path: root/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
index 6ce8fca55b..81a65f7325 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import CgHpc
import CLabel
import OldCmm
-import OldCmmUtils
import OldPprCmm
import StgSyn
@@ -51,8 +50,7 @@ import Panic
codeGen :: DynFlags
-> Module
-> [TyCon]
- -> [Module] -- directly-imported modules
- -> CollectedCCs -- (Local/global) cost-centres needing declaring/registering.
+ -> CollectedCCs -- (Local/global) cost-centres needing declaring/registering.
-> [(StgBinding,[(Id,[Id])])] -- Bindings to convert, with SRTs
-> HpcInfo
-> IO [Cmm] -- Output
@@ -61,8 +59,7 @@ codeGen :: DynFlags
-- possible for object splitting to split up the
-- pieces later.
-codeGen dflags this_mod data_tycons imported_mods
- cost_centre_info stg_binds hpc_info
+codeGen dflags this_mod data_tycons cost_centre_info stg_binds hpc_info
= do
{ showPass dflags "CodeGen"
@@ -73,167 +70,46 @@ codeGen dflags this_mod data_tycons imported_mods
{ cmm_binds <- mapM (getCmm . cgTopBinding dflags) stg_binds
; cmm_tycons <- mapM cgTyCon data_tycons
; cmm_init <- getCmm (mkModuleInit dflags cost_centre_info
- this_mod imported_mods hpc_info)
- ; return (cmm_binds ++ concat cmm_tycons ++ [cmm_init])
+ this_mod hpc_info)
+ ; return (cmm_init : cmm_binds ++ concat cmm_tycons)
-- Put datatype_stuff after code_stuff, because the
-- datatype closure table (for enumeration types) to
-- (say) PrelBase_True_closure, which is defined in
-- code_stuff
+ -- Note [codegen-split-init] the cmm_init block must
+ -- come FIRST. This is because when -split-objs is on
+ -- we need to combine this block with its
+ -- initialisation routines; see Note
+ -- [pipeline-split-init].
; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm "Cmm" (pprCmms code_stuff)
; return code_stuff }
-%* *
-\subsection[codegen-init]{Module initialisation code}
-%* *
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Module initialisation
- The module initialisation code looks like this, roughly:
- FN(__stginit_Foo) {
- JMP_(__stginit_Foo_1_p)
- }
- FN(__stginit_Foo_1_p) {
- ...
- }
- We have one version of the init code with a module version and the
- 'way' attached to it. The version number helps to catch cases
- where modules are not compiled in dependency order before being
- linked: if a module has been compiled since any modules which depend on
- it, then the latter modules will refer to a different version in their
- init blocks and a link error will ensue.
- The 'way' suffix helps to catch cases where modules compiled in different
- ways are linked together (eg. profiled and non-profiled).
- We provide a plain, unadorned, version of the module init code
- which just jumps to the version with the label and way attached. The
- reason for this is that when using foreign exports, the caller of
- startupHaskell() must supply the name of the init function for the "top"
- module in the program, and we don't want to require that this name
- has the version and way info appended to it.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-We initialise the module tree by keeping a work-stack,
- * pointed to by Sp
- * that grows downward
- * Sp points to the last occupied slot
:: DynFlags
-> CollectedCCs -- cost centre info
-> Module
- -> [Module]
- -> HpcInfo
+ -> HpcInfo
-> Code
-mkModuleInit dflags cost_centre_info this_mod imported_mods hpc_info
- = do { -- Allocate the static boolean that records if this
- -- module has been registered already
- emitData Data [CmmDataLabel moduleRegdLabel,
- CmmStaticLit zeroCLit]
+mkModuleInit dflags cost_centre_info this_mod hpc_info
+ = do { -- Allocate the static boolean that records if this
; whenC (opt_Hpc) $
hpcTable this_mod hpc_info
- -- we emit a recursive descent module search for all modules
- -- and *choose* to chase it in :Main, below.
- -- In this way, Hpc enabled modules can interact seamlessly with
- -- not Hpc enabled moduled, provided Main is compiled with Hpc.
