path: root/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+% $Id: CgCase.lhs,v 1.75 2005/06/21 10:44:41 simonmar Exp $
+%* *
+\section[CgCase]{Converting @StgCase@ expressions}
+%* *
+module CgCase ( cgCase, saveVolatileVarsAndRegs,
+ restoreCurrentCostCentre
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import {-# SOURCE #-} CgExpr ( cgExpr )
+import CgMonad
+import StgSyn
+import CgBindery ( getArgAmodes,
+ bindNewToReg, bindNewToTemp,
+ getCgIdInfo, getArgAmode,
+ rebindToStack, getCAddrModeIfVolatile,
+ nukeDeadBindings, idInfoToAmode
+ )
+import CgCon ( bindConArgs, bindUnboxedTupleComponents )
+import CgHeapery ( altHeapCheck, unbxTupleHeapCheck )
+import CgCallConv ( dataReturnConvPrim, ctrlReturnConvAlg,
+ CtrlReturnConvention(..)
+ )
+import CgStackery ( allocPrimStack, allocStackTop, getSpRelOffset,
+ deAllocStackTop, freeStackSlots
+ )
+import CgTailCall ( performTailCall )
+import CgPrimOp ( cgPrimOp )
+import CgForeignCall ( cgForeignCall )
+import CgUtils ( newTemp, cgLit, emitLitSwitch, emitSwitch,
+ tagToClosure )
+import CgProf ( curCCS, curCCSAddr )
+import CgInfoTbls ( emitDirectReturnTarget, emitAlgReturnTarget,
+ dataConTagZ )
+import SMRep ( CgRep(..), retAddrSizeW, nonVoidArg, isVoidArg,
+ idCgRep, tyConCgRep, typeHint )
+import CmmUtils ( CmmStmts, noStmts, oneStmt, plusStmts )
+import Cmm
+import MachOp ( wordRep )
+import ClosureInfo ( mkLFArgument )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_SccProfilingOn )
+import Id ( Id, idName, isDeadBinder, idType )
+import ForeignCall ( ForeignCall(..), CCallSpec(..), playSafe )
+import VarSet ( varSetElems )
+import CoreSyn ( AltCon(..) )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp(..), primOpOutOfLine )
+import TyCon ( isEnumerationTyCon, tyConFamilySize )
+import Util ( isSingleton )
+import Outputable
+data GCFlag
+ = GCMayHappen -- The scrutinee may involve GC, so everything must be
+ -- tidy before the code for the scrutinee.
+ | NoGC -- The scrutinee is a primitive value, or a call to a
+ -- primitive op which does no GC. Hence the case can
+ -- be done inline, without tidying up first.
+It is quite interesting to decide whether to put a heap-check
+at the start of each alternative. Of course we certainly have
+to do so if the case forces an evaluation, or if there is a primitive
+op which can trigger GC.
+A more interesting situation is this:
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ !A!;
+ ...A...
+ case x# of
+ 0# -> !B!; ...B...
+ default -> !C!; ...C...
+ \end{verbatim}
+where \tr{!x!} indicates a possible heap-check point. The heap checks
+in the alternatives {\em can} be omitted, in which case the topmost
+heapcheck will take their worst case into account.
+In favour of omitting \tr{!B!}, \tr{!C!}:
+ - {\em May} save a heap overflow test,
+ if ...A... allocates anything. The other advantage
+ of this is that we can use relative addressing
+ from a single Hp to get at all the closures so allocated.
+ - No need to save volatile vars etc across the case
+ - May do more allocation than reqd. This sometimes bites us
+ badly. For example, nfib (ha!) allocates about 30\% more space if the
+ worst-casing is done, because many many calls to nfib are leaf calls
+ which don't need to allocate anything.
+ This never hurts us if there is only one alternative.
+cgCase :: StgExpr
+ -> StgLiveVars
+ -> StgLiveVars
+ -> Id
+ -> SRT
+ -> AltType
+ -> [StgAlt]
+ -> Code
+Special case #1: case of literal.
