) = hs_lpat pat
+ hs_pat (AsPat _ _ pat) = hs_lpat pat
+ hs_pat (ViewPat _ _ pat) = hs_lpat pat
+ hs_pat (ParPat _ pat) = hs_lpat pat
+ hs_pat (ListPat _ pats) = hs_lpats pats
+ hs_pat (TuplePat _ pats _) = hs_lpats pats
+ hs_pat (SigPat _ pat _) = hs_lpat pat
+ hs_pat (CoPat _ _ pat _) = hs_pat pat
+ hs_pat (ConPatIn n ps) = details n ps
+ hs_pat (ConPatOut {pat_con=con, pat_args=ps}) = details (fmap conLikeName con) ps
+ hs_pat _ = []
+ details :: Located Name -> HsConPatDetails GhcRn -> [(SrcSpan, [Name])]
+ details _ (PrefixCon ps) = hs_lpats ps
+ details n (RecCon fs) =
+ [(err_loc, collectPatsBinders implicit_pats) | Just{} <- [rec_dotdot fs] ]
+ ++ hs_lpats explicit_pats
+ where implicit_pats = map (hsRecFieldArg . unLoc) implicit
+ explicit_pats = map (hsRecFieldArg . unLoc) explicit
+ (explicit, implicit) = partitionEithers [if pat_explicit then Left fld else Right fld
+ | (i, fld) <- [0..] `zip` rec_flds fs
+ , let pat_explicit =
+ maybe True ((i<) . unLoc)
+ (rec_dotdot fs)]
+ err_loc = maybe (getLoc n) getLoc (rec_dotdot fs)
+ details _ (InfixCon p1 p2) = hs_lpat p1 ++ hs_lpat p2
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs b/compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca38d07ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2015 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+This module converts Template Haskell syntax into Hs syntax
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module GHC.ThToHs
+ ( convertToHsExpr
+ , convertToPat
+ , convertToHsDecls
+ , convertToHsType
+ , thRdrNameGuesses
+ )
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Hs as Hs
+import PrelNames
+import RdrName
+import qualified Name
+import Module
+import RdrHsSyn
+import OccName
+import SrcLoc
+import Type
+import qualified Coercion ( Role(..) )
+import TysWiredIn
+import BasicTypes as Hs
+import ForeignCall
+import Unique
+import ErrUtils
+import Bag
+import Lexeme
+import Util
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import MonadUtils ( foldrM )
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Control.Monad( unless, ap )
+import Data.Maybe( catMaybes, isNothing )
+import Language.Haskell.TH as TH hiding (sigP)
+import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
+import Foreign.ForeignPtr
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+-- The external interface
+convertToHsDecls :: SrcSpan -> [TH.Dec] -> Either MsgDoc [LHsDecl GhcPs]
+convertToHsDecls loc ds = initCvt loc (fmap catMaybes (mapM cvt_dec ds))
+ where
+ cvt_dec d = wrapMsg "declaration" d (cvtDec d)
+convertToHsExpr :: SrcSpan -> TH.Exp -> Either MsgDoc (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+convertToHsExpr loc e
+ = initCvt loc $ wrapMsg "expression" e $ cvtl e
+convertToPat :: SrcSpan -> TH.Pat -> Either MsgDoc (LPat GhcPs)
+convertToPat loc p
+ = initCvt loc $ wrapMsg "pattern" p $ cvtPat p
+convertToHsType :: SrcSpan -> TH.Type -> Either MsgDoc (LHsType GhcPs)
+convertToHsType loc t
+ = initCvt loc $ wrapMsg "type" t $ cvtType t
+newtype CvtM a = CvtM { unCvtM :: SrcSpan -> Either MsgDoc (SrcSpan, a) }
+ deriving (Functor)
+ -- Push down the source location;
+ -- Can fail, with a single error message
+-- NB: If the conversion succeeds with (Right x), there should
+-- be no exception values hiding in x
+-- Reason: so a (head []) in TH code doesn't subsequently
+-- make GHC crash when it tries to walk the generated tree
+-- Use the loc everywhere, for lack of anything better
+-- In particular, we want it on binding locations, so that variables bound in
+-- the spliced-in declarations get a location that at least relates to the splice point
+instance Applicative CvtM where
+ pure x = CvtM $ \loc -> Right (loc,x)
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad CvtM where
+ (CvtM m) >>= k = CvtM $ \loc -> case m loc of
+ Left err -> Left err
+ Right (loc',v) -> unCvtM (k v) loc'
+initCvt :: SrcSpan -> CvtM a -> Either MsgDoc a
+initCvt loc (CvtM m) = fmap snd (m loc)
+force :: a -> CvtM ()
+force a = a `seq` return ()
+failWith :: MsgDoc -> CvtM a
+failWith m = CvtM (\_ -> Left m)
+getL :: CvtM SrcSpan
+getL = CvtM (\loc -> Right (loc,loc))
+setL :: SrcSpan -> CvtM ()
+setL loc = CvtM (\_ -> Right (loc, ()))
+returnL :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpanLess a -> CvtM a
+returnL x = CvtM (\loc -> Right (loc, cL loc x))
+returnJustL :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpanLess a -> CvtM (Maybe a)
+returnJustL = fmap Just . returnL
+wrapParL :: HasSrcSpan a =>
+ (a -> SrcSpanLess a) -> SrcSpanLess a -> CvtM (SrcSpanLess a)
+wrapParL add_par x = CvtM (\loc -> Right (loc, add_par (cL loc x)))
+wrapMsg :: (Show a, TH.Ppr a) => String -> a -> CvtM b -> CvtM b
+-- E.g wrapMsg "declaration" dec thing
+wrapMsg what item (CvtM m)
+ = CvtM (\loc -> case m loc of
+ Left err -> Left (err $$ getPprStyle msg)
+ Right v -> Right v)
+ where
+ -- Show the item in pretty syntax normally,
+ -- but with all its constructors if you say -dppr-debug
+ msg sty = hang (text "When splicing a TH" <+> text what <> colon)
+ 2 (if debugStyle sty
+ then text (show item)
+ else text (pprint item))
+wrapL :: HasSrcSpan a => CvtM (SrcSpanLess a) -> CvtM a
+wrapL (CvtM m) = CvtM (\loc -> case m loc of
+ Left err -> Left err
+ Right (loc',v) -> Right (loc',cL loc v))
+cvtDecs :: [TH.Dec] -> CvtM [LHsDecl GhcPs]
+cvtDecs = fmap catMaybes . mapM cvtDec
+cvtDec :: TH.Dec -> CvtM (Maybe (LHsDecl GhcPs))
+cvtDec (TH.ValD pat body ds)
+ | TH.VarP s <- pat
+ = do { s' <- vNameL s
+ ; cl' <- cvtClause (mkPrefixFunRhs s') (Clause [] body ds)
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.ValD noExtField $ mkFunBind s' [cl'] }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { pat' <- cvtPat pat
+ ; body' <- cvtGuard body
+ ; ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") ds
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.ValD noExtField $
+ PatBind { pat_lhs = pat'
+ , pat_rhs = GRHSs noExtField body' (noLoc ds')
+ , pat_ext = noExtField
+ , pat_ticks = ([],[]) } }
+cvtDec (TH.FunD nm cls)
+ | null cls
+ = failWith (text "Function binding for"
+ <+> quotes (text (TH.pprint nm))
+ <+> text "has no equations")
+ | otherwise
+ = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
+ ; cls' <- mapM (cvtClause (mkPrefixFunRhs nm')) cls
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.ValD noExtField $ mkFunBind nm' cls' }
+cvtDec (TH.SigD nm typ)
+ = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
+ ; ty' <- cvtType typ
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField
+ (TypeSig noExtField [nm'] (mkLHsSigWcType ty')) }
+cvtDec (TH.InfixD fx nm)
+ -- Fixity signatures are allowed for variables, constructors, and types
+ -- the renamer automatically looks for types during renaming, even when
+ -- the RdrName says it's a variable or a constructor. So, just assume
+ -- it's a variable or constructor and proceed.
+ = do { nm' <- vcNameL nm
+ ; returnJustL (Hs.SigD noExtField (FixSig noExtField
+ (FixitySig noExtField [nm'] (cvtFixity fx)))) }
+cvtDec (PragmaD prag)
+ = cvtPragmaD prag
+cvtDec (TySynD tc tvs rhs)
+ = do { (_, tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr [] tc tvs
+ ; rhs' <- cvtType rhs
+ ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $
+ SynDecl { tcdSExt = noExtField, tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
+ , tcdFixity = Prefix
+ , tcdRhs = rhs' } }
+cvtDec (DataD ctxt tc tvs ksig constrs derivs)
+ = do { let isGadtCon (GadtC _ _ _) = True
+ isGadtCon (RecGadtC _ _ _) = True
+ isGadtCon (ForallC _ _ c) = isGadtCon c
+ isGadtCon _ = False
+ isGadtDecl = all isGadtCon constrs
+ isH98Decl = all (not . isGadtCon) constrs
+ ; unless (isGadtDecl || isH98Decl)
+ (failWith (text "Cannot mix GADT constructors with Haskell 98"
+ <+> text "constructors"))
+ ; unless (isNothing ksig || isGadtDecl)
+ (failWith (text "Kind signatures are only allowed on GADTs"))
+ ; (ctxt', tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr ctxt tc tvs
+ ; ksig' <- cvtKind `traverse` ksig
+ ; cons' <- mapM cvtConstr constrs
+ ; derivs' <- cvtDerivs derivs
+ ; let defn = HsDataDefn { dd_ext = noExtField
+ , dd_ND = DataType, dd_cType = Nothing
+ , dd_ctxt = ctxt'
+ , dd_kindSig = ksig'
+ , dd_cons = cons', dd_derivs = derivs' }
+ ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $
+ DataDecl { tcdDExt = noExtField
+ , tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
+ , tcdFixity = Prefix
+ , tcdDataDefn = defn } }
+cvtDec (NewtypeD ctxt tc tvs ksig constr derivs)
+ = do { (ctxt', tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr ctxt tc tvs
+ ; ksig' <- cvtKind `traverse` ksig
+ ; con' <- cvtConstr constr
+ ; derivs' <- cvtDerivs derivs
+ ; let defn = HsDataDefn { dd_ext = noExtField
+ , dd_ND = NewType, dd_cType = Nothing
+ , dd_ctxt = ctxt'
+ , dd_kindSig = ksig'
+ , dd_cons = [con']
+ , dd_derivs = derivs' }
+ ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $
+ DataDecl { tcdDExt = noExtField
+ , tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
+ , tcdFixity = Prefix
+ , tcdDataDefn = defn } }
+cvtDec (ClassD ctxt cl tvs fds decs)
+ = do { (cxt', tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr ctxt cl tvs
+ ; fds' <- mapM cvt_fundep fds
+ ; (binds', sigs', fams', at_defs', adts') <- cvt_ci_decs (text "a class declaration") decs
+ ; unless (null adts')
+ (failWith $ (text "Default data instance declarations"
+ <+> text "are not allowed:")
+ $$ (Outputable.ppr adts'))
+ ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $
+ ClassDecl { tcdCExt = noExtField
+ , tcdCtxt = cxt', tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
+ , tcdFixity = Prefix
+ , tcdFDs = fds', tcdSigs = Hs.mkClassOpSigs sigs'
+ , tcdMeths = binds'
+ , tcdATs = fams', tcdATDefs = at_defs', tcdDocs = [] }
+ -- no docs in TH ^^
+ }
+cvtDec (InstanceD o ctxt ty decs)
+ = do { let doc = text "an instance declaration"
+ ; (binds', sigs', fams', ats', adts') <- cvt_ci_decs doc decs
+ ; unless (null fams') (failWith (mkBadDecMsg doc fams'))
+ ; ctxt' <- cvtContext funPrec ctxt
+ ; (dL->L loc ty') <- cvtType ty
+ ; let inst_ty' = mkHsQualTy ctxt loc ctxt' $ cL loc ty'
+ ; returnJustL $ InstD noExtField $ ClsInstD noExtField $
+ ClsInstDecl { cid_ext = noExtField, cid_poly_ty = mkLHsSigType inst_ty'
+ , cid_binds = binds'
+ , cid_sigs = Hs.mkClassOpSigs sigs'
+ , cid_tyfam_insts = ats', cid_datafam_insts = adts'
+ , cid_overlap_mode = fmap (cL loc . overlap) o } }
+ where
+ overlap pragma =
+ case pragma of
+ TH.Overlaps -> Hs.Overlaps (SourceText "OVERLAPS")
+ TH.Overlappable -> Hs.Overlappable (SourceText "OVERLAPPABLE")
+ TH.Overlapping -> Hs.Overlapping (SourceText "OVERLAPPING")
+ TH.Incoherent -> Hs.Incoherent (SourceText "INCOHERENT")
+cvtDec (ForeignD ford)
+ = do { ford' <- cvtForD ford
+ ; returnJustL $ ForD noExtField ford' }
+cvtDec (DataFamilyD tc tvs kind)
+ = do { (_, tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr [] tc tvs
+ ; result <- cvtMaybeKindToFamilyResultSig kind
+ ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $ FamDecl noExtField $
+ FamilyDecl noExtField DataFamily tc' tvs' Prefix result Nothing }
+cvtDec (DataInstD ctxt bndrs tys ksig constrs derivs)
+ = do { (ctxt', tc', bndrs', typats') <- cvt_datainst_hdr ctxt bndrs tys
+ ; ksig' <- cvtKind `traverse` ksig
+ ; cons' <- mapM cvtConstr constrs
+ ; derivs' <- cvtDerivs derivs
+ ; let defn = HsDataDefn { dd_ext = noExtField
+ , dd_ND = DataType, dd_cType = Nothing
+ , dd_ctxt = ctxt'
+ , dd_kindSig = ksig'
+ , dd_cons = cons', dd_derivs = derivs' }
+ ; returnJustL $ InstD noExtField $ DataFamInstD
+ { dfid_ext = noExtField
+ , dfid_inst = DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = mkHsImplicitBndrs $
+ FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExtField
+ , feqn_tycon = tc'
+ , feqn_bndrs = bndrs'
+ , feqn_pats = typats'
+ , feqn_rhs = defn
+ , feqn_fixity = Prefix } }}}
+cvtDec (NewtypeInstD ctxt bndrs tys ksig constr derivs)
+ = do { (ctxt', tc', bndrs', typats') <- cvt_datainst_hdr ctxt bndrs tys
+ ; ksig' <- cvtKind `traverse` ksig
+ ; con' <- cvtConstr constr
+ ; derivs' <- cvtDerivs derivs
+ ; let defn = HsDataDefn { dd_ext = noExtField
+ , dd_ND = NewType, dd_cType = Nothing
+ , dd_ctxt = ctxt'
+ , dd_kindSig = ksig'
+ , dd_cons = [con'], dd_derivs = derivs' }
+ ; returnJustL $ InstD noExtField $ DataFamInstD
+ { dfid_ext = noExtField
+ , dfid_inst = DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = mkHsImplicitBndrs $
+ FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExtField
+ , feqn_tycon = tc'
+ , feqn_bndrs = bndrs'
+ , feqn_pats = typats'
+ , feqn_rhs = defn
+ , feqn_fixity = Prefix } }}}
+cvtDec (TySynInstD eqn)
+ = do { (dL->L _ eqn') <- cvtTySynEqn eqn
+ ; returnJustL $ InstD noExtField $ TyFamInstD
+ { tfid_ext = noExtField
+ , tfid_inst = TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn' } } }
+cvtDec (OpenTypeFamilyD head)
+ = do { (tc', tyvars', result', injectivity') <- cvt_tyfam_head head
+ ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $ FamDecl noExtField $
+ FamilyDecl noExtField OpenTypeFamily tc' tyvars' Prefix result' injectivity'
+ }
+cvtDec (ClosedTypeFamilyD head eqns)
+ = do { (tc', tyvars', result', injectivity') <- cvt_tyfam_head head
+ ; eqns' <- mapM cvtTySynEqn eqns
+ ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $ FamDecl noExtField $
+ FamilyDecl noExtField (ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns')) tc' tyvars' Prefix
+ result' injectivity' }
+cvtDec (TH.RoleAnnotD tc roles)
+ = do { tc' <- tconNameL tc
+ ; let roles' = map (noLoc . cvtRole) roles
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.RoleAnnotD noExtField (RoleAnnotDecl noExtField tc' roles') }
+cvtDec (TH.StandaloneDerivD ds cxt ty)
+ = do { cxt' <- cvtContext funPrec cxt
+ ; ds' <- traverse cvtDerivStrategy ds
+ ; (dL->L loc ty') <- cvtType ty
+ ; let inst_ty' = mkHsQualTy cxt loc cxt' $ cL loc ty'
+ ; returnJustL $ DerivD noExtField $
+ DerivDecl { deriv_ext =noExtField
+ , deriv_strategy = ds'
+ , deriv_type = mkLHsSigWcType inst_ty'
+ , deriv_overlap_mode = Nothing } }
+cvtDec (TH.DefaultSigD nm typ)
+ = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
+ ; ty' <- cvtType typ
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField
+ $ ClassOpSig noExtField True [nm'] (mkLHsSigType ty')}
+cvtDec (TH.PatSynD nm args dir pat)
+ = do { nm' <- cNameL nm
+ ; args' <- cvtArgs args
+ ; dir' <- cvtDir nm' dir
+ ; pat' <- cvtPat pat
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.ValD noExtField $ PatSynBind noExtField $
+ PSB noExtField nm' args' pat' dir' }
+ where
+ cvtArgs (TH.PrefixPatSyn args) = Hs.PrefixCon <$> mapM vNameL args
+ cvtArgs (TH.InfixPatSyn a1 a2) = Hs.InfixCon <$> vNameL a1 <*> vNameL a2
+ cvtArgs (TH.RecordPatSyn sels)
+ = do { sels' <- mapM vNameL sels
+ ; vars' <- mapM (vNameL . mkNameS . nameBase) sels
+ ; return $ Hs.RecCon $ zipWith RecordPatSynField sels' vars' }
+ cvtDir _ Unidir = return Unidirectional
+ cvtDir _ ImplBidir = return ImplicitBidirectional
+ cvtDir n (ExplBidir cls) =
+ do { ms <- mapM (cvtClause (mkPrefixFunRhs n)) cls
+ ; return $ ExplicitBidirectional $ mkMatchGroup FromSource ms }
+cvtDec (TH.PatSynSigD nm ty)
+ = do { nm' <- cNameL nm
+ ; ty' <- cvtPatSynSigTy ty
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField $ PatSynSig noExtField [nm'] (mkLHsSigType ty')}
+-- Implicit parameter bindings are handled in cvtLocalDecs and
+-- cvtImplicitParamBind. They are not allowed in any other scope, so
+-- reaching this case indicates an error.
+cvtDec (TH.ImplicitParamBindD _ _)
+ = failWith (text "Implicit parameter binding only allowed in let or where")
+cvtTySynEqn :: TySynEqn -> CvtM (LTyFamInstEqn GhcPs)
+cvtTySynEqn (TySynEqn mb_bndrs lhs rhs)
+ = do { mb_bndrs' <- traverse (mapM cvt_tv) mb_bndrs
+ ; (head_ty, args) <- split_ty_app lhs
+ ; case head_ty of
+ ConT nm -> do { nm' <- tconNameL nm
+ ; rhs' <- cvtType rhs
+ ; let args' = map wrap_tyarg args
+ ; returnL $ mkHsImplicitBndrs
+ $ FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExtField
+ , feqn_tycon = nm'
+ , feqn_bndrs = mb_bndrs'
+ , feqn_pats = args'
+ , feqn_fixity = Prefix
+ , feqn_rhs = rhs' } }
+ InfixT t1 nm t2 -> do { nm' <- tconNameL nm
+ ; args' <- mapM cvtType [t1,t2]
+ ; rhs' <- cvtType rhs
+ ; returnL $ mkHsImplicitBndrs
+ $ FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExtField
+ , feqn_tycon = nm'
+ , feqn_bndrs = mb_bndrs'
+ , feqn_pats =
+ (map HsValArg args') ++ args
+ , feqn_fixity = Hs.Infix
+ , feqn_rhs = rhs' } }
+ _ -> failWith $ text "Invalid type family instance LHS:"
+ <+> text (show lhs)
+ }
+cvt_ci_decs :: MsgDoc -> [TH.Dec]
+ -> CvtM (LHsBinds GhcPs,
+ [LSig GhcPs],
+ [LFamilyDecl GhcPs],
+ [LTyFamInstDecl GhcPs],
+ [LDataFamInstDecl GhcPs])
+-- Convert the declarations inside a class or instance decl
+-- ie signatures, bindings, and associated types
+cvt_ci_decs doc decs
+ = do { decs' <- cvtDecs decs
+ ; let (ats', bind_sig_decs') = partitionWith is_tyfam_inst decs'
+ ; let (adts', no_ats') = partitionWith is_datafam_inst bind_sig_decs'
+ ; let (sigs', prob_binds') = partitionWith is_sig no_ats'
+ ; let (binds', prob_fams') = partitionWith is_bind prob_binds'
+ ; let (fams', bads) = partitionWith is_fam_decl prob_fams'
+ ; unless (null bads) (failWith (mkBadDecMsg doc bads))
+ --We use FromSource as the origin of the bind
+ -- because the TH declaration is user-written
+ ; return (listToBag binds', sigs', fams', ats', adts') }
+cvt_tycl_hdr :: TH.Cxt -> TH.Name -> [TH.TyVarBndr]
+ -> CvtM ( LHsContext GhcPs
+ , Located RdrName
+ , LHsQTyVars GhcPs)
+cvt_tycl_hdr cxt tc tvs
+ = do { cxt' <- cvtContext funPrec cxt
+ ; tc' <- tconNameL tc
+ ; tvs' <- cvtTvs tvs
+ ; return (cxt', tc', tvs')
+ }
