path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 573 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
index 2dcfb027a3..3033e7b421 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
@@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, NoMonoLocalBinds, FlexibleContexts, ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, NoMonoLocalBinds, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- Norman likes local bindings
-- If this module lives on I'd like to get rid of this flag in due course
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
+-- TODO: Get rid of this flag:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
--- GHC 7.0.1 improved incomplete pattern warnings with GADTs
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module CmmSpillReload
- ( DualLive(..)
- , dualLiveLattice, dualLiveTransfers, dualLiveness
- --, insertSpillsAndReloads --- XXX todo check live-in at entry against formals
- , dualLivenessWithInsertion
- , rewriteAssignments
- , removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads
+ ( dualLivenessWithInsertion
@@ -25,14 +17,11 @@ import Cmm
import CmmExpr
import CmmLive
import OptimizationFuel
-import StgCmmUtils
import Control.Monad
import Outputable hiding (empty)
import qualified Outputable as PP
import UniqSet
-import UniqFM
-import Unique
import Compiler.Hoopl hiding (Unique)
import Data.Maybe
@@ -40,38 +29,36 @@ import Prelude hiding (succ, zip)
{- Note [Overview of spill/reload]
-The point of this module is to insert spills and reloads to
-establish the invariant that at a call (or at any proc point with
-an established protocol) all live variables not expected in
-registers are sitting on the stack. We use a backward analysis to
-insert spills and reloads. It should be followed by a
-forward transformation to sink reloads as deeply as possible, so as
-to reduce register pressure.
+The point of this module is to insert spills and reloads to establish
+the invariant that at a call or any proc point with an established
+protocol all live variables not expected in registers are sitting on the
+stack. We use a backward dual liveness analysis (both traditional
+register liveness as well as register slot liveness on the stack) to
+insert spills and reloads. It should be followed by a forward
+transformation to sink reloads as deeply as possible, so as to reduce
+register pressure: this transformation is performed by
A variable can be expected to be live in a register, live on the
stack, or both. This analysis ensures that spills and reloads are
inserted as needed to make sure that every live variable needed
-after a call is available on the stack. Spills are pushed back to
-their reaching definitions, but reloads are dropped wherever needed
-and will have to be sunk by a later forward transformation.
+after a call is available on the stack. Spills are placed immediately
+after their reaching definitions, but reloads are placed immediately
+after a return from a call (the entry point.)
+Note that we offer no guarantees about the consistency of the value
+in memory and the value in the register, except that they are
+equal across calls/procpoints. If the variable is changed, this
+mapping breaks: but as the original value of the register may still
+be useful in a different context, the memory location is not updated.
data DualLive = DualLive { on_stack :: RegSet, in_regs :: RegSet }
-dualUnion :: DualLive -> DualLive -> DualLive
-dualUnion (DualLive s r) (DualLive s' r') =
- DualLive (s `unionUniqSets` s') (r `unionUniqSets` r')
-dualUnionList :: [DualLive] -> DualLive
-dualUnionList ls = DualLive ss rs
- where ss = unionManyUniqSets $ map on_stack ls
- rs = unionManyUniqSets $ map in_regs ls
changeStack, changeRegs :: (RegSet -> RegSet) -> DualLive -> DualLive
changeStack f live = live { on_stack = f (on_stack live) }
changeRegs f live = live { in_regs = f (in_regs live) }
dualLiveLattice :: DataflowLattice DualLive
dualLiveLattice = DataflowLattice "variables live in registers and on stack" empty add
where empty = DualLive emptyRegSet emptyRegSet
@@ -85,21 +72,24 @@ dualLivenessWithInsertion :: BlockSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
dualLivenessWithInsertion procPoints g =
liftM fst $ dataflowPassBwd g [] $ analRewBwd dualLiveLattice
(dualLiveTransfers (g_entry g) procPoints)
- (insertSpillAndReloadRewrites g procPoints)
-dualLiveness :: BlockSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv DualLive)
-dualLiveness procPoints g =
- liftM snd $ dataflowPassBwd g [] $ analBwd dualLiveLattice $ dualLiveTransfers (g_entry g) procPoints
+ (insertSpillsAndReloads g procPoints)
+-- Note [Live registers on entry to procpoints]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Remember that the transfer function is only ever run on the rewritten
+-- version of a graph, and the rewrite function for spills and reloads
+-- enforces the invariant that no local registers are live on entry to
+-- a procpoint. Accordingly, we check for this invariant here. An old
+-- version of this code incorrectly claimed that any live registers were
+-- live on the stack before entering the function: this is wrong, but
+-- didn't cause bugs because it never actually was invoked.
