path: root/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[CgCon]{Code generation for constructors}
+This module provides the support code for @StgToAbstractC@ to deal
+with {\em constructors} on the RHSs of let(rec)s. See also
+@CgClosure@, which deals with closures.
+module CgCon (
+ cgTopRhsCon, buildDynCon,
+ bindConArgs, bindUnboxedTupleComponents,
+ cgReturnDataCon,
+ cgTyCon
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CgMonad
+import StgSyn
+import CgBindery ( getArgAmodes, bindNewToNode,
+ bindArgsToRegs, idInfoToAmode, stableIdInfo,
+ heapIdInfo, CgIdInfo, bindArgsToStack
+ )
+import CgStackery ( mkVirtStkOffsets, freeStackSlots,
+ getRealSp, getVirtSp, setRealAndVirtualSp )
+import CgUtils ( addIdReps, cmmLabelOffW, emitRODataLits, emitDataLits )
+import CgCallConv ( assignReturnRegs )
+import CgHeapery ( allocDynClosure, layOutDynConstr,
+ layOutStaticConstr, mkStaticClosureFields )
+import CgTailCall ( performReturn, emitKnownConReturnCode, returnUnboxedTuple )
+import CgProf ( mkCCostCentreStack, ldvEnter, curCCS )
+import CgTicky
+import CgInfoTbls ( emitClosureCodeAndInfoTable, dataConTagZ )
+import CLabel
+import ClosureInfo ( mkConLFInfo, mkLFArgument )
+import CmmUtils ( mkLblExpr )
+import Cmm
+import SMRep ( WordOff, CgRep, separateByPtrFollowness,
+ fixedHdrSize, typeCgRep )
+import CostCentre ( currentOrSubsumedCCS, dontCareCCS, CostCentreStack,
+ currentCCS )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConDataCons, isEnumerationTyCon, tyConName )
+import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConRepArgTys, isNullaryRepDataCon,
+ isUnboxedTupleCon, dataConWorkId,
+ dataConName, dataConRepArity
+ )
+import Id ( Id, idName, isDeadBinder )
+import Type ( Type )
+import PrelInfo ( maybeCharLikeCon, maybeIntLikeCon )
+import Outputable
+import Util ( lengthIs )
+import ListSetOps ( assocMaybe )
+%* *
+\subsection[toplevel-constructors]{Top-level constructors}
+%* *
+cgTopRhsCon :: Id -- Name of thing bound to this RHS
+ -> DataCon -- Id
+ -> [StgArg] -- Args
+ -> FCode (Id, CgIdInfo)
+cgTopRhsCon id con args
+ = do {
+ ; hmods <- getHomeModules
+#if mingw32_TARGET_OS
+ -- Windows DLLs have a problem with static cross-DLL refs.
+ ; ASSERT( not (isDllConApp hmods con args) ) return ()
+ ; ASSERT( args `lengthIs` dataConRepArity con ) return ()
+ ; amodes <- getArgAmodes args
+ ; let
+ name = idName id
+ lf_info = mkConLFInfo con
+ closure_label = mkClosureLabel hmods name
+ caffy = any stgArgHasCafRefs args
+ (closure_info, amodes_w_offsets) = layOutStaticConstr hmods con amodes
+ closure_rep = mkStaticClosureFields
+ closure_info
+ dontCareCCS -- Because it's static data
+ caffy -- Has CAF refs
+ payload
+ payload = map get_lit amodes_w_offsets
+ get_lit (CmmLit lit, _offset) = lit
+ get_lit other = pprPanic "CgCon.get_lit" (ppr other)
+ -- NB1: amodes_w_offsets is sorted into ptrs first, then non-ptrs
+ -- NB2: all the amodes should be Lits!
+ ; emitDataLits closure_label closure_rep
+ ; returnFC (id, stableIdInfo id (mkLblExpr closure_label) lf_info) }
+%* *
+%* non-top-level constructors *
+%* *
+\subsection[code-for-constructors]{The code for constructors}
+buildDynCon :: Id -- Name of the thing to which this constr will
+ -- be bound
+ -> CostCentreStack -- Where to grab cost centre from;
+ -- current CCS if currentOrSubsumedCCS
+ -> DataCon -- The data constructor
+ -> [(CgRep,CmmExpr)] -- Its args
+ -> FCode CgIdInfo -- Return details about how to find it
+-- We used to pass a boolean indicating whether all the
+-- args were of size zero, so we could use a static
+-- construtor; but I concluded that it just isn't worth it.