+cgCase (StgLit lit) live_in_whole_case live_in_alts bndr srt
+ alt_type@(PrimAlt tycon) alts
+ = do { tmp_reg <- bindNewToTemp bndr
+ ; cm_lit <- cgLit lit
+ ; stmtC (CmmAssign tmp_reg (CmmLit cm_lit))
+ ; cgPrimAlts NoGC alt_type tmp_reg alts }
+Special case #2: scrutinising a primitive-typed variable. No
+evaluation required. We don't save volatile variables, nor do we do a
+heap-check in the alternatives. Instead, the heap usage of the
+alternatives is worst-cased and passed upstream. This can result in
+allocating more heap than strictly necessary, but it will sometimes
+eliminate a heap check altogether.
+cgCase (StgApp v []) live_in_whole_case live_in_alts bndr srt
+ alt_type@(PrimAlt tycon) alts
+ = do { -- Careful! we can't just bind the default binder to the same thing
+ -- as the scrutinee, since it might be a stack location, and having
+ -- two bindings pointing at the same stack locn doesn't work (it
+ -- confuses nukeDeadBindings). Hence, use a new temp.
+ v_info <- getCgIdInfo v
+ ; amode <- idInfoToAmode v_info
+ ; tmp_reg <- bindNewToTemp bndr
+ ; stmtC (CmmAssign tmp_reg amode)
+ ; cgPrimAlts NoGC alt_type tmp_reg alts }
+Special case #3: inline PrimOps and foreign calls.
+cgCase (StgOpApp op@(StgPrimOp primop) args _)
+ live_in_whole_case live_in_alts bndr srt alt_type alts
+ | not (primOpOutOfLine primop)
+ = cgInlinePrimOp primop args bndr alt_type live_in_alts alts
+TODO: Case-of-case of primop can probably be done inline too (but
+maybe better to translate it out beforehand). See
+ghc/lib/misc/PackedString.lhs for examples where this crops up (with
+Special case #4: inline foreign calls: an unsafe foreign call can be done
+right here, just like an inline primop.
+cgCase (StgOpApp op@(StgFCallOp fcall _) args _)
+ live_in_whole_case live_in_alts bndr srt alt_type alts
+ | unsafe_foreign_call
+ = ASSERT( isSingleton alts )
+ do -- *must* be an unboxed tuple alt.
+ -- exactly like the cgInlinePrimOp case for unboxed tuple alts..
+ { res_tmps <- mapFCs bindNewToTemp non_void_res_ids
+ ; let res_hints = map (typeHint.idType) non_void_res_ids
+ ; cgForeignCall (zip res_tmps res_hints) fcall args live_in_alts
+ ; cgExpr rhs }
+ where
+ (_, res_ids, _, rhs) = head alts
+ non_void_res_ids = filter (nonVoidArg . idCgRep) res_ids
+ unsafe_foreign_call
+ = case fcall of
+ CCall (CCallSpec _ _ s) -> not (playSafe s)
+ _other -> False
+Special case: scrutinising a non-primitive variable.
+This can be done a little better than the general case, because
+we can reuse/trim the stack slot holding the variable (if it is in one).
+cgCase (StgApp fun args)
+ live_in_whole_case live_in_alts bndr srt alt_type alts
+ = do { fun_info <- getCgIdInfo fun
+ ; arg_amodes <- getArgAmodes args
+ -- Nuking dead bindings *before* calculating the saves is the
+ -- value-add here. We might end up freeing up some slots currently
+ -- occupied by variables only required for the call.
+ -- NOTE: we need to look up the variables used in the call before
+ -- doing this, because some of them may not be in the environment
+ -- afterward.
+ ; nukeDeadBindings live_in_alts
+ ; (save_assts, alts_eob_info, maybe_cc_slot)
+ <- saveVolatileVarsAndRegs live_in_alts
+ ; scrut_eob_info
+ <- forkEval alts_eob_info
+ (allocStackTop retAddrSizeW >> nopC)
+ (do { deAllocStackTop retAddrSizeW
+ ; cgEvalAlts maybe_cc_slot bndr srt alt_type alts })
+ ; setEndOfBlockInfo (maybeReserveSeqFrame alt_type scrut_eob_info)
+ (performTailCall fun_info arg_amodes save_assts) }
+Note about return addresses: we *always* push a return address, even
+if because of an optimisation we end up jumping direct to the return
+code (not through the address itself). The alternatives always assume
+that the return address is on the stack. The return address is
+required in case the alternative performs a heap check, since it
+encodes the liveness of the slots in the activation record.
