path: root/compiler/GHC
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27 files changed, 7446 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CoreToStg.hs b/compiler/GHC/CoreToStg.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ee5febd2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CoreToStg.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveFunctor #-}
+-- (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+-- Converting Core to STG Syntax
+-- And, as we have the info in hand, we may convert some lets to
+-- let-no-escapes.
+module GHC.CoreToStg ( coreToStg ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreUtils ( exprType, findDefault, isJoinBind
+ , exprIsTickedString_maybe )
+import CoreArity ( manifestArity )
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import Type
+import GHC.Types.RepType
+import TyCon
+import MkId ( coercionTokenId )
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import DataCon
+import CostCentre
+import VarEnv
+import Module
+import Name ( isExternalName, nameOccName, nameModule_maybe )
+import OccName ( occNameFS )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity )
+import TysWiredIn ( unboxedUnitDataCon, unitDataConId )
+import Literal
+import Outputable
+import MonadUtils
+import FastString
+import Util
+import DynFlags
+import ForeignCall
+import Demand ( isUsedOnce )
+import PrimOp ( PrimCall(..), primOpWrapperId )
+import SrcLoc ( mkGeneralSrcSpan )
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty, toList)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Control.Monad (ap)
+-- Note [Live vs free]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- The two are not the same. Liveness is an operational property rather
+-- than a semantic one. A variable is live at a particular execution
+-- point if it can be referred to directly again. In particular, a dead
+-- variable's stack slot (if it has one):
+-- - should be stubbed to avoid space leaks, and
+-- - may be reused for something else.
+-- There ought to be a better way to say this. Here are some examples:
+-- let v = [q] \[x] -> e
+-- in
+-- ...v... (but no q's)
+-- Just after the `in', v is live, but q is dead. If the whole of that
+-- let expression was enclosed in a case expression, thus:
+-- case (let v = [q] \[x] -> e in ...v...) of
+-- alts[...q...]
+-- (ie `alts' mention `q'), then `q' is live even after the `in'; because
+-- we'll return later to the `alts' and need it.
+-- Let-no-escapes make this a bit more interesting:
+-- let-no-escape v = [q] \ [x] -> e
+-- in
+-- ...v...
+-- Here, `q' is still live at the `in', because `v' is represented not by
+-- a closure but by the current stack state. In other words, if `v' is
+-- live then so is `q'. Furthermore, if `e' mentions an enclosing
+-- let-no-escaped variable, then its free variables are also live if `v' is.
+-- Note [What are these SRTs all about?]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Consider the Core program,
+-- fibs = go 1 1
+-- where go a b = let c = a + c
+-- in c : go b c
+-- add x = map (\y -> x*y) fibs
+-- In this case we have a CAF, 'fibs', which is quite large after evaluation and
+-- has only one possible user, 'add'. Consequently, we want to ensure that when
+-- all references to 'add' die we can garbage collect any bit of 'fibs' that we
+-- have evaluated.
+-- However, how do we know whether there are any references to 'fibs' still
+-- around? Afterall, the only reference to it is buried in the code generated
+-- for 'add'. The answer is that we record the CAFs referred to by a definition
+-- in its info table, namely a part of it known as the Static Reference Table
+-- (SRT).
+-- Since SRTs are so common, we use a special compact encoding for them in: we
+-- produce one table containing a list of CAFs in a module and then include a
+-- bitmap in each info table describing which entries of this table the closure
+-- references.
+-- See also: commentary/rts/storage/gc/CAFs on the GHC Wiki.
+-- Note [What is a non-escaping let]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- NB: Nowadays this is recognized by the occurrence analyser by turning a
+-- "non-escaping let" into a join point. The following is then an operational
+-- account of join points.
+-- Consider:
+-- let x = fvs \ args -> e
+-- in
+-- if ... then x else
+-- if ... then x else ...
+-- `x' is used twice (so we probably can't unfold it), but when it is
+-- entered, the stack is deeper than it was when the definition of `x'
+-- happened. Specifically, if instead of allocating a closure for `x',
+-- we saved all `x's fvs on the stack, and remembered the stack depth at
+-- that moment, then whenever we enter `x' we can simply set the stack
+-- pointer(s) to these remembered (compile-time-fixed) values, and jump
+-- to the code for `x'.
+-- All of this is provided x is:
+-- 1. non-updatable;
+-- 2. guaranteed to be entered before the stack retreats -- ie x is not
+-- buried in a heap-allocated closure, or passed as an argument to
+-- something;
+-- 3. all the enters have exactly the right number of arguments,
+-- no more no less;
+-- 4. all the enters are tail calls; that is, they return to the
+-- caller enclosing the definition of `x'.
+-- Under these circumstances we say that `x' is non-escaping.
+-- An example of when (4) does not hold:
+-- let x = ...
+-- in case x of ...alts...
+-- Here, `x' is certainly entered only when the stack is deeper than when
+-- `x' is defined, but here it must return to ...alts... So we can't just
+-- adjust the stack down to `x''s recalled points, because that would lost
+-- alts' context.
+-- Things can get a little more complicated. Consider:
+-- let y = ...
+-- in let x = fvs \ args -> ...y...
+-- in ...x...
+-- Now, if `x' is used in a non-escaping way in ...x..., and `y' is used in a
+-- non-escaping way in ...y..., then `y' is non-escaping.
+-- `x' can even be recursive! Eg:
+-- letrec x = [y] \ [v] -> if v then x True else ...
+-- in
+-- ...(x b)...
+-- Note [Cost-centre initialization plan]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Previously `coreToStg` was initializing cost-centre stack fields as `noCCS`,
+-- and the fields were then fixed by a separate pass `stgMassageForProfiling`.
+-- We now initialize these correctly. The initialization works like this:
+-- - For non-top level bindings always use `currentCCS`.
+-- - For top-level bindings, check if the binding is a CAF
+-- - CAF: If -fcaf-all is enabled, create a new CAF just for this CAF
+-- and use it. Note that these new cost centres need to be
+-- collected to be able to generate cost centre initialization
+-- code, so `coreToTopStgRhs` now returns `CollectedCCs`.
+-- If -fcaf-all is not enabled, use "all CAFs" cost centre.
+-- - Non-CAF: Top-level (static) data is not counted in heap profiles; nor
+-- do we set CCCS from it; so we just slam in
+-- dontCareCostCentre.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Setting variable info: top-level, binds, RHSs
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------
+coreToStg :: DynFlags -> Module -> CoreProgram
+ -> ([StgTopBinding], CollectedCCs)
+coreToStg dflags this_mod pgm
+ = (pgm', final_ccs)
+ where
+ (_, (local_ccs, local_cc_stacks), pgm')
+ = coreTopBindsToStg dflags this_mod emptyVarEnv emptyCollectedCCs pgm
+ prof = WayProf `elem` ways dflags
+ final_ccs
+ | prof && gopt Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs dflags
+ = (local_ccs,local_cc_stacks) -- don't need "all CAFs" CC
+ | prof
+ = (all_cafs_cc:local_ccs, all_cafs_ccs:local_cc_stacks)
+ | otherwise
+ = emptyCollectedCCs
+ (all_cafs_cc, all_cafs_ccs) = getAllCAFsCC this_mod
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> IdEnv HowBound -- environment for the bindings
+ -> CollectedCCs
+ -> CoreProgram
+ -> (IdEnv HowBound, CollectedCCs, [StgTopBinding])
+coreTopBindsToStg _ _ env ccs []
+ = (env, ccs, [])
+coreTopBindsToStg dflags this_mod env ccs (b:bs)
+ = (env2, ccs2, b':bs')
+ where
+ (env1, ccs1, b' ) =
+ coreTopBindToStg dflags this_mod env ccs b
+ (env2, ccs2, bs') =
+ coreTopBindsToStg dflags this_mod env1 ccs1 bs
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> IdEnv HowBound
+ -> CollectedCCs
+ -> CoreBind
+ -> (IdEnv HowBound, CollectedCCs, StgTopBinding)
+coreTopBindToStg _ _ env ccs (NonRec id e)
+ | Just str <- exprIsTickedString_maybe e
+ -- top-level string literal
+ -- See Note [CoreSyn top-level string literals] in CoreSyn
+ = let
+ env' = extendVarEnv env id how_bound
+ how_bound = LetBound TopLet 0
+ in (env', ccs, StgTopStringLit id str)
+coreTopBindToStg dflags this_mod env ccs (NonRec id rhs)
+ = let
+ env' = extendVarEnv env id how_bound
+ how_bound = LetBound TopLet $! manifestArity rhs
+ (stg_rhs, ccs') =
+ initCts dflags env $
+ coreToTopStgRhs dflags ccs this_mod (id,rhs)
+ bind = StgTopLifted $ StgNonRec id stg_rhs
+ in
+ assertConsistentCafInfo dflags id bind (ppr bind)
+ -- NB: previously the assertion printed 'rhs' and 'bind'
+ -- as well as 'id', but that led to a black hole
+ -- where printing the assertion error tripped the
+ -- assertion again!
+ (env', ccs', bind)
+coreTopBindToStg dflags this_mod env ccs (Rec pairs)
+ = ASSERT( not (null pairs) )
+ let
+ binders = map fst pairs
+ extra_env' = [ (b, LetBound TopLet $! manifestArity rhs)
+ | (b, rhs) <- pairs ]
+ env' = extendVarEnvList env extra_env'
+ -- generate StgTopBindings and CAF cost centres created for CAFs
+ (ccs', stg_rhss)
+ = initCts dflags env' $ do
+ mapAccumLM (\ccs rhs -> do
+ (rhs', ccs') <-
+ coreToTopStgRhs dflags ccs this_mod rhs
+ return (ccs', rhs'))
+ ccs
+ pairs
+ bind = StgTopLifted $ StgRec (zip binders stg_rhss)
+ in
+ assertConsistentCafInfo dflags (head binders) bind (ppr binders)
+ (env', ccs', bind)
+-- | CAF consistency issues will generally result in segfaults and are quite
+-- difficult to debug (see #16846). We enable checking of the
+-- 'consistentCafInfo' invariant with @-dstg-lint@ to increase the chance that
+-- we catch these issues.
+assertConsistentCafInfo :: DynFlags -> Id -> StgTopBinding -> SDoc -> a -> a
+assertConsistentCafInfo dflags id bind err_doc result
+ | gopt Opt_DoStgLinting dflags || debugIsOn
+ , not $ consistentCafInfo id bind = pprPanic "assertConsistentCafInfo" err_doc
+ | otherwise = result
+-- Assertion helper: this checks that the CafInfo on the Id matches
+-- what CoreToStg has figured out about the binding's SRT. The
+-- CafInfo will be exact in all cases except when CorePrep has
+-- floated out a binding, in which case it will be approximate.
+consistentCafInfo :: Id -> StgTopBinding -> Bool
+consistentCafInfo id bind
+ = WARN( not (exact || is_sat_thing) , ppr id <+> ppr id_marked_caffy <+> ppr binding_is_caffy )
+ safe
+ where
+ safe = id_marked_caffy || not binding_is_caffy
+ exact = id_marked_caffy == binding_is_caffy
+ id_marked_caffy = mayHaveCafRefs (idCafInfo id)
+ binding_is_caffy = topStgBindHasCafRefs bind
+ is_sat_thing = occNameFS (nameOccName (idName id)) == fsLit "sat"
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> CollectedCCs
+ -> Module
+ -> (Id,CoreExpr)
+ -> CtsM (StgRhs, CollectedCCs)
+coreToTopStgRhs dflags ccs this_mod (bndr, rhs)
+ = do { new_rhs <- coreToStgExpr rhs
+ ; let (stg_rhs, ccs') =
+ mkTopStgRhs dflags this_mod ccs bndr new_rhs
+ stg_arity =
+ stgRhsArity stg_rhs
+ ; return (ASSERT2( arity_ok stg_arity, mk_arity_msg stg_arity) stg_rhs,
+ ccs') }
+ where
+ -- It's vital that the arity on a top-level Id matches
+ -- the arity of the generated STG binding, else an importing
+ -- module will use the wrong calling convention
+ -- (#2844 was an example where this happened)
+ -- NB1: we can't move the assertion further out without
+ -- blocking the "knot" tied in coreTopBindsToStg
+ -- NB2: the arity check is only needed for Ids with External
+ -- Names, because they are externally visible. The CorePrep
+ -- pass introduces "sat" things with Local Names and does
+ -- not bother to set their Arity info, so don't fail for those
+ arity_ok stg_arity
+ | isExternalName (idName bndr) = id_arity == stg_arity
+ | otherwise = True
+ id_arity = idArity bndr
+ mk_arity_msg stg_arity
+ = vcat [ppr bndr,
+ text "Id arity:" <+> ppr id_arity,
+ text "STG arity:" <+> ppr stg_arity]
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Expressions
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :: CoreExpr
+ -> CtsM StgExpr
+-- The second and third components can be derived in a simple bottom up pass, not
+-- dependent on any decisions about which variables will be let-no-escaped or
+-- not. The first component, that is, the decorated expression, may then depend
+-- on these components, but it in turn is not scrutinised as the basis for any
+-- decisions. Hence no black holes.
+-- No LitInteger's or LitNatural's should be left by the time this is called.
+-- CorePrep should have converted them all to a real core representation.
+coreToStgExpr (Lit (LitNumber LitNumInteger _ _)) = panic "coreToStgExpr: LitInteger"
+coreToStgExpr (Lit (LitNumber LitNumNatural _ _)) = panic "coreToStgExpr: LitNatural"
+coreToStgExpr (Lit l) = return (StgLit l)
+coreToStgExpr (App (Lit LitRubbish) _some_unlifted_type)
+ -- We lower 'LitRubbish' to @()@ here, which is much easier than doing it in
+ -- a STG to Cmm pass.
+ = coreToStgExpr (Var unitDataConId)
+coreToStgExpr (Var v) = coreToStgApp v [] []
+coreToStgExpr (Coercion _) = coreToStgApp coercionTokenId [] []
+coreToStgExpr expr@(App _ _)
+ = coreToStgApp f args ticks
+ where
+ (f, args, ticks) = myCollectArgs expr
+coreToStgExpr expr@(Lam _ _)
+ = let
+ (args, body) = myCollectBinders expr
+ args' = filterStgBinders args
+ in
+ extendVarEnvCts [ (a, LambdaBound) | a <- args' ] $ do
+ body' <- coreToStgExpr body
+ let
+ result_expr = case nonEmpty args' of
+ Nothing -> body'
+ Just args'' -> StgLam args'' body'
+ return result_expr
+coreToStgExpr (Tick tick expr)
+ = do case tick of
+ HpcTick{} -> return ()
+ ProfNote{} -> return ()
+ SourceNote{} -> return ()
+ Breakpoint{} -> panic "coreToStgExpr: breakpoint should not happen"
+ expr2 <- coreToStgExpr expr
+ return (StgTick tick expr2)
+coreToStgExpr (Cast expr _)
+ = coreToStgExpr expr
+-- Cases require a little more real work.
+coreToStgExpr (Case scrut _ _ [])
+ = coreToStgExpr scrut
+ -- See Note [Empty case alternatives] in CoreSyn If the case
+ -- alternatives are empty, the scrutinee must diverge or raise an
+ -- exception, so we can just dive into it.
+ --
+ -- Of course this may seg-fault if the scrutinee *does* return. A
+ -- belt-and-braces approach would be to move this case into the
+ -- code generator, and put a return point anyway that calls a
+ -- runtime system error function.
+coreToStgExpr (Case scrut bndr _ alts) = do
+ alts2 <- extendVarEnvCts [(bndr, LambdaBound)] (mapM vars_alt alts)
+ scrut2 <- coreToStgExpr scrut
+ return (StgCase scrut2 bndr (mkStgAltType bndr alts) alts2)
+ where
+ vars_alt (con, binders, rhs)
+ | DataAlt c <- con, c == unboxedUnitDataCon
+ = -- This case is a bit smelly.
+ -- See Note [Nullary unboxed tuple] in Type.hs
+ -- where a nullary tuple is mapped to (State# World#)
+ ASSERT( null binders )
+ do { rhs2 <- coreToStgExpr rhs
+ ; return (DEFAULT, [], rhs2) }
+ | otherwise
+ = let -- Remove type variables
+ binders' = filterStgBinders binders
+ in
+ extendVarEnvCts [(b, LambdaBound) | b <- binders'] $ do
+ rhs2 <- coreToStgExpr rhs
+ return (con, binders', rhs2)
+coreToStgExpr (Let bind body) = do
+ coreToStgLet bind body
+coreToStgExpr e = pprPanic "coreToStgExpr" (ppr e)
+mkStgAltType :: Id -> [CoreAlt] -> AltType
+mkStgAltType bndr alts
+ | isUnboxedTupleType bndr_ty || isUnboxedSumType bndr_ty
+ = MultiValAlt (length prim_reps) -- always use MultiValAlt for unboxed tuples
+ | otherwise
+ = case prim_reps of
+ [LiftedRep] -> case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (unwrapType bndr_ty) of
+ Just tc
+ | isAbstractTyCon tc -> look_for_better_tycon
+ | isAlgTyCon tc -> AlgAlt tc
+ | otherwise -> ASSERT2( _is_poly_alt_tycon tc, ppr tc )
+ PolyAlt
+ Nothing -> PolyAlt
+ [unlifted] -> PrimAlt unlifted
+ not_unary -> MultiValAlt (length not_unary)
+ where
+ bndr_ty = idType bndr
+ prim_reps = typePrimRep bndr_ty
+ _is_poly_alt_tycon tc
+ = isFunTyCon tc
+ || isPrimTyCon tc -- "Any" is lifted but primitive
+ || isFamilyTyCon tc -- Type family; e.g. Any, or arising from strict
+ -- function application where argument has a
+ -- type-family type
+ -- Sometimes, the TyCon is a AbstractTyCon which may not have any
+ -- constructors inside it. Then we may get a better TyCon by
+ -- grabbing the one from a constructor alternative
+ -- if one exists.
+ look_for_better_tycon
+ | ((DataAlt con, _, _) : _) <- data_alts =
+ AlgAlt (dataConTyCon con)
+ | otherwise =
+ ASSERT(null data_alts)
+ PolyAlt
+ where
+ (data_alts, _deflt) = findDefault alts
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Applications
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+coreToStgApp :: Id -- Function
+ -> [CoreArg] -- Arguments
+ -> [Tickish Id] -- Debug ticks
+ -> CtsM StgExpr
+coreToStgApp f args ticks = do
+ (args', ticks') <- coreToStgArgs args
+ how_bound <- lookupVarCts f
+ let
+ n_val_args = valArgCount args
+ -- Mostly, the arity info of a function is in the fn's IdInfo
+ -- But new bindings introduced by CoreSat may not have no
+ -- arity info; it would do us no good anyway. For example:
+ -- let f = \ab -> e in f
+ -- No point in having correct arity info for f!
+ -- Hence the hasArity stuff below.
+ -- NB: f_arity is only consulted for LetBound things
+ f_arity = stgArity f how_bound
+ saturated = f_arity <= n_val_args
+ res_ty = exprType (mkApps (Var f) args)
+ app = case idDetails f of
+ DataConWorkId dc
+ | saturated -> StgConApp dc args'
+ (dropRuntimeRepArgs (fromMaybe [] (tyConAppArgs_maybe res_ty)))
+ -- Some primitive operator that might be implemented as a library call.
+ -- As described in Note [Primop wrappers] in PrimOp.hs, here we
+ -- turn unsaturated primop applications into applications of
+ -- the primop's wrapper.
+ PrimOpId op
+ | saturated -> StgOpApp (StgPrimOp op) args' res_ty
+ | otherwise -> StgApp (primOpWrapperId op) args'
+ -- A call to some primitive Cmm function.
+ FCallId (CCall (CCallSpec (StaticTarget _ lbl (Just pkgId) True)
+ PrimCallConv _))
+ -> ASSERT( saturated )
+ StgOpApp (StgPrimCallOp (PrimCall lbl pkgId)) args' res_ty
+ -- A regular foreign call.
+ FCallId call -> ASSERT( saturated )
+ StgOpApp (StgFCallOp call (idType f)) args' res_ty
+ TickBoxOpId {} -> pprPanic "coreToStg TickBox" $ ppr (f,args')
+ _other -> StgApp f args'
+ tapp = foldr StgTick app (ticks ++ ticks')
+ -- Forcing these fixes a leak in the code generator, noticed while
+ -- profiling for trac #4367
+ app `seq` return tapp
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Argument lists
+-- This is the guy that turns applications into A-normal form
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+coreToStgArgs :: [CoreArg] -> CtsM ([StgArg], [Tickish Id])
+coreToStgArgs []
+ = return ([], [])
+coreToStgArgs (Type _ : args) = do -- Type argument
+ (args', ts) <- coreToStgArgs args
+ return (args', ts)
+coreToStgArgs (Coercion _ : args) -- Coercion argument; replace with place holder
+ = do { (args', ts) <- coreToStgArgs args
+ ; return (StgVarArg coercionTokenId : args', ts) }
+coreToStgArgs (Tick t e : args)
+ = ASSERT( not (tickishIsCode t) )
+ do { (args', ts) <- coreToStgArgs (e : args)
+ ; return (args', t:ts) }
+coreToStgArgs (arg : args) = do -- Non-type argument
+ (stg_args, ticks) <- coreToStgArgs args
+ arg' <- coreToStgExpr arg
+ let
+ (aticks, arg'') = stripStgTicksTop tickishFloatable arg'
+ stg_arg = case arg'' of
+ StgApp v [] -> StgVarArg v
+ StgConApp con [] _ -> StgVarArg (dataConWorkId con)
+ StgLit lit -> StgLitArg lit
+ _ -> pprPanic "coreToStgArgs" (ppr arg)
+ -- WARNING: what if we have an argument like (v `cast` co)
+ -- where 'co' changes the representation type?
+ -- (This really only happens if co is unsafe.)
+ -- Then all the getArgAmode stuff in CgBindery will set the
+ -- cg_rep of the CgIdInfo based on the type of v, rather
+ -- than the type of 'co'.
+ -- This matters particularly when the function is a primop
+ -- or foreign call.
+ -- Wanted: a better solution than this hacky warning
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let
+ arg_rep = typePrimRep (exprType arg)
+ stg_arg_rep = typePrimRep (stgArgType stg_arg)
+ bad_args = not (primRepsCompatible dflags arg_rep stg_arg_rep)
+ WARN( bad_args, text "Dangerous-looking argument. Probable cause: bad unsafeCoerce#" $$ ppr arg )
+ return (stg_arg : stg_args, ticks ++ aticks)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The magic for lets:
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :: CoreBind -- bindings
+ -> CoreExpr -- body
+ -> CtsM StgExpr -- new let
+coreToStgLet bind body = do
+ (bind2, body2)
+ <- do
+ ( bind2, env_ext)
+ <- vars_bind bind
+ -- Do the body
+ extendVarEnvCts env_ext $ do
+ body2 <- coreToStgExpr body
+ return (bind2, body2)
+ -- Compute the new let-expression
+ let
+ new_let | isJoinBind bind = StgLetNoEscape noExtFieldSilent bind2 body2
+ | otherwise = StgLet noExtFieldSilent bind2 body2
+ return new_let
+ where
+ mk_binding binder rhs
+ = (binder, LetBound NestedLet (manifestArity rhs))
+ vars_bind :: CoreBind
+ -> CtsM (StgBinding,
+ [(Id, HowBound)]) -- extension to environment
+ vars_bind (NonRec binder rhs) = do
+ rhs2 <- coreToStgRhs (binder,rhs)
+ let
+ env_ext_item = mk_binding binder rhs
+ return (StgNonRec binder rhs2, [env_ext_item])
+ vars_bind (Rec pairs)
+ = let
+ binders = map fst pairs
+ env_ext = [ mk_binding b rhs
+ | (b,rhs) <- pairs ]
+ in
+ extendVarEnvCts env_ext $ do
+ rhss2 <- mapM coreToStgRhs pairs
+ return (StgRec (binders `zip` rhss2), env_ext)
+coreToStgRhs :: (Id,CoreExpr)
+ -> CtsM StgRhs
+coreToStgRhs (bndr, rhs) = do
+ new_rhs <- coreToStgExpr rhs
+ return (mkStgRhs bndr new_rhs)
+-- Generate a top-level RHS. Any new cost centres generated for CAFs will be
+-- appended to `CollectedCCs` argument.
+mkTopStgRhs :: DynFlags -> Module -> CollectedCCs
+ -> Id -> StgExpr -> (StgRhs, CollectedCCs)
+mkTopStgRhs dflags this_mod ccs bndr rhs
+ | StgLam bndrs body <- rhs
+ = -- StgLam can't have empty arguments, so not CAF
+ ( StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent
+ dontCareCCS
+ ReEntrant
+ (toList bndrs) body
+ , ccs )
+ | StgConApp con args _ <- unticked_rhs
+ , -- Dynamic StgConApps are updatable
+ not (isDllConApp dflags this_mod con args)
+ = -- CorePrep does this right, but just to make sure
+ ASSERT2( not (isUnboxedTupleCon con || isUnboxedSumCon con)
+ , ppr bndr $$ ppr con $$ ppr args)
+ ( StgRhsCon dontCareCCS con args, ccs )
+ -- Otherwise it's a CAF, see Note [Cost-centre initialization plan].
+ | gopt Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs dflags
+ = ( StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent
+ caf_ccs
+ upd_flag [] rhs
+ , collectCC caf_cc caf_ccs ccs )
+ | otherwise
+ = ( StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent
+ all_cafs_ccs
+ upd_flag [] rhs
+ , ccs )
+ where
+ unticked_rhs = stripStgTicksTopE (not . tickishIsCode) rhs
+ upd_flag | isUsedOnce (idDemandInfo bndr) = SingleEntry
+ | otherwise = Updatable
+ -- CAF cost centres generated for -fcaf-all
+ caf_cc = mkAutoCC bndr modl
+ caf_ccs = mkSingletonCCS caf_cc
+ -- careful: the binder might be :Main.main,
+ -- which doesn't belong to module mod_name.
+ -- bug #249, tests prof001, prof002
+ modl | Just m <- nameModule_maybe (idName bndr) = m
+ | otherwise = this_mod
+ -- default CAF cost centre
+ (_, all_cafs_ccs) = getAllCAFsCC this_mod
+-- Generate a non-top-level RHS. Cost-centre is always currentCCS,
+-- see Note [Cost-centre initialzation plan].
+mkStgRhs :: Id -> StgExpr -> StgRhs
+mkStgRhs bndr rhs
+ | StgLam bndrs body <- rhs
+ = StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent
+ currentCCS
+ ReEntrant
+ (toList bndrs) body
+ | isJoinId bndr -- must be a nullary join point
+ = ASSERT(idJoinArity bndr == 0)
+ StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent
+ currentCCS
+ ReEntrant -- ignored for LNE
+ [] rhs
+ | StgConApp con args _ <- unticked_rhs
+ = StgRhsCon currentCCS con args
+ | otherwise
+ = StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent
+ currentCCS
+ upd_flag [] rhs
+ where
+ unticked_rhs = stripStgTicksTopE (not . tickishIsCode) rhs
+ upd_flag | isUsedOnce (idDemandInfo bndr) = SingleEntry
+ | otherwise = Updatable
+ {-
+ SDM: disabled. Eval/Apply can't handle functions with arity zero very
+ well; and making these into simple non-updatable thunks breaks other
+ assumptions (namely that they will be entered only once).
+ upd_flag | isPAP env rhs = ReEntrant
+ | otherwise = Updatable
+-- Detect thunks which will reduce immediately to PAPs, and make them
+-- non-updatable. This has several advantages:
+-- - the non-updatable thunk behaves exactly like the PAP,
+-- - the thunk is more efficient to enter, because it is
+-- specialised to the task.
+-- - we save one update frame, one stg_update_PAP, one update
+-- and lots of PAP_enters.
+-- - in the case where the thunk is top-level, we save building
+-- a black hole and furthermore the thunk isn't considered to
+-- be a CAF any more, so it doesn't appear in any SRTs.
+-- We do it here, because the arity information is accurate, and we need
+-- to do it before the SRT pass to save the SRT entries associated with
+-- any top-level PAPs.
+isPAP env (StgApp f args) = listLengthCmp args arity == LT -- idArity f > length args
+ where
+ arity = stgArity f (lookupBinding env f)
+isPAP env _ = False
+{- ToDo:
+ upd = if isOnceDem dem
+ then (if isNotTop toplev
+ then SingleEntry -- HA! Paydirt for "dem"
+ else
+ (if debugIsOn then trace "WARNING: SE CAFs unsupported, forcing UPD instead" else id) $
+ Updatable)
+ else Updatable
+ -- For now we forbid SingleEntry CAFs; they tickle the
+ -- ASSERT in rts/Storage.c line 215 at newCAF() re mut_link,
+ -- and I don't understand why. There's only one SE_CAF (well,
+ -- only one that tickled a great gaping bug in an earlier attempt
+ -- at ClosureInfo.getEntryConvention) in the whole of nofib,
+ -- specifically Main.lvl6 in spectral/cryptarithm2.
+ -- So no great loss. KSW 2000-07.
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- A monad for the core-to-STG pass
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- There's a lot of stuff to pass around, so we use this CtsM
+-- ("core-to-STG monad") monad to help. All the stuff here is only passed
+-- *down*.
+newtype CtsM a = CtsM
+ { unCtsM :: DynFlags -- Needed for checking for bad coercions in coreToStgArgs
+ -> IdEnv HowBound
+ -> a
+ }
+ deriving (Functor)
+data HowBound
+ = ImportBound -- Used only as a response to lookupBinding; never
+ -- exists in the range of the (IdEnv HowBound)
+ | LetBound -- A let(rec) in this module
+ LetInfo -- Whether top level or nested
+ Arity -- Its arity (local Ids don't have arity info at this point)
+ | LambdaBound -- Used for both lambda and case
+ deriving (Eq)
+data LetInfo
+ = TopLet -- top level things
+ | NestedLet
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- For a let(rec)-bound variable, x, we record LiveInfo, the set of
+-- variables that are live if x is live. This LiveInfo comprises
+-- (a) dynamic live variables (ones with a non-top-level binding)
+-- (b) static live variabes (CAFs or things that refer to CAFs)
+-- For "normal" variables (a) is just x alone. If x is a let-no-escaped
+-- variable then x is represented by a code pointer and a stack pointer
+-- (well, one for each stack). So all of the variables needed in the
+-- execution of x are live if x is, and are therefore recorded in the
+-- LetBound constructor; x itself *is* included.
+-- The set of dynamic live variables is guaranteed ot have no further
+-- let-no-escaped variables in it.
+-- The std monad functions:
+initCts :: DynFlags -> IdEnv HowBound -> CtsM a -> a
+initCts dflags env m = unCtsM m dflags env
+{-# INLINE thenCts #-}
+{-# INLINE returnCts #-}
+returnCts :: a -> CtsM a
+returnCts e = CtsM $ \_ _ -> e
+thenCts :: CtsM a -> (a -> CtsM b) -> CtsM b
+thenCts m k = CtsM $ \dflags env
+ -> unCtsM (k (unCtsM m dflags env)) dflags env
+instance Applicative CtsM where
+ pure = returnCts
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad CtsM where
+ (>>=) = thenCts
+instance HasDynFlags CtsM where
+ getDynFlags = CtsM $ \dflags _ -> dflags
+-- Functions specific to this monad:
+extendVarEnvCts :: [(Id, HowBound)] -> CtsM a -> CtsM a
+extendVarEnvCts ids_w_howbound expr
+ = CtsM $ \dflags env
+ -> unCtsM expr dflags (extendVarEnvList env ids_w_howbound)
+lookupVarCts :: Id -> CtsM HowBound
+lookupVarCts v = CtsM $ \_ env -> lookupBinding env v
+lookupBinding :: IdEnv HowBound -> Id -> HowBound
+lookupBinding env v = case lookupVarEnv env v of
+ Just xx -> xx
+ Nothing -> ASSERT2( isGlobalId v, ppr v ) ImportBound
+getAllCAFsCC :: Module -> (CostCentre, CostCentreStack)
+getAllCAFsCC this_mod =
+ let
+ span = mkGeneralSrcSpan (mkFastString "<entire-module>") -- XXX do better
+ all_cafs_cc = mkAllCafsCC this_mod span
+ all_cafs_ccs = mkSingletonCCS all_cafs_cc
+ in
+ (all_cafs_cc, all_cafs_ccs)
+-- Misc.
+filterStgBinders :: [Var] -> [Var]
+filterStgBinders bndrs = filter isId bndrs
+myCollectBinders :: Expr Var -> ([Var], Expr Var)
+myCollectBinders expr
+ = go [] expr
+ where
+ go bs (Lam b e) = go (b:bs) e
+ go bs (Cast e _) = go bs e
+ go bs e = (reverse bs, e)
+-- | Precondition: argument expression is an 'App', and there is a 'Var' at the
+-- head of the 'App' chain.
+myCollectArgs :: CoreExpr -> (Id, [CoreArg], [Tickish Id])
+myCollectArgs expr
+ = go expr [] []
+ where
+ go (Var v) as ts = (v, as, ts)
+ go (App f a) as ts = go f (a:as) ts
+ go (Tick t e) as ts = ASSERT( all isTypeArg as )
+ go e as (t:ts) -- ticks can appear in type apps
+ go (Cast e _) as ts = go e as ts
+ go (Lam b e) as ts
+ | isTyVar b = go e as ts -- Note [Collect args]
+ go _ _ _ = pprPanic "CoreToStg.myCollectArgs" (ppr expr)
+-- Note [Collect args]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- This big-lambda case occurred following a rather obscure eta expansion.
+-- It all seems a bit yukky to me.
+stgArity :: Id -> HowBound -> Arity
+stgArity _ (LetBound _ arity) = arity
+stgArity f ImportBound = idArity f
+stgArity _ LambdaBound = 0
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CoreToStg/Prep.hs b/compiler/GHC/CoreToStg/Prep.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea020c5f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CoreToStg/Prep.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1733 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2006
+Core pass to saturate constructors and PrimOps
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, MultiWayIf #-}
+module GHC.CoreToStg.Prep (
+ corePrepPgm, corePrepExpr, cvtLitInteger, cvtLitNatural,
+ lookupMkIntegerName, lookupIntegerSDataConName,
+ lookupMkNaturalName, lookupNaturalSDataConName
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import OccurAnal
+import HscTypes
+import PrelNames
+import MkId ( realWorldPrimId )
+import CoreUtils
+import CoreArity
+import CoreFVs
+import CoreMonad ( CoreToDo(..) )
+import CoreLint ( endPassIO )
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreSubst
+import MkCore hiding( FloatBind(..) ) -- We use our own FloatBind here
+import Type
+import Literal
+import Coercion
+import TcEnv
+import TyCon
+import Demand
+import Var
+import VarSet
+import VarEnv
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import TysWiredIn
+import DataCon
+import BasicTypes
+import Module
+import UniqSupply
+import Maybes
+import OrdList
+import ErrUtils
+import DynFlags
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import FastString
+import Name ( NamedThing(..), nameSrcSpan )
+import SrcLoc ( SrcSpan(..), realSrcLocSpan, mkRealSrcLoc )
+import Data.Bits
+import MonadUtils ( mapAccumLM )
+import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
+import Control.Monad
+import CostCentre ( CostCentre, ccFromThisModule )
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Note [CorePrep Overview]
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+The goal of this pass is to prepare for code generation.
+1. Saturate constructor applications.
+2. Convert to A-normal form; that is, function arguments
+ are always variables.
+ * Use case for strict arguments:
+ f E ==> case E of x -> f x
+ (where f is strict)
+ * Use let for non-trivial lazy arguments
+ f E ==> let x = E in f x
+ (were f is lazy and x is non-trivial)
+3. Similarly, convert any unboxed lets into cases.
+ [I'm experimenting with leaving 'ok-for-speculation'
+ rhss in let-form right up to this point.]
+4. Ensure that *value* lambdas only occur as the RHS of a binding
+ (The code generator can't deal with anything else.)
+ Type lambdas are ok, however, because the code gen discards them.
+5. [Not any more; nuked Jun 2002] Do the seq/par munging.
+6. Clone all local Ids.
+ This means that all such Ids are unique, rather than the
+ weaker guarantee of no clashes which the simplifier provides.
+ And that is what the code generator needs.
+ We don't clone TyVars or CoVars. The code gen doesn't need that,
+ and doing so would be tiresome because then we'd need
+ to substitute in types and coercions.
+7. Give each dynamic CCall occurrence a fresh unique; this is
+ rather like the cloning step above.
+8. Inject bindings for the "implicit" Ids:
+ * Constructor wrappers
+ * Constructor workers
+ We want curried definitions for all of these in case they
+ aren't inlined by some caller.