+-- Now I/O uses unboxed tuples there just aren't any constructors
+-- with all size-zero args.
+-- The reason for having a separate argument, rather than looking at
+-- the addr modes of the args is that we may be in a "knot", and
+-- premature looking at the args will cause the compiler to black-hole!
+First we deal with the case of zero-arity constructors. Now, they
+will probably be unfolded, so we don't expect to see this case much,
+if at all, but it does no harm, and sets the scene for characters.
+In the case of zero-arity constructors, or, more accurately, those
+which have exclusively size-zero (VoidRep) args, we generate no code
+at all.
+buildDynCon binder cc con []
+ = do hmods <- getHomeModules
+ returnFC (stableIdInfo binder
+ (mkLblExpr (mkClosureLabel hmods (dataConName con)))
+ (mkConLFInfo con))
+The following three paragraphs about @Char@-like and @Int@-like
+closures are obsolete, but I don't understand the details well enough
+to properly word them, sorry. I've changed the treatment of @Char@s to
+be analogous to @Int@s: only a subset is preallocated, because @Char@
+has now 31 bits. Only literals are handled here. -- Qrczak
+Now for @Char@-like closures. We generate an assignment of the
+address of the closure to a temporary. It would be possible simply to
+generate no code, and record the addressing mode in the environment,
+but we'd have to be careful if the argument wasn't a constant --- so
+for simplicity we just always asssign to a temporary.
+Last special case: @Int@-like closures. We only special-case the
+situation in which the argument is a literal in the range
+@mIN_INTLIKE@..@mAX_INTLILKE@. NB: for @Char@-like closures we can
+work with any old argument, but for @Int@-like ones the argument has
+to be a literal. Reason: @Char@ like closures have an argument type
+which is guaranteed in range.
+Because of this, we use can safely return an addressing mode.
+buildDynCon binder cc con [arg_amode]
+ | maybeIntLikeCon con
+ , (_, CmmLit (CmmInt val _)) <- arg_amode
+ , let val_int = (fromIntegral val) :: Int
+ , val_int <= mAX_INTLIKE && val_int >= mIN_INTLIKE
+ = do { let intlike_lbl = mkRtsDataLabel SLIT("stg_INTLIKE_closure")
+ offsetW = (val_int - mIN_INTLIKE) * (fixedHdrSize + 1)
+ -- INTLIKE closures consist of a header and one word payload
+ intlike_amode = CmmLit (cmmLabelOffW intlike_lbl offsetW)
+ ; returnFC (stableIdInfo binder intlike_amode (mkConLFInfo con)) }
+buildDynCon binder cc con [arg_amode]
+ | maybeCharLikeCon con
+ , (_, CmmLit (CmmInt val _)) <- arg_amode
+ , let val_int = (fromIntegral val) :: Int
+ , val_int <= mAX_CHARLIKE && val_int >= mIN_CHARLIKE
+ = do { let charlike_lbl = mkRtsDataLabel SLIT("stg_CHARLIKE_closure")
+ offsetW = (val_int - mIN_CHARLIKE) * (fixedHdrSize + 1)
+ -- CHARLIKE closures consist of a header and one word payload
+ charlike_amode = CmmLit (cmmLabelOffW charlike_lbl offsetW)
+ ; returnFC (stableIdInfo binder charlike_amode (mkConLFInfo con)) }
+Now the general case.
+buildDynCon binder ccs con args
+ = do {
+ ; hmods <- getHomeModules
+ ; let
+ (closure_info, amodes_w_offsets) = layOutDynConstr hmods con args
+ ; hp_off <- allocDynClosure closure_info use_cc blame_cc amodes_w_offsets
+ ; returnFC (heapIdInfo binder hp_off lf_info) }
+ where
+ lf_info = mkConLFInfo con
+ use_cc -- cost-centre to stick in the object
+ | currentOrSubsumedCCS ccs = curCCS
+ | otherwise = CmmLit (mkCCostCentreStack ccs)
+ blame_cc = use_cc -- cost-centre on which to blame the alloc (same)
+%* *
+%* constructor-related utility function: *
+%* bindConArgs is called from cgAlt of a case *
+%* *
+\subsection[constructor-utilities]{@bindConArgs@: constructor-related utility}
+@bindConArgs@ $con args$ augments the environment with bindings for the
+binders $args$, assuming that we have just returned from a @case@ which
+found a $con$.