dualLiveTransfers :: BlockId -> BlockSet -> (BwdTransfer CmmNode DualLive)
dualLiveTransfers entry procPoints = mkBTransfer3 first middle last
where first :: CmmNode C O -> DualLive -> DualLive
- first (CmmEntry id) live = check live id $ -- live at procPoint => spill
- if id /= entry && setMember id procPoints
- then DualLive { on_stack = on_stack live `plusRegSet` in_regs live
- , in_regs = emptyRegSet }
- else live
- where check live id x = if id == entry then noLiveOnEntry id (in_regs live) x else x
+ first (CmmEntry id) live -- See Note [Live registers on entry to procpoints]
+ | id == entry || setMember id procPoints = noLiveOnEntry id (in_regs live) live
+ | otherwise = live
middle :: CmmNode O O -> DualLive -> DualLive
middle m = changeStack updSlots
@@ -112,548 +102,52 @@ dualLiveTransfers entry procPoints = mkBTransfer3 first middle last
spill live _ = live
reload live s@(RegSlot r, _, _) = check s $ extendRegSet live r
reload live _ = live
+ -- Ensure the assignment refers to the entirety of the
+ -- register slot (and not just a slice).
check (RegSlot (LocalReg _ ty), o, w) x
| o == w && w == widthInBytes (typeWidth ty) = x
- check _ _ = panic "middleDualLiveness unsupported: slices"
+ check _ _ = panic "dualLiveTransfers: slices unsupported"
+ -- Register analysis is identical to liveness analysis from CmmLive.
last :: CmmNode O C -> FactBase DualLive -> DualLive
- last l fb = case l of
- CmmBranch id -> lkp id
- l@(CmmCall {cml_cont=Nothing}) -> changeRegs (gen l . kill l) empty
- l@(CmmCall {cml_cont=Just k}) -> call l k
- l@(CmmForeignCall {succ=k}) -> call l k
- l@(CmmCondBranch _ t f) -> changeRegs (gen l . kill l) $ dualUnion (lkp t) (lkp f)
- l@(CmmSwitch _ tbl) -> changeRegs (gen l . kill l) $ dualUnionList $ map lkp (catMaybes tbl)
+ last l fb = changeRegs (gen_kill l) $ case l of
+ CmmCall {cml_cont=Nothing} -> empty
+ CmmCall {cml_cont=Just k} -> keep_stack_only k
+ CmmForeignCall {succ=k} -> keep_stack_only k
+ _ -> joinOutFacts dualLiveLattice l fb
where empty = fact_bot dualLiveLattice
- lkp id = empty `fromMaybe` lookupFact id fb
- call l k = DualLive (on_stack (lkp k)) (gen l emptyRegSet)
-gen :: UserOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
-gen a live = foldRegsUsed extendRegSet live a
-kill :: DefinerOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
-kill a live = foldRegsDefd deleteFromRegSet live a
+ lkp k = fromMaybe empty (lookupFact k fb)
+ keep_stack_only k = DualLive (on_stack (lkp k)) emptyRegSet
-insertSpillAndReloadRewrites :: CmmGraph -> BlockSet -> CmmBwdRewrite DualLive
-insertSpillAndReloadRewrites graph procPoints = deepBwdRw3 first middle nothing
+insertSpillsAndReloads :: CmmGraph -> BlockSet -> CmmBwdRewrite DualLive
+insertSpillsAndReloads graph procPoints = deepBwdRw3 first middle nothing
-- Beware: deepBwdRw with one polymorphic function seems more reasonable here,
-- but GHC miscompiles it, see bug #4044.
where first :: CmmNode C O -> Fact O DualLive -> CmmReplGraph C O
first e@(CmmEntry id) live = return $
if id /= (g_entry graph) && setMember id procPoints then
- case map reload (uniqSetToList spill_regs) of
+ case map reload (uniqSetToList (in_regs live)) of
[] -> Nothing
is -> Just $ mkFirst e <*> mkMiddles is
else Nothing
- where
- -- If we are splitting procedures, we need the LastForeignCall
- -- to spill its results to the stack because they will only
- -- be used by a separate procedure (so they can't stay in LocalRegs).