+On entry to the case alternative, we can re-use the slot containing
+the return address immediately after the heap check. That's what the
+deAllocStackTop call is doing above.
+Finally, here is the general case.
+cgCase expr live_in_whole_case live_in_alts bndr srt alt_type alts
+ = do { -- Figure out what volatile variables to save
+ nukeDeadBindings live_in_whole_case
+ ; (save_assts, alts_eob_info, maybe_cc_slot)
+ <- saveVolatileVarsAndRegs live_in_alts
+ -- Save those variables right now!
+ ; emitStmts save_assts
+ -- generate code for the alts
+ ; scrut_eob_info
+ <- forkEval alts_eob_info
+ (do { nukeDeadBindings live_in_alts
+ ; allocStackTop retAddrSizeW -- space for retn address
+ ; nopC })
+ (do { deAllocStackTop retAddrSizeW
+ ; cgEvalAlts maybe_cc_slot bndr srt alt_type alts })
+ ; setEndOfBlockInfo (maybeReserveSeqFrame alt_type scrut_eob_info)
+ (cgExpr expr)
+ }
+There's a lot of machinery going on behind the scenes to manage the
+stack pointer here. forkEval takes the virtual Sp and free list from
+the first argument, and turns that into the *real* Sp for the second
+argument. It also uses this virtual Sp as the args-Sp in the EOB info
+returned, so that the scrutinee will trim the real Sp back to the
+right place before doing whatever it does.
+ --SDM (who just spent an hour figuring this out, and didn't want to
+ forget it).
+Why don't we push the return address just before evaluating the
+scrutinee? Because the slot reserved for the return address might
+contain something useful, so we wait until performing a tail call or
+return before pushing the return address (see
+This also means that the environment doesn't need to know about the
+free stack slot for the return address (for generating bitmaps),
+because we don't reserve it until just before the eval.
+TODO!! Problem: however, we have to save the current cost centre
+stack somewhere, because at the eval point the current CCS might be
+different. So we pick a free stack slot and save CCCS in it. One
+consequence of this is that activation records on the stack don't
+follow the layout of closures when we're profiling. The CCS could be
+anywhere within the record).
+maybeReserveSeqFrame PolyAlt (EndOfBlockInfo args_sp (CaseAlts amode stuff bndr _))
+ = EndOfBlockInfo (args_sp + retAddrSizeW) (CaseAlts amode stuff bndr True)
+maybeReserveSeqFrame other scrut_eob_info = scrut_eob_info
+%* *
+ Inline primops
+%* *
+cgInlinePrimOp primop args bndr (PrimAlt tycon) live_in_alts alts
+ | isVoidArg (idCgRep bndr)
+ = ASSERT( con == DEFAULT && isSingleton alts && null bs )
+ do { -- VOID RESULT; just sequencing,
+ -- so get in there and do it
+ cgPrimOp [] primop args live_in_alts
+ ; cgExpr rhs }
+ where
+ (con,bs,_,rhs) = head alts
+cgInlinePrimOp primop args bndr (PrimAlt tycon) live_in_alts alts
+ = do { -- PRIMITIVE ALTS, with non-void result
+ tmp_reg <- bindNewToTemp bndr
+ ; cgPrimOp [tmp_reg] primop args live_in_alts
+ ; cgPrimAlts NoGC (PrimAlt tycon) tmp_reg alts }
+cgInlinePrimOp primop args bndr (UbxTupAlt tycon) live_in_alts alts
+ = ASSERT( isSingleton alts )
+ -- No heap check, no yield, just get in there and do it.
+ -- NB: the case binder isn't bound to anything;
+ -- it has a unboxed tuple type
+ res_tmps <- mapFCs bindNewToTemp non_void_res_ids
+ ; cgPrimOp res_tmps primop args live_in_alts
+ ; cgExpr rhs }
+ where
+ (_, res_ids, _, rhs) = head alts
+ non_void_res_ids = filter (nonVoidArg . idCgRep) res_ids
+cgInlinePrimOp primop args bndr (AlgAlt tycon) live_in_alts alts
+ -- Typical: case a ># b of { True -> ..; False -> .. }
+ -- The primop itself returns an index into the table of
+ -- closures for the enumeration type.