+9. Replace (lazy e) by e. See Note [lazyId magic] in MkId.hs
+ Also replace (noinline e) by e.
+10. Convert (LitInteger i t) into the core representation
+ for the Integer i. Normally this uses mkInteger, but if
+ we are using the integer-gmp implementation then there is a
+ special case where we use the S# constructor for Integers that
+ are in the range of Int.
+11. Same for LitNatural.
+12. Uphold tick consistency while doing this: We move ticks out of
+ (non-type) applications where we can, and make sure that we
+ annotate according to scoping rules when floating.
+13. Collect cost centres (including cost centres in unfoldings) if we're in
+ profiling mode. We have to do this here beucase we won't have unfoldings
+ after this pass (see `zapUnfolding` and Note [Drop unfoldings and rules].
+This is all done modulo type applications and abstractions, so that
+when type erasure is done for conversion to STG, we don't end up with
+any trivial or useless bindings.
+Note [CorePrep invariants]
+Here is the syntax of the Core produced by CorePrep:
+ Trivial expressions
+ arg ::= lit | var
+ | arg ty | /\a. arg
+ | truv co | /\c. arg | arg |> co
+ Applications
+ app ::= lit | var | app arg | app ty | app co | app |> co
+ Expressions
+ body ::= app
+ | let(rec) x = rhs in body -- Boxed only
+ | case body of pat -> body
+ | /\a. body | /\c. body
+ | body |> co
+ Right hand sides (only place where value lambdas can occur)
+ rhs ::= /\a.rhs | \x.rhs | body
+We define a synonym for each of these non-terminals. Functions
+with the corresponding name produce a result in that syntax.
+type CpeArg = CoreExpr -- Non-terminal 'arg'
+type CpeApp = CoreExpr -- Non-terminal 'app'
+type CpeBody = CoreExpr -- Non-terminal 'body'
+type CpeRhs = CoreExpr -- Non-terminal 'rhs'
+* *
+ Top level stuff
+* *
+corePrepPgm :: HscEnv -> Module -> ModLocation -> CoreProgram -> [TyCon]
+ -> IO (CoreProgram, S.Set CostCentre)
+corePrepPgm hsc_env this_mod mod_loc binds data_tycons =
+ withTiming dflags
+ (text "CorePrep"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
+ (const ()) $ do
+ us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 's'
+ initialCorePrepEnv <- mkInitialCorePrepEnv dflags hsc_env
+ let cost_centres
+ | WayProf `elem` ways dflags
+ = collectCostCentres this_mod binds
+ | otherwise
+ = S.empty
+ implicit_binds = mkDataConWorkers dflags mod_loc data_tycons
+ -- NB: we must feed mkImplicitBinds through corePrep too
+ -- so that they are suitably cloned and eta-expanded
+ binds_out = initUs_ us $ do
+ floats1 <- corePrepTopBinds initialCorePrepEnv binds
+ floats2 <- corePrepTopBinds initialCorePrepEnv implicit_binds
+ return (deFloatTop (floats1 `appendFloats` floats2))
+ endPassIO hsc_env alwaysQualify CorePrep binds_out []
+ return (binds_out, cost_centres)
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+corePrepExpr :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> CoreExpr -> IO CoreExpr
+corePrepExpr dflags hsc_env expr =
+ withTiming dflags (text "CorePrep [expr]") (const ()) $ do
+ us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 's'
+ initialCorePrepEnv <- mkInitialCorePrepEnv dflags hsc_env
+ let new_expr = initUs_ us (cpeBodyNF initialCorePrepEnv expr)
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_prep "CorePrep" FormatCore (ppr new_expr)
+ return new_expr
+corePrepTopBinds :: CorePrepEnv -> [CoreBind] -> UniqSM Floats
+-- Note [Floating out of top level bindings]
+corePrepTopBinds initialCorePrepEnv binds
+ = go initialCorePrepEnv binds
+ where
+ go _ [] = return emptyFloats
+ go env (bind : binds) = do (env', floats, maybe_new_bind)
+ <- cpeBind TopLevel env bind
+ MASSERT(isNothing maybe_new_bind)
+ -- Only join points get returned this way by
+ -- cpeBind, and no join point may float to top
+ floatss <- go env' binds
+ return (floats `appendFloats` floatss)
+mkDataConWorkers :: DynFlags -> ModLocation -> [TyCon] -> [CoreBind]
+-- See Note [Data constructor workers]
+-- c.f. Note [Injecting implicit bindings] in TidyPgm
+mkDataConWorkers dflags mod_loc data_tycons
+ = [ NonRec id (tick_it (getName data_con) (Var id))
+ -- The ice is thin here, but it works
+ | tycon <- data_tycons, -- CorePrep will eta-expand it
+ data_con <- tyConDataCons tycon,
+ let id = dataConWorkId data_con
+ ]
+ where
+ -- If we want to generate debug info, we put a source note on the
+ -- worker. This is useful, especially for heap profiling.
+ tick_it name
+ | debugLevel dflags == 0 = id
+ | RealSrcSpan span <- nameSrcSpan name = tick span
+ | Just file <- ml_hs_file mod_loc = tick (span1 file)
+ | otherwise = tick (span1 "???")
+ where tick span = Tick (SourceNote span $ showSDoc dflags (ppr name))
+ span1 file = realSrcLocSpan $ mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString file) 1 1
+Note [Floating out of top level bindings]
+NB: we do need to float out of top-level bindings
+Consider x = length [True,False]
+We want to get
+ s1 = False : []
+ s2 = True : s1
+ x = length s2
+We return a *list* of bindings, because we may start with
+ x* = f (g y)
+where x is demanded, in which case we want to finish with
+ a = g y
+ x* = f a
+And then x will actually end up case-bound
+Note [CafInfo and floating]
+What happens when we try to float bindings to the top level? At this
+point all the CafInfo is supposed to be correct, and we must make certain
+that is true of the new top-level bindings. There are two cases
+to consider
+a) The top-level binding is marked asCafRefs. In that case we are
+ basically fine. The floated bindings had better all be lazy lets,
+ so they can float to top level, but they'll all have HasCafRefs
+ (the default) which is safe.
+b) The top-level binding is marked NoCafRefs. This really happens
+ Example. CoreTidy produces
+ $fApplicativeSTM [NoCafRefs] = D:Alternative retry# ...blah...
+ Now CorePrep has to eta-expand to
+ $fApplicativeSTM = let sat = \xy. retry x y
+ in D:Alternative sat ...blah...
+ So what we *want* is
+ sat [NoCafRefs] = \xy. retry x y
+ $fApplicativeSTM [NoCafRefs] = D:Alternative sat ...blah...
+ So, gruesomely, we must set the NoCafRefs flag on the sat bindings,
+ *and* substitute the modified 'sat' into the old RHS.
+ It should be the case that 'sat' is itself [NoCafRefs] (a value, no
+ cafs) else the original top-level binding would not itself have been
+ marked [NoCafRefs]. The DEBUG check in CoreToStg for
+ consistentCafInfo will find this.
+This is all very gruesome and horrible. It would be better to figure
+out CafInfo later, after CorePrep. We'll do that in due course.
+Meanwhile this horrible hack works.
+Note [Join points and floating]
+Join points can float out of other join points but not out of value bindings:
+ let z =
+ let w = ... in -- can float
+ join k = ... in -- can't float
+ ... jump k ...
+ join j x1 ... xn =
+ let y = ... in -- can float (but don't want to)
+ join h = ... in -- can float (but not much point)
+ ... jump h ...
+ in ...
+Here, the jump to h remains valid if h is floated outward, but the jump to k
+does not.
+We don't float *out* of join points. It would only be safe to float out of
+nullary join points (or ones where the arguments are all either type arguments
+or dead binders). Nullary join points aren't ever recursive, so they're always
+effectively one-shot functions, which we don't float out of. We *could* float
+join points from nullary join points, but there's no clear benefit at this
+Note [Data constructor workers]
+Create any necessary "implicit" bindings for data con workers. We
+create the rather strange (non-recursive!) binding
+ $wC = \x y -> $wC x y
+i.e. a curried constructor that allocates. This means that we can
+treat the worker for a constructor like any other function in the rest
+of the compiler. The point here is that CoreToStg will generate a
+StgConApp for the RHS, rather than a call to the worker (which would
+give a loop). As Lennart says: the ice is thin here, but it works.
+Hmm. Should we create bindings for dictionary constructors? They are
+always fully applied, and the bindings are just there to support
+partial applications. But it's easier to let them through.
+Note [Dead code in CorePrep]
+Imagine that we got an input program like this (see #4962):
+ f :: Show b => Int -> (Int, b -> Maybe Int -> Int)
+ f x = (g True (Just x) + g () (Just x), g)
+ where
+ g :: Show a => a -> Maybe Int -> Int
+ g _ Nothing = x
+ g y (Just z) = if z > 100 then g y (Just (z + length (show y))) else g y unknown
+After specialisation and SpecConstr, we would get something like this:
+ f :: Show b => Int -> (Int, b -> Maybe Int -> Int)
+ f x = (g$Bool_True_Just x + g$Unit_Unit_Just x, g)
+ where
+ {-# RULES g $dBool = g$Bool
+ g $dUnit = g$Unit #-}
+ g = ...
+ {-# RULES forall x. g$Bool True (Just x) = g$Bool_True_Just x #-}
+ g$Bool = ...
+ {-# RULES forall x. g$Unit () (Just x) = g$Unit_Unit_Just x #-}
+ g$Unit = ...
+ g$Bool_True_Just = ...
+ g$Unit_Unit_Just = ...
+Note that the g$Bool and g$Unit functions are actually dead code: they
+are only kept alive by the occurrence analyser because they are
+referred to by the rules of g, which is being kept alive by the fact
+that it is used (unspecialised) in the returned pair.
+However, at the CorePrep stage there is no way that the rules for g
+will ever fire, and it really seems like a shame to produce an output
+program that goes to the trouble of allocating a closure for the
+unreachable g$Bool and g$Unit functions.
+The way we fix this is to:
+ * In cloneBndr, drop all unfoldings/rules
+ * In deFloatTop, run a simple dead code analyser on each top-level
+ RHS to drop the dead local bindings. For that call to OccAnal, we
+ disable the binder swap, else the occurrence analyser sometimes
+ introduces new let bindings for cased binders, which lead to the bug
+ in #5433.
+The reason we don't just OccAnal the whole output of CorePrep is that
+the tidier ensures that all top-level binders are GlobalIds, so they
+don't show up in the free variables any longer. So if you run the
+occurrence analyser on the output of CoreTidy (or later) you e.g. turn
+this program:
+ Rec {
+ f = ... f ...
+ }
+Into this one:
+ f = ... f ...
+(Since f is not considered to be free in its own RHS.)
+* *
+ The main code
+* *
+cpeBind :: TopLevelFlag -> CorePrepEnv -> CoreBind
+ -> UniqSM (CorePrepEnv,
+ Floats, -- Floating value bindings
+ Maybe CoreBind) -- Just bind' <=> returned new bind; no float
+ -- Nothing <=> added bind' to floats instead
+cpeBind top_lvl env (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ | not (isJoinId bndr)
+ = do { (_, bndr1) <- cpCloneBndr env bndr
+ ; let dmd = idDemandInfo bndr
+ is_unlifted = isUnliftedType (idType bndr)
+ ; (floats, rhs1) <- cpePair top_lvl NonRecursive
+ dmd is_unlifted
+ env bndr1 rhs
+ -- See Note [Inlining in CorePrep]
+ ; if exprIsTrivial rhs1 && isNotTopLevel top_lvl
+ then return (extendCorePrepEnvExpr env bndr rhs1, floats, Nothing)
+ else do {
+ ; let new_float = mkFloat dmd is_unlifted bndr1 rhs1
+ ; return (extendCorePrepEnv env bndr bndr1,
+ addFloat floats new_float,
+ Nothing) }}
+ | otherwise -- A join point; see Note [Join points and floating]
+ = ASSERT(not (isTopLevel top_lvl)) -- can't have top-level join point
+ do { (_, bndr1) <- cpCloneBndr env bndr
+ ; (bndr2, rhs1) <- cpeJoinPair env bndr1 rhs
+ ; return (extendCorePrepEnv env bndr bndr2,
+ emptyFloats,
+ Just (NonRec bndr2 rhs1)) }
+cpeBind top_lvl env (Rec pairs)
+ | not (isJoinId (head bndrs))
+ = do { (env', bndrs1) <- cpCloneBndrs env bndrs
+ ; stuff <- zipWithM (cpePair top_lvl Recursive topDmd False env')
+ bndrs1 rhss
+ ; let (floats_s, rhss1) = unzip stuff
+ all_pairs = foldrOL add_float (bndrs1 `zip` rhss1)
+ (concatFloats floats_s)
+ ; return (extendCorePrepEnvList env (bndrs `zip` bndrs1),
+ unitFloat (FloatLet (Rec all_pairs)),
+ Nothing) }
+ | otherwise -- See Note [Join points and floating]
+ = do { (env', bndrs1) <- cpCloneBndrs env bndrs
+ ; pairs1 <- zipWithM (cpeJoinPair env') bndrs1 rhss
+ ; let bndrs2 = map fst pairs1
+ ; return (extendCorePrepEnvList env' (bndrs `zip` bndrs2),
+ emptyFloats,
+ Just (Rec pairs1)) }
+ where
+ (bndrs, rhss) = unzip pairs
+ -- Flatten all the floats, and the current
+ -- group into a single giant Rec
+ add_float (FloatLet (NonRec b r)) prs2 = (b,r) : prs2
+ add_float (FloatLet (Rec prs1)) prs2 = prs1 ++ prs2
+ add_float b _ = pprPanic "cpeBind" (ppr b)
+cpePair :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> Demand -> Bool
+ -> CorePrepEnv -> OutId -> CoreExpr
+ -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeRhs)
+-- Used for all bindings
+-- The binder is already cloned, hence an OutId
+cpePair top_lvl is_rec dmd is_unlifted env bndr rhs
+ = ASSERT(not (isJoinId bndr)) -- those should use cpeJoinPair
+ do { (floats1, rhs1) <- cpeRhsE env rhs
+ -- See if we are allowed to float this stuff out of the RHS
+ ; (floats2, rhs2) <- float_from_rhs floats1 rhs1
+ -- Make the arity match up
+ ; (floats3, rhs3)
+ <- if manifestArity rhs1 <= arity
+ then return (floats2, cpeEtaExpand arity rhs2)
+ else WARN(True, text "CorePrep: silly extra arguments:" <+> ppr bndr)
+ -- Note [Silly extra arguments]
+ (do { v <- newVar (idType bndr)
+ ; let float = mkFloat topDmd False v rhs2
+ ; return ( addFloat floats2 float
+ , cpeEtaExpand arity (Var v)) })
+ -- Wrap floating ticks
+ ; let (floats4, rhs4) = wrapTicks floats3 rhs3
+ ; return (floats4, rhs4) }
+ where
+ platform = targetPlatform (cpe_dynFlags env)
+ arity = idArity bndr -- We must match this arity
+ ---------------------
+ float_from_rhs floats rhs
+ | isEmptyFloats floats = return (emptyFloats, rhs)
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl = float_top floats rhs
+ | otherwise = float_nested floats rhs
+ ---------------------
+ float_nested floats rhs
+ | wantFloatNested is_rec dmd is_unlifted floats rhs
+ = return (floats, rhs)
+ | otherwise = dontFloat floats rhs
+ ---------------------
+ float_top floats rhs -- Urhgh! See Note [CafInfo and floating]
+ | mayHaveCafRefs (idCafInfo bndr)
+ , allLazyTop floats
+ = return (floats, rhs)
+ -- So the top-level binding is marked NoCafRefs
+ | Just (floats', rhs') <- canFloatFromNoCaf platform floats rhs
+ = return (floats', rhs')
+ | otherwise
+ = dontFloat floats rhs
+dontFloat :: Floats -> CpeRhs -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeBody)
+-- Non-empty floats, but do not want to float from rhs
+-- So wrap the rhs in the floats
+-- But: rhs1 might have lambdas, and we can't
+-- put them inside a wrapBinds
+dontFloat floats1 rhs
+ = do { (floats2, body) <- rhsToBody rhs
+ ; return (emptyFloats, wrapBinds floats1 $
+ wrapBinds floats2 body) }
+{- Note [Silly extra arguments]
+Suppose we had this
+ f{arity=1} = \x\y. e
+We *must* match the arity on the Id, so we have to generate
+ f' = \x\y. e
+ f = \x. f' x
+It's a bizarre case: why is the arity on the Id wrong? Reason
+(in the days of __inline_me__):
+ f{arity=0} = __inline_me__ (let v = expensive in \xy. e)
+When InlineMe notes go away this won't happen any more. But
+it seems good for CorePrep to be robust.
+cpeJoinPair :: CorePrepEnv -> JoinId -> CoreExpr
+ -> UniqSM (JoinId, CpeRhs)
+-- Used for all join bindings
+-- No eta-expansion: see Note [Do not eta-expand join points] in SimplUtils
+cpeJoinPair env bndr rhs
+ = ASSERT(isJoinId bndr)
+ do { let Just join_arity = isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ (bndrs, body) = collectNBinders join_arity rhs
+ ; (env', bndrs') <- cpCloneBndrs env bndrs
+ ; body' <- cpeBodyNF env' body -- Will let-bind the body if it starts
+ -- with a lambda
+ ; let rhs' = mkCoreLams bndrs' body'
+ bndr' = bndr `setIdUnfolding` evaldUnfolding
+ `setIdArity` count isId bndrs
+ -- See Note [Arity and join points]
+ ; return (bndr', rhs') }
+Note [Arity and join points]
+Up to now, we've allowed a join point to have an arity greater than its join
+arity (minus type arguments), since this is what's useful for eta expansion.
+However, for code gen purposes, its arity must be exactly the number of value
+arguments it will be called with, and it must have exactly that many value
+lambdas. Hence if there are extra lambdas we must let-bind the body of the RHS:
+ join j x y z = \w -> ... in ...
+ =>
+ join j x y z = (let f = \w -> ... in f) in ...
+This is also what happens with Note [Silly extra arguments]. Note that it's okay
+for us to mess with the arity because a join point is never exported.
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- CpeRhs: produces a result satisfying CpeRhs
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+cpeRhsE :: CorePrepEnv -> CoreExpr -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeRhs)
+-- If
+-- e ===> (bs, e')
+-- then
+-- e = let bs in e' (semantically, that is!)
+-- For example
+-- f (g x) ===> ([v = g x], f v)
+cpeRhsE _env expr@(Type {}) = return (emptyFloats, expr)
+cpeRhsE _env expr@(Coercion {}) = return (emptyFloats, expr)
+cpeRhsE env (Lit (LitNumber LitNumInteger i _))
+ = cpeRhsE env (cvtLitInteger (cpe_dynFlags env) (getMkIntegerId env)
+ (cpe_integerSDataCon env) i)
+cpeRhsE env (Lit (LitNumber LitNumNatural i _))
+ = cpeRhsE env (cvtLitNatural (cpe_dynFlags env) (getMkNaturalId env)
+ (cpe_naturalSDataCon env) i)
+cpeRhsE _env expr@(Lit {}) = return (emptyFloats, expr)
+cpeRhsE env expr@(Var {}) = cpeApp env expr
+cpeRhsE env expr@(App {}) = cpeApp env expr
+cpeRhsE env (Let bind body)
+ = do { (env', bind_floats, maybe_bind') <- cpeBind NotTopLevel env bind
+ ; (body_floats, body') <- cpeRhsE env' body
+ ; let expr' = case maybe_bind' of Just bind' -> Let bind' body'
+ Nothing -> body'
+ ; return (bind_floats `appendFloats` body_floats, expr') }
+cpeRhsE env (Tick tickish expr)
+ | tickishPlace tickish == PlaceNonLam && tickish `tickishScopesLike` SoftScope
+ = do { (floats, body) <- cpeRhsE env expr
+ -- See [Floating Ticks in CorePrep]
+ ; return (unitFloat (FloatTick tickish) `appendFloats` floats, body) }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { body <- cpeBodyNF env expr
+ ; return (emptyFloats, mkTick tickish' body) }
+ where
+ tickish' | Breakpoint n fvs <- tickish
+ -- See also 'substTickish'
+ = Breakpoint n (map (getIdFromTrivialExpr . lookupCorePrepEnv env) fvs)
+ | otherwise
+ = tickish
+cpeRhsE env (Cast expr co)
+ = do { (floats, expr') <- cpeRhsE env expr
+ ; return (floats, Cast expr' co) }
+cpeRhsE env expr@(Lam {})
+ = do { let (bndrs,body) = collectBinders expr
+ ; (env', bndrs') <- cpCloneBndrs env bndrs
+ ; body' <- cpeBodyNF env' body
+ ; return (emptyFloats, mkLams bndrs' body') }
+cpeRhsE env (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
+ = do { (floats, scrut') <- cpeBody env scrut
+ ; (env', bndr2) <- cpCloneBndr env bndr
+ ; let alts'
+ -- This flag is intended to aid in debugging strictness
+ -- analysis bugs. These are particularly nasty to chase down as
+ -- they may manifest as segmentation faults. When this flag is
+ -- enabled we instead produce an 'error' expression to catch
+ -- the case where a function we think should bottom
+ -- unexpectedly returns.
+ | gopt Opt_CatchBottoms (cpe_dynFlags env)
+ , not (altsAreExhaustive alts)
+ = addDefault alts (Just err)
+ | otherwise = alts
+ where err = mkRuntimeErrorApp rUNTIME_ERROR_ID ty
+ "Bottoming expression returned"
+ ; alts'' <- mapM (sat_alt env') alts'
+ ; return (floats, Case scrut' bndr2 ty alts'') }
+ where
+ sat_alt env (con, bs, rhs)
+ = do { (env2, bs') <- cpCloneBndrs env bs
+ ; rhs' <- cpeBodyNF env2 rhs
+ ; return (con, bs', rhs') }
+cvtLitInteger :: DynFlags -> Id -> Maybe DataCon -> Integer -> CoreExpr
+-- Here we convert a literal Integer to the low-level
+-- representation. Exactly how we do this depends on the
+-- library that implements Integer. If it's GMP we
+-- use the S# data constructor for small literals.
+-- See Note [Integer literals] in Literal
+cvtLitInteger dflags _ (Just sdatacon) i
+ | inIntRange dflags i -- Special case for small integers
+ = mkConApp sdatacon [Lit (mkLitInt dflags i)]
+cvtLitInteger dflags mk_integer _ i
+ = mkApps (Var mk_integer) [isNonNegative, ints]
+ where isNonNegative = if i < 0 then mkConApp falseDataCon []
+ else mkConApp trueDataCon []
+ ints = mkListExpr intTy (f (abs i))
+ f 0 = []
+ f x = let low = x .&. mask
+ high = x `shiftR` bits
+ in mkConApp intDataCon [Lit (mkLitInt dflags low)] : f high
+ bits = 31
+ mask = 2 ^ bits - 1
+cvtLitNatural :: DynFlags -> Id -> Maybe DataCon -> Integer -> CoreExpr
+-- Here we convert a literal Natural to the low-level
+-- representation.
+-- See Note [Natural literals] in Literal
+cvtLitNatural dflags _ (Just sdatacon) i
+ | inWordRange dflags i -- Special case for small naturals
+ = mkConApp sdatacon [Lit (mkLitWord dflags i)]
+cvtLitNatural dflags mk_natural _ i
+ = mkApps (Var mk_natural) [words]
+ where words = mkListExpr wordTy (f i)
+ f 0 = []
+ f x = let low = x .&. mask
+ high = x `shiftR` bits
+ in mkConApp wordDataCon [Lit (mkLitWord dflags low)] : f high
+ bits = 32
+ mask = 2 ^ bits - 1
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- CpeBody: produces a result satisfying CpeBody
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Convert a 'CoreExpr' so it satisfies 'CpeBody', without
+-- producing any floats (any generated floats are immediately
+-- let-bound using 'wrapBinds'). Generally you want this, esp.
+-- when you've reached a binding form (e.g., a lambda) and
+-- floating any further would be incorrect.
+cpeBodyNF :: CorePrepEnv -> CoreExpr -> UniqSM CpeBody
+cpeBodyNF env expr
+ = do { (floats, body) <- cpeBody env expr
+ ; return (wrapBinds floats body) }
+-- | Convert a 'CoreExpr' so it satisfies 'CpeBody'; also produce
+-- a list of 'Floats' which are being propagated upwards. In
+-- fact, this function is used in only two cases: to
+-- implement 'cpeBodyNF' (which is what you usually want),
+-- and in the case when a let-binding is in a case scrutinee--here,
+-- we can always float out:
+-- case (let x = y in z) of ...
+-- ==> let x = y in case z of ...
+cpeBody :: CorePrepEnv -> CoreExpr -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeBody)
+cpeBody env expr
+ = do { (floats1, rhs) <- cpeRhsE env expr
+ ; (floats2, body) <- rhsToBody rhs
+ ; return (floats1 `appendFloats` floats2, body) }
+rhsToBody :: CpeRhs -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeBody)
+-- Remove top level lambdas by let-binding
+rhsToBody (Tick t expr)
+ | tickishScoped t == NoScope -- only float out of non-scoped annotations
+ = do { (floats, expr') <- rhsToBody expr
+ ; return (floats, mkTick t expr') }
+rhsToBody (Cast e co)
+ -- You can get things like
+ -- case e of { p -> coerce t (\s -> ...) }
+ = do { (floats, e') <- rhsToBody e
+ ; return (floats, Cast e' co) }
+rhsToBody expr@(Lam {})
+ | Just no_lam_result <- tryEtaReducePrep bndrs body
+ = return (emptyFloats, no_lam_result)
+ | all isTyVar bndrs -- Type lambdas are ok
+ = return (emptyFloats, expr)
+ | otherwise -- Some value lambdas
+ = do { fn <- newVar (exprType expr)
+ ; let rhs = cpeEtaExpand (exprArity expr) expr
+ float = FloatLet (NonRec fn rhs)
+ ; return (unitFloat float, Var fn) }
+ where
+ (bndrs,body) = collectBinders expr
+rhsToBody expr = return (emptyFloats, expr)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- CpeApp: produces a result satisfying CpeApp
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+data ArgInfo = CpeApp CoreArg
+ | CpeCast Coercion
+ | CpeTick (Tickish Id)
+{- Note [runRW arg]
+If we got, say
+ runRW# (case bot of {})
+which happened in #11291, we do /not/ want to turn it into
+ (case bot of {}) realWorldPrimId#
+because that gives a panic in CoreToStg.myCollectArgs, which expects
+only variables in function position. But if we are sure to make
+runRW# strict (which we do in MkId), this can't happen
+cpeApp :: CorePrepEnv -> CoreExpr -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeRhs)
+-- May return a CpeRhs because of saturating primops
+cpeApp top_env expr
+ = do { let (terminal, args, depth) = collect_args expr
+ ; cpe_app top_env terminal args depth
+ }
+ where
+ -- We have a nested data structure of the form
+ -- e `App` a1 `App` a2 ... `App` an, convert it into
+ -- (e, [CpeApp a1, CpeApp a2, ..., CpeApp an], depth)
+ -- We use 'ArgInfo' because we may also need to
+ -- record casts and ticks. Depth counts the number
+ -- of arguments that would consume strictness information
+ -- (so, no type or coercion arguments.)
+ collect_args :: CoreExpr -> (CoreExpr, [ArgInfo], Int)
+ collect_args e = go e [] 0
+ where
+ go (App fun arg) as !depth
+ = go fun (CpeApp arg : as)
+ (if isTyCoArg arg then depth else depth + 1)
+ go (Cast fun co) as depth
+ = go fun (CpeCast co : as) depth
+ go (Tick tickish fun) as depth
+ | tickishPlace tickish == PlaceNonLam
+ && tickish `tickishScopesLike` SoftScope
+ = go fun (CpeTick tickish : as) depth
+ go terminal as depth = (terminal, as, depth)
+ cpe_app :: CorePrepEnv
+ -> CoreExpr
+ -> [ArgInfo]
+ -> Int
+ -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeRhs)
+ cpe_app env (Var f) (CpeApp Type{} : CpeApp arg : args) depth
+ | f `hasKey` lazyIdKey -- Replace (lazy a) with a, and
+ || f `hasKey` noinlineIdKey -- Replace (noinline a) with a
+ -- Consider the code:
+ --
+ -- lazy (f x) y
+ --
+ -- We need to make sure that we need to recursively collect arguments on
+ -- "f x", otherwise we'll float "f x" out (it's not a variable) and
+ -- end up with this awful -ddump-prep:
+ --
+ -- case f x of f_x {
+ -- __DEFAULT -> f_x y
+ -- }
+ --
+ -- rather than the far superior "f x y". Test case is par01.
+ = let (terminal, args', depth') = collect_args arg
+ in cpe_app env terminal (args' ++ args) (depth + depth' - 1)
+ cpe_app env (Var f) [CpeApp _runtimeRep@Type{}, CpeApp _type@Type{}, CpeApp arg] 1
+ | f `hasKey` runRWKey
+ -- See Note [runRW magic]
+ -- Replace (runRW# f) by (f realWorld#), beta reducing if possible (this
+ -- is why we return a CorePrepEnv as well)
+ = case arg of
+ Lam s body -> cpe_app (extendCorePrepEnv env s realWorldPrimId) body [] 0
+ _ -> cpe_app env arg [CpeApp (Var realWorldPrimId)] 1
+ cpe_app env (Var v) args depth
+ = do { v1 <- fiddleCCall v
+ ; let e2 = lookupCorePrepEnv env v1
+ hd = getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe e2
+ -- NB: depth from collect_args is right, because e2 is a trivial expression
+ -- and thus its embedded Id *must* be at the same depth as any
+ -- Apps it is under are type applications only (c.f.
+ -- exprIsTrivial). But note that we need the type of the
+ -- expression, not the id.
+ ; (app, floats) <- rebuild_app args e2 (exprType e2) emptyFloats stricts
+ ; mb_saturate hd app floats depth }
+ where
+ stricts = case idStrictness v of
+ StrictSig (DmdType _ demands _)
+ | listLengthCmp demands depth /= GT -> demands
+ -- length demands <= depth
+ | otherwise -> []
+ -- If depth < length demands, then we have too few args to
+ -- satisfy strictness info so we have to ignore all the
+ -- strictness info, e.g. + (error "urk")
+ -- Here, we can't evaluate the arg strictly, because this
+ -- partial application might be seq'd
+ -- We inlined into something that's not a var and has no args.
+ -- Bounce it back up to cpeRhsE.
+ cpe_app env fun [] _ = cpeRhsE env fun
+ -- N-variable fun, better let-bind it
+ cpe_app env fun args depth
+ = do { (fun_floats, fun') <- cpeArg env evalDmd fun ty
+ -- The evalDmd says that it's sure to be evaluated,
+ -- so we'll end up case-binding it
+ ; (app, floats) <- rebuild_app args fun' ty fun_floats []
+ ; mb_saturate Nothing app floats depth }
+ where
+ ty = exprType fun
+ -- Saturate if necessary
+ mb_saturate head app floats depth =
+ case head of
+ Just fn_id -> do { sat_app <- maybeSaturate fn_id app depth
+ ; return (floats, sat_app) }
+ _other -> return (floats, app)
+ -- Deconstruct and rebuild the application, floating any non-atomic
+ -- arguments to the outside. We collect the type of the expression,
+ -- the head of the application, and the number of actual value arguments,
+ -- all of which are used to possibly saturate this application if it
+ -- has a constructor or primop at the head.
+ rebuild_app
+ :: [ArgInfo] -- The arguments (inner to outer)
+ -> CpeApp
+ -> Type
+ -> Floats
+ -> [Demand]
+ -> UniqSM (CpeApp, Floats)
+ rebuild_app [] app _ floats ss = do
+ MASSERT(null ss) -- make sure we used all the strictness info
+ return (app, floats)
+ rebuild_app (a : as) fun' fun_ty floats ss = case a of
+ CpeApp arg@(Type arg_ty) ->
+ rebuild_app as (App fun' arg) (piResultTy fun_ty arg_ty) floats ss
+ CpeApp arg@(Coercion {}) ->
+ rebuild_app as (App fun' arg) (funResultTy fun_ty) floats ss
+ CpeApp arg -> do
+ let (ss1, ss_rest) -- See Note [lazyId magic] in MkId
+ = case (ss, isLazyExpr arg) of
+ (_ : ss_rest, True) -> (topDmd, ss_rest)
+ (ss1 : ss_rest, False) -> (ss1, ss_rest)
+ ([], _) -> (topDmd, [])
+ (arg_ty, res_ty) = expectJust "cpeBody:collect_args" $
+ splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
+ (fs, arg') <- cpeArg top_env ss1 arg arg_ty
+ rebuild_app as (App fun' arg') res_ty (fs `appendFloats` floats) ss_rest
+ CpeCast co ->
+ let ty2 = coercionRKind co
+ in rebuild_app as (Cast fun' co) ty2 floats ss
+ CpeTick tickish ->
+ -- See [Floating Ticks in CorePrep]
+ rebuild_app as fun' fun_ty (addFloat floats (FloatTick tickish)) ss
+isLazyExpr :: CoreExpr -> Bool
+-- See Note [lazyId magic] in MkId
+isLazyExpr (Cast e _) = isLazyExpr e
+isLazyExpr (Tick _ e) = isLazyExpr e
+isLazyExpr (Var f `App` _ `App` _) = f `hasKey` lazyIdKey
+isLazyExpr _ = False
+{- Note [runRW magic]
+Some definitions, for instance @runST@, must have careful control over float out
+of the bindings in their body. Consider this use of @runST@,
+ f x = runST ( \ s -> let (a, s') = newArray# 100 [] s
+ (_, s'') = fill_in_array_or_something a x s'
+ in freezeArray# a s'' )
+If we inline @runST@, we'll get:
+ f x = let (a, s') = newArray# 100 [] realWorld#{-NB-}
+ (_, s'') = fill_in_array_or_something a x s'
+ in freezeArray# a s''
+And now if we allow the @newArray#@ binding to float out to become a CAF,
+we end up with a result that is totally and utterly wrong:
+ f = let (a, s') = newArray# 100 [] realWorld#{-NB-} -- YIKES!!!
+ in \ x ->
+ let (_, s'') = fill_in_array_or_something a x s'
+ in freezeArray# a s''
+All calls to @f@ will share a {\em single} array! Clearly this is nonsense and
+must be prevented.
+This is what @runRW#@ gives us: by being inlined extremely late in the
+optimization (right before lowering to STG, in CorePrep), we can ensure that
+no further floating will occur. This allows us to safely inline things like
+@runST@, which are otherwise needlessly expensive (see #10678 and #5916).
+'runRW' is defined (for historical reasons) in GHC.Magic, with a NOINLINE
+pragma. It is levity-polymorphic.
+ runRW# :: forall (r1 :: RuntimeRep). (o :: TYPE r)
+ => (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, o #))
+ -> (# State# RealWorld, o #)
+It needs no special treatment in GHC except this special inlining here
+in CorePrep (and in ByteCodeGen).
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- CpeArg: produces a result satisfying CpeArg
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Note [ANF-ising literal string arguments]
+Consider a program like,
+ data Foo = Foo Addr#
+ foo = Foo "turtle"#
+When we go to ANFise this we might think that we want to float the string
+literal like we do any other non-trivial argument. This would look like,
+ foo = u\ [] case "turtle"# of s { __DEFAULT__ -> Foo s }
+However, this 1) isn't necessary since strings are in a sense "trivial"; and 2)
+wreaks havoc on the CAF annotations that we produce here since we the result
+above is caffy since it is updateable. Ideally at some point in the future we
+would like to just float the literal to the top level as suggested in #11312,
+ s = "turtle"#
+ foo = Foo s
+However, until then we simply add a special case excluding literals from the
+floating done by cpeArg.
+-- | Is an argument okay to CPE?
+okCpeArg :: CoreExpr -> Bool
+-- Don't float literals. See Note [ANF-ising literal string arguments].
