path: root/compiler/basicTypes
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38 files changed, 8290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.lhs
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index 0000000000..6b662bd6a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1997-1998
+\section[BasicTypes]{Miscellanous types}
+This module defines a miscellaneously collection of very simple
+types that
+\item have no other obvious home
+\item don't depend on any other complicated types
+\item are used in more than one "part" of the compiler
+module BasicTypes(
+ Version, bumpVersion, initialVersion,
+ Arity,
+ DeprecTxt,
+ Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..),
+ defaultFixity, maxPrecedence,
+ negateFixity, funTyFixity,
+ compareFixity,
+ IPName(..), ipNameName, mapIPName,
+ RecFlag(..), isRec, isNonRec, boolToRecFlag,
+ TopLevelFlag(..), isTopLevel, isNotTopLevel,
+ Boxity(..), isBoxed,
+ TupCon(..), tupleParens,
+ OccInfo(..), seqOccInfo, isFragileOcc, isOneOcc,
+ isDeadOcc, isLoopBreaker, isNoOcc,
+ InsideLam, insideLam, notInsideLam,
+ OneBranch, oneBranch, notOneBranch,
+ InterestingCxt,
+ EP(..),
+ StrictnessMark(..), isMarkedUnboxed, isMarkedStrict,
+ CompilerPhase,
+ Activation(..), isActive, isNeverActive, isAlwaysActive,
+ InlineSpec(..), defaultInlineSpec, alwaysInlineSpec, neverInlineSpec,
+ SuccessFlag(..), succeeded, failed, successIf
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import FastString( FastString )
+import Outputable
+%* *
+%* *
+type Arity = Int
+%* *
+\subsection[Version]{Module and identifier version numbers}
+%* *
+type Version = Int
+bumpVersion :: Version -> Version
+bumpVersion v = v+1
+initialVersion :: Version
+initialVersion = 1
+%* *
+ Deprecations
+%* *
+type DeprecTxt = FastString -- reason/explanation for deprecation
+%* *
+\subsection{Implicit parameter identity}
+%* *
+The @IPName@ type is here because it is used in TypeRep (i.e. very
+early in the hierarchy), but also in HsSyn.
+data IPName name
+ = Dupable name -- ?x: you can freely duplicate this implicit parameter
+ | Linear name -- %x: you must use the splitting function to duplicate it
+ deriving( Eq, Ord ) -- Ord is used in the IP name cache finite map
+ -- (used in HscTypes.OrigIParamCache)
+ipNameName :: IPName name -> name
+ipNameName (Dupable n) = n
+ipNameName (Linear n) = n
+mapIPName :: (a->b) -> IPName a -> IPName b
+mapIPName f (Dupable n) = Dupable (f n)
+mapIPName f (Linear n) = Linear (f n)
+instance Outputable name => Outputable (IPName name) where
+ ppr (Dupable n) = char '?' <> ppr n -- Ordinary implicit parameters
+ ppr (Linear n) = char '%' <> ppr n -- Splittable implicit parameters
+%* *
+\subsection[Fixity]{Fixity info}
+%* *
+data Fixity = Fixity Int FixityDirection
+instance Outputable Fixity where
+ ppr (Fixity prec dir) = hcat [ppr dir, space, int prec]
+instance Eq Fixity where -- Used to determine if two fixities conflict
+ (Fixity p1 dir1) == (Fixity p2 dir2) = p1==p2 && dir1 == dir2
+data FixityDirection = InfixL | InfixR | InfixN
+ deriving(Eq)
+instance Outputable FixityDirection where
+ ppr InfixL = ptext SLIT("infixl")
+ ppr InfixR = ptext SLIT("infixr")
+ ppr InfixN = ptext SLIT("infix")
+maxPrecedence = (9::Int)
+defaultFixity = Fixity maxPrecedence InfixL
+negateFixity, funTyFixity :: Fixity
+-- Wired-in fixities
+negateFixity = Fixity 6 InfixL -- Fixity of unary negate
+funTyFixity = Fixity 0 InfixR -- Fixity of '->'
+ a `op1` b `op2` c
+@(compareFixity op1 op2)@ tells which way to arrange appication, or
+whether there's an error.
+compareFixity :: Fixity -> Fixity
+ -> (Bool, -- Error please
+ Bool) -- Associate to the right: a op1 (b op2 c)
+compareFixity (Fixity prec1 dir1) (Fixity prec2 dir2)
+ = case prec1 `compare` prec2 of
+ GT -> left
+ LT -> right
+ EQ -> case (dir1, dir2) of
+ (InfixR, InfixR) -> right
+ (InfixL, InfixL) -> left
+ _ -> error_please
+ where
+ right = (False, True)
+ left = (False, False)
+ error_please = (True, False)
+%* *
+\subsection[Top-level/local]{Top-level/not-top level flag}
+%* *
+data TopLevelFlag
+ = TopLevel
+ | NotTopLevel
+isTopLevel, isNotTopLevel :: TopLevelFlag -> Bool
+isNotTopLevel NotTopLevel = True
+isNotTopLevel TopLevel = False
+isTopLevel TopLevel = True
+isTopLevel NotTopLevel = False
+instance Outputable TopLevelFlag where
+ ppr TopLevel = ptext SLIT("<TopLevel>")
+ ppr NotTopLevel = ptext SLIT("<NotTopLevel>")
+%* *
+\subsection[Top-level/local]{Top-level/not-top level flag}
+%* *
+data Boxity
+ = Boxed
+ | Unboxed
+ deriving( Eq )
+isBoxed :: Boxity -> Bool
+isBoxed Boxed = True
+isBoxed Unboxed = False
+%* *
+\subsection[Recursive/Non-Recursive]{Recursive/Non-Recursive flag}
+%* *
+data RecFlag = Recursive
+ | NonRecursive
+ deriving( Eq )
+isRec :: RecFlag -> Bool
+isRec Recursive = True
+isRec NonRecursive = False
+isNonRec :: RecFlag -> Bool
+isNonRec Recursive = False
+isNonRec NonRecursive = True
+boolToRecFlag :: Bool -> RecFlag
+boolToRecFlag True = Recursive
+boolToRecFlag False = NonRecursive
+instance Outputable RecFlag where
+ ppr Recursive = ptext SLIT("Recursive")
+ ppr NonRecursive = ptext SLIT("NonRecursive")
+%* *
+ Tuples
+%* *
+data TupCon = TupCon Boxity Arity
+instance Eq TupCon where
+ (TupCon b1 a1) == (TupCon b2 a2) = b1==b2 && a1==a2
+tupleParens :: Boxity -> SDoc -> SDoc
+tupleParens Boxed p = parens p
+tupleParens Unboxed p = ptext SLIT("(#") <+> p <+> ptext SLIT("#)")
+%* *
+\subsection[Generic]{Generic flag}
+%* *
+This is the "Embedding-Projection pair" datatype, it contains
+two pieces of code (normally either RenamedExpr's or Id's)
+If we have a such a pair (EP from to), the idea is that 'from' and 'to'
+represents functions of type
+ from :: T -> Tring
+ to :: Tring -> T
+And we should have
+ to (from x) = x
+T and Tring are arbitrary, but typically T is the 'main' type while
+Tring is the 'representation' type. (This just helps us remember
+whether to use 'from' or 'to'.
+data EP a = EP { fromEP :: a, -- :: T -> Tring
+ toEP :: a } -- :: Tring -> T
+Embedding-projection pairs are used in several places:
+First of all, each type constructor has an EP associated with it, the
+code in EP converts (datatype T) from T to Tring and back again.
+Secondly, when we are filling in Generic methods (in the typechecker,
+tcMethodBinds), we are constructing bimaps by induction on the structure
+of the type of the method signature.
+%* *
+\subsection{Occurrence information}
+%* *
+This data type is used exclusively by the simplifier, but it appears in a
+SubstResult, which is currently defined in VarEnv, which is pretty near
+the base of the module hierarchy. So it seemed simpler to put the
+defn of OccInfo here, safely at the bottom
+data OccInfo
+ = NoOccInfo
+ | IAmDead -- Marks unused variables. Sometimes useful for
+ -- lambda and case-bound variables.
+ | OneOcc !InsideLam
+ !OneBranch
+ !InterestingCxt
+ | IAmALoopBreaker -- Used by the occurrence analyser to mark loop-breakers
+ -- in a group of recursive definitions
+isNoOcc :: OccInfo -> Bool
+isNoOcc NoOccInfo = True
+isNoOcc other = False
+seqOccInfo :: OccInfo -> ()
+seqOccInfo occ = occ `seq` ()
+type InterestingCxt = Bool -- True <=> Function: is applied
+ -- Data value: scrutinised by a case with
+ -- at least one non-DEFAULT branch
+type InsideLam = Bool -- True <=> Occurs inside a non-linear lambda
+ -- Substituting a redex for this occurrence is
+ -- dangerous because it might duplicate work.
+insideLam = True
+notInsideLam = False
+type OneBranch = Bool -- True <=> Occurs in only one case branch
+ -- so no code-duplication issue to worry about
+oneBranch = True
+notOneBranch = False
+isLoopBreaker :: OccInfo -> Bool
+isLoopBreaker IAmALoopBreaker = True
+isLoopBreaker other = False
+isDeadOcc :: OccInfo -> Bool
+isDeadOcc IAmDead = True
+isDeadOcc other = False
+isOneOcc (OneOcc _ _ _) = True
+isOneOcc other = False
+isFragileOcc :: OccInfo -> Bool
+isFragileOcc (OneOcc _ _ _) = True
+isFragileOcc other = False
+instance Outputable OccInfo where
+ -- only used for debugging; never parsed. KSW 1999-07
+ ppr NoOccInfo = empty
+ ppr IAmALoopBreaker = ptext SLIT("LoopBreaker")
+ ppr IAmDead = ptext SLIT("Dead")
+ ppr (OneOcc inside_lam one_branch int_cxt)
+ = ptext SLIT("Once") <> pp_lam <> pp_br <> pp_args
+ where
+ pp_lam | inside_lam = char 'L'
+ | otherwise = empty
+ pp_br | one_branch = empty
+ | otherwise = char '*'
+ pp_args | int_cxt = char '!'
+ | otherwise = empty
+instance Show OccInfo where
+ showsPrec p occ = showsPrecSDoc p (ppr occ)
+%* *
+\subsection{Strictness indication}
+%* *
+The strictness annotations on types in data type declarations
+e.g. data T = MkT !Int !(Bool,Bool)
+data StrictnessMark -- Used in interface decls only
+ = MarkedStrict
+ | MarkedUnboxed
+ | NotMarkedStrict
+ deriving( Eq )
+isMarkedUnboxed MarkedUnboxed = True
+isMarkedUnboxed other = False
+isMarkedStrict NotMarkedStrict = False
+isMarkedStrict other = True -- All others are strict
+instance Outputable StrictnessMark where
+ ppr MarkedStrict = ptext SLIT("!")
+ ppr MarkedUnboxed = ptext SLIT("!!")
+ ppr NotMarkedStrict = ptext SLIT("_")
+%* *
+\subsection{Success flag}
+%* *
+data SuccessFlag = Succeeded | Failed
+successIf :: Bool -> SuccessFlag
+successIf True = Succeeded
+successIf False = Failed
+succeeded, failed :: SuccessFlag -> Bool
+succeeded Succeeded = True
+succeeded Failed = False
+failed Succeeded = False
+failed Failed = True
+%* *
+%* *
+When a rule or inlining is active
+type CompilerPhase = Int -- Compilation phase
+ -- Phases decrease towards zero
+ -- Zero is the last phase
+data Activation = NeverActive
+ | AlwaysActive
+ | ActiveBefore CompilerPhase -- Active only *before* this phase
+ | ActiveAfter CompilerPhase -- Active in this phase and later
+ deriving( Eq ) -- Eq used in comparing rules in HsDecls
+data InlineSpec
+ = Inline
+ Activation -- Says during which phases inlining is allowed
+ Bool -- True <=> make the RHS look small, so that when inlining
+ -- is enabled, it will definitely actually happen
+ deriving( Eq )
+defaultInlineSpec = Inline AlwaysActive False -- Inlining is OK, but not forced
+alwaysInlineSpec = Inline AlwaysActive True -- INLINE always
+neverInlineSpec = Inline NeverActive False -- NOINLINE
+instance Outputable Activation where
+ ppr AlwaysActive = empty -- The default
+ ppr (ActiveBefore n) = brackets (char '~' <> int n)
+ ppr (ActiveAfter n) = brackets (int n)
+ ppr NeverActive = ptext SLIT("NEVER")
+instance Outputable InlineSpec where
+ ppr (Inline act True) = ptext SLIT("INLINE") <> ppr act
+ ppr (Inline act False) = ptext SLIT("NOINLINE") <> ppr act
+isActive :: CompilerPhase -> Activation -> Bool
+isActive p NeverActive = False
+isActive p AlwaysActive = True
+isActive p (ActiveAfter n) = p <= n
+isActive p (ActiveBefore n) = p > n
+isNeverActive, isAlwaysActive :: Activation -> Bool
+isNeverActive NeverActive = True
+isNeverActive act = False
+isAlwaysActive AlwaysActive = True
+isAlwaysActive other = False
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.hi-boot-5 b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.hi-boot-5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5a8a2d6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.hi-boot-5
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+__interface DataCon 1 0 where
+__export DataCon DataCon isExistentialDataCon dataConName ;
+1 data DataCon ;
+1 isExistentialDataCon :: DataCon -> PrelBase.Bool ;
+1 dataConName :: DataCon -> Name.Name ;
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.hi-boot-6 b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.hi-boot-6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7882469bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.hi-boot-6
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module DataCon where
+data DataCon
+dataConName :: DataCon -> Name.Name
+isVanillaDataCon :: DataCon -> GHC.Base.Bool
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..805ef73c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
+\section[DataCon]{@DataCon@: Data Constructors}
+module DataCon (
+ DataCon, DataConIds(..),
+ ConTag, fIRST_TAG,
+ mkDataCon,
+ dataConRepType, dataConSig, dataConName, dataConTag, dataConTyCon,
+ dataConTyVars, dataConResTys,
+ dataConStupidTheta,
+ dataConInstArgTys, dataConOrigArgTys, dataConInstResTy,
+ dataConInstOrigArgTys, dataConRepArgTys,
+ dataConFieldLabels, dataConFieldType,
+ dataConStrictMarks, dataConExStricts,
+ dataConSourceArity, dataConRepArity,
+ dataConIsInfix,
+ dataConWorkId, dataConWrapId, dataConWrapId_maybe, dataConImplicitIds,
+ dataConRepStrictness,
+ isNullarySrcDataCon, isNullaryRepDataCon, isTupleCon, isUnboxedTupleCon,
+ isVanillaDataCon, classDataCon,
+ splitProductType_maybe, splitProductType,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Type ( Type, ThetaType, substTyWith, substTy, zipOpenTvSubst,
+ mkForAllTys, mkFunTys, mkTyConApp,
+ splitTyConApp_maybe,
+ mkPredTys, isStrictPred, pprType
+ )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, FieldLabel, tyConDataCons,
+ isProductTyCon, isTupleTyCon, isUnboxedTupleTyCon )
+import Class ( Class, classTyCon )
+import Name ( Name, NamedThing(..), nameUnique )
+import Var ( TyVar, Id )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity, StrictnessMark(..) )
+import Outputable
+import Unique ( Unique, Uniquable(..) )
+import ListSetOps ( assoc )
+import Util ( zipEqual, zipWithEqual )
+import Maybes ( expectJust )
+Data constructor representation
+Consider the following Haskell data type declaration
+ data T = T !Int ![Int]
+Using the strictness annotations, GHC will represent this as
+ data T = T Int# [Int]
+That is, the Int has been unboxed. Furthermore, the Haskell source construction
+ T e1 e2
+is translated to
+ case e1 of { I# x ->
+ case e2 of { r ->
+ T x r }}
+That is, the first argument is unboxed, and the second is evaluated. Finally,
+pattern matching is translated too:
+ case e of { T a b -> ... }
+ case e of { T a' b -> let a = I# a' in ... }
+To keep ourselves sane, we name the different versions of the data constructor
+differently, as follows.
+Note [Data Constructor Naming]
+Each data constructor C has two, and possibly three, Names associated with it:
+ OccName Name space Used for
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * The "source data con" C DataName The DataCon itself
+ * The "real data con" C VarName Its worker Id
+ * The "wrapper data con" $WC VarName Wrapper Id (optional)
+Each of these three has a distinct Unique. The "source data con" name
+appears in the output of the renamer, and names the Haskell-source
+data constructor. The type checker translates it into either the wrapper Id
+(if it exists) or worker Id (otherwise).
+The data con has one or two Ids associated with it:
+ The "worker Id", is the actual data constructor.
+ Its type may be different to the Haskell source constructor
+ because:
+ - useless dict args are dropped
+ - strict args may be flattened
+ The worker is very like a primop, in that it has no binding.
+ Newtypes have no worker Id
+ The "wrapper Id", $WC, whose type is exactly what it looks like
+ in the source program. It is an ordinary function,
+ and it gets a top-level binding like any other function.
+ The wrapper Id isn't generated for a data type if the worker
+ and wrapper are identical. It's always generated for a newtype.
+A note about the stupid context
+Data types can have a context:
+ data (Eq a, Ord b) => T a b = T1 a b | T2 a
+and that makes the constructors have a context too
+(notice that T2's context is "thinned"):
+ T1 :: (Eq a, Ord b) => a -> b -> T a b
+ T2 :: (Eq a) => a -> T a b
+Furthermore, this context pops up when pattern matching
+(though GHC hasn't implemented this, but it is in H98, and
+I've fixed GHC so that it now does):
+ f (T2 x) = x
+gets inferred type
+ f :: Eq a => T a b -> a
+I say the context is "stupid" because the dictionaries passed
+are immediately discarded -- they do nothing and have no benefit.
+It's a flaw in the language.
+ Up to now [March 2002] I have put this stupid context into the
+ type of the "wrapper" constructors functions, T1 and T2, but
+ that turned out to be jolly inconvenient for generics, and
+ record update, and other functions that build values of type T
+ (because they don't have suitable dictionaries available).
+ So now I've taken the stupid context out. I simply deal with
+ it separately in the type checker on occurrences of a
+ constructor, either in an expression or in a pattern.
+ [May 2003: actually I think this decision could evasily be
+ reversed now, and probably should be. Generics could be
+ disabled for types with a stupid context; record updates now
+ (H98) needs the context too; etc. It's an unforced change, so
+ I'm leaving it for now --- but it does seem odd that the
+ wrapper doesn't include the stupid context.]
+[July 04] With the advent of generalised data types, it's less obvious
+what the "stupid context" is. Consider
+ C :: forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> T (Foo a)
+Does the C constructor in Core contain the Ord dictionary? Yes, it must:
+ f :: T b -> Ordering
+ f = /\b. \x:T b.
+ case x of
+ C a (d:Ord a) (p:a) (q:a) -> compare d p q
+Note that (Foo a) might not be an instance of Ord.
+%* *
+\subsection{Data constructors}
+%* *
+data DataCon
+ = MkData {
+ dcName :: Name, -- This is the name of the *source data con*
+ -- (see "Note [Data Constructor Naming]" above)
+ dcUnique :: Unique, -- Cached from Name
+ dcTag :: ConTag,
+ -- Running example:
+ --
+ -- data Eq a => T a = forall b. Ord b => MkT a [b]
+ -- The next six fields express the type of the constructor, in pieces
+ -- e.g.
+ --
+ -- dcTyVars = [a,b]
+ -- dcStupidTheta = [Eq a]
+ -- dcTheta = [Ord b]
+ -- dcOrigArgTys = [a,List b]
+ -- dcTyCon = T
+ -- dcTyArgs = [a,b]
+ dcVanilla :: Bool, -- True <=> This is a vanilla Haskell 98 data constructor
+ -- Its type is of form
+ -- forall . t1 -> ... tm -> T
+ -- No existentials, no GADTs, nothing.
+ --
+ -- NB1: the order of the forall'd variables does matter;
+ -- for a vanilla constructor, we assume that if the result
+ -- type is (T t1 ... tn) then we can instantiate the constr
+ -- at types [t1, ..., tn]
+ --
+ -- NB2: a vanilla constructor can still be declared in GADT-style
+ -- syntax, provided its type looks like the above.
+ dcTyVars :: [TyVar], -- Universally-quantified type vars
+ -- for the data constructor.
+ -- See NB1 on dcVanilla for the conneciton between dcTyVars and dcResTys
+ --
+ -- In general, the dcTyVars are NOT NECESSARILY THE SAME AS THE TYVARS
+ -- FOR THE PARENT TyCon. With GADTs the data con might not even have
+ -- the same number of type variables.
+ -- [This is a change (Oct05): previously, vanilla datacons guaranteed to
+ -- have the same type variables as their parent TyCon, but that seems ugly.]
+ dcStupidTheta :: ThetaType, -- This is a "thinned" version of
+ -- the context of the data decl.
+ -- "Thinned", because the Report says
+ -- to eliminate any constraints that don't mention
+ -- tyvars free in the arg types for this constructor
+ --
+ -- "Stupid", because the dictionaries aren't used for anything.
+ --
+ -- Indeed, [as of March 02] they are no
+ -- longer in the type of the wrapper Id, because
+ -- that makes it harder to use the wrap-id to rebuild
+ -- values after record selection or in generics.
+ --
+ -- Fact: the free tyvars of dcStupidTheta are a subset of
+ -- the free tyvars of dcResTys
+ -- Reason: dcStupidTeta is gotten by instantiating the
+ -- stupid theta from the tycon (see BuildTyCl.mkDataConStupidTheta)
+ dcTheta :: ThetaType, -- The existentially quantified stuff
+ dcOrigArgTys :: [Type], -- Original argument types
+ -- (before unboxing and flattening of
+ -- strict fields)
+ -- Result type of constructor is T
+ dcTyCon :: TyCon, -- Result tycon, T
+ dcResTys :: [Type], -- Result type args,
+ -- Now the strictness annotations and field labels of the constructor
+ dcStrictMarks :: [StrictnessMark],
+ -- Strictness annotations as decided by the compiler.
+ -- Does *not* include the existential dictionaries
+ -- length = dataConSourceArity dataCon
+ dcFields :: [FieldLabel],
+ -- Field labels for this constructor, in the
+ -- same order as the argument types;
+ -- length = 0 (if not a record) or dataConSourceArity.
+ -- Constructor representation
+ dcRepArgTys :: [Type], -- Final, representation argument types,
+ -- after unboxing and flattening,
+ -- and *including* existential dictionaries
+ dcRepStrictness :: [StrictnessMark], -- One for each *representation* argument
+ dcRepType :: Type, -- Type of the constructor
+ -- forall a b . Ord b => a -> [b] -> MkT a
+ -- (this is *not* of the constructor wrapper Id:
+ -- see notes after this data type declaration)
+ --
+ -- Notice that the existential type parameters come *second*.
+ -- Reason: in a case expression we may find:
+ -- case (e :: T t) of { MkT b (d:Ord b) (x:t) (xs:[b]) -> ... }
+ -- It's convenient to apply the rep-type of MkT to 't', to get
+ -- forall b. Ord b => ...
+ -- and use that to check the pattern. Mind you, this is really only
+ -- use in CoreLint.
+ -- Finally, the curried worker function that corresponds to the constructor
+ -- It doesn't have an unfolding; the code generator saturates these Ids
+ -- and allocates a real constructor when it finds one.
+ --
+ -- An entirely separate wrapper function is built in TcTyDecls
+ dcIds :: DataConIds,
+ dcInfix :: Bool -- True <=> declared infix
+ -- Used for Template Haskell and 'deriving' only
+ -- The actual fixity is stored elsewhere
+ }
+data DataConIds
+ = NewDC Id -- Newtypes have only a wrapper, but no worker
+ | AlgDC (Maybe Id) Id -- Algebraic data types always have a worker, and
+ -- may or may not have a wrapper, depending on whether
+ -- the wrapper does anything.
+ -- _Neither_ the worker _nor_ the wrapper take the dcStupidTheta dicts as arguments
+ -- The wrapper takes dcOrigArgTys as its arguments
+ -- The worker takes dcRepArgTys as its arguments
+ -- If the worker is absent, dcRepArgTys is the same as dcOrigArgTys
+ -- The 'Nothing' case of AlgDC is important
+ -- Not only is this efficient,
+ -- but it also ensures that the wrapper is replaced
+ -- by the worker (becuase it *is* the wroker)
+ -- even when there are no args. E.g. in
+ -- f (:) x
+ -- the (:) *is* the worker.
+ -- This is really important in rule matching,
+ -- (We could match on the wrappers,
+ -- but that makes it less likely that rules will match
+ -- when we bring bits of unfoldings together.)
+type ConTag = Int
+fIRST_TAG :: ConTag
+fIRST_TAG = 1 -- Tags allocated from here for real constructors
+The dcRepType field contains the type of the representation of a contructor
+This may differ from the type of the contructor *Id* (built
+by MkId.mkDataConId) for two reasons:
+ a) the constructor Id may be overloaded, but the dictionary isn't stored
+ e.g. data Eq a => T a = MkT a a
+ b) the constructor may store an unboxed version of a strict field.
+Here's an example illustrating both:
+ data Ord a => T a = MkT Int! a
+ T :: Ord a => Int -> a -> T a
+but the rep type is
+ Trep :: Int# -> a -> T a
+Actually, the unboxed part isn't implemented yet!
+%* *
+%* *
+instance Eq DataCon where
+ a == b = getUnique a == getUnique b
+ a /= b = getUnique a /= getUnique b
+instance Ord DataCon where
+ a <= b = getUnique a <= getUnique b
+ a < b = getUnique a < getUnique b
+ a >= b = getUnique a >= getUnique b
+ a > b = getUnique a > getUnique b
+ compare a b = getUnique a `compare` getUnique b
+instance Uniquable DataCon where
+ getUnique = dcUnique
+instance NamedThing DataCon where
+ getName = dcName
+instance Outputable DataCon where
+ ppr con = ppr (dataConName con)
+instance Show DataCon where
+ showsPrec p con = showsPrecSDoc p (ppr con)
+%* *
+%* *
+mkDataCon :: Name
+ -> Bool -- Declared infix
+ -> Bool -- Vanilla (see notes with dcVanilla)
+ -> [StrictnessMark] -> [FieldLabel]
+ -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType -> ThetaType
+ -> [Type] -> TyCon -> [Type]
+ -> DataConIds
+ -> DataCon
+ -- Can get the tag from the TyCon
+mkDataCon name declared_infix vanilla
+ arg_stricts -- Must match orig_arg_tys 1-1
+ fields
+ tyvars stupid_theta theta orig_arg_tys tycon res_tys
+ ids
+ = con
+ where
+ con = MkData {dcName = name,
+ dcUnique = nameUnique name, dcVanilla = vanilla,
+ dcTyVars = tyvars, dcStupidTheta = stupid_theta, dcTheta = theta,
+ dcOrigArgTys = orig_arg_tys, dcTyCon = tycon, dcResTys = res_tys,
+ dcRepArgTys = rep_arg_tys,
+ dcStrictMarks = arg_stricts, dcRepStrictness = rep_arg_stricts,
+ dcFields = fields, dcTag = tag, dcRepType = ty,
+ dcIds = ids, dcInfix = declared_infix}
+ -- Strictness marks for source-args
+ -- *after unboxing choices*,
+ -- but *including existential dictionaries*
+ --
+ -- The 'arg_stricts' passed to mkDataCon are simply those for the
+ -- source-language arguments. We add extra ones for the
+ -- dictionary arguments right here.
+ dict_tys = mkPredTys theta
+ real_arg_tys = dict_tys ++ orig_arg_tys
+ real_stricts = map mk_dict_strict_mark theta ++ arg_stricts
+ -- Representation arguments and demands
+ (rep_arg_stricts, rep_arg_tys) = computeRep real_stricts real_arg_tys
+ tag = assoc "mkDataCon" (tyConDataCons tycon `zip` [fIRST_TAG..]) con
+ ty = mkForAllTys tyvars (mkFunTys rep_arg_tys result_ty)
+ -- NB: the existential dict args are already in rep_arg_tys
+ result_ty = mkTyConApp tycon res_tys
+mk_dict_strict_mark pred | isStrictPred pred = MarkedStrict
+ | otherwise = NotMarkedStrict
+dataConName :: DataCon -> Name
+dataConName = dcName
+dataConTag :: DataCon -> ConTag
+dataConTag = dcTag
+dataConTyCon :: DataCon -> TyCon
+dataConTyCon = dcTyCon
+dataConRepType :: DataCon -> Type
+dataConRepType = dcRepType
+dataConIsInfix :: DataCon -> Bool
+dataConIsInfix = dcInfix
+dataConTyVars :: DataCon -> [TyVar]
+dataConTyVars = dcTyVars
+dataConWorkId :: DataCon -> Id
+dataConWorkId dc = case dcIds dc of
+ AlgDC _ wrk_id -> wrk_id
+ NewDC _ -> pprPanic "dataConWorkId" (ppr dc)
+dataConWrapId_maybe :: DataCon -> Maybe Id
+dataConWrapId_maybe dc = case dcIds dc of
+ AlgDC mb_wrap _ -> mb_wrap
+ NewDC wrap -> Just wrap
+dataConWrapId :: DataCon -> Id
+-- Returns an Id which looks like the Haskell-source constructor
+dataConWrapId dc = case dcIds dc of
+ AlgDC (Just wrap) _ -> wrap
+ AlgDC Nothing wrk -> wrk -- worker=wrapper
+ NewDC wrap -> wrap
+dataConImplicitIds :: DataCon -> [Id]
+dataConImplicitIds dc = case dcIds dc of
+ AlgDC (Just wrap) work -> [wrap,work]
+ AlgDC Nothing work -> [work]
+ NewDC wrap -> [wrap]
+dataConFieldLabels :: DataCon -> [FieldLabel]
+dataConFieldLabels = dcFields
+dataConFieldType :: DataCon -> FieldLabel -> Type
+dataConFieldType con label = expectJust "unexpected label" $
+ lookup label (dcFields con `zip` dcOrigArgTys con)
+dataConStrictMarks :: DataCon -> [StrictnessMark]
+dataConStrictMarks = dcStrictMarks
+dataConExStricts :: DataCon -> [StrictnessMark]
+-- Strictness of *existential* arguments only
+-- Usually empty, so we don't bother to cache this
+dataConExStricts dc = map mk_dict_strict_mark (dcTheta dc)
+dataConSourceArity :: DataCon -> Arity
+ -- Source-level arity of the data constructor
+dataConSourceArity dc = length (dcOrigArgTys dc)
+-- dataConRepArity gives the number of actual fields in the
+-- {\em representation} of the data constructor. This may be more than appear
+-- in the source code; the extra ones are the existentially quantified
+-- dictionaries
+dataConRepArity (MkData {dcRepArgTys = arg_tys}) = length arg_tys
+isNullarySrcDataCon, isNullaryRepDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
+isNullarySrcDataCon dc = null (dcOrigArgTys dc)
+isNullaryRepDataCon dc = null (dcRepArgTys dc)
+dataConRepStrictness :: DataCon -> [StrictnessMark]
+ -- Give the demands on the arguments of a
+ -- Core constructor application (Con dc args)
+dataConRepStrictness dc = dcRepStrictness dc
+dataConSig :: DataCon -> ([TyVar], ThetaType,
+ [Type], TyCon, [Type])
+dataConSig (MkData {dcTyVars = tyvars, dcTheta = theta,
+ dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys, dcTyCon = tycon, dcResTys = res_tys})
+ = (tyvars, theta, arg_tys, tycon, res_tys)
+dataConStupidTheta :: DataCon -> ThetaType
+dataConStupidTheta dc = dcStupidTheta dc
+dataConResTys :: DataCon -> [Type]
+dataConResTys dc = dcResTys dc
+dataConInstArgTys :: DataCon
+ -> [Type] -- Instantiated at these types
+ -- NB: these INCLUDE the existentially quantified arg types
+ -> [Type] -- Needs arguments of these types
+ -- NB: these INCLUDE the existentially quantified dict args
+ -- but EXCLUDE the data-decl context which is discarded
+ -- It's all post-flattening etc; this is a representation type
+dataConInstArgTys (MkData {dcRepArgTys = arg_tys, dcTyVars = tyvars}) inst_tys
+ = ASSERT( length tyvars == length inst_tys )
+ map (substTyWith tyvars inst_tys) arg_tys
+dataConInstResTy :: DataCon -> [Type] -> Type
+dataConInstResTy (MkData {dcTyVars = tyvars, dcTyCon = tc, dcResTys = res_tys}) inst_tys
+ = ASSERT( length tyvars == length inst_tys )
+ substTy (zipOpenTvSubst tyvars inst_tys) (mkTyConApp tc res_tys)
+ -- res_tys can't currently contain any foralls,
+ -- but might in future; hence zipOpenTvSubst
+-- And the same deal for the original arg tys
+dataConInstOrigArgTys :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [Type]
+dataConInstOrigArgTys (MkData {dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys, dcTyVars = tyvars}) inst_tys
+ = ASSERT( length tyvars == length inst_tys )
+ map (substTyWith tyvars inst_tys) arg_tys
+These two functions get the real argument types of the constructor,
+without substituting for any type variables.
+dataConOrigArgTys returns the arg types of the wrapper, excluding all dictionary args.
+dataConRepArgTys retuns the arg types of the worker, including all dictionaries, and
+after any flattening has been done.
+dataConOrigArgTys :: DataCon -> [Type]
+dataConOrigArgTys dc = dcOrigArgTys dc
+dataConRepArgTys :: DataCon -> [Type]
+dataConRepArgTys dc = dcRepArgTys dc
+isTupleCon :: DataCon -> Bool
+isTupleCon (MkData {dcTyCon = tc}) = isTupleTyCon tc
+isUnboxedTupleCon :: DataCon -> Bool
+isUnboxedTupleCon (MkData {dcTyCon = tc}) = isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
+isVanillaDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
+isVanillaDataCon dc = dcVanilla dc
+classDataCon :: Class -> DataCon
+classDataCon clas = case tyConDataCons (classTyCon clas) of
+ (dict_constr:no_more) -> ASSERT( null no_more ) dict_constr
+%* *
+\subsection{Splitting products}
+%* *
+ :: Type -- A product type, perhaps
+ -> Maybe (TyCon, -- The type constructor
+ [Type], -- Type args of the tycon
+ DataCon, -- The data constructor
+ [Type]) -- Its *representation* arg types
+ -- Returns (Just ...) for any
+ -- concrete (i.e. constructors visible)
+ -- single-constructor
+ -- not existentially quantified
+ -- type whether a data type or a new type
+ --
+ -- Rejecing existentials is conservative. Maybe some things
+ -- could be made to work with them, but I'm not going to sweat
+ -- it through till someone finds it's important.