+cvt_datainst_hdr :: TH.Cxt -> Maybe [TH.TyVarBndr] -> TH.Type
+ -> CvtM ( LHsContext GhcPs
+ , Located RdrName
+ , Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]
+ , HsTyPats GhcPs)
+cvt_datainst_hdr cxt bndrs tys
+ = do { cxt' <- cvtContext funPrec cxt
+ ; bndrs' <- traverse (mapM cvt_tv) bndrs
+ ; (head_ty, args) <- split_ty_app tys
+ ; case head_ty of
+ ConT nm -> do { nm' <- tconNameL nm
+ ; let args' = map wrap_tyarg args
+ ; return (cxt', nm', bndrs', args') }
+ InfixT t1 nm t2 -> do { nm' <- tconNameL nm
+ ; args' <- mapM cvtType [t1,t2]
+ ; return (cxt', nm', bndrs',
+ ((map HsValArg args') ++ args)) }
+ _ -> failWith $ text "Invalid type instance header:"
+ <+> text (show tys) }
+cvt_tyfam_head :: TypeFamilyHead
+ -> CvtM ( Located RdrName
+ , LHsQTyVars GhcPs
+ , Hs.LFamilyResultSig GhcPs
+ , Maybe (Hs.LInjectivityAnn GhcPs))
+cvt_tyfam_head (TypeFamilyHead tc tyvars result injectivity)
+ = do {(_, tc', tyvars') <- cvt_tycl_hdr [] tc tyvars
+ ; result' <- cvtFamilyResultSig result
+ ; injectivity' <- traverse cvtInjectivityAnnotation injectivity
+ ; return (tc', tyvars', result', injectivity') }
+-- Partitioning declarations
+is_fam_decl :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LFamilyDecl GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
+is_fam_decl (dL->L loc (TyClD _ (FamDecl { tcdFam = d }))) = Left (cL loc d)
+is_fam_decl decl = Right decl
+is_tyfam_inst :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LTyFamInstDecl GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
+is_tyfam_inst (dL->L loc (Hs.InstD _ (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = d })))
+ = Left (cL loc d)
+is_tyfam_inst decl
+ = Right decl
+is_datafam_inst :: LHsDecl GhcPs
+ -> Either (LDataFamInstDecl GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
+is_datafam_inst (dL->L loc (Hs.InstD _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = d })))
+ = Left (cL loc d)
+is_datafam_inst decl
+ = Right decl
+is_sig :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LSig GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
+is_sig (dL->L loc (Hs.SigD _ sig)) = Left (cL loc sig)
+is_sig decl = Right decl
+is_bind :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LHsBind GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
+is_bind (dL->L loc (Hs.ValD _ bind)) = Left (cL loc bind)
+is_bind decl = Right decl
+is_ip_bind :: TH.Dec -> Either (String, TH.Exp) TH.Dec
+is_ip_bind (TH.ImplicitParamBindD n e) = Left (n, e)
+is_ip_bind decl = Right decl
+mkBadDecMsg :: Outputable a => MsgDoc -> [a] -> MsgDoc
+mkBadDecMsg doc bads
+ = sep [ text "Illegal declaration(s) in" <+> doc <> colon
+ , nest 2 (vcat (map Outputable.ppr bads)) ]
+-- Data types
+cvtConstr :: TH.Con -> CvtM (LConDecl GhcPs)
+cvtConstr (NormalC c strtys)
+ = do { c' <- cNameL c
+ ; tys' <- mapM cvt_arg strtys
+ ; returnL $ mkConDeclH98 c' Nothing Nothing (PrefixCon tys') }
+cvtConstr (RecC c varstrtys)
+ = do { c' <- cNameL c
+ ; args' <- mapM cvt_id_arg varstrtys
+ ; returnL $ mkConDeclH98 c' Nothing Nothing
+ (RecCon (noLoc args')) }
+cvtConstr (InfixC st1 c st2)
+ = do { c' <- cNameL c
+ ; st1' <- cvt_arg st1
+ ; st2' <- cvt_arg st2
+ ; returnL $ mkConDeclH98 c' Nothing Nothing (InfixCon st1' st2') }
+cvtConstr (ForallC tvs ctxt con)
+ = do { tvs' <- cvtTvs tvs
+ ; ctxt' <- cvtContext funPrec ctxt
+ ; (dL->L _ con') <- cvtConstr con
+ ; returnL $ add_forall tvs' ctxt' con' }
+ where
+ add_cxt lcxt Nothing = Just lcxt
+ add_cxt (dL->L loc cxt1) (Just (dL->L _ cxt2))
+ = Just (cL loc (cxt1 ++ cxt2))
+ add_forall tvs' cxt' con@(ConDeclGADT { con_qvars = qvars, con_mb_cxt = cxt })
+ = con { con_forall = noLoc $ not (null all_tvs)
+ , con_qvars = mkHsQTvs all_tvs
+ , con_mb_cxt = add_cxt cxt' cxt }
+ where
+ all_tvs = hsQTvExplicit tvs' ++ hsQTvExplicit qvars
+ add_forall tvs' cxt' con@(ConDeclH98 { con_ex_tvs = ex_tvs, con_mb_cxt = cxt })
+ = con { con_forall = noLoc $ not (null all_tvs)
+ , con_ex_tvs = all_tvs
+ , con_mb_cxt = add_cxt cxt' cxt }
+ where
+ all_tvs = hsQTvExplicit tvs' ++ ex_tvs
+ add_forall _ _ (XConDecl nec) = noExtCon nec
+cvtConstr (GadtC c strtys ty)
+ = do { c' <- mapM cNameL c
+ ; args <- mapM cvt_arg strtys
+ ; (dL->L _ ty') <- cvtType ty
+ ; c_ty <- mk_arr_apps args ty'
+ ; returnL $ fst $ mkGadtDecl c' c_ty}
+cvtConstr (RecGadtC c varstrtys ty)
+ = do { c' <- mapM cNameL c
+ ; ty' <- cvtType ty
+ ; rec_flds <- mapM cvt_id_arg varstrtys
+ ; let rec_ty = noLoc (HsFunTy noExtField
+ (noLoc $ HsRecTy noExtField rec_flds) ty')
+ ; returnL $ fst $ mkGadtDecl c' rec_ty }
+cvtSrcUnpackedness :: TH.SourceUnpackedness -> SrcUnpackedness
+cvtSrcUnpackedness NoSourceUnpackedness = NoSrcUnpack
+cvtSrcUnpackedness SourceNoUnpack = SrcNoUnpack
+cvtSrcUnpackedness SourceUnpack = SrcUnpack
+cvtSrcStrictness :: TH.SourceStrictness -> SrcStrictness
+cvtSrcStrictness NoSourceStrictness = NoSrcStrict
+cvtSrcStrictness SourceLazy = SrcLazy
+cvtSrcStrictness SourceStrict = SrcStrict
+cvt_arg :: (TH.Bang, TH.Type) -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
+cvt_arg (Bang su ss, ty)
+ = do { ty'' <- cvtType ty
+ ; let ty' = parenthesizeHsType appPrec ty''
+ su' = cvtSrcUnpackedness su
+ ss' = cvtSrcStrictness ss
+ ; returnL $ HsBangTy noExtField (HsSrcBang NoSourceText su' ss') ty' }
+cvt_id_arg :: (TH.Name, TH.Bang, TH.Type) -> CvtM (LConDeclField GhcPs)
+cvt_id_arg (i, str, ty)
+ = do { (dL->L li i') <- vNameL i
+ ; ty' <- cvt_arg (str,ty)
+ ; return $ noLoc (ConDeclField
+ { cd_fld_ext = noExtField
+ , cd_fld_names
+ = [cL li $ FieldOcc noExtField (cL li i')]
+ , cd_fld_type = ty'
+ , cd_fld_doc = Nothing}) }
+cvtDerivs :: [TH.DerivClause] -> CvtM (HsDeriving GhcPs)
+cvtDerivs cs = do { cs' <- mapM cvtDerivClause cs
+ ; returnL cs' }
+cvt_fundep :: FunDep -> CvtM (LHsFunDep GhcPs)
+cvt_fundep (FunDep xs ys) = do { xs' <- mapM tNameL xs
+ ; ys' <- mapM tNameL ys
+ ; returnL (xs', ys') }
+-- Foreign declarations
+cvtForD :: Foreign -> CvtM (ForeignDecl GhcPs)
+cvtForD (ImportF callconv safety from nm ty)
+ -- the prim and javascript calling conventions do not support headers
+ -- and are inserted verbatim, analogous to mkImport in RdrHsSyn
+ | callconv == TH.Prim || callconv == TH.JavaScript
+ = mk_imp (CImport (noLoc (cvt_conv callconv)) (noLoc safety') Nothing
+ (CFunction (StaticTarget (SourceText from)
+ (mkFastString from) Nothing
+ True))
+ (noLoc $ quotedSourceText from))
+ | Just impspec <- parseCImport (noLoc (cvt_conv callconv)) (noLoc safety')
+ (mkFastString (TH.nameBase nm))
+ from (noLoc $ quotedSourceText from)
+ = mk_imp impspec
+ | otherwise
+ = failWith $ text (show from) <+> text "is not a valid ccall impent"
+ where
+ mk_imp impspec
+ = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
+ ; ty' <- cvtType ty
+ ; return (ForeignImport { fd_i_ext = noExtField
+ , fd_name = nm'
+ , fd_sig_ty = mkLHsSigType ty'
+ , fd_fi = impspec })
+ }
+ safety' = case safety of
+ Unsafe -> PlayRisky
+ Safe -> PlaySafe
+ Interruptible -> PlayInterruptible
+cvtForD (ExportF callconv as nm ty)
+ = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
+ ; ty' <- cvtType ty
+ ; let e = CExport (noLoc (CExportStatic (SourceText as)
+ (mkFastString as)
+ (cvt_conv callconv)))
+ (noLoc (SourceText as))
+ ; return $ ForeignExport { fd_e_ext = noExtField
+ , fd_name = nm'
+ , fd_sig_ty = mkLHsSigType ty'
+ , fd_fe = e } }
+cvt_conv :: TH.Callconv -> CCallConv
+cvt_conv TH.CCall = CCallConv
+cvt_conv TH.StdCall = StdCallConv
+cvt_conv TH.CApi = CApiConv
+cvt_conv TH.Prim = PrimCallConv
+cvt_conv TH.JavaScript = JavaScriptCallConv
+-- Pragmas
+cvtPragmaD :: Pragma -> CvtM (Maybe (LHsDecl GhcPs))
+cvtPragmaD (InlineP nm inline rm phases)
+ = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
+ ; let dflt = dfltActivation inline
+ ; let src TH.NoInline = "{-# NOINLINE"
+ src TH.Inline = "{-# INLINE"
+ src TH.Inlinable = "{-# INLINABLE"
+ ; let ip = InlinePragma { inl_src = SourceText $ src inline
+ , inl_inline = cvtInline inline
+ , inl_rule = cvtRuleMatch rm
+ , inl_act = cvtPhases phases dflt
+ , inl_sat = Nothing }
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField $ InlineSig noExtField nm' ip }
+cvtPragmaD (SpecialiseP nm ty inline phases)
+ = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
+ ; ty' <- cvtType ty
+ ; let src TH.NoInline = "{-# SPECIALISE NOINLINE"
+ src TH.Inline = "{-# SPECIALISE INLINE"
+ src TH.Inlinable = "{-# SPECIALISE INLINE"
+ ; let (inline', dflt,srcText) = case inline of
+ Just inline1 -> (cvtInline inline1, dfltActivation inline1,
+ src inline1)
+ Nothing -> (NoUserInline, AlwaysActive,
+ ; let ip = InlinePragma { inl_src = SourceText srcText
+ , inl_inline = inline'
+ , inl_rule = Hs.FunLike
+ , inl_act = cvtPhases phases dflt
+ , inl_sat = Nothing }
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField $ SpecSig noExtField nm' [mkLHsSigType ty'] ip }
+cvtPragmaD (SpecialiseInstP ty)
