path: root/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+% $Id: CgHeapery.lhs,v 1.47 2005/06/21 10:44:41 simonmar Exp $
+\section[CgHeapery]{Heap management functions}
+module CgHeapery (
+ initHeapUsage, getVirtHp, setVirtHp, setRealHp,
+ getHpRelOffset, hpRel,
+ funEntryChecks, thunkEntryChecks,
+ altHeapCheck, unbxTupleHeapCheck,
+ hpChkGen, hpChkNodePointsAssignSp0,
+ stkChkGen, stkChkNodePoints,
+ layOutDynConstr, layOutStaticConstr,
+ mkVirtHeapOffsets, mkStaticClosureFields, mkStaticClosure,
+ allocDynClosure, emitSetDynHdr
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import StgSyn ( AltType(..) )
+import CLabel ( CLabel, mkRtsCodeLabel )
+import CgUtils ( mkWordCLit, cmmRegOffW, cmmOffsetW,
+ cmmOffsetExprB )
+import CgMonad
+import CgProf ( staticProfHdr, profDynAlloc, dynProfHdr )
+import CgTicky ( staticTickyHdr, tickyDynAlloc, tickyAllocHeap )
+import CgParallel ( staticGranHdr, staticParHdr, doGranAllocate )
+import CgStackery ( getFinalStackHW, getRealSp )
+import CgCallConv ( mkRegLiveness )
+import ClosureInfo ( closureSize, staticClosureNeedsLink,
+ mkConInfo, closureNeedsUpdSpace,
+ infoTableLabelFromCI, closureLabelFromCI,
+ nodeMustPointToIt, closureLFInfo,
+ ClosureInfo )
+import SMRep ( CgRep(..), cgRepSizeW, separateByPtrFollowness,
+ WordOff, fixedHdrSize, thunkHdrSize,
+ isVoidArg, primRepToCgRep )
+import Cmm ( CmmLit(..), CmmStmt(..), CmmExpr(..), GlobalReg(..),
+ CmmReg(..), hpReg, nodeReg, spReg )
+import MachOp ( mo_wordULt, mo_wordUGt, mo_wordSub )
+import CmmUtils ( mkIntCLit, CmmStmts, noStmts, oneStmt, plusStmts,
+ mkStmts )
+import Id ( Id )
+import DataCon ( DataCon )
+import TyCon ( tyConPrimRep )
+import CostCentre ( CostCentreStack )
+import Util ( mapAccumL, filterOut )
+import Constants ( wORD_SIZE )
+import Packages ( HomeModules )
+import Outputable
+%* *
+\subsection[CgUsages-heapery]{Monad things for fiddling with heap usage}
+%* *
+The heap always grows upwards, so hpRel is easy
+hpRel :: VirtualHpOffset -- virtual offset of Hp
+ -> VirtualHpOffset -- virtual offset of The Thing
+ -> WordOff -- integer word offset
+hpRel hp off = off - hp
+@initHeapUsage@ applies a function to the amount of heap that it uses.
+It initialises the heap usage to zeros, and passes on an unchanged
+heap usage.
+It is usually a prelude to performing a GC check, so everything must
+be in a tidy and consistent state.