+ tag_amode <- ASSERT( isEnumerationTyCon tycon )
+ do_enum_primop primop
+ -- Bind the default binder if necessary
+ -- (avoiding it avoids the assignment)
+ -- The deadness info is set by StgVarInfo
+ ; hmods <- getHomeModules
+ ; whenC (not (isDeadBinder bndr))
+ (do { tmp_reg <- bindNewToTemp bndr
+ ; stmtC (CmmAssign tmp_reg (tagToClosure hmods tycon tag_amode)) })
+ -- Compile the alts
+ ; (branches, mb_deflt) <- cgAlgAlts NoGC Nothing{-cc_slot-}
+ (AlgAlt tycon) alts
+ -- Do the switch
+ ; emitSwitch tag_amode branches mb_deflt 0 (tyConFamilySize tycon - 1)
+ }
+ where
+ do_enum_primop :: PrimOp -> FCode CmmExpr -- Returns amode for result
+ do_enum_primop TagToEnumOp -- No code!
+ | [arg] <- args = do
+ (_,e) <- getArgAmode arg
+ return e
+ do_enum_primop primop
+ = do tmp <- newTemp wordRep
+ cgPrimOp [tmp] primop args live_in_alts
+ returnFC (CmmReg tmp)
+cgInlinePrimOp primop arg_amodes bndr PolyAlt live_in_alts alts
+ = pprPanic "cgCase: case of primop has polymorphic type" (ppr bndr)
+%* *
+%* *
+@cgEvalAlts@ returns an addressing mode for a continuation for the
+alternatives of a @case@, used in a context when there
+is some evaluation to be done.
+cgEvalAlts :: Maybe VirtualSpOffset -- Offset of cost-centre to be restored, if any
+ -> Id
+ -> SRT -- SRT for the continuation
+ -> AltType
+ -> [StgAlt]
+ -> FCode Sequel -- Any addr modes inside are guaranteed
+ -- to be a label so that we can duplicate it
+ -- without risk of duplicating code
+cgEvalAlts cc_slot bndr srt alt_type@(PrimAlt tycon) alts
+ = do { let rep = tyConCgRep tycon
+ reg = dataReturnConvPrim rep -- Bottom for voidRep
+ ; abs_c <- forkProc $ do
+ { -- Bind the case binder, except if it's void
+ -- (reg is bottom in that case)
+ whenC (nonVoidArg rep) $
+ bindNewToReg bndr reg (mkLFArgument bndr)
+ ; restoreCurrentCostCentre cc_slot True
+ ; cgPrimAlts GCMayHappen alt_type reg alts }
+ ; lbl <- emitDirectReturnTarget (idName bndr) abs_c srt
+ ; returnFC (CaseAlts lbl Nothing bndr False) }
+cgEvalAlts cc_slot bndr srt (UbxTupAlt _) [(con,args,_,rhs)]
+ = -- Unboxed tuple case
+ -- By now, the simplifier should have have turned it
+ -- into case e of (# a,b #) -> e
+ -- There shouldn't be a
+ -- case e of DEFAULT -> e
+ ASSERT2( case con of { DataAlt _ -> True; other -> False },
+ text "cgEvalAlts: dodgy case of unboxed tuple type" )
+ do { -- forkAbsC for the RHS, so that the envt is
+ -- not changed for the emitDirectReturn call
+ abs_c <- forkProc $ do
+ { (live_regs, ptrs, nptrs, _) <- bindUnboxedTupleComponents args
+ -- Restore the CC *after* binding the tuple components,
+ -- so that we get the stack offset of the saved CC right.
+ ; restoreCurrentCostCentre cc_slot True
+ -- Generate a heap check if necessary
+ -- and finally the code for the alternative
+ ; unbxTupleHeapCheck live_regs ptrs nptrs noStmts
+ (cgExpr rhs) }
+ ; lbl <- emitDirectReturnTarget (idName bndr) abs_c srt
+ ; returnFC (CaseAlts lbl Nothing bndr False) }
+cgEvalAlts cc_slot bndr srt alt_type alts
+ = -- Algebraic and polymorphic case
+ do { -- Bind the default binder
+ bindNewToReg bndr nodeReg (mkLFArgument bndr)
+ -- Generate sequel info for use downstream
+ -- At the moment, we only do it if the type is vector-returnable.