+splitProductType_maybe ty
+ = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tycon,ty_args)
+ | isProductTyCon tycon -- Includes check for non-existential,
+ -- and for constructors visible
+ -> Just (tycon, ty_args, data_con, dataConInstArgTys data_con ty_args)
+ where
+ data_con = head (tyConDataCons tycon)
+ other -> Nothing
+splitProductType str ty
+ = case splitProductType_maybe ty of
+ Just stuff -> stuff
+ Nothing -> pprPanic (str ++ ": not a product") (pprType ty)
+computeRep :: [StrictnessMark] -- Original arg strictness
+ -> [Type] -- and types
+ -> ([StrictnessMark], -- Representation arg strictness
+ [Type]) -- And type
+computeRep stricts tys
+ = unzip $ concat $ zipWithEqual "computeRep" unbox stricts tys
+ where
+ unbox NotMarkedStrict ty = [(NotMarkedStrict, ty)]
+ unbox MarkedStrict ty = [(MarkedStrict, ty)]
+ unbox MarkedUnboxed ty = zipEqual "computeRep" (dataConRepStrictness arg_dc) arg_tys
+ where
+ (_, _, arg_dc, arg_tys) = splitProductType "unbox_strict_arg_ty" ty
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs-boot b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5e05c9ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module DataCon where
+import Name( Name )
+data DataCon
+dataConName :: DataCon -> Name
+isVanillaDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50bb0c6ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[Demand]{@Demand@: the amount of demand on a value}
+module Demand () where
+module Demand(
+ Demand(..),
+ wwLazy, wwStrict, wwUnpack, wwPrim, wwEnum,
+ isStrict, isLazy, isPrim,
+ pprDemands, seqDemand, seqDemands,
+ StrictnessInfo(..),
+ mkStrictnessInfo,
+ noStrictnessInfo,
+ ppStrictnessInfo, seqStrictnessInfo,
+ isBottomingStrictness, appIsBottom,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Outputable
+import Util ( listLengthCmp )
+%* *
+\subsection{The @Demand@ data type}
+%* *
+data Demand
+ = WwLazy -- Argument is lazy as far as we know
+ MaybeAbsent -- (does not imply worker's existence [etc]).
+ -- If MaybeAbsent == True, then it is
+ -- *definitely* lazy. (NB: Absence implies
+ -- a worker...)
+ | WwStrict -- Argument is strict but that's all we know
+ -- (does not imply worker's existence or any
+ -- calling-convention magic)
+ | WwUnpack -- Argument is strict & a single-constructor type
+ Bool -- True <=> wrapper unpacks it; False <=> doesn't
+ [Demand] -- Its constituent parts (whose StrictInfos
+ -- are in the list) should be passed
+ -- as arguments to the worker.
+ | WwPrim -- Argument is of primitive type, therefore
+ -- strict; doesn't imply existence of a worker;
+ -- argument should be passed as is to worker.
+ | WwEnum -- Argument is strict & an enumeration type;
+ -- an Int# representing the tag (start counting
+ -- at zero) should be passed to the worker.
+ deriving( Eq )
+type MaybeAbsent = Bool -- True <=> not even used
+-- versions that don't worry about Absence:
+wwLazy = WwLazy False
+wwStrict = WwStrict
+wwUnpack xs = WwUnpack False xs
+wwPrim = WwPrim
+wwEnum = WwEnum
+seqDemand :: Demand -> ()
+seqDemand (WwLazy a) = a `seq` ()
+seqDemand (WwUnpack b ds) = b `seq` seqDemands ds
+seqDemand other = ()
+seqDemands [] = ()
+seqDemands (d:ds) = seqDemand d `seq` seqDemands ds
+%* *
+\subsection{Functions over @Demand@}
+%* *
+isLazy :: Demand -> Bool
+isLazy (WwLazy _) = True
+isLazy _ = False
+isStrict :: Demand -> Bool
+isStrict d = not (isLazy d)
+isPrim :: Demand -> Bool
+isPrim WwPrim = True
+isPrim other = False
+%* *
+%* *
+pprDemands demands bot = hcat (map pprDemand demands) <> pp_bot
+ where
+ pp_bot | bot = ptext SLIT("B")
+ | otherwise = empty
+pprDemand (WwLazy False) = char 'L'
+pprDemand (WwLazy True) = char 'A'
+pprDemand WwStrict = char 'S'
+pprDemand WwPrim = char 'P'
+pprDemand WwEnum = char 'E'
+pprDemand (WwUnpack wu args) = char ch <> parens (hcat (map pprDemand args))
+ where
+ ch = if wu then 'U' else 'u'
+instance Outputable Demand where
+ ppr (WwLazy False) = empty
+ ppr other_demand = ptext SLIT("__D") <+> pprDemand other_demand
+instance Show Demand where
+ showsPrec p d = showsPrecSDoc p (ppr d)
+-- Reading demands is done in Lex.lhs
+%* *
+\subsection[strictness-IdInfo]{Strictness info about an @Id@}
+%* *
+We specify the strictness of a function by giving information about
+each of the ``wrapper's'' arguments (see the description about
+worker/wrapper-style transformations in the PJ/Launchbury paper on
+unboxed types).
+The list of @Demands@ specifies: (a)~the strictness properties of a
+function's arguments; and (b)~the type signature of that worker (if it
+exists); i.e. its calling convention.
+Note that the existence of a worker function is now denoted by the Id's
+workerInfo field.
+data StrictnessInfo
+ = NoStrictnessInfo
+ | StrictnessInfo [Demand] -- Demands on the arguments.
+ Bool -- True <=> the function diverges regardless of its arguments
+ -- Useful for "error" and other disguised variants thereof.
+ -- BUT NB: f = \x y. error "urk"
+ -- will have info SI [SS] True
+ -- but still (f) and (f 2) are not bot; only (f 3 2) is bot
+ deriving( Eq )
+ -- NOTA BENE: if the arg demands are, say, [S,L], this means that
+ -- (f bot) is not necy bot, only (f bot x) is bot
+ -- We simply cannot express accurately the strictness of a function
+ -- like f = \x -> case x of (a,b) -> \y -> ...
+ -- The up-side is that we don't need to restrict the strictness info
+ -- to the visible arity of the function.
+seqStrictnessInfo :: StrictnessInfo -> ()
+seqStrictnessInfo (StrictnessInfo ds b) = b `seq` seqDemands ds
+seqStrictnessInfo other = ()
+mkStrictnessInfo :: ([Demand], Bool) -> StrictnessInfo
+mkStrictnessInfo (xs, is_bot)
+ | all totally_boring xs && not is_bot = NoStrictnessInfo -- Uninteresting
+ | otherwise = StrictnessInfo xs is_bot
+ where
+ totally_boring (WwLazy False) = True
+ totally_boring other = False
+noStrictnessInfo = NoStrictnessInfo
+isBottomingStrictness (StrictnessInfo _ bot) = bot
+isBottomingStrictness NoStrictnessInfo = False
+-- appIsBottom returns true if an application to n args would diverge
+appIsBottom (StrictnessInfo ds bot) n = bot && (listLengthCmp ds n /=GT) -- not more than 'n' elts in 'ds'.
+appIsBottom NoStrictnessInfo n = False
+ppStrictnessInfo NoStrictnessInfo = empty
+ppStrictnessInfo (StrictnessInfo wrapper_args bot) = hsep [pprDemands wrapper_args bot]
+#endif /* OLD_STRICTNESS */
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b388d378d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1996-1998
+\section[FieldLabel]{The @FieldLabel@ type}
+module FieldLabel(
+ FieldLabel, -- Abstract
+ mkFieldLabel,
+ fieldLabelName, fieldLabelTyCon, fieldLabelType, fieldLabelTag,
+ FieldLabelTag,
+ firstFieldLabelTag, allFieldLabelTags
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Type( Type )
+import TyCon( TyCon )
+import Name ( Name{-instance Eq/Outputable-}, NamedThing(..), nameUnique )
+import Outputable
+import Unique ( Uniquable(..) )
+data FieldLabel
+ = FieldLabel Name -- Also used as the Name of the field selector Id
+ TyCon -- Parent type constructor
+ Type -- Type of the field; may have free type variables that
+ -- are the tyvars of its parent *data* constructor, and
+ -- those will be the same as the tyvars of its parent *type* constructor
+ -- e.g. data T a = MkT { op1 :: a -> a, op2 :: a -> Int }
+ -- The type in the FieldLabel for op1 will be simply (a->a).
+ FieldLabelTag -- Indicates position within constructor
+ -- (starting with firstFieldLabelTag)
+ --
+ -- If the same field occurs in more than one constructor
+ -- then it'll have a separate FieldLabel on each occasion,
+ -- but with a single name (and presumably the same type!)
+type FieldLabelTag = Int
+mkFieldLabel = FieldLabel
+firstFieldLabelTag :: FieldLabelTag
+firstFieldLabelTag = 1
+allFieldLabelTags :: [FieldLabelTag]
+allFieldLabelTags = [firstFieldLabelTag..]
+fieldLabelName (FieldLabel n _ _ _) = n
+fieldLabelTyCon (FieldLabel _ tc _ _) = tc
+fieldLabelType (FieldLabel _ _ ty _) = ty
+fieldLabelTag (FieldLabel _ _ _ tag) = tag
+instance Eq FieldLabel where
+ fl1 == fl2 = fieldLabelName fl1 == fieldLabelName fl2
+instance Outputable FieldLabel where
+ ppr fl = ppr (fieldLabelName fl)
+instance NamedThing FieldLabel where
+ getName = fieldLabelName
+instance Uniquable FieldLabel where
+ getUnique fl = nameUnique (fieldLabelName fl)
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7ce818adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[Id]{@Ids@: Value and constructor identifiers}
+module Id (
+ Id, DictId,
+ -- Simple construction
+ mkGlobalId, mkLocalId, mkLocalIdWithInfo,
+ mkSysLocal, mkUserLocal, mkVanillaGlobal,
+ mkTemplateLocals, mkTemplateLocalsNum, mkWildId, mkTemplateLocal,
+ mkWorkerId, mkExportedLocalId,
+ -- Taking an Id apart
+ idName, idType, idUnique, idInfo,
+ isId, globalIdDetails, idPrimRep,
+ recordSelectorFieldLabel,
+ -- Modifying an Id
+ setIdName, setIdUnique, Id.setIdType, setIdExported, setIdNotExported,
+ setIdInfo, lazySetIdInfo, modifyIdInfo, maybeModifyIdInfo,
+ zapLamIdInfo, zapDemandIdInfo,
+ -- Predicates
+ isImplicitId, isDeadBinder, isDictId,
+ isExportedId, isLocalId, isGlobalId,
+ isRecordSelector, isNaughtyRecordSelector,
+ isClassOpId_maybe,
+ isPrimOpId, isPrimOpId_maybe,
+ isFCallId, isFCallId_maybe,
+ isDataConWorkId, isDataConWorkId_maybe, isDataConId_maybe, idDataCon,
+ isBottomingId, idIsFrom,
+ hasNoBinding,
+ -- Inline pragma stuff
+ idInlinePragma, setInlinePragma, modifyInlinePragma,
+ -- One shot lambda stuff
+ isOneShotBndr, isOneShotLambda, isStateHackType,
+ setOneShotLambda, clearOneShotLambda,
+ -- IdInfo stuff
+ setIdUnfolding,
+ setIdArity,
+ setIdNewDemandInfo,
+ setIdNewStrictness, zapIdNewStrictness,
+ setIdWorkerInfo,
+ setIdSpecialisation,
+ setIdCafInfo,
+ setIdOccInfo,
+ idDemandInfo,
+ idStrictness,
+ idCprInfo,
+ setIdStrictness,
+ setIdDemandInfo,
+ setIdCprInfo,
+ idArity,
+ idNewDemandInfo, idNewDemandInfo_maybe,
+ idNewStrictness, idNewStrictness_maybe,
+ idWorkerInfo,
+ idUnfolding,
+ idSpecialisation, idCoreRules,
+ idCafInfo,
+ idLBVarInfo,
+ idOccInfo,
+ newStrictnessFromOld -- Temporary
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CoreSyn ( Unfolding, CoreRule )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity )
+import Var ( Id, DictId,
+ isId, isExportedId, isLocalId,
+ idName, idType, idUnique, idInfo, isGlobalId,
+ setIdName, setIdType, setIdUnique,
+ setIdExported, setIdNotExported,
+ setIdInfo, lazySetIdInfo, modifyIdInfo,
+ maybeModifyIdInfo,
+ globalIdDetails
+ )
+import qualified Var ( mkLocalId, mkGlobalId, mkExportedLocalId )
+import TyCon ( FieldLabel, TyCon )
+import Type ( Type, typePrimRep, addFreeTyVars, seqType,
+ splitTyConApp_maybe, PrimRep )
+import TcType ( isDictTy )
+import TysPrim ( statePrimTyCon )
+import IdInfo
+import qualified Demand ( Demand )
+import DataCon ( DataCon, isUnboxedTupleCon )
+import NewDemand ( Demand, StrictSig, topDmd, topSig, isBottomingSig )
+import Name ( Name, OccName, nameIsLocalOrFrom,
+ mkSystemVarName, mkInternalName, getOccName,
+ getSrcLoc )
+import Module ( Module )
+import OccName ( mkWorkerOcc )
+import Maybes ( orElse )
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
+import Outputable
+import Unique ( Unique, mkBuiltinUnique )
+import FastString ( FastString )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_NoStateHack )
+-- infixl so you can say (id `set` a `set` b)
+infixl 1 `setIdUnfolding`,
+ `setIdArity`,
+ `setIdNewDemandInfo`,
+ `setIdNewStrictness`,
+ `setIdWorkerInfo`,
+ `setIdSpecialisation`,
+ `setInlinePragma`,
+ `idCafInfo`
+ ,`idCprInfo`
+ ,`setIdStrictness`
+ ,`setIdDemandInfo`
+%* *
+\subsection{Simple Id construction}
+%* *
+Absolutely all Ids are made by mkId. It is just like Var.mkId,
+but in addition it pins free-tyvar-info onto the Id's type,
+where it can easily be found.
+mkLocalIdWithInfo :: Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
+mkLocalIdWithInfo name ty info = Var.mkLocalId name (addFreeTyVars ty) info
+mkExportedLocalId :: Name -> Type -> Id
+mkExportedLocalId name ty = Var.mkExportedLocalId name (addFreeTyVars ty) vanillaIdInfo
+mkGlobalId :: GlobalIdDetails -> Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
+mkGlobalId details name ty info = Var.mkGlobalId details name (addFreeTyVars ty) info
+mkLocalId :: Name -> Type -> Id
+mkLocalId name ty = mkLocalIdWithInfo name ty vanillaIdInfo
+-- SysLocal: for an Id being created by the compiler out of thin air...
+-- UserLocal: an Id with a name the user might recognize...
+mkUserLocal :: OccName -> Unique -> Type -> SrcLoc -> Id
+mkSysLocal :: FastString -> Unique -> Type -> Id
+mkVanillaGlobal :: Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
+mkSysLocal fs uniq ty = mkLocalId (mkSystemVarName uniq fs) ty
+mkUserLocal occ uniq ty loc = mkLocalId (mkInternalName uniq occ loc) ty
+mkVanillaGlobal = mkGlobalId VanillaGlobal
+Make some local @Ids@ for a template @CoreExpr@. These have bogus
+@Uniques@, but that's OK because the templates are supposed to be
+instantiated before use.
+-- "Wild Id" typically used when you need a binder that you don't expect to use
+mkWildId :: Type -> Id
+mkWildId ty = mkSysLocal FSLIT("wild") (mkBuiltinUnique 1) ty
+mkWorkerId :: Unique -> Id -> Type -> Id
+-- A worker gets a local name. CoreTidy will externalise it if necessary.
+mkWorkerId uniq unwrkr ty
+ = mkLocalId wkr_name ty
+ where
+ wkr_name = mkInternalName uniq (mkWorkerOcc (getOccName unwrkr)) (getSrcLoc unwrkr)
+-- "Template locals" typically used in unfoldings
+mkTemplateLocals :: [Type] -> [Id]
+mkTemplateLocals tys = zipWith mkTemplateLocal [1..] tys
+mkTemplateLocalsNum :: Int -> [Type] -> [Id]
+-- The Int gives the starting point for unique allocation
+mkTemplateLocalsNum n tys = zipWith mkTemplateLocal [n..] tys
+mkTemplateLocal :: Int -> Type -> Id
+mkTemplateLocal i ty = mkSysLocal FSLIT("tpl") (mkBuiltinUnique i) ty
+%* *
+\subsection[Id-general-funs]{General @Id@-related functions}
+%* *
+setIdType :: Id -> Type -> Id
+ -- Add free tyvar info to the type
+setIdType id ty = seqType ty `seq` Var.setIdType id (addFreeTyVars ty)
+idPrimRep :: Id -> PrimRep
+idPrimRep id = typePrimRep (idType id)
+%* *
+\subsection{Special Ids}
+%* *
+recordSelectorFieldLabel :: Id -> (TyCon, FieldLabel)
+recordSelectorFieldLabel id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ RecordSelId tycon lbl _ -> (tycon,lbl)
+ other -> panic "recordSelectorFieldLabel"
+isRecordSelector id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ RecordSelId {} -> True
+ other -> False
+isNaughtyRecordSelector id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ RecordSelId { sel_naughty = n } -> n
+ other -> False
+isClassOpId_maybe id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ ClassOpId cls -> Just cls
+ _other -> Nothing
+isPrimOpId id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ PrimOpId op -> True
+ other -> False
+isPrimOpId_maybe id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ PrimOpId op -> Just op
+ other -> Nothing
+isFCallId id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ FCallId call -> True
+ other -> False
+isFCallId_maybe id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ FCallId call -> Just call
+ other -> Nothing
+isDataConWorkId id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ DataConWorkId _ -> True
+ other -> False
+isDataConWorkId_maybe id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ DataConWorkId con -> Just con
+ other -> Nothing
+isDataConId_maybe :: Id -> Maybe DataCon
+isDataConId_maybe id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ DataConWorkId con -> Just con
+ DataConWrapId con -> Just con
+ other -> Nothing
+idDataCon :: Id -> DataCon
+-- Get from either the worker or the wrapper to the DataCon
+-- Currently used only in the desugarer
+-- INVARIANT: idDataCon (dataConWrapId d) = d
+-- (Remember, dataConWrapId can return either the wrapper or the worker.)
+idDataCon id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ DataConWorkId con -> con
+ DataConWrapId con -> con
+ other -> pprPanic "idDataCon" (ppr id)
+isDictId :: Id -> Bool
+isDictId id = isDictTy (idType id)
+-- hasNoBinding returns True of an Id which may not have a
+-- binding, even though it is defined in this module.
+-- Data constructor workers used to be things of this kind, but
+-- they aren't any more. Instead, we inject a binding for
+-- them at the CorePrep stage.
+-- EXCEPT: unboxed tuples, which definitely have no binding
+hasNoBinding id = case globalIdDetails id of
+ PrimOpId _ -> True
+ FCallId _ -> True
+ DataConWorkId dc -> isUnboxedTupleCon dc
+ other -> False
+isImplicitId :: Id -> Bool
+ -- isImplicitId tells whether an Id's info is implied by other
+ -- declarations, so we don't need to put its signature in an interface
+ -- file, even if it's mentioned in some other interface unfolding.
+isImplicitId id
+ = case globalIdDetails id of
+ RecordSelId {} -> True
+ FCallId _ -> True
+ PrimOpId _ -> True
+ ClassOpId _ -> True
+ DataConWorkId _ -> True
+ DataConWrapId _ -> True
+ -- These are are implied by their type or class decl;
+ -- remember that all type and class decls appear in the interface file.
+ -- The dfun id is not an implicit Id; it must *not* be omitted, because
+ -- it carries version info for the instance decl
+ other -> False
+idIsFrom :: Module -> Id -> Bool
+idIsFrom mod id = nameIsLocalOrFrom mod (idName id)
+isDeadBinder :: Id -> Bool
+isDeadBinder bndr | isId bndr = isDeadOcc (idOccInfo bndr)
+ | otherwise = False -- TyVars count as not dead
+%* *
+\subsection{IdInfo stuff}
+%* *
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- ARITY
+idArity :: Id -> Arity
+idArity id = arityInfo (idInfo id)
+setIdArity :: Id -> Arity -> Id
+setIdArity id arity = modifyIdInfo (`setArityInfo` arity) id
+ ---------------------------------
+idStrictness :: Id -> StrictnessInfo
+idStrictness id = strictnessInfo (idInfo id)
+setIdStrictness :: Id -> StrictnessInfo -> Id
+setIdStrictness id strict_info = modifyIdInfo (`setStrictnessInfo` strict_info) id
+-- isBottomingId returns true if an application to n args would diverge
+isBottomingId :: Id -> Bool
+isBottomingId id = isBottomingSig (idNewStrictness id)
+idNewStrictness_maybe :: Id -> Maybe StrictSig
+idNewStrictness :: Id -> StrictSig
+idNewStrictness_maybe id = newStrictnessInfo (idInfo id)
+idNewStrictness id = idNewStrictness_maybe id `orElse` topSig
+setIdNewStrictness :: Id -> StrictSig -> Id
+setIdNewStrictness id sig = modifyIdInfo (`setNewStrictnessInfo` Just sig) id
+zapIdNewStrictness :: Id -> Id
+zapIdNewStrictness id = modifyIdInfo (`setNewStrictnessInfo` Nothing) id
+ ---------------------------------
+idWorkerInfo :: Id -> WorkerInfo
+idWorkerInfo id = workerInfo (idInfo id)
+setIdWorkerInfo :: Id -> WorkerInfo -> Id
+setIdWorkerInfo id work_info = modifyIdInfo (`setWorkerInfo` work_info) id
+ ---------------------------------
+idUnfolding :: Id -> Unfolding
+idUnfolding id = unfoldingInfo (idInfo id)
+setIdUnfolding :: Id -> Unfolding -> Id
+setIdUnfolding id unfolding = modifyIdInfo (`setUnfoldingInfo` unfolding) id
+ ---------------------------------
+idDemandInfo :: Id -> Demand.Demand
+idDemandInfo id = demandInfo (idInfo id)
+setIdDemandInfo :: Id -> Demand.Demand -> Id
+setIdDemandInfo id demand_info = modifyIdInfo (`setDemandInfo` demand_info) id
+idNewDemandInfo_maybe :: Id -> Maybe NewDemand.Demand
+idNewDemandInfo :: Id -> NewDemand.Demand
+idNewDemandInfo_maybe id = newDemandInfo (idInfo id)
+idNewDemandInfo id = newDemandInfo (idInfo id) `orElse` NewDemand.topDmd
+setIdNewDemandInfo :: Id -> NewDemand.Demand -> Id
+setIdNewDemandInfo id dmd = modifyIdInfo (`setNewDemandInfo` Just dmd) id
+ ---------------------------------
+idSpecialisation :: Id -> SpecInfo
+idSpecialisation id = specInfo (idInfo id)
+idCoreRules :: Id -> [CoreRule]
+idCoreRules id = specInfoRules (idSpecialisation id)
+setIdSpecialisation :: Id -> SpecInfo -> Id
+setIdSpecialisation id spec_info = modifyIdInfo (`setSpecInfo` spec_info) id
+ ---------------------------------
+idCafInfo :: Id -> CafInfo
+idCafInfo id = case cgInfo (idInfo id) of
+ NoCgInfo -> pprPanic "idCafInfo" (ppr id)
+ info -> cgCafInfo info
+idCafInfo id = cafInfo (idInfo id)
+setIdCafInfo :: Id -> CafInfo -> Id
+setIdCafInfo id caf_info = modifyIdInfo (`setCafInfo` caf_info) id
+ ---------------------------------
+idCprInfo :: Id -> CprInfo
+idCprInfo id = cprInfo (idInfo id)
+setIdCprInfo :: Id -> CprInfo -> Id
+setIdCprInfo id cpr_info = modifyIdInfo (`setCprInfo` cpr_info) id
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Occcurrence INFO
+idOccInfo :: Id -> OccInfo
+idOccInfo id = occInfo (idInfo id)
+setIdOccInfo :: Id -> OccInfo -> Id
+setIdOccInfo id occ_info = modifyIdInfo (`setOccInfo` occ_info) id
+ ---------------------------------
+The inline pragma tells us to be very keen to inline this Id, but it's still
+OK not to if optimisation is switched off.
+idInlinePragma :: Id -> InlinePragInfo
+idInlinePragma id = inlinePragInfo (idInfo id)
+setInlinePragma :: Id -> InlinePragInfo -> Id
+setInlinePragma id prag = modifyIdInfo (`setInlinePragInfo` prag) id
+modifyInlinePragma :: Id -> (InlinePragInfo -> InlinePragInfo) -> Id
+modifyInlinePragma id fn = modifyIdInfo (\info -> info `setInlinePragInfo` (fn (inlinePragInfo info))) id
+ ---------------------------------
+idLBVarInfo :: Id -> LBVarInfo
+idLBVarInfo id = lbvarInfo (idInfo id)
+isOneShotBndr :: Id -> Bool
+-- This one is the "business end", called externally.
+-- Its main purpose is to encapsulate the Horrible State Hack
+isOneShotBndr id = isOneShotLambda id || (isStateHackType (idType id))
+isStateHackType :: Type -> Bool
+isStateHackType ty
+ | opt_NoStateHack
+ = False
+ | otherwise
+ = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tycon,_) -> tycon == statePrimTyCon
+ other -> False
+ -- This is a gross hack. It claims that
+ -- every function over realWorldStatePrimTy is a one-shot
+ -- function. This is pretty true in practice, and makes a big
+ -- difference. For example, consider
+ -- a `thenST` \ r -> ...E...
+ -- The early full laziness pass, if it doesn't know that r is one-shot
+ -- will pull out E (let's say it doesn't mention r) to give
+ -- let lvl = E in a `thenST` \ r -> ...lvl...
+ -- When `thenST` gets inlined, we end up with
+ -- let lvl = E in \s -> case a s of (r, s') -> ...lvl...
+ -- and we don't re-inline E.
+ --
+ -- It would be better to spot that r was one-shot to start with, but
+ -- I don't want to rely on that.
+ --
+ -- Another good example is in fill_in in PrelPack.lhs. We should be able to
+ -- spot that fill_in has arity 2 (and when Keith is done, we will) but we can't yet.
+-- The OneShotLambda functions simply fiddle with the IdInfo flag
+isOneShotLambda :: Id -> Bool
+isOneShotLambda id = case idLBVarInfo id of
+ IsOneShotLambda -> True
+ NoLBVarInfo -> False
+setOneShotLambda :: Id -> Id
+setOneShotLambda id = modifyIdInfo (`setLBVarInfo` IsOneShotLambda) id
+clearOneShotLambda :: Id -> Id
+clearOneShotLambda id
+ | isOneShotLambda id = modifyIdInfo (`setLBVarInfo` NoLBVarInfo) id
+ | otherwise = id
+-- But watch out: this may change the type of something else
+-- f = \x -> e
+-- If we change the one-shot-ness of x, f's type changes
+zapLamIdInfo :: Id -> Id
+zapLamIdInfo id = maybeModifyIdInfo zapLamInfo id
+zapDemandIdInfo id = maybeModifyIdInfo zapDemandInfo id
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.hi-boot-5 b/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.hi-boot-5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a326cad6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.hi-boot-5
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+__interface IdInfo 1 0 where
+__export IdInfo IdInfo GlobalIdDetails notGlobalId seqIdInfo vanillaIdInfo ;
+1 data IdInfo ;
+1 data GlobalIdDetails ;
+1 notGlobalId :: GlobalIdDetails ;
+1 seqIdInfo :: IdInfo -> PrelBase.Z0T ;
+1 vanillaIdInfo :: IdInfo ;
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.hi-boot-6 b/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.hi-boot-6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e090800d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.hi-boot-6
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module IdInfo where
+data IdInfo
+data GlobalIdDetails
+notGlobalId :: GlobalIdDetails
+seqIdInfo :: IdInfo -> ()
+vanillaIdInfo :: IdInfo
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d53bf5627d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[IdInfo]{@IdInfos@: Non-essential information about @Ids@}
+(And a pretty good illustration of quite a few things wrong with
+Haskell. [WDP 94/11])
+module IdInfo (
+ GlobalIdDetails(..), notGlobalId, -- Not abstract
+ IdInfo, -- Abstract
+ vanillaIdInfo, noCafIdInfo,
+ seqIdInfo, megaSeqIdInfo,
+ -- Zapping
+ zapLamInfo, zapDemandInfo,
+ -- Arity
+ ArityInfo,
+ unknownArity,
+ arityInfo, setArityInfo, ppArityInfo,
+ -- New demand and strictness info
+ newStrictnessInfo, setNewStrictnessInfo,
+ newDemandInfo, setNewDemandInfo, pprNewStrictness,
+ setAllStrictnessInfo,
+ -- Strictness; imported from Demand
+ StrictnessInfo(..),
+ mkStrictnessInfo, noStrictnessInfo,
+ ppStrictnessInfo,isBottomingStrictness,
+ -- Worker
+ WorkerInfo(..), workerExists, wrapperArity, workerId,
+ workerInfo, setWorkerInfo, ppWorkerInfo,
+ -- Unfolding
+ unfoldingInfo, setUnfoldingInfo, setUnfoldingInfoLazily,
+ -- Old DemandInfo and StrictnessInfo
+ demandInfo, setDemandInfo,
+ strictnessInfo, setStrictnessInfo,
+ cprInfoFromNewStrictness,
+ oldStrictnessFromNew, newStrictnessFromOld,
+ oldDemand, newDemand,
+ -- Constructed Product Result Info
+ CprInfo(..), cprInfo, setCprInfo, ppCprInfo, noCprInfo,
+ -- Inline prags
+ InlinePragInfo,
+ inlinePragInfo, setInlinePragInfo,
+ -- Occurrence info
+ OccInfo(..), isFragileOcc, isDeadOcc, isLoopBreaker,
+ InsideLam, OneBranch, insideLam, notInsideLam, oneBranch, notOneBranch,
+ occInfo, setOccInfo,
+ -- Specialisation
+ SpecInfo(..), specInfo, setSpecInfo, isEmptySpecInfo,
+ specInfoFreeVars, specInfoRules, seqSpecInfo,
+ -- CAF info
+ CafInfo(..), cafInfo, ppCafInfo, setCafInfo, mayHaveCafRefs,
+ -- Lambda-bound variable info
+ LBVarInfo(..), lbvarInfo, setLBVarInfo, noLBVarInfo, hasNoLBVarInfo
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CoreSyn
+import Class ( Class )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp )
+import Var ( Id )
+import VarSet ( VarSet, emptyVarSet, seqVarSet )
+import BasicTypes ( OccInfo(..), isFragileOcc, isDeadOcc, seqOccInfo, isLoopBreaker,
+ InsideLam, insideLam, notInsideLam,
+ OneBranch, oneBranch, notOneBranch,
+ Arity,
+ Activation(..)
+ )
+import DataCon ( DataCon )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, FieldLabel )
+import ForeignCall ( ForeignCall )
+import NewDemand
+import Outputable
+import Maybe ( isJust )
+import Name ( Name )
+import Demand hiding( Demand, seqDemand )
+import qualified Demand
+import Util ( listLengthCmp )
+import List ( replicate )
+-- infixl so you can say (id `set` a `set` b)
+infixl 1 `setSpecInfo`,
+ `setArityInfo`,
+ `setInlinePragInfo`,
+ `setUnfoldingInfo`,
+ `setWorkerInfo`,
+ `setLBVarInfo`,
+ `setOccInfo`,
+ `setCafInfo`,
+ `setNewStrictnessInfo`,
+ `setAllStrictnessInfo`,
+ `setNewDemandInfo`
+ , `setCprInfo`
+ , `setDemandInfo`
+ , `setStrictnessInfo`
+%* *
+\subsection{New strictness info}
+%* *
+To be removed later
+-- setAllStrictnessInfo :: IdInfo -> Maybe StrictSig -> IdInfo
+-- Set old and new strictness info
+setAllStrictnessInfo info Nothing
+ = info { newStrictnessInfo = Nothing
+ , strictnessInfo = NoStrictnessInfo
+ , cprInfo = NoCPRInfo
+ }
+setAllStrictnessInfo info (Just sig)
+ = info { newStrictnessInfo = Just sig
+ , strictnessInfo = oldStrictnessFromNew sig
+ , cprInfo = cprInfoFromNewStrictness sig
+ }
+seqNewStrictnessInfo Nothing = ()
+seqNewStrictnessInfo (Just ty) = seqStrictSig ty
+pprNewStrictness Nothing = empty
+pprNewStrictness (Just sig) = ftext FSLIT("Str:") <+> ppr sig
+oldStrictnessFromNew :: StrictSig -> Demand.StrictnessInfo
+oldStrictnessFromNew sig = mkStrictnessInfo (map oldDemand dmds, isBotRes res_info)
+ where
+ (dmds, res_info) = splitStrictSig sig
+cprInfoFromNewStrictness :: StrictSig -> CprInfo
+cprInfoFromNewStrictness sig = case strictSigResInfo sig of
+ RetCPR -> ReturnsCPR
+ other -> NoCPRInfo
+newStrictnessFromOld :: Name -> Arity -> Demand.StrictnessInfo -> CprInfo -> StrictSig
+newStrictnessFromOld name arity (Demand.StrictnessInfo ds res) cpr
+ | listLengthCmp ds arity /= GT -- length ds <= arity
+ -- Sometimes the old strictness analyser has more
+ -- demands than the arity justifies
+ = mk_strict_sig name arity $
+ mkTopDmdType (map newDemand ds) (newRes res cpr)
+newStrictnessFromOld name arity other cpr
+ = -- Either no strictness info, or arity is too small
+ -- In either case we can't say anything useful
+ mk_strict_sig name arity $
+ mkTopDmdType (replicate arity lazyDmd) (newRes False cpr)
+mk_strict_sig name arity dmd_ty
+ = WARN( arity /= dmdTypeDepth dmd_ty, ppr name <+> (ppr arity $$ ppr dmd_ty) )
+ mkStrictSig dmd_ty
+newRes True _ = BotRes
+newRes False ReturnsCPR = retCPR
+newRes False NoCPRInfo = TopRes
+newDemand :: Demand.Demand -> NewDemand.Demand
+newDemand (WwLazy True) = Abs
+newDemand (WwLazy False) = lazyDmd
+newDemand WwStrict = evalDmd
+newDemand (WwUnpack unpk ds) = Eval (Prod (map newDemand ds))
+newDemand WwPrim = lazyDmd
+newDemand WwEnum = evalDmd
+oldDemand :: NewDemand.Demand -> Demand.Demand
+oldDemand Abs = WwLazy True
+oldDemand Top = WwLazy False
+oldDemand Bot = WwStrict
+oldDemand (Box Bot) = WwStrict
+oldDemand (Box Abs) = WwLazy False
+oldDemand (Box (Eval _)) = WwStrict -- Pass box only
+oldDemand (Defer d) = WwLazy False
+oldDemand (Eval (Prod ds)) = WwUnpack True (map oldDemand ds)
+oldDemand (Eval (Poly _)) = WwStrict
+oldDemand (Call _) = WwStrict
+#endif /* OLD_STRICTNESS */
+seqNewDemandInfo Nothing = ()
+seqNewDemandInfo (Just dmd) = seqDemand dmd
+%* *
+%* *
+This type is here (rather than in Id.lhs) mainly because there's
+an IdInfo.hi-boot, but no Id.hi-boot, and GlobalIdDetails is imported
+(recursively) by Var.lhs.
+data GlobalIdDetails
+ = VanillaGlobal -- Imported from elsewhere, a default method Id.
+ | RecordSelId -- The Id for a record selector
+ { sel_tycon :: TyCon
+ , sel_label :: FieldLabel
+ , sel_naughty :: Bool -- True <=> naughty
+ } -- See Note [Naughty record selectors]
+ -- with MkId.mkRecordSelectorId
+ | DataConWorkId DataCon -- The Id for a data constructor *worker*
+ | DataConWrapId DataCon -- The Id for a data constructor *wrapper*
+ -- [the only reasons we need to know is so that
+ -- a) to support isImplicitId
+ -- b) when desugaring a RecordCon we can get
+ -- from the Id back to the data con]
+ | ClassOpId Class -- An operation of a class
+ | PrimOpId PrimOp -- The Id for a primitive operator
+ | FCallId ForeignCall -- The Id for a foreign call
+ | NotGlobalId -- Used as a convenient extra return value from globalIdDetails
+notGlobalId = NotGlobalId
+instance Outputable GlobalIdDetails where
+ ppr NotGlobalId = ptext SLIT("[***NotGlobalId***]")
+ ppr VanillaGlobal = ptext SLIT("[GlobalId]")
+ ppr (DataConWorkId _) = ptext SLIT("[DataCon]")
+ ppr (DataConWrapId _) = ptext SLIT("[DataConWrapper]")
+ ppr (ClassOpId _) = ptext SLIT("[ClassOp]")
+ ppr (PrimOpId _) = ptext SLIT("[PrimOp]")
+ ppr (FCallId _) = ptext SLIT("[ForeignCall]")
+ ppr (RecordSelId {}) = ptext SLIT("[RecSel]")
+%* *
+\subsection{The main IdInfo type}
+%* *
+An @IdInfo@ gives {\em optional} information about an @Id@. If
+present it never lies, but it may not be present, in which case there
+is always a conservative assumption which can be made.