- ; emitSimpleProc real_init_lbl $ do
- { ret_blk <- forkLabelledCode ret_code
- ; init_blk <- forkLabelledCode $ do
- { mod_init_code; stmtC (CmmBranch ret_blk) }
- ; stmtC (CmmCondBranch (cmmNeWord (CmmLit zeroCLit) mod_reg_val)
- ret_blk)
- ; stmtC (CmmBranch init_blk)
- }
- -- Make the "plain" procedure jump to the "real" init procedure
- ; emitSimpleProc plain_init_lbl jump_to_init
- -- When compiling the module in which the 'main' function lives,
- -- (that is, this_mod == main_mod)
- -- we inject an extra stg_init procedure for stg_init_ZCMain, for the
- -- RTS to invoke. We must consult the -main-is flag in case the
- -- user specified a different function to Main.main
- -- Notice that the recursive descent is optional, depending on what options
- -- are enabled.
- ; whenC (this_mod == main_mod)
- (emitSimpleProc plain_main_init_lbl rec_descent_init)
- }
- where
- -- The way string we attach to the __stginit label to catch
- -- accidental linking of modules compiled in different ways. We
- -- omit "dyn" from this way, because we want to be able to load
- -- both dynamic and non-dynamic modules into a dynamic GHC.
- way = mkBuildTag (filter want_way (ways dflags))
- want_way w = not (wayRTSOnly w) && wayName w /= WayDyn
- main_mod = mainModIs dflags
- plain_init_lbl = mkPlainModuleInitLabel this_mod
- real_init_lbl = mkModuleInitLabel this_mod way
- plain_main_init_lbl = mkPlainModuleInitLabel rOOT_MAIN
- jump_to_init = stmtC (CmmJump (mkLblExpr real_init_lbl) [])
- mod_reg_val = CmmLoad (mkLblExpr moduleRegdLabel) bWord
- -- Main refers to GHC.TopHandler.runIO, so make sure we call the
- -- init function for GHC.TopHandler.
- extra_imported_mods
- | this_mod == main_mod = [gHC_TOP_HANDLER]
- | otherwise = []
- mod_init_code = do
- { -- Set mod_reg to 1 to record that we've been here
- stmtC (CmmStore (mkLblExpr moduleRegdLabel) (CmmLit (mkIntCLit 1)))
; whenC (opt_SccProfilingOn) $ do
initCostCentres cost_centre_info
- ; whenC (opt_Hpc) $
- initHpc this_mod hpc_info
- ; mapCs (registerModuleImport way)
- (imported_mods++extra_imported_mods)
- }
- -- The return-code pops the work stack by
- -- incrementing Sp, and then jumpd to the popped item
- ret_code = stmtsC [ CmmAssign spReg (cmmRegOffW spReg 1)
- , CmmJump (CmmLoad (cmmRegOffW spReg (-1)) bWord) [] ]
- rec_descent_init = if opt_SccProfilingOn || isHpcUsed hpc_info
- then jump_to_init
- else ret_code
-registerModuleImport :: String -> Module -> Code
-registerModuleImport way mod
- | mod == gHC_PRIM
- = nopC
- | otherwise -- Push the init procedure onto the work stack
- = stmtsC [ CmmAssign spReg (cmmRegOffW spReg (-1))
- , CmmStore (CmmReg spReg) (mkLblExpr (mkModuleInitLabel mod way)) ]
+ -- For backwards compatibility: user code may refer to this
+ -- label for calling hs_add_root().
+ ; emitSimpleProc (mkPlainModuleInitLabel this_mod) $ return ()
+ ; whenC (this_mod == mainModIs dflags) $
+ emitSimpleProc (mkPlainModuleInitLabel rOOT_MAIN) $ return ()
+ }
@@ -252,9 +128,7 @@ initCostCentres (local_CCs, ___extern_CCs, singleton_CCSs)
| otherwise
= do { mapM_ emitCostCentreDecl local_CCs
; mapM_ emitCostCentreStackDecl singleton_CCSs
- ; mapM_ emitRegisterCC local_CCs
- ; mapM_ emitRegisterCCS singleton_CCSs
- }
+ }