+okCpeArg (Lit _) = False
+-- Do not eta expand a trivial argument
+okCpeArg expr = not (exprIsTrivial expr)
+-- This is where we arrange that a non-trivial argument is let-bound
+cpeArg :: CorePrepEnv -> Demand
+ -> CoreArg -> Type -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeArg)
+cpeArg env dmd arg arg_ty
+ = do { (floats1, arg1) <- cpeRhsE env arg -- arg1 can be a lambda
+ ; (floats2, arg2) <- if want_float floats1 arg1
+ then return (floats1, arg1)
+ else dontFloat floats1 arg1
+ -- Else case: arg1 might have lambdas, and we can't
+ -- put them inside a wrapBinds
+ ; if okCpeArg arg2
+ then do { v <- newVar arg_ty
+ ; let arg3 = cpeEtaExpand (exprArity arg2) arg2
+ arg_float = mkFloat dmd is_unlifted v arg3
+ ; return (addFloat floats2 arg_float, varToCoreExpr v) }
+ else return (floats2, arg2)
+ }
+ where
+ is_unlifted = isUnliftedType arg_ty
+ want_float = wantFloatNested NonRecursive dmd is_unlifted
+Note [Floating unlifted arguments]
+Consider C (let v* = expensive in v)
+where the "*" indicates "will be demanded". Usually v will have been
+inlined by now, but let's suppose it hasn't (see #2756). Then we
+do *not* want to get
+ let v* = expensive in C v
+because that has different strictness. Hence the use of 'allLazy'.
+(NB: the let v* turns into a FloatCase, in mkLocalNonRec.)
+-- Building the saturated syntax
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Note [Eta expansion of hasNoBinding things in CorePrep]
+maybeSaturate deals with eta expanding to saturate things that can't deal with
+unsaturated applications (identified by 'hasNoBinding', currently just
+foreign calls and unboxed tuple/sum constructors).
+Note that eta expansion in CorePrep is very fragile due to the "prediction" of
+CAFfyness made by TidyPgm (see Note [CAFfyness inconsistencies due to eta
+expansion in CorePrep] in TidyPgm for details. We previously saturated primop
+applications here as well but due to this fragility (see #16846) we now deal
+with this another way, as described in Note [Primop wrappers] in PrimOp.
+It's quite likely that eta expansion of constructor applications will
+eventually break in a similar way to how primops did. We really should
+eliminate this case as well.
+maybeSaturate :: Id -> CpeApp -> Int -> UniqSM CpeRhs
+maybeSaturate fn expr n_args
+ | hasNoBinding fn -- There's no binding
+ = return sat_expr
+ | otherwise
+ = return expr
+ where
+ fn_arity = idArity fn
+ excess_arity = fn_arity - n_args
+ sat_expr = cpeEtaExpand excess_arity expr
+* *
+ Simple CoreSyn operations
+* *
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Eta reduction
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Note [Eta expansion]
+Eta expand to match the arity claimed by the binder Remember,
+CorePrep must not change arity
+Eta expansion might not have happened already, because it is done by
+the simplifier only when there at least one lambda already.
+NB1:we could refrain when the RHS is trivial (which can happen
+ for exported things). This would reduce the amount of code
+ generated (a little) and make things a little words for
+ code compiled without -O. The case in point is data constructor
+ wrappers.
+NB2: we have to be careful that the result of etaExpand doesn't
+ invalidate any of the assumptions that CorePrep is attempting
+ to establish. One possible cause is eta expanding inside of
+ an SCC note - we're now careful in etaExpand to make sure the
+ SCC is pushed inside any new lambdas that are generated.
+Note [Eta expansion and the CorePrep invariants]
+It turns out to be much much easier to do eta expansion
+*after* the main CorePrep stuff. But that places constraints
+on the eta expander: given a CpeRhs, it must return a CpeRhs.
+For example here is what we do not want:
+ f = /\a -> g (h 3) -- h has arity 2
+After ANFing we get
+ f = /\a -> let s = h 3 in g s
+and now we do NOT want eta expansion to give
+ f = /\a -> \ y -> (let s = h 3 in g s) y
+Instead CoreArity.etaExpand gives
+ f = /\a -> \y -> let s = h 3 in g s y
+cpeEtaExpand :: Arity -> CpeRhs -> CpeRhs
+cpeEtaExpand arity expr
+ | arity == 0 = expr
+ | otherwise = etaExpand arity expr
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Eta reduction
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Why try eta reduction? Hasn't the simplifier already done eta?
+But the simplifier only eta reduces if that leaves something
+trivial (like f, or f Int). But for deLam it would be enough to
+get to a partial application:
+ case x of { p -> \xs. map f xs }
+ ==> case x of { p -> map f }
+-- When updating this function, make sure it lines up with
+-- CoreUtils.tryEtaReduce!
+tryEtaReducePrep :: [CoreBndr] -> CoreExpr -> Maybe CoreExpr
+tryEtaReducePrep bndrs expr@(App _ _)
+ | ok_to_eta_reduce f
+ , n_remaining >= 0
+ , and (zipWith ok bndrs last_args)
+ , not (any (`elemVarSet` fvs_remaining) bndrs)
+ , exprIsHNF remaining_expr -- Don't turn value into a non-value
+ -- else the behaviour with 'seq' changes
+ = Just remaining_expr
+ where
+ (f, args) = collectArgs expr
+ remaining_expr = mkApps f remaining_args
+ fvs_remaining = exprFreeVars remaining_expr
+ (remaining_args, last_args) = splitAt n_remaining args
+ n_remaining = length args - length bndrs
+ ok bndr (Var arg) = bndr == arg
+ ok _ _ = False
+ -- We can't eta reduce something which must be saturated.
+ ok_to_eta_reduce (Var f) = not (hasNoBinding f)
+ ok_to_eta_reduce _ = False -- Safe. ToDo: generalise
+tryEtaReducePrep bndrs (Tick tickish e)
+ | tickishFloatable tickish
+ = fmap (mkTick tickish) $ tryEtaReducePrep bndrs e
+tryEtaReducePrep _ _ = Nothing
+* *
+ Floats
+* *
+Note [Pin demand info on floats]
+We pin demand info on floated lets, so that we can see the one-shot thunks.
+data FloatingBind
+ = FloatLet CoreBind -- Rhs of bindings are CpeRhss
+ -- They are always of lifted type;
+ -- unlifted ones are done with FloatCase
+ | FloatCase
+ Id CpeBody
+ Bool -- The bool indicates "ok-for-speculation"
+ -- | See Note [Floating Ticks in CorePrep]
+ | FloatTick (Tickish Id)
+data Floats = Floats OkToSpec (OrdList FloatingBind)
+instance Outputable FloatingBind where
+ ppr (FloatLet b) = ppr b
+ ppr (FloatCase b r ok) = brackets (ppr ok) <+> ppr b <+> equals <+> ppr r
+ ppr (FloatTick t) = ppr t
+instance Outputable Floats where
+ ppr (Floats flag fs) = text "Floats" <> brackets (ppr flag) <+>
+ braces (vcat (map ppr (fromOL fs)))
+instance Outputable OkToSpec where
+ ppr OkToSpec = text "OkToSpec"
+ ppr IfUnboxedOk = text "IfUnboxedOk"
+ ppr NotOkToSpec = text "NotOkToSpec"
+-- Can we float these binds out of the rhs of a let? We cache this decision
+-- to avoid having to recompute it in a non-linear way when there are
+-- deeply nested lets.
+data OkToSpec
+ = OkToSpec -- Lazy bindings of lifted type
+ | IfUnboxedOk -- A mixture of lazy lifted bindings and n
+ -- ok-to-speculate unlifted bindings
+ | NotOkToSpec -- Some not-ok-to-speculate unlifted bindings
+mkFloat :: Demand -> Bool -> Id -> CpeRhs -> FloatingBind
+mkFloat dmd is_unlifted bndr rhs
+ | use_case = FloatCase bndr rhs (exprOkForSpeculation rhs)
+ | is_hnf = FloatLet (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ | otherwise = FloatLet (NonRec (setIdDemandInfo bndr dmd) rhs)
+ -- See Note [Pin demand info on floats]
+ where
+ is_hnf = exprIsHNF rhs
+ is_strict = isStrictDmd dmd
+ use_case = is_unlifted || is_strict && not is_hnf
+ -- Don't make a case for a value binding,
+ -- even if it's strict. Otherwise we get
+ -- case (\x -> e) of ...!
+emptyFloats :: Floats
+emptyFloats = Floats OkToSpec nilOL
+isEmptyFloats :: Floats -> Bool
+isEmptyFloats (Floats _ bs) = isNilOL bs
+wrapBinds :: Floats -> CpeBody -> CpeBody
+wrapBinds (Floats _ binds) body
+ = foldrOL mk_bind body binds
+ where
+ mk_bind (FloatCase bndr rhs _) body = mkDefaultCase rhs bndr body
+ mk_bind (FloatLet bind) body = Let bind body
+ mk_bind (FloatTick tickish) body = mkTick tickish body
+addFloat :: Floats -> FloatingBind -> Floats
+addFloat (Floats ok_to_spec floats) new_float
+ = Floats (combine ok_to_spec (check new_float)) (floats `snocOL` new_float)
+ where
+ check (FloatLet _) = OkToSpec
+ check (FloatCase _ _ ok_for_spec)
+ | ok_for_spec = IfUnboxedOk
+ | otherwise = NotOkToSpec
+ check FloatTick{} = OkToSpec
+ -- The ok-for-speculation flag says that it's safe to
+ -- float this Case out of a let, and thereby do it more eagerly
+ -- We need the top-level flag because it's never ok to float
+ -- an unboxed binding to the top level
+unitFloat :: FloatingBind -> Floats
+unitFloat = addFloat emptyFloats
+appendFloats :: Floats -> Floats -> Floats
+appendFloats (Floats spec1 floats1) (Floats spec2 floats2)
+ = Floats (combine spec1 spec2) (floats1 `appOL` floats2)
+concatFloats :: [Floats] -> OrdList FloatingBind
+concatFloats = foldr (\ (Floats _ bs1) bs2 -> appOL bs1 bs2) nilOL
+combine :: OkToSpec -> OkToSpec -> OkToSpec
+combine NotOkToSpec _ = NotOkToSpec
+combine _ NotOkToSpec = NotOkToSpec
+combine IfUnboxedOk _ = IfUnboxedOk
+combine _ IfUnboxedOk = IfUnboxedOk
+combine _ _ = OkToSpec
+deFloatTop :: Floats -> [CoreBind]
+-- For top level only; we don't expect any FloatCases
+deFloatTop (Floats _ floats)
+ = foldrOL get [] floats
+ where
+ get (FloatLet b) bs = occurAnalyseRHSs b : bs
+ get (FloatCase var body _) bs =
+ occurAnalyseRHSs (NonRec var body) : bs
+ get b _ = pprPanic "corePrepPgm" (ppr b)
+ -- See Note [Dead code in CorePrep]
+ occurAnalyseRHSs (NonRec x e) = NonRec x (occurAnalyseExpr_NoBinderSwap e)
+ occurAnalyseRHSs (Rec xes) = Rec [(x, occurAnalyseExpr_NoBinderSwap e) | (x, e) <- xes]
+canFloatFromNoCaf :: Platform -> Floats -> CpeRhs -> Maybe (Floats, CpeRhs)
+ -- Note [CafInfo and floating]
+canFloatFromNoCaf platform (Floats ok_to_spec fs) rhs
+ | OkToSpec <- ok_to_spec -- Worth trying
+ , Just (subst, fs') <- go (emptySubst, nilOL) (fromOL fs)
+ = Just (Floats OkToSpec fs', subst_expr subst rhs)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ where
+ subst_expr = substExpr (text "CorePrep")
+ go :: (Subst, OrdList FloatingBind) -> [FloatingBind]
+ -> Maybe (Subst, OrdList FloatingBind)
+ go (subst, fbs_out) [] = Just (subst, fbs_out)
+ go (subst, fbs_out) (FloatLet (NonRec b r) : fbs_in)
+ | rhs_ok r
+ = go (subst', fbs_out `snocOL` new_fb) fbs_in
+ where
+ (subst', b') = set_nocaf_bndr subst b
+ new_fb = FloatLet (NonRec b' (subst_expr subst r))
+ go (subst, fbs_out) (FloatLet (Rec prs) : fbs_in)
+ | all rhs_ok rs
+ = go (subst', fbs_out `snocOL` new_fb) fbs_in
+ where
+ (bs,rs) = unzip prs
+ (subst', bs') = mapAccumL set_nocaf_bndr subst bs
+ rs' = map (subst_expr subst') rs
+ new_fb = FloatLet (Rec (bs' `zip` rs'))
+ go (subst, fbs_out) (ft@FloatTick{} : fbs_in)
+ = go (subst, fbs_out `snocOL` ft) fbs_in
+ go _ _ = Nothing -- Encountered a caffy binding
+ ------------
+ set_nocaf_bndr subst bndr
+ = (extendIdSubst subst bndr (Var bndr'), bndr')
+ where
+ bndr' = bndr `setIdCafInfo` NoCafRefs
+ ------------
+ rhs_ok :: CoreExpr -> Bool
+ -- We can only float to top level from a NoCaf thing if
+ -- the new binding is static. However it can't mention
+ -- any non-static things or it would *already* be Caffy
+ rhs_ok = rhsIsStatic platform (\_ -> False)
+ (\_nt i -> pprPanic "rhsIsStatic" (integer i))
+ -- Integer or Natural literals should not show up
+wantFloatNested :: RecFlag -> Demand -> Bool -> Floats -> CpeRhs -> Bool
+wantFloatNested is_rec dmd is_unlifted floats rhs
+ = isEmptyFloats floats
+ || isStrictDmd dmd
+ || is_unlifted
+ || (allLazyNested is_rec floats && exprIsHNF rhs)
+ -- Why the test for allLazyNested?
+ -- v = f (x `divInt#` y)
+ -- we don't want to float the case, even if f has arity 2,
+ -- because floating the case would make it evaluated too early
+allLazyTop :: Floats -> Bool
+allLazyTop (Floats OkToSpec _) = True
+allLazyTop _ = False
+allLazyNested :: RecFlag -> Floats -> Bool
+allLazyNested _ (Floats OkToSpec _) = True
+allLazyNested _ (Floats NotOkToSpec _) = False
+allLazyNested is_rec (Floats IfUnboxedOk _) = isNonRec is_rec
+* *
+ Cloning
+* *
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The environment
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Note [Inlining in CorePrep]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- There is a subtle but important invariant that must be upheld in the output
+-- of CorePrep: there are no "trivial" updatable thunks. Thus, this Core
+-- is impermissible:
+-- let x :: ()
+-- x = y
+-- (where y is a reference to a GLOBAL variable). Thunks like this are silly:
+-- they can always be profitably replaced by inlining x with y. Consequently,
+-- the code generator/runtime does not bother implementing this properly
+-- (specifically, there is no implementation of stg_ap_0_upd_info, which is the
+-- stack frame that would be used to update this thunk. The "0" means it has
+-- zero free variables.)
+-- In general, the inliner is good at eliminating these let-bindings. However,
+-- there is one case where these trivial updatable thunks can arise: when
+-- we are optimizing away 'lazy' (see Note [lazyId magic], and also
+-- 'cpeRhsE'.) Then, we could have started with:
+-- let x :: ()
+-- x = lazy @ () y
+-- which is a perfectly fine, non-trivial thunk, but then CorePrep will
+-- drop 'lazy', giving us 'x = y' which is trivial and impermissible.
+-- The solution is CorePrep to have a miniature inlining pass which deals
+-- with cases like this. We can then drop the let-binding altogether.
+-- Why does the removal of 'lazy' have to occur in CorePrep?
+-- The gory details are in Note [lazyId magic] in MkId, but the
+-- main reason is that lazy must appear in unfoldings (optimizer
+-- output) and it must prevent call-by-value for catch# (which
+-- is implemented by CorePrep.)
+-- An alternate strategy for solving this problem is to have the
+-- inliner treat 'lazy e' as a trivial expression if 'e' is trivial.
+-- We decided not to adopt this solution to keep the definition
+-- of 'exprIsTrivial' simple.
+-- There is ONE caveat however: for top-level bindings we have
+-- to preserve the binding so that we float the (hacky) non-recursive
+-- binding for data constructors; see Note [Data constructor workers].
+-- Note [CorePrep inlines trivial CoreExpr not Id]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Why does cpe_env need to be an IdEnv CoreExpr, as opposed to an
+-- IdEnv Id? Naively, we might conjecture that trivial updatable thunks
+-- as per Note [Inlining in CorePrep] always have the form
+-- 'lazy @ SomeType gbl_id'. But this is not true: the following is
+-- perfectly reasonable Core:
+-- let x :: ()
+-- x = lazy @ (forall a. a) y @ Bool
+-- When we inline 'x' after eliminating 'lazy', we need to replace
+-- occurrences of 'x' with 'y @ bool', not just 'y'. Situations like
+-- this can easily arise with higher-rank types; thus, cpe_env must
+-- map to CoreExprs, not Ids.
+data CorePrepEnv
+ = CPE { cpe_dynFlags :: DynFlags
+ , cpe_env :: IdEnv CoreExpr -- Clone local Ids
+ -- ^ This environment is used for three operations:
+ --
+ -- 1. To support cloning of local Ids so that they are
+ -- all unique (see item (6) of CorePrep overview).
+ --
+ -- 2. To support beta-reduction of runRW, see
+ -- Note [runRW magic] and Note [runRW arg].
+ --
+ -- 3. To let us inline trivial RHSs of non top-level let-bindings,
+ -- see Note [lazyId magic], Note [Inlining in CorePrep]
+ -- and Note [CorePrep inlines trivial CoreExpr not Id] (#12076)
+ , cpe_mkIntegerId :: Id
+ , cpe_mkNaturalId :: Id
+ , cpe_integerSDataCon :: Maybe DataCon
+ , cpe_naturalSDataCon :: Maybe DataCon
+ }
+lookupMkIntegerName :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> IO Id
+lookupMkIntegerName dflags hsc_env
+ = guardIntegerUse dflags $ liftM tyThingId $
+ lookupGlobal hsc_env mkIntegerName
+lookupMkNaturalName :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> IO Id
+lookupMkNaturalName dflags hsc_env
+ = guardNaturalUse dflags $ liftM tyThingId $
+ lookupGlobal hsc_env mkNaturalName
+-- See Note [The integer library] in PrelNames
+lookupIntegerSDataConName :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> IO (Maybe DataCon)
+lookupIntegerSDataConName dflags hsc_env = case integerLibrary dflags of
+ IntegerGMP -> guardIntegerUse dflags $ liftM (Just . tyThingDataCon) $
+ lookupGlobal hsc_env integerSDataConName
+ IntegerSimple -> return Nothing
+lookupNaturalSDataConName :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> IO (Maybe DataCon)
+lookupNaturalSDataConName dflags hsc_env = case integerLibrary dflags of
+ IntegerGMP -> guardNaturalUse dflags $ liftM (Just . tyThingDataCon) $
+ lookupGlobal hsc_env naturalSDataConName
+ IntegerSimple -> return Nothing
+-- | Helper for 'lookupMkIntegerName', 'lookupIntegerSDataConName'
+guardIntegerUse :: DynFlags -> IO a -> IO a
+guardIntegerUse dflags act
+ | thisPackage dflags == primUnitId
+ = return $ panic "Can't use Integer in ghc-prim"
+ | thisPackage dflags == integerUnitId
+ = return $ panic "Can't use Integer in integer-*"
+ | otherwise = act
+-- | Helper for 'lookupMkNaturalName', 'lookupNaturalSDataConName'
+-- Just like we can't use Integer literals in `integer-*`, we can't use Natural
+-- literals in `base`. If we do, we get interface loading error for GHC.Natural.
+guardNaturalUse :: DynFlags -> IO a -> IO a
+guardNaturalUse dflags act
+ | thisPackage dflags == primUnitId
+ = return $ panic "Can't use Natural in ghc-prim"
+ | thisPackage dflags == integerUnitId
+ = return $ panic "Can't use Natural in integer-*"
+ | thisPackage dflags == baseUnitId
+ = return $ panic "Can't use Natural in base"
+ | otherwise = act
+mkInitialCorePrepEnv :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> IO CorePrepEnv
+mkInitialCorePrepEnv dflags hsc_env
+ = do mkIntegerId <- lookupMkIntegerName dflags hsc_env
+ mkNaturalId <- lookupMkNaturalName dflags hsc_env
+ integerSDataCon <- lookupIntegerSDataConName dflags hsc_env
+ naturalSDataCon <- lookupNaturalSDataConName dflags hsc_env
+ return $ CPE {
+ cpe_dynFlags = dflags,
+ cpe_env = emptyVarEnv,
+ cpe_mkIntegerId = mkIntegerId,
+ cpe_mkNaturalId = mkNaturalId,
+ cpe_integerSDataCon = integerSDataCon,
+ cpe_naturalSDataCon = naturalSDataCon
+ }
+extendCorePrepEnv :: CorePrepEnv -> Id -> Id -> CorePrepEnv
+extendCorePrepEnv cpe id id'
+ = cpe { cpe_env = extendVarEnv (cpe_env cpe) id (Var id') }
+extendCorePrepEnvExpr :: CorePrepEnv -> Id -> CoreExpr -> CorePrepEnv
+extendCorePrepEnvExpr cpe id expr
+ = cpe { cpe_env = extendVarEnv (cpe_env cpe) id expr }
+extendCorePrepEnvList :: CorePrepEnv -> [(Id,Id)] -> CorePrepEnv
+extendCorePrepEnvList cpe prs
+ = cpe { cpe_env = extendVarEnvList (cpe_env cpe)
+ (map (\(id, id') -> (id, Var id')) prs) }
+lookupCorePrepEnv :: CorePrepEnv -> Id -> CoreExpr
+lookupCorePrepEnv cpe id
+ = case lookupVarEnv (cpe_env cpe) id of
+ Nothing -> Var id
+ Just exp -> exp
+getMkIntegerId :: CorePrepEnv -> Id
+getMkIntegerId = cpe_mkIntegerId
+getMkNaturalId :: CorePrepEnv -> Id
+getMkNaturalId = cpe_mkNaturalId
+-- Cloning binders
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+cpCloneBndrs :: CorePrepEnv -> [InVar] -> UniqSM (CorePrepEnv, [OutVar])
+cpCloneBndrs env bs = mapAccumLM cpCloneBndr env bs
+cpCloneBndr :: CorePrepEnv -> InVar -> UniqSM (CorePrepEnv, OutVar)
+cpCloneBndr env bndr
+ | not (isId bndr)
+ = return (env, bndr)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { bndr' <- clone_it bndr
+ -- Drop (now-useless) rules/unfoldings
+ -- See Note [Drop unfoldings and rules]
+ -- and Note [Preserve evaluatedness] in CoreTidy
+ ; let unfolding' = zapUnfolding (realIdUnfolding bndr)
+ -- Simplifier will set the Id's unfolding
+ bndr'' = bndr' `setIdUnfolding` unfolding'
+ `setIdSpecialisation` emptyRuleInfo
+ ; return (extendCorePrepEnv env bndr bndr'', bndr'') }
+ where
+ clone_it bndr
+ | isLocalId bndr, not (isCoVar bndr)
+ = do { uniq <- getUniqueM; return (setVarUnique bndr uniq) }
+ | otherwise -- Top level things, which we don't want
+ -- to clone, have become GlobalIds by now
+ -- And we don't clone tyvars, or coercion variables
+ = return bndr
+{- Note [Drop unfoldings and rules]
+We want to drop the unfolding/rules on every Id:
+ - We are now past interface-file generation, and in the
+ codegen pipeline, so we really don't need full unfoldings/rules
+ - The unfolding/rule may be keeping stuff alive that we'd like
+ to discard. See Note [Dead code in CorePrep]
+ - Getting rid of unnecessary unfoldings reduces heap usage
+ - We are changing uniques, so if we didn't discard unfoldings/rules
+ we'd have to substitute in them
+HOWEVER, we want to preserve evaluated-ness;
+see Note [Preserve evaluatedness] in CoreTidy.
+-- Cloning ccall Ids; each must have a unique name,
+-- to give the code generator a handle to hang it on
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+fiddleCCall :: Id -> UniqSM Id
+fiddleCCall id
+ | isFCallId id = (id `setVarUnique`) <$> getUniqueM
+ | otherwise = return id
+-- Generating new binders
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+newVar :: Type -> UniqSM Id
+newVar ty
+ = seqType ty `seq` do
+ uniq <- getUniqueM
+ return (mkSysLocalOrCoVar (fsLit "sat") uniq ty)
+-- Floating ticks
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Note [Floating Ticks in CorePrep]
+-- It might seem counter-intuitive to float ticks by default, given
+-- that we don't actually want to move them if we can help it. On the
+-- other hand, nothing gets very far in CorePrep anyway, and we want
+-- to preserve the order of let bindings and tick annotations in
+-- relation to each other. For example, if we just wrapped let floats
+-- when they pass through ticks, we might end up performing the
+-- following transformation:
+-- src<...> let foo = bar in baz
+-- ==> let foo = src<...> bar in src<...> baz
+-- Because the let-binding would float through the tick, and then
+-- immediately materialize, achieving nothing but decreasing tick
+-- accuracy. The only special case is the following scenario:
+-- let foo = src<...> (let a = b in bar) in baz
+-- ==> let foo = src<...> bar; a = src<...> b in baz
+-- Here we would not want the source tick to end up covering "baz" and
+-- therefore refrain from pushing ticks outside. Instead, we copy them
+-- into the floating binds (here "a") in cpePair. Note that where "b"
+-- or "bar" are (value) lambdas we have to push the annotations
+-- further inside in order to uphold our rules.
+-- All of this is implemented below in @wrapTicks@.
+-- | Like wrapFloats, but only wraps tick floats
+wrapTicks :: Floats -> CoreExpr -> (Floats, CoreExpr)
+wrapTicks (Floats flag floats0) expr =
+ (Floats flag (toOL $ reverse floats1), foldr mkTick expr (reverse ticks1))
+ where (floats1, ticks1) = foldlOL go ([], []) $ floats0
+ -- Deeply nested constructors will produce long lists of
+ -- redundant source note floats here. We need to eliminate
+ -- those early, as relying on mkTick to spot it after the fact
+ -- can yield O(n^3) complexity [#11095]
+ go (floats, ticks) (FloatTick t)
+ = ASSERT(tickishPlace t == PlaceNonLam)
+ (floats, if any (flip tickishContains t) ticks
+ then ticks else t:ticks)
+ go (floats, ticks) f
+ = (foldr wrap f (reverse ticks):floats, ticks)
+ wrap t (FloatLet bind) = FloatLet (wrapBind t bind)
+ wrap t (FloatCase b r ok) = FloatCase b (mkTick t r) ok
+ wrap _ other = pprPanic "wrapTicks: unexpected float!"
+ (ppr other)
+ wrapBind t (NonRec binder rhs) = NonRec binder (mkTick t rhs)
+ wrapBind t (Rec pairs) = Rec (mapSnd (mkTick t) pairs)
+-- Collecting cost centres
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Collect cost centres defined in the current module, including those in
+-- unfoldings.
+collectCostCentres :: Module -> CoreProgram -> S.Set CostCentre
+collectCostCentres mod_name
+ = foldl' go_bind S.empty
+ where
+ go cs e = case e of
+ Var{} -> cs
+ Lit{} -> cs
+ App e1 e2 -> go (go cs e1) e2
+ Lam _ e -> go cs e
+ Let b e -> go (go_bind cs b) e
+ Case scrt _ _ alts -> go_alts (go cs scrt) alts
+ Cast e _ -> go cs e
+ Tick (ProfNote cc _ _) e ->
+ go (if ccFromThisModule cc mod_name then S.insert cc cs else cs) e
+ Tick _ e -> go cs e
+ Type{} -> cs
+ Coercion{} -> cs
+ go_alts = foldl' (\cs (_con, _bndrs, e) -> go cs e)
+ go_bind :: S.Set CostCentre -> CoreBind -> S.Set CostCentre
+ go_bind cs (NonRec b e) =
+ go (maybe cs (go cs) (get_unf b)) e
+ go_bind cs (Rec bs) =
+ foldl' (\cs' (b, e) -> go (maybe cs' (go cs') (get_unf b)) e) cs bs
+ -- Unfoldings may have cost centres that in the original definion are
+ -- optimized away, see #5889.
+ get_unf = maybeUnfoldingTemplate . realIdUnfolding
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/CSE.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/CSE.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66f5004b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/CSE.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+Note [CSE for Stg]
+This module implements a simple common subexpression elimination pass for STG.
+This is useful because there are expressions that we want to common up (because
+they are operationally equivalent), but that we cannot common up in Core, because
+their types differ.
+This was originally reported as #9291.
+There are two types of common code occurrences that we aim for, see
+note [Case 1: CSEing allocated closures] and
+note [Case 2: CSEing case binders] below.
+Note [Case 1: CSEing allocated closures]
+The first kind of CSE opportunity we aim for is generated by this Haskell code:
+ bar :: a -> (Either Int a, Either Bool a)
+ bar x = (Right x, Right x)
+which produces this Core:
+ bar :: forall a. a -> (Either Int a, Either Bool a)
+ bar @a x = (Right @Int @a x, Right @Bool @a x)
+where the two components of the tuple are different terms, and cannot be
+commoned up (easily). On the STG level we have
+ bar [x] = let c1 = Right [x]
+ c2 = Right [x]
+ in (c1,c2)
+and now it is obvious that we can write
+ bar [x] = let c1 = Right [x]
+ in (c1,c1)
+Note [Case 2: CSEing case binders]
+The second kind of CSE opportunity we aim for is more interesting, and
+came up in #9291 and #5344: The Haskell code
+ foo :: Either Int a -> Either Bool a
+ foo (Right x) = Right x
+ foo _ = Left False
+produces this Core
+ foo :: forall a. Either Int a -> Either Bool a
+ foo @a e = case e of b { Left n -> …
+ , Right x -> Right @Bool @a x }
+where we cannot CSE `Right @Bool @a x` with the case binder `b` as they have
+different types. But in STG we have
+ foo [e] = case e of b { Left [n] -> …
+ , Right [x] -> Right [x] }
+and nothing stops us from transforming that to
+ foo [e] = case e of b { Left [n] -> …
+ , Right [x] -> b}
+Note [StgCse after unarisation]
+Consider two unboxed sum terms:
+ (# 1 | #) :: (# Int | Int# #)
+ (# 1 | #) :: (# Int | Int #)
+These two terms are not equal as they unarise to different unboxed
+tuples. However if we run StgCse before Unarise, it'll think the two
+terms (# 1 | #) are equal, and replace one of these with a binder to
+the other. That's bad -- #15300.
+Solution: do unarise first.
+module GHC.Stg.CSE (stgCse) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import DataCon
+import Id
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import Outputable
+import VarEnv
+import CoreSyn (AltCon(..))
+import Data.List (mapAccumL)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import CoreMap
+import NameEnv
+import Control.Monad( (>=>) )
+-- The Trie --
+-- A lookup trie for data constructor applications, i.e.
+-- keys of type `(DataCon, [StgArg])`, following the patterns in TrieMap.
+data StgArgMap a = SAM
+ { sam_var :: DVarEnv a
+ , sam_lit :: LiteralMap a
+ }
+instance TrieMap StgArgMap where
+ type Key StgArgMap = StgArg
+ emptyTM = SAM { sam_var = emptyTM
+ , sam_lit = emptyTM }
+ lookupTM (StgVarArg var) = sam_var >.> lkDFreeVar var
+ lookupTM (StgLitArg lit) = sam_lit >.> lookupTM lit
+ alterTM (StgVarArg var) f m = m { sam_var = sam_var m |> xtDFreeVar var f }
+ alterTM (StgLitArg lit) f m = m { sam_lit = sam_lit m |> alterTM lit f }
+ foldTM k m = foldTM k (sam_var m) . foldTM k (sam_lit m)
+ mapTM f (SAM {sam_var = varm, sam_lit = litm}) =
+ SAM { sam_var = mapTM f varm, sam_lit = mapTM f litm }
+newtype ConAppMap a = CAM { un_cam :: DNameEnv (ListMap StgArgMap a) }
+instance TrieMap ConAppMap where
+ type Key ConAppMap = (DataCon, [StgArg])
+ emptyTM = CAM emptyTM
+ lookupTM (dataCon, args) = un_cam >.> lkDNamed dataCon >=> lookupTM args
+ alterTM (dataCon, args) f m =
+ m { un_cam = un_cam m |> xtDNamed dataCon |>> alterTM args f }
+ foldTM k = un_cam >.> foldTM (foldTM k)
+ mapTM f = un_cam >.> mapTM (mapTM f) >.> CAM
+-- The CSE Env --
+-- | The CSE environment. See note [CseEnv Example]
+data CseEnv = CseEnv
+ { ce_conAppMap :: ConAppMap OutId
+ -- ^ The main component of the environment is the trie that maps
+ -- data constructor applications (with their `OutId` arguments)
+ -- to an in-scope name that can be used instead.
+ -- This name is always either a let-bound variable or a case binder.
+ , ce_subst :: IdEnv OutId
+ -- ^ This substitution is applied to the code as we traverse it.
+ -- Entries have one of two reasons:
+ --
+ -- * The input might have shadowing (see Note [Shadowing]), so we have
+ -- to rename some binders as we traverse the tree.
+ -- * If we remove `let x = Con z` because `let y = Con z` is in scope,
+ -- we note this here as x ↦ y.
+ , ce_bndrMap :: IdEnv OutId
+ -- ^ If we come across a case expression case x as b of … with a trivial
+ -- binder, we add b ↦ x to this.
+ -- This map is *only* used when looking something up in the ce_conAppMap.
+ -- See Note [Trivial case scrutinee]
+ , ce_in_scope :: InScopeSet
+ -- ^ The third component is an in-scope set, to rename away any
+ -- shadowing binders
+ }
+Note [CseEnv Example]
+The following tables shows how the CseEnvironment changes as code is traversed,
+as well as the changes to that code.
+ InExpr OutExpr
+ conAppMap subst in_scope
+ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+ -- empty {} {}
+ case … as a of {Con x y -> case … as a of {Con x y ->
+ -- Con x y ↦ a {} {a,x,y}
+ let b = Con x y (removed)
+ -- Con x y ↦ a b↦a {a,x,y,b}
+ let c = Bar a let c = Bar a
+ -- Con x y ↦ a, Bar a ↦ c b↦a {a,x,y,b,c}
+ let c = some expression let c' = some expression
+ -- Con x y ↦ a, Bar a ↦ c b↦a, c↦c', {a,x,y,b,c,c'}
+ let d = Bar b (removed)
+ -- Con x y ↦ a, Bar a ↦ c b↦a, c↦c', d↦c {a,x,y,b,c,c',d}
+ (a, b, c d) (a, a, c' c)
+initEnv :: InScopeSet -> CseEnv
+initEnv in_scope = CseEnv
+ { ce_conAppMap = emptyTM
+ , ce_subst = emptyVarEnv
+ , ce_bndrMap = emptyVarEnv
+ , ce_in_scope = in_scope
+ }
+envLookup :: DataCon -> [OutStgArg] -> CseEnv -> Maybe OutId
+envLookup dataCon args env = lookupTM (dataCon, args') (ce_conAppMap env)
+ where args' = map go args -- See Note [Trivial case scrutinee]
+ go (StgVarArg v ) = StgVarArg (fromMaybe v $ lookupVarEnv (ce_bndrMap env) v)
+ go (StgLitArg lit) = StgLitArg lit
+addDataCon :: OutId -> DataCon -> [OutStgArg] -> CseEnv -> CseEnv
+-- do not bother with nullary data constructors, they are static anyways
+addDataCon _ _ [] env = env
+addDataCon bndr dataCon args env = env { ce_conAppMap = new_env }
+ where
+ new_env = insertTM (dataCon, args) bndr (ce_conAppMap env)
+forgetCse :: CseEnv -> CseEnv
+forgetCse env = env { ce_conAppMap = emptyTM }
+ -- See note [Free variables of an StgClosure]
+addSubst :: OutId -> OutId -> CseEnv -> CseEnv
+addSubst from to env
+ = env { ce_subst = extendVarEnv (ce_subst env) from to }
+addTrivCaseBndr :: OutId -> OutId -> CseEnv -> CseEnv
+addTrivCaseBndr from to env
+ = env { ce_bndrMap = extendVarEnv (ce_bndrMap env) from to }
+substArgs :: CseEnv -> [InStgArg] -> [OutStgArg]
+substArgs env = map (substArg env)
+substArg :: CseEnv -> InStgArg -> OutStgArg
+substArg env (StgVarArg from) = StgVarArg (substVar env from)
+substArg _ (StgLitArg lit) = StgLitArg lit
+substVar :: CseEnv -> InId -> OutId
+substVar env id = fromMaybe id $ lookupVarEnv (ce_subst env) id
+-- Functions to enter binders
+-- This is much simpler than the equivalent code in CoreSubst:
+-- * We do not substitute type variables, and
+-- * There is nothing relevant in IdInfo at this stage
+-- that needs substitutions.
+-- Therefore, no special treatment for a recursive group is required.