+ = do { ty' <- cvtType ty
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField $
+ SpecInstSig noExtField (SourceText "{-# SPECIALISE") (mkLHsSigType ty') }
+cvtPragmaD (RuleP nm ty_bndrs tm_bndrs lhs rhs phases)
+ = do { let nm' = mkFastString nm
+ ; let act = cvtPhases phases AlwaysActive
+ ; ty_bndrs' <- traverse (mapM cvt_tv) ty_bndrs
+ ; tm_bndrs' <- mapM cvtRuleBndr tm_bndrs
+ ; lhs' <- cvtl lhs
+ ; rhs' <- cvtl rhs
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.RuleD noExtField
+ $ HsRules { rds_ext = noExtField
+ , rds_src = SourceText "{-# RULES"
+ , rds_rules = [noLoc $
+ HsRule { rd_ext = noExtField
+ , rd_name = (noLoc (quotedSourceText nm,nm'))
+ , rd_act = act
+ , rd_tyvs = ty_bndrs'
+ , rd_tmvs = tm_bndrs'
+ , rd_lhs = lhs'
+ , rd_rhs = rhs' }] }
+ }
+cvtPragmaD (AnnP target exp)
+ = do { exp' <- cvtl exp
+ ; target' <- case target of
+ ModuleAnnotation -> return ModuleAnnProvenance
+ TypeAnnotation n -> do
+ n' <- tconName n
+ return (TypeAnnProvenance (noLoc n'))
+ ValueAnnotation n -> do
+ n' <- vcName n
+ return (ValueAnnProvenance (noLoc n'))
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.AnnD noExtField
+ $ HsAnnotation noExtField (SourceText "{-# ANN") target' exp'
+ }
+cvtPragmaD (LineP line file)
+ = do { setL (srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (fsLit file) line 1))
+ ; return Nothing
+ }
+cvtPragmaD (CompleteP cls mty)
+ = do { cls' <- noLoc <$> mapM cNameL cls
+ ; mty' <- traverse tconNameL mty
+ ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField
+ $ CompleteMatchSig noExtField NoSourceText cls' mty' }
+dfltActivation :: TH.Inline -> Activation
+dfltActivation TH.NoInline = NeverActive
+dfltActivation _ = AlwaysActive
+cvtInline :: TH.Inline -> Hs.InlineSpec
+cvtInline TH.NoInline = Hs.NoInline
+cvtInline TH.Inline = Hs.Inline
+cvtInline TH.Inlinable = Hs.Inlinable
+cvtRuleMatch :: TH.RuleMatch -> RuleMatchInfo
+cvtRuleMatch TH.ConLike = Hs.ConLike
+cvtRuleMatch TH.FunLike = Hs.FunLike
+cvtPhases :: TH.Phases -> Activation -> Activation
+cvtPhases AllPhases dflt = dflt
+cvtPhases (FromPhase i) _ = ActiveAfter NoSourceText i
+cvtPhases (BeforePhase i) _ = ActiveBefore NoSourceText i
+cvtRuleBndr :: TH.RuleBndr -> CvtM (Hs.LRuleBndr GhcPs)
+cvtRuleBndr (RuleVar n)
+ = do { n' <- vNameL n
+ ; return $ noLoc $ Hs.RuleBndr noExtField n' }
+cvtRuleBndr (TypedRuleVar n ty)
+ = do { n' <- vNameL n
+ ; ty' <- cvtType ty
+ ; return $ noLoc $ Hs.RuleBndrSig noExtField n' $ mkLHsSigWcType ty' }
+-- Declarations
+cvtLocalDecs :: MsgDoc -> [TH.Dec] -> CvtM (HsLocalBinds GhcPs)
+cvtLocalDecs doc ds
+ = case partitionWith is_ip_bind ds of
+ ([], []) -> return (EmptyLocalBinds noExtField)
+ ([], _) -> do
+ ds' <- cvtDecs ds
+ let (binds, prob_sigs) = partitionWith is_bind ds'
+ let (sigs, bads) = partitionWith is_sig prob_sigs
+ unless (null bads) (failWith (mkBadDecMsg doc bads))
+ return (HsValBinds noExtField (ValBinds noExtField (listToBag binds) sigs))
+ (ip_binds, []) -> do
+ binds <- mapM (uncurry cvtImplicitParamBind) ip_binds
+ return (HsIPBinds noExtField (IPBinds noExtField binds))
+ ((_:_), (_:_)) ->
+ failWith (text "Implicit parameters mixed with other bindings")
+cvtClause :: HsMatchContext RdrName
+ -> TH.Clause -> CvtM (Hs.LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+cvtClause ctxt (Clause ps body wheres)
+ = do { ps' <- cvtPats ps
+ ; let pps = map (parenthesizePat appPrec) ps'
+ ; g' <- cvtGuard body
+ ; ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") wheres
+ ; returnL $ Hs.Match noExtField ctxt pps (GRHSs noExtField g' (noLoc ds')) }
+cvtImplicitParamBind :: String -> TH.Exp -> CvtM (LIPBind GhcPs)
+cvtImplicitParamBind n e = do
+ n' <- wrapL (ipName n)
+ e' <- cvtl e
+ returnL (IPBind noExtField (Left n') e')
+-- Expressions
+cvtl :: TH.Exp -> CvtM (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+cvtl e = wrapL (cvt e)
+ where
+ cvt (VarE s) = do { s' <- vName s; return $ HsVar noExtField (noLoc s') }
+ cvt (ConE s) = do { s' <- cName s; return $ HsVar noExtField (noLoc s') }
+ cvt (LitE l)
+ | overloadedLit l = go cvtOverLit (HsOverLit noExtField)
+ (hsOverLitNeedsParens appPrec)
+ | otherwise = go cvtLit (HsLit noExtField)
+ (hsLitNeedsParens appPrec)
+ where
+ go :: (Lit -> CvtM (l GhcPs))
+ -> (l GhcPs -> HsExpr GhcPs)
+ -> (l GhcPs -> Bool)
+ -> CvtM (HsExpr GhcPs)
+ go cvt_lit mk_expr is_compound_lit = do
+ l' <- cvt_lit l
+ let e' = mk_expr l'
+ return $ if is_compound_lit l' then HsPar noExtField (noLoc e') else e'
+ cvt (AppE x@(LamE _ _) y) = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y
+ ; return $ HsApp noExtField (mkLHsPar x')
+ (mkLHsPar y')}
+ cvt (AppE x y) = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y
+ ; return $ HsApp noExtField (mkLHsPar x')
+ (mkLHsPar y')}
+ cvt (AppTypeE e t) = do { e' <- cvtl e
+ ; t' <- cvtType t
+ ; let tp = parenthesizeHsType appPrec t'
+ ; return $ HsAppType noExtField e'
+ $ mkHsWildCardBndrs tp }
+ cvt (LamE [] e) = cvt e -- Degenerate case. We convert the body as its
+ -- own expression to avoid pretty-printing
+ -- oddities that can result from zero-argument
+ -- lambda expressions. See #13856.
+ cvt (LamE ps e) = do { ps' <- cvtPats ps; e' <- cvtl e
+ ; let pats = map (parenthesizePat appPrec) ps'
+ ; return $ HsLam noExtField (mkMatchGroup FromSource
+ [mkSimpleMatch LambdaExpr
+ pats e'])}
+ cvt (LamCaseE ms) = do { ms' <- mapM (cvtMatch CaseAlt) ms
+ ; return $ HsLamCase noExtField
+ (mkMatchGroup FromSource ms')
+ }
+ cvt (TupE [Just e]) = do { e' <- cvtl e; return $ HsPar noExtField e' }
+ -- Note [Dropping constructors]
+ -- Singleton tuples treated like nothing (just parens)
+ cvt (TupE es) = cvt_tup es Boxed
+ cvt (UnboxedTupE es) = cvt_tup es Unboxed
+ cvt (UnboxedSumE e alt arity) = do { e' <- cvtl e
+ ; unboxedSumChecks alt arity
+ ; return $ ExplicitSum noExtField
+ alt arity e'}
+ cvt (CondE x y z) = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y; z' <- cvtl z;
+ ; return $ HsIf noExtField (Just noSyntaxExpr) x' y' z' }
+ cvt (MultiIfE alts)
+ | null alts = failWith (text "Multi-way if-expression with no alternatives")
+ | otherwise = do { alts' <- mapM cvtpair alts
+ ; return $ HsMultiIf noExtField alts' }
+ cvt (LetE ds e) = do { ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a let expression") ds
+ ; e' <- cvtl e; return $ HsLet noExtField (noLoc ds') e'}
+ cvt (CaseE e ms) = do { e' <- cvtl e; ms' <- mapM (cvtMatch CaseAlt) ms
+ ; return $ HsCase noExtField e'
+ (mkMatchGroup FromSource ms') }
+ cvt (DoE ss) = cvtHsDo DoExpr ss
+ cvt (MDoE ss) = cvtHsDo MDoExpr ss
+ cvt (CompE ss) = cvtHsDo ListComp ss
+ cvt (ArithSeqE dd) = do { dd' <- cvtDD dd
+ ; return $ ArithSeq noExtField Nothing dd' }
+ cvt (ListE xs)
+ | Just s <- allCharLs xs = do { l' <- cvtLit (StringL s)
+ ; return (HsLit noExtField l') }
+ -- Note [Converting strings]
+ | otherwise = do { xs' <- mapM cvtl xs
+ ; return $ ExplicitList noExtField Nothing xs'
+ }
+ -- Infix expressions
+ cvt (InfixE (Just x) s (Just y)) = ensureValidOpExp s $
+ do { x' <- cvtl x
+ ; s' <- cvtl s
+ ; y' <- cvtl y
+ ; let px = parenthesizeHsExpr opPrec x'
+ py = parenthesizeHsExpr opPrec y'
+ ; wrapParL (HsPar noExtField)
+ $ OpApp noExtField px s' py }
+ -- Parenthesise both arguments and result,
+ -- to ensure this operator application does
+ -- does not get re-associated
+ -- See Note [Operator association]
+ cvt (InfixE Nothing s (Just y)) = ensureValidOpExp s $
+ do { s' <- cvtl s; y' <- cvtl y
+ ; wrapParL (HsPar noExtField) $
+ SectionR noExtField s' y' }
+ -- See Note [Sections in HsSyn] in GHC.Hs.Expr
+ cvt (InfixE (Just x) s Nothing ) = ensureValidOpExp s $
+ do { x' <- cvtl x; s' <- cvtl s
+ ; wrapParL (HsPar noExtField) $
+ SectionL noExtField x' s' }
+ cvt (InfixE Nothing s Nothing ) = ensureValidOpExp s $
+ do { s' <- cvtl s
+ ; return $ HsPar noExtField s' }
+ -- Can I indicate this is an infix thing?
+ -- Note [Dropping constructors]
+ cvt (UInfixE x s y) = ensureValidOpExp s $
+ do { x' <- cvtl x
+ ; let x'' = case unLoc x' of
+ OpApp {} -> x'
+ _ -> mkLHsPar x'
+ ; cvtOpApp x'' s y } -- Note [Converting UInfix]
+ cvt (ParensE e) = do { e' <- cvtl e; return $ HsPar noExtField e' }
+ cvt (SigE e t) = do { e' <- cvtl e; t' <- cvtType t
+ ; let pe = parenthesizeHsExpr sigPrec e'
+ ; return $ ExprWithTySig noExtField pe (mkLHsSigWcType t') }
+ cvt (RecConE c flds) = do { c' <- cNameL c
+ ; flds' <- mapM (cvtFld (mkFieldOcc . noLoc)) flds
+ ; return $ mkRdrRecordCon c' (HsRecFields flds' Nothing) }
+ cvt (RecUpdE e flds) = do { e' <- cvtl e
+ ; flds'
+ <- mapM (cvtFld (mkAmbiguousFieldOcc . noLoc))
+ flds
+ ; return $ mkRdrRecordUpd e' flds' }
+ cvt (StaticE e) = fmap (HsStatic noExtField) $ cvtl e
+ cvt (UnboundVarE s) = do -- Use of 'vcName' here instead of 'vName' is
+ -- important, because UnboundVarE may contain
+ -- constructor names - see #14627.