+rje: Note the slightly suble fixed point behaviour needed here
+initHeapUsage :: (VirtualHpOffset -> Code) -> Code
+initHeapUsage fcode
+ = do { orig_hp_usage <- getHpUsage
+ ; setHpUsage initHpUsage
+ ; fixC (\heap_usage2 -> do
+ { fcode (heapHWM heap_usage2)
+ ; getHpUsage })
+ ; setHpUsage orig_hp_usage }
+setVirtHp :: VirtualHpOffset -> Code
+setVirtHp new_virtHp
+ = do { hp_usage <- getHpUsage
+ ; setHpUsage (hp_usage {virtHp = new_virtHp}) }
+getVirtHp :: FCode VirtualHpOffset
+ = do { hp_usage <- getHpUsage
+ ; return (virtHp hp_usage) }
+setRealHp :: VirtualHpOffset -> Code
+setRealHp new_realHp
+ = do { hp_usage <- getHpUsage
+ ; setHpUsage (hp_usage {realHp = new_realHp}) }
+getHpRelOffset :: VirtualHpOffset -> FCode CmmExpr
+getHpRelOffset virtual_offset
+ = do { hp_usg <- getHpUsage
+ ; return (cmmRegOffW hpReg (hpRel (realHp hp_usg) virtual_offset)) }
+%* *
+ Layout of heap objects
+%* *
+layOutDynConstr, layOutStaticConstr
+ :: HomeModules
+ -> DataCon
+ -> [(CgRep,a)]
+ -> (ClosureInfo,
+ [(a,VirtualHpOffset)])
+layOutDynConstr = layOutConstr False
+layOutStaticConstr = layOutConstr True
+layOutConstr is_static hmods data_con args
+ = (mkConInfo hmods is_static data_con tot_wds ptr_wds,
+ things_w_offsets)
+ where
+ (tot_wds, -- #ptr_wds + #nonptr_wds
+ ptr_wds, -- #ptr_wds
+ things_w_offsets) = mkVirtHeapOffsets False{-not a thunk-} args
+@mkVirtHeapOffsets@ always returns boxed things with smaller offsets
+than the unboxed things, and furthermore, the offsets in the result
+ :: Bool -- True <=> is a thunk
+ -> [(CgRep,a)] -- Things to make offsets for
+ -> (WordOff, -- _Total_ number of words allocated
+ WordOff, -- Number of words allocated for *pointers*
+ [(a, VirtualHpOffset)])
+ -- Things with their offsets from start of
+ -- object in order of increasing offset
+-- First in list gets lowest offset, which is initial offset + 1.
+mkVirtHeapOffsets is_thunk things
+ = let non_void_things = filterOut (isVoidArg . fst) things
+ (ptrs, non_ptrs) = separateByPtrFollowness non_void_things
+ (wds_of_ptrs, ptrs_w_offsets) = mapAccumL computeOffset 0 ptrs
+ (tot_wds, non_ptrs_w_offsets) = mapAccumL computeOffset wds_of_ptrs non_ptrs
+ in
+ (tot_wds, wds_of_ptrs, ptrs_w_offsets ++ non_ptrs_w_offsets)
+ where
+ hdr_size | is_thunk = thunkHdrSize
+ | otherwise = fixedHdrSize
+ computeOffset wds_so_far (rep, thing)
+ = (wds_so_far + cgRepSizeW rep, (thing, hdr_size + wds_so_far))
+%* *
+ Lay out a static closure
+%* *
+Make a static closure, adding on any extra padding needed for CAFs,
+and adding a static link field if necessary.
+ :: ClosureInfo
+ -> CostCentreStack
+ -> Bool -- Has CAF refs
+ -> [CmmLit] -- Payload
+ -> [CmmLit] -- The full closure
+mkStaticClosureFields cl_info ccs caf_refs payload
+ = mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding_wds
+ static_link_field saved_info_field
+ where
+ info_lbl = infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info
+ -- CAFs must have consistent layout, regardless of whether they
+ -- are actually updatable or not. The layout of a CAF is:
+ --
+ -- 3 saved_info
+ -- 2 static_link
+ -- 1 indirectee
+ -- 0 info ptr
+ --
+ -- the static_link and saved_info fields must always be in the same
+ -- place. So we use closureNeedsUpdSpace rather than
+ -- closureUpdReqd here:
+ is_caf = closureNeedsUpdSpace cl_info
+ padding_wds
+ | not is_caf = []
+ | otherwise = ASSERT(null payload) [mkIntCLit 0]
+ static_link_field
+ | is_caf || staticClosureNeedsLink cl_info = [static_link_value]
+ | otherwise = []
+ saved_info_field
+ | is_caf = [mkIntCLit 0]
+ | otherwise = []
+ -- for a static constructor which has NoCafRefs, we set the
+ -- static link field to a non-zero value so the garbage
+ -- collector will ignore it.
+ static_link_value
+ | caf_refs = mkIntCLit 0
+ | otherwise = mkIntCLit 1
+mkStaticClosure :: CLabel -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
+ -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit]
+mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding_wds static_link_field saved_info_field
+ = [CmmLabel info_lbl]
+ ++ variable_header_words
+ ++ payload
+ ++ padding_wds
+ ++ static_link_field
+ ++ saved_info_field
+ where
+ variable_header_words
+ = staticGranHdr
+ ++ staticParHdr
+ ++ staticProfHdr ccs
+ ++ staticTickyHdr
+%* *
+\subsection[CgHeapery-heap-overflow]{Heap overflow checking}
+%* *
+The new code for heapChecks. For GrAnSim the code for doing a heap check
+and doing a context switch has been separated. Especially, the HEAP_CHK
+macro only performs a heap check. THREAD_CONTEXT_SWITCH should be used for
+doing a context switch. GRAN_FETCH_AND_RESCHEDULE must be put at the
+beginning of every slow entry code in order to simulate the fetching of
+closures. If fetching is necessary (i.e. current closure is not local) then
+an automatic context switch is done.