+ -- Reason: if not, then it costs extra to label the
+ -- alternatives, because we'd get return code like:
+ --
+ -- switch TagReg { 0 : JMP(alt_1); 1 : JMP(alt_2) ..etc }
+ --
+ -- which is worse than having the alt code in the switch statement
+ ; (alts, mb_deflt) <- cgAlgAlts GCMayHappen cc_slot alt_type alts
+ ; (lbl, branches) <- emitAlgReturnTarget (idName bndr)
+ alts mb_deflt srt ret_conv
+ ; returnFC (CaseAlts lbl branches bndr False) }
+ where
+ ret_conv = case alt_type of
+ AlgAlt tc -> ctrlReturnConvAlg tc
+ PolyAlt -> UnvectoredReturn 0
+HWL comment on {\em GrAnSim\/} (adding GRAN_YIELDs for context switch): If
+we do an inlining of the case no separate functions for returning are
+created, so we don't have to generate a GRAN_YIELD in that case. This info
+must be propagated to cgAlgAltRhs (where the GRAN_YIELD macro might be
+emitted). Hence, the new Bool arg to cgAlgAltRhs.
+%* *
+\subsection[CgCase-alg-alts]{Algebraic alternatives}
+%* *
+In @cgAlgAlts@, none of the binders in the alternatives are
+assumed to be yet bound.
+HWL comment on {\em GrAnSim\/} (adding GRAN_YIELDs for context switch): The
+last arg of cgAlgAlts indicates if we want a context switch at the
+beginning of each alternative. Normally we want that. The only exception
+are inlined alternatives.
+cgAlgAlts :: GCFlag
+ -> Maybe VirtualSpOffset
+ -> AltType -- ** AlgAlt or PolyAlt only **
+ -> [StgAlt] -- The alternatives
+ -> FCode ( [(ConTagZ, CgStmts)], -- The branches
+ Maybe CgStmts ) -- The default case
+cgAlgAlts gc_flag cc_slot alt_type alts
+ = do alts <- forkAlts [ cgAlgAlt gc_flag cc_slot alt_type alt | alt <- alts]
+ let
+ mb_deflt = case alts of -- DEFAULT is always first, if present
+ ((DEFAULT,blks) : _) -> Just blks
+ other -> Nothing
+ branches = [(dataConTagZ con, blks)
+ | (DataAlt con, blks) <- alts]
+ -- in
+ return (branches, mb_deflt)
+cgAlgAlt :: GCFlag
+ -> Maybe VirtualSpOffset -- Turgid state
+ -> AltType -- ** AlgAlt or PolyAlt only **
+ -> StgAlt
+ -> FCode (AltCon, CgStmts)
+cgAlgAlt gc_flag cc_slot alt_type (con, args, use_mask, rhs)
+ = do { abs_c <- getCgStmts $ do
+ { bind_con_args con args
+ ; restoreCurrentCostCentre cc_slot True
+ ; maybeAltHeapCheck gc_flag alt_type (cgExpr rhs) }
+ ; return (con, abs_c) }
+ where
+ bind_con_args DEFAULT args = nopC
+ bind_con_args (DataAlt dc) args = bindConArgs dc args
+%* *
+\subsection[CgCase-prim-alts]{Primitive alternatives}
+%* *
+@cgPrimAlts@ generates suitable a @CSwitch@
+for dealing with the alternatives of a primitive @case@, given an
+addressing mode for the thing to scrutinise. It also keeps track of
+the maximum stack depth encountered down any branch.
+As usual, no binders in the alternatives are yet bound.
+cgPrimAlts :: GCFlag
+ -> AltType -- Always PrimAlt, but passed to maybeAltHeapCheck
+ -> CmmReg -- Scrutinee
+ -> [StgAlt] -- Alternatives
+ -> Code
+-- NB: cgPrimAlts emits code that does the case analysis.
