path: root/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[CgBindery]{Utility functions related to doing @CgBindings@}
+module CgBindery (
+ CgBindings, CgIdInfo,
+ StableLoc, VolatileLoc,
+ cgIdInfoId, cgIdInfoArgRep, cgIdInfoLF,
+ stableIdInfo, heapIdInfo,
+ letNoEscapeIdInfo, idInfoToAmode,
+ addBindC, addBindsC,
+ nukeVolatileBinds,
+ nukeDeadBindings,
+ getLiveStackSlots,
+ bindArgsToStack, rebindToStack,
+ bindNewToNode, bindNewToReg, bindArgsToRegs,
+ bindNewToTemp,
+ getArgAmode, getArgAmodes,
+ getCgIdInfo,
+ getCAddrModeIfVolatile, getVolatileRegs,
+ maybeLetNoEscape,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CgMonad
+import CgHeapery ( getHpRelOffset )
+import CgStackery ( freeStackSlots, getSpRelOffset )
+import CgUtils ( cgLit, cmmOffsetW )
+import CLabel ( mkClosureLabel, pprCLabel )
+import ClosureInfo ( mkLFImported, mkLFArgument, LambdaFormInfo )
+import Cmm
+import PprCmm ( {- instance Outputable -} )
+import SMRep ( CgRep(..), WordOff, isFollowableArg,
+ isVoidArg, cgRepSizeW, argMachRep,
+ idCgRep, typeCgRep )
+import Id ( Id, idName )
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet ( varSetElems )
+import Literal ( literalType )
+import Maybes ( catMaybes )
+import Name ( isExternalName )
+import StgSyn ( StgArg, StgLiveVars, GenStgArg(..), isStgTypeArg )
+import Unique ( Uniquable(..) )
+import UniqSet ( elementOfUniqSet )
+import Outputable
+%* *
+\subsection[Bindery-datatypes]{Data types}
+%* *
+@(CgBinding a b)@ is a type of finite maps from a to b.
+The assumption used to be that @lookupCgBind@ must get exactly one
+match. This is {\em completely wrong} in the case of compiling
+letrecs (where knot-tying is used). An initial binding is fed in (and
+never evaluated); eventually, a correct binding is put into the
+environment. So there can be two bindings for a given name.
+type CgBindings = IdEnv CgIdInfo
+data CgIdInfo
+ = CgIdInfo
+ { cg_id :: Id -- Id that this is the info for
+ -- Can differ from the Id at occurrence sites by
+ -- virtue of being externalised, for splittable C
+ , cg_rep :: CgRep
+ , cg_vol :: VolatileLoc
+ , cg_stb :: StableLoc
+ , cg_lf :: LambdaFormInfo }
+mkCgIdInfo id vol stb lf
+ = CgIdInfo { cg_id = id, cg_vol = vol, cg_stb = stb,
+ cg_lf = lf, cg_rep = idCgRep id }
+voidIdInfo id = CgIdInfo { cg_id = id, cg_vol = NoVolatileLoc
+ , cg_stb = VoidLoc, cg_lf = mkLFArgument id
+ , cg_rep = VoidArg }
+ -- Used just for VoidRep things
+data VolatileLoc -- These locations die across a call
+ = NoVolatileLoc
+ | RegLoc CmmReg -- In one of the registers (global or local)
+ | VirHpLoc VirtualHpOffset -- Hp+offset (address of closure)
+ | VirNodeLoc VirtualHpOffset -- Cts of offset indirect from Node
+ -- ie *(Node+offset)
+@StableLoc@ encodes where an Id can be found, used by
+the @CgBindings@ environment in @CgBindery@.