- splitting = True
- spill_regs = if splitting then in_regs live
- else in_regs live `minusRegSet` defs
- defs = case mapLookup id firstDefs of
- Just defs -> defs
- Nothing -> emptyRegSet
- -- A LastForeignCall may contain some definitions, which take place
- -- on return from the function call. Therefore, we build a map (firstDefs)
- -- from BlockId to the set of variables defined on return to the BlockId.
- firstDefs = mapFold addLive emptyBlockMap (toBlockMap graph)
- addLive :: CmmBlock -> BlockEnv RegSet -> BlockEnv RegSet
- addLive b env = case lastNode b of
- CmmForeignCall {succ=k, res=defs} -> add k (mkRegSet defs) env
- _ -> env
- add bid defs env = mapInsert bid defs'' env
- where defs'' = case mapLookup bid env of
- Just defs' -> timesRegSet defs defs'
- Nothing -> defs
+ -- EZY: There was some dead code for handling the case where
+ -- we were not splitting procedures. Check Git history if
+ -- you're interested (circa e26ea0f41).
middle :: CmmNode O O -> Fact O DualLive -> CmmReplGraph O O
+ -- Don't add spills next to reloads.
middle (CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot reg') _) _)) _ | reg == reg' = return Nothing
- middle m@(CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg) _) live = return $
- if reg `elemRegSet` on_stack live then -- must spill
- my_trace "Spilling" (f4sep [text "spill" <+> ppr reg,
- text "after"{-, ppr m-}]) $
- Just $ mkMiddles $ [m, spill reg]
- else Nothing
+ -- Spill if register is live on stack.
+ middle m@(CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg) _) live
+ | reg `elemRegSet` on_stack live = return (Just (mkMiddles [m, spill reg]))
middle _ _ = return Nothing
nothing _ _ = return Nothing
-regSlot :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr
-regSlot r = CmmStackSlot (RegSlot r) (widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ localRegType r)
spill, reload :: LocalReg -> CmmNode O O
spill r = CmmStore (regSlot r) (CmmReg $ CmmLocal r)
reload r = CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) (CmmLoad (regSlot r) $ localRegType r)
-removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads :: BlockSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
-removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads procPoints g =
- liftM fst $ dataflowPassBwd g [] $ analRewBwd dualLiveLattice
- (dualLiveTransfers (g_entry g) procPoints)
- rewrites
- where rewrites = deepBwdRw3 nothing middle nothing
- -- Beware: deepBwdRw with one polymorphic function seems more reasonable here,
- -- but GHC panics while compiling, see bug #4045.
- middle :: CmmNode O O -> Fact O DualLive -> CmmReplGraph O O
- middle (CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg') _) live | not (reg' `elemRegSet` in_regs live) = return $ Just emptyGraph
- -- XXX maybe this should be somewhere else...
- middle (CmmAssign lhs (CmmReg rhs)) _ | lhs == rhs = return $ Just emptyGraph
- middle (CmmStore lhs (CmmLoad rhs _)) _ | lhs == rhs = return $ Just emptyGraph
- middle _ _ = return Nothing
- nothing _ _ = return Nothing
---- Usage information
--- We decorate all register assignments with usage information,
--- that is, the maximum number of times the register is referenced
--- while it is live along all outgoing control paths. There are a few
--- subtleties here:
--- - If a register goes dead, and then becomes live again, the usages
--- of the disjoint live range don't count towards the original range.
--- a = 1; // used once
--- b = a;
--- a = 2; // used once
--- c = a;
--- - A register may be used multiple times, but these all reside in
--- different control paths, such that any given execution only uses
--- it once. In that case, the usage count may still be 1.
--- a = 1; // used once
--- if (b) {
--- c = a + 3;
--- } else {
--- c = a + 1;
--- }
--- This policy corresponds to an inlining strategy that does not
--- duplicate computation but may increase binary size.
--- - If we naively implement a usage count, we have a counting to
--- infinity problem across joins. Furthermore, knowing that
--- something is used 2 or more times in one runtime execution isn't
--- particularly useful for optimizations (inlining may be beneficial,
--- but there's no way of knowing that without register pressure
--- information.)
