path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
index 3cd6be97a2..0783fc4ce1 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ statics :: { [ExtFCode [CmmStatic]] }
-- Strings aren't used much in the RTS HC code, so it doesn't seem
-- worth allowing inline strings. C-- doesn't allow them anyway.
static :: { ExtFCode [CmmStatic] }
- : NAME ':' { return [CmmDataLabel (mkRtsDataLabelFS $1)] }
+ : NAME ':' { return [CmmDataLabel (mkRtsDataLabel $1)] }
| type expr ';' { do e <- $2;
return [CmmStaticLit (getLit e)] }
| type ';' { return [CmmUninitialised
@@ -243,13 +243,13 @@ cmmproc :: { ExtCode }
return (formals, gc_block, frame) }
blks <- code (cgStmtsToBlocks stmts)
- code (emitProc (CmmInfo gc_block frame CmmNonInfoTable) (mkRtsCodeLabelFS $1) formals blks) }
+ code (emitProc (CmmInfo gc_block frame CmmNonInfoTable) (mkRtsCodeLabel $1) formals blks) }
info :: { ExtFCode (CLabel, CmmInfoTable, [Maybe LocalReg]) }
: 'INFO_TABLE' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' STRING ',' STRING ')'
-- ptrs, nptrs, closure type, description, type
{ do prof <- profilingInfo $11 $13
- return (mkRtsEntryLabelFS $3,
+ return (mkRtsEntryLabel $3,
CmmInfoTable False prof (fromIntegral $9)
(ThunkInfo (fromIntegral $5, fromIntegral $7) NoC_SRT),
[]) }
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ info :: { ExtFCode (CLabel, CmmInfoTable, [Maybe LocalReg]) }
| 'INFO_TABLE_FUN' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' STRING ',' STRING ',' INT ')'
-- ptrs, nptrs, closure type, description, type, fun type
{ do prof <- profilingInfo $11 $13
- return (mkRtsEntryLabelFS $3,
+ return (mkRtsEntryLabel $3,
CmmInfoTable False prof (fromIntegral $9)
(FunInfo (fromIntegral $5, fromIntegral $7) NoC_SRT
0 -- Arity zero
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ info :: { ExtFCode (CLabel, CmmInfoTable, [Maybe LocalReg]) }
| 'INFO_TABLE_FUN' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' STRING ',' STRING ',' INT ',' INT ')'
-- ptrs, nptrs, closure type, description, type, fun type, arity
{ do prof <- profilingInfo $11 $13
- return (mkRtsEntryLabelFS $3,
+ return (mkRtsEntryLabel $3,
CmmInfoTable False prof (fromIntegral $9)
(FunInfo (fromIntegral $5, fromIntegral $7) NoC_SRT (fromIntegral $17)
(ArgSpec (fromIntegral $15))
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ info :: { ExtFCode (CLabel, CmmInfoTable, [Maybe LocalReg]) }
-- If profiling is on, this string gets duplicated,
-- but that's the way the old code did it we can fix it some other time.
desc_lit <- code $ mkStringCLit $13
- return (mkRtsEntryLabelFS $3,
+ return (mkRtsEntryLabel $3,
CmmInfoTable False prof (fromIntegral $11)
(ConstrInfo (fromIntegral $5, fromIntegral $7) (fromIntegral $9) desc_lit),
[]) }
@@ -294,15 +294,15 @@ info :: { ExtFCode (CLabel, CmmInfoTable, [Maybe LocalReg]) }
-- selector, closure type, description, type
{ do prof <- profilingInfo $9 $11
- return (mkRtsEntryLabelFS $3,
+ return (mkRtsEntryLabel $3,
CmmInfoTable False prof (fromIntegral $7)
(ThunkSelectorInfo (fromIntegral $5) NoC_SRT),
[]) }
| 'INFO_TABLE_RET' '(' NAME ',' INT ')'
-- closure type (no live regs)
- { do let infoLabel = mkRtsInfoLabelFS $3
- return (mkRtsRetLabelFS $3,
+ { do let infoLabel = mkRtsInfoLabel $3
+ return (mkRtsRetLabel $3,
CmmInfoTable False (ProfilingInfo zeroCLit zeroCLit) (fromIntegral $5)
(ContInfo [] NoC_SRT),
[]) }
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ info :: { ExtFCode (CLabel, CmmInfoTable, [Maybe LocalReg]) }
| 'INFO_TABLE_RET' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' formals_without_hints0 ')'
-- closure type, live regs
{ do live <- sequence (map (liftM Just) $7)
- return (mkRtsRetLabelFS $3,
+ return (mkRtsRetLabel $3,
CmmInfoTable False (ProfilingInfo zeroCLit zeroCLit) (fromIntegral $5)
(ContInfo live NoC_SRT),
live) }
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ lookupName name = do
return $
case lookupUFM env name of
Just (Var e) -> e
- _other -> CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabelFS name))
+ _other -> CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabel name))
-- Lifting FCode computations into the ExtFCode monad:
code :: FCode a -> ExtFCode a
@@ -886,8 +886,8 @@ profilingInfo desc_str ty_str = do
staticClosure :: FastString -> FastString -> [CmmLit] -> ExtCode
staticClosure cl_label info payload
- = code $ emitDataLits (mkRtsDataLabelFS cl_label) lits
- where lits = mkStaticClosure (mkRtsInfoLabelFS info) dontCareCCS payload [] [] []
+ = code $ emitDataLits (mkRtsDataLabel cl_label) lits
+ where lits = mkStaticClosure (mkRtsInfoLabel info) dontCareCCS payload [] [] []
:: String