+data StableLoc
+ = NoStableLoc
+ | VirStkLoc VirtualSpOffset -- The thing is held in this
+ -- stack slot
+ | VirStkLNE VirtualSpOffset -- A let-no-escape thing; the
+ -- value is this stack pointer
+ -- (as opposed to the contents of the slot)
+ | StableLoc CmmExpr
+ | VoidLoc -- Used only for VoidRep variables. They never need to
+ -- be saved, so it makes sense to treat treat them as
+ -- having a stable location
+instance Outputable CgIdInfo where
+ ppr (CgIdInfo id rep vol stb lf)
+ = ppr id <+> ptext SLIT("-->") <+> vcat [ppr vol, ppr stb]
+instance Outputable VolatileLoc where
+ ppr NoVolatileLoc = empty
+ ppr (RegLoc r) = ptext SLIT("reg") <+> ppr r
+ ppr (VirHpLoc v) = ptext SLIT("vh") <+> ppr v
+ ppr (VirNodeLoc v) = ptext SLIT("vn") <+> ppr v
+instance Outputable StableLoc where
+ ppr NoStableLoc = empty
+ ppr VoidLoc = ptext SLIT("void")
+ ppr (VirStkLoc v) = ptext SLIT("vs") <+> ppr v
+ ppr (VirStkLNE v) = ptext SLIT("lne") <+> ppr v
+ ppr (StableLoc a) = ptext SLIT("amode") <+> ppr a
+%* *
+\subsection[Bindery-idInfo]{Manipulating IdInfo}
+%* *
+stableIdInfo id amode lf_info = mkCgIdInfo id NoVolatileLoc (StableLoc amode) lf_info
+heapIdInfo id offset lf_info = mkCgIdInfo id (VirHpLoc offset) NoStableLoc lf_info
+letNoEscapeIdInfo id sp lf_info = mkCgIdInfo id NoVolatileLoc (VirStkLNE sp) lf_info
+stackIdInfo id sp lf_info = mkCgIdInfo id NoVolatileLoc (VirStkLoc sp) lf_info
+nodeIdInfo id offset lf_info = mkCgIdInfo id (VirNodeLoc offset) NoStableLoc lf_info
+regIdInfo id reg lf_info = mkCgIdInfo id (RegLoc reg) NoStableLoc lf_info
+idInfoToAmode :: CgIdInfo -> FCode CmmExpr
+idInfoToAmode info
+ = case cg_vol info of {
+ RegLoc reg -> returnFC (CmmReg reg) ;
+ VirNodeLoc nd_off -> returnFC (CmmLoad (cmmOffsetW (CmmReg nodeReg) nd_off) mach_rep) ;
+ VirHpLoc hp_off -> getHpRelOffset hp_off ;
+ NoVolatileLoc ->
+ case cg_stb info of
+ StableLoc amode -> returnFC amode
+ VirStkLoc sp_off -> do { sp_rel <- getSpRelOffset sp_off
+ ; return (CmmLoad sp_rel mach_rep) }
+ VirStkLNE sp_off -> getSpRelOffset sp_off
+ VoidLoc -> return $ pprPanic "idInfoToAmode: void" (ppr (cg_id info))
+ -- We return a 'bottom' amode, rather than panicing now
+ -- In this way getArgAmode returns a pair of (VoidArg, bottom)
+ -- and that's exactly what we want
+ NoStableLoc -> pprPanic "idInfoToAmode: no loc" (ppr (cg_id info))
+ }
+ where
+ mach_rep = argMachRep (cg_rep info)
+cgIdInfoId :: CgIdInfo -> Id
+cgIdInfoId = cg_id
+cgIdInfoLF :: CgIdInfo -> LambdaFormInfo
+cgIdInfoLF = cg_lf
+cgIdInfoArgRep :: CgIdInfo -> CgRep
+cgIdInfoArgRep = cg_rep
+maybeLetNoEscape (CgIdInfo { cg_stb = VirStkLNE sp_off }) = Just sp_off
+maybeLetNoEscape other = Nothing
+%* *
+\subsection[CgMonad-bindery]{Monad things for fiddling with @CgBindings@}
+%* *
+.There are three basic routines, for adding (@addBindC@), modifying
+(@modifyBindC@) and looking up (@getCgIdInfo@) bindings.
+A @Id@ is bound to a @(VolatileLoc, StableLoc)@ triple.
+The name should not already be bound. (nice ASSERT, eh?)