+Two @Id@s may have different info even though they have the same
+@Unique@ (and are hence the same @Id@); for example, one might lack
+the properties attached to the other.
+The @IdInfo@ gives information about the value, or definition, of the
+@Id@. It does {\em not} contain information about the @Id@'s usage
+(except for @DemandInfo@? ToDo). (@lbvarInfo@ is also a marginal
+case. KSW 1999-04).
+data IdInfo
+ = IdInfo {
+ arityInfo :: !ArityInfo, -- Its arity
+ specInfo :: SpecInfo, -- Specialisations of this function which exist
+ cprInfo :: CprInfo, -- Function always constructs a product result
+ demandInfo :: Demand.Demand, -- Whether or not it is definitely demanded
+ strictnessInfo :: StrictnessInfo, -- Strictness properties
+ workerInfo :: WorkerInfo, -- Pointer to Worker Function
+ -- Within one module this is irrelevant; the
+ -- inlining of a worker is handled via the Unfolding
+ -- WorkerInfo is used *only* to indicate the form of
+ -- the RHS, so that interface files don't actually
+ -- need to contain the RHS; it can be derived from
+ -- the strictness info
+ unfoldingInfo :: Unfolding, -- Its unfolding
+ cafInfo :: CafInfo, -- CAF info
+ lbvarInfo :: LBVarInfo, -- Info about a lambda-bound variable
+ inlinePragInfo :: InlinePragInfo, -- Inline pragma
+ occInfo :: OccInfo, -- How it occurs
+ newStrictnessInfo :: Maybe StrictSig, -- Reason for Maybe: the DmdAnal phase needs to
+ -- know whether whether this is the first visit,
+ -- so it can assign botSig. Other customers want
+ -- topSig. So Nothing is good.
+ newDemandInfo :: Maybe Demand -- Similarly we want to know if there's no
+ -- known demand yet, for when we are looking for
+ -- CPR info
+ }
+seqIdInfo :: IdInfo -> ()
+seqIdInfo (IdInfo {}) = ()
+megaSeqIdInfo :: IdInfo -> ()
+megaSeqIdInfo info
+ = seqSpecInfo (specInfo info) `seq`
+ seqWorker (workerInfo info) `seq`
+-- Omitting this improves runtimes a little, presumably because
+-- some unfoldings are not calculated at all
+-- seqUnfolding (unfoldingInfo info) `seq`
+ seqNewDemandInfo (newDemandInfo info) `seq`
+ seqNewStrictnessInfo (newStrictnessInfo info) `seq`
+ Demand.seqDemand (demandInfo info) `seq`
+ seqStrictnessInfo (strictnessInfo info) `seq`
+ seqCpr (cprInfo info) `seq`
+ seqCaf (cafInfo info) `seq`
+ seqLBVar (lbvarInfo info) `seq`
+ seqOccInfo (occInfo info)
+setWorkerInfo info wk = wk `seq` info { workerInfo = wk }
+setSpecInfo info sp = sp `seq` info { specInfo = sp }
+setInlinePragInfo info pr = pr `seq` info { inlinePragInfo = pr }
+setOccInfo info oc = oc `seq` info { occInfo = oc }
+setStrictnessInfo info st = st `seq` info { strictnessInfo = st }
+ -- Try to avoid spack leaks by seq'ing
+setUnfoldingInfoLazily info uf -- Lazy variant to avoid looking at the
+ = -- unfolding of an imported Id unless necessary
+ info { unfoldingInfo = uf } -- (In this case the demand-zapping is redundant.)
+setUnfoldingInfo info uf
+ -- We do *not* seq on the unfolding info, For some reason, doing so
+ -- actually increases residency significantly.
+ = info { unfoldingInfo = uf }
+setDemandInfo info dd = info { demandInfo = dd }
+setCprInfo info cp = info { cprInfo = cp }
+setArityInfo info ar = info { arityInfo = ar }
+setCafInfo info caf = info { cafInfo = caf }
+setLBVarInfo info lb = {-lb `seq`-} info { lbvarInfo = lb }
+setNewDemandInfo info dd = dd `seq` info { newDemandInfo = dd }
+setNewStrictnessInfo info dd = dd `seq` info { newStrictnessInfo = dd }
+vanillaIdInfo :: IdInfo
+ = IdInfo {
+ cafInfo = vanillaCafInfo,
+ arityInfo = unknownArity,
+ cprInfo = NoCPRInfo,
+ demandInfo = wwLazy,
+ strictnessInfo = NoStrictnessInfo,
+ specInfo = emptySpecInfo,
+ workerInfo = NoWorker,
+ unfoldingInfo = noUnfolding,
+ lbvarInfo = NoLBVarInfo,
+ inlinePragInfo = AlwaysActive,
+ occInfo = NoOccInfo,
+ newDemandInfo = Nothing,
+ newStrictnessInfo = Nothing
+ }
+noCafIdInfo = vanillaIdInfo `setCafInfo` NoCafRefs
+ -- Used for built-in type Ids in MkId.
+%* *
+\subsection[arity-IdInfo]{Arity info about an @Id@}
+%* *
+For locally-defined Ids, the code generator maintains its own notion
+of their arities; so it should not be asking... (but other things
+besides the code-generator need arity info!)
+type ArityInfo = Arity
+ -- A partial application of this Id to up to n-1 value arguments
+ -- does essentially no work. That is not necessarily the
+ -- same as saying that it has n leading lambdas, because coerces
+ -- may get in the way.
+ -- The arity might increase later in the compilation process, if
+ -- an extra lambda floats up to the binding site.
+unknownArity = 0 :: Arity
+ppArityInfo 0 = empty
+ppArityInfo n = hsep [ptext SLIT("Arity"), int n]
+%* *
+\subsection{Inline-pragma information}
+%* *
+type InlinePragInfo = Activation
+ -- Tells when the inlining is active
+ -- When it is active the thing may be inlined, depending on how
+ -- big it is.
+ --
+ -- If there was an INLINE pragma, then as a separate matter, the
+ -- RHS will have been made to look small with a CoreSyn Inline Note
+ -- The default InlinePragInfo is AlwaysActive, so the info serves
+ -- entirely as a way to inhibit inlining until we want it
+%* *
+ SpecInfo
+%* *
+-- CoreRules is used only in an idSpecialisation (move to IdInfo?)
+data SpecInfo
+ = SpecInfo [CoreRule] VarSet -- Locally-defined free vars of RHSs
+emptySpecInfo :: SpecInfo
+emptySpecInfo = SpecInfo [] emptyVarSet
+isEmptySpecInfo :: SpecInfo -> Bool
+isEmptySpecInfo (SpecInfo rs _) = null rs
+specInfoFreeVars :: SpecInfo -> VarSet
+specInfoFreeVars (SpecInfo _ fvs) = fvs
+specInfoRules :: SpecInfo -> [CoreRule]
+specInfoRules (SpecInfo rules _) = rules
+seqSpecInfo (SpecInfo rules fvs) = seqRules rules `seq` seqVarSet fvs
+%* *
+\subsection[worker-IdInfo]{Worker info about an @Id@}
+%* *
+If this Id has a worker then we store a reference to it. Worker
+functions are generated by the worker/wrapper pass. This uses
+information from strictness analysis.
+There might not be a worker, even for a strict function, because:
+(a) the function might be small enough to inline, so no need
+ for w/w split
+(b) the strictness info might be "SSS" or something, so no w/w split.
+Sometimes the arity of a wrapper changes from the original arity from
+which it was generated, so we always emit the "original" arity into
+the interface file, as part of the worker info.
+How can this happen? Sometimes we get
+ f = coerce t (\x y -> $wf x y)
+at the moment of w/w split; but the eta reducer turns it into
+ f = coerce t $wf
+which is perfectly fine except that the exposed arity so far as
+the code generator is concerned (zero) differs from the arity
+when we did the split (2).
+All this arises because we use 'arity' to mean "exactly how many
+top level lambdas are there" in interface files; but during the
+compilation of this module it means "how many things can I apply
+this to".
+data WorkerInfo = NoWorker
+ | HasWorker Id Arity
+ -- The Arity is the arity of the *wrapper* at the moment of the
+ -- w/w split. See notes above.
+seqWorker :: WorkerInfo -> ()
+seqWorker (HasWorker id a) = id `seq` a `seq` ()
+seqWorker NoWorker = ()
+ppWorkerInfo NoWorker = empty
+ppWorkerInfo (HasWorker wk_id _) = ptext SLIT("Worker") <+> ppr wk_id
+workerExists :: WorkerInfo -> Bool
+workerExists NoWorker = False
+workerExists (HasWorker _ _) = True
+workerId :: WorkerInfo -> Id
+workerId (HasWorker id _) = id
+wrapperArity :: WorkerInfo -> Arity
+wrapperArity (HasWorker _ a) = a
+%* *
+\subsection[CG-IdInfo]{Code generator-related information}
+%* *
+-- CafInfo is used to build Static Reference Tables (see simplStg/SRT.lhs).
+data CafInfo
+ = MayHaveCafRefs -- either:
+ -- (1) A function or static constructor
+ -- that refers to one or more CAFs,
+ -- (2) A real live CAF
+ | NoCafRefs -- A function or static constructor
+ -- that refers to no CAFs.
+vanillaCafInfo = MayHaveCafRefs -- Definitely safe
+mayHaveCafRefs MayHaveCafRefs = True
+mayHaveCafRefs _ = False
+seqCaf c = c `seq` ()
+ppCafInfo NoCafRefs = ptext SLIT("NoCafRefs")
+ppCafInfo MayHaveCafRefs = empty
+%* *
+\subsection[cpr-IdInfo]{Constructed Product Result info about an @Id@}
+%* *
+If the @Id@ is a function then it may have CPR info. A CPR analysis
+phase detects whether:
+The function's return value has a product type, i.e. an algebraic type
+with a single constructor. Examples of such types are tuples and boxed
+primitive values.
+The function always 'constructs' the value that it is returning. It
+must do this on every path through, and it's OK if it calls another
+function which constructs the result.
+If this is the case then we store a template which tells us the
+function has the CPR property and which components of the result are
+also CPRs.
+data CprInfo
+ = NoCPRInfo
+ | ReturnsCPR -- Yes, this function returns a constructed product
+ -- Implicitly, this means "after the function has been applied
+ -- to all its arguments", so the worker/wrapper builder in
+ -- WwLib.mkWWcpr checks that that it is indeed saturated before
+ -- making use of the CPR info
+ -- We used to keep nested info about sub-components, but
+ -- we never used it so I threw it away
+seqCpr :: CprInfo -> ()
+seqCpr ReturnsCPR = ()
+seqCpr NoCPRInfo = ()
+noCprInfo = NoCPRInfo
+ppCprInfo NoCPRInfo = empty
+ppCprInfo ReturnsCPR = ptext SLIT("__M")
+instance Outputable CprInfo where
+ ppr = ppCprInfo
+instance Show CprInfo where
+ showsPrec p c = showsPrecSDoc p (ppr c)
+%* *
+\subsection[lbvar-IdInfo]{Lambda-bound var info about an @Id@}
+%* *
+If the @Id@ is a lambda-bound variable then it may have lambda-bound
+var info. Sometimes we know whether the lambda binding this var is a
+``one-shot'' lambda; that is, whether it is applied at most once.
+This information may be useful in optimisation, as computations may
+safely be floated inside such a lambda without risk of duplicating
+data LBVarInfo = NoLBVarInfo
+ | IsOneShotLambda -- The lambda is applied at most once).
+seqLBVar l = l `seq` ()
+hasNoLBVarInfo NoLBVarInfo = True
+hasNoLBVarInfo IsOneShotLambda = False
+noLBVarInfo = NoLBVarInfo
+pprLBVarInfo NoLBVarInfo = empty
+pprLBVarInfo IsOneShotLambda = ptext SLIT("OneShot")
+instance Outputable LBVarInfo where
+ ppr = pprLBVarInfo
+instance Show LBVarInfo where
+ showsPrec p c = showsPrecSDoc p (ppr c)
+%* *
+\subsection{Bulk operations on IdInfo}
+%* *
+@zapLamInfo@ is used for lambda binders that turn out to to be
+part of an unsaturated lambda
+zapLamInfo :: IdInfo -> Maybe IdInfo
+zapLamInfo info@(IdInfo {occInfo = occ, newDemandInfo = demand})
+ | is_safe_occ occ && is_safe_dmd demand
+ = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Just (info {occInfo = safe_occ, newDemandInfo = Nothing})
+ where
+ -- The "unsafe" occ info is the ones that say I'm not in a lambda
+ -- because that might not be true for an unsaturated lambda
+ is_safe_occ (OneOcc in_lam _ _) = in_lam
+ is_safe_occ other = True
+ safe_occ = case occ of
+ OneOcc _ once int_cxt -> OneOcc insideLam once int_cxt
+ other -> occ
+ is_safe_dmd Nothing = True
+ is_safe_dmd (Just dmd) = not (isStrictDmd dmd)
+zapDemandInfo :: IdInfo -> Maybe IdInfo
+zapDemandInfo info@(IdInfo {newDemandInfo = dmd})
+ | isJust dmd = Just (info {newDemandInfo = Nothing})
+ | otherwise = Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs-boot b/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90cf36f90b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module IdInfo where
+data IdInfo
+data GlobalIdDetails
+notGlobalId :: GlobalIdDetails
+seqIdInfo :: IdInfo -> ()
+\end{code} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e83ea9db74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
+\section[Literal]{@Literal@: Machine literals (unboxed, of course)}
+module Literal
+ ( Literal(..) -- Exported to ParseIface
+ , mkMachInt, mkMachWord
+ , mkMachInt64, mkMachWord64, mkStringLit
+ , litSize
+ , litIsDupable, litIsTrivial
+ , literalType
+ , hashLiteral
+ , inIntRange, inWordRange, tARGET_MAX_INT, inCharRange
+ , isZeroLit
+ , word2IntLit, int2WordLit
+ , narrow8IntLit, narrow16IntLit, narrow32IntLit
+ , narrow8WordLit, narrow16WordLit, narrow32WordLit
+ , char2IntLit, int2CharLit
+ , float2IntLit, int2FloatLit, double2IntLit, int2DoubleLit
+ , nullAddrLit, float2DoubleLit, double2FloatLit
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import TysPrim ( charPrimTy, addrPrimTy, floatPrimTy, doublePrimTy,
+ intPrimTy, wordPrimTy, int64PrimTy, word64PrimTy
+ )
+import Type ( Type )
+import Outputable
+import FastTypes
+import FastString
+import Binary
+import Ratio ( numerator )
+import FastString ( uniqueOfFS, lengthFS )
+import DATA_INT ( Int8, Int16, Int32 )
+import DATA_WORD ( Word8, Word16, Word32 )
+import Char ( ord, chr )
+%* *
+%* *
+If we're compiling with GHC (and we're not cross-compiling), then we
+know that minBound and maxBound :: Int are the right values for the
+target architecture. Otherwise, we assume -2^31 and 2^31-1
+respectively (which will be wrong on a 64-bit machine).
+tARGET_MIN_INT = toInteger (minBound :: Int)
+tARGET_MAX_INT = toInteger (maxBound :: Int)
+tARGET_MIN_INT = -2147483648
+tARGET_MAX_INT = 2147483647
+tARGET_MAX_CHAR = 0x10ffff
+%* *
+%* *
+So-called @Literals@ are {\em either}:
+An unboxed (``machine'') literal (type: @IntPrim@, @FloatPrim@, etc.),
+which is presumed to be surrounded by appropriate constructors
+(@mKINT@, etc.), so that the overall thing makes sense.
+An Integer, Rational, or String literal whose representation we are
+{\em uncommitted} about; i.e., the surrounding with constructors,
+function applications, etc., etc., has not yet been done.
+data Literal
+ = ------------------
+ -- First the primitive guys
+ MachChar Char -- Char# At least 31 bits
+ | MachStr FastString -- A string-literal: stored and emitted
+ -- UTF-8 encoded, we'll arrange to decode it
+ -- at runtime. Also emitted with a '\0'
+ -- terminator.
+ | MachNullAddr -- the NULL pointer, the only pointer value
+ -- that can be represented as a Literal.
+ | MachInt Integer -- Int# At least WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS bits
+ | MachInt64 Integer -- Int64# At least 64 bits
+ | MachWord Integer -- Word# At least WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS bits
+ | MachWord64 Integer -- Word64# At least 64 bits
+ | MachFloat Rational
+ | MachDouble Rational
+ -- MachLabel is used (only) for the literal derived from a
+ -- "foreign label" declaration.
+ -- string argument is the name of a symbol. This literal
+ -- refers to the *address* of the label.
+ | MachLabel FastString -- always an Addr#
+ (Maybe Int) -- the size (in bytes) of the arguments
+ -- the label expects. Only applicable with
+ -- 'stdcall' labels.
+ -- Just x => "@<x>" will be appended to label
+ -- name when emitting asm.
+Binary instance
+instance Binary Literal where
+ put_ bh (MachChar aa) = do putByte bh 0; put_ bh aa
+ put_ bh (MachStr ab) = do putByte bh 1; put_ bh ab
+ put_ bh (MachNullAddr) = do putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh (MachInt ad) = do putByte bh 3; put_ bh ad
+ put_ bh (MachInt64 ae) = do putByte bh 4; put_ bh ae
+ put_ bh (MachWord af) = do putByte bh 5; put_ bh af
+ put_ bh (MachWord64 ag) = do putByte bh 6; put_ bh ag
+ put_ bh (MachFloat ah) = do putByte bh 7; put_ bh ah
+ put_ bh (MachDouble ai) = do putByte bh 8; put_ bh ai
+ put_ bh (MachLabel aj mb) = do putByte bh 9; put_ bh aj ; put_ bh mb
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do
+ aa <- get bh
+ return (MachChar aa)
+ 1 -> do
+ ab <- get bh
+ return (MachStr ab)
+ 2 -> do
+ return (MachNullAddr)
+ 3 -> do
+ ad <- get bh
+ return (MachInt ad)
+ 4 -> do
+ ae <- get bh
+ return (MachInt64 ae)
+ 5 -> do
+ af <- get bh
+ return (MachWord af)
+ 6 -> do
+ ag <- get bh
+ return (MachWord64 ag)
+ 7 -> do
+ ah <- get bh
+ return (MachFloat ah)
+ 8 -> do
+ ai <- get bh
+ return (MachDouble ai)
+ 9 -> do
+ aj <- get bh
+ mb <- get bh
+ return (MachLabel aj mb)
+instance Outputable Literal where
+ ppr lit = pprLit lit
+instance Show Literal where
+ showsPrec p lit = showsPrecSDoc p (ppr lit)
+instance Eq Literal where
+ a == b = case (a `compare` b) of { EQ -> True; _ -> False }
+ a /= b = case (a `compare` b) of { EQ -> False; _ -> True }
+instance Ord Literal where
+ a <= b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> True; EQ -> True; GT -> False }
+ a < b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> True; EQ -> False; GT -> False }
+ a >= b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> True; GT -> True }
+ a > b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> False; GT -> True }
+ compare a b = cmpLit a b
+ Construction
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+mkMachInt, mkMachWord, mkMachInt64, mkMachWord64 :: Integer -> Literal
+mkMachInt x = -- ASSERT2( inIntRange x, integer x )
+ -- Not true: you can write out of range Int# literals
+ -- For example, one can write (intToWord# 0xffff0000) to
+ -- get a particular Word bit-pattern, and there's no other
+ -- convenient way to write such literals, which is why we allow it.
+ MachInt x
+mkMachWord x = -- ASSERT2( inWordRange x, integer x )
+ MachWord x
+mkMachInt64 x = MachInt64 x
+mkMachWord64 x = MachWord64 x
+mkStringLit :: String -> Literal
+mkStringLit s = MachStr (mkFastString s) -- stored UTF-8 encoded
+inIntRange, inWordRange :: Integer -> Bool
+inIntRange x = x >= tARGET_MIN_INT && x <= tARGET_MAX_INT
+inWordRange x = x >= 0 && x <= tARGET_MAX_WORD
+inCharRange :: Char -> Bool
+inCharRange c = c >= '\0' && c <= chr tARGET_MAX_CHAR
+isZeroLit :: Literal -> Bool
+isZeroLit (MachInt 0) = True
+isZeroLit (MachInt64 0) = True
+isZeroLit (MachWord 0) = True
+isZeroLit (MachWord64 0) = True
+isZeroLit (MachFloat 0) = True
+isZeroLit (MachDouble 0) = True
+isZeroLit other = False
+ Coercions
+ ~~~~~~~~~
+word2IntLit, int2WordLit,
+ narrow8IntLit, narrow16IntLit, narrow32IntLit,
+ narrow8WordLit, narrow16WordLit, narrow32WordLit,
+ char2IntLit, int2CharLit,
+ float2IntLit, int2FloatLit, double2IntLit, int2DoubleLit,
+ float2DoubleLit, double2FloatLit
+ :: Literal -> Literal
+word2IntLit (MachWord w)
+ | w > tARGET_MAX_INT = MachInt (w - tARGET_MAX_WORD - 1)
+ | otherwise = MachInt w
+int2WordLit (MachInt i)
+ | i < 0 = MachWord (1 + tARGET_MAX_WORD + i) -- (-1) ---> tARGET_MAX_WORD
+ | otherwise = MachWord i
+narrow8IntLit (MachInt i) = MachInt (toInteger (fromInteger i :: Int8))
+narrow16IntLit (MachInt i) = MachInt (toInteger (fromInteger i :: Int16))
+narrow32IntLit (MachInt i) = MachInt (toInteger (fromInteger i :: Int32))
+narrow8WordLit (MachWord w) = MachWord (toInteger (fromInteger w :: Word8))
+narrow16WordLit (MachWord w) = MachWord (toInteger (fromInteger w :: Word16))
+narrow32WordLit (MachWord w) = MachWord (toInteger (fromInteger w :: Word32))
+char2IntLit (MachChar c) = MachInt (toInteger (ord c))
+int2CharLit (MachInt i) = MachChar (chr (fromInteger i))
+float2IntLit (MachFloat f) = MachInt (truncate f)
+int2FloatLit (MachInt i) = MachFloat (fromInteger i)
+double2IntLit (MachDouble f) = MachInt (truncate f)
+int2DoubleLit (MachInt i) = MachDouble (fromInteger i)
+float2DoubleLit (MachFloat f) = MachDouble f
+double2FloatLit (MachDouble d) = MachFloat d
+nullAddrLit :: Literal
+nullAddrLit = MachNullAddr
+ Predicates
+ ~~~~~~~~~~
+litIsTrivial :: Literal -> Bool
+-- True if there is absolutely no penalty to duplicating the literal
+-- c.f. CoreUtils.exprIsTrivial
+-- False principally of strings
+litIsTrivial (MachStr _) = False
+litIsTrivial other = True
+litIsDupable :: Literal -> Bool
+-- True if code space does not go bad if we duplicate this literal
+-- c.f. CoreUtils.exprIsDupable
+-- Currently we treat it just like litIsTrivial
+litIsDupable (MachStr _) = False
+litIsDupable other = True
+litSize :: Literal -> Int
+-- Used by CoreUnfold.sizeExpr
+litSize (MachStr str) = 1 + ((lengthFS str + 3) `div` 4)
+ -- Every literal has size at least 1, otherwise
+ -- f "x"
+ -- might be too small
+ -- [Sept03: make literal strings a bit bigger to avoid fruitless
+ -- duplication of little strings]
+litSize _other = 1
+ Types
+ ~~~~~
+literalType :: Literal -> Type
+literalType MachNullAddr = addrPrimTy
+literalType (MachChar _) = charPrimTy
+literalType (MachStr _) = addrPrimTy
+literalType (MachInt _) = intPrimTy
+literalType (MachWord _) = wordPrimTy
+literalType (MachInt64 _) = int64PrimTy
+literalType (MachWord64 _) = word64PrimTy
+literalType (MachFloat _) = floatPrimTy
+literalType (MachDouble _) = doublePrimTy
+literalType (MachLabel _ _) = addrPrimTy
+ Comparison
+ ~~~~~~~~~~
+cmpLit (MachChar a) (MachChar b) = a `compare` b
+cmpLit (MachStr a) (MachStr b) = a `compare` b
+cmpLit (MachNullAddr) (MachNullAddr) = EQ
+cmpLit (MachInt a) (MachInt b) = a `compare` b
+cmpLit (MachWord a) (MachWord b) = a `compare` b
+cmpLit (MachInt64 a) (MachInt64 b) = a `compare` b
+cmpLit (MachWord64 a) (MachWord64 b) = a `compare` b
+cmpLit (MachFloat a) (MachFloat b) = a `compare` b
+cmpLit (MachDouble a) (MachDouble b) = a `compare` b
+cmpLit (MachLabel a _) (MachLabel b _) = a `compare` b
+cmpLit lit1 lit2 | litTag lit1 <# litTag lit2 = LT
+ | otherwise = GT
+litTag (MachChar _) = _ILIT(1)
+litTag (MachStr _) = _ILIT(2)
+litTag (MachNullAddr) = _ILIT(3)
+litTag (MachInt _) = _ILIT(4)
+litTag (MachWord _) = _ILIT(5)
+litTag (MachInt64 _) = _ILIT(6)
+litTag (MachWord64 _) = _ILIT(7)
+litTag (MachFloat _) = _ILIT(8)
+litTag (MachDouble _) = _ILIT(9)
+litTag (MachLabel _ _) = _ILIT(10)
+ Printing
+ ~~~~~~~~
+* MachX (i.e. unboxed) things are printed unadornded (e.g. 3, 'a', "foo")
+ exceptions: MachFloat gets an initial keyword prefix.
+pprLit (MachChar ch) = pprHsChar ch
+pprLit (MachStr s) = pprHsString s
+pprLit (MachInt i) = pprIntVal i
+pprLit (MachInt64 i) = ptext SLIT("__int64") <+> integer i
+pprLit (MachWord w) = ptext SLIT("__word") <+> integer w
+pprLit (MachWord64 w) = ptext SLIT("__word64") <+> integer w
+pprLit (MachFloat f) = ptext SLIT("__float") <+> rational f
+pprLit (MachDouble d) = rational d
+pprLit (MachNullAddr) = ptext SLIT("__NULL")
+pprLit (MachLabel l mb) = ptext SLIT("__label") <+>
+ case mb of
+ Nothing -> pprHsString l
+ Just x -> doubleQuotes (text (unpackFS l ++ '@':show x))
+pprIntVal :: Integer -> SDoc
+-- Print negative integers with parens to be sure it's unambiguous
+pprIntVal i | i < 0 = parens (integer i)
+ | otherwise = integer i
+%* *
+%* *
+Hash values should be zero or a positive integer. No negatives please.
+(They mess up the UniqFM for some reason.)
+hashLiteral :: Literal -> Int
+hashLiteral (MachChar c) = ord c + 1000 -- Keep it out of range of common ints
+hashLiteral (MachStr s) = hashFS s
+hashLiteral (MachNullAddr) = 0
+hashLiteral (MachInt i) = hashInteger i
+hashLiteral (MachInt64 i) = hashInteger i
+hashLiteral (MachWord i) = hashInteger i
+hashLiteral (MachWord64 i) = hashInteger i
+hashLiteral (MachFloat r) = hashRational r
+hashLiteral (MachDouble r) = hashRational r
+hashLiteral (MachLabel s _) = hashFS s
+hashRational :: Rational -> Int
+hashRational r = hashInteger (numerator r)
+hashInteger :: Integer -> Int
+hashInteger i = 1 + abs (fromInteger (i `rem` 10000))
+ -- The 1+ is to avoid zero, which is a Bad Number
+ -- since we use * to combine hash values
+hashFS :: FastString -> Int
+hashFS s = iBox (uniqueOfFS s)
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.hi-boot-5 b/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.hi-boot-5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff901a5840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.hi-boot-5
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+__interface MkId 1 0 where
+__export MkId mkDataConIds ;
+1 mkDataConIds :: Name.Name -> Name.Name -> DataCon.DataCon -> DataCon.DataConIds ;
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.hi-boot-6 b/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.hi-boot-6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3f22527f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.hi-boot-6
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module MkId where
+mkDataConIds :: Name.Name -> Name.Name -> DataCon.DataCon -> DataCon.DataConIds
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84b3546e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,1044 @@
+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
+\section[StdIdInfo]{Standard unfoldings}
+This module contains definitions for the IdInfo for things that
+have a standard form, namely:
+ * data constructors
+ * record selectors
+ * method and superclass selectors
+ * primitive operations
+module MkId (
+ mkDictFunId, mkDefaultMethodId,
+ mkDictSelId,
+ mkDataConIds,
+ mkRecordSelId,
+ mkPrimOpId, mkFCallId,
+ mkReboxingAlt, mkNewTypeBody,
+ -- And some particular Ids; see below for why they are wired in
+ wiredInIds, ghcPrimIds,
+ unsafeCoerceId, realWorldPrimId, voidArgId, nullAddrId, seqId,
+ lazyId, lazyIdUnfolding, lazyIdKey,
+ mkRuntimeErrorApp,
+ unsafeCoerceName
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import BasicTypes ( Arity, StrictnessMark(..), isMarkedUnboxed, isMarkedStrict )
+import Rules ( mkSpecInfo )
+import TysPrim ( openAlphaTyVars, alphaTyVar, alphaTy,
+ realWorldStatePrimTy, addrPrimTy
+ )
+import TysWiredIn ( charTy, mkListTy )
+import PrelRules ( primOpRules )
+import Type ( TyThing(..), mkForAllTy, tyVarsOfTypes )
+import TcType ( Type, ThetaType, mkDictTy, mkPredTys, mkPredTy,
+ mkTyConApp, mkTyVarTys, mkClassPred,
+ mkFunTys, mkFunTy, mkSigmaTy, tcSplitSigmaTy,
+ isUnLiftedType, mkForAllTys, mkTyVarTy, tyVarsOfType,
+ tcSplitFunTys, tcSplitForAllTys, dataConsStupidTheta
+ )
+import CoreUtils ( exprType )
+import CoreUnfold ( mkTopUnfolding, mkCompulsoryUnfolding )
+import Literal ( nullAddrLit, mkStringLit )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, isNewTyCon, tyConDataCons, FieldLabel,
+ tyConStupidTheta, isProductTyCon, isDataTyCon, isRecursiveTyCon )
+import Class ( Class, classTyCon, classSelIds )
+import Var ( Id, TyVar, Var )
+import VarSet ( isEmptyVarSet, subVarSet, varSetElems )
+import Name ( mkFCallName, mkWiredInName, Name, BuiltInSyntax(..) )
+import OccName ( mkOccNameFS, varName )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp, primOpSig, primOpOcc, primOpTag )
+import ForeignCall ( ForeignCall )
+import DataCon ( DataCon, DataConIds(..), dataConTyVars,
+ dataConFieldLabels, dataConRepArity, dataConResTys,
+ dataConRepArgTys, dataConRepType,
+ dataConSig, dataConStrictMarks, dataConExStricts,
+ splitProductType, isVanillaDataCon, dataConFieldType,
+ dataConInstOrigArgTys
+ )
+import Id ( idType, mkGlobalId, mkVanillaGlobal, mkSysLocal,
+ mkTemplateLocals, mkTemplateLocalsNum, mkExportedLocalId,
+ mkTemplateLocal, idName
+ )
+import IdInfo ( IdInfo, noCafIdInfo, setUnfoldingInfo,
+ setArityInfo, setSpecInfo, setCafInfo,
+ setAllStrictnessInfo, vanillaIdInfo,
+ GlobalIdDetails(..), CafInfo(..)
+ )
+import NewDemand ( mkStrictSig, DmdResult(..),
+ mkTopDmdType, topDmd, evalDmd, lazyDmd, retCPR,
+ Demand(..), Demands(..) )
+import DmdAnal ( dmdAnalTopRhs )
+import CoreSyn
+import Unique ( mkBuiltinUnique, mkPrimOpIdUnique )
+import Maybes
+import PrelNames
+import Util ( dropList, isSingleton )
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import ListSetOps ( assoc )
+%* *
+\subsection{Wired in Ids}
+%* *
+ = [ -- These error-y things are wired in because we don't yet have
+ -- a way to express in an interface file that the result type variable
+ -- is 'open'; that is can be unified with an unboxed type
+ --
+ -- [The interface file format now carry such information, but there's
+ -- no way yet of expressing at the definition site for these
+ -- error-reporting functions that they have an 'open'
+ -- result type. -- sof 1/99]
+ eRROR_ID, -- This one isn't used anywhere else in the compiler
+ -- But we still need it in wiredInIds so that when GHC
+ -- compiles a program that mentions 'error' we don't
+ -- import its type from the interface file; we just get
+ -- the Id defined here. Which has an 'open-tyvar' type.
+ lazyId
+ ] ++ ghcPrimIds
+-- These Ids are exported from GHC.Prim
+ = [ -- These can't be defined in Haskell, but they have
+ -- perfectly reasonable unfoldings in Core
+ realWorldPrimId,
+ unsafeCoerceId,
+ nullAddrId,
+ seqId
+ ]
+%* *
+\subsection{Data constructors}
+%* *
+The wrapper for a constructor is an ordinary top-level binding that evaluates
+any strict args, unboxes any args that are going to be flattened, and calls
+the worker.
+We're going to build a constructor that looks like:
+ data (Data a, C b) => T a b = T1 !a !Int b
+ T1 = /\ a b ->
+ \d1::Data a, d2::C b ->
+ \p q r -> case p of { p ->
+ case q of { q ->
+ Con T1 [a,b] [p,q,r]}}
+Notice that
+* d2 is thrown away --- a context in a data decl is used to make sure
+ one *could* construct dictionaries at the site the constructor
+ is used, but the dictionary isn't actually used.
+* We have to check that we can construct Data dictionaries for
+ the types a and Int. Once we've done that we can throw d1 away too.
+* We use (case p of q -> ...) to evaluate p, rather than "seq" because
+ all that matters is that the arguments are evaluated. "seq" is
+ very careful to preserve evaluation order, which we don't need
+ to be here.
+ You might think that we could simply give constructors some strictness
+ info, like PrimOps, and let CoreToStg do the let-to-case transformation.
+ But we don't do that because in the case of primops and functions strictness
+ is a *property* not a *requirement*. In the case of constructors we need to
+ do something active to evaluate the argument.
+ Making an explicit case expression allows the simplifier to eliminate
+ it in the (common) case where the constructor arg is already evaluated.
+mkDataConIds :: Name -> Name -> DataCon -> DataConIds
+ -- Makes the *worker* for the data constructor; that is, the function
+ -- that takes the reprsentation arguments and builds the constructor.
+mkDataConIds wrap_name wkr_name data_con
+ | isNewTyCon tycon
+ = NewDC nt_wrap_id
+ | any isMarkedStrict all_strict_marks -- Algebraic, needs wrapper
+ = AlgDC (Just alg_wrap_id) wrk_id
+ | otherwise -- Algebraic, no wrapper
+ = AlgDC Nothing wrk_id
+ where
+ (tyvars, theta, orig_arg_tys, tycon, res_tys) = dataConSig data_con
+ dict_tys = mkPredTys theta
+ all_arg_tys = dict_tys ++ orig_arg_tys
+ result_ty = mkTyConApp tycon res_tys
+ wrap_ty = mkForAllTys tyvars (mkFunTys all_arg_tys result_ty)
+ -- We used to include the stupid theta in the wrapper's args
+ -- but now we don't. Instead the type checker just injects these
+ -- extra constraints where necessary.