+A heap/stack check at a function or thunk entry point.
+funEntryChecks :: ClosureInfo -> CmmStmts -> Code -> Code
+funEntryChecks cl_info reg_save_code code
+ = hpStkCheck cl_info True reg_save_code code
+thunkEntryChecks :: ClosureInfo -> Code -> Code
+thunkEntryChecks cl_info code
+ = hpStkCheck cl_info False noStmts code
+hpStkCheck :: ClosureInfo -- Function closure
+ -> Bool -- Is a function? (not a thunk)
+ -> CmmStmts -- Register saves
+ -> Code
+ -> Code
+hpStkCheck cl_info is_fun reg_save_code code
+ = getFinalStackHW $ \ spHw -> do
+ { sp <- getRealSp
+ ; let stk_words = spHw - sp
+ ; initHeapUsage $ \ hpHw -> do
+ { -- Emit heap checks, but be sure to do it lazily so
+ -- that the conditionals on hpHw don't cause a black hole
+ codeOnly $ do
+ { do_checks stk_words hpHw full_save_code rts_label
+ ; tickyAllocHeap hpHw }
+ ; setRealHp hpHw
+ ; code }
+ }
+ where
+ node_asst
+ | nodeMustPointToIt (closureLFInfo cl_info)
+ = noStmts
+ | otherwise
+ = oneStmt (CmmAssign nodeReg (CmmLit (CmmLabel closure_lbl)))
+ closure_lbl = closureLabelFromCI cl_info
+ full_save_code = node_asst `plusStmts` reg_save_code
+ rts_label | is_fun = CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCFun)
+ -- Function entry point
+ | otherwise = CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCEnter1)
+ -- Thunk or case return
+ -- In the thunk/case-return case, R1 points to a closure
+ -- which should be (re)-entered after GC
+Heap checks in a case alternative are nice and easy, provided this is
+a bog-standard algebraic case. We have in our hand:
+ * one return address, on the stack,
+ * one return value, in Node.
+the canned code for this heap check failure just pushes Node on the
+stack, saying 'EnterGHC' to return. The scheduler will return by
+entering the top value on the stack, which in turn will return through
+the return address, getting us back to where we were. This is
+therefore only valid if the return value is *lifted* (just being
+boxed isn't good enough).
+For primitive returns, we have an unlifted value in some register
+(either R1 or FloatReg1 or DblReg1). This means using specialised
+heap-check code for these cases.
+ :: AltType -- PolyAlt, PrimAlt, AlgAlt, but *not* UbxTupAlt
+ -- (Unboxed tuples are dealt with by ubxTupleHeapCheck)
+ -> Code -- Continuation
+ -> Code
+altHeapCheck alt_type code
+ = initHeapUsage $ \ hpHw -> do
+ { codeOnly $ do
+ { do_checks 0 {- no stack chk -} hpHw
+ noStmts {- nothign to save -}
+ (rts_label alt_type)
+ ; tickyAllocHeap hpHw }
+ ; setRealHp hpHw
+ ; code }
+ where
+ rts_label PolyAlt = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabel SLIT( "stg_gc_unpt_r1")))
+ -- Do *not* enter R1 after a heap check in
+ -- a polymorphic case. It might be a function
+ -- and the entry code for a function (currently)
+ -- applies it
+ --
+ -- However R1 is guaranteed to be a pointer
+ rts_label (AlgAlt tc) = stg_gc_enter1
+ -- Enter R1 after the heap check; it's a pointer
+ rts_label (PrimAlt tc)
+ = CmmLit $ CmmLabel $
+ case primRepToCgRep (tyConPrimRep tc) of
+ VoidArg -> mkRtsCodeLabel SLIT( "stg_gc_noregs")
+ FloatArg -> mkRtsCodeLabel SLIT( "stg_gc_f1")
+ DoubleArg -> mkRtsCodeLabel SLIT( "stg_gc_d1")
+ LongArg -> mkRtsCodeLabel SLIT( "stg_gc_l1")
+ -- R1 is boxed but unlifted:
+ PtrArg -> mkRtsCodeLabel SLIT( "stg_gc_unpt_r1")
+ -- R1 is unboxed:
+ NonPtrArg -> mkRtsCodeLabel SLIT( "stg_gc_unbx_r1")
+ rts_label (UbxTupAlt _) = panic "altHeapCheck"
+Unboxed tuple alternatives and let-no-escapes (the two most annoying
+constructs to generate code for!) For unboxed tuple returns, there
+are an arbitrary number of possibly unboxed return values, some of
+which will be in registers, and the others will be on the stack. We
+always organise the stack-resident fields into pointers &
+non-pointers, and pass the number of each to the heap check code.