+addBindC :: Id -> CgIdInfo -> Code
+addBindC name stuff_to_bind = do
+ binds <- getBinds
+ setBinds $ extendVarEnv binds name stuff_to_bind
+addBindsC :: [(Id, CgIdInfo)] -> Code
+addBindsC new_bindings = do
+ binds <- getBinds
+ let new_binds = foldl (\ binds (name,info) -> extendVarEnv binds name info)
+ binds
+ new_bindings
+ setBinds new_binds
+modifyBindC :: Id -> (CgIdInfo -> CgIdInfo) -> Code
+modifyBindC name mangle_fn = do
+ binds <- getBinds
+ setBinds $ modifyVarEnv mangle_fn binds name
+getCgIdInfo :: Id -> FCode CgIdInfo
+getCgIdInfo id
+ = do { -- Try local bindings first
+ ; local_binds <- getBinds
+ ; case lookupVarEnv local_binds id of {
+ Just info -> return info ;
+ Nothing -> do
+ { -- Try top-level bindings
+ static_binds <- getStaticBinds
+ ; case lookupVarEnv static_binds id of {
+ Just info -> return info ;
+ Nothing ->
+ -- Should be imported; make up a CgIdInfo for it
+ let
+ name = idName id
+ in
+ if isExternalName name then do
+ hmods <- getHomeModules
+ let ext_lbl = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkClosureLabel hmods name))
+ return (stableIdInfo id ext_lbl (mkLFImported id))
+ else
+ if isVoidArg (idCgRep id) then
+ -- Void things are never in the environment
+ return (voidIdInfo id)
+ else
+ -- Bug
+ cgLookupPanic id
+ }}}}
+cgLookupPanic :: Id -> FCode a
+cgLookupPanic id
+ = do static_binds <- getStaticBinds
+ local_binds <- getBinds
+ srt <- getSRTLabel
+ pprPanic "cgPanic"
+ (vcat [ppr id,
+ ptext SLIT("static binds for:"),
+ vcat [ ppr (cg_id info) | info <- varEnvElts static_binds ],
+ ptext SLIT("local binds for:"),
+ vcat [ ppr (cg_id info) | info <- varEnvElts local_binds ],
+ ptext SLIT("SRT label") <+> pprCLabel srt
+ ])
+%* *
+\subsection[Bindery-nuke-volatile]{Nuking volatile bindings}
+%* *
+We sometimes want to nuke all the volatile bindings; we must be sure
+we don't leave any (NoVolatile, NoStable) binds around...
+nukeVolatileBinds :: CgBindings -> CgBindings
+nukeVolatileBinds binds
+ = mkVarEnv (foldr keep_if_stable [] (varEnvElts binds))
+ where
+ keep_if_stable (CgIdInfo { cg_stb = NoStableLoc }) acc = acc
+ keep_if_stable info acc
+ = (cg_id info, info { cg_vol = NoVolatileLoc }) : acc
+%* *
+\subsection[lookup-interface]{Interface functions to looking up bindings}
+%* *
+getCAddrModeIfVolatile :: Id -> FCode (Maybe CmmExpr)
+getCAddrModeIfVolatile id
+ = do { info <- getCgIdInfo id
+ ; case cg_stb info of
+ NoStableLoc -> do -- Aha! So it is volatile!
+ amode <- idInfoToAmode info
+ return $ Just amode
+ a_stable_loc -> return Nothing }
+@getVolatileRegs@ gets a set of live variables, and returns a list of
+all registers on which these variables depend. These are the regs
+which must be saved and restored across any C calls. If a variable is
+both in a volatile location (depending on a register) {\em and} a
+stable one (notably, on the stack), we modify the current bindings to
+forget the volatile one.
+getVolatileRegs :: StgLiveVars -> FCode [GlobalReg]
+getVolatileRegs vars = do
+ do { stuff <- mapFCs snaffle_it (varSetElems vars)
+ ; returnFC $ catMaybes stuff }
+ where
+ snaffle_it var = do
+ { info <- getCgIdInfo var
+ ; let
+ -- commoned-up code...
+ consider_reg reg
+ = -- We assume that all regs can die across C calls
+ -- We leave it to the save-macros to decide which
+ -- regs *really* need to be saved.
+ case cg_stb info of
+ NoStableLoc -> returnFC (Just reg) -- got one!
+ is_a_stable_loc -> do
+ { -- has both volatile & stable locations;
+ -- force it to rely on the stable location
+ modifyBindC var nuke_vol_bind
+ ; return Nothing }
+ ; case cg_vol info of
+ RegLoc (CmmGlobal reg) -> consider_reg reg
+ VirNodeLoc _ -> consider_reg node
+ other_loc -> returnFC Nothing -- Local registers
+ }
+ nuke_vol_bind info = info { cg_vol = NoVolatileLoc }
+getArgAmode :: StgArg -> FCode (CgRep, CmmExpr)
+getArgAmode (StgVarArg var)
+ = do { info <- getCgIdInfo var
+ ; amode <- idInfoToAmode info
+ ; return (cgIdInfoArgRep info, amode ) }
+getArgAmode (StgLitArg lit)
+ = do { cmm_lit <- cgLit lit
+ ; return (typeCgRep (literalType lit), CmmLit cmm_lit) }
+getArgAmode (StgTypeArg _) = panic "getArgAmode: type arg"
+getArgAmodes :: [StgArg] -> FCode [(CgRep, CmmExpr)]
+getArgAmodes [] = returnFC []
+getArgAmodes (atom:atoms)
+ | isStgTypeArg atom = getArgAmodes atoms
+ | otherwise = do { amode <- getArgAmode atom
+ ; amodes <- getArgAmodes atoms
+ ; return ( amode : amodes ) }
+%* *
+\subsection[binding-and-rebinding-interface]{Interface functions for binding and re-binding names}
+%* *
+bindArgsToStack :: [(Id, VirtualSpOffset)] -> Code
+bindArgsToStack args
+ = mapCs bind args
+ where
+ bind(id, offset) = addBindC id (stackIdInfo id offset (mkLFArgument id))
+bindArgsToRegs :: [(Id, GlobalReg)] -> Code
+bindArgsToRegs args
+ = mapCs bind args
+ where
+ bind (arg, reg) = bindNewToReg arg (CmmGlobal reg) (mkLFArgument arg)
+bindNewToNode :: Id -> VirtualHpOffset -> LambdaFormInfo -> Code
+bindNewToNode id offset lf_info
+ = addBindC id (nodeIdInfo id offset lf_info)
+-- Create a new temporary whose unique is that in the id,
+-- bind the id to it, and return the addressing mode for the
+-- temporary.