--- while (...) {
--- // first iteration, b used once
--- // second iteration, b used twice
--- // third iteration ...
--- a = b;
--- }
--- // b used zero times
--- There is an orthogonal question, which is that for every runtime
--- execution, the register may be used only once, but if we inline it
--- in every conditional path, the binary size might increase a lot.
--- But tracking this information would be tricky, because it violates
--- the finite lattice restriction Hoopl requires for termination;
--- we'd thus need to supply an alternate proof, which is probably
--- something we should defer until we actually have an optimization
--- that would take advantage of this. (This might also interact
--- strangely with liveness information.)
--- a = ...;
--- // a is used one time, but in X different paths
--- case (b) of
--- 1 -> ... a ...
--- 2 -> ... a ...
--- 3 -> ... a ...
--- ...
--- This analysis is very similar to liveness analysis; we just keep a
--- little extra info. (Maybe we should move it to CmmLive, and subsume
--- the old liveness analysis.)
-data RegUsage = SingleUse | ManyUse
- deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
--- Absence in map = ZeroUse
--- minBound is bottom, maxBound is top, least-upper-bound is max
--- ToDo: Put this in Hoopl. Note that this isn't as useful as I
--- originally hoped, because you usually want to leave out the bottom
--- element when you have things like this put in maps. Maybe f is
--- useful on its own as a combining function.
-boundedOrdLattice :: (Bounded a, Ord a) => String -> DataflowLattice a
-boundedOrdLattice n = DataflowLattice n minBound f
- where f _ (OldFact x) (NewFact y)
- | x >= y = (NoChange, x)
- | otherwise = (SomeChange, y)
--- Custom node type we'll rewrite to. CmmAssign nodes to local
--- registers are replaced with AssignLocal nodes.
-data WithRegUsage n e x where
- Plain :: n e x -> WithRegUsage n e x
- AssignLocal :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> RegUsage -> WithRegUsage n O O
-instance UserOfLocalRegs (n e x) => UserOfLocalRegs (WithRegUsage n e x) where
- foldRegsUsed f z (Plain n) = foldRegsUsed f z n
- foldRegsUsed f z (AssignLocal _ e _) = foldRegsUsed f z e
-instance DefinerOfLocalRegs (n e x) => DefinerOfLocalRegs (WithRegUsage n e x) where
- foldRegsDefd f z (Plain n) = foldRegsDefd f z n
- foldRegsDefd f z (AssignLocal r _ _) = foldRegsDefd f z r
-instance NonLocal n => NonLocal (WithRegUsage n) where
- entryLabel (Plain n) = entryLabel n
- successors (Plain n) = successors n
-liftRegUsage :: Graph n e x -> Graph (WithRegUsage n) e x
-liftRegUsage = mapGraph Plain
-eraseRegUsage :: Graph (WithRegUsage CmmNode) e x -> Graph CmmNode e x
-eraseRegUsage = mapGraph f
- where f :: WithRegUsage CmmNode e x -> CmmNode e x
- f (AssignLocal l e _) = CmmAssign (CmmLocal l) e
- f (Plain n) = n
-type UsageMap = UniqFM RegUsage
-usageLattice :: DataflowLattice UsageMap
-usageLattice = DataflowLattice "usage counts for registers" emptyUFM (joinUFM f)
- where f _ (OldFact x) (NewFact y)
- | x >= y = (NoChange, x)
- | otherwise = (SomeChange, y)
--- We reuse the names 'gen' and 'kill', although we're doing something
--- slightly different from the Dragon Book
-usageTransfer :: BwdTransfer (WithRegUsage CmmNode) UsageMap
-usageTransfer = mkBTransfer3 first middle last
- where first _ f = f
- middle :: WithRegUsage CmmNode O O -> UsageMap -> UsageMap
- middle n f = gen_kill n f
- last :: WithRegUsage CmmNode O C -> FactBase UsageMap -> UsageMap
- -- Checking for CmmCall/CmmForeignCall is unnecessary, because
- -- spills/reloads have already occurred by the time we do this
- -- analysis.
- -- XXX Deprecated warning is puzzling: what label are we
- -- supposed to use?