+substBndr :: CseEnv -> InId -> (CseEnv, OutId)
+substBndr env old_id
+ = (new_env, new_id)
+ where
+ new_id = uniqAway (ce_in_scope env) old_id
+ no_change = new_id == old_id
+ env' = env { ce_in_scope = ce_in_scope env `extendInScopeSet` new_id }
+ new_env | no_change = env'
+ | otherwise = env' { ce_subst = extendVarEnv (ce_subst env) old_id new_id }
+substBndrs :: CseEnv -> [InVar] -> (CseEnv, [OutVar])
+substBndrs env bndrs = mapAccumL substBndr env bndrs
+substPairs :: CseEnv -> [(InVar, a)] -> (CseEnv, [(OutVar, a)])
+substPairs env bndrs = mapAccumL go env bndrs
+ where go env (id, x) = let (env', id') = substBndr env id
+ in (env', (id', x))
+-- Main entry point
+stgCse :: [InStgTopBinding] -> [OutStgTopBinding]
+stgCse binds = snd $ mapAccumL stgCseTopLvl emptyInScopeSet binds
+-- Top level bindings.
+-- We do not CSE these, as top-level closures are allocated statically anyways.
+-- Also, they might be exported.
+-- But we still have to collect the set of in-scope variables, otherwise
+-- uniqAway might shadow a top-level closure.
+stgCseTopLvl :: InScopeSet -> InStgTopBinding -> (InScopeSet, OutStgTopBinding)
+stgCseTopLvl in_scope t@(StgTopStringLit _ _) = (in_scope, t)
+stgCseTopLvl in_scope (StgTopLifted (StgNonRec bndr rhs))
+ = (in_scope'
+ , StgTopLifted (StgNonRec bndr (stgCseTopLvlRhs in_scope rhs)))
+ where in_scope' = in_scope `extendInScopeSet` bndr
+stgCseTopLvl in_scope (StgTopLifted (StgRec eqs))
+ = ( in_scope'
+ , StgTopLifted (StgRec [ (bndr, stgCseTopLvlRhs in_scope' rhs) | (bndr, rhs) <- eqs ]))
+ where in_scope' = in_scope `extendInScopeSetList` [ bndr | (bndr, _) <- eqs ]
+stgCseTopLvlRhs :: InScopeSet -> InStgRhs -> OutStgRhs
+stgCseTopLvlRhs in_scope (StgRhsClosure ext ccs upd args body)
+ = let body' = stgCseExpr (initEnv in_scope) body
+ in StgRhsClosure ext ccs upd args body'
+stgCseTopLvlRhs _ (StgRhsCon ccs dataCon args)
+ = StgRhsCon ccs dataCon args
+-- The actual AST traversal --
+-- Trivial cases
+stgCseExpr :: CseEnv -> InStgExpr -> OutStgExpr
+stgCseExpr env (StgApp fun args)
+ = StgApp fun' args'
+ where fun' = substVar env fun
+ args' = substArgs env args
+stgCseExpr _ (StgLit lit)
+ = StgLit lit
+stgCseExpr env (StgOpApp op args tys)
+ = StgOpApp op args' tys
+ where args' = substArgs env args
+stgCseExpr _ (StgLam _ _)
+ = pprPanic "stgCseExp" (text "StgLam")
+stgCseExpr env (StgTick tick body)
+ = let body' = stgCseExpr env body
+ in StgTick tick body'
+stgCseExpr env (StgCase scrut bndr ty alts)
+ = mkStgCase scrut' bndr' ty alts'
+ where
+ scrut' = stgCseExpr env scrut
+ (env1, bndr') = substBndr env bndr
+ env2 | StgApp trivial_scrut [] <- scrut' = addTrivCaseBndr bndr trivial_scrut env1
+ -- See Note [Trivial case scrutinee]
+ | otherwise = env1
+ alts' = map (stgCseAlt env2 ty bndr') alts
+-- A constructor application.
+-- To be removed by a variable use when found in the CSE environment
+stgCseExpr env (StgConApp dataCon args tys)
+ | Just bndr' <- envLookup dataCon args' env
+ = StgApp bndr' []
+ | otherwise
+ = StgConApp dataCon args' tys
+ where args' = substArgs env args
+-- Let bindings
+-- The binding might be removed due to CSE (we do not want trivial bindings on
+-- the STG level), so use the smart constructor `mkStgLet` to remove the binding
+-- if empty.
+stgCseExpr env (StgLet ext binds body)
+ = let (binds', env') = stgCseBind env binds
+ body' = stgCseExpr env' body
+ in mkStgLet (StgLet ext) binds' body'
+stgCseExpr env (StgLetNoEscape ext binds body)
+ = let (binds', env') = stgCseBind env binds
+ body' = stgCseExpr env' body
+ in mkStgLet (StgLetNoEscape ext) binds' body'
+-- Case alternatives
+-- Extend the CSE environment
+stgCseAlt :: CseEnv -> AltType -> OutId -> InStgAlt -> OutStgAlt
+stgCseAlt env ty case_bndr (DataAlt dataCon, args, rhs)
+ = let (env1, args') = substBndrs env args
+ env2
+ -- To avoid dealing with unboxed sums StgCse runs after unarise and
+ -- should maintain invariants listed in Note [Post-unarisation
+ -- invariants]. One of the invariants is that some binders are not
+ -- used (unboxed tuple case binders) which is what we check with
+ -- `stgCaseBndrInScope` here. If the case binder is not in scope we
+ -- don't add it to the CSE env. See also #15300.
+ | stgCaseBndrInScope ty True -- CSE runs after unarise
+ = addDataCon case_bndr dataCon (map StgVarArg args') env1
+ | otherwise
+ = env1
+ -- see note [Case 2: CSEing case binders]
+ rhs' = stgCseExpr env2 rhs
+ in (DataAlt dataCon, args', rhs')
+stgCseAlt env _ _ (altCon, args, rhs)
+ = let (env1, args') = substBndrs env args
+ rhs' = stgCseExpr env1 rhs
+ in (altCon, args', rhs')
+-- Bindings
+stgCseBind :: CseEnv -> InStgBinding -> (Maybe OutStgBinding, CseEnv)
+stgCseBind env (StgNonRec b e)
+ = let (env1, b') = substBndr env b
+ in case stgCseRhs env1 b' e of
+ (Nothing, env2) -> (Nothing, env2)
+ (Just (b2,e'), env2) -> (Just (StgNonRec b2 e'), env2)
+stgCseBind env (StgRec pairs)
+ = let (env1, pairs1) = substPairs env pairs
+ in case stgCsePairs env1 pairs1 of
+ ([], env2) -> (Nothing, env2)
+ (pairs2, env2) -> (Just (StgRec pairs2), env2)
+stgCsePairs :: CseEnv -> [(OutId, InStgRhs)] -> ([(OutId, OutStgRhs)], CseEnv)
+stgCsePairs env [] = ([], env)
+stgCsePairs env0 ((b,e):pairs)
+ = let (pairMB, env1) = stgCseRhs env0 b e
+ (pairs', env2) = stgCsePairs env1 pairs
+ in (pairMB `mbCons` pairs', env2)
+ where
+ mbCons = maybe id (:)
+-- The RHS of a binding.
+-- If it is a constructor application, either short-cut it or extend the environment
+stgCseRhs :: CseEnv -> OutId -> InStgRhs -> (Maybe (OutId, OutStgRhs), CseEnv)
+stgCseRhs env bndr (StgRhsCon ccs dataCon args)
+ | Just other_bndr <- envLookup dataCon args' env
+ = let env' = addSubst bndr other_bndr env
+ in (Nothing, env')
+ | otherwise
+ = let env' = addDataCon bndr dataCon args' env
+ -- see note [Case 1: CSEing allocated closures]
+ pair = (bndr, StgRhsCon ccs dataCon args')
+ in (Just pair, env')
+ where args' = substArgs env args
+stgCseRhs env bndr (StgRhsClosure ext ccs upd args body)
+ = let (env1, args') = substBndrs env args
+ env2 = forgetCse env1 -- See note [Free variables of an StgClosure]
+ body' = stgCseExpr env2 body
+ in (Just (substVar env bndr, StgRhsClosure ext ccs upd args' body'), env)
+mkStgCase :: StgExpr -> OutId -> AltType -> [StgAlt] -> StgExpr
+mkStgCase scrut bndr ty alts | all isBndr alts = scrut
+ | otherwise = StgCase scrut bndr ty alts
+ where
+ -- see Note [All alternatives are the binder]
+ isBndr (_, _, StgApp f []) = f == bndr
+ isBndr _ = False
+-- Utilities
+-- | This function short-cuts let-bindings that are now obsolete
+mkStgLet :: (a -> b -> b) -> Maybe a -> b -> b
+mkStgLet _ Nothing body = body
+mkStgLet stgLet (Just binds) body = stgLet binds body
+Note [All alternatives are the binder]
+When all alternatives simply refer to the case binder, then we do not have
+to bother with the case expression at all (#13588). CoreSTG does this as well,
+but sometimes, types get into the way:
+ newtype T = MkT Int
+ f :: (Int, Int) -> (T, Int)
+ f (x, y) = (MkT x, y)
+Core cannot just turn this into
+ f p = p
+as this would not be well-typed. But to STG, where MkT is no longer in the way,
+we can.
+Note [Trivial case scrutinee]
+We want to be able to handle nested reconstruction of constructors as in
+ nested :: Either Int (Either Int a) -> Either Bool (Either Bool a)
+ nested (Right (Right v)) = Right (Right v)
+ nested _ = Left True
+So if we come across
+ case x of r1
+ Right a -> case a of r2
+ Right b -> let v = Right b
+ in Right v
+we first replace v with r2. Next we want to replace Right r2 with r1. But the
+ce_conAppMap contains Right a!
+Therefore, we add r1 ↦ x to ce_bndrMap when analysing the outer case, and use
+this substitution before looking Right r2 up in ce_conAppMap, and everything
+works out.
+Note [Free variables of an StgClosure]
+StgClosures (function and thunks) have an explicit list of free variables:
+foo [x] =
+ let not_a_free_var = Left [x]
+ let a_free_var = Right [x]
+ let closure = \[x a_free_var] -> \[y] -> bar y (Left [x]) a_free_var
+ in closure
+If we were to CSE `Left [x]` in the body of `closure` with `not_a_free_var`,
+then the list of free variables would be wrong, so for now, we do not CSE
+across such a closure, simply because I (Joachim) was not sure about possible
+knock-on effects. If deemed safe and worth the slight code complication of
+re-calculating this list during or after this pass, this can surely be done.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65f80d97af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+-- | Free variable analysis on STG terms.
+module GHC.Stg.FVs (
+ annTopBindingsFreeVars,
+ annBindingFreeVars
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import Id
+import VarSet
+import CoreSyn ( Tickish(Breakpoint) )
+import Outputable
+import Util
+import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
+newtype Env
+ = Env
+ { locals :: IdSet
+ }
+emptyEnv :: Env
+emptyEnv = Env emptyVarSet
+addLocals :: [Id] -> Env -> Env
+addLocals bndrs env
+ = env { locals = extendVarSetList (locals env) bndrs }
+-- | Annotates a top-level STG binding group with its free variables.
+annTopBindingsFreeVars :: [StgTopBinding] -> [CgStgTopBinding]
+annTopBindingsFreeVars = map go
+ where
+ go (StgTopStringLit id bs) = StgTopStringLit id bs
+ go (StgTopLifted bind)
+ = StgTopLifted (annBindingFreeVars bind)
+-- | Annotates an STG binding with its free variables.
+annBindingFreeVars :: StgBinding -> CgStgBinding
+annBindingFreeVars = fst . binding emptyEnv emptyDVarSet
+boundIds :: StgBinding -> [Id]
+boundIds (StgNonRec b _) = [b]
+boundIds (StgRec pairs) = map fst pairs
+-- Note [Tracking local binders]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- 'locals' contains non-toplevel, non-imported binders.
+-- We maintain the set in 'expr', 'alt' and 'rhs', which are the only
+-- places where new local binders are introduced.
+-- Why do it there rather than in 'binding'? Two reasons:
+-- 1. We call 'binding' from 'annTopBindingsFreeVars', which would
+-- add top-level bindings to the 'locals' set.
+-- 2. In the let(-no-escape) case, we need to extend the environment
+-- prior to analysing the body, but we also need the fvs from the
+-- body to analyse the RHSs. No way to do this without some
+-- knot-tying.
+-- | This makes sure that only local, non-global free vars make it into the set.
+mkFreeVarSet :: Env -> [Id] -> DIdSet
+mkFreeVarSet env = mkDVarSet . filter (`elemVarSet` locals env)
+args :: Env -> [StgArg] -> DIdSet
+args env = mkFreeVarSet env . mapMaybe f
+ where
+ f (StgVarArg occ) = Just occ
+ f _ = Nothing
+binding :: Env -> DIdSet -> StgBinding -> (CgStgBinding, DIdSet)
+binding env body_fv (StgNonRec bndr r) = (StgNonRec bndr r', fvs)
+ where
+ -- See Note [Tracking local binders]
+ (r', rhs_fvs) = rhs env r
+ fvs = delDVarSet body_fv bndr `unionDVarSet` rhs_fvs
+binding env body_fv (StgRec pairs) = (StgRec pairs', fvs)
+ where
+ -- See Note [Tracking local binders]
+ bndrs = map fst pairs
+ (rhss, rhs_fvss) = mapAndUnzip (rhs env . snd) pairs
+ pairs' = zip bndrs rhss
+ fvs = delDVarSetList (unionDVarSets (body_fv:rhs_fvss)) bndrs
+expr :: Env -> StgExpr -> (CgStgExpr, DIdSet)
+expr env = go
+ where
+ go (StgApp occ as)
+ = (StgApp occ as, unionDVarSet (args env as) (mkFreeVarSet env [occ]))
+ go (StgLit lit) = (StgLit lit, emptyDVarSet)
+ go (StgConApp dc as tys) = (StgConApp dc as tys, args env as)
+ go (StgOpApp op as ty) = (StgOpApp op as ty, args env as)
+ go StgLam{} = pprPanic "StgFVs: StgLam" empty
+ go (StgCase scrut bndr ty alts) = (StgCase scrut' bndr ty alts', fvs)
+ where
+ (scrut', scrut_fvs) = go scrut
+ -- See Note [Tracking local binders]
+ (alts', alt_fvss) = mapAndUnzip (alt (addLocals [bndr] env)) alts
+ alt_fvs = unionDVarSets alt_fvss
+ fvs = delDVarSet (unionDVarSet scrut_fvs alt_fvs) bndr
+ go (StgLet ext bind body) = go_bind (StgLet ext) bind body
+ go (StgLetNoEscape ext bind body) = go_bind (StgLetNoEscape ext) bind body
+ go (StgTick tick e) = (StgTick tick e', fvs')
+ where
+ (e', fvs) = go e
+ fvs' = unionDVarSet (tickish tick) fvs
+ tickish (Breakpoint _ ids) = mkDVarSet ids
+ tickish _ = emptyDVarSet
+ go_bind dc bind body = (dc bind' body', fvs)
+ where
+ -- See Note [Tracking local binders]
+ env' = addLocals (boundIds bind) env
+ (body', body_fvs) = expr env' body
+ (bind', fvs) = binding env' body_fvs bind
+rhs :: Env -> StgRhs -> (CgStgRhs, DIdSet)
+rhs env (StgRhsClosure _ ccs uf bndrs body)
+ = (StgRhsClosure fvs ccs uf bndrs body', fvs)
+ where
+ -- See Note [Tracking local binders]
+ (body', body_fvs) = expr (addLocals bndrs env) body
+ fvs = delDVarSetList body_fvs bndrs
+rhs env (StgRhsCon ccs dc as) = (StgRhsCon ccs dc as, args env as)
+alt :: Env -> StgAlt -> (CgStgAlt, DIdSet)
+alt env (con, bndrs, e) = ((con, bndrs, e'), fvs)
+ where
+ -- See Note [Tracking local binders]
+ (e', rhs_fvs) = expr (addLocals bndrs env) e
+ fvs = delDVarSetList rhs_fvs bndrs
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cafcafbd42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+-- | Implements a selective lambda lifter, running late in the optimisation
+-- pipeline.
+-- If you are interested in the cost model that is employed to decide whether
+-- to lift a binding or not, look at "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis".
+-- "GHC.Stg.Lift.Monad" contains the transformation monad that hides away some
+-- plumbing of the transformation.
+module GHC.Stg.Lift
+ (
+ -- * Late lambda lifting in STG
+ -- $note
+ stgLiftLams
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import BasicTypes
+import DynFlags
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import GHC.Stg.FVs ( annBindingFreeVars )
+import GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis
+import GHC.Stg.Lift.Monad
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import Outputable
+import UniqSupply
+import Util
+import VarSet
+import Control.Monad ( when )
+import Data.Maybe ( isNothing )
+-- Note [Late lambda lifting in STG]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- $note
+-- See also the < wiki page>
+-- and #9476.
+-- The basic idea behind lambda lifting is to turn locally defined functions
+-- into top-level functions. Free variables are then passed as additional
+-- arguments at *call sites* instead of having a closure allocated for them at
+-- *definition site*. Example:
+-- @
+-- let x = ...; y = ... in
+-- let f = {x y} \a -> a + x + y in
+-- let g = {f x} \b -> f b + x in
+-- g 5
+-- @
+-- Lambda lifting @f@ would
+-- 1. Turn @f@'s free variables into formal parameters
+-- 2. Update @f@'s call site within @g@ to @f x y b@
+-- 3. Update @g@'s closure: Add @y@ as an additional free variable, while
+-- removing @f@, because @f@ no longer allocates and can be floated to
+-- top-level.
+-- 4. Actually float the binding of @f@ to top-level, eliminating the @let@
+-- in the process.
+-- This results in the following program (with free var annotations):
+-- @
+-- f x y a = a + x + y;
+-- let x = ...; y = ... in
+-- let g = {x y} \b -> f x y b + x in
+-- g 5
+-- @
+-- This optimisation is all about lifting only when it is beneficial to do so.
+-- The above seems like a worthwhile lift, judging from heap allocation:
+-- We eliminate @f@'s closure, saving to allocate a closure with 2 words, while
+-- not changing the size of @g@'s closure.
+-- You can probably sense that there's some kind of cost model at play here.
+-- And you are right! But we also employ a couple of other heuristics for the
+-- lifting decision which are outlined in "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#when".
+-- The transformation is done in "GHC.Stg.Lift", which calls out to
+-- 'GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis.goodToLift' for its lifting decision. It relies on
+-- "GHC.Stg.Lift.Monad", which abstracts some subtle STG invariants into a
+-- monadic substrate.
+-- Suffice to say: We trade heap allocation for stack allocation.
+-- The additional arguments have to passed on the stack (or in registers,
+-- depending on architecture) every time we call the function to save a single
+-- heap allocation when entering the let binding. Nofib suggests a mean
+-- improvement of about 1% for this pass, so it seems like a worthwhile thing to
+-- do. Compile-times went up by 0.6%, so all in all a very modest change.
+-- For a concrete example, look at @spectral/atom@. There's a call to 'zipWith'
+-- that is ultimately compiled to something like this
+-- (module desugaring/lowering to actual STG):
+-- @
+-- propagate dt = ...;
+-- runExperiment ... =
+-- let xs = ... in
+-- let ys = ... in
+-- let go = {dt go} \xs ys -> case (xs, ys) of
+-- ([], []) -> []
+-- (x:xs', y:ys') -> propagate dt x y : go xs' ys'
+-- in go xs ys
+-- @
+-- This will lambda lift @go@ to top-level, speeding up the resulting program
+-- by roughly one percent:
+-- @
+-- propagate dt = ...;
+-- go dt xs ys = case (xs, ys) of
+-- ([], []) -> []
+-- (x:xs', y:ys') -> propagate dt x y : go dt xs' ys'
+-- runExperiment ... =
+-- let xs = ... in
+-- let ys = ... in
+-- in go dt xs ys
+-- @
+-- | Lambda lifts bindings to top-level deemed worth lifting (see 'goodToLift').
+-- (Mostly) textbook instance of the lambda lifting transformation, selecting
+-- which bindings to lambda lift by consulting 'goodToLift'.
+stgLiftLams :: DynFlags -> UniqSupply -> [InStgTopBinding] -> [OutStgTopBinding]
+stgLiftLams dflags us = runLiftM dflags us . foldr liftTopLvl (pure ())
+liftTopLvl :: InStgTopBinding -> LiftM () -> LiftM ()
+liftTopLvl (StgTopStringLit bndr lit) rest = withSubstBndr bndr $ \bndr' -> do
+ addTopStringLit bndr' lit
+ rest
+liftTopLvl (StgTopLifted bind) rest = do
+ let is_rec = isRec $ fst $ decomposeStgBinding bind
+ when is_rec startBindingGroup
+ let bind_w_fvs = annBindingFreeVars bind
+ withLiftedBind TopLevel (tagSkeletonTopBind bind_w_fvs) NilSk $ \mb_bind' -> do
+ -- We signal lifting of a binding through returning Nothing.
+ -- Should never happen for a top-level binding, though, since we are already
+ -- at top-level.
+ case mb_bind' of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "StgLiftLams" (text "Lifted top-level binding")
+ Just bind' -> addLiftedBinding bind'
+ when is_rec endBindingGroup
+ rest
+ :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> LlStgBinding
+ -> Skeleton
+ -> (Maybe OutStgBinding -> LiftM a)
+ -> LiftM a
+withLiftedBind top_lvl bind scope k
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl
+ = withCaffyness (is_caffy pairs) go
+ | otherwise
+ = go
+ where
+ (rec, pairs) = decomposeStgBinding bind
+ is_caffy = any (mayHaveCafRefs . idCafInfo . binderInfoBndr . fst)
+ go = withLiftedBindPairs top_lvl rec pairs scope (k . fmap (mkStgBinding rec))
+ :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> RecFlag
+ -> [(BinderInfo, LlStgRhs)]
+ -> Skeleton
+ -> (Maybe [(Id, OutStgRhs)] -> LiftM a)
+ -> LiftM a
+withLiftedBindPairs top rec pairs scope k = do
+ let (infos, rhss) = unzip pairs
+ let bndrs = map binderInfoBndr infos
+ expander <- liftedIdsExpander
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ case goodToLift dflags top rec expander pairs scope of
+ -- @abs_ids@ is the set of all variables that need to become parameters.
+ Just abs_ids -> withLiftedBndrs abs_ids bndrs $ \bndrs' -> do
+ -- Within this block, all binders in @bndrs@ will be noted as lifted, so
+ -- that the return value of @liftedIdsExpander@ in this context will also
+ -- expand the bindings in @bndrs@ to their free variables.
+ -- Now we can recurse into the RHSs and see if we can lift any further
+ -- bindings. We pass the set of expanded free variables (thus OutIds) on
+ -- to @liftRhs@ so that it can add them as parameter binders.
+ when (isRec rec) startBindingGroup
+ rhss' <- traverse (liftRhs (Just abs_ids)) rhss
+ let pairs' = zip bndrs' rhss'
+ addLiftedBinding (mkStgBinding rec pairs')
+ when (isRec rec) endBindingGroup
+ k Nothing
+ Nothing -> withSubstBndrs bndrs $ \bndrs' -> do
+ -- Don't lift the current binding, but possibly some bindings in their
+ -- RHSs.
+ rhss' <- traverse (liftRhs Nothing) rhss
+ let pairs' = zip bndrs' rhss'
+ k (Just pairs')
+ :: Maybe (DIdSet)
+ -- ^ @Just former_fvs@ <=> this RHS was lifted and we have to add @former_fvs@
+ -- as lambda binders, discarding all free vars.
+ -> LlStgRhs
+ -> LiftM OutStgRhs
+liftRhs mb_former_fvs rhs@(StgRhsCon ccs con args)
+ = ASSERT2(isNothing mb_former_fvs, text "Should never lift a constructor" $$ ppr rhs)
+ StgRhsCon ccs con <$> traverse liftArgs args
+liftRhs Nothing (StgRhsClosure _ ccs upd infos body) = do
+ -- This RHS wasn't lifted.
+ withSubstBndrs (map binderInfoBndr infos) $ \bndrs' ->
+ StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent ccs upd bndrs' <$> liftExpr body
+liftRhs (Just former_fvs) (StgRhsClosure _ ccs upd infos body) = do
+ -- This RHS was lifted. Insert extra binders for @former_fvs@.
+ withSubstBndrs (map binderInfoBndr infos) $ \bndrs' -> do
+ let bndrs'' = dVarSetElems former_fvs ++ bndrs'
+ StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent ccs upd bndrs'' <$> liftExpr body
+liftArgs :: InStgArg -> LiftM OutStgArg
+liftArgs a@(StgLitArg _) = pure a
+liftArgs (StgVarArg occ) = do
+ ASSERTM2( not <$> isLifted occ, text "StgArgs should never be lifted" $$ ppr occ )
+ StgVarArg <$> substOcc occ
+liftExpr :: LlStgExpr -> LiftM OutStgExpr
+liftExpr (StgLit lit) = pure (StgLit lit)
+liftExpr (StgTick t e) = StgTick t <$> liftExpr e
+liftExpr (StgApp f args) = do
+ f' <- substOcc f
+ args' <- traverse liftArgs args
+ fvs' <- formerFreeVars f
+ let top_lvl_args = map StgVarArg fvs' ++ args'
+ pure (StgApp f' top_lvl_args)
+liftExpr (StgConApp con args tys) = StgConApp con <$> traverse liftArgs args <*> pure tys
+liftExpr (StgOpApp op args ty) = StgOpApp op <$> traverse liftArgs args <*> pure ty
+liftExpr (StgLam _ _) = pprPanic "stgLiftLams" (text "StgLam")
+liftExpr (StgCase scrut info ty alts) = do
+ scrut' <- liftExpr scrut
+ withSubstBndr (binderInfoBndr info) $ \bndr' -> do
+ alts' <- traverse liftAlt alts
+ pure (StgCase scrut' bndr' ty alts')
+liftExpr (StgLet scope bind body)
+ = withLiftedBind NotTopLevel bind scope $ \mb_bind' -> do
+ body' <- liftExpr body
+ case mb_bind' of
+ Nothing -> pure body' -- withLiftedBindPairs decided to lift it and already added floats
+ Just bind' -> pure (StgLet noExtFieldSilent bind' body')
+liftExpr (StgLetNoEscape scope bind body)
+ = withLiftedBind NotTopLevel bind scope $ \mb_bind' -> do
+ body' <- liftExpr body
+ case mb_bind' of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "stgLiftLams" (text "Should never decide to lift LNEs")
+ Just bind' -> pure (StgLetNoEscape noExtFieldSilent bind' body')
+liftAlt :: LlStgAlt -> LiftM OutStgAlt
+liftAlt (con, infos, rhs) = withSubstBndrs (map binderInfoBndr infos) $ \bndrs' ->
+ (,,) con bndrs' <$> liftExpr rhs
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Analysis.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Analysis.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02d439cef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Analysis.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+-- | Provides the heuristics for when it's beneficial to lambda lift bindings.
+-- Most significantly, this employs a cost model to estimate impact on heap
+-- allocations, by looking at an STG expression's 'Skeleton'.
+module GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis (
+ -- * #when# When to lift
+ -- $when
+ -- * #clogro# Estimating closure growth
+ -- $clogro
+ -- * AST annotation
+ Skeleton(..), BinderInfo(..), binderInfoBndr,
+ LlStgBinding, LlStgExpr, LlStgRhs, LlStgAlt, tagSkeletonTopBind,
+ -- * Lifting decision
+ goodToLift,
+ closureGrowth -- Exported just for the docs
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import BasicTypes
+import Demand
+import DynFlags
+import Id
+import SMRep ( WordOff )
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import qualified GHC.StgToCmm.ArgRep as StgToCmm.ArgRep
+import qualified GHC.StgToCmm.Closure as StgToCmm.Closure
+import qualified GHC.StgToCmm.Layout as StgToCmm.Layout
+import Outputable
+import Util
+import VarSet
+import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
+-- Note [When to lift]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- $when
+-- The analysis proceeds in two steps:
+-- 1. It tags the syntax tree with analysis information in the form of
+-- 'BinderInfo' at each binder and 'Skeleton's at each let-binding
+-- by 'tagSkeletonTopBind' and friends.
+-- 2. The resulting syntax tree is treated by the "GHC.Stg.Lift"
+-- module, calling out to 'goodToLift' to decide if a binding is worthwhile
+-- to lift.
+-- 'goodToLift' consults argument occurrence information in 'BinderInfo'
+-- and estimates 'closureGrowth', for which it needs the 'Skeleton'.
+-- So the annotations from 'tagSkeletonTopBind' ultimately fuel 'goodToLift',
+-- which employs a number of heuristics to identify and exclude lambda lifting
+-- opportunities deemed non-beneficial:
+-- [Top-level bindings] can't be lifted.
+-- [Thunks] and data constructors shouldn't be lifted in order not to destroy
+-- sharing.
+-- [Argument occurrences] #arg_occs# of binders prohibit them to be lifted.
+-- Doing the lift would re-introduce the very allocation at call sites that
+-- we tried to get rid off in the first place. We capture analysis
+-- information in 'BinderInfo'. Note that we also consider a nullary
+-- application as argument occurrence, because it would turn into an n-ary
+-- partial application created by a generic apply function. This occurs in
+-- CPS-heavy code like the CS benchmark.
+-- [Join points] should not be lifted, simply because there's no reduction in
+-- allocation to be had.
+-- [Abstracting over join points] destroys join points, because they end up as
+-- arguments to the lifted function.
+-- [Abstracting over known local functions] turns a known call into an unknown
+-- call (e.g. some @stg_ap_*@), which is generally slower. Can be turned off
+-- with @-fstg-lift-lams-known@.
+-- [Calling convention] Don't lift when the resulting function would have a
+-- higher arity than available argument registers for the calling convention.
+-- Can be influenced with @-fstg-lift-(non)rec-args(-any)@.
+-- [Closure growth] introduced when former free variables have to be available
+-- at call sites may actually lead to an increase in overall allocations
+-- resulting from a lift. Estimating closure growth is described in
+-- "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#clogro" and is what most of this module is ultimately
+-- concerned with.
+-- There's a < wiki page> with
+-- some more background and history.
+-- Note [Estimating closure growth]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- $clogro
+-- We estimate closure growth by abstracting the syntax tree into a 'Skeleton',
+-- capturing only syntactic details relevant to 'closureGrowth', such as
+-- * 'ClosureSk', representing closure allocation.
+-- * 'RhsSk', representing a RHS of a binding and how many times it's called
+-- by an appropriate 'DmdShell'.
+-- * 'AltSk', 'BothSk' and 'NilSk' for choice, sequence and empty element.
+-- This abstraction is mostly so that the main analysis function 'closureGrowth'
+-- can stay simple and focused. Also, skeletons tend to be much smaller than
+-- the syntax tree they abstract, so it makes sense to construct them once and
+-- and operate on them instead of the actual syntax tree.
+-- A more detailed treatment of computing closure growth, including examples,
+-- can be found in the paper referenced from the
+-- < wiki page>.
+llTrace :: String -> SDoc -> a -> a
+llTrace _ _ c = c
+-- llTrace a b c = pprTrace a b c
+type instance BinderP 'LiftLams = BinderInfo
+type instance XRhsClosure 'LiftLams = DIdSet
+type instance XLet 'LiftLams = Skeleton
+type instance XLetNoEscape 'LiftLams = Skeleton
+freeVarsOfRhs :: (XRhsClosure pass ~ DIdSet) => GenStgRhs pass -> DIdSet
+freeVarsOfRhs (StgRhsCon _ _ args) = mkDVarSet [ id | StgVarArg id <- args ]
+freeVarsOfRhs (StgRhsClosure fvs _ _ _ _) = fvs
+-- | Captures details of the syntax tree relevant to the cost model, such as
+-- closures, multi-shot lambdas and case expressions.
+data Skeleton
+ = ClosureSk !Id !DIdSet {- ^ free vars -} !Skeleton
+ | RhsSk !DmdShell {- ^ how often the RHS was entered -} !Skeleton
+ | AltSk !Skeleton !Skeleton
+ | BothSk !Skeleton !Skeleton
+ | NilSk
+bothSk :: Skeleton -> Skeleton -> Skeleton
+bothSk NilSk b = b
+bothSk a NilSk = a
+bothSk a b = BothSk a b
+altSk :: Skeleton -> Skeleton -> Skeleton
+altSk NilSk b = b
+altSk a NilSk = a
+altSk a b = AltSk a b
+rhsSk :: DmdShell -> Skeleton -> Skeleton
+rhsSk _ NilSk = NilSk
+rhsSk body_dmd skel = RhsSk body_dmd skel
+-- | The type used in binder positions in 'GenStgExpr's.
+data BinderInfo
+ = BindsClosure !Id !Bool -- ^ Let(-no-escape)-bound thing with a flag
+ -- indicating whether it occurs as an argument
+ -- or in a nullary application
+ -- (see "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#arg_occs").
+ | BoringBinder !Id -- ^ Every other kind of binder
+-- | Gets the bound 'Id' out a 'BinderInfo'.
+binderInfoBndr :: BinderInfo -> Id
+binderInfoBndr (BoringBinder bndr) = bndr
+binderInfoBndr (BindsClosure bndr _) = bndr
+-- | Returns 'Nothing' for 'BoringBinder's and 'Just' the flag indicating
+-- occurrences as argument or in a nullary applications otherwise.
+binderInfoOccursAsArg :: BinderInfo -> Maybe Bool
+binderInfoOccursAsArg BoringBinder{} = Nothing
+binderInfoOccursAsArg (BindsClosure _ b) = Just b
+instance Outputable Skeleton where
+ ppr NilSk = text ""
+ ppr (AltSk l r) = vcat
+ [ text "{ " <+> ppr l
+ , text "ALT"
+ , text " " <+> ppr r
+ , text "}"
+ ]
+ ppr (BothSk l r) = ppr l $$ ppr r
+ ppr (ClosureSk f fvs body) = ppr f <+> ppr fvs $$ nest 2 (ppr body)
+ ppr (RhsSk body_dmd body) = hcat
+ [ text "λ["
+ , ppr str
+ , text ", "
+ , ppr use
+ , text "]. "
+ , ppr body
+ ]
+ where
+ str
+ | isStrictDmd body_dmd = '1'
+ | otherwise = '0'
+ use
+ | isAbsDmd body_dmd = '0'
+ | isUsedOnce body_dmd = '1'
+ | otherwise = 'ω'
+instance Outputable BinderInfo where
+ ppr = ppr . binderInfoBndr
+instance OutputableBndr BinderInfo where
+ pprBndr b = pprBndr b . binderInfoBndr
+ pprPrefixOcc = pprPrefixOcc . binderInfoBndr
+ pprInfixOcc = pprInfixOcc . binderInfoBndr
+ bndrIsJoin_maybe = bndrIsJoin_maybe . binderInfoBndr
+mkArgOccs :: [StgArg] -> IdSet
+mkArgOccs = mkVarSet . mapMaybe stg_arg_var
+ where
+ stg_arg_var (StgVarArg occ) = Just occ
+ stg_arg_var _ = Nothing
+-- | Tags every binder with its 'BinderInfo' and let bindings with their
+-- 'Skeleton's.
+tagSkeletonTopBind :: CgStgBinding -> LlStgBinding
+-- NilSk is OK when tagging top-level bindings. Also, top-level things are never
+-- lambda-lifted, so no need to track their argument occurrences. They can also
+-- never be let-no-escapes (thus we pass False).
+tagSkeletonTopBind bind = bind'
+ where
+ (_, _, _, bind') = tagSkeletonBinding False NilSk emptyVarSet bind
+-- | Tags binders of an 'StgExpr' with its 'BinderInfo' and let bindings with
+-- their 'Skeleton's. Additionally, returns its 'Skeleton' and the set of binder
+-- occurrences in argument and nullary application position
+-- (cf. "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#arg_occs").
+tagSkeletonExpr :: CgStgExpr -> (Skeleton, IdSet, LlStgExpr)
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgLit lit)
+ = (NilSk, emptyVarSet, StgLit lit)
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgConApp con args tys)
+ = (NilSk, mkArgOccs args, StgConApp con args tys)
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgOpApp op args ty)
+ = (NilSk, mkArgOccs args, StgOpApp op args ty)
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgApp f args)
+ = (NilSk, arg_occs, StgApp f args)
+ where
+ arg_occs
+ -- This checks for nullary applications, which we treat the same as
+ -- argument occurrences, see "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#arg_occs".