+ ----------- Worker (algebraic data types only) --------------
+ wrk_id = mkGlobalId (DataConWorkId data_con) wkr_name
+ (dataConRepType data_con) wkr_info
+ wkr_arity = dataConRepArity data_con
+ wkr_info = noCafIdInfo
+ `setArityInfo` wkr_arity
+ `setAllStrictnessInfo` Just wkr_sig
+ `setUnfoldingInfo` evaldUnfolding -- Record that it's evaluated,
+ -- even if arity = 0
+ wkr_sig = mkStrictSig (mkTopDmdType (replicate wkr_arity topDmd) cpr_info)
+ -- Notice that we do *not* say the worker is strict
+ -- even if the data constructor is declared strict
+ -- e.g. data T = MkT !(Int,Int)
+ -- Why? Because the *wrapper* is strict (and its unfolding has case
+ -- expresssions that do the evals) but the *worker* itself is not.
+ -- If we pretend it is strict then when we see
+ -- case x of y -> $wMkT y
+ -- the simplifier thinks that y is "sure to be evaluated" (because
+ -- $wMkT is strict) and drops the case. No, $wMkT is not strict.
+ --
+ -- When the simplifer sees a pattern
+ -- case e of MkT x -> ...
+ -- it uses the dataConRepStrictness of MkT to mark x as evaluated;
+ -- but that's fine... dataConRepStrictness comes from the data con
+ -- not from the worker Id.
+ cpr_info | isProductTyCon tycon &&
+ isDataTyCon tycon &&
+ wkr_arity > 0 &&
+ wkr_arity <= mAX_CPR_SIZE = retCPR
+ | otherwise = TopRes
+ -- RetCPR is only true for products that are real data types;
+ -- that is, not unboxed tuples or [non-recursive] newtypes
+ ----------- Wrappers for newtypes --------------
+ nt_wrap_id = mkGlobalId (DataConWrapId data_con) wrap_name wrap_ty nt_wrap_info
+ nt_wrap_info = noCafIdInfo -- The NoCaf-ness is set by noCafIdInfo
+ `setArityInfo` 1 -- Arity 1
+ `setUnfoldingInfo` newtype_unf
+ newtype_unf = ASSERT( isVanillaDataCon data_con &&
+ isSingleton orig_arg_tys )
+ -- No existentials on a newtype, but it can have a context
+ -- e.g. newtype Eq a => T a = MkT (...)
+ mkTopUnfolding $ Note InlineMe $
+ mkLams tyvars $ Lam id_arg1 $
+ mkNewTypeBody tycon result_ty (Var id_arg1)
+ id_arg1 = mkTemplateLocal 1 (head orig_arg_tys)
+ ----------- Wrappers for algebraic data types --------------
+ alg_wrap_id = mkGlobalId (DataConWrapId data_con) wrap_name wrap_ty alg_wrap_info
+ alg_wrap_info = noCafIdInfo -- The NoCaf-ness is set by noCafIdInfo
+ `setArityInfo` alg_arity
+ -- It's important to specify the arity, so that partial
+ -- applications are treated as values
+ `setUnfoldingInfo` alg_unf
+ `setAllStrictnessInfo` Just wrap_sig
+ all_strict_marks = dataConExStricts data_con ++ dataConStrictMarks data_con
+ wrap_sig = mkStrictSig (mkTopDmdType arg_dmds cpr_info)
+ arg_dmds = map mk_dmd all_strict_marks
+ mk_dmd str | isMarkedStrict str = evalDmd
+ | otherwise = lazyDmd
+ -- The Cpr info can be important inside INLINE rhss, where the
+ -- wrapper constructor isn't inlined.
+ -- And the argument strictness can be important too; we
+ -- may not inline a contructor when it is partially applied.
+ -- For example:
+ -- data W = C !Int !Int !Int
+ -- ...(let w = C x in ...(w p q)...)...
+ -- we want to see that w is strict in its two arguments
+ alg_unf = mkTopUnfolding $ Note InlineMe $
+ mkLams tyvars $
+ mkLams dict_args $ mkLams id_args $
+ foldr mk_case con_app
+ (zip (dict_args ++ id_args) all_strict_marks)
+ i3 []
+ con_app i rep_ids = mkApps (Var wrk_id)
+ (map varToCoreExpr (tyvars ++ reverse rep_ids))
+ (dict_args,i2) = mkLocals 1 dict_tys
+ (id_args,i3) = mkLocals i2 orig_arg_tys
+ alg_arity = i3-1
+ mk_case
+ :: (Id, StrictnessMark) -- Arg, strictness
+ -> (Int -> [Id] -> CoreExpr) -- Body
+ -> Int -- Next rep arg id
+ -> [Id] -- Rep args so far, reversed
+ -> CoreExpr
+ mk_case (arg,strict) body i rep_args
+ = case strict of
+ NotMarkedStrict -> body i (arg:rep_args)
+ MarkedStrict
+ | isUnLiftedType (idType arg) -> body i (arg:rep_args)
+ | otherwise ->
+ Case (Var arg) arg result_ty [(DEFAULT,[], body i (arg:rep_args))]
+ MarkedUnboxed
+ -> case splitProductType "do_unbox" (idType arg) of
+ (tycon, tycon_args, con, tys) ->
+ Case (Var arg) arg result_ty
+ [(DataAlt con,
+ con_args,
+ body i' (reverse con_args ++ rep_args))]
+ where
+ (con_args, i') = mkLocals i tys
+mAX_CPR_SIZE :: Arity
+mAX_CPR_SIZE = 10
+-- We do not treat very big tuples as CPR-ish:
+-- a) for a start we get into trouble because there aren't
+-- "enough" unboxed tuple types (a tiresome restriction,
+-- but hard to fix),
+-- b) more importantly, big unboxed tuples get returned mainly
+-- on the stack, and are often then allocated in the heap
+-- by the caller. So doing CPR for them may in fact make
+-- things worse.
+mkLocals i tys = (zipWith mkTemplateLocal [i..i+n-1] tys, i+n)
+ where
+ n = length tys
+%* *
+\subsection{Record selectors}
+%* *
+We're going to build a record selector unfolding that looks like this:
+ data T a b c = T1 { ..., op :: a, ...}
+ | T2 { ..., op :: a, ...}
+ | T3
+ sel = /\ a b c -> \ d -> case d of
+ T1 ... x ... -> x
+ T2 ... x ... -> x
+ other -> error "..."
+Similarly for newtypes
+ newtype N a = MkN { unN :: a->a }
+ unN :: N a -> a -> a
+ unN n = coerce (a->a) n
+We need to take a little care if the field has a polymorphic type:
+ data R = R { f :: forall a. a->a }
+Then we want
+ f :: forall a. R -> a -> a
+ f = /\ a \ r = case r of
+ R f -> f a
+(not f :: R -> forall a. a->a, which gives the type inference mechanism
+problems at call sites)
+Similarly for (recursive) newtypes
+ newtype N = MkN { unN :: forall a. a->a }
+ unN :: forall b. N -> b -> b
+ unN = /\b -> \n:N -> (coerce (forall a. a->a) n)
+Note [Naughty record selectors]
+A "naughty" field is one for which we can't define a record
+selector, because an existential type variable would escape. For example:
+ data T = forall a. MkT { x,y::a }
+We obviously can't define
+ x (MkT v _) = v
+Nevertheless we *do* put a RecordSelId into the type environment
+so that if the user tries to use 'x' as a selector we can bleat
+helpfully, rather than saying unhelpfully that 'x' is not in scope.
+Hence the sel_naughty flag, to identify record selcectors that don't really exist.
+In general, a field is naughty if its type mentions a type variable that
+isn't in the result type of the constructor.
+For GADTs, we require that all constructors with a common field 'f' have the same
+result type (modulo alpha conversion). [Checked in TcTyClsDecls.checkValidTyCon]
+ data T where
+ T1 { f :: a } :: T [a]
+ T2 { f :: a, y :: b } :: T [a]
+and now the selector takes that type as its argument:
+ f :: forall a. T [a] -> a
+ f t = case t of
+ T1 { f = v } -> v
+ T2 { f = v } -> v
+Note the forall'd tyvars of the selector are just the free tyvars
+of the result type; there may be other tyvars in the constructor's
+type (e.g. 'b' in T2).
+-- XXX - autrijus -
+-- Plan: 1. Determine naughtiness by comparing field type vs result type
+-- 2. Install naughty ones with selector_ty of type _|_ and fill in mzero for info
+-- 3. If it's not naughty, do the normal plan.
+mkRecordSelId :: TyCon -> FieldLabel -> Id
+mkRecordSelId tycon field_label
+ -- Assumes that all fields with the same field label have the same type
+ | is_naughty = naughty_id
+ | otherwise = sel_id
+ where
+ is_naughty = not (tyVarsOfType field_ty `subVarSet` tyvar_set)
+ sel_id_details = RecordSelId tycon field_label is_naughty
+ -- Escapist case here for naughty construcotrs
+ -- We give it no IdInfo, and a type of forall a.a (never looked at)
+ naughty_id = mkGlobalId sel_id_details field_label forall_a_a noCafIdInfo
+ forall_a_a = mkForAllTy alphaTyVar (mkTyVarTy alphaTyVar)
+ -- Normal case starts here
+ sel_id = mkGlobalId sel_id_details field_label selector_ty info
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ data_cons_w_field = filter has_field data_cons -- Can't be empty!
+ has_field con = field_label `elem` dataConFieldLabels con
+ con1 = head data_cons_w_field
+ res_tys = dataConResTys con1
+ tyvar_set = tyVarsOfTypes res_tys
+ tyvars = varSetElems tyvar_set
+ data_ty = mkTyConApp tycon res_tys
+ field_ty = dataConFieldType con1 field_label
+ -- *Very* tiresomely, the selectors are (unnecessarily!) overloaded over
+ -- just the dictionaries in the types of the constructors that contain
+ -- the relevant field. [The Report says that pattern matching on a
+ -- constructor gives the same constraints as applying it.] Urgh.
+ --
+ -- However, not all data cons have all constraints (because of
+ -- BuildTyCl.mkDataConStupidTheta). So we need to find all the data cons
+ -- involved in the pattern match and take the union of their constraints.
+ stupid_dict_tys = mkPredTys (dataConsStupidTheta data_cons_w_field)
+ n_stupid_dicts = length stupid_dict_tys
+ (field_tyvars,field_theta,field_tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy field_ty
+ field_dict_tys = mkPredTys field_theta
+ n_field_dict_tys = length field_dict_tys
+ -- If the field has a universally quantified type we have to
+ -- be a bit careful. Suppose we have
+ -- data R = R { op :: forall a. Foo a => a -> a }
+ -- Then we can't give op the type
+ -- op :: R -> forall a. Foo a => a -> a
+ -- because the typechecker doesn't understand foralls to the
+ -- right of an arrow. The "right" type to give it is
+ -- op :: forall a. Foo a => R -> a -> a
+ -- But then we must generate the right unfolding too:
+ -- op = /\a -> \dfoo -> \ r ->
+ -- case r of
+ -- R op -> op a dfoo
+ -- Note that this is exactly the type we'd infer from a user defn
+ -- op (R op) = op
+ selector_ty :: Type
+ selector_ty = mkForAllTys tyvars $ mkForAllTys field_tyvars $
+ mkFunTys stupid_dict_tys $ mkFunTys field_dict_tys $
+ mkFunTy data_ty field_tau
+ arity = 1 + n_stupid_dicts + n_field_dict_tys
+ (strict_sig, rhs_w_str) = dmdAnalTopRhs sel_rhs
+ -- Use the demand analyser to work out strictness.
+ -- With all this unpackery it's not easy!
+ info = noCafIdInfo
+ `setCafInfo` caf_info
+ `setArityInfo` arity
+ `setUnfoldingInfo` mkTopUnfolding rhs_w_str
+ `setAllStrictnessInfo` Just strict_sig
+ -- Allocate Ids. We do it a funny way round because field_dict_tys is
+ -- almost always empty. Also note that we use max_dict_tys
+ -- rather than n_dict_tys, because the latter gives an infinite loop:
+ -- n_dict tys depends on the_alts, which depens on arg_ids, which depends
+ -- on arity, which depends on n_dict tys. Sigh! Mega sigh!
+ stupid_dict_ids = mkTemplateLocalsNum 1 stupid_dict_tys
+ max_stupid_dicts = length (tyConStupidTheta tycon)
+ field_dict_base = max_stupid_dicts + 1
+ field_dict_ids = mkTemplateLocalsNum field_dict_base field_dict_tys
+ dict_id_base = field_dict_base + n_field_dict_tys
+ data_id = mkTemplateLocal dict_id_base data_ty
+ arg_base = dict_id_base + 1
+ the_alts :: [CoreAlt]
+ the_alts = map mk_alt data_cons_w_field -- Already sorted by data-con
+ no_default = length data_cons == length data_cons_w_field -- No default needed
+ default_alt | no_default = []
+ | otherwise = [(DEFAULT, [], error_expr)]
+ -- The default branch may have CAF refs, because it calls recSelError etc.
+ caf_info | no_default = NoCafRefs
+ | otherwise = MayHaveCafRefs
+ sel_rhs = mkLams tyvars $ mkLams field_tyvars $
+ mkLams stupid_dict_ids $ mkLams field_dict_ids $
+ Lam data_id $ sel_body
+ sel_body | isNewTyCon tycon = mk_result (mkNewTypeBody tycon field_ty (Var data_id))
+ | otherwise = Case (Var data_id) data_id field_tau (default_alt ++ the_alts)
+ mk_result poly_result = mkVarApps (mkVarApps poly_result field_tyvars) field_dict_ids
+ -- We pull the field lambdas to the top, so we need to
+ -- apply them in the body. For example:
+ -- data T = MkT { foo :: forall a. a->a }
+ --
+ -- foo :: forall a. T -> a -> a
+ -- foo = /\a. \t:T. case t of { MkT f -> f a }
+ mk_alt data_con
+ = -- In the non-vanilla case, the pattern must bind type variables and
+ -- the context stuff; hence the arg_prefix binding below
+ mkReboxingAlt uniqs data_con (arg_prefix ++ arg_ids)
+ (mk_result (Var the_arg_id))
+ where
+ (arg_prefix, arg_ids)
+ | isVanillaDataCon data_con -- Instantiate from commmon base
+ = ([], mkTemplateLocalsNum arg_base (dataConInstOrigArgTys data_con res_tys))
+ | otherwise -- The case pattern binds type variables, which are used
+ -- in the types of the arguments of the pattern
+ = (dc_tyvars ++ mkTemplateLocalsNum arg_base (mkPredTys dc_theta),
+ mkTemplateLocalsNum arg_base' dc_arg_tys)
+ (dc_tyvars, dc_theta, dc_arg_tys, _, _) = dataConSig data_con
+ arg_base' = arg_base + length dc_theta
+ unpack_base = arg_base' + length dc_arg_tys
+ uniqs = map mkBuiltinUnique [unpack_base..]
+ the_arg_id = assoc "mkRecordSelId:mk_alt" (field_lbls `zip` arg_ids) field_label
+ field_lbls = dataConFieldLabels data_con
+ error_expr = mkRuntimeErrorApp rEC_SEL_ERROR_ID field_tau full_msg
+ full_msg = showSDoc (sep [text "No match in record selector", ppr sel_id])
+-- (mkReboxingAlt us con xs rhs) basically constructs the case
+-- alternative (con, xs, rhs)
+-- but it does the reboxing necessary to construct the *source*
+-- arguments, xs, from the representation arguments ys.
+-- For example:
+-- data T = MkT !(Int,Int) Bool
+-- mkReboxingAlt MkT [x,b] r
+-- = (DataAlt MkT, [y::Int,z::Int,b], let x = (y,z) in r)
+-- mkDataAlt should really be in DataCon, but it can't because
+-- it manipulates CoreSyn.
+ :: [Unique] -- Uniques for the new Ids
+ -> DataCon
+ -> [Var] -- Source-level args, including existential dicts
+ -> CoreExpr -- RHS
+ -> CoreAlt
+mkReboxingAlt us con args rhs
+ | not (any isMarkedUnboxed stricts)
+ = (DataAlt con, args, rhs)
+ | otherwise
+ = let
+ (binds, args') = go args stricts us
+ in
+ (DataAlt con, args', mkLets binds rhs)
+ where
+ stricts = dataConExStricts con ++ dataConStrictMarks con
+ go [] stricts us = ([], [])
+ -- Type variable case
+ go (arg:args) stricts us
+ | isTyVar arg
+ = let (binds, args') = go args stricts us
+ in (binds, arg:args')
+ -- Term variable case
+ go (arg:args) (str:stricts) us
+ | isMarkedUnboxed str
+ = let
+ (_, tycon_args, pack_con, con_arg_tys)
+ = splitProductType "mkReboxingAlt" (idType arg)
+ unpacked_args = zipWith (mkSysLocal FSLIT("rb")) us con_arg_tys
+ (binds, args') = go args stricts (dropList con_arg_tys us)
+ con_app = mkConApp pack_con (map Type tycon_args ++ map Var unpacked_args)
+ in
+ (NonRec arg con_app : binds, unpacked_args ++ args')
+ | otherwise
+ = let (binds, args') = go args stricts us
+ in (binds, arg:args')
+%* *
+\subsection{Dictionary selectors}
+%* *
+Selecting a field for a dictionary. If there is just one field, then
+there's nothing to do.
+Dictionary selectors may get nested forall-types. Thus:
+ class Foo a where
+ op :: forall b. Ord b => a -> b -> b
+Then the top-level type for op is
+ op :: forall a. Foo a =>
+ forall b. Ord b =>
+ a -> b -> b
+This is unlike ordinary record selectors, which have all the for-alls
+at the outside. When dealing with classes it's very convenient to
+recover the original type signature from the class op selector.
+mkDictSelId :: Name -> Class -> Id
+mkDictSelId name clas
+ = mkGlobalId (ClassOpId clas) name sel_ty info
+ where
+ sel_ty = mkForAllTys tyvars (mkFunTy (idType dict_id) (idType the_arg_id))
+ -- We can't just say (exprType rhs), because that would give a type
+ -- C a -> C a
+ -- for a single-op class (after all, the selector is the identity)
+ -- But it's type must expose the representation of the dictionary
+ -- to gat (say) C a -> (a -> a)
+ info = noCafIdInfo
+ `setArityInfo` 1
+ `setUnfoldingInfo` mkTopUnfolding rhs
+ `setAllStrictnessInfo` Just strict_sig
+ -- We no longer use 'must-inline' on record selectors. They'll
+ -- inline like crazy if they scrutinise a constructor
+ -- The strictness signature is of the form U(AAAVAAAA) -> T
+ -- where the V depends on which item we are selecting
+ -- It's worth giving one, so that absence info etc is generated
+ -- even if the selector isn't inlined
+ strict_sig = mkStrictSig (mkTopDmdType [arg_dmd] TopRes)
+ arg_dmd | isNewTyCon tycon = evalDmd
+ | otherwise = Eval (Prod [ if the_arg_id == id then evalDmd else Abs
+ | id <- arg_ids ])
+ tycon = classTyCon clas
+ [data_con] = tyConDataCons tycon
+ tyvars = dataConTyVars data_con
+ arg_tys = dataConRepArgTys data_con
+ the_arg_id = assoc "MkId.mkDictSelId" (map idName (classSelIds clas) `zip` arg_ids) name
+ pred = mkClassPred clas (mkTyVarTys tyvars)
+ (dict_id:arg_ids) = mkTemplateLocals (mkPredTy pred : arg_tys)
+ rhs | isNewTyCon tycon = mkLams tyvars $ Lam dict_id $
+ mkNewTypeBody tycon (head arg_tys) (Var dict_id)
+ | otherwise = mkLams tyvars $ Lam dict_id $
+ Case (Var dict_id) dict_id (idType the_arg_id)
+ [(DataAlt data_con, arg_ids, Var the_arg_id)]
+mkNewTypeBody tycon result_ty result_expr
+ -- Adds a coerce where necessary
+ -- Used for both wrapping and unwrapping
+ | isRecursiveTyCon tycon -- Recursive case; use a coerce
+ = Note (Coerce result_ty (exprType result_expr)) result_expr
+ | otherwise -- Normal case
+ = result_expr
+%* *
+\subsection{Primitive operations
+%* *
+mkPrimOpId :: PrimOp -> Id
+mkPrimOpId prim_op
+ = id
+ where
+ (tyvars,arg_tys,res_ty, arity, strict_sig) = primOpSig prim_op
+ ty = mkForAllTys tyvars (mkFunTys arg_tys res_ty)
+ name = mkWiredInName gHC_PRIM (primOpOcc prim_op)
+ (mkPrimOpIdUnique (primOpTag prim_op))
+ Nothing (AnId id) UserSyntax
+ id = mkGlobalId (PrimOpId prim_op) name ty info
+ info = noCafIdInfo
+ `setSpecInfo` mkSpecInfo (primOpRules prim_op name)
+ `setArityInfo` arity
+ `setAllStrictnessInfo` Just strict_sig
+-- For each ccall we manufacture a separate CCallOpId, giving it
+-- a fresh unique, a type that is correct for this particular ccall,
+-- and a CCall structure that gives the correct details about calling
+-- convention etc.
+-- The *name* of this Id is a local name whose OccName gives the full
+-- details of the ccall, type and all. This means that the interface
+-- file reader can reconstruct a suitable Id
+mkFCallId :: Unique -> ForeignCall -> Type -> Id
+mkFCallId uniq fcall ty
+ = ASSERT( isEmptyVarSet (tyVarsOfType ty) )
+ -- A CCallOpId should have no free type variables;
+ -- when doing substitutions won't substitute over it
+ mkGlobalId (FCallId fcall) name ty info
+ where
+ occ_str = showSDoc (braces (ppr fcall <+> ppr ty))
+ -- The "occurrence name" of a ccall is the full info about the
+ -- ccall; it is encoded, but may have embedded spaces etc!
+ name = mkFCallName uniq occ_str
+ info = noCafIdInfo
+ `setArityInfo` arity
+ `setAllStrictnessInfo` Just strict_sig
+ (_, tau) = tcSplitForAllTys ty
+ (arg_tys, _) = tcSplitFunTys tau
+ arity = length arg_tys
+ strict_sig = mkStrictSig (mkTopDmdType (replicate arity evalDmd) TopRes)
+%* *
+\subsection{DictFuns and default methods}
+%* *
+Important notes about dict funs and default methods
+Dict funs and default methods are *not* ImplicitIds. Their definition
+involves user-written code, so we can't figure out their strictness etc
+based on fixed info, as we can for constructors and record selectors (say).
+We build them as LocalIds, but with External Names. This ensures that
+they are taken to account by free-variable finding and dependency
+analysis (e.g. CoreFVs.exprFreeVars).
+Why shouldn't they be bound as GlobalIds? Because, in particular, if
+they are globals, the specialiser floats dict uses above their defns,
+which prevents good simplifications happening. Also the strictness
+analyser treats a occurrence of a GlobalId as imported and assumes it
+contains strictness in its IdInfo, which isn't true if the thing is
+bound in the same module as the occurrence.
+It's OK for dfuns to be LocalIds, because we form the instance-env to
+pass on to the next module (md_insts) in CoreTidy, afer tidying
+and globalising the top-level Ids.
+BUT make sure they are *exported* LocalIds (mkExportedLocalId) so
+that they aren't discarded by the occurrence analyser.
+mkDefaultMethodId dm_name ty = mkExportedLocalId dm_name ty
+mkDictFunId :: Name -- Name to use for the dict fun;
+ -> [TyVar]
+ -> ThetaType
+ -> Class
+ -> [Type]
+ -> Id
+mkDictFunId dfun_name inst_tyvars dfun_theta clas inst_tys
+ = mkExportedLocalId dfun_name dfun_ty
+ where
+ dfun_ty = mkSigmaTy inst_tyvars dfun_theta (mkDictTy clas inst_tys)
+{- 1 dec 99: disable the Mark Jones optimisation for the sake
+ of compatibility with Hugs.
+ See `types/InstEnv' for a discussion related to this.
+ (class_tyvars, sc_theta, _, _) = classBigSig clas
+ not_const (clas, tys) = not (isEmptyVarSet (tyVarsOfTypes tys))
+ sc_theta' = substClasses (zipTopTvSubst class_tyvars inst_tys) sc_theta
+ dfun_theta = case inst_decl_theta of
+ [] -> [] -- If inst_decl_theta is empty, then we don't
+ -- want to have any dict arguments, so that we can
+ -- expose the constant methods.
+ other -> nub (inst_decl_theta ++ filter not_const sc_theta')
+ -- Otherwise we pass the superclass dictionaries to
+ -- the dictionary function; the Mark Jones optimisation.
+ --
+ -- NOTE the "nub". I got caught by this one:
+ -- class Monad m => MonadT t m where ...
+ -- instance Monad m => MonadT (EnvT env) m where ...
+ -- Here, the inst_decl_theta has (Monad m); but so
+ -- does the sc_theta'!
+ --
+ -- NOTE the "not_const". I got caught by this one too:
+ -- class Foo a => Baz a b where ...
+ -- instance Wob b => Baz T b where..
+ -- Now sc_theta' has Foo T
+%* *
+%* *
+These Ids can't be defined in Haskell. They could be defined in
+unfoldings in the wired-in GHC.Prim interface file, but we'd have to
+ensure that they were definitely, definitely inlined, because there is
+no curried identifier for them. That's what mkCompulsoryUnfolding
+does. If we had a way to get a compulsory unfolding from an interface
+file, we could do that, but we don't right now.
+unsafeCoerce# isn't so much a PrimOp as a phantom identifier, that
+just gets expanded into a type coercion wherever it occurs. Hence we
+add it as a built-in Id with an unfolding here.
+The type variables we use here are "open" type variables: this means
+they can unify with both unlifted and lifted types. Hence we provide
+another gun with which to shoot yourself in the foot.
+mkWiredInIdName mod fs uniq id
+ = mkWiredInName mod (mkOccNameFS varName fs) uniq Nothing (AnId id) UserSyntax
+unsafeCoerceName = mkWiredInIdName gHC_PRIM FSLIT("unsafeCoerce#") unsafeCoerceIdKey unsafeCoerceId
+nullAddrName = mkWiredInIdName gHC_PRIM FSLIT("nullAddr#") nullAddrIdKey nullAddrId
+seqName = mkWiredInIdName gHC_PRIM FSLIT("seq") seqIdKey seqId
+realWorldName = mkWiredInIdName gHC_PRIM FSLIT("realWorld#") realWorldPrimIdKey realWorldPrimId
+lazyIdName = mkWiredInIdName pREL_BASE FSLIT("lazy") lazyIdKey lazyId
+errorName = mkWiredInIdName pREL_ERR FSLIT("error") errorIdKey eRROR_ID
+recSelErrorName = mkWiredInIdName pREL_ERR FSLIT("recSelError") recSelErrorIdKey rEC_SEL_ERROR_ID
+runtimeErrorName = mkWiredInIdName pREL_ERR FSLIT("runtimeError") runtimeErrorIdKey rUNTIME_ERROR_ID
+irrefutPatErrorName = mkWiredInIdName pREL_ERR FSLIT("irrefutPatError") irrefutPatErrorIdKey iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID
+recConErrorName = mkWiredInIdName pREL_ERR FSLIT("recConError") recConErrorIdKey rEC_CON_ERROR_ID
+patErrorName = mkWiredInIdName pREL_ERR FSLIT("patError") patErrorIdKey pAT_ERROR_ID
+noMethodBindingErrorName = mkWiredInIdName pREL_ERR FSLIT("noMethodBindingError")
+ noMethodBindingErrorIdKey nO_METHOD_BINDING_ERROR_ID
+ = mkWiredInIdName pREL_ERR FSLIT("nonExhaustiveGuardsError")
+ nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorIdKey nON_EXHAUSTIVE_GUARDS_ERROR_ID
+-- unsafeCoerce# :: forall a b. a -> b
+ = pcMiscPrelId unsafeCoerceName ty info
+ where
+ info = noCafIdInfo `setUnfoldingInfo` mkCompulsoryUnfolding rhs
+ ty = mkForAllTys [openAlphaTyVar,openBetaTyVar]
+ (mkFunTy openAlphaTy openBetaTy)
+ [x] = mkTemplateLocals [openAlphaTy]
+ rhs = mkLams [openAlphaTyVar,openBetaTyVar,x] $
+ Note (Coerce openBetaTy openAlphaTy) (Var x)
+-- nullAddr# :: Addr#
+-- The reason is is here is because we don't provide
+-- a way to write this literal in Haskell.
+ = pcMiscPrelId nullAddrName addrPrimTy info
+ where
+ info = noCafIdInfo `setUnfoldingInfo`
+ mkCompulsoryUnfolding (Lit nullAddrLit)
+ = pcMiscPrelId seqName ty info
+ where
+ info = noCafIdInfo `setUnfoldingInfo` mkCompulsoryUnfolding rhs
+ ty = mkForAllTys [alphaTyVar,openBetaTyVar]
+ (mkFunTy alphaTy (mkFunTy openBetaTy openBetaTy))
+ [x,y] = mkTemplateLocals [alphaTy, openBetaTy]
+-- gaw 2004
+ rhs = mkLams [alphaTyVar,openBetaTyVar,x,y] (Case (Var x) x openBetaTy [(DEFAULT, [], Var y)])
+-- lazy :: forall a?. a? -> a? (i.e. works for unboxed types too)
+-- Used to lazify pseq: pseq a b = a `seq` lazy b
+-- No unfolding: it gets "inlined" by the worker/wrapper pass
+-- Also, no strictness: by being a built-in Id, it overrides all
+-- the info in PrelBase.hi. This is important, because the strictness
+-- analyser will spot it as strict!
+ = pcMiscPrelId lazyIdName ty info
+ where
+ info = noCafIdInfo
+ ty = mkForAllTys [alphaTyVar] (mkFunTy alphaTy alphaTy)
+lazyIdUnfolding :: CoreExpr -- Used to expand LazyOp after strictness anal
+lazyIdUnfolding = mkLams [openAlphaTyVar,x] (Var x)
+ where
+ [x] = mkTemplateLocals [openAlphaTy]
+@realWorld#@ used to be a magic literal, \tr{void#}. If things get
+nasty as-is, change it back to a literal (@Literal@).
+voidArgId is a Local Id used simply as an argument in functions
+where we just want an arg to avoid having a thunk of unlifted type.
+ x = \ void :: State# RealWorld -> (# p, q #)
+This comes up in strictness analysis
+realWorldPrimId -- :: State# RealWorld
+ = pcMiscPrelId realWorldName realWorldStatePrimTy
+ (noCafIdInfo `setUnfoldingInfo` evaldUnfolding)
+ -- The evaldUnfolding makes it look that realWorld# is evaluated
+ -- which in turn makes Simplify.interestingArg return True,
+ -- which in turn makes INLINE things applied to realWorld# likely
+ -- to be inlined
+voidArgId -- :: State# RealWorld
+ = mkSysLocal FSLIT("void") voidArgIdKey realWorldStatePrimTy
+%* *
+\subsection[PrelVals-error-related]{@error@ and friends; @trace@}
+%* *
+GHC randomly injects these into the code.
+@patError@ is just a version of @error@ for pattern-matching
+failures. It knows various ``codes'' which expand to longer
+strings---this saves space!
+@absentErr@ is a thing we put in for ``absent'' arguments. They jolly
+well shouldn't be yanked on, but if one is, then you will get a
+friendly message from @absentErr@ (rather than a totally random
+@parError@ is a special version of @error@ which the compiler does
+not know to be a bottoming Id. It is used in the @_par_@ and @_seq_@
+templates, but we don't ever expect to generate code for it.
+ :: Id -- Should be of type (forall a. Addr# -> a)
+ -- where Addr# points to a UTF8 encoded string
+ -> Type -- The type to instantiate 'a'
+ -> String -- The string to print
+ -> CoreExpr
+mkRuntimeErrorApp err_id res_ty err_msg
+ = mkApps (Var err_id) [Type res_ty, err_string]
+ where
+ err_string = Lit (mkStringLit err_msg)
+rEC_SEL_ERROR_ID = mkRuntimeErrorId recSelErrorName
+rUNTIME_ERROR_ID = mkRuntimeErrorId runtimeErrorName
+iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID = mkRuntimeErrorId irrefutPatErrorName
+rEC_CON_ERROR_ID = mkRuntimeErrorId recConErrorName
+pAT_ERROR_ID = mkRuntimeErrorId patErrorName
+nO_METHOD_BINDING_ERROR_ID = mkRuntimeErrorId noMethodBindingErrorName
+nON_EXHAUSTIVE_GUARDS_ERROR_ID = mkRuntimeErrorId nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorName
+-- The runtime error Ids take a UTF8-encoded string as argument
+mkRuntimeErrorId name = pc_bottoming_Id name runtimeErrorTy
+runtimeErrorTy = mkSigmaTy [openAlphaTyVar] [] (mkFunTy addrPrimTy openAlphaTy)
+eRROR_ID = pc_bottoming_Id errorName errorTy
+errorTy :: Type
+errorTy = mkSigmaTy [openAlphaTyVar] [] (mkFunTys [mkListTy charTy] openAlphaTy)
+ -- Notice the openAlphaTyVar. It says that "error" can be applied
+ -- to unboxed as well as boxed types. This is OK because it never
+ -- returns, so the return type is irrelevant.
+%* *
+%* *
+pcMiscPrelId :: Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
+pcMiscPrelId name ty info
+ = mkVanillaGlobal name ty info
+ -- We lie and say the thing is imported; otherwise, we get into
+ -- a mess with dependency analysis; e.g., core2stg may heave in
+ -- random calls to GHCbase.unpackPS__. If GHCbase is the module
+ -- being compiled, then it's just a matter of luck if the definition
+ -- will be in "the right place" to be in scope.
+pc_bottoming_Id name ty
+ = pcMiscPrelId name ty bottoming_info
+ where
+ bottoming_info = vanillaIdInfo `setAllStrictnessInfo` Just strict_sig
+ -- Do *not* mark them as NoCafRefs, because they can indeed have
+ -- CAF refs. For example, pAT_ERROR_ID calls GHC.Err.untangle,
+ -- which has some CAFs
+ -- In due course we may arrange that these error-y things are
+ -- regarded by the GC as permanently live, in which case we
+ -- can give them NoCaf info. As it is, any function that calls
+ -- any pc_bottoming_Id will itself have CafRefs, which bloats
+ -- SRTs.
+ strict_sig = mkStrictSig (mkTopDmdType [evalDmd] BotRes)
+ -- These "bottom" out, no matter what their arguments
+(openAlphaTyVar:openBetaTyVar:_) = openAlphaTyVars
+openAlphaTy = mkTyVarTy openAlphaTyVar
+openBetaTy = mkTyVarTy openBetaTyVar
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs-boot b/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f9615a061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module MkId where
+import Name( Name )
+import DataCon( DataCon, DataConIds )
+mkDataConIds :: Name -> Name -> DataCon -> DataConIds
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Module.hi-boot-5 b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.hi-boot-5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdc5fbf581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.hi-boot-5
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+__interface Module 1 0 where
+__export Module Module ;
+1 data Module ;
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Module.hi-boot-6 b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.hi-boot-6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4d4b5d474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.hi-boot-6
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module Module where
+data Module
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Module.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69521625b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 2004
+Simply the name of a module, represented as a FastString.
