path: root/compiler/cmm/MkZipCfg.hs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/MkZipCfg.hs b/compiler/cmm/MkZipCfg.hs
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index fa93f7690a..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/MkZipCfg.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-module MkZipCfg
- ( AGraph, (<*>), catAGraphs
- , freshBlockId
- , emptyAGraph, withFreshLabel, withUnique
- , mkMiddle, mkMiddles, mkLast, mkZTail, mkBranch, mkLabel, mkIfThenElse, mkWhileDo
- , outOfLine
- , emptyGraph, graphOfMiddles, graphOfZTail
- , lgraphOfAGraph, graphOfAGraph, labelAGraph, pprAGraph
- )
-import BlockId (BlockId(..), emptyBlockEnv, plusBlockEnv)
-import ZipCfg
-import Outputable
-import Unique
-import UniqSupply
-import Util
-import Prelude hiding (zip, unzip, last)
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-You can think of an AGraph like this: it is the program built by
-composing in sequence three kinds of nodes:
- * Label nodes (e.g. L2:)
- * Middle nodes (e.g. x = y*3)
- * Last nodes (e.g. if b then goto L1 else goto L2)
-The constructors mkLabel, mkMiddle, and mkLast build single-node
-AGraphs of the indicated type. The composition operator <*> glues
-AGraphs together in sequence (in constant time).
-For example:
- x = 0
- L1:
- x = x+1
- if x<10 then goto L1 else goto L2
- L2:
- y = y*x
- x = 0
-Notice that the AGraph may begin without a label, and may end without
-a control transfer. Control *always* falls through a label and middle
-node, and *never* falls through a Last node.
-A 'AGraph m l' is simply an abstract version of a 'Graph m l' from
-module 'ZipCfg'. The only difference is that the 'AGraph m l'
-supports a constant-time splicing operation, written infix <*>.
-That splicing operation, together with the constructor functions in
-this module (and with 'labelAGraph'), is the recommended way to build
-large graphs. Each construction or splice has constant cost, and to
-turn an AGraph into a Graph requires time linear in the number of
-nodes and N log N in the number of basic blocks.
-The splicing operation warrants careful explanation. Like a Graph, an
-AGraph is a control-flow graph which begins with a distinguished,
-unlabelled sequence of middle nodes called the *entry*. An unlabelled
-graph may also end with a sequence of middle nodes called the *exit*.
-The entry may fall straight through to the exit, or it may fall into
-the rest of the graph, which may include arbitrary control flow.
-Using ASCII art, here are examples of the two kinds of graph. On the
-left, the entry and exit sequences are labelled A and B, where the
-control flow in the middle is labelled X. On the right, there is no
-exit sequence:
- | |
- | A | C
- | |
- / \ / \
- / \ / \
- | X | | Y |
- \ / \ /
- \ / \_/
- |
- | B
- |
-The AGraph has these properties:
- * A AGraph is opaque; nothing about its structure can be observed.
- * A AGraph may be turned into a LGraph in time linear in the number
- of nodes and O(N log N) in the number of basic blocks.
- * Two AGraphs may be spliced in constant time by writing g1 <*> g2
-There are two rules for splicing, depending on whether the left-hand
-graph falls through. If it does, the rule is as follows:
- | | |
- | A | C | A
- | | |
- / \ / \ / \
- / \ / \ / \
- | X | <*> | Y | = | X |
- \ / \ / \ /
- \ / \_/ \ /
- | | |
- | B | D | B
- | | |
- |
- | C
- |
- / \
- / \
- | Y |
- \ /
- \ /
- |
- | D
- |
-And in the case where the left-hand graph does not fall through, the
-rule is
- | | |
- | A | C | A
- | | |
- / \ / \ / \
- / \ / \ / \
- | X | <*> | Y | = | X |
- \ / \ / \ /
- \_/ \_/ \_/
- |
- | D _
- | / \
- / \
- | Y |
- \ /
- \ /
- |
- | D
- |
-In this case C will become unreachable and is lost; when such a graph
-is converted into a data structure, the system will bleat about
-unreachable code. Also it must be assumed that there are branches
-from somewhere in X to labelled blocks in Y; otherwise Y and D are
-unreachable as well. (However, it may be the case that X branches
-into some third AGraph, which in turn branches into D; the
-representation is agnostic on this point.)
