path: root/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
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1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed1fc32549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+% (c) Adam Gundry 2013
+This module defines the representation of FieldLabels as stored in
+TyCons. As well as a selector name, these have some extra structure
+to support the OverloadedRecordFields extension. For every field
+label, regardless of whether the extension is enabled in the defining
+module, we generate instances of the Has and Upd classes and FldTy and
+UpdTy type families (all defined in base:GHC.Records).
+In the normal case (with NoOverloadedRecordFields), a datatype like
+ data T = MkT { foo :: Int }
+ FieldLabel { flLabel = "foo"
+ , flIsOverloaded = False
+ , flSelector = foo
+ , flHasDFun = $fHas:foo:T
+ , flUpdDFun = $fUpd:foo:T
+ , flFldTyAxiom = TFCo:FldTy:foo:T
+ , flUpdTyAxiom = TFCo:UpdTy:foo:T }.
+In particular, the Name of the selector has the same string
+representation as the label. If the OverloadedRecordFields extension
+is enabled, however, the same declaration instead gives
+ FieldLabel { flLabel = "foo"
+ , flIsOverloaded = True
+ , flSelector = $sel:foo:T
+ , flHasDFun = $fHas:foo:T
+ , flUpdDFun = $fUpd:foo:T
+ , flFldTyAxiom = TFCo:FldTy:foo:T
+ , flUpdTyAxiom = TFCo:UpdTy:foo:T }.
+Now the name of the selector ($sel:foo:T) does not match the label of
+the field (foo). We must be careful not to show the selector name to
+the user! The point of mangling the selector name is to allow a
+module to define the same field label in different datatypes:
+ data T = MkT { foo :: Int }
+ data U = MkU { foo :: Bool }
+Now there will be two FieldLabel values for 'foo', one in T and one in
+U. They share the same label (FieldLabelString), but the selector and
+dfuns/axioms differ. Each FieldLabel value is unique to its type
+We define the dfuns/axioms for every field label of every datatype,
+even if OverloadedRecordFields is disabled. This allows other modules
+with the extension enabled to make use of the dfuns/axioms.
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
+module FieldLabel ( FieldLabelString
+ , FieldLabelEnv
+ , FieldLbl(..)
+ , FieldLabel
+ , mkFieldLabelOccs
+ ) where
+import OccName
+import Name
+import Binary
+import FastString
+import FastStringEnv
+import Outputable
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.Traversable
+-- | Field labels are just represented as strings;
+-- they are not necessarily unique (even within a module)
+type FieldLabelString = FastString
+-- | A map from labels to all the auxiliary information
+type FieldLabelEnv = FastStringEnv FieldLabel
+type FieldLabel = FieldLbl Name
+-- | Fields in an algebraic record type
+data FieldLbl a = FieldLabel {
+ flLabel :: FieldLabelString, -- ^ Label of the field
+ flIsOverloaded :: Bool, -- ^ Is this field overloaded?
+ flSelector :: a, -- ^ Record selector function
+ flHasDFun :: a, -- ^ DFun for Has class instance
+ flUpdDFun :: a, -- ^ DFun for Upd class instance
+ flFldTyAxiom :: a, -- ^ Axiom for FldTy family instance
+ flUpdTyAxiom :: a -- ^ Axiom for UpdTy family instance
+ }
+ deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (FieldLbl a) where
+ ppr fl = ppr (flLabel fl) <> braces (ppr (flSelector fl))
+instance Binary a => Binary (FieldLbl a) where
+ put_ bh (FieldLabel aa ab ac ad ae af ag) = do
+ put_ bh aa
+ put_ bh ab
+ put_ bh ac
+ put_ bh ad
+ put_ bh ae
+ put_ bh af
+ put_ bh ag
+ get bh = do
+ aa <- get bh
+ ab <- get bh
+ ac <- get bh
+ ad <- get bh
+ ae <- get bh
+ af <- get bh
+ ag <- get bh
+ return (FieldLabel aa ab ac ad ae af ag)
+Record selector OccNames are built from the underlying field name and
+the name of the type constructor, to support overloaded record fields.
+mkFieldLabelOccs :: FieldLabelString -> OccName -> Bool -> FieldLbl OccName
+mkFieldLabelOccs lbl tc is_overloaded
+ = FieldLabel lbl is_overloaded sel_occ has_occ upd_occ get_occ set_occ
+ where
+ str = ":" ++ unpackFS lbl ++ ":" ++ occNameString tc
+ has_str = "Has"
+ upd_str = "Upd"
+ get_str = "FldTy"
+ set_str = "UpdTy"
+ sel_occ | is_overloaded = mkRecFldSelOcc str
+ | otherwise = mkVarOccFS lbl
+ has_occ = mkRecFldDFunOcc (has_str ++ str)
+ upd_occ = mkRecFldDFunOcc (upd_str ++ str)
+ get_occ = mkRecFldAxiomOcc (get_str ++ str)
+ set_occ = mkRecFldAxiomOcc (set_str ++ str)