+These are Uniquable, hence we can build FiniteMaps with ModuleNames as
+the keys.
+module Module
+ (
+ Module -- Abstract, instance of Eq, Ord, Outputable
+ , pprModule -- :: ModuleName -> SDoc
+ , ModLocation(..)
+ , addBootSuffix, addBootSuffix_maybe, addBootSuffixLocn
+ , moduleString -- :: ModuleName -> String
+ , moduleFS -- :: ModuleName -> FastString
+ , mkModule -- :: String -> ModuleName
+ , mkModuleFS -- :: FastString -> ModuleName
+ , ModuleEnv
+ , elemModuleEnv, extendModuleEnv, extendModuleEnvList, plusModuleEnv_C
+ , delModuleEnvList, delModuleEnv, plusModuleEnv, lookupModuleEnv
+ , lookupWithDefaultModuleEnv, mapModuleEnv, mkModuleEnv, emptyModuleEnv
+ , moduleEnvElts, unitModuleEnv, isEmptyModuleEnv, foldModuleEnv
+ , extendModuleEnv_C, filterModuleEnv
+ , ModuleSet, emptyModuleSet, mkModuleSet, moduleSetElts, extendModuleSet, elemModuleSet
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Outputable
+import Unique ( Uniquable(..) )
+import UniqFM
+import UniqSet
+import Binary
+import FastString
+%* *
+\subsection{Module locations}
+%* *
+data ModLocation
+ = ModLocation {
+ ml_hs_file :: Maybe FilePath,
+ -- The source file, if we have one. Package modules
+ -- probably don't have source files.
+ ml_hi_file :: FilePath,
+ -- Where the .hi file is, whether or not it exists
+ -- yet. Always of form foo.hi, even if there is an
+ -- hi-boot file (we add the -boot suffix later)
+ ml_obj_file :: FilePath
+ -- Where the .o file is, whether or not it exists yet.
+ -- (might not exist either because the module hasn't
+ -- been compiled yet, or because it is part of a
+ -- package with a .a file)
+ } deriving Show
+instance Outputable ModLocation where
+ ppr = text . show
+For a module in another package, the hs_file and obj_file
+components of ModLocation are undefined.
+The locations specified by a ModLocation may or may not
+correspond to actual files yet: for example, even if the object
+file doesn't exist, the ModLocation still contains the path to
+where the object file will reside if/when it is created.
+addBootSuffix :: FilePath -> FilePath
+-- Add the "-boot" suffix to .hs, .hi and .o files
+addBootSuffix path = path ++ "-boot"
+addBootSuffix_maybe :: Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath
+addBootSuffix_maybe is_boot path
+ | is_boot = addBootSuffix path
+ | otherwise = path
+addBootSuffixLocn :: ModLocation -> ModLocation
+addBootSuffixLocn locn
+ = locn { ml_hs_file = fmap addBootSuffix (ml_hs_file locn)
+ , ml_hi_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hi_file locn)
+ , ml_obj_file = addBootSuffix (ml_obj_file locn) }
+%* *
+\subsection{The name of a module}
+%* *
+newtype Module = Module FastString
+ -- Haskell module names can include the quote character ',
+ -- so the module names have the z-encoding applied to them
+instance Binary Module where
+ put_ bh (Module m) = put_ bh m
+ get bh = do m <- get bh; return (Module m)
+instance Uniquable Module where
+ getUnique (Module nm) = getUnique nm
+instance Eq Module where
+ nm1 == nm2 = getUnique nm1 == getUnique nm2
+-- Warning: gives an ordering relation based on the uniques of the
+-- FastStrings which are the (encoded) module names. This is _not_
+-- a lexicographical ordering.
+instance Ord Module where
+ nm1 `compare` nm2 = getUnique nm1 `compare` getUnique nm2
+instance Outputable Module where
+ ppr = pprModule
+pprModule :: Module -> SDoc
+pprModule (Module nm) =
+ getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
+ if codeStyle sty
+ then ftext (zEncodeFS nm)
+ else ftext nm
+moduleFS :: Module -> FastString
+moduleFS (Module mod) = mod
+moduleString :: Module -> String
+moduleString (Module mod) = unpackFS mod
+-- used to be called mkSrcModule
+mkModule :: String -> Module
+mkModule s = Module (mkFastString s)
+-- used to be called mkSrcModuleFS
+mkModuleFS :: FastString -> Module
+mkModuleFS s = Module s
+%* *
+%* *
+type ModuleEnv elt = UniqFM elt
+emptyModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a
+mkModuleEnv :: [(Module, a)] -> ModuleEnv a
+unitModuleEnv :: Module -> a -> ModuleEnv a
+extendModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> Module -> a -> ModuleEnv a
+extendModuleEnv_C :: (a->a->a) -> ModuleEnv a -> Module -> a -> ModuleEnv a
+plusModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv a
+extendModuleEnvList :: ModuleEnv a -> [(Module, a)] -> ModuleEnv a
+delModuleEnvList :: ModuleEnv a -> [Module] -> ModuleEnv a
+delModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> Module -> ModuleEnv a
+plusModuleEnv_C :: (a -> a -> a) -> ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv a
+mapModuleEnv :: (a -> b) -> ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv b
+moduleEnvElts :: ModuleEnv a -> [a]
+isEmptyModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> Bool
+lookupModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> Module -> Maybe a
+lookupWithDefaultModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv a -> a -> Module -> a
+elemModuleEnv :: Module -> ModuleEnv a -> Bool
+foldModuleEnv :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> ModuleEnv a -> b
+filterModuleEnv :: (a -> Bool) -> ModuleEnv a -> ModuleEnv a
+filterModuleEnv = filterUFM
+elemModuleEnv = elemUFM
+extendModuleEnv = addToUFM
+extendModuleEnv_C = addToUFM_C
+extendModuleEnvList = addListToUFM
+plusModuleEnv_C = plusUFM_C
+delModuleEnvList = delListFromUFM
+delModuleEnv = delFromUFM
+plusModuleEnv = plusUFM
+lookupModuleEnv = lookupUFM
+lookupWithDefaultModuleEnv = lookupWithDefaultUFM
+mapModuleEnv = mapUFM
+mkModuleEnv = listToUFM
+emptyModuleEnv = emptyUFM
+moduleEnvElts = eltsUFM
+unitModuleEnv = unitUFM
+isEmptyModuleEnv = isNullUFM
+foldModuleEnv = foldUFM
+type ModuleSet = UniqSet Module
+mkModuleSet :: [Module] -> ModuleSet
+extendModuleSet :: ModuleSet -> Module -> ModuleSet
+emptyModuleSet :: ModuleSet
+moduleSetElts :: ModuleSet -> [Module]
+elemModuleSet :: Module -> ModuleSet -> Bool
+emptyModuleSet = emptyUniqSet
+mkModuleSet = mkUniqSet
+extendModuleSet = addOneToUniqSet
+moduleSetElts = uniqSetToList
+elemModuleSet = elementOfUniqSet
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Module.lhs-boot b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.lhs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d75c032d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.lhs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module Module where
+data Module
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hi-boot-5 b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hi-boot-5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..634d95433c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hi-boot-5
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+__interface Name 1 0 where
+__export Name Name;
+1 data Name ;
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hi-boot-6 b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hi-boot-6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4eeca4d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hi-boot-6
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module Name where
+data Name
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e1fb31f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[Name]{@Name@: to transmit name info from renamer to typechecker}
+module Name (
+ -- Re-export the OccName stuff
+ module OccName,
+ -- The Name type
+ Name, -- Abstract
+ BuiltInSyntax(..),
+ mkInternalName, mkSystemName,
+ mkSystemVarName, mkSysTvName,
+ mkFCallName, mkIPName,
+ mkExternalName, mkWiredInName,
+ nameUnique, setNameUnique,
+ nameOccName, nameModule, nameModule_maybe,
+ tidyNameOcc,
+ hashName, localiseName,
+ nameSrcLoc, nameParent, nameParent_maybe, isImplicitName,
+ isSystemName, isInternalName, isExternalName,
+ isTyVarName, isWiredInName, isBuiltInSyntax,
+ wiredInNameTyThing_maybe,
+ nameIsLocalOrFrom,
+ -- Class NamedThing and overloaded friends
+ NamedThing(..),
+ getSrcLoc, getOccString
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TypeRep( TyThing )
+import OccName -- All of it
+import Module ( Module, moduleFS )
+import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc, wiredInSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
+import Unique ( Unique, Uniquable(..), getKey, pprUnique )
+import Maybes ( orElse, isJust )
+import FastString ( FastString, zEncodeFS )
+import Outputable
+%* *
+\subsection[Name-datatype]{The @Name@ datatype, and name construction}
+%* *
+data Name = Name {
+ n_sort :: NameSort, -- What sort of name it is
+ n_occ :: !OccName, -- Its occurrence name
+ n_uniq :: Unique,
+ n_loc :: !SrcLoc -- Definition site
+ }
+-- NOTE: we make the n_loc field strict to eliminate some potential
+-- (and real!) space leaks, due to the fact that we don't look at
+-- the SrcLoc in a Name all that often.
+data NameSort
+ = External Module (Maybe Name)
+ -- (Just parent) => this Name is a subordinate name of 'parent'
+ -- e.g. data constructor of a data type, method of a class
+ -- Nothing => not a subordinate
+ | WiredIn Module (Maybe Name) TyThing BuiltInSyntax
+ -- A variant of External, for wired-in things
+ | Internal -- A user-defined Id or TyVar
+ -- defined in the module being compiled
+ | System -- A system-defined Id or TyVar. Typically the
+ -- OccName is very uninformative (like 's')
+data BuiltInSyntax = BuiltInSyntax | UserSyntax
+-- BuiltInSyntax is for things like (:), [], tuples etc,
+-- which have special syntactic forms. They aren't "in scope"
+-- as such.
+Notes about the NameSorts:
+1. Initially, top-level Ids (including locally-defined ones) get External names,
+ and all other local Ids get Internal names
+2. Things with a External name are given C static labels, so they finally
+ appear in the .o file's symbol table. They appear in the symbol table
+ in the form M.n. If originally-local things have this property they
+ must be made @External@ first.
+3. In the tidy-core phase, a External that is not visible to an importer
+ is changed to Internal, and a Internal that is visible is changed to External
+4. A System Name differs in the following ways:
+ a) has unique attached when printing dumps
+ b) unifier eliminates sys tyvars in favour of user provs where possible
+ Before anything gets printed in interface files or output code, it's
+ fed through a 'tidy' processor, which zaps the OccNames to have
+ unique names; and converts all sys-locals to user locals
+ If any desugarer sys-locals have survived that far, they get changed to
+ "ds1", "ds2", etc.
+Built-in syntax => It's a syntactic form, not "in scope" (e.g. [])
+Wired-in thing => The thing (Id, TyCon) is fully known to the compiler,
+ not read from an interface file.
+ E.g. Bool, True, Int, Float, and many others
+All built-in syntax is for wired-in things.
+nameUnique :: Name -> Unique
+nameOccName :: Name -> OccName
+nameModule :: Name -> Module
+nameSrcLoc :: Name -> SrcLoc
+nameUnique name = n_uniq name
+nameOccName name = n_occ name
+nameSrcLoc name = n_loc name
+nameIsLocalOrFrom :: Module -> Name -> Bool
+isInternalName :: Name -> Bool
+isExternalName :: Name -> Bool
+isSystemName :: Name -> Bool
+isWiredInName :: Name -> Bool
+isWiredInName (Name {n_sort = WiredIn _ _ _ _}) = True
+isWiredInName other = False
+wiredInNameTyThing_maybe :: Name -> Maybe TyThing
+wiredInNameTyThing_maybe (Name {n_sort = WiredIn _ _ thing _}) = Just thing
+wiredInNameTyThing_maybe other = Nothing
+isBuiltInSyntax (Name {n_sort = WiredIn _ _ _ BuiltInSyntax}) = True
+isBuiltInSyntax other = False
+isExternalName (Name {n_sort = External _ _}) = True
+isExternalName (Name {n_sort = WiredIn _ _ _ _}) = True
+isExternalName other = False
+isInternalName name = not (isExternalName name)
+nameParent_maybe :: Name -> Maybe Name
+nameParent_maybe (Name {n_sort = External _ p}) = p
+nameParent_maybe (Name {n_sort = WiredIn _ p _ _}) = p
+nameParent_maybe other = Nothing
+nameParent :: Name -> Name
+nameParent name = case nameParent_maybe name of
+ Just parent -> parent
+ Nothing -> name
+isImplicitName :: Name -> Bool
+-- An Implicit Name is one has a parent; that is, one whose definition
+-- derives from the parent thing
+isImplicitName name = isJust (nameParent_maybe name)
+nameModule name = nameModule_maybe name `orElse` pprPanic "nameModule" (ppr name)
+nameModule_maybe (Name { n_sort = External mod _}) = Just mod
+nameModule_maybe (Name { n_sort = WiredIn mod _ _ _}) = Just mod
+nameModule_maybe name = Nothing
+nameIsLocalOrFrom from name
+ | isExternalName name = from == nameModule name
+ | otherwise = True
+isTyVarName :: Name -> Bool
+isTyVarName name = isTvOcc (nameOccName name)
+isSystemName (Name {n_sort = System}) = True
+isSystemName other = False
+%* *
+\subsection{Making names}
+%* *
+mkInternalName :: Unique -> OccName -> SrcLoc -> Name
+mkInternalName uniq occ loc = Name { n_uniq = uniq, n_sort = Internal, n_occ = occ, n_loc = loc }
+ -- NB: You might worry that after lots of huffing and
+ -- puffing we might end up with two local names with distinct
+ -- uniques, but the same OccName. Indeed we can, but that's ok
+ -- * the insides of the compiler don't care: they use the Unique
+ -- * when printing for -ddump-xxx you can switch on -dppr-debug to get the
+ -- uniques if you get confused
+ -- * for interface files we tidyCore first, which puts the uniques
+ -- into the print name (see setNameVisibility below)
+mkExternalName :: Unique -> Module -> OccName -> Maybe Name -> SrcLoc -> Name
+mkExternalName uniq mod occ mb_parent loc
+ = Name { n_uniq = uniq, n_sort = External mod mb_parent,
+ n_occ = occ, n_loc = loc }
+mkWiredInName :: Module -> OccName -> Unique
+ -> Maybe Name -> TyThing -> BuiltInSyntax -> Name
+mkWiredInName mod occ uniq mb_parent thing built_in
+ = Name { n_uniq = uniq,
+ n_sort = WiredIn mod mb_parent thing built_in,
+ n_occ = occ, n_loc = wiredInSrcLoc }
+mkSystemName :: Unique -> OccName -> Name
+mkSystemName uniq occ = Name { n_uniq = uniq, n_sort = System,
+ n_occ = occ, n_loc = noSrcLoc }
+mkSystemVarName :: Unique -> FastString -> Name
+mkSystemVarName uniq fs = mkSystemName uniq (mkVarOccFS fs)
+mkSysTvName :: Unique -> FastString -> Name
+mkSysTvName uniq fs = mkSystemName uniq (mkOccNameFS tvName fs)
+mkFCallName :: Unique -> String -> Name
+ -- The encoded string completely describes the ccall
+mkFCallName uniq str = Name { n_uniq = uniq, n_sort = Internal,
+ n_occ = mkVarOcc str, n_loc = noSrcLoc }
+mkIPName :: Unique -> OccName -> Name
+mkIPName uniq occ
+ = Name { n_uniq = uniq,
+ n_sort = Internal,
+ n_occ = occ,
+ n_loc = noSrcLoc }
+-- When we renumber/rename things, we need to be
+-- able to change a Name's Unique to match the cached
+-- one in the thing it's the name of. If you know what I mean.
+setNameUnique name uniq = name {n_uniq = uniq}
+tidyNameOcc :: Name -> OccName -> Name
+-- We set the OccName of a Name when tidying
+-- In doing so, we change System --> Internal, so that when we print
+-- it we don't get the unique by default. It's tidy now!
+tidyNameOcc name@(Name { n_sort = System }) occ = name { n_occ = occ, n_sort = Internal}
+tidyNameOcc name occ = name { n_occ = occ }
+localiseName :: Name -> Name
+localiseName n = n { n_sort = Internal }
+%* *
+\subsection{Predicates and selectors}
+%* *
+hashName :: Name -> Int
+hashName name = getKey (nameUnique name)
+%* *
+\subsection[Name-instances]{Instance declarations}
+%* *
+cmpName n1 n2 = n_uniq n1 `compare` n_uniq n2
+instance Eq Name where
+ a == b = case (a `compare` b) of { EQ -> True; _ -> False }
+ a /= b = case (a `compare` b) of { EQ -> False; _ -> True }
+instance Ord Name where
+ a <= b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> True; EQ -> True; GT -> False }
+ a < b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> True; EQ -> False; GT -> False }
+ a >= b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> True; GT -> True }
+ a > b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> False; GT -> True }
+ compare a b = cmpName a b
+instance Uniquable Name where
+ getUnique = nameUnique
+instance NamedThing Name where
+ getName n = n
+%* *
+\subsection{Pretty printing}
+%* *
+instance Outputable Name where
+ ppr name = pprName name
+instance OutputableBndr Name where
+ pprBndr _ name = pprName name
+pprName (Name {n_sort = sort, n_uniq = uniq, n_occ = occ})
+ = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
+ case sort of
+ WiredIn mod _ _ builtin -> pprExternal sty uniq mod occ True builtin
+ External mod _ -> pprExternal sty uniq mod occ False UserSyntax
+ System -> pprSystem sty uniq occ
+ Internal -> pprInternal sty uniq occ
+pprExternal sty uniq mod occ is_wired is_builtin
+ | codeStyle sty = ppr_z_module mod <> char '_' <> ppr_z_occ_name occ
+ -- In code style, always qualify
+ -- ToDo: maybe we could print all wired-in things unqualified
+ -- in code style, to reduce symbol table bloat?
+ | debugStyle sty = ppr mod <> dot <> ppr_occ_name occ
+ <> braces (hsep [if is_wired then ptext SLIT("(w)") else empty,
+ pprNameSpaceBrief (occNameSpace occ),
+ pprUnique uniq])
+ | BuiltInSyntax <- is_builtin = ppr_occ_name occ
+ -- never qualify builtin syntax
+ | unqualStyle sty mod occ = ppr_occ_name occ
+ | otherwise = ppr mod <> dot <> ppr_occ_name occ
+pprInternal sty uniq occ
+ | codeStyle sty = pprUnique uniq
+ | debugStyle sty = ppr_occ_name occ <> braces (hsep [pprNameSpaceBrief (occNameSpace occ),
+ pprUnique uniq])
+ | dumpStyle sty = ppr_occ_name occ <> char '_' <> pprUnique uniq
+ -- For debug dumps, we're not necessarily dumping
+ -- tidied code, so we need to print the uniques.
+ | otherwise = ppr_occ_name occ -- User style
+-- Like Internal, except that we only omit the unique in Iface style
+pprSystem sty uniq occ
+ | codeStyle sty = pprUnique uniq
+ | debugStyle sty = ppr_occ_name occ <> char '_' <> pprUnique uniq
+ <> braces (pprNameSpaceBrief (occNameSpace occ))
+ | otherwise = ppr_occ_name occ <> char '_' <> pprUnique uniq
+ -- If the tidy phase hasn't run, the OccName
+ -- is unlikely to be informative (like 's'),
+ -- so print the unique
+ppr_occ_name occ = ftext (occNameFS occ)
+ -- Don't use pprOccName; instead, just print the string of the OccName;
+ -- we print the namespace in the debug stuff above
+-- In code style, we Z-encode the strings. The results of Z-encoding each FastString are
+-- cached behind the scenes in the FastString implementation.
+ppr_z_occ_name occ = ftext (zEncodeFS (occNameFS occ))
+ppr_z_module mod = ftext (zEncodeFS (moduleFS mod))
+%* *
+\subsection{Overloaded functions related to Names}
+%* *
+class NamedThing a where
+ getOccName :: a -> OccName
+ getName :: a -> Name
+ getOccName n = nameOccName (getName n) -- Default method
+getSrcLoc :: NamedThing a => a -> SrcLoc
+getOccString :: NamedThing a => a -> String
+getSrcLoc = nameSrcLoc . getName
+getOccString = occNameString . getOccName
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs-boot b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..167ce4242d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module Name where
+data Name
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/NameEnv.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/NameEnv.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff637010aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/NameEnv.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[NameEnv]{@NameEnv@: name environments}
+module NameEnv (
+ NameEnv, mkNameEnv,
+ emptyNameEnv, unitNameEnv, nameEnvElts,
+ extendNameEnv_C, extendNameEnv_Acc, extendNameEnv, extendNameEnvList,
+ foldNameEnv, filterNameEnv,
+ plusNameEnv, plusNameEnv_C,
+ lookupNameEnv, lookupNameEnv_NF, delFromNameEnv, delListFromNameEnv,
+ elemNameEnv, mapNameEnv
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Name ( Name )
+import UniqFM
+import Maybes ( expectJust )
+%* *
+\subsection{Name environment}
+%* *
+type NameEnv a = UniqFM a -- Domain is Name
+emptyNameEnv :: NameEnv a
+mkNameEnv :: [(Name,a)] -> NameEnv a
+nameEnvElts :: NameEnv a -> [a]
+extendNameEnv_C :: (a->a->a) -> NameEnv a -> Name -> a -> NameEnv a
+extendNameEnv_Acc :: (a->b->b) -> (a->b) -> NameEnv b -> Name -> a -> NameEnv b
+extendNameEnv :: NameEnv a -> Name -> a -> NameEnv a
+plusNameEnv :: NameEnv a -> NameEnv a -> NameEnv a
+plusNameEnv_C :: (a->a->a) -> NameEnv a -> NameEnv a -> NameEnv a
+extendNameEnvList :: NameEnv a -> [(Name,a)] -> NameEnv a
+delFromNameEnv :: NameEnv a -> Name -> NameEnv a
+delListFromNameEnv :: NameEnv a -> [Name] -> NameEnv a
+elemNameEnv :: Name -> NameEnv a -> Bool
+unitNameEnv :: Name -> a -> NameEnv a
+lookupNameEnv :: NameEnv a -> Name -> Maybe a
+lookupNameEnv_NF :: NameEnv a -> Name -> a
+foldNameEnv :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NameEnv a -> b
+filterNameEnv :: (elt -> Bool) -> NameEnv elt -> NameEnv elt
+mapNameEnv :: (elt1 -> elt2) -> NameEnv elt1 -> NameEnv elt2
+emptyNameEnv = emptyUFM
+foldNameEnv = foldUFM
+mkNameEnv = listToUFM
+nameEnvElts = eltsUFM
+extendNameEnv_C = addToUFM_C
+extendNameEnv_Acc = addToUFM_Acc
+extendNameEnv = addToUFM
+plusNameEnv = plusUFM
+plusNameEnv_C = plusUFM_C
+extendNameEnvList = addListToUFM
+delFromNameEnv = delFromUFM
+delListFromNameEnv = delListFromUFM
+elemNameEnv = elemUFM
+unitNameEnv = unitUFM
+filterNameEnv = filterUFM
+mapNameEnv = mapUFM
+lookupNameEnv = lookupUFM
+lookupNameEnv_NF env n = expectJust "lookupNameEnv_NF" (lookupUFM env n)
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/NameSet.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/NameSet.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0e55dec68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/NameSet.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
+module NameSet (
+ -- Sets of Names
+ NameSet,
+ emptyNameSet, unitNameSet, mkNameSet, unionNameSets, unionManyNameSets,
+ minusNameSet, elemNameSet, nameSetToList, addOneToNameSet, addListToNameSet,
+ delFromNameSet, delListFromNameSet, isEmptyNameSet, foldNameSet, filterNameSet,
+ intersectsNameSet, intersectNameSet,
+ -- Free variables
+ FreeVars, isEmptyFVs, emptyFVs, plusFVs, plusFV,
+ mkFVs, addOneFV, unitFV, delFV, delFVs,
+ -- Defs and uses
+ Defs, Uses, DefUse, DefUses,
+ emptyDUs, usesOnly, mkDUs, plusDU,
+ findUses, duDefs, duUses, allUses
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Name
+import UniqSet
+%* *
+\subsection[Sets of names}
+%* *
+type NameSet = UniqSet Name
+emptyNameSet :: NameSet
+unitNameSet :: Name -> NameSet
+addListToNameSet :: NameSet -> [Name] -> NameSet
+addOneToNameSet :: NameSet -> Name -> NameSet
+mkNameSet :: [Name] -> NameSet
+unionNameSets :: NameSet -> NameSet -> NameSet
+unionManyNameSets :: [NameSet] -> NameSet
+minusNameSet :: NameSet -> NameSet -> NameSet
+elemNameSet :: Name -> NameSet -> Bool
+nameSetToList :: NameSet -> [Name]
+isEmptyNameSet :: NameSet -> Bool
+delFromNameSet :: NameSet -> Name -> NameSet
+delListFromNameSet :: NameSet -> [Name] -> NameSet
+foldNameSet :: (Name -> b -> b) -> b -> NameSet -> b
+filterNameSet :: (Name -> Bool) -> NameSet -> NameSet
+intersectNameSet :: NameSet -> NameSet -> NameSet
+intersectsNameSet :: NameSet -> NameSet -> Bool -- True if non-empty intersection
+ -- (s1 `intersectsVarSet` s2) doesn't compute s2 if s1 is empty
+isEmptyNameSet = isEmptyUniqSet
+emptyNameSet = emptyUniqSet
+unitNameSet = unitUniqSet
+mkNameSet = mkUniqSet
+addListToNameSet = addListToUniqSet
+addOneToNameSet = addOneToUniqSet
+unionNameSets = unionUniqSets
+unionManyNameSets = unionManyUniqSets
+minusNameSet = minusUniqSet
+elemNameSet = elementOfUniqSet
+nameSetToList = uniqSetToList
+delFromNameSet = delOneFromUniqSet
+foldNameSet = foldUniqSet
+filterNameSet = filterUniqSet
+intersectNameSet = intersectUniqSets
+delListFromNameSet set ns = foldl delFromNameSet set ns
+intersectsNameSet s1 s2 = not (isEmptyNameSet (s1 `intersectNameSet` s2))
+%* *
+\subsection{Free variables}
+%* *
+These synonyms are useful when we are thinking of free variables
+type FreeVars = NameSet
+plusFV :: FreeVars -> FreeVars -> FreeVars
+addOneFV :: FreeVars -> Name -> FreeVars
+unitFV :: Name -> FreeVars
+emptyFVs :: FreeVars
+plusFVs :: [FreeVars] -> FreeVars
+mkFVs :: [Name] -> FreeVars
+delFV :: Name -> FreeVars -> FreeVars
+delFVs :: [Name] -> FreeVars -> FreeVars
+isEmptyFVs = isEmptyNameSet
+emptyFVs = emptyNameSet
+plusFVs = unionManyNameSets
+plusFV = unionNameSets
+mkFVs = mkNameSet
+addOneFV = addOneToNameSet
+unitFV = unitNameSet
+delFV n s = delFromNameSet s n
+delFVs ns s = delListFromNameSet s ns
+%* *
+ Defs and uses
+%* *
+type Defs = NameSet
+type Uses = NameSet
+type DefUses = [DefUse]
+ -- In dependency order: earlier Defs scope over later Uses
+type DefUse = (Maybe Defs, Uses)
+ -- For items (Just ds, us), the use of any member
+ -- of the ds implies that all the us are used too
+ --
+ -- Also, us may mention ds
+ --
+ -- Nothing => Nothing defined in this group, but
+ -- nevertheless all the uses are essential.
+ -- Used for instance declarations, for example
+emptyDUs :: DefUses
+emptyDUs = []
+usesOnly :: Uses -> DefUses
+usesOnly uses = [(Nothing, uses)]
+mkDUs :: [(Defs,Uses)] -> DefUses
+mkDUs pairs = [(Just defs, uses) | (defs,uses) <- pairs]
+plusDU :: DefUses -> DefUses -> DefUses
+plusDU = (++)
+duDefs :: DefUses -> Defs
+duDefs dus = foldr get emptyNameSet dus
+ where
+ get (Nothing, u1) d2 = d2
+ get (Just d1, u1) d2 = d1 `unionNameSets` d2
+duUses :: DefUses -> Uses
+-- Just like allUses, but defs are not eliminated
+duUses dus = foldr get emptyNameSet dus
+ where
+ get (d1, u1) u2 = u1 `unionNameSets` u2
+allUses :: DefUses -> Uses
+-- Collect all uses, regardless of
+-- whether the group is itself used,
+-- but remove defs on the way
+allUses dus
+ = foldr get emptyNameSet dus
+ where
+ get (Nothing, rhs_uses) uses = rhs_uses `unionNameSets` uses
+ get (Just defs, rhs_uses) uses = (rhs_uses `unionNameSets` uses)
+ `minusNameSet` defs
+findUses :: DefUses -> Uses -> Uses
+-- Given some DefUses and some Uses,
+-- find all the uses, transitively.
+-- The result is a superset of the input uses;
+-- and includes things defined in the input DefUses
+-- (but only if they are used)
+findUses dus uses
+ = foldr get uses dus
+ where
+ get (Nothing, rhs_uses) uses
+ = rhs_uses `unionNameSets` uses
+ get (Just defs, rhs_uses) uses
+ | defs `intersectsNameSet` uses -- Used
+ || not (all (reportIfUnused . nameOccName) (nameSetToList defs))
+ -- At least one starts with an "_",
+ -- so treat the group as used
+ = rhs_uses `unionNameSets` uses
+ | otherwise -- No def is used
+ = uses
+\end{code} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/NewDemand.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/NewDemand.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e68fd87d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/NewDemand.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[Demand]{@Demand@: the amount of demand on a value}
+module NewDemand(
+ Demand(..),
+ topDmd, lazyDmd, seqDmd, evalDmd, errDmd, isStrictDmd,
+ isTop, isAbsent, seqDemand,
+ DmdType(..), topDmdType, botDmdType, mkDmdType, mkTopDmdType,
+ dmdTypeDepth, seqDmdType,
+ DmdEnv, emptyDmdEnv,
+ DmdResult(..), retCPR, isBotRes, returnsCPR, resTypeArgDmd,
+ Demands(..), mapDmds, zipWithDmds, allTop, seqDemands,
+ StrictSig(..), mkStrictSig, topSig, botSig, cprSig,
+ isTopSig,
+ splitStrictSig,
+ pprIfaceStrictSig, appIsBottom, isBottomingSig, seqStrictSig,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import StaticFlags ( opt_CprOff )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity )
+import VarEnv ( VarEnv, emptyVarEnv, isEmptyVarEnv )
+import UniqFM ( ufmToList )
+import Util ( listLengthCmp, zipWithEqual )
+import Outputable
+%* *
+%* *
+data Demand
+ = Top -- T; used for unlifted types too, so that
+ -- A `lub` T = T
+ | Abs -- A
+ | Call Demand -- C(d)
+ | Eval Demands -- U(ds)
+ | Defer Demands -- D(ds)
+ | Box Demand -- B(d)
+ | Bot -- B
+ deriving( Eq )
+ -- Equality needed for fixpoints in DmdAnal
+data Demands = Poly Demand -- Polymorphic case
+ | Prod [Demand] -- Product case
+ deriving( Eq )
+allTop (Poly d) = isTop d
+allTop (Prod ds) = all isTop ds
+isTop Top = True
+isTop d = False
+isAbsent Abs = True
+isAbsent d = False
+mapDmds :: (Demand -> Demand) -> Demands -> Demands
+mapDmds f (Poly d) = Poly (f d)
+mapDmds f (Prod ds) = Prod (map f ds)
+zipWithDmds :: (Demand -> Demand -> Demand)
+ -> Demands -> Demands -> Demands
+zipWithDmds f (Poly d1) (Poly d2) = Poly (d1 `f` d2)
+zipWithDmds f (Prod ds1) (Poly d2) = Prod [d1 `f` d2 | d1 <- ds1]
+zipWithDmds f (Poly d1) (Prod ds2) = Prod [d1 `f` d2 | d2 <- ds2]
+zipWithDmds f (Prod ds1) (Prod ds2) = Prod (zipWithEqual "zipWithDmds" f ds1 ds2)
+topDmd, lazyDmd, seqDmd :: Demand
+topDmd = Top -- The most uninformative demand
+lazyDmd = Box Abs
+seqDmd = Eval (Poly Abs) -- Polymorphic seq demand
+evalDmd = Box seqDmd -- Evaluate and return
+errDmd = Box Bot -- This used to be called X
+isStrictDmd :: Demand -> Bool
+isStrictDmd Bot = True
+isStrictDmd (Eval _) = True
+isStrictDmd (Call _) = True
+isStrictDmd (Box d) = isStrictDmd d
+isStrictDmd other = False
+seqDemand :: Demand -> ()
+seqDemand (Call d) = seqDemand d
+seqDemand (Eval ds) = seqDemands ds
+seqDemand (Defer ds) = seqDemands ds
+seqDemand (Box d) = seqDemand d
+seqDemand _ = ()
+seqDemands :: Demands -> ()
+seqDemands (Poly d) = seqDemand d
+seqDemands (Prod ds) = seqDemandList ds
+seqDemandList :: [Demand] -> ()
+seqDemandList [] = ()
+seqDemandList (d:ds) = seqDemand d `seq` seqDemandList ds
+instance Outputable Demand where
+ ppr Top = char 'T'
+ ppr Abs = char 'A'
+ ppr Bot = char 'B'
+ ppr (Defer ds) = char 'D' <> ppr ds
+ ppr (Eval ds) = char 'U' <> ppr ds
+ ppr (Box (Eval ds)) = char 'S' <> ppr ds
+ ppr (Box Abs) = char 'L'
+ ppr (Box Bot) = char 'X'
+ ppr (Call d) = char 'C' <> parens (ppr d)
+instance Outputable Demands where
+ ppr (Poly Abs) = empty
+ ppr (Poly d) = parens (ppr d <> char '*')
+ ppr (Prod ds) = parens (hcat (map ppr ds))
+ -- At one time I printed U(AAA) as U, but that
+ -- confuses (Poly Abs) with (Prod AAA), and the
+ -- worker/wrapper generation differs slightly for these two
+ -- [Reason: in the latter case we can avoid passing the arg;
+ -- see notes with WwLib.mkWWstr_one.]
+%* *
+\subsection{Demand types}
+%* *
+data DmdType = DmdType
+ DmdEnv -- Demand on explicitly-mentioned
+ -- free variables
+ [Demand] -- Demand on arguments
+ DmdResult -- Nature of result
+ -- The default demand on free variables not in the DmdEnv is:
+ -- DmdResult = BotRes <=> Bot
+ -- DmdResult = TopRes/ResCPR <=> Abs
+ -- The Demands in the argument list are never
+ -- Bot, Defer d
+ -- Handwavey reason: these don't correspond to calling conventions
+ -- See DmdAnal.funArgDemand for details
+-- This guy lets us switch off CPR analysis
+-- by making sure that everything uses TopRes instead of RetCPR
+-- Assuming, of course, that they don't mention RetCPR by name.