+ | null args = unitVarSet f
+ | otherwise = mkArgOccs args
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgLam _ _) = pprPanic "stgLiftLams" (text "StgLam")
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgCase scrut bndr ty alts)
+ = (skel, arg_occs, StgCase scrut' bndr' ty alts')
+ where
+ (scrut_skel, scrut_arg_occs, scrut') = tagSkeletonExpr scrut
+ (alt_skels, alt_arg_occss, alts') = mapAndUnzip3 tagSkeletonAlt alts
+ skel = bothSk scrut_skel (foldr altSk NilSk alt_skels)
+ arg_occs = unionVarSets (scrut_arg_occs:alt_arg_occss) `delVarSet` bndr
+ bndr' = BoringBinder bndr
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgTick t e)
+ = (skel, arg_occs, StgTick t e')
+ where
+ (skel, arg_occs, e') = tagSkeletonExpr e
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgLet _ bind body) = tagSkeletonLet False body bind
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgLetNoEscape _ bind body) = tagSkeletonLet True body bind
+mkLet :: Bool -> Skeleton -> LlStgBinding -> LlStgExpr -> LlStgExpr
+mkLet True = StgLetNoEscape
+mkLet _ = StgLet
+ :: Bool
+ -- ^ Is the binding a let-no-escape?
+ -> CgStgExpr
+ -- ^ Let body
+ -> CgStgBinding
+ -- ^ Binding group
+ -> (Skeleton, IdSet, LlStgExpr)
+ -- ^ RHS skeletons, argument occurrences and annotated binding
+tagSkeletonLet is_lne body bind
+ = (let_skel, arg_occs, mkLet is_lne scope bind' body')
+ where
+ (body_skel, body_arg_occs, body') = tagSkeletonExpr body
+ (let_skel, arg_occs, scope, bind')
+ = tagSkeletonBinding is_lne body_skel body_arg_occs bind
+ :: Bool
+ -- ^ Is the binding a let-no-escape?
+ -> Skeleton
+ -- ^ Let body skeleton
+ -> IdSet
+ -- ^ Argument occurrences in the body
+ -> CgStgBinding
+ -- ^ Binding group
+ -> (Skeleton, IdSet, Skeleton, LlStgBinding)
+ -- ^ Let skeleton, argument occurrences, scope skeleton of binding and
+ -- the annotated binding
+tagSkeletonBinding is_lne body_skel body_arg_occs (StgNonRec bndr rhs)
+ = (let_skel, arg_occs, scope, bind')
+ where
+ (rhs_skel, rhs_arg_occs, rhs') = tagSkeletonRhs bndr rhs
+ arg_occs = (body_arg_occs `unionVarSet` rhs_arg_occs) `delVarSet` bndr
+ bind_skel
+ | is_lne = rhs_skel -- no closure is allocated for let-no-escapes
+ | otherwise = ClosureSk bndr (freeVarsOfRhs rhs) rhs_skel
+ let_skel = bothSk body_skel bind_skel
+ occurs_as_arg = bndr `elemVarSet` body_arg_occs
+ -- Compared to the recursive case, this exploits the fact that @bndr@ is
+ -- never free in @rhs@.
+ scope = body_skel
+ bind' = StgNonRec (BindsClosure bndr occurs_as_arg) rhs'
+tagSkeletonBinding is_lne body_skel body_arg_occs (StgRec pairs)
+ = (let_skel, arg_occs, scope, StgRec pairs')
+ where
+ (bndrs, _) = unzip pairs
+ -- Local recursive STG bindings also regard the defined binders as free
+ -- vars. We want to delete those for our cost model, as these are known
+ -- calls anyway when we add them to the same top-level recursive group as
+ -- the top-level binding currently being analysed.
+ skel_occs_rhss' = map (uncurry tagSkeletonRhs) pairs
+ rhss_arg_occs = map sndOf3 skel_occs_rhss'
+ scope_occs = unionVarSets (body_arg_occs:rhss_arg_occs)
+ arg_occs = scope_occs `delVarSetList` bndrs
+ -- @skel_rhss@ aren't yet wrapped in closures. We'll do that in a moment,
+ -- but we also need the un-wrapped skeletons for calculating the @scope@
+ -- of the group, as the outer closures don't contribute to closure growth
+ -- when we lift this specific binding.
+ scope = foldr (bothSk . fstOf3) body_skel skel_occs_rhss'
+ -- Now we can build the actual Skeleton for the expression just by
+ -- iterating over each bind pair.
+ (bind_skels, pairs') = unzip (zipWith single_bind bndrs skel_occs_rhss')
+ let_skel = foldr bothSk body_skel bind_skels
+ single_bind bndr (skel_rhs, _, rhs') = (bind_skel, (bndr', rhs'))
+ where
+ -- Here, we finally add the closure around each @skel_rhs@.
+ bind_skel
+ | is_lne = skel_rhs -- no closure is allocated for let-no-escapes
+ | otherwise = ClosureSk bndr fvs skel_rhs
+ fvs = freeVarsOfRhs rhs' `dVarSetMinusVarSet` mkVarSet bndrs
+ bndr' = BindsClosure bndr (bndr `elemVarSet` scope_occs)
+tagSkeletonRhs :: Id -> CgStgRhs -> (Skeleton, IdSet, LlStgRhs)
+tagSkeletonRhs _ (StgRhsCon ccs dc args)
+ = (NilSk, mkArgOccs args, StgRhsCon ccs dc args)
+tagSkeletonRhs bndr (StgRhsClosure fvs ccs upd bndrs body)
+ = (rhs_skel, body_arg_occs, StgRhsClosure fvs ccs upd bndrs' body')
+ where
+ bndrs' = map BoringBinder bndrs
+ (body_skel, body_arg_occs, body') = tagSkeletonExpr body
+ rhs_skel = rhsSk (rhsDmdShell bndr) body_skel
+-- | How many times will the lambda body of the RHS bound to the given
+-- identifier be evaluated, relative to its defining context? This function
+-- computes the answer in form of a 'DmdShell'.
+rhsDmdShell :: Id -> DmdShell
+rhsDmdShell bndr
+ | is_thunk = oneifyDmd ds
+ | otherwise = peelManyCalls (idArity bndr) cd
+ where
+ is_thunk = idArity bndr == 0
+ -- Let's pray idDemandInfo is still OK after unarise...
+ (ds, cd) = toCleanDmd (idDemandInfo bndr)
+tagSkeletonAlt :: CgStgAlt -> (Skeleton, IdSet, LlStgAlt)
+tagSkeletonAlt (con, bndrs, rhs)
+ = (alt_skel, arg_occs, (con, map BoringBinder bndrs, rhs'))
+ where
+ (alt_skel, alt_arg_occs, rhs') = tagSkeletonExpr rhs
+ arg_occs = alt_arg_occs `delVarSetList` bndrs
+-- | Combines several heuristics to decide whether to lambda-lift a given
+-- @let@-binding to top-level. See "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#when" for details.
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> TopLevelFlag
+ -> RecFlag
+ -> (DIdSet -> DIdSet) -- ^ An expander function, turning 'InId's into
+ -- 'OutId's. See 'GHC.Stg.Lift.Monad.liftedIdsExpander'.
+ -> [(BinderInfo, LlStgRhs)]
+ -> Skeleton
+ -> Maybe DIdSet -- ^ @Just abs_ids@ <=> This binding is beneficial to
+ -- lift and @abs_ids@ are the variables it would
+ -- abstract over
+goodToLift dflags top_lvl rec_flag expander pairs scope = decide
+ [ ("top-level", isTopLevel top_lvl) -- keep in sync with Note [When to lift]
+ , ("memoized", any_memoized)
+ , ("argument occurrences", arg_occs)
+ , ("join point", is_join_point)
+ , ("abstracts join points", abstracts_join_ids)
+ , ("abstracts known local function", abstracts_known_local_fun)
+ , ("args spill on stack", args_spill_on_stack)
+ , ("increases allocation", inc_allocs)
+ ] where
+ decide deciders
+ | not (fancy_or deciders)
+ = llTrace "stgLiftLams:lifting"
+ (ppr bndrs <+> ppr abs_ids $$
+ ppr allocs $$
+ ppr scope) $
+ Just abs_ids
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ ppr_deciders = vcat . map (text . fst) . filter snd
+ fancy_or deciders
+ = llTrace "stgLiftLams:goodToLift" (ppr bndrs $$ ppr_deciders deciders) $
+ any snd deciders
+ bndrs = map (binderInfoBndr . fst) pairs
+ bndrs_set = mkVarSet bndrs
+ rhss = map snd pairs
+ -- First objective: Calculate @abs_ids@, e.g. the former free variables
+ -- the lifted binding would abstract over. We have to merge the free
+ -- variables of all RHS to get the set of variables that will have to be
+ -- passed through parameters.
+ fvs = unionDVarSets (map freeVarsOfRhs rhss)
+ -- To lift the binding to top-level, we want to delete the lifted binders
+ -- themselves from the free var set. Local let bindings track recursive
+ -- occurrences in their free variable set. We neither want to apply our
+ -- cost model to them (see 'tagSkeletonRhs'), nor pass them as parameters
+ -- when lifted, as these are known calls. We call the resulting set the
+ -- identifiers we abstract over, thus @abs_ids@. These are all 'OutId's.
+ -- We will save the set in 'LiftM.e_expansions' for each of the variables
+ -- if we perform the lift.
+ abs_ids = expander (delDVarSetList fvs bndrs)
+ -- We don't lift updatable thunks or constructors
+ any_memoized = any is_memoized_rhs rhss
+ is_memoized_rhs StgRhsCon{} = True
+ is_memoized_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ _ upd _ _) = isUpdatable upd
+ -- Don't lift binders occurring as arguments. This would result in complex
+ -- argument expressions which would have to be given a name, reintroducing
+ -- the very allocation at each call site that we wanted to get rid off in
+ -- the first place.
+ arg_occs = or (mapMaybe (binderInfoOccursAsArg . fst) pairs)
+ -- These don't allocate anyway.
+ is_join_point = any isJoinId bndrs
+ -- Abstracting over join points/let-no-escapes spoils them.
+ abstracts_join_ids = any isJoinId (dVarSetElems abs_ids)
+ -- Abstracting over known local functions that aren't floated themselves
+ -- turns a known, fast call into an unknown, slow call:
+ --
+ -- let f x = ...
+ -- g y = ... f x ... -- this was a known call
+ -- in g 4
+ --
+ -- After lifting @g@, but not @f@:
+ --
+ -- l_g f y = ... f y ... -- this is now an unknown call
+ -- let f x = ...
+ -- in l_g f 4
+ --
+ -- We can abuse the results of arity analysis for this:
+ -- idArity f > 0 ==> known
+ known_fun id = idArity id > 0
+ abstracts_known_local_fun
+ = not (liftLamsKnown dflags) && any known_fun (dVarSetElems abs_ids)
+ -- Number of arguments of a RHS in the current binding group if we decide
+ -- to lift it
+ n_args
+ = length
+ . StgToCmm.Closure.nonVoidIds -- void parameters don't appear in Cmm
+ . (dVarSetElems abs_ids ++)
+ . rhsLambdaBndrs
+ max_n_args
+ | isRec rec_flag = liftLamsRecArgs dflags
+ | otherwise = liftLamsNonRecArgs dflags
+ -- We have 5 hardware registers on x86_64 to pass arguments in. Any excess
+ -- args are passed on the stack, which means slow memory accesses
+ args_spill_on_stack
+ | Just n <- max_n_args = maximum (map n_args rhss) > n
+ | otherwise = False
+ -- We only perform the lift if allocations didn't increase.
+ -- Note that @clo_growth@ will be 'infinity' if there was positive growth
+ -- under a multi-shot lambda.
+ -- Also, abstracting over LNEs is unacceptable. LNEs might return
+ -- unlifted tuples, which idClosureFootprint can't cope with.
+ inc_allocs = abstracts_join_ids || allocs > 0
+ allocs = clo_growth + mkIntWithInf (negate closuresSize)
+ -- We calculate and then add up the size of each binding's closure.
+ -- GHC does not currently share closure environments, and we either lift
+ -- the entire recursive binding group or none of it.
+ closuresSize = sum $ flip map rhss $ \rhs ->
+ closureSize dflags
+ . dVarSetElems
+ . expander
+ . flip dVarSetMinusVarSet bndrs_set
+ $ freeVarsOfRhs rhs
+ clo_growth = closureGrowth expander (idClosureFootprint dflags) bndrs_set abs_ids scope
+rhsLambdaBndrs :: LlStgRhs -> [Id]
+rhsLambdaBndrs StgRhsCon{} = []
+rhsLambdaBndrs (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ bndrs _) = map binderInfoBndr bndrs
+-- | The size in words of a function closure closing over the given 'Id's,
+-- including the header.
+closureSize :: DynFlags -> [Id] -> WordOff
+closureSize dflags ids = words + sTD_HDR_SIZE dflags
+ -- We go through sTD_HDR_SIZE rather than fixedHdrSizeW so that we don't
+ -- optimise differently when profiling is enabled.
+ where
+ (words, _, _)
+ -- Functions have a StdHeader (as opposed to ThunkHeader).
+ = StgToCmm.Layout.mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags StgToCmm.Layout.StdHeader
+ . StgToCmm.Closure.addIdReps
+ . StgToCmm.Closure.nonVoidIds
+ $ ids
+-- | The number of words a single 'Id' adds to a closure's size.
+-- Note that this can't handle unboxed tuples (which may still be present in
+-- let-no-escapes, even after Unarise), in which case
+-- @'GHC.StgToCmm.Closure.idPrimRep'@ will crash.
+idClosureFootprint:: DynFlags -> Id -> WordOff
+idClosureFootprint dflags
+ = StgToCmm.ArgRep.argRepSizeW dflags
+ . StgToCmm.ArgRep.idArgRep
+-- | @closureGrowth expander sizer f fvs@ computes the closure growth in words
+-- as a result of lifting @f@ to top-level. If there was any growing closure
+-- under a multi-shot lambda, the result will be 'infinity'.
+-- Also see "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#clogro".
+ :: (DIdSet -> DIdSet)
+ -- ^ Expands outer free ids that were lifted to their free vars
+ -> (Id -> Int)
+ -- ^ Computes the closure footprint of an identifier
+ -> IdSet
+ -- ^ Binding group for which lifting is to be decided
+ -> DIdSet
+ -- ^ Free vars of the whole binding group prior to lifting it. These must be
+ -- available at call sites if we decide to lift the binding group.
+ -> Skeleton
+ -- ^ Abstraction of the scope of the function
+ -> IntWithInf
+ -- ^ Closure growth. 'infinity' indicates there was growth under a
+ -- (multi-shot) lambda.
+closureGrowth expander sizer group abs_ids = go
+ where
+ go NilSk = 0
+ go (BothSk a b) = go a + go b
+ go (AltSk a b) = max (go a) (go b)
+ go (ClosureSk _ clo_fvs rhs)
+ -- If no binder of the @group@ occurs free in the closure, the lifting
+ -- won't have any effect on it and we can omit the recursive call.
+ | n_occs == 0 = 0
+ -- Otherwise, we account the cost of allocating the closure and add it to
+ -- the closure growth of its RHS.
+ | otherwise = mkIntWithInf cost + go rhs
+ where
+ n_occs = sizeDVarSet (clo_fvs' `dVarSetIntersectVarSet` group)
+ -- What we close over considering prior lifting decisions
+ clo_fvs' = expander clo_fvs
+ -- Variables that would additionally occur free in the closure body if
+ -- we lift @f@
+ newbies = abs_ids `minusDVarSet` clo_fvs'
+ -- Lifting @f@ removes @f@ from the closure but adds all @newbies@
+ cost = foldDVarSet (\id size -> sizer id + size) 0 newbies - n_occs
+ go (RhsSk body_dmd body)
+ -- The conservative assumption would be that
+ -- 1. Every RHS with positive growth would be called multiple times,
+ -- modulo thunks.
+ -- 2. Every RHS with negative growth wouldn't be called at all.
+ --
+ -- In the first case, we'd have to return 'infinity', while in the
+ -- second case, we'd have to return 0. But we can do far better
+ -- considering information from the demand analyser, which provides us
+ -- with conservative estimates on minimum and maximum evaluation
+ -- cardinality. The @body_dmd@ part of 'RhsSk' is the result of
+ -- 'rhsDmdShell' and accurately captures the cardinality of the RHSs body
+ -- relative to its defining context.
+ | isAbsDmd body_dmd = 0
+ | cg <= 0 = if isStrictDmd body_dmd then cg else 0
+ | isUsedOnce body_dmd = cg
+ | otherwise = infinity
+ where
+ cg = go body
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d17e53cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Monad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+-- | Hides away distracting bookkeeping while lambda lifting into a 'LiftM'
+-- monad.
+module GHC.Stg.Lift.Monad (
+ decomposeStgBinding, mkStgBinding,
+ Env (..),
+ -- * #floats# Handling floats
+ -- $floats
+ FloatLang (..), collectFloats, -- Exported just for the docs
+ -- * Transformation monad
+ LiftM, runLiftM, withCaffyness,
+ -- ** Adding bindings
+ startBindingGroup, endBindingGroup, addTopStringLit, addLiftedBinding,
+ -- ** Substitution and binders
+ withSubstBndr, withSubstBndrs, withLiftedBndr, withLiftedBndrs,
+ -- ** Occurrences
+ substOcc, isLifted, formerFreeVars, liftedIdsExpander
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import BasicTypes
+import CostCentre ( isCurrentCCS, dontCareCCS )
+import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import Name
+import Outputable
+import OrdList
+import GHC.Stg.Subst
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import Type
+import UniqSupply
+import Util
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet
+import Control.Arrow ( second )
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict ( RWST, runRWST )
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as RWS
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont ( ContT (..) )
+import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
+-- | @uncurry 'mkStgBinding' . 'decomposeStgBinding' = id@
+decomposeStgBinding :: GenStgBinding pass -> (RecFlag, [(BinderP pass, GenStgRhs pass)])
+decomposeStgBinding (StgRec pairs) = (Recursive, pairs)
+decomposeStgBinding (StgNonRec bndr rhs) = (NonRecursive, [(bndr, rhs)])
+mkStgBinding :: RecFlag -> [(BinderP pass, GenStgRhs pass)] -> GenStgBinding pass
+mkStgBinding Recursive = StgRec
+mkStgBinding NonRecursive = uncurry StgNonRec . head
+-- | Environment threaded around in a scoped, @Reader@-like fashion.
+data Env
+ = Env
+ { e_dflags :: !DynFlags
+ -- ^ Read-only.
+ , e_subst :: !Subst
+ -- ^ We need to track the renamings of local 'InId's to their lifted 'OutId',
+ -- because shadowing might make a closure's free variables unavailable at its
+ -- call sites. Consider:
+ -- @
+ -- let f y = x + y in let x = 4 in f x
+ -- @
+ -- Here, @f@ can't be lifted to top-level, because its free variable @x@ isn't
+ -- available at its call site.
+ , e_expansions :: !(IdEnv DIdSet)
+ -- ^ Lifted 'Id's don't occur as free variables in any closure anymore, because
+ -- they are bound at the top-level. Every occurrence must supply the formerly
+ -- free variables of the lifted 'Id', so they in turn become free variables of
+ -- the call sites. This environment tracks this expansion from lifted 'Id's to
+ -- their free variables.
+ --
+ -- 'InId's to 'OutId's.
+ --
+ -- Invariant: 'Id's not present in this map won't be substituted.
+ , e_in_caffy_context :: !Bool
+ -- ^ Are we currently analysing within a caffy context (e.g. the containing
+ -- top-level binder's 'idCafInfo' is 'MayHaveCafRefs')? If not, we can safely
+ -- assume that functions we lift out aren't caffy either.
+ }
+emptyEnv :: DynFlags -> Env
+emptyEnv dflags = Env dflags emptySubst emptyVarEnv False
+-- Note [Handling floats]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- $floats
+-- Consider the following expression:
+-- @
+-- f x =
+-- let g y = ... f y ...
+-- in g x
+-- @
+-- What happens when we want to lift @g@? Normally, we'd put the lifted @l_g@
+-- binding above the binding for @f@:
+-- @
+-- g f y = ... f y ...
+-- f x = g f x
+-- @
+-- But this very unnecessarily turns a known call to @f@ into an unknown one, in
+-- addition to complicating matters for the analysis.
+-- Instead, we'd really like to put both functions in the same recursive group,
+-- thereby preserving the known call:
+-- @
+-- Rec {
+-- g y = ... f y ...
+-- f x = g x
+-- }
+-- @
+-- But we don't want this to happen for just /any/ binding. That would create
+-- possibly huge recursive groups in the process, calling for an occurrence
+-- analyser on STG.
+-- So, we need to track when we lift a binding out of a recursive RHS and add
+-- the binding to the same recursive group as the enclosing recursive binding
+-- (which must have either already been at the top-level or decided to be
+-- lifted itself in order to preserve the known call).
+-- This is done by expressing this kind of nesting structure as a 'Writer' over
+-- @['FloatLang']@ and flattening this expression in 'runLiftM' by a call to
+-- 'collectFloats'.
+-- API-wise, the analysis will not need to know about the whole 'FloatLang'
+-- business and will just manipulate it indirectly through actions in 'LiftM'.
+-- | We need to detect when we are lifting something out of the RHS of a
+-- recursive binding (c.f. "GHC.Stg.Lift.Monad#floats"), in which case that
+-- binding needs to be added to the same top-level recursive group. This
+-- requires we detect a certain nesting structure, which is encoded by
+-- 'StartBindingGroup' and 'EndBindingGroup'.
+-- Although 'collectFloats' will only ever care if the current binding to be
+-- lifted (through 'LiftedBinding') will occur inside such a binding group or
+-- not, e.g. doesn't care about the nesting level as long as its greater than 0.
+data FloatLang
+ = StartBindingGroup
+ | EndBindingGroup
+ | PlainTopBinding OutStgTopBinding
+ | LiftedBinding OutStgBinding
+instance Outputable FloatLang where
+ ppr StartBindingGroup = char '('
+ ppr EndBindingGroup = char ')'
+ ppr (PlainTopBinding StgTopStringLit{}) = text "<str>"
+ ppr (PlainTopBinding (StgTopLifted b)) = ppr (LiftedBinding b)
+ ppr (LiftedBinding bind) = (if isRec rec then char 'r' else char 'n') <+> ppr (map fst pairs)
+ where
+ (rec, pairs) = decomposeStgBinding bind
+-- | Flattens an expression in @['FloatLang']@ into an STG program, see #floats.
+-- Important pre-conditions: The nesting of opening 'StartBindinGroup's and
+-- closing 'EndBindinGroup's is balanced. Also, it is crucial that every binding
+-- group has at least one recursive binding inside. Otherwise there's no point
+-- in announcing the binding group in the first place and an @ASSERT@ will
+-- trigger.
+collectFloats :: [FloatLang] -> [OutStgTopBinding]
+collectFloats = go (0 :: Int) []
+ where
+ go 0 [] [] = []
+ go _ _ [] = pprPanic "collectFloats" (text "unterminated group")
+ go n binds (f:rest) = case f of
+ StartBindingGroup -> go (n+1) binds rest
+ EndBindingGroup
+ | n == 0 -> pprPanic "collectFloats" (text "no group to end")
+ | n == 1 -> StgTopLifted (merge_binds binds) : go 0 [] rest
+ | otherwise -> go (n-1) binds rest
+ PlainTopBinding top_bind
+ | n == 0 -> top_bind : go n binds rest
+ | otherwise -> pprPanic "collectFloats" (text "plain top binding inside group")
+ LiftedBinding bind
+ | n == 0 -> StgTopLifted (rm_cccs bind) : go n binds rest
+ | otherwise -> go n (bind:binds) rest
+ map_rhss f = uncurry mkStgBinding . second (map (second f)) . decomposeStgBinding
+ rm_cccs = map_rhss removeRhsCCCS
+ merge_binds binds = ASSERT( any is_rec binds )
+ StgRec (concatMap (snd . decomposeStgBinding . rm_cccs) binds)
+ is_rec StgRec{} = True
+ is_rec _ = False
+-- | Omitting this makes for strange closure allocation schemes that crash the
+-- GC.
+removeRhsCCCS :: GenStgRhs pass -> GenStgRhs pass
+removeRhsCCCS (StgRhsClosure ext ccs upd bndrs body)
+ | isCurrentCCS ccs
+ = StgRhsClosure ext dontCareCCS upd bndrs body
+removeRhsCCCS (StgRhsCon ccs con args)
+ | isCurrentCCS ccs
+ = StgRhsCon dontCareCCS con args
+removeRhsCCCS rhs = rhs
+-- | The analysis monad consists of the following 'RWST' components:
+-- * 'Env': Reader-like context. Contains a substitution, info about how
+-- how lifted identifiers are to be expanded into applications and details
+-- such as 'DynFlags' and a flag helping with determining if a lifted
+-- binding is caffy.
+-- * @'OrdList' 'FloatLang'@: Writer output for the resulting STG program.
+-- * No pure state component
+-- * But wrapping around 'UniqSM' for generating fresh lifted binders.
+-- (The @uniqAway@ approach could give the same name to two different
+-- lifted binders, so this is necessary.)
+newtype LiftM a
+ = LiftM { unwrapLiftM :: RWST Env (OrdList FloatLang) () UniqSM a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+instance HasDynFlags LiftM where
+ getDynFlags = LiftM (RWS.asks e_dflags)
+instance MonadUnique LiftM where
+ getUniqueSupplyM = LiftM (lift getUniqueSupplyM)
+ getUniqueM = LiftM (lift getUniqueM)
+ getUniquesM = LiftM (lift getUniquesM)
+runLiftM :: DynFlags -> UniqSupply -> LiftM () -> [OutStgTopBinding]
+runLiftM dflags us (LiftM m) = collectFloats (fromOL floats)
+ where
+ (_, _, floats) = initUs_ us (runRWST m (emptyEnv dflags) ())
+-- | Assumes a given caffyness for the execution of the passed action, which
+-- influences the 'cafInfo' of lifted bindings.
+withCaffyness :: Bool -> LiftM a -> LiftM a
+withCaffyness caffy action
+ = LiftM (RWS.local (\e -> e { e_in_caffy_context = caffy }) (unwrapLiftM action))
+-- | Writes a plain 'StgTopStringLit' to the output.
+addTopStringLit :: OutId -> ByteString -> LiftM ()
+addTopStringLit id = LiftM . RWS.tell . unitOL . PlainTopBinding . StgTopStringLit id
+-- | Starts a recursive binding group. See #floats# and 'collectFloats'.
+startBindingGroup :: LiftM ()
+startBindingGroup = LiftM $ RWS.tell $ unitOL $ StartBindingGroup
+-- | Ends a recursive binding group. See #floats# and 'collectFloats'.
+endBindingGroup :: LiftM ()
+endBindingGroup = LiftM $ RWS.tell $ unitOL $ EndBindingGroup
+-- | Lifts a binding to top-level. Depending on whether it's declared inside
+-- a recursive RHS (see #floats# and 'collectFloats'), this might be added to
+-- an existing recursive top-level binding group.
+addLiftedBinding :: OutStgBinding -> LiftM ()
+addLiftedBinding = LiftM . RWS.tell . unitOL . LiftedBinding
+-- | Takes a binder and a continuation which is called with the substituted
+-- binder. The continuation will be evaluated in a 'LiftM' context in which that
+-- binder is deemed in scope. Think of it as a 'RWS.local' computation: After
+-- the continuation finishes, the new binding won't be in scope anymore.
+withSubstBndr :: Id -> (Id -> LiftM a) -> LiftM a
+withSubstBndr bndr inner = LiftM $ do
+ subst <- RWS.asks e_subst
+ let (bndr', subst') = substBndr bndr subst
+ RWS.local (\e -> e { e_subst = subst' }) (unwrapLiftM (inner bndr'))
+-- | See 'withSubstBndr'.
+withSubstBndrs :: Traversable f => f Id -> (f Id -> LiftM a) -> LiftM a
+withSubstBndrs = runContT . traverse (ContT . withSubstBndr)
+-- | Similarly to 'withSubstBndr', this function takes a set of variables to
+-- abstract over, the binder to lift (and generate a fresh, substituted name
+-- for) and a continuation in which that fresh, lifted binder is in scope.
+-- It takes care of all the details involved with copying and adjusting the
+-- binder, fresh name generation and caffyness.
+withLiftedBndr :: DIdSet -> Id -> (Id -> LiftM a) -> LiftM a
+withLiftedBndr abs_ids bndr inner = do
+ uniq <- getUniqueM
+ let str = "$l" ++ occNameString (getOccName bndr)
+ let ty = mkLamTypes (dVarSetElems abs_ids) (idType bndr)
+ -- When the enclosing top-level binding is not caffy, then the lifted
+ -- binding will not be caffy either. If we don't recognize this, non-caffy
+ -- things call caffy things and then codegen screws up.
+ in_caffy_ctxt <- LiftM (RWS.asks e_in_caffy_context)
+ let caf_info = if in_caffy_ctxt then MayHaveCafRefs else NoCafRefs
+ let bndr'
+ -- See Note [transferPolyIdInfo] in Id.hs. We need to do this at least
+ -- for arity information.
+ = transferPolyIdInfo bndr (dVarSetElems abs_ids)
+ -- Otherwise we confuse code gen if bndr was not caffy: the new bndr is
+ -- assumed to be caffy and will need an SRT. Transitive call sites might
+ -- not be caffy themselves and subsequently will miss a static link
+ -- field in their closure. Chaos ensues.
+ . flip setIdCafInfo caf_info
+ . mkSysLocal (mkFastString str) uniq
+ $ ty
+ LiftM $ RWS.local
+ (\e -> e
+ { e_subst = extendSubst bndr bndr' $ extendInScope bndr' $ e_subst e
+ , e_expansions = extendVarEnv (e_expansions e) bndr abs_ids
+ })
+ (unwrapLiftM (inner bndr'))
+-- | See 'withLiftedBndr'.
+withLiftedBndrs :: Traversable f => DIdSet -> f Id -> (f Id -> LiftM a) -> LiftM a
+withLiftedBndrs abs_ids = runContT . traverse (ContT . withLiftedBndr abs_ids)
+-- | Substitutes a binder /occurrence/, which was brought in scope earlier by
+-- 'withSubstBndr'\/'withLiftedBndr'.
+substOcc :: Id -> LiftM Id
+substOcc id = LiftM (RWS.asks (lookupIdSubst id . e_subst))
+-- | Whether the given binding was decided to be lambda lifted.
+isLifted :: InId -> LiftM Bool
+isLifted bndr = LiftM (RWS.asks (elemVarEnv bndr . e_expansions))
+-- | Returns an empty list for a binding that was not lifted and the list of all
+-- local variables the binding abstracts over (so, exactly the additional
+-- arguments at adjusted call sites) otherwise.
+formerFreeVars :: InId -> LiftM [OutId]
+formerFreeVars f = LiftM $ do
+ expansions <- RWS.asks e_expansions
+ pure $ case lookupVarEnv expansions f of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just fvs -> dVarSetElems fvs
+-- | Creates an /expander function/ for the current set of lifted binders.
+-- This expander function will replace any 'InId' by their corresponding 'OutId'
+-- and, in addition, will expand any lifted binders by the former free variables
+-- it abstracts over.
+liftedIdsExpander :: LiftM (DIdSet -> DIdSet)
+liftedIdsExpander = LiftM $ do
+ expansions <- RWS.asks e_expansions
+ subst <- RWS.asks e_subst
+ -- We use @noWarnLookupIdSubst@ here in order to suppress "not in scope"
+ -- warnings generated by 'lookupIdSubst' due to local bindings within RHS.
+ -- These are not in the InScopeSet of @subst@ and extending the InScopeSet in
+ -- @goodToLift@/@closureGrowth@ before passing it on to @expander@ is too much
+ -- trouble.
+ let go set fv = case lookupVarEnv expansions fv of
+ Nothing -> extendDVarSet set (noWarnLookupIdSubst fv subst) -- Not lifted
+ Just fvs' -> unionDVarSet set fvs'
+ let expander fvs = foldl' go emptyDVarSet (dVarSetElems fvs)
+ pure expander
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lint.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lint.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7044a89e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lint.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+{- |
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+A lint pass to check basic STG invariants:
+- Variables should be defined before used.
+- Let bindings should not have unboxed types (unboxed bindings should only
+ appear in case), except when they're join points (see Note [CoreSyn let/app
+ invariant] and #14117).
+- If linting after unarisation, invariants listed in Note [Post-unarisation
+ invariants].
+Because we don't have types and coercions in STG we can't really check types
+Some history:
+StgLint used to check types, but it never worked and so it was disabled in 2000
+with this note:
+ ~~~~~~~~
+ This module has suffered bit-rot; it is likely to yield lint errors
+ for Stg code that is currently perfectly acceptable for code
+ generation. Solution: don't use it! (KSW 2000-05).
+Since then there were some attempts at enabling it again, as summarised in
+#14787. It's finally decided that we remove all type checking and only look for
+basic properties listed above.
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies,
+ DeriveFunctor #-}
+module GHC.Stg.Lint ( lintStgTopBindings ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import DynFlags
+import Bag ( Bag, emptyBag, isEmptyBag, snocBag, bagToList )
+import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..), isTopLevel )
+import CostCentre ( isCurrentCCS )
+import Id ( Id, idType, isJoinId, idName )
+import VarSet
+import DataCon
+import CoreSyn ( AltCon(..) )
+import Name ( getSrcLoc, nameIsLocalOrFrom )
+import ErrUtils ( MsgDoc, Severity(..), mkLocMessage )
+import Type
+import GHC.Types.RepType
+import SrcLoc
+import Outputable
+import Module ( Module )
+import qualified ErrUtils as Err
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
+import Control.Monad
+lintStgTopBindings :: forall a . (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id)
+ => DynFlags
+ -> Module -- ^ module being compiled
+ -> Bool -- ^ have we run Unarise yet?
+ -> String -- ^ who produced the STG?
+ -> [GenStgTopBinding a]
+ -> IO ()
+lintStgTopBindings dflags this_mod unarised whodunnit binds
+ = {-# SCC "StgLint" #-}
+ case initL this_mod unarised top_level_binds (lint_binds binds) of
+ Nothing ->
+ return ()
+ Just msg -> do
+ putLogMsg dflags NoReason Err.SevDump noSrcSpan
+ (defaultDumpStyle dflags)
+ (vcat [ text "*** Stg Lint ErrMsgs: in" <+>
+ text whodunnit <+> text "***",
+ msg,
+ text "*** Offending Program ***",
+ pprGenStgTopBindings binds,
+ text "*** End of Offense ***"])
+ Err.ghcExit dflags 1
+ where
+ -- Bring all top-level binds into scope because CoreToStg does not generate
+ -- bindings in dependency order (so we may see a use before its definition).
+ top_level_binds = mkVarSet (bindersOfTopBinds binds)
+ lint_binds :: [GenStgTopBinding a] -> LintM ()
+ lint_binds [] = return ()
+ lint_binds (bind:binds) = do
+ binders <- lint_bind bind
+ addInScopeVars binders $
+ lint_binds binds
+ lint_bind (StgTopLifted bind) = lintStgBinds TopLevel bind
+ lint_bind (StgTopStringLit v _) = return [v]
+lintStgArg :: StgArg -> LintM ()
+lintStgArg (StgLitArg _) = return ()
+lintStgArg (StgVarArg v) = lintStgVar v
+lintStgVar :: Id -> LintM ()
+lintStgVar id = checkInScope id
+ :: (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id)
+ => TopLevelFlag -> GenStgBinding a -> LintM [Id] -- Returns the binders
+lintStgBinds top_lvl (StgNonRec binder rhs) = do
+ lint_binds_help top_lvl (binder,rhs)
+ return [binder]
+lintStgBinds top_lvl (StgRec pairs)
+ = addInScopeVars binders $ do
+ mapM_ (lint_binds_help top_lvl) pairs
+ return binders
+ where
+ binders = [b | (b,_) <- pairs]
+ :: (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id)
+ => TopLevelFlag
+ -> (Id, GenStgRhs a)
+ -> LintM ()
+lint_binds_help top_lvl (binder, rhs)
+ = addLoc (RhsOf binder) $ do
+ when (isTopLevel top_lvl) (checkNoCurrentCCS rhs)
+ lintStgRhs rhs
+ -- Check binder doesn't have unlifted type or it's a join point
+ checkL (isJoinId binder || not (isUnliftedType (idType binder)))
+ (mkUnliftedTyMsg binder rhs)
+-- | Top-level bindings can't inherit the cost centre stack from their
+-- (static) allocation site.
