path: root/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs
index 69320a2f66..35f2471361 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs
@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@
-module CmmUtils(
- CmmStmts, noStmts, oneStmt, mkStmts, plusStmts, stmtList,
- isNopStmt,
+module CmmUtils(
primRepCmmType, primRepForeignHint,
typeCmmType, typeForeignHint,
@@ -21,8 +18,6 @@ module CmmUtils(
mkIntCLit, zeroCLit,
- maybeAssignTemp, loadArgsIntoTemps
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -31,10 +26,9 @@ import TyCon ( PrimRep(..) )
import Type ( Type, typePrimRep )
import CLabel
-import Cmm
-import OrdList
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
import Outputable
-import Unique
@@ -73,55 +67,6 @@ typeForeignHint = primRepForeignHint . typePrimRep
--- CmmStmts
-type CmmStmts = OrdList CmmStmt
-noStmts :: CmmStmts
-noStmts = nilOL
-oneStmt :: CmmStmt -> CmmStmts
-oneStmt = unitOL
-mkStmts :: [CmmStmt] -> CmmStmts
-mkStmts = toOL
-plusStmts :: CmmStmts -> CmmStmts -> CmmStmts
-plusStmts = appOL
-stmtList :: CmmStmts -> [CmmStmt]
-stmtList = fromOL
--- CmmStmt
-isNopStmt :: CmmStmt -> Bool
--- If isNopStmt returns True, the stmt is definitely a no-op;
--- but it might be a no-op even if isNopStmt returns False
-isNopStmt CmmNop = True
-isNopStmt (CmmAssign r e) = cheapEqReg r e
-isNopStmt (CmmStore e1 (CmmLoad e2 _)) = cheapEqExpr e1 e2
-isNopStmt _ = False
-cheapEqExpr :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Bool
-cheapEqExpr (CmmReg r) e = cheapEqReg r e
-cheapEqExpr (CmmRegOff r 0) e = cheapEqReg r e
-cheapEqExpr (CmmRegOff r n) (CmmRegOff r' n') = r==r' && n==n'
-cheapEqExpr _ _ = False
-cheapEqReg :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> Bool
-cheapEqReg r (CmmReg r') = r==r'
-cheapEqReg r (CmmRegOff r' 0) = r==r'
-cheapEqReg _ _ = False
-- CmmExpr
@@ -225,29 +170,3 @@ zeroCLit = CmmInt 0 wordWidth
mkLblExpr :: CLabel -> CmmExpr
mkLblExpr lbl = CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
--- Helpers for foreign call arguments
-loadArgsIntoTemps :: [Unique]
- -> HintedCmmActuals
- -> ([Unique], [CmmStmt], HintedCmmActuals)
-loadArgsIntoTemps uniques [] = (uniques, [], [])
-loadArgsIntoTemps uniques ((CmmHinted e hint):args) =
- (uniques'',
- new_stmts ++ remaining_stmts,
- (CmmHinted new_e hint) : remaining_e)
- where
- (uniques', new_stmts, new_e) = maybeAssignTemp uniques e
- (uniques'', remaining_stmts, remaining_e) =
- loadArgsIntoTemps uniques' args
-maybeAssignTemp :: [Unique] -> CmmExpr -> ([Unique], [CmmStmt], CmmExpr)
-maybeAssignTemp uniques e
- | hasNoGlobalRegs e = (uniques, [], e)
- | otherwise = (tail uniques, [CmmAssign local e], CmmReg local)
- where local = CmmLocal (LocalReg (head uniques) (cmmExprType e))