+-- They should onlyu use retCPR
+retCPR | opt_CprOff = TopRes
+ | otherwise = RetCPR
+seqDmdType (DmdType env ds res) =
+ {- ??? env `seq` -} seqDemandList ds `seq` res `seq` ()
+type DmdEnv = VarEnv Demand
+data DmdResult = TopRes -- Nothing known
+ | RetCPR -- Returns a constructed product
+ | BotRes -- Diverges or errors
+ deriving( Eq, Show )
+ -- Equality for fixpoints
+ -- Show needed for Show in Lex.Token (sigh)
+-- Equality needed for fixpoints in DmdAnal
+instance Eq DmdType where
+ (==) (DmdType fv1 ds1 res1)
+ (DmdType fv2 ds2 res2) = ufmToList fv1 == ufmToList fv2
+ && ds1 == ds2 && res1 == res2
+instance Outputable DmdType where
+ ppr (DmdType fv ds res)
+ = hsep [text "DmdType",
+ hcat (map ppr ds) <> ppr res,
+ if null fv_elts then empty
+ else braces (fsep (map pp_elt fv_elts))]
+ where
+ pp_elt (uniq, dmd) = ppr uniq <> text "->" <> ppr dmd
+ fv_elts = ufmToList fv
+instance Outputable DmdResult where
+ ppr TopRes = empty -- Keep these distinct from Demand letters
+ ppr RetCPR = char 'm' -- so that we can print strictness sigs as
+ ppr BotRes = char 'b' -- dddr
+ -- without ambiguity
+emptyDmdEnv = emptyVarEnv
+topDmdType = DmdType emptyDmdEnv [] TopRes
+botDmdType = DmdType emptyDmdEnv [] BotRes
+cprDmdType = DmdType emptyVarEnv [] retCPR
+isTopDmdType :: DmdType -> Bool
+-- Only used on top-level types, hence the assert
+isTopDmdType (DmdType env [] TopRes) = ASSERT( isEmptyVarEnv env) True
+isTopDmdType other = False
+isBotRes :: DmdResult -> Bool
+isBotRes BotRes = True
+isBotRes other = False
+resTypeArgDmd :: DmdResult -> Demand
+-- TopRes and BotRes are polymorphic, so that
+-- BotRes = Bot -> BotRes
+-- TopRes = Top -> TopRes
+-- This function makes that concrete
+-- We can get a RetCPR, because of the way in which we are (now)
+-- giving CPR info to strict arguments. On the first pass, when
+-- nothing has demand info, we optimistically give CPR info or RetCPR to all args
+resTypeArgDmd TopRes = Top
+resTypeArgDmd RetCPR = Top
+resTypeArgDmd BotRes = Bot
+returnsCPR :: DmdResult -> Bool
+returnsCPR RetCPR = True
+returnsCPR other = False
+mkDmdType :: DmdEnv -> [Demand] -> DmdResult -> DmdType
+mkDmdType fv ds res = DmdType fv ds res
+mkTopDmdType :: [Demand] -> DmdResult -> DmdType
+mkTopDmdType ds res = DmdType emptyDmdEnv ds res
+dmdTypeDepth :: DmdType -> Arity
+dmdTypeDepth (DmdType _ ds _) = length ds
+%* *
+\subsection{Strictness signature
+%* *
+In a let-bound Id we record its strictness info.
+In principle, this strictness info is a demand transformer, mapping
+a demand on the Id into a DmdType, which gives
+ a) the free vars of the Id's value
+ b) the Id's arguments
+ c) an indication of the result of applying
+ the Id to its arguments
+However, in fact we store in the Id an extremely emascuated demand transfomer,
+ a single DmdType
+(Nevertheless we dignify StrictSig as a distinct type.)
+This DmdType gives the demands unleashed by the Id when it is applied
+to as many arguments as are given in by the arg demands in the DmdType.
+For example, the demand transformer described by the DmdType
+ DmdType {x -> U(LL)} [V,A] Top
+says that when the function is applied to two arguments, it
+unleashes demand U(LL) on the free var x, V on the first arg,
+and A on the second.
+If this same function is applied to one arg, all we can say is
+that it uses x with U*(LL), and its arg with demand L.
+newtype StrictSig = StrictSig DmdType
+ deriving( Eq )
+instance Outputable StrictSig where
+ ppr (StrictSig ty) = ppr ty
+instance Show StrictSig where
+ show (StrictSig ty) = showSDoc (ppr ty)
+mkStrictSig :: DmdType -> StrictSig
+mkStrictSig dmd_ty = StrictSig dmd_ty
+splitStrictSig :: StrictSig -> ([Demand], DmdResult)
+splitStrictSig (StrictSig (DmdType _ dmds res)) = (dmds, res)
+isTopSig (StrictSig ty) = isTopDmdType ty
+topSig, botSig, cprSig :: StrictSig
+topSig = StrictSig topDmdType
+botSig = StrictSig botDmdType
+cprSig = StrictSig cprDmdType
+-- appIsBottom returns true if an application to n args would diverge
+appIsBottom (StrictSig (DmdType _ ds BotRes)) n = listLengthCmp ds n /= GT
+appIsBottom _ _ = False
+isBottomingSig (StrictSig (DmdType _ _ BotRes)) = True
+isBottomingSig _ = False
+seqStrictSig (StrictSig ty) = seqDmdType ty
+pprIfaceStrictSig :: StrictSig -> SDoc
+-- Used for printing top-level strictness pragmas in interface files
+pprIfaceStrictSig (StrictSig (DmdType _ dmds res))
+ = hcat (map ppr dmds) <> ppr res
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.hi-boot-6 b/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.hi-boot-6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..705f9b1bd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.hi-boot-6
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+module OccName where
+data OccName
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3661a9ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
+{-% DrIFT (Automatic class derivations for Haskell) v1.1 %-}
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+module OccName (
+ -- * The NameSpace type; abstact
+ NameSpace, tcName, clsName, tcClsName, dataName, varName,
+ tvName, srcDataName,
+ -- ** Printing
+ pprNameSpace, pprNonVarNameSpace, pprNameSpaceBrief,
+ -- * The OccName type
+ OccName, -- Abstract, instance of Outputable
+ pprOccName,
+ -- ** Construction
+ mkOccName, mkOccNameFS,
+ mkVarOcc, mkVarOccFS,
+ mkTyVarOcc,
+ mkDFunOcc,
+ mkTupleOcc,
+ setOccNameSpace,
+ -- ** Derived OccNames
+ mkDataConWrapperOcc, mkWorkerOcc, mkDefaultMethodOcc, mkDerivedTyConOcc,
+ mkClassTyConOcc, mkClassDataConOcc, mkDictOcc, mkIPOcc,
+ mkSpecOcc, mkForeignExportOcc, mkGenOcc1, mkGenOcc2,
+ mkDataTOcc, mkDataCOcc, mkDataConWorkerOcc,
+ mkSuperDictSelOcc, mkLocalOcc, mkMethodOcc,
+ -- ** Deconstruction
+ occNameFS, occNameString, occNameSpace,
+ isVarOcc, isTvOcc, isTcOcc, isDataOcc, isDataSymOcc, isSymOcc, isValOcc,
+ parenSymOcc, reportIfUnused, isTcClsName, isVarName,
+ isTupleOcc_maybe,
+ -- The OccEnv type
+ OccEnv, emptyOccEnv, unitOccEnv, extendOccEnv, mapOccEnv,
+ lookupOccEnv, mkOccEnv, extendOccEnvList, elemOccEnv,
+ occEnvElts, foldOccEnv, plusOccEnv, plusOccEnv_C, extendOccEnv_C,
+ -- The OccSet type
+ OccSet, emptyOccSet, unitOccSet, mkOccSet, extendOccSet,
+ extendOccSetList,
+ unionOccSets, unionManyOccSets, minusOccSet, elemOccSet, occSetElts,
+ foldOccSet, isEmptyOccSet, intersectOccSet, intersectsOccSet,
+ -- Tidying up
+ TidyOccEnv, emptyTidyOccEnv, tidyOccName, initTidyOccEnv,
+ -- The basic form of names
+ isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym,
+ isLexConId, isLexConSym, isLexVarId, isLexVarSym,
+ startsVarSym, startsVarId, startsConSym, startsConId
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Util ( thenCmp )
+import Unique ( Unique, mkUnique, Uniquable(..) )
+import BasicTypes ( Boxity(..), Arity )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_PprStyle_Debug )
+import UniqFM
+import UniqSet
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import Binary
+import GLAEXTS
+import Data.Char ( isUpper, isLower, ord )
+-- Unicode TODO: put isSymbol in libcompat
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 604
+import Data.Char ( isSymbol )
+isSymbol = const False
+%* *
+\subsection{Name space}
+%* *
+data NameSpace = VarName -- Variables, including "source" data constructors
+ | DataName -- "Real" data constructors
+ | TvName -- Type variables
+ | TcClsName -- Type constructors and classes; Haskell has them
+ -- in the same name space for now.
+ deriving( Eq, Ord )
+ {-! derive: Binary !-}
+-- Note [Data Constructors]
+-- see also: Note [Data Constructor Naming] in DataCon.lhs
+-- "Source" data constructors are the data constructors mentioned
+-- in Haskell source code
+-- "Real" data constructors are the data constructors of the
+-- representation type, which may not be the same as the source
+-- type
+-- Example:
+-- data T = T !(Int,Int)
+-- The source datacon has type (Int,Int) -> T
+-- The real datacon has type Int -> Int -> T
+-- GHC chooses a representation based on the strictness etc.
+-- Though type constructors and classes are in the same name space now,
+-- the NameSpace type is abstract, so we can easily separate them later
+tcName = TcClsName -- Type constructors
+clsName = TcClsName -- Classes
+tcClsName = TcClsName -- Not sure which!
+dataName = DataName
+srcDataName = DataName -- Haskell-source data constructors should be
+ -- in the Data name space
+tvName = TvName
+varName = VarName
+isTcClsName :: NameSpace -> Bool
+isTcClsName TcClsName = True
+isTcClsName _ = False
+isVarName :: NameSpace -> Bool -- Variables or type variables, but not constructors
+isVarName TvName = True
+isVarName VarName = True
+isVarName other = False
+pprNameSpace :: NameSpace -> SDoc
+pprNameSpace DataName = ptext SLIT("data constructor")
+pprNameSpace VarName = ptext SLIT("variable")
+pprNameSpace TvName = ptext SLIT("type variable")
+pprNameSpace TcClsName = ptext SLIT("type constructor or class")
+pprNonVarNameSpace :: NameSpace -> SDoc
+pprNonVarNameSpace VarName = empty
+pprNonVarNameSpace ns = pprNameSpace ns
+pprNameSpaceBrief DataName = char 'd'
+pprNameSpaceBrief VarName = char 'v'
+pprNameSpaceBrief TvName = ptext SLIT("tv")
+pprNameSpaceBrief TcClsName = ptext SLIT("tc")
+%* *
+\subsection[Name-pieces-datatypes]{The @OccName@ datatypes}
+%* *
+data OccName = OccName
+ { occNameSpace :: !NameSpace
+ , occNameFS :: !FastString
+ }
+instance Eq OccName where
+ (OccName sp1 s1) == (OccName sp2 s2) = s1 == s2 && sp1 == sp2
+instance Ord OccName where
+ compare (OccName sp1 s1) (OccName sp2 s2) = (s1 `compare` s2) `thenCmp`
+ (sp1 `compare` sp2)
+%* *
+%* *
+instance Outputable OccName where
+ ppr = pprOccName
+pprOccName :: OccName -> SDoc
+pprOccName (OccName sp occ)
+ = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
+ if codeStyle sty
+ then ftext (zEncodeFS occ)
+ else ftext occ <> if debugStyle sty
+ then braces (pprNameSpaceBrief sp)
+ else empty
+%* *
+%* *
+mkOccName :: NameSpace -> String -> OccName
+mkOccName occ_sp str = OccName occ_sp (mkFastString str)
+mkOccNameFS :: NameSpace -> FastString -> OccName
+mkOccNameFS occ_sp fs = OccName occ_sp fs
+mkVarOcc :: String -> OccName
+mkVarOcc s = mkOccName varName s
+mkVarOccFS :: FastString -> OccName
+mkVarOccFS fs = mkOccNameFS varName fs
+mkTyVarOcc :: FastString -> OccName
+mkTyVarOcc fs = mkOccNameFS tvName fs
+%* *
+ Environments
+%* *
+OccEnvs are used mainly for the envts in ModIfaces.
+They are efficient, because FastStrings have unique Int# keys. We assume
+this key is less than 2^24, so we can make a Unique using
+ mkUnique ns key :: Unique
+where 'ns' is a Char reprsenting the name space. This in turn makes it
+easy to build an OccEnv.
+instance Uniquable OccName where
+ getUnique (OccName ns fs)
+ = mkUnique char (I# (uniqueOfFS fs))
+ where -- See notes above about this getUnique function
+ char = case ns of
+ VarName -> 'i'
+ DataName -> 'd'
+ TvName -> 'v'
+ TcClsName -> 't'
+type OccEnv a = UniqFM a
+emptyOccEnv :: OccEnv a
+unitOccEnv :: OccName -> a -> OccEnv a
+extendOccEnv :: OccEnv a -> OccName -> a -> OccEnv a
+extendOccEnvList :: OccEnv a -> [(OccName, a)] -> OccEnv a
+lookupOccEnv :: OccEnv a -> OccName -> Maybe a
+mkOccEnv :: [(OccName,a)] -> OccEnv a
+elemOccEnv :: OccName -> OccEnv a -> Bool
+foldOccEnv :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> OccEnv a -> b
+occEnvElts :: OccEnv a -> [a]
+extendOccEnv_C :: (a->a->a) -> OccEnv a -> OccName -> a -> OccEnv a
+plusOccEnv :: OccEnv a -> OccEnv a -> OccEnv a
+plusOccEnv_C :: (a->a->a) -> OccEnv a -> OccEnv a -> OccEnv a
+mapOccEnv :: (a->b) -> OccEnv a -> OccEnv b
+emptyOccEnv = emptyUFM
+unitOccEnv = unitUFM
+extendOccEnv = addToUFM
+extendOccEnvList = addListToUFM
+lookupOccEnv = lookupUFM
+mkOccEnv = listToUFM
+elemOccEnv = elemUFM
+foldOccEnv = foldUFM
+occEnvElts = eltsUFM
+plusOccEnv = plusUFM
+plusOccEnv_C = plusUFM_C
+extendOccEnv_C = addToUFM_C
+mapOccEnv = mapUFM
+type OccSet = UniqFM OccName
+emptyOccSet :: OccSet
+unitOccSet :: OccName -> OccSet
+mkOccSet :: [OccName] -> OccSet
+extendOccSet :: OccSet -> OccName -> OccSet
+extendOccSetList :: OccSet -> [OccName] -> OccSet
+unionOccSets :: OccSet -> OccSet -> OccSet
+unionManyOccSets :: [OccSet] -> OccSet
+minusOccSet :: OccSet -> OccSet -> OccSet
+elemOccSet :: OccName -> OccSet -> Bool
+occSetElts :: OccSet -> [OccName]
+foldOccSet :: (OccName -> b -> b) -> b -> OccSet -> b
+isEmptyOccSet :: OccSet -> Bool
+intersectOccSet :: OccSet -> OccSet -> OccSet
+intersectsOccSet :: OccSet -> OccSet -> Bool
+emptyOccSet = emptyUniqSet
+unitOccSet = unitUniqSet
+mkOccSet = mkUniqSet
+extendOccSet = addOneToUniqSet
+extendOccSetList = addListToUniqSet
+unionOccSets = unionUniqSets
+unionManyOccSets = unionManyUniqSets
+minusOccSet = minusUniqSet
+elemOccSet = elementOfUniqSet
+occSetElts = uniqSetToList
+foldOccSet = foldUniqSet
+isEmptyOccSet = isEmptyUniqSet
+intersectOccSet = intersectUniqSets
+intersectsOccSet s1 s2 = not (isEmptyOccSet (s1 `intersectOccSet` s2))
+%* *
+\subsection{Predicates and taking them apart}
+%* *
+occNameString :: OccName -> String
+occNameString (OccName _ s) = unpackFS s
+setOccNameSpace :: NameSpace -> OccName -> OccName
+setOccNameSpace sp (OccName _ occ) = OccName sp occ
+isVarOcc, isTvOcc, isDataSymOcc, isSymOcc, isTcOcc :: OccName -> Bool
+isVarOcc (OccName VarName _) = True
+isVarOcc other = False
+isTvOcc (OccName TvName _) = True
+isTvOcc other = False
+isTcOcc (OccName TcClsName _) = True
+isTcOcc other = False
+isValOcc (OccName VarName _) = True
+isValOcc (OccName DataName _) = True
+isValOcc other = False
+-- Data constructor operator (starts with ':', or '[]')
+-- Pretty inefficient!
+isDataSymOcc (OccName DataName s) = isLexConSym s
+isDataSymOcc (OccName VarName s)
+ | isLexConSym s = pprPanic "isDataSymOcc: check me" (ppr s)
+ -- Jan06: I don't think this should happen
+isDataSymOcc other = False
+isDataOcc (OccName DataName _) = True
+isDataOcc (OccName VarName s)
+ | isLexCon s = pprPanic "isDataOcc: check me" (ppr s)
+ -- Jan06: I don't think this should happen
+isDataOcc other = False
+-- Any operator (data constructor or variable)
+-- Pretty inefficient!
+isSymOcc (OccName DataName s) = isLexConSym s
+isSymOcc (OccName TcClsName s) = isLexConSym s
+isSymOcc (OccName VarName s) = isLexSym s
+isSymOcc other = False
+parenSymOcc :: OccName -> SDoc -> SDoc
+-- Wrap parens around an operator
+parenSymOcc occ doc | isSymOcc occ = parens doc
+ | otherwise = doc
+reportIfUnused :: OccName -> Bool
+ -- Haskell 98 encourages compilers to suppress warnings about
+ -- unused names in a pattern if they start with "_".
+reportIfUnused occ = case occNameString occ of
+ ('_' : _) -> False
+ _other -> True
+%* *
+\subsection{Making system names}
+%* *
+Here's our convention for splitting up the interface file name space:
+ d... dictionary identifiers
+ (local variables, so no name-clash worries)
+ $f... dict-fun identifiers (from inst decls)
+ $dm... default methods
+ $p... superclass selectors
+ $w... workers
+ :T... compiler-generated tycons for dictionaries
+ :D... ...ditto data cons
+ $sf.. specialised version of f
+ in encoded form these appear as Zdfxxx etc
+ :... keywords (export:, letrec: etc.)
+This knowledge is encoded in the following functions.
+@mk_deriv@ generates an @OccName@ from the prefix and a string.
+NB: The string must already be encoded!
+mk_deriv :: NameSpace
+ -> String -- Distinguishes one sort of derived name from another
+ -> String
+ -> OccName
+mk_deriv occ_sp sys_prefix str = mkOccName occ_sp (sys_prefix ++ str)
+mkDataConWrapperOcc, mkWorkerOcc, mkDefaultMethodOcc, mkDerivedTyConOcc,
+ mkClassTyConOcc, mkClassDataConOcc, mkDictOcc, mkIPOcc,
+ mkSpecOcc, mkForeignExportOcc, mkGenOcc1, mkGenOcc2,
+ mkDataTOcc, mkDataCOcc, mkDataConWorkerOcc
+ :: OccName -> OccName
+-- These derived variables have a prefix that no Haskell value could have
+mkDataConWrapperOcc = mk_simple_deriv varName "$W"
+mkWorkerOcc = mk_simple_deriv varName "$w"
+mkDefaultMethodOcc = mk_simple_deriv varName "$dm"
+mkDerivedTyConOcc = mk_simple_deriv tcName ":" -- The : prefix makes sure it classifies
+mkClassTyConOcc = mk_simple_deriv tcName ":T" -- as a tycon/datacon
+mkClassDataConOcc = mk_simple_deriv dataName ":D" -- We go straight to the "real" data con
+ -- for datacons from classes
+mkDictOcc = mk_simple_deriv varName "$d"
+mkIPOcc = mk_simple_deriv varName "$i"
+mkSpecOcc = mk_simple_deriv varName "$s"
+mkForeignExportOcc = mk_simple_deriv varName "$f"
+-- Generic derivable classes
+mkGenOcc1 = mk_simple_deriv varName "$gfrom"
+mkGenOcc2 = mk_simple_deriv varName "$gto"
+-- data T = MkT ... deriving( Data ) needs defintions for
+-- $tT :: Data.Generics.Basics.DataType
+-- $cMkT :: Data.Generics.Basics.Constr
+mkDataTOcc = mk_simple_deriv varName "$t"
+mkDataCOcc = mk_simple_deriv varName "$c"
+mk_simple_deriv sp px occ = mk_deriv sp px (occNameString occ)
+-- Data constructor workers are made by setting the name space
+-- of the data constructor OccName (which should be a DataName)
+-- to VarName
+mkDataConWorkerOcc datacon_occ = setOccNameSpace varName datacon_occ
+mkSuperDictSelOcc :: Int -- Index of superclass, eg 3
+ -> OccName -- Class, eg "Ord"
+ -> OccName -- eg "$p3Ord"
+mkSuperDictSelOcc index cls_occ
+ = mk_deriv varName "$p" (show index ++ occNameString cls_occ)
+mkLocalOcc :: Unique -- Unique
+ -> OccName -- Local name (e.g. "sat")
+ -> OccName -- Nice unique version ("$L23sat")
+mkLocalOcc uniq occ
+ = mk_deriv varName ("$L" ++ show uniq) (occNameString occ)
+ -- The Unique might print with characters
+ -- that need encoding (e.g. 'z'!)
+mkDFunOcc :: String -- Typically the class and type glommed together e.g. "OrdMaybe"
+ -- Only used in debug mode, for extra clarity
+ -> Bool -- True <=> hs-boot instance dfun
+ -> Int -- Unique index
+ -> OccName -- "$f3OrdMaybe"
+-- In hs-boot files we make dict funs like $fx7ClsTy, which get bound to the real
+-- thing when we compile the mother module. Reason: we don't know exactly
+-- what the mother module will call it.
+mkDFunOcc info_str is_boot index
+ = mk_deriv VarName prefix string
+ where
+ prefix | is_boot = "$fx"
+ | otherwise = "$f"
+ string | opt_PprStyle_Debug = show index ++ info_str
+ | otherwise = show index
+We used to add a '$m' to indicate a method, but that gives rise to bad
+error messages from the type checker when we print the function name or pattern
+of an instance-decl binding. Why? Because the binding is zapped
+to use the method name in place of the selector name.
+(See TcClassDcl.tcMethodBind)
+The way it is now, -ddump-xx output may look confusing, but
+you can always say -dppr-debug to get the uniques.
+However, we *do* have to zap the first character to be lower case,
+because overloaded constructors (blarg) generate methods too.
+And convert to VarName space
+e.g. a call to constructor MkFoo where
+ data (Ord a) => Foo a = MkFoo a
+If this is necessary, we do it by prefixing '$m'. These
+guys never show up in error messages. What a hack.
+mkMethodOcc :: OccName -> OccName
+mkMethodOcc occ@(OccName VarName fs) = occ
+mkMethodOcc occ = mk_simple_deriv varName "$m" occ
+%* *
+\subsection{Tidying them up}
+%* *
+Before we print chunks of code we like to rename it so that
+we don't have to print lots of silly uniques in it. But we mustn't
+accidentally introduce name clashes! So the idea is that we leave the
+OccName alone unless it accidentally clashes with one that is already
+in scope; if so, we tack on '1' at the end and try again, then '2', and
+so on till we find a unique one.
+There's a wrinkle for operators. Consider '>>='. We can't use '>>=1'
+because that isn't a single lexeme. So we encode it to 'lle' and *then*
+tack on the '1', if necessary.
+type TidyOccEnv = OccEnv Int -- The in-scope OccNames
+ -- Range gives a plausible starting point for new guesses
+emptyTidyOccEnv = emptyOccEnv
+initTidyOccEnv :: [OccName] -> TidyOccEnv -- Initialise with names to avoid!
+initTidyOccEnv = foldl (\env occ -> extendOccEnv env occ 1) emptyTidyOccEnv
+tidyOccName :: TidyOccEnv -> OccName -> (TidyOccEnv, OccName)
+tidyOccName in_scope occ@(OccName occ_sp fs)
+ = case lookupOccEnv in_scope occ of
+ Nothing -> -- Not already used: make it used
+ (extendOccEnv in_scope occ 1, occ)
+ Just n -> -- Already used: make a new guess,
+ -- change the guess base, and try again
+ tidyOccName (extendOccEnv in_scope occ (n+1))
+ (mkOccName occ_sp (unpackFS fs ++ show n))
+%* *
+ Stuff for dealing with tuples
+%* *
+mkTupleOcc :: NameSpace -> Boxity -> Arity -> OccName
+mkTupleOcc ns bx ar = OccName ns (mkFastString str)
+ where
+ -- no need to cache these, the caching is done in the caller
+ -- (TysWiredIn.mk_tuple)
+ str = case bx of
+ Boxed -> '(' : commas ++ ")"
+ Unboxed -> '(' : '#' : commas ++ "#)"
+ commas = take (ar-1) (repeat ',')
+isTupleOcc_maybe :: OccName -> Maybe (NameSpace, Boxity, Arity)
+-- Tuples are special, because there are so many of them!
+isTupleOcc_maybe (OccName ns fs)
+ = case unpackFS fs of
+ '(':'#':',':rest -> Just (ns, Unboxed, 2 + count_commas rest)
+ '(':',':rest -> Just (ns, Boxed, 2 + count_commas rest)
+ _other -> Nothing
+ where
+ count_commas (',':rest) = 1 + count_commas rest
+ count_commas _ = 0
+%* *
+\subsection{Lexical categories}
+%* *
+These functions test strings to see if they fit the lexical categories
+defined in the Haskell report.
+isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym :: FastString -> Bool
+isLexConId, isLexConSym, isLexVarId, isLexVarSym :: FastString -> Bool
+isLexCon cs = isLexConId cs || isLexConSym cs
+isLexVar cs = isLexVarId cs || isLexVarSym cs
+isLexId cs = isLexConId cs || isLexVarId cs
+isLexSym cs = isLexConSym cs || isLexVarSym cs
+isLexConId cs -- Prefix type or data constructors
+ | nullFS cs = False -- e.g. "Foo", "[]", "(,)"
+ | cs == FSLIT("[]") = True
+ | otherwise = startsConId (headFS cs)
+isLexVarId cs -- Ordinary prefix identifiers
+ | nullFS cs = False -- e.g. "x", "_x"
+ | otherwise = startsVarId (headFS cs)
+isLexConSym cs -- Infix type or data constructors
+ | nullFS cs = False -- e.g. ":-:", ":", "->"
+ | cs == FSLIT("->") = True
+ | otherwise = startsConSym (headFS cs)
+isLexVarSym cs -- Infix identifiers
+ | nullFS cs = False -- e.g. "+"
+ | otherwise = startsVarSym (headFS cs)
+startsVarSym, startsVarId, startsConSym, startsConId :: Char -> Bool
+startsVarSym c = isSymbolASCII c || (ord c > 0x7f && isSymbol c) -- Infix Ids
+startsConSym c = c == ':' -- Infix data constructors
+startsVarId c = isLower c || c == '_' -- Ordinary Ids
+startsConId c = isUpper c || c == '(' -- Ordinary type constructors and data constructors
+isSymbolASCII c = c `elem` "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|~-"
+%* *
+ Binary instance
+ Here rather than BinIface because OccName is abstract
+%* *
+instance Binary NameSpace where
+ put_ bh VarName = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh DataName = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh TvName = do
+ putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh TcClsName = do
+ putByte bh 3
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do return VarName
+ 1 -> do return DataName
+ 2 -> do return TvName
+ _ -> do return TcClsName
+instance Binary OccName where
+ put_ bh (OccName aa ab) = do
+ put_ bh aa
+ put_ bh ab
+ get bh = do
+ aa <- get bh
+ ab <- get bh
+ return (OccName aa ab)
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs-boot b/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9c7fcd141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module OccName where
+data OccName
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/RdrName.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/RdrName.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..030aa1f609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/RdrName.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+module RdrName (
+ RdrName(..), -- Constructors exported only to BinIface
+ -- Construction
+ mkRdrUnqual, mkRdrQual,
+ mkUnqual, mkVarUnqual, mkQual, mkOrig,
+ nameRdrName, getRdrName,
+ mkDerivedRdrName,
+ -- Destruction
+ rdrNameModule, rdrNameOcc, setRdrNameSpace,
+ isRdrDataCon, isRdrTyVar, isRdrTc, isQual, isUnqual,
+ isOrig, isOrig_maybe, isExact, isExact_maybe, isSrcRdrName,
+ -- Printing; instance Outputable RdrName
+ -- LocalRdrEnv
+ LocalRdrEnv, emptyLocalRdrEnv, extendLocalRdrEnv,
+ lookupLocalRdrEnv, elemLocalRdrEnv,
+ -- GlobalRdrEnv
+ GlobalRdrEnv, emptyGlobalRdrEnv, mkGlobalRdrEnv, plusGlobalRdrEnv,
+ lookupGlobalRdrEnv, extendGlobalRdrEnv,
+ pprGlobalRdrEnv, globalRdrEnvElts,
+ lookupGRE_RdrName, lookupGRE_Name,
+ -- GlobalRdrElt, Provenance, ImportSpec
+ GlobalRdrElt(..), isLocalGRE, unQualOK,
+ Provenance(..), pprNameProvenance,
+ ImportSpec(..), ImpDeclSpec(..), ImpItemSpec(..),
+ importSpecLoc, importSpecModule
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import OccName
+import Module ( Module, mkModuleFS )
+import Name ( Name, NamedThing(getName), nameModule, nameParent_maybe,
+ nameOccName, isExternalName, nameSrcLoc )
+import Maybes ( mapCatMaybes )
+import SrcLoc ( isGoodSrcLoc, SrcSpan )
+import FastString ( FastString )
+import Outputable
+import Util ( thenCmp )
+%* *
+\subsection{The main data type}
+%* *
+data RdrName
+ = Unqual OccName
+ -- Used for ordinary, unqualified occurrences
+ | Qual Module OccName
+ -- A qualified name written by the user in
+ -- *source* code. The module isn't necessarily
+ -- the module where the thing is defined;
+ -- just the one from which it is imported
+ | Orig Module OccName
+ -- An original name; the module is the *defining* module.
+ -- This is used when GHC generates code that will be fed
+ -- into the renamer (e.g. from deriving clauses), but where
+ -- we want to say "Use dammit".
+ | Exact Name
+ -- We know exactly the Name. This is used
+ -- (a) when the parser parses built-in syntax like "[]"
+ -- and "(,)", but wants a RdrName from it
+ -- (b) when converting names to the RdrNames in IfaceTypes
+ -- Here an Exact RdrName always contains an External Name
+ -- (Internal Names are converted to simple Unquals)
+ -- (c) by Template Haskell, when TH has generated a unique name
+%* *
+\subsection{Simple functions}
+%* *
+rdrNameModule :: RdrName -> Module
+rdrNameModule (Qual m _) = m
+rdrNameModule (Orig m _) = m
+rdrNameModule (Exact n) = nameModule n
+rdrNameModule (Unqual n) = pprPanic "rdrNameModule" (ppr n)
+rdrNameOcc :: RdrName -> OccName
+rdrNameOcc (Qual _ occ) = occ
+rdrNameOcc (Unqual occ) = occ
+rdrNameOcc (Orig _ occ) = occ
+rdrNameOcc (Exact name) = nameOccName name
+setRdrNameSpace :: RdrName -> NameSpace -> RdrName
+-- This rather gruesome function is used mainly by the parser
+-- When parsing data T a = T | T1 Int
+-- we parse the data constructors as *types* because of parser ambiguities,
+-- so then we need to change the *type constr* to a *data constr*
+-- The original-name case *can* occur when parsing
+-- data [] a = [] | a : [a]
+-- For the orig-name case we return an unqualified name.
+setRdrNameSpace (Unqual occ) ns = Unqual (setOccNameSpace ns occ)
+setRdrNameSpace (Qual m occ) ns = Qual m (setOccNameSpace ns occ)
+setRdrNameSpace (Orig m occ) ns = Orig m (setOccNameSpace ns occ)
+setRdrNameSpace (Exact n) ns = Orig (nameModule n)
+ (setOccNameSpace ns (nameOccName n))
+ -- These two are the basic constructors
+mkRdrUnqual :: OccName -> RdrName
+mkRdrUnqual occ = Unqual occ
+mkRdrQual :: Module -> OccName -> RdrName
+mkRdrQual mod occ = Qual mod occ
+mkOrig :: Module -> OccName -> RdrName
+mkOrig mod occ = Orig mod occ
+mkDerivedRdrName :: Name -> (OccName -> OccName) -> (RdrName)
+mkDerivedRdrName parent mk_occ
+ = mkOrig (nameModule parent) (mk_occ (nameOccName parent))
+ -- These two are used when parsing source files
+ -- They do encode the module and occurrence names
+mkUnqual :: NameSpace -> FastString -> RdrName
+mkUnqual sp n = Unqual (mkOccNameFS sp n)
+mkVarUnqual :: FastString -> RdrName
+mkVarUnqual n = Unqual (mkVarOccFS n)
+mkQual :: NameSpace -> (FastString, FastString) -> RdrName
+mkQual sp (m, n) = Qual (mkModuleFS m) (mkOccNameFS sp n)
+getRdrName :: NamedThing thing => thing -> RdrName
+getRdrName name = nameRdrName (getName name)
+nameRdrName :: Name -> RdrName
+nameRdrName name = Exact name
+-- Keep the Name even for Internal names, so that the
+-- unique is still there for debug printing, particularly
+-- of Types (which are converted to IfaceTypes before printing)
+nukeExact :: Name -> RdrName
+nukeExact n
+ | isExternalName n = Orig (nameModule n) (nameOccName n)
+ | otherwise = Unqual (nameOccName n)
+isRdrDataCon rn = isDataOcc (rdrNameOcc rn)
+isRdrTyVar rn = isTvOcc (rdrNameOcc rn)
+isRdrTc rn = isTcOcc (rdrNameOcc rn)
+isSrcRdrName (Unqual _) = True
+isSrcRdrName (Qual _ _) = True
+isSrcRdrName _ = False
+isUnqual (Unqual _) = True
+isUnqual other = False
+isQual (Qual _ _) = True
+isQual _ = False
+isOrig (Orig _ _) = True
+isOrig _ = False
+isOrig_maybe (Orig m n) = Just (m,n)
+isOrig_maybe _ = Nothing
+isExact (Exact _) = True
+isExact other = False
+isExact_maybe (Exact n) = Just n
+isExact_maybe other = Nothing
+%* *
+%* *
+instance Outputable RdrName where
+ ppr (Exact name) = ppr name
+ ppr (Unqual occ) = ppr occ <+> ppr_name_space occ
+ ppr (Qual mod occ) = ppr mod <> dot <> ppr occ <+> ppr_name_space occ
+ ppr (Orig mod occ) = ppr mod <> dot <> ppr occ <+> ppr_name_space occ
+ppr_name_space occ = ifPprDebug (parens (pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace occ)))
+instance OutputableBndr RdrName where
+ pprBndr _ n
+ | isTvOcc (rdrNameOcc n) = char '@' <+> ppr n
+ | otherwise = ppr n
+instance Eq RdrName where
+ (Exact n1) == (Exact n2) = n1==n2
+ -- Convert exact to orig
+ (Exact n1) == r2@(Orig _ _) = nukeExact n1 == r2
+ r1@(Orig _ _) == (Exact n2) = r1 == nukeExact n2
+ (Orig m1 o1) == (Orig m2 o2) = m1==m2 && o1==o2
+ (Qual m1 o1) == (Qual m2 o2) = m1==m2 && o1==o2
+ (Unqual o1) == (Unqual o2) = o1==o2
+ r1 == r2 = False
+instance Ord RdrName where
+ a <= b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> True; EQ -> True; GT -> False }
+ a < b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> True; EQ -> False; GT -> False }
+ a >= b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> True; GT -> True }
+ a > b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> False; GT -> True }
+ -- Exact < Unqual < Qual < Orig
+ -- [Note: Apr 2004] We used to use nukeExact to convert Exact to Orig
+ -- before comparing so that == the exact, but
+ -- that meant that we reported duplicates when renaming bindings
+ -- generated by Template Haskell; e.g
+ -- do { n1 <- newName "foo"; n2 <- newName "foo";
+ -- <decl involving n1,n2> }
+ -- I think we can do without this conversion
+ compare (Exact n1) (Exact n2) = n1 `compare` n2
+ compare (Exact n1) n2 = LT
+ compare (Unqual _) (Exact _) = GT
+ compare (Unqual o1) (Unqual o2) = o1 `compare` o2
+ compare (Unqual _) _ = LT
+ compare (Qual _ _) (Exact _) = GT
+ compare (Qual _ _) (Unqual _) = GT
+ compare (Qual m1 o1) (Qual m2 o2) = (o1 `compare` o2) `thenCmp` (m1 `compare` m2)
+ compare (Qual _ _) (Orig _ _) = LT
+ compare (Orig m1 o1) (Orig m2 o2) = (o1 `compare` o2) `thenCmp` (m1 `compare` m2)
+ compare (Orig _ _) _ = GT
+%* *
+ LocalRdrEnv
+%* *
+A LocalRdrEnv is used for local bindings (let, where, lambda, case)
+It is keyed by OccName, because we never use it for qualified names.