+ :: (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id)
+ => GenStgRhs a
+ -> LintM ()
+checkNoCurrentCCS rhs@(StgRhsClosure _ ccs _ _ _)
+ | isCurrentCCS ccs
+ = addErrL (text "Top-level StgRhsClosure with CurrentCCS" $$ ppr rhs)
+checkNoCurrentCCS rhs@(StgRhsCon ccs _ _)
+ | isCurrentCCS ccs
+ = addErrL (text "Top-level StgRhsCon with CurrentCCS" $$ ppr rhs)
+checkNoCurrentCCS _
+ = return ()
+lintStgRhs :: (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id) => GenStgRhs a -> LintM ()
+lintStgRhs (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ [] expr)
+ = lintStgExpr expr
+lintStgRhs (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ binders expr)
+ = addLoc (LambdaBodyOf binders) $
+ addInScopeVars binders $
+ lintStgExpr expr
+lintStgRhs rhs@(StgRhsCon _ con args) = do
+ when (isUnboxedTupleCon con || isUnboxedSumCon con) $
+ addErrL (text "StgRhsCon is an unboxed tuple or sum application" $$
+ ppr rhs)
+ mapM_ lintStgArg args
+ mapM_ checkPostUnariseConArg args
+lintStgExpr :: (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id) => GenStgExpr a -> LintM ()
+lintStgExpr (StgLit _) = return ()
+lintStgExpr (StgApp fun args) = do
+ lintStgVar fun
+ mapM_ lintStgArg args
+lintStgExpr app@(StgConApp con args _arg_tys) = do
+ -- unboxed sums should vanish during unarise
+ lf <- getLintFlags
+ when (lf_unarised lf && isUnboxedSumCon con) $
+ addErrL (text "Unboxed sum after unarise:" $$
+ ppr app)
+ mapM_ lintStgArg args
+ mapM_ checkPostUnariseConArg args
+lintStgExpr (StgOpApp _ args _) =
+ mapM_ lintStgArg args
+lintStgExpr lam@(StgLam _ _) =
+ addErrL (text "Unexpected StgLam" <+> ppr lam)
+lintStgExpr (StgLet _ binds body) = do
+ binders <- lintStgBinds NotTopLevel binds
+ addLoc (BodyOfLetRec binders) $
+ addInScopeVars binders $
+ lintStgExpr body
+lintStgExpr (StgLetNoEscape _ binds body) = do
+ binders <- lintStgBinds NotTopLevel binds
+ addLoc (BodyOfLetRec binders) $
+ addInScopeVars binders $
+ lintStgExpr body
+lintStgExpr (StgTick _ expr) = lintStgExpr expr
+lintStgExpr (StgCase scrut bndr alts_type alts) = do
+ lintStgExpr scrut
+ lf <- getLintFlags
+ let in_scope = stgCaseBndrInScope alts_type (lf_unarised lf)
+ addInScopeVars [bndr | in_scope] (mapM_ lintAlt alts)
+ :: (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id)
+ => (AltCon, [Id], GenStgExpr a) -> LintM ()
+lintAlt (DEFAULT, _, rhs) =
+ lintStgExpr rhs
+lintAlt (LitAlt _, _, rhs) =
+ lintStgExpr rhs
+lintAlt (DataAlt _, bndrs, rhs) = do
+ mapM_ checkPostUnariseBndr bndrs
+ addInScopeVars bndrs (lintStgExpr rhs)
+* *
+* *
+bindersOf :: BinderP a ~ Id => GenStgBinding a -> [Id]
+bindersOf (StgNonRec binder _) = [binder]
+bindersOf (StgRec pairs) = [binder | (binder, _) <- pairs]
+bindersOfTop :: BinderP a ~ Id => GenStgTopBinding a -> [Id]
+bindersOfTop (StgTopLifted bind) = bindersOf bind
+bindersOfTop (StgTopStringLit binder _) = [binder]
+bindersOfTopBinds :: BinderP a ~ Id => [GenStgTopBinding a] -> [Id]
+bindersOfTopBinds = foldr ((++) . bindersOfTop) []
+* *
+The Lint monad
+* *
+newtype LintM a = LintM
+ { unLintM :: Module
+ -> LintFlags
+ -> [LintLocInfo] -- Locations
+ -> IdSet -- Local vars in scope
+ -> Bag MsgDoc -- Error messages so far
+ -> (a, Bag MsgDoc) -- Result and error messages (if any)
+ }
+ deriving (Functor)
+data LintFlags = LintFlags { lf_unarised :: !Bool
+ -- ^ have we run the unariser yet?
+ }
+data LintLocInfo
+ = RhsOf Id -- The variable bound
+ | LambdaBodyOf [Id] -- The lambda-binder
+ | BodyOfLetRec [Id] -- One of the binders
+dumpLoc :: LintLocInfo -> (SrcSpan, SDoc)
+dumpLoc (RhsOf v) =
+ (srcLocSpan (getSrcLoc v), text " [RHS of " <> pp_binders [v] <> char ']' )
+dumpLoc (LambdaBodyOf bs) =
+ (srcLocSpan (getSrcLoc (head bs)), text " [in body of lambda with binders " <> pp_binders bs <> char ']' )
+dumpLoc (BodyOfLetRec bs) =
+ (srcLocSpan (getSrcLoc (head bs)), text " [in body of letrec with binders " <> pp_binders bs <> char ']' )
+pp_binders :: [Id] -> SDoc
+pp_binders bs
+ = sep (punctuate comma (map pp_binder bs))
+ where
+ pp_binder b
+ = hsep [ppr b, dcolon, ppr (idType b)]
+initL :: Module -> Bool -> IdSet -> LintM a -> Maybe MsgDoc
+initL this_mod unarised locals (LintM m) = do
+ let (_, errs) = m this_mod (LintFlags unarised) [] locals emptyBag
+ if isEmptyBag errs then
+ Nothing
+ else
+ Just (vcat (punctuate blankLine (bagToList errs)))
+instance Applicative LintM where
+ pure a = LintM $ \_mod _lf _loc _scope errs -> (a, errs)
+ (<*>) = ap
+ (*>) = thenL_
+instance Monad LintM where
+ (>>=) = thenL
+ (>>) = (*>)
+thenL :: LintM a -> (a -> LintM b) -> LintM b
+thenL m k = LintM $ \mod lf loc scope errs
+ -> case unLintM m mod lf loc scope errs of
+ (r, errs') -> unLintM (k r) mod lf loc scope errs'
+thenL_ :: LintM a -> LintM b -> LintM b
+thenL_ m k = LintM $ \mod lf loc scope errs
+ -> case unLintM m mod lf loc scope errs of
+ (_, errs') -> unLintM k mod lf loc scope errs'
+checkL :: Bool -> MsgDoc -> LintM ()
+checkL True _ = return ()
+checkL False msg = addErrL msg
+-- Case alts shouldn't have unboxed sum, unboxed tuple, or void binders.
+checkPostUnariseBndr :: Id -> LintM ()
+checkPostUnariseBndr bndr = do
+ lf <- getLintFlags
+ when (lf_unarised lf) $
+ forM_ (checkPostUnariseId bndr) $ \unexpected ->
+ addErrL $
+ text "After unarisation, binder " <>
+ ppr bndr <> text " has " <> text unexpected <> text " type " <>
+ ppr (idType bndr)
+-- Arguments shouldn't have sum, tuple, or void types.
+checkPostUnariseConArg :: StgArg -> LintM ()
+checkPostUnariseConArg arg = case arg of
+ StgLitArg _ ->
+ return ()
+ StgVarArg id -> do
+ lf <- getLintFlags
+ when (lf_unarised lf) $
+ forM_ (checkPostUnariseId id) $ \unexpected ->
+ addErrL $
+ text "After unarisation, arg " <>
+ ppr id <> text " has " <> text unexpected <> text " type " <>
+ ppr (idType id)
+-- Post-unarisation args and case alt binders should not have unboxed tuple,
+-- unboxed sum, or void types. Return what the binder is if it is one of these.
+checkPostUnariseId :: Id -> Maybe String
+checkPostUnariseId id =
+ let
+ id_ty = idType id
+ is_sum, is_tuple, is_void :: Maybe String
+ is_sum = guard (isUnboxedSumType id_ty) >> return "unboxed sum"
+ is_tuple = guard (isUnboxedTupleType id_ty) >> return "unboxed tuple"
+ is_void = guard (isVoidTy id_ty) >> return "void"
+ in
+ is_sum <|> is_tuple <|> is_void
+addErrL :: MsgDoc -> LintM ()
+addErrL msg = LintM $ \_mod _lf loc _scope errs -> ((), addErr errs msg loc)
+addErr :: Bag MsgDoc -> MsgDoc -> [LintLocInfo] -> Bag MsgDoc
+addErr errs_so_far msg locs
+ = errs_so_far `snocBag` mk_msg locs
+ where
+ mk_msg (loc:_) = let (l,hdr) = dumpLoc loc
+ in mkLocMessage SevWarning l (hdr $$ msg)
+ mk_msg [] = msg
+addLoc :: LintLocInfo -> LintM a -> LintM a
+addLoc extra_loc m = LintM $ \mod lf loc scope errs
+ -> unLintM m mod lf (extra_loc:loc) scope errs
+addInScopeVars :: [Id] -> LintM a -> LintM a
+addInScopeVars ids m = LintM $ \mod lf loc scope errs
+ -> let
+ new_set = mkVarSet ids
+ in unLintM m mod lf loc (scope `unionVarSet` new_set) errs
+getLintFlags :: LintM LintFlags
+getLintFlags = LintM $ \_mod lf _loc _scope errs -> (lf, errs)
+checkInScope :: Id -> LintM ()
+checkInScope id = LintM $ \mod _lf loc scope errs
+ -> if nameIsLocalOrFrom mod (idName id) && not (id `elemVarSet` scope) then
+ ((), addErr errs (hsep [ppr id, dcolon, ppr (idType id),
+ text "is out of scope"]) loc)
+ else
+ ((), errs)
+mkUnliftedTyMsg :: OutputablePass a => Id -> GenStgRhs a -> SDoc
+mkUnliftedTyMsg binder rhs
+ = (text "Let(rec) binder" <+> quotes (ppr binder) <+>
+ text "has unlifted type" <+> quotes (ppr (idType binder)))
+ $$
+ (text "RHS:" <+> ppr rhs)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Pipeline.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Pipeline.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13b403fc53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Pipeline.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[SimplStg]{Driver for simplifying @STG@ programs}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module GHC.Stg.Pipeline ( stg2stg ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import GHC.Stg.Lint ( lintStgTopBindings )
+import GHC.Stg.Stats ( showStgStats )
+import GHC.Stg.Unarise ( unarise )
+import GHC.Stg.CSE ( stgCse )
+import GHC.Stg.Lift ( stgLiftLams )
+import Module ( Module )
+import DynFlags
+import ErrUtils
+import UniqSupply
+import Outputable
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
+newtype StgM a = StgM { _unStgM :: StateT Char IO a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)
+instance MonadUnique StgM where
+ getUniqueSupplyM = StgM $ do { mask <- get
+ ; liftIO $! mkSplitUniqSupply mask}
+ getUniqueM = StgM $ do { mask <- get
+ ; liftIO $! uniqFromMask mask}
+runStgM :: Char -> StgM a -> IO a
+runStgM mask (StgM m) = evalStateT m mask
+stg2stg :: DynFlags -- includes spec of what stg-to-stg passes to do
+ -> Module -- module being compiled
+ -> [StgTopBinding] -- input program
+ -> IO [StgTopBinding] -- output program
+stg2stg dflags this_mod binds
+ = do { dump_when Opt_D_dump_stg "STG:" binds
+ ; showPass dflags "Stg2Stg"
+ -- Do the main business!
+ ; binds' <- runStgM 'g' $
+ foldM do_stg_pass binds (getStgToDo dflags)
+ ; dump_when Opt_D_dump_stg_final "Final STG:" binds'
+ ; return binds'
+ }
+ where
+ stg_linter unarised
+ | gopt Opt_DoStgLinting dflags
+ = lintStgTopBindings dflags this_mod unarised
+ | otherwise
+ = \ _whodunnit _binds -> return ()
+ -------------------------------------------
+ do_stg_pass :: [StgTopBinding] -> StgToDo -> StgM [StgTopBinding]
+ do_stg_pass binds to_do
+ = case to_do of
+ StgDoNothing ->
+ return binds
+ StgStats ->
+ trace (showStgStats binds) (return binds)
+ StgCSE -> do
+ let binds' = {-# SCC "StgCse" #-} stgCse binds
+ end_pass "StgCse" binds'
+ StgLiftLams -> do
+ us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ let binds' = {-# SCC "StgLiftLams" #-} stgLiftLams dflags us binds
+ end_pass "StgLiftLams" binds'
+ StgUnarise -> do
+ us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ liftIO (stg_linter False "Pre-unarise" binds)
+ let binds' = unarise us binds
+ liftIO (dump_when Opt_D_dump_stg_unarised "Unarised STG:" binds')
+ liftIO (stg_linter True "Unarise" binds')
+ return binds'
+ dump_when flag header binds
+ = dumpIfSet_dyn dflags flag header FormatSTG (pprStgTopBindings binds)
+ end_pass what binds2
+ = liftIO $ do -- report verbosely, if required
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg what
+ FormatSTG (vcat (map ppr binds2))
+ stg_linter False what binds2
+ return binds2
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- StgToDo: abstraction of stg-to-stg passes to run.
+-- | Optional Stg-to-Stg passes.
+data StgToDo
+ = StgCSE
+ -- ^ Common subexpression elimination
+ | StgLiftLams
+ -- ^ Lambda lifting closure variables, trading stack/register allocation for
+ -- heap allocation
+ | StgStats
+ | StgUnarise
+ -- ^ Mandatory unarise pass, desugaring unboxed tuple and sum binders
+ | StgDoNothing
+ -- ^ Useful for building up 'getStgToDo'
+ deriving Eq
+-- | Which Stg-to-Stg passes to run. Depends on flags, ways etc.
+getStgToDo :: DynFlags -> [StgToDo]
+getStgToDo dflags =
+ filter (/= StgDoNothing)
+ [ mandatory StgUnarise
+ -- Important that unarisation comes first
+ -- See Note [StgCse after unarisation] in GHC.Stg.CSE
+ , optional Opt_StgCSE StgCSE
+ , optional Opt_StgLiftLams StgLiftLams
+ , optional Opt_StgStats StgStats
+ ] where
+ optional opt = runWhen (gopt opt dflags)
+ mandatory = id
+runWhen :: Bool -> StgToDo -> StgToDo
+runWhen True todo = todo
+runWhen _ _ = StgDoNothing
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Stats.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Stats.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c70184e60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Stats.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[StgStats]{Gathers statistical information about programs}
+The program gather statistics about
+\item number of boxed cases
+\item number of unboxed cases
+\item number of let-no-escapes
+\item number of non-updatable lets
+\item number of updatable lets
+\item number of applications
+\item number of primitive applications
+\item number of closures (does not include lets bound to constructors)
+\item number of free variables in closures
+%\item number of top-level functions
+%\item number of top-level CAFs
+\item number of constructors
+module GHC.Stg.Stats ( showStgStats ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import Id (Id)
+import Panic
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+data CounterType
+ = Literals
+ | Applications
+ | ConstructorApps
+ | PrimitiveApps
+ | LetNoEscapes
+ | StgCases
+ | FreeVariables
+ | ConstructorBinds Bool{-True<=>top-level-}
+ | ReEntrantBinds Bool{-ditto-}
+ | SingleEntryBinds Bool{-ditto-}
+ | UpdatableBinds Bool{-ditto-}
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+type Count = Int
+type StatEnv = Map CounterType Count
+emptySE :: StatEnv
+emptySE = Map.empty
+combineSE :: StatEnv -> StatEnv -> StatEnv
+combineSE = Map.unionWith (+)
+combineSEs :: [StatEnv] -> StatEnv
+combineSEs = foldr combineSE emptySE
+countOne :: CounterType -> StatEnv
+countOne c = Map.singleton c 1
+* *
+\subsection{Top-level list of bindings (a ``program'')}
+* *
+showStgStats :: [StgTopBinding] -> String
+showStgStats prog
+ = "STG Statistics:\n\n"
+ ++ concat (map showc (Map.toList (gatherStgStats prog)))
+ where
+ showc (x,n) = (showString (s x) . shows n) "\n"
+ s Literals = "Literals "
+ s Applications = "Applications "
+ s ConstructorApps = "ConstructorApps "
+ s PrimitiveApps = "PrimitiveApps "
+ s LetNoEscapes = "LetNoEscapes "
+ s StgCases = "StgCases "
+ s FreeVariables = "FreeVariables "
+ s (ConstructorBinds True) = "ConstructorBinds_Top "
+ s (ReEntrantBinds True) = "ReEntrantBinds_Top "
+ s (SingleEntryBinds True) = "SingleEntryBinds_Top "
+ s (UpdatableBinds True) = "UpdatableBinds_Top "
+ s (ConstructorBinds _) = "ConstructorBinds_Nested "
+ s (ReEntrantBinds _) = "ReEntrantBindsBinds_Nested "
+ s (SingleEntryBinds _) = "SingleEntryBinds_Nested "
+ s (UpdatableBinds _) = "UpdatableBinds_Nested "
+gatherStgStats :: [StgTopBinding] -> StatEnv
+gatherStgStats binds = combineSEs (map statTopBinding binds)
+* *
+* *
+statTopBinding :: StgTopBinding -> StatEnv
+statTopBinding (StgTopStringLit _ _) = countOne Literals
+statTopBinding (StgTopLifted bind) = statBinding True bind
+statBinding :: Bool -- True <=> top-level; False <=> nested
+ -> StgBinding
+ -> StatEnv
+statBinding top (StgNonRec b rhs)
+ = statRhs top (b, rhs)
+statBinding top (StgRec pairs)
+ = combineSEs (map (statRhs top) pairs)
+statRhs :: Bool -> (Id, StgRhs) -> StatEnv
+statRhs top (_, StgRhsCon _ _ _)
+ = countOne (ConstructorBinds top)
+statRhs top (_, StgRhsClosure _ _ u _ body)
+ = statExpr body `combineSE`
+ countOne (
+ case u of
+ ReEntrant -> ReEntrantBinds top
+ Updatable -> UpdatableBinds top
+ SingleEntry -> SingleEntryBinds top
+ )
+* *
+* *
+statExpr :: StgExpr -> StatEnv
+statExpr (StgApp _ _) = countOne Applications
+statExpr (StgLit _) = countOne Literals
+statExpr (StgConApp _ _ _)= countOne ConstructorApps
+statExpr (StgOpApp _ _ _) = countOne PrimitiveApps
+statExpr (StgTick _ e) = statExpr e
+statExpr (StgLetNoEscape _ binds body)
+ = statBinding False{-not top-level-} binds `combineSE`
+ statExpr body `combineSE`
+ countOne LetNoEscapes
+statExpr (StgLet _ binds body)
+ = statBinding False{-not top-level-} binds `combineSE`
+ statExpr body
+statExpr (StgCase expr _ _ alts)
+ = statExpr expr `combineSE`
+ stat_alts alts `combineSE`
+ countOne StgCases
+ where
+ stat_alts alts
+ = combineSEs (map statExpr [ e | (_,_,e) <- alts ])
+statExpr (StgLam {}) = panic "statExpr StgLam"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Subst.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Subst.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84b9f29c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Subst.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+module GHC.Stg.Subst where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import Id
+import VarEnv
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
+import Outputable
+import Util
+-- | A renaming substitution from 'Id's to 'Id's. Like 'RnEnv2', but not
+-- maintaining pairs of substitutions. Like @"CoreSubst".'CoreSubst.Subst'@, but
+-- with the domain being 'Id's instead of entire 'CoreExpr'.
+data Subst = Subst InScopeSet IdSubstEnv
+type IdSubstEnv = IdEnv Id
+-- | @emptySubst = 'mkEmptySubst' 'emptyInScopeSet'@
+emptySubst :: Subst
+emptySubst = mkEmptySubst emptyInScopeSet
+-- | Constructs a new 'Subst' assuming the variables in the given 'InScopeSet'
+-- are in scope.
+mkEmptySubst :: InScopeSet -> Subst
+mkEmptySubst in_scope = Subst in_scope emptyVarEnv
+-- | Substitutes an 'Id' for another one according to the 'Subst' given in a way
+-- that avoids shadowing the 'InScopeSet', returning the result and an updated
+-- 'Subst' that should be used by subsequent substitutions.
+substBndr :: Id -> Subst -> (Id, Subst)
+substBndr id (Subst in_scope env)
+ = (new_id, Subst new_in_scope new_env)
+ where
+ new_id = uniqAway in_scope id
+ no_change = new_id == id -- in case nothing shadowed
+ new_in_scope = in_scope `extendInScopeSet` new_id
+ new_env
+ | no_change = delVarEnv env id
+ | otherwise = extendVarEnv env id new_id
+-- | @substBndrs = runState . traverse (state . substBndr)@
+substBndrs :: Traversable f => f Id -> Subst -> (f Id, Subst)
+substBndrs = runState . traverse (state . substBndr)
+-- | Substitutes an occurrence of an identifier for its counterpart recorded
+-- in the 'Subst'.
+lookupIdSubst :: HasCallStack => Id -> Subst -> Id
+lookupIdSubst id (Subst in_scope env)
+ | not (isLocalId id) = id
+ | Just id' <- lookupVarEnv env id = id'
+ | Just id' <- lookupInScope in_scope id = id'
+ | otherwise = WARN( True, text "StgSubst.lookupIdSubst" <+> ppr id $$ ppr in_scope)
+ id
+-- | Substitutes an occurrence of an identifier for its counterpart recorded
+-- in the 'Subst'. Does not generate a debug warning if the identifier to
+-- to substitute wasn't in scope.
+noWarnLookupIdSubst :: HasCallStack => Id -> Subst -> Id
+noWarnLookupIdSubst id (Subst in_scope env)
+ | not (isLocalId id) = id
+ | Just id' <- lookupVarEnv env id = id'
+ | Just id' <- lookupInScope in_scope id = id'
+ | otherwise = id
+-- | Add the 'Id' to the in-scope set and remove any existing substitutions for
+-- it.
+extendInScope :: Id -> Subst -> Subst
+extendInScope id (Subst in_scope env) = Subst (in_scope `extendInScopeSet` id) env
+-- | Add a substitution for an 'Id' to the 'Subst': you must ensure that the
+-- in-scope set is such that TyCoSubst Note [The substitution invariant]
+-- holds after extending the substitution like this.
+extendSubst :: Id -> Id -> Subst -> Subst
+extendSubst id new_id (Subst in_scope env)
+ = ASSERT2( new_id `elemInScopeSet` in_scope, ppr id <+> ppr new_id $$ ppr in_scope )
+ Subst in_scope (extendVarEnv env id new_id)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Syntax.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Syntax.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b82fea5de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Syntax.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+Shared term graph (STG) syntax for spineless-tagless code generation
+This data type represents programs just before code generation (conversion to
+@Cmm@): basically, what we have is a stylised form of @CoreSyntax@, the style
+being one that happens to be ideally suited to spineless tagless code
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+module GHC.Stg.Syntax (
+ StgArg(..),
+ GenStgTopBinding(..), GenStgBinding(..), GenStgExpr(..), GenStgRhs(..),
+ GenStgAlt, AltType(..),
+ StgPass(..), BinderP, XRhsClosure, XLet, XLetNoEscape,
+ NoExtFieldSilent, noExtFieldSilent,
+ OutputablePass,
+ UpdateFlag(..), isUpdatable,
+ -- a set of synonyms for the vanilla parameterisation
+ StgTopBinding, StgBinding, StgExpr, StgRhs, StgAlt,
+ -- a set of synonyms for the code gen parameterisation
+ CgStgTopBinding, CgStgBinding, CgStgExpr, CgStgRhs, CgStgAlt,
+ -- a set of synonyms for the lambda lifting parameterisation
+ LlStgTopBinding, LlStgBinding, LlStgExpr, LlStgRhs, LlStgAlt,
+ -- a set of synonyms to distinguish in- and out variants
+ InStgArg, InStgTopBinding, InStgBinding, InStgExpr, InStgRhs, InStgAlt,
+ OutStgArg, OutStgTopBinding, OutStgBinding, OutStgExpr, OutStgRhs, OutStgAlt,
+ -- StgOp
+ StgOp(..),
+ -- utils
+ topStgBindHasCafRefs, stgArgHasCafRefs, stgRhsArity,
+ isDllConApp,
+ stgArgType,
+ stripStgTicksTop, stripStgTicksTopE,
+ stgCaseBndrInScope,
+ pprStgBinding, pprGenStgTopBindings, pprStgTopBindings
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import CoreSyn ( AltCon, Tickish )
+import CostCentre ( CostCentreStack )
+import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
+import Data.Data ( Data )
+import Data.List ( intersperse )
+import DataCon
+import DynFlags
+import ForeignCall ( ForeignCall )
+import Id
+import IdInfo ( mayHaveCafRefs )
+import VarSet
+import Literal ( Literal, literalType )
+import Module ( Module )
+import Outputable
+import Packages ( isDllName )
+import GHC.Platform
+import PprCore ( {- instances -} )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp, PrimCall )
+import TyCon ( PrimRep(..), TyCon )
+import Type ( Type )
+import GHC.Types.RepType ( typePrimRep1 )
+import Util
+import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty, toList )
+* *
+* *
+As usual, expressions are interesting; other things are boring. Here are the
+boring things (except note the @GenStgRhs@), parameterised with respect to
+binder and occurrence information (just as in @CoreSyn@):
+-- | A top-level binding.
+data GenStgTopBinding pass
+-- See Note [CoreSyn top-level string literals]
+ = StgTopLifted (GenStgBinding pass)
+ | StgTopStringLit Id ByteString
+data GenStgBinding pass
+ = StgNonRec (BinderP pass) (GenStgRhs pass)
+ | StgRec [(BinderP pass, GenStgRhs pass)]
+* *
+* *
+data StgArg
+ = StgVarArg Id
+ | StgLitArg Literal
+-- | Does this constructor application refer to anything in a different
+-- *Windows* DLL?
+-- If so, we can't allocate it statically
+isDllConApp :: DynFlags -> Module -> DataCon -> [StgArg] -> Bool
+isDllConApp dflags this_mod con args
+ | platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32
+ = isDllName dflags this_mod (dataConName con) || any is_dll_arg args
+ | otherwise = False
+ where
+ -- NB: typePrimRep1 is legit because any free variables won't have
+ -- unlifted type (there are no unlifted things at top level)
+ is_dll_arg :: StgArg -> Bool
+ is_dll_arg (StgVarArg v) = isAddrRep (typePrimRep1 (idType v))
+ && isDllName dflags this_mod (idName v)
+ is_dll_arg _ = False
+-- True of machine addresses; these are the things that don't work across DLLs.
+-- The key point here is that VoidRep comes out False, so that a top level
+-- nullary GADT constructor is False for isDllConApp
+-- data T a where
+-- T1 :: T Int
+-- gives
+-- T1 :: forall a. (a~Int) -> T a
+-- and hence the top-level binding
+-- $WT1 :: T Int
+-- $WT1 = T1 Int (Coercion (Refl Int))
+-- The coercion argument here gets VoidRep
+isAddrRep :: PrimRep -> Bool
+isAddrRep AddrRep = True
+isAddrRep LiftedRep = True
+isAddrRep UnliftedRep = True
+isAddrRep _ = False
+-- | Type of an @StgArg@
+-- Very half baked because we have lost the type arguments.
+stgArgType :: StgArg -> Type
+stgArgType (StgVarArg v) = idType v
+stgArgType (StgLitArg lit) = literalType lit
+-- | Strip ticks of a given type from an STG expression.
+stripStgTicksTop :: (Tickish Id -> Bool) -> GenStgExpr p -> ([Tickish Id], GenStgExpr p)
+stripStgTicksTop p = go []
+ where go ts (StgTick t e) | p t = go (t:ts) e
+ go ts other = (reverse ts, other)
+-- | Strip ticks of a given type from an STG expression returning only the expression.
+stripStgTicksTopE :: (Tickish Id -> Bool) -> GenStgExpr p -> GenStgExpr p
+stripStgTicksTopE p = go
+ where go (StgTick t e) | p t = go e
+ go other = other
+-- | Given an alt type and whether the program is unarised, return whether the
+-- case binder is in scope.
+-- Case binders of unboxed tuple or unboxed sum type always dead after the
+-- unariser has run. See Note [Post-unarisation invariants].
+stgCaseBndrInScope :: AltType -> Bool {- ^ unarised? -} -> Bool
+stgCaseBndrInScope alt_ty unarised =
+ case alt_ty of
+ AlgAlt _ -> True
+ PrimAlt _ -> True
+ MultiValAlt _ -> not unarised
+ PolyAlt -> True
+* *
+STG expressions
+* *
+The @GenStgExpr@ data type is parameterised on binder and occurrence info, as
+* *
+* *
+An application is of a function to a list of atoms (not expressions).
+Operationally, we want to push the arguments on the stack and call the function.
+(If the arguments were expressions, we would have to build their closures
+There is no constructor for a lone variable; it would appear as @StgApp var []@.
+data GenStgExpr pass
+ = StgApp
+ Id -- function
+ [StgArg] -- arguments; may be empty
+* *
+StgConApp and StgPrimApp --- saturated applications
+* *
+There are specialised forms of application, for constructors, primitives, and
+ | StgLit Literal
+ -- StgConApp is vital for returning unboxed tuples or sums
+ -- which can't be let-bound
+ | StgConApp DataCon
+ [StgArg] -- Saturated
+ [Type] -- See Note [Types in StgConApp] in GHC.Stg.Unarise
+ | StgOpApp StgOp -- Primitive op or foreign call
+ [StgArg] -- Saturated.
+ Type -- Result type
+ -- We need to know this so that we can
+ -- assign result registers
+* *
+* *
+StgLam is used *only* during CoreToStg's work. Before CoreToStg has finished it
+encodes (\x -> e) as (let f = \x -> e in f) TODO: Encode this via an extension
+to GenStgExpr à la TTG.
+ | StgLam
+ (NonEmpty (BinderP pass))
+ StgExpr -- Body of lambda
+* *
+GenStgExpr: case-expressions
+* *
+This has the same boxed/unboxed business as Core case expressions.
+ | StgCase
+ (GenStgExpr pass) -- the thing to examine
+ (BinderP pass) -- binds the result of evaluating the scrutinee
+ AltType
+ [GenStgAlt pass]
+ -- The DEFAULT case is always *first*
+ -- if it is there at all
+* *
+GenStgExpr: let(rec)-expressions
+* *
+The various forms of let(rec)-expression encode most of the interesting things
+we want to do.
+- let-closure x = [free-vars] [args] expr in e
+ is equivalent to
+ let x = (\free-vars -> \args -> expr) free-vars
+ @args@ may be empty (and is for most closures). It isn't under circumstances
+ like this:
+ let x = (\y -> y+z)
+ This gets mangled to
+ let-closure x = [z] [y] (y+z)
+ The idea is that we compile code for @(y+z)@ in an environment in which @z@ is
+ bound to an offset from Node, and `y` is bound to an offset from the stack
+ pointer.
+ (A let-closure is an @StgLet@ with a @StgRhsClosure@ RHS.)
+- let-constructor x = Constructor [args] in e
+ (A let-constructor is an @StgLet@ with a @StgRhsCon@ RHS.)
+- Letrec-expressions are essentially the same deal as let-closure/
+ let-constructor, so we use a common structure and distinguish between them
+ with an @is_recursive@ boolean flag.
+- let-unboxed u = <an arbitrary arithmetic expression in unboxed values> in e
+ All the stuff on the RHS must be fully evaluated. No function calls either!
+ (We've backed away from this toward case-expressions with suitably-magical
+ alts ...)
+- Advanced stuff here! Not to start with, but makes pattern matching generate
+ more efficient code.
+ let-escapes-not fail = expr
+ in e'
+ Here the idea is that @e'@ guarantees not to put @fail@ in a data structure,
+ or pass it to another function. All @e'@ will ever do is tail-call @fail@.
+ Rather than build a closure for @fail@, all we need do is to record the stack
+ level at the moment of the @let-escapes-not@; then entering @fail@ is just a
+ matter of adjusting the stack pointer back down to that point and entering the
+ code for it.
+ Another example:
+ f x y = let z = huge-expression in
+ if y==1 then z else
+ if y==2 then z else
+ 1
+ (A let-escapes-not is an @StgLetNoEscape@.)
+- We may eventually want:
+ let-literal x = Literal in e
+And so the code for let(rec)-things:
+ | StgLet
+ (XLet pass)
+ (GenStgBinding pass) -- right hand sides (see below)
+ (GenStgExpr pass) -- body
+ | StgLetNoEscape
+ (XLetNoEscape pass)
+ (GenStgBinding pass) -- right hand sides (see below)
+ (GenStgExpr pass) -- body
+* *
+GenStgExpr: hpc, scc and other debug annotations
+* *
+Finally for @hpc@ expressions we introduce a new STG construct.
+ | StgTick
+ (Tickish Id)
+ (GenStgExpr pass) -- sub expression
+-- END of GenStgExpr
+* *
+STG right-hand sides
+* *
+Here's the rest of the interesting stuff for @StgLet@s; the first flavour is for
+data GenStgRhs pass
+ = StgRhsClosure
+ (XRhsClosure pass) -- ^ Extension point for non-global free var
+ -- list just before 'CodeGen'.
+ CostCentreStack -- ^ CCS to be attached (default is CurrentCCS)
+ !UpdateFlag -- ^ 'ReEntrant' | 'Updatable' | 'SingleEntry'
+ [BinderP pass] -- ^ arguments; if empty, then not a function;
+ -- as above, order is important.
+ (GenStgExpr pass) -- ^ body
+An example may be in order. Consider:
+ let t = \x -> \y -> ... x ... y ... p ... q in e
+Pulling out the free vars and stylising somewhat, we get the equivalent:
+ let t = (\[p,q] -> \[x,y] -> ... x ... y ... p ...q) p q
+Stg-operationally, the @[x,y]@ are on the stack, the @[p,q]@ are offsets from
+@Node@ into the closure, and the code ptr for the closure will be exactly that
+in parentheses above.
+The second flavour of right-hand-side is for constructors (simple but
+ | StgRhsCon
+ CostCentreStack -- CCS to be attached (default is CurrentCCS).
+ -- Top-level (static) ones will end up with
+ -- DontCareCCS, because we don't count static
+ -- data in heap profiles, and we don't set CCCS
+ -- from static closure.
+ DataCon -- Constructor. Never an unboxed tuple or sum, as those
+ -- are not allocated.
+ [StgArg] -- Args
+-- | Used as a data type index for the stgSyn AST
+data StgPass
+ = Vanilla
+ | LiftLams
+ | CodeGen
+-- | Like 'GHC.Hs.Extension.NoExtField', but with an 'Outputable' instance that
+-- returns 'empty'.
+data NoExtFieldSilent = NoExtFieldSilent
+ deriving (Data, Eq, Ord)
+instance Outputable NoExtFieldSilent where
+ ppr _ = empty
+-- | Used when constructing a term with an unused extension point that should
+-- not appear in pretty-printed output at all.
+noExtFieldSilent :: NoExtFieldSilent
+noExtFieldSilent = NoExtFieldSilent
+-- TODO: Maybe move this to GHC.Hs.Extension? I'm not sure about the
+-- implications on build time...
+-- TODO: Do we really want to the extension point type families to have a closed
+-- domain?
+type family BinderP (pass :: StgPass)
+type instance BinderP 'Vanilla = Id
+type instance BinderP 'CodeGen = Id
+type family XRhsClosure (pass :: StgPass)
+type instance XRhsClosure 'Vanilla = NoExtFieldSilent
+-- | Code gen needs to track non-global free vars
+type instance XRhsClosure 'CodeGen = DIdSet
+type family XLet (pass :: StgPass)
+type instance XLet 'Vanilla = NoExtFieldSilent
+type instance XLet 'CodeGen = NoExtFieldSilent
+type family XLetNoEscape (pass :: StgPass)
+type instance XLetNoEscape 'Vanilla = NoExtFieldSilent
+type instance XLetNoEscape 'CodeGen = NoExtFieldSilent
+stgRhsArity :: StgRhs -> Int
+stgRhsArity (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ bndrs _)
+ = ASSERT( all isId bndrs ) length bndrs
+ -- The arity never includes type parameters, but they should have gone by now
+stgRhsArity (StgRhsCon _ _ _) = 0
+-- Note [CAF consistency]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- `topStgBindHasCafRefs` is only used by an assert (`consistentCafInfo` in
+-- `CoreToStg`) to make sure CAF-ness predicted by `TidyPgm` is consistent with
+-- reality.