-infixr 3 <*>
-(<*>) :: AGraph m l -> AGraph m l -> AGraph m l
-catAGraphs :: [AGraph m l] -> AGraph m l
--- | A graph is built up by splicing together graphs each containing a
--- single node (where a label is considered a 'first' node. The empty
--- graph is a left and right unit for splicing. All of the AGraph
--- constructors (even complex ones like 'mkIfThenElse', as well as the
--- splicing operation <*>, are constant-time operations.
-emptyAGraph :: AGraph m l
-mkLabel :: (LastNode l) => BlockId -> AGraph m l -- graph contains the label
-mkMiddle :: m -> AGraph m l -- graph contains the node
-mkLast :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) =>
- l -> AGraph m l -- graph contains the node
--- | This function provides access to fresh labels without requiring
--- clients to be programmed monadically.
-withFreshLabel :: String -> (BlockId -> AGraph m l) -> AGraph m l
-withUnique :: (Unique -> AGraph m l) -> AGraph m l
-outOfLine :: (LastNode l, Outputable m, Outputable l)
- => AGraph m l -> AGraph m l
--- ^ The argument is an AGraph that has an
--- empty entry sequence and no exit sequence.
--- The result is a new AGraph that has an empty entry sequence
--- connected to an empty exit sequence, with the original graph
--- sitting to the side out-of-line.
--- Example: mkMiddle (x = 3)
--- <*> outOfLine (mkLabel L <*> ...stuff...)
--- <*> mkMiddle (y = x)
--- Control will flow directly from x=3 to y=x;
--- the block starting with L is "on the side".
--- N.B. algebraically forall g g' : g <*> outOfLine g' == outOfLine g' <*> g
--- below for convenience
-mkMiddles :: [m] -> AGraph m l
-mkZTail :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) =>
- ZTail m l -> AGraph m l
-mkBranch :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) =>
- BlockId -> AGraph m l
--- | For the structured control-flow constructs, a condition is
--- represented as a function that takes as arguments the labels to
--- goto on truth or falsehood.
--- mkIfThenElse mk_cond then else
--- = (mk_cond L1 L2) <*> L1: then <*> goto J
--- <*> L2: else <*> goto J
--- <*> J:
--- where L1, L2, J are fresh
-mkIfThenElse :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l)
- => (BlockId -> BlockId -> AGraph m l) -- branch condition
- -> AGraph m l -- code in the 'then' branch
- -> AGraph m l -- code in the 'else' branch
- -> AGraph m l -- resulting if-then-else construct
-mkWhileDo :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l)
- => (BlockId -> BlockId -> AGraph m l) -- loop condition
- -> AGraph m l -- body of the bloop
- -> AGraph m l -- the final while loop
--- | Converting an abstract graph to a concrete form is expensive: the
--- cost is linear in the number of nodes in the answer, plus N log N
--- in the number of basic blocks. The conversion is also monadic
--- because it may require the allocation of fresh, unique labels.
-graphOfAGraph :: AGraph m l -> UniqSM (Graph m l)
-lgraphOfAGraph :: AGraph m l -> UniqSM (LGraph m l)
- -- ^ allocate a fresh label for the entry point
-labelAGraph :: BlockId -> AGraph m l -> UniqSM (LGraph m l)
- -- ^ use the given BlockId as the label of the entry point
--- | The functions below build Graphs directly; for convenience, they
--- are included here with the rest of the constructor functions.
