path: root/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Graph.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Graph.hs')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Graph.hs b/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Graph.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87da072458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/Hoopl/Graph.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module Hoopl.Graph
+ ( Body
+ , Graph
+ , Graph'(..)
+ , NonLocal(..)
+ , addBlock
+ , bodyList
+ , emptyBody
+ , labelsDefined
+ , mapGraph
+ , mapGraphBlocks
+ , postorder_dfs_from
+ ) where
+import Hoopl.Label
+import Hoopl.Block
+import Hoopl.Collections
+-- | A (possibly empty) collection of closed/closed blocks
+type Body n = LabelMap (Block n C C)
+-- | @Body@ abstracted over @block@
+type Body' block (n :: * -> * -> *) = LabelMap (block n C C)
+-- | Gives access to the anchor points for
+-- nonlocal edges as well as the edges themselves
+class NonLocal thing where
+ entryLabel :: thing C x -> Label -- ^ The label of a first node or block
+ successors :: thing e C -> [Label] -- ^ Gives control-flow successors
+instance NonLocal n => NonLocal (Block n) where
+ entryLabel (BlockCO f _) = entryLabel f
+ entryLabel (BlockCC f _ _) = entryLabel f
+ successors (BlockOC _ n) = successors n
+ successors (BlockCC _ _ n) = successors n
+emptyBody :: Body' block n
+emptyBody = mapEmpty
+bodyList :: Body' block n -> [(Label,block n C C)]
+bodyList body = mapToList body
+addBlock :: NonLocal thing
+ => thing C C -> LabelMap (thing C C)
+ -> LabelMap (thing C C)
+addBlock b body
+ | mapMember lbl body = error $ "duplicate label " ++ show lbl ++ " in graph"
+ | otherwise = mapInsert lbl b body
+ where lbl = entryLabel b
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Graph
+-- | A control-flow graph, which may take any of four shapes (O/O,
+-- O/C, C/O, C/C). A graph open at the entry has a single,
+-- distinguished, anonymous entry point; if a graph is closed at the
+-- entry, its entry point(s) are supplied by a context.
+type Graph = Graph' Block
+-- | @Graph'@ is abstracted over the block type, so that we can build
+-- graphs of annotated blocks for example (Compiler.Hoopl.Dataflow
+-- needs this).
+data Graph' block (n :: * -> * -> *) e x where
+ GNil :: Graph' block n O O
+ GUnit :: block n O O -> Graph' block n O O
+ GMany :: MaybeO e (block n O C)
+ -> Body' block n
+ -> MaybeO x (block n C O)
+ -> Graph' block n e x
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Mapping over graphs
+-- | Maps over all nodes in a graph.
+mapGraph :: (forall e x. n e x -> n' e x) -> Graph n e x -> Graph n' e x
+mapGraph f = mapGraphBlocks (mapBlock f)
+-- | Function 'mapGraphBlocks' enables a change of representation of blocks,
+-- nodes, or both. It lifts a polymorphic block transform into a polymorphic
+-- graph transform. When the block representation stabilizes, a similar
+-- function should be provided for blocks.
+mapGraphBlocks :: forall block n block' n' e x .
+ (forall e x . block n e x -> block' n' e x)
+ -> (Graph' block n e x -> Graph' block' n' e x)
+mapGraphBlocks f = map
+ where map :: Graph' block n e x -> Graph' block' n' e x
+ map GNil = GNil
+ map (GUnit b) = GUnit (f b)
+ map (GMany e b x) = GMany (fmap f e) (mapMap f b) (fmap f x)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Extracting Labels from graphs
+labelsDefined :: forall block n e x . NonLocal (block n) => Graph' block n e x
+ -> LabelSet
+labelsDefined GNil = setEmpty
+labelsDefined (GUnit{}) = setEmpty
+labelsDefined (GMany _ body x) = mapFoldWithKey addEntry (exitLabel x) body
+ where addEntry :: forall a. ElemOf LabelSet -> a -> LabelSet -> LabelSet
+ addEntry label _ labels = setInsert label labels
+ exitLabel :: MaybeO x (block n C O) -> LabelSet
+ exitLabel NothingO = setEmpty
+ exitLabel (JustO b) = setSingleton (entryLabel b)
+class LabelsPtr l where
+ targetLabels :: l -> [Label]
+instance NonLocal n => LabelsPtr (n e C) where
+ targetLabels n = successors n
+instance LabelsPtr Label where
+ targetLabels l = [l]
+instance LabelsPtr LabelSet where
+ targetLabels = setElems
+instance LabelsPtr l => LabelsPtr [l] where
+ targetLabels = concatMap targetLabels
+-- | This is the most important traversal over this data structure. It drops
+-- unreachable code and puts blocks in an order that is good for solving forward
+-- dataflow problems quickly. The reverse order is good for solving backward
+-- dataflow problems quickly. The forward order is also reasonably good for
+-- emitting instructions, except that it will not usually exploit Forrest
+-- Baskett's trick of eliminating the unconditional branch from a loop. For
+-- that you would need a more serious analysis, probably based on dominators, to
+-- identify loop headers.
+-- The ubiquity of 'postorder_dfs' is one reason for the ubiquity of the 'LGraph'
+-- representation, when for most purposes the plain 'Graph' representation is
+-- more mathematically elegant (but results in more complicated code).
+-- Here's an easy way to go wrong! Consider
+-- @
+-- A -> [B,C]
+-- B -> D
+-- C -> D
+-- @
+-- Then ordinary dfs would give [A,B,D,C] which has a back ref from C to D.
+-- Better to get [A,B,C,D]
+-- | Traversal: 'postorder_dfs' returns a list of blocks reachable
+-- from the entry of enterable graph. The entry and exit are *not* included.
+-- The list has the following property:
+-- Say a "back reference" exists if one of a block's
+-- control-flow successors precedes it in the output list
+-- Then there are as few back references as possible
+-- The output is suitable for use in
+-- a forward dataflow problem. For a backward problem, simply reverse
+-- the list. ('postorder_dfs' is sufficiently tricky to implement that
+-- one doesn't want to try and maintain both forward and backward
+-- versions.)
+postorder_dfs_from_except :: forall block e . (NonLocal block, LabelsPtr e)
+ => LabelMap (block C C) -> e -> LabelSet -> [block C C]
+postorder_dfs_from_except blocks b visited =
+ vchildren (get_children b) (\acc _visited -> acc) [] visited
+ where
+ vnode :: block C C -> ([block C C] -> LabelSet -> a) -> [block C C] -> LabelSet -> a
+ vnode block cont acc visited =
+ if setMember id visited then
+ cont acc visited
+ else
+ let cont' acc visited = cont (block:acc) visited in
+ vchildren (get_children block) cont' acc (setInsert id visited)
+ where id = entryLabel block
+ vchildren :: forall a. [block C C] -> ([block C C] -> LabelSet -> a) -> [block C C] -> LabelSet -> a
+ vchildren bs cont acc visited = next bs acc visited
+ where next children acc visited =
+ case children of [] -> cont acc visited
+ (b:bs) -> vnode b (next bs) acc visited
+ get_children :: forall l. LabelsPtr l => l -> [block C C]
+ get_children block = foldr add_id [] $ targetLabels block
+ add_id id rst = case lookupFact id blocks of
+ Just b -> b : rst
+ Nothing -> rst
+ :: (NonLocal block, LabelsPtr b) => LabelMap (block C C) -> b -> [block C C]
+postorder_dfs_from blocks b = postorder_dfs_from_except blocks b setEmpty