path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmCallConv.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmCallConv.hs')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmCallConv.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmCallConv.hs
index d24d77a41d..5476eb8fa2 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmCallConv.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmCallConv.hs
@@ -9,29 +9,31 @@ module CmmCallConv (
+ assignArgumentsPos,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Cmm
-import MachOp
import SMRep
import Constants
import StaticFlags (opt_Unregisterised)
+import Outputable
import Panic
-- Calculate the 'GlobalReg' or stack locations for function call
-- parameters as used by the Cmm calling convention.
-data ParamLocation
+data ParamLocation a
= RegisterParam GlobalReg
- | StackParam WordOff
+ | StackParam a
-type ArgumentFormat a = [(a, ParamLocation)]
+type ArgumentFormat a b = [(a, ParamLocation b)]
-assignArguments :: (a -> MachRep) -> [a] -> ArgumentFormat a
+-- Stack parameters are returned as word offsets.
+assignArguments :: (a -> CmmType) -> [a] -> ArgumentFormat a WordOff
assignArguments f reps = assignments
(sizes, assignments) = unzip $ assignArguments' reps (negate (sum sizes)) availRegs
@@ -40,20 +42,38 @@ assignArguments f reps = assignments
(size,(r,assignment)):assignArguments' rs new_offset remaining
(assignment, new_offset, size, remaining) =
- assign_reg (f r) offset availRegs
+ assign_reg False assign_slot_up (f r) offset availRegs
+-- | JD: For the new stack story, I want arguments passed on the stack to manifest as
+-- positive offsets in a CallArea, not negative offsets from the stack pointer.
+-- Also, I want byte offsets, not word offsets.
+-- The first argument tells us whether we are assigning positions for call arguments
+-- or return results. The distinction matters because we reserve different
+-- global registers in each case.
+assignArgumentsPos :: Bool -> (a -> CmmType) -> [a] -> ArgumentFormat a ByteOff
+assignArgumentsPos isCall arg_ty reps = map cvt assignments
+ where
+ (sizes, assignments) = unzip $ assignArguments' reps 0 availRegs
+ assignArguments' [] _ _ = []
+ assignArguments' (r:rs) offset avails =
+ (size,(r,assignment)):assignArguments' rs new_offset remaining
+ where
+ (assignment, new_offset, size, remaining) =
+ assign_reg isCall assign_slot_down (arg_ty r) offset avails
+ cvt (l, RegisterParam r) = (l, RegisterParam r)
+ cvt (l, StackParam off) = (l, StackParam $ off * wORD_SIZE)
-argumentsSize :: (a -> MachRep) -> [a] -> WordOff
+argumentsSize :: (a -> CmmType) -> [a] -> WordOff
argumentsSize f reps = maximum (0 : map arg_top args)
args = assignArguments f reps
arg_top (a, StackParam offset) = -offset
arg_top (_, RegisterParam _) = 0
-- Local information about the registers available
-type AvailRegs = ( [GlobalReg] -- available vanilla regs.
+type AvailRegs = ( [VGcPtr -> GlobalReg] -- available vanilla regs.
, [GlobalReg] -- floats
, [GlobalReg] -- doubles
, [GlobalReg] -- longs (int64 and word64)
@@ -81,20 +101,49 @@ availRegs = (regList VanillaReg useVanillaRegs,
regList f max = map f [1 .. max]
+-- Round the size of a local register up to the nearest word.
slot_size :: LocalReg -> Int
-slot_size reg =
- ((machRepByteWidth (localRegRep reg) - 1) `div` wORD_SIZE) + 1
-slot_size' :: MachRep -> Int
-slot_size' reg = ((machRepByteWidth reg - 1) `div` wORD_SIZE) + 1
-assign_reg :: MachRep -> WordOff -> AvailRegs -> (ParamLocation, WordOff, WordOff, AvailRegs)
-assign_reg I8 off (v:vs, fs, ds, ls) = (RegisterParam $ v, off, 0, (vs, fs, ds, ls))
-assign_reg I16 off (v:vs, fs, ds, ls) = (RegisterParam $ v, off, 0, (vs, fs, ds, ls))
-assign_reg I32 off (v:vs, fs, ds, ls) = (RegisterParam $ v, off, 0, (vs, fs, ds, ls))
-assign_reg I64 off (vs, fs, ds, l:ls) = (RegisterParam $ l, off, 0, (vs, fs, ds, ls))
-assign_reg I128 off _ = panic "I128 is not a supported register type"
-assign_reg F32 off (vs, f:fs, ds, ls) = (RegisterParam $ f, off, 0, (vs, fs, ds, ls))
-assign_reg F64 off (vs, fs, d:ds, ls) = (RegisterParam $ d, off, 0, (vs, fs, ds, ls))
-assign_reg F80 off _ = panic "F80 is not a supported register type"
-assign_reg reg off _ = (StackParam $ off, off + size, size, ([], [], [], [])) where size = slot_size' reg
+slot_size reg = slot_size' (typeWidth (localRegType reg))
+slot_size' :: Width -> Int
+slot_size' reg = ((widthInBytes reg - 1) `div` wORD_SIZE) + 1
+type Assignment = (ParamLocation WordOff, WordOff, WordOff, AvailRegs)
+type SlotAssigner = Width -> Int -> AvailRegs -> Assignment
+assign_reg :: Bool -> SlotAssigner -> CmmType -> WordOff -> AvailRegs -> Assignment
+assign_reg isCall slot ty off avails
+ | isFloatType ty = assign_float_reg slot width off avails
+ | otherwise = assign_bits_reg isCall slot width off gcp avails
+ where
+ width = typeWidth ty
+ gcp | isGcPtrType ty = VGcPtr
+ | otherwise = VNonGcPtr
+-- Assigning a slot on a stack that grows up:
+-- JD: I don't know why this convention stops using all the registers
+-- after running out of one class of registers.
+assign_slot_up :: SlotAssigner
+assign_slot_up width off regs =
+ (StackParam $ off, off + size, size, ([], [], [], [])) where size = slot_size' width
+-- Assigning a slot on a stack that grows down:
+assign_slot_down :: SlotAssigner
+assign_slot_down width off regs =
+ (StackParam $ off + size, off + size, size, ([], [], [], []))
+ where size = slot_size' width
+-- On calls, `node` is used to hold the closure that is entered, so we can't
+-- pass arguments in that register.
+assign_bits_reg _ _ W128 _ _ _ = panic "I128 is not a supported register type"
+assign_bits_reg isCall assign_slot w off gcp regs@(v:vs, fs, ds, ls) =
+ if isCall && v gcp == node then
+ assign_bits_reg isCall assign_slot w off gcp (vs, fs, ds, ls)
+ else if widthInBits w <= widthInBits wordWidth then
+ (RegisterParam (v gcp), off, 0, (vs, fs, ds, ls))
+ else assign_slot w off regs
+assign_float_reg _ W32 off (vs, f:fs, ds, ls) = (RegisterParam $ f, off, 0, (vs, fs, ds, ls))
+assign_float_reg _ W64 off (vs, fs, d:ds, ls) = (RegisterParam $ d, off, 0, (vs, fs, ds, ls))
+assign_float_reg _ W80 off _ = panic "F80 is not a supported register type"
+assign_float_reg assign_slot width off r = assign_slot width off r