+bindConArgs :: DataCon -> [Id] -> Code
+bindConArgs con args
+ = do hmods <- getHomeModules
+ let
+ bind_arg (arg, offset) = bindNewToNode arg offset (mkLFArgument arg)
+ (_, args_w_offsets) = layOutDynConstr hmods con (addIdReps args)
+ --
+ ASSERT(not (isUnboxedTupleCon con)) return ()
+ mapCs bind_arg args_w_offsets
+Unboxed tuples are handled slightly differently - the object is
+returned in registers and on the stack instead of the heap.
+ :: [Id] -- Args
+ -> FCode ([(Id,GlobalReg)], -- Regs assigned
+ WordOff, -- Number of pointer stack slots
+ WordOff, -- Number of non-pointer stack slots
+ VirtualSpOffset) -- Offset of return address slot
+ -- (= realSP on entry)
+bindUnboxedTupleComponents args
+ = do {
+ vsp <- getVirtSp
+ ; rsp <- getRealSp
+ -- Assign as many components as possible to registers
+ ; let (reg_args, stk_args) = assignReturnRegs (addIdReps args)
+ -- Separate the rest of the args into pointers and non-pointers
+ (ptr_args, nptr_args) = separateByPtrFollowness stk_args
+ -- Allocate the rest on the stack
+ -- The real SP points to the return address, above which any
+ -- leftover unboxed-tuple components will be allocated
+ (ptr_sp, ptr_offsets) = mkVirtStkOffsets rsp ptr_args
+ (nptr_sp, nptr_offsets) = mkVirtStkOffsets ptr_sp nptr_args
+ ptrs = ptr_sp - rsp
+ nptrs = nptr_sp - ptr_sp
+ -- The stack pointer points to the last stack-allocated component
+ ; setRealAndVirtualSp nptr_sp
+ -- We have just allocated slots starting at real SP + 1, and set the new
+ -- virtual SP to the topmost allocated slot.
+ -- If the virtual SP started *below* the real SP, we've just jumped over
+ -- some slots that won't be in the free-list, so put them there
+ -- This commonly happens because we've freed the return-address slot
+ -- (trimming back the virtual SP), but the real SP still points to that slot
+ ; freeStackSlots [vsp+1,vsp+2 .. rsp]
+ ; bindArgsToRegs reg_args
+ ; bindArgsToStack ptr_offsets
+ ; bindArgsToStack nptr_offsets
+ ; returnFC (reg_args, ptrs, nptrs, rsp) }
+%* *
+ Actually generate code for a constructor return
+%* *
+Note: it's the responsibility of the @cgReturnDataCon@ caller to be
+sure the @amodes@ passed don't conflict with each other.
+cgReturnDataCon :: DataCon -> [(CgRep, CmmExpr)] -> Code
+cgReturnDataCon con amodes
+ = ASSERT( amodes `lengthIs` dataConRepArity con )
+ do { EndOfBlockInfo _ sequel <- getEndOfBlockInfo
+ ; case sequel of
+ CaseAlts _ (Just (alts, deflt_lbl)) bndr _
+ -> -- Ho! We know the constructor so we can
+ -- go straight to the right alternative
+ case assocMaybe alts (dataConTagZ con) of {
+ Just join_lbl -> build_it_then (jump_to join_lbl);
+ Nothing
+ -- Special case! We're returning a constructor to the default case
+ -- of an enclosing case. For example:
+ --
+ -- case (case e of (a,b) -> C a b) of
+ -- D x -> ...
+ -- y -> ...<returning here!>...
+ --
+ -- In this case,
+ -- if the default is a non-bind-default (ie does not use y),
+ -- then we should simply jump to the default join point;
+ | isDeadBinder bndr -> performReturn (jump_to deflt_lbl)
+ | otherwise -> build_it_then (jump_to deflt_lbl) }
+ other_sequel -- The usual case
+ | isUnboxedTupleCon con -> returnUnboxedTuple amodes
+ | otherwise -> build_it_then (emitKnownConReturnCode con)
+ }
+ where
+ jump_to lbl = stmtC (CmmJump (CmmLit lbl) [])
+ build_it_then return_code
+ -- The first "con" says that the name bound to this
+ -- closure is "con", which is a bit of a fudge, but it only
+ -- affects profiling
+ -- This Id is also used to get a unique for a
+ -- temporary variable, if the closure is a CHARLIKE.