-emptyGraph :: Graph m l
-graphOfMiddles :: [m] -> Graph m l
-graphOfZTail :: ZTail m l -> Graph m l
--- ================================================================
--- ================================================================
-newtype AGraph m l = AGraph (Graph m l -> UniqSM (Graph m l))
- -- an AGraph is a monadic function from a successor Graph to a new Graph
-AGraph f1 <*> AGraph f2 = AGraph f
- where f g = f2 g >>= f1 -- note right associativity
-catAGraphs = foldr (<*>) emptyAGraph
-emptyAGraph = AGraph return
-graphOfAGraph (AGraph f) = f emptyGraph
-emptyGraph = Graph (ZLast LastExit) emptyBlockEnv
-labelAGraph id g =
- do Graph tail blocks <- graphOfAGraph g
- return $ LGraph id $ insertBlock (Block id tail) blocks
-lgraphOfAGraph g = do id <- freshBlockId "graph entry"
- labelAGraph id g
--- constructors
-mkLabel id = AGraph f
- where f (Graph tail blocks) =
- return $ Graph (ZLast (mkBranchNode id))
- (insertBlock (Block id tail) blocks)
-mkBranch target = mkLast $ mkBranchNode target
-mkMiddle m = AGraph f
- where f (Graph tail blocks) = return $ Graph (ZTail m tail) blocks
-mkMiddles ms = AGraph f
- where f (Graph tail blocks) = return $ Graph (foldr ZTail tail ms) blocks
-graphOfMiddles ms = Graph (foldr ZTail (ZLast LastExit) ms) emptyBlockEnv
-graphOfZTail t = Graph t emptyBlockEnv
-mkLast l = AGraph f
- where f (Graph tail blocks) =
- do note_this_code_becomes_unreachable "mkLast" (ppr l <+> ppr blocks) tail
- return $ Graph (ZLast (LastOther l)) blocks
-mkZTail tail = AGraph f
- where f (Graph utail blocks) =
- do note_this_code_becomes_unreachable "mkZTail" (ppr tail) utail
- return $ Graph tail blocks
-withFreshLabel name ofId = AGraph f
- where f g = do id <- freshBlockId name
- let AGraph f' = ofId id
- f' g
-withUnique ofU = AGraph f
- where f g = do u <- getUniqueM
- let AGraph f' = ofU u
- f' g
-outOfLine (AGraph f) = AGraph f'
- where f' (Graph tail' blocks') =
- do Graph emptyEntrance blocks <- f emptyGraph
- note_this_code_becomes_unreachable "outOfLine" (ppr tail') emptyEntrance
- return $ Graph tail' (blocks `plusBlockEnv` blocks')
-mkIfThenElse cbranch tbranch fbranch =
- withFreshLabel "end of if" $ \endif ->
- withFreshLabel "start of then" $ \tid ->
- withFreshLabel "start of else" $ \fid ->
- cbranch tid fid <*>
- mkLabel tid <*> tbranch <*> mkBranch endif <*>
- mkLabel fid <*> fbranch <*>
- mkLabel endif
-mkWhileDo cbranch body =
- withFreshLabel "loop test" $ \test ->
- withFreshLabel "loop head" $ \head ->
- withFreshLabel "end while" $ \endwhile ->
- -- Forrest Baskett's while-loop layout
- mkBranch test <*> mkLabel head <*> body
- <*> mkLabel test <*> cbranch head endwhile
- <*> mkLabel endwhile
--- | Bleat if the insertion of a last node will create unreachable code
-note_this_code_becomes_unreachable ::
- (Monad m, LastNode l, Outputable middle, Outputable l) =>
- String -> SDoc -> ZTail middle l -> m ()
-note_this_code_becomes_unreachable str old = if debugIsOn then u else \_ -> return ()
- where u (ZLast LastExit) = return ()
- u (ZLast (LastOther l)) | isBranchNode l = return ()
- -- Note [Branch follows branch]
- u tail = fail ("unreachable code in " ++ str ++ ": " ++
- (showSDoc ((ppr tail) <+> old)))
--- | The string argument to 'freshBlockId' was originally helpful in debugging
--- the Quick C-- compiler, so I have kept it here even though at present it is
--- thrown away at this spot---there's no reason a BlockId couldn't one day carry
--- a string.
-freshBlockId :: MonadUnique m => String -> m BlockId
-freshBlockId _s = getUniqueM >>= return . BlockId
--- Debugging
-pprAGraph :: (Outputable m, LastNode l, Outputable l) => AGraph m l -> UniqSM SDoc
-pprAGraph g = graphOfAGraph g >>= return . ppr
-Note [Branch follows branch]
-Why do we say it's ok for a Branch to follow a Branch?
-Because the standard constructor mkLabel-- has fall-through
-semantics. So if you do a mkLabel, you finish the current block,
-giving it a label, and start a new one that branches to that label.
-Emitting a Branch at this point is fine:
- goto L1; L2: ...stuff...