+ { s' <- vcName s
+ ; return $ HsVar noExtField (noLoc s') }
+ cvt (LabelE s) = do { return $ HsOverLabel noExtField Nothing (fsLit s) }
+ cvt (ImplicitParamVarE n) = do { n' <- ipName n; return $ HsIPVar noExtField n' }
+{- | #16895 Ensure an infix expression's operator is a variable/constructor.
+Consider this example:
+ $(uInfixE [|1|] [|id id|] [|2|])
+This infix expression is obviously ill-formed so we use this helper function
+to reject such programs outright.
+The constructors `ensureValidOpExp` permits should be in sync with `pprInfixExp`
+in Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr from the template-haskell library.
+ensureValidOpExp :: TH.Exp -> CvtM a -> CvtM a
+ensureValidOpExp (VarE _n) m = m
+ensureValidOpExp (ConE _n) m = m
+ensureValidOpExp (UnboundVarE _n) m = m
+ensureValidOpExp _e _m =
+ failWith (text "Non-variable expression is not allowed in an infix expression")
+{- Note [Dropping constructors]
+When we drop constructors from the input (for instance, when we encounter @TupE [e]@)
+we must insert parentheses around the argument. Otherwise, @UInfix@ constructors in @e@
+could meet @UInfix@ constructors containing the @TupE [e]@. For example:
+ UInfixE x * (TupE [UInfixE y + z])
+If we drop the singleton tuple but don't insert parentheses, the @UInfixE@s would meet
+and the above expression would be reassociated to
+ OpApp (OpApp x * y) + z
+which we don't want.
+cvtFld :: (RdrName -> t) -> (TH.Name, TH.Exp)
+ -> CvtM (LHsRecField' t (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+cvtFld f (v,e)
+ = do { v' <- vNameL v; e' <- cvtl e
+ ; return (noLoc $ HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl = fmap f v'
+ , hsRecFieldArg = e'
+ , hsRecPun = False}) }
+cvtDD :: Range -> CvtM (ArithSeqInfo GhcPs)
+cvtDD (FromR x) = do { x' <- cvtl x; return $ From x' }
+cvtDD (FromThenR x y) = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y; return $ FromThen x' y' }
+cvtDD (FromToR x y) = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y; return $ FromTo x' y' }
+cvtDD (FromThenToR x y z) = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y; z' <- cvtl z; return $ FromThenTo x' y' z' }
+cvt_tup :: [Maybe Exp] -> Boxity -> CvtM (HsExpr GhcPs)
+cvt_tup es boxity = do { let cvtl_maybe Nothing = return missingTupArg
+ cvtl_maybe (Just e) = fmap (Present noExtField) (cvtl e)
+ ; es' <- mapM cvtl_maybe es
+ ; return $ ExplicitTuple
+ noExtField
+ (map noLoc es')
+ boxity }
+{- Note [Operator assocation]
+We must be quite careful about adding parens:
+ * Infix (UInfix ...) op arg Needs parens round the first arg
+ * Infix (Infix ...) op arg Needs parens round the first arg
+ * UInfix (UInfix ...) op arg No parens for first arg
+ * UInfix (Infix ...) op arg Needs parens round first arg
+Note [Converting UInfix]
+When converting @UInfixE@, @UInfixP@, and @UInfixT@ values, we want to readjust
+the trees to reflect the fixities of the underlying operators:
+ UInfixE x * (UInfixE y + z) ---> (x * y) + z
+This is done by the renamer (see @mkOppAppRn@, @mkConOppPatRn@, and
+@mkHsOpTyRn@ in RnTypes), which expects that the input will be completely
+right-biased for types and left-biased for everything else. So we left-bias the
+trees of @UInfixP@ and @UInfixE@ and right-bias the trees of @UInfixT@.
+Sample input:
+ UInfixE
+ (UInfixE x op1 y)
+ op2
+ (UInfixE z op3 w)
+Sample output:
+ OpApp
+ (OpApp
+ (OpApp x op1 y)
+ op2
+ z)
+ op3
+ w
+The functions @cvtOpApp@, @cvtOpAppP@, and @cvtOpAppT@ are responsible for this
+{- | @cvtOpApp x op y@ converts @op@ and @y@ and produces the operator application @x `op` y@.
+The produced tree of infix expressions will be left-biased, provided @x@ is.
+We can see that @cvtOpApp@ is correct as follows. The inductive hypothesis
+is that @cvtOpApp x op y@ is left-biased, provided @x@ is. It is clear that
+this holds for both branches (of @cvtOpApp@), provided we assume it holds for
+the recursive calls to @cvtOpApp@.
+When we call @cvtOpApp@ from @cvtl@, the first argument will always be left-biased
+since we have already run @cvtl@ on it.
+cvtOpApp :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> TH.Exp -> TH.Exp -> CvtM (HsExpr GhcPs)
+cvtOpApp x op1 (UInfixE y op2 z)
+ = do { l <- wrapL $ cvtOpApp x op1 y
+ ; cvtOpApp l op2 z }
+cvtOpApp x op y
+ = do { op' <- cvtl op
+ ; y' <- cvtl y
+ ; return (OpApp noExtField x op' y') }
+-- Do notation and statements
+cvtHsDo :: HsStmtContext Name.Name -> [TH.Stmt] -> CvtM (HsExpr GhcPs)
+cvtHsDo do_or_lc stmts
+ | null stmts = failWith (text "Empty stmt list in do-block")
+ | otherwise
+ = do { stmts' <- cvtStmts stmts
+ ; let Just (stmts'', last') = snocView stmts'
+ ; last'' <- case last' of
+ (dL->L loc (BodyStmt _ body _ _))
+ -> return (cL loc (mkLastStmt body))
+ _ -> failWith (bad_last last')
+ ; return $ HsDo noExtField do_or_lc (noLoc (stmts'' ++ [last''])) }
+ where
+ bad_last stmt = vcat [ text "Illegal last statement of" <+> pprAStmtContext do_or_lc <> colon
+ , nest 2 $ Outputable.ppr stmt
+ , text "(It should be an expression.)" ]
+cvtStmts :: [TH.Stmt] -> CvtM [Hs.LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+cvtStmts = mapM cvtStmt
+cvtStmt :: TH.Stmt -> CvtM (Hs.LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+cvtStmt (NoBindS e) = do { e' <- cvtl e; returnL $ mkBodyStmt e' }
+cvtStmt (TH.BindS p e) = do { p' <- cvtPat p; e' <- cvtl e; returnL $ mkBindStmt p' e' }
+cvtStmt (TH.LetS ds) = do { ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a let binding") ds
+ ; returnL $ LetStmt noExtField (noLoc ds') }
+cvtStmt (TH.ParS dss) = do { dss' <- mapM cvt_one dss
+ ; returnL $ ParStmt noExtField dss' noExpr noSyntaxExpr }
+ where
+ cvt_one ds = do { ds' <- cvtStmts ds
+ ; return (ParStmtBlock noExtField ds' undefined noSyntaxExpr) }
+cvtStmt (TH.RecS ss) = do { ss' <- mapM cvtStmt ss; returnL (mkRecStmt ss') }
+cvtMatch :: HsMatchContext RdrName
+ -> TH.Match -> CvtM (Hs.LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+cvtMatch ctxt (TH.Match p body decs)
+ = do { p' <- cvtPat p
+ ; let lp = case p' of
+ (dL->L loc SigPat{}) -> cL loc (ParPat noExtField p') -- #14875
+ _ -> p'
+ ; g' <- cvtGuard body
+ ; decs' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") decs
+ ; returnL $ Hs.Match noExtField ctxt [lp] (GRHSs noExtField g' (noLoc decs')) }
+cvtGuard :: TH.Body -> CvtM [LGRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+cvtGuard (GuardedB pairs) = mapM cvtpair pairs
+cvtGuard (NormalB e) = do { e' <- cvtl e
+ ; g' <- returnL $ GRHS noExtField [] e'; return [g'] }
+cvtpair :: (TH.Guard, TH.Exp) -> CvtM (LGRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+cvtpair (NormalG ge,rhs) = do { ge' <- cvtl ge; rhs' <- cvtl rhs
+ ; g' <- returnL $ mkBodyStmt ge'
+ ; returnL $ GRHS noExtField [g'] rhs' }
+cvtpair (PatG gs,rhs) = do { gs' <- cvtStmts gs; rhs' <- cvtl rhs
+ ; returnL $ GRHS noExtField gs' rhs' }
+cvtOverLit :: Lit -> CvtM (HsOverLit GhcPs)
+cvtOverLit (IntegerL i)
+ = do { force i; return $ mkHsIntegral (mkIntegralLit i) }
+cvtOverLit (RationalL r)
+ = do { force r; return $ mkHsFractional (mkFractionalLit r) }
+cvtOverLit (StringL s)
+ = do { let { s' = mkFastString s }
+ ; force s'
+ ; return $ mkHsIsString (quotedSourceText s) s'
+ }
+cvtOverLit _ = panic "Convert.cvtOverLit: Unexpected overloaded literal"
+-- An Integer is like an (overloaded) '3' in a Haskell source program
+-- Similarly 3.5 for fractionals
+{- Note [Converting strings]
+If we get (ListE [CharL 'x', CharL 'y']) we'd like to convert to
+a string literal for "xy". Of course, we might hope to get
+(LitE (StringL "xy")), but not always, and allCharLs fails quickly
+if it isn't a literal string
+allCharLs :: [TH.Exp] -> Maybe String
+-- Note [Converting strings]
+-- NB: only fire up this setup for a non-empty list, else
+-- there's a danger of returning "" for [] :: [Int]!
+allCharLs xs
+ = case xs of
+ LitE (CharL c) : ys -> go [c] ys
+ _ -> Nothing
+ where
+ go cs [] = Just (reverse cs)
+ go cs (LitE (CharL c) : ys) = go (c:cs) ys
+ go _ _ = Nothing
+cvtLit :: Lit -> CvtM (HsLit GhcPs)
+cvtLit (IntPrimL i) = do { force i; return $ HsIntPrim NoSourceText i }
+cvtLit (WordPrimL w) = do { force w; return $ HsWordPrim NoSourceText w }
+cvtLit (FloatPrimL f)
+ = do { force f; return $ HsFloatPrim noExtField (mkFractionalLit f) }
+cvtLit (DoublePrimL f)
+ = do { force f; return $ HsDoublePrim noExtField (mkFractionalLit f) }
+cvtLit (CharL c) = do { force c; return $ HsChar NoSourceText c }
+cvtLit (CharPrimL c) = do { force c; return $ HsCharPrim NoSourceText c }
+cvtLit (StringL s) = do { let { s' = mkFastString s }
+ ; force s'
+ ; return $ HsString (quotedSourceText s) s' }
+cvtLit (StringPrimL s) = do { let { s' = BS.pack s }
+ ; force s'
+ ; return $ HsStringPrim NoSourceText s' }
+cvtLit (BytesPrimL (Bytes fptr off sz)) = do
+ let bs = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr ->
+ BS.packCStringLen (ptr `plusPtr` fromIntegral off, fromIntegral sz)
+ force bs
+ return $ HsStringPrim NoSourceText bs
+cvtLit _ = panic "Convert.cvtLit: Unexpected literal"
+ -- cvtLit should not be called on IntegerL, RationalL
+ -- That precondition is established right here in
+ -- Convert.hs, hence panic
+quotedSourceText :: String -> SourceText
+quotedSourceText s = SourceText $ "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
+cvtPats :: [TH.Pat] -> CvtM [Hs.LPat GhcPs]
+cvtPats pats = mapM cvtPat pats
+cvtPat :: TH.Pat -> CvtM (Hs.LPat GhcPs)
+cvtPat pat = wrapL (cvtp pat)
+cvtp :: TH.Pat -> CvtM (Hs.Pat GhcPs)
+cvtp (TH.LitP l)
+ | overloadedLit l = do { l' <- cvtOverLit l
+ ; return (mkNPat (noLoc l') Nothing) }
+ -- Not right for negative patterns;
+ -- need to think about that!