+-- It's often used in inline situations, rather than to genearte
+-- a labelled return point. That's why its interface is a little
+-- different to cgAlgAlts
+-- INVARIANT: the default binder is already bound
+cgPrimAlts gc_flag alt_type scrutinee alts
+ = do { tagged_absCs <- forkAlts (map (cgPrimAlt gc_flag alt_type) alts)
+ ; let ((DEFAULT, deflt_absC) : others) = tagged_absCs -- There is always a default
+ alt_absCs = [(lit,rhs) | (LitAlt lit, rhs) <- others]
+ ; emitLitSwitch (CmmReg scrutinee) alt_absCs deflt_absC }
+cgPrimAlt :: GCFlag
+ -> AltType
+ -> StgAlt -- The alternative
+ -> FCode (AltCon, CgStmts) -- Its compiled form
+cgPrimAlt gc_flag alt_type (con, [], [], rhs)
+ = ASSERT( case con of { DEFAULT -> True; LitAlt _ -> True; other -> False } )
+ do { abs_c <- getCgStmts (maybeAltHeapCheck gc_flag alt_type (cgExpr rhs))
+ ; returnFC (con, abs_c) }
+%* *
+\subsection[CgCase-tidy]{Code for tidying up prior to an eval}
+%* *
+ :: GCFlag
+ -> AltType -- PolyAlt, PrimAlt, AlgAlt, but *not* UbxTupAlt
+ -> Code -- Continuation
+ -> Code
+maybeAltHeapCheck NoGC _ code = code
+maybeAltHeapCheck GCMayHappen alt_type code = altHeapCheck alt_type code
+ :: StgLiveVars -- Vars which should be made safe
+ -> FCode (CmmStmts, -- Assignments to do the saves
+ EndOfBlockInfo, -- sequel for the alts
+ Maybe VirtualSpOffset) -- Slot for current cost centre
+saveVolatileVarsAndRegs vars
+ = do { var_saves <- saveVolatileVars vars
+ ; (maybe_cc_slot, cc_save) <- saveCurrentCostCentre
+ ; eob_info <- getEndOfBlockInfo
+ ; returnFC (var_saves `plusStmts` cc_save,
+ eob_info,
+ maybe_cc_slot) }
+saveVolatileVars :: StgLiveVars -- Vars which should be made safe
+ -> FCode CmmStmts -- Assignments to to the saves
+saveVolatileVars vars
+ = do { stmts_s <- mapFCs save_it (varSetElems vars)
+ ; return (foldr plusStmts noStmts stmts_s) }
+ where
+ save_it var
+ = do { v <- getCAddrModeIfVolatile var
+ ; case v of
+ Nothing -> return noStmts -- Non-volatile
+ Just vol_amode -> save_var var vol_amode -- Aha! It's volatile
+ }
+ save_var var vol_amode
+ = do { slot <- allocPrimStack (idCgRep var)
+ ; rebindToStack var slot
+ ; sp_rel <- getSpRelOffset slot
+ ; returnFC (oneStmt (CmmStore sp_rel vol_amode)) }
+When we save the current cost centre (which is done for lexical
+scoping), we allocate a free stack location, and return (a)~the
+virtual offset of the location, to pass on to the alternatives, and
+(b)~the assignment to do the save (just as for @saveVolatileVars@).
+saveCurrentCostCentre ::
+ FCode (Maybe VirtualSpOffset, -- Where we decide to store it
+ CmmStmts) -- Assignment to save it
+ | not opt_SccProfilingOn
+ = returnFC (Nothing, noStmts)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { slot <- allocPrimStack PtrArg
+ ; sp_rel <- getSpRelOffset slot
+ ; returnFC (Just slot,
+ oneStmt (CmmStore sp_rel curCCS)) }
+-- Sometimes we don't free the slot containing the cost centre after restoring it
+-- (see CgLetNoEscape.cgLetNoEscapeBody).
+restoreCurrentCostCentre :: Maybe VirtualSpOffset -> Bool -> Code
+restoreCurrentCostCentre Nothing _freeit = nopC
+restoreCurrentCostCentre (Just slot) freeit
+ = do { sp_rel <- getSpRelOffset slot
+ ; whenC freeit (freeStackSlots [slot])
+ ; stmtC (CmmStore curCCSAddr (CmmLoad sp_rel wordRep)) }