- -- ToDo: With a bit more cleverness here, we can avoid
- -- disappointment and heartbreak associated with the inability
- -- to inline into CmmCall and CmmForeignCall by
- -- over-estimating the usage to be ManyUse.
- last n f = gen_kill n (joinOutFacts usageLattice n f)
- gen_kill a = gen a . kill a
- gen a f = foldRegsUsed increaseUsage f a
- kill a f = foldRegsDefd delFromUFM f a
- increaseUsage f r = addToUFM_C combine f r SingleUse
- where combine _ _ = ManyUse
-usageRewrite :: BwdRewrite FuelUniqSM (WithRegUsage CmmNode) UsageMap
-usageRewrite = mkBRewrite3 first middle last
- where first _ _ = return Nothing
- middle :: Monad m => WithRegUsage CmmNode O O -> UsageMap -> m (Maybe (Graph (WithRegUsage CmmNode) O O))
- middle (Plain (CmmAssign (CmmLocal l) e)) f
- = return . Just
- $ case lookupUFM f l of
- Nothing -> emptyGraph
- Just usage -> mkMiddle (AssignLocal l e usage)
- middle _ _ = return Nothing
- last _ _ = return Nothing
-type CmmGraphWithRegUsage = GenCmmGraph (WithRegUsage CmmNode)
-annotateUsage :: CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM (CmmGraphWithRegUsage)
-annotateUsage vanilla_g =
- let g = modifyGraph liftRegUsage vanilla_g
- in liftM fst $ dataflowPassBwd g [(g_entry g, fact_bot usageLattice)] $
- analRewBwd usageLattice usageTransfer usageRewrite
---- Assignment tracking
--- The idea is to maintain a map of local registers do expressions,
--- such that the value of that register is the same as the value of that
--- expression at any given time. We can then do several things,
--- as described by Assignment.
--- Assignment describes the various optimizations that are valid
--- at a given point in the program.
-data Assignment =
--- This assignment can always be inlined. It is cheap or single-use.
- AlwaysInline CmmExpr
--- This assignment should be sunk down to its first use. (This will
--- increase code size if the register is used in multiple control flow
--- paths, but won't increase execution time, and the reduction of
--- register pressure is worth it.)
- | AlwaysSink CmmExpr
--- We cannot safely optimize occurrences of this local register. (This
--- corresponds to top in the lattice structure.)
- | NeverOptimize
--- Extract the expression that is being assigned to
-xassign :: Assignment -> Maybe CmmExpr
-xassign (AlwaysInline e) = Just e
-xassign (AlwaysSink e) = Just e
-xassign NeverOptimize = Nothing
--- Extracts the expression, but only if they're the same constructor
-xassign2 :: (Assignment, Assignment) -> Maybe (CmmExpr, CmmExpr)
-xassign2 (AlwaysInline e, AlwaysInline e') = Just (e, e')
-xassign2 (AlwaysSink e, AlwaysSink e') = Just (e, e')
-xassign2 _ = Nothing
--- Note: We'd like to make decisions about "not optimizing" as soon as
--- possible, because this will make running the transfer function more
--- efficient.
-type AssignmentMap = UniqFM Assignment
-assignmentLattice :: DataflowLattice AssignmentMap
-assignmentLattice = DataflowLattice "assignments for registers" emptyUFM (joinUFM add)
- where add _ (OldFact old) (NewFact new)
- = case (old, new) of
- (NeverOptimize, _) -> (NoChange, NeverOptimize)
- (_, NeverOptimize) -> (SomeChange, NeverOptimize)
- (xassign2 -> Just (e, e'))
- | e == e' -> (NoChange, old)
- | otherwise -> (SomeChange, NeverOptimize)
- _ -> (SomeChange, NeverOptimize)
--- Deletes sinks from assignment map, because /this/ is the place
--- where it will be sunk to.
-deleteSinks :: UserOfLocalRegs n => n -> AssignmentMap -> AssignmentMap
-deleteSinks n m = foldRegsUsed (adjustUFM f) m n
- where f (AlwaysSink _) = NeverOptimize
- f old = old
--- Invalidates any expressions that use a register.