+ | otherwise = do { l' <- cvtLit l; return $ Hs.LitPat noExtField l' }
+cvtp (TH.VarP s) = do { s' <- vName s
+ ; return $ Hs.VarPat noExtField (noLoc s') }
+cvtp (TupP [p]) = do { p' <- cvtPat p; return $ ParPat noExtField p' }
+ -- Note [Dropping constructors]
+cvtp (TupP ps) = do { ps' <- cvtPats ps
+ ; return $ TuplePat noExtField ps' Boxed }
+cvtp (UnboxedTupP ps) = do { ps' <- cvtPats ps
+ ; return $ TuplePat noExtField ps' Unboxed }
+cvtp (UnboxedSumP p alt arity)
+ = do { p' <- cvtPat p
+ ; unboxedSumChecks alt arity
+ ; return $ SumPat noExtField p' alt arity }
+cvtp (ConP s ps) = do { s' <- cNameL s; ps' <- cvtPats ps
+ ; let pps = map (parenthesizePat appPrec) ps'
+ ; return $ ConPatIn s' (PrefixCon pps) }
+cvtp (InfixP p1 s p2) = do { s' <- cNameL s; p1' <- cvtPat p1; p2' <- cvtPat p2
+ ; wrapParL (ParPat noExtField) $
+ ConPatIn s' $
+ InfixCon (parenthesizePat opPrec p1')
+ (parenthesizePat opPrec p2') }
+ -- See Note [Operator association]
+cvtp (UInfixP p1 s p2) = do { p1' <- cvtPat p1; cvtOpAppP p1' s p2 } -- Note [Converting UInfix]
+cvtp (ParensP p) = do { p' <- cvtPat p;
+ ; case unLoc p' of -- may be wrapped ConPatIn
+ ParPat {} -> return $ unLoc p'
+ _ -> return $ ParPat noExtField p' }
+cvtp (TildeP p) = do { p' <- cvtPat p; return $ LazyPat noExtField p' }
+cvtp (BangP p) = do { p' <- cvtPat p; return $ BangPat noExtField p' }
+cvtp (TH.AsP s p) = do { s' <- vNameL s; p' <- cvtPat p
+ ; return $ AsPat noExtField s' p' }
+cvtp TH.WildP = return $ WildPat noExtField
+cvtp (RecP c fs) = do { c' <- cNameL c; fs' <- mapM cvtPatFld fs
+ ; return $ ConPatIn c'
+ $ Hs.RecCon (HsRecFields fs' Nothing) }
+cvtp (ListP ps) = do { ps' <- cvtPats ps
+ ; return
+ $ ListPat noExtField ps'}
+cvtp (SigP p t) = do { p' <- cvtPat p; t' <- cvtType t
+ ; return $ SigPat noExtField p' (mkLHsSigWcType t') }
+cvtp (ViewP e p) = do { e' <- cvtl e; p' <- cvtPat p
+ ; return $ ViewPat noExtField e' p'}
+cvtPatFld :: (TH.Name, TH.Pat) -> CvtM (LHsRecField GhcPs (LPat GhcPs))
+cvtPatFld (s,p)
+ = do { (dL->L ls s') <- vNameL s
+ ; p' <- cvtPat p
+ ; return (noLoc $ HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl
+ = cL ls $ mkFieldOcc (cL ls s')
+ , hsRecFieldArg = p'
+ , hsRecPun = False}) }
+{- | @cvtOpAppP x op y@ converts @op@ and @y@ and produces the operator application @x `op` y@.
+The produced tree of infix patterns will be left-biased, provided @x@ is.
+See the @cvtOpApp@ documentation for how this function works.
+cvtOpAppP :: Hs.LPat GhcPs -> TH.Name -> TH.Pat -> CvtM (Hs.Pat GhcPs)
+cvtOpAppP x op1 (UInfixP y op2 z)
+ = do { l <- wrapL $ cvtOpAppP x op1 y
+ ; cvtOpAppP l op2 z }
+cvtOpAppP x op y
+ = do { op' <- cNameL op
+ ; y' <- cvtPat y
+ ; return (ConPatIn op' (InfixCon x y')) }
+-- Types and type variables
+cvtTvs :: [TH.TyVarBndr] -> CvtM (LHsQTyVars GhcPs)
+cvtTvs tvs = do { tvs' <- mapM cvt_tv tvs; return (mkHsQTvs tvs') }
+cvt_tv :: TH.TyVarBndr -> CvtM (LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs)
+cvt_tv (TH.PlainTV nm)
+ = do { nm' <- tNameL nm
+ ; returnL $ UserTyVar noExtField nm' }
+cvt_tv (TH.KindedTV nm ki)
+ = do { nm' <- tNameL nm
+ ; ki' <- cvtKind ki
+ ; returnL $ KindedTyVar noExtField nm' ki' }
+cvtRole :: TH.Role -> Maybe Coercion.Role
+cvtRole TH.NominalR = Just Coercion.Nominal
+cvtRole TH.RepresentationalR = Just Coercion.Representational
+cvtRole TH.PhantomR = Just Coercion.Phantom
+cvtRole TH.InferR = Nothing
+cvtContext :: PprPrec -> TH.Cxt -> CvtM (LHsContext GhcPs)
+cvtContext p tys = do { preds' <- mapM cvtPred tys
+ ; parenthesizeHsContext p <$> returnL preds' }
+cvtPred :: TH.Pred -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
+cvtPred = cvtType
+cvtDerivClause :: TH.DerivClause
+ -> CvtM (LHsDerivingClause GhcPs)
+cvtDerivClause (TH.DerivClause ds ctxt)
+ = do { ctxt' <- fmap (map mkLHsSigType) <$> cvtContext appPrec ctxt
+ ; ds' <- traverse cvtDerivStrategy ds
+ ; returnL $ HsDerivingClause noExtField ds' ctxt' }
+cvtDerivStrategy :: TH.DerivStrategy -> CvtM (Hs.LDerivStrategy GhcPs)
+cvtDerivStrategy TH.StockStrategy = returnL Hs.StockStrategy
+cvtDerivStrategy TH.AnyclassStrategy = returnL Hs.AnyclassStrategy
+cvtDerivStrategy TH.NewtypeStrategy = returnL Hs.NewtypeStrategy
+cvtDerivStrategy (TH.ViaStrategy ty) = do
+ ty' <- cvtType ty
+ returnL $ Hs.ViaStrategy (mkLHsSigType ty')
+cvtType :: TH.Type -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
+cvtType = cvtTypeKind "type"
+cvtTypeKind :: String -> TH.Type -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
+cvtTypeKind ty_str ty
+ = do { (head_ty, tys') <- split_ty_app ty
+ ; let m_normals = mapM extract_normal tys'
+ where extract_normal (HsValArg ty) = Just ty
+ extract_normal _ = Nothing
+ ; case head_ty of
+ TupleT n
+ | Just normals <- m_normals
+ , normals `lengthIs` n -- Saturated
+ -> if n==1 then return (head normals) -- Singleton tuples treated
+ -- like nothing (ie just parens)
+ else returnL (HsTupleTy noExtField
+ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple normals)
+ | n == 1
+ -> failWith (ptext (sLit ("Illegal 1-tuple " ++ ty_str ++ " constructor")))
+ | otherwise
+ -> mk_apps
+ (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName (tupleTyCon Boxed n))))
+ tys'
+ UnboxedTupleT n
+ | Just normals <- m_normals
+ , normals `lengthIs` n -- Saturated
+ -> returnL (HsTupleTy noExtField HsUnboxedTuple normals)
+ | otherwise
+ -> mk_apps
+ (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName (tupleTyCon Unboxed n))))
+ tys'
+ UnboxedSumT n
+ | n < 2
+ -> failWith $
+ vcat [ text "Illegal sum arity:" <+> text (show n)
+ , nest 2 $
+ text "Sums must have an arity of at least 2" ]
+ | Just normals <- m_normals
+ , normals `lengthIs` n -- Saturated
+ -> returnL (HsSumTy noExtField normals)
+ | otherwise
+ -> mk_apps
+ (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName (sumTyCon n))))
+ tys'
+ ArrowT
+ | Just normals <- m_normals
+ , [x',y'] <- normals -> do
+ x'' <- case unLoc x' of
+ HsFunTy{} -> returnL (HsParTy noExtField x')
+ HsForAllTy{} -> returnL (HsParTy noExtField x') -- #14646
+ HsQualTy{} -> returnL (HsParTy noExtField x') -- #15324
+ _ -> return $
+ parenthesizeHsType sigPrec x'
+ let y'' = parenthesizeHsType sigPrec y'
+ returnL (HsFunTy noExtField x'' y'')
+ | otherwise
+ -> mk_apps
+ (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName funTyCon)))
+ tys'
+ ListT
+ | Just normals <- m_normals
+ , [x'] <- normals -> do
+ returnL (HsListTy noExtField x')
+ | otherwise
+ -> mk_apps
+ (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName listTyCon)))
+ tys'
+ VarT nm -> do { nm' <- tNameL nm
+ ; mk_apps (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted nm') tys' }
+ ConT nm -> do { nm' <- tconName nm
+ ; -- ConT can contain both data constructor (i.e.,
+ -- promoted) names and other (i.e, unpromoted)
+ -- names, as opposed to PromotedT, which can only
+ -- contain data constructor names. See #15572.