+-- Specifically, if the RHS mentions any Id that itself is marked
+-- `MayHaveCafRefs`; or if the binding is a top-level updateable thunk; then the
+-- `Id` for the binding should be marked `MayHaveCafRefs`. The potential trouble
+-- is that `TidyPgm` computed the CAF info on the `Id` but some transformations
+-- have taken place since then.
+topStgBindHasCafRefs :: GenStgTopBinding pass -> Bool
+topStgBindHasCafRefs (StgTopLifted (StgNonRec _ rhs))
+ = topRhsHasCafRefs rhs
+topStgBindHasCafRefs (StgTopLifted (StgRec binds))
+ = any topRhsHasCafRefs (map snd binds)
+topStgBindHasCafRefs StgTopStringLit{}
+ = False
+topRhsHasCafRefs :: GenStgRhs pass -> Bool
+topRhsHasCafRefs (StgRhsClosure _ _ upd _ body)
+ = -- See Note [CAF consistency]
+ isUpdatable upd || exprHasCafRefs body
+topRhsHasCafRefs (StgRhsCon _ _ args)
+ = any stgArgHasCafRefs args
+exprHasCafRefs :: GenStgExpr pass -> Bool
+exprHasCafRefs (StgApp f args)
+ = stgIdHasCafRefs f || any stgArgHasCafRefs args
+exprHasCafRefs StgLit{}
+ = False
+exprHasCafRefs (StgConApp _ args _)
+ = any stgArgHasCafRefs args
+exprHasCafRefs (StgOpApp _ args _)
+ = any stgArgHasCafRefs args
+exprHasCafRefs (StgLam _ body)
+ = exprHasCafRefs body
+exprHasCafRefs (StgCase scrt _ _ alts)
+ = exprHasCafRefs scrt || any altHasCafRefs alts
+exprHasCafRefs (StgLet _ bind body)
+ = bindHasCafRefs bind || exprHasCafRefs body
+exprHasCafRefs (StgLetNoEscape _ bind body)
+ = bindHasCafRefs bind || exprHasCafRefs body
+exprHasCafRefs (StgTick _ expr)
+ = exprHasCafRefs expr
+bindHasCafRefs :: GenStgBinding pass -> Bool
+bindHasCafRefs (StgNonRec _ rhs)
+ = rhsHasCafRefs rhs
+bindHasCafRefs (StgRec binds)
+ = any rhsHasCafRefs (map snd binds)
+rhsHasCafRefs :: GenStgRhs pass -> Bool
+rhsHasCafRefs (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ body)
+ = exprHasCafRefs body
+rhsHasCafRefs (StgRhsCon _ _ args)
+ = any stgArgHasCafRefs args
+altHasCafRefs :: GenStgAlt pass -> Bool
+altHasCafRefs (_, _, rhs) = exprHasCafRefs rhs
+stgArgHasCafRefs :: StgArg -> Bool
+stgArgHasCafRefs (StgVarArg id)
+ = stgIdHasCafRefs id
+stgArgHasCafRefs _
+ = False
+stgIdHasCafRefs :: Id -> Bool
+stgIdHasCafRefs id =
+ -- We are looking for occurrences of an Id that is bound at top level, and may
+ -- have CAF refs. At this point (after TidyPgm) top-level Ids (whether
+ -- imported or defined in this module) are GlobalIds, so the test is easy.
+ isGlobalId id && mayHaveCafRefs (idCafInfo id)
+* *
+STG case alternatives
+* *
+Very like in @CoreSyntax@ (except no type-world stuff).
+The type constructor is guaranteed not to be abstract; that is, we can see its
+representation. This is important because the code generator uses it to
+determine return conventions etc. But it's not trivial where there's a module
+loop involved, because some versions of a type constructor might not have all
+the constructors visible. So mkStgAlgAlts (in CoreToStg) ensures that it gets
+the TyCon from the constructors or literals (which are guaranteed to have the
+Real McCoy) rather than from the scrutinee type.
+type GenStgAlt pass
+ = (AltCon, -- alts: data constructor,
+ [BinderP pass], -- constructor's parameters,
+ GenStgExpr pass) -- ...right-hand side.
+data AltType
+ = PolyAlt -- Polymorphic (a lifted type variable)
+ | MultiValAlt Int -- Multi value of this arity (unboxed tuple or sum)
+ -- the arity could indeed be 1 for unary unboxed tuple
+ -- or enum-like unboxed sums
+ | AlgAlt TyCon -- Algebraic data type; the AltCons will be DataAlts
+ | PrimAlt PrimRep -- Primitive data type; the AltCons (if any) will be LitAlts
+* *
+The Plain STG parameterisation
+* *
+This happens to be the only one we use at the moment.
+type StgTopBinding = GenStgTopBinding 'Vanilla
+type StgBinding = GenStgBinding 'Vanilla
+type StgExpr = GenStgExpr 'Vanilla
+type StgRhs = GenStgRhs 'Vanilla
+type StgAlt = GenStgAlt 'Vanilla
+type LlStgTopBinding = GenStgTopBinding 'LiftLams
+type LlStgBinding = GenStgBinding 'LiftLams
+type LlStgExpr = GenStgExpr 'LiftLams
+type LlStgRhs = GenStgRhs 'LiftLams
+type LlStgAlt = GenStgAlt 'LiftLams
+type CgStgTopBinding = GenStgTopBinding 'CodeGen
+type CgStgBinding = GenStgBinding 'CodeGen
+type CgStgExpr = GenStgExpr 'CodeGen
+type CgStgRhs = GenStgRhs 'CodeGen
+type CgStgAlt = GenStgAlt 'CodeGen
+{- Many passes apply a substitution, and it's very handy to have type
+ synonyms to remind us whether or not the substitution has been applied.
+ See CoreSyn for precedence in Core land
+type InStgTopBinding = StgTopBinding
+type InStgBinding = StgBinding
+type InStgArg = StgArg
+type InStgExpr = StgExpr
+type InStgRhs = StgRhs
+type InStgAlt = StgAlt
+type OutStgTopBinding = StgTopBinding
+type OutStgBinding = StgBinding
+type OutStgArg = StgArg
+type OutStgExpr = StgExpr
+type OutStgRhs = StgRhs
+type OutStgAlt = StgAlt
+* *
+* *
+This is also used in @LambdaFormInfo@ in the @ClosureInfo@ module.
+A @ReEntrant@ closure may be entered multiple times, but should not be updated
+or blackholed. An @Updatable@ closure should be updated after evaluation (and
+may be blackholed during evaluation). A @SingleEntry@ closure will only be
+entered once, and so need not be updated but may safely be blackholed.
+data UpdateFlag = ReEntrant | Updatable | SingleEntry
+instance Outputable UpdateFlag where
+ ppr u = char $ case u of
+ ReEntrant -> 'r'
+ Updatable -> 'u'
+ SingleEntry -> 's'
+isUpdatable :: UpdateFlag -> Bool
+isUpdatable ReEntrant = False
+isUpdatable SingleEntry = False
+isUpdatable Updatable = True
+* *
+* *
+An StgOp allows us to group together PrimOps and ForeignCalls. It's quite useful
+to move these around together, notably in StgOpApp and COpStmt.
+data StgOp
+ = StgPrimOp PrimOp
+ | StgPrimCallOp PrimCall
+ | StgFCallOp ForeignCall Type
+ -- The Type, which is obtained from the foreign import declaration
+ -- itself, is needed by the stg-to-cmm pass to determine the offset to
+ -- apply to unlifted boxed arguments in GHC.StgToCmm.Foreign. See Note
+ -- [Unlifted boxed arguments to foreign calls]
+* *
+* *
+Robin Popplestone asked for semi-colon separators on STG binds; here's hoping he
+likes terminators instead... Ditto for case alternatives.
+type OutputablePass pass =
+ ( Outputable (XLet pass)
+ , Outputable (XLetNoEscape pass)
+ , Outputable (XRhsClosure pass)
+ , OutputableBndr (BinderP pass)
+ )
+ :: OutputablePass pass => GenStgTopBinding pass -> SDoc
+pprGenStgTopBinding (StgTopStringLit bndr str)
+ = hang (hsep [pprBndr LetBind bndr, equals])
+ 4 (pprHsBytes str <> semi)
+pprGenStgTopBinding (StgTopLifted bind)
+ = pprGenStgBinding bind
+ :: OutputablePass pass => GenStgBinding pass -> SDoc
+pprGenStgBinding (StgNonRec bndr rhs)
+ = hang (hsep [pprBndr LetBind bndr, equals])
+ 4 (ppr rhs <> semi)
+pprGenStgBinding (StgRec pairs)
+ = vcat [ text "Rec {"
+ , vcat (intersperse blankLine (map ppr_bind pairs))
+ , text "end Rec }" ]
+ where
+ ppr_bind (bndr, expr)
+ = hang (hsep [pprBndr LetBind bndr, equals])
+ 4 (ppr expr <> semi)
+ :: (OutputablePass pass) => [GenStgTopBinding pass] -> SDoc
+pprGenStgTopBindings binds
+ = vcat $ intersperse blankLine (map pprGenStgTopBinding binds)
+pprStgBinding :: StgBinding -> SDoc
+pprStgBinding = pprGenStgBinding
+pprStgTopBindings :: [StgTopBinding] -> SDoc
+pprStgTopBindings = pprGenStgTopBindings
+instance Outputable StgArg where
+ ppr = pprStgArg
+instance OutputablePass pass => Outputable (GenStgTopBinding pass) where
+ ppr = pprGenStgTopBinding
+instance OutputablePass pass => Outputable (GenStgBinding pass) where
+ ppr = pprGenStgBinding
+instance OutputablePass pass => Outputable (GenStgExpr pass) where
+ ppr = pprStgExpr
+instance OutputablePass pass => Outputable (GenStgRhs pass) where
+ ppr rhs = pprStgRhs rhs
+pprStgArg :: StgArg -> SDoc
+pprStgArg (StgVarArg var) = ppr var
+pprStgArg (StgLitArg con) = ppr con
+pprStgExpr :: OutputablePass pass => GenStgExpr pass -> SDoc
+-- special case
+pprStgExpr (StgLit lit) = ppr lit
+-- general case
+pprStgExpr (StgApp func args)
+ = hang (ppr func) 4 (sep (map (ppr) args))
+pprStgExpr (StgConApp con args _)
+ = hsep [ ppr con, brackets (interppSP args) ]
+pprStgExpr (StgOpApp op args _)
+ = hsep [ pprStgOp op, brackets (interppSP args)]
+pprStgExpr (StgLam bndrs body)
+ = sep [ char '\\' <+> ppr_list (map (pprBndr LambdaBind) (toList bndrs))
+ <+> text "->",
+ pprStgExpr body ]
+ where ppr_list = brackets . fsep . punctuate comma
+-- special case: let v = <very specific thing>
+-- in
+-- let ...
+-- in
+-- ...
+-- Very special! Suspicious! (SLPJ)
+pprStgExpr (StgLet srt (StgNonRec bndr (StgRhsClosure cc bi free_vars upd_flag args rhs))
+ expr@(StgLet _ _))
+ = ($$)
+ (hang (hcat [text "let { ", ppr bndr, ptext (sLit " = "),
+ ppr cc,
+ pp_binder_info bi,
+ text " [", whenPprDebug (interppSP free_vars), ptext (sLit "] \\"),
+ ppr upd_flag, text " [",
+ interppSP args, char ']'])
+ 8 (sep [hsep [ppr rhs, text "} in"]]))
+ (ppr expr)
+-- special case: let ... in let ...
+pprStgExpr (StgLet ext bind expr@StgLet{})
+ = ($$)
+ (sep [hang (text "let" <+> ppr ext <+> text "{")
+ 2 (hsep [pprGenStgBinding bind, text "} in"])])
+ (ppr expr)
+-- general case
+pprStgExpr (StgLet ext bind expr)
+ = sep [hang (text "let" <+> ppr ext <+> text "{") 2 (pprGenStgBinding bind),
+ hang (text "} in ") 2 (ppr expr)]
+pprStgExpr (StgLetNoEscape ext bind expr)
+ = sep [hang (text "let-no-escape" <+> ppr ext <+> text "{")
+ 2 (pprGenStgBinding bind),
+ hang (text "} in ")
+ 2 (ppr expr)]
+pprStgExpr (StgTick tickish expr)
+ = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ if gopt Opt_SuppressTicks dflags
+ then pprStgExpr expr
+ else sep [ ppr tickish, pprStgExpr expr ]
+-- Don't indent for a single case alternative.
+pprStgExpr (StgCase expr bndr alt_type [alt])
+ = sep [sep [text "case",
+ nest 4 (hsep [pprStgExpr expr,
+ whenPprDebug (dcolon <+> ppr alt_type)]),
+ text "of", pprBndr CaseBind bndr, char '{'],
+ pprStgAlt False alt,
+ char '}']
+pprStgExpr (StgCase expr bndr alt_type alts)
+ = sep [sep [text "case",
+ nest 4 (hsep [pprStgExpr expr,
+ whenPprDebug (dcolon <+> ppr alt_type)]),
+ text "of", pprBndr CaseBind bndr, char '{'],
+ nest 2 (vcat (map (pprStgAlt True) alts)),
+ char '}']
+pprStgAlt :: OutputablePass pass => Bool -> GenStgAlt pass -> SDoc
+pprStgAlt indent (con, params, expr)
+ | indent = hang altPattern 4 (ppr expr <> semi)
+ | otherwise = sep [altPattern, ppr expr <> semi]
+ where
+ altPattern = (hsep [ppr con, sep (map (pprBndr CasePatBind) params), text "->"])
+pprStgOp :: StgOp -> SDoc
+pprStgOp (StgPrimOp op) = ppr op
+pprStgOp (StgPrimCallOp op)= ppr op
+pprStgOp (StgFCallOp op _) = ppr op
+instance Outputable AltType where
+ ppr PolyAlt = text "Polymorphic"
+ ppr (MultiValAlt n) = text "MultiAlt" <+> ppr n
+ ppr (AlgAlt tc) = text "Alg" <+> ppr tc
+ ppr (PrimAlt tc) = text "Prim" <+> ppr tc
+pprStgRhs :: OutputablePass pass => GenStgRhs pass -> SDoc
+pprStgRhs (StgRhsClosure ext cc upd_flag args body)
+ = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ hang (hsep [if gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags then ppr cc else empty,
+ if not $ gopt Opt_SuppressStgExts dflags
+ then ppr ext else empty,
+ char '\\' <> ppr upd_flag, brackets (interppSP args)])
+ 4 (ppr body)
+pprStgRhs (StgRhsCon cc con args)
+ = hcat [ ppr cc,
+ space, ppr con, text "! ", brackets (interppSP args)]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Unarise.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Unarise.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc2ce4cb87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Unarise.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-2012
+Note [Unarisation]
+The idea of this pass is to translate away *all* unboxed-tuple and unboxed-sum
+binders. So for example:
+ f (x :: (# Int, Bool #)) = f x + f (# 1, True #)
+ ==>
+ f (x1 :: Int) (x2 :: Bool) = f x1 x2 + f 1 True
+It is important that we do this at the STG level and NOT at the Core level
+because it would be very hard to make this pass Core-type-preserving. In this
+example the type of 'f' changes, for example.
+STG fed to the code generators *must* be unarised because the code generators do
+not support unboxed tuple and unboxed sum binders natively.
+In more detail: (see next note for unboxed sums)
+Suppose that a variable x : (# t1, t2 #).
+ * At the binding site for x, make up fresh vars x1:t1, x2:t2
+ * Extend the UnariseEnv x :-> MultiVal [x1,x2]
+ * Replace the binding with a curried binding for x1,x2
+ Lambda: \x.e ==> \x1 x2. e
+ Case alt: MkT a b x c d -> e ==> MkT a b x1 x2 c d -> e
+ * Replace argument occurrences with a sequence of args via a lookup in
+ UnariseEnv
+ f a b x c d ==> f a b x1 x2 c d
+ * Replace tail-call occurrences with an unboxed tuple via a lookup in
+ UnariseEnv
+ x ==> (# x1, x2 #)
+ So, for example
+ f x = x ==> f x1 x2 = (# x1, x2 #)
+ * We /always/ eliminate a case expression when
+ - It scrutinises an unboxed tuple or unboxed sum
+ - The scrutinee is a variable (or when it is an explicit tuple, but the
+ simplifier eliminates those)
+ The case alternative (there can be only one) can be one of these two
+ things:
+ - An unboxed tuple pattern. e.g.
+ case v of x { (# x1, x2, x3 #) -> ... }
+ Scrutinee has to be in form `(# t1, t2, t3 #)` so we just extend the
+ environment with
+ x :-> MultiVal [t1,t2,t3]
+ x1 :-> UnaryVal t1, x2 :-> UnaryVal t2, x3 :-> UnaryVal t3
+ - A DEFAULT alternative. Just the same, without the bindings for x1,x2,x3
+By the end of this pass, we only have unboxed tuples in return positions.
+Unboxed sums are completely eliminated, see next note.
+Note [Translating unboxed sums to unboxed tuples]
+Unarise also eliminates unboxed sum binders, and translates unboxed sums in
+return positions to unboxed tuples. We want to overlap fields of a sum when
+translating it to a tuple to have efficient memory layout. When translating a
+sum pattern to a tuple pattern, we need to translate it so that binders of sum
+alternatives will be mapped to right arguments after the term translation. So
+translation of sum DataCon applications to tuple DataCon applications and
+translation of sum patterns to tuple patterns need to be in sync.
+These translations work like this. Suppose we have
+ (# x1 | | ... #) :: (# t1 | t2 | ... #)
+remember that t1, t2 ... can be sums and tuples too. So we first generate
+layouts of those. Then we "merge" layouts of each alternative, which gives us a
+sum layout with best overlapping possible.
+Layout of a flat type 'ty1' is just [ty1].
+Layout of a tuple is just concatenation of layouts of its fields.
+For layout of a sum type,
+ - We first get layouts of all alternatives.
+ - We sort these layouts based on their "slot types".
+ - We merge all the alternatives.
+For example, say we have (# (# Int#, Char #) | (# Int#, Int# #) | Int# #)
+ - Layouts of alternatives: [ [Word, Ptr], [Word, Word], [Word] ]
+ - Sorted: [ [Ptr, Word], [Word, Word], [Word] ]
+ - Merge all alternatives together: [ Ptr, Word, Word ]
+We add a slot for the tag to the first position. So our tuple type is
+ (# Tag#, Any, Word#, Word# #)
+ (we use Any for pointer slots)
+Now, any term of this sum type needs to generate a tuple of this type instead.
+The translation works by simply putting arguments to first slots that they fit
+in. Suppose we had
+ (# (# 42#, 'c' #) | | #)
+42# fits in Word#, 'c' fits in Any, so we generate this application:
+ (# 1#, 'c', 42#, rubbish #)
+Another example using the same type: (# | (# 2#, 3# #) | #). 2# fits in Word#,
+3# fits in Word #, so we get:
+ (# 2#, rubbish, 2#, 3# #).
+Note [Types in StgConApp]
+Suppose we have this unboxed sum term:
+ (# 123 | #)
+What will be the unboxed tuple representation? We can't tell without knowing the
+type of this term. For example, these are all valid tuples for this:
+ (# 1#, 123 #) -- when type is (# Int | String #)
+ (# 1#, 123, rubbish #) -- when type is (# Int | Float# #)
+ (# 1#, 123, rubbish, rubbish #)
+ -- when type is (# Int | (# Int, Int, Int #) #)
+So we pass type arguments of the DataCon's TyCon in StgConApp to decide what
+layout to use. Note that unlifted values can't be let-bound, so we don't need
+types in StgRhsCon.
+Note [UnariseEnv can map to literals]
+To avoid redundant case expressions when unarising unboxed sums, UnariseEnv
+needs to map variables to literals too. Suppose we have this Core:
+ f (# x | #)
+ ==> (CorePrep)
+ case (# x | #) of y {
+ _ -> f y
+ }
+ ==> (MultiVal)
+ case (# 1#, x #) of [x1, x2] {
+ _ -> f x1 x2
+ }
+To eliminate this case expression we need to map x1 to 1# in UnariseEnv:
+ x1 :-> UnaryVal 1#, x2 :-> UnaryVal x
+so that `f x1 x2` becomes `f 1# x`.
+Note [Unarisation and arity]
+Because of unarisation, the arity that will be recorded in the generated info
+table for an Id may be larger than the idArity. Instead we record what we call
+the RepArity, which is the Arity taking into account any expanded arguments, and
+corresponds to the number of (possibly-void) *registers* arguments will arrive
+Note [Post-unarisation invariants]
+STG programs after unarisation have these invariants:
+ * No unboxed sums at all.
+ * No unboxed tuple binders. Tuples only appear in return position.
+ * DataCon applications (StgRhsCon and StgConApp) don't have void arguments.
+ This means that it's safe to wrap `StgArg`s of DataCon applications with
+ `GHC.StgToCmm.Env.NonVoid`, for example.
+ * Alt binders (binders in patterns) are always non-void.
+ * Binders always have zero (for void arguments) or one PrimRep.
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections #-}
+module GHC.Stg.Unarise (unarise) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import BasicTypes
+import CoreSyn
+import DataCon
+import FastString (FastString, mkFastString)
+import Id
+import Literal
+import MkId (voidPrimId, voidArgId)
+import MonadUtils (mapAccumLM)
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Types.RepType
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import Type
+import TysPrim (intPrimTy,wordPrimTy,word64PrimTy)
+import TysWiredIn
+import UniqSupply
+import Util
+import VarEnv
+import Data.Bifunctor (second)
+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
+-- | A mapping from binders to the Ids they were expanded/renamed to.
+-- x :-> MultiVal [a,b,c] in rho
+-- iff x's typePrimRep is not a singleton, or equivalently
+-- x's type is an unboxed tuple, sum or void.
+-- x :-> UnaryVal x'
+-- iff x's RepType is UnaryRep or equivalently
+-- x's type is not unboxed tuple, sum or void.
+-- So
+-- x :-> MultiVal [a] in rho
+-- means x is represented by singleton tuple.
+-- x :-> MultiVal [] in rho
+-- means x is void.
+-- INVARIANT: OutStgArgs in the range only have NvUnaryTypes
+-- (i.e. no unboxed tuples, sums or voids)
+type UnariseEnv = VarEnv UnariseVal
+data UnariseVal
+ = MultiVal [OutStgArg] -- MultiVal to tuple. Can be empty list (void).
+ | UnaryVal OutStgArg -- See NOTE [Renaming during unarisation].
+instance Outputable UnariseVal where
+ ppr (MultiVal args) = text "MultiVal" <+> ppr args
+ ppr (UnaryVal arg) = text "UnaryVal" <+> ppr arg
+-- | Extend the environment, checking the UnariseEnv invariant.
+extendRho :: UnariseEnv -> Id -> UnariseVal -> UnariseEnv
+extendRho rho x (MultiVal args)
+ = ASSERT(all (isNvUnaryType . stgArgType) args)
+ extendVarEnv rho x (MultiVal args)
+extendRho rho x (UnaryVal val)
+ = ASSERT(isNvUnaryType (stgArgType val))
+ extendVarEnv rho x (UnaryVal val)
+unarise :: UniqSupply -> [StgTopBinding] -> [StgTopBinding]
+unarise us binds = initUs_ us (mapM (unariseTopBinding emptyVarEnv) binds)
+unariseTopBinding :: UnariseEnv -> StgTopBinding -> UniqSM StgTopBinding
+unariseTopBinding rho (StgTopLifted bind)
+ = StgTopLifted <$> unariseBinding rho bind
+unariseTopBinding _ bind@StgTopStringLit{} = return bind
+unariseBinding :: UnariseEnv -> StgBinding -> UniqSM StgBinding
+unariseBinding rho (StgNonRec x rhs)
+ = StgNonRec x <$> unariseRhs rho rhs
+unariseBinding rho (StgRec xrhss)
+ = StgRec <$> mapM (\(x, rhs) -> (x,) <$> unariseRhs rho rhs) xrhss
+unariseRhs :: UnariseEnv -> StgRhs -> UniqSM StgRhs
+unariseRhs rho (StgRhsClosure ext ccs update_flag args expr)
+ = do (rho', args1) <- unariseFunArgBinders rho args
+ expr' <- unariseExpr rho' expr
+ return (StgRhsClosure ext ccs update_flag args1 expr')
+unariseRhs rho (StgRhsCon ccs con args)
+ = ASSERT(not (isUnboxedTupleCon con || isUnboxedSumCon con))
+ return (StgRhsCon ccs con (unariseConArgs rho args))
+unariseExpr :: UnariseEnv -> StgExpr -> UniqSM StgExpr
+unariseExpr rho e@(StgApp f [])
+ = case lookupVarEnv rho f of
+ Just (MultiVal args) -- Including empty tuples
+ -> return (mkTuple args)
+ Just (UnaryVal (StgVarArg f'))
+ -> return (StgApp f' [])
+ Just (UnaryVal (StgLitArg f'))
+ -> return (StgLit f')
+ Nothing
+ -> return e
+unariseExpr rho e@(StgApp f args)
+ = return (StgApp f' (unariseFunArgs rho args))
+ where
+ f' = case lookupVarEnv rho f of
+ Just (UnaryVal (StgVarArg f')) -> f'
+ Nothing -> f
+ err -> pprPanic "unariseExpr - app2" (ppr e $$ ppr err)
+ -- Can't happen because 'args' is non-empty, and
+ -- a tuple or sum cannot be applied to anything
+unariseExpr _ (StgLit l)
+ = return (StgLit l)
+unariseExpr rho (StgConApp dc args ty_args)
+ | Just args' <- unariseMulti_maybe rho dc args ty_args
+ = return (mkTuple args')
+ | otherwise
+ , let args' = unariseConArgs rho args
+ = return (StgConApp dc args' (map stgArgType args'))
+unariseExpr rho (StgOpApp op args ty)
+ = return (StgOpApp op (unariseFunArgs rho args) ty)
+unariseExpr _ e@StgLam{}
+ = pprPanic "unariseExpr: found lambda" (ppr e)
+unariseExpr rho (StgCase scrut bndr alt_ty alts)
+ -- tuple/sum binders in the scrutinee can always be eliminated
+ | StgApp v [] <- scrut
+ , Just (MultiVal xs) <- lookupVarEnv rho v
+ = elimCase rho xs bndr alt_ty alts
+ -- Handle strict lets for tuples and sums:
+ -- case (# a,b #) of r -> rhs
+ -- and analogously for sums
+ | StgConApp dc args ty_args <- scrut
+ , Just args' <- unariseMulti_maybe rho dc args ty_args
+ = elimCase rho args' bndr alt_ty alts
+ -- general case
+ | otherwise
+ = do scrut' <- unariseExpr rho scrut
+ alts' <- unariseAlts rho alt_ty bndr alts
+ return (StgCase scrut' bndr alt_ty alts')
+ -- bndr may have a unboxed sum/tuple type but it will be
+ -- dead after unarise (checked in GHC.Stg.Lint)
+unariseExpr rho (StgLet ext bind e)
+ = StgLet ext <$> unariseBinding rho bind <*> unariseExpr rho e
+unariseExpr rho (StgLetNoEscape ext bind e)
+ = StgLetNoEscape ext <$> unariseBinding rho bind <*> unariseExpr rho e
+unariseExpr rho (StgTick tick e)
+ = StgTick tick <$> unariseExpr rho e
+-- Doesn't return void args.
+unariseMulti_maybe :: UnariseEnv -> DataCon -> [InStgArg] -> [Type] -> Maybe [OutStgArg]
+unariseMulti_maybe rho dc args ty_args
+ | isUnboxedTupleCon dc
+ = Just (unariseConArgs rho args)
+ | isUnboxedSumCon dc
+ , let args1 = ASSERT(isSingleton args) (unariseConArgs rho args)
+ = Just (mkUbxSum dc ty_args args1)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+elimCase :: UnariseEnv
+ -> [OutStgArg] -- non-void args
+ -> InId -> AltType -> [InStgAlt] -> UniqSM OutStgExpr
+elimCase rho args bndr (MultiValAlt _) [(_, bndrs, rhs)]
+ = do let rho1 = extendRho rho bndr (MultiVal args)
+ rho2
+ | isUnboxedTupleBndr bndr
+ = mapTupleIdBinders bndrs args rho1
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT(isUnboxedSumBndr bndr)
+ if null bndrs then rho1
+ else mapSumIdBinders bndrs args rho1
+ unariseExpr rho2 rhs
+elimCase rho args bndr (MultiValAlt _) alts
+ | isUnboxedSumBndr bndr
+ = do let (tag_arg : real_args) = args
+ tag_bndr <- mkId (mkFastString "tag") tagTy
+ -- this won't be used but we need a binder anyway
+ let rho1 = extendRho rho bndr (MultiVal args)
+ scrut' = case tag_arg of
+ StgVarArg v -> StgApp v []
+ StgLitArg l -> StgLit l
+ alts' <- unariseSumAlts rho1 real_args alts
+ return (StgCase scrut' tag_bndr tagAltTy alts')
+elimCase _ args bndr alt_ty alts
+ = pprPanic "elimCase - unhandled case"
+ (ppr args <+> ppr bndr <+> ppr alt_ty $$ ppr alts)
+unariseAlts :: UnariseEnv -> AltType -> InId -> [StgAlt] -> UniqSM [StgAlt]
+unariseAlts rho (MultiValAlt n) bndr [(DEFAULT, [], e)]
+ | isUnboxedTupleBndr bndr
+ = do (rho', ys) <- unariseConArgBinder rho bndr
+ e' <- unariseExpr rho' e
+ return [(DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed n), ys, e')]
+unariseAlts rho (MultiValAlt n) bndr [(DataAlt _, ys, e)]
+ | isUnboxedTupleBndr bndr
+ = do (rho', ys1) <- unariseConArgBinders rho ys
+ MASSERT(ys1 `lengthIs` n)
+ let rho'' = extendRho rho' bndr (MultiVal (map StgVarArg ys1))
+ e' <- unariseExpr rho'' e
+ return [(DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed n), ys1, e')]
+unariseAlts _ (MultiValAlt _) bndr alts
+ | isUnboxedTupleBndr bndr
+ = pprPanic "unariseExpr: strange multi val alts" (ppr alts)
+-- In this case we don't need to scrutinize the tag bit
+unariseAlts rho (MultiValAlt _) bndr [(DEFAULT, _, rhs)]
+ | isUnboxedSumBndr bndr
+ = do (rho_sum_bndrs, sum_bndrs) <- unariseConArgBinder rho bndr
+ rhs' <- unariseExpr rho_sum_bndrs rhs
+ return [(DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed (length sum_bndrs)), sum_bndrs, rhs')]
+unariseAlts rho (MultiValAlt _) bndr alts
+ | isUnboxedSumBndr bndr
+ = do (rho_sum_bndrs, scrt_bndrs@(tag_bndr : real_bndrs)) <- unariseConArgBinder rho bndr
+ alts' <- unariseSumAlts rho_sum_bndrs (map StgVarArg real_bndrs) alts
+ let inner_case = StgCase (StgApp tag_bndr []) tag_bndr tagAltTy alts'
+ return [ (DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed (length scrt_bndrs)),
+ scrt_bndrs,
+ inner_case) ]
+unariseAlts rho _ _ alts
+ = mapM (\alt -> unariseAlt rho alt) alts
+unariseAlt :: UnariseEnv -> StgAlt -> UniqSM StgAlt
+unariseAlt rho (con, xs, e)
+ = do (rho', xs') <- unariseConArgBinders rho xs
+ (con, xs',) <$> unariseExpr rho' e
+-- | Make alternatives that match on the tag of a sum
+-- (i.e. generate LitAlts for the tag)
+unariseSumAlts :: UnariseEnv
+ -> [StgArg] -- sum components _excluding_ the tag bit.
+ -> [StgAlt] -- original alternative with sum LHS
+ -> UniqSM [StgAlt]
+unariseSumAlts env args alts
+ = do alts' <- mapM (unariseSumAlt env args) alts
+ return (mkDefaultLitAlt alts')
+unariseSumAlt :: UnariseEnv
+ -> [StgArg] -- sum components _excluding_ the tag bit.
+ -> StgAlt -- original alternative with sum LHS
+ -> UniqSM StgAlt
+unariseSumAlt rho _ (DEFAULT, _, e)
+ = ( DEFAULT, [], ) <$> unariseExpr rho e
+unariseSumAlt rho args (DataAlt sumCon, bs, e)
+ = do let rho' = mapSumIdBinders bs args rho
+ e' <- unariseExpr rho' e
+ return ( LitAlt (LitNumber LitNumInt (fromIntegral (dataConTag sumCon)) intPrimTy), [], e' )
+unariseSumAlt _ scrt alt
+ = pprPanic "unariseSumAlt" (ppr scrt $$ ppr alt)
+ :: [InId] -- Un-processed binders of a tuple alternative.
+ -- Can have void binders.
+ -> [OutStgArg] -- Arguments that form the tuple (after unarisation).
+ -- Can't have void args.
+ -> UnariseEnv
+ -> UnariseEnv
+mapTupleIdBinders ids args0 rho0
+ = ASSERT(not (any (isVoidTy . stgArgType) args0))
+ let
+ ids_unarised :: [(Id, [PrimRep])]
+ ids_unarised = map (\id -> (id, typePrimRep (idType id))) ids
+ map_ids :: UnariseEnv -> [(Id, [PrimRep])] -> [StgArg] -> UnariseEnv
+ map_ids rho [] _ = rho
+ map_ids rho ((x, x_reps) : xs) args =
+ let
+ x_arity = length x_reps
+ (x_args, args') =
+ ASSERT(args `lengthAtLeast` x_arity)
+ splitAt x_arity args
+ rho'
+ | x_arity == 1
+ = ASSERT(x_args `lengthIs` 1)
+ extendRho rho x (UnaryVal (head x_args))
+ | otherwise
+ = extendRho rho x (MultiVal x_args)
+ in
+ map_ids rho' xs args'
+ in
+ map_ids rho0 ids_unarised args0
+ :: [InId] -- Binder of a sum alternative (remember that sum patterns
+ -- only have one binder, so this list should be a singleton)
+ -> [OutStgArg] -- Arguments that form the sum (NOT including the tag).
+ -- Can't have void args.
+ -> UnariseEnv
+ -> UnariseEnv
+mapSumIdBinders [id] args rho0
+ = ASSERT(not (any (isVoidTy . stgArgType) args))
+ let
+ arg_slots = map primRepSlot $ concatMap (typePrimRep . stgArgType) args
+ id_slots = map primRepSlot $ typePrimRep (idType id)
+ layout1 = layoutUbxSum arg_slots id_slots
+ in
+ if isMultiValBndr id
+ then extendRho rho0 id (MultiVal [ args !! i | i <- layout1 ])
+ else ASSERT(layout1 `lengthIs` 1)
+ extendRho rho0 id (UnaryVal (args !! head layout1))
+mapSumIdBinders ids sum_args _
+ = pprPanic "mapSumIdBinders" (ppr ids $$ ppr sum_args)
+-- | Build a unboxed sum term from arguments of an alternative.
+-- Example, for (# x | #) :: (# (# #) | Int #) we call
+-- mkUbxSum (# _ | #) [ (# #), Int ] [ voidPrimId ]
+-- which returns
+-- [ 1#, rubbish ]
+ :: DataCon -- Sum data con
+ -> [Type] -- Type arguments of the sum data con
+ -> [OutStgArg] -- Actual arguments of the alternative.
+ -> [OutStgArg] -- Final tuple arguments
+mkUbxSum dc ty_args args0
+ = let
+ (_ : sum_slots) = ubxSumRepType (map typePrimRep ty_args)
+ -- drop tag slot
+ tag = dataConTag dc
+ layout' = layoutUbxSum sum_slots (mapMaybe (typeSlotTy . stgArgType) args0)
+ tag_arg = StgLitArg (LitNumber LitNumInt (fromIntegral tag) intPrimTy)
+ arg_idxs = IM.fromList (zipEqual "mkUbxSum" layout' args0)
+ mkTupArgs :: Int -> [SlotTy] -> IM.IntMap StgArg -> [StgArg]
+ mkTupArgs _ [] _
+ = []
+ mkTupArgs arg_idx (slot : slots_left) arg_map
+ | Just stg_arg <- IM.lookup arg_idx arg_map
+ = stg_arg : mkTupArgs (arg_idx + 1) slots_left arg_map
+ | otherwise
+ = slotRubbishArg slot : mkTupArgs (arg_idx + 1) slots_left arg_map
+ slotRubbishArg :: SlotTy -> StgArg
+ slotRubbishArg PtrSlot = StgVarArg aBSENT_SUM_FIELD_ERROR_ID
+ -- See Note [aBSENT_SUM_FIELD_ERROR_ID] in MkCore
+ slotRubbishArg WordSlot = StgLitArg (LitNumber LitNumWord 0 wordPrimTy)
+ slotRubbishArg Word64Slot = StgLitArg (LitNumber LitNumWord64 0 word64PrimTy)
+ slotRubbishArg FloatSlot = StgLitArg (LitFloat 0)
+ slotRubbishArg DoubleSlot = StgLitArg (LitDouble 0)
+ in
+ tag_arg : mkTupArgs 0 sum_slots arg_idxs
+For arguments (StgArg) and binders (Id) we have two kind of unarisation:
+ - When unarising function arg binders and arguments, we don't want to remove
+ void binders and arguments. For example,
+ f :: (# (# #), (# #) #) -> Void# -> RealWorld# -> ...