+type LocalRdrEnv = OccEnv Name
+emptyLocalRdrEnv = emptyOccEnv
+extendLocalRdrEnv :: LocalRdrEnv -> [Name] -> LocalRdrEnv
+extendLocalRdrEnv env names
+ = extendOccEnvList env [(nameOccName n, n) | n <- names]
+lookupLocalRdrEnv :: LocalRdrEnv -> RdrName -> Maybe Name
+lookupLocalRdrEnv env (Exact name) = Just name
+lookupLocalRdrEnv env (Unqual occ) = lookupOccEnv env occ
+lookupLocalRdrEnv env other = Nothing
+elemLocalRdrEnv :: RdrName -> LocalRdrEnv -> Bool
+elemLocalRdrEnv rdr_name env
+ | isUnqual rdr_name = rdrNameOcc rdr_name `elemOccEnv` env
+ | otherwise = False
+%* *
+ GlobalRdrEnv
+%* *
+type GlobalRdrEnv = OccEnv [GlobalRdrElt]
+ -- Keyed by OccName; when looking up a qualified name
+ -- we look up the OccName part, and then check the Provenance
+ -- to see if the appropriate qualification is valid. This
+ -- saves routinely doubling the size of the env by adding both
+ -- qualified and unqualified names to the domain.
+ --
+ -- The list in the range is reqd because there may be name clashes
+ -- These only get reported on lookup, not on construction
+ -- INVARIANT: All the members of the list have distinct
+ -- gre_name fields; that is, no duplicate Names
+emptyGlobalRdrEnv = emptyOccEnv
+globalRdrEnvElts :: GlobalRdrEnv -> [GlobalRdrElt]
+globalRdrEnvElts env = foldOccEnv (++) [] env
+data GlobalRdrElt
+ = GRE { gre_name :: Name,
+ gre_prov :: Provenance -- Why it's in scope
+ }
+instance Outputable GlobalRdrElt where
+ ppr gre = ppr name <+> pp_parent (nameParent_maybe name)
+ <+> parens (pprNameProvenance gre)
+ where
+ name = gre_name gre
+ pp_parent (Just p) = brackets (text "parent:" <+> ppr p)
+ pp_parent Nothing = empty
+pprGlobalRdrEnv :: GlobalRdrEnv -> SDoc
+pprGlobalRdrEnv env
+ = vcat (map pp (occEnvElts env))
+ where
+ pp gres = ppr (nameOccName (gre_name (head gres))) <> colon <+>
+ vcat [ ppr (gre_name gre) <+> pprNameProvenance gre
+ | gre <- gres]
+lookupGlobalRdrEnv :: GlobalRdrEnv -> OccName -> [GlobalRdrElt]
+lookupGlobalRdrEnv env rdr_name = case lookupOccEnv env rdr_name of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just gres -> gres
+extendGlobalRdrEnv :: GlobalRdrEnv -> GlobalRdrElt -> GlobalRdrEnv
+extendGlobalRdrEnv env gre = extendOccEnv_C add env occ [gre]
+ where
+ occ = nameOccName (gre_name gre)
+ add gres _ = gre:gres
+lookupGRE_RdrName :: RdrName -> GlobalRdrEnv -> [GlobalRdrElt]
+lookupGRE_RdrName rdr_name env
+ = case lookupOccEnv env (rdrNameOcc rdr_name) of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just gres -> pickGREs rdr_name gres
+lookupGRE_Name :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Name -> [GlobalRdrElt]
+lookupGRE_Name env name
+ = [ gre | gre <- lookupGlobalRdrEnv env (nameOccName name),
+ gre_name gre == name ]
+pickGREs :: RdrName -> [GlobalRdrElt] -> [GlobalRdrElt]
+-- Take a list of GREs which have the right OccName
+-- Pick those GREs that are suitable for this RdrName
+-- And for those, keep only only the Provenances that are suitable
+-- Consider
+-- module A ( f ) where
+-- import qualified Foo( f )
+-- import Baz( f )
+-- f = undefined
+-- Let's suppose that Foo.f and Baz.f are the same entity really.
+-- The export of f is ambiguous because it's in scope from the local def
+-- and the import. The lookup of (Unqual f) should return a GRE for
+-- the locally-defined f, and a GRE for the imported f, with a *single*
+-- provenance, namely the one for Baz(f).
+pickGREs rdr_name gres
+ = mapCatMaybes pick gres
+ where
+ is_unqual = isUnqual rdr_name
+ mod = rdrNameModule rdr_name
+ pick :: GlobalRdrElt -> Maybe GlobalRdrElt
+ pick gre@(GRE {gre_prov = LocalDef, gre_name = n}) -- Local def
+ | is_unqual || nameModule n == mod = Just gre
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ pick gre@(GRE {gre_prov = Imported [is]}) -- Single import (efficiency)
+ | is_unqual = if not (is_qual (is_decl is)) then Just gre
+ else Nothing
+ | otherwise = if mod == is_as (is_decl is) then Just gre
+ else Nothing
+ pick gre@(GRE {gre_prov = Imported is}) -- Multiple import
+ | null filtered_is = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (gre {gre_prov = Imported filtered_is})
+ where
+ filtered_is | is_unqual = filter (not . is_qual . is_decl) is
+ | otherwise = filter ((== mod) . is_as . is_decl) is
+isLocalGRE :: GlobalRdrElt -> Bool
+isLocalGRE (GRE {gre_prov = LocalDef}) = True
+isLocalGRE other = False
+unQualOK :: GlobalRdrElt -> Bool
+-- An unqualifed version of this thing is in scope
+unQualOK (GRE {gre_prov = LocalDef}) = True
+unQualOK (GRE {gre_prov = Imported is}) = not (all (is_qual . is_decl) is)
+plusGlobalRdrEnv :: GlobalRdrEnv -> GlobalRdrEnv -> GlobalRdrEnv
+plusGlobalRdrEnv env1 env2 = plusOccEnv_C (foldr insertGRE) env1 env2
+mkGlobalRdrEnv :: [GlobalRdrElt] -> GlobalRdrEnv
+mkGlobalRdrEnv gres
+ = foldr add emptyGlobalRdrEnv gres
+ where
+ add gre env = extendOccEnv_C (foldr insertGRE) env
+ (nameOccName (gre_name gre))
+ [gre]
+insertGRE :: GlobalRdrElt -> [GlobalRdrElt] -> [GlobalRdrElt]
+insertGRE new_g [] = [new_g]
+insertGRE new_g (old_g : old_gs)
+ | gre_name new_g == gre_name old_g
+ = new_g `plusGRE` old_g : old_gs
+ | otherwise
+ = old_g : insertGRE new_g old_gs
+plusGRE :: GlobalRdrElt -> GlobalRdrElt -> GlobalRdrElt
+-- Used when the gre_name fields match
+plusGRE g1 g2
+ = GRE { gre_name = gre_name g1,
+ gre_prov = gre_prov g1 `plusProv` gre_prov g2 }
+%* *
+ Provenance
+%* *
+The "provenance" of something says how it came to be in scope.
+It's quite elaborate so that we can give accurate unused-name warnings.
+data Provenance
+ = LocalDef -- Defined locally
+ | Imported -- Imported
+ [ImportSpec] -- INVARIANT: non-empty
+data ImportSpec = ImpSpec { is_decl :: ImpDeclSpec,
+ is_item :: ImpItemSpec }
+ deriving( Eq, Ord )
+data ImpDeclSpec -- Describes a particular import declaration
+ -- Shared among all the Provenaces for that decl
+ = ImpDeclSpec {
+ is_mod :: Module, -- 'import Muggle'
+ -- Note the Muggle may well not be
+ -- the defining module for this thing!
+ is_as :: Module, -- 'as M' (or 'Muggle' if there is no 'as' clause)
+ is_qual :: Bool, -- True <=> qualified (only)
+ is_dloc :: SrcSpan -- Location of import declaration
+ }
+data ImpItemSpec -- Describes import info a particular Name
+ = ImpAll -- The import had no import list,
+ -- or had a hiding list
+ | ImpSome { -- The import had an import list
+ is_explicit :: Bool,
+ is_iloc :: SrcSpan -- Location of the import item
+ }
+ -- The is_explicit field is True iff the thing was named
+ -- *explicitly* in the import specs rather
+ -- than being imported as part of a "..." group
+ -- e.g. import C( T(..) )
+ -- Here the constructors of T are not named explicitly;
+ -- only T is named explicitly.
+importSpecLoc :: ImportSpec -> SrcSpan
+importSpecLoc (ImpSpec decl ImpAll) = is_dloc decl
+importSpecLoc (ImpSpec _ item) = is_iloc item
+importSpecModule :: ImportSpec -> Module
+importSpecModule is = is_mod (is_decl is)
+-- Note [Comparing provenance]
+-- Comparison of provenance is just used for grouping
+-- error messages (in RnEnv.warnUnusedBinds)
+instance Eq Provenance where
+ p1 == p2 = case p1 `compare` p2 of EQ -> True; _ -> False
+instance Eq ImpDeclSpec where
+ p1 == p2 = case p1 `compare` p2 of EQ -> True; _ -> False
+instance Eq ImpItemSpec where
+ p1 == p2 = case p1 `compare` p2 of EQ -> True; _ -> False
+instance Ord Provenance where
+ compare LocalDef LocalDef = EQ
+ compare LocalDef (Imported _) = LT
+ compare (Imported _ ) LocalDef = GT
+ compare (Imported is1) (Imported is2) = compare (head is1)
+ {- See Note [Comparing provenance] -} (head is2)
+instance Ord ImpDeclSpec where
+ compare is1 is2 = (is_mod is1 `compare` is_mod is2) `thenCmp`
+ (is_dloc is1 `compare` is_dloc is2)
+instance Ord ImpItemSpec where
+ compare is1 is2 = is_iloc is1 `compare` is_iloc is2
+plusProv :: Provenance -> Provenance -> Provenance
+-- Choose LocalDef over Imported
+-- There is an obscure bug lurking here; in the presence
+-- of recursive modules, something can be imported *and* locally
+-- defined, and one might refer to it with a qualified name from
+-- the import -- but I'm going to ignore that because it makes
+-- the isLocalGRE predicate so much nicer this way
+plusProv LocalDef LocalDef = panic "plusProv"
+plusProv LocalDef p2 = LocalDef
+plusProv p1 LocalDef = LocalDef
+plusProv (Imported is1) (Imported is2) = Imported (is1++is2)
+pprNameProvenance :: GlobalRdrElt -> SDoc
+-- Print out the place where the name was imported
+pprNameProvenance (GRE {gre_name = name, gre_prov = LocalDef})
+ = ptext SLIT("defined at") <+> ppr (nameSrcLoc name)
+pprNameProvenance (GRE {gre_name = name, gre_prov = Imported (why:whys)})
+ = sep [ppr why, nest 2 (ppr_defn (nameSrcLoc name))]
+-- If we know the exact definition point (which we may do with GHCi)
+-- then show that too. But not if it's just "imported from X".
+ppr_defn loc | isGoodSrcLoc loc = parens (ptext SLIT("defined at") <+> ppr loc)
+ | otherwise = empty
+instance Outputable ImportSpec where
+ ppr imp_spec@(ImpSpec imp_decl _)
+ = ptext SLIT("imported from") <+> ppr (is_mod imp_decl)
+ <+> ptext SLIT("at") <+> ppr (importSpecLoc imp_spec)
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51d4318b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1992-2003
+%* *
+\section[SrcLoc]{The @SrcLoc@ type}
+%* *
+module SrcLoc (
+ SrcLoc, -- Abstract
+ mkSrcLoc, isGoodSrcLoc, mkGeneralSrcLoc,
+ noSrcLoc, -- "I'm sorry, I haven't a clue"
+ advanceSrcLoc,
+ importedSrcLoc, -- Unknown place in an interface
+ wiredInSrcLoc, -- Something wired into the compiler
+ generatedSrcLoc, -- Code generated within the compiler
+ interactiveSrcLoc, -- Code from an interactive session
+ srcLocFile, -- return the file name part
+ srcLocLine, -- return the line part
+ srcLocCol, -- return the column part
+ pprDefnLoc,
+ SrcSpan, -- Abstract
+ noSrcSpan,
+ mkGeneralSrcSpan,
+ isGoodSrcSpan,
+ mkSrcSpan, srcLocSpan,
+ combineSrcSpans,
+ srcSpanFile,
+ srcSpanStartLine, srcSpanEndLine,
+ srcSpanStartCol, srcSpanEndCol,
+ srcSpanStart, srcSpanEnd,
+ Located(..), getLoc, unLoc, noLoc, eqLocated, cmpLocated, combineLocs, addCLoc
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Util ( thenCmp )
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+%* *
+\subsection[SrcLoc-SrcLocations]{Source-location information}
+%* *
+We keep information about the {\em definition} point for each entity;
+this is the obvious stuff:
+data SrcLoc
+ = SrcLoc FastString -- A precise location (file name)
+ !Int -- line number, begins at 1
+ !Int -- column number, begins at 0
+ -- Don't ask me why lines start at 1 and columns start at
+ -- zero. That's just the way it is, so there. --SDM
+ | ImportedLoc String -- Module name
+ | UnhelpfulLoc FastString -- Just a general indication
+Note that an entity might be imported via more than one route, and
+there could be more than one ``definition point'' --- in two or more
+\tr{.hi} files. We deemed it probably-unworthwhile to cater for this
+rare case.
+%* *
+\subsection[SrcLoc-access-fns]{Access functions for names}
+%* *
+Things to make 'em:
+mkSrcLoc x line col = SrcLoc x line col
+noSrcLoc = UnhelpfulLoc FSLIT("<no location info>")
+generatedSrcLoc = UnhelpfulLoc FSLIT("<compiler-generated code>")
+wiredInSrcLoc = UnhelpfulLoc FSLIT("<wired into compiler>")
+interactiveSrcLoc = UnhelpfulLoc FSLIT("<interactive session>")
+mkGeneralSrcLoc :: FastString -> SrcLoc
+mkGeneralSrcLoc = UnhelpfulLoc
+importedSrcLoc :: String -> SrcLoc
+importedSrcLoc mod_name = ImportedLoc mod_name
+isGoodSrcLoc (SrcLoc _ _ _) = True
+isGoodSrcLoc other = False
+srcLocFile :: SrcLoc -> FastString
+srcLocFile (SrcLoc fname _ _) = fname
+srcLocFile other = FSLIT("<unknown file")
+srcLocLine :: SrcLoc -> Int
+srcLocLine (SrcLoc _ l c) = l
+srcLocLine other = panic "srcLocLine: unknown line"
+srcLocCol :: SrcLoc -> Int
+srcLocCol (SrcLoc _ l c) = c
+srcLocCol other = panic "srcLocCol: unknown col"
+advanceSrcLoc :: SrcLoc -> Char -> SrcLoc
+advanceSrcLoc (SrcLoc f l c) '\n' = SrcLoc f (l + 1) 0
+advanceSrcLoc (SrcLoc f l c) _ = SrcLoc f l (c + 1)
+advanceSrcLoc loc _ = loc -- Better than nothing
+%* *
+\subsection[SrcLoc-instances]{Instance declarations for various names}
+%* *
+-- SrcLoc is an instance of Ord so that we can sort error messages easily
+instance Eq SrcLoc where
+ loc1 == loc2 = case loc1 `cmpSrcLoc` loc2 of
+ EQ -> True
+ other -> False
+instance Ord SrcLoc where
+ compare = cmpSrcLoc
+cmpSrcLoc (UnhelpfulLoc s1) (UnhelpfulLoc s2) = s1 `compare` s2
+cmpSrcLoc (UnhelpfulLoc _) other = LT
+cmpSrcLoc (ImportedLoc _) (UnhelpfulLoc _) = GT
+cmpSrcLoc (ImportedLoc m1) (ImportedLoc m2) = m1 `compare` m2
+cmpSrcLoc (ImportedLoc _) other = LT
+cmpSrcLoc (SrcLoc s1 l1 c1) (SrcLoc s2 l2 c2)
+ = (s1 `compare` s2) `thenCmp` (l1 `cmpline` l2) `thenCmp` (c1 `cmpline` c2)
+ where
+ l1 `cmpline` l2 | l1 < l2 = LT
+ | l1 == l2 = EQ
+ | otherwise = GT
+cmpSrcLoc (SrcLoc _ _ _) other = GT
+instance Outputable SrcLoc where
+ ppr (SrcLoc src_path src_line src_col)
+ = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
+ if userStyle sty || debugStyle sty then
+ hcat [ ftext src_path, char ':',
+ int src_line,
+ char ':', int src_col
+ ]
+ else
+ hcat [text "{-# LINE ", int src_line, space,
+ char '\"', ftext src_path, text " #-}"]
+ ppr (ImportedLoc mod) = ptext SLIT("Imported from") <+> text mod
+ ppr (UnhelpfulLoc s) = ftext s
+%* *
+\subsection[SrcSpan]{Source Spans}
+%* *
+{- |
+A SrcSpan delimits a portion of a text file. It could be represented
+by a pair of (line,column) coordinates, but in fact we optimise
+slightly by using more compact representations for single-line and
+zero-length spans, both of which are quite common.
+The end position is defined to be the column *after* the end of the
+span. That is, a span of (1,1)-(1,2) is one character long, and a
+span of (1,1)-(1,1) is zero characters long.
+data SrcSpan
+ = SrcSpanOneLine -- a common case: a single line
+ { srcSpanFile :: FastString,
+ srcSpanLine :: !Int,
+ srcSpanSCol :: !Int,
+ srcSpanECol :: !Int
+ }
+ | SrcSpanMultiLine
+ { srcSpanFile :: FastString,
+ srcSpanSLine :: !Int,
+ srcSpanSCol :: !Int,
+ srcSpanELine :: !Int,
+ srcSpanECol :: !Int
+ }
+ | SrcSpanPoint
+ { srcSpanFile :: FastString,
+ srcSpanLine :: !Int,
+ srcSpanCol :: !Int
+ }
+ | ImportedSpan String -- Module name
+ | UnhelpfulSpan FastString -- Just a general indication
+ -- also used to indicate an empty span
+ deriving Eq
+-- We want to order SrcSpans first by the start point, then by the end point.
+instance Ord SrcSpan where
+ a `compare` b =
+ (srcSpanStart a `compare` srcSpanStart b) `thenCmp`
+ (srcSpanEnd a `compare` srcSpanEnd b)
+noSrcSpan = UnhelpfulSpan FSLIT("<no location info>")
+mkGeneralSrcSpan :: FastString -> SrcSpan
+mkGeneralSrcSpan = UnhelpfulSpan
+isGoodSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine{} = True
+isGoodSrcSpan SrcSpanMultiLine{} = True
+isGoodSrcSpan SrcSpanPoint{} = True
+isGoodSrcSpan _ = False
+srcSpanStartLine SrcSpanOneLine{ srcSpanLine=l } = l
+srcSpanStartLine SrcSpanMultiLine{ srcSpanSLine=l } = l
+srcSpanStartLine SrcSpanPoint{ srcSpanLine=l } = l
+srcSpanStartLine _ = panic "SrcLoc.srcSpanStartLine"
+srcSpanEndLine SrcSpanOneLine{ srcSpanLine=l } = l
+srcSpanEndLine SrcSpanMultiLine{ srcSpanELine=l } = l
+srcSpanEndLine SrcSpanPoint{ srcSpanLine=l } = l
+srcSpanEndLine _ = panic "SrcLoc.srcSpanEndLine"
+srcSpanStartCol SrcSpanOneLine{ srcSpanSCol=l } = l
+srcSpanStartCol SrcSpanMultiLine{ srcSpanSCol=l } = l
+srcSpanStartCol SrcSpanPoint{ srcSpanCol=l } = l
+srcSpanStartCol _ = panic "SrcLoc.srcSpanStartCol"
+srcSpanEndCol SrcSpanOneLine{ srcSpanECol=c } = c
+srcSpanEndCol SrcSpanMultiLine{ srcSpanECol=c } = c
+srcSpanEndCol SrcSpanPoint{ srcSpanCol=c } = c
+srcSpanEndCol _ = panic "SrcLoc.srcSpanEndCol"
+srcSpanStart (ImportedSpan str) = ImportedLoc str
+srcSpanStart (UnhelpfulSpan str) = UnhelpfulLoc str
+srcSpanStart s =
+ mkSrcLoc (srcSpanFile s)
+ (srcSpanStartLine s)
+ (srcSpanStartCol s)
+srcSpanEnd (ImportedSpan str) = ImportedLoc str
+srcSpanEnd (UnhelpfulSpan str) = UnhelpfulLoc str
+srcSpanEnd s =
+ mkSrcLoc (srcSpanFile s)
+ (srcSpanEndLine s)
+ (srcSpanEndCol s)
+srcLocSpan :: SrcLoc -> SrcSpan
+srcLocSpan (ImportedLoc str) = ImportedSpan str
+srcLocSpan (UnhelpfulLoc str) = UnhelpfulSpan str
+srcLocSpan (SrcLoc file line col) = SrcSpanPoint file line col
+mkSrcSpan :: SrcLoc -> SrcLoc -> SrcSpan
+mkSrcSpan (ImportedLoc str) _ = ImportedSpan str
+mkSrcSpan (UnhelpfulLoc str) _ = UnhelpfulSpan str
+mkSrcSpan _ (ImportedLoc str) = ImportedSpan str
+mkSrcSpan _ (UnhelpfulLoc str) = UnhelpfulSpan str
+mkSrcSpan loc1 loc2
+ | line1 == line2 = if col1 == col2
+ then SrcSpanPoint file line1 col1
+ else SrcSpanOneLine file line1 col1 col2
+ | otherwise = SrcSpanMultiLine file line1 col1 line2 col2
+ where
+ line1 = srcLocLine loc1
+ line2 = srcLocLine loc2
+ col1 = srcLocCol loc1
+ col2 = srcLocCol loc2
+ file = srcLocFile loc1
+combineSrcSpans :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> SrcSpan
+-- Assumes the 'file' part is the same in both
+combineSrcSpans (ImportedSpan str) _ = ImportedSpan str
+combineSrcSpans (UnhelpfulSpan str) r = r -- this seems more useful
+combineSrcSpans _ (ImportedSpan str) = ImportedSpan str
+combineSrcSpans l (UnhelpfulSpan str) = l
+combineSrcSpans start end
+ = case line1 `compare` line2 of
+ EQ -> case col1 `compare` col2 of
+ EQ -> SrcSpanPoint file line1 col1
+ LT -> SrcSpanOneLine file line1 col1 col2
+ GT -> SrcSpanOneLine file line1 col2 col1
+ LT -> SrcSpanMultiLine file line1 col1 line2 col2
+ GT -> SrcSpanMultiLine file line2 col2 line1 col1
+ where
+ line1 = srcSpanStartLine start
+ col1 = srcSpanStartCol start
+ line2 = srcSpanEndLine end
+ col2 = srcSpanEndCol end
+ file = srcSpanFile start
+pprDefnLoc :: SrcLoc -> SDoc
+-- "defined at ..." or "imported from ..."
+pprDefnLoc loc
+ | isGoodSrcLoc loc = ptext SLIT("Defined at") <+> ppr loc
+ | otherwise = ppr loc
+instance Outputable SrcSpan where
+ ppr span
+ = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
+ if userStyle sty || debugStyle sty then
+ pprUserSpan span
+ else
+ hcat [text "{-# LINE ", int (srcSpanStartLine span), space,
+ char '\"', ftext (srcSpanFile span), text " #-}"]
+pprUserSpan (SrcSpanOneLine src_path line start_col end_col)
+ = hcat [ ftext src_path, char ':',
+ int line,
+ char ':', int start_col
+ ]
+ <> if end_col - start_col <= 1
+ then empty
+ -- for single-character or point spans, we just output the starting
+ -- column number
+ else char '-' <> int (end_col-1)
+pprUserSpan (SrcSpanMultiLine src_path sline scol eline ecol)
+ = hcat [ ftext src_path, char ':',
+ parens (int sline <> char ',' <> int scol),
+ char '-',
+ parens (int eline <> char ',' <>
+ if ecol == 0 then int ecol else int (ecol-1))
+ ]
+pprUserSpan (SrcSpanPoint src_path line col)
+ = hcat [ ftext src_path, char ':',
+ int line,
+ char ':', int col
+ ]
+pprUserSpan (ImportedSpan mod) = ptext SLIT("Imported from") <+> quotes (text mod)
+pprUserSpan (UnhelpfulSpan s) = ftext s
+%* *
+\subsection[Located]{Attaching SrcSpans to things}
+%* *
+-- | We attach SrcSpans to lots of things, so let's have a datatype for it.
+data Located e = L SrcSpan e
+unLoc :: Located e -> e
+unLoc (L _ e) = e
+getLoc :: Located e -> SrcSpan
+getLoc (L l _) = l
+noLoc :: e -> Located e
+noLoc e = L noSrcSpan e
+combineLocs :: Located a -> Located b -> SrcSpan
+combineLocs a b = combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) (getLoc b)
+addCLoc :: Located a -> Located b -> c -> Located c
+addCLoc a b c = L (combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) (getLoc b)) c
+-- not clear whether to add a general Eq instance, but this is useful sometimes:
+eqLocated :: Eq a => Located a -> Located a -> Bool
+eqLocated a b = unLoc a == unLoc b
+-- not clear whether to add a general Eq instance, but this is useful sometimes:
+cmpLocated :: Ord a => Located a -> Located a -> Ordering
+cmpLocated a b = unLoc a `compare` unLoc b
+instance Functor Located where
+ fmap f (L l e) = L l (f e)
+instance Outputable e => Outputable (Located e) where
+ ppr (L span e) = ppr e
+ -- do we want to dump the span in debugSty mode?
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41ad5c0f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[UniqSupply]{The @UniqueSupply@ data type and a (monadic) supply thereof}
+module UniqSupply (
+ UniqSupply, -- Abstractly
+ uniqFromSupply, uniqsFromSupply, -- basic ops
+ UniqSM, -- type: unique supply monad
+ initUs, initUs_, thenUs, thenUs_, returnUs, fixUs, getUs, withUs,
+ getUniqueUs, getUniquesUs,
+ mapUs, mapAndUnzipUs, mapAndUnzip3Us,
+ thenMaybeUs, mapAccumLUs,
+ lazyThenUs, lazyMapUs,
+ mkSplitUniqSupply,
+ splitUniqSupply
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Unique
+import GLAEXTS
+import UNSAFE_IO ( unsafeInterleaveIO )
+w2i x = word2Int# x
+i2w x = int2Word# x
+i2w_s x = (x :: Int#)
+%* *
+\subsection{Splittable Unique supply: @UniqSupply@}
+%* *
+A value of type @UniqSupply@ is unique, and it can
+supply {\em one} distinct @Unique@. Also, from the supply, one can
+also manufacture an arbitrary number of further @UniqueSupplies@,
+which will be distinct from the first and from all others.
+data UniqSupply
+ = MkSplitUniqSupply Int -- make the Unique with this
+ UniqSupply UniqSupply
+ -- when split => these two supplies
+mkSplitUniqSupply :: Char -> IO UniqSupply
+splitUniqSupply :: UniqSupply -> (UniqSupply, UniqSupply)
+uniqFromSupply :: UniqSupply -> Unique
+uniqsFromSupply :: UniqSupply -> [Unique] -- Infinite
+mkSplitUniqSupply (C# c#)
+ = let
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 503
+ mask# = (i2w (ord# c#)) `uncheckedShiftL#` (i2w_s 24#)
+ mask# = (i2w (ord# c#)) `shiftL#` (i2w_s 24#)
+ -- here comes THE MAGIC:
+ -- This is one of the most hammered bits in the whole compiler
+ mk_supply#
+ = unsafeInterleaveIO (
+ mk_unique >>= \ uniq ->
+ mk_supply# >>= \ s1 ->
+ mk_supply# >>= \ s2 ->
+ return (MkSplitUniqSupply uniq s1 s2)
+ )
+ mk_unique = genSymZh >>= \ (W# u#) ->
+ return (I# (w2i (mask# `or#` u#)))
+ in
+ mk_supply#
+foreign import ccall unsafe "genSymZh" genSymZh :: IO Word
+splitUniqSupply (MkSplitUniqSupply _ s1 s2) = (s1, s2)
+uniqFromSupply (MkSplitUniqSupply n _ _) = mkUniqueGrimily n
+uniqsFromSupply (MkSplitUniqSupply n _ s2) = mkUniqueGrimily n : uniqsFromSupply s2
+%* *
+\subsubsection[UniqSupply-monad]{@UniqSupply@ monad: @UniqSM@}
+%* *
+type UniqSM result = UniqSupply -> (result, UniqSupply)
+-- the initUs function also returns the final UniqSupply; initUs_ drops it
+initUs :: UniqSupply -> UniqSM a -> (a,UniqSupply)
+initUs init_us m = case m init_us of { (r,us) -> (r,us) }
+initUs_ :: UniqSupply -> UniqSM a -> a
+initUs_ init_us m = case m init_us of { (r,us) -> r }
+{-# INLINE thenUs #-}
+{-# INLINE lazyThenUs #-}
+{-# INLINE returnUs #-}
+{-# INLINE splitUniqSupply #-}
+@thenUs@ is where we split the @UniqSupply@.
+fixUs :: (a -> UniqSM a) -> UniqSM a
+fixUs m us
+ = (r,us') where (r,us') = m r us
+thenUs :: UniqSM a -> (a -> UniqSM b) -> UniqSM b
+thenUs expr cont us
+ = case (expr us) of { (result, us') -> cont result us' }
+lazyThenUs :: UniqSM a -> (a -> UniqSM b) -> UniqSM b
+lazyThenUs expr cont us
+ = let (result, us') = expr us in cont result us'
+thenUs_ :: UniqSM a -> UniqSM b -> UniqSM b
+thenUs_ expr cont us
+ = case (expr us) of { (_, us') -> cont us' }
+returnUs :: a -> UniqSM a
+returnUs result us = (result, us)
+withUs :: (UniqSupply -> (a, UniqSupply)) -> UniqSM a
+withUs f us = f us -- Ha ha!
+getUs :: UniqSM UniqSupply
+getUs us = splitUniqSupply us
+getUniqueUs :: UniqSM Unique
+getUniqueUs us = case splitUniqSupply us of
+ (us1,us2) -> (uniqFromSupply us1, us2)
+getUniquesUs :: UniqSM [Unique]
+getUniquesUs us = case splitUniqSupply us of
+ (us1,us2) -> (uniqsFromSupply us1, us2)
+mapUs :: (a -> UniqSM b) -> [a] -> UniqSM [b]
+mapUs f [] = returnUs []
+mapUs f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenUs` \ r ->
+ mapUs f xs `thenUs` \ rs ->
+ returnUs (r:rs)
+lazyMapUs :: (a -> UniqSM b) -> [a] -> UniqSM [b]
+lazyMapUs f [] = returnUs []
+lazyMapUs f (x:xs)
+ = f x `lazyThenUs` \ r ->
+ lazyMapUs f xs `lazyThenUs` \ rs ->
+ returnUs (r:rs)
+mapAndUnzipUs :: (a -> UniqSM (b,c)) -> [a] -> UniqSM ([b],[c])
+mapAndUnzip3Us :: (a -> UniqSM (b,c,d)) -> [a] -> UniqSM ([b],[c],[d])
+mapAndUnzipUs f [] = returnUs ([],[])
+mapAndUnzipUs f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenUs` \ (r1, r2) ->
+ mapAndUnzipUs f xs `thenUs` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
+ returnUs (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
+mapAndUnzip3Us f [] = returnUs ([],[],[])
+mapAndUnzip3Us f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenUs` \ (r1, r2, r3) ->
+ mapAndUnzip3Us f xs `thenUs` \ (rs1, rs2, rs3) ->
+ returnUs (r1:rs1, r2:rs2, r3:rs3)
+thenMaybeUs :: UniqSM (Maybe a) -> (a -> UniqSM (Maybe b)) -> UniqSM (Maybe b)
+thenMaybeUs m k
+ = m `thenUs` \ result ->
+ case result of
+ Nothing -> returnUs Nothing
+ Just x -> k x
+mapAccumLUs :: (acc -> x -> UniqSM (acc, y))
+ -> acc
+ -> [x]
+ -> UniqSM (acc, [y])
+mapAccumLUs f b [] = returnUs (b, [])
+mapAccumLUs f b (x:xs)
+ = f b x `thenUs` \ (b__2, x__2) ->
+ mapAccumLUs f b__2 xs `thenUs` \ (b__3, xs__2) ->
+ returnUs (b__3, x__2:xs__2)
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..874328863e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+@Uniques@ are used to distinguish entities in the compiler (@Ids@,
+@Classes@, etc.) from each other. Thus, @Uniques@ are the basic
+comparison key in the compiler.
+If there is any single operation that needs to be fast, it is @Unique@
+comparison. Unsurprisingly, there is quite a bit of huff-and-puff
+directed to that end.
+Some of the other hair in this code is to be able to use a
+``splittable @UniqueSupply@'' if requested/possible (not standard
+module Unique (
+ Unique, Uniquable(..), hasKey,
+ pprUnique,
+ mkUnique, -- Used in UniqSupply
+ mkUniqueGrimily, -- Used in UniqSupply only!
+ getKey, getKey#, -- Used in Var, UniqFM, Name only!
+ incrUnique, -- Used for renumbering
+ deriveUnique, -- Ditto
+ newTagUnique, -- Used in CgCase
+ initTyVarUnique,
+ isTupleKey,
+ -- now all the built-in Uniques (and functions to make them)
+ -- [the Oh-So-Wonderful Haskell module system wins again...]
+ mkAlphaTyVarUnique,
+ mkPrimOpIdUnique,
+ mkTupleTyConUnique, mkTupleDataConUnique,
+ mkPreludeMiscIdUnique, mkPreludeDataConUnique,
+ mkPreludeTyConUnique, mkPreludeClassUnique,
+ mkPArrDataConUnique,
+ mkBuiltinUnique,
+ mkPseudoUniqueC,
+ mkPseudoUniqueD,
+ mkPseudoUniqueE,
+ mkPseudoUniqueH
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import BasicTypes ( Boxity(..) )
+import PackageConfig ( PackageId, packageIdFS )
+import FastString ( FastString, uniqueOfFS )
+import Outputable
+import FastTypes
+import GLAEXTS
+import Char ( chr, ord )
+%* *
+\subsection[Unique-type]{@Unique@ type and operations}
+%* *
+The @Chars@ are ``tag letters'' that identify the @UniqueSupply@.
+Fast comparison is everything on @Uniques@:
+data Unique = MkUnique Int#
+Now come the functions which construct uniques from their pieces, and vice versa.
+The stuff about unique *supplies* is handled further down this module.