+ let prom = if isRdrDataCon nm'
+ then IsPromoted
+ else NotPromoted
+ ; mk_apps (HsTyVar noExtField prom (noLoc nm')) tys'}
+ ForallT tvs cxt ty
+ | null tys'
+ -> do { tvs' <- cvtTvs tvs
+ ; cxt' <- cvtContext funPrec cxt
+ ; ty' <- cvtType ty
+ ; loc <- getL
+ ; let hs_ty = mkHsForAllTy tvs loc ForallInvis tvs' rho_ty
+ rho_ty = mkHsQualTy cxt loc cxt' ty'
+ ; return hs_ty }
+ ForallVisT tvs ty
+ | null tys'
+ -> do { tvs' <- cvtTvs tvs
+ ; ty' <- cvtType ty
+ ; loc <- getL
+ ; pure $ mkHsForAllTy tvs loc ForallVis tvs' ty' }
+ SigT ty ki
+ -> do { ty' <- cvtType ty
+ ; ki' <- cvtKind ki
+ ; mk_apps (HsKindSig noExtField ty' ki') tys'
+ }
+ LitT lit
+ -> mk_apps (HsTyLit noExtField (cvtTyLit lit)) tys'
+ WildCardT
+ -> mk_apps mkAnonWildCardTy tys'
+ InfixT t1 s t2
+ -> do { s' <- tconName s
+ ; t1' <- cvtType t1
+ ; t2' <- cvtType t2
+ ; mk_apps
+ (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc s'))
+ ([HsValArg t1', HsValArg t2'] ++ tys')
+ }
+ UInfixT t1 s t2
+ -> do { t2' <- cvtType t2
+ ; t <- cvtOpAppT t1 s t2'
+ ; mk_apps (unLoc t) tys'
+ } -- Note [Converting UInfix]
+ ParensT t
+ -> do { t' <- cvtType t
+ ; mk_apps (HsParTy noExtField t') tys'
+ }
+ PromotedT nm -> do { nm' <- cName nm
+ ; mk_apps (HsTyVar noExtField IsPromoted (noLoc nm'))
+ tys' }
+ -- Promoted data constructor; hence cName
+ PromotedTupleT n
+ | n == 1
+ -> failWith (ptext (sLit ("Illegal promoted 1-tuple " ++ ty_str)))
+ | Just normals <- m_normals
+ , normals `lengthIs` n -- Saturated
+ -> returnL (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField normals)
+ | otherwise
+ -> mk_apps
+ (HsTyVar noExtField IsPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName (tupleDataCon Boxed n))))
+ tys'
+ PromotedNilT
+ -> mk_apps (HsExplicitListTy noExtField IsPromoted []) tys'
+ PromotedConsT -- See Note [Representing concrete syntax in types]
+ -- in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
+ | Just normals <- m_normals
+ , [ty1, dL->L _ (HsExplicitListTy _ ip tys2)] <- normals
+ -> do
+ returnL (HsExplicitListTy noExtField ip (ty1:tys2))
+ | otherwise
+ -> mk_apps
+ (HsTyVar noExtField IsPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName consDataCon)))
+ tys'
+ StarT
+ -> mk_apps
+ (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName liftedTypeKindTyCon)))
+ tys'
+ ConstraintT
+ -> mk_apps
+ (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName constraintKindTyCon)))
+ tys'
+ EqualityT
+ | Just normals <- m_normals
+ , [x',y'] <- normals ->
+ let px = parenthesizeHsType opPrec x'
+ py = parenthesizeHsType opPrec y'
+ in returnL (HsOpTy noExtField px (noLoc eqTyCon_RDR) py)
+ -- The long-term goal is to remove the above case entirely and
+ -- subsume it under the case for InfixT. See #15815, comment:6,
+ -- for more details.
+ | otherwise ->
+ mk_apps (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted
+ (noLoc eqTyCon_RDR)) tys'
+ ImplicitParamT n t
+ -> do { n' <- wrapL $ ipName n
+ ; t' <- cvtType t
+ ; returnL (HsIParamTy noExtField n' t')
+ }
+ _ -> failWith (ptext (sLit ("Malformed " ++ ty_str)) <+> text (show ty))
+ }
+-- | Constructs an application of a type to arguments passed in a list.
+mk_apps :: HsType GhcPs -> [LHsTypeArg GhcPs] -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
+mk_apps head_ty type_args = do
+ head_ty' <- returnL head_ty
+ -- We must parenthesize the function type in case of an explicit
+ -- signature. For instance, in `(Maybe :: Type -> Type) Int`, there
+ -- _must_ be parentheses around `Maybe :: Type -> Type`.
+ let phead_ty :: LHsType GhcPs
+ phead_ty = parenthesizeHsType sigPrec head_ty'
+ go :: [LHsTypeArg GhcPs] -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
+ go [] = pure head_ty'
+ go (arg:args) =
+ case arg of
+ HsValArg ty -> do p_ty <- add_parens ty
+ mk_apps (HsAppTy noExtField phead_ty p_ty) args
+ HsTypeArg l ki -> do p_ki <- add_parens ki
+ mk_apps (HsAppKindTy l phead_ty p_ki) args
+ HsArgPar _ -> mk_apps (HsParTy noExtField phead_ty) args
+ go type_args
+ where
+ -- See Note [Adding parens for splices]
+ add_parens lt@(dL->L _ t)
+ | hsTypeNeedsParens appPrec t = returnL (HsParTy noExtField lt)
+ | otherwise = return lt
+wrap_tyarg :: LHsTypeArg GhcPs -> LHsTypeArg GhcPs
+wrap_tyarg (HsValArg ty) = HsValArg $ parenthesizeHsType appPrec ty
+wrap_tyarg (HsTypeArg l ki) = HsTypeArg l $ parenthesizeHsType appPrec ki
+wrap_tyarg ta@(HsArgPar {}) = ta -- Already parenthesized
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Note [Adding parens for splices]
+The hsSyn representation of parsed source explicitly contains all the original
+parens, as written in the source.
+When a Template Haskell (TH) splice is evaluated, the original splice is first
+renamed and type checked and then finally converted to core in DsMeta. This core
+is then run in the TH engine, and the result comes back as a TH AST.
+In the process, all parens are stripped out, as they are not needed.
+This Convert module then converts the TH AST back to hsSyn AST.
+In order to pretty-print this hsSyn AST, parens need to be adde back at certain
+points so that the code is readable with its original meaning.
+So scattered through Convert.hs are various points where parens are added.
+See (among other closed issued)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Constructs an arrow type with a specified return type
+mk_arr_apps :: [LHsType GhcPs] -> HsType GhcPs -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
+mk_arr_apps tys return_ty = foldrM go return_ty tys >>= returnL
+ where go :: LHsType GhcPs -> HsType GhcPs -> CvtM (HsType GhcPs)
+ go arg ret_ty = do { ret_ty_l <- returnL ret_ty
+ ; return (HsFunTy noExtField arg ret_ty_l) }
+split_ty_app :: TH.Type -> CvtM (TH.Type, [LHsTypeArg GhcPs])
+split_ty_app ty = go ty []
+ where
+ go (AppT f a) as' = do { a' <- cvtType a; go f (HsValArg a':as') }
+ go (AppKindT ty ki) as' = do { ki' <- cvtKind ki
+ ; go ty (HsTypeArg noSrcSpan ki':as') }
+ go (ParensT t) as' = do { loc <- getL; go t (HsArgPar loc: as') }
+ go f as = return (f,as)
+cvtTyLit :: TH.TyLit -> HsTyLit
+cvtTyLit (TH.NumTyLit i) = HsNumTy NoSourceText i
+cvtTyLit (TH.StrTyLit s) = HsStrTy NoSourceText (fsLit s)
+{- | @cvtOpAppT x op y@ converts @op@ and @y@ and produces the operator
+application @x `op` y@. The produced tree of infix types will be right-biased,
+provided @y@ is.
+See the @cvtOpApp@ documentation for how this function works.
+cvtOpAppT :: TH.Type -> TH.Name -> LHsType GhcPs -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
+cvtOpAppT (UInfixT x op2 y) op1 z
+ = do { l <- cvtOpAppT y op1 z
+ ; cvtOpAppT x op2 l }
+cvtOpAppT x op y
+ = do { op' <- tconNameL op
+ ; x' <- cvtType x
+ ; returnL (mkHsOpTy x' op' y) }
+cvtKind :: TH.Kind -> CvtM (LHsKind GhcPs)
+cvtKind = cvtTypeKind "kind"
+-- | Convert Maybe Kind to a type family result signature. Used with data
+-- families where naming of the result is not possible (thus only kind or no
+-- signature is possible).
+cvtMaybeKindToFamilyResultSig :: Maybe TH.Kind
+ -> CvtM (LFamilyResultSig GhcPs)
+cvtMaybeKindToFamilyResultSig Nothing = returnL (Hs.NoSig noExtField)
+cvtMaybeKindToFamilyResultSig (Just ki) = do { ki' <- cvtKind ki
+ ; returnL (Hs.KindSig noExtField ki') }
+-- | Convert type family result signature. Used with both open and closed type
+-- families.
+cvtFamilyResultSig :: TH.FamilyResultSig -> CvtM (Hs.LFamilyResultSig GhcPs)
+cvtFamilyResultSig TH.NoSig = returnL (Hs.NoSig noExtField)
+cvtFamilyResultSig (TH.KindSig ki) = do { ki' <- cvtKind ki
+ ; returnL (Hs.KindSig noExtField ki') }
+cvtFamilyResultSig (TH.TyVarSig bndr) = do { tv <- cvt_tv bndr
+ ; returnL (Hs.TyVarSig noExtField tv) }
+-- | Convert injectivity annotation of a type family.
+cvtInjectivityAnnotation :: TH.InjectivityAnn
+ -> CvtM (Hs.LInjectivityAnn GhcPs)
+cvtInjectivityAnnotation (TH.InjectivityAnn annLHS annRHS)
+ = do { annLHS' <- tNameL annLHS
+ ; annRHS' <- mapM tNameL annRHS
+ ; returnL (Hs.InjectivityAnn annLHS' annRHS') }
+cvtPatSynSigTy :: TH.Type -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
+-- pattern synonym types are of peculiar shapes, which is why we treat
+-- them separately from regular types;
+-- see Note [Pattern synonym type signatures and Template Haskell]
+cvtPatSynSigTy (ForallT univs reqs (ForallT exis provs ty))
+ | null exis, null provs = cvtType (ForallT univs reqs ty)
+ | null univs, null reqs = do { l <- getL
+ ; ty' <- cvtType (ForallT exis provs ty)
+ ; return $ cL l (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = cL l []
+ , hst_xqual = noExtField
+ , hst_body = ty' }) }
+ | null reqs = do { l <- getL
+ ; univs' <- hsQTvExplicit <$> cvtTvs univs
+ ; ty' <- cvtType (ForallT exis provs ty)
+ ; let forTy = HsForAllTy
+ { hst_fvf = ForallInvis
+ , hst_bndrs = univs'
+ , hst_xforall = noExtField
+ , hst_body = cL l cxtTy }
+ cxtTy = HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = cL l []
+ , hst_xqual = noExtField
+ , hst_body = ty' }
+ ; return $ cL l forTy }
+ | otherwise = cvtType (ForallT univs reqs (ForallT exis provs ty))
+cvtPatSynSigTy ty = cvtType ty
+cvtFixity :: TH.Fixity -> Hs.Fixity
+cvtFixity (TH.Fixity prec dir) = Hs.Fixity NoSourceText prec (cvt_dir dir)
+ where
+ cvt_dir TH.InfixL = Hs.InfixL
+ cvt_dir TH.InfixR = Hs.InfixR
+ cvt_dir TH.InfixN = Hs.InfixN
+-- some useful things
+overloadedLit :: Lit -> Bool
+-- True for literals that Haskell treats as overloaded
+overloadedLit (IntegerL _) = True
+overloadedLit (RationalL _) = True
+overloadedLit _ = False
+-- Checks that are performed when converting unboxed sum expressions and
+-- patterns alike.
+unboxedSumChecks :: TH.SumAlt -> TH.SumArity -> CvtM ()
+unboxedSumChecks alt arity
+ | alt > arity
+ = failWith $ text "Sum alternative" <+> text (show alt)
+ <+> text "exceeds its arity," <+> text (show arity)
+ | alt <= 0
+ = failWith $ vcat [ text "Illegal sum alternative:" <+> text (show alt)
+ , nest 2 $ text "Sum alternatives must start from 1" ]
+ | arity < 2
+ = failWith $ vcat [ text "Illegal sum arity:" <+> text (show arity)
+ , nest 2 $ text "Sums must have an arity of at least 2" ]
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+-- | If passed an empty list of 'TH.TyVarBndr's, this simply returns the
+-- third argument (an 'LHsType'). Otherwise, return an 'HsForAllTy'
+-- using the provided 'LHsQTyVars' and 'LHsType'.