+ f x y z = <body>
+ Here after unarise we should still get a function with arity 3. Similarly
+ in the call site we shouldn't remove void arguments:
+ f (# (# #), (# #) #) voidId rw
+ When unarising <body>, we extend the environment with these binders:
+ x :-> MultiVal [], y :-> MultiVal [], z :-> MultiVal []
+ Because their rep types are `MultiRep []` (aka. void). This means that when
+ we see `x` in a function argument position, we actually replace it with a
+ void argument. When we see it in a DataCon argument position, we just get
+ rid of it, because DataCon applications in STG are always saturated.
+ - When unarising case alternative binders we remove void binders, but we
+ still update the environment the same way, because those binders may be
+ used in the RHS. Example:
+ case x of y {
+ (# x1, x2, x3 #) -> <RHS>
+ }
+ We know that y can't be void, because we don't scrutinize voids, so x will
+ be unarised to some number of arguments, and those arguments will have at
+ least one non-void thing. So in the rho we will have something like:
+ x :-> MultiVal [xu1, xu2]
+ Now, after we eliminate void binders in the pattern, we get exactly the same
+ number of binders, and extend rho again with these:
+ x1 :-> UnaryVal xu1
+ x2 :-> MultiVal [] -- x2 is void
+ x3 :-> UnaryVal xu2
+ Now when we see x2 in a function argument position or in return position, we
+ generate void#. In constructor argument position, we just remove it.
+So in short, when we have a void id,
+ - We keep it if it's a lambda argument binder or
+ in argument position of an application.
+ - We remove it if it's a DataCon field binder or
+ in argument position of a DataCon application.
+ :: Bool -- data con arg?
+ -> UnariseEnv -> Id -> UniqSM (UnariseEnv, [Id])
+unariseArgBinder is_con_arg rho x =
+ case typePrimRep (idType x) of
+ []
+ | is_con_arg
+ -> return (extendRho rho x (MultiVal []), [])
+ | otherwise -- fun arg, do not remove void binders
+ -> return (extendRho rho x (MultiVal []), [voidArgId])
+ [rep]
+ -- Arg represented as single variable, but original type may still be an
+ -- unboxed sum/tuple, e.g. (# Void# | Void# #).
+ --
+ -- While not unarising the binder in this case does not break any programs
+ -- (because it unarises to a single variable), it triggers StgLint as we
+ -- break the the post-unarisation invariant that says unboxed tuple/sum
+ -- binders should vanish. See Note [Post-unarisation invariants].
+ | isUnboxedSumType (idType x) || isUnboxedTupleType (idType x)
+ -> do x' <- mkId (mkFastString "us") (primRepToType rep)
+ return (extendRho rho x (MultiVal [StgVarArg x']), [x'])
+ | otherwise
+ -> return (rho, [x])
+ reps -> do
+ xs <- mkIds (mkFastString "us") (map primRepToType reps)
+ return (extendRho rho x (MultiVal (map StgVarArg xs)), xs)
+-- | MultiVal a function argument. Never returns an empty list.
+unariseFunArg :: UnariseEnv -> StgArg -> [StgArg]
+unariseFunArg rho (StgVarArg x) =
+ case lookupVarEnv rho x of
+ Just (MultiVal []) -> [voidArg] -- NB: do not remove void args
+ Just (MultiVal as) -> as
+ Just (UnaryVal arg) -> [arg]
+ Nothing -> [StgVarArg x]
+unariseFunArg _ arg = [arg]
+unariseFunArgs :: UnariseEnv -> [StgArg] -> [StgArg]
+unariseFunArgs = concatMap . unariseFunArg
+unariseFunArgBinders :: UnariseEnv -> [Id] -> UniqSM (UnariseEnv, [Id])
+unariseFunArgBinders rho xs = second concat <$> mapAccumLM unariseFunArgBinder rho xs
+-- Result list of binders is never empty
+unariseFunArgBinder :: UnariseEnv -> Id -> UniqSM (UnariseEnv, [Id])
+unariseFunArgBinder = unariseArgBinder False
+-- | MultiVal a DataCon argument. Returns an empty list when argument is void.
+unariseConArg :: UnariseEnv -> InStgArg -> [OutStgArg]
+unariseConArg rho (StgVarArg x) =
+ case lookupVarEnv rho x of
+ Just (UnaryVal arg) -> [arg]
+ Just (MultiVal as) -> as -- 'as' can be empty
+ Nothing
+ | isVoidTy (idType x) -> [] -- e.g. C realWorld#
+ -- Here realWorld# is not in the envt, but
+ -- is a void, and so should be eliminated
+ | otherwise -> [StgVarArg x]
+unariseConArg _ arg@(StgLitArg lit) =
+ ASSERT(not (isVoidTy (literalType lit))) -- We have no void literals
+ [arg]
+unariseConArgs :: UnariseEnv -> [InStgArg] -> [OutStgArg]
+unariseConArgs = concatMap . unariseConArg
+unariseConArgBinders :: UnariseEnv -> [Id] -> UniqSM (UnariseEnv, [Id])
+unariseConArgBinders rho xs = second concat <$> mapAccumLM unariseConArgBinder rho xs
+-- Different from `unariseFunArgBinder`: result list of binders may be empty.
+-- See DataCon applications case in Note [Post-unarisation invariants].
+unariseConArgBinder :: UnariseEnv -> Id -> UniqSM (UnariseEnv, [Id])
+unariseConArgBinder = unariseArgBinder True
+mkIds :: FastString -> [UnaryType] -> UniqSM [Id]
+mkIds fs tys = mapM (mkId fs) tys
+mkId :: FastString -> UnaryType -> UniqSM Id
+mkId = mkSysLocalM
+isMultiValBndr :: Id -> Bool
+isMultiValBndr id
+ | [_] <- typePrimRep (idType id)
+ = False
+ | otherwise
+ = True
+isUnboxedSumBndr :: Id -> Bool
+isUnboxedSumBndr = isUnboxedSumType . idType
+isUnboxedTupleBndr :: Id -> Bool
+isUnboxedTupleBndr = isUnboxedTupleType . idType
+mkTuple :: [StgArg] -> StgExpr
+mkTuple args = StgConApp (tupleDataCon Unboxed (length args)) args (map stgArgType args)
+tagAltTy :: AltType
+tagAltTy = PrimAlt IntRep
+tagTy :: Type
+tagTy = intPrimTy
+voidArg :: StgArg
+voidArg = StgVarArg voidPrimId
+mkDefaultLitAlt :: [StgAlt] -> [StgAlt]
+-- We have an exhauseive list of literal alternatives
+-- 1# -> e1
+-- 2# -> e2
+-- Since they are exhaustive, we can replace one with DEFAULT, to avoid
+-- generating a final test. Remember, the DEFAULT comes first if it exists.
+mkDefaultLitAlt [] = pprPanic "elimUbxSumExpr.mkDefaultAlt" (text "Empty alts")
+mkDefaultLitAlt alts@((DEFAULT, _, _) : _) = alts
+mkDefaultLitAlt ((LitAlt{}, [], rhs) : alts) = (DEFAULT, [], rhs) : alts
+mkDefaultLitAlt alts = pprPanic "mkDefaultLitAlt" (text "Not a lit alt:" <+> ppr alts)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
index f02d361fa4..10a9dc2c6a 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import Cmm
import CmmUtils
import CLabel
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import HscTypes
import CostCentre
import Id
import IdInfo
-import RepType
+import GHC.Types.RepType
import DataCon
import TyCon
import Module
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ cgTopRhs :: DynFlags -> RecFlag -> Id -> CgStgRhs -> (CgIdInfo, FCode ())
cgTopRhs dflags _rec bndr (StgRhsCon _cc con args)
= cgTopRhsCon dflags bndr con (assertNonVoidStgArgs args)
-- con args are always non-void,
- -- see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in UnariseStg
+ -- see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in GHC.Stg.Unarise
cgTopRhs dflags rec bndr (StgRhsClosure fvs cc upd_flag args body)
= ASSERT(isEmptyDVarSet fvs) -- There should be no free variables
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs
index d373b79d0c..3eeb575da7 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Cmm
import CmmInfo
import CmmUtils
import CLabel
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import CostCentre
import Id
import IdInfo
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ cgRhs id (StgRhsCon cc con args)
= withNewTickyCounterCon (idName id) $
buildDynCon id True cc con (assertNonVoidStgArgs args)
-- con args are always non-void,
- -- see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in UnariseStg
+ -- see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in GHC.Stg.Unarise
{- See Note [GC recovery] in compiler/GHC.StgToCmm/Closure.hs -}
cgRhs id (StgRhsClosure fvs cc upd_flag args body)
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ mkRhsClosure dflags bndr _cc
, let (_, _, params_w_offsets) = mkVirtConstrOffsets dflags (addIdReps (assertNonVoidIds params))
-- pattern binders are always non-void,
- -- see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in UnariseStg
+ -- see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in GHC.Stg.Unarise
, Just the_offset <- assocMaybe params_w_offsets (NonVoid selectee)
, let offset_into_int = bytesToWordsRoundUp dflags the_offset
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs-boot
index d16c34ebd3..6e8b2bdf7a 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs-boot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module GHC.StgToCmm.Bind where
import GHC.StgToCmm.Monad( FCode )
-import StgSyn( CgStgBinding )
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax( CgStgBinding )
cgBind :: CgStgBinding -> FCode ()
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Closure.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Closure.hs
index 07d3edab9a..df8cb046c4 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Closure.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Closure.hs
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module GHC.StgToCmm.Closure (
import GhcPrelude
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import SMRep
import Cmm
import PprCmmExpr() -- For Outputable instances
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ import Type
import TyCoRep
import TcType
import TyCon
-import RepType
+import GHC.Types.RepType
import BasicTypes
import Outputable
import DynFlags
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ nonVoidIds ids = [NonVoid id | id <- ids, not (isVoidTy (idType id))]
-- | Used in places where some invariant ensures that all these Ids are
-- non-void; e.g. constructor field binders in case expressions.
--- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in UnariseStg.
+-- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in GHC.Stg.Unarise.
assertNonVoidIds :: [Id] -> [NonVoid Id]
assertNonVoidIds ids = ASSERT(not (any (isVoidTy . idType) ids))
coerce ids
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ nonVoidStgArgs args = [NonVoid arg | arg <- args, not (isVoidTy (stgArgType arg)
-- | Used in places where some invariant ensures that all these arguments are
-- non-void; e.g. constructor arguments.
--- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in UnariseStg.
+-- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in GHC.Stg.Unarise.
assertNonVoidStgArgs :: [StgArg] -> [NonVoid StgArg]
assertNonVoidStgArgs args = ASSERT(not (any (isVoidTy . stgArgType) args))
coerce args
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ assertNonVoidStgArgs args = ASSERT(not (any (isVoidTy . stgArgType) args))
-- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants]
idPrimRep :: Id -> PrimRep
idPrimRep id = typePrimRep1 (idType id)
- -- See also Note [VoidRep] in RepType
+ -- See also Note [VoidRep] in GHC.Types.RepType
-- | Assumes that Ids have one PrimRep, which holds after unarisation.
-- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs
index c7ad444e41..1e929663df 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module GHC.StgToCmm.DataCon (
import GhcPrelude
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import CoreSyn ( AltCon(..) )
import GHC.StgToCmm.Monad
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import DataCon
import DynFlags
import FastString
import Id
-import RepType (countConRepArgs)
+import GHC.Types.RepType (countConRepArgs)
import Literal
import PrelInfo
import Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Env.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Env.hs
index e32c6a1ecb..45b09a3d26 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Env.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Env.hs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Id
import MkGraph
import Name
import Outputable
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import Type
import TysPrim
import UniqFM
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Expr.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Expr.hs
index 38d35fc031..f39d02839c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Expr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Expr.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import GHC.StgToCmm.Ticky
import GHC.StgToCmm.Utils
import GHC.StgToCmm.Closure
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import MkGraph
import BlockId
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import Id
import PrimOp
import TyCon
import Type ( isUnliftedType )
-import RepType ( isVoidTy, countConRepArgs )
+import GHC.Types.RepType ( isVoidTy, countConRepArgs )
import CostCentre ( CostCentreStack, currentCCS )
import Maybes
import Util
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ isSimpleOp (StgPrimCallOp _) _ = return False
chooseReturnBndrs :: Id -> AltType -> [CgStgAlt] -> [NonVoid Id]
-- These are the binders of a case that are assigned by the evaluation of the
-- scrutinee.
--- They're non-void, see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in UnariseStg.
+-- They're non-void, see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in GHC.Stg.Unarise.
chooseReturnBndrs bndr (PrimAlt _) _alts
= assertNonVoidIds [bndr]
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ cgAltRhss gc_plan bndr alts = do
maybeAltHeapCheck gc_plan $
do { _ <- bindConArgs con base_reg (assertNonVoidIds bndrs)
-- alt binders are always non-void,
- -- see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in UnariseStg
+ -- see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in GHC.Stg.Unarise
; _ <- cgExpr rhs
; return con }
forkAlts (map cg_alt alts)
@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ cgConApp con stg_args
do { (idinfo, fcode_init) <- buildDynCon (dataConWorkId con) False
currentCCS con (assertNonVoidStgArgs stg_args)
-- con args are always non-void,
- -- see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in UnariseStg
+ -- see Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in GHC.Stg.Unarise
-- The first "con" says that the name bound to this
-- closure is "con", which is a bit of a fudge, but
-- it only affects profiling (hence the False)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs
index dacaff41ba..3ef0872c2e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module GHC.StgToCmm.Foreign (
import GhcPrelude hiding( succ, (<*>) )
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import GHC.StgToCmm.Prof (storeCurCCS, ccsType)
import GHC.StgToCmm.Env
import GHC.StgToCmm.Monad
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Cmm
import CmmUtils
import MkGraph
import Type
-import RepType
+import GHC.Types.RepType
import CLabel
import SMRep
import ForeignCall
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Heap.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Heap.hs
index a1f016c13c..d36cad5788 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Heap.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Heap.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module GHC.StgToCmm.Heap (
import GhcPrelude hiding ((<*>))
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import CLabel
import GHC.StgToCmm.Layout
import GHC.StgToCmm.Utils
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Layout.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Layout.hs
index f4834376ed..6d7825eb93 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Layout.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Layout.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import Cmm
import CmmUtils
import CmmInfo
import CLabel
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import Id
import TyCon ( PrimRep(..), primRepSizeB )
import BasicTypes ( RepArity )
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
index 3728c0cac2..85924d984e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import GHC.Platform
import BasicTypes
import BlockId
import MkGraph
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import Cmm
import Module ( rtsUnitId )
import Type ( Type, tyConAppTyCon )
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Ticky.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Ticky.hs
index 7548f3de13..9eeb134cc9 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Ticky.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Ticky.hs
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ import GHC.StgToCmm.Closure
import GHC.StgToCmm.Utils
import GHC.StgToCmm.Monad
-import StgSyn
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import CmmExpr
import MkGraph
import CmmUtils
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Utils.hs
index 0b3a8d8b08..34fb93468c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Utils.hs
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ import UniqSupply (MonadUnique(..))
import DynFlags
import FastString
import Outputable
-import RepType
+import GHC.Types.RepType
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/RepType.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/RepType.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdda659688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/RepType.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+module GHC.Types.RepType
+ (
+ -- * Code generator views onto Types
+ UnaryType, NvUnaryType, isNvUnaryType,
+ unwrapType,
+ -- * Predicates on types
+ isVoidTy,
+ -- * Type representation for the code generator
+ typePrimRep, typePrimRep1,
+ runtimeRepPrimRep, typePrimRepArgs,
+ PrimRep(..), primRepToType,
+ countFunRepArgs, countConRepArgs, tyConPrimRep, tyConPrimRep1,
+ -- * Unboxed sum representation type
+ ubxSumRepType, layoutUbxSum, typeSlotTy, SlotTy (..),
+ slotPrimRep, primRepSlot
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import BasicTypes (Arity, RepArity)
+import DataCon
+import Outputable
+import PrelNames
+import Coercion
+import TyCon
+import TyCoRep
+import Type
+import Util
+import TysPrim
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TysWiredIn ( anyTypeOfKind )
+import Data.List (sort)
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
+{- **********************************************************************
+* *
+ Representation types
+* *
+********************************************************************** -}
+type NvUnaryType = Type
+type UnaryType = Type
+ -- Both are always a value type; i.e. its kind is TYPE rr
+ -- for some rr; moreover the rr is never a variable.
+ --
+ -- NvUnaryType : never an unboxed tuple or sum, or void
+ --
+ -- UnaryType : never an unboxed tuple or sum;
+ -- can be Void# or (# #)
+isNvUnaryType :: Type -> Bool
+isNvUnaryType ty
+ | [_] <- typePrimRep ty
+ = True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+-- INVARIANT: the result list is never empty.
+typePrimRepArgs :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> [PrimRep]
+typePrimRepArgs ty
+ | [] <- reps
+ = [VoidRep]
+ | otherwise
+ = reps
+ where
+ reps = typePrimRep ty
+-- | Gets rid of the stuff that prevents us from understanding the
+-- runtime representation of a type. Including:
+-- 1. Casts
+-- 2. Newtypes
+-- 3. Foralls
+-- 4. Synonyms
+-- But not type/data families, because we don't have the envs to hand.
+unwrapType :: Type -> Type
+unwrapType ty
+ | Just (_, unwrapped)
+ <- topNormaliseTypeX stepper mappend inner_ty
+ = unwrapped
+ | otherwise
+ = inner_ty
+ where
+ inner_ty = go ty
+ go t | Just t' <- coreView t = go t'
+ go (ForAllTy _ t) = go t
+ go (CastTy t _) = go t
+ go t = t
+ -- cf. Coercion.unwrapNewTypeStepper
+ stepper rec_nts tc tys
+ | Just (ty', _) <- instNewTyCon_maybe tc tys
+ = case checkRecTc rec_nts tc of
+ Just rec_nts' -> NS_Step rec_nts' (go ty') ()
+ Nothing -> NS_Abort -- infinite newtypes
+ | otherwise
+ = NS_Done
+countFunRepArgs :: Arity -> Type -> RepArity
+countFunRepArgs 0 _
+ = 0
+countFunRepArgs n ty
+ | FunTy _ arg res <- unwrapType ty
+ = length (typePrimRepArgs arg) + countFunRepArgs (n - 1) res
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "countFunRepArgs: arity greater than type can handle" (ppr (n, ty, typePrimRep ty))
+countConRepArgs :: DataCon -> RepArity
+countConRepArgs dc = go (dataConRepArity dc) (dataConRepType dc)
+ where
+ go :: Arity -> Type -> RepArity
+ go 0 _
+ = 0
+ go n ty
+ | FunTy _ arg res <- unwrapType ty
+ = length (typePrimRep arg) + go (n - 1) res
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "countConRepArgs: arity greater than type can handle" (ppr (n, ty, typePrimRep ty))
+-- | True if the type has zero width.
+isVoidTy :: Type -> Bool
+isVoidTy = null . typePrimRep
+{- **********************************************************************
+* *
+ Unboxed sums
+ See Note [Translating unboxed sums to unboxed tuples] in GHC.Stg.Unarise
+* *
+********************************************************************** -}
+type SortedSlotTys = [SlotTy]
+-- | Given the arguments of a sum type constructor application,
+-- return the unboxed sum rep type.
+-- E.g.
+-- (# Int# | Maybe Int | (# Int#, Float# #) #)
+-- We call `ubxSumRepType [ [IntRep], [LiftedRep], [IntRep, FloatRep] ]`,
+-- which returns [WordSlot, PtrSlot, WordSlot, FloatSlot]
+-- INVARIANT: Result slots are sorted (via Ord SlotTy), except that at the head
+-- of the list we have the slot for the tag.
+ubxSumRepType :: [[PrimRep]] -> [SlotTy]
+ubxSumRepType constrs0
+ -- These first two cases never classify an actual unboxed sum, which always
+ -- has at least two disjuncts. But it could happen if a user writes, e.g.,
+ -- forall (a :: TYPE (SumRep [IntRep])). ...
+ -- which could never be instantiated. We still don't want to panic.
+ | constrs0 `lengthLessThan` 2
+ = [WordSlot]
+ | otherwise
+ = let
+ combine_alts :: [SortedSlotTys] -- slots of constructors
+ -> SortedSlotTys -- final slots
+ combine_alts constrs = foldl' merge [] constrs
+ merge :: SortedSlotTys -> SortedSlotTys -> SortedSlotTys
+ merge existing_slots []
+ = existing_slots
+ merge [] needed_slots
+ = needed_slots
+ merge (es : ess) (s : ss)
+ | Just s' <- s `fitsIn` es
+ = -- found a slot, use it
+ s' : merge ess ss
+ | s < es
+ = -- we need a new slot and this is the right place for it
+ s : merge (es : ess) ss
+ | otherwise
+ = -- keep searching for a slot
+ es : merge ess (s : ss)
+ -- Nesting unboxed tuples and sums is OK, so we need to flatten first.
+ rep :: [PrimRep] -> SortedSlotTys
+ rep ty = sort (map primRepSlot ty)
+ sumRep = WordSlot : combine_alts (map rep constrs0)
+ -- WordSlot: for the tag of the sum
+ in
+ sumRep
+layoutUbxSum :: SortedSlotTys -- Layout of sum. Does not include tag.
+ -- We assume that they are in increasing order
+ -> [SlotTy] -- Slot types of things we want to map to locations in the
+ -- sum layout
+ -> [Int] -- Where to map 'things' in the sum layout
+layoutUbxSum sum_slots0 arg_slots0 =
+ go arg_slots0 IS.empty
+ where
+ go :: [SlotTy] -> IS.IntSet -> [Int]
+ go [] _
+ = []
+ go (arg : args) used
+ = let slot_idx = findSlot arg 0 sum_slots0 used
+ in slot_idx : go args (IS.insert slot_idx used)
+ findSlot :: SlotTy -> Int -> SortedSlotTys -> IS.IntSet -> Int
+ findSlot arg slot_idx (slot : slots) useds
+ | not (IS.member slot_idx useds)
+ , Just slot == arg `fitsIn` slot
+ = slot_idx
+ | otherwise
+ = findSlot arg (slot_idx + 1) slots useds
+ findSlot _ _ [] _
+ = pprPanic "findSlot" (text "Can't find slot" $$ ppr sum_slots0 $$ ppr arg_slots0)
+-- We have 3 kinds of slots:
+-- - Pointer slot: Only shared between actual pointers to Haskell heap (i.e.
+-- boxed objects)
+-- - Word slots: Shared between IntRep, WordRep, Int64Rep, Word64Rep, AddrRep.
+-- - Float slots: Shared between floating point types.
+-- - Void slots: Shared between void types. Not used in sums.
+-- TODO(michalt): We should probably introduce `SlotTy`s for 8-/16-/32-bit
+-- values, so that we can pack things more tightly.
+data SlotTy = PtrSlot | WordSlot | Word64Slot | FloatSlot | DoubleSlot
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+ -- Constructor order is important! If slot A could fit into slot B
+ -- then slot A must occur first. E.g. FloatSlot before DoubleSlot
+ --
+ -- We are assuming that WordSlot is smaller than or equal to Word64Slot
+ -- (would not be true on a 128-bit machine)
+instance Outputable SlotTy where
+ ppr PtrSlot = text "PtrSlot"
+ ppr Word64Slot = text "Word64Slot"
+ ppr WordSlot = text "WordSlot"
+ ppr DoubleSlot = text "DoubleSlot"
+ ppr FloatSlot = text "FloatSlot"
+typeSlotTy :: UnaryType -> Maybe SlotTy
+typeSlotTy ty
+ | isVoidTy ty
+ = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Just (primRepSlot (typePrimRep1 ty))
+primRepSlot :: PrimRep -> SlotTy
+primRepSlot VoidRep = pprPanic "primRepSlot" (text "No slot for VoidRep")
+primRepSlot LiftedRep = PtrSlot
+primRepSlot UnliftedRep = PtrSlot
+primRepSlot IntRep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot Int8Rep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot Int16Rep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot Int32Rep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot Int64Rep = Word64Slot
+primRepSlot WordRep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot Word8Rep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot Word16Rep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot Word32Rep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot Word64Rep = Word64Slot
+primRepSlot AddrRep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot FloatRep = FloatSlot
+primRepSlot DoubleRep = DoubleSlot
+primRepSlot VecRep{} = pprPanic "primRepSlot" (text "No slot for VecRep")
+slotPrimRep :: SlotTy -> PrimRep
+slotPrimRep PtrSlot = LiftedRep -- choice between lifted & unlifted seems arbitrary
+slotPrimRep Word64Slot = Word64Rep
+slotPrimRep WordSlot = WordRep
+slotPrimRep DoubleSlot = DoubleRep
+slotPrimRep FloatSlot = FloatRep
+-- | Returns the bigger type if one fits into the other. (commutative)
+fitsIn :: SlotTy -> SlotTy -> Maybe SlotTy
+fitsIn ty1 ty2
+ | isWordSlot ty1 && isWordSlot ty2
+ = Just (max ty1 ty2)
+ | isFloatSlot ty1 && isFloatSlot ty2
+ = Just (max ty1 ty2)
+ | isPtrSlot ty1 && isPtrSlot ty2
+ = Just PtrSlot
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ where
+ isPtrSlot PtrSlot = True
+ isPtrSlot _ = False
+ isWordSlot Word64Slot = True
+ isWordSlot WordSlot = True
+ isWordSlot _ = False
+ isFloatSlot DoubleSlot = True
+ isFloatSlot FloatSlot = True
+ isFloatSlot _ = False
+{- **********************************************************************
+* *
+ PrimRep
+* *
+Note [RuntimeRep and PrimRep]
+This Note describes the relationship between GHC.Types.RuntimeRep
+(of levity-polymorphism fame) and TyCon.PrimRep, as these types
+are closely related.
+A "primitive entity" is one that can be
+ * stored in one register
+ * manipulated with one machine instruction
+Examples include:
+ * a 32-bit integer
+ * a 32-bit float
+ * a 64-bit float
+ * a machine address (heap pointer), etc.
+ * a quad-float (on a machine with SIMD register and instructions)
+ * ...etc...
+The "representation or a primitive entity" specifies what kind of register is
+needed and how many bits are required. The data type TyCon.PrimRep
+enumerates all the possibilities.
+data PrimRep
+ = VoidRep
+ | LiftedRep -- ^ Lifted pointer
+ | UnliftedRep -- ^ Unlifted pointer
+ | Int8Rep -- ^ Signed, 8-bit value
+ | Int16Rep -- ^ Signed, 16-bit value
+ ...etc...
+ | VecRep Int PrimElemRep -- ^ SIMD fixed-width vector
+The Haskell source language is a bit more flexible: a single value may need multiple PrimReps.
+For example
+ utup :: (# Int, Int #) -> Bool
+ utup x = ...
+Here x :: (# Int, Int #), and that takes two registers, and two instructions to move around.
+Unboxed sums are similar.
+Every Haskell expression e has a type ty, whose kind is of form TYPE rep
+ e :: ty :: TYPE rep
+where rep :: RuntimeRep. Here rep describes the runtime representation for e's value,
+but RuntimeRep has some extra cases:
+data RuntimeRep = VecRep VecCount VecElem -- ^ a SIMD vector type
+ | TupleRep [RuntimeRep] -- ^ An unboxed tuple of the given reps
+ | SumRep [RuntimeRep] -- ^ An unboxed sum of the given reps
+ | LiftedRep -- ^ lifted; represented by a pointer
+ | UnliftedRep -- ^ unlifted; represented by a pointer
+ | IntRep -- ^ signed, word-sized value
+ ...etc...
+It's all in 1-1 correspondence with PrimRep except for TupleRep and SumRep,
+which describe unboxed products and sums respectively. RuntimeRep is defined
+in the library ghc-prim:GHC.Types. It is also "wired-in" to GHC: see
+TysWiredIn.runtimeRepTyCon. The unarisation pass, in GHC.Stg.Unarise, transforms the
+program, so that that every variable has a type that has a PrimRep. For
+example, unarisation transforms our utup function above, to take two Int
+arguments instead of one (# Int, Int #) argument.
+See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep] and Note [VoidRep].
+Note [VoidRep]
+PrimRep contains a constructor VoidRep, while RuntimeRep does
+not. Yet representations are often characterised by a list of PrimReps,
+where a void would be denoted as []. (See also Note [RuntimeRep and PrimRep].)
+However, after the unariser, all identifiers have exactly one PrimRep, but
+void arguments still exist. Thus, PrimRep includes VoidRep to describe these
+binders. Perhaps post-unariser representations (which need VoidRep) should be
+a different type than pre-unariser representations (which use a list and do
+not need VoidRep), but we have what we have.
+RuntimeRep instead uses TupleRep '[] to denote a void argument. When
+converting a TupleRep '[] into a list of PrimReps, we get an empty list.
+Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep]
+General info on RuntimeRep and PrimRep is in Note [RuntimeRep and PrimRep].
+How do we get from an Id to the the list or PrimReps used to store it? We get
+the Id's type ty (using idType), then ty's kind ki (using typeKind), then
+pattern-match on ki to extract rep (in kindPrimRep), then extract the PrimRep
+from the RuntimeRep (in runtimeRepPrimRep).
+We now must convert the RuntimeRep to a list of PrimReps. Let's look at two
+ 1. x :: Int#
+ 2. y :: (# Int, Word# #)
+With these types, we can extract these kinds:
+ 1. Int# :: TYPE IntRep
+ 2. (# Int, Word# #) :: TYPE (TupleRep [LiftedRep, WordRep])
+In the end, we will get these PrimReps:
+ 1. [IntRep]
+ 2. [LiftedRep, WordRep]
+It would thus seem that we should have a function somewhere of
+type `RuntimeRep -> [PrimRep]`. This doesn't work though: when we
+look at the argument of TYPE, we get something of type Type (of course).
+RuntimeRep exists in the user's program, but not in GHC as such.
+Instead, we must decompose the Type of kind RuntimeRep into tycons and
+extract the PrimReps from the TyCons. This is what runtimeRepPrimRep does:
+it takes a Type and returns a [PrimRep]
+runtimeRepPrimRep works by using tyConRuntimeRepInfo. That function
+should be passed the TyCon produced by promoting one of the constructors
+of RuntimeRep into type-level data. The RuntimeRep promoted datacons are
+associated with a RuntimeRepInfo (stored directly in the PromotedDataCon
+constructor of TyCon). This pairing happens in TysWiredIn. A RuntimeRepInfo
+usually(*) contains a function from [Type] to [PrimRep]: the [Type] are
+the arguments to the promoted datacon. These arguments are necessary
+for the TupleRep and SumRep constructors, so that this process can recur,
+producing a flattened list of PrimReps. Calling this extracted function
+happens in runtimeRepPrimRep; the functions themselves are defined in
+tupleRepDataCon and sumRepDataCon, both in TysWiredIn.
+The (*) above is to support vector representations. RuntimeRep refers
+to VecCount and VecElem, whose promoted datacons have nuggets of information
+related to vectors; these form the other alternatives for RuntimeRepInfo.
+Returning to our examples, the Types we get (after stripping off TYPE) are
+ 1. TyConApp (PromotedDataCon "IntRep") []
+ 2. TyConApp (PromotedDataCon "TupleRep")
+ [TyConApp (PromotedDataCon ":")
+ [ TyConApp (AlgTyCon "RuntimeRep") []
+ , TyConApp (PromotedDataCon "LiftedRep") []
+ , TyConApp (PromotedDataCon ":")
+ [ TyConApp (AlgTyCon "RuntimeRep") []
+ , TyConApp (PromotedDataCon "WordRep") []
+ , TyConApp (PromotedDataCon "'[]")
+ [TyConApp (AlgTyCon "RuntimeRep") []]]]]
+runtimeRepPrimRep calls tyConRuntimeRepInfo on (PromotedDataCon "IntRep"), resp.
+(PromotedDataCon "TupleRep"), extracting a function that will produce the PrimReps.
+In example 1, this function is passed an empty list (the empty list of args to IntRep)
+and returns the PrimRep IntRep. (See the definition of runtimeRepSimpleDataCons in
+TysWiredIn and its helper function mk_runtime_rep_dc.) Example 2 passes the promoted
+list as the one argument to the extracted function. The extracted function is defined
+as prim_rep_fun within tupleRepDataCon in TysWiredIn. It takes one argument, decomposes
+the promoted list (with extractPromotedList), and then recurs back to runtimeRepPrimRep
+to process the LiftedRep and WordRep, concatentating the results.
+-- | Discovers the primitive representation of a 'Type'. Returns
+-- a list of 'PrimRep': it's a list because of the possibility of
+-- no runtime representation (void) or multiple (unboxed tuple/sum)
+-- See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep]
+typePrimRep :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> [PrimRep]
+typePrimRep ty = kindPrimRep (text "typePrimRep" <+>
+ parens (ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind ty)))
+ (typeKind ty)
+-- | Like 'typePrimRep', but assumes that there is precisely one 'PrimRep' output;
+-- an empty list of PrimReps becomes a VoidRep.
+-- This assumption holds after unarise, see Note [Post-unarisation invariants].
+-- Before unarise it may or may not hold.
+-- See also Note [RuntimeRep and PrimRep] and Note [VoidRep]
+typePrimRep1 :: HasDebugCallStack => UnaryType -> PrimRep
+typePrimRep1 ty = case typePrimRep ty of
+ [] -> VoidRep
+ [rep] -> rep
+ _ -> pprPanic "typePrimRep1" (ppr ty $$ ppr (typePrimRep ty))
+-- | Find the runtime representation of a 'TyCon'. Defined here to
+-- avoid module loops. Returns a list of the register shapes necessary.
+-- See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep]
+tyConPrimRep :: HasDebugCallStack => TyCon -> [PrimRep]
+tyConPrimRep tc
+ = kindPrimRep (text "kindRep tc" <+> ppr tc $$ ppr res_kind)
+ res_kind
+ where
+ res_kind = tyConResKind tc
+-- | Like 'tyConPrimRep', but assumed that there is precisely zero or
+-- one 'PrimRep' output
+-- See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep] and Note [VoidRep]
+tyConPrimRep1 :: HasDebugCallStack => TyCon -> PrimRep
+tyConPrimRep1 tc = case tyConPrimRep tc of
+ [] -> VoidRep
+ [rep] -> rep
+ _ -> pprPanic "tyConPrimRep1" (ppr tc $$ ppr (tyConPrimRep tc))
+-- | Take a kind (of shape @TYPE rr@) and produce the 'PrimRep's
+-- of values of types of this kind.
+-- See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep]
+kindPrimRep :: HasDebugCallStack => SDoc -> Kind -> [PrimRep]
+kindPrimRep doc ki
+ | Just ki' <- coreView ki
+ = kindPrimRep doc ki'
+kindPrimRep doc (TyConApp typ [runtime_rep])
+ = ASSERT( typ `hasKey` tYPETyConKey )
+ runtimeRepPrimRep doc runtime_rep
+kindPrimRep doc ki
+ = pprPanic "kindPrimRep" (ppr ki $$ doc)
+-- | Take a type of kind RuntimeRep and extract the list of 'PrimRep' that
+-- it encodes. See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep]
+runtimeRepPrimRep :: HasDebugCallStack => SDoc -> Type -> [PrimRep]
+runtimeRepPrimRep doc rr_ty
+ | Just rr_ty' <- coreView rr_ty
+ = runtimeRepPrimRep doc rr_ty'
+ | TyConApp rr_dc args <- rr_ty
+ , RuntimeRep fun <- tyConRuntimeRepInfo rr_dc
+ = fun args
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "runtimeRepPrimRep" (doc $$ ppr rr_ty)
+-- | Convert a PrimRep back to a Type. Used only in the unariser to give types
+-- to fresh Ids. Really, only the type's representation matters.
+-- See also Note [RuntimeRep and PrimRep]
+primRepToType :: PrimRep -> Type
+primRepToType = anyTypeOfKind . tYPE . primRepToRuntimeRep