-invalidateUsersOf :: CmmReg -> AssignmentMap -> AssignmentMap
--- foldUFM_Directly :: (Unique -> elt -> a -> a) -> a -> UniqFM elt -> a
-invalidateUsersOf reg m = foldUFM_Directly f m m -- [foldUFM performance]
- where f u (xassign -> Just e) m | reg `regUsedIn` e = addToUFM_Directly m u NeverOptimize
- f _ _ m = m
-{- This requires the entire spine of the map to be continually rebuilt,
- - which causes crazy memory usage!
-invalidateUsersOf reg = mapUFM (invalidateUsers' reg)
- where invalidateUsers' reg (xassign -> Just e) | reg `regUsedIn` e = NeverOptimize
- invalidateUsers' _ old = old
--- Note [foldUFM performance]
--- These calls to fold UFM no longer leak memory, but they do cause
--- pretty killer amounts of allocation. So they'll be something to
--- optimize; we need an algorithmic change to prevent us from having to
--- traverse the /entire/ map continually.
-middleAssignment :: WithRegUsage CmmNode O O -> AssignmentMap -> AssignmentMap
--- Algorithm for annotated assignments:
--- 1. Delete any sinking assignments that were used by this instruction
--- 2. Add the assignment to our list of valid local assignments with
--- the correct optimization policy.
--- 3. Look for all assignments that reference that register and
--- invalidate them.
-middleAssignment n@(AssignLocal r e usage) assign
- = invalidateUsersOf (CmmLocal r) . add . deleteSinks n $ assign
- where add m = addToUFM m r
- $ case usage of
- SingleUse -> AlwaysInline e
- ManyUse -> decide e
- decide CmmLit{} = AlwaysInline e
- decide CmmReg{} = AlwaysInline e
- decide CmmLoad{} = AlwaysSink e
- decide CmmStackSlot{} = AlwaysSink e
- decide CmmMachOp{} = AlwaysSink e
- -- We'll always inline simple operations on the global
- -- registers, to reduce register pressure: Sp - 4 or Hp - 8
- -- EZY: Justify this optimization more carefully.
- decide CmmRegOff{} = AlwaysInline e
--- Algorithm for unannotated assignments of global registers:
--- 1. Delete any sinking assignments that were used by this instruction
--- 2. Look for all assignments that reference this register and
--- invalidate them.
-middleAssignment (Plain n@(CmmAssign reg@(CmmGlobal _) _)) assign
- = invalidateUsersOf reg . deleteSinks n $ assign
--- Algorithm for unannotated assignments of *local* registers: do
--- nothing (it's a reload, so no state should have changed)
-middleAssignment (Plain (CmmAssign (CmmLocal _) _)) assign = assign
--- Algorithm for stores:
--- 1. Delete any sinking assignments that were used by this instruction
--- 2. Look for all assignments that load from memory locations that
--- were clobbered by this store and invalidate them.
-middleAssignment (Plain n@(CmmStore lhs rhs)) assign
- = let m = deleteSinks n assign
- in foldUFM_Directly f m m -- [foldUFM performance]
- where f u (xassign -> Just x) m | (lhs, rhs) `clobbers` (u, x) = addToUFM_Directly m u NeverOptimize
- f _ _ m = m
-{- Also leaky
- = mapUFM_Directly p . deleteSinks n $ assign
- -- ToDo: There's a missed opportunity here: even if a memory
- -- access we're attempting to sink gets clobbered at some
- -- location, it's still /better/ to sink it to right before the
- -- point where it gets clobbered. How might we do this?
- -- Unfortunately, it's too late to change the assignment...
- where p r (xassign -> Just x) | (lhs, rhs) `clobbers` (r, x) = NeverOptimize
- p _ old = old
--- Assumption: Unsafe foreign calls don't clobber memory
--- Since foreign calls clobber caller saved registers, we need
--- invalidate any assignments that reference those global registers.
--- This is kind of expensive. (One way to optimize this might be to
--- store extra information about expressions that allow this and other
--- checks to be done cheaply.)