+mkHsForAllTy :: [TH.TyVarBndr]
+ -- ^ The original Template Haskell type variable binders
+ -> SrcSpan
+ -- ^ The location of the returned 'LHsType' if it needs an
+ -- explicit forall
+ -> ForallVisFlag
+ -- ^ Whether this is @forall@ is visible (e.g., @forall a ->@)
+ -- or invisible (e.g., @forall a.@)
+ -> LHsQTyVars GhcPs
+ -- ^ The converted type variable binders
+ -> LHsType GhcPs
+ -- ^ The converted rho type
+ -> LHsType GhcPs
+ -- ^ The complete type, quantified with a forall if necessary
+mkHsForAllTy tvs loc fvf tvs' rho_ty
+ | null tvs = rho_ty
+ | otherwise = cL loc $ HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = fvf
+ , hst_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit tvs'
+ , hst_xforall = noExtField
+ , hst_body = rho_ty }
+-- | If passed an empty 'TH.Cxt', this simply returns the third argument
+-- (an 'LHsType'). Otherwise, return an 'HsQualTy' using the provided
+-- 'LHsContext' and 'LHsType'.
+-- It's important that we don't build an HsQualTy if the context is empty,
+-- as the pretty-printer for HsType _always_ prints contexts, even if
+-- they're empty. See #13183.
+mkHsQualTy :: TH.Cxt
+ -- ^ The original Template Haskell context
+ -> SrcSpan
+ -- ^ The location of the returned 'LHsType' if it needs an
+ -- explicit context
+ -> LHsContext GhcPs
+ -- ^ The converted context
+ -> LHsType GhcPs
+ -- ^ The converted tau type
+ -> LHsType GhcPs
+ -- ^ The complete type, qualified with a context if necessary
+mkHsQualTy ctxt loc ctxt' ty
+ | null ctxt = ty
+ | otherwise = cL loc $ HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField
+ , hst_ctxt = ctxt'
+ , hst_body = ty }
+-- Turning Name back into RdrName
+-- variable names
+vNameL, cNameL, vcNameL, tNameL, tconNameL :: TH.Name -> CvtM (Located RdrName)
+vName, cName, vcName, tName, tconName :: TH.Name -> CvtM RdrName
+-- Variable names
+vNameL n = wrapL (vName n)
+vName n = cvtName OccName.varName n
+-- Constructor function names; this is Haskell source, hence srcDataName
+cNameL n = wrapL (cName n)
+cName n = cvtName OccName.dataName n
+-- Variable *or* constructor names; check by looking at the first char
+vcNameL n = wrapL (vcName n)
+vcName n = if isVarName n then vName n else cName n
+-- Type variable names
+tNameL n = wrapL (tName n)
+tName n = cvtName OccName.tvName n
+-- Type Constructor names
+tconNameL n = wrapL (tconName n)
+tconName n = cvtName OccName.tcClsName n
+ipName :: String -> CvtM HsIPName
+ipName n
+ = do { unless (okVarOcc n) (failWith (badOcc OccName.varName n))
+ ; return (HsIPName (fsLit n)) }
+cvtName :: OccName.NameSpace -> TH.Name -> CvtM RdrName
+cvtName ctxt_ns (TH.Name occ flavour)
+ | not (okOcc ctxt_ns occ_str) = failWith (badOcc ctxt_ns occ_str)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { loc <- getL
+ ; let rdr_name = thRdrName loc ctxt_ns occ_str flavour
+ ; force rdr_name
+ ; return rdr_name }
+ where
+ occ_str = TH.occString occ
+okOcc :: OccName.NameSpace -> String -> Bool
+okOcc ns str
+ | OccName.isVarNameSpace ns = okVarOcc str
+ | OccName.isDataConNameSpace ns = okConOcc str
+ | otherwise = okTcOcc str
+-- Determine the name space of a name in a type
+isVarName :: TH.Name -> Bool
+isVarName (TH.Name occ _)
+ = case TH.occString occ of
+ "" -> False
+ (c:_) -> startsVarId c || startsVarSym c
+badOcc :: OccName.NameSpace -> String -> SDoc
+badOcc ctxt_ns occ
+ = text "Illegal" <+> pprNameSpace ctxt_ns
+ <+> text "name:" <+> quotes (text occ)
+thRdrName :: SrcSpan -> OccName.NameSpace -> String -> TH.NameFlavour -> RdrName
+-- This turns a TH Name into a RdrName; used for both binders and occurrences
+-- See Note [Binders in Template Haskell]
+-- The passed-in name space tells what the context is expecting;
+-- use it unless the TH name knows what name-space it comes
+-- from, in which case use the latter
+-- We pass in a SrcSpan (gotten from the monad) because this function
+-- is used for *binders* and if we make an Exact Name we want it
+-- to have a binding site inside it. (cf #5434)
+-- ToDo: we may generate silly RdrNames, by passing a name space
+-- that doesn't match the string, like VarName ":+",
+-- which will give confusing error messages later
+-- The strict applications ensure that any buried exceptions get forced
+thRdrName loc ctxt_ns th_occ th_name
+ = case th_name of
+ TH.NameG th_ns pkg mod -> thOrigRdrName th_occ th_ns pkg mod
+ TH.NameQ mod -> (mkRdrQual $! mk_mod mod) $! occ
+ TH.NameL uniq -> nameRdrName $! (((Name.mkInternalName $! mk_uniq (fromInteger uniq)) $! occ) loc)
+ TH.NameU uniq -> nameRdrName $! (((Name.mkSystemNameAt $! mk_uniq (fromInteger uniq)) $! occ) loc)
+ TH.NameS | Just name <- isBuiltInOcc_maybe occ -> nameRdrName $! name
+ | otherwise -> mkRdrUnqual $! occ
+ -- We check for built-in syntax here, because the TH
+ -- user might have written a (NameS "(,,)"), for example
+ where
+ occ :: OccName.OccName
+ occ = mk_occ ctxt_ns th_occ
+-- Return an unqualified exact RdrName if we're dealing with built-in syntax.
+-- See #13776.
+thOrigRdrName :: String -> TH.NameSpace -> PkgName -> ModName -> RdrName
+thOrigRdrName occ th_ns pkg mod =
+ let occ' = mk_occ (mk_ghc_ns th_ns) occ
+ in case isBuiltInOcc_maybe occ' of
+ Just name -> nameRdrName name
+ Nothing -> (mkOrig $! (mkModule (mk_pkg pkg) (mk_mod mod))) $! occ'
+thRdrNameGuesses :: TH.Name -> [RdrName]
+thRdrNameGuesses (TH.Name occ flavour)
+ -- This special case for NameG ensures that we don't generate duplicates in the output list
+ | TH.NameG th_ns pkg mod <- flavour = [ thOrigRdrName occ_str th_ns pkg mod]
+ | otherwise = [ thRdrName noSrcSpan gns occ_str flavour
+ | gns <- guessed_nss]
+ where
+ -- guessed_ns are the name spaces guessed from looking at the TH name
+ guessed_nss
+ | isLexCon (mkFastString occ_str) = [OccName.tcName, OccName.dataName]
+ | otherwise = [OccName.varName, OccName.tvName]
+ occ_str = TH.occString occ
+-- The packing and unpacking is rather turgid :-(
+mk_occ :: OccName.NameSpace -> String -> OccName.OccName
+mk_occ ns occ = OccName.mkOccName ns occ
+mk_ghc_ns :: TH.NameSpace -> OccName.NameSpace
+mk_ghc_ns TH.DataName = OccName.dataName
+mk_ghc_ns TH.TcClsName = OccName.tcClsName
+mk_ghc_ns TH.VarName = OccName.varName
+mk_mod :: TH.ModName -> ModuleName
+mk_mod mod = mkModuleName (TH.modString mod)
+mk_pkg :: TH.PkgName -> UnitId
+mk_pkg pkg = stringToUnitId (TH.pkgString pkg)
+mk_uniq :: Int -> Unique
+mk_uniq u = mkUniqueGrimily u
+Note [Binders in Template Haskell]
+Consider this TH term construction:
+ do { x1 <- TH.newName "x" -- newName :: String -> Q TH.Name
+ ; x2 <- TH.newName "x" -- Builds a NameU
+ ; x3 <- TH.newName "x"
+ ; let x = mkName "x" -- mkName :: String -> TH.Name
+ -- Builds a NameS
+ ; return (LamE (..pattern [x1,x2]..) $
+ LamE (VarPat x3) $
+ ..tuple (x1,x2,x3,x)) }
+It represents the term \[x1,x2]. \x3. (x1,x2,x3,x)
+a) We don't want to complain about "x" being bound twice in
+ the pattern [x1,x2]
+b) We don't want x3 to shadow the x1,x2
+c) We *do* want 'x' (dynamically bound with mkName) to bind
+ to the innermost binding of "x", namely x3.
+d) When pretty printing, we want to print a unique with x1,x2
+ etc, else they'll all print as "x" which isn't very helpful
+When we convert all this to HsSyn, the TH.Names are converted with
+thRdrName. To achieve (b) we want the binders to be Exact RdrNames.
+Achieving (a) is a bit awkward, because
+ - We must check for duplicate and shadowed names on Names,
+ not RdrNames, *after* renaming.
+ See Note [Collect binders only after renaming] in GHC.Hs.Utils
+ - But to achieve (a) we must distinguish between the Exact
+ RdrNames arising from TH and the Unqual RdrNames that would
+ come from a user writing \[x,x] -> blah
+So in Convert.thRdrName we translate
+ TH Name RdrName
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ NameU (arising from newName) --> Exact (Name{ System })
+ NameS (arising from mkName) --> Unqual
+Notice that the NameUs generate *System* Names. Then, when
+figuring out shadowing and duplicates, we can filter out
+System Names.
+This use of System Names fits with other uses of System Names, eg for
+temporary variables "a". Since there are lots of things called "a" we
+usually want to print the name with the unique, and that is indeed
+the way System Names are printed.
+There's a small complication of course; see Note [Looking up Exact
+RdrNames] in RnEnv.
+Note [Pattern synonym type signatures and Template Haskell]
+In general, the type signature of a pattern synonym
+ pattern P x1 x2 .. xn = <some-pattern>
+is of the form
+ forall univs. reqs => forall exis. provs => t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn -> t
+with the following parts:
+ 1) the (possibly empty lists of) universally quantified type
+ variables `univs` and required constraints `reqs` on them.
+ 2) the (possibly empty lists of) existentially quantified type
+ variables `exis` and the provided constraints `provs` on them.
+ 3) the types `t1`, `t2`, .., `tn` of the pattern synonym's arguments x1,
+ x2, .., xn, respectively
+ 4) the type `t` of <some-pattern>, mentioning only universals from `univs`.
+Due to the two forall quantifiers and constraint contexts (either of
+which might be empty), pattern synonym type signatures are treated
+specially in `deSugar/DsMeta.hs`, `hsSyn/Convert.hs`, and
+ (a) When desugaring a pattern synonym from HsSyn to TH.Dec in
+ `deSugar/DsMeta.hs`, we represent its *full* type signature in TH, i.e.:
+ ForallT univs reqs (ForallT exis provs ty)
+ (where ty is the AST representation of t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn -> t)
+ (b) When converting pattern synonyms from TH.Dec to HsSyn in
+ `hsSyn/Convert.hs`, we convert their TH type signatures back to an
+ appropriate Haskell pattern synonym type of the form
+ forall univs. reqs => forall exis. provs => t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn -> t
+ where initial empty `univs` type variables or an empty `reqs`
+ constraint context are represented *explicitly* as `() =>`.
+ (c) When reifying a pattern synonym in `typecheck/TcSplice.hs`, we always
+ return its *full* type, i.e.:
+ ForallT univs reqs (ForallT exis provs ty)
+ (where ty is the AST representation of t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn -> t)
+The key point is to always represent a pattern synonym's *full* type
+in cases (a) and (c) to make it clear which of the two forall
+quantifiers and/or constraint contexts are specified, and which are
+not. See GHC's user's guide on pattern synonyms for more information
+about pattern synonym type signatures.