+ -- funnily enough, this makes the unique always come
+ -- out as '54' :-)
+ tickyReturnNewCon (length amodes)
+ ; idinfo <- buildDynCon (dataConWorkId con) currentCCS con amodes
+ ; amode <- idInfoToAmode idinfo
+ ; checkedAbsC (CmmAssign nodeReg amode)
+ ; performReturn return_code }
+%* *
+ Generating static stuff for algebraic data types
+%* *
+ [These comments are rather out of date]
+Info tbls & Macro & Kind of constructor \\
+info & @CONST_INFO_TABLE@& Zero arity (no info -- compiler uses static closure)\\
+info & @CHARLIKE_INFO_TABLE@& Charlike (no info -- compiler indexes fixed array)\\
+info & @INTLIKE_INFO_TABLE@& Intlike; the one macro generates both info tbls\\
+info & @SPEC_INFO_TABLE@& SPECish, and bigger than or equal to @MIN_UPD_SIZE@\\
+info & @GEN_INFO_TABLE@& GENish (hence bigger than or equal to @MIN_UPD_SIZE@)\\
+Possible info tables for constructor con:
+Used for dynamically let(rec)-bound occurrences of
+the constructor, and for updates. For constructors
+which are int-like, char-like or nullary, when GC occurs,
+the closure tries to get rid of itself.
+Static occurrences of the constructor
+For zero-arity constructors, \tr{con}, we NO LONGER generate a static closure;
+it's place is taken by the top level defn of the constructor.
+For charlike and intlike closures there is a fixed array of static
+closures predeclared.
+cgTyCon :: TyCon -> FCode [Cmm] -- each constructor gets a separate Cmm
+cgTyCon tycon
+ = do { constrs <- mapM (getCmm . cgDataCon) (tyConDataCons tycon)
+ -- Generate a table of static closures for an enumeration type
+ -- Put the table after the data constructor decls, because the
+ -- datatype closure table (for enumeration types)
+ -- to (say) PrelBase_$wTrue_closure, which is defined in code_stuff
+ ; extra <-
+ if isEnumerationTyCon tycon then do
+ tbl <- getCmm (emitRODataLits (mkLocalClosureTableLabel
+ (tyConName tycon))
+ [ CmmLabel (mkLocalClosureLabel (dataConName con))
+ | con <- tyConDataCons tycon])
+ return [tbl]
+ else
+ return []
+ ; return (extra ++ constrs)
+ }
+Generate the entry code, info tables, and (for niladic constructor) the
+static closure, for a constructor.
+cgDataCon :: DataCon -> Code
+cgDataCon data_con
+ = do { -- Don't need any dynamic closure code for zero-arity constructors
+ hmods <- getHomeModules
+ ; let
+ -- To allow the debuggers, interpreters, etc to cope with
+ -- static data structures (ie those built at compile
+ -- time), we take care that info-table contains the
+ -- information we need.
+ (static_cl_info, _) =
+ layOutStaticConstr hmods data_con arg_reps
+ (dyn_cl_info, arg_things) =
+ layOutDynConstr hmods data_con arg_reps
+ emit_info cl_info ticky_code
+ = do { code_blks <- getCgStmts the_code
+ ; emitClosureCodeAndInfoTable cl_info [] code_blks }
+ where
+ the_code = do { ticky_code
+ ; ldvEnter (CmmReg nodeReg)
+ ; body_code }
+ arg_reps :: [(CgRep, Type)]
+ arg_reps = [(typeCgRep ty, ty) | ty <- dataConRepArgTys data_con]
+ body_code = do {
+ -- NB: We don't set CC when entering data (WDP 94/06)
+ tickyReturnOldCon (length arg_things)
+ ; performReturn (emitKnownConReturnCode data_con) }
+ -- noStmts: Ptr to thing already in Node
+ ; whenC (not (isNullaryRepDataCon data_con))
+ (emit_info dyn_cl_info tickyEnterDynCon)
+ -- Dynamic-Closure first, to reduce forward references
+ ; emit_info static_cl_info tickyEnterStaticCon }
+ where