+bindNewToTemp :: Id -> FCode CmmReg
+bindNewToTemp id
+ = do addBindC id (regIdInfo id temp_reg lf_info)
+ return temp_reg
+ where
+ uniq = getUnique id
+ temp_reg = CmmLocal (LocalReg uniq (argMachRep (idCgRep id)))
+ lf_info = mkLFArgument id -- Always used of things we
+ -- know nothing about
+bindNewToReg :: Id -> CmmReg -> LambdaFormInfo -> Code
+bindNewToReg name reg lf_info
+ = addBindC name info
+ where
+ info = mkCgIdInfo name (RegLoc reg) NoStableLoc lf_info
+rebindToStack :: Id -> VirtualSpOffset -> Code
+rebindToStack name offset
+ = modifyBindC name replace_stable_fn
+ where
+ replace_stable_fn info = info { cg_stb = VirStkLoc offset }
+%* *
+\subsection[CgMonad-deadslots]{Finding dead stack slots}
+%* *
+nukeDeadBindings does the following:
+ - Removes all bindings from the environment other than those
+ for variables in the argument to nukeDeadBindings.
+ - Collects any stack slots so freed, and returns them to the stack free
+ list.
+ - Moves the virtual stack pointer to point to the topmost used
+ stack locations.
+You can have multi-word slots on the stack (where a Double# used to
+be, for instance); if dead, such a slot will be reported as *several*
+offsets (one per word).
+Probably *naughty* to look inside monad...
+nukeDeadBindings :: StgLiveVars -- All the *live* variables
+ -> Code
+nukeDeadBindings live_vars = do
+ binds <- getBinds
+ let (dead_stk_slots, bs') =
+ dead_slots live_vars
+ [] []
+ [ (cg_id b, b) | b <- varEnvElts binds ]
+ setBinds $ mkVarEnv bs'
+ freeStackSlots dead_stk_slots
+Several boring auxiliary functions to do the dirty work.
+dead_slots :: StgLiveVars
+ -> [(Id,CgIdInfo)]
+ -> [VirtualSpOffset]
+ -> [(Id,CgIdInfo)]
+ -> ([VirtualSpOffset], [(Id,CgIdInfo)])
+-- dead_slots carries accumulating parameters for
+-- filtered bindings, dead slots
+dead_slots live_vars fbs ds []
+ = (ds, reverse fbs) -- Finished; rm the dups, if any
+dead_slots live_vars fbs ds ((v,i):bs)
+ | v `elementOfUniqSet` live_vars
+ = dead_slots live_vars ((v,i):fbs) ds bs
+ -- Live, so don't record it in dead slots
+ -- Instead keep it in the filtered bindings
+ | otherwise
+ = case cg_stb i of
+ VirStkLoc offset
+ | size > 0
+ -> dead_slots live_vars fbs ([offset-size+1 .. offset] ++ ds) bs
+ _ -> dead_slots live_vars fbs ds bs
+ where
+ size :: WordOff
+ size = cgRepSizeW (cg_rep i)
+getLiveStackSlots :: FCode [VirtualSpOffset]
+-- Return the offsets of slots in stack containig live pointers
+ = do { binds <- getBinds
+ ; return [off | CgIdInfo { cg_stb = VirStkLoc off,
+ cg_rep = rep } <- varEnvElts binds,
+ isFollowableArg rep] }