-middleAssignment (Plain n@(CmmUnsafeForeignCall{})) assign
- = deleteCallerSaves (foldRegsDefd (\m r -> addToUFM m r NeverOptimize) (deleteSinks n assign) n)
- where deleteCallerSaves m = foldUFM_Directly f m m
- f u (xassign -> Just x) m | wrapRecExpf g x False = addToUFM_Directly m u NeverOptimize
- f _ _ m = m
- g (CmmReg (CmmGlobal r)) _ | callerSaves r = True
- g (CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal r) _) _ | callerSaves r = True
- g _ b = b
-middleAssignment (Plain (CmmComment {})) assign
- = assign
--- Assumptions:
--- * Writes using Hp do not overlap with any other memory locations
--- (An important invariant being relied on here is that we only ever
--- use Hp to allocate values on the heap, which appears to be the
--- case given hpReg usage, and that our heap writing code doesn't
--- do anything stupid like overlapping writes.)
--- * Stack slots do not overlap with any other memory locations
--- * Stack slots for different areas do not overlap
--- * Stack slots within the same area and different offsets may
--- overlap; we need to do a size check (see 'overlaps').
--- * Register slots only overlap with themselves. (But this shouldn't
--- happen in practice, because we'll fail to inline a reload across
--- the next spill.)
--- * Non stack-slot stores always conflict with each other. (This is
--- not always the case; we could probably do something special for Hp)
-clobbers :: (CmmExpr, CmmExpr) -- (lhs, rhs) of clobbering CmmStore
- -> (Unique, CmmExpr) -- (register, expression) that may be clobbered
- -> Bool
-clobbers (CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal Hp) _, _) (_, _) = False
-clobbers (CmmReg (CmmGlobal Hp), _) (_, _) = False
--- ToDo: Also catch MachOp case
-clobbers (ss@CmmStackSlot{}, CmmReg (CmmLocal r)) (u, CmmLoad (ss'@CmmStackSlot{}) _)
- | getUnique r == u, ss == ss' = False -- No-op on the stack slot (XXX: Do we need this special case?)
-clobbers (CmmStackSlot (CallArea a) o, rhs) (_, expr) = f expr
- where f (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (CallArea a') o') t)
- = (a, o, widthInBytes (cmmExprWidth rhs)) `overlaps` (a', o', widthInBytes (typeWidth t))
- f (CmmLoad e _) = containsStackSlot e
- f (CmmMachOp _ es) = or (map f es)
- f _ = False
- -- Maybe there's an invariant broken if this actually ever
- -- returns True
- containsStackSlot (CmmLoad{}) = True -- load of a load, all bets off
- containsStackSlot (CmmMachOp _ es) = or (map containsStackSlot es)
- containsStackSlot (CmmStackSlot{}) = True
- containsStackSlot _ = False
-clobbers (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot l) _, _) (_, expr) = f expr
- where f (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot l') _) _) = l == l'
- f _ = False
-clobbers _ (_, e) = f e
- where f (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot _ _) _) = False
- f (CmmLoad{}) = True -- conservative
- f (CmmMachOp _ es) = or (map f es)
- f _ = False
--- Check for memory overlapping.
--- Diagram:
--- 4 8 12
--- s -w- o
--- [ I32 ]
--- [ F64 ]
--- s' -w'- o'
-type CallSubArea = (AreaId, Int, Int) -- area, offset, width
-overlaps :: CallSubArea -> CallSubArea -> Bool
-overlaps (a, _, _) (a', _, _) | a /= a' = False
-overlaps (_, o, w) (_, o', w') =
- let s = o - w
- s' = o' - w'
- in (s' < o) && (s < o) -- Not LTE, because [ I32 ][ I32 ] is OK
-lastAssignment :: WithRegUsage CmmNode O C -> AssignmentMap -> [(Label, AssignmentMap)]
--- Variables are dead across calls, so invalidating all mappings is justified
-lastAssignment (Plain (CmmCall _ (Just k) _ _ _)) assign = [(k, mapUFM (const NeverOptimize) assign)]
-lastAssignment (Plain (CmmForeignCall {succ=k})) assign = [(k, mapUFM (const NeverOptimize) assign)]
-lastAssignment l assign = map (\id -> (id, deleteSinks l assign)) $ successors l
-assignmentTransfer :: FwdTransfer (WithRegUsage CmmNode) AssignmentMap
-assignmentTransfer = mkFTransfer3 (flip const) middleAssignment ((mkFactBase assignmentLattice .) . lastAssignment)
-assignmentRewrite :: FwdRewrite FuelUniqSM (WithRegUsage CmmNode) AssignmentMap
-assignmentRewrite = mkFRewrite3 first middle last
- where
- first _ _ = return Nothing
- middle :: WithRegUsage CmmNode O O -> AssignmentMap -> GenCmmReplGraph (WithRegUsage CmmNode) O O
- middle (Plain m) assign = return $ rewrite assign (precompute assign m) mkMiddle m
- middle (AssignLocal l e u) assign = return $ rewriteLocal assign (precompute assign (CmmAssign (CmmLocal l) e)) mkMiddle l e u
- last (Plain l) assign = return $ rewrite assign (precompute assign l) mkLast l
- -- Tuple is (inline?, reloads)
- precompute assign n = foldRegsUsed f (False, []) n -- duplicates are harmless
- where f (i, l) r = case lookupUFM assign r of
- Just (AlwaysSink e) -> (i, (Plain (CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) e)):l)
- Just (AlwaysInline _) -> (True, l)
- Just NeverOptimize -> (i, l)
- -- This case can show up when we have
- -- limited optimization fuel.