+ :: [(Id, GlobalReg)] -- Live registers
+ -> WordOff -- no. of stack slots containing ptrs
+ -> WordOff -- no. of stack slots containing nonptrs
+ -> CmmStmts -- code to insert in the failure path
+ -> Code
+ -> Code
+unbxTupleHeapCheck regs ptrs nptrs fail_code code
+ -- We can't manage more than 255 pointers/non-pointers
+ -- in a generic heap check.
+ | ptrs > 255 || nptrs > 255 = panic "altHeapCheck"
+ | otherwise
+ = initHeapUsage $ \ hpHw -> do
+ { codeOnly $ do { do_checks 0 {- no stack check -} hpHw
+ full_fail_code rts_label
+ ; tickyAllocHeap hpHw }
+ ; setRealHp hpHw
+ ; code }
+ where
+ full_fail_code = fail_code `plusStmts` oneStmt assign_liveness
+ assign_liveness = CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 9)) -- Ho ho ho!
+ (CmmLit (mkWordCLit liveness))
+ liveness = mkRegLiveness regs ptrs nptrs
+ rts_label = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabel SLIT("stg_gc_ut")))
+%* *
+ Heap/Stack Checks.
+%* *
+When failing a check, we save a return address on the stack and
+jump to a pre-compiled code fragment that saves the live registers
+and returns to the scheduler.
+The return address in most cases will be the beginning of the basic
+block in which the check resides, since we need to perform the check
+again on re-entry because someone else might have stolen the resource
+in the meantime.
+do_checks :: WordOff -- Stack headroom
+ -> WordOff -- Heap headroom
+ -> CmmStmts -- Assignments to perform on failure
+ -> CmmExpr -- Rts address to jump to on failure
+ -> Code
+do_checks 0 0 _ _ = nopC
+do_checks stk hp reg_save_code rts_lbl
+ = do_checks' (CmmLit (mkIntCLit (stk*wORD_SIZE)))
+ (CmmLit (mkIntCLit (hp*wORD_SIZE)))
+ (stk /= 0) (hp /= 0) reg_save_code rts_lbl
+-- The offsets are now in *bytes*
+do_checks' stk_expr hp_expr stk_nonzero hp_nonzero reg_save_code rts_lbl
+ = do { doGranAllocate hp_expr
+ -- Emit a block for the heap-check-failure code
+ ; blk_id <- forkLabelledCode $ do
+ { whenC hp_nonzero $
+ stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmGlobal HpAlloc) hp_expr)
+ ; emitStmts reg_save_code
+ ; stmtC (CmmJump rts_lbl []) }
+ -- Check for stack overflow *FIRST*; otherwise
+ -- we might bumping Hp and then failing stack oflo
+ ; whenC stk_nonzero
+ (stmtC (CmmCondBranch stk_oflo blk_id))
+ ; whenC hp_nonzero
+ (stmtsC [CmmAssign hpReg
+ (cmmOffsetExprB (CmmReg hpReg) hp_expr),
+ CmmCondBranch hp_oflo blk_id])
+ -- Bump heap pointer, and test for heap exhaustion
+ -- Note that we don't move the heap pointer unless the
+ -- stack check succeeds. Otherwise we might end up
+ -- with slop at the end of the current block, which can
+ -- confuse the LDV profiler.
+ }
+ where
+ -- Stk overflow if (Sp - stk_bytes < SpLim)
+ stk_oflo = CmmMachOp mo_wordULt
+ [CmmMachOp mo_wordSub [CmmReg spReg, stk_expr],
+ CmmReg (CmmGlobal SpLim)]
+ -- Hp overflow if (Hpp > HpLim)
+ -- (Hp has been incremented by now)
+ -- HpLim points to the LAST WORD of valid allocation space.