+mkUnique :: Char -> Int -> Unique -- Builds a unique from pieces
+unpkUnique :: Unique -> (Char, Int) -- The reverse
+mkUniqueGrimily :: Int -> Unique -- A trap-door for UniqSupply
+getKey :: Unique -> Int -- for Var
+getKey# :: Unique -> Int# -- for Var
+incrUnique :: Unique -> Unique
+deriveUnique :: Unique -> Int -> Unique
+newTagUnique :: Unique -> Char -> Unique
+isTupleKey :: Unique -> Bool
+mkUniqueGrimily (I# x) = MkUnique x
+{-# INLINE getKey #-}
+getKey (MkUnique x) = I# x
+{-# INLINE getKey# #-}
+getKey# (MkUnique x) = x
+incrUnique (MkUnique i) = MkUnique (i +# 1#)
+-- deriveUnique uses an 'X' tag so that it won't clash with
+-- any of the uniques produced any other way
+deriveUnique (MkUnique i) delta = mkUnique 'X' (I# i + delta)
+-- newTagUnique changes the "domain" of a unique to a different char
+newTagUnique u c = mkUnique c i where (_,i) = unpkUnique u
+-- pop the Char in the top 8 bits of the Unique(Supply)
+-- No 64-bit bugs here, as long as we have at least 32 bits. --JSM
+w2i x = word2Int# x
+i2w x = int2Word# x
+i2w_s x = (x::Int#)
+mkUnique (C# c) (I# i)
+ = MkUnique (w2i (tag `or#` bits))
+ where
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 503
+ tag = i2w (ord# c) `uncheckedShiftL#` i2w_s 24#
+ tag = i2w (ord# c) `shiftL#` i2w_s 24#
+ bits = i2w i `and#` (i2w 16777215#){-``0x00ffffff''-}
+unpkUnique (MkUnique u)
+ = let
+ tag = C# (chr# (w2i ((i2w u) `shiftr` (i2w_s 24#))))
+ i = I# (w2i ((i2w u) `and#` (i2w 16777215#){-``0x00ffffff''-}))
+ in
+ (tag, i)
+ where
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 503
+ shiftr x y = uncheckedShiftRL# x y
+ shiftr x y = shiftRL# x y
+%* *
+\subsection[Uniquable-class]{The @Uniquable@ class}
+%* *
+class Uniquable a where
+ getUnique :: a -> Unique
+hasKey :: Uniquable a => a -> Unique -> Bool
+x `hasKey` k = getUnique x == k
+instance Uniquable FastString where
+ getUnique fs = mkUniqueGrimily (I# (uniqueOfFS fs))
+instance Uniquable PackageId where
+ getUnique pid = getUnique (packageIdFS pid)
+instance Uniquable Int where
+ getUnique i = mkUniqueGrimily i
+%* *
+\subsection[Unique-instances]{Instance declarations for @Unique@}
+%* *
+And the whole point (besides uniqueness) is fast equality. We don't
+use `deriving' because we want {\em precise} control of ordering
+(equality on @Uniques@ is v common).
+eqUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2) = u1 ==# u2
+ltUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2) = u1 <# u2
+leUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2) = u1 <=# u2
+cmpUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2)
+ = if u1 ==# u2 then EQ else if u1 <# u2 then LT else GT
+instance Eq Unique where
+ a == b = eqUnique a b
+ a /= b = not (eqUnique a b)
+instance Ord Unique where
+ a < b = ltUnique a b
+ a <= b = leUnique a b
+ a > b = not (leUnique a b)
+ a >= b = not (ltUnique a b)
+ compare a b = cmpUnique a b
+instance Uniquable Unique where
+ getUnique u = u
+We do sometimes make strings with @Uniques@ in them:
+pprUnique :: Unique -> SDoc
+pprUnique uniq
+ = case unpkUnique uniq of
+ (tag, u) -> finish_ppr tag u (text (iToBase62 u))
+#ifdef UNUSED
+pprUnique10 :: Unique -> SDoc
+pprUnique10 uniq -- in base-10, dudes
+ = case unpkUnique uniq of
+ (tag, u) -> finish_ppr tag u (int u)
+finish_ppr 't' u pp_u | u < 26
+ = -- Special case to make v common tyvars, t1, t2, ...
+ -- come out as a, b, ... (shorter, easier to read)
+ char (chr (ord 'a' + u))
+finish_ppr tag u pp_u = char tag <> pp_u
+instance Outputable Unique where
+ ppr u = pprUnique u
+instance Show Unique where
+ showsPrec p uniq = showsPrecSDoc p (pprUnique uniq)
+%* *
+\subsection[Utils-base62]{Base-62 numbers}
+%* *
+A character-stingy way to read/write numbers (notably Uniques).
+The ``62-its'' are \tr{[0-9a-zA-Z]}. We don't handle negative Ints.
+Code stolen from Lennart.
+iToBase62 :: Int -> String
+iToBase62 n@(I# n#)
+ = ASSERT(n >= 0) go n# ""
+ where
+ go n# cs | n# <# 62#
+ = case (indexCharOffAddr# chars62# n#) of { c# -> C# c# : cs }
+ | otherwise
+ = case (quotRem (I# n#) 62) of { (I# q#, I# r#) ->
+ case (indexCharOffAddr# chars62# r#) of { c# ->
+ go q# (C# c# : cs) }}
+ chars62# = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"#
+%* *
+\subsection[Uniques-prelude]{@Uniques@ for wired-in Prelude things}
+%* *
+Allocation of unique supply characters:
+ v,t,u : for renumbering value-, type- and usage- vars.
+ B: builtin
+ C-E: pseudo uniques (used in native-code generator)
+ X: uniques derived by deriveUnique
+ _: unifiable tyvars (above)
+ 0-9: prelude things below
+ other a-z: lower case chars for unique supplies. Used so far:
+ d desugarer
+ f AbsC flattener
+ g SimplStg
+ l ndpFlatten
+ n Native codegen
+ r Hsc name cache
+ s simplifier
+mkAlphaTyVarUnique i = mkUnique '1' i
+mkPreludeClassUnique i = mkUnique '2' i
+-- Prelude type constructors occupy *three* slots.
+-- The first is for the tycon itself; the latter two
+-- are for the generic to/from Ids. See TysWiredIn.mk_tc_gen_info.
+mkPreludeTyConUnique i = mkUnique '3' (3*i)
+mkTupleTyConUnique Boxed a = mkUnique '4' (3*a)
+mkTupleTyConUnique Unboxed a = mkUnique '5' (3*a)
+-- Data constructor keys occupy *two* slots. The first is used for the
+-- data constructor itself and its wrapper function (the function that
+-- evaluates arguments as necessary and calls the worker). The second is
+-- used for the worker function (the function that builds the constructor
+-- representation).
+mkPreludeDataConUnique i = mkUnique '6' (2*i) -- Must be alphabetic
+mkTupleDataConUnique Boxed a = mkUnique '7' (2*a) -- ditto (*may* be used in C labels)
+mkTupleDataConUnique Unboxed a = mkUnique '8' (2*a)
+-- This one is used for a tiresome reason
+-- to improve a consistency-checking error check in the renamer
+isTupleKey u = case unpkUnique u of
+ (tag,_) -> tag == '4' || tag == '5' || tag == '7' || tag == '8'
+mkPrimOpIdUnique op = mkUnique '9' op
+mkPreludeMiscIdUnique i = mkUnique '0' i
+-- No numbers left anymore, so I pick something different for the character
+-- tag
+mkPArrDataConUnique a = mkUnique ':' (2*a)
+-- The "tyvar uniques" print specially nicely: a, b, c, etc.
+-- See pprUnique for details
+initTyVarUnique :: Unique
+initTyVarUnique = mkUnique 't' 0
+mkPseudoUniqueC, mkPseudoUniqueD, mkPseudoUniqueE, mkPseudoUniqueH,
+ mkBuiltinUnique :: Int -> Unique
+mkBuiltinUnique i = mkUnique 'B' i
+mkPseudoUniqueC i = mkUnique 'C' i -- used for getUnique on Regs
+mkPseudoUniqueD i = mkUnique 'D' i -- used in NCG for getUnique on RealRegs
+mkPseudoUniqueE i = mkUnique 'E' i -- used in NCG spiller to create spill VirtualRegs
+mkPseudoUniqueH i = mkUnique 'H' i -- used in NCG spiller to create spill VirtualRegs
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Var.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Var.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60fdf3831c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Var.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section{@Vars@: Variables}
+module Var (
+ Var,
+ varName, varUnique,
+ setVarName, setVarUnique,
+ -- TyVars
+ TyVar, mkTyVar, mkTcTyVar,
+ tyVarName, tyVarKind,
+ setTyVarName, setTyVarUnique,
+ tcTyVarDetails,
+ -- Ids
+ Id, DictId,
+ idName, idType, idUnique, idInfo, modifyIdInfo, maybeModifyIdInfo,
+ setIdName, setIdUnique, setIdType, setIdInfo, lazySetIdInfo,
+ setIdExported, setIdNotExported,
+ globalIdDetails, globaliseId,
+ mkLocalId, mkExportedLocalId, mkGlobalId,
+ isTyVar, isTcTyVar, isId, isLocalVar, isLocalId,
+ isGlobalId, isExportedId,
+ mustHaveLocalBinding
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TypeRep( Type )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TcType( TcTyVarDetails, pprTcTyVarDetails )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} IdInfo( GlobalIdDetails, notGlobalId, IdInfo, seqIdInfo )
+import Name ( Name, NamedThing(..),
+ setNameUnique, nameUnique
+ )
+import Kind ( Kind )
+import Unique ( Unique, Uniquable(..), mkUniqueGrimily, getKey# )
+import FastTypes
+import Outputable
+%* *
+\subsection{The main data type declarations}
+%* *
+Every @Var@ has a @Unique@, to uniquify it and for fast comparison, a
+@Type@, and an @IdInfo@ (non-essential info about it, e.g.,
+strictness). The essential info about different kinds of @Vars@ is
+in its @VarDetails@.
+data Var
+ = TyVar {
+ varName :: !Name,
+ realUnique :: FastInt, -- Key for fast comparison
+ -- Identical to the Unique in the name,
+ -- cached here for speed
+ tyVarKind :: Kind }
+ | TcTyVar { -- Used only during type inference
+ varName :: !Name,
+ realUnique :: FastInt,
+ tyVarKind :: Kind,
+ tcTyVarDetails :: TcTyVarDetails }
+ | GlobalId { -- Used for imported Ids, dict selectors etc
+ varName :: !Name,
+ realUnique :: FastInt,
+ idType :: Type,
+ idInfo :: IdInfo,
+ gblDetails :: GlobalIdDetails }
+ | LocalId { -- Used for locally-defined Ids (see NOTE below)
+ varName :: !Name,
+ realUnique :: FastInt,
+ idType :: Type,
+ idInfo :: IdInfo,
+ lclDetails :: LocalIdDetails }
+data LocalIdDetails
+ = NotExported -- Not exported
+ | Exported -- Exported
+ -- Exported Ids are kept alive;
+ -- NotExported things may be discarded as dead code.
+LocalId and GlobalId
+A GlobalId is
+ * always a constant (top-level)
+ * imported, or data constructor, or primop, or record selector
+ * has a Unique that is globally unique across the whole
+ GHC invocation (a single invocation may compile multiple modules)
+A LocalId is
+ * bound within an expression (lambda, case, local let(rec))
+ * or defined at top level in the module being compiled
+After CoreTidy, top-level LocalIds are turned into GlobalIds
+instance Outputable Var where
+ ppr var = ppr (varName var) <+> ifPprDebug (brackets extra)
+ where
+ extra = case var of
+ GlobalId {} -> ptext SLIT("gid")
+ LocalId {} -> ptext SLIT("lid")
+ TyVar {} -> ptext SLIT("tv")
+ TcTyVar {tcTyVarDetails = details} -> pprTcTyVarDetails details
+instance Show Var where
+ showsPrec p var = showsPrecSDoc p (ppr var)
+instance NamedThing Var where
+ getName = varName
+instance Uniquable Var where
+ getUnique = varUnique
+instance Eq Var where
+ a == b = realUnique a ==# realUnique b
+instance Ord Var where
+ a <= b = realUnique a <=# realUnique b
+ a < b = realUnique a <# realUnique b
+ a >= b = realUnique a >=# realUnique b
+ a > b = realUnique a ># realUnique b
+ a `compare` b = varUnique a `compare` varUnique b
+varUnique :: Var -> Unique
+varUnique var = mkUniqueGrimily (iBox (realUnique var))
+setVarUnique :: Var -> Unique -> Var
+setVarUnique var uniq
+ = var { realUnique = getKey# uniq,
+ varName = setNameUnique (varName var) uniq }
+setVarName :: Var -> Name -> Var
+setVarName var new_name
+ = var { realUnique = getKey# (getUnique new_name),
+ varName = new_name }
+%* *
+\subsection{Type variables}
+%* *
+type TyVar = Var
+tyVarName = varName
+setTyVarUnique = setVarUnique
+setTyVarName = setVarName
+mkTyVar :: Name -> Kind -> TyVar
+mkTyVar name kind = TyVar { varName = name
+ , realUnique = getKey# (nameUnique name)
+ , tyVarKind = kind
+ }
+mkTcTyVar :: Name -> Kind -> TcTyVarDetails -> TyVar
+mkTcTyVar name kind details
+ = TcTyVar { varName = name,
+ realUnique = getKey# (nameUnique name),
+ tyVarKind = kind,
+ tcTyVarDetails = details
+ }
+%* *
+\subsection{Id Construction}
+%* *
+Most Id-related functions are in Id.lhs and MkId.lhs
+type Id = Var
+type DictId = Id
+idName = varName
+idUnique = varUnique
+setIdUnique :: Id -> Unique -> Id
+setIdUnique = setVarUnique
+setIdName :: Id -> Name -> Id
+setIdName = setVarName
+setIdType :: Id -> Type -> Id
+setIdType id ty = id {idType = ty}
+setIdExported :: Id -> Id
+-- Can be called on GlobalIds, such as data cons and class ops,
+-- which are "born" as GlobalIds and automatically exported
+setIdExported id@(LocalId {}) = id { lclDetails = Exported }
+setIdExported other_id = ASSERT( isId other_id ) other_id
+setIdNotExported :: Id -> Id
+-- We can only do this to LocalIds
+setIdNotExported id = ASSERT( isLocalId id ) id { lclDetails = NotExported }
+globaliseId :: GlobalIdDetails -> Id -> Id
+-- If it's a local, make it global
+globaliseId details id = GlobalId { varName = varName id,
+ realUnique = realUnique id,
+ idType = idType id,
+ idInfo = idInfo id,
+ gblDetails = details }
+lazySetIdInfo :: Id -> IdInfo -> Id
+lazySetIdInfo id info = id {idInfo = info}
+setIdInfo :: Id -> IdInfo -> Id
+setIdInfo id info = seqIdInfo info `seq` id {idInfo = info}
+ -- Try to avoid spack leaks by seq'ing
+modifyIdInfo :: (IdInfo -> IdInfo) -> Id -> Id
+modifyIdInfo fn id
+ = seqIdInfo new_info `seq` id {idInfo = new_info}
+ where
+ new_info = fn (idInfo id)
+-- maybeModifyIdInfo tries to avoid unnecesary thrashing
+maybeModifyIdInfo :: (IdInfo -> Maybe IdInfo) -> Id -> Id
+maybeModifyIdInfo fn id
+ = case fn (idInfo id) of
+ Nothing -> id
+ Just new_info -> id {idInfo = new_info}
+%* *
+\subsection{Predicates over variables
+%* *
+mkGlobalId :: GlobalIdDetails -> Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
+mkGlobalId details name ty info
+ = GlobalId { varName = name,
+ realUnique = getKey# (nameUnique name), -- Cache the unique
+ idType = ty,
+ gblDetails = details,
+ idInfo = info }
+mk_local_id :: Name -> Type -> LocalIdDetails -> IdInfo -> Id
+mk_local_id name ty details info
+ = LocalId { varName = name,
+ realUnique = getKey# (nameUnique name), -- Cache the unique
+ idType = ty,
+ lclDetails = details,
+ idInfo = info }
+mkLocalId :: Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
+mkLocalId name ty info = mk_local_id name ty NotExported info
+mkExportedLocalId :: Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
+mkExportedLocalId name ty info = mk_local_id name ty Exported info
+isTyVar, isTcTyVar :: Var -> Bool
+isId, isLocalVar, isLocalId :: Var -> Bool
+isGlobalId, isExportedId :: Var -> Bool
+mustHaveLocalBinding :: Var -> Bool
+isTyVar (TyVar {}) = True
+isTyVar (TcTyVar {}) = True
+isTyVar other = False
+isTcTyVar (TcTyVar {}) = True
+isTcTyVar other = False
+isId (LocalId {}) = True
+isId (GlobalId {}) = True
+isId other = False
+isLocalId (LocalId {}) = True
+isLocalId other = False
+-- isLocalVar returns True for type variables as well as local Ids
+-- These are the variables that we need to pay attention to when finding free
+-- variables, or doing dependency analysis.
+isLocalVar (GlobalId {}) = False
+isLocalVar other = True
+-- mustHaveLocalBinding returns True of Ids and TyVars
+-- that must have a binding in this module. The converse
+-- is not quite right: there are some GlobalIds that must have
+-- bindings, such as record selectors. But that doesn't matter,
+-- because it's only used for assertions
+mustHaveLocalBinding var = isLocalVar var
+isGlobalId (GlobalId {}) = True
+isGlobalId other = False
+-- isExportedId means "don't throw this away"
+isExportedId (GlobalId {}) = True
+isExportedId (LocalId {lclDetails = details})
+ = case details of
+ Exported -> True
+ other -> False
+isExportedId other = False
+globalIdDetails :: Var -> GlobalIdDetails
+-- Works OK on local Ids too, returning notGlobalId
+globalIdDetails (GlobalId {gblDetails = details}) = details
+globalIdDetails other = notGlobalId
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/VarEnv.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/VarEnv.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfeecdc923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/VarEnv.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section{@VarEnvs@: Variable environments}
+module VarEnv (
+ VarEnv, IdEnv, TyVarEnv,
+ emptyVarEnv, unitVarEnv, mkVarEnv,
+ elemVarEnv, varEnvElts, varEnvKeys,
+ extendVarEnv, extendVarEnv_C, extendVarEnvList,
+ plusVarEnv, plusVarEnv_C,
+ delVarEnvList, delVarEnv,
+ lookupVarEnv, lookupVarEnv_NF, lookupWithDefaultVarEnv,
+ mapVarEnv, zipVarEnv,
+ modifyVarEnv, modifyVarEnv_Directly,
+ isEmptyVarEnv, foldVarEnv,
+ elemVarEnvByKey, lookupVarEnv_Directly,
+ filterVarEnv_Directly,
+ -- InScopeSet
+ InScopeSet, emptyInScopeSet, mkInScopeSet, delInScopeSet,
+ extendInScopeSet, extendInScopeSetList, modifyInScopeSet,
+ getInScopeVars, lookupInScope, elemInScopeSet, uniqAway,
+ mapInScopeSet,
+ -- RnEnv2 and its operations
+ RnEnv2, mkRnEnv2, rnBndr2, rnBndrs2, rnOccL, rnOccR, inRnEnvL, inRnEnvR,
+ rnBndrL, rnBndrR, nukeRnEnvL, nukeRnEnvR,
+ -- TidyEnvs
+ TidyEnv, emptyTidyEnv
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import OccName ( TidyOccEnv, emptyTidyOccEnv )
+import Var ( Var, setVarUnique )
+import VarSet
+import UniqFM
+import Unique ( Unique, deriveUnique, getUnique )
+import Util ( zipEqual, foldl2 )
+import Maybes ( orElse, isJust )
+import StaticFlags( opt_PprStyle_Debug )
+import Outputable
+import FastTypes
+%* *
+ In-scope sets
+%* *
+data InScopeSet = InScope (VarEnv Var) FastInt
+ -- The Int# is a kind of hash-value used by uniqAway
+ -- For example, it might be the size of the set
+ -- INVARIANT: it's not zero; we use it as a multiplier in uniqAway
+instance Outputable InScopeSet where
+ ppr (InScope s i) = ptext SLIT("InScope") <+> ppr s
+emptyInScopeSet :: InScopeSet
+emptyInScopeSet = InScope emptyVarSet 1#
+getInScopeVars :: InScopeSet -> VarEnv Var
+getInScopeVars (InScope vs _) = vs
+mkInScopeSet :: VarEnv Var -> InScopeSet
+mkInScopeSet in_scope = InScope in_scope 1#
+extendInScopeSet :: InScopeSet -> Var -> InScopeSet
+extendInScopeSet (InScope in_scope n) v = InScope (extendVarEnv in_scope v v) (n +# 1#)
+extendInScopeSetList :: InScopeSet -> [Var] -> InScopeSet
+extendInScopeSetList (InScope in_scope n) vs
+ = InScope (foldl (\s v -> extendVarEnv s v v) in_scope vs)
+ (n +# iUnbox (length vs))
+modifyInScopeSet :: InScopeSet -> Var -> Var -> InScopeSet
+-- Exploit the fact that the in-scope "set" is really a map
+-- Make old_v map to new_v
+modifyInScopeSet (InScope in_scope n) old_v new_v = InScope (extendVarEnv in_scope old_v new_v) (n +# 1#)
+delInScopeSet :: InScopeSet -> Var -> InScopeSet
+delInScopeSet (InScope in_scope n) v = InScope (in_scope `delVarEnv` v) n
+mapInScopeSet :: (Var -> Var) -> InScopeSet -> InScopeSet
+mapInScopeSet f (InScope in_scope n) = InScope (mapVarEnv f in_scope) n
+elemInScopeSet :: Var -> InScopeSet -> Bool
+elemInScopeSet v (InScope in_scope n) = v `elemVarEnv` in_scope
+lookupInScope :: InScopeSet -> Var -> Maybe Var
+-- It's important to look for a fixed point
+-- When we see (case x of y { I# v -> ... })
+-- we add [x -> y] to the in-scope set (Simplify.simplCaseBinder).
+-- When we lookup up an occurrence of x, we map to y, but then
+-- we want to look up y in case it has acquired more evaluation information by now.
+lookupInScope (InScope in_scope n) v
+ = go v
+ where
+ go v = case lookupVarEnv in_scope v of
+ Just v' | v == v' -> Just v' -- Reached a fixed point
+ | otherwise -> go v'
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+uniqAway :: InScopeSet -> Var -> Var
+-- (uniqAway in_scope v) finds a unique that is not used in the
+-- in-scope set, and gives that to v. It starts with v's current unique, of course,
+-- in the hope that it won't have to change it, and thereafter uses a combination
+-- of that and the hash-code found in the in-scope set
+uniqAway in_scope var
+ | var `elemInScopeSet` in_scope = uniqAway' in_scope var -- Make a new one
+ | otherwise = var -- Nothing to do
+uniqAway' :: InScopeSet -> Var -> Var
+-- This one *always* makes up a new variable
+uniqAway' (InScope set n) var
+ = try 1#
+ where
+ orig_unique = getUnique var
+ try k
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ | k ># 1000#
+ = pprPanic "uniqAway loop:" (ppr (iBox k) <+> text "tries" <+> ppr var <+> int (iBox n))
+ | uniq `elemVarSetByKey` set = try (k +# 1#)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ | opt_PprStyle_Debug && k ># 3#
+ = pprTrace "uniqAway:" (ppr (iBox k) <+> text "tries" <+> ppr var <+> int (iBox n))
+ setVarUnique var uniq
+ | otherwise = setVarUnique var uniq
+ where
+ uniq = deriveUnique orig_unique (iBox (n *# k))
+%* *
+ Dual renaming
+%* *
+When we are comparing (or matching) types or terms, we are faced with
+"going under" corresponding binders. E.g. when comparing
+ \x. e1 ~ \y. e2
+Basically we want to rename [x->y] or [y->x], but there are lots of
+things we must be careful of. In particular, x might be free in e2, or
+y in e1. So the idea is that we come up with a fresh binder that is free
+in neither, and rename x and y respectively. That means we must maintain
+ a) a renaming for the left-hand expression
+ b) a renaming for the right-hand expressions
+ c) an in-scope set
+Furthermore, when matching, we want to be able to have an 'occurs check',
+to prevent
+ \x. f ~ \y. y
+matching with f->y. So for each expression we want to know that set of
+locally-bound variables. That is precisely the domain of the mappings (a)
+and (b), but we must ensure that we always extend the mappings as we go in.
+data RnEnv2
+ = RV2 { envL :: VarEnv Var -- Renaming for Left term
+ , envR :: VarEnv Var -- Renaming for Right term
+ , in_scope :: InScopeSet } -- In scope in left or right terms
+-- The renamings envL and envR are *guaranteed* to contain a binding
+-- for every variable bound as we go into the term, even if it is not
+-- renamed. That way we can ask what variables are locally bound
+-- (inRnEnvL, inRnEnvR)
+mkRnEnv2 :: InScopeSet -> RnEnv2
+mkRnEnv2 vars = RV2 { envL = emptyVarEnv
+ , envR = emptyVarEnv
+ , in_scope = vars }
+rnBndrs2 :: RnEnv2 -> [Var] -> [Var] -> RnEnv2
+-- Arg lists must be of equal length
+rnBndrs2 env bsL bsR = foldl2 rnBndr2 env bsL bsR
+rnBndr2 :: RnEnv2 -> Var -> Var -> RnEnv2
+-- (rnBndr2 env bL bR) go under a binder bL in the Left term 1,
+-- and binder bR in the Right term
+-- It finds a new binder, new_b,
+-- and returns an environment mapping bL->new_b and bR->new_b resp.
+rnBndr2 (RV2 { envL = envL, envR = envR, in_scope = in_scope }) bL bR
+ = RV2 { envL = extendVarEnv envL bL new_b -- See Note
+ , envR = extendVarEnv envR bR new_b -- [Rebinding]
+ , in_scope = extendInScopeSet in_scope new_b }
+ where
+ -- Find a new binder not in scope in either term
+ new_b | not (bL `elemInScopeSet` in_scope) = bL
+ | not (bR `elemInScopeSet` in_scope) = bR
+ | otherwise = uniqAway' in_scope bL
+ -- Note [Rebinding]
+ -- If the new var is the same as the old one, note that
+ -- the extendVarEnv *deletes* any current renaming
+ -- E.g. (\x. \x. ...) ~ (\y. \z. ...)
+ --
+ -- Inside \x \y { [x->y], [y->y], {y} }
+ -- \x \z { [x->x], [y->y, z->x], {y,x} }
+rnBndrL, rnBndrR :: RnEnv2 -> Var -> (RnEnv2, Var)
+-- Used when there's a binder on one side or the other only
+-- Useful when eta-expanding
+rnBndrL (RV2 { envL = envL, envR = envR, in_scope = in_scope }) bL
+ = (RV2 { envL = extendVarEnv envL bL new_b
+ , envR = envR
+ , in_scope = extendInScopeSet in_scope new_b }, new_b)
+ where
+ new_b | not (bL `elemInScopeSet` in_scope) = bL
+ | otherwise = uniqAway' in_scope bL
+rnBndrR (RV2 { envL = envL, envR = envR, in_scope = in_scope }) bR
+ = (RV2 { envL = envL
+ , envR = extendVarEnv envR bR new_b
+ , in_scope = extendInScopeSet in_scope new_b }, new_b)
+ where
+ new_b | not (bR `elemInScopeSet` in_scope) = bR
+ | otherwise = uniqAway' in_scope bR
+rnOccL, rnOccR :: RnEnv2 -> Var -> Var
+-- Look up the renaming of an occurrence in the left or right term
+rnOccL (RV2 { envL = env }) v = lookupVarEnv env v `orElse` v
+rnOccR (RV2 { envR = env }) v = lookupVarEnv env v `orElse` v
+inRnEnvL, inRnEnvR :: RnEnv2 -> Var -> Bool
+-- Tells whether a variable is locally bound
+inRnEnvL (RV2 { envL = env }) v = isJust (lookupVarEnv env v)
+inRnEnvR (RV2 { envR = env }) v = isJust (lookupVarEnv env v)
+nukeRnEnvL, nukeRnEnvR :: RnEnv2 -> RnEnv2
+nukeRnEnvL env = env { envL = emptyVarEnv }
+nukeRnEnvR env = env { envR = emptyVarEnv }
+%* *
+ Tidying
+%* *
+When tidying up print names, we keep a mapping of in-scope occ-names
+(the TidyOccEnv) and a Var-to-Var of the current renamings.
+type TidyEnv = (TidyOccEnv, VarEnv Var)
+emptyTidyEnv :: TidyEnv
+emptyTidyEnv = (emptyTidyOccEnv, emptyVarEnv)
+%* *
+%* *
+type VarEnv elt = UniqFM elt
+type IdEnv elt = VarEnv elt
+type TyVarEnv elt = VarEnv elt
+emptyVarEnv :: VarEnv a
+mkVarEnv :: [(Var, a)] -> VarEnv a
+zipVarEnv :: [Var] -> [a] -> VarEnv a
+unitVarEnv :: Var -> a -> VarEnv a
+extendVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> Var -> a -> VarEnv a
+extendVarEnv_C :: (a->a->a) -> VarEnv a -> Var -> a -> VarEnv a
+plusVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv a
+extendVarEnvList :: VarEnv a -> [(Var, a)] -> VarEnv a
+lookupVarEnv_Directly :: VarEnv a -> Unique -> Maybe a
+filterVarEnv_Directly :: (Unique -> a -> Bool) -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv a
+delVarEnvList :: VarEnv a -> [Var] -> VarEnv a
+delVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> Var -> VarEnv a
+plusVarEnv_C :: (a -> a -> a) -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv a
+mapVarEnv :: (a -> b) -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv b
+modifyVarEnv :: (a -> a) -> VarEnv a -> Var -> VarEnv a
+varEnvElts :: VarEnv a -> [a]
+varEnvKeys :: VarEnv a -> [Unique]
+isEmptyVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> Bool
+lookupVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> Var -> Maybe a
+lookupVarEnv_NF :: VarEnv a -> Var -> a
+lookupWithDefaultVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> a -> Var -> a
+elemVarEnv :: Var -> VarEnv a -> Bool
+elemVarEnvByKey :: Unique -> VarEnv a -> Bool
+foldVarEnv :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> VarEnv a -> b
+elemVarEnv = elemUFM
+elemVarEnvByKey = elemUFM_Directly
+extendVarEnv = addToUFM
+extendVarEnv_C = addToUFM_C
+extendVarEnvList = addListToUFM
+plusVarEnv_C = plusUFM_C
+delVarEnvList = delListFromUFM
+delVarEnv = delFromUFM
+plusVarEnv = plusUFM
+lookupVarEnv = lookupUFM
+lookupWithDefaultVarEnv = lookupWithDefaultUFM
+mapVarEnv = mapUFM
+mkVarEnv = listToUFM
+emptyVarEnv = emptyUFM
+varEnvElts = eltsUFM
+varEnvKeys = keysUFM
+unitVarEnv = unitUFM
+isEmptyVarEnv = isNullUFM
+foldVarEnv = foldUFM
+lookupVarEnv_Directly = lookupUFM_Directly
+filterVarEnv_Directly = filterUFM_Directly
+zipVarEnv tyvars tys = mkVarEnv (zipEqual "zipVarEnv" tyvars tys)
+lookupVarEnv_NF env id = case (lookupVarEnv env id) of { Just xx -> xx }
+@modifyVarEnv@: Look up a thing in the VarEnv,
+then mash it with the modify function, and put it back.
+modifyVarEnv mangle_fn env key
+ = case (lookupVarEnv env key) of
+ Nothing -> env
+ Just xx -> extendVarEnv env key (mangle_fn xx)
+modifyVarEnv_Directly mangle_fn env key
+ = case (lookupUFM_Directly env key) of
+ Nothing -> env
+ Just xx -> addToUFM_Directly env key (mangle_fn xx)
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55e82a8515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section{@VarSet@: Variable sets}
+module VarSet (
+ VarSet, IdSet, TyVarSet,
+ emptyVarSet, unitVarSet, mkVarSet,
+ extendVarSet, extendVarSetList, extendVarSet_C,
+ elemVarSet, varSetElems, subVarSet,
+ unionVarSet, unionVarSets,
+ intersectVarSet, intersectsVarSet,
+ isEmptyVarSet, delVarSet, delVarSetList, delVarSetByKey,
+ minusVarSet, foldVarSet, filterVarSet,
+ lookupVarSet, mapVarSet, sizeVarSet, seqVarSet,
+ elemVarSetByKey
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Var ( Var, Id, TyVar )
+import Unique ( Unique )
+import UniqSet
+import UniqFM ( delFromUFM_Directly, addToUFM_C )
+%* *
+%* *
+type VarSet = UniqSet Var
+type IdSet = UniqSet Id
+type TyVarSet = UniqSet TyVar
+emptyVarSet :: VarSet
+intersectVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
+unionVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
+unionVarSets :: [VarSet] -> VarSet
+varSetElems :: VarSet -> [Var]
+unitVarSet :: Var -> VarSet
+extendVarSet :: VarSet -> Var -> VarSet
+extendVarSetList:: VarSet -> [Var] -> VarSet
+elemVarSet :: Var -> VarSet -> Bool
+delVarSet :: VarSet -> Var -> VarSet
+delVarSetList :: VarSet -> [Var] -> VarSet
+minusVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
+isEmptyVarSet :: VarSet -> Bool
+mkVarSet :: [Var] -> VarSet
+foldVarSet :: (Var -> a -> a) -> a -> VarSet -> a
+lookupVarSet :: VarSet -> Var -> Maybe Var
+ -- Returns the set element, which may be
+ -- (==) to the argument, but not the same as
+mapVarSet :: (Var -> Var) -> VarSet -> VarSet
+sizeVarSet :: VarSet -> Int
+filterVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> VarSet -> VarSet
+extendVarSet_C :: (Var->Var->Var) -> VarSet -> Var -> VarSet
+delVarSetByKey :: VarSet -> Unique -> VarSet
+elemVarSetByKey :: Unique -> VarSet -> Bool
+emptyVarSet = emptyUniqSet
+unitVarSet = unitUniqSet
+extendVarSet = addOneToUniqSet
+extendVarSetList= addListToUniqSet
+intersectVarSet = intersectUniqSets
+intersectsVarSet:: VarSet -> VarSet -> Bool -- True if non-empty intersection
+ -- (s1 `intersectsVarSet` s2) doesn't compute s2 if s1 is empty
+subVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> Bool -- True if first arg is subset of second
+ -- (s1 `subVarSet` s2) doesn't compute s2 if s1 is empty
+unionVarSet = unionUniqSets
+unionVarSets = unionManyUniqSets
+varSetElems = uniqSetToList
+elemVarSet = elementOfUniqSet
+minusVarSet = minusUniqSet
+delVarSet = delOneFromUniqSet
+delVarSetList = delListFromUniqSet
+isEmptyVarSet = isEmptyUniqSet
+mkVarSet = mkUniqSet
+foldVarSet = foldUniqSet
+lookupVarSet = lookupUniqSet
+mapVarSet = mapUniqSet
+sizeVarSet = sizeUniqSet
+filterVarSet = filterUniqSet
+extendVarSet_C combine s x = addToUFM_C combine s x x
+delVarSetByKey = delFromUFM_Directly -- Can't be bothered to add this to UniqSet
+elemVarSetByKey = elemUniqSet_Directly
+-- See comments with type signatures
+intersectsVarSet s1 s2 = not (isEmptyVarSet (s1 `intersectVarSet` s2))
+a `subVarSet` b = isEmptyVarSet (a `minusVarSet` b)
+seqVarSet :: VarSet -> ()
+seqVarSet s = sizeVarSet s `seq` ()