- Nothing -> (i, l)
- rewrite _ (False, []) _ _ = Nothing
- -- Note [CmmCall Inline Hack]
- -- Conservative hack: don't do any inlining on what will
- -- be translated into an OldCmm CmmCalls, since the code
- -- produced here tends to be unproblematic and I need to write
- -- lint passes to ensure that we don't put anything in the
- -- arguments that could be construed as a global register by
- -- some later translation pass. (For example, slots will turn
- -- into dereferences of Sp). See [Register parameter passing].
- -- ToDo: Fix this up to only bug out if all inlines were for
- -- CmmExprs with global registers (we can't use the
- -- straightforward mapExpDeep call, in this case.) ToDo: We miss
- -- an opportunity here, where all possible inlinings should
- -- instead be sunk.
- rewrite _ (True, []) _ n | not (inlinable n) = Nothing -- see [CmmCall Inline Hack]
- rewrite assign (i, xs) mk n = Just $ mkMiddles xs <*> mk (Plain (inline i assign n))
- rewriteLocal _ (False, []) _ _ _ _ = Nothing
- rewriteLocal assign (i, xs) mk l e u = Just $ mkMiddles xs <*> mk n'
- where n' = AssignLocal l e' u
- e' = if i then wrapRecExp (inlineExp assign) e else e
- -- inlinable check omitted, since we can always inline into
- -- assignments.
- inline :: Bool -> AssignmentMap -> CmmNode e x -> CmmNode e x
- inline False _ n = n
- inline True _ n | not (inlinable n) = n -- see [CmmCall Inline Hack]
- inline True assign n = mapExpDeep (inlineExp assign) n
- inlineExp assign old@(CmmReg (CmmLocal r))
- = case lookupUFM assign r of
- Just (AlwaysInline x) -> x
- _ -> old
- inlineExp assign old@(CmmRegOff (CmmLocal r) i)
- = case lookupUFM assign r of
- Just (AlwaysInline x) ->
- case x of
- (CmmRegOff r' i') -> CmmRegOff r' (i + i')
- _ -> CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral i) rep)]
- where rep = typeWidth (localRegType r)
- _ -> old
- inlineExp _ old = old
- inlinable :: CmmNode e x -> Bool
- inlinable (CmmCall{}) = False
- inlinable (CmmForeignCall{}) = False
- inlinable (CmmUnsafeForeignCall{}) = False
- inlinable _ = True
-rewriteAssignments :: CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
-rewriteAssignments g = do
- g' <- annotateUsage g
- g'' <- liftM fst $ dataflowPassFwd g' [(g_entry g, fact_bot assignmentLattice)] $
- analRewFwd assignmentLattice assignmentTransfer assignmentRewrite
- return (modifyGraph eraseRegUsage g'')
-- prettyprinting
@@ -670,12 +164,3 @@ instance Outputable DualLive where
else (ppr_regs "live in regs =" regs),
if isEmptyUniqSet stack then PP.empty
else (ppr_regs "live on stack =" stack)]
--- ToDo: Outputable instance for UsageMap and AssignmentMap
-my_trace :: String -> SDoc -> a -> a
-my_trace = if False then pprTrace else \_ _ a -> a
-f4sep :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
-f4sep [] = fsep []
-f4sep (d:ds) = fsep (d : map (nest 4) ds)