+ hp_oflo = CmmMachOp mo_wordUGt
+ [CmmReg hpReg, CmmReg (CmmGlobal HpLim)]
+%* *
+ Generic Heap/Stack Checks - used in the RTS
+%* *
+hpChkGen :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
+hpChkGen bytes liveness reentry
+ = do_checks' (CmmLit (mkIntCLit 0)) bytes False True assigns stg_gc_gen
+ where
+ assigns = mkStmts [
+ CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 9)) liveness,
+ CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 10)) reentry
+ ]
+-- a heap check where R1 points to the closure to enter on return, and
+-- we want to assign to Sp[0] on failure (used in AutoApply.cmm:BUILD_PAP).
+hpChkNodePointsAssignSp0 :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
+hpChkNodePointsAssignSp0 bytes sp0
+ = do_checks' (CmmLit (mkIntCLit 0)) bytes False True assign stg_gc_enter1
+ where assign = oneStmt (CmmStore (CmmReg spReg) sp0)
+stkChkGen :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
+stkChkGen bytes liveness reentry
+ = do_checks' bytes (CmmLit (mkIntCLit 0)) True False assigns stg_gc_gen
+ where
+ assigns = mkStmts [
+ CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 9)) liveness,
+ CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 10)) reentry
+ ]
+stkChkNodePoints :: CmmExpr -> Code
+stkChkNodePoints bytes
+ = do_checks' bytes (CmmLit (mkIntCLit 0)) True False noStmts stg_gc_enter1
+stg_gc_gen = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabel SLIT("stg_gc_gen")))
+stg_gc_enter1 = CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCEnter1)
+%* *
+\subsection[initClosure]{Initialise a dynamic closure}
+%* *
+@allocDynClosure@ puts the thing in the heap, and modifies the virtual Hp
+to account for this.
+ :: ClosureInfo
+ -> CmmExpr -- Cost Centre to stick in the object
+ -> CmmExpr -- Cost Centre to blame for this alloc
+ -- (usually the same; sometimes "OVERHEAD")
+ -> [(CmmExpr, VirtualHpOffset)] -- Offsets from start of the object
+ -- ie Info ptr has offset zero.
+ -> FCode VirtualHpOffset -- Returns virt offset of object
+allocDynClosure cl_info use_cc blame_cc amodes_with_offsets
+ = do { virt_hp <- getVirtHp
+ ; let info_offset = virt_hp + 1
+ -- info_offset is the VirtualHpOffset of the first
+ -- word of the new object
+ -- Remember, virtHp points to last allocated word,
+ -- ie 1 *before* the info-ptr word of new object.
+ info_ptr = CmmLit (CmmLabel (infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info))
+ hdr_w_offsets = initDynHdr info_ptr use_cc `zip` [0..]
+ ; profDynAlloc cl_info use_cc
+ -- ToDo: This is almost certainly wrong
+ -- We're ignoring blame_cc. But until we've
+ -- fixed the boxing hack in chooseDynCostCentres etc,
+ -- we're worried about making things worse by "fixing"
+ -- this part to use blame_cc!
+ ; tickyDynAlloc cl_info
+ ; base <- getHpRelOffset info_offset
+ ; hpStore base (hdr_w_offsets ++ amodes_with_offsets)
+ ; setVirtHp (virt_hp + closureSize cl_info)
+ ; returnFC info_offset }
+initDynHdr :: CmmExpr
+ -> CmmExpr -- Cost centre to put in object
+ -> [CmmExpr]
+initDynHdr info_ptr cc
+ = [info_ptr]
+ -- ToDo: Gransim stuff
+ -- ToDo: Parallel stuff
+ ++ dynProfHdr cc
+ -- No ticky header
+hpStore :: CmmExpr -> [(CmmExpr, VirtualHpOffset)] -> Code
+-- Store the item (expr,off) in base[off]
+hpStore base es
+ = stmtsC [ CmmStore (cmmOffsetW base off) val
+ | (val, off) <- es ]
+emitSetDynHdr :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
+emitSetDynHdr base info_ptr ccs
+ = hpStore base (zip (initDynHdr